Runaway 1
- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
I had almost made it to my feet but I dropped back on the couch. The fact I was wearing the soft sling didn’t do my arm any favors.
“Wait!” I said. “What?”
“I’m not comfortable with her working out here any longer,” Liz said.
“She’s been on vacation all week!” I said.
“That’s part of the problem,” Liz said. “She’s missed a lot of work recently and I ... I’m not happy with how she’s come to view her job here.”
“First off, she was sick for two days,” I cut in. “The vacation has been planned for seven months and she offered to skip it if things didn’t go well last Friday.”
“She’s been gone more than she’s been here!” Liz protested.
“So have Bobbi and Dayton,” I noted. “Are you going to get rid of them?”
“No,” Liz answered instantly. “They cleared their time with me before they even started. I knew they had to take a week to move things once they found a place in Nashville. Brea’s time is up in two more weeks anyway. I think we should just let her go now.”
“She doesn’t work for you,” I pointed out in a clipped voice.
“I know,” Liz said. “She works for you.”
“No!” I said. “She works for the fucking hospital! Look, I know it pissed you off when she didn’t consult with you before springing the trap on the woman leaking my medical information.”
“And it didn’t piss you off?” Liz asked.
“To a certain extent,” I admitted. “She agreed that she should have gotten my permission beforehand. She apologized for how she handled it and that was that.”
“That is not that,” Liz countered. She had crossed her arms in front of her again and I knew she was brewing for a fight. I was tired, sore and sweaty. I was ready to give her a fight.
“It comes back to who she works for,” I said. “She takes her job as seriously as you take yours. She is as protective of her employer as your people are of you. She saw a way to eliminate something that was casting doubt on every professional in her field and she took it. She protected her profession and her employer ... the same way you protect your profession and your employees. She had no reason to bring this to our attention before it happened. She purposefully kept her charts ... mundane ... and kept all pertinent information restricted to face-to-face conversations with Sondra.
“This is not an offense that deserves dismissal!”
“I think differently,” Liz said.
“Whoopee-fucking-doo,” I said. For good measure, I twirled my index finger in the air. “It’s been easier this week since I got the new sling but I still need somebody here a few times every day. I can’t just ask anybody to come up and dry off my back when you’re on a conference call.”
“I thought we’d just see if the hospital can send out somebody new,” Liz said.
“Ah, hell no,” I said, shaking my head for emphasis. “I am not going to try to get used to having somebody else ... attend to me. It was hard enough getting used to Brea seeing my naked ass. I’m not going to go through the embarrassment for somebody that’s only going to be here 10 fucking days. So, if you want to get rid of her, fine. We’ll make sure the hospital knows it’s simply because her services are no longer needed – and you can make yourself available to handle the shit she normally does.”
It was a trump card and I knew I played it well. There was no way that Liz could make the necessary time to drop what she was doing and help me out of my sling when it came time to exercise, to help me dry myself after my showers and to work with me on the skills I was trying to acquire.
“I know it might not look like she does much but she’s been a big help ... to us both,” I said. “And you know damned well that if we tell the hospital that we want to change, it’s going to land on her hard. That ain’t going to happen on my watch, Liz.”
Liz closed her eyes for a moment.
“Just hole up in the office while she’s here,” I said. “There is enough going on that it should be pretty easy to avoid her if you don’t like her.”
“It just pisses me off that she used you that way,” Liz retorted. “That’s what she did! She used you.”
“Yeah, probably,” I agreed. “I’ve been used for worse purposes. I know that part of you is mad that you weren’t the one to ferret out the source at the hospital. I get that.”
“It’s not about who caught her,” Liz insisted.
“Part of it is,” I asserted. “You devoted a lot of time to the search. Until a little while ago, I thought you’d spent a pretty good chunk of money on it, too.”
“And all I managed to do was tar a bunch of people that weren’t involved,” Liz said with disgust.
“Well, yeah,” I said. “But it was a good lesson for them. In their profession they have to watch out for the things they say even to the people they’re closest to. The security guy had already been caught once. He found out that the Titans’ quarterback was going to miss a game and bet against them; both the blog and the newspaper ran stories based off the leaks. So the people involved with them know they have to be careful. You didn’t cost anyone their job. You just got them moved to sections where the temptation was lowered. You can’t take it out on Brea.”
“So you won’t even consider it?” Liz asked.
“I told you what I’d consider,” I countered. “If you want, she and I can just go somewhere else when you’re around.”
“That’s silly,” Liz said. “You’re not the problem and ... I need you here until this situation clears up.”
“Brea is not the problem, either,” I said.
“Fine, I didn’t much like her when you were in the hospital,” Liz admitted. “She rotated onto the floor a day or two after you were admitted. She was ... proprietary ... from the outset.”
“Because I was her patient,” I cut in.
“She’s the same way out here,” Liz declared.
“Oh, bullshit,” I countered. “If anyone else is around and interested, she steps away. Yeah, she’s still a little uptight and she doesn’t really fit in out here. But she’s getting better. I don’t think ... I don’t think there has been a lot of laughter in her life. It takes her a minute to figure out we’re joking. But once she figures it out, she’s fine.”
“What about that thing with Jill and the bikini?” Liz asked. The look on her face told me that she’d thought she’d scored a significant point.
“At the beginning, she thought we were serious,” I said. “You know how our conversations go. We jump from something important to a joke without a pause. That’s what we did that day. We were talking about ... jobs. Jill said she’d have some good jobs in her life but this was the best place she’d ever worked. She said she even agreed to wear a bikini for washing the cars.”
“And Brea had her tender sensibilities hurt,” Liz determined.
“No,” I said. I rarely used my “you’re an idiot” voice on Liz – for obvious reasons. But I broke it out for this one. “I added that you liked to show your employees where they stood in the hierarchy from time to time. We were acting like it was normal conversation. Brea is ... a stranger. She didn’t get it. Once we explained the concept and told her about Jill’s gambling habits, she was fine. She even made a wisecrack, too.”
I stopped and shook my head. My tone of voice had gone over about as well as I’d expected.
“Look, it’s a moot point,” I said. “I’m not going to ask the hospital to send anybody else out. But I’m also not willing to invite somebody you don’t want here into your home.”
“You live here, too,” Liz said through gritted teeth.
“You’re right,” I said. “Let me amend that statement to ‘this’ home. So we’re left with you working your schedule around mine. Are you good with that?”
“On the surface, I’m fine with that,” Liz said. “In practical application, it doesn’t work.”
“So where are we?” I asked.
“Nowhere,” Liz said.
“So we pissed each other off for no reason?” I wondered.
“So it seems,” Liz replied. She had returned her arms to their defensive positions.
“Let’s find a compromise,” I suggested.
“We can see if the first guy can come back,” Liz said.
“I will agree to that if you agree to my suggestion,” I answered.
“What is your suggestion?” Liz asked.
“Ask the others what they think of Brea,” I said. “If you can get ... two ... people to agree with you, we’ll see if Alan is available.”
“So I have to get both Jill and Skye to agree?” Liz asked. She threw her hands into the air in exasperation.
“Call my mom, talk to Conny and Melissa, ask Kim and Ben,” I said. “Talk to Melinda and the rest of the staff. Hell, call the people that we’ve interviewed for the cook’s job. Any two people that have seen Brea in her professional capacity will do. You do that and we’ll call the hospital and switch back to Alan if he is available.”
“What if he’s not?” Liz asked.
“Then you, my dear, are shit out of luck,” I replied.
I waited until I was out of the shower before I called my old professor.
Like a stubborn child, I didn’t ask for help in drying my back. I hung the towel over the holder and moved my torso over it until it was close to dry. I longed for the day when I would have the freedom to take care of my hygiene (successfully) without assistance.
“What took you so long to call, Grasshopper?” the man from San Diego asked in lieu of a greeting.
“Oh, this and that,” I said.
“You seem to be doing pretty well in managing the narrative,” he told me.
“It’s actually coming from out your way,” I told him. “We’ve put together a really solid team.”
“You did,” he agreed. “But I detect your hand in this. I could always tell when you were spearheading an initiative at the hospital. You have a panache that the others lack. They are more likely to resort to tried and true methods. You tend to ... shoot from the hip more frequently.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I wondered.
“That always depends on whether you hit where you were aiming,” he said with a chuckle.
To hear the man speaking on the phone, a person would picture a tall, urbane gentleman with just a hint of grey at this temples dressed in an impeccably cut suit of the highest standard.
The reality was far different. The professor’s almost bald pate had a fringe of unruly salt-and-pepper hair on the back and sides. The 230 pounds he had packed onto his five-feet, six-inch frame put his sartorial choices to a minimum but it wouldn’t have mattered if he had a plethora of selections.
The professor had the fashion sense of a colorblind six-year-old, frequently wearing mismatched socks and color combinations straight out of the 1970s.
He routinely had ketchup, mustard or coffee stains on his tie and his teeth and fingernails were yellowed from years of smoking cigarettes. But he had a voice that was made for audiobooks.
“You’ve been following the situation?” I wondered.
“Religiously,” the man said. “It’s summer break and I’m at loose ends. I have nothing better to do than to hang on every word uttered by the lovely people at ‘Entertainment This Evening.’”
I never knew when the man was joking. Part of it was because his sense of humor was as shady as his ethics. He had no filter ... and no regard for social niceties. He would make a joke at anybody’s expense and those jokes often revolved around skin tone, ethnicity or physical deformities. But he was brilliant in his own way.
“I noticed you’ve shied away from having your party issue any direct statements,” he said when the silence stretched a bit too long for his tastes.
“Why draw her into the fray when you can get some other idiot to say what needs to be said?” I asked. It was a paraphrased quotation from one of the first classes I’d taken from the man.
“Outstanding!” he said. “You know, Travis, this is why I wanted to groom you for politics. You would have been perfect!”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake!” I exploded. “Can you honestly see me trying to deal with some of the fucktards you put up with for all those years?”
“Except for that, you would have been perfect,” the man said when his laughter had subsided. “The procession of fools and megalomaniacs that I have dealt with in my career could fill a dozen novels if I were so inclined. I’m a bit surprised that nobody has put a hit out on me yet. I suppose once my usefulness dwindles a bit more, I should start checking my Audi for bombs every morning.”
“Before I forget, thank you for helping Liz track down the suspects at the hospital,” I told him.
“Think nothing of it,” he said. “I was pleased that she thought to contact me. It ... I felt flattered that you had told her of me and she thought enough of my skills to seek my assistance. I only wish my information had borne fruit. There were quite a few more erroneous stories leaked to the media. I’m thankful that those appear to have ceased.”
The next morning even with the sunshade in the windshield once the sun was up it pushed light back into the sleeper. He was delighted when he woke up she was already awake, smiled up at him, said, "Hi" and them kissed him on the cheek. "Hi" he replied and put his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her down to him and kissed her. It was the strongest approach the truck driver had used and he didn't notice the change in her at first. Sammi felt his hand firmly on her neck pull...
Around midday they drove through a fast food restaurant right off the highway taking lunch to go. Once back on the road Joseph was able to get Sammi talking about dance recitals and gymnastics competitions she did when she was younger. He got her smiling and laughing sharing stories and that made him feel good. As the afternoon grew later the conversation slowed as he focussed on traffic and trying to make the delivery on time. The hours and then minutes ticked down as he got closer and...
She once again sat back down on the mattress and had to smile that Ol'Jack had only lifted his head watching her. She laid back down petting him and taking a deep breath. This was far from the only night that she couldn't stop thinking or dreaming about Roger raping her. It made her nauseous to think about the things he did that night and over the next few weeks until she built up the nerve to runaway. Before he moved in with her and her mom, Holly, her old real birth name, would never...
‘What the fuck!!’ Ray exclaimed, ‘Am I ever going to catch a break?’ The left rear tire on his SUV was again losing air from the slow leak and was noticeably flatter when he pulled into the truck stop diner to grab a bite than it was when he had set out in the morning. At least I’m at a truck stop with a garage, he thought. They should be able to either fix the leak or sell me a new tire. The past two months had been nothing but one kick in the ass after another for Ray Blanton. He had...
This story is dedicated to the great Elaine, who is bright and kind and generous. Disclaimer: This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced, reprinted or reposted without the express consent of Jane Howard. Although there is no sex in this story, it depicts a budding romantic relationship between two male teens, one of whom is transgendered. If such a premise offends you, please don't read it. RUNAWAY By Jane Howard copyright 2003 She had decided to...
HumorRUNAWAY - Chapter 2 Tony and I kissed for ever, his hands caressing my body, my arms looped round his neck. My fingers were fascinated with the short spiky hair on the nape of his neck. One of his hands, now on the small of my back, pulled my body firmly against his. We were in contact from our lips through our bodies to our thighs. He had turned us slightly so that he was leaning back against the sea wall and one of his legs was pressed between mine. It was no surprise that I had...
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Runaways, 2 By: Malissa Madison All the way to the diner people kept introducing themselves to us. One young girl named Ginny asked if I was going to Miss Dotty's this year. "I don't know, is that a girls only school?" I asked. "Only the best on this planet," she said. "I beg to differ with you there, if her names Kitten she'll want to go to Miss Gina's Kitten Academy," said a girl named Rhoda. "Kitten Rhoda, is that any way to behave?" said a woman next to her. The look was...
This Story starts with guy who 35, but takes place when he's 25. The 2 girls are Jenifer (Jen) she 10-11 and Sarah who's 9-10. As with my other stories I use the ******** lines to sepparate the sex scenes. So if you get sick of the boring part of the story, just skip ahead. RUNAWAYS My name is John I’m 35, I’ve always loved younger girls but I didn’t realize how young until 10 yrs ago. When I was 22 I won $100,000,000.00 from a lottery, so I’m set for life. Anyway, 10yrs ago I was...
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Roger started to follow but the large Italian man Vincent grabbed hold of his arm, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Holly's eyes opened wide when she was guided through the unmarked door and Viktor locked it behind them it had a vanity with a sink basin, a toilet and a glass enclosed shower. He sat her on the toilet and turned the water in the shower on. She definitely needed to pee but it was embarrassing doing so with him in the restroom. He kept his body and face pointed at the...
"I see you are awake Sleeping beauty. Time for a stop, smoke and a couple hours of sleep don't you think Senorita" he asked? "Sure" she agreed with a yawn. They both got out of the truck and she headed to the ladies room for a potty break. When she got back he had the two chairs out and he was seated smoking a joint and also had a cooler out and a beer in his hand, "Would you like Cerveza" he asked holding up a green can with two large green letter X? Sammi wasn't sure what it...
She took another look at the map and made the decision to walk along a Northwest interstate. It took her almost 45 minutes to get along the interstate she wanted where she thought she might get a ride. She continued to walk but also looked back at the cars and trucks and on occasion would put her thumb out. Finally after another 45 minutes a sleek black big rig pulled over. Sammi had to walk almost 100 yards as it took the truck time to pull over and stop after passing her. Finally...
Viktor walked over by her head and said softly by her ear, "You see Holly, men can be entertained by women in many ways, dancing, stripping, serving, submission, pain, sex and many more ways. Typically sex is the end goal but there are a variety of things that stimulate men sexually. If you want, you can entertain us more now by milking more cum from our cocks. What do you think, Holly, do you want to use your body to milk more cum now?" Feeling so overwhelmingly used Holly shook her...
Their day together was like no day he had experienced in a long time. When she was happy and smiling it seemed like she could light up the world during a full eclipse and her energy was magnetic drawing him to her. He felt like he was in a dream, she was returning his kisses, giggling when he kissed her nose and chin, letting out sighs and moans as he kissed her by her ear, neck and even on her shoulder and every time his eyes found hers he could see that same brightness and smile that he...
"I'm just being stupid aren't I, Ol'Jack? Lot lizards come and go and I'm too old to think a young woman like her would have feelings for an old goat like me. It's just you and I again. I'm sure you were ready to have all of your space back in the truck. Hell that sleeper is barely big enough for one man, let alone an old trucker, a hitchhiker and a dog, don't ya think" he said to his long time best friend. Ol'Jack let out a whine and rest his head on the passenger seat where...
But within a few minutes of hearing it close Roger opened the bathroom door, "Come with me" he ordered and with her following he turned and walked back to her mom and his bedroom. She followed behind him wrapped only in a towel and noticed he was carrying a black skirt of hers as well as her black high heel pumps and a medium sized cardboard box. When they got into his room he set the skirt on the bed, the shoes on the floor and then set the box on the bed as well. Immediately she...
If only Josh could pass out. Or finish himself off already. I have to keep my breathing relaxed. Keep my eyes closed. Keep still in this obscene position he’s put me. Keep pretending I’m asleep. Ignore the shaking of the bed. Ignore his animalistic grunts. Ignore the sound of those fucking ice cubes, clinging against his empty glass to the rhythm of his jerking motions. I hope he doesn’t touch me tonight. I hope he doesn’t fuck me tonight. If only he could pass out. Or finish himself off...
Joseph noticed that Sammi was smiling and seemed more upbeat. Before long they were talking about the truck wash, how much Ol'Jack loved water and how much fun they had playing in the water. They were both laughing really hard about it when the waitress brought their food. As they were eating he said, "There's something I need to make sure you are aware of. Now that I've made my delivery what I typically do is pick up a load and transport it back East and after dropping it I try to...
As she thought about the kiss she realized he puckered and placed his lips gently against hers. In full anticipation of a hit or punch like Roger would have done it was her who actually escalated the kiss by opening her mouth. But Joseph didn't aggressively shove his tongue deep into her mouth or even push his mouth hard to hers. He softly held and kissed her. And yet like a frightened animal she shivered uncontrollably. Being alone in the hotel room, the fear mostly passed that she...
Joseph had not slept in close proximity with a woman since his wife's passing several years previous. He had hooked up with a few lot lizards but it was just for quick sex and he wasn't sure he could even remember their names. He wasn't sure how young, this young lady was but he was sure any man would find her attractive. He of course had not been with a young woman sexually or even physically in years but it wasn't hard to remember how attractive their smooth skin, tiny waist, wide...
After staring at the one on her wrist she looked at the cross on her finger, the clover inside her arm by her elbow and the dragonfly that was paid for by her first gang rape. For a few moments it was hard to breath. Her very quickly planned decision to run away so far had gone pretty well, one puzzle piece at a time. She thought about the dragonfly she had wanted. Like many mothers and daughters she felt like her mother was too strict and was constantly changing the rules when she would...
But her mother was the grown up. She could have kicked him out or called the police. Holly didn't know what else to do. Every day she spent with him things just seemed to get worse and what was even harder with each day's passing she found she was resisting him less. Not only was she making less effort to fight him off but slowly more often she just did what he wanted. The more often she found herself just doing what she was told the less of a human being she felt like. But it was...
He was trying to let his passenger not feel like she was being interrogated but he also couldn't help question the things she did that seemed odd. He took a deep breath and decided to ask something that was bothering him, "Did something happen back at the cafe...with you and Ben?" It was strange the number of emotions that went through her mind while she thought about how to answer his question the strongest emotion shame. She looked around and even squirmed in the seat before making a...
Sammi just nodded affirmation that she was okay but then thought about her dream and what she might have been saying and asked, "What was I talking about?" "Not much of nothin I could understand" Joseph replied but enough ya woke yourself up. He continued, "Why don't ya go stretch out in the sleeper back yonder it's as good a mattress as in most road side motels and ya look pretty tired. Ya probably haven't gotten much shut eye since ya hit the road anyway." Sammi thought about...
It had not been easy traveling across multiple states with limited money she had earned babysitting. It didn't take her long to realize it also wasn't easy to find even the most basic job without any type of identification or a birth certificate. She didn't know if her mom had reported her missing but not wanting to take a chance she took the first name of her beloved childhood dog, Sammi, and thought herself clever to take the sir name Shepherd. Sammi was a chocolate lab but she had...
"Sure" Sammi replied noticing she was hungry and letting her mind wander to the question if the place was expensive? Only a few minutes after making the suggestion Joseph pulled the big rig off the interstate and into the truck stop diner. Before getting out of the truck himself, he instructed Sammi how to safely crawl down from the cab of the truck. As the two walked from the truck to the diner Joseph realized how short and petite Sammi stood. They both went to the washroom first...
We were in yet another dingy hotel room barely fit for the cockroaches, owning only whatever we could transport in the old beat-up station wagon. But at least we still had each other. I sighed with a saddened weariness as I noted the lone bed, large enough for us both but clearly about as old as the well-trampled carpet. The once-white walls were definitely stained with decades of dirt, smoke, the unblinking glare of sunlight, and — I guessed — dried streaks of well-aged semen. The table by...
The day I learned he was getting married I went out to a dive to drink alone and put the past to rest once and for all. On my 2nd beer and 4th shot of tequila I saw him at the other end of the bar where he was having his bachelor party and stared until he looked up. We maintained eye contact far too long, but neither of us made any other move. With nothing more than a gentle flat handed stroke across the lap of one of his groomsmen, I got the date and time and place of the wedding. I wasn’t...
Introduction: After being violently raped by her fathers friends, 15 year old Emily runs away. Chapter One: Alone In The Dark My name is Emily. Im 15 and like most girls my age love boys, music and boys. Something different from me and other girls is my family. While other teens my age may say they hate their parents because they wont leave them alone, I hate my parents… well, just my Dad really, because of the abuse. My mother fucked off with some guy from her work 11 years ago and I cant...
This is my first story, I hope you like it- I certainly got pretty wet writing it! I havent given the girl or the man an age because I figure it can be up to the reader. Let me know what you think! She screams as he hits her again and again. Im sorry! Ill do it this time, I promise! Her little voice cracking with fear and exhaustion. After a few more swings, he drops the book down with a loud thud. The girl flinches and shrinks away from the sound. Damn right youll do it this time you little...
There comes a point in your life when you make a decision that changes everything. Even though I was terrified, I was sick and tired of pretending to be someone I wasn’t. I had been wearing my twin sister’s clothes for years, and I had to be a girl. Flash forward to the beginning of summer, a few months after my 16th birthday. I still liked to swipe my sister’s clothes, but I didn’t look like some faggot little kid when I did it. I taught myself, with help from the internet, of course, to...
The Greyhound bus was only half full as it made its way into Iowa from Illinois. Most of the passengers were riding alone and stared out the windows at the fields of corn and soybeans that stretched to the horizon. Molly sat by a window toward the rear of the bus. She watched the farmers toiling in the fields as the bus cut through the vast countryside. This was Molly's first visit to Iowa. She was headed to her Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ben's farmstead near the town of Bentonville. Her Aunt Ruth was...
InterracialThere comes a point in your life when you make a decision that changes everything. Even though I was terrified, I was sick and tired of pretending to be someone I wasn't. I had been wearing my twin sister's clothes for years, and I had to be a girl. Flash forward to the beginning of summer, a few months after my 16th birthday. I still liked to swipe my sister's clothes, but I didn't look like some faggot little kid when I did it. I taught myself, with help from the internet, of course, to make...
TransI was walking towards i dont know where, i just wanted to go away. It was dark, there werent any cars, i would occasionally see a truck or two go by. It was then a Truck slowed down next to me. The trucker opened the window and asked me if i wanted a ride. I declined, he insisted that its dark and i might get hit by someone. I got inside his truck. His name was Noah, he was an old silver bear in his late 50s, white beard, hairy white chest hair poking out and a big belly. We introduced...
Many thanks to Techsan for editing this story. If a young man had done exactly the same thing as Melissa did in her younger days, he had been envied, admired and regarded as a popular jolly good fellow among his many friends. Everybody had regarded him as doing exactly the right thing when he collected his large number of experiences before he met "Miss Right" so he could remain faithful to her because he had learnt that "grass wasn't greener" behind the fence. But Melissa wasn't a...
Episode 1 I had just come back from a month-long vacation trip back home and I was dead-tired; I had gotten up at an ungodly hour this morning to catch my flight at St. John's, then a two hour lay-over at Toronto's Pearson Airport before the next leg to the State capital and finally, an hour and half by car to get here. Altogether ten hours' travel time ... the only advantage to flying westward is that the stores were still open; I had nothing in the fridge. I stopped off at Paco's to buy...