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The following is 100 percent fictional. All characters are fictional and their stories will begin just before their 18th birthday (for plot reasons), all sex stuff happens after they turn 18. The things I will write about abhor me as concepts and I do not condone them in any sense of the word. But my therapist has helped me see there is distinction between fantasy and reality. If you can see that line clearly please continue. If you cannot please seek immediate psychiatric help.

Friday 8pm

A figure in a black suit speaks into a microphone to room of shadowed figures many more watching from a multicell web camera feed

“The voting has concluded.” He announces to a tense but excited silence

“Number 6, Emily, has been chosen as first girl to enter the ‘Epstein town’” The man in the black suit smiles. “named in honour of our fallen comrade.”

The speakers crackle before one of the online members speaks in thick Russian accent.

“Nathan when can we expect the first story line to commence?”

“Two weeks, we don’t want to rush” Nathan says “I must be off to finalise preparations for capture and delivery. Any final questions?”

Many voices speak at once.

“what’s the first storyline?”

“Are you sure this town won’t be found? Are we safe?”

“How will you acquire the girl?”

“will we be able to watch the collection?”

“What about the family?”

“When’s…” The man in the black suit, Nathan, stands up and adjusts his tie. All voice cease speaking immediately “the first storyline is a surprise and voting on the next will open within the month.

We have taken every precaution and so had you. If any recording of the town are found by the authorities, YOU, will be cancelled as well.” He pauses.

Dead silence in the room

“I am about to brief the collection team. Authorities have been bought where necessary; it will be treated as a runaway. No leads will be found.” Nathan looks around

“This. Information. should already be known from your briefings. I will, however, repeat it for our ‘slower’ members” A lady in a black pantsuit wilts under Nathans hard stare” The town is not on any maps and is marked as a military installation all entries and exits are monitored.

And Jonathan, It’s a bit late to be worrying about the family, isn’t it? They will simply have to deal with the loss”.

More silence. Nathan turns and walks towards the door. As he grabs the door handle he pauses “Keep an eye on your notifications.” The door swings shut behind him.

Sunday 9am

One foot in front of the other. Nearly there. As I passed the letterbox I pressed stop on my timer 1 hour 23 min.

Yes! A new personal best, beat my last time by 47 seconds.

Feeling tired but proud I headed up to the front door. It was locked which meant my parents had already gone out so I fished around in the planter by the door for the spare key.

I head to the kitchen for some water where I find a note from mom.

Wont be home till late, lunch in the fridge and money for pizza on counter. Please do the laundry. xx

I sigh. The glass is halfway to my lips when the thought strikes me. I quickly gulp the water down.

Even though no one else is home I still walk carefully to the laundry where I fill the machine. I hesitate for a moment, looking around as if someone could be hiding in the corner, then quickly pull my running shirt over my head quickly followed by my sports bra and drop them into the top loader. I freeze now. ‘what if someone sees?’ an irrational part of my brain seems to say. Shaking my head I take a deep breath then in one movement hook my leggings and panties and pull them down, quickly step out and throw them into the washing machine followed hastily by my socks and press start.

I’m standing there completely naked. “OK Em, you can do this” I cautiously poke my head out the laundry door, there is only one window, in the hall, that looks out to the street and I cant see anybody. Aaaand Still no one home. Of course.

I run.

Into the hall, up the stairs and into my bathroom where I slam the door and lean against the wall. I finally take a breath. Adrenaline rushing through my veins and a tingle between my legs.

That was stupid and crazy Em. But again, I ignore the voice and feeling emboldened I open the bathroom door again. Wide. Anyone in the hallway ‘could’ see me in the shower.

I run the water, tentatively poking the stream until I feel it warm, then step inside.

The hot water and pressure feel amazing. I start with conditioner, always. Then, with the loofah I start to scrub; starting with shoulders then on to my chest being careful to avoid my sensitive nipples with the coarse sponge. Eventually the loofer starts making its way down to light brown fuzz between my legs.

I freeze. What was that? I slowly turn around. I swear I saw a shadow at the edge of my vision. I open the shower door and lean out, water dripping from my nose and hair as I look into the hallway outside. No one there. “Your going crazy Ems” I say to myself “just shower with the door shut next time” Mood gone though I wash the conditioner out, step out of the shower and towel off. “ugh, I wish I had brought clothes now”.

Wrapping the towel around my waist I leave the bathroom and quickly walk to my room making straight for the dresser. I drop the towel to the floor and begin rummaging around for some clean panties.


I straighten looking at the mirror right in front of me. And watch as my bedroom door wings shut and a masked figure step out from behind it.

I feel Frozen. ‘Move Ems!’. Scream. Do anything. But my body is frozen in fear. I watch in the mirror as the masked figure steps up behind me, grabs my hair and pulls my head to the side. I make an involuntary yelp and a syringe is plunged into my neck. Finally, I begin to struggle but its already too late. I can feel my vision begining fade and my legs give out.

10:30 am

Nathan looks up from his recording of Emily’s morning as his phone starts to ring. “Target acquired, runaway has been staged. She shouldn’t remember anything. Heading to drop off now.” Nathan smiles. “understood”

day unknown 6pm

I awake with a start. What happened, my heart is thudding by for the life of me I cant figure out why, must have been a bad dream. All of this flashes through my mind as I finaly start to take in my surroundings. a hospital room?

I turn to the door as I hear it open and a burley nurse enters with a trolly “ahh sweetheart, your awake” she says sweetly “I need to preform a quick examination before Mr Black arrives”

“wh-what” I stammer “where. Where am i?” “oh dear, Im not allowed to answer any questions please wait till mr black arrives. You are very lucky we didn’t think you would wake in time and he was about to leave”

“In time for what? Where is my mom? Please…”

“Shh, Out of bed. Now dear” she said her voice becoming more forceful

Seeing that I wasn’t going to get anything more out of her I pulled back the covers and got out of bed.

As I swung my legs over the side of the bed I realised that I was in hospital gown that fell to my knees and had simple ties at the side.

The nurse stepped forward “lets get that gown off you” and without hesitating she reached down grabbed the hem and roughly yanked the gown over my head.

I yelped but before I could do anything the gown had been thrown aside. I quickly covered myself with my hands.

“now, now dear” said the nurse “who do you think has been looking after you this last week. Nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“Week?” she cut me off again.“ save your questions for Mr black now hands behind you head.

I shook my head, my thoughts reeling. What was going on. Last thing I remembered I… went for a long run then… nothing?

“Dear if you don’t let me do my job ill have to ask another nurse to help me, you really don’t want that”

Reluctantly I placed my hands behind my head. “Good girl” she said “now stand with your feet shoulder width apart and don’t move” reluctantly I did as I was told. She was a nurse so it wasn’t that bad wasnt it. She took measurements of my bust, hips and waist. She checked my blood preasure and listened to my heart.

“Do I really need to be naked for this?” she tisked “it’s the new procedure”

I stood there naked as I was poked and prodded. she took a small blood sample, made me stand on scales for my weight and took my height.

“you are in remarkably good health. Now to finish we have the breast exam and a special internal op”

Before I could protest she turned me around so I was facing forward, my back to her. Then she reached around and began to massage around my right nipple. She was very firm and thorough, eventually moving on to my left breast.

When I thought she was done she suddenly grasped onto each of my nipples with her thumbs and forefingers and gave them a hard pinch making my eyes water. I cried out in shock. My hands coming up protectivly

She stepped away and made some more notes on her clipboard “Did that hurt dear?” I nodded.

“oh well, no cancer” she smiled “its just part of the test, now please go lie down on your back” Shaking, I did so.

She leaned down and fiddled with something under the bed. The back began to raise as a set of leg rests unfolded from the bottom. “Scoot your bum to the edge, dear, and put your legs in the rests”.

My throat felt thick and all I could feel was confusion. Why was this happening? “why” I croaked as I tried to stifle tears.

There was no friendliness in her voice now “legs up now, hurry up”. My face burning in shame I rested my ankles on the raised pads and exposed myself to this horrid nurse. I wish my mom was here. the nurse reached up and shut a clasp over my ankles locking them in place “for your safety dear”.

I sarted to panic then, I could barely form any coherent thoughts.

The nurse reached down to the trolly then hesitated picking up a large metal speculum.

“Oh silly me it seems I forgot the lubricant. You don’t mind doing this without?

I was so confused. ‘Do what’ I thought. The nurse seemed to take my silence as consent. She placed the dry speculum at the entrance of my vagina and began to push it in. I let out a choked cry as it very slowly went in tugging on my inner folds.

Finally she stopped pushing it in and began to twist a dial on the side. “I want my mommy” I whispered as I felt the device expand inside my vagina.

“Please” I sobbed “loosen it” “no can do” she replied “need it as wide as possible to insert the IUD” and she turned the dial one more time making me gasp in pain. “For luck” she winked

I just lay there covering my eyes. I couldn’t even speak, my thoughts a jumble in my head. IUD? I tried to hold back the sobs as the nurse put several different devices up my vagina. None of them comfortable.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, she got up and said it was all finished. She tidied up, then began to push the trolly towards the door. I tried to reach for the ankle restraints but as I bent, I felt a massive cramp in my stomach and fell back sobbing

“Oh yes” almost as if an afterthought the nurse turned around and undid the ankle restraints.

Then humming softly to herself she wheeled the trolly out of the room. I heard a key in the door and then silence I was locked in a room, naked and in pain with no idea what was going on.

Carefully, my stomach hurting with every movement I lowered my legs from the leg rests and tried to get out of bed. The cramps felt like they were getting worse so I gave up and shimmied back into the bed pulled the covers up and, trying not to cry, fell into a light sleep.


I awoke some time later to a key in the lock and realised with a start I was still naked glancing at the hospital gown bunched up on the floor. I quickly pulled the sheets up to my chin and watched as big man in black suit with a black and gold briefcase walked into the room.

“Hello Emily” he said “I’m Mr Black and I Have been appointed by the government to act as your guardian”.

“My guardian” I asked in confusion “what about my parents?

Mr black looked startled for a moment then took a breath. “I was worried this would be the case. Unfortunately I must be the bearer of bad news. Your parents are dead.”

“what. No. you must be joking. I saw them this morning.” I feel my eyes begin to water.

Unfortunately, no you didn’t. they died over a week ago, when you were told this news you passed out and have been in a coma ever since. Nearly 8 days now.

“This cant be happening” I choked out “I cant, no. they are not dead. I want to see my mom. I want my mom”

That’s not possible I’m afraid, as we didn’t know when you would wake the funeral has already happened and they have been cremated, you will receive their ashes in the next few days.”

I start breathing quicker. I sit up and vaguely notice as the sheet slides down my chest. Tears are now streaming and I fruitlessly try to wipe them away.

Mr Black pulls a folded paper bag from a container on the desk then walks over handing it to me. Breath into this, I need you to be calm you have an important decision to make.

I breath into the bag for about 3 minutes until I my breathing slows. I rub my eyes trying to brush away the tears.

“You need to make some big decisions about your future.” Mr black repeated

I felt like a fish out of water “decisions” I managed to get out gasping. deep breath.

“Yes” continued Mr black “unfortunately your parents were quite heavily in debt” so all their assets have been seized to pay that off. You are effectively bankrupt.

“broke” I repeat, mind numb.

“But there is a silver lining. Technically you turned 18 yesterday but I’m willing to ‘bend the truth’, to help you. We will change your medical records to say you woke up two days ago and signed this document while you were still a minor. But this is a limited offer you must decide now as I have a plane to catch.

“wait, please, what is it?”

He holds up the bundle of paper. As I lean forward I become aware that my chest is exposed and wriggle back under the blankets, my cheeks going red with embarrassment. ‘How long have I been like that’ I wonder, thoughts of my family and situation momentarily forgotten.

“If you sign this you will become a ward of the state, through my ‘company’. We will supply you with everything you need until you find your feet. Once you are deemed to be of sound mind and pay back any outstanding debt you will be free to go your own way. You will lose your rights as an adult but you wont have to leave here…” he glanced at the hospital gown on the floor “in that”

“If I don’t sign…” he cuts me off. “you will have nothing”

“Nothing” I mouth the word, unable to even make a sound.

He taps the desk with a gold pen, clearly getting impatient. “What do you mean rights?” I try to ask

He cut me off again “look, I would love to give you time to read this document and go over the finer points with you but you don’t have time and I’m a busy man. Would you like to walk out of here with nowhere to go? nothing to wear? Do you want to have a meal tonight? Do you want to sleep in a bed? The choice is yours? Sign or don’t. he held out the pen.

“um, Im naked.” I whispered my face flushing again.

Mr black considered for a moment. “I will give you five minutes. Get dressed and have a look at that contract. If you haven’t signed by the time I return then I will leave to catch my flight and you will be homeless. However, once you sign there will be no going back.” Then he turned and left the room.

My mind was moving in fifty directions at once. it was all I could do not to burst into tears again. I stumbled out of bed towards the discarded hospital gown and slipped it back on over my head. Then went to the desk and sat at the chair. The hard wood feels cold through the small amount of fabric covering my ass; I barely notice. I hesitantly reach for the ornate gold pen and stare glumly at the thick wad of paper. I briefly flicked through but quickly realised it was pointless. “What would mom say?” I almost burst into tears again.

8:45 pm

As Mr black re-entered the room Emily looked up. Her eyes were puffy and red, and she was holding his gold fountain pen.

“Is it signed”. She nodded.

“Excellent decision.” Nathan reached down and took the paper and pen placing it carefully in his briefcase. This would be going up on the wall at home in a green frame, the same colour as her sad eyes. The first in his new menagerie.

He holds open the door. “Please come this way”

End Emily part 1


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MEXICAN WALL. Mexicans were asked what they thought of Trump’s proposed wall. They replied, “We are very upset ... but we’ll get over it.” Landing On The Sun Kim Jong-Un announced at a news conference that North Korea would be sending a man to the sun within ten years! A reporter said - “But the sun is too hot. How can your man land on the sun?” There was a stunned silence. Nobody knew how to react. Kim Jong-Un quietly answered “We will land at night”. The gathering and everyone in...

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Dares - By SONIA ================ (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) If this is not the type of story you like then please don't just slag it off - it may not be your scene but I enjoy writing them and some others enjoy reading them!!!! Chapter 1 - Janet's Suggestion! ------------------------------- My wife, Janet, and I had a fairly conventional life - 2 kids -both now married and living away, mortgage etc. Our sex life had been frantic in the early...

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My New Partner

It was the beginning of my junior year in high school, the coach called me into his office and introduced me to a new student named Tommy. Tommy was the first white student to come to our urban school and was reported to be a very fast runner. The coach wanted me to train with Tommy and get him acquainted with our school and the neighborhood. Tommy and his Mother had moved into our neighborhood after his Father had passed. I had no thoughts as to what color Tommy was other than he didn't say...

4 years ago
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ThesisChapter 2 Acquisitions

"I'm puzzled, Mr. Ross." Corinne Aimes, the founder and owner of two companies, Huntingdon Management Development Limited and Inward Bound, is talking amiably with Larry Ross, a man who claims he can inject a substantial cash investment into her business. They are sitting in the garden of a Cambridgeshire pub. Corinne is drinking white wine. Larry is enjoying a pint of bitter. "So your business, Clegg Enterprises Group, specialises in recruitment and placement," says Corinne. "Sort of...

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Kelly and Billy

"Billy", Kelly asked, "did you steal a pair of panties from my laundry basket last week?". Nervous and penitent, Billy acknowledged that he had. "Why, Billy?", Kelly asked, as though she didn't know the answer. "Because they smell pretty:", Billy told her. "Well, its not right to steal things, Billy, and smelling girl's underwear is naughty.". The knoledge that Billy was interested in scent of her vagina was flattering to Kelly, and even though she had told him it was naughty, there was...

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A New Doll

A New Doll By adhi I was in a constant struggle with my mother about my 8-year-old sister. She wanted me to look after her so she could do her work. She teleworked for a start-up dotcom-company and was in fact really successful in what she was doing. But she couldn't do her work properly when she had to interrupt her work every 15 minutes to watch my little sister. So she wanted me to do this job. As you can imagine, I refused to do so. It was really boring to occupy my...

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Pas De DeuxChapter 2

On Monday morning I arrived at the laboratory and went into my office to find my white coat. As if she had been waiting for me, Shelley burst in. "So, what have you got to say for yourself?" "About what?" I enquired mildly. "Vanishing from the reception with Miss Berwick. Henry had arranged that she sat at his table and when no one could find her he had to re-arrange things." I noted that it was the fact that Antonia being missing was cause for concern, not me. I also doubted that I...

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The Eighth God Chapter 2

It was a fine day to be out working in the fields, Karen thought. It was the harvest season, and the sun shined brightly on the waves of wheat, glowing so brightly with golden light that one had to avert their eyes. The stalks of wheat bent under the weight of the grains, swaying gently with the autumn breeze, which provided a welcome coolness for those sweating in their labor. Karen stood up to take a break from harvesting the wheat, she was coming into her middle age, and her back wasn’t...

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Destiny Interlude A Summer CruiseChapter 4

Charlie had been dying to confront me with all the questions he had built up. "I don't buy that whole 'I got lucky' thing. How did you overpower those guys and free us? And when we get here, you call your lawyer in the US, tell him to get you a helicopter or a plane to come get us and take us to the next port. Then had him convince the guy to book us a last minute reservation here just so we could wait by a phone. What are you, some trust fund kid?" I had to laugh. He had been letting...

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First Bondage Treat

I knew before I walked up to Bill’s house that he was into bondage. I had met him a few weeks earlier at a swingers club and had chatted for a good hour, unfortunately that night his wife Zoe had already planned to go with another couple. I gave them my ‘phone number and told them that I would love to satisfy my curiosity some day and join them.Zoe rang the day previous. Mel, how would you like to visit us tomorrow? Bill has been talking about you since our meeting and he knows that you were...

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A More Permanent Position Ch 01

The Wall Leaned Away The building took Madison’s breath away. It regularly made Architect’s Digest as one of the 6 most beautiful headquartes in the world. The company, Loloth Industries, was ranked by Furbz magazine as the greatest company to work for in the world. It had the highest growth per quarter of any company in history. If its GDP were a country, it’d be the fourth richest in the world. If only she were there under different circumstances. She walked up the Grecian marble...

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Weekend with the strap on lesbians

The doctor was headed out of town for a week and he told me I was to stay at his house. I was informed the nurse was staying as well and I was to do as she told me, anything she asks you do without hesitation. I told him yes master I will obey her. I undressed and started cleaning the office. The nurse, Donna was a a lesbian and her girlfriend arrived and she was not as fat as Donna but she had a shaved head and was uglier. The girlfriend Kat started in on me about my small penis and anything...

1 year ago
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Quick Fuck

We were dying to see each other. All week long, the texts kept going between us. "I need you" "I want you" "I miss you terribly" "Three more days" "Two more days" "I need to fuck you" "I can't wait". The anticipation and the waiting was driving us insane. Being married to other people causes complications. We have to plan carefully and be alert to our surroundings. On Thursday night, my plans to get away fell through. I scrambled to come up with an alternate plan. Not seeing him wasn't an...

3 years ago
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A Hidden Lesson Part Five

Simon couldn’t believe what a difference a haircut made. He stared at his reflection, thinking he could sit there all day looking into the mirror, watching Nicky. The stylist’s tits pressed tightly against her Pink Ladies overalls. God, she was fit. Long blonde curly hair, her big green eyes stared at him in awe. She had the fullest lips Simon had ever seen, a human version of a blow-up doll.‘I can’t believe how different you look,’ Nicky gasped. ‘Do you like it? I knew that shaving the sides...

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Mi Papi

I met Carlos totally by accident over 6 years ago. It was a typical Friday night here in the desert and I had stopped at the Westside 15 Bar, a local gay hang out, to have a beer and see who was hanging out. I got there at about 8 pm, just as the summer sun was starting to go down, and went in. I had cruised a local park earlier and met up with a guy who was staying at a local motel. He and a buddy were sipping beers as I entered the bar and he gave me a sly look of recognition.I went to the...

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MaudeMadeleine Part 6

My Lady was most tender as we dried ourselves. Despite her earlier complaint of having been exhausted by our coupling she seemed, having taken the bubbling wine, to recover. We had sipped our wine seated facing each other, both naked, in the soft chairs the room provided. She had talked of her unhappy marriage to an elderly peer who, she said, preferred blasting pheasant from the face of the earth to enjoying her company. She cared not for the male of the species, that much was apparent. I was...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 24 The Battle is Joined

Wednesday morning seemed to arrive very quickly. It seemed like I had just fallen asleep and suddenly I was awake, and awake with morning wood. That usually doesn't happen. But this hardon wasn't painful—just uncomfortable. When I get erections during the night, their pain tends to wake me, so maybe this treatment is calming things down. One could only hope... I disconnected myself from the gadget and got the data file shipped off to the docs. As I was dressing, I heard the kitchen phone...

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Best Friends To Lovers Part 1

In the back of Kelly’s mind, she had known she was attracted to girls. Now eighteen, she wanted her best friend Grace to be her lover. It had taken one bad one night with a friend’s brother for her to discover she wasn’t into men. She’d pictured the face girl friend of hers to just to get off. It was enlightening to her but not always the easy road to follow. In the present, Kelly and Grace had been friends for almost a month but Grace still didn’t know about Kelly’s secret, that she wanted...

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Sylvia visits her Aunt Ida in Berkeley part two

I began to hear them. Two women making love can just be the sweetest sound. I listened for a little. their love sounds, the train whistle sounds, and those pigeons in the eaves. Ida moaned , "Come on baby, eat my pussy...come on..."Before I had another thought, my hand was in my panties. "Sylvia! don't stay out there playing with yourself! We have plenty of room!" I pushed the door open. Dulce was between Ida's legs, with her face in her pussy. I liked that, but what really got me was her...

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Harry the Writer and the Christmas Ghost

Harry Liebermann was a Santa Claus admirer from the time he was a little boy. That might seem strange to most folks because Harry was of the Jewish persuasion which made a lot of sense due the last name Liebermann which was about as sure a clue as a bloody fingerprint at the scene of a crime. In fact, Harry did resemble the real Santa quite a bit with his stocky rotund figure and his snow white beard that was well groomed at all times. Harry was a haberdasher by trade but he didn’t much...

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River Ch 04

The aftershocks of Sam’s mothers ‘visit’ could be felt for weeks after the incident. The teachers were worried, the children were restless and – most notable – Sam was kept at home. Rumor had it that Sam’s father – whose name was John – was thinking about moving Sam to another, more protected child care facility. The thought of Sam having to move made me sad, along with a lot of other confusing feelings of helplessness and even anger. I didn’t really mean to tell my friends anything about what...

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True Friends

True FriendsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Though Isadore never told Jaden but most of his gay fantasies did include Hamilton. The information of Jaden going to gay bars with his brother Hamilton, turned Isadore on for some strange and unknown reason. Years passed and both Isadore and Jaden fell into their respective life both known and being straight heterosexual men. Isadore and Jaden were friends since they were in the elementary school and lived couple of streets away. Being at almost 26, they knew...

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Dont Stare at Black Cocks Gay

I was walking down by my house the other day while my wife and son were out of town. There was a group of black guys playing football on the street. As I walked by they said hello and I did hello back my eyes looked them over and staring saw they had pretty sizable cocks and they were partially hard. I watched as they flopped around and it made me stop walking. The guy with what seemed to be the biggest thickest cock stopped and told the others to. He then jumped up and down facing me and saw...

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Get Use To It 5

Please read the other parts before reading this. This is a FICTIONAL femdom story where the women are rotten and no good and the heroine is dominated. May be freely used for personal enjoyment, but no download or other pay site use is authorized. Copywriten by the author. Get Use To It 5 "Man, I can't believe that Grandma is making me stay at Mrs. Taylor's house. I really hate this, but what can I do? I'm dressed like a friggin sissy and my boy's clothing is under lock and key. All I...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 41 A Trip In Town

Day 6 Steph woke up in her bed like she normally did, in her birthday suit. Hell pajamas are over rated at this point. She got up and thought about putting on at least something. After a few minutes of thinking it over she decided to put on at least a thong and a t-shirt from Yale. As she put on her things that she decided to wear a few things nagged at her. She only knew Amanda for a year as roommates and in that year she got close. Amanda knew just about everything about her well at least...

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Him and his wife

Ok so I met with a guyWhen I got to his house his wife was there toShe said I hear you are going to give my husband a blow jobI said that was the plan So she said ok well I'm playing to dropped her dress then got me naked Told me to stand looking at the wall why she used her tongue on my ass hole she made it so wet Her husband was stroking his cockThen she told me to go to her husband and crawl so I didShe followed me over but as I got half way she said stop so I did and she went mmmmmmm!...

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The Matchmaker Bandits The Great Museum Robbery

Chapter One - “A Night At The Museum” It was about 2:30 in the morning on a Friday of the second week of September and it was unseasonably warm outside. The fact that it was 78 degrees outside made me glad that my job did not require me to work outdoors. The company I worked for had received the contract to upgrade the computerized network system of the Museum of Arts and Sciences. Since the museum was to open for a new exhibit of rare Egyptian artifacts on the following morning,...

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Alex and Emma Watson and some shades of Grey

“In here. Immediately!”Alex's voice was demanding, determined, loud. Emma was standing in the lobby of her house, still with the handbag over her shoulder. She had returned from a photo-shooting in the city and was surprised about her brother’s wellcome. But without delay she put her bag down and went into the kitchen. Alex closed the door.“Stay here. And not a word!”He loved it to see his older sister usure about what was happening. Because Emma didn’t move, he pushed her to the big...

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The Mobile Which Change Life

By : Mistyboymayank Hi friends! This Mayank age 19 from Mumbai. This story is about my one mistake that changed my life and my sisters’ life forever. I am a normal guy who never been in bad company. My father is asst. Manager in one of the India’s well known company. So we are higher middle class family, with more than sufficient money. We are family of four fathers, mother, my elder sister and me. This incident occurred one year back when I was in +2. Life was normal and happily going. I and...

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My girlfriend the prostitute

“Whew” says John as he let’s off a sigh of relief. ‘Finally finished work’ he thinks to himself as he starts rummaging his pockets for his phone. He pulls it out slowly before unlocking it and heading to his contacts. Scouting for a few seconds, he stops at the name ‘Lacey’ before pressing the call button as a little smirk appears on his face. Waiting for the phone to ring, He begins walking to the bus stop. Between the journey, the phone just kept ringing with no answer. ‘Oh yeah, she said she...

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Amys New Road

Amy was annoyed, anxious and apprehensive as she drove home. She was getting married so she was apprehensive. She was annoyed at the drive home. The drive was not that long; about a hundred miles. She was not annoyed at the distance. It gave her time to think. She was intrigued at the countryside. You could see for miles when you topped one hill and could see between the valleys. The dark green pastures could be seen for miles until they turned to a dark blue as they blended with the clouds in...

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