The Boat Trip free porn video

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Sophie stood on deck, leaning into the railing and letting the breeze sweep her long blonde hair back over her shoulders. The harbour was receding, the expanse of blue water between the boat she stood on and the coastline growing larger.

She’d always loved being out on the water, the feeling of being liberated from any worries on land, letting time and cares drift away. Chances to feed her passion were rare, so she’d been delighted when Mark had invited her to spend the day sailing with him.

Sophie had met Mark just a few weeks prior when, after a long day hunting for a birthday present, she’d decided on a drink before heading home. She’d been sat at the bar, finishing up a gin and tonic, when he approached her. The attraction was instant and, after a drink together, she readily accepted his invitation to move on to dinner.

She’d keenly felt the jolt of an electric shock when Mark took her hand to steer her from the bar, and the warmth of his roaming gaze when he asked where she’d like to eat. Once they’d walked to a restaurant and were sipping their drinks in a cozy booth, it seemed entirely natural that he should ask to kiss her. The sparks that had flown as his lips caressed hers had caused dinner to be forgotten, and they were soon in a cab heading to his apartment.

It was out of her usual character, but she could hardly regret it when that night they’d enjoyed each other’s bodies on practically every piece of furniture he owned. There was no awkward morning-after escape; instead, there had been more sex, much more, and conversation, and laughter, and here they were, three weeks later. 

She watched Mark now, calmly and capably steering them further out to sea, clearly in his element. Mark liked to joke that at least his mother thought he was good-looking, but the truth was that plenty of women would agree. He kept himself in shape and could easily pass for ten years younger than his actual age.

It was already a warm day, and the sun still climbing. As Mark stood in his grey tee and navy shorts, she couldn’t help but pass a slow gaze over the body that was a result of multiple weekly sessions with his trainer. He was fit as opposed to heavily muscled, and she certainly appreciated his stamina. A tremble passed through her at the thought of what his body was frequently capable of doing to hers.

As if sensing her stare, he looked up and beckoned her closer. She moved across the deck to join him at the wheel, leaning in to place a soft kiss on his lips.

“Another twenty minutes, then we’ll anchor and I’m all yours,” he said, eyes roving down the loose, white dress she wore.

Sophie knew he was probably noticing that when the sunlight hit it, her dress was translucent, silhouetting the shape of her long, bare legs beneath. She knew he liked to feel those legs wrapped around him, to place a teasing hand on her thigh when they were out for drinks, to see them wrapped in a pencil skirt as she sauntered out of the door to work in the mornings.

As there was little help she could offer, she decided to lie down with a book on the large, cushioned bench that made up most of a nearby seating area. Removing the white dress she was left in a sleek, black bikini, the colour contrasting her pale skin that had yet to show much sign of a tan. Lying on her stomach, sunglasses shielding her eyes, she tried to focus on the pages of her novel. It was futile. Her eyes kept shifting to Mark, and her mind would wander back to this morning, when what she’d thought was a delicious dream of being woken by his wandering fingers was actually reality.

She must have dozed off but was woken when the engine cut, and she felt a jolting movement as an anchor secured the boat in position. She raised her head to look for Mark, finding him walking towards her with two ice-cold glasses of water and an appraising smile. He set the drinks down, knelt beside her and leant forward to kiss her shoulder.

“Let’s get some lotion on you,” he murmured against her warm skin.

He climbed onto the bed-sized bench to straddle her, knees either side of her thighs. She reached behind her neck to pull the string holding the halter of her bikini top loose, but his hand closed over hers.

“I’ll do that. Just relax.”

She willingly complied, folding her arms above her head and resting her left cheek against them. She felt him tug the strings free, and the fabric against her breasts pressed beneath her slackened. There was the sound of the lotion bottle being opened, of his hands rubbing against each other and then the warmth of his palms gliding from the top of her spine, outwards over her shoulder blades. His movements were firm, massaging as he lotioned her.

Mark’s fingertips skimmed the sides of her breasts as his hands continued down her back, and she heard his low chuckle as she writhed under his touch. He reached the top of her bikini bottoms and lowered them slightly to cover the skin just under the waistband. She was feeling extremely warm now, and she knew it had nothing to do with the sun.

He shifted to switch attention to the tops of her thighs, raising the material at the top of each to smooth lotion in a gentle caress over her ass. His thumbs ran down her inner thighs, brushing so tantalizingly close to her pussy that she released a low groan.

His strokes continued down each thigh, pausing before he reached the backs of her knees and applying gentle kisses to the freckles there. By the time Mark reached her calves, she was hypersensitive and extremely turned on. When he instructed her to turn over, she rolled to her back and was not surprised to see his erection tenting the front of his shorts. Her breasts were exposed to his gaze, nipples pebbled in the breeze.

She ached for his touch, and the short time it took for him to return his hands to her felt like agony. He started with her shoulders and ran hands down each of her arms. Her chest was heaving now, breath heavy with anticipation as his hands returned to coat her collarbone, moved down her sternum and then, finally, his palms smoothed over each breast.

His hands circled as they applied lotion, the brush over her nipples generating a spark felt right down in her core. His eyes locked with hers as he moved slowly, finishing with a brief, sharp, pinch to each nipple. He glided on down over her stomach, again dipping into the waistband of her bikini.

Her hips rose as Mark’s hands traced along the high cut of the bikini at her hips, following the fabric to her inner thighs, and she felt sure he must be able to feel how warm and aroused she was. Down her thighs, over her knees and to her ankles, his touch was thorough and attentive.

Finally, he moved, placing his hands each side of her head and lowering his body to hover over hers, his mouth taking hers in a deep kiss. Her arms reached around his back, one hand tugging at his hair as the kiss intensified. His weight sank down onto her body, the rub of his tee stimulating her hard nipples.

They became lost in the kiss, time stopping as gentle licks mixed with deep thrusts of tongue and pulling of lips. His erection was hot and throbbing against her and her hips rolled, looking for his hard flesh to fill her.

He rose again, shuffling back to kneel at her feet. Mark’s hands reached up and pulled the bikini bottoms slowly down her legs, discarding them to the side. He took her ankles, pulling her legs apart, and she felt the warmth of the sun kissing against sensitive flesh.

It was Mark’s warmth she felt next, as he lowered his head and kissed a line along her lower stomach. He continued down, along a sprinkle of freckles that led between her legs, until finally his lips barely grazed her clit. He lowered his body, hooked his arms under each of her thighs to grasp her tightly and ran his tongue slowly over the length of her slit. Her head was thrown back and she took a sharp inhale at the feel of his hot tongue against her. He repeated the motion, and she raised her head to look down at him, finding his eyes watching her intently.

Over and over, Mark tracked the same path, and she knew she was dripping onto his tongue. He unhooked one of his arms, moving a hand to sink two fingers deep inside her. Her hands reached for her breasts, tugging on her nipples, and Sophie felt his groan against her clit as he watched her. His mouth sucked and flicked at her clit as his fingers eased in and out of her tight opening, and she began to feel an orgasm build. Her limbs seemed to zap with an electric current that was gathering pace, heat and sensation concentrating under his tongue.

When he took her clit into his mouth once more and sucked hard, humming around it, she burst into a body-consuming orgasm. Her pussy clenched tight around his fingers, hips and body arching towards the sky. He continued to lick slowly as her orgasm receded and her brain returned to her body.

Sophie propped herself up on her elbows, seeing Mark sat back on his knees with a satisfied smile. She sat, leant forward and kissed him, tasting herself on his lips. A quick glance confirmed he was hard, and her mouth watered at the thought of taking her turn to dole out the pleasure. She moved her kisses to his chin, across his jaw to tug at an earlobe, and then trailed down his neck. Her hands reached for the bottom of his tee, moving it up his body and over his head, before urging him to lean back on his hands.

Her kisses continued down his chest, passing over his nipples with a swift nip, and then her tongue traced the top of his shorts, his chest rising with a heavy sigh.

She nimbly unfastened his shorts, returning her mouth to his while keeping hands at his hips to urge him to remove his remaining clothing. Once his shorts and boxers were down to his knees, then removed entirely, she scooted backwards so that she was on all fours, resting one elbow between his parted thighs. The other hand took a firm hold of the bottom of his shaft, her hungry eyes admiring his hardness, the drop of pre-cum glistening before she lapped it up with an eager tongue.

Her tongue traced the underside of his cock, from her hand to the head, moving slowly. She deliberately leaned forward as she did so, lowering onto her elbow, so that her naked back and ass were in his full view, her hair spilling forward. She always enjoyed the taste of him, the hard yet soft flesh, how his hips would tilt towards her mouth.

Running her tongue around his head, she tucked her hair behind her ears so she could look up, enjoying the look of arousal in his eyes. She kept her eyes fixed on his as she opened her mouth to slowly lower it onto him, seeing his reaction to his shaft being enclosed in her warm, wet, mouth.

Her hand and mouth began to synchronize a rhythm, her mouth sinking as far as possible before withdrawing with a suck, her hand following the path up to his head, her tongue lingering to flick and tease. One of his hands reached to guide her head and her pace increased, her hand grasping slightly firmer, her tongue pressing against his cock as she hollowed her cheeks on the upstroke.

When his hips began to thrust, she knew his orgasm was coming, and took him even deeper, letting him feel her mouth envelop him. Pleasuring him always turned her on, and being naked under a warm sun and the kiss of a soft breeze just heightened the enjoyment.

She wanted his orgasm as much as he did, and hummed in pleasure when his cock grew harder, knowing it was not far off. As her mouth sank down once more, there was a twitch, then a jerk, and as she held him deep, the delicious spurt of hot cum coating the back of her mouth. She held him there, running her tongue over him as much as it could move, whilst he continued to cum. When the jerking waned, she slowly pulled up, savouring and licking clean every drop from his cock until she released him from her mouth.

Between the orgasms and the sunshine, they were both languid, and reclined on the bench with a sigh. Mark got up to extend a shade over them; then they lay back, relaxed in the knowledge they had nowhere else to be, and fell into a contented nap.

A while later she woke, thirsty, and reached for her glass of water. Mark was still asleep, stretched out beside her. Almost as if aware of her watching eyes, his cock was semi-hard. It was impossible to resist the urge to lean down and gently kiss along his length. He grunted in his sleep, hips shifting as she kissed him again, and watched his cock fully harden in response. By the time he’d started to wake, her legs had straddled his hips. She moved back and forth so his erection parted her lips, gliding between them. She was already wet and felt herself slickening further.

Eager to feel him inside her, she rose, holding his cock in place so she could sink onto his shaft. She always loved that initial penetration, the way she stretched to accommodate him, the feeling of being filled. She sank as slowly as her thighs could bear, making the feeling last.

Eventually, he was all the way inside her, her pussy clutching as it adjusted to his size. She rested her hands on his chest, very slowly shifting hips back and forth and in small circles. Her movements were tiny but switched on every nerve ending, feeling her lips press against his balls, her clit rubbing against him. Mark took hold of her hips, guiding her movements as they grew. She leant into her hands and lifted forward a little, moving just an inch or two off his cock and then back down.

She deliberately clenched as she lifted, and his eyes closed as the pressure around his shaft intensified. She dipped forward to kiss him briefly, stroking a hand over his chest before coming to sit upright again. She set a slow but insistent pace, rising and lowering, the glide becoming even smoother as she became even wetter.

Increasing her tempo, she set her hands behind her, on either side of his thighs, so they could both watch his cock move in and out of her, glistening with her wetness.  Her breasts were thrust forward, bouncing as his hips began to rise up to meet her downward thrusts. Gasping breaths and the sound of wet flesh meeting broke the peace around them.

Mark was pulling her hard onto his cock now, and her orgasm was rising fast. With each slam of his cock deep inside her, his body rubbed against her clit and balls slapped up against her ass. Suddenly her orgasm exploded, her arms stiffening behind her and knees locking as her pussy rained down on his cock.

He quickly moved, flipping Sophie onto her back and holding her legs wide, an ankle in each hand. His cock lined up with her entrance and impaled her with one slam, her lower body raised off the bench. His thrusts became even harder and faster, her own body doing all it could to push back to meet his. Her hands moved to her bouncing breasts, and she pulled hard on her nipples with a groan.

Mark moved one of her legs over his shoulder, his arm holding it in place, her other leg lowered to the bench. His free hand moved to her clit, pressing down against it as he pounded into her, and she knew she was soon going to come again.

She could feel the swelling of his cock inside her, as her pussy again started to clasp at him hungrily. Just as her orgasm flared, he thrust inside and seated himself deep, his cock frantically jerking as it released streams of hot cum, her body spasming even harder in response.

Every inch of their bodies was seized by their explosive releases until slowly, the orgasms waned. Muscle by muscle, they began to relax. Mark lowered her hips to the bed, still inside her as he leaned forward to kiss her deeply. She was lost in a state of serene bliss and loose-limbed satisfaction.

As he gently eased out of her and rolled to lie at her side, she wondered how long, exactly, they could get away with drifting out at sea…


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The Spinner Series The Boat

It was another beach weekend coming up for Jennifer and me, but this time we invited my best friend Ted and his girlfriend, Tina. Ted called me Thursday to say that Tina had a family funeral that came up at the last minute so she couldn’t come down.  I asked Ted if he was going to the funeral and he said, “No, it’s out of state so she’s going with family so they won’t be back until Monday and I have to work. ““Why don’t you come to the beach with Jenn and me?” I offered.“I don’t want to be in...

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A Weekend On The Boat

Rhett and I started a new routine. One night we spent the night at my place, and the other at his. We woke up before dawn for a nice session of steamy sex, then we went for our walk on the beach, then went back to have breakfast on the porch. We usually spent the morning on the beach until about eleven, chatting, swimming, reading, napping. Then we went back to my place for lunch. After lunch we liked to take a nap accompanied with some good sex; not always though.In the afternoon we usually...

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Naughty Summer Nights on a New Boat

My friend Justin and I used to go out on his new boat almost every weekend last summer. Random chicks always gave up their panties for us out on his boat. One night, when I was getting drunk at a bar in Syracuse, I kept focusing on these two chicks, and I couldn’t decide which one to ask out on the boat. Both were young and tan with blond hair and big tits—Justin's and my type—so I asked them both if they wanted to come out on the boat to party with us on the weekend. I decided to go from left...

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A Wonderful Boat Journey

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization.I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

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Bahama Boat Trip Ch 01

Jake and I have been boaters for years. We started with an 18′ runabout and have continued to upgrade and now have a 44′ twin diesel trawler. We have two staterooms (bedrooms to landlubbers), one fore and one aft, and between them is a salon (living room), two heads (bathrooms), and a small galley (kitchen). Over the aft stateroom is the aft deck (back porch). Up from the aft deck, over the salon is the fly bridge (where you drive it). The boat is ideal for weekend trips on the intercoastal...

4 years ago
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River Boat Day 02

River Boat: Day 2 (Turtle Cove) (This story was written by Annora and My Erotic Tail in (SRP) Thanks Annora~) (Edited by LadyShianne…Thanks S~) The sound of Abby in the kitchen woke Sam from his slumber. Slowly he arose and made ready the ‘Cherry’ for its daily voyage. The two of them exchanged ‘Good mornings,’ as Sam got the boat under way and Abby started breakfast. A bit nervous, they glanced at each other not sure what to say to break the ice. The River Boat made its way down river as...

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A day on Amys Boat

A Day On Amy’s Boat by KatrinaIf you've read my last story about what happened with me and Bobby at my backyard pool, you know that, after that experience, I now think about boys differently. How a smart girl with an aggressive attitude can dominate boys. With my new outlook on life and my new freedom after graduating from college, I planned on enjoying my last summer off before I finally jump in to the rat race and get a job.Well, the first thing I thought about doing was seeing if I could get...

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Ms Marca Fort Worth Boat Show

  Ms Marca …   Fort Worth Boat Show   Part 1   I got home just after 11 PM from a date, it was a Coke date, will to tell the truth I went with the guy to the park and we fucked for a couple of hours, he was in his first year of college at North Texas. Mother told me while I was out that a guy had called asking if I was the young lady who modeled at the mall and would I be available to do the Fort Worth Boat Show.   I looked at mother and she had a big smile . “Don’t...

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Boat shopping turns into sex with strangers

While shopping for a boat we saw a listing on CL for a 40' older Chris Craft, so Sunday we decided to go take a look, it was a 45 minute drive to the marina, my wife was wearing a short white pleated tennis skirt and the matching polo top with no bra, sneekers and a visor completed the casual look, when she was in the I car I noticed she had on sheer white panties, I was hoping for none at all, we stroked and fondled as we drove along, it was a beautiful day out, the lake was full of boaters...

2 years ago
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Boat trip with cousin and his mom

This happened a few years ago when my cousin and I were 20 yrs old and his hot mom was 36. Hard to believe she got pregnant with my cousin while in high school. My uncle almost got in trouble since she was a minor but for some reason their marriage worked out. Diane's parents were rich and my grandpa as well. She is a very beautiful blonde woman with super gorgeous body. If she didn't get pregnant and marry she would have been a super model. Even at 36 she is always mistaken as her son's girl...

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Boat House

I have never been into older women as a rule, I tend to take home young women, not cradle robbing or anything but still barley legal if you know what I mean. Although being thirty its not hard to find younger women to screw. Attractive older women that is a rare find. But I found one last week at a party at the lake. I was with some friends and we were checking out the quality women in bikinis on a warm summer afternoon, when this beautiful women walked up beside me and took off her shirt. I...

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Narrow boat fun see the album

Narrow Boat fun.As we sat in the pub having a drink an old mate came over who we had not seen in years, now split from his wife, he looked well, “Have a drink with us Clive” Jayne said in a familiar tone.It turned out Clive was now pursuing a photography career in the adult world and modelling area, something Clive and I had always wanted to do but never managed it.“Look guys I need your help, nothing major but I have a boat trip sorted for PM today, some modelling on board a narrow boat, the...

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My Wife Was Fucked In A Boat

Hi this is Sultanasinha, 36 male from Patna with 49th story forwarded by If you like the story please sends your comments to or Hi, I am Sudhir back with second part of the story “My Wife Becomes My Office Whore”. After my wife’s sexual tryst with my office colleagues she became nymphomaniac. She always wanted sex, 24 hours a day. She would even engage washer man or milkman for sex. It was getting out of hand for me. I took her to psychiatrist who advised a long holiday for her. Doctor was...

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Whore wife fucked in boat

She would even engage washer man or milkman for sex. It was getting out of hand for me. I took her to psychiatrist who advised a long holiday for her. doctor was surprised by her enthusiasm. She should be kept away from her regular place. We took a vacation and went to Mumbai to cool ourselves. After few days of sightseeing at Mumbai we took a boat to Elephanta Caves from Gateway of India. It was an hour-long boat ride, with about fifty people, several couples and some students. Rajshree was...

Group Sex
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Bryans Boat

"Don't go." Bryan whispered huskily. " I haven't given you my gift yet." I hesitated as he reached behind the seat and pulled out a small shirt box sized present. It was wrapped in blue wrapping and tied with a bow. There was a tag attached to the bow which read : To My beautiful Edyn With much affection and desire From Bryan I caught my breath as I read the tag. "You think I am beautiful?" I asked disbelievingly. Bryan reached over and stroked the curve of my...

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River Boat Day 04

The loud ‘Shriek’ of a crow squawking woke Sam. Or perhaps it was the smell of the coffee as he raised and looked around. He didn’t see Abby so he got up and went into the kitchen and poured himself a cup. ‘Morning sleepy head,’ Abbey said from the back deck. Sam peered out and walked towards her when he realized that she was fishing. He grinned as he asked her, ‘Got bait on that hook little girl?’ He said laughing as he took a drink of his morning eye opener. Recalling her tale of when she...

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Sex On River Boat With My Cousin

I had been to my native with my cousin and we had planned to go for boating and she had advised me to hire a boat with a bed with cabin like enclosure in the middle. Though I was not sure why she insisted on it. I had agreed with her for privacy and shelter in the middle of the river. So the day arrived for our ride in river and we left very early in the morning. She was in her sari and we approached the river bank and I had our boat ready. It was a medium sized (enough for 6 people) boat with...

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Caught in the act on the charter boat

This happened on the charter boat while I was in St. Croix. We weren’t supposed to fuck the people in the charter parties or, if we did we were to take it off the boat. This rule did get broken a few times, usually by me. I found that, unless it was a very bad incident, it was overlooked. I was helping the owner out anyway and didn’t really need the job. There were a few ‘near misses’ of being caught…one time that I wasn’t caught but the wife knew that the husband had fucked me.By this time I...

3 years ago
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Birthday Boat Ride Revised

Chapter 1 “What are you wearing, Diana asked”? Uh, I was just going to wear my board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, why do you ask? Jack answered. “Because guys have it so easy, you just wear anything, whereas us women need to think about weather, what if I get wet, what will I wear if we go to dinner?” “Stop stressing, just wear your bikini and take shorts and a top, what’s so hard about that?” “Nothing, I guess when you put it that way, but get a couple of windbreakers in case it gets...

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My wife Sarah and I were on a flotilla Sailing holiday in Greece, we were about 10 days into it and were having real fun. We had met some nice people on the other boats including a couple Liz, who i secretly had a real thing for, and Jez, who were both about 4 or 5 years older than us, but more about them later. The other person who we had gotten on very well with was Rosie, she was the hostess off the lead boat, who basically sorted out entertainment like beach parties and gave advice on each...

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My sexy wife on a sailing boat

On Friday early afternoon I got home from my office and could not find Anita anywhere. Our house was empty…It was strange, since she had not texted me or called me to say where she would be. I went into the kitchen and found a handwritten note on the fridge. It said she was camping with some friends; I was welcome to come up but I could not stay the night there with them…I thought about it. If I go, I would be watching my wife being fucked, but if I stay at home, I would be alone; so I decided...

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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 25 Cigarette Boat

Paul turned the wheel hard towards the cigarette boat and opened the throttles, doing a U turn as though he’d forgotten something. The powerboat whipped round in a tight semicircle. He didn’t see Mia being thrown off the left side of the cockpit surround behind him, where she’d been sitting. Claude was next to him, and didn’t see either. Mia crashed into the water upside down. It took her a few seconds to get upright, and by that time the boat was 30 or 40 metres away with the engines...

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River Boat Day 03

River Boat: Day three (Ryes Hot Springs) The morning started with sounds of birds chirping lightly through the house boat’s bedroom window. Sam looked to his side for his new found companion only to see that she wasn’t there. Slowly rising and a quick dart to the bathroom to brush his teeth and a splash of water upon his face. Then slowly entering the day room in search for the lovely lady that had filled his night with passion. Seeing her silently sitting on the back deck with her leg...

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Sex on the boat

This story took place July 4th, 2000. I was invited to spend the day on a boat with my girlfriend Donna, her boyfriend Mark and his two older twin brothers, cruising and then to watch the fireworks. We met the guys at the dock and climbed aboard. It was a beautiful day, as it usually is in San Diego. We head out. They had some champagne for us start with, a huge cooler of beer and some other bottles of alcohol. Paul was driving. Donna, Mark, John, and I were seated in the back talking and...

2 years ago
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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride

It was in the spring time in the month of February, and it is normally very pleasant in North Bengal. I planned a day out along with my girlfriend Mimi. To introduce ourselves, I work in an MNC in sales and she is into online sales, but ours was a long distance relationship. I am slim trim guy with chocolaty looks and she was also a chocolaty girl and was very beautiful. A very candid and fun-loving and at the same time a bit kinky personality personified both of us. We planned a day out to...

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River Boat Day 05

(This story began in the Sexual Roleplay Forum of Literotica by Annora and My Erotic Tail. Edited and rewritten. This story has had great feedback and comments. Thank you very much and please vote/comment.) River Boat: Day 5 (Eagle Island) The sun wasn’t up yet but Sam and Abbey were. The motor churned as they sliced the river’s still waters. The egrets ‘squawked’ and flushed off from they’re nesting along the bank while they made their way along in the morning’s twilight. The waves rolled...

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Holiday Island Boat Cruise

This is a true story of a chance encounter from a holiday trip to TurkeyI was 24 years old and on my first package trip holiday with a group of girlfriends. We were staying in the mountains in Hisaranou, near to the beautiful Olu Deniz lagoon.We had booked onto an Islands boat cruise which in short was a mixture of cruising around the local islands, sunbathing, and swimming with food and drinks thrown in for good measure.Being exceptionally hot down by the coast it was a relief for the six of...

Quickie Sex
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Fun on a narrow boat

Once again, this is a true story of another dating site success.I had been chatting online to Jayne for a while, she lived on a narrow boat near to Tamworth. Our chats had become very intimate, and it was only time before we agreed to meet.I had a day off work and drove down to meet Jayne at the marina where her boat was moored. It was a lovely sunny day although a little cool. I parked up and she showed me the way to her boat, then showed me round it. It was about 35 foot long, going down the...

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Birthday Boat Ride

Chapter 1 “What are you wearing, Diana asked”? Uh, I was just going to wear my board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, why do you ask? Jack answered. “Because guys have it so easy, you just wear anything, whereas us women need to think about weather, what if I get wet, what will I wear if we go to dinner?” “Stop stressing, just wear your bikini and take shorts and a top, what’s so hard about that?” “Nothing, I guess when you put it that way, but get a couple of windbreakers in case it gets...

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