SLuT9 Pt 12 free porn video

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Wednesday, December 20th, Night
Dave called in to the office that night and left a message for Susan delegating all of the tasks he had scheduled for the next day and the day after to some of his senior associates giving himself a five day holiday weekend. He then called and talked to Jennifer, his sister.


It was a female voice but Dave was instantly sure it wasn't Jennifer.

"Is this Megan or Molly?" Dave asked.

"This is Molly, Uncle Dave. Just a minute, I'll get Mom." He heard her set the phone down and yell for her mother. "Mom, telephone. It's Uncle Dave."

David could hear Jennifer say something back but it was too soft to make out exactly. A moment later, Jennifer picked up an extension and hollered that she had it. A second after that he heard the click as, presumably, Molly hung up the phone.

"Hey, little brother. Is this the call where you tell me you're coming to visit?"

"What choice do I have? All the women in my life are conspiring against me to make sure I do."

"I knew there was a reason I loved those girls of yours. Are they there?"

"Sitting across the table from me."

"I'm proud of you, Dave. You finally got a backbone again. So, when will you be here?"

"Well, I just got off the phone with my office. I delegated all my work away so I'm yours for the next five days if you want me. We were thinking of coming over early tomorrow afternoon for the twins birthday. Is there going to be a party?"

"Emily reminded you that it was their birthday, didn't she?"

"No!" Dave said, smiling at the three women sitting around the table.

"Oh, so it was Hayley."

Dave closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Have you no faith in me? Do you really believe I'd forget my own nieces' birthdays?"

"David, you forgot my sixteenth birthday party and you were involved in planning it. Hayley reminded you, didn't she?"

Dave surrendered.

"Yes," he said rather grumpy.

"So, will you and the girls be staying here through Christmas? Please, David? I really don't want it to be just me and the girls again."

"Hold on." Dave put the phone down and covered the mouthpiece. "She wants us to stay there until Christmas."

Emily and Hayley looked at each other, smiled and then shouted "Yes!" at the same time.


"David, I have never met your sister. I have no way of knowing whether I will enjoy myself there anymore than I know whether I will enjoy my Christmas here. I leave it up to you."

"Better get used to it, Daddy," Emily said with a smirk.

Dave stuck his tongue out at Emily and then put the phone back to his ear. "Alright, we'll stay."

"Yes!" Jennifer shouted.

"Hey, Jenn, You okay?"

There was a long pause. "Yes, darling brother, just a little down in the dumps right now. Once you all get here, I'll be just fine."

"Okay. See you tomorrow then. Oh, and Jen?"


"There'll be four of us."

"Who's the fourth?"

"A friend of mine. Her name's Olivia. She's staying with me for a while."

"Where did you meet her, and why haven't I heard about her before?"

"Because until yesterday, I hadn't met her. We've been talking on-line for the last few months. She left her job up in Boston and came down here looking for a new job. When she mentioned she would be in the area, I asked if she wanted to meet. We hit it off so I asked if she wanted to stay here. Save some money and such."

"Uh huh."

"Gimmee a break, Jenn."

"Of course you can bring her, Dave. I am the last person in the world who would want someone left alone on Christmas."

"Thank you. See you tomorrow." They hung up and Dave looked around the room. "Well, that seemed to work."

"Told you so," Hayley said as she stood up from the table.

The four settled in for a quiet night at home. When Emily and Hayley were ready for bed, Emily came over and asked where she should sleep.

"In your bed."

Emily smiled, kissed his cheek, and said "I knew you couldn't do it. Not with Hayley around."

She turned and headed for the bedroom.

"Hey, Em," Dave called out before she disappeared down the hall. He waited for her to turn back before speaking again. "I don't wanna hear about you trying to convince Hayley to do what you did. If I find out you're pressuring or trying to convince her, I'll spank you and send you back to your mother."

Emily smiled. "I would never do that, Daddy."

She turned and went down the hall to the bedroom she shared with Hayley leaving Dave and Olivia alone in the living room.

Olivia and Dave slept together that night, and Olivia slept naked.

"It's how I always sleep," she told him when he asked about it. There was a quick kiss and a lot of snuggling together but no sex. Dave was sure he'd hear about that in the morning from Emily.

Thursday December 21. Early Afternoon
Dave was surprised they had gotten out of the apartment so early. By noon, everyone was packed and ready to head to Jenn's house. They loaded all the luggage into the car and then sat down and ate lunch together. By one thirty in the afternoon, the four were in Olivia's rental car, a four-door sedan, and on their way across town.

While Dave lived in old town, right in the heart of the city, Jennifer's house was on the outskirts of the city, out in what Dave called the boonies.

Dave viewed his sister as somewhat of a tragic figure. She was two years older than him and was definitely the smarter of the two. She had finished high school with a 3.8 GPA and had easily gone on to college. At college she had met an unusual young man with the unusual name of Dimitri Santiago, a first generation American who's father was Bolivian and who's mother was Greek. Jennifer and Dimitri fell madly in love and married two months after finishing college, both with degrees in business. Both also already had jobs to go to. Dimitri took over as the head of the American branch of his parents import/export business while Jennifer went to work for Dave's uncle doing the exact job that Dave now held.

At the time, Dave was two years out of high school, already married to Rebbecca, and they were only months from finding out that they were pregnant with Emily. Dave was working his way up through the company starting in the warehouse.

Within a year of their marriage, Dimitri was diagnosed with some degenerative brain disease that David could never remember the name of and was told he had maybe two years to live. Within months Jennifer was pregnant, desperate to hold onto some piece of her beloved Dimitri. Molly and Megan were the result, and Dimitri died a few days after their first birthday.

Dimitri's parent's had bought him the house where Jennifer now lived when he finished college. He and Jennifer had lived there from the day they got married. Upon his death, Jennifer inherited a small fortune, somewhere around three million dollars between his trust fund and his life insurance policy and was told that the house was hers by her in-laws. At first, Jennifer wanted to sell the house only to find out Dimitri's parents would have been devastated if she had sold or rented out their gift to their late son. Jennifer was all but forced to remain in the house where Dimitri died.

Jennifer had dated some over the last fifteen years but none of the men had ever matched up to Dimitri. About five years before, Jennifer had all but stopped dating and settled into life, alone, with her two wonderful daughters who were now about to celebrate their sixteenth birthday.

Dave was driving the car. Olivia was in the passenger seat beside him with Emily and Hayley in the backseat. It seemed to Dave that Hayley had been waiting for a captive audience. As soon as they were in the car and on the road, she sat forward in her seat, wrapped her arms around his head rest to hold herself up, and started the grand inquisition of Olivia. It seemed that Hayley wanted to know all about SLuT9 and SLuT10.

"Daddy told me that SLuT10 doesn't have the nasty side affects of SLuT9. Is that true?"

"I have no idea, Hayley. I've never used it nor seen it used. Theoretically though, no, it shouldn't."

"Does it still make the woman horny?"

"According to the information Dr. Casey sent me - Dr. Casey is the man who invented it - no, it doesn't."

"It doesn't," Dave added and immediately regretted it.

"You've used it, Daddy?" Hayley asked.

Dave nodded.

"On who?"

"Mishy. Do we have to talk about this?"

But now Emily was interested as well.

"Why did you use it on Mishy?"

"I wanted to find out what was going on inside her head but she wouldn't open up. So I gave her some SLuT10 and told her to answer all my questions fully and completely."

"At least she wasn't horny the entire time you were interrogating her," Emily said softly.

Olivia chuckled at the comment. Hayley looked from her sister to Olivia to Dave, obviously confused. She apparently decided right then was not the time to inquire further on that topic and went on asking about SluT10.

"So, SLuT10 is nothing more or less than total mind control?"

Olivia shifted in her seat, turning sideways so she could see Hayley better.

"Basically, yes. With the level of control the formula gives the user, there's really no need for it to make the woman horny. If the user wants to have sex, he can just order her to have sex with him."

"Why are you so interested in all of this, Hayley?" Dave asked.

"Unlike you and Olivia and Emily, I just found out about this stuff last night. I haven't had the time to ask all the questions and figure everything out."

"And I'm sure the fact that she's a geek has nothing to do with it," Emily said with a smile.

Dave didn't see Hayley stick her tongue out at her sister but he would have bet good money that she had.

"So how does it work?"

"The main ingredient in all of the versions of SLuT has been a drug that Dr. Casey invented years ago, even before you were born, called Luckicite. It lowers the inhibitions of the individual. It was originally formulated as a truth serum, something better than sodium pentothal. It didn't work though.

"The other main ingredient is a synthetically produced form of serotonin. Serotonin is one of the chemicals released by the brain that makes you feel good. The synthetic version is called serotoxin. Basically, the Luckicite makes a woman willing to do whatever is asked of her while the serotoxin makes her feel good about doing it.

"The individual has no awareness of being drugged, feels good doing the chore, and remembers herself being a willing participant. While she may later question her judgment in doing as she was told, she can't very well grow to dislike or hate the person who told her to do it. After all, she enjoyed it at the time and she was a willing participant. It also lowers the chances of the individual going to the police or looking deeper into why she did these things just because someone said to."

"Why would Dr. Casey invent such a drug? Was he still trying to come up with a new truth serum?"

"No!" Olivia said flatly. "Dr. Casey had long since abandon that quest, even though in the end he did succeed in doing exactly that. As your father just said, by giving someone even a small dose of SLuT10 and ordering her to tell the truth, you have yourself a truth serum.

"When Dr. Casey discovered what SLuT did twenty years or so ago, he wasn't doing it for noble purposes. He was doing it for exactly the same reasons any man would use the stuff. He was using it to have sex with any woman he wanted. The early versions didn't work nearly as well as the SLuT9 your father got. Some were painful. Some took a tremendous amount of time, hours, to begin to take effect and then wore off within a few hours. You ended up with two, maybe three, hours of the woman being truly horny and willing. I think Dr. Casey viewed himself as some sort of mad scientist. In the end, he was right. That's exactly what he was."

"Does it only work for the person who gives it to you?"

"No. That's one of the drawbacks to the formula and one Dr. Casey had only begun to figure out an answer for when he died. He had this theory that you could make a version of SLuT that was DNA specific to the person giving it. I'd have to read further into his notes to get all the details but he was working towards just such a thing. Right now, once given a dose of the formula, you are pretty much at the whim of whoever happens to pass by."

"Does that include you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Daddy said you've received so much SLuT that you're now... his slave," Hayley said with a shrug.

"That's true. But that was my choice. The SLuT formula effects a persons desires. From the time I was in high school, I preferred being dominated. Dr. Casey used that against me when I was his lab assistant and then, later, when he used me as his guinea pig in testing the earlier SLuT formulas. This led to me being his... sex toy. The drug has a deteriorating effect on that part of the brain that gives a person self-will, that part of your brain that screams that you get to decide what happens to you. With me, that voice has always been almost a whisper. I preferred allowing others to make my decisions for me. The SLuT formula made it worse, and, eventually, disabled it completely. I knew, or strongly suspected what would happen when I met your father. I had suspicions for years about what effect one or two or three more doses would have on me and whether I would be able to cope.

Olivia looked at Dave and studied his face for a long moment. Only Hayley saw the look on Olivia's face as she continued.

"When I met your father, I knew he would dose me. I trusted Dr. Casey's judgment and hoped he hadn't led me wrong this time. When your father I were in that van together, I knew immediately that Dr. Casey hadn't let me wrong. He'd picked just the right man to send me and the formula to."

"Do you think he intended for you to be here all along?"

"I think Dr. Casey was a lot more lucid than he let on to his friends, family and associates. I would imagine that Dr. Casey was perfectly cognizant of what would happen to me when I arrived here. He counted on it."

Olivia looked at Hayley.

"I'm the only one who's so far along. Dr. Casey professed his love to me before I graduated college. I left anyways. When he realized what he had done to me and what effect it would have on my life, he wanted to make sure I was cared for. I knew when your father made love to me that first time in the van that he was the man to take care of me. I could have run. I could have fled. I would have become depressed within a few days but there are ways around it, ways I didn't mention to your father at the time."

"What ways?" Dave asked.

"I'm not sure I wanna tell you. You might send me away."

Dave smiled at her. "I don't think that's going to happen."

"It's simple," Olivia said with a shrug. "I already told Hayley that it isn't user specific. All I'd have to do is find someone else to swear myself too. Someone else to take care of me. Another master. It would be difficult. I have bonded with you, David. But, if worse came to worst, the option is there, but I don't see myself taking it."

"Why didn't you?" Hayley asked. "Someone you know better? Someone you trust?"

"I may not have known your father. I may not know him that well now. But I trusted him the moment I met him. Dr. Casey was always a very good judge of personalities."

"You're in love with my father, aren't you?"

"Okay, that's enough!" Dave said. "Hayley sit back in your seat. We're almost there. I do have one question for you though, Dr. Barrett."

"Oh sure," Olivia teased. "Last night I was slut. Now I'm Dr. Barrett."

The two girls both giggled in the back seat. Dave shot Olivia a look.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," Olivia said, dropping her eyes to the floor. "It's not true. It was meant as a joke."

Dave nodded and turned his eyes back to the road.

"I called you Dr. Barrett because the question is to that part of you that makes you the person who knows more about SLuT10 than anyone else in the world right now."

Olivia looked up at Dave and gave him a nod.

"My question is if I gave someone a dose, a small dose, one or two drops, and told them to make a life altering change, I'm pretty sure they would do it at the time but would that..."

"Suggestion? Would they take the suggestion to heart and change their life as you had instructed?" Olivia said, finishing his question.


"I don't know, David. Dr. Casey never used SLuT10. You are the only one who has used it, and I simply haven't had time to go through Dr. Casey's notes to figure out what kind of effect SLuT10 might have."

"Now I feel guilty for using the stuff on Mishy. Who knows? I could have made one little remark that she takes as an order and sets out to change her life."

"There's an easy way to test it, Daddy," Emily said, listening from the back seat. "Give it to someone, someone willing, and order them to do something you know they don't want to do and see if the order holds once the drug has worn off."

"I wonder where I'd find such a person?" Dave said, looking into his daughter's eyes in the rear-view mirror.

"Hey, you could give it to Em and tell her to become a clean freak. You're always saying she needs to learn to pick up after herself," Hayley said half-teasing.

Emily gave her a swift smack on the arm for her tease.

"Ow!" screamed Hayley, clutching her upper arm.

"Emily, don't hit your sister." Dave paused. "I think it's been five or six years since I've had reason to say that. Anyway, Em, it's pretty much exactly what you suggested."

"I know," Emily said, still scowling at Hayley. "Speaking of the SLuT formula, Daddy, did you pack it?"

"I was wondering when someone was going to ask. I guessed it would be you."

"So did you?"

Dave nodded. "Yes. I packed the SLuT10 just in case. I left the SLuT9 at home though."

"Just in case of what, Daddy?" Emily asked.

"Just in case your aunt or cousins clue in to the fact that something odd is going on around here. With the SLuT10, I can at least stop them from doing something that would hurt all of us and make them listen, for a while anyway."

"Hurt us how?" Hayley asked.

"Hurt us by calling the police or the government or ... well, who knows? I've never really thought about who to call if I found out someone had a drug that allowed them to control minds. The problem never came up before."

"You've led a sheltered life, haven't you?" Olivia said, teasing.

Everyone laughed.


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Retrograde Dreams Copyright (c) 2000 by Kim EM The characters and situations depicted in this story are Copyright (c) 2000 by Ellen Hayes. All rights reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally...

2 years ago
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Grade 9 Camping Trip

24 girls were very excited, especially Nicole and Anna, as they would be sharing the same tent. There would be 2 girls per tent. Nicole is 14 years old and Anna is 6 months older, having just turned 15. They are the best of friends, in fact, 'very special' friends indeed. These annual camping trips were legendary and this year should be great as they were going to an isolated spot 3 hours drive out of the city and in a huge gorge beside a river. It was wild country inside a...

3 years ago
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Tyler Breaks His Rules

“The name's Tyler, how’s your evening going sir.” I was startled, a little confused. In these events I’d run the gambit of weird fetishes, women who liked getting caught, liked their husbands to rough me up, husbands who liked to watch, the husband dynamic was always far more unnerving than the women’s wild buck fantasies... just weird vibes. That was not the case with the man shaking my hand. “Marcus, I ugh... it’s been good, these types of gigs usually tip better.” “Right, the big wigs...

2 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 9

Sometime during the night Samantha was wakened from a sound sleep when she felt movement on the bed beside her. As she turned over she saw Buster lying there, right next to her. So close in fact that the warmth of his body was felt between the cover and sheets. "You're such a good boy, Buster. I'm so happy to have you with me." She reached out from under the cover and groped towards her pet. She petted him for a while and then let her hand roam lower and lower, until she felt the...

3 years ago
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The Locker Room Uncomplete

"Wow! sorry!" Jacob said quickly and began to walk away “Nah Jacob its okay come over and join us” Nick said “Come here Jacob,” said dawn as she walked over to him “please Jacob you'll have fun besides I've never had a blond boy before.” “No way...” he said bit he couldn't go any further as she placed her hands long his hips and rubbed his groin making him sigh with pleasure” can't do what” she interjected “Okay...” he said and then she guided him over across from Nick, he...

2 years ago
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First love

I met Denise during my first year of college at the Homecoming dance. She is a junior who is on the swim team and editor of the school paper. She wore a gray plaid skirt, white long sleeve shirt with a burgundy bow. At five feet four inches tall with shoulder length blond hair, she looked stunning. I walked over, introduced myself and asked her if she would like to dance. Taking my hand, she led me onto the dance floor as the music switched to a slow number. Pressing herself tightly against me,...

2 years ago
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Sealed Like Envelopes Ch 03

The sun was shining through gaps in the puffy snow clouds, throwing the white world into a swirl of white and gray, speckled with the green of mountain pine. Adele puffed her breath and giggled when it condensed into a small cloud in front of her face. It was the day after the diner fiasco and Travis had driven Adele to the park where they used to do their homework together after school. The park was small and secluded within a residential neighborhood. There were two swings, a slide, a...

3 years ago
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A BDSM experience

At first I'd been horrified. How awful. How cruel and sadistic. This author was twisted and misogynistic. Why I kept reading them, I don't know. They were all the same; treating women like no more that consumables to be used and physically abused. I'd stumbled on the site quite by accident; who hasn't done that? An innocent Googling of some innoxious topic, and shock, horror, photos of fucking and sucking - well, if that's all it is, it's quite a pleasant surprise, but this site that I'd just...

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Lesbian Wife

I was visiting cochin, for the first time in a long time and decided to do some window shopping on M.g Road. Before I headed back to the hotel. Walking and looking in the store windows I saw this quaint little shop with some Summer prints in the window. Now usually I can’t buy anything off the rack because it always needs to be let out in the bust, so I usually wear just tops and pants, but I decided to give it a try. Opening the door I was greeted by a little bell announcing my arrival and...

3 years ago
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Isha ki dost Ruhi

Hi friends this is SAHIL again. I hope u have read my top story “LUXURY BUS ME LUXURY CHUDAI” well here is 3 part. Well friends u al knows how I finger fuck ISHA in luxury bus. Well after reaching BILASPUR I took her to lodge fucked her but unfortunately ISS didn’t post my 2nd part I think may be ISS like that story very much and kept in her account. Then I drop her in her hostel. She even told abt our affair to her friend RUHI she is Muslim girl damn hot sexy she use to wear burka so bcoz of...

1 year ago
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Get Use To It 3

Get Use To It 3 "Grandma! You promised!" Dan said as he began undressing with her help. "You said if I went through with this that I could have my pants back." "Princess, you look just too lovely to go back to being that mean spirited horrid boy. You remember all those fights and not with just the other boys. You beat up Cindy Johnson and I had to pay out the nose to keep you from going to juvenile jail for that. If that weren't enough, Bobby told his mother what you made him do to...

3 years ago
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The Benefit of a Storm

The Benefit of a Stormby Jena121© A dark and heavy cloud had hovered for days, although patches of sunlight appeared spontaneously through the short breaks. A pile of washing begging for me to attend can wait for now. What the hell it's Saturday, time for a coffee and read up on what's news.... I glance at the wall clock, and surprise myself by seeing that the morning is almost over, the dark skies disguising the time. Hell! I'd better get a move on or I won't get my housework done by this...

Quickie Sex
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Spankies Suprise Treat

Christ on a cracker! There she goes again, cruising them damn streets when she should be at home practising with that dingus for when uncle Festus returns and demands his nuptials. Well at least this is what I thought as I observed her swish past in a skirt so short I could see all the way to China.At first I averted my gaze, but hot diggady damn...if I wasn't getting me a mighty fine glimpse of poontang from my cleverly constructed peep hole behind the bill board selling dental whitener. I...

4 years ago
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Power Chapter Eight The AllNighter

So far: Mark led a sheltered adolescence and arrived at Anthony College knowing nothing about sex. He was fearful of girls seeing him undressed. That passed quickly. Mark got a roommate, Jay, and a girlfriend, Janice. He lost his virginity and had a three-way with Janice and Jay. At Anthony, the women have most of the power and Mark is adjusting to that. He learned that upperclassmen could have alcohol, that nudity was allowed on campus, and that one of his dorm-mates was gay. He also learned...

3 years ago
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Picking Up Your Girl from the Airport

You name is Jason age 39, you are a reasonably handsome man and you have kept yourself in decent shape. You are often thought of as looking younger than you really are. You have a daughter Mary who is 18 years old who is just finishing her first year at college. Mary decided to spend her summer break with you. You and her mom have been divorced for sometime now and you miss your daughter very much. Today you are heading to the airport to pick her up. You are feeling a bit nervous after all you...

1 year ago
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Julie sends Dave off with a blow job

One weekend Dave was to fly back to his hometown to see his wife and kids. He asked me to give him a ride to the airport. Julie came over after work that Friday to go with us. She was tired and hungry after working at the office all day, on her period too. She told me Dave and I were obviously expecting her to suck his dick for him before he left. Like the trooper she is, somewhat slutty, she said "okay," laid her purse down, and took her coat off in my room. She looked great in her nice...

1 year ago
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Succulent Desires Chapter 3

As the elevator reached the lobby, Alice took a few deep breaths and made sure her ample cleavage was covered adequately before the doors opened.   She also realized that whatever had been ordered from room service had not arrived, so she stopped at the front desk and asked them to have room service re-deliver the order at closing and leave it in the room.   She knew they would be back by then or after then and either way Missa was sure to need some sustenance, as would Alice , before she...

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Maid8217s innocent daughter

Hi all. First I’d like to say that I’m an avid ISS reader and have had many sexual experiences all over the world. I never thought of posting an incident till I had an experience with my elderly maid’s young daughter. Just so that readers understand the story better, I’m male, 50, married, 2 grown children, living in Mumbai, sexually incompatible with wife, as, she wants sex about once a month while I need it twice a day. Over 25 years of marriage she has accepted the fact that I need more and...

2 years ago
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Changes In Paradise

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgendered or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Changes in Paradise By Patricia "Damn it's hot," Patrick said to no one in particular. He stretched out his back, stiff from bending over the mess of electronic parts spread out on the tarp in front of...

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Incest With My Hairy Sister

Hi, everyone, I am Samarth (name changed) from Delhi and I am an engineering student here. I live in Jaipur and I want to express my sex story about how I fucked my elder sister who did not know much about sex. If you love my story kindly provide your feedback on anyone interested in real or phone and cam sex kindly contact me at the same. Let me describe myself and my elder sister. I am 5’9″ and have an average body with a 7′ dick. My sister is a bit on shorter side being 5′ and her figure is...

1 year ago
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My hot virgin sister in law

100% fiction! This story that happened in my life a week ago. The story is about how I fucked my virgin sister in law (sil). Her name is arthi (name changed) and she is 23 yrs old and has a sexy body 32D-28-34. I have been attracted to her since my marriage. Last week my mother in law was admitted in the hospital for a surgery so my wife was accompanying her at the hospital. Since my mother in law needed to be admitted in the hospital for a couple of days, my wife suggested that I go along with...

4 years ago
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Anjali Ki Gand Chudai Se Maa Chudai Tak Ka Safar

By : Amitsexlover Hi friends my name is Amit I am from Jaipur, Rajasthan and now staying in Tamil nadu without wasting your time I will start my story in Hindi ab aap apna lund or chut sambhal ke rakhiye q ki jaldi he aap garam hone wale h ye baat aaj se 3 saal purani h mai 1st yr mai tha sex karne ki kuch jyada he icha thi par pehli gf se mera break up ho gaya tha so bus muth mar kar he kaam chalana padta tha fir meri friendship anjali naam ki ladki se hui vo kolkata se thi thode dino mai...

2 years ago
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Old Before His Time

When I was 18 years old, I was a bit of trouble for my stepmom. You know, the usual bad boy stuff. You see, my real dad divorced my stepmom and moved away and I never knew my real mother. My dad married my stepmom when I was 9 and though our relationship was strained and a bit distant, I considered her my mother.So at age 18, I was a real hellraiser. Finally one day, my stepmom, Donna, laid down the law: I would follow her rules to the letter or I would be placed "in the system," kicked out....

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Home alone with a HUGE black dildo

Friday late afternoon I came back home from office and found my sensual wife getting ready to go out. I asked her what we would celebrate tonight going outside to dinner; but Anita laughed loud and said she was dressing sexy for her Black Master, that nigger bastard called Jerome…He would pick up her to spend the rest of the night at his place.My sweet wife told me that I had some meal for dinner in the fridge.I stared at her; Ana was wearing a very tight short dress, with a low cut at one...

3 years ago
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School Girl

I am M32 and living in Coimbatore and working as Manager. I used to go to my office by my car.I am littlr fast in driving and used to see my friend and show my hand who usally waiting for his bus at a bus stop. One day , by habbit i show my hand but he is not there. On next day , before lift my hand i have find him ,but that day a girl show me hand and she was so beautiful and young. I thought , she shown to body , who behinds my car. Then i left the place insame speed. Very next day , i again...

2 years ago
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Wrong Way

(Intro thread, remember to make sure that after this thread you use You when referring to the POV. This is also a PRESENT TENSE story, with this thread setting the scene as a sort of flashback type thing.) Charlie Jones hugged his mother Caitlin just outside the door to their house, ignoring the other three there for a second. "I'll call when we get there mom." "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? I mean I can drive you down and..." Caitlin said in full on mother duck...

1 year ago
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Fucked Aunt Isha While Uncle Is Sleeping

Hi Everybody I am Maddy from Andhra but now living in Bangalore. This is my first story in ISS. I work in Bangalore and stay in a room. I often visit my uncle’s home who is a close friend of my father. Late me say about my uncle’s wife. She is a gorgeous and sexiest lady with all dick making hard features. Her assets are 38-32-36. I am very close to her and share everything with her. She is an HR in a reputed software company and she is so modern. I often visit her during weekends and spend...

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The Ballet Baby

Kara Ivanova wrapped her slender hand around her ankle, bending her long, well-toned leg as she stood on tip-toes on the other. Her legs met at a shapely, pronounced bottom, covered snugly by tights and a white leotard. The tight piece of clothing was wrapped around a slender waist before bulging out once more around a prominent pair of perky breasts. In pretty much any other context, her firm yet supple C-cup breasts would have considered an asset, and the combination of her petite but perky...

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SnatchedChapter 17

"Good, I was looking forward to giving him the same sendoff I gave Kaglao. Nothing is more foul than a grown man that will take sport by hurting a child." The women were all looking at me then, even the young girls. The small one, in her mother's arms, was staring wide eyed at me, even though I thought she could barely understand what I was saying. "How did you dispose of Kaglao then," the mother finally asked. "It was a little extra work after he was wounded seriously, but I was...

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EvilAngel Autumn Falls Evil Starlets

Busty Latina teen Autumn Falls approaches hung stud Logan Long in lingerie and kisses him passionately. Logan pulls down her panties and reams her cunt from behind, till the comely girl turns around to suck his cock. Autumn slobbers as she gives a nasty blowjob. She soon hops onto his lap for furious twat fuck. The rowdy encounter includes a flashy tease sequence, steamy 69 and fervid cunt pounding. Logan bangs her as she lies face-down on the bed. He rewards the feisty fuck doll with a cum...

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There Oughta Be a LawChapter 5

Sunday night. After a few minutes of rest and recuperation I looked at Ellen and said, "Sorry I got your dress all crumpled." "That's OK," Ellen replied. "It seems to have done it's job. You really attacked me that time." "Yes, your wiggling and teasing got me all worked up. Are you ok with that?" "Oh, I'm definitely ok with it," she said with a smile. "It's nice to get attacked every once in a while, especially if it's you." "It better be me," I said with a mock stern...

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Private Light Fairy Teen Light Fairy Watches Porn and Enjoys Anal

Light Fairy returns as horny as ever in Private Specials, Young Beauties 2, and after her daily masturbation watching porn… she’s all fired up and ready for some fun! Light’s roommate Vincent Vega will be the lucky beneficiary today as she gets straight down to business with a gagging blowjob before offering up her beautiful pussy for a taste. Then watch this delightful teen on as she goes on to enjoy a passionate fuck that will climax with some intense anal action and a facial...

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Incestuous Tales of the QuarantineStory 5 Daughterrsquos Hot Mom Seduction

It was week two of the quarantine, and I was making raspberry jam with Mom. We had gone out to the grocery store to get supplies and found the raspberries on sale. Mom leaped at the opportunity to buy them and we were both excited to make some jam. We had been making a lot of jams and canned food since quarantine started. I guessed we were doing some prepping for the family. Dad was up in his office working from home these days. My little sister, Linda, was up there, too. She was such a...

3 years ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 18

****Part 1 - General of Academy **** Lieutenant James pulled himself across the dirt, trying to ignore the trail of blood he was dragging behind him. The trail would make him trivial to track, of course, but if one of the Terrans got close enough to track him, he was as good as dead anyways. "You should just give up, Jimmy." He said, his voice breaking as he moved another arm's-length. "Where are you even going Jimmy? Get to that clump of trees, and then what Jimmy?" Is it normal to...

4 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 17 Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again George looked down at the dozing forms of Fred and Lavender, and thought about waking them up. Fred was so cute as the little spoon in front of Lavender, who had her leg draped over his hip. He would love to have had a picture of it to save for later when Fred was feeling all cocksure of himself and saying how he would never stoop to being the little spoon. They both knew it was poppycock of course, but a little evidence never hurt anyone. Well, that wasn’t entirely true,...

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