The Hitch hiker
- 2 years ago
- 57
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‘What the fuck!!’ Ray exclaimed, ‘Am I ever going to catch a break?’
The left rear tire on his SUV was again losing air from the slow leak and was noticeably flatter when he pulled into the truck stop diner to grab a bite than it was when he had set out in the morning.
At least I’m at a truck stop with a garage, he thought. They should be able to either fix the leak or sell me a new tire.
The past two months had been nothing but one kick in the ass after another for Ray Blanton.
He had filed divorce papers and separated from his wife of eight years.
She had been cheating on him and he had to face that fact. She had also been very brazen and open about it.
His friends had warned him as far back as when he had first started dating her that Becky was a tramp.
He had gotten into more than one fight defending her honor and now felt like a complete ass for having done so.
Walking in on Becky and her tennis pro in the couples own bedroom was the last straw.
Becky had thought Ray was going to be at the dealers conference in Chicago until the following day and had chosen the marital bed for her sex romp with Tony to add spice and excitement to their tryst.
The excitement of a divorce would have to do.
Ray was the owner of five new car dealerships in the northern Virginia suburbs and at thirty two had done quite well for himself financially.
It was in the woman picking department that he was a bit wanting.
His attorney said that he would end up paying little alimony to Becky due to her provable serial infidelities.
Thank heavens for private detectives and for finally listening to his best friend Toms’ advice in so far as having agreed to hire one.
The couple had no children so there were no complications there.
Ray just felt stupid and burned. He was a romantic at heart and had really wanted it to work out with Becky.
Not to be.
He went back to the diner and sat in a corner booth drinking coffee and thinking about the last two months.
The garage mechanic had said that the tire was repairable and that he could have it ready for him in an hour.
Ray stared into the darkening parking lot.
He had thought that the trip out west to see his only brother would have raised his spirits but it had not.
Living in LA had seemingly made Joe more of a self absorbed ass than Ray had remembered. The only consolation his brother was capable of was offering to set Ray up with a high class call girl.
No thanks.
The ten days on the west coast had made him realize he could not run away from his problems.
He had a business to attend to and people who depended on him and that took some of the sting out of returning to an empty home.
For years Becky had never really been there for him anyway.
She had agreed to move out and part of the reason for his month long road trip was to give her time to get herself and her things out of the house and settled elsewhere.
His friend Tom was making sure she only took her own things out of the house although she wasn’t really a thief, just an unfaithful bitch.
The waitress came and refilled his cup and Ray tried to get excited about his trip to Yosemite.
He thought that on his way back east he would stop and see some things he might otherwise never get around to seeing.
Make lemonade from lemons he chuckled to himself.
It was then that he first saw her.
Amy McFadden was carefully stepping down from the passenger side door of the big rig.
The diminutive teen had just touched down on the asphalt and was donning her backpack when the trucker inside called out to her.
‘Ya’ll be careful now.’
He was replacing his saliva coated penis back inside his pants and started the engine.
He asked Amy to close the truck door and wished her luck on getting her next ride.
Amy closed the door and ignored his wave good bye as the rig pulled away.
She noticed the dollop of cum on the front of her shirt and wiped it off with her hand.
I wish that prick had warned me he was going to come she thought. She would have caught his load in the paper towel she jad in her hand instead of on the front ofher shirt. At least he hadn’t touched her head while she was giving him head.
She had warned him not to touch her head and had told him she might bite his dick reflexively if he tried.
She shuddered at the memory of her step daddy holding and directing her head while teaching her to service his cock with her teenage mouth.
Her step daddy had a very large cock and had only tried to fuck her once.
Amys pussy was very small and had only been able to accommodate about a third of his dick before he had given up in frustration and began teaching her to be his personal cocksucker and special little girl.
Amy was four foot ten and ninety pounds soaking wet. She was nineteen but had the appearance of a girl in her early teens.
When the trucker had picked her up in LA he never asked her age but only where she was heading.
‘Anywhere but here.’ Was her reply.
He said he was taking his load to Fresno and that it was against company policy to have riders in the cab. He then said he might be able to stretch the rules for her as he ogled her cute body and evaluated her desperate expression.
The message was clear.
She negotiated one blowjob at the start of the ride and one more at the end.
Thank goodness he didn’t smell and that he was a quick ejaculator.
He stroked and fondled her blue jean covered butt while she was bobbing up and down on him but that did nothing at all for her.
She was all but switched off to any sexual arousal and only let his hands roam over her as a means of accelerating his orgasm.
Amy took the twenty dollars the trucker had given her as a parting gift and placed it in her backpack.
She headed across the lot toward the truck stop diner. She was hungry and also wanted to erase the taste of his cum from her mouth.
She began to sob softly while walking and thinking about the mess she was in and what she was going to do next.
Ray was watching her approach while the truck pulled away.
He saw that she was fighting back some tears when she seated herself a couple of booths away facing him.
The waitress came to her and she pulled a crinkled twenty out of her backpack. The young girl then ordered something and began to stare out the window.
She looked like she was about thirteen and the way she had gotten out of the truck just before it pulled away made Ray think that she might be in trouble or running from something.
After about twenty minutes the waitress brought her a hamburger and then stopped by Rays booth to refill his coffee. Ray asked that he be given the young girls check as well as his own.
A short time later the garage texted Ray that his vehicle was ready.
He paid his and the girls bill at the counter and walked out of the diner to pick it up.
He was driving out past the diner on his way out of the truck stop when he saw the girl waving him down.
He pulled over and opened the passenger side window.
Amy was surprised when the waitress had told her that a man who had just left the diner paid her bill.
‘What man?’ Amy asked.
She had been so absorbed in her own misery that she honestly hadn’t noticed anyone else in the diner.
The waitress, who had watched Ray walk across to the garage, spotted his vehicle coming past the diner and said to Amy,’That man.’
Amy rushed out front and started waving down the SUV.
She thought to herself that this was the first nice thing that had happened to her in some time and she want
ed to at least say thanks.
She walked up to the stopped vehicle and looked across at Ray.
‘Thank you for paying for my food. You didn’t have to do that.’
‘I know,’ Ray said. ‘You looked like you were having a hard day and I just wanted to do a nice thing for someone. Are you in some kind of trouble?’
‘Not really,’ Amy hedged. ‘I could use a ride though.’
‘Where are you headed?’
‘Where are you going?’ Amy responded.
‘To Yosemite for now, I’ve never seen it.’
‘Can I catch a ride? I’ve never seen it either and it’s in the direction I’m headed.’
‘Sure, hop in.’ Ray said.
Amy climbed in and sat in the passenger seat as Ray pulled out onto the highway.
Amy was not sure where she was going. Probably back east to Pittsburgh. She would have to call a few friends and see if she could crash with them.
The driver looked like a nice enough guy.
If she had to blow him to pay for giving her a ride it certainly wouldn’t be as distasteful as with the trucker.
Why had she ever listened to Bridget, she thought to herself.
Following her friend out to LA had been a horrible decision.
Bridget had gone out to California six months previousely, just after the girls had graduated high school.
Bridget and her boyfriend Galen had blown most of their savings on bus fare in the hopes that they would find something better to do with their lives in LA than they would remaining back in Pennsylvania.
The first month out west had her BFF texting bad news about living in a shelter and panhandling and then the texts stopped.
Amy supposed that they had been unable to pay the phone bill or had lost the phone.
Then two months ago Bridget called to say she had gotten a modeling job.
The communication grew more regular and Bridget started to encourage her friend to come out and join her.
She said that she had shown Amys picture to the man at the modeling agency and he had said he could definitely find a lot of work for Amy.
Amy was not dumb and some red flags which might have gone up were otherwise obscured by a crisis wherein her creepy step-dad was pressing her to let him try and fuck her again.
Her mom must have known about Bill coming into Amys room many times a week almost from the time she had married him.
Amy had tried to tell her but had been told that it wasn’t what she thought.
Amy must be misunderstanding something.
According to her mom Bill loved them both and they needed his help to keep a roof over their heads.
Amy thought she should have told someone else that the creep her mom had married was making her daughter his little sex toy.
Bill had married her mother shortly after her Dad had died in a car accident and Amy had really wished that her mom was a stronger woman. She wished that they had not had to deal with the abusive creep all this time.
His trying to force her to let him put that huge cock into her tiny pussy was more than she could stand.
Bridget said the man from the agency would pay for her air fare out west for an interview. That’s how interested he was.
When Amy pressed her friend as to what type of modeling this was, Bridget became vague and Amy supposed that it might involve some nude modeling. She was desperate enough to get away from Bill that she had taken the gamble.
Ray had not tried to speak much with the young lady in the passenger seat after she had gotten in and they had started off. He sensed she was in no mood for small talk.
He told her his name and when he asked her what hers was she said ‘Amy.’
She said thanks again for paying for her hamburger and for the ride.
After that she responded to his few questions with one word answers or just nods.
He sensed she was troubled but also instinctualy knew not to push. He listened to the radio on the drive to Yosemite and occasionally remarked on something interesting they were passing without expecting a response.
Amy stared out the side window deep in thought.
When they were within a few miles of the park Ray asked her again where she was headed.
‘Probably Pittsburgh eventually.’ She told him.
They were coming into a small town near the park called Mariposa and it was nearing ten pm.
‘It’s getting late and I’m going to check into one of these motels. They look safe enough and I can get you a room as well.’
‘I can’t afford.’ Amy began
‘Its on me. The room rates are less than half of what I usually pay so it’s really no big deal.’
In truth Ray was concerned about the girl and was considering calling the police.
He had no children but imagined himself as a father of a runaway teen daughter who was left to fend for herself.
He had noticed the stain on the front of her shirt when she had gotten into his vehicle and that it had smelled like cum.
He put that together with her sobbing after leaving the truckers cab and had her turning tricks as a teen on the run as the most likely scenario running through his imagination.
She had not been too forthcoming with any more information.
Amy agreed to accepting a room next to his in the mom and pop motel they found on the edge of town.
She slept well as emotional exhaustion had taken its toll. The knock on the door of her room at ten in the morning startled and woke her.
‘Amy?’ She heard from outside. ‘Are you awake yet? Are you still interested in seeing the park?’
‘Sure, just give me a minute.’ She answered from inside.
What time is it she wondered as she wriggled her pert little butt into the blue jeans.
Amy was about to put her shirt back on and noticed the cum stain from the truckers load decorating a good portion of the front.
He, what was his name again (Ray, maybe?), hadn’t said anything about it but maybe he hadn’t noticed.
She smelled the spot and realized he had to have noticed but was perhaps too polite to mention anything.
She pulled another shirt from her backpack and after putting it on and putting the cum stained one in the bathroom sink to soak answered the door to the room.
He was standing there with a container of coffee in his hand and a smile on his face.
‘Good morning Amy. I wasn’t sure if you took coffee but we have time to get a full breakfast before we go to the park if you still want to go.’
‘Sure, I still want to go … Ray. (That was his name, she managed to remember at the last second)
Just let me get my things together.’
‘Just leave them here. I have paid for another night and it will probably be a full day out. You can get them when we come back and then if you have to get going they’ll be right here.’
Amy was not sure what was going to be next but just decided to go out and enjoy the day.
Ray learned a lot about his young companion as they explored the views, trails, and waterfalls in Yosemite Valley.
Neither had ever experienced such splendor and Amy found herself warming to this gentle and adventurous man.
She told him that she had made a mistake in visiting a friend in LA, a visit that had ended badly, without getting into the details of that visit.
She told him that she was nineteen and he hadn’t believed her until she showed him her ID.
‘I know I look a lot younger and it’s getting old having to constantly correct people.’
‘I’m glad you’re nineteen. I was beginning to think about contacting the police in case you were thirteen or fourteen and running away.’
Amy smiled and said. ‘I was running away in a sense, but now I’m not sure where I’m running.’
They were walking together on one of the steeper trails when Amy stumbled and Ray caught her by the hand to keep her from falling.
They co
ntinued to hold hands while walking for quite a while after that even after the trail had leveled off.
Amy liked the feeling she got from touching Ray and for Ray it was mutual. She was so much younger than he was but despite her cherub like appearance he felt she was much wiser than her years.
They had lunch togther in a restaurant in the valley and talked about a lot of things.
Ray learned that Amy hated her step dad and though she didn’t get into the exact reasons he guessed that there was something pretty horrible behind it because of the way she shuddered involuntarily when talking about him.
Her mom was okay she said but she couldn’t go back and live with her as long as her step dad was there. She had some friends in Pittsburgh who might be able to put her up for a while but none had responded to her texts as of yet.
Ray asked if she was planning to hitch all the way back east.
She said that she supposed that she would and then Ray mentioned that he was on his way back to Virginia but would be taking his time.
If she wanted she could travel back east with him and he could detour slightly to Pittsburgh and drop her off.
Amy all but jumped out of her seat in joy, reaching instead across the table to take Ray by the hand and say thank you.
‘You are like an answered prayer. I have no money to chip in for gas or anything but I can probably borrow from some friends to pay you back when we get there.’
At this Ray responded in the best way possible.
‘It won’t use any more gas to have a passenger and as far as any other extra expenses you can repay me after you get settled back home. I’m not short of money right now and I might just ask you to pay it forward to someone who needs help in your future. Or you can pay me back over time, whatever you are more comfortable with.’
If he had said, ‘We can work something out.’, Amy might have gagged in revulsion as to what that might entail.
If he had treated her like some lost soul desperate for his charity it might have hurt her nearly as bad.
Instead he had offered her help with dignity and respect, treating her like an adult he could trust to do the right thing.
After several more hours exploring the park they started back together as dusk crept in. They ate a late supper at a restaurant near the motel and then walked back together to their rooms.
In front of her room Amy turned to Ray and said ‘Thanks for today.’
‘You’re welcome Amy, and good night.’
He leaned into her and taking hold of her gently by the shoulders kissed her lightly on the cheek.
Waiting until she was inside with the door locked he went into his own room and sat on the bed and thought and thought.
The next morning they were on their way further east. Ray wanted to see Yellowstone next and Amy, having never been west of Ohio prior to her misfortunate visit to LA, was up for the adventure.
They drove north from Yosemite and then across northern Nevada. They talked about a lot of things when either was not settled into some thoughtful silence.
Ray learned that Amy had no siblings and had been very bright in school.
The talked about what foods they liked, what movies they had seen, and places they had visited.
In Amys case that was not many.
She noticed that he had no wedding ring but did have a less tanned area of his ring finger where one would have been.
She wondered about that but did not want to jinx things by asking personal questions in areas he was not opening up about.
They skirted northern Utah, avoiding Salt Lake City, and headed north into Idaho as it was getting dark.
In Pocatello Ray pulled into a motor court with a vacancy sign.
Amy turned to him when he was getting ready to check in and said, ‘We can share a room instead of getting two so long as it has two beds.’
‘No, it’s OK. I don’t mind getting a second room. The rates are pretty cheap here.’
‘But if we share a room, that’s that much less I’ll have to pay you back later. I’m still gonna do that you know.’
Amy was actually still a bit shaken from her LA experience and had not slept well the night before. She had nightmares and felt she would feel safer with Ray in the room.
She was afraid to say this however and put her offer of sharing a room in economic terms.
Ray agreed and came back to the vehicle with one room key.
Ray let Amy choose her bed and she picked the one nearer the bathroom which put him closer to the door. He kicked off his shoes and asked her if she wanted to be the first to use the bathroom.
The Hitch Hiker was revised from a previous version published elsewhere. -------------------------------- Daniel was divorced and living alone. His stupid job had been the cause of his marital problems because he had to spend so much time on the road. If only he and his ex-wife Sally had kids, she would have had something to keep her occupied whenever he was away. But that was not to be, no matter how hard they tried, and Sally's apparent barrenness overburdened the shaky marriage. Perhaps, he...
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I never did like to hitch hike. When we were kids my old man used to tell me and my brother: if you don’t have anything to do, go to the end of the drive way and stick out you thumb. Seek adventure. I never took his suggestion. My brother did. He ended up in a mountain campground in the Pennsylvania hills. Had the time of his life. Got laid, got drunk, got in a fight and got his ass kicked. He still talks about it as the best week-end of his life. I was in the middle of a dart shooting...
It all should never have happened. My comfortable life should have stayed just that - comfortable. If I hadn’t made a sudden decision to hire a convertible and go for a long drive, or if my GPS had not said, "Signal lost," at the worst time, or if I hadn’t missed a turn while concentrating hard on driving on the right hand side of the road, then I would never have been on that road. Even then, I wouldn’t usually pick up a hitchhiker. If she had not been so good-looking, or not been wearing such...
Straight Sex]Back in the 60's I was hitch hiking across the state when This Van pulled over , an this couple in their 30 said where You heading , I said to Las Vegas . They hop in t. I got in the back the Girl had long blonde hair an the Guy had hippie look . She said You want some wine I said sure an drank some , She asked how old I was , I said 22 , She said hey Hun He's cute , yeah , maybe He like to party with us , she said well did ya , I said sure . We drove another few miles an saw a girl hitch...
Picked up a hitch hiker on their way to San Francisco.I am heading up Rt5, got off to get gas, there is a tranny hitch hiker by the on ramp, I am dressed in my gurl clothes but not too noticeable unless you were tranny oriented. I had on my panties, waist cincher, bra with A cup forms, girls jeans, and shirt. Not too obvious. I stopped the car and the hitch hiker came to the passenger side door, they said, "going to San Francisco?" and I said, "Hop in we will go together". He put his stuff in...
She looked safe, the pretty young thing standing along side the highway. And God knows I could use the company. The miles driven the last few days had been pretty lonely. "How far are you going?" I yelled out as I stopped the car along side her. "Phoenix," she yelled back. "Get in, throw your bag in the back seat if you can find the room," I laughingly yelled over the roar of the traffic. My back seat was full of clothes, a weakness I developed over the years. My ex-husband used to...
The next morning even with the sunshade in the windshield once the sun was up it pushed light back into the sleeper. He was delighted when he woke up she was already awake, smiled up at him, said, "Hi" and them kissed him on the cheek. "Hi" he replied and put his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her down to him and kissed her. It was the strongest approach the truck driver had used and he didn't notice the change in her at first. Sammi felt his hand firmly on her neck pull...
Around midday they drove through a fast food restaurant right off the highway taking lunch to go. Once back on the road Joseph was able to get Sammi talking about dance recitals and gymnastics competitions she did when she was younger. He got her smiling and laughing sharing stories and that made him feel good. As the afternoon grew later the conversation slowed as he focussed on traffic and trying to make the delivery on time. The hours and then minutes ticked down as he got closer and...
She once again sat back down on the mattress and had to smile that Ol'Jack had only lifted his head watching her. She laid back down petting him and taking a deep breath. This was far from the only night that she couldn't stop thinking or dreaming about Roger raping her. It made her nauseous to think about the things he did that night and over the next few weeks until she built up the nerve to runaway. Before he moved in with her and her mom, Holly, her old real birth name, would never...
This story is dedicated to the great Elaine, who is bright and kind and generous. Disclaimer: This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced, reprinted or reposted without the express consent of Jane Howard. Although there is no sex in this story, it depicts a budding romantic relationship between two male teens, one of whom is transgendered. If such a premise offends you, please don't read it. RUNAWAY By Jane Howard copyright 2003 She had decided to...
HumorRUNAWAY - Chapter 2 Tony and I kissed for ever, his hands caressing my body, my arms looped round his neck. My fingers were fascinated with the short spiky hair on the nape of his neck. One of his hands, now on the small of my back, pulled my body firmly against his. We were in contact from our lips through our bodies to our thighs. He had turned us slightly so that he was leaning back against the sea wall and one of his legs was pressed between mine. It was no surprise that I had...
RUNAWAY - Chapter 3 When I turned up at work the next morning Babs greeted me with a smile. "So," she asked, "are we looking at the cat that got the cream?" "I have no idea what you mean." I giggled. We took the conversation into the kitchen as there weren't any customers just yet. She made me tell her everything that had happened and what Tony had been like. I told her everything except about when we got back to his flat. And of course, I didn't mention anything to indicate...
I’m the kind of girl who sees herself as someone who doesn’t take shit from anyone. Unfortunately, my mom thought she should be able to dish out a full ration of crap and I should just sit there mute. Finally, the feces hit the fan and I’m on the street. I’ve got on a dress with a scandalously short skirt. The top is tight, and although my breasts are small, the tightness makes it look like I’m more stacked than I am. I’m not wearing panties, and I’m unconsciously heading for a rough part of...
Audrey's death was beautiful and she did not suffer. I'd held her too long, as Angela had warned me. We were not creatures for love, except that of the most selfish sort. We loved ourselves and tolerated others and I had grown fond of Audrey, adoring her in those last few days of her life. I would brush her hair, which had grown long over the passing months. I would brush it until it shone golden in the yellow light of our candles, and she sat still and smiling. I couldn't bring myself to...
"Hi. No, don't get up." I smiled and whispered and it was easy for me. "Sit down ... down..." There were two guards, big security men with uniforms and guns and radios. There were cameras too, recording us, and we didn't worry about them so much, not yet. I had something to do finally, because I was so good at this sort of thing and getting better all the time. I'd just walked in, through the metal detector and behind the desk as if joining them. The two men had only stared at me and...
Hitch Switch By Paul G. Jutras "This will be the easiest fin I ever made." Jason Chow thought as he stood on the side of the road with his thumb out. It had just started raining and he hoped that his subject would be along soon like his client said she would. According to Mr. Drake, his wife has been working as a paid escort in secret for weeks. As a friend at the office she didn't know, Jason was perfect to act as a private eye for him. When Mrs. Drake...
THE PROS AND CONS TO HITCH-HIKING Episode One I screamed as the fire-engine red Porsche peeled out, spitting gravel at me like buckshot. I picked myself up off the ground. And just like that, he was gone, just as quick as he had cum. One look at my hard cock and the lousy prick shot his load before he could even undo his belt. It's not that he came so quick, I can handle that, it's that he abandoned me on that lonesome road...
Jack Straw, 35, single forever, sales-man for stockings, lacy lingery and condoms, travels more miles through the lonely country than any one of us - it is his job! He doesn't meet many women on his long and dusty way through the outback, but he certainly longs for the once-in-a-lifetime encounter with a lady that will fulfill all his secret dreams! Here I am once again on this endless and winding road through the deserted country side. The six cylinder motor of my old station wagon is humming...
it was a sunny friday afternoon & i was driving home from a hard, boring, extremely long week of work when i saw a younger guy hitch hiking on the road. he was wearing shorts & sandals, but no shirt. his shoulders were very wide & as i approached, his eyes locked on2 mine. his chest was chiseled, his arms were huge & his abs were like stone. he looked 2 be clean & decent, so i decided 2 take a chance & pulled over about 50 feet in front of him. all of his muscles...
Christina had been warned many times about the dangers of hitch-hiking, but persisted anyway. “I’ve been doing it for years and nothing has ever happened to me.”, she maintained. She’d think nothing of hitch-hiking scantily clad and without a bra. It was one thing when she was in her early teens, but now that she was very fully developed, it was quite a different story. The day came, however, when she wished she had listened more. This is her story;A sinister looking man in a truck had picked...
Runaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...
After skinny dipping the lone camper steps out of the shallow stream at her campsite. The midday sun is hot and, being so far from civilization here deep in the woods, she sees no harm in lying naked upon her open sleeping bag and letting the warms rays of the sun dry her off. She lies there staring up at the swaying branches of the towering trees above her and listens to the sounds of nature. The soft fluttering of the leaves, the gentle chirping of unseen birds, the steady hiss of a nearby...
My girlfriend Sara and I decided to take a hiking trip in the mountains for a few days. The plan was to be driven deep into the mountain by the park service and then spend three days and nights hiking back. We carefully pack more than we needed in case of any emergency. We were driven to the furthest camp site, very secluded, perfect in a way. We were able to get in a short hike around our camp site before the sun started to set. After a nice dinner and a bottle of wine, we...
The banging on my cab door rocketed me out of an exhausted sleep. I didn't know who was knocking, but I did know why.I climbed out of my sleeper and looked out the driver's side window of the old cab over Mack. Standing there in the dim light was a working girl, a 'lot lizard'. I rolled down the window about half way and said, "Hey girl, what you up to?"She smiled and replied, "Not too much, baby. Do you need a date?"I told her no, that I was as broke as a church mouse. She waved a hand at me...
Straight SexI had the best thing happen to me the other day,i am a rep for a holiday company,and my job takes me all over the uk,well i dont normally stop for hitchikers,not in these times,but i was traveling to liverpool,and as i was leaving the motoway services,i noticed this young girl,nice lookin aswell,she was thumbing,and it was pouring with rain,i felt sorry for her,so i pulled over and asked where she was heading,she said to her mum`s in Manchester,so i told her to dump her bags in the back,she did...
The Hitchhiker I saw him on the way back from Houston, headed west. I normally don't pick up hitchhikers but he was so adorable standing on the side of the road with his beautiful brown hair waving in the wind. Once he got in the car, I realized he was just a boy maybe nineteen years old. Up close he reminded me of one of those male models I see in the magazines. We had a long way to go and filled the time by talking. His name was Billy. I loved the woodsy accent of his voice. He used...
The first time was when I was just 18 years old, about a week after high school. I had long, red, curly hair - about an inch above my shoulders. I weighed about 170 lbs., and I was 6' tall. I was a little hippie stud muffin that was into everything, and despite my perpetual horniness and perverse fantasies, my sex life was almost ordinary. I had a steady high school girlfriend to fuck and fuck we did. In the Spring, the last days before the previous Easter break, my girlfriend had already...
I was driving along highway 101 in northern California, heading back south to home after a few days of visiting friends in Humboldt County. It was springtime and had been a nice few days, hiking through the Redwoods and walking the beach. And I could still take my time going home, as it was still several days before I had to return to work. By the way, I was 52 years old at the time, a teacher on spring break. I was not as wild as other spring breakers, but I had my moments. Okay, not the sex...
‘Hey, guys, you missed a house,’ said a kid dressed as Superman. ‘We don’t go to that house,’ said a kid dressed as Spiderman. ‘We never go to that house.’ ‘You don’t? Why not? It’s a nice house, the biggest one on the street. Look at the fancy cars parked in the driveway. Whoever lives there must have money, a lot of money. They probably give out the best candy.’ ‘Didn’t you read the sign?’ ‘Sign? No, I didn’t see any sign. What sign?’ Go back and read the sign but read it from the...
The lad grinned across at me, pleased for the lift. I wasn’t going exactly where he wanted, but I could take him to a motorway junction twenty miles short without too much of a detour. He’d have to sort himself out from there: either stand in the cold with his thumb sticking out, like he had before I pulled up, or otherwise pay for a bus. He didn’t look like he had a huge amount of money, though. ‘You were in a pretty deserted place to be hitch-hiking,’ I said. ‘No wonder you had to wait for so...
How to flirt by e-mail? Through stories of past experiences, perhaps? What was your first experience with a fella? Where did you meet him? How did it come about? Was it a once off, or the beginning of something special? How did you feel? Mine was in 1993, so I was quite young, as I hitch-hiked from Dublin to Cork. A man picked me up, in a nice big car. He was in his late forties with a bushy beard. He had a pleasant manner and we chatted about the usual things, including the...
I hadn't been in his cab for more than a half hour when the driver who picked me up, brought up the subject of sex to me."Last week, I had a guy and girl riding with me and they both liked giving me blow jobs. And, you know, if I closed my eyes, I couldn't tell the difference of which one was sucking me off. They were both excellent at sucking cock.""That sounds like you had a fun ride," I replied.The fact that I was a cute cross-dressing boy made the solution simple to me. My trucker was about...
CrossdressingThe fantasy that gets me off the most lately is about hitch hiking. It’s late at night. My car breaks down on a lonely road way out in the middle of nowhere. And wouldn’t you know it, there is no cell phone service. Nothing to do now but try to get a ride.I stand by the car wearing my best helpless look. There isn’t very much traffic at this hour. I don’t feel very optimistic about my chances. Then along comes a car, way out here in the middle of the night.Guess what? It stops! I gratefully hop...
Runaways, 2 By: Malissa Madison All the way to the diner people kept introducing themselves to us. One young girl named Ginny asked if I was going to Miss Dotty's this year. "I don't know, is that a girls only school?" I asked. "Only the best on this planet," she said. "I beg to differ with you there, if her names Kitten she'll want to go to Miss Gina's Kitten Academy," said a girl named Rhoda. "Kitten Rhoda, is that any way to behave?" said a woman next to her. The look was...
This Story starts with guy who 35, but takes place when he's 25. The 2 girls are Jenifer (Jen) she 10-11 and Sarah who's 9-10. As with my other stories I use the ******** lines to sepparate the sex scenes. So if you get sick of the boring part of the story, just skip ahead. RUNAWAYS My name is John I’m 35, I’ve always loved younger girls but I didn’t realize how young until 10 yrs ago. When I was 22 I won $100,000,000.00 from a lottery, so I’m set for life. Anyway, 10yrs ago I was...
Roger started to follow but the large Italian man Vincent grabbed hold of his arm, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Holly's eyes opened wide when she was guided through the unmarked door and Viktor locked it behind them it had a vanity with a sink basin, a toilet and a glass enclosed shower. He sat her on the toilet and turned the water in the shower on. She definitely needed to pee but it was embarrassing doing so with him in the restroom. He kept his body and face pointed at the...