Swapping with Sis
- 4 years ago
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Arya stark est dans le pétrin : c’est le narrateur
Arya stark : c’est un dialogue
Arya stark passé une très mauvaise journée, ses frères étaient partis assister à l’exécution d’un déserteur, sa sœur, Sansa, c’était moqué de ces manières et de ses capacité de couture, la septa avait appuyé la moquerie en insistant que arya devrait être plus comme sa sœur, et après la leçon sa mère, Catelyn, avait reproché a arya de ne pas assez s’impliqué dans ses leçons et qu’elle devrait s’inspirer de sa sœur, ce fut la goutte d’eau qui fit déborder le vase et arya partit en courant du château.
Arya marchait à travers les rue de wintertown, arpentant les ruelles les plus sombres ou elle était tranquille, quand elle vit un groupes de trois adolescents, assis autour d’un feu, partageant une grosse gourde.
Askar, Beker et Carlo étaient assis dans leur ruelles habituelle, a profité d’une gourde de Sangacier, un alcool extrêmement puissant qui les réchauffait, quand Beker vit une jeune fille arrivait vers eux, a ses manières et a sa posture, il comprit que c’était une fille de petite ou grande noblesse, ou un riche marchant.
Arya décida d’aborder ces jeunes qui avait à peu près son Age, bonjour puis je me joindre à vous ?
Askar s’avançât et souris, Bien sur, plus on est nombreux, mieux c’est, pendant que arya s’avançait entre askar et carlo, beker et askar se regardèrent et sourirent, arya s’assit donc et, leur demanda leur nom, askar, beker et carlo se présentèrent et demandèrent a arya d’où elle venait, arya bafouilla et leur dit qu’elle habitait loin de winterfell et que ses parents étaient marchant venus vendre leurs marchandises, beker et carlo se regardèrent et ricanèrent, les habit de la filles, ses manières, sa façon de parler criait a la noblesse ou au moins a la richesse et pourtant la fille se disait juste fille de marchand, elle mentait donc, de toutes façon sa n’avait aucune importance pour eux, une jolie jeune fille naïve, qui avait vécu dans le luxe et le confort était une cible facile pour eux, la rançon serait importante, mais askar avait une autre idée en tête.
As-tu envie de sangacier ? tu as du déjà en goutter en tant que fille de marchants ? une grande gorgée est nécessaire quand on rencontre de nouvelles personnes a près tout.
Arya pris la gourde et regarda a travers le goulot, l’odeur était très forte mais elle ne voulait pas casser la fausse image qu’elle avait donné a ses hommes, alors elle porta le goulot a sa bouche, et elle pris une grande gorgée de sangacier, puis elle sentit un feu grandir dans son ventre, sa tête se mit a tournée, c’était la première fois qu’elle buvait de l’alcool et le sangacier était extrêmement fort, lorsqu’elle s’apprêta a passer la gourde a son voisin, beker lui fit non de la tête et lui dit Une gorgée par personne rencontré, tu devrais le savoir, non ?
Arya déglutit et porta la gourde une deuxième fois à la bouche, la deuxième gorgée fut pire, ses pensée devenais confuse, askar passa son bras autour des épaules d’arya et la rapprocha de lui,
Allé une dernière gorgée et on sera des amis, arya souris a ces mots, que ce soit sa volonté de ce faire des amie qui ne la considère pas comme une dame fragile ou a cause de l’alcool, elle mis la gourde a la bouche et ne vis pas askar légèrement soulevé la gourde pour l’empêcher d’en prendre une petite, arya alcoolisé ne s’en rendit pas compte et bu donc une grande quantité, plus que les deux premières fois, lorsqu’elle fini sa gorgé, elle se trouva dans un état d’euphorie, Alors sa y est on est amis ? demanda-t-elle.
Non pas encore, carlo sortie une paire de dés, comme tout membres d’une famille de marchant il faut faire un défi de dés ,arya paniqua, elle ne connaissait pas ce jeu mais ses ami lui apprendrais si elle leur disait la vérité, alors arya leur racontât la vérité sur qui elle était, l’alcool lui fit manquer le sourire prédateurs qui apparut sur le visage des trois hommes, askor lui caressa la joue et lui dit j’ai envie d’être amie avec une jeune fille courageuse et chevaleresque que toi alors on vas t’apprendre les règles et on vas jouer ensemble pour sceller notre amitié, d’accord ? Arya hocha vigoureusement la tête, trop heureuse pour réfléchir, Carlo s’avance devant elle et lui dit ceci les règles sont simples, on jette tous un dès celui qui fait le plus petit numéro doit faire un gage, le plus grand numéro choisi le gage et les deux autres boivent une gorgés chacun, on est obligé de boire et de faire le gage, tu as tout compris ?
Arya soûle, ne réfléchit pas et accepte les règles, elle prend un dès et lance.
we sit at a bar in a nice hotel sipping over drinks...i can see you looking wantingly at a pretty fit barman as we sit there. you finish your drink and say your going to head up to the room, i,ll follow you up i say....when i arrive at the room you lying on the bed in a skimpy black silk nighty and nothing else.....i walk into the room...followed by that fit barman....looking at you he becomes at little embarrased but that dos,nt last long....come here slut and show our guest your glad he,s...
Two clan chiefs, the Kahn (who was the leader of the clans), and the representative from the Tidus principality stood staring at the smoking remains of the star. Five bodies were laying dead and were still smoking. The star had been destroyed by some spell cast in response to the attack on the enemy's leader. The Kahn was not a happy man. He had been told that the book of magic they had used to create the star of five was a most ancient and powerful magical instruction. It was true, that...
Damn, so what up ya'll. So lately I been reading a friend's stories from xham. Shit turns me on, no lie. Also turns me on that we're from the same island of Chuuk. Anyways, that shit made me want to tell my story of how I lost my fucken virginity. Well, I'm gonna tell you more of these crazier stories but let me tell you how it all started, right ? Cause why the fuck not? So a bit about myself. I'm not a fucken six pack motherfucker. I'm a chunky but tall as bloke. I can get down and shit, but...
Hey guys this is Zathyus(name changed) from Hyderabad and this my 3rd story at ISS. Oh so let me first tell you that this is not a fantasy or just a simple fake story it is a real incident which happened with me and I would thank to ISS which gave me the experience to get the pleasure with these ladies since last 2 yrs. Ohk guys for those who don’t know me let me introduce you my self. Im Zathyus from Hyderabad and im 19 right nw. Im doing my B.com 1st year from a college from Hyderabad. I...
Amy woke to an empty bed, and a hidden fear snaked through her dawning consciousness. She’d gotten used to waking every morning to the warmth of her uncle Ben’s body caressing and pleasuring her, sensuously introducing her to the new day. This morning though, he wasn’t behind her, holding her close to him as he filled her with his massive masculinity, or luxuriously lapping at her own femininity. She felt alone and deserted, and a wave of panic swept over her. “Ben?” she called out. “Where...
Christmas 2011, London :We had a works event with a Rock theme. There was a rock band on, some very clean Harleys placed about, and a rock disco. The account directors had the chance to cram their overly lunched guts into some rather too new lookingbiker jackets. Despite the spend, we were ordered to share rooms if we were staying over. I was paired with 23 year old PASamantha. She normally had her hair up and designer glasses, very executive looking. I had admired her asre on the quiet. I...
1977 words - .98Chapter 11 Night of HorrorsAs Cindi watched the men follow her master back to the camp she already felt the pain in her arms and legs as she hung from the two trees. Under her weight the branches were getting closer to the ground. She was not sure if a wild a****l came into the camp that she would not be a dinner for one of them. She had no idea where she was or the wildlife that may inhabit the woods around her. She had come to expect the worse from her master, leaving her...
Freed from Inhibitions By Jennifer White It was a mistake to tell my girlfriend Jen about my fantasy. Yes, we had been together a long time, and she was pretty adventurous. But I held back. But as we grew closer, and I got to know her, I felt that I had complete trust in her. I felt that I could tell her my deepest fantasy, which was always part of me, since I first came into consciousness. I wanted to be a girl. At least, some of the time. I had wished this, ever since I...
Today i am so happy. For the first time I am giving interview to a news channel. My husband has got prize from an international organization. i won’t say anything more as it may reveal our true identity . Well i am kavita from Bangalore. We are Punjabis but settled here for five years. We live in a posh neighborhood where only rich people live. There no slums But huge palatial buildings of rich men and costly flats.I live in a 15 storied flat. All the flat owners are wealthy. After the...
(A punch, and a man goes down, losing his knife and a couple of teeth. An alley is strewn with fallen fighters, around a single man carrying a long, thin wrapped bundle. His name is Zanza. There is only one other man left who is still conscious, and he is sitting up against a fence.) Man: I know, we've lost. You're strong. Please, spare me. Zanza: You don't have to say it. I'm already done. You're too weak! If I kept going I'd just be picking on a bunch of weaklings. I bought into a...
© Copyright 2003 "I'm sorry Officer!" I said into the glare of the flashlight, "I didn't realize I was going so fast!" "License and registration, please" a female voice emanated from behind the light. That was good! I handed her the documents and put on my most charming attitude, "I guess my mind was still on my date tonight!" "Is this your correct address, Sir?" she waved the license. "Yes ma'am!" She checked the picture against my flashlighted face, then noted...
Newly pregnant Val Marcolina was delighted at being included in the informal pre-shower meeting that was in progress at her sister Heather's house. Janet was carefully laying out several pictures of different style baby carriages for the other women's inspection. Val's mother pointed to one of the designs. Janet looked on and said, "Hmmmm, well I think it's between this one, and..." she paused to point at the third photo, " ... maybe this one." Val's mother nodded effusively, and...
I stood up and went to pull up my knickers, my cock covered in the last drops of cumSally clean his cock She kneeled down and licked and sucked my softened cock,, she licked every drop off , my cock started to get hard againSally stood up she looked a mess mascara running down her cheeks , she took a tissue and blew her noseKate undid the other cuff and said are you OK baby and kissed her on the forehead, sally smiled yea I'm fine Kate kissed her on the mouth , sally seemed really turned onI...
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manda Deacon was a married, white woman in her mid-twenties. Twenty-six, to be exact. She had a very nice body and firm ass, too good belonging to a married woman. A natural dark blonde woman, she was a head turner and would grab attention of any polite, white man if not for her wedding band. To aggressive black men, it did not matter. And Amanda was accustomed and very comfortable with black men, thanks to a progressive program sanctioned by The Black Power Movement.She, like her husband,...
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Well it took some doing but we finally did it in Napa at motel 6. We agreed on last Friday night so we could claim it before the New Year as our breakthrough and teddy had been a total wreck the past week wondering in one second if we should call it off but in the next second she was in a turmoil at what to wear or her deflowering. I woke up several times this last week when she was masturbating in a frenzy and it always embarrassed her when I caught her fingering herself but she laughed a...
Hands On Hardcore proudly presents a dirty ass licking and pussy fucking piece starring gorgeous blonde, Roxy Risingstar and John Price. Roxy is one hot little hooker dressed in a tight leather mini-skirt, sheer black stockings, and high heels all of which accentuate her incredible curvy ass and toned legs. Watch as she spreads those stems impressively wide to accommodate Mr. Price’s big prick and take it in as deep as he can shove it. This is some hot hotel sex scene that will have you...
xmoviesforyouI am Vasanth from hyderabad,29yrs old and I ma back with another of my adventure and this time with an aunt of mine. Her name is priya. She is my uncle wife. My aunt was 33 at that time .i went to my uncle house for summer vacation that time he went to dubai for official work. I started to masturbate thinking about my lovely aunt who had two huge boobs and a good figure as compared to other Indian house wives.She stayed in the same house as I stayed hence I wasted no opportunity to stare at her...
IncestAn irrepressible lust stirred a mysterious masked Master from watching Valentina Nappi’s luscious tits and mouth-watering ass. Valentina who’s in a seductive zipper swimsuit intensified the man’s sex drive that he viciously takes the girl out of the cage and brings her into a sexy room where Valentina begs for her master’s thick, tough and hard cock. She slobbers his cock, giving it a sloppy blowjob before her master fiercely enters and bangs her pussy in missionary and doggystyle....
xmoviesforyouShe watches his silhouette through steamy glass, taking his enticing measure, as he manipulates warm suds against his undulatory locomotion, his torso's repetitive wavy gestures mesmerizing. His forward, then backward undulations give away his masculine needs. She aches to touch, to be touched, then acts upon her own needs while observing carefully his thrusts. Unable to stand the tension any longer she rises up, her robe falling open, as she knows he's peering at her as well. She hears him...
SeductionHOT, EVEN IN the shade in our backyard, where Sam and I were lying side-by-side on our backs under the big tree. I felt my t-shirt sticking in back, even in the shade. Left the clouds on their own for a moment, opened my eyes, and turned to look at Sam. I wanted to lick those little drops of sweat off of her upper lip. I closed my eyes again, but I could hear the smile in Sam’s voice. “Go ahead, Buddy.” I turned on my side. Salty, warm sweat, and my tongue liked every little drop. Then my...
Sir Bristow had proposed that I bring the Tusker sisters to meet with him at Greenwich. He was using, he said, the splendid Painted Hall of the Royal Greenwich Hospital for Seamen as the venue to interview those Institute members adjudged as potential beneficiaries of the Institute's bursary. There has been a deep relationship between the Institute and the Navy; so many of the innovations of the former have been of benefit to the latter. Such was the warmth of the relationship between the...
I simply loved teaching the introductory Sissy Slave Classes at the Matriarchal Values Group, or MVG, and since the class is limited in size it is almost always fully enrolled and most people who take the course end up registering months early to make sure they will have a place secured for the upcoming class.The Matriarchal Values Group, or MVG, was a private society of like-minded, dominant women who believe and live our lives based on our individual interpretations of what it means to be a...
Femdom(Author Note) The acts of the fetish known as Breath Play performed in this and other stories by ME are not recommended to be attempted by those without experience, not educated concerning this fetish, and without an experienced and trustworthy partner. Thank you. ***** He couldn’t sleep, tossed and turned as his mind was consumed. Victor found himself seated in his favorite chair by lamp light, a glass of wine atop the chair side table and a cigar tucked between his lips. In his hand...
As I get near your door, I hear a moan. I think it's a little odd, I've never heard you make that sound. I walk into the doorway and freeze. There you are, your white cotton panties around your ankles, your red plaid skirt hitched up around your waist, your white shirt slightly unbuttoned, your red tie astray... You're masturbating. My little princess is sitting there, propped up on her bed with pillows, rubbing her clit furiously. I get nervous, but notice your eyes are tightly closed....
Hi, this is Mohan Reddy (). I live in Indore and am 50 yrs. I have been putting up a no of stories I have experienced. It’s just that I am mostly staying alone that I get such opportunities. I am going to tell you about what happened a year ago. It’s about a neighbor who used to stay alone as she was widowed. She has 2 kids both married. A son and a daughter. The daughter is married in Bangalore and her son in the US. She shuttles to the US 3 months in a year. Around 1 month she spends with her...
The stillness of the night is interrupted by the sound of a single pair of booted feet upon the worn stones of the corridor. Maximus sits in his cell wondering at life and the circumstances that put him here, slave, and gladiator in the empires greatest city. Once a Free citizen with lands and a title, one of the most powerful generals in the Legion, now forced to fight for his life or bleed to death on the sands, laughed at by those who come for the sport. “It shall never happen,” Maximus,...
I'd been married for about 15 years when I got a job transfer and my wife and I moved to Hawaii. We moved to the outskirts of Honolulu and enjoyed living in paradise. However our life at home had become a little stale, especially in the bedroom. She had always wanted to move to HI and now that she was here, the heat in the bed seemed to get turned down to a simmer. Sex was once a week if I was luckky and it was straight missionary. Basically she would lay back, spread her legs, and wait for me...
People were greeted for the opening of a new store. According to the staff, the store will feature articles that allow people to change anything about themselves for a period of time and reverse the effects without any issues. While some of these changes might be weird, They are actually fun to deal with. Among the many articles, many of them lead to various form of body modifications, such as inflation, objectification and many more. Employees will also be close to help customers with their...
FetishHi dosto mera naam ravi hai aur mai Bathinda(punjab) ka rehne wala hoon.agar aap ko meri story pasand aaye to mujhe mail jrur kren mera ab jyada waqt khrab na krte hue mai story shuru krta hoon. Baat un dino ki hai dosto jab mai b.a 2nd mey study kar rha tha.mere pita ji aur mera bda bhai ek hi company mey kaam krte hai aur meri mummy ek teacher hai isliye mere par bhi study ka kaafi dbaav hai.garmi ki chuttiyon mey mere pita ji aur bhai ko bonse ke roop mey 1 week ke liye saari family ke saath...
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As Kelly walked into the lobby of the Riverwalk Hilton, she thought about what she was here for. She was coming here to submit to Mr. Thomas. She knew he would fuck her and she would have to suck him, but she had to come anyway, she had no choice. She also knew she would experience mind numbing orgasms that would still the craving she tried to deny. A couple of weeks ago, the call she dreaded had come. When she picked up the phone, Mr. Thomas' voice said, "Hello, Kelly, how are you?"...
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I spent the next twenty-four hours in and out of ice baths. I hated those things. My ear stopped ringing the first night with the aid of Kate’s heals. Jude woke Friday morning. I had heard that Kate cried along with Nat, when the medic reported the news. I knew that it was all due to Kate that she lived at all. Kate barely sleeping the last day and night, to maximize her Healing times, enabled Jude to recover as fast as she did. That seventeen-inch long wound, would leave a scar for a...
Introduction: short scene at the coffee shop Why is the line in this coffee shop always so long? I mumbled to myself. Despite this place always having a ridiculous line, the barista here is the only woman I know that can get my coffee right. In the end the line is always justified. I patiently waited and one by one I was closer to my favorite barista. A beautiful redhead woman stood in front of me, she couldnt be any more than 57. Her long bouncy red hair contrasted her skin perfectly, causing...
Tuesday, July 26. J.J. lets out a deep groan of pleasure as Allison’s lips kiss the base of his stiffened shaft. Just like last week, J.J. is seated on her sofa, with the nerdy wife on her knees between his open legs, steadily massaging his sperm swollen nut pouch with her hand as she works his love wand with her mouth. She is giving up her lunch hour, having hurried home from work to suck off her teen stud. “Does that feel good?” she asks, looking deep into the stud’s eyes through her sexy...
Its been a while since my last story so I thought it was time for an update. My transition is almost complete, my breasts are round and firm and my body is taking on a more female shape. I was at the shops the other day and was chatted up by a good looking guy, so must be doing something right lol. I have sorted my business to having a few well paying clients, so I have a bit of me time. I was out with a friend having drinks the other day, of course this involves shopping for new clothes and...
I regret having posted my 23 rd episode after a very long time. Many fans of mine were really upset with me, showing their concern to continue the Story, by mailing me. I couldn’t cope to write my true story, due to lack of time. I shall re-cap the whole story up to now by next episode, so that my fans & readers, can continuity. So, 23 rd episode is below, read and let me know your comments pls. JAYA’s mom stood numb seeing me below her cot with my short’s zip open with my erect COCK in my hand...
Incest(The Lady in Red-Suspect #2) I made my customary informal poll of the jurors after lunch that day and found that the majority of the sitting jurors were now on the side of the prosecution. I didn’t need a law degree to understand that this was tantamount to disaster for poor Winston. At this rate of commitment, he was well on his way to a guilty verdict unless the direction of the trial changed from slow entanglement to something quite different. The afternoon started off nicely when Sam...
2076 a.d. Judgment Béla was back aboard the great ship, confined to unfamiliar, cramped quarters under house arrest after turning herself in for killing a landowner. The Bard Geoffrey and two of her sisters, Dawn and Jolene, were currently managing the estates that she'd acquired from Robert LaCrosse, whom she was accused of murdering with her mind. Over the last month, the daughters of Sibilius had gone down to the surface and, following Béla's example of representing themselves as...
First Lesson This story begins almost half a century ago, when I was fourteen. By today's standards we were almost Victorian in our purity and prudishness. That, at least, was how it was supposed to be. In fact, we were probably morally looser and more promiscuous than young people today but we were all hypocrites. Nice girls didn't do it. That was a given. And, if they were forced to, they didn't tell because everyone would think it was her fault, anyway. I can be thankful for that...
I passed over the sexy red dress and went for the simple black dress. I didn't wear any jewelry but I did wash and brush my hair. I blow dried it to give it some body, which was very little. Two inches of hair is going to look like two inches of hair no matter what you do to it. I looked at myself in the mirror and I still saw myself, just in a black dress, instead of my usual jeans. I was pretty disgusted with my looks, when I left the apartment. I drove the cruiser to Tryon and then to...
-------------------------------------- This is a story of fiction and fantasy. If it comes true I would be ecstatic. Thanks for reading and be positive and kind with your remarks. -------------------------------------- I decided that it had been way too long since I have been laid. The upcoming 3 day weekend I had nothing at all planned, so I decided to put an ad on a local website looking for fun and lots of sex. The ad: "I am mid 50's, 5'11" 212# dad-bod, construction worker,...
Hey, guys, this is Animesh back with another sexstory experience from one of my followers. It might be a bit long but it’s totally worth it. Hope you have a great time. I don’t know what it is about the thought of any man staring at me lustfully, or letting anyone touch me that gets me so turned on. I am a 20-year-old girl. I look truly gorgeous, with long dark hair and beautiful, radiant skin. I am 5’5″ tall, also lucky to have a gorgeous body, with beautiful breasts and a cute ass. Me, with...
After more years on the road than I care to remember, I grew tired of living out of a suitcase. I gave notice to the booking agency that right after the Spring season I would be taking my leave. My parents gave me permission to occupy my old room in exchange for chores and a modest rent.Now I was faced with a new problem, finding a job. I had no high school diploma and no real job market skills aside from never missing a show. I had several interviews with no success. It was a week or two later...
SpankingBridgette B can’t get enough of Manuels cock in her ass, so she’s back for more sphincter stretching. MILF superslut Bridgette is bouncing her beautiful boobs in sexy blue and black lace lingerie as she shows off her curvaceous body to us. We get to examine every inch of her mocha skin as she takes off her top and plays with her titties then slides down her panties as she makes her way upstairs. Bridgette plays with herself until Manuel joins her on the couch and wastes no time burying his face...
xmoviesforyouHello all!It's time for me to answer another question in detail! I get asked a lot, "Where is the wildest place you have ever fucked?" The short answer, on the sofa of a night club. Now it's time for the whole story.*Last fall, I was heading out to a dance club here in my small middle American town. A goth/industrial night only happens about once a month here and the October event is the BEST one. It was a cool night here in Indiana. I wore a nice long black velvet skirt, the long flowly heavy...
You have to wonder sometimes if it is worth it. You go to work and you bust ass to provide for your family, you see to it that they want for nothing and do they appreciate it? Not a fucking bit. They look on it as their just due. I had gone out of town to work with a customer on a bid for work he wanted my company to do. I finished the bid and called my boss to let him know I was done and would be heading home a day early. He asked me to stop by the office and see him before going home. I...