Mum And Tara (Secret Powers 8) free porn video

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Continued from Meeting Lydia (Secret Powers 7)

I get home and see Mum on the sofa in the lounge room.

"Hi, Mary, how was work? Did anything interesting happen?"

"Slow at the shop," I reply. I mention the mum and daughter on the bus, but I don't mention Lydia, who is still in my mind. 

"When did you want to go to Tara's?"

I am glad that she's decided to go. "I said I'd be there at four o'clock, so I guess leaving here at twenty to."


I head to my bedroom, take off my skirt, top and bra and put on shorts and a t-shirt. I flop onto the bed, resting and thinking about sweet Lydia.

Then my thoughts drift to Sonya - poor Sonya - I hope she's all right. I get out my phone and text Tara, "Still okay for 4?"

"Yep," she replies.

"OK if I bring Mum?"


"How is Sonya?"

"Pretty good considering"

I text a smiley and set down the phone. Then I pick it up again and set the alarm for 3:20 and crawl under the covers for a nap.

I fall asleep and dream of Lydia. She's at the coffee shop, and I'm sitting at a table. She gazes at me from behind the counter, then projects strongly into me. She licks my nipples, and they become rock hard. She glances down, between my legs, and I feel her fingers rubbing my clit.

I try to block her, but I'm helpless. She rubs my clit and then slides her finger into my wet pussy. She fucks me, slowly at first, then faster and faster. I try to suppress my moans, but I can't. People around me stare at me as they hear me.

Finally, I scream as she makes me cum. People stand and cheer wildly.

I wake up. My pussy is soaked. Wow, Lydia has powers even in my dreams!

The phone rings its alarm. I find it and turn it off. I wander to the bathroom and pee and wash my hands and face. Back in my bedroom, I change my knickers and slip on a pair of sandals.

I go to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of juice. I see Mum snoozing on the sofa. I go over and nudge her. "Time to go soon."

She wakes and says, "Oh, sure, I guess I nodded off."

I wait in the lounge room for her to get ready. We set off and she drives us to Tara's.

Melissa opens the door. "Hiii, Mary," she says, giving me a big hug.

"Melissa, this is my mum, Cheryl. Mum, this is Melissa, the first one I met on the beach."

"Nice to meet you, Melissa," Mum says.

"Likewise, Cheryl. Please come in and make yourselves at home."

Mum and I sit on the sofa. Melissa goes upstairs and returns in a minute with Tara and Sonya. They all sit in chairs across from us.

I make introductions all around. Looking at Tara, I ask, "So what have you been up to this morning?"

Tara explains in detail. "First we all went to see Ben, a friend of mine. He's a wizard with phones and computers. I explained a little of the business with Kyle and Sonya, and he agreed that the phone might have a tracking app on it. I told him that we wanted to go to the police for a Family Violence Order to keep Kyle away from Sonya.

"I told him I didn't want his location to be seen by Kyle, and he said, 'Leave it with me. Was the phone in flight mode when you turned it off?' I said that it was. 'Good Girl.'

"He turned on the phone, attached it to a laptop and backed up all messages and emails to and from Kyle, for evidence. He copied the backup to two USB sticks and gave them to me. 'One's for the police and one's for Sonya.'

"He then scanned the phone and confirmed the presence of a location tracking app. He searched on his laptop for details of the app and assured us that in flight mode, nothing would be visible to Kyle. The app could only send current location information, not history, and only when out of flight mode.

"He told us to turn the phone off, go to the police station, and right before going in, turn it on and take off flight mode. Kyle would then see where we were, and he would probably shit a brick.

"We were to show the police the messages when asking for the order, and give them one USB stick. He felt confident that there would be no argument, given the final message with the death threat. We were to turn the phone to flight mode and turn it off when leaving the police station, before returning to Ben.

"We then went to the police, who questioned Sonya for about forty minutes. With Sonya's consent, they read the messages and listened to the voice mails. We had the order quick smart. They said that they would deliver it to Kyle within an hour or two. They gave Sonya a copy of the order.

"Then we returned to Ben. He cleaned the phone of the tracking app, using several tools to make sure it was gone. He then said, 'All done! It's safe to use now,' and handed Sonya her phone.

"I told Ben I owed him one, and he laughed and said to just send a nice guy his way. I chuckled and said I'd do what I could. We left and came back here."

I sit silently, stunned at Tara's thoroughness. I finally say, "Wow, Tara, you are so organised. I'd hate to have you as an enemy."

She laughs and replies, "No chance of that, Mary."

I then suggest, "Melissa, can you go upstairs with Sonya? I'd like for Mum and me to talk with Tara."

"Of course, Mary," Melissa responds. She takes Sonya by the hand, and they head up to her bedroom.

I say, "Tara, Mum is bloodline, of course. I hadn't known anything about that, or my own powers before I met Melissa on the beach and then met you. Mum and I had a talk last night, so I learned some things. I won't say what. Mum can tell you what she'd like to."

Tara smiles at Mum and says, "Mary is a lovely person, and has pretty amazing powers, especially for someone who has only recently become aware of them. I'm sure your powers are strong, Cheryl."

Mum thinks for some time. "Yes, Tara, I have the powers. I know they have a wonderful side and a dark side. After one very dark incident, I pretty much bottled up my powers, afraid of the damage I could do again."

Tara feels Mum's turmoil. "I understand, Cheryl. I must tell you one thing that I have learned from Mary. I had always thought that we only have effects on women, but Mary demonstrated that she can affect men as well. I never knew that was possible. What can you tell me about that?"

Mum thinks and then relates, "Once upon a time, there were two distinct bloodlines with these powers, one exclusively male-to-male and one female-to-female. One time, there was interbreeding of the two forming a hybrid, and this is the line that I have descended from, and now Mary, of course. The male-only line died out, leaving the female-only line and the hybrid line."

"I see," Tara replies. "I only knew about the female-only line."

"Yes," Mum continues, "there aren't many of us hybrids, and in the early days of the line we were persecuted, so we kept our natures secret from the others."

They fall silent for an awkward minute. Finally, Tara says, "So Cheryl, you haven't used your powers for a long time?"

"No, not since..." Mum starts to reply, then she chokes up.

"It's fine, Cheryl. You don't have to tell me."

Mum looks at Tara and pauses. "I want to tell you. Give me a minute."

"Of course."

Mum thinks, then says, "I killed a man with my powers. My husband. Mary's father."

"Oh," Tara gasps.

"It was self-defence, but I still carry the weight of my deed."

Tara looks sympathetically at Mum and says softly, "I can't imagine what you have been carrying all these years."

Mum looks back and breaks down sobbing. I hold her tightly while years of suppressed anxiety pour out of her. She cries for several minutes, then finally slows and stops. Tara passes her a box of tissues and Mum blows her nose.

"I've always known that the powers could bring damage as well as delight, but I never imagined, well, what you were able to do," Tara says.

I interject, "Yes, I was blown away when I found out. I was there at the time, and he died of a heart attack, but just last night I learned from Mum how that happened."

"Well, Cheryl, you know I'm a kindred spirit, with a deep knowledge of our powers. Please let me help you if there's anything I can do."

"Thanks, Tara. I have no idea what you can do, but I appreciate the offer."

"I think you may be able to help, Tara," I say. "She's not had a close friend in a long time."

"Well, I hope that I can become one."

Tara comes over and sits next to Mum. I get up, sensing they need some time alone. I go to the loo, then turn upstairs to find Sonya and Melissa.

Entering Melissa's bedroom, I see her and Sonya lying on the bed, kissing. Sonya notices me, and springs away from Melissa, saying, "Oh, Mary, I'm so sorry. I was just, uh."

"Yes, Sonya, you were just kissing Melissa. Is that all?"

"Yes, Mary, I promise."

"Well, silly girl, why did you stop there?"

"Uh, Mary. What do you mean?"

"Well, I happen to know that Melissa is an incredible lover, and I'm wondering why you haven't found that out for yourself."

"Oh, Mary. You mean, you don't mind?"

I stifle my giggling. "No, of course not, Sonya. In fact, I'd love to watch you and Melissa get it on while I touch myself." I turn on my reading of them both.

Sonya looks at me, then at Melissa, then back at me. Melissa is grinning at Sonya and starts undressing. She takes off her top and displays her firm boobs to Sonya. Sonya gawks at them, and I say, "Well don't just look, do something with those lovely boobs."

I whip off my t-shirt and start rubbing my boobs. Sonya reaches out and touches Melissa's boobs, and I project a mild pulse to Sonya's pussy, which Melissa and I both feel. Sonya responds by stroking her nipples. I gasp, feeling that as well.

Melissa finishes undressing, showing her naked body to Sonya. I follow suit and suggest that Sonya do the same. She hesitates, but soon there are three naked women in the room, they on the bed and I standing nearby, watching.

Melissa pulls Sonya onto her and kisses her, their bodies pressed together. I pull my nipples. Sonya moans as Melissa rubs her hands all over her. Melissa then flips Sonya on her back and starts licking her boobs. My boobs feel her tongue and I moan along with Sonya.

I remember that Sonya is a lesbian virgin and smile, knowing what she's about to feel for the first time. Melissa sucks on a nipple and caresses a leg up and down. Licking the nipple slowly, her hand slides up to her pussy, feeling between the lips and sliding a finger into her wet pussy. We all moan as we feel a finger in our pussies.

I lean against the wall and drop my hands to my sides, letting the feelings from Sonya project into me. Melissa switches nipples and licks slowly. Her finger swirls around inside, feeling the texture of Sonya's pussy walls. She pushes deep and then kisses her way down her stomach.

Licking Sonya's pussy lips makes us gasp. Sucking on her clit makes us moan loudly. Flicking her clit makes us scream. Melissa licks faster and pumps Sonya's pussy with her finger. I find it hard to keep standing, so I ease myself onto the floor.

Melissa licks Sonya's clit harder and faster. I can't resist, and I cum hard, screaming. My body projects it to them both, and they cum with me. There's lots of moaning and dripping.

We cum for a minute, then Melissa quits licking. We collapse and pant.

After a couple of minutes of recovery, I stand up and walk over to the side of the bed. "Well, Sonya, how did you enjoy that?"

Sonya looks up at me and grins. "Wow, I had no idea that sex could be so wonderful."

"Melissa is wonderful, and there's a secret that we'll share with you soon with you that made it even more so. I assume that was your first time with a woman?"

"Yes, it was, Mary."

"Better than Kyle?"

"Oh my, ten times better."

I smile. I hear moans from downstairs and smile even wider. Mum and Tara must be getting it on. Great! It's been so long for Mum. I crawl onto the bed and make a Sonya sandwich, holding her.

We lie blissfully, as the two downstairs have their fun. After many minutes of moaning and screaming, they go quiet. I wait several more minutes, then wander down the stairs, where I see them lying on the sofa with bodies entwined.

I walk up to them. "Need anything, Mum?"

She smiles at me and says, "I'm quite satisfied, thanks."

"Yeah, I bet. Well, I'll go back upstairs and get dressed."

Back in Melissa's bedroom, I say to Sonya and Melissa, "You two stay comfortable. Don't get up."

Sonya looks up at me, smiles and says dreamily, "Okay."

I dress then go downstairs and pour myself half a glass of wine and sit on a chair opposite Mum and Tara. I admire Mum's body. She's very fit for her age. I haven't seen her naked for ages, like when I was tiny and we'd bathe together.

Tara says, "She's amazing, you know, Mary."

"I know she is, but not in the way you just experienced."

"Haha, I guess not. I'm hungry now," Tara says, "I'll prepare dinner."

"Oh you shouldn't bother, Tara," Mum complains.

"Mum, trust me, Tara loves to cook, and you will love her food."

"Well, if you insist."

"I absolutely do insist you stay for dinner," Tara orders.

Tara gets up and puts on her apron. Mum dresses and we sit on the sofa.

"Mum, I'm so happy that you had a great time with Tara. She's fantastic, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is. I had forgotten how good it could be. I had several women before your Dad, and a few during, and they were so much fun."

Tara clanks away and glorious aromas soon fill the house. Melissa and Sonya pad downstairs in their robes. We assemble around the dining table while Tara finishes. She delivers another awesome meal, and we all praise her as we eat.

Mum and I eventually say our goodbyes and she drives us home. On the way, I pull out my phone and see a message from Lydia, about two hours old, "Hi, Mary. I'm so happy I met you."

Warm feelings wash through me. I reply, "Sorry I didn't see this until now. I'm happy too."

She sends back, "Can we talk?"

I think for a minute and I decide I've had enough for one day. "Sorry, very tired. See you tomorrow?"

"Sure!" she sends, with a heart.

I smile, make a contact with Lydia's name and put away my phone. When we get home, I tell Mum I'm going to bed and I give her a hug and a kiss.

I wash my face and change into my nightie. I crawl into bed and think of dear Lydia, fingering myself to a lovely gentle cum before nodding off.


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Dad And Tara Boss 8211 Maid Relation

The story happens when I was a student of 12th standard. My dad was a rough and gentle in nature but he was undiscovered until when I explored him. My mom was a homely busy lady looks all the farms and home. Ours is a home with big campus and big agricultural land with lots of workers at home. And my mom manages all those and my dad runs a steel molding plant. My elder brother studying in college away from home and I stay with my family. My dad employed lot of workers in the plant from...

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Meeting Tara

During a fight with my wife i was so pissed off that i had to go for a walk to the pub, stressed from work and wanting not to talk to anyone i sat at a table and lscrolled some social media pages. Now i am a 6 foot 2 inch 240 pounds of a 32 year old male. I love shemale porn it started with straight anal porn, however that doesn't do it for me anymore. Its shemale or nothing. Since i was going through puberty I would play with my own asshole thinking what all these sexy women felt when they...

1 year ago
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Tara Trophy Wife Life Part 20

When the doorbell rang the next morning, Tara was ready. Her micro skirt and metallic purple bikini top/thong combo were the only items she wore aside from her stiletto heels. She only opened the door a crack, not wanting to let the neighbours see her greeting her guests dressed in so little. That hope was dashed though when Cole pushed the door wide and entered with three other boys. They crowded around her greeting her warmly and none of them looking her in the eyes. "Hi Mrs....

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Tara Robert

[ Dedicated to two young people who are boldly exploring the future of what it can mean to be a couple, sexually engaged, and yet not bound by former rules and ideas about such things (such as 'monogamy'). You've inspired me! Thanks, and I hope this story brings at least a smile to both of you! ]"I want to start doing something that you and I haven't done before," Tara said to her notional 'boyfriend', Robert."What is that?"She had him follow her to her apartment bedroom. She closed the door...

3 years ago
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Wheels of Fortune Taking Tara for a Ride

© Copyright 2004 "Let me be sure I understand you, Tara:" I said carefully, as my daughter waited, fearfully expectant, beside me, "You want to sleep with me, your father?" She nodded quickly, shaking a tear loose to run down her cheek. "A little while ago, when Angie asked me to sleep with her," I said gently, "I told her that was the greatest honor anyone had ever bestowed on me. Now, my dear, you have topped it." She looked up at me, eyes brimming with tears, and said,...

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Tara Strong Getting Your Moneys Worth

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the people, places, conventions, events etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Tara Strong (Voice Actress – animation, video games)Tara Strong – Getting Your Money's WorthA celebrity erotic storyBy DaxG2001...

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The Making Of Tara

I grew up in a small town where nothing really happened. It was a nice upbringing far away from the inner cities and their problems. My school was safe and since I was very young, I would walk to school by myself. My parents seldom locked the doors and on the weekends there were neighbourhood BBQ’s. My friends and I would play street hockey outside our houses or football in a nearby park.As far as girls went there were a few but since it was such a small town everyone was concerned about their...

2 years ago
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DeannaChapter 9 Tara joins the party

We were both panting so hard neither could move any more muscles than those controlling breathing. I knew I needed to get off of her body or I'd crush her but I couldn't make my body respond to commands my brain was issuing. I realized I was paralyzed in my orgasmic bliss when I felt a pair of hands pulling on my side to roll me over and off of my young lover. Tara had awakened with our orgasmic voices and had come down the hall to watch the finale. She saw that we had both just collapsed...

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Tara starts in porn part 1 the pick up

Her first big job, a 24 hour booking in a central London hotel. Tara waited nervously at King'sCross where her agent was due to pick her up and take her to the location for 5pm. He had toldher all about the job, some big shot producers were flying in from the US and needed someEnglish girls to shoot. Most of the first evening she would just meet the producers, and the castand crew, have an evening getting to know them, Tara, as the female talent, would thenget an early night in a top quality...

1 year ago
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Cindy and Tara

Hi, my name is Cindy. Until recently I've always considered myself pretty normal as far as sexual preferences go. I mean, I'm 24 years old, married, and consider myself to be a very attractive blonde, 5 foot 3, 35-23-34 woman. I had only had fleeting thoughts about being with another woman sexually. I was curious as to what it would be like, but had never made any efforts to find out. I'm very open-minded where sex is concerned though, and have always loved to try new and interesting things....

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Cindy and Tara

Hi, my name is Cindy. Until recently I've always considered myself pretty normal as far as sexual preferences go. I mean, I'm 24 years old, married, and consider myself to be a very attractive blonde, 5 foot 3, 35-23-34 woman. I had only had fleeting thoughts about being with another woman sexually. I was curious as to what it would be like, but had never made any efforts to find out. I'm very open-minded where sex is concerned though, and have always loved to try new and interesting things....

2 years ago
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Robert Tara

[ Part 2 of a young white couple seeking to escape the confines of what was formerly known as a monogamous relationship! ]Robert---When I first saw Tara I never thought she'd be the slightest interested in me---as a 'boyfriend' sort of relationship. In fact, I'd never really had an actual girlfriend before. I'd once been infatuated by one particular girl I used to know, but she got married, had a baby, and that was that. And then I saw Tara.She worked a place I would go for lunch on lunch...

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Tara My Daughters FriendChapter 1

I held my hands up like I do after scrubbing for surgery. I didn't know where to put them. At my sides would place a hand on the bare thigh of the young girl in her soccer uniform sitting next to me, the one sandwiched in the middle of the car's back seat. If I dropped them in front, they would settle on Tara's legs, my daughter's fourteen-year-old friend perched on my lap. My arms were tiring; I needed to lower them. What I really wanted to do was grab Tara to hold her still, to stop her...

1 year ago
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Tara has a bad side

Couple weeks ago my wife Tara and I were out on the town. Pretty normal start to the weekend. Tara was in a pink top cut down to expose most of her tits, with a short denim skirt on. We ventured out to the local bar and started with a few shots. After a while bartenders switched and to my surprise it was an old friend of ours from High School. Hadn't seen in about 8 years. I remember back in school he was always hooking up with the hottest girls. I was so jealous of him now that I think about...

Group Sex
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Taras Threeway

Tara had agreed to the three way, but Mr. James hadn’t told her about how much I cum. Not that my cock is a huge porn star cock, but when I cum it shoots out in thick, gooey streams. Even if she had known, I’d like to think she was game because she was smiling and on her knees in the hotel room not long before James and I both arrived. She’d helped herself to some of the minibar, but we didn’t mind as she pulled out our cock and moaned as she stroked us hard. James groaned as she worked her...

1 year ago
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Fortnight 8211 Tara The Artist

Hey everyone! Ddevil here again. Thank you everyone for such a great response for all my previous stories. All your feedback encouraged me to write down some more stories for you guys. And here is a new series of story. Pls do let me know your feedback on Before starting I wanted to mention that I’ve also been getting mails from people asking for Girls’ phone numbers and Sex Chatting Request. Someone even sent me a request to have sex with his wife so that she can get a baby. So I just wanted...

4 years ago
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Taking Tara Lipinski

I have been watching Tara practicing at the nationalice rink for almost 3 weeks now. I had stolen a keyfrom an unlocked maintenance truck and used it to getaccess into the building through the maintenance room.After searching the office, I found a pass key andreturned the first key to the truck undetected. I nowhad a view of the ice from the dark ceiling. Fortunate-ly, I was a defensive end (5'11, 195) in high schooland am able to safely climb my way up each day. Thiswas c***d's play compared...

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Tara her livein boyfriend and me

Very sexy older female cheating on her live-in boyfriend right under his nose! Tara was one of my newest friends. I had originally met her at a karaoke bar near where I used to live. It was about six months ago when I first met her and I remember having thought at the time, "WOW! What a sexy babe!" And if you had seen her that night too, you'd probably have thought the exact same thing. Tall, long bleached blonde hair, skinny ass, slim hips and breasts that were bigger than...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 204 Tia and Tara Play House

Wonder if Tia and Tara are willing to try to get pregnant again? I looked them over as I walked toward them to see that Tia’s metabolism had finally slowed down enough that she now looked like she was Tara’s twin. The place in my head showed me both were going to ovulate sometime in the next twelve hours. Is Tia emotionally ready to handle getting pregnant again? Yes, David. She is. So is Tara. I heard the voice in my head told me. Both girls still really want David to be with them but...

2 years ago
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Tara and Jason

Tara and Jason enjoyed wild nights out. It was on one of those wild nights out that they found themselves in trouble and were left with the stark choice of attending the Monastery of Repentance or being hit with a very heavy monetary fine that neither of them could afford;and so it was on that cold,windy Monday morning back in January that they found themselves waiting in a room with others who were sent to the Monastery to receive whatever was coming to them. Tara hated the idea of having to...

1 year ago
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Zeus And Tara

Tara Walton was a 21 year old senior in college, just getting over her breakup with her boyfriend of 3 years, Darren. She hated how Darren had just dumped her for another girl, when she had begged him to keep her. She was willing to share, so why didn't Darren want to stay with her? Darren had said that she was fat, but Tara only had some baby fat, that was all. It was actually kind of cute, most guys thought, but Darren wanted the "waif" look in a girl, as in dangerously thin. Tara was crying...

3 years ago
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Teaching Tara Part III The Tshirt

I spent all evening thinking about my afternoon with Mr Tanner. I would close my eyes and relive his kiss, warm and so sexy. And what came after, how he’d undone my shirt and exposed my breasts, kissing and licking them. It felt somehow wrong, to be almost naked with a man so much older. My dad had always told me that only my husband should see me naked, but it had felt so good to have Mr Tanner’s mouth and hands touching my breasts. I could feel myself getting excited at the thought of a...

3 years ago
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Sweet Tara

I. The Story Of AliceAlice Grey was a dear little thing, she lived with her parents and worked hard every day at her job in the local drapery store. Her family may have been poor, but they got by, paying their way in the world and earning respect for their dutiful efforts and high moral standards.Alice was a fanciful girl, always dreaming of love and raising her own family, a dream that appeared to be coming true when a handsome young gentleman took an interest in her. This young man came...

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Tara8217s story

Disclaimer: this story is a piece of fiction. Any resemblance to any character dead or alive is accidental. It’s a copy right material. All rights reserved by the author. Do not attempt to copy the material. I am humayun, 38 and single. It was way back in 1994, when i was 24 and still a virgin. We used to live is a ground floor apartment compound along the karachi beach in pakistan. I was working for a multinational and used to live with my parents as i don’t have any siblings. Right next to...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e9 Tara Carver

Series 5, Episode 9: Tara Carver (59) – Edinburgh We open with our standard sequence – a high altitude image of the United Kingdom. Then a very cartoonish, top heavy caricature of our host, Charley, floating infront of us ... She points down toward the UK below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” She giggles, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping toward the ground, heading in...

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Teaching Tara Part II The Kiss continues

Mr Tanner’s kiss stayed on my mind all night. It felt so good. I couldn’t believe I’d let him put his tongue in my mouth like that…or that I’d put mine in his. I was looking forward to going over to his house the next day. I could think of nothing else the entire day.After school, I walked over to his Mr Tanner’s house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and welcomed me with a smile. “Hi Tara, I’m so glad to see you”. He took my hand and led me inside. He offered me a beer, but I told...

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Teaching Tara Part I The kiss

I was still a virgin. I was 19, in my first year of College and had never even been on a date. I was terribly shy and studious and I got straight A’s in school. It’s not that I wasn’t pretty, but I lived with my ultra conservative father. He made sure that my curvy hips and rather generous breasts were hidden under over-sized shirts and conservative long skirts or pants. These clothes made me look dumpy compared to my classmates who wore tight fitting shirts and skirts which showed their...

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Taras Adventures

Tara's AdventuresPart 1I had met them on line. Marla 1st then her owner Mistress Olivia. We chatted for well over a year and had met for drinks. They knew of my submissive fem side and we had planned meetings on several occasions but things always developed that upset them.Then a period of time developed when I went into a period of denial. Denial of my female side. I turned off my screen name for almost two months but my female side finally got the better of me. I turned on my screen name...

2 years ago
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tara my old friend

All my schooling was in mumbai, from 1st std to 10std During those days i met this girl called tara in my class when i was in 3rd std. She used to stay close to my house, so both the parents became closer day by day. Hence we both used to study and play together along with the other kids in the street. Our friendship was very innocent and good. When we were in 8th std she left mumbai as her dad got transferred to chennai. We both were really sad departing each other. And not so longer we...

1 year ago
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Jake and Tara Part One

CHAPTER 1 Okay well I suppose I should start with some background. My name is Jake and I am 16 years old. I am pretty average looking. Not overweight and not fit either. My sister’s name is Tara. She is 14 years old and is just starting to develop. She has small perky B cups and long slender legs. This is the story of how we ended up becoming closer than most brothers and sisters. For some reason I have always had trouble going to sleep. I just stare at my ceiling for hours. I always...

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