Falling Ch. 05 free porn video

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I was feeling tired and hung over, the result of a sleepless night with a lot of drinking and even more sex. I couldn't exactly bring myself to regret any of it, but it was disconcerting to realize I'd slept with more people in the last 12 hours than in all of my life prior to that point.

A smile crossed my face as I thought about Jenny, the last of those partners, and then disappeared as I pondered the situation in which I found myself. I'd bewitched Jenny -- binding her affections to me with a bit of magic I'd learned from my girlfriend, Stacey.

Objectively, it was wrong to have done it, but I hadn't precisely intended her to be a sexual partner when I'd started. Having seen, up close, how much Jenny enjoyed being with me, I couldn't regret it, but the thought that she'd lost her job because of me burned in my stomach -- and it wasn't the good kind of burn we'd shared that morning. It had only been a waitressing job, but she'd depended on it and now it was gone because of something I'd done. I felt really bad about it.

I felt even worse about cheating on Stacey. She was my first lesbian experience, my dearest love, and I was sleeping around on her before we'd even known each other a month. It wasn't just the physical sex -- we'd never said we were exclusive, and she knew I let Michael fuck me. I wasn't a slut or anything. It was the emotional betrayal.

We were so compatible -- she loved to have me worship her beautiful pussy as much as I loved to be there between her legs -- that I'd never imagined it could be any better. But, somehow, with Jenny, it was. Maybe it was that we liked all the same things: eating out girls, doing anal, group sex. Maybe it was being able both to give and to receive. Whatever the case, I knew Jenny wasn't going to be just a one-night stand.

I thought again about calling Stacey, but she rarely rose before lunchtime and I still didn't know what I'd tell her. Instead, I checked the time and took a last look at myself in the rear view mirror. My makeup looked nice and professional, and I applied a last touchup with the glossy red lipstick where I'd been chewing my lip while I'd been thinking.

Climbing out of the rental car, I mentally crossed my fingers for luck and strode towards the lobby, trying to exude calm confidence. If all went well, I was about to make my employer -- and myself -- a ton of money. All it took was to a signed agreement to go with the verbal acceptance I'd gotten earlier that morning.

I'd been in this position before, and gotten screwed -- figuratively rather than literally. This time, I had two things going for me. First, instead of dealing with my usual contact, Hunter, I'd been negotiating with Hunter's boss, Big Bill. Second, I'd used Stacey's magic on Big Bill. It hadn't worked out quite the way it had with Jenny, but I was confident I could convince him to honor his commitment.

Big Bill had a nicer office than Hunter did, up a floor and definitely in executive territory. He had a better-looking secretary, too, although with Stacey on one shoulder and Jenny on the other, I didn't spare her a second glace as she walked me in.

"Good morning, Bill," I cheerily greeted him, crossing the office to shake his hand. I looked inquiringly at the stranger already seated in another of the guest chairs by the desk.

"Mornin', Linnea. You are a sight for sore eyes," Big Bill said, raking my body head to toe with a quick look. "Tom, this is Linnea Richwell, the hottest sales executive in Texas. Linnea, meet Tom; he's our Finance VP."

"Don't believe a word this man says," I laughed to Tom, shaking his hand. I knew I looked hot, but I preferred to let my wardrobe speak for itself. Just the same, I made sure he could see down my blouse when I bent over to set down my attache. "Now, are we ready to do business?"

"Well, I was bringing Tom up to speed on our 'negotiations' last night," Big Bill started off.

I sensed prevarication and started thinking hard about him just signing the damn paperwork, but like last night -- and unlike Jenny -- he seemed stubbornly resistant to my suggestions.

"...and it seemed the financial aspects were not quite clear," Bill concluded.

"Now, Bill, that's just silly," I said, smiling to take the sting out of my words. I pushed my blouse off the attache so I could retrieve two copies of the agreement. "What in this could you possibly object to?" I asked, handing each of them one of the copies.

"Nothing," Tom breathed, without even looking at the paperwork. "I owe you an apology, Big Bill. Hunter never left the slightest impression she was such a slut."

"I am not a slut!" I objected, feeling offended.

Big Bill chortled. "You were acting like a slut last night, little lady! Can you honestly tell me you aren't soaking your panties right now thinking of this?" He stroked the bulge in his trousers suggestively.

"I am sorry you have to listen to this, Tom," I apologized. It took a long moment remove my pencil skirt and show them I wasn't wearing any underwear. "No soaked panties," I emphasized. "And before you ask, this" -- I collected a few dewdrops with a finger -- "is on account of my girlfriend, not you." I blushed, realizing I'd just called Jenny my girlfriend.

"Leave her out of this!" I yelped, reading the inquisitive look in Big Bill's expression. I felt like I was losing control again, and tried to calm myself. "Look, I didn't mean to snap at you, but can we just focus on business? We're all professionals here."

Both men looked at each other and chuckled. "She didn't charge me a cent; nice dinner, too," Bill grinned at Tom.

I was going to object to his tone, but Bill gave me another one of those sweep-a-girl-off-her-feet kisses that left me panting and fumbling with the fly of his slacks.

"Jaysus," Tom exclaimed in disgust. "What kind of woman would whore herself out like this just to make a sale? Are you on drugs?"

"I beg your pardon!" I turned around, infuriated with his insulting and sexist insinuations. "I am not on drugs, I am not drunk, and I am no whore! You have no right to say those things about me!"

Tom looked at me dubiously, and I stopped fingering my dripping pussy. "You aren't doing this just to make a sale? Or because we're pressuring you?"

"No!" I snapped. "I'm doing -- it -- because -- I fucking -- want to!" There was a brief silence while I pondered my words and Big Bill breathed heavily. They didn't sound like me, but there was no denying my body was longing for a return encounter with Big Bill's hulking manhood. I decided he was just a bad influence.

The men grinned at each other, and Tom switched off a recorder I belatedly noticed he was holding in one hand. He pressed a few buttons and we listened to, "...because -- I fucking -- want to!" echo faintly from its small speaker.

"That's low, Big Bill," I told him. "Ask Hunter, or anybody; I'm always professional and I'd never stoop to anything as low as blackmail." I felt a bit guilty about trying to magic him, but it clearly hadn't worked so there was no reason to mention it. "Just for thinking that, I'm gonna leave you hanging while I take care of Tom." I released his dripping cock from where I'd imprisoned it between my breasts and left him to clean himself up; most of his load was running down my neck and chest, anyway.

"You aren't going anywhere without cleaning up first," he replied, and pulled my face into his manhood. "Try her ass, Tom," Bill recommended, earning a grateful look from me. "You've never seen anything like it."

We passed an enjoyable 30 minutes or so breaking down my proposal. Luckily for me, both Tom and Bill seemed quite conversant with it, because I rarely found myself in a position to speak. Intelligibly, anyway.

"Whattaya think?" Bill finally asked Tom. I lay on the floor, too fucked out to move; on top of the all-nighter, my body just had no stamina left.

Tom carefully jacked a final drop of semen out of his cock, just missing my eye, and tucked himself away. "Well, it's pretty close; I'd guess maybe one percent above Len's numbers. The renewal might come down a bit, but that's awful far in the future. We could go either way."

"About what I figured," Bill said, picking a copy of the proposal off his desk. "I think we'll give this a go," he mused, sending a sudden burst of energy through me. "We had to buy off one of Len's girls, and that's just pure annoyance. I feel better about Linnea, y'know? Besides," he smiled down at me, "I promised -- and it's not nice to disappoint a lady."

I just about levitated off the floor as he countersigned both copies and handed one to me. "Oh, thank you!" I squealed, giving them both quick hugs and pecks on the cheek. I knew it was a trifle unprofessional, but I just couldn't help myself.

"You'll come back to see how things are going, right?" Big Bill asked while I carefully filed my copy in the attache.

"Absolutely," I promised. "Thank you again, gentlemen. We truly appreciate your business!"

"Ah, clothes?" Tom prodded as I prepared to march out the door.

My blouse and skirt were still draped over one of the chairs. "Shit!" I yelped, realizing I was standing there in front of them naked. "I'm sorry, you must think I'm such slut," I apologized while scampering back to put them on.

"Not at all," Big Bill assured me, wearing a Texas-sized smile. I caught Tom making circular gestures with his fingers beside his head when he thought I couldn't see him, but I felt so good I just couldn't hold it against him.

"Good catch," I whispered to Tom as I exited triumphantly to start the next part of a very good day.

I drove back to the hotel and flopped on my freshly-made bed. My calendar was open until mid-afternoon and I was tired. It was tempting to just close my eyes, but I knew I couldn't put off calling Stacey any longer.

"I've missed you so much!" I cried when she answered; just hearing the sound of her voice made me wet. "Can I come home yet?"

"Poor Linnea, I've missed you too," she crooned. "How did your dinner go? I was starting to get worried."

"It was okay," I prevaricated. "I got the deal." It felt like she was right there next to me, and I dreaded what I was going to have to tell her.

"Just okay? That should be fantastic!" she said, finally letting a little emotion into her voice. "What's wrong, Linnea? You can tell me."

"I... I cheated on you," I admitted, feeling like a child caught stealing from a cookie jar.

"Oh, Baby, I forgive you," Stacey said. "We always knew you might have to screw that Hunter to make him see things the right way."

Her understanding cut me to the bone; I felt like such a traitor. "No, I fucked lots of them, all night! I don't even remember how many. I couldn't help myself, Stacey! Oh God, I'm such a slut!" I wailed.

"What?" she exclaimed. "What did you do wrong?"

"Nothing," I insisted, sniffing back tears. I just hated upsetting or disappointing her. "I did everything just like you told me. I know it worked..." I hesitated, unable to mention Jenny when Stacey already was so upset.

Luckily, Stacey was already talking again. "It's okay, Linnea; don't cry. Just tell me what you did, alright? You got a hair from Hunter?"

"Yeah," I confirmed, trying to focus on my hazy memories and stay calm. "I took it to the bathroom and ate it, but it didn't work because I forgot to wipe it with the lip gloss first."

Stacey's exasperation was obvious. "Linnea!"

"I know," I apologized. "So I put on the gloss and then ran into Big Bill--"


"Big Bill. He's Hunter's boss, so it was a good thing, actually. So, I got a hair from him, too, and--"

"You're sure it was from him, right?" she interrupted.

"Stacey!" I hissed, feeling a little annoyed. "I'm not stupid. I picked one of his pubic hairs while I was blowing him and swallowed it."

"Ewww, that's gross, Linnea. I can't believe you did that!"

"It wasn't like I had a choice! I told you these guys were sexist pigs. He practically raped me right outside the bathroom! And let me tell you, there's a reason they call him Big Bill."

"Too much information! Anyway, it sounds like it should have worked."

"Well," I said hesitantly, "I was concerned that too much of the lip gloss might have gotten wiped off when we were kissing, so after he got off, I licked as much as I could off his face just to be safe."

"Linnea," she asked dangerously, "where did he orgasm?"

I replied meekly, feeling she thought I'd made a mistake somewhere, although I didn't see where. "In my mouth, mostly."

"Mostly," she sighed. "So you kissed, right after you put on the gloss, and then you blew him until he came in your mouth, and then you kissed again. Is there any chance he might have gotten any semen and one of your hairs in his mouth while you two were sucking each other's faces?"

"I don't know; maybe. I was distracted!" I cast about for something more positive to say. "But I fixed it later -- I threw a hair in the candle on the table!"

Stacey's voice was dangerous, confusing me. "Where did you get the idea to do that?"

"Didn't you tell me about it?" I asked, unsure myself. "Anyway, I picked it off my face and I know it worked because when he fucked me right afterwards, he put it straight into my ass! You know how much I like that."

"What are you doing now?"

"Lying on the bed, talking to you," I said, without understanding what she was driving at.

"Where are your hands?"

"Oh!" I pulled my fingers out of my dripping slit. "I was masturbating and didn't even realize it," I sheepishly confessed. It was pretty hot to think about. As the silence lengthened, I wondered if I really was a slut, after all.

Stacey sighed. "I think those hairs probably were yours, Linnea. And they fucked you for how long?"

"All night," I said dreamily, my fingers returning to my dew-beaded nubbin. "I didn't sleep at all. And then again at the office before we signed the agreement. Big Bill is such an animal!"

"Stop it!" Stacey shouted at me, making me jump. "You're not a slut, Linnea -- yet. It's only been less than a day. You can fight it! You love me, right?"

"You know I do! I'd do anything for you, Stacey; you know I would." It was all confusing, because she seemed to be implying they'd forced me to do things, and that hadn't been true at all except maybe for that first time with Big Bill.

"Okay, listen. I need you to not have sex, or masturbate, until you get home. It's important." I guiltily withdrew my fingers and wiped them on the bedspread instead of licking them clean. "If your mind turns to sex, think about something else instead. And put on some underwear."

I got up and dug a pair of lace-waist hip huggers out of my suitcase, and then pulled them on while I listened to Stacey mutter to herself.

"You don't know where you can get a chastity belt, do you?" she asked -- I was pretty sure she was joking.

I realized I'd been rubbing myself through the thin fabric, and hurriedly brushed my skirt back into place. "No, there's nothing like that around here," I replied, smiling. That would really put a crimp in Big Bill's lifestyle!

"Well, look," Stacey said, and then paused. She obviously was thinking hard.

I looked in the mirror and realized I'd buttoned my blouse crookedly. Underneath, Big Bill's semen had dried but was still just as tasty. Flaking it off my nipple was more than a little arousing, but I managed to remember Stacey's instructions and buttoned up again.

"Okay, I need you to find a tattoo parlor," Stacey asked, surprising me. "Tell them you want to get a small ring in the hood of your clit."

"Stacey!" I shouted, both shocked and scandalized. "That's... evil," I finished weakly, for want of a better word.

"It's necessary," she said soothingly. "Think of it like a wedding ring. This'll sneak up on you, Linnea; it's how it works. The ring will be a reminder of our love and dedication. Whenever you forget and try to slide a finger, or a penis" -- I could hear her shudder -- "you'll remember."

I realized there was a difference between wanting to do anything for the person I loved, and having a specific "anything" staring me in the face. "It'll hurt," I whined, mostly out of reflex. On the other hand, I could see the logic of what she was saying, sort of, and it felt a bit like penance for being unfaithful.

"For me?" asked Stacey, using the tone of voice she knew made me drip.

"Yes," I finally agreed, and knew I'd made the right decision when I felt the warm inner glow that came from pleasing her.

"I'll be thinking of you," she crooned. "Let me know as soon as it's done -- and the sooner, the better. I love you, Linnea."

How the hell was I going to find a tattoo parlor?


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Well this is a little fantasy I've had about my girlfriend. This event hasn't happened and won't so I'm just going to put this on here.The night begins in the bedroom at home, I'm watching my delicious girlfriend get ready to go out for a few drinks. She's standing in front of the mirror trying to get her black top over her 34F natural busty tits, her brunette hair is flowing loose over her shoulders and her blak dress is riding up her long legs half way up her thighs. She finally gets the top...

1 year ago
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Mankini Bearcub Part 2

"You should have brought your green mankini with you," Todd said when we were sitting on the edge of the bed in the nuddie watching my ice bucket video on his phone."Aw yeah, I should have," I replied, feeling annoyed with myself that I'd been so dim-arsed yet again. "I'll bring it next time for sure. Don't let me forget.""There's gonna be a next time?" he asked with a surprised smile."If you want there to be...""Yeah, I do," he said brightly. "This has been great, you and me... we've got to do...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Little Arab Buttercup part one

It was after midnight and the weather was hot and sticky this close to the sea. I was moving through the dark alleys of a city in the north of Africa. A very Arab country, and I was an American soldier attached to the local consulate. I should not have been out like this, alone and unprotected. But I had a mission to complete. One that was personal. No one could know I was here, especially my superiors. I had seen her several weeks before in the local bazaar. She wasn’t alone, of course, but I...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Mi Ha Doan Mister Clean And The Messy Mini Mistress

Mi Ha Doan is young, petite and working hard cleaning houses to pay for school. Shes been cleaning for a young married couple lately. The wife is such a bitch! Shes so picky. But her husband is always very nice to Mi Ha. One day while his wife was at the grocery store, she caught him snapping a photo of her while she was cleaning! She doesnt appreciate him taking pics…unless shes getting paid for it. He quickly grabs his wallet and trades dollar bills for items of her clothes. Her perky...

1 year ago
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Little Bird

With her black hair down and her lithe, strong body wrapped up in some frilly, barely there red dress, she looked as hot as sin. Her lips were a dark crimson and her green eyes ringed with smoky eye shadow. She was the beacon of desire in the nightclub as she danced. Many male heads turned her way and their cocks stood to attention. “Olivia, you look so hot tonight!” one her friends shouted. A pretty red head with massive tits, the other girl while beautiful in her own right, paled next...

1 year ago
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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 8

*************Octava parte************* Apenas un minuto m?s tarde estaba de nuevo sentada ante el tocador donde Isabel hab?a depilado mis cejas la tarde anterior. Repar? que estaba lleno de productos que no hab?a visto en mi ?ltima visita. ?Todo esto es lo que vas a tener que aprender a usar, Laura ?me dijo Isabel con su voz siempre agradable. Con la rotundidad de su cuerpo, con su belleza y con esa voz tan profundamente sensual, una idea me daba vueltas por la cabeza. ?C?mo pod?a carecer de de...

1 year ago
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Time Goes By

TIME GOES BY by Geneva Using an old magic book, his mother changes Francis to Frances to avoid call-up in WWII. Frances escapes her mother's domination, but accepts her new body and makes a new life for herself. Grace Rossi stared at the headlines in the morning newspaper. She had listened to Prime Minister Chamberlain's radio broadcast the night before and she had intended to scan the newspaper for any other developments, but although she tried to read, little sank in. She...

2 years ago
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[Warning: Contains incest] Daddy By Britney Kandey Once upon a time, in a land that is not far away from our own there was a little boy who we will simply call Sam. Sam had just turned 14 and was looking forward to going away next year to boarding school and leaving the trailer park along with the rest of the trailer trash well behind him. Sam's mother had died when he was 2 and he had lived alone in the caravan with his Dad ever since. The locals used to say that his Mum...

1 year ago
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Emily and Tiffany Anne Love Bunnies

After some very passionate, lust filled kissing and having our bodies, our breasts, pressed so tight together, I moved away from her just enough to slide my hands under and up her blouse. Braless, I found her hard little nipples with my fingers; she let out a soft moan, and tilted her head back. Leaving her neck exposed for my mouth to softly lick and kiss it. She loves having her neck kissed and if the passionate kisses we shared before hadn’t made her wet, this was sure to. My hands were...

2 years ago
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Office Politics Pt2

'So, it's my last day...' Toby smiles, biting his lip, knowing full well by now that it drives me crazy.  Our burgeoning relationship makes for an interesting atmosphere at work. We both know we have to keep it as quiet as possible till his work experience is over, but the secrecy just makes it all the more exciting. So far we've been incredibly well behaved, mainly keeping out of each other's way during the day, then meeting up at my house after work and fucking furiously to release the day's...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Thirteen Bloody Orgy

Chapter 13: Bloody Orgy by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The vampire Faust stared with fear at the priest. Father Augustine had changed in the time since they first met in the early hours of the morning. The priest was possessed by the demon Jezebel, Faust's patron, sent to protect him. Augustine's eyes bored into Faust's while the priest's hand gripped Lynette's black hair, working her mouth up and down his cock. Lynette was Faust's vampiress and lover. Her wanton moans twisted...

4 years ago
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Unknown Beginnings

Note-the entire work is not erotic, so if you are simply looking for the sex scene, scroll to chapter two. Thank you for reading! Chapter 1 It was another cold night in Greenwood Vale. While the snow was yet to arrive, everyone could feel it's presence clutching the breeze of the late-autumn air. Lanterns were lit bright in most households, and hearths were ablaze in an attempt to shut out the bitter draft. An impossible task, however. Greenwood Vale is a small village built beside...

1 year ago
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You are relaxing at home late one night when I call you into the bedroom. You walk in to find the room lite with candles and a present laying on the bed. I come up behind you, wrap my arms around you and start kissing your neck. Moving my hands all over you body, I slowly begin to strip you down enjoying every inch of your sexy body. Once I have you standing there naked in front of me, I whisper in your ear, "I think you have a present on the bed." You slowly move the bed and open the small box...

3 years ago
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Corporate Bodies Pt 04 Fidelity

Chapter FifteenIf I ever needed proof of my wife’s genius as a psychologist, then the next few weeks provided it in bucket loads. However doubtful I had first been about the principle of separating Amanda, the sweet wife and mother from Mandy the whore, they were completely dispelled. I could see it working in front of me.After a few hastily corrected slip-ups, it was clear that with hard work and patience she really could switch her mind between the two personalities and as she managed to do...

1 year ago
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The Devils PactChapter 27 The Book

The fire crackled in the clearing, fiery sparks rising up into the air like tiny souls. Tonight was Thursday, the Twentieth of June. The Summer Solstice. The coven assembled around the bonfire, all ten women stripped naked, their bodies painted orange and red by the firelight. Ready to worship their Goddesses. After Lilith freed us from Mark Glassner's control and we pledged our souls to her, Chantelle and I had been searching for worshipers. Our Goddess, Lilith, commanded us to find her...

1 year ago
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Dirty Sex With My Friend8217s Mom

Hi friends, I’m Vicky, 22 from Mumbai a good looking boy with a 5 and a half inch hungry cock. I’m a regular reader of ISS and a big lover of sexy ass any girl/women urging for sex plz do contact me I’m ready to worship your ass. It’s my 1st story so forgive my mistakes. Let’s come to the story, this incident happened in last monsoon that is a year ago. I was doing 3rd year of my graduation along with my close friend Jason but he was in a different college. The heroine of the story Ruby my...

1 year ago
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Meeting the Pack

What she didn’t know though, was that she had developed a following of individuals that not only understood her views, but accepted them as well. These individuals liked both of her aspects and would always love her pictures and even on occasion send encouraging messages. The only thing she did not realize, is that these individuals were also a very tight knit group among themselves. And that they also happened to live nearby to her too. So it happened one night, one of them got injured and...

3 years ago
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Encounter in the Bar

I entered the hotel lounge, and wandered over to the bar, looking over the room. It was somewhat dimly lit and about half-full of people at booths and tables. I took a seat on a stool, flipping my short skirt out behind me as I sat down, putting my bare rear on the leather of the seat. I hooked my heels into the rung of the stool, and let my knees fall open about a foot or so. The bartender appeared in front of me, a cute blonde, and I asked for a glass of white wine. When it arrived, I took a...

2 years ago
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three nights with my son two in dark and one in light

Drake got a handjob, and then blowjob from his mom, but it all happened in the dark. Drake wanted to see how his mom looked like after getting totally nude? How beautiful she would look with his own sons’ cock in her mouth? And how sexy she would look riding his cock? [Sunday morning] Thirty-seven year old Jessica was still sleeping in her big bedroom. She was wearing a blue night dress. Her half tits were exposed through it, and that blanket wasn’t covering her one leg. She was looking sexy....

3 years ago
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Sis in Law needs help

I had been semi-retired for a few years at this point. My wife was still working as a full time nurse, and I did some consulting from a home office a few days a week. But mostly, I spent my days lounging around, jerking to porn, and generally just enjoying the lack of responsibility. So when my wife's younger sister got into a car accident and needed come stay with us, I was not too pleased. Her sister was in her late 40s, decent body, and pretty I guess. She never had married, maybe she was a...

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My Pregnant Neighbour

I was a single male in my late fourties, who has a really good job and therefore really hardly any time for relationships. I live in an apartment in a city and recently I got new neighbours. They were couple in their mid-thirties and they politely introduced themselves to me. He was a businessman named Andrew, she was a housewife called Paula, who was pregnant with their first child. They seemed friendly enough folks, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I like to be by myself and usually...

1 year ago
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My First Fellatio Experience Part 1

 Chad is standing under the shower head, warm water soothing his aching muscles from a hard day of doing yard work and pool cleaning for the seven clients he has. Being seventeen, he once told me his dream of owning his own business. Standing there wrapped in a towel which barely covers all of my assets, I watch as Chad strokes his cock and fondles his clean shaven testicles.His eyes are closed, “Nicole, keep sucking my balls.”I have watched Chad masturbate to thoughts of her many times before....

Oral Sex
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The Program Chapter Two

Battle Royale. Officially known as The Program. The two words nobody in school ever wants to hear, because once you're in this particular program, you only have one chance of coming out alive, and that is when all your classmates are dead. We all know that it exists although we're not sure why, it's an urban legend whispered about in out of the way places and hinted at in the media. Everyone knows what happens but almost noone knows the details, and the government likes to keep it...

2 years ago
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Gallus Nigrum Ch01

It was four in the afternoon. Jane sat in her corner office, listening to her assistant Lisa. “Mr. Wilkes has invited you over for dinner this weekend, I think he wanted to congratulate you personally.” Lisa looked up at her boss who had just won a big lawsuit, that had brought in millions to the law firm. Jane stood up and adjusted her designer business dress. She looked confident, powerful yet sexy. She stayed fit by running five miles every day and working out every other day. She was...

2 years ago
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Beyond Humiliation Chapter 1 Holiday Planning

BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...

4 years ago
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Emancipation 10 the Intruder

"Ooops! I was afraid you could tell. I have, hon. That was one of my dark secrets. I use my fingers and some bigger things. My own anal toys have often visited back there. But I didn't bring any with me. Surprised? Now you all know." Sue easily moved two fingers deeper into his ass then massaged a third inside. He was groaning already and declined a fourth. We were all surprised. "You never told me about that. Why?" "Because you would have called me a pervert and thrown me in the...

3 years ago
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Patricia watched him from her upstairs window his golden brown skin glistened in the afternoon sun she watched his muscles rippling as he skimmed the debris from her built in pool her hand strayed to her panties and she rubbed herself through the fabric soon this was not enough and she slipped her hand inside and her finger found her clitoris she circled it with her finger as she imagined Juan the pool boy on top of her his big bronze colored cock driving between the lips of her hungry wet...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth and her master pt 2

Introduction: continuation My pussy burned, I could not wait to be used by my master. He had left me tied upright along a public highway, to a high standing tree. With a bag of toys in hand, he moved behind me. Very quickly I could feel him roughly tying a blindfold across my eyes. My world became focused on three things, my aching sex, the darkness, and pleasing my master. I could hear master circling in front of me. He traced his finger around my stomach, and suddenly he pulled off my nipple...

1 year ago
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Adventures of the Dark Side High School Heatwave

Miss Cashmore my Business teacher was sitting on top of her desk.Oh Miss Cashmore!She was a sultry brunette in her late 20's, tall with very fine legs. Olive Skin, very healthy looking, and big brown eyes. Her fine Breasts seemed way too big for her, but I was mesmerised by them.She was completely naked save for the fine string of pearls around her Neck, from this day I would be addicted to such fashion for the rest of my life, whenever I see a woman with pearls around her neck I think back to...

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Embers Surprise

I stepped out of the bedroom and adjusted my skirt nervously pulling it down a bit. “No kitten I like it that short,” my Master said and I placed my hands at my side instantly. I didn’t want to make him upset. The skirt was plaid and extremely short, I was afraid that if I moved at all the thin fabric would not leave anything to the imagination. I had on a thin white button up shirt with no bra underneath, black stockings that went just above my knees, a lacey black thong, and of course my...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 359

Some news ones, some old, but some good chuckles in here — Gonna ask my mom if that offer to slap me into next year is still on the table. — All these people are worrying about a baby boom in the next nine months. Two days of homeschooling should nip that right in the bud! — If you thought toilet paper buying was crazy, just wait until 300 million people all want a haircut appointment at the same time. — The Department of Health is looking to hire couples married seven years or more to...

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