Alter Ego
- 2 years ago
- 41
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From the view of Mrs Wild.
Alone in my own annex, and in my special secret laboratory. All set out as planned.
I sat with a sense of great satisfaction and mulled over the documents in front of me.
It was a year ago when my journey started and I became, who I am now. It was a change I enjoyed. I felt like a new woman and with humiliation and payback on my mind.
Six months earlier.
I was driving to my meeting with Michelle. She was about a decade younger than me and must have been in her early fifties now. We met when Michelle was an undergraduate and I was her mentor and had been friends ever since. She was the person I trusted the most in the world, along with Howard, my husband.
Michelle, who swapped a science career for one with the police and now was a private investigator. A highly regarded one too.
My case had been several months in the making. I said how I didn’t want to hear anything until she had all the facts together.
My husband, Howard, and I were quite rich now, but it hadn’t always been that way. We started a company in the pharmaceutical industry and over forty years, it had grown to a multi-million-pound company. I hadn’t been involved in the operation for well over fifteen years now. It enabled me to do consultancy work for a company, who dealt with genetics and do charity work at several schools. I didn’t need the money; I did them out of interest and Howard supported me.
One of the Directors at our company, Liz, I never liked. Liz had worked for the company for over twenty years and was now on the board. Howard would never hear a bad word against her, but I didn’t trust her and had seen a lot of the money in the business just seem to disappear. I asked Michelle for some help.
When Michelle arranged to meet up, I did think it was unlike Michelle to arrange for our meeting to be at a random place, out of town and at a quiet café. That was because I didn’t realise what Michelle had uncovered, though.
As I approached Michelle at the coffee table, I saw all the documents on the table. She had done a lot of work, but it wasn’t what I was worried about. It was the look on her face. She looked worried, upset and on edge. I hadn’t seen her like this before.
The worry had seemed to age her. She was always quite pretty, slim, tallish at 5-feet-6, and had long blonde hair.
After she saw me, she got up and started to look out of the window, like if she was seeing if I was followed.
“Are you ok, Michelle?” I asked sounding concerned before I kissed her on the cheek.
“Did you think you were followed? Howard doesn’t know you are meeting me?” Michelle quickly asked, sounding overly concerned.
Her piercing blue eyes were full of upset.
“No and no, Michelle… please don’t worry. I have kept this all to myself, as we had planned.”
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Sheila, I found out a lot and it’s not what you think. I’m glad that as a friend, I can be the one to explain everything and before I start, I want you to know I will support you through it all.”
She went to get a couple of coffees before she started to explain what she had uncovered. I knew it was bad news, but I would never have guessed what had been happening.
We were there for several hours and I left with three A4 folders of detailed information, and the promise of far more to come. At the time, this wasn’t on the most forefront of my mind, but Michelle was excellent and incredibly thorough with her work, as I would continuingly find out.
When I got back in my car, I broke down with what I had found out. I let all my emotions out. Although I did not know what I would become or how I would deal with the grief then; I knew that I had to not show Howard any signs of what I did know.
I played it all over in my mind repeatedly during my journey home. The bullying, the sex, the affairs. All at the company I jointly owned, all involving Howard. It was like I was hearing about a different man. I didn’t know if my mind was playing tricks on me, but I started to see how it had all become possible.
The time it all started made sense. The money over the years spent on ‘entertaining customers’ was just on entertaining themselves, trips away, not to mention on surgery.
It was like, well, the last fifteen years flashed before me. The encouragement for me to take a step back and enjoy my work more; this was so I wasn’t involved in the day-to-day running of the company.
My purpose-built annex, where I worked freely practicing experiments to hopefully help society with cures for diseases. All paid for by Howard; this was so I wasn’t thinking about anything else, not questioning the obvious.
Working different hours, keeping opposing life schedules; we drifted apart until we were at a part in our lives where we were more co-living.
I just thought it was natural, as people got older, their relationships changed.
I saw it all clearly now.
I realised just why Michelle was so upset and concerned. Many years ago, she had gone through two divorces where her husbands cheated on her with numerous affairs. I had helped her through that. Especially with the issue over one of the women, I felt guilty for what happened to her. It probably brought us closer together as friends.
I guess it brought everything back to her too. I hated Howard for that now as well as myself for asking Michelle to help, but I now needed her help more than ever and she realised that.
Her hatred for Howard and these women was clear to see.
I lay in bed next to Howard that night.
It had been over ten hours since I had found out and that night, I lay there alone and untouched and started to work out my plan of revenge for the first time.
With each photo, each piece of information Michelle passed across, the more my hatred ad rage flowed.
I didn’t just want to divorce Howard.
I wanted my revenge.
I wanted my revenge on every one of these women.
Michelle wanted payback more than me and was concerned about how I was bottling up my emotions, but I needed time to think, to digest the information, the great levels of depravity. Michelle’s anger was nowhere near to the level I was at now and in this time, I had thought through a plan.
I loved science. I thought I would make it all one great big experiment for the greater good of all involved and never to be involved with such horrible, nasty, egotistic people again.
I would draw up a list and work through it and make sure they learnt their lessons; they were shown up for what they were. My research for cures for diseases would now be for punishment for those who had crossed me or any other innocent unsuspecting people.
It was ironic I was laughing at affairs in the last few weeks. I heard about them going on where I worked part-time. I scoffed at this behaviour. Now it made me enraged with anger and the need to inflict pain and humiliation.
I decided even these people would get a dose of my medicine too.
Michelle’s investigation was so detailed around some of these people. I didn’t know where to start, then I thought I wouldn’t start on the list. I would set up my operation first. It would give Michelle even more time to investigate further.
As for Howard, he thought he was the one in control, as did these women involved, but that was over now. I would be the one pulling their strings, and they wouldn’t even know.
The advantage of having money is that you could make projects happen quickly and within four months, I had the extension put into my annex, and all paid for by Howard. He didn’t even care what I was doing in there. In fact, he hardly ever visited my annex. He was obviously too busy working on other areas.
I had met up with Michelle who I had paid more money to, so she could continue her investigation, and I invested in a few more companies, which would be useful for the future too.
With my brilliant and chilling plan in hand, I felt like a new woman, with a new purpose. For the first time in years, I had started to feel quite turned on by it all and had certainly sampled out some of my dildos and vibrators from my new laboratory.
I was never the most attractive woman; in fact, I was the one who was the final pick; the final choice. I had always dressed like a bit of a geek; I was a scientist after all. Howard was my only second boyfriend.
Where I hadn’t aged well, Howard had done.
He was pushing seventy years old now, but in recent years, he had been starting to spend more time looking after himself, with diets, haircuts, more expensive clothes, and manicures. He even had a facelift almost a decade ago.
The money and power seemed to have changed him, and he was no longer the one on the side-lines but the alpha now.
My appearance and the betrayal no longer concerned me. I felt like I had accepted my appearance now, more than at any time in my life.
It was almost two months ago when I made another discovery and one which I found out by myself.
With Howard out, I went into the home office, which was not locked.
Howard left in a hurry, so there must have been an issue, and he wasn’t as thorough, as he normally was.
It was spacious and had more antique-style furnishings, with a large solid oak desk which dominated the room, as well as having a small table and chairs to hold meetings.
My phone had cameras to the front door, so I kept a view of them, in case Howard came back.
I couldn’t find much in the folders that were on his desk and on the various shelves. It was mainly company invoices and contracts. I did find documents around the credit cards, but Michelle had already managed to get access to these somehow, which uncovered many dark secrets.
A little frustrated and dishevelled, I was about to give up. When a thought occurred to me.
The bookcases on the back wall. Viewed from another angle it didn’t seem right. Almost ajar somehow.
In my haste of moving folders around, I worried that I had brought it off the brackets, and started to panic.
Concerned, I walked back across to see if I could push it back in place, but in doing so, I realised it was ajar for another reason.
Howard had a secret room.
This bookcase was a hidden door to it.
I paused for a brief second and checked the camera on my phone. Having found out so much and being in a far better place now, I decide to open the door and go in.
It led to a small staircase, which led to a basement room.
Slowly walking down, I reached up and turned on the lights at the entrance to the room.
The walls were painted white, with picture frames scattered around.
There were a few wardrobes, a large leather reclining chair, a small table, and a drinks bar.
But the room was dominated by a king-size four-poster bed, freshly adorned with grey silk sheets.
I quickly opened the wardrobe and cupboards and found sex toys, like dildos, vibrators, blindfolds, chains, and whips.
Even a few costumes, I assumed for role plays.
Howard had his own secret sex chamber.
I sat on the bed and took it all in.
The disappointing emotion was that I wasn’t surprised, and it was very much the missing piece of the puzzle.
He and his various women didn’t always meet up at hotels and have breaks away on holiday.
They pleasured themselves in this room too.
I thought about the costumes and even the sex toys and even giggled. Maybe we were more similar than I realised. In building my own secret chamber, I had those now too. A recent discovery of my own, which although intended to use on other people, I had quite liked using them myself.
Concerned at how long I had been in his chamber, I got up off the bed and smiled to myself, even happier with the plans I had made.
Then I spotted a jar of pills on a side table, which were unlabelled. Curious, I went over and took a couple out.
They were small and of a pale blue colouring, but completely unmarked, like a prototype. They must have been manufactured by the company.
As I left his chamber, I slipped the pills into my pocket, turned off the light and went back into his office.
When I closed the bookcase door, I did a final check around the room, that everything was, as I left it.
In doing so, I heard footsteps and quickly checked my phone to see Howard’s Jaguar in the driveway.
Howard was back and I didn’t realise.
The footsteps were close, and I didn’t want to get caught in his office. He would know something wasn’t right then.
I quickly hid under his desk table and hoped that it was a brief return.
“Why didn’t you bring them in the first place, Howard, you know how important those are. You shouldn’t really leave them in the office.”
I could hear Liz’s voice.
Liz was with him in his office.
“I know, Liz, don’t have a go at me now, I was in a rush. I was…”
“Please stop there, Howard, I don’t want to know what you were up to, especially if it involved that seedy chamber of yours…or with any women, to that matter.”
“Ha, Liz, very funny… nothing to do that, but you are so quick to judge.”
“Well, I know your secrets, I’ve known you for a long time now.”
“You don’t know all my secrets, Liz.”
They both giggled.
But their giggling didn’t cloud the sound of the opening of the safe, which was behind one of the framed pictures.
There was then the sound of shuffling of paperwork,
“Well, following that weight loss of yours, I know your secret now, Liz.”
“Ssshhh. Is it that obvious, Howard?”
“Of course, most of the office knows. You’ve been shagging that Neil. I was worried after all these years… you know… you’ve never mentioned about a partner… now this weight loss, bit more make-up.”
“Stop it, Howard… it’s taken me years to lose this weight and find someone.”
“I know, just don’t lose that edge of yours. I need someone to keep an eye on everything.”
“I’m more than capable of doing the dirty work. You know that. Look at the deal with Sanderson. I sorted it for you.”
“Ha, you did that, Liz… I’m lucky to have you.”
The shuffling of paper stopped, the clicking and creaking sound of the safe was back, before it was closed shut to the world again.
“Come on, Howard, we need to get back.”
“Let’s go, Liz.”
There was silence again.
Hesitantly, I opened my phone again and looked at the camera, they were in the Jaguar and setting off again.
I was lucky that my phone didn’t go off and that he didn’t lock his office.
I got up from under the desk and made my way back to my annex.
There, I mulled over my discovery and thought about when that chamber was built. We had a massive extension around the time my annex was built. It was maybe a decade ago. It must have been then,
For a moment, I felt myself being disappointed again that I never realised Howard had such a chamber.
Then I let that feeling pass. That wasn’t going to help. After all, I was a different person now.
I had no idea about who this Sanderson company was. I would mention them to Michelle.
I did know about Neil though, Michelle was always very thorough, but Liz’s confidence from her weight loss, well I would have to do something about that.
In fact, I would be able to monitor a lot more soon. Michelle’s friend, who works in IT was in the process of getting all the company office security cameras, along with the ones in our house and around the estate’s grounds, hooked up for me to access in my annex.
I imagined this IT friend of hers, had helped her a lot with my investigation.
As I entered the annex and walked through my small laboratory, I went through to my own secret chamber.
Like Howard’s, I would be having great pleasure with the delights of my own equipment I had set up, it made Howard’s look very amateurish.
All shiny and new, and gleaming with excitement to be used.
I sat down in my chair and phoned up Michelle, I’m sure she would be interested in my latest discovery and be annoyed she hadn’t uncovered it herself. Plus, I was hoping for some more updates on the multiple investigations going on.
After that call, I would maybe play with some of those sex toys myself.
I was once a fridged woman, who had not had sex for years and years, someone who had never used a sex toy in her life until a few months ago. I was changing in all areas of my life.
I was becoming someone else.
Following a meeting I had with my financial advisors over some companies I had invested in, I found myself back in the annex.
I was looking at a few of the pictures of some of the women, that Howard has had affairs with. As expected, they were years younger than me, some, getting on for twenty years.
The women were all a little different: blonde, brunette, tall, short, slim, curvy. I didn’t know if he had an actual type.
They were all different in terms of their backgrounds, there was: an ex-model, a consultant, a dental nurse, the list was long.
I looked at myself naked in the mirror.
I was a woman in her sixties and one who didn’t care much about her appearance.
Facial, I was never the best looking and I had not aged well at all.
I always had short hair, that was now more grey than brown, my blue eyes shone with intelligence once, but now seemed moodier and were surrounded by wrinkled skin.
My face had lost its shape and my neck had started to wrinkle.
I had a middle-age spread around my belly and my thighs were a little large, but in general, I was quite slim. A size 12 probably.
My lower legs were quite slim and toned, as were my arms.
My 36B cup breasts were facing south now although they were once quite perky, the advantage of not having children. As I have aged my nipples had started to face more inwards, as well as south.
As I turned around, I saw some moles on my back and a saggy flat bum.
When I looked at myself again, I looked down at my pussy. It was covered with greying bush. Maybe I would give that a shave, none of the women had bushes as thick. Maybe that would be the start of a bit of a makeover or to become someone I wanted to be.
I thought about Cathy, the HR consultant. She was my age, yet looked younger. Another one of Howard’s women from previous years.
Her short grey hair, nicely styled, skirts worn way too short, flirting with the young men. I didn’t ever want to be like her.
When I thought back to my younger years with Howard, it was never about the sex, it was the shared love for science, we both were so excited about it. Then came the long hours of our work, and forming the company, it was no surprise we had no children.
I was just never a sexual person, but I felt was changing now.
His first affair started at the time when the menopause hit me. I was fifty and had finished my menopause, and it knocked me for six. Within a couple of years, I felt my appearance had gone downhill. I aged and most definitely looked my age. It was like mother nature had taken away my womb and all the femininity I ever had, not that I had much anyway.
I started to get hairs in places I never did before. I was conscious of my hands the most, which got quite hairy.
My hands always concerned me from a young age. I was of less than average height now, around 5-foot-2-inches, and was quite slim, which seemed to bring them into focus more. Throughout my life, I always had big manly hands, the addition of hair was not helping.
I thought of the other woman and their bodies in those costumes. I imagined the one with the big boobs, just hanging out of that nurse outfit. Her bust so full and ripe.
I was never competing with these women.
I slipped into my own costume which I had conducted my plan in. My laboratory jacket, and my oversized glasses. I probably did look like I was from a horror film. With my wrinkled neck and short hair, that added to the look.
This was the look I wanted though.
I looked at myself in the mirror, slowly changing my face from a quiet, unassuming smile, to a more menacing stare. Just that nuance made me look like a different woman. It was like, I could become a new character.
A new character would help me feel more empowered, more chilling with my actions.
Moving away from the mirror, I hung up the pictures of the women along one of the walls, and thought about that busty woman, and who would be sucking on her big boobs now, and the fun I would have with her.
In fact, I had already tested my treatment in the lab. I couldn’t help laughing to myself at the thought, as I left the Annex and went back to the main house.
It was getting late and I fancied playing a little with Howard. We were supposed to have our quarterly business meeting, where he would say how great everything was, but wasn’t as good at hiding all these expenses anymore.
Now, knowing what I did, I played with him on them, just seeing what outrageous excuses he used for all the hotel trips and flights abroad.
Tomorrow would be my first experiment and I was feeling excited, but I wanted to have fun with Howard first.
“Shall we watch TV together before bed, Howard?”
“No, I will be up in a bit… just need to finish a little more work.”
“Judging from what you have gone through tonight, apart from cutting back on some expenses, you’re doing well. Maybe you need some rest.”
“Maybe… well… I’ve got a busy day tomorrow… give me five minutes.”
“Ok, I will make you a nice cocoa before bed then.”
“Thanks, Sheila.”
A busy day he had said, well maybe it won’t turn out to be as busy in an area he would like it to be. I smiled to myself and made his drink.
We didn’t talk much in bed and the lights soon went out.
As I lay there, with Howard asleep, I giggled at the thought of what I had done.
Well, those pills of his I had found I his office, I took them to my laboratory and did tests on them. As I thought, they were a stimulus for enhancing and lengthening the time of an erection.
I made my own little formula, which happened to end up in his cocoa. That formula would make it very difficult for Howard to perform.
The blood wouldn’t as freely be arriving where he would want it to.
I needed to get access to those pills again and that sex chamber of his.
Once these thoughts subsided, I soon was restless again with excitement about my plan for tomorrow.
I had planned to start with the first known affair, she was almost as old as me now, no longer fucking my husband in her more youthful appearance, and being the first made it seem the most appropriate.
Then I thought about the big-busted one who thought she got away with a quick fling, that was, what several years ago; but I decided I needed to be more brutal with my formula for her assets.
The more I thought about what these women did, the more wicked I wanted my revenge to be for each of them.
Then some dismissive remarks at school and another situation developed, that I needed to put a stop too. I looked at this, as some brief practice work.
Smiling in bed, I imagined flirty Mrs Davis now. In bed with her husband, excited about fucking her boss tomorrow.
The women, that Howard cheated on me with all those years ago, they could wait; what I had in store for each of them was a lot more chilling.
I also wanted to control Howard and even more so, I wanted to control that cock of his. Tonight, I did have complete control and it felt good.
I thought back to looking at myself in the annex in the mirror, the photograph of me, a decade early receiving another prize for my work. I had aged, but I was no longer that woman in the photograph.
I needed to, and had become someone stronger, and someone capable of revenge,
I was no longer Mrs Wild, I had become my alter-ego, Professor Wild.
Mrs Davis, a week earlier, was a senior Biology teacher at a prestigious school. She had all the men eating out of her palm, and was in a secure relationship.Working in an all-boys school and being in a male-dominated staff room, she had used her pretty face and womanly curves to keep the boys well behaved in the lessons and gained promotion after promotion.For the past few months, she had enjoyed an affair with her boss, which had given her another promotion, as well as some excitement with...
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MatureAuthor's Note: It's great to see so many people are reading my story! That really helps keep my energy going for continuing to add to it. There are more ways you can help, however! First off, this is a MODERATED SUBMISSION story. If you want to take a crack at adding to it, please feel free! I will continuously update the comments on this story with links to the galleries where ALL of my images for the various ALTer Users are stored, along with their Kisekae codes, if you'd like to try your...
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First TimeNote: This is the first tale I've released onto the Internet, so please please please leave feedback at Fictionmania, or email me at [email protected]. You've probably been through three or four disclaimers already to get here, so I won't bore with you another one, other than to say that this story can be archived at any non-profit website. Don't know why you would want to, but if you do, please email me and let me know. Enjoy! Alter Gender It's fairly common...
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Doctor Ego By ABC de F Part One Chapter One "You're out of your fuckin' mind!" Jimmy shouted. "Yeah, yeah," Dr. Montrose muttered, too busy with prep to pay much attention to the naked man strapped to the table. "How the hell do you think you can get away with this! You can't just kidnap somebody and experiment on them! What's going on in your head, you sick fuck!" The man, who had identified himself to Jimmy as a doctor, was tall and barrel-chested, which gave him an...
Jen and I consummated our romance with a long and languorous lovemaking session. Both fully sated, we lay back in each other's arms. "Jenny, I'm the most contented man in the world. I know that it's still early days but how do you feel about making an honest man out of me?" "Shouldn't that be the other way around Jimmy, you making me an honest woman?" "Ah ha, answering a question with a question, I can see that I'll have to keep my wits about me when we talk." "To be honest,...
Alterations by Debra Darling Peter was a high powered salesman for a very important soft ware company. Like most such companies, it was a bastion of male dominated, testosterone driven behavior, combined with the sophomoric sense of humor of nerds everywhere. Peter was married to June, a charming, lovely, intelligent woman who was quite capable of taking care of herself and who did so admirably. She held down an...
From the view of Mrs Wild.I got out of my car and went inside to set up the experiments as well as my own first experiment. I was wet with excitement.It was about six months ago when my journey started and I became, who I am now. It was a change I enjoyed. I felt like a new woman and with humiliation and payback on my mind. * Six months earlier, I was driving to my meeting with Michelle. She was a couple of years younger than me, must have been in her early sixties now. We met when Michelle was...
CheatingMitchell was a nerd. No matter what he tried he was always the biggest nerd in school. Mitchell didn’t like to think he was a nerd but through his poor social skills, love for dr.who and hardly having any real friends, Mitchell knew he was a nerd. He couldn’t even seem to connect with a single other nerdy kid in the school. He was didn’t want to admit it but all the kids around him made fun of his poor attempts at being cool or popular. Mitchell, although being a nerd, was suffering from bad...
Reddit Petite GoneWild, aka r/PetiteGoneWild! Small girls tend to be very feisty and eager to please, at least in my experience. Luckily for all of us, Reddit is basically a site that has it all. Their subreddit called r/PetiteGoneWild/ really got my attention, and you are about to learn why. Although I am pretty fucking sure you can get the hang of what the site is all about, if you just visit it yourself, I am still here to provide lots of information for those who are interested.I mean,...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit AssholeGoneWild, aka r/AssholeGoneWild! Ah, here we are again. With the wonderful world of and many of its beautiful subreddits… and today, we shall be exploring a subreddit called r/assholegonewild/. The main gist of this subreddit are assholes, in many shapes and forms, so if you like to see naughty girls spread their asshole wide open, you, my man, have come to the right place.Of course, the perfect description of r/assholegonewild/ would be Gone Wild – Asshole Style, or at...
Reddit NSFW ListALMOST NO ONE has ever heard of Ms. Jennifer Penelope Deaux-Fontaine, but plenty of folks know her alter ego, her nom de plume, her pseudonym, her pen name, Wendy Wilde, the wicked writer of sexually explicit novels and articles. Yeah, that Wendy Wilde. The same offbeat writer who had more people hating her than even Adolf Hitler could ever have imagined. But, as of today, everyone's heard of the woman behind the Wilde mask. Anyone, that is, who bothered to read last night's evening paper....
Wildcats: Terry's Spring Break The Wildcats came to Fictionmania one chapter at a time last year. The new novel, Wildcats, is a rewritten version that's 50% longer and much improved that has just been published on Amazon/Kindle. If you want to sample the story, there are a generous number of free chapters to read on Amazon. Wildcats: A Rock 'n' Roll...
Darf ich mich vorstellen. Ich bin der Klaus bin 63 Jahre alt aber als Kleingärtner noch gut gebaut. Habe einen gut durchtrainierten Körper und bin meistens geil. Mit Sehnsucht schau ich gerne auf ganz junge Mädels und wichse was das Zeug hält mindestens vier mal am Tag. Aber lieber würde sie ficken. Ich zermalme mir den Kopf wie ich ein solches Sahnestückchen vernaschen könnte. Ich bin Kleingärtner und liebe meinen Garten. Eines Tages denke ich, da ist doch jemand in meiner Hütte. Ich befürchte...
ashful or shy is not a word that could be used to describe either of us. Being nude outdoors is one of life's real enjoyments. When I am planning a vacation or a work trip I try to work in some nude activity. Although it is not encouraged at home it is accepted. Thirty years ago Susan did nude modeling for art classes while in graduate school in California and a small amount of freelance nude modeling during the same time period. I think her Scandavian heritage brings this trait to life. We...
Men, Women, Alterations By Wanda Cunningham I might have been going to the little dry cleaners for more than a year before the oddness of their sign really struck me. "Men Women Alterations" it said. I first noticed it as I went in to drop off some clothes late on a Thursday afternoon The proprietors were Asian immigrants, tiny people with big smiles. I liked them though I didn't always understand what they were saying. I needed four or five shirts done a week though, and...
He stared at the clock in kitchen watching the second hand revolve and thinking about the importance of every second. Mistress was sleeping soundly while david prepared Her breakfast: strawberries, a cheese and mushroom omelet, freshly squeezed orange juice, toast, and coffee. She had trained him to put the food on the table exactly ten minutes after her alarm went off, and the timing could be tricky. Start cooking too early and the hot items would get cold, but start too late and Mistress...
Two very frustrating days later I received a phone call from Jen, "Harry, this is Jen Watson, would you mind if Mum and I came and visited you this afternoon?" "I'm looking forward to it Jen, what time can I expect you, perhaps you would like to join me for lunch?" "That would be nice Harry, eleven thirty alright with you?" "That will be fine love, see you then." Shortly before eleven thirty I heard their car coming up the drive way. I had prepared a cold collation and was just...
The Alteration App Introduction Your name is John Doe. (No longer F/N). You’re just an average 18-year old male who lives in a fictional town called Wingston. A population of about 7,500 people. The closest nearby town is about 25 miles away. Wingston has a few schools, stores, and public buildings. All of the food people eat in Wingston is from the many farms that are shattered all over the town. You believe that your life in this town is boring and can’t wait to finish your senior year of...
Mind ControlMRSGRAVESBy: counterparts199; part 1?What?s up, Mister Askins?? I asked the barber. He was sweeping the winter dirt off of the shop porch.?Looks like you could still use a sit, Joe,? he teased back. To Mister Askins I seemed a deserter, my hair having grown a little since the better economic conditions of fall.?Hi there, Mrs. Graves,? I said after walking on a piece, and past the town?s cornerstone plantation house. She didn?t answer. Mrs. Graves was pruning her roses because she?d grumped...
Elizabeth stood quietly in Mrs Denver’s Study with her dress tucked in above her waist, her knickers off, her Brazilian cut showing. The 36-year-old watched Emma, her 17-year-old-daughter, turn and pick up her knickers. She cringed when she saw the twelve wicked red lines across her bottom. She watched her daughter ease her knickers back on over those weals and it brought back memories of those times she was caned when at school. She heard Emma gasp as she let go of the elastic of her...
Spankingmrs watson gets a text#all the cameras are up mrs watson#good boy come round when your housemates are home and we'll check the views togetherjustin arrives at mrs watsons later in the evening strips then knocks on the door'come in' mrs watson opens the door lets justin in'was it fun positioning the cameras?''uh yes mrs watson''did your tiny cock get excited ?''yes mrs watson it did''but you didn't touch it ?''no mrs watson''good boy , would you like me to touch it as a reward for being a good...
Upon Mrs. T requestI read her this story as she stroked my cockshe did not let any leak out her sexy red lipsI love to shop. It always better to go shopping with someone else. There is nothing more fun then going shopping with Mrs. T. We always seem to have fun. On some occasion we have a little too much fun. I usually buy her what ever she wants. On most shopping trips she buys everything with her husband credit card or cash. She likes to make a game out of shopping sometimes. She likes to...
Part 1 Sally Denver , the 45-year-old Headmistress, was in her Study when the buzzer sounded. She looked at her watch. It was 2.30 pm so they were right on time. Sally pressed the button of the intercom. “Yes?” she asked sternly. Her Secretary, 25 year old Charlotte , replied, “ Mrs Carson and Emma are both here, Mrs Denver.” “Send them in please,” Mrs Denver ordered in her strict tone of voice that students knew to fear. Mrs Denver watched sombrely as 36-year-old Mrs Elizabeth Carson and...
SpankingMrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter. Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be over. She...
Justin is in the kitchen trying to ignore the sounds coming from gerrys room when his phone rings'hello ?''hello justin i see gerry has his girlfriend over i'm watching them fuck now you placed that camera well would you like to watch it''oh yes please mrs watson''well i need you to do something for me then i need to catch gerrys girlfriend doing something so i can have some fun with her''um i don't know mrs watson how could i do that''well something i find usualy works is cash leave some...
Elizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...
Spanking3am justins phone rings he picks it up and answers'good morning justin did i wake you ?' asks mrs watson'uh yes good morning mrs watson' says justin sleepily'what are you wearing ?''nothing i sleep in the nude''pull back the covers put your phone on videocall and show me your clit'justin pulls back the covers points his phone at his tiny cock'hmm no morning wood ? keep the phone pointed at your clit while we talk''uh no mrs watson its very early''have you been good or have you been touching...
It was a conversation David Glanfield didn't relish, knowing it would probably be awkward and embarrassing. But, having decided it was his problem, and as difficult as it might be, he felt it his duty to tackle the issue. It did occur to him that Human Resources should really deal with it -- in fact company protocols were quite clear, however, since being newly promoted and with it still being early days, in an attempt to foster a relationship with his team and gain their trust, David thought...
23 year old Nikki Pearson had eagerly agreed to meet up with her ex-Headmistress to be disciplined in her Study. It was educational for her ex-Headmistress, Mrs Sally Denver , who had been shocked to be told by Nikki how when at school she had been naughty on purpose so that she was disciplined more than any other student, by far. The agreement was that Nikki would allow Mrs Denver to be much more severe than she was with the students to test just how thorough she could be when disciplining...
Spanking'please mrs watson i don't want to keep doing dirty things for you and don't want you to do dirty things to mewhat can i do to end this ' asks katy while fucking her own arsehole with a cucumber'you don't like it then why do you keep cumming ' mrs watson asks while pinching katys nipples ' i can't help it but really would like to get back to a normal life what can i do ? please may i cum mrs watson ?'katy is shoving the cucumber harder and harder up her arse' of course you can cum ' says mrs...
mrs watson was in the mood for some light entertainment at someone elses expense so she called katys housea woman answered the phone 'hello''hi i'm mrs watson i just wondered if katy was at home ?''oh hello mrs watson its nice to hear from you i'm katys mom dawn i'm sorry katy isn't here can i take a message ?''no i really need to talk to her' mrs watson had a naughty thought 'or could you pop round it is important buti don't want to discuss it over the phone''ok as its important i'll pop round...
WALTER'S NEW LIFE My thanks to Monica Rose for proofreading and helpful suggestions. This is a work of adult fiction so that's a caution that covers everything. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. 1 More than 30 years ago, in the mid-eighties, I bought half of a semi- detached house in a neighborhood of Portland while the other half was bought by a young woman named Dahlia after her divorce. She had a seven month-old daughter name Laura. I moved in with...
Please do read Part One first: Mrs. Denver spoke very clearly and firmly, “Mrs. Howe, you will be first now, the strokes will be more spaced out, and I repeat they will be rather harder than the first six.” Mrs. Denver smiled when she remembered of course she had given both ladies seven strokes, the seventh being the penalty they both had to pay because Mrs. Howe had stood up after the first stroke, a definite no no, and an act everyone knew was never tolerated by the Principal. Olivia had...
'can i help you ?' justin asks as he answers the door'hello dear my name is mrs watson i live next door i moved in a few weeks ago just thought i would pop round and say hello to my neighbour' says the little old lady at his door'oh hello mrs watson nice to meet you''yes well i think you should ask me in young man''um well i was about to go out so maybe another time?''no i don't think so we need to have a talk young man''uh about what ?''well some of my clothes have been going missing from my...
“ So Charlotte,” Mrs. Denver repeated, “Now I need to deal with you my girl.” “ Yes Mrs. Denver,” Charlotte replied timidly. Charlotte walked up to Mrs. Denver’s desk and tried a smile that wasn’t returned, so stood waiting. Charlotte was nervous and Mrs. Denver saw it. Mrs. Denver enjoyed watching her assistant struggle, looking so young, and in fact so attractive. She had often had whimsical thoughts about the girl, sexual ones, although doubted they would be returned. The age difference...
Spankingold dog knocked on mrs watson door the next day 'come in and strip' mrs watson told her old dog stripped her clothes off while mrs watson watched when her knickers came off there was a small drop of cumon them mrs watson picked them up shoved them in old dogs mouth and told her to suck them , she shoved 2 fingers up old dogs cunt and started finger fucking her , old dogs cunt was wet and full of cum the cum started dripping downmrs watsons fingers , mrs watson pulled her fingers out and sucked...
After two weeks Mrs Jones and her husband returned from their trip, and I had never been so excited to see my hot blonde older neighbour.And I think she was eager to see me as well, because the next day as I stood in the garage working on my moped again, Mrs Jones stepped out of her house and moved towards me.Dressed in jeans and a blue blouse she crossed our shared lawn area and stepped into my parents garage."Hey Robbie" she said smiling."Hi" I replied stepping towards her."Are you busy?" she...
It was some hours later when there was a knock on the door. After Mrs Waxerman’s statements, Doctor Hooker had decided he needed to process all that his fiancée had said. His plan had been to leave his fiancées purchases on the table, bags unopened until later, go home, water his plants, and sit down to write. He had after all promised to dictate the list of body parts, various sexual positions and general colloquialisms he expected Victoria and her niece to use. Many of these he knew he’d...
Mrs. Glist had just come out of the shower. Her hair was wrapped in a towel. Otherwise, she was naked. I stood in the doorway and stared. I stared at her waspy waist and high breasts. I gazed intensely at her broad hips and her sliver of pubic hair, at her long legs and slender neck, and at her deep navel. My eyes were everywhere but hers. She stood still, looking at me, I think. Minutes passed and I kept looking. I had forgotten that I had come into her room hoping to use her bathroom while...
She takes best friend's son in front of her cheating husband."Have you ever done any riding Dan? You've grown up a lot in the last couple of years. You look like you'd be pretty comfortable in the saddle.""Well mom did take me to a pony ride when I was eight..." Dan answered, rather cleverly he thought given how much trouble he was having keeping focused on Mrs. Robinson's casual banter.She had asked him to come over and do some stone work on the artificial waterfall by her pool. Dan could use...
Mrs. Baxter's New Lodger By Trish Shaw The shimmering garments in the lingerie store window captivated Andy the first time he walked past the place. Everyday he walked the long way to and from the train station just to pass the shop and get a brief glance at the window display. It was the sign in the window advertising the attic flat for rent that gave him the opportunity to finally enter and meet the owner as he walked past after work on the Thursday evening. Muriel...
katy is cleaning the kitchen floor in the nude mrs watson moves behind her and pushes her hand between katys legsshoving a finger into her cunt katy stops mopping'don't stop slut you are here to work so work 'mrs watson shoves 2 fingers up katys cunt and starts fucking herkaty tries to mop the floor but is having trouble concentrating 'whats the matter slut don't you want to work?''sorry mrs watson but its hard to work while you are fucking me''ok put the mop down and get on the table on your...
Charlotte was enjoying her weekend her stay with Mrs. Denver but they had not yet made love. Charlotte still did not realise her boss had strong feelings for her so when Mrs. Denver suggested a morning walk Charlotte decided to misbehave, force Mrs. Denver to spank her again, then hope this time for kisses and cuddles afterwards. Unfortunately as Mrs. Denver equally did not realise Charlotte’s feelings for her she took the misbehaviour as disobedience that required a disciplinary spanking,...