The Becca Chronicles Ch. 4 - 6 (2nd Try) free porn video

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I finally decided to use their fears against them. The way to get to watch them suck each other would be to confront them that I knew what they were doing. Basically, I decided to blackmail them into letting me watch. I would have never told anyone they were sucking each other off, but I needed them to think I would tell my girlfriends about it.

One day when we were home alone, I went into Eric’s room to talk to him.

Me: “Hey, Eric, can I talk to you for a bit.”

Eric: “Sure, Sis. What’s up?”

Me: “Well, it’s kind of weird to talk about. You see, I’ve heard you and Steve several times when I was in the bathroom. I know that you guys have been sucking each other’s dicks.”

Eric: “Oh shit. Don’t tell anyone. Please Becca. We do it because it feels better than jacking off. Oh, shit. This is bad.”

Me: “Look, Eric, I don’t want to cause you any problems and I don’t really care if you guys do it. It’s just …”

Eric: “Just what, Becca?”

Me: “I’d like to watch you guys do it. I think it would be hot to watch you guys.”

Eric: “Really? You’ve got to be kidding me. Plus, Steve would totally freak out. Especially because he has a thing for you. He talks about you all the time.”

Me: “I know. I’ve heard him. And I’ve heard you defend my honor. Thanks for that. But I don’t mind guys drooling over me. I think it’s pretty funny, actually. As long as they keep the drool to themselves, I’m okay with it.”

Eric: “Well, you know, you are pretty hot. I think most of the guys at school think so. It doesn’t help that you always take off your bra when you get to school. Do you do that just so we can see your tits?”

Me: “Not originally. I just don’t like the feel of wearing a bra and I don’t see the need to wear a bra if you don’t have big tits to hold up. But I do now kind of get off on seeing guys straining themselves trying to look down my shirts or watching my nips jiggle.”

Eric: “You can’t blame us, Becca. We’re all horny teenagers and any chance to see a girl’s tits is not something we are going to miss. And your tits are really nice.”

Me: “Do you really like my tits? Did you like looking at them in the shower?”

Eric: “What do you mean in the shower?”

Me: “Come on Eric. I know you’ve peeked at me in the shower. It’s okay. I’m not mad. I was pretty sure you had done it and then I heard you tell Steve about it. So, answer the question. Do you really like my tits or is it just that you like to see any tits?”

Eric: “Of course I like your tits, Becca. And, yeah, I pretty much like all tits, but seeing yours was really special. You look so beautiful naked and your tits are just the perfect size for your body. I’ve gotta admit, after seeing you in the shower, I had to go to my room and jack off thinking of your beautiful body. You’re really hot, Becca. I just wish you weren’t my sister.”

Me: “What do you mean you wish I wasn’t your sister?”

Eric: “Because I would want to be with you but I can’t because you’re my sister. I have to even complain to Steve about his comments about you when I agree with him totally. It’s really hard, no pun intended, to have such a hot sister.”

Me: “Damn, Eric, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. I’ll tell you what, if you let me watch you guys suck each other’s dicks, I’ll let you see my tits whenever you want. How’s that?”

Eric: “Oh, Becca, I don’t know how we could do that. And I don’t really want you to see me suck Steve’s dick. I don’t want that visual in your head when you think about your big brother.”

Me: “That’s just it, I haven’t seen how big you’ve gotten. How about if you help me to just watch Steve suck your dick then? I have an idea how we can do it.”

I outlined my plan to him and he agreed to give it a try. He wasn’t happy about it, but I think the chance to see my tits motivated him. The plan was for him to suck Steve’s dick first and then when Steve started sucking him, I’d burst into the room pretending I didn’t know Steve was there.

It happened a few days later. Steve was over and I was listening from the bathroom. I needed to wait until Eric was done sucking Steve’s dick. Eric was going to say something to let me know Steve was sucking him and then I’d burst in.

Steve: “Oh, yeah, Eric. That feels good. Suck my dick, Bro. I wish it was Becca in here sucking my dick. I’m imagining it’s her lips on my dick. I going to cum in her mouth Eric. Oh, yeah. Here it comes. Take my cum, Becca!”

Eric: “Damn, Steve. I’ve told you about that. I don’t want to hear about Becca’s mouth on your dick. Think of someone else when I do that or I won’t do it anymore.”

Steve: “Sorry, Eric, I know you say that, but I can tell when I talk about Becca you get more excited. You just won’t admit you’d like to bang her because she’s your sister. I get it, but if she were my sister, I’d be trying everything to get into her pants.”

Eric: “Dude, you’re sick. Just suck my dick so I can forget about what you’re saying.”

Steve: “I bet it doesn’t take you long to cum. Your dick is as hard as ever from thinking about your sister. Give me that thing and pretend my lips are hers.”

Eric: “That’s it, suck it. Take it deeper. It feels so good.”

That was my cue. This was going to work better than I imagined after all that talk about me. I burst into the room through the bathroom door.

Me: “Hey, Eric, I ..shit. Oh my God, I’m sorry.”

Eric: “Becca, what are you doing in here. Get out. You’re not supposed to come in from the bathroom. Get out.”

Me: “I’m sorry, but damn that’s hot. I’ve never seen guys suck a dick before. Don’t stop Steve.”

Steve: “Becca, oh shit. Please don’t tell anyone. We’re not gay, honest. Shit. Shit. Shit.”

Me: “Steve it’s okay. I won’t tell anyone. Just let me watch. Please? I know you guys aren’t gay. I get it. Girls get together too, you know. Please suck Eric’s dick. This is so cool.”

Steve: “Really? You want me to do it?”

Me: “Fuck yes, Steve. Do it. Suck him.”

Steve bent back over Eric and took Eric’s dick back into his mouth. It was hot. In seconds, Eric was totally hard. It was a lot bigger than that time I saw it in the shower. At that moment, I wished it was me sucking his dick. I didn’t know where that came from. I’d never thought of sucking a dick before, let alone my brother’s.

Me: Erik, your dick looks so hard. This is hot. Cum in Steve’s mouth, Eric. I want to see Steve swallow your cum. I’m watching your hard dick going in an out of Steve’s mouth. Cum, Eric. Cum for me.”

Eric: “Oh, shit. Here it comes. I’m going to cum for you Becca. This is for you. Uh, uh, uh. Swallow my cum, Becca.”

I don’t think he realized that he said my name. Was he imagining it was me sucking his dick? I watched him start pumping rope after rope of cum into Steve’s mouth. Steve was gulping it down. It seemed like it was a lot, but, then, I’d never seen a guy cum before so I wasn’t sure.

Steve sat up and wiped his face from the bit of Eric’s cum that oozed out of his mouth. Both boys were sitting in front of my totally naked while I was totally dressed. They didn’t seem to realize it until suddenly their nudity hit them and they tried to cover their dick with their hands.

Me: “Don’t cover up, guys. It’s kind of late for that. Thanks for letting me watch. That was really cool. Come on, guys, take your hands off your dicks. Let me see them.”

Steve: “It’s not fair that you get to see us naked and we don’t get to see you. You’ve gotten your show. I hope you’re satisfied.”

Me: “Steve, don’t be a poop. I know you like sucking Eric’s dick. That’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with that. And I loved watching you do it. You know, I was looking at your dick while you were sucking Eric so there’s no reason to cover up. I’ve already seen it. Show me your dick again.”

Steve: “I guess you’ve seen it all so here you go. But I still think it isn’t fair that you’re sitting there totally dressed when we’re naked.”

Me: “Would it make it better if I took off my shirt so you could see my tits? I don’t want to get naked, but I’ll show you my tits.”

I lifted my shirt up over my head and took it off and tossed it onto Eric’s bed. Of course, I wasn’t’ wearing a bra so my tits were out there for them to be seen.

Eric: “Oh, shit.”

Steve: “Damn, Becca. Your tits are so fine. They’re perfect.”

Me: “Thanks, Steve. I’m glad you like them. They’re not real big, but I think they’re pretty good myself. I love to play with them.”

Eric: “Oh, shit. You shouldn’t tell us stuff like that, Becs. We’re going to be jacking off to that thought now for a long time.”

Me: “Ooh. You guys will think of me when you jack off?”

Steve: “Are you kidding, Becca? I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought of you while jacking off. Now, I’ll be able to use this memory of your actual tits instead of my imagination of what they look like. The real thing is so much better.”

I could see that their dicks were already starting to get hard again because they were looking at my tits. I loved that. It was the first time that I know of that I actually made a guy hard by looking at my tits.

Me: “I can see you guys are getting hard again. If you guys jerk off for me, I’ll play with my tits for you.”

Steve: “Oh yeah, that’s a deal.”

Both boys grabbed their dicks and started stroking them to hardness while I fondled my tits. I licked my finger and circled a nipple with my wet finger. I pulled and pinched my nipples. I pulled my tit out as far as I could by the nipple and then let it spring back. I squeezed and jiggled my tits. The boys were jacking off faster and faster. It didn’t take them too long to start shooting their cum all over their stomachs. It was the first time I’d ever seen a guy cum. I loved it.

Me: “Look at all that cum. I’ve never seen a guy cum before. Thanks guys. This has been fun. I’ll leave you alone now and let you clean yourselves up. I hope we can do this again sometime.”

I grabbed my shirt off of the bed and walked back out of the room without putting it back on. I closed the door to the jamb and then stayed there to listen to what they’d say.

Steve: “That was really hot, but I sure hope she doesn’t tell anyone or we’re fucked.”

Eric: “Don’t worry. She wouldn’t do that to us. I know she wouldn’t do it to me so you’re safe too. I came so hard watching her play with her tits. They’re like the best tits I’ve ever seen. I wish she wasn’t my sister. I feel weird perving on her and wishing I could suck those nice nipples of hers.”

Steve: “I wouldn’t care if she was my sister. If she let me, I’d suck those tits and do anything else she’d let me do. I just wish she didn’t watch me suck your dick. That’s not really an image I want her to have of me. I mean, she knows we’re not gay, but she caught us doing something that is gay. Damn, this sucks.”

Eric: “I wouldn’t worry about it. She seemed to really like it. If she thought it was gay, she probably would have been grossed out or something. Instead, she begged us to continue. Seeing her perfect tits was worth it.”

Steve: “I have to agree. She’s just so hot. If she wants to watch, I’m okay with it.”

Eric: “I came really hard in your mouth with her watching. I was imagining it was her mouth on my dick. I’ve been trying to not think of her that way, but after today it’s going to be really hard not to.”

I realized I had my hand in my pants listening to the guys. My brother, in particular, was now admitting he thought I was hot and wished he could suck on my tits. I couldn’t believe how this day changed me. I wanted my brother to suck my tits.

Chapter 5

After dinner, I was watching TV with my brother. My parents were still in the kitchen taking care of the dishes. I turned to Eric and tried to be as quiet as possible.

Me: “That was really fun today, Eric. I really loved seeing you guys naked and watching Steve suck your dick. It was really cool watching you guys jack off. I went back into my room afterwards and rubbed my pussy raw reliving it.”

Eric: “Really? Wow, now that’s another hot image for my spank bank.”

Me: “Remember, I promised you that you could see my tits whenever you want if you let me watch, so I owe you.”

With that, I looked towards the kitchen and I could hear them still working in there. I turned towards Eric and lifted my shirt to my chin and showed him my tits.

Me: “There’s your first payment. You like?”

Eric: “Hell, yes I like. You’re really beautiful and your tits are just perfect. I love seeing them.”

Me: “I think you want to do more than just see them, don’t you?”

Eric: “Yeah, I’d like to feel them, kiss them, lick them, and suck your nipples. I’ve never done that before and I can’t imagine doing it on a more perfect set of tits.”

Me: “After mom and dad go to bed tonight, come into my room and I’ll let you play with them.”

Eric: “No shit? Oh, Becca, I’d love to do that.”

Me: “Come into my room naked. No clothes allowed. Okay?”

Eric: “Really? That sounds good to me. I’ll be there.”

We spent the rest of the evening like normal just watching TV and talking about nothing in particular. Eric and I have always gotten along pretty well. Sure, we’ve had arguments now and then like any siblings, but we spend a lot of time together. Being only a year apart, we go to school together and we have some friends in common. I like being with Eric and I thought I’d really like to feel his mouth on my tits. I’d never had anyone do that before. I couldn’t wait until my parents went to bed.

I got ready for bed, but instead of putting on some pajamas like normal, I got into bed naked. I was going to give Eric a real thrill. I laid in my bed waiting for my parents to go to bed and for Eric to come in. It seemed like forever until the bathroom door finally opened and I could see Eric in the doorway backlit from his bedroom lamp. He was naked.

Me: “Come on in, Eric. Get in bed with me.”

Eric: “No shit, Becca? Damn.”

He pulled back the covers and could see part of my naked body. He slipped into the bed and I pulled him to me and pressed my naked body against him. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to feel a totally naked hug. It didn’t matter it was my brother. No, that’s not true. I think it mattered very much it was my brother. I felt good in his arms.

Eric: “Oh, Becca. I can’t believe I’m feeling your naked body against mine. It feels so good. I don’t think it’s supposed to, but I love being in your bed with you. This makes this day just the very best day of my life. Can I touch you?”

Me: “Yes, Eric. You can touch me. You can touch me wherever you want. I want to feel your hands and your lips on my body. I can’t believe how good this feels either.”

Eric: “Oh my god, Becca. I can’t believe this. You wouldn’t believe how many times I have dreamt of being able to touch you, but I never thought I’d get to. Your tits are so soft and smooth. I need to get my mouth on these beautiful tits.”

Me: “Yes, Eric, Kiss them. Suck on my nipples. I love it as much as you do. You can rub my pussy too, if you want. Obviously, we can’t have sex, but I’m up for almost anything else. This just feels so good having your hands and mouth on me.”

I felt his hard dick against my leg and I reached down for it. For the first time in my life, I had a guy’s dick in my hand. It was so hard and yet soft. It fit perfectly in my hand. It wasn’t a big dick, but it was perfect for me. It wasn’t going in my pussy so I didn’t need it to be big. I squeezed it and felt it pulse in response. Eric groaned into my breast. He had one hand on one tit and his mouth sucking on my other nipple. It was heavenly.

I no sooner thought that when I felt his hand leave my breast and start dropping down my stomach. And then he was at the top of my pubic hair. He rubbed his fingers through my hair and it felt so good. Then his hand dipped down and for the first time in my life someone other than me touched my pussy lips. I was soaking wet. He ran his finger up and down my slit gathering my juices on his finger. He pressed in further and he found my vagina. He circled the opening with his finger while still sucking my nipple. It felt like the two were connected. I’d never felt anything like it before.

I needed him on my clit. I reached down and grabbed his hand and moved it up. I pressed two of his fingers right on my clit hood and I rubbed them against my clit. He got the idea and started doing it on his own. I was still holding his dick and I could feel him leaking all over my thigh. I was rubbing his dick back and forth through his slime on my thigh. He finally lifted off my tit to speak.

Eric: “Oh Becca, you’re going to make me cum doing that. I’m going to make a mess.”

Me: “No you’re not. I’ll take care of it.”

I pulled the covers back off of us and saw him next to me naked with his dick in my hand oozing his precum. I hated to make the next move because I liked his hand on my pussy, but I moved down and took his dick right into my mouth. I didn’t even stop to kiss it or lick it. My first time with a dick and I just plopped it right into my mouth. Within seconds, I felt his dick start to pulse and cum shot into my mouth. I didn’t expect it to have so much force and I pulled my head off to swallow what I had and another shot hit me full on the face. I put his dick back in my mouth and took the rest of his cum and swallowed it. I loved it. I loved having his dick in my mouth and I loved having his cum on my face.

Eric: “Becca, I can’t believe you did that. That was so much better than Steve doing it. It was so good I couldn’t hold it back.”

Me: “I loved it, Eric. I have your cum in my stomach and some on my face and I love it. I don’t even want to wipe it off. I love the feel of your cum on my face. I want to do this a lot. I want your cum in my mouth, on my face, on my tits, anywhere you want. But, Eric, you have to promise me you’ll never tell Steve or anyone else. It has to be our secret. And if you can keep the secret, we can do stuff together a lot and learn about sex together.”

Eric: “Don’t worry, Becca. I’d never tell anyone, especially Steve. If he ever found out he would hound me for details and wanting to get involved. He’s my friend, but I don’t want him touching you. You have my word.”

Me: “That’s good. It would be as bad for me as people at school hearing about you guys sucking each other off. I want to be able to try as many things as possible we just can’t fuck. I can’t get pregnant. That would be really bad. But I’m all for us using our hands and mouths on each other to make each other feel good. Speaking of that, I need your fingers back on my clit. I want you to give me my first orgasm by someone other than me. You can rub my clit and play with my tits or you can even lick my pussy. I definitely want you to do that at some point. I’d love to feel a tongue on my clit.”

Eric: “Becca, I’ll do anything you want and we’ll be careful. I don’t know how much we can do like this at night with mom and dad just across the hall, but we have a lot of time together during the day. I can’t wait to see your whole beautiful body in the light.”

With that, I felt his hands go back to my pussy and he quickly found my hard nub. His mouth went back to my tit. He clearly loves my tits. The more we do, the more I wanted to do. This afternoon, I just wanted to watch them, but doing that seemed to switch on something that was lingering within me. And now I want to try everything. I’m safe with Eric. No one will know and he’ll never try to do something I tell him not to do; I can trust him. It’s not like we’re going to fall in love or something; we’re just going to have some fun. Heck, I’ve sucked his dick, well for about three seconds, and he’s working on my pussy and we’ve never kissed.

It was feeling real good. I could tell my orgasm was coming. I realized that the covers were still tossed off and Eric was looking at my naked body. That added to my feeling and my orgasm washed over me. I grabbed Eric’s hand and pressed it against my clit to keep him from continuing to rub when my clit was super sensitive. Eric kept his mouth on my tit the whole time and was licking, flicking and sucking my nipple. It felt like electric shocks running from my nipple to my clit and back. It was the longest and best orgasm I’d ever had. Not that I had that many in my young life. But it was monumental at that moment.

Me: “Thank you, Eric. That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. We’re going to have so much fun together as long as we can keep it a secret. I love you, big brother.”

Eric: “I love you too, Sis. This has been the absolutely best day of my life. Being able to touch your beautiful body is way better than I ever dreamed it would be.”

Me: “As much as I wish you could stay in my bed and sleep with me, I’m afraid you better get back to your room. If mom and dad ever leave us alone for a night or a weekend, I’m going to want to spend the night with you. I like feeling your warm, naked body next to me. And I really like feeling your arms around me. This has been a great day for me, too.”

Eric, reluctantly, got up out of my bed and made his way to the bathroom door. At the door, he turned to look at me. The covers were still up and he could at least see one of my tits. I just let him look at me. He finally turned and went back into his room. It had been one hell of a day.

Chapter 6

The next day, it wasn’t a shock that Eric didn’t invite Steve over. We didn’t really know what to do or how to start. It was different starting out dressed and in broad daylight. I decided to start us out with a talk.

Me: “Eric, now that things have definitely changed between us, I think we should change the bathroom rules. There’s now no reason to be concerned about each other’s nudity. I say we leave the bathroom doors wide open unless we are in there to take a crap. I don’t think you’d want to smell my shit and I don’t want to smell yours. So, when we do that, we close the door to the jamb as we do now. If the other person needs to come in and can take the smell, then go for it. I don’t mind you seeing me take a piss or a shower. In fact, I’ll probably be naked in the bathroom most of the time so you can see me all you want. And I think it would be fun to share the shower, if you want. I hope you’ll be naked too. From now on, when we’re alone, if I’m naked you have my permission to touch me wherever you want. You don’t have to ask if you can; just do it. As far as I’m concerned, I’d like to be able to just get naked as soon as we get home from school. I’d just be worried that you’d be bringing Steve or someone home. So, I think that once we’re both home, if we don’t have anyone else here, I’ll be getting naked and I hope you will too. I’ll be glad to suck your dick whenever you want and you can play with my tits or my pussy whenever you want. I just want us to have fun together.”

Eric: “Damn, Becca, that sound like fun. I’m in. I like the new bathroom rules. Basically, we just try for some privacy when taking a shit and otherwise we’re open to each other. I like it. I can’t wait to watch you pee. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but I’ve never seen a girl do that. And I really can’t wait to take a shower together. I’d love to lather up your whole body and rub our soapy bodies together. This is going to be fun. But I’ve got to ask, are you sure it’s okay for us to be doing these things together. I mean we are brother and sister. Society seems to think there is something wrong with it. After last night though, I can’t imagine why. I just want to make sure you don’t end up with regrets.”

Me: “Thanks for worrying about that. That just shows me how much you care about me. I don’t care what society thinks. What we do in the privacy of our home is no one else’s business. We’re just enjoying each other’s body and showing each other how much we care about each other. I mean, I don’t think we’re going to fall in love and wish we could get married or something. We’re just going to enjoy and embrace our sexuality. I promise, I won’t have any regrets. But, if any time either one of us thinks it needs to end, it must. I hope that never happens. Even if we’re both married and have kids, I hope we’ll find time to get together to enjoy each other. I’ll never have regrets.”

Eric: “Then let’s get naked. I’ve been dying to get my lips on the rest of your body. I want to kiss and lick every square inch of your beautiful body. I definitely need to taste your wet, warm pussy. I’ve never tasted that before and can’t wait.”

That was the key for us both to get naked. In no time, we stood in front of each other completely naked in the daylight. First, we hugged. That’s my favorite thing to do. Feeling another naked body against your own is just wonderful. It only took seconds for Eric’s dick to get hard. I love that he gets that turned on just seeing my body or giving me a hug.

We were in his room and he pulled the covers down on his bed. We got on the bed and Eric started exploring my body with his hands and lips. Of course, he spent a lot of time on my tits. He can’t seem to get enough of them. I think I have pretty good tits, but it’s not like they are spectacular or something. Eric can’t get enough of them. If that’s all I’d ever let him do, he would have been happier than a pig in shit.

It seemed like forever until I finally felt his lips leave my tits and start trailing down my body. He kissed and licked my stomach and then swirled his tongue around and around my belly button. Meanwhile, his hands were running up and down my legs which I immediately parted for him. In order to be able to really attack my pussy, Eric had to change his position. He got between my legs and he just stared at my pussy for a minute or two. I’m sure it was the first one he’d ever seen. He finally got down between my legs and used his fingers to run up and down my labia. He pulled my labia apart so he could see my vagina. I helped his visual out by reaching down and pulling up on my clit hood to show him my pearl. I felt his hot breath on my pussy and it felt so good. And then, finally, I felt his tongue on my pussy.

He licked all the way from my butthole to my clit in one long, slow lick. I had never felt anything so good in my life. I begged him not to stop and to give me more. I didn’t need to beg; he was just getting started. Eric buried his whole face into my pussy and moved it back and forth to get my juices all over his face. I couldn’t wait to lick it off. He tried to get his tongue into my vagina but it didn’t go in very far. He didn’t care. Eric tried to fuck me with his tongue and it felt great. He licked upwards and found I was still holding my clit hood up so that he could get to my clit. He gave it a lick and I almost came right then. He licked and sucked on my clit like he knew what he was doing. I guess he’d watched a lot of porn because he was doing a great job. It didn’t take too long before I felt my orgasm about to hit. I grabbed his head and pressed it hard against my pussy and exploded into orgasm. Eric didn’t know to stop licking my clit so he was still working it. It was super sensitive and I just kept shaking in orgasm. I couldn’t stop with his continued licking and it hurt so good. I finally found my voice and pleaded with him to stop licking and he did. Or maybe it was because I was still pressing his head to my pussy and he couldn’t breathe.

I released his head and he pulled off my pussy. I grabbed my pussy and covered it to make sure he didn’t attack it again. I was breathing like I was a race horse who just won the Kentucky Derby.

Me: “Eric, that was incredible. I have never come that hard in my life. You can do that for me anytime.”

Eric: “Good because I intend to. You taste so good. I love how you smell, how you taste, how warm and wet your pussy is, you’re just so perfect in every way. Are you sure we can’t fall in love and get married?”

Me: “Eric, I can’t say that doesn’t sound good, but you know it can never happen. Just so you know that when I say I love you, it doesn’t mean I’m in love with you. If we go down that path, one or both of us is going to get really hurt. I’m being serious here.”

Eric: “I know; I was kidding. You’re right. But I’m sure I will be insanely jealous of any guy you actually fall in love with. I can’t imagine me finding a girl I want as much as I want you, but you never know.”

Me: “What if I fell in love with Steve?”

Eric: “Geez Becs, don’t even joke about that. It would kill me if you married that horndog.”

Me: “Just kidding you back. There’s no way Steve will ever get in my pants. Don’t worry. For now, you’re the only one who will be getting into my pants, although I don’t intend to wear pants around you that much.”


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Ashley Becca Ch 01

Author’s Note: This is probably going to be long, so let me know what you think about chapters instead of all at once. I love real feedback, but please don’t use it as an excuse to hit on me. Without further delay, please enjoy and don’t forget to vote! * * * * * Leaving the still figure behind in the twin bed across the room, Ashley quietly tiptoed out the door and locked it behind her. She waved at the few other early risers, after all 10 am Saturday morning was pretty early at college, and...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 4 Becca Kimmies Bondage Fun

Chapter Four: Becca & Kimmie's Bondage Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Becca Brittany My heart hammered in fear while pleasure still buzzed from my body. My cock dripped with the last drops of cum, drenched in the pussy juices of Dryad. But that damned fey had melted into her tree after her tree grabbed my arms. She left me bound, vulnerable. And one of Summer's futas had found me. Kimmie, a youthful beauty with brown hair framing a round face, stood before me. Her youthful...

3 years ago
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Beccarsquos sister Dances Striptease For Us

Becca’s sister Dances Striptease For UsA couple weeks ago, our live-in housekeeper/babysitter Becca asked if her younger sister Vicki could come visit for a week. We told her that would great and we promised to behave ourselves while Vicki was here and Becca said that would be very kind of us. She asked if Vicki could stay in the guest room and we said that would be fine. Becca is 22 and her sister Vicki is 19. The two were close growing up but after Becca graduated high school and moved away...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

2 years ago
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Becca Our New Housekeeper

Sorry we haven’t posted lately but we’ve been very busy. Babs and I both got promotions where we work and have been busy learning our new jobs. I suggested to Babs that we get someone to come in and clean the house for her and she jumped at the chance and said she would make the arrangements. A couple days later I came home to find a very cute looking young lady vacuuming the livingroom. She introduced herself to me as Becca and told me that she was very grateful for the job as house keeper. I...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 7 Becca Keilys Futa Fun

Chapter Seven: Becca & Keily's Futa Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Becca Brittany Even knowing there was someone behind the rock, responsible for that explosion of golden light I witness, I still almost jumped out of my skin when the slender, auburn-haired girl bounded out from behind it. I jumped, my big tits, soaked by my swim across the river, heaved before me while my futa-cock smacked into my wet belly. The girl gave me a mischievous grin, pushing up her glasses as she...

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Ashley Becca Ch 02

Author’s Note – Sorry everyone, I’ve been holding back this part for a while. As always, feedback and voting are appreciated and somewhat neccesary to convince me to finish this series. If you haven’t read the first chapter, please do, the characters, as well as the story, will make more sense. This section contains scenes of both a male/female nature and female/female, though no full out sex, yet. Cor grinned as she hung up the phone. ‘Hell yah’ she said in a self satisfied way. After a few...

2 years ago
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Slowly Seducing Becca

"Do you live around here?" she asked suddenly. "Yeah, Washington Avenue." "Really? So do I. Number 16596." "Oh, I know that house. Cream stucco, green window shutters . . . right?" "Yeah, that's the one," she said smiling broadly, as she looked at her Daddy as if he were a cute guy she had just met. "I'm about 300 yards further up the hill, 18433. I can give you a ride back if you like." "I’d like that." So, Becca, how old are you? Fourteen, fifteen?" She...

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Dan aka Becca

Dan had been fascinated with women’s panties since he had found a pair belonging to his sister accidentally mixed in with his clothing. He had rubbed them against his face feeling the silky smoothness. He kept them for a few days until he heard his sister asking about them, then made a pretense of finding them stuck in between the washer and dryer. After that, whenever he had the chance, he would try to sneak in a few strokes against his cheek with a pair of her panties. When his sister threw...

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Dan aka Becca Part 2

By the time summer break arrived, Becca has gotten quite comfortable going out with Andrea, or by herself. She had become a regular at a few of the bars that catered to the LGBQT community and had become friends with several of the “gurls” as they liked to call themselves. She had also found and become friends with several of the female regulars, one of whom she was really starting to like quite a bit. Tina was helping her a lot with her makeup and styling tips as well. She also ran into Candi...

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Meeting Becca Ch 01

I looked across the restaurant, watching Kate glance around as she came in. I had arrived a few minutes early and the maitre d’ had already seated me in a booth near the back. It’s comfortable there, a little apart from the tables. A good place to talk. Kate had called yesterday to ask if I could meet her for lunch. I picked a quiet, upscale place I frequent. It is quiet and secluded, but relatively easy to find. Kate and I had worked for the same company. Actually, I had worked for her. At...

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Becca All Grown Up0

Considering I was free and single for most of the year every year and newly divorced I decided to make a big life change and I packed up and moved to Thailand where I could get good sun, eat cheap food, live in a pent house and fuck around while doing minimal work as a university professor online. Life was perfect. Becca first came to visit when she was 9. Still upset with the divorce was excited to visit somewhere as foreign as Thailand. We had fun, she learned a bit of the language and I was...

3 years ago
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Do you have your sunscreen on?" my Dad asked me. "No, I'll put it on at the party," I replied. We were in the car to a party at my friends house. Her name was Genna and we had been going to school together for the past several years. I was excited for this party for one purpose. As I thought of the reason, my mind flashed back to the conversation I...

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Becca one hot but crazy gal

I had met Becca on AFF. We had chatted, emailed and agreed on a date. I met Becca one Friday evening not too far from her job. She was dressed as a very attractive mid to late 40 something lady in a dress and low heeled shoes, great legs, nice tits and a fine ass. We chatted a bit in a popular watering hole before heading down the street to a place she had picked out for our dinner date. The wait was way too long, Becca suggested a Sushi Bar a few miles away. Sure, as I like Sushi much like I...

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Becca and Jayson

Jayson woke up on Thursday and realized that he had sixteen missed calls. They were all from his mom. He texted her and said that he had just woken up and she didn't reply. He laid there in the bed for another before the phone finally vibrated. " WHY CANT YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE????" said the text. It was his mom. He simply replied with, " I was asleep sry". Another twenty minute rolled by and then the phone finally vibrated again. " Me and your father decided to spend the weekend in Aspen!!!!...

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Becca Her Story Continues

My name is Rebecca Albertsson, more commonly called Becca. I'm eighteen years old and this story is a follow-on to Lifestyle Parents. You will find out a lot more about me if you read that story first. I'll give you some of the highlights of my younger life that will help this story stand on it's own. * My story really begins when my grandparents immigrated to this country. Grandpa's business transferred him here to takeover and run a newly purchased company. Grandma and Grandpa must have...

First Time
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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 4 Becca Kimmiersquos Bondage Fun

Becca Brittany My heart hammered in fear while pleasure still buzzed from my body. My cock dripped with the last drops of cum, drenched in the pussy juices of Dryad. But that damned fey had melted into her tree after her tree grabbed my arms. She left me bound, vulnerable. And one of Summer’s futas had found me. Kimmie, a teenage beauty with brown hair framing a round face, stood before me. Her youthful breasts were firm and perky, her futa-dick nudging my slick shaft. She had such a...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 4 Best Practices

Ian's frown grew more pronounced as he waited his turn. He'd been in line at the security checkpoint for fifteen minutes. He always showed up to work at least ten minutes early. Now, thanks to this spectacle, he was five minutes late and counting. They'd warned him there would be more strict security protocols at the newly established Special Projects Division, but he didn't think it would take this long. The only thing he hated more than being late was someone else's poor planning making...

1 year ago
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I first met Becca when I was teaching in England. At the time she was seventeen and I was 23. She was a very pretty, and very friendly girl and had a lovely personality, but she was not the most intelligent girl in the group by a long way, but she worked hard. My first contact with her was through teaching her and then in time she would come to me to get papers signed for instance for me to sign the form for her to renew her passport. Later she came and she was quite upset when she told me that...

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Beccas Bliss

Becca's petite, lightly tanned body moved gracefully with each step, her black workout pants revealing the movements of her hips. With every step, her athletic shoes rose from the pavement, leaving behind the soft crunch of someone small running of gravel. Her jacket had long since been removed and tied around her waist; it was too hot to exercise with one, being late spring. Becca slowed down, her breath puffing; she leaned over and rested, her hands on her knees and the air moving out of her...

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Beccas swimming training

Becca loved her swimming, she done it at a highly competitive standard. At the age of 15 she liked to show off her body a little bit so her swimsuits were getting tighter and tighter. She had now developed a nice pair of breasts about a C cup and had perfect soft pink nipples, a six pack was gradually on its way and with hardly any fat on her top half. She had a tight bald pussy which had been touched in the ways of men, but not too many so was still rather tight. She has thick muscular legs...

2 years ago
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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 7 Becca Keilys Futa Fun

Becca Brittany Even knowing there was someone behind the rock, responsible for that explosion of golden light I witness, I still almost jumped out of my skin when the slender, auburn-haired teenager bounded out from behind it. I jumped, my big tits, soaked by my swim across the river, heaved before me while my futa-cock smacked into my wet belly. The girl gave me a mischievous grin, pushing up her glasses as she said, “Thank god you’re not with Summer!” My heart fluttered a mile a minute....

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The Becca Chronicles Ch 10 Final

So, that’s how it all started. As I write this, I am sitting in the one-bedroom apartment I share with my brother at university. My parents pay the rent so they, obviously, know our living arrangement. Eric and I live as husband and wife at college. Yes, we realized that we had fallen in love with each other, even though we knew we shouldn’t let it happen. Our parents found out about us when I was eighteen and a senior in high school. We screwed up. Just once, but we screwed up. On a...

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Witch Chronicles 11The WarMiddle Game

It's finally done! The next part of my Witch Chronicles series. It's the largest part to date, almost twice as large as Part 9, the previous record holder. It's also closing in on the end. There'll be two more parts. Part 12 will cover the end of the war. Part 13 will be an aftermath, answering questions that weren't covered in previous installments with information the government doesn't have access to. The previous installments of this story line are republished under the...

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Witch Chronicles 009 The Year Before

Here's the next part of my Witch Chronicles series. It isn't the end and I'm not sure how long or how many installments there will be, but here's this one. The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a...

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“Why can’t I find someone like you?” That was the question that started it all. Looking back on the unbelievable sequence of events that had led us to this point, I suppose it was inevitable. I mean, I’m a red-blooded man, with hair on my chest, an impressive power tool collection, and more than my share of pubic scalps hanging from my belt (metaphorically speaking, of course). So when my attention was attracted by a hot young thing 25 years my junior – not that 42 is old, mind you – with...

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Futa Reporters Wicked WishChapter 3 Beccarsquos Wild Talk Show

“I just can’t believe it,” my seventeen-year-old daughter Jenna moaned as we lay in bed. “That’s me with your cum running out of my cunt, Mom.” “I know,” I groaned, my pussy so wet, my clit itching and throbbing, wishing it were a futa-cock right now. But the sun had set hours ago, returning my dick to the little bud peeking out of my soft petals. “You just look so yummy. I’m gushing out of you.” “Want to know how that hot cum got in her underage snatch?” the me on TV asked, my face looking...

3 years ago
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For the Love of BeccaChapter 2

My second appointment was coming up with Greg. I was looking forward to it, actually. My morning sickness had dissipated to only short bouts of nausea when I smelled greasy food or grass clippings. I didn't think this was too odd. According to the books I had picked up, a heightened sense of smell and reactions to smells were normal during pregnancy. I was enjoying being pregnant now. My belly still appeared flat. When I lay my palm on my stomach and spread my fingers I can just barely...

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Witch Chronicles 002 Elizabeths Story Elizabeth

Witch Chronicles 002: Elizabeth's story: Elizabeth by JRD Author's Note: Here's the second part of the Witch Chronicles. The installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Witch Chronicles 003 Elizabeths Story Lynn

Witch Chronicles 003: Elizabeth's Story-Lynn by JRD Author's Note: Here is part 3 of the Witch Chronicles. The installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". Here are the original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH...

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Witch Chronicles 008 Prelude to War

The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH CHRONICLES 006 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 WITCH CHRONICLES 007 - Dark Beginnings WITCH CHRONICLES 008 - Prelude to War Now,...

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Witch Chronicles 004 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1

WITCH CHRONICLES 004 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fourth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Witch Chronicles 005 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2

WITCH CHRONICLES 005 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fifth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Witch Chronicles 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3

WITCH CHRONICLES 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the sixth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Witch Chronicles 001 A TG Witches Tale

This is a story I wrote a while ago (3rd story I ever wrote actually). Truth is I never intended to even write a sequel to this story, but it has turned out to be a story that started a series of stories that I have collectively titled "WITCH CHRONICLES". Here is the series and the titles they were originally published under: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES...

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Meeting Becca Ch 02

Around 1 year ago ‘May I sit down?’ Glancing up from my newspaper, for a moment I thought my heart would stop. Her photos didn’t do her justice. I was looking into bright, hazel eyes set in one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. Amber honey-colored hair fell loosely to just past her shoulders. Tall, maybe 5’11’. Slender but not skinny. Athletic was my first thought. An expensive but tasteful engagement ring on her left ring finger. I notice important things. Rising from my chair,...

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Becca and her Uncle

As requested :) work of fiction and everyone is of legal age and all that!Even from an early age I have always been very inquisitive about sex. My family are very prudish. Well at least I thought they were…turns out my Uncle Ian isn’t such a prude. . I know I have always been his favourite niece and that he has a soft spot for me. What I didn’t know was just how easy it would be to turn that soft spot hard.This summer after I had finished my exams and celebrated my sixteenth birthday,...

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For the Love of BeccaChapter 4

I awoke the next morning after a satisfying night, sexually and restfully. I was nestled in Greg's arms, my naked back pulled against his chest. His fingers were gently stroking the hardened curve of my belly. I noticed a slight soreness between my legs, nothing to be alarmed about. If anything I wanted to touch the punished flesh between my legs and feel the jump in sensation such action caused. I didn't have to, Greg's fingers found my fragrant slit before I could. "Doctor, I have...

4 years ago
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My first time with Becca

The only problem for me was she had her boyfriend, who was pretty much too shy and useless, really had no clue how to satisfy a 5 "6, 17 yr old horny girl, after all, we all knew of her "mistakes". Ryan stood at 5"11 and was moderately handsome like myself but was skinnier than me at the time, now, i wasn't muscular, but at the same time i wasn't chubby. I stand at around 5"9 and have short black hair and shiny blue eyes, which had been lusting after Becca for a while however due to...

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For the Love of BeccaChapter 3

After my last patient I decided to leave a little early. 4:30 is a little early for me. I entered the parking lot from the rear of the building and found my car easily enough. I had earned a reserved parking spot a few years earlier. I dug around in my purse for my keys. I had the bad habit of carrying around a large purse and proceeded to stuff every single unnecessary item into it. Now when I need to find something, I find all sorts of odds and ends instead. Finally I felt my keys in the...

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bako cunt becca roberts and asiand cunt and i demo

It was a wed night i had just finished rehersal with my band when as i was gf at the time a tasty little bitch named becca whom id made from a frumpy daria geek to a sluttyly little stripper swinger pleasure palace for me and my crew....she saunters over with this tiny tiny little asian cunt named su ling that worked at the club with her and says we wanna go to the porn theater and get says i and away we go ...upon entering with these two little coozes on my arm we...

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Witch Chronicles 13 Aftermath

WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The...

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The OConnell Chronicles One Mans Art

Untitled Document The Chronicles of Jerry O?ConnellThis is the second part of an intended chronicle detailing the works of a ratherunpleasant man by the name of Jerry O?Connell. ( the first part being ?The Objectof His Affection?) Jerry is a physician, of sorts, who deals in the art of women,modifying them to suit the needs of his clients. He has a long and sordid history,which should be detailed in future installments. Some installments of this chronicle,such as this, will feature Jerry as a...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

2 years ago
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Futa Reporters Wicked WishChapter 2 Beccarsquos Naughty Promos

“What are you doing here, Jenna?” I gasped, staring at my seventeen-year-old daughter as she sucked the last of my futa-cum out of my new clit-dick. I shivered, her lips drawing up it, her sandy-blonde hair spilling about her face. Jenna’s mouth popped off my dick. Her cute, pixyish face stared up at me, her blue eyes twinkling. “Well, I’m your fluffer, right? I keep your futa-dick nice and hard, and let you cum whenever you want.” “My futa-dick...” I bit my lip. “How’d you even know I had...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Intern Meant Tramp

In truth, he'd exaggerated the knowledge and accomplishments on his resume more than a little. At this stage, Josh had no choice. He'd been looking for gainful employment for almost two years after college with only a handful of interviews to show for it; none of which panned out. In recent years it had become much more difficult to establish a career, particularly for young men. Women were ascending in every field; especially a certain kind of woman. Vanessa, the head of IT, was one of...

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The Family Pet The OConnell Chronicles

Author’s Note:  While this is another chapter in the O’Connell Chronicles it is intended to stand alone. For those unfamiliar with the O’Connell Chronicles I would direct you to the first story in the series ?The Object of His Affection?. For those hoping for another tale in extreme body modification – well, this is probably not the story you are looking for. Just the same, it will likely hint at future tales (providing I can manage sustained inspiration and figure out how to bring my ideas to...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Futa Gym Shower Slut

It had been an interesting six months that led Andrew here. While home for winter break, his parents announced he wouldn't be returning to college. His mother, in particular, had decided the investment was no longer worth it. His father supported her decision wholeheartedly. Andrew was told that new opportunities for young men with no degree were opening up in their area. He had no idea what kind of jobs his parents meant, but he took them at their word. Mother allocated him a weekly stipend...

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Chronicles of Kresh 2 The Culling

Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events are entirely fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better! ******** The smoldering ruins of the Choi village were like a fine wine tasted with relish to Warlord Kresh as he strode down the main thoroughfare. Two naked young women, their wrists bound with rope in front of them, were yanked along by leashes attached to makeshift rope collars, the end of each leash...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 5 Quiver Full of Toys

This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...

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Witch Chronicles Christmas Intermission

Here's that Christmas Story I mentioned. Actually I had two other ideas for Christmas stories, but thinking about it, I determined that the story ideas would work better as more fully fleshed out stories, non-seasonally oriented. I was almost going to skip it and move right into Witch Chronicles 12, but this idea popped into my head. There's a lot going on in the Witch Chronicles world not directly revealed in those stories. So I took an idea from the first story and wrote this,...

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Becca B Part 3

Becca B. Part 3part 1 2 B. Part 3It was getting late and I had to be at work by 4 am, we made our plans for tomorrow, we decided that I would drop her off on my way to work and with it being so early no one would be awake and all should be good to go. I would be getting off at noon (being a store manager has its perks) and we would meet at the malls parking garage and I would pick her...

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Beccas Quickie

I couldn't believe it. I just stood and stared at the referee holding the red card aloft. Oh fuck not again, I thought in disbelief. It was the third time this season I'd been sent off, but this time I could protest my innocence until I was puce and it would do no good. I felt a hand on my shoulder and shrugged it off as my anger really began to boil."Becca, leave it. Just go." I turned away from the referee. It was Donna, the club captain. "Don't make it worse.""I didn't fucking touch her." I...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 25

Welcome back everyone to the last chapter of The Runesmith Chronicles: Oni and the Farmer! I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I have written a book ... gotta say, it feels pretty damn good. I should start posting chapters for book two in a few weeks as I’m still working on outlining and planning right now. Just want to say thank you all for coming along on this wild ride with me! Keep an eye out for updates on my blog over the next couple of weeks, I am...

4 years ago
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The Mangini Chronicles Vol I

The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) Description:This is the first volume of what I hope to be many about High School Head Master, Eric Mangini.? In this volume Eric begins the manifestation of his dark desires by entrapping and blackmailing a student into sexual...

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