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We'd arrived two hours before. My wife was having a great time, mostly dancing with men from her division. I, on the other hand, was not having a great time. I had not had so much as a single dance with her. I was on the point of making a scene, but instead, as she returned to our table, I again asked her to dance; she turned me down; make that she turned me down loudly. I know my face flushed and I think I trembled a little. As I was retaking my seat, trying to sink as deeply into it as I could, another of her worker friends came up and asked her to dance. She accepted, but paused to look thoughtfully at me. I stood, rather suddenly; maybe the scene I'd been considering was a good idea.

"I'm your husband, Janine. I don't get to dance with you?" I said. The place was crowded; it was an uncomfortable situation; well, it was for me at any rate.

She sighed as though she were dealing with a whiny teenager, "I'll say it again, Marvin, maybe later if you're a good boy." She laughed at my obvious embarrassment. "Oh, don't look so glum; I was only teasing you. Just relax, you'll get your turn." She looked over at the group seated around the table and smirked. My humiliation was total.

The six other people sitting with us were either smiling at my discomfort or looking away in sympathy. I sat back down as my wife was led out onto the dance floor by the guy who'd come up to ask her to dance after I had—Gerald, her assistant. I couldn't meet the gaze of the others at the table.

My stomach was roiling. I reached for my drink and downed it. I studied my now empty glass, sighed, and got up to go get another; it gave me an excuse to get away from the lot of them, at least for a few minutes. Of the six of them, our group, only Veronica, Veronica Staley, could be considered a friend of mine; she was one of the two who'd looked away in sympathy. The other looker-awayer was my brother-in-law, Harley Fairchild.

Once at the bar, I was in no hurry to return to the scene of my humiliation, so I didn't signal the bartender to come to me; but, eventually, she did anyway. "What'll yuh have?" she said. Her name plate announced that her name was Lilly.

"Bourbon and water, Lilly, bond," I said. I needed the 100 proof stuff. It looked to be a long night for me. I eyed my wife out on the floor with the guy she'd already danced with several times—good 'ole Gerald—they were practically welded together. Me? None, not even one dance, and we'd been in attendance for some two hours already. They, my wife and Gerald, did seem made for each other. I planned to tell her so when we were alone. It seemed to me that I had become little more than her chauffer; oh, I'm Marvin Griswold, the hubby, though you'd never know it by the way she acted.

I'd married Janine fifteen years before, and for ten of those years we'd been okay, or, so I'd thought. But, over the last several years, ever since her promotion, I'd become pretty much just a financial contributor to the household and little else: the lesser contributor if it came to that; she made more than I did. We'd had no children, but we did have a number of nieces and nephews: the offspring of her sisters, Bethany and Clarisse, the aforementioned Harley was Clarisse's husband.

I met Janine at work; we both worked for Curtis Distributors Inc. a business with operations in half a dozen Midwestern states. She'd been Robert Curtis', the CEO's, secretar. But, for the past five years, she had been working in records. It had been a promotion for her, like I said; actually, she ran the place. Me? I was a field agent—sounds better than salesman—responsible for wholesaling dry goods, mostly clothes, but some other things, to supermarkets and the like. I was pretty good at it. Not number one, but no worse than the middle of the sales food chain. My bonuses were pretty good too—I was a commission-plus-salary sales rep. That said, Janine, again, made more than me. Whatever, financially we had no problems.

Janine was pretty. Dark-haired, tall at five-nine; and, maybe a little on the hefty side now at her age forty. Me, I was also forty, still a slim five-eight—the slim part the result of my maintaining what the army had put me through so many years ago. I'd loved the army.

Rather than return to the table. I just took an empty seat at the bar; nobody'd miss me; I was sure of that. The way I figured it, it was either sit at the bar or leave. I was not going to go back to the group, her group. Except for the noted exceptions, they didn't like me, and frankly I didn't like them. If she wanted to play with her new boy toy then so be it. I refused sit with them and be the butt of their jokes or be further humiliated by her neglect.

"What's the matter, sad sack," said Lilly, "woman problems?" I looked at her but said nothing. I just sipped my drink and waited for the night to end. She just stared at me for a moment and went back to whatever she was doing before she intruded on my misery.

I just wanted outta there. It was 11PM. I figured Janine would be good for maybe a couple more hours before I had to chauffer her home. And, wimp that I was, I wouldn't be sayin' much, certainly nothing about what she'd done to me. I didn't need the aggravation that it would lead to.

It turned out that I'd been right: it was maybe a bit less than two hours that it took her to finally decide it was time to leave.

"There you are, Marvin. I wondered where you'd got to," said Janine. I just looked at her. I was in clear view of almost every table in the place, and I hadn't moved since sitting down. She knew where I was, And, she knew I knew she knew. She just didn't give damn what I thought; that was pretty clear.

The ride home was quiet. I was upset, but it was my own fault; I kept letting her get away with disrespecting me.

"I thought you wanted to dance with me," she said, finally as I turned on to our street.

"Yes, but well, you..." I started.

"Don't you go blaming me for you not being around," she said. "I told you I would dance with you, and you just disappeared. It's your own fault." I took her words as a sign that I should just shut up and not say anything.

She looked over at me. I guess she thought that I was going to retort; I wasn't. I thought I heard her snicker under her breath. The whole thing was killing me inside.

I pulled into the driveway. She got out and headed into the house. I noticed the trash cans had been emptied and delayed going inside until I had them put away in the back yard: a few more minutes without having to deal with her.

She was upstairs already, I could hear her moving around. I went up. She was already in bed and she watched me as I undressed. I stopped and looked at her. She eyed me strangely.

I got in bed and she snuggled up against me. I was still hurt—well I was— and totally still feeling the humiliation she'd forced me to endure. I really didn't want to be snuggling up with her. She reached around and took hold of my cock; it was soft and shrunken back into my body.

"What's the matter?" she said. "No interest? I think maybe we could have a little fun, you know, if you're interested."

"No, I guess not," I said. "I'm kinda tired." I was not prepared for her reaction.

"Well then, fuck you." She got up, threw on a robe, and went out of the room. I heard the door to the guest room down the hall, slam.

At that moment I had an epiphany. She'd destroyed my ego by her neglect and her incredible disrespect. Now she was treating me like "I'd" done something wrong and was punishing me for it. It was the last straw.

Quietly I got up, redressed myself, and pulled a couple of suitcases down from the top of the walk-in closet. I began packing. It was finally clear to me that we were essentially through. All that was left was the shouting, but that wasn't going to happen this night. I had to get out. I decided that I'd soon be divorced and be looking for a woman who gave a damn; yes, and a new job. Yes, indeed, a new woman would be a first priority; the one I was with clearly didn't want me.

I drove to the nearest ATM and pulled as much as I could get on each of my cards; I had five of them. A couple of grand would get me started somewhere. I left the bank accounts for her; she could have it all; I just wanted the hell out!

I needed a job, and I needed to find one soon, but salesmen worth their salt could find work almost anywhere. I was definitely worth my salt.

I caught a late bus out of town, and by late afternoon the next day I was six hundred miles down the street. Amarillo was a nice town as I soon realized. Friendly, and possessed of a need: a need for a good dry goods salesman.

Frank Bozman hired me on the spot. He owned and operated a dry goods distributorship: ACME distributors. Two salesmen had quit leaving him high and dry. If I worked things right, I would be rewarded with both territories: big money, again, if I worked it right. But, all work and no play and all that...

My personal time was mostly spent at Castro's Bar and Grill. The Rye was nice and the ice was cold. Hard to beat a combination like that. Add to that there was a cocktail waitress named Allison Macri: five-six, one-twenty, long brown locks, and the quickest smile I ever saw.

Allison was evidently the local tease. She was so cute that not a night went by that she didn't leave a bunch of guys with serious sets of blue balls, and she knew it too! But, I was a salesman, right? I was indeed, and I was my number one product...

"Hey Allison, the last drink you brought was messed up," I said.

"Huh? What are you talking about, Marvin?" she said.

"Well, the glass it was in had a hole in the top and it all leaked out," I said. She looked at me, finally got it, and smiled.

"Smartass," she said.

"Yeah, I guess," I said. "You wanna go out with me some night? I'm usually not as boring as I am here."

"Hmm, well, I don't know, Marvin. What would your wife say?" she thought that she had me.

"Separated," I said. "We haven't seen or communicated with each other for almost a year now. Hell, she might even have divorced me; I don't know."

"You don't know? How's that?" she said. I gave her the short version. She listened attentively.

"Okay," she said, finally.


"Yes, I'll go out with you. Saturday night okay?" she said. I looked around; a couple of guys were giving me envious looks. I felt pretty good. My ego was still in the rebuilding stage, but I felt pretty good.

Allison and I, as it turned out, were both looking for the same thing: someone to turn to; she'd been shit on too by an ex who must've been crazy to do so. Was it love between us? No, not really, but we both recognized in each the other a kind of safe harbor. We never promised to be exclusive, but we did eventually end up spending a deal of time together. At any rate, it was our third date before I got anything more than a kiss goodnight.

"You can come in tonight, Marv. It's okay," she said. I followed her obediently into her apartment, a second floor walkup.

"Nice place. Nice owner. Nice evening." I said.

"Yes, it's all very nice," she laughed. She retrieved a bottle of wine and two of what looked to be crystal wine glasses from the credenza under the large picture window that looked out onto the street and across to the small city park beyond. It was a romantic setting.

She took a seat on the couch and motioned me to join her. I did. We sipped our ruby port in silence. No words had been spoken. The time seemed right. I leaned in and kissed her, lightly, on the lips. She returned it.

I let my hands slide very lightly down her sides and come to rest on her hips. I pulled her to me and pressed my maleness into her skirt-covered cleft. There was something very erotic about the fact that we were both still completely dressed. I leaned in once again but this time pressed my face against her breasts. They—her breasts—made me feel safe. It was a very sweet moment.

I pushed her back onto the sofa's surface and began to explore her tummy sliding my hand ever lower till it came to where her legs met at her mons.

Growing bolder I slid my hand up her skirt and found her panties. I massaged her there for a moment before pulling the hem aside and inserting a finger inside of her. She squirmed for a moment adjusting herself to my assault. I continued to kiss her lips and cheeks and ears.

"Take your pants off, Marvin, and hurry. I need you inside me," she said. I followed her orders.

I was naked from the waist down, I pulled her panties down her legs and kissed her slit. I licked it and worshiped it. She was soaking wet by now, and I was as hard as a rock. I pushed into her. There was a little bit of resistance at first, but then I was inside of her. I waited. She opened her eyes and wrinkled her brow.

"Come on, big guy, do me," she said. "I need it. It's been a long time." I began sawing in and out of her taking my time. It was some minutes before she began buckling up towards me meeting my thrusts. Little grunts and squeals came from deep inside of her, as she came, stiffening and excreting her feminine fluids. I filled her vagina with what seemed a gallon of cum and collapsed on top of her breathing heavily.

"That was nice, Marvin," she said.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah," I said. "It was more than nice."

We talked for some time eventually falling asleep in each other's arm—on the floor.

It was two more years before my life took a decided turn for the "unbelievable." ACME Inc. had been doing well. I was making as much as I ever did working for my former employer, and old man Bozman had taken a liking to me. My old life behind me, a more or less steady girlfriend who liked me for me, a nice apartment: everything was going good. Then, Jenny, the boss' secretary, handed me a note.

"Marv, Mr. Bozman would like to see you when you get a minute," she said. She seemed a little nervous.

"You okay, Jen," I said.

"Yes, I'm fine," she said. The note said essentially the same thing that Jenny had said to me.

"He available now?" I said.

"Yes, I think so. Let me check," she said. She did, and she waved me to go in. Something was wrong; Jenny was just too somber for her.

Entering the inner sanctum, I noted the boss scribbling something on a pad. He looked up.

"Marv, have a seat," he said, indicating the chairs in front of his desk. I did.

"Marv, I've got some news."

"Mr. Bozman?" I started.

"Well, it's not bad news, exactly, but it's kind of uncomfortable," he said. "Marv, I've sold the company. The buyer is Curtis Distributors. I know you used to work for them.

My look must have cued him. "Marv, your job is safe. Everybody's job is; that was part of the deal." I nodded. The entire notion of working for a company that also employed my ex, or whatever she was now, bothered me. But, she was in records back in Lincoln, Nebraska; it shouldn't be a problem, I thought; I hoped it wouldn't be.

I was at a place in my life where I had been able to put most of the unpleasantness of my time with Janine behind me. Still, a nagging something, I wasn't sure what, had crept into my head and I couldn't seem to shake it.

Allison and I remained friends. She was still a waitress and drink server at Castro's. I was still a salesman, but now, the number one salesman. True the universe was smaller, as a subsidiary of Curtis Distributors, but I'd finally saved enough to get me a three bedroom house. Plus I had a couple of investments, preferred stock that sent me dividend checks on occasion. Things were moving right along quite nicely.

I should mention here that, while Allison and I had certainly taken our relationship to the next level, we still remained loose and uncommitted; we preferred it that way. We'd both dated others and made no big deal about it when our needs or appointments occasionally conflicted.

It was a Thursday evening when she laid the bomb on me. We were laying next to each other after an athletic evening of rather raw sex.

"Marv, I'm afraid this will be our last little time together," she said. I looked over at her and waited. To say her words surprised me would be an understatement.

"Allison?" I said.

"Marv, I think I've found someone, and I think he's going to ask me to marry him," she said. I slowly shook my head and smiled.

"Allison, that's great. I am happy for you. I won't pretend that I won't miss our time together, but—well—I'm happy for you," I said.

She threw her arms around me and kissed me so hard I feared for my dental work. "I will always love you, Marv. You were there when I needed someone," she said.

"The same goes for me, dear girl. Send me an invitation, and for godssake don't plan on being a stranger. And, I mean you and your new man," I said.

"You got it, big guy," she said.

I did attend the wedding, a simple ceremony at a local Baptist church. Allison was beautiful and her new man Parker T. Wilson III seemed a nice guy. I was genuinely happy for her.

After Allison and her new husband got themselves settled in, they were indeed not strangers. The Wilsons came over to my place from time to time for the mandatory barbecues, and I spent a commensurate amount of time at Allison and Parker's place. Parker, it turned out, was a lawyer. He had his own firm, small but aggressive; he was always at war with somebody or some organization. I shoulda been I lawyer, I thought. I came to that analysis after spending enumerable hours listening to Parker's war stories—and that over numerous liquid adventures at Castro's, our common watering hole. God, he had an interesting life, and, he had a great woman.

Curtis' Inc. had been growing and expanding by leaps and bounds over the two, almost three, years since they had acquired ACME. True to his word all of us at ACME had retained our jobs, and as I said, I had prospered. Then, inevitably, I suppose, the word came down. A major reorganization was to take place after the first of the year. It seemed Curtis was suffering growing pains and there would be some downsizing. I didn't feel threatened; I mean I was number one. But, a few of my colleagues were concerned.

The day of reckoning arrived. It was January 16th. I was forty-five years old and settled. I'd been dating, since losing Allison to Parker, but nothing steady: I was only responsible for me. The meeting, called to announce the official downsizing of our subsidiary, was at 9:00AM fifteen minutes hence.

"Seen the new boss of sales?" said my partner in crime, Jason Colb.

"No, not yet. Guess we all will now though. Any word?" I said.

"His name's Taylor, I think. I hear he goes for the throat. No compunction and no mercy. If the numbers aren't there the rep is history—no discussion. You should be good though Marv. I mean with your record," said Jason.

"Yeah, maybe," I said. Just as I said that a hush came over the group. A woman, a tall woman, a woman whose maiden name had been Taylor entered the room. My wife, or my ex-wife, whatever, looked good. I almost got up and headed for HRO. I'd be unemployed by day's end if not sooner, no question about that. But, I kept my seat. I ran once, not this time.

Janine looked over the assembled sales force: twenty-six souls. The rumor had been that eight of us would be let go. I wondered who besides me would be on the list. I knew Janine. She was efficient as hell. If she was the new VP in charge of the sales force, and really overall at ACME; then, there was no doubt whatever that she knew I was here and what my record had been, and I knew it wouldn't save me. My prediction that she knew I was there was soon proved accurate. Her eyes met mine and held them; she didn't smile; but hell, neither did I.

I slumped back in my seat and waited. I really liked my job. Losing it was gonna be problematical. I was forty-five. Most firms would be looking for younger men, college men; I was neither. Well, something would turn up. I hear Wal-Mart was looking for greeters.

"Gentlemen, my name is Janine Taylor. You all know why I am here. I won't beat around the bush. Some of you will receive pink slips today. Those who do will receive letters of recommendation and a severance package. Those who will be staying on will receive bonus checks. The latter kind of an incentive to keep up the good work since you will be asked to take up the slack for those who will be leaving. Are there any questions?" There were none.

"I will be having individual meetings with each of the stayers tomorrow morning. The times of your appointments with me are in the envelopes with your checks. See each of you then."

With that she took one last look around, stared at me for a brief moment, or so I thought, and strode out followed by a woman who I assumed was her PA. A man remained behind and began calling out names. As he did, the name called went up to get his envelope. As my name was called I got up and walked out. I headed for Castro's.

I talked to Jack, the barkeep. Explained my predicament, and he commiserated with me. I think I only paid for two of my martinis, and I knew for certain I'd had at least four. It all of a sudden was dark. I got up to go. "You sure you can drive, Marv?" said Jack.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said. I wasn't. The cop that busted me assured me of that. I called Parker. He came down, but he said he couldn't do anything till the following morning. He returned then.

"Seventy-two hours?" I said.

"Yeah, that's the best I can do for you, Marv," said Parker. "Jesus man, you were drunk as a skunk."

We talked for a little while and I let him know why I was in a blue funk.

"She can't fire you for merely personal reasons, Marv. If you want to keep your job, I think I can be of help," he said.

"I don't know, Parker, working under her, I mean even if she doesn't fire me, would be pretty tough," I said.

"My opinion: you should talk to her. It's been a long time. Water under the bridge and all of that. She'd be crazy to fire a first rate employee like you. If she's any kind of a manager, she'll know that and be professional about it," said Parker. "You need to talk to her, Marv. I don't mean socialize with her, just talk to her."

So I sat. I sat in my cell, and I cried a little. My life was so fucked up. Just when I was really getting it together too. Just when I was getting to the point where I hardly thought of Janine and how she'd done me; this all had to happen. The gods hated me; I was sure of it.

"Hey, hotshot, you got a visitor," said the uniform. It was 2:00PM. Visiting hours, so I'd been told.

"Yeah, well who is it?" I said.

"Don't know," he said. "Let's go." I followed him out of the cell and down the hall. Entering the interview room, I stopped cold in my tracks. She looked real good.

"Hello, Marvin," said Janine. I sat down but didn't say anything, not at first. "You missed your appointment this morning."

"What would have been the point? What? You had to fire me in person?" I said. She eyed me.

"Why would you have thought I was going to fire you? I know your record. You're the best they've got," she said. "You had to know that."

"What are you here for, Janine. You here to gloat?" I said, ignoring her words. "We both know you'll be getting rid of me at the earliest opportunity. I ain't got no illusions. I know what you think of me—thought of me—whatever."

"Marvin Griswold, you and I have had our differences. And, you did walk out on me leaving me high and dry, but that's personal. This is business. You're not being fired. And, I expect you to perform as well in the future as you evidently have in the past, I mean for ACME." She looked over at the guard. He nodded. She passed me an envelope. I looked up at her suspicion written all over my face I was certain.

I opened the envelope. It was a check and a schedule. I had been scheduled to have an appointment with the boss, her, at 10:00AM. The check startled me. It was made out for $5,000.

I looked up at her again. "Thank you, I guess," I said. I was confused, stunned actually.

"Marvin, I know why you're in here. It was stupid of you, but I can't say I really blame you. It had to be a shock for you to see me like that. I should've let you know ahead of time. I should've realized how you'd likely react to my being your boss. My bad. I'm sorry. That said, can I assume you will be back to work after you've served your time in here?" she said. I nodded.

"Yeah, sure," I said. "I need the job. I won't try to fool you about that." Her turn to nod.

"Okay then. Please stop in and see me as soon as possible. There are some business matters we need to discuss," she said. With that she rose and headed for the door. She turned at the last second and looked back at me. "You look good, Marvin. I hope we can get along." She turned once again and was gone. I was led back to my cell to ponder my situation.

She seemed to be sincere. Still—well, I didn't have to deal with her except on a professional basis. If I was lucky, I might only have to see her for maybe half an hour once a week at the sales meetings. I could live with that. The check I was holding would come in handy.

There was still one question that I would like to have had the answer to: were we still married? I'd know soon enough, I guessed.

Allison and Parker arrived to pick me up when I was released. They took me to the impound where my car had been parked for the duration. Parker was friends with the judge who had my case, and that kept me from further embarrassment and punishment for my little faux pas. My gratitude was profuse.

"Marv, no more drinking and driving, okay. Judge Patterson will not be merciful in the future," said my lawyer.

"I gotcha, Parker. From now on cabs will be the modus operandi if the occasion ever again arises," said.

"Good," he said.

"So, your Janine visited you in there?" said Allison.

"She's not my Janine anymore, Allison, but yes, she gave me my check and assured me my job was safe. I have to say, I was more than a little surprised," I said.

"You gonna talk to her?" said Allison.

"I'll have to she's the boss. I'll see her at least once a week at the reps' meeting," I said.

"Marvin! You know what I mean," said Lilly.

I sighed, "I don't know Allison. Even after all of this time, I still carry the scars if you know what I mean. But, that said, I expect at some point it may happen. Who knows for sure though." She nodded her understanding, looked thoughtful and decided to unload on me.

"Marvin, you may or may not realize it, but you still love her. You might want to give her a chance to come back," said Allison.

"Me love Janine? Hah! No way," I said. "But, even granting that I might not know what I'm talking about; there's still the little codicil of whether or not she loves me! Hah! Answer that one, my dear girl," I said.

"A no brainer, Marvin; she does. She does or she never would have visited you in the jail. She would have waited for you to get out and invited you to your make up meeting, and that's if she didn't just decide to dump your unloved ass and give your territory to someone else," said Allison.

"Well, you couldn't prove it by me," I said.

"Yeah, well you are a man," she said, smiling like a possum. I was gnashing my teeth in frustration. This woman was a lot quicker than the average female, I'd agree, but, sometimes she was also as irritating as could be.

Parker had broken me out of the calaboose on Friday. That gave me two days to contemplate my meeting with the boss. On some level I still didn't completely believe that she wasn't setting me up for some kind of put down, but realistically, I doubted it. I figured it was like Parker said: she had two sides to her, the personal side and the business side, and never the twain should meet; that in sum was how Parker's theory went. Well, we'd see.

I decided to dress for the occasion. I have to admit I was shaking in my boots. Not because I was worried that my ex-woman would fire me. Not because I was concerned about what she might say of a personal nature that might open up old wounds, but because of pure down and dirty ego. She'd put me down so many times, and crushed the life out of my pride so many times, that I was not going to let myself be put down again. No sir! I was going to come out of that meeting with my self-esteem—well—steaming!

The suit I chose I'd bought some time before for a special presentation I'd made at the Regional Sales Reps Convention. It'd set me back two grand. The tie alone was $150, likewise the shoes. I went to my barber—a woman—and had my hair styled, something I did only rarely: today was a rare day. Whatever, I was going to outshine the mistress of stress and be ready for whatever might come. Of course, when all was said and done; she was the one with the loaded gun, not me: she could still fire me. Well fucking che sera sera!

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[Preface: This story is a shameless attempt to get in as many categories on Fictionmania as possible. The challenge was to make a workable story out of it without imitating Eddie Glover.] Categories by Holly Fairfa Hi! My name is George. I'm a twenty-five year old male. I'm kinda short and thin and I wear my hair long. I play lead guitar in a rock group. My life was recently turned upside-down, inside-out, and every other way imaginable. It seemed that at least every...

1 year ago
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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

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      Bret Palmer sat with his phone to his ear, with each unanswered ring his blood pressure rose a little more.  'Mister Palmer, said Rose his Secretary, There's a Misses Simmons here to see you.'  Bret frowned and ran through the list of people important enough to hold his attention, the name Simmons wasn't among them.  She's in the Posner Building, the rent controlled apartments.  Bret didn't know the name but mention of the rent controlled apartments got his attention.  Glancing at his...

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My wife and I had been together since we where 20 years old. We met at the university and had an instant crush on each other.Me, the male, engineer, like to explore things, open minded and so on.Her, the female with big F, beautiful, a woman all men want, petite, long thick hair.....but sho shy despite of her beauty.Of course, our sex life was exciting in the beginning. Everything was new, new smells, new tastes, new feelings and love makes blind.Time went, thing s got into routines

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Sandra the Ponygirl wanting to be Sired

Sandra was horse crazy, we both were and working on the farm at weekends, gave us the opportunity to ride, with the occasional weekend away, to ride on the island at the farmers sisters horse riding school.We were alone a lot of the time mucking-out the stables and brushing the horses down, and the farmer once took us along to watch out Mares be Sired.We were both old enough to know what was going on and as I have mentioned in several stories before, we became sexually active with the old man,...

2 years ago
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Got Caught

2 weeks ago i found myself alone as the wife had taken the k**s away for the weekend i felt the need to play. I went to work and finished early and raced home feeling very naughty indeed. I got in and ran a bath and had a nice long soak indeed and thought about what i would do and where i might get some fun at such short notice? I got out my gear and put on a black basque with fake 40c inserts, lacy see thru black panties, black lacy top stockings, black strappy heels, skirt, top. I put on my...

3 years ago
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Flowers For SarahChapter 2

Sarah bolted through the exit and into the night air, tears streaming down her face, unable to contain the sobs which signaled her heartbreak. The tears clouding her eyes and the devastation her concentration, she hurriedly turned the corner her only aim to escape the embarrassment and shame of being unceremoniously dumped by her date at her senior prom. So it was understandable when she collided with a man headed in the opposite direction. Keith Morgan, thirty-two and single, was in town...

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Kinky KatelynChapter 2

I was surprised the next morning when I awoke and found myself in the back room of my home. I had to think back to the night before to figure out where I was. I couldn't recall much of the ride home; however, I did remember the dogs had been happy to see me, as well as my sister to have me finally return. I looked around the room and enjoyed the sun filtering through the sliding glass door; I was home. I closed my eyes and thought to myself, "I am home! I am home!" There had been days in...

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Fantasia Chapter 4 THE FINAL CHAPTER

FANTASIA PART 2 - THE FINAL CHAPTER After a few months of a programme designed by Emma, that used a range of hypnosis, heavy drugs and offcourse her device, the Queen was happy that her daughter was almost ready. Sebastian now looked like a teenage girl. She was petite, a small frame, around 5 foot in height, a tiny waiste but extraordinary of all were the "D" cup breasts that extruded from her. Her face resembed that of the Queen. Bright blue eyes and long blonde hair that fell to...

3 years ago
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Sliding Sideways

“It’s like I’m sliding sideways through time and space,” Quentin explained to Vivienne. “You might have seen that movie with Gwyneth Paltrow, or maybe, in this continuum, Renee Zellweger: Sliding Doors. Only for me, it’s all the time. The way I understand it is like what Stephen Hawkings explains. You know, that we live in an infinity of parallel universes. Only that while most people stay in one spacetime continuum all their lives, I’m constantly sliding through all of them. I don’t go...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Politics Prejudice Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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22 horny and first time with a married couple

I was 22 and working my way through college as a house painter. The work was hard but the pay was decent, and as it turned out, the benefits were pretty good as well.Usually, we worked as a team - several painters all converging on a property and painting like crazy, doing the clean up and all leaving together.On one particular job, the trim guy had to leave early for a personal emergency, so the boss sent me, alone, back to the house the following day to trim it out. Little did I know that it...

2 years ago
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The Excalibur Principle

The Excalibur Principle By Morpheus I frowned intensely as I stared at the 'treasure' that sat on the floor of my cramped apartment. It was an old box... a chest. Age had taken its toll as all of the metal was covered with rust, including the antique lock. It had obviously not been opened in decades... perhaps even much longer. My mind swirled with curiosity as I considered the hidden treasures that might lie within, but at the same time, I winced at the amount of money I had spent...

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Gods of War

Covering her face, the thought occurred to Gwen that maybe Falin felt the same about her as she felt about Falin. Gwen had done a lot more than kissing in her day, but never had she felt the electricity pulsating through her like she did with Falin. It was incredible. The little shocks went right to her core. It was all she could do to try and break the kiss. What she really wanted to do was shimmer Falin to her bed chambers and make use of that beautifully carved oak bed. Turning toward...

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Bangladeshi Wife Loves White Old Men

My name is Mofiz and I am from Bangladesh living in East London for 7 years. I married in 2013 and brought my wife from Bangladesh in 2014. She is from Khulna and her name is Liza Begum and we both live in a small apartment in Tower Hamlets. The rent is pretty cheap in the neighborhood we live in. We are a middle-aged couple. I am 45 years and my wife is 34. She loves London and loves British men and especially ugly old white men. The reason why I say that is because I see her staring at old...

4 years ago
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His Birthday Present

My boyfriend had a birthday coming up and we had done every fantasy possible except one. He had always wanted a threesome with two women and him. I was reluctant but decided his birthday was the perfect opportunity to give him what he wanted. I took him out to dinner the night of his birthday and told him that I had a surprise waiting for him at the house. We drove home as quite as possible and I wanted him eyes closed straight to his bedroom where my best friend was waiting in his bed naked...

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Felicity Ch 30

Chapter 38. Laura Barry was a middle age single man with a daughter in college. He was a science teacher at a high school but his salary was not enough to finance his kid in her university even with her scholarship. He did not need that much more, basically just fees and books but he did not have the money for them. He did not want to work a second job all the time so he ended up being a male escort. Working once a week would get him the money he needed. He got one hundred and fifty dollars...

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Dirty Horny Family

Huma presents a new hot story of a dirty family. Hope all my kinky readers will love it. I am 26 years old photographer, married to a sexbomb named Sarita who loves sex. I have been fucking her in all positions and at all places, like, bathroom, kitchen, in the lawn and soemtimes in bed too. I live with my mother Sunita who is a gorgeous looking woman of 46. She has a few male friends who used to be my dad’s friends before my dad died two years ago. My wife tells me she fucks them like a whore....

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Late Rent Payments

My name is Pete. I'm in my early sixties and still in decent shape. The family and I had been talking about moving from our current home to one we own on the far side of our property. Though it was only about a hundred fifty yards across a field, the move would solve several problems for us. That home has larger rooms and much easier access for our wheel chair using family members. It is also much closer and has easier access to our two and a half car garage with attached barn. The garage has...

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Fucked Mumbai Neighbor Sex 8211 Deprived Aunty

Hello guys, I am Raj, born and brought up in Mumbai. A 22 year old engineering graduate, tall lean extremely fair body with genetic non hairy body and extremely talented with the dick and tongue ;) Any females, preferably mid aged or married may contact me on my email i.e who might have any doubts about my description. I provide additional hot body massage after you have fulfilled all your desires with me ;) waiting for your feedback. This is my first story. To proceed with the story, this is...

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Fun At The Cove

This is something that happened at Cypress Cove, a nudist resort in Kissimmee Florida, a three years ago. We're back there this year again and again it's in July, her birthday month. Hopefully the events of her last birthday there will be repeated.FUN AT THE COVE My wife, Hazel, turned seventy last year and I could see was depressed, she said she looked thought she looked old and didn't feel that she was sexy any-more. Nothing could have been further from the truth though, but no matter how...

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18 October 2008Chapter 4

The cab driver tooted his horn and Dan walked hand in hand with Lisa to the back door and John sat beside the driver. “To the Quinte Convention Centre please,” Dan asked. As the cabby drove, Dan placed Lisa’s left leg over his right, opening her pose. He swept her dress opening aside revealing her bare pussy for the driver to see in his mirror. They cuddled and feeling energized she began kissing him and accepted his hand inside her dress. She smiled at him as he slid the material sideways...

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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 4

My little sister Princess came into my bedroom after our parents went to bed late one evening. That was quite unusual because we were being quite circumspect in our close relationship to avoid any family squabbles about the sinful nature of such an arrangement. In my defense, I would like to state that with six younger sisters, I had been most proper almost the entire time I was living at home with the exception of my weakness for Princess who knew exactly which button to push when it came...

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A night on the town

When I text you before I arrive, I want you to wear a dress, with holdups and a lacy thong underneath. I pick you up in a taxi and we head out to dinner, the taxi driver smiles at you when you get in and you think he can see straight through your dress. You sit beside me in the back and I place my hand on your thigh. You can feel the heat from my fingers as I absentmindedly stroke your inner thigh, I didn’t notice the taxi driver looking at you. But, you did and you want to spread your legs so...

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Games Night With Friends

Sam and Mark enjoy socialising. They have a varied circle of friends, ranging from factory workers to magistrates. They are comfortable spending time with all of their friends, no matter what their backgrounds are. Simon had been a friend of Marks since university. They had played rugby together, pulled girls together and, on a number of occasions, had mutually wanked when watching porn films. When Simon had married Debbie, Mark had been his best man. As luck would have it, Sam and Debbie hit...

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A story of a mother5

Hi Readers, I am Nayanatara writing the continuation of the story “A story of a mother-4”. I got a huge response for my part-4 and so I am writing the continuation. Due to continuous love sessions one day doctor confirmed me that I was pregnant. Honey jumped in joy as soon as he heard the news. He uses to take me to doctor regularly for check up and followed what the doctor has said. As soon as the doctor confirmed that I am pregnant honey stopped making love to me. He decided to do every thing...

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Gril needs money old man pays and gives back

Shopping I find my credit card has maxed and no more credit. I needed to pay the bill off and get my things. I figure a quick payment or two could be made having sex. I have laid down for a date or two and actually enjoyed it. I just worried asking guys me age and getting the label hooker. At the Mall I see old men walking and looking at me. My target for this, could be quick and who knows a tip. Walked up to the youngest of the men and he looked like grand pa. She smiled and ask if could help...

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MaquisChapter 26

Blackwood, south Wales, a few days before Christmas It was just after one in the afternoon on the last Friday before Christmas and the pub was busier and noisier than it had been in a little while. People appeared happy, celebrating the rapidly approaching Christmas, but there was a brittle atmosphere, as if no one could quite work out whether they were allowed to be happy, allowed to be here. There were two parties in, obviously a couple of works Christmas do’s. Twenty-one women from the...

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My Journey To The Wild Side Part Three

I went to town after my gym session and bought my white sexy lingerie, then I went to an adult store and bought myself a vibrator. I used it three times that afternoon and I loved the sensation of having my clit massaged. I straightened my bedroom, hoping that Dave would be in there again that evening, and I intentionally left my new toy on display on my nightstand.I bathed and dressed in my new white lingerie, I noticed that my pubic hair had almost fully grown back and my thong did not cover...

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The Gospel of Cleavage

You wake up in your room, greeted by the smell of coffee. Unfortunately, the coffee smell was coming from a mug you knocked over, while asleep, on your desk. A quick look at the clock, on the desk, shows it to be nearly three in the morning, which would explain why it's so dark. In fact, the only light in the room comes from a street-light, outside your window. Trying to remember how you ended up asleep on your desk only hurts your head. There's an empty feeling in your head, as if the owner...

Mind Control
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A Stitch in Time Pt 07

Chapter 24 On Monday morning, I was racing to my locker after English and before Astronomy to switch my books. Getting rid of Moby Dick alone would improve my posture for the rest of the morning. I quickly dialed the combination and jerked the locker open, only to have it slam close again. Tommy Narburg was standing right next to me. The locker door had apparently banged off his forehead. Despite the dazed expression on his face, it didn’t appear to have done any damage. ‘Tommy?’ I asked as I...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 40

We were to be really surprised at the girls' condition when I sent Mark to call them for supper. When they showed up in the kitchen, the sight was enough to make a sane man pull his hair out. Dina had a scarf tied around her hair and the only thing it protected was her forehead. Dana was in about the same condition, but she had one side of her face painted white like she lost a battle with a paint roller. Sandra was still looking like she had lost a battle with a paint ball gun. The only...

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Sarah Humiliation at the Office

It had been a very busy day for Sarah at the office. She was having to prepare a presentation for the accounts team describing changes to the various systems that they were going to use for the next financial year. This came straight after the month-end when Sarah and her team were all particularly busy.Sarah took her job seriously but there were some very rare occasions, like today when she became short-tempered when things weren't going well enough. She was in the accounts office which was...

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Nikki Sexy Gym Mate 8211 Part II

After our first fucking session me and Nikita decided that we will fulfill each others fantasies and fuck each other as much as possible before her husband could return back from his trip…. so every day once I reach office I would finish off work as fast I can and go into a conference room and talk with my new found treasure for hours together. We discussed each and every ways we wanted to get fucked, it was not possible to visit her daily due to my work and wife being around….so lets get...

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Some Things Are Meant To BeChapter 11

I was in the master bathroom brushing my teeth when the telephone rang. I looked at the clock on the counter and saw that it was 10:10. I thought that it must be Mike calling to get my version of what happened tonight at the Hilton, so I just picked up and said, "You want to hear the story, too, huh?" "What story did you have in mind?" the woman's voice said. It wasn't Mike after all. It was Colleen! I took a deep breath before I went on. "Let me go spit and rinse my mouth. I'll be...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 68

September 27, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written September 28] After practice, dinner, and homework, the five of us returned downstairs in prep for taking Gracey and Dad to the García house. We found Dad and the Moms on the Monstrosity, Dad naked, the Moms wearing shirts and skirts. The Moms were commando: Sandy was riding Dad’s cock, while Carol was just starting up the Stairway on Dad’s face. Carol’s ascent seemed to encourage Sandy’s, and the two of them quickly peaked in nice, little...

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What a vacation

"Awww is little Kynslie mad.... well boo-hoo" teased Clinton from the doorway. "Why were you in my room you self-centered jerk ?" Kynslie asked. "Taking what's mine" her annoying brother taunted, holding up her laptop. "What are you stupid? Clearly that's my laptop, now give it back" replied Kynslie. "No not until you give me the money back you borrowed two weeks ago" Clinton stateted. "Okay, I'm going to pay you back tomarrow, so give it back please" Kynslie...

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Tales from the Forgotten Realms

The Forgotten Realms are diverse and rife with opportunity. Millions of people live on the large continent of Faerûn, many of whom are non-human. Elves peacefully coexist with ancient forests, Dwarves build great kingdoms underneath mountains, and other less common races such as the Dragonborn try to survive on a planet that isn't home. Great evil lurks in the shadows - barbaric hordes of monsters roam the wilderness, chromatic dragons horde incredible wealth, and the Blood War rages on in the...

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Ben and his sons 2

and things have been going good I get my son on the weekends and during the week I work at the construction business that I'm learning to take over and run and on my free time I'm dealing to old buddies and local tweakers getting money on the side so I can get a place and a car all on my own It was Thursday night and I was drinking with my high school buddies and one of them pulled out a pipe and next thing I knew we were blowing clouds and talking about bitches we used...

2 years ago
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Morning Between Lovers

The sound of the rain beating against the outside of the windows was so soothing that Ian just lay in bed, listening intently in the predawn hours. He had woken up to Jill stretching her body languidly beside him, her eyes still shut, her lids like a curtain behind which only she knew what visions floated. He’d never seen anyone so beautiful in his whole life. She was his Soul Friend, as the Gaels said. There in the pale gray that still fought against the sun’s rays, she was an angel. He leaned...

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Doc Ch 16

The next morning we had breakfast with Grandpa. Just as we were almost finished, I asked him, ‘So what are the plans for today? I was figuring on working on the two new wagons to get them ready to use for my next rounds of all the nearby towns. Staying in hotels and eating in restaurants is getting too expensive.’ Grandpa became grim as he spoke, ‘I thought I would work with you most of this morning. Then this afternoon I’m going to ride into Hill City for a little talk with Miller — he’ll...

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Any Opportunity Will Do Ch 06

This is a story about two people trying to escape a sadistic Human Sex Trafficker. There are some scenes of violence and non consensual sex. If you don’t like this type of erotica please don’t read it. If you do like it, read on. Please enjoy and give feedback, as I am still writing later Chapters and as always I like to incorporate some of your suggestions for what will happen to the characters in to the story. * After an hour they hit some traffic and Josh’s normally even temper started...

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Indian Wife And The Maids Husband

Simran hesitated just for an instant before pulling her panty down and stepping out of it fully nude. She was still in her dressing room. She had read about the benefits of massage in a number of newspapers and journals but could perhaps never muster the courage to go to a parlour. All sorts of doubts would appear to cloud her mind. How could she strip fully before complete strangers! And if the masseuse turned out to be a man! God! She would certainly die due to sheer embarrassment. And if she...

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Ashley part one First time with Miguel

Ashley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life.     “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker.   They talked about a week ago;...

First Time
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Winters BladeChapter 8 Trouble

"You weren't supposed to see that." Chester's head was still in his hands. He took a deep breath and sighed a weary sigh. "What the hell is it?" Alex asked. "Is that what's going to happen?" Em repeated, her voice rising. "Because of me?" "No, of course not," Chester replied. "I mean ... we don't know what form it'll take. But we're better prepared for this than ever; I'm sure they've already mobilized, and once they identify it ... there's a response plan for every...

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Mother n Son Lust Love n Marraige

Chapter 1I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Vikram started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates...

1 year ago
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First Time in Mountains

I've met Maria at the mountain camp. I like long walks with a backpack over forests and mountains and that time I've chose difficult but interesting route through Carpathians. Our group has been formed of three girls and boys - two couples and two singles. Also two instructors had to attend our group. Andrew and Maria. Andrew was a shortly smart forty odd aged man. During our first meeting and further road he was talking and forcing everybody to smile. Maria was a red-haired Amazon. At least I...

3 years ago
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My wife Rose and the Van Driver

My wife and I have foursomes on and off for quite a while. One night that comes to mind was recently when we meet up with a couple off the Internet. It went well, and on are way home the next day, we were high after the sex we had just had. You see she enjoys showing off and getting into some exciting situations and I enjoy watching her show off and meeting new guys. This particular morning Rose was wearing a black mini skirt white blouse, a Lacey black bra, a pair of Lacey black panties, and...

2 years ago
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The Best Vacation Of My Life In Chennai

I had no idea what this vacation will do to me and my emotions until that day. When I was at the age of 20 I went to my granny’s home in Chennai for my summer vacation where usually all our relations will meet up every year. It was a boring vacation as always since I had no fun or whatsoever. After a week, one of our distant relatives came and I had no idea who were they and what relationship they were to me. Suddenly I saw a beautiful girl who emerges from the group and seemingly confused as...

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Jewels In Her Crown

They say Supergirl is back to normal, back to fighting crime, upholding justice — all that shit. That's what they say. I say, don't believe everything you read in the funny papers. Wanna know where she was for those two months that TV and the press called a "sabbatical"? She was getting the shit kicked out of her at... well, I ain't allowed to say where. Just believe me, she was beaten, raped, humiliated. And forced to give blowjobs — slow, wonderful blowjobs. I know. I was on the...

2 years ago
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Horse Loving DaughterChapter 5

Lynne quickly dismounted and waited for her mother to rein in her white Arabian. "This is it, Mommy," she said, bubbling with excitement. Janice reined in Abdul. She climbed off the horse and petted his neck. "It's a beautiful lake," she said, smiling at her daughter. "I never knew it was here." Lynne smiled. It was a hot smile and her blue eyes glowed. Since yesterday when Blazer broke her cherry, she had begun to pick up on her mother's suppressed passion. Once she had, she...

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Seducing My Sexy Maid 8211 Part I

Hi.. This is Rajesh and for the first time I’m writing my real experience with my maid. It happened 3years back and at that time my age is 25years.I used to stay with my friend in an apartment in Mumbai. We have appointed a maid for cleaning and washing cloths. First let me explain about my maid…Her name is Payal. She looks damn sexy and slim. I admire her shape and boobs. I feel no one can stop starring at her boobs they were so tempting and when we see her our dick will stand 90%...

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