- 2 years ago
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‘Please, enter and be welcome. My name is Nina, and I am to be your guide today.’ It didn’t sound threatening, especially coming from the lips of a slim blonde girl wearing a serene smile and not much else, but thoughts of Jonestown kept running through Malcolm’s head as he stepped into the church and closed the door. He’d have preferred to get the head of this weird…cult, church, tax dodge, whatever the ‘Way of the Living Divinity’ turned out to really be…down to the office for this interview, but she’d insisted that for the sake of transparency, any auditor really needed to see the inner workings of the faith. His boss had agreed, but Malcolm wished it didn’t have to be his head in the noose.
His boss hadn’t been particularly sympathetic, though. ‘For fucksake, Mal, it’s not going to be Jonestown,’ he’d said when Malcolm had brought it up. ‘It’s not even the goddamn Moonies. This is just another weird little California cult of hippies. Nobody’s brought kidnapping complaints against them, they’re not stockpiling guns–we think their tax-exemption is BS, that’s all. Hell, you don’t even have to tell them that. Just do your evaluation, take some notes, and tell them you’ll get back to them.’
That was easy for his boss to say. He was in a nice, big, IRS building with security at every door, not inside a windowless ‘church’ with who knew how many followers of the Way of the Living Divinity getting ready to do who knew what to him.
Still, at least he knew Nina didn’t have any concealed weapons. In fact, a casual glance at her diaphanous robes told him that she didn’t have any concealed underwear, either. The gauzy fabric clung to her body like it was damp, clearly outlining her in a way that made her look almost more naked than if she’d been naked. He wondered if this was some sort of bribe, or maybe an attempt to discredit him. His report wouldn’t mean a whole lot if someone from the church said afterwards, ‘Oh, by the way, did we mention he tried to paw one of our members?’
She didn’t exactly act like a sinister schemer, though. She looked at him with a genuine smile that went all the way up to her sparkling blue eyes and said, ‘I’m afraid Her Divinity is just the tiniest bit busy at the moment, She’s administering the Second Sacrament to one of our members. But I’m sure it won’t take long, so if you just want to follow me, I’ll escort you to Her chambers and you can wait for Her there.’
‘Um, sure.’ Malcolm tried very hard to keep eye contact with her the whole time, but it wasn’t easy. She was a foot shorter than him, and she was leaning slightly forward and…and, well, he was only human. Those robes gathered her cleavage together in a way that made him very glad he had a briefcase to hold in front of his crotch. ‘Do you, um…do you mind if I talk to you while we wait?’ This could actually work to his advantage, he thought. Whatever the Glorious Leader might tell him at the interview, five minutes alone with one of the rank-and-file would give him a pretty clear idea of what philosophy they followed here…if any.
‘Of course not,’ she said beatifically as she started down the hall, beckoning him to follow. ‘The Goddess has commanded me to assist you in every way possible until your audience with Her. Whatever the Divine Will commands, I must carry out to the best of my abilities.’
‘Um…okay.’ Yeah, that was a big old check in the box marked ‘cult’. A lot of small religions had charismatic leaders, of course, any new faith had to have someone pretty convincing up in the pulpit to get people to go along with it. But if the philosophy of the Way of the Living Divinity was really, ‘Whatever the Living Divinity says, do it her way’? That sounded like someone setting up a church for herself so that she could live the good life without property taxes, in Malcolm’s book.
And the good life looked to be pretty good, here. The grounds were impressive enough, but this place looked like they’d spent a fortune on it. Nina led Malcolm through a maze of corridors with marble-fronted walls and alcoves everywhere filled with expensive-looking works of art. The carpeting alone looked to be worth about as much as he’d paid for his whole house. Maybe the cultists paid for that themselves, though. His guide was barefoot, and she wasn’t the only one. Everyone he passed wore the same gauzy robes–talk about the good life, he thought. It was like a wet t-shirt contest every day. He’d passed some male cultists as well as female, and they all looked like they’d sprouted permanent boners. Everyone was in good shape, too. Malcolm went to the gym and played handball regularly, but these people looked like they had nothing better to do but keep fit.
They turned another corner, and Malcolm mentally added an ‘almost’ to the ‘nothing’, while finding himself grateful that his skin was too dark to show a blush. There was a dark-haired girl in one of the alcoves, leaning over a marble bench with her robe bunched up around her hips while a male cultist fucked her from behind. They were both facing Malcolm and Nina, but neither one of them seemed even remotely embarrassed at being interrupted.
Nina didn’t seem embarrassed, either. She gave them a little wave and said, ‘Devon! Callie! This is Malcolm Seward, he’s a visitor to Her Divinity. Malcolm, this is Devon and Callie.’
‘Hi,’ Devon said, giving his hips a little extra pump for emphasis.
‘Hi!’ Callie squeaked out, obviously having a little difficulty finding her voice at the moment.
Malcolm gave them a frozen smile and waved. He didn’t say anything. What was there to say?
‘It’s wonderful to meet you, Malcolm,’ Devon said, grinding against Callie’s ass. ‘Would you like to join us?’
Nina saved Malcolm from further embarrassment by cutting in smoothly with, ‘I’m afraid he can’t. I’ve been commanded to escort him to the Goddess’ chambers, and, well…’
‘True pleasure is service to the Goddess,’ all three chorused at once. Callie’s voice was a little shaky, but she joined in right along with them. Malcolm made a mental note to see if he could find out Nina’s real name at some point. Even if nobody had accused the Way of kidnapping anyone, he couldn’t believe that people felt this spontaneously devoted to anybody, Goddess or not.
‘We understand,’ Devon said. He reached around and tugged at Callie’s nipples through the sheer fabric, working them like he was milking her. Callie’s eyes rolled back in her head. ‘Perhaps after his audience with Her Holiness.’ Malcolm tried not to watch, but again, he was only human.
‘If the Goddess wills it,’ Nina said. It took Malcolm a moment to realize she’d started walking again, and he hurried to catch up. After taking another (mercifully coitus-free) corner, he found himself outside an ornate door. ‘The audience chambers of the Living Divinity,’ Nina said with a trace of awe in her voice as she opened the door.
Inside, the room was furnished with low tables and comfortable piles of pillows to sit on instead of chairs. Gauzy curtains managed to create an atmosphere of intimacy despite the vast size of the chamber, Malcolm didn’t know how many members the Way of the Living Divinity had, but he’d be willing to bet that they could all fit in here at once. A faint scent of some unknown incense filled the air.
‘Please, take a seat anywhere you like,’ Nina said. Malcolm tentatively crossed his legs and sat down on a pile of pillows, holding his briefcase in his lap. ‘Feel free to set that on the table,’ Nina commented as she plopped down across from him, sitting in a way that made him more than a little wary of moving the briefcase just yet. He started calculating value-added taxation rates in his head in an effort to calm his bulging erection.
‘So, when you said you wanted to talk,’ Nina said, ‘did you mean you actually wanted to have sex? Because there’s no need to be ashamed if you do. I’d be happy to.’ Malcolm bit his lip and tried to remember every class of charitable deduc
tion he could think of.
After a moment, he realized that Nina was still waiting for his answer. ‘No,’ he said, trying to keep his voice even, ‘I just wanted to talk a bit about your faith. How did you become involved with the Way?’
Nina’s smile went vague and dreamy as her eyes became slightly unfocused. ‘I met the Goddess,’ she sighed out. ‘I’d moved out to LA a few months earlier, trying to get a job in modeling–it was kind of tough going, but I’d started to get a few gigs here and there. One of the other girls was a member of the Way, and she invited me to her apartment to talk about the faith. The Goddess was there when I got there, and…’ Nina took a deep, shuddering breath. ‘The moment I saw Her, I just knew. She administered the Sacraments to me that very night.’
Malcolm frowned, his erection subsiding a little as compassion replaced arousal. He wondered if Nina was even capable of remembering events as they really happened, or if she’d totally replaced being held against her will and brainwashed with memories of instant devotion. ‘And your friends? Your family?’
Nina’s smile didn’t vanish–it looked like it was a permanent part of her face–but it did dim a little. ‘I never got along with my mom,’ she said. ‘We hadn’t spoken in months even before I moved out here, and I think we were both pretty happy with that arrangement. As for my friends, well…I introduced them all to the Goddess and the Way. They all understand now.’
‘Understand…what, exactly?’ Malcolm asked. ‘What is the Way of the Living Divinity? Help me out, here.’
‘The Way is love and pleasure,’ Nina said, her eyes now completely blank as she recited words from deep within her mind. ‘Love and pleasure both flow from the Goddess, and flow back to Her in return.’ Her nipples hardened as she spoke, and the gauzy fabric of her robe couldn’t even begin to conceal her obvious arousal. ‘We experience true pleasure by serving the Goddess, and Her pleasure with our service becomes our deeper pleasure in return.’
Malcolm added several more mental checks to the box marked ‘Cult’. Nina had almost forgotten he was there, she was so lost inside her own head. It was actually pretty impressive, if he could take her statement of being in the cult for ‘a few months’ at face value. Whoever this Goddess really was, she knew exactly how to get inside people’s heads. Malcolm reminded himself again that his boss knew where he was and when he was supposed to be back.
‘We serve the Goddess with love and pleasure,’ Nina continued. ‘The greater the pleasure we give ourselves and others, the better we serve the Goddess.’ She was openly masturbating now, pressing the heel of her hand against her pussy and rubbing through her robes as she spoke. ‘Since sexual pleasure is the deepest, the strongest, the most powerful pleasure, sexual pleasure pleases the Goddess best. And her pleasure heightens and deepens our p-p-pleasure…ohhh…’
Malcolm felt ashamed with himself for not stopping this, but Nina’s performance was mesmerizing. He’d never in his life seen a woman so totally lost in sexual rapture. She shuddered and moaned, her mantra barely even coherent now as she pressed her fingers into her cunt and worked the sheer fabric into her pussy. ‘And if, if sexual pleasure serves the Goddess, then ohh, then service to the Goddess is s-s-sexual pleasure…unnh, ohhh, serving the Goddess feels like sex, serving the Goddess is sex, obedience to Her will is the true pleasure, oh, oh, oh Goddess yes!’ She clenched her eyes shut and bucked her hips against her hand in one of the most spectacular and uninhibited climaxes Malcolm had ever imagined, let alone seen.
After a long, loud moment, she finally opened her eyes again and slid her dripping fingers out of her pussy. ‘So I hope that helps explain things just a little,’ she said, her voice muzzy with bliss. ‘The Goddess explains it better than I do, though.’
‘Thank you, Nina,’ said a voice behind them. Malcolm half-turned to see a woman in loose, flowing black robes standing in the doorway. She was strangely exotic, with long dark hair and bronze skin that made her race almost impossible to place–one moment, she seemed Asian, the next Polynesian, then perhaps a blend of Indian and…no, it was no good. She could be from anywhere. All Malcolm knew for sure was that she was utterly stunning. He’d thought he was aroused watching Nina masturbate, but the mere sight of the newcomer made his cock stiffen like he had an iron bar in his pants.
‘That will be all, Nina,’ she said with an air of benevolent authority in her voice. ‘You may go.’ Nina stood up to leave, but swayed as though drunk with joy when the woman added, ‘You have pleased Me greatly, Nina.’
Malcolm watched Nina leave out of the corner of his eye, but he couldn’t look away from the exotic beauty in front of him. ‘Forgive the delay,’ she said. ‘My name is Kanani. I am the Living Divinity of the Way. I understand you had some questions for Me?’
Malcolm struggled to remember exactly what it was he was here to ask her about. ‘I, um, yes, I…’ He lost his voice entirely when Kanani undid the clasp around her neck and let her robes fall to the floor. Beneath them, she was completely nude, her skin glistening as if oiled. Her whole body was absolute gleaming perfection, with not a single blemish or fault. If a sculptor had put a lifetime into creating a flawless statue of a woman, he could not have hoped to match Kanani’s form.
Kanani smiled. ‘Relax,’ she said. ‘I know it can be a little intimidating at first, meeting a Goddess, but I’ve been told I’m very easy to get along with, Mister Seward…can I call you Malcolm?’ She sat down in the spot vacated by Nina, and Malcolm could tell that she was reveling in the damp warmth the other girl had left behind.
‘I, um…yes, that’s fine.’ Malcolm shook his head slightly to clear it. He clutched his briefcase like a talisman, trying to will his eyes up and away from Kanani’s perfect pussy and managing only to move them up to her large, perfectly-formed tits. ‘I’m, um…I’m here to ask you…um…’ Kanani giggled, causing her breasts to jiggle just a little and derailing his train of thought once more. ‘Questions!’ he yelped out, clenching his eyes shut. ‘I’m here to ask you about your…religion. Beliefs, that is. What are the beliefs of your faith?’
Even Kanani’s voice was seductive, he realized as she responded. ‘Oh, whatever I want them to be, I suppose. I am, after all, the Living Divinity. That is the central tenet of the Way, the understanding that I am divine, a Goddess incarnate on this earth, and that I must be worshiped and obeyed. It’s very simple, don’t you think? So much easier to understand than all those confusing religions where you have doddering old men interpreting the commands of an absentee deity. I am here, I am real, and I am Goddess. In the flesh, as it were.’
Malcolm swallowed hard as he remembered the flesh in perfect detail. It was as though Kanani’s form was burned onto his retinas, even with his eyes closed, he could still see her. ‘But I mean…don’t you have any kind of guiding principles? Some truth your followers understand even when you’re not around to tell them what to do?’
Kanani giggled musically. ‘They know how to serve Me even when I am not there,’ she said. ‘You saw Nina, you understand. She knew My Will was pleasure. She accepted the truth of My divinity. That was all she needed, and all she will ever need. I have no use for dusty books to write down My faith. My faith is warm and living.’
Malcolm felt irritation bubbling up under his arousal. He tried to be tolerant of other faiths, both personally and professionally, but that only went so far when they were taking cheap shots at his. He still wished he could get away for just a few minutes and jack off, let some of this pressure out of his balls and calm his raging erection, but her little digs actually helped to take his mind off of how hot she was. ‘That’s fine for Nina,’ he said,
‘but I’m not a member of your ‘faith’. I don’t believe you’re a goddess. How do you–‘
‘That’s because you haven’t taken My Sacraments, yet,’ Kanani said, cutting him off. Her voice sounded close in his ears, and Malcolm’s eyes flew open to see her kneeling directly in front of him. He gasped in surprise, and as he did, he inhaled her scent, overwhelming the incense and making him dizzy with lust. ‘You have not tasted My divinity. Until you experience, how can you understand?’
With those words, she kissed him. For an instant too small to measure, he thought about pushing her away, but then he felt Her tongue slip into his mouth and his hands reached around Her in an embrace, instead. She tasted like nectar in his mouth, and all his strength turned to water except for the strength needed to cling to Her as he sagged slowly backwards onto the pillows. She leaned into him the whole way down, pressing onto his body with undeniable authority.
It felt like forever before She finally broke the kiss. ‘That was My First Sacrament,’ She said. ‘Taste of My Living Word, and know that I speak perfect truth.’
Malcolm’s head swam. ‘I…I don’t, I can’t…’ He tried to find some logic that would let him deny Her words, but She gave him another deep, soulful kiss and logic twisted itself around in his head as he tasted Her again, until it tangled up in a snarl of confusion and snapped completely.
‘I am a Goddess, Malcolm. Isn’t that right?’ She looked down at him, Her eyes boring into his soul as he shivered in desire.
‘I, I don’t know, I…’ She couldn’t be a Goddess, Goddesses didn’t just walk around nude tasting sweet and warm in his mouth and oh fuck, he was so horny and everything She said was perfect truth and She said She was a Goddess and… ‘I, no, it can’t be, You can’t–‘
She cut off his words with another kiss. He felt Her tongue, sliding against his own, and his doubt crumbled away. It was true. He could taste the truth in his mouth, the Living Word of a living Goddess. In that moment, he believed.
She saw the understanding in his eyes, and smiled a perfect smile as She broke the kiss and reclined back onto the cushions. ‘Now, Malcolm,’ She said, beckoning him to approach, ‘taste of My Second Sacrament.’ He cast aside his briefcase and struggled onto his hands and knees, whimpering softly as he felt the instinctive perfection of that position locking into his mind. She wrapped Her fingers in his hair and pressed his head to Her breast. ‘Taste of My Living Gift, and know that I bring you life with My body.’
He didn’t know how long he suckled at Her breast, letting the warm, sweet milk flow down his throat. Time lost all meaning as he became a vessel for Her Gift. He could feel his thoughts wash away, but they lost importance as they melted into obedience, and he didn’t regret their vanishing at all. He knew that the Goddess would replace them with better, truer ones. Her taste filled his mouth, his head, his world. He felt like an infant again, reborn in service to Her.
Finally, after a timeless time, She pulled his head away. He stared at Her in mindless, vacant awe. She was even more beautiful now than when he had first seen Her. Simply looking at Her perfect form felt like sex, now, as though Her gleaming body was caressing him through sight alone. She stood, and from his knees, She seemed to tower over him. He could scarcely bring himself to look up at Her, but so great was Her beauty that he could not resist.
‘My Third Sacrament,’ She said. ‘My Living Joy. Prove your devotion, Malcolm. Beg Me to allow you to taste My Living Joy.’
Malcolm heard the words as if they came from a stranger, a mindless babble of endless need that poured from his lips. ‘Please, Goddess, please let me taste Your Living Joy, please make me Your follower, Your worshiper, Your devoted servant in all things. I, I’ll do anything to be worthy of Your Sacraments, Your pleasure, Your love and joy and gift and oh, please, show me the Way now and forever…’ He knew somehow that the final Sacrament would utterly wash away the Malcolm he had been, but he no longer wanted to be that person. The old Malcolm didn’t feel the divine pleasure of obedience to the Living Divinity. How could he possibly want that?
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xmoviesforyouIf you haven’t read Chapter 01 you really ought to go back and read it now. Otherwise it’s going to be like coming into a theater after the movie started. In case you missed my earlier warnings, there isn’t any explicit sex in this story. Hans ***** Christmas vacation wasn’t much like what we’d expected. I made a quick trip to Cambridge for an interview, and then I had to do a whole lot of scurrying to withdraw from the life I knew and enter a whole new world. I’d compare it to surgery...
Cindy’s half-brother had her on his bed nude. Kirby was standing over her naked. She tried to roll over and crawl away from him, but he grabbed her short curly blonde hair and dragged her back and climbed on top of her. She struggled, but he was too strong and forced her legs apart. He held her down with the weight of his body. “Kirby! I’m your sister! Don’t do this to me,” Cindy begged. “You been giving your hot little twat away, you can let me have some,” her brother said, as he lined his...
With racing heart and breath, he turned and looked in cautiously. He cast his eyes around the room and noticed Juliette's panties and jeans on the floor next to Lydia's shirt and trousers, looking like they'd been thrown there. Paul parked up on the street in front of the neat two-storey house that his best friend, Adam, and his wife, Juliette, had just moved into. They had been married just over a year now, he thought to himself. It was a pretty nice house, set back from the street behind a...
LesbianTiffany strode into the Howard Building. Three days had passed. Three days of stewing in anger. Her marriage was over. Bart had called. He had the pictures. She fought her hurt and stepped into the elevator. A phone call to Ryan, and he had simply said he would stay at the club or office until she got her head together. "Hah," she said, in the empty elevator. "I know where you stayed." Her voice echoed in the small cubicle to haunt her. "Blondie's place." The elevator stopped,...
I work as an accountant and I was attending a conference for tax preparers. I was standing by the entrance when I could not believe my eyes. I could swear the woman who had just walked through the door was Deanna, a former co-worker and a friend of mine. I remember the last time I saw her it was at her going away party. She had taken a job out of state. The party was winding down, myself and Deanna wound up the last ones still in the club. The juke box was still playing....
Straight SexShe giggled. She did that a lot. It defined her. While laughter or chuckling or guffawing or snickering more often than not comes from cruelty, a tinge or an overwhelming helping, giggling comes from innocence and delight. The innocent Melissa delighted nearly everyone she encountered. Long enough in her presence, she delighted everyone. Take Sarah for example. That moment, a moment that changed them both forever, Sarah made Melissa giggle. The cause may have been construed by many...
THE DROOGS The Characters in this story speak in English but also in a slang from the book "A Clockwork Orange" known as Nadsat. The Glossary can be found below. The characters in some scenes drink milk+ or moloko+ which is simply milk containg drugs Glossary Droogs = Friend or Friends Devotchka = Girl or Woman Moloko = milk gulliver = head (man or womans) Chapter 1 "In the Korova" There was me, that is Alex and my three Droogs that is Pete, Georgie and Dim. And we sat...
Bandhugan, mo naa abhinash, age : 25, build : average , height : 6ft. Mu iss ra jane regular reader. Mote odia re lekha hoe thiba sabu kahani bhala lage. So, mu bi odia re lekhuchi. Ama ghare daddy, mummy, mu aau mo sana bhai misi total 4 member. Ama paribar eka sikhita o well cultured paribar. Mo bada mamu nka pua bi ama sahar re job karanti o nija paribar saha rahanti. Se govt quater pae thile. Tanka ghara ama ghara tharu praya 2-3 kilometer heba. Tanka paribar o ama paribar bahut close. Mamu...
The thing about being married is that life really isn’t easy. It’s a matter of diplomacy most of the time and, yes, diplomatic relations sometimes break down. Under normal circumstances it’s not often a positive sign but I’ve since discovered that in my own realm it really can be a revelation. At the beginning of my wedded life this was not so conspicuously obvious but as time went on and as marriage posed its usual problems and inevitable hurdles, things changed. And not in a way my wife would...
I didn’t tell her that I was going to change the DVD from one camera and record us as she watched this fucking the kids put on me earlier today. I wanted her to be natural and catch all her excitement as she watched. I knew I was about to get a fucking like Alicia put on my ass in the girls’ bedroom today. Vera gets into this shit and I love it myself. I brought both remotes back with me and when I sat down, I pulled her down on my lap with her sexy ass against my belly as I slid down so she...
Pretty Misha Cross is a long-haired brunette with fair skin, blue eyes, braces and a floral tattoo sleeve; playful blonde Cherry Kiss has tan skin, brown eyes and an excitingly sexy demeanor. Both flaunt natural breasts. Toned, bearded, super-hung Vince Karter brings them to his ‘sex room’ for a threesome. They nude up, revealing hot asses. Cherry eats Misha, leaving lipstick all over Misha’s thighs and twat! They French kiss as Vince laps snatches and rims buttholes. In a...
xmoviesforyouCelebrating the Italian saint St. Lucia at December 13 is a special event in Scandinavia, with a nice, usually tall and blond girl chosen as Lucia in every town, every school and in many other places. There are many rumors about scared Nobel Prize winners who sometimes after an hard and late night have been awakened at their hotel rooms early in the morning by several singing girls in white nightgowns, one wearing a crown with burning candles on her head and the others holding a candle in...
As I walked home from school, something was a little different. I passed a brown skinned middle aged Latino man sitting on a park bench who greeted me as though he knew me. For a moment I thought it was kind of strange, my parents always told me never to talk to strangers. However, trying to be the polite young boy I was brought up to be, I said hello and kept walking home. Each day as I left school, there he was sitting at the bench almost as if he was purposely waiting for me to walk by....
What’s up, you little freak?! Tired of masturbating alone? Those call girls are way too expensive, right? I mean some of them charge around $5 a minute! You might be paying half of your monthly porn expenses if you can’t cum in less than 5 minutes, haha! You know, they generally charge that high because they know you’ll cum in less than 5 minutes! Imagine wasting 5 minutes of your time just to make some crusty-cocked pervert cum for $5!What if I were to tell you that there is a platform where...
Female Masturbation Porn SitesGretchen Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It wasn't exactly the job I envisioned, but I was working, and I was making what seemed like a lot of money. It was the fact that I work as a hotel maid, which was way out of my experience. I saw the ad, and being totally broke, I applied for the job, thinking that maybe they could use a boy cleaner rather than a maid. But that did not happen. Grace, the woman I work for insisted that ALL of her girls be properly dressed in the usual...
"So Mark what do you think?" Helen asked, both hands suggestively on her hips. She was wearing a matching bikini set, which left little to the imagination. She was practically falling out of her top, so heavy and full were her two breasts. The high riding bikini bottom showed off the dimples on her arse while tufts of dark pubic hair protruded from the sides. She had yet to shave. Mark was speechless."Is it that bad?" she inquired, standing before the full length mirror in the fitting room....
When the lights go outI went to on a vacation trip from Tuesday to Friday. I shared the same room with my girlfriend and two other girls (I am also a girl). We had a little fun during lights out and this is the story of our first night together physical and sexually. Tuesday night: The two other girls went to sleep before we did. My girlfriend was on the phone with one of her friends and I was in bed getting comfy thinking that nothing was going to happen. A few minutes later I felt my...
Cabin 4I dried off headed to the bedroom.HOLY FUCK Shannon the MILF from the front desk was laying naked across one of the double beds smiling. The bed sheets covered with plastic.WTF??She was blonde like me only blue eyes not green. Big MILF tits, huge areolas, shaved pussy with nice meaty brown pussy lips vibing her clit.I'm so fuckin' horny. I see you were at the cabin. I go there too. Bound and fucked over and over. Cocks nutting, spewing their jizz on my face, my tits, in my pussy and ass....
Posted: April 21, 2007 - 10:46:44 am David's life was filled with many random sexual encounters, and there was a reason behind this. His sexual drive was far ahead of any human and had actually grown quickly into a full-blown addiction. Even when he tried to control it he could only last so long before it plagued his mind. Eventually focusing on anything else, school included became a lost cause. In reality though he could make any woman lust after him, but he could not control his own. It...
When they return from the lake, while Emma is freshening up, Donald calls the minister. He explains some about Emma’s concerns but assures him that after their visit, he and Emma had openly talked with each other. They know they are ready to be married. And would like to do so on May fourth.The minister has known Emma since he came to the church when she was a teen in the youth group. He has watched her blossom over the last year from the shy, unconfident, girl, to this new amazing woman....
Love StoriesDavey by Caroline J Bradley © 2007 Updated 2020 Chapter 1 Day 1 - first steps "Davey, come on, get up." Davey's eyes opened slowly, who the hell...Caroline..oh yes.. His slow waking was the normal habit borne of long late nights, no real job and no real drive. Hang on, his brain, kicked in again... Caroline, what... He remembered last night and the unusual call from his twin sister, Barbara; he'd agreed to meet her in exchange for a meal and a beer or two. They were...
JL fucked Joan many times, I joined a few times when I wasn’t working to learn all I could about cotton, corn, peanuts and watermelon growing. Jerry after discovering my dick was bigger than his, sucked me off many times, Josh would sometime wake me up sucking my dick. During my summer working on the farm my dick grew another 3/4” and almost as thick as the thick part of a coke glass bottle. I also tried everything I could to spend time with Penelope, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. One...
Junior put Andrea to practicing 'splash and goes' while David was messing with the machine tools in the hangar. Junior took Connie to the sheds (Quonset huts) to see what was around for spares. Having found nine Packard 4M-2500 with superchargers, intercoolers, dual magnetos and two spark plugs per cylinder rated 1500 hp still in crates at the boat basin was a delight. The main consideration was fuel; a PT boat carried 3,000 gallons of 100 octane aviation gasoline. At 23 knots they had...
I awake from a deep sleep, dark dreams of him. I don't see you. I am still half asleep, but can smell you. An ice cold chainmail single tail whip presses against my throat. My body pinned to the bed by yours, unable to move. Your voice growls in my ear. "Go ahead. Scream. No one can hear you." I know not to waste energy, I am going to need it. Believe it or not, I feel safest in your hands no matter what they are doing to me. This includes scaring and torturing me. You would have to know my...
BDSMIn Chicago, I made a point of being the last one off of the train that early morning. My two small bags were all ready to go, as was Sean. How and what he packed, if he packed and where he packed it, I'll never know and probably don't want to know. After my recent adventure in the sky, I wanted to make good and certain that some Deseret B-Team wasn't now lining up to take their turn at a shot at me. Sure, I had significantly inconvenienced them back home, but I just couldn't figure that...
So I drove to a remote spot where the snow had melted being still in early March with winter still around, left on a pop music station on the radio and enjoyed the heater as we kissed passionately helping our bodies warm up, Rowena sucking my tongue like I hoped she,d Soon be sucking on my rock hard cock. To prove her point she squeezed my dick “All our kissing sure gets This hard, doesn,t it?” “No babe You get it hard just being near me.” I told her. “That,s the first thing I noticed about you...
A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him to...
It was a hot and humid afternoon at work. I worked late into the evening as usual, squeezing in every bit of productivity I could. When quitting' time came around I was ready to go home, take a hot shower and unwind a bit. I walked into the quiet house kicking off my shoes in the living room, though I knew it would get the wife nagging' again. A man's home may be his castle, but it was clear who the queen was around here. I closed the bedroom door and began to shed my sweaty clothes as I...
Lola Mai is feeling horny and with the way you are talking to her and telling her what to do is just making her more and more wet. She better get those panties off quick she she can satisfy her urges to cum. How many times can she before she feels like she has had enough. How fast can she make you cum while she fucks her little pussy deep with her big hard dildo that stretches her out so widely. Lola sucks her toes and stuffs her pussy wiggling her beautiful little ass with her dildo wedged...
xmoviesforyouBibi got off the gear stick which was covered in her slime. As Abdul started to drive I wiped his spunk off the car roof and shared my cum covered hand with Bibi as he drove! “Fucking hell Bibi, where did you find this slut, she’s as filthy as you!” Abdul said. Before Bibi could answer I interrupted, “are you saying you didn’t like watching me spread and finger my dirty married cunt? Judging by the amount of spunk that’s still dripping off the car roof I’d say you did.” “Of course I did,”...
Chris is the athletic one of our group of friends. He’s 5’10 175lbs. He is a safety on the school football team and also runs track. He has a very muscular tanned body, six pack and all. He is very attractive, blond hair blue eyes. The girls used to be all over him but a rumor was spread by his ex-girlfriend that he was a porn addict. He hasn’t recovered from that yet and hasn’t had a girlfriend since. Tristan is the idiot of our group. He’s 6’0” 195lbs. He plays baseball but isn’t very...
It's funny how sometimes you look at something in life and think, I could never do that. "I could never be a surfer..." or "I could never travel alone in Africa..." And then somewhere down the road, you find yourself actually doing exactly that thing. I've always enjoyed sex and sexual experimentation, but I never thought of myself as particularly "kinky". At least until I met Meg.I met Megan ("Meg") while I was teaching at a local university. She was the T.A. for another class in my...
DISQUALIFICATION ROUND Round, They hang and float Past Manly gazes and womanly ways, Begging To be squeezed, ogled, left alone; They change Their minds or change the minds of men Who see Them and stare, formulating A hundred reasons and a thousand ways For their display. I myself, who love breasts best (after feminine buttocks), Have had to impose limits, Seeking Only breasts that hang and float-- At least for today. Tomorrow I may hunt for breasts Which are shown only...