The Entertainment
- 2 years ago
- 26
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Two weeks after he first mentioned it, I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of some of Blaise’s friends to watch me perform some kind of gay burlesque-strip-sex-show thing.
I had been nervous about it since I told Blaise I’d do it. And, I refused to make that decision until he assured me it wouldn’t adversely affect him.
Now, it was 7 p.m. on the last Saturday of July and I had less than an hour before a group of horny gay men would fill Blaise’s living room ready to watch me do something sexy.
“Just focus on me,” Blaise said. “Just do whatever you’re going to do just for me. It’s just another ‘I-want-to-try-something’ show for me. You’re stupid good at those. You’re just having fun and I just happen to be in the room.
“That’s all this is. You’re having fun and somebody else just happens to be there.”
When my audience arrived, Blaise greeted them and discreetly took their money. Most had tightly folded a single hundred-dollar bill and slid it into his palm as they walked in. One or two weren’t so discreet. He then served them all drinks. He knew what each one drank and was ready for them. I came out to meet them in the white lounge pants and shirt that Blaise had bought me a couple of weeks earlier. I needed to start out in something sexy but easy to remove.
I had done fifty push-ups and a hundred or so crunches before they arrived so I was as pumped, hard, and sexy as I could get.
Blaise introduced each of them and I shook their hands with no intention of even trying to remember their names. I was bad at it, anyway. They all seemed more nervous than I was. A couple had clammy hands. They all were around Blaise’s age. A couple looked to be in their early fifties. Only one was obviously homosexual. None of them seemed to be couples, which surprised me.
After a few minutes, our guests settled into their seats. We had arranged the couch and love seat in a wide ‘V’ and removed the coffee table to give me an open stage. One of the dining room chairs was on hand as a prop for part of the show. I had set up a couple of my light stands on either side of the room with some of my brighter incandescent bulbs to give me stage lighting. Blaise turned them on and the room lamps off.
“I want to thank you all for coming tonight, gentlemen,” I began, surveying the six horny men who sat before me. “I hope you all enjoy the show. Please remember that the money you each handed to Blaise should be considered a gift or donation as we are breaking several laws concerning operating a business. The show itself will be breaking some decency laws, especially up here in the sticks.”
They chuckled nervously at that.
“But, I need to lay down some rules for the evening before I begin,” I continued. “You will not touch any part of my body, my clothing, or any of the implements I may use tonight. I’m sure you all know that our host is a very generous man. He’ll give you the shirt off his back if you need it. In fact, I’ll be wearing one after the show.”
More nervous chuckles.
“But, you should make no mistake about the fact that I belong to him. For all intents and purposes, as far you are concerned tonight, I am his legal property,” I said. “And, I am the one thing he does not share with any other man. He is the only man I allow to touch me in any way other than a handshake. If anyone does have trouble controlling himself, the show will end immediately and there will be no refunds. Is that clear?”
I could see nodding in the dim light.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s have some fun!” I gave my package a little grope and bounce.
Blaise turned on some low background jazz for me and stood off to the side watching as enraptured as the others.
All eyes were on me as I slowly began teasing them by pulling the waistband of my pants down a bit, then back up. I turned around and did the same thing from behind. Then, I pulled them down enough to show I had some kind of white underwear on.
I slowly pulled my shirt over my head and walked over to hand it to Blaise, giving him an obvious, smoldering look for my audience’s benefit.
I returned to “center stage” and turned my back to them and began wiggling my pants down my thighs as if they were too tight, bending over to show that I was wearing a tight white thong under the pants.
I heard some audible responses then. But, they became louder and more obvious when I turned around to let them see how pronounced my package was in the Spandex fabric. I strutted around a bit in just the thong. I really didn’t know what I was doing or what male strippers did. I was afraid my nervousness was showing. But, my audience was wide-eyed and motionless.
I pulled the dining room chair out to the center of my stage. And, since I had to make everything about this a show, I sat down in the chair facing the audience with my legs spread wide. I reached down in a very articulated move and adjusted my package for comfort. I pulled the thong straps up on either side to force my cock and balls to bounce a little.
When I was ready, I motioned to Blaise and he brought me a glass of water and I took a swig. Then he produced Long John, my brown eighteen-inch double-ended dildo.
“Gentlemen, let me introduce my assistant for the night, Long John,” I said.
Smiles and a chuckle or two.
I slid John down into the glass to get him wet. Then, I held him up over my upturned face and let the water drip down into my waiting mouth.
I slowly lowered him down as the water continued to drip until the head of the latex cock began disappearing into my mouth. I inched it in very slowly, almost too slow.
It took almost a full minute to get it far enough down to begin visibly bulging my throat. I heard a couple of gasps when my throat began to expand. I swallowed hard several times to let them see my Adam’s apple gliding up and down on the foreign object.
I turned from side to side to let them all get a good look at the bulge and to prove that there was no trick. I really was swallowing this thing.
Then I let the dildo drop by about three inches in a single, quick move.
More gasps.
I felt like a sword swallower.
By now I was only at about six inches. If six inches made them gasp, they were in for a shock.
I let go of it and swallowed to pull a couple more inches into my throat in what looked like an uncontrolled movement.
More gasps.
Now, I pulled it almost all the way out and pushed it back in, beginning a slow fuck of my throat. But, I never went deeper than the eight inches they’d already seen. I gave them a fast, hard pump for several minutes with just a couple of inches of bulge in my throat.
Then, suddenly, I pushed ten inches in as hard and fast as I could.
“Oh, my God!” I heard as I held the rubber cock in place for a full minute. I began to pull it out very slowly to emphasize just how much latex was in my throat. I pulled it all the way out and took a breath.
Then, looking directly at the six men staring motionless at me, I shoved it back in, fast and deep, without straightening my throat.
More gasps.
I looked over at Blaise and crooked my finger as sexily as I could to call him over. At first, he stood in front of me with a quizzical look on his face. I moved him over to one side so my audience could see what he was about to do to me. I straightened my throat and motioned for him to pull John out. I could tell from his expression he still didn’t understand. But, he complied and began pulling on the latex phallus slowly. I motioned for him to move a bit faster.
When the head got into my mouth, I stopped him and motioned for him to push it back in.
As he was slowly returning the dildo to the depths of my throat, with my fingers I instructed Blaise to begin going in and out. After a little trial and error, and some odd hand signals, Blaise finally was giving me long, deep strokes with the dildo moving from the back of my mouth to the bottom of my throat.
“God! That’s trust!” one of the audience members exclaimed.
Yes, it was trust. But you haven’t seen anything, yet.
Then I made a sign for him to speed up and in a few seconds my throat was being almost violently fucked with ten inches of a dildo under another person’s control. I actually was enjoying it more than when I did it to myself for Blaise’s sole enjoyment.
There was a difference, I guessed, between doing something for someone and having it done to you by them.
I felt my cock tightening my thong.
I crossed my legs and put one arm up on the back of the chair in a very relaxed pose. The juxtaposition of being roughly throat-fucked while looking comfortably bored had the desired effect. My audience was thoroughly amazed and amused.
Finally, I had Blaise pull Long John all the way out.
They actually stood up and applauded. My deep-throating performance received a six-man standing ovation. Seven, if you count Blaise, who also was clapping harder and louder than his friends.
As I stood up to take a bow, they noticed my stiff cock was pushing my thong well away from my body in a tight arc. How could they not?
“How much to take it off?” one of them asked. “I’ll pay extra to see your cock!”
“Me, too,” a couple of others yelled out.
“Please, give us the cock!”
“What? This little ol’ thing?” I asked, giving them a few pelvic thrusts. I turned to the side so they could see how far out it was pushing my thong.
I looked over to Blaise. He nodded.
“How much am I bid to see the rest of the package?” I asked.
“I’ll give you another fifty right now!” one said.
“We all will!”
Suddenly, and very unexpectedly, six fifty-dollar bills were flying through the room to land on the floor in front of me.
I couldn’t resist. I slowly repeated the teasing I’d given them with the pants. This time I was showing them a little more pubic hair each time I lowered the thong. Then, I was giving them a glimpse of my bent shaft. After a short minute of teasing I motioned for Blaise to return to the stage. I pointed down to the floor and he dropped to his knees off to one side. He reached up and slowly slid the thong down until my stiff cock sprang out, nearly slapping him in the face.
“Just wait till later, Lover,” I said, suggestively.
I actually got whistles, moans, and hooting in response to my nearly hard cock going public.
I told Blaise to leave the thong on the floor. He stepped out of the light.
I stroked and bounced my cock and balls a few times to more exclamations. I spent a minute or two fondling and playing to let them see it grow a bit more. Then I stepped forward and turned around. I suppose they thought I was just giving them another look at my bare ass. But, they’d already seen that. I had been wearing a thong, after all.
No. This time I had something else to show them. I slowly bent down with my ass in their faces to pick up my thong. I’m sure most of them wanted a look at my tight asshole, anyway. But, they were greeted with a crystal-topped butt plug gleaming out of my ass. It actually matched the white pants, shirt, and thong I’d been wearing. I reached back and tapped it with my fingernail with a clicking sound.
“Holy shit!” I heard from several men at once, including Blaise. This was a surprise for him, too.
I stood up, put the thong between my teeth, and turned to Blaise. He reached for it with his hand. I shook my head and pointed to his mouth. He smiled and moved in close to grab the thong from my mouth with his own teeth.
Clapping and hoots all around.
Then, I bent down again, giving another generous view of my jeweled asshole, to begin picking up the fifties that littered the floor. I straightened and handed each one to Blaise. Then, I bent down again for the next one.
I bent down enough to grab the last one with my teeth and proceeded to pass it to Blaise mouth-to-mouth, as well.
My audience loved that as much as the transfer of my thong from mouth to mouth.
I spun around and dropped back down onto the chair with my ass pushed forward enough to make my bejeweled asshole visible. I looked over at Blaise. He immediately brought Long John back and began lowering him into my throat.
I swallowed him deeper and faster than I had before. When Blaise stopped lowering the dildo into my mouth I took it from him and pushed it even deeper. I surpassed my previous record in a second.
I pulled it all the way out to show how much had been inside me. Then, I returned it quickly and pushed it farther in. I didn’t stop until a few short inches were visible sticking out of my mouth. As I held twelve inches of latex in my throat, I reached down and began fucking my asshole with my jeweled butt plug.
The room exploded in cheers and applause.
I pulled the long dildo out of my chest, throat and mouth in one swift motion and thanked them and headed to the bathroom.
I grabbed my costume on the way out and put the thong back on. I had one of Blaise’s white button-down shirts waiting and put it on. I rolled up the sleeves and had only two buttons fastening it in the center of my torso. Since he was so much taller than me, it hung down halfway to my knees.
My adoring audience greeted me with another round of applause as I entered the living room again. Blaise had returned the lighting to normal. He handed me a beer and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. I grabbed him instead and gave him deep mouth-to-mouth for a minute in front of his friends, grabbing his crotch with my free hand.
When I looked back at our audience, they were awe-struck.
“As I said, I’m wearing his shirt,” I said, lifting my arms to model Blaise’s button-down. It was obvious the shirt and my thong were all I was wearing.
Laughter all around. By this point, I was beginning to think I could say anything and they would laugh.
“That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen,” one of them said.
Another asked if I would do it again. When they heard this, they all became quiet, eager to hear my answer.
“Of course,” I said. “And, maybe next time I’ll see if I can do something different for you boys.”
More awe and wonder and murmuring between the six men.
“When? How soon?”
“How soon can you boys come back up here with wallets full of cash?”
“How about next Saturday?” one offered. The others all agreed.
“That is entirely up to our generous host,” I said, looking to Blaise.
“Same time next Saturday it is,” he said.
Blaise’s friends stayed for quite a while talking business, reminiscing, and drinking. It was basically a subdued little party once my show was over. Over the course of the night each one found a chance to shake my hand again, thanking me for the show, complimenting my abilities and attributes, sometimes very luridly.
I don’t know how many times I heard suggestions or requests concerning what these men could do to me or for me. When they had something a little too lewd to say about my body or abilities, often suggesting I become their companion, I had no lack of responses to bring their focus back to Blaise’s complete ownership of my body. I had no problem suggesting my near slave-like ownership by my friend and lover. But, while they were praising me and often begging me for more, each one slipped more money into my hand. As each one did this, I let them watch me pull my thong out a bit and deposit the cash against the very part of my body in which they were most interested. Each time I did so, I pulled my thong farther out to show more and more of my hidden cock and balls. Most melted when they saw that. After each encounter, I pushed the money down below my balls to make sure the next one didn’t see the previous fan’s donation.
As they left, I handed each man a copy of my photobook -- granted, still printed at work. I had reworked it to remove the photos that were more personal to Blaise and me. But, it still held dozens of excellent art nudes of me -- if I do say so myself. I explained that the photos all were of me and by me. They all were thrilled to have it. A couple actually wanted me to sign their copies.
It was nearly midnight before the last one left. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I finally stood under a hot shower.
“I know I say it all the time. But, that was truly amazing,” Blaise said, leaning against the counter as I bathed. “They all loved every minute of it. You had them eating out of your hand.”
“It was fun,” I said. “But, I was nervous as hell at first. Did it show?
“I could barely see it,” he said. “And, I know you very well. To them I’m sure you looked cool as a cucumber.”
“Eventually, I started to realize how much control I had,” I said. “I could do anything.”
“You definitely owned that room,” Blaise said. “But, that butt plug! That was a surprise for me, too!”
“That was a last-minute idea,” I admitted. “I ran down to Gate City for that Thursday night.”
“I loved it! We all did!” Blaise said. “I wouldn’t mind seeing more of that.”
“It’s all yours,” I said. “You know good and well you get anything you want.”
“But, my favorite part was your rules,” he continued. “That was sweet and powerful. They were impressed with them, too. Every one of them congratulated me on finding you and having such a great ‘partner,’ ‘companion,’ ‘friend.’
“They didn’t know what to call you. But, I told them all that I call you my Hot-Ass Stud.”
“I’m glad they had fun, too,” I said, drying off. “Do you know how much money I ended up with?”
“Well, after they all threw fifties at you, that’s one-fifty each,” he said.
“Oh, check my thong. Every one of them gave me a tip privately. I let them watch me stuff it into my thong. They liked that. But, I didn’t actually look at what they were giving me. That would have been rude.”
My thong and the cash were laying on the counter and Blaise counted it for me.
“There’s two-forty here,” he said. “So, that’s eleven-forty. You made eleven hundred dollars tonight!”
“That’s cool,” I said.
“Cool? It takes you almost three weeks to make that at the paper,” Blaise said.
“I know. I’m just tired. My nerves were jacked up all night. That took a lot out of me,” I explained. “I’m thrilled. I wish I could make that kind of money more often.”
“Well, you’ve got another show next week. Do you have any idea what you’re planning on doing for that one?”
“I don’t know. Tonight was pretty tame. Should I show them Big Ben? Or, is that too live-sex-show?”
“No one in that room would call what you did to Long John tame,” Blaise said. “But, I think you should escalate a little more slowly. Don’t go straight to something as intense and triple-X as putting a huge dildo up your ass.
“How about jacking off for them first before you impale yourself? I certainly love watching you do that.”
“Introducing bodily fluids isn’t triple-X? I mean, it isn’t a bad idea. Then, if they want another show, I can increase the suggested donation before introducing Big Ben.”
“That sounds good.”
I can’t say that I wasn’t excited all week at the prospect of performing again Saturday night. As nervous as I had been, it was fun. I thoroughly enjoyed showing off, the ego-stroking, and the sense of control I had over the room of horny men.
Promptly at 8 p.m. Saturday, the lighting in the living room changed and the music began. I walked out in a pair of blue lounge pants and matching t-shirt to greet my audience. I was a little surprised to see that it had grown by one since the previous week.
I repeated the same rules from the previous week. I nodded to Blaise and he turned up the music a bit. I performed much the same strip routine as before, albeit a little more smoothly, ending up in my blue thong. Again, I had Blaise release my cock before I spun around and pushed it down to give the men a close look at my plugged ass. This time I had a blue gem gleaming in my tight hole. We’d bought plugs to match all my house uniforms/stage costumes.
When I sat down this time, instead of starting with a long dildo-swallowing routine, I began caressing my half-hard dick.
There was an audible, collective gasp in the room when I began caressing and stroking my cock. I continued playing with my cock and balls until I had a raging hard-on, showing off my entire length to my audience. It was more than they had seen before and it was obvious they approved.
I nodded at Blaise again and he stepped over with a small clear bowl and fancy spoon. I’d filled the bowl with lube for a more elegant effect. He ladled a generous amount of lube directly onto my swollen glans. I worked it in and over my sex and kept stroking my shaft for several minutes. One hand stroked, the other pulled and squeezed my balls.
Another nod brought Blaise over again. This time I looked up and let him slide Long John into my mouth, through my throat and into my chest. He pushed and pulled it slowly at first, allowing a full view of the bulge moving up and down in my throat. Then, he began moving faster, giving me a thorough throat-fucking for his friends. I synchronized my stroking to his and both our hands were moving up and down at the same.
When I started to feel my cock ache and my cum rise, I sped up my strokes. Blaise followed suit. In a few seconds, I was being furiously fucked on both ends until I finally exploded and sent huge, heavy strings of cum flying into the air.
Blaise pulled John out of me while I slowed my work on my dick. He returned with a wet washcloth to clean the cum and lube off my body. Before he did, I slid a finger through a thicker glob on my stomach and held my finger out for him. He nearly swallowed my entire finger and sucked the cum off me clean.
Gasps and moans all around.
As he proceeded to clean the rest my sperm off my body with the washcloth, my seven-man audience was rapt by the sight of their friend being given the honor of cleaning off the glorious issue of this sex god with which they were absolutely enamored. You could see the fascination, envy, and even jealousy on their faces as they watched Blaise slowly, sensuously wipe the cum off my softening cock.
In a minute, they seemed to awaken and began throwing cash at me again, this time unbidden. I assumed they had come prepared for the same show as before and were ready to pony up.
After the show there were more compliments and tips. This week, while handing me tips, some of the men also handed me their business cards. I was promised VIP treatment at their respective businesses at little or no cost. The cards stayed with the cash, filling my thong.
They all expressed their surprise and amazement that I had given them a completely different show. They loved it. I indicated that I had more copies of my photobook available for anyone who hadn’t gotten one the week before. Again, I was asked to autograph a couple.
This week, as we sat talking and drinking, I sat next to Blaise and made sure to keep a hand on him the entire time, sometimes rubbing his thigh. I wanted to make his friends even more envious.
One of them asked me about the butt plug, how it felt, how long I could keep it in. He was genuinely interested.
“It feels like having a short cock in your ass all the time,” I said. “After a while, you sort of get used to it. This one is kind of medium-sized. So, it isn’t as big as B. It’s not too bad. I’ve had it in since about six.”
They all seemed to melt at my description of wearing the plug. But, I could tell they all were looking at Blaise in a different way now.
As the party started to break up, one of them asked about another show. I announced that next week I would be introducing another assistant, another foreign object. But, the suggested donation, unfortunately, would have to go up to one-fifty each.
“Toys and costuming aren’t cheap, boys,” I said.
I heard several of them say they’d be here no matter what it cost.
The next week, I earned every dollar.
After my usual strip from black pants, shirt, and thong. I bent over to show my tight hole. But, this time it was empty. I reached back as if missing something and popped up with a surprised look on my face.
Then, Blaise pulled a sheet off a dining room chair with Big Ben stuck to it. I looked at Ben, then to the audience -- this week they were nine gay men -- and gave a grin and a nod.
“Gentlemen, let me introduce you to another friend of mine, Big Ben,” I said, presenting the massive black dong to the room of horny men.
“Oh. Shit.” I heard someone say loudly.
Blaise came over and dribbled a generous amount of lube onto Ben from my glass bowl. Then, I turned my ass to the crowd, bent over and spread my cheeks for Blaise to grease me up, as well.
I straddled the chair and giant cock with a flourish and started slowly easing myself straight down. I faced my audience so they could see my face and my cock and balls as they bounced and swayed with my movement -- and eventually grew.
In a few seconds, I exaggerated a hard drop on the black dildo and the head disappeared inside me.
Gasps and exclamations filled the room.
I continued lowering myself. I kept the pace slow more for the showmanship of it. I had practiced quite a bit with Ben, to Blaise’s absolute joy. I could handle a bit more than seven inches of his ten-and-a-half fairly easily now. But, I had a show to perform. Where’s the thrill if it looks easy?
I gave them a grunt every once in a while. I threw my head back and closed my eyes to heighten the effect. A few times the grunts were real. I still liked having this giant impaling me.
By the time my hanging balls touched Ben’s huge black balls, my cock was raging. I nodded at Blaise and, again, he topped me with lube. My hand began stroking up and down my cock as my legs began pushing me up and down on Big Ben.
“Oh, my God. I’m going to cum in my pants,” I heard from one corner.
“I already did,” came from another.
I began riding Ben slowly again and synchronized my ride with my cock-stroke. I milked this for several minutes, sensually closing my eyes and rolling my head back and moaning and whimpering loudly. Then I gave Blaise another nod.
He stepped up and lowered Long John into my throat. He didn’t stop until there was more dido in my throat than in my ass. I’d gotten up to twelve inches of the eighteen-inch double dildo in and was showing off every inch.
“My God! They’re going to meet,” one man said.
“How the fuck can anyone do that?” another said.
As I sped up my bounce on Ben, Blaise sped up his latex fuck of my mouth and I increased my stroke on my cock. Once in sync, we continued speeding up until we were going at a fever pitch. I could feel the tension in the room building. The entire audience was as on edge as I was.
If my mouth hadn’t been full of latex, I would have screamed when I exploded and blew not streams, but chunks of cum out of my straining dick. When I was done, Blaise pulled Long John out and began wiping me down.
Again, there was another shower of money.
When Blaise finished, I made a show of standing and lifting the chair with my ass clenched around Big Ben. It was put on, but I had Blaise come over and push the chair down and hold it while I lifted myself off the dildo.
My audience was standing and clapping before I had completely removed the dildo. There were “holy-shit”s and “oh-my-god”s all over the room.
I thanked my audience and bowed.
Given that I probably would have been leaking lube, we decided it would be better for Blaise to pick up the tips on the floor. We found that most had gone up from fifties to hundreds.
A few minutes later I was back wearing the black thong and a new black dress shirt that “belonged” to Blaise we had bought for this moment. We had bought shirts to match each of my costumes to wear after the show as “Blaise’s shirts.”
This week I fielded question after question about how it felt, where did it all go, could I feel them touch, what was going to the bathroom like after that. I answered them all to the best of my ability and graciously accepted their adoration, tips, and more business cards complete with promises of free services. My thong filled up to bulging from much more than just my spent cock. Some of them had brought a friend or partner. So, the tips, the number of questions and the amount of handshaking increased. Again, I had more copies of my photobook on an end table.
Before too long I made sure to invite them all back the next week for an even more amazing show. I was going to be doing something I was certain none of them had ever seen before, at least not in person.
I again made sure to cling tightly to Blaise to help increase his celebrity among his friends. I noticed most of them at one time or another eyed me hungrily, but also gazed longingly at my hand on Blaise’s thigh.
A week later I was stripping out of my red outfit. I was getting better at stripping and doing more dancing, giving more of a show. Stripping alone took nearly twenty minutes now.
This week I again bent over to pick up my thong and showed that my ass was empty. I sat on the chair and began stroking and caressing myself until I was hard. I dropped to the floor and pulled one leg over my head. I left the one closest to the audience as straight as possible to give them a good view of wrapping my own lips around my cock.
I was almost accustomed to the exclamations of disbelief during my shows. Almost.
Once I had a good start sucking my own dick. I motioned to Blaise and he stepped in and dribbled a bit of lube on my well-exposed asshole.
I stopped moving for a second to allow him to push one end of Double-Date Danny into my almost gaping hole. Blaise squatted behind me and began gliding the long dildo in and out of my ass while I administered a blowjob to myself.
“This guy can do anything!” I heard one man say.
‘What’s next?” another said.
“Next he’s going to put his dick in his own ass.”
It took only a few minutes for me to feel my cum rising and I pulled my cock out of my mouth and began jacking myself to an explosion and a self-facial, covering my face with my own cum.
I had a standing ovation and more cash raining down on me before Blaise had removed Danny from my ass.
I rose to my feet and bowed with cum clearly dripping from my face. I turned to Blaise to get my clothes from him. He leaned in and licked my cheek to get some of my cum. The room exploded again.
I quickly washed my face and dressed in the bathroom and returned to another standing ovation.
I walked straight to Blaise and kissed him deeply right in the middle of the room. He handed me a beer and I raised it to another round of applause.
“You’re so amazing,” Blaise whispered into my ear. I dropped my head to his shoulder and my hand to his half-hard cock. I’m sure several of our guests saw that.
The boys were even more shocked at my show this week than they had been the previous week. None of us were sure I could top being impaled on Big Ben. But, I was right when I assumed none of them had ever seen anyone suck his own dick. And, then give himself a facial.
My thong filled with cash again and I played the flirty starlet the same as I did every week. I flirted, but was clearly attached to Blaise. Everyone in the room saw me look over at him regularly if we weren’t next to each other. When we were, I was touching him somehow.
I wanted only one man in that room to think he had any chance with me or any right to touch me. And, I wanted Blaise to be just as aware of that as everyone else.
When someone asked me about another show, I had to admit that I had run out of freaky sex acts. What more could I do? Could I start the series over? Would anyone be interested in going back to that first tame show?
Everyone said they would be here with cash any time I gave a show no matter what I did.
“Well, can I at least drop back to one show every two weeks?” I asked the group. “This isn’t my full-time job or my house. And, you boys have got to run out of money eventually.
“How about if we schedule this for every second and fourth Saturday? Is that as do-able as I am?”
They all laughed, but agreed to the new schedule.
“Well,” I said a few hours later as Blaise and I lay in bed. “I guess I’ve got a part-time job in show business. Is that all right?”
“Of course, it is,” he assured me. “I love watching you perform. You’re sexy as hell. I was just as entertained as they were. And, you own that room. They are putty in your hands.
“I mean, I know there were only nine men there besides us. But, to at least ten men you are a star and a stud.”
“And, you do realize I’ve made almost $8,000 in the last four weeks?” I interjected. When you’re poor, money is sexy.
“I know! That is just amazing to me, too,” he said. “But, as much as they’re lusting after you, wishing they could take you home, I’m thrilled and proud to know that at the end of the night, no matter what you did for them, you’re lying in bed next to me. You’re my everyday extravaganza, my in-home sex-god. There’s nothing better and I know it. Please don’t ever think I take you for granted.
“And, don’t you for a minute think I don’t notice how tightly you cling to me when they’re here. And, how much you look at me. I know you’re teasing them and letting them know who the truly lucky one is in that group.”
“I have to reinforce everything I say in my rules. Besides, it’s part of my job to make sure you look good in front of your friends. And, how could I think you take me for granted when you treat me like a god?” I said, pulling him close. “And, I really love it when you’re on knees before me.”
The year is 2154 and the world has become a vastly different place from what came before. There are no longer individual countries, now major power blocks around the world prevail. They roughly follow previous political and religious lines but each block has one government for the whole area. This future has become a more barbarous place but the people of the ‘western’ blocks have also mutated into a gambling and entertainment based society. The societies themselves have changed into a more...
Group SexThis story is purely the product of the author's imagination. Any similarity to the characters portrayed and any actual people is purely coincidental. It was inspired by the many web sites that feature partygoers having sex in public. Makes you wonder if someone organizes the 'entertainment' at these parties? Paul read through the invitation one last time. Everything seemed normal except for the last line. 'Acceptance of this invitation implies willingness to provide the party...
Chapter 12. More Saturday entertainmentPutting and extra cushion on her chair, Margaret tentatively sat down and fired up the computer. While it went through the start-up sequence she thought again on the happenings of yesterday. She knew she would view the writings in the diary in a different light. She knew now, Jeremy had only hit her comparatively lightly and her arse was only tender, not bruised or welted except for some quite fine lines, and there were no open cuts. The ones from his last...
January this year, I was being promoted to Executive Officer within our Unit. Having been in the military for 15 years I was so excited. I was flown across country to meet my new Commanding Officer who I would be supporting. Upon meeting him I was informed he was getting married for his 3rd time and that he was glad i was arriving because it is my job to host the Bachelor Party. There were going to be many of his old Academy buddies and one of grades for my Fit-Rep would be how well I...
Entertainment I was just eighteen years old, quite pretty if I do say so myself, and sexually active. I had just graduated from high school and was looking forward to going to college in mid August. My brother Jerry was twenty-one years old and told me that I should sow my wild oats before I had to settle down. He said that he and his friends are always chasing girls and that sometimes we girls let him catch them. I told him that I had been sowing my wild oats and that I had no...
Friday Night Entertainment by The Archer. Christine and me enjoy quite an active sex life, carrying on her liking for gangbangs. She has had several sessions in car parks, local parkland, and at home. The last one being with a group of workmen who were sorting out the electricity at the end of the close. I came home one lunchtime to find four men giving my naked wife a good shagging from each end. Apparently they had been cumming and having their fill for morning and dinner breaks for the...
Friday Night Entertainment. Since the holiday in my story Holiday Park Slut, Chas and me have enjoyed quite an active sex life, With me carrying on my liking for gangbangs. I have had several sessions in car parks, local parkland, and at home. The last one being with a group of workmen who were sorting out the electricity at the end of the close. Chas came home one lunchtime to find four men giving his naked wife a good shagging from each end. They had been having their tea and crumpet for...
Vampire’s EntertainmentHis eyes were what drew me to him first, I could feel them on me from across the room and when I turned my head to look at him I almost drowned in their depths. Their colour was like the bluest coldest ice; I shivered but couldn’t look away. My date for the evening was saying something to me but all I could concentrate on was those beautiful eyes. My date touched my hand and I jumped, startled, belatedly remembering I was supposed to be paying attention to him. ?Sorry...
As upsetting, unsettling, and, admittedly, exciting as it was to watch my girlfriend deep throat the largest cock in the world, I picked up the briefcase, rose, and went with Stephen. We walked back through the door, through the drapes, and into another area lined with rows of drapes. This one looked like a backstage area in a theater. There were dressing tables with lights surrounding mirrors as well as a smattering of sofas and chairs. The large room had at least a dozen mostly naked men and...
The evening was young yet. I had just finished a nice leisurely dinner at a new restaurant and it was only a little after six o'clock. I knew there would be nothing good on TV that evening — nothing but summer reruns and dull MLB games. I was driving toward home slowly, trying to think of some interesting way to pass the time. Suddenly it appeared off to my left as I topped a freeway overpass. There, in a big copse of trees, was nestled an amateur baseball complex. There were four of them all...
James’ and my passions had been so intense the prior night that we both slept later than our norm, though as usual I awoke before him. By now I knew his habits, and I knew by the depth of his snores that he would not awake if I made my usual attempt, that is to say by suckling his cock with my lips and tongue. Climbing from his bed, I made my way to my bath and began running my bath water. I had just climbed into the tub, when I heard a faint knock at my door, and acting upon my suspicions,...
AnneMarie eagerly agreed to my plan of providing a second entertainment for our pleasures and the pleasures of Harry and James. She agreed to bring her fiancée to dine with us a few days hence, and after a sumptuous meal, I would invite them to our rooms for dessert. Needless to say, it was our intention that we would be the dessert! I should explain that while the thought did cross my mind, it was not our intention to swap our partners. AnneMarie would love her Harry, and not my James, and...
The year is 2154 and the world has become a vastly different place from what came before. There are no longer individual countries, now major power blocks around the world prevail. They roughly follow previous political and religious lines but each block has one government for the whole area. This future has become a more barbarous place but the people of the ‘western’ blocks have also mutated into a gambling and entertainment based society. The societies themselves have changed into a more...
The smell of the leather was quite strong, but not unpleasant. the mask he had been given to wear covered up his eyes and nose.Apart from the leather boots he was wearing, and the mask he was naked. He had oiled himself as instructed, and was waiting for a signal from the hostess hat the “show” would start. “You’ll see” was all she would say broadly smiling when he asked what would be required of him. She had seen his profile on an adult site, admired his large cock, tight balls, arse and...
As a 24th birthday present back in September of 1989 the Universe saw fit to give me a job as a photographer at a small daily newspaper. Regardless of the size of the paper, it was a great stepping stone. I'll never forget the man who helped me deal with all the changes I was going through.I had wondered if Blaise was gay from the first time we met. But, sometimes you couldn't be sure. Several years older than me, in the first few weeks he took a special interest in me. When I thought about it...
Gay MaleOver the first three months I’d been working for the newspaper, my older friend Blaise and I had been spending more and more time together.Of course, we kept it more or less professional at work, as much as any other friends did. What our colleagues didn’t know was that we were spending time together outside of work, as well. For the last couple of weeks, Blaise watched me strip one or two times each week and then I let him jack me off.It wasn’t a bad arrangement. I wasn’t so lonely, and I was...
Gay MaleI knew Blaise’s birthday was coming up in a couple weeks. I wanted to do something special for him, especially after the expensive lens he got me for Christmas. But, I couldn't afford much. It had to be special, specifically tailored to him, and yet, uniquely me all at once.When the idea came to me, it hit me like a thump on the head. Nude pictures. Glamour shots. Whatever you want to call it. As a professional photographer, it seemed only natural that I take some provocative shots of myself...
Gay MaleWhile shooting the nude stills for Blaise I got the idea that I needed to make a video for him, something he could watch whenever he wanted, whenever I couldn’t be there to give him a show. Besides, why shouldn’t I join the homemade porn industry that was just starting up back then?This was a major project I worked on each night for a couple weeks. I was trying to give him about an hour or so of me doing different things and posing in my apartment, in different clothes, standing, sitting, lying...
Gay MaleOne Thursday morning in late April, Blaise mentioned he wished I would spend more weeknights at his place. He wanted me around more. And, besides, he said, he slept better when I was next to him.“Gee, can you give me a little more incentive?” I asked, joking.“Uh, how about I suck you dry every time you walk through the door?” he said.“That’s pretty good,” I answered.We scheduled lunch together and ended up with my cock in his mouth while we sat in his truck in his own carport. He had driven us...
Gay MaleA couple weeks later I remembered something I’d seen in some of the cheaper girly magazines. Some women sold underwear in which they had supposedly made themselves wet or in which they had cum, thus depositing their juices and scent. That gave me an idea.That evening, while Blaise was otherwise occupied, I grabbed a couple pairs of his underwear. He’d taken to wearing the same bikini briefs I wore. I took them to the bathroom and began jacking myself off, visualizing the last time he had sucked...
Gay MaleJune began the long slow-news season most people called summer. Oh, sure, the city and county governments were arguing over their budgets for the following year forcing me, as a news photographer, to attend a meeting or two. Otherwise, summer meant chasing down feature photos where ever I could find them because very little happened in small towns.So, I spent an hour Friday night at a little league baseball game shooting kids having fun and parents taking it too seriously.When I walked into...
Gay MaleThis is the eighth part of my adventures in the early 90s with a gay man about 15 years older than me who saw me as a near-reincarnation of his first boyfriend. Check my post history for earlier installments of the story of an older man’s toy. Blaise decided to give my ass a full week to recover from my first encounter with Big Ben. So, we didn’t try out Double-Date Danny, our new double-ended dildo, until the following Friday night.Neither of us had mentioned it all week. But, I knew he had...
Gay MaleFor more than a month, I couldn’t stop thinking about Blaise’s childhood home and the pond behind it where we’d had so much fun. We had meant to go back out there. But, I guess my shows had taken priority over the great outdoors.“Is your brother looking to sell or rent the old house?” I asked Blaise at lunch Monday.“I don’t know. Why?”“Well, it looks bigger than my apartment,” I said. “If I could afford it, we would have a ‘country place,’ so to speak. I mean, if he would rent it. There’s no...
Gay MaleI stayed late at work Monday to develop and begin printing my new nude photos from the Lodge. I took some of the first 8x10s over to Blaise around 8, which, of course, led to intense lovemaking and a deep sleep in his arms.Tuesday night, I finished the prints and began scanning them to create another photobook. Blaise stayed with me and he ended up on his knees in the darkroom with my cock deep in his throat. We’d never done anything at work. But, I’d fantasized about it several times. The...
Gay Male“I’ve had a couple requests,” Blaise said at lunch one day. “Apparently the guys you gave favors to in exchange for products and services have been talking to your other fans. Now other men are asking about bartering for or otherwise renting your services.”“Services?”“Some of the men want a private audience,” he explained. “They want a private performance and, I’m sure, other services.”“So, they want me to be a male prostitute?”“It’s not that different from performing sexual favors for...
Gay MaleA couple weeks after I’d learned of the heartbreaking story of my private client Johnny committing suicide out of despair over his AIDS diagnosis, I decided to do a show just for him.Johnny had requested a private audience with me wearing normal street clothes -- jeans and a button-down. He wanted a regular, normal “date” that ended in a mutual masturbation session -- no touching, just sensual watching, so to speak. I gave him a sensual strip and the masturbation he was looking for. But, he was...
Gay MaleIt took several months, but eventually, I had an audience member who was both gay and black. I’d had an idea floating around since my first flirtation with bondage and leather. I had noticed Ezekiel at a couple of shows, the first being early December. It was easy to notice one black man in a room full of white men. He also made it to the Christmas and New Year's shows. It was after the New Year's show that I cornered him. I followed him to the bathroom at one point. When he came out, I...
Gay MaleBlaise and I spent all that Saturday together, first cleaning his house, then just hanging out. I had cleaned the Lodge pretty thoroughly the day before for my private show with Ezekiel that was more than just a show. So, we didn’t need to go out there. Instead, we spent a couple hours shopping at one of the malls in Gate City. He needed some pants for work and I wanted to get a new pair of sneakers.We spent a bit of that time inspecting the adult novelties in a couple stores, but didn’t buy...
Gay MaleSally waited patiently with the rest of her class for Miss Marshall to arrive. When she did, she smiled at them seemingly unaware of how deeply they all idolised her. "In you go," Miss Marshall, said as she ushered them in. Sally was concentrating so hard during the lesson that she failed to notice the messenger boy arrive, and it never occurred that the note could be about her, that is until the music stopped and Miss Marshall glanced her way. "Sally Newcombe!" Miss...
THURSDAY AFTERNOON It was 3:00PM as Kyle and Garry walked towards two guys who stood by the lockers. The two were Kyle's classmates— Dean and Eric. Both boys were locals and they both gave Kyle a hard time in class because Kyle wasn't a Native Hawaiian and was a white student. The two boys were much taller than Kyle and were well-built, like surfers. Dean slammed his locker looking at Garry. "This is one strange week. How come you are hanging out with this guy as if he is your bosom...
In Car Entertainment Jack turned onto the motorway and put his foot down. They’d got a long way to go and the light was fading fast. Not that he minded driving in the dark. In some ways it helped him to concentrate. It was just that Jill usually fell asleep and he got bored. He put a disc into the CD player and turned the volume up. “Too loud,” Jill shouted and immediately turned the volume down again. “Spoil sport,” Jack responded. “And you’re driving too fast. Slow down.” Jack checked...
k**s were gone for the weekend. We were preparing to go out for the night. I wasn't sure what to expect. Sometimes I get to fuck my wife, sometimes strangers and I get to fuck her, sometimes its just strangers. Sometimes I get to know, sometimes I get to watch, sometimes I find out only afterwards. Tonight she was being vague, "I don't know what I'm going to do tonight", she kept saying with further disgust each time.Tonight she dressed in opaque, shimmering tights under a leather mini...
In Car Entertainment Jack turned onto the motorway and put his foot down. They’d got a long way to go and the light was fading fast. Not that he minded driving in the dark. In some ways it helped him to concentrate. It was just that Jill usually fell asleep and he got bored. He put a disc into the CD player and turned the volume up. “Too loud,” Jill shouted and immediately turned the volume down again. “Spoil sport,” Jack responded. “And you’re driving too fast. Slow down.” Jack checked...
Oral SexI invited you over for what appeared to be some business talk Helen finally found the time to test her new slave Lisa. They had spoken on the phone and Helen had at last got the impression that Lisa was capable and willing enough to spend her life in the confines of a small room that was her dungeon and her cell. Over the last few weeks Lisa completed all sorts of tasks for her mistress, humiliating ones, painful ones and a challenging one: to rub herself at least three times a day...
The EntertainmentBy: Londebaaz Chohan The fatigue, the tension in Maurice’s young and attractive body almost melted with the hot shower. He had reached in this area by the midday and went straight into a working lunch type meeting. It was nearly 4:00 PM, when he finished with that and drove immediately to reach next stop and a meeting there. This meeting ended well after 09:00 PM and he checked into the hotel. There was nothing new for him. He had been doing this for over 5 year. Just one more...
Time: A few years ago. Summer between freshman and sophomore years at IU. Place: Monroe County, Indiana—or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Description: Brian Frost, one-time runt geek of the neighborhood, has gathered nearly 50 others into the Clan of the Heart. He has become the protector and leader, or patrón, of the clan. Rose Davis has become matrón, but it is Rhonda Gordon as Executive Producer of Hearthstone Entertainment that is driving the clan's expansion of their television...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Forbidden City, The Empire of Shizhuth The soldiers before the doors to the banquet hall pushed them open before my party. I had Lasla on my arm, my...
Introduction: About to lose her house and her kids, a desperate housewife does the unthinkable to keep her family off the streets. Will her first walk on the wild side leave her eternally tormented, or craving more of the depravity that she finds herself in? *This is a rewrite of the original story Now Thats Fucking Hardcore! by yours truly, submitted as a CAW8 entry on the forum. If this post ends up being word soup, please find the correctly formatted story here:...
Frances was 16 and an only c***d from a typical middle class family with both her parents doing 9-5 jobs to keep the family in a stable condition,her mother Karen was a manager at the local leisure centre and her father Robert was a construction worker who travelled the country from job to job mostly coming home for long weekends at a time.Frances was of small build with large tits and mousey brown shoulder length hair which acompanied her outgoing personality and she had just started an art...
I am.change my real name am i Sarasi(its not my real name).i leaving with my mum & dad get after thats my mum get 2nd marriage.mum age 38 his age is 34 so my age is 16 steady at OKI inter:girls school .ok Thats story is tow month mum get lion club award its function held at Hotel Hilton.thats day my 2nd dad dint go with us .he go to the funeral at Kandy.tits day night at 10.30 mum told me baby u well go home with Driver becoz.tomorrow yore exeam.i came home...
IncestIntroduction: What would you do if you saw pictures of your wife nude on the Internet? Fbailey story number 504 Thats My Wife I stumbled upon a web site where pictures of girlfriends and wives get posted for the entire World to view. I looked through the previous weeks worth of postings and found one girlfriend that was the spitting image of my wife. I said to myself, Thats my wife. Then I wondered&hellip,if she is my wife, then who took the pictures and posted them. I decided to check back...
The wife loves to entertain. She especially enjoys entertaining while we are out on the town. Her favorite thing to do is slip away with little or no notice to me, usually with an excuse to go to the bathroom or buy a pack of cigarettes. Invariably she returns, red faced; sometimes out of breath. Her lips, even her hands at times trembling slightly. We know what this is, we've turned it into a lifestyle, but more on these stories another time. How she got started was quite unexpected.We...
Rob and Mary entered Gino's Greasy Spoon, followed closely by Dwayne and Louise. Rob stopped in the main aisle and looked around, muttering, "Can't do the back booths -- they've got a rep, now. Besides, they're a zoo..." Sure enough, there were a number of even younger couples fooling around back there, obviously intent upon living up to the recent local legends. Rob negotiated briefly with the waitress and the two couples ended up in an off-side booth along the window -- highly...
I was a young teen, only sixteen, and I was forced to attend a party thrown by one of my mother’s dearest friends. It was a dull party, celebrating her tenth marriage to yet another man of wealth. The party was being held at the home of the poor bastard that had married her. It was getting late at night, people were getting drunk, passing out, or slipping off for some ‘adult time.’ I was not entertained by the events going on at the party. I decided to go and explore the big house. After all,...
I was a young teen, only sixteen, and I was forced to attend a party thrown by one of my mother's dearest friends. It was a dull party, celebrating her tenth marriage to yet another man of wealth. The party was being held at the home of the poor bastard that had married her. It was getting late at night, people were getting drunk, passing out, or slipping off for some "adult time." I was not entertained by the events going on at the party. I decided to go and explore the big house. After all,...
BDSMSo i had left my number with man that accosted me in the public toilet and went about my daily routine as normal.I was at work a couple of days later when i recieved a message on my phone telling me to be at the same address the following Friday.I was secretly thrilled, as if im honest the whole experience with that old couple really turned me on,i couldnt wait for the day to arrive all be it with a bit of trepidation as to what was installed for me.I arrived at the time requested and knocked...
Maddie arrived home from the bus stop and began her now common routine: strip out of the god-awful khaki skirt and powder blue polo shirt that comprised the school uniform, borrow her Mom’s Louboutin pumps and double pearl necklace, and parade around the house feeling sexy. She’d preen in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, imitating the poses she saw on Instagram and TikTok, and narcissistically enjoy the alluring nubile body that had magically appeared over the last year. The boys...
Exhibitionism"Do you have to stand there?" she asked but there was no response from either of them. The idea had crossed her mind to tease them. She soon dropped the idea, but sitting alone in the dark, she wondered what she was doing here at all. Then a thought crossed her mind if she had this much power she would enjoy some of it. She pulled the bell cord that hung by her bed and almost as soon as she had, the door opened and in walked an Asian woman, her black silky hair silhouetting her rounded...
So here I was, sitting at my PC, working from home and thinking about my first adventure into the world of being a cuckold husband. Prior to meeting my wife, I had ventured into the world of swinging and had met various couples and wives over the years, so had experienced things from the other side, so to speak. Then I’d met Linda.We got on like a house on fire, enjoyed similar things in life and it just felt right to move in with each other after a short period of time. Within four years, we...
CuckoldLike the synopsis stated, this will be similar to Writerperson's story "Stripped on Screen", but instead of being about movie and television characters succumbing to both ENF and some free use type situations. I figured I'd rebrand this story to include both ENF and Free-use in branching points from each character, labeled as such. Imagine Black Widow being gang fucked by the Avengers before a mission and then again by thankful citizens afterwards. Or maybe Knives Chau eating out Ramona Flowers...
FetishI was beginning to get very fed up with the late nights I had been working over the past few weeks as yet again I walked through the door at 8.30pm. I knew that Emma was getting a little fed up too and she wouldn’t attempt to hide the fact each and every time I walked through the door. As I dropped my bag and slipped off my shoes I prepared myself for her disappointed face again. I pushed the living room door slowly open, expecting a frosty atmosphere, but was instantly struck by the smell of...
CuckoldMy Hubby and I have been part of a very discreet BDSM swingers group now for quite some time. We often have meetings or get together at our place as it is quite discreet and private with little chance of being interrupted by un-expectant guests. Our club or group consists of approximately 10 couples and a few single men and women. There are very strict rules regarding the club with respect to health checks and discretion. To be members of the club legal contracts are drawn up as well as a large...
My Hubby and I have been part of a very discreet BDSM swingers group now for quite some time. We often have meetings or get together at our place as it is quite discreet and private with little chance of being interrupted by un-expectant guests. Our club or group consists of approximately 10 couples and a few single men and women. There are very strict rules regarding the club with respect to health checks and discretion. To be members of the club legal contracts are drawn up as well as a large...
Hi Friends, I am back with my second story. Hope you will like it. I am 27 years old cute and chubby person. This is the story of my gay encounter with my room partner who gave me very much enjoy and fucked me wildly. My body contains minimum hairs and my lund is 5 inch long. In Delhi i was living alone. After a couple of months, i realized if i live on sharing basis then my expense will be reduced. With some effort i found a man named Manish who was also in need of such sharing basis...
Gay MaleHI. This fun was experience by me in my jc time. It starts here under..After my 10th i got admission in a very good college in mumbai itself. As the college days started i also started 2 go 2 college. I got good friends in my group. We had 5 girls n 3 boys in my group. .After a week i met a girl in my class as the lecturer punished me n told me 2 sit beside a girl. She was shweta(17). I was also 17 at that time. But as of my habit. I started 2 talk 2 her. For a couple of days we sat together n...
IncestRoscrow stood in the hall, finding a dark spot that he managed to tuck his lean, long frame into. He had his shoulder resting on the cool rock, arms crossed comfortably over his powerful chest. His black eyes were lidded, like a lazy panther waiting for his prey to walk by. It was the middle of the day outside the mountain, so most of the trainees were out practicing with mock battles on dragonback. The hall was mostly empty. A few trainees had the day off for whatever reason, sick dragons, or...
Mark Monday morning it was back to work after a fabulous weekend. The limousine was full as we rode into the city, chatting about the party and reading messages about it to each other from text and email messages we’d received. The party had been the largest we’d done where there was unbridled sex, with about eighty people joining in the bacchanal. If we didn’t make the headlines as a result it wasn’t for lack of trying. As it turned out, nothing on the media front happened. We’d cooked on...
"Now, where is that Rifleman?" asked the Emir. Rifleman Abubakar Ibn Abbas was duly fetched and was indeed much more sober, not least because the identity of the Emir had been confirmed and he was in mortal fear. In ten years as a soldier he had annoyed most of his superiors at one time or another, but never an Emir accompanied by a General. "What were you doing last night?" asked the Emir. After a moment's thought the miscreant decided that a well varnished version of the truth would...