Peilisalin Uudet Aikakirjat 0-2 free porn video

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Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 0, Jatkon aloitus eli uuden alustus. Jokaisella tarinalla on alkunsa ja loppunsa, t?m? ei kuitenkaan ollut kumpikaan niist?. Kaunis naisellinen kaksikkoni vietti aikaansa patjalla, kuinkas muutenkaan kuin paneskellen totta kai. Bimbo, tai siis anteeksi, ?lykkyytt??n lis?nnyt blondi oli t?ll? kertaa pantavana vaan ei alla patjana. K??nteinen lehmitytt? tuntui olevan h?nen suosikkinsa t?h?n astisista asennoista ja akteista joita min? olin p??ssyt n?kem??n. Mutta nyth?n min? hypp??n taas tarinassa edelle ja tuleviin tapahtumiin. Ennen kuin voimme aloittaa kaksikon seksuaalisten seikkailujen seuraavat osat, minun pit?? kerrata t?h?n astiset tapahtumat. Tai siis eih?n sit? ole mik??n pakko tehd?, mutta seurattuani kaksikon touhuja alusta asti sain mielihyv?? muistella aikaisempia akteja. Etenkin silloin kun molemmat nukkuivat, palasin menneisiin panoihin, ihan vaan muistin virkistykseksi. *Oppaan ??nest? kuulsi l?pi ilmeinen pervous ja tirkistelij?n luonne h?nen kertoessaan mit? tarinassa oli tapahtunut t?h?n menness?.* Katsotaanpas, mist? aloittaisin. Niin tietenkin, se oli usvainen syysaamu kun punap??, josta saatan k?ytt?? my?s nimi? punakko, punaturkki tai muu kettuun viittaava nimitys, saapui Peilisaleihini. Olin opastanut h?net mustan peilin ??relle, valitsemaan uuden vartalonsa ja ensimm?isen tarinan suunnan. Mieliss?ni seurasin muutosta parempaan ja aavistelin ett? t?st? tulisi hyv? tarina seurattavakseni. Olin ehk? hieman yll?ttynyt punakon valittua mahdollisuuden vaihtaa v?rkkins? pillusta penikseen mutta blondin ilmestyminen vastakumppaniksi vasta heittikin odotukseni raiteiltaan. Mutta toisaalta pit??h?n joka tarinassa olla pari yll?tysk??nnett? eik? t?m? juonellinen tapahtuma viel? edes hiponut pervouteni rajoja. *Opas pyyhki henkisi? kuolatiploja suupielest??n miettiess??n jatkoa.* Mit?s siit? saadaan kun kaksi kaunista, alastonta naisoletettua laitetaan kasvotusten? Himo ja vaistot ottivat vallan molemmista ja sain seurata ensimm?ist? kohtaamista, esileikki? ja mielest?ni aivan liian lyhyeksi j??nytt? panoa, kummankaan tiet?m?tt? ett? heid?n touhuillaan oli kolmas silm?pari. Tiesin v?litt?m?sti ett? se ei kuitenkaan j?isi ainoaksi aktiksi ja otin mukavamman asennon tarinan edistyess?. Muusa, joka on siis blondin nimi niin kuin h?n my?hemmin sen kertoi, oli erityisen kiinnostava seurattava. Naisellisen py?re?t pakarat kiinnittiv?t huomioni ensin ja sitten j?in kuolaamaan suuria rintoja! Kuinka olisinkaan halunnut k?yd? kourimaan ja kokeilemaan niit? k?sill?ni, ehk? my?s suullani maistella vaaleanpunaisia kovina n?p?tt?vi? n?nnej?... *Hetkellisess? t?ydellisess? hiljaisuudessa olisi voinut kuulla hengen onanoivan.* Kr?h?m. Miss?s min? olinkaan? Ai niin, p??sin seuraamaan aitiopaikalta kun punakko p??tti sooloten testata uuden vartalonsa ulottuvuudet. Joskus kaipaan omaani, mutta se on aivan eri tarina eik? kuulu t?h?n selostukseen lainkaan. Kaksikon tarinassa Piina oli yksi ehdottomista suosikeistani, jo senkin takia ett? sit? seurasi pitk? pano ja pumppaus, jossa seksikk??n blondin rinnat suurenivat entisest??n ja h?n alkoi eritt?? maitoa. Viel? t?h?n p?iv??n menness? en tied? mik? Muusan kuppikoko on, kun h?n viel? vaihtelee sit? melkein joka tarinan osassa. Enp?h?n ehdi kyll?sty? ja aina on uutta hmm, materiaalia. Puhdistus oli melkoisen mielenkiintoinen, en olisi osannut arvata n?kev?ni blondia kyrv?ll? varustettuna ja harmikseni se ei j??nyt pysyv?ksi olotilaksi. *Lihaisat sapelit kalisivat Oppaan tietoisuudessa, t?m?n j??ty? muistelemaan tarinan hinkkaavaa kohtaa.* Niin tuota noin. Tarinassa eteenp?in? Ajatukseni tuppaavat harhailemaan muistaessani jonkin erityisen maukkaan juonikuvion. Vesileikkien ja maisteluiden j?lkeen vuorossa oli hieronta ja en nyt tarkoita lihasten hierontaa vaan sis?ist? kutittelua, blondin per?aukon kautta. Jostain syyst? sen j?lkeen punakko luuli j??neens? peniksens? vangiksi mutta luulen sen olleen vain alitajuista halua pit?? kullinsa. Kun ex-bimbo oli omansa toistaiseksi vaihtanut koloon, ja pit??h?n nyt toisella olla jotain mill? sit? rassata. Onhan se toki heille helpompaa ett? on erilaiset osat ja mielell?ni min? niiden yhteen saattamista seuraan. Ja kyll?h?n niit? yhteen liitettiinkin monin eri tavoin, silloin kun kaksikko ei ollut kylvyss?, sy?m?ss? tai sovittamassa vaatteita. *Vaikutti kuin Opas olisi pikakelannut viimeisimm?t tapahtumat vain omassa mieless??n.* Niin mukavaa kuin aikaisempien aktien muistelu onkin, niin nyt seuraisin mieluusti seuraavia sekstailuja, uusia panoja ja petipaineja. Feromonien ja hormonien kyll?st?m? kaksikko kun keksi aina uusia k??nteit? minun viihdytt?misekseni. Kutsuttakoon heid?n ensimm?isi? seikkailujaan vaikkapa Peilisalin kronikoiksi. Kiimaisesta kiljunnasta p??tellen jompikumpi tai molemmat kouristelivat hekumansa huipulla. Eih?n t?ss? meteliss? kuule omia ajatuksiaankaan saatikka muistella menneit? tapahtumia. Enemmitt? esittelyitt? tai pidemmitt? puheitta, tervetuloa seuraamaan tarinaa kanssani. Panot meille tarjoavat vieh?tt?v? punap?? ja kaunis blondi. Mutta nyth?n min? j?in taas jaarittelemaan ja l?rp?ttelem??n turhia, jatketaan juonta! *Opas j?i mutisemaan hiljaa kesken??n, focuksen siirtyess? patjalle ja siell? tapahtuviin puuhasteluihin.* Peili nro 1, Nautintoa toisen orgasmeista ja eroottisista pesuista. Tapahtuipa er??n? kauniina p?iv?n?, tai ainakin haluaisin kuvitella ett? vallitseva s??tila oli sellainen mit? voisi sanoa kauniiksi, sill? peilisalissa ei ollut ikkunoita enk? p??ssyt havainnoimaan meteorologisia muutoksia ulkoilmassa. Osasyyn? oli p?ivien sulautuminen toisiinsa, en ollut en?? edes varma mik? vuodenaika oli menossa. Emme olleet ehtineet tekem??n juuri muuta kuin tyydytt?m??n lihallisia himojamme, v?lill? sy?den, peseytyen ja nukkuen, vain v?ltt?m?tt?mimm?t perustarpeet t?ytt?en. Kummallakaan ei ollut pakottavaa tarvetta ulkoiluun vaan viihdyimme toistemme seurassa ja sis?ll?, sanan molemmissa merkityksiss?. T?ll? hetkell? olimme sis?kk?in, p??llekk?in ja panemassa blondin mieliasennossa, naisen ratsastaessa villisti p??ll?ni k??nteisen? lehmitytt?n?. Hiussalongin pesupisteen tukeva tuoli oli pysyv?sti puolimakaavassa asennossa ja oli n?hnyt monen monituista aktia ja asentoa. Tuolin nahkaverhoilu tosin oli osoittautunut ep?miellytt?v?ksi iholle ja olin l?yt?nyt sen peitoksi ohuen patjan. Yksi huoneen seinist? oli kokonaan peilipinnan p??llyst?m?, sain seurata sen kautta naisen suurien rintojen heilumista ja nautinnosta kertovaa kasvojen ilmett?. Korviini kantautuva kiihke? ??nn?htely kertoi omaa tarinaansa blondin hekumahuipun l?hestymisest?. Tarrasin tiukasti Muusan naisellisiin lanteisiin kiinni synkronisoidakseni liikkeemme ja saadakseni ty?nt?ihini lis?? syvyytt? ja nopeutta. Treenattujen vatsalihasteni ja lanteideni voimin upotin seitsem?ntuumaisen kullini jokaisella liikkeell? tuppeaan my?ten kosteaan koloon. "Aaa-aa-aah," oli ainoa ??ni jonka kuulin blondin saavan aikaan, naisen saadessa klitoraalisen orgasminsa. Tutuksi k?yneeseen tapaan tiesin t?m?n merkiksi ett? voisin antautua oman tulvivan siemensy?ksyni valtaan, antaen t?ten blondille toisen per?kk?isen orgasmin. Rytmikk??sti supisteleva tiukka pillu miltei ajoi minut hulluuden partaalle, lyps?en viimeisetkin tipat sykkiv?st? kullistani. Muusa kun sai orgasmin my?s minun lasteistani, kun siemeneni h?nen sis?lleen kylvin. Sivustakatsoja olisi voinut kuvitella t?ss? olevan liev?n ep?kohdan, blondin saadessa enemm?n nautintoa samalla vaivalla. Nautin nimitt?in itsekin n?hdess?ni Muusan kiemurtelevan orgasmin partaalla, olipa kullini kolossa tai ei, sormeillessani naista kuin kitaraa. Vastavuoroisesti sain nauttia mirrin maukkaasta maidosta, blondin suurten rynt?iden tarjoamasta proteiinipitoisesta v?lipalasta. Muusan mahtavat meijerit olivat aina tarvittaessa tarjolla, tyrkyll? ja nen?n edess? viekoittelevasti heilumassa. Sanomattakin oli selv?? ett? molemmat saimme suunnatonta mielihyv?? herkkien n?nnien maistelusta, maidon maiskuttelusta, v?lipaloista noista. J?lkihehkusta nauttien makasimme ohuen patjan peitt?m?ll? tuolilla, blondi kainalossani kuten h?nen tapansa oli. Viile?n ilman tuulahdus kuivuvan hien peitt?m?ll? ihollani palautti mieleeni pesutilasta l?ytyv?n h?yrysaunan ja sen l?mp?isen kostean syleilyn. Nousin jalkeille aikomuksenani k?yd? rentoutumassa ennen perusteellista pesua. Blondi arvasi aikeeni ja arvatenkin tarrasi takiaisen tapaan kehooni kiinni, hankaloittaen liikkumista. Virnist?en kaappasin naisen jaloiltaan ja heilautin h?net olalleni. Pylly ilmassa, jalat rinnallani ja rinnat sel?ss?ni roikkuen Muusa pyristeli otteessani, muka- avuttomana ja bimbomaisesti kikattaen. Peilin l?pi p??sty?mme laskin naisen taas jaloilleen ja suutelin h?nt?, samalla kiihke?sti syleillen. Pitk?n tovin p??st? otin askeleen taaksep?in ja blondi j?i katsomaan minua kummastuneena, posket punoittaen ja huulet odottavasti raollaan. Vinkkasin silm?? siirtyess?ni suihkun alle ja pumppasin persikantuoksuista saippuaa k?siini. Muusa seurasi ajatuksenjuoksuani ja p??dyimme pesem??n toisemme perusteellisesti. Blondin suuret rinnat ja kiinte?t pakarat saivat minulta erikoisen tarkan k?sittelyn. N?nnit t?rr?ttiv?t vaaleanpunaisina vaahdon l?pi ja yht?kki? mieleni teki kermakakkua mansikoilla. Sivuutin himoni toistaiseksi ja keskityin pesem??n naisen kauniin py?re?t kannikat ja muut kehon kurvit. Vastavuoroisesti blondi teki kaikkensa saadakseen seisokkia aikaan jalkov?liini, k?ytt?en omaa kehoaan ja k?si??n pesusienen sijaan. Kulliani k?p?l?iden, tissej?ni tunnustellen. Rinnoillaan selk?ni pesten, n?nneill? n?p?tt?vill? hinkaten. Takapuolella etumustani kuuraten, penist? saippualla puunaten. Kovasta yrityksest? huolimatta blondin eroottisella saippuoinnilla ei ollut kovettavaa vaikutusta, fysiikkani ei mahdollistanut uutta erektiota viel? toviin tai toiseen. Olin seonnut laskuissa yritt?ess?ni pit?? kirjaa montako kertaa vuorokauden sis?ll? olin ollut Muusan sis?ll?, ja heitt?nyt lastit ahnaaseen onkaloon, jatkuvasti munann?lk?iseen koloon. Varmaan nelj? oli viel? mahdollisuuksien rajoilla mutta viidenteen ei vaan olisi en?? virtaa. Blondi tiesi kyll? ett? tarvitsin palautumista aktien v?liss?, mutta ei se h?nt? est?nyt h?nt??ni h?rn??m?st? tilaisuuden tullen. Saimme pesut valmiiksi, huuhtelimme saippuat kehoiltamme ja k??riydyimme puhtaisiin, valkoisiin kylpytakkeihin. Pohdin seuraavaa m??r?np??t? astuessani peilin eteen. En ollut erityisen v?synyt tai n?lk?inen ja vastahan olimme peseytyneet. Oleskelumme peilisalissa oli t?h?n asti noudattanut tuttua kaavaa ja nyt en tiennyt mit? mielisin seuraavaksi tehd?. Muusa huomasi ep?r?intini, otti minua k?dest? kiinni, ja valitsi puolestani. Astuimme per?kk?in peilist? l?pi ja ensimm?isen? huomasin py?re?n, punaisten lakanoiden peitt?m?n patjan. Arvuuttelin mieless?ni mit? blondilla mahtoi olla mieless??n ja mieliss?ni seurasin naista, patjalle makuulle asettautuen. Peili nro 2, Hormonaaliset h?iri?tekij?t, vetovoimaiset feromonit ja er?s entsyymi. Oli hankalaa olla henkev? ?lykk? tai edes vaikuttaa p??llisin puolin fiksulta, kun maailmaan mahtui vain kolme tunnetta; kiima, himo ja jatkuva panetus. Jokin hormoni varmaan k?vi ylikierroksilla mun naisellisessa kropassa, ja siksi olin melkein jatkuvasti kuin kiimassa. Asiaa ei auttanut ett? koko maailma oli sua vastaan, jos sulle oli suotu normaalia isommat rinnat ja satuit viel? olemaan sinisilm?inen, kaunis blondi. Bimbon leimanhan siit? auttamatta sai, jos viel? lis?ksi olit kiinnostunut ulkon??st?si, hiusten hoitamisesta, kauniista vaatteista ja meikeist?. Toki my?nn?n joskus k?ytt?neeni bimbomaisuutta ja ulkon?k??ni hyv?kseni, houkutellakseni potentiaalisia seksikumppaneita, patjamamboon kun tarvitaan kaksi. En en?? muistanut mist? olin saanut entsymaattisen huulikiiltoni tai kuinka se tarkalleen toimi, mutta makea mansikan maku oli reaktiotuote joka syntyi vain kahden geneettisesti yhteensopivan henkil?n suudellessa toisiaan. Nykyiseen punap?iseen kumppaniini olin tuntenut vetoa ja himoa heti ensisilm?yksell? ja olin tietoinen ett? tunne oli molemminpuolinen. Muistelisin h?nen tunnustaneen jotain mieltymyst??n panna mun kanssa, ja kyll?h?n me sit? oltiin harrastettu, pantu siis. Vai pit?isik? t?ss? nyt k?ytt?? jo sanaa rakastelu ja meit? kutsua rakastajattariksi. Ei me oltu n?ist? jutuista sen syvemmin tai tarkemmin keskusteltu, kun ei panemiselta tai sekstailulta oltu ehditty. Alkuun m? olin ihan pelk?st??n naisena ja jossain vaiheessa kokeilin kulliakin. Se ei oikein toiminut kun punaturkkinen kumppanini halusi kanssa varustautua miehisell? elimell?. P??tin sitten k?ytt?? suurimman osan ajasta pillua, kun ihan kivaa senkin kanssa on naida. Tissien kokoa kasvatin v?lill? mist? lie p??h?npistosta, kai vaan n?hd?kseni h?lmistyneen ilmeen punap??n kasvoilla. Se reaktio oli sen verran huvittava ett? samaan syssyyn laitoin maidontuotantohormonit k?yntiin, saadakseni seuralaiseni suun antamaan mun vaaleanpunaisille n?nneille ja suurille rinnoille lis?huomiota. Jotain feromoneja m? lis?sin huvikseen testimieless? ja my?hemmin laitoin itseni saamaan orgasmin siemennesteest?, ihan vaan koska pystyin. Juuri nyt makasin vieh?tt?v?n punap??n kyljess? kiinni tai yritin ainakin, naisen k??ntyilless? levottomasti unissaan. Ojensin k?teni koskettamaan punaisia, p?rr?ttyneit? hiuksia, pidemp?? osiota hell?sti silitt?en. Vihre?t silm?t r?v?htiv?t auki ja hetken aikaa niiden omistaja tuijotti mua h?mmentyneen?, puoliunessa ja osaamatta heti hoksata miss? h?n olikaan. "N?itk? unta musta?" utelin uneliaalta punakolta, salaa toivoen ett? m? olin aina unten p??t?hti, seikkaileva sankaritar tai edes pantava patja. Panetus oli nyky??n jatkuva, p??llimm?isin tunne ja heti patjahaaveajatuksen j?lkeen tunsin lis??ntynytt? kihelm?inti? jalkov?liss?ni. Jos mulla olisi just nyt kulli k?ytett?viss?ni, niin punakko olisi h?t?? k?rsim?ss? ja helisem?ss?. Naurahdin ajatukselle sapeli-sauva mittel?innist?, jolla voisimme p??tt?? kummallako oli etupano-oikeus, ja kumpiko sit? kovaa parrua toisen kosteaan koloon upottaisi. Hetken aikaa ihmettelin mist? edes tulee sana she-male, kun se voisi ihan hyvin olla my?s he-female. Tai miksi ei kullikas, kurvikas kikkelitytt?kin toimisi, ainakin se olisi kuvaava jos musta sit? k?ytett?isiin. Himokkaat ajatukset v?l?hteliv?t p??kopassani. Alap??ll?ni oli omat aivonsa, toiveensa ja himonsa, eik? sen her?tt?miseen vaadittu paljoa t?ll?k??n kertaa. Kosteuttava koneisto k?vi ylikierroksilla ja tunsin kuumotusta mahlojen alkaessa valua jalkov?liss?ni. Punaiset hiukset loistivat kirkkaina, kuin sis?isen hohteen sytytt?min?, naisen venytelless? ja her?illess? hiljalleen, ilmeisesti hyvin lev?tyn y?n j?lkeen. Olin odottanut tarpeeksi kauan, antanut punakon nukkua rauhassa ja nyt en malttanut en?? pit?? sormiani h?nest? erossa. Jos mulla olisi ollut kahdeksan raajaa, sek??n ei olisi riitt?nyt koskettelemaan joka paikasta yht? aikaa, niin kiihke?sti halusin h?nt? juuri nyt. Kiedoin k?teni ja jalkani hoikan, treenatun vartalon ymp?rille ja hinkkasin itse?ni naisen lihaksikasta reitt? vasten kuin kiimainen koira. Kosteus levisi kolostani ja j?tti m?r?n vanan per?ss??n, siirtyess?ni istumaan naisen p??lle, puolij?ykk?? kullia kosteuttaen ja hieroen. Aamustondis oli ainakin mun mielest? tosi kiva juttu, enk? halunnut haaskata sen aikaansaamaa mahdollisuutta; makkaran piilotukseen ja koloni t?ytt?miseen. Punap?inen nainen huokaisi syv??n aivan kuin h?n olisi ollut haluton aamun aloittamiseen aktilla. Vastahakoisesti lopetin liikkumisen vaikka sykkiv? klitorikseni vaati hinkkausta ja huomiota. "Annas kun arvaan, s? haluat aamupalaa ennen kuin tarjoat mulle munaa?" varmistin olettamukseni ja hymyilin aurinkoisesti. Olin oppinut tuntemaan punakon tavat melko hyvin, ja hyvin ruokittuna h?n oli auliimpi tyydytt?m??n meid?n molempien toisenlaiset lihalliset himot ja tarpeet. Tosin tiesin my?s ett? liian suuri ateria vaatisi sulattelua ja olin aivan liian malttamaton pelkk??n p?tk?ttelyyn patjalla. Pyysin naista odottamaan hetkisen ja pyyh?lsin pikaisesti peilist? l?pi. P??tin ett? pari ruispalasta ja kahvikupillinen piisaisi y?llisen paaston p??tt?miseen, tiet?en ett? voisin tarjota proteiinipitoisen v?lipalan v?h?n my?hemmin. Rintojani jo melkein pakotti kertyv?st? maidosta ja huuleni valuivat muistaessani kuinka ihanalta suun imev? l?mp? tuntuikaan, makean maidon suihkutessa odottavaan kitaan. L?mmin tuntemus rinnallani valui alasp?in ja tajusin loiskauttaneeni osan kahvikupin sis?ll?st? p??lleni. Kirosin k?mpelyytt?ni ja kiimaista kehoani, samalla kiitt?en onneani, ett? punap?? joi kahvinsa mieluummin haaleana kuin tulikuumana. Leip?lautanen toisessa k?dess? ja puolivajaa kahvikuppi oikeassa en pystynyt pyyhkim??n roiskeita mill??n ja niist? v?litt?m?tt? astelin patjan vierelle. Punap?? oli kuitenkin onnistunut n?kem??n koko kohtauksen ja kohellukseni, maatessaan k?teens? nojaten lakanoiden alla, vatsa kurnien paluutani odottaen. "Et kai polttanut itse?si?" h?n kysyi maitokahvin v?risi? vanoja tuijottaen ja huuliaan lipoen. N?nnini n?p?ttiv?t hulluina pitk?t p??ll?, l?mpim?n nesteen kuivuessa ja haihtuessa iholtani. Vastausta odottamatta nainen nousi patjalta, suuntasi suoraan mua kohti ja virnisti ilkikurisesti. "Ei kannata haaskata hyv?? kahvia," h?n sanoi silm?t rintoihini kiinnittynein? ja imukalan lailla imaisi kahvinmakuisen n?nnini suuhunsa. K?det edelleen t?ynn? en voinut muuta kuin nauttia tuntemuksesta ja yritt?? olla pudottamatta aamupala-astioita. Kostea kieli lipoi molemmat rinnat puhtaaksi nopeammin kuin olisin halunnut ja punaisten hiusten peitt?m? p?? k?v?isi nopeasti napani tienoilla, viimeiset tipat vatsalta lipaisten. Kehoni t?risi hallitsemattomasti halusta siihen malliin ett? punakko katsoi parhaimmaksi vapauttaa k?teni kantamuksista ja istuttaa mut patjalle siksi aikaa kun h?n ahmaisi leiv?t kuin n?lk?inen susi, kahvin kadotessa yht? pikaisesti. "Mit?s sin? sanoitkaan aamupalamunasta?" nainen kysyi viekkaasti hymyillen. "Kun noin auliisti t?ytit minun mahani, niin voisin antaa sinun p??tt?? t?ll? kertaa kuinka t?ytet??n koloasi, kohennetaan oloasi," h?n jatkoi tuttuun tapaansa riimitellen. Tiesin tasan tarkkaan mit? munann?lk?inen koloni mankui t?n??n. Tahdoin olla p??ll? ja m??r?t? tahdin, ja samalla halusin my?s tarjota kumppanilleni silm?nruokaa, joka sitten toimisi toisenlaisen ruokahalun her?tt?j?n? my?hemp?? aktiviteettia ajatellen ja josta me molemmat saisimme nautintoa. Nainen huomasi pyrkimykseni p??st? jalkeille matalalta patjalta ja h?n tarjosi k?tt??n herrasmiesm?isesti, nostaen mut kevyesti seisaalle. Puristin sile?? k?tt? omalla k?dell?ni ja vedin naista per?ss?ni, peili? kohti m??r?tietoisesti liikkuen. Yksi sujahdus vain ja olimme hiussalongissa, muutaman askeleen p??st? p??simme m??r?np??h?mme, joka oli kovia kokenut hiustenpesupisteen tukeva nahkatuoli. Pys?hdyin paikalleni ja vilkaisin taakseni viettelev?sti pylly? heiluttaen. Punaisten hiusten vilahdus v?l?hti silm?kulmassani kun nainen siirtyi l?hemm?ksi ja miellytt?v?n? yll?tyksen? tunsin puolikovan peniksen pakaroitani vasten. Hinkkasin kovettuvaa kullia takamuksellani ja hetken kuluttua tunsin kuinka suuriin rintoihini tartuttiin takaap?in. Hell?t k?det hieroivat hinkkej?ni ja nipisteliv?t n?nnej?ni, t?st? lis?? kiihottuneena py?ritin pylly?ni vimmaisesti punap??n penist? vasten. Olin melko varma ett? koko seitsem?ntuumainen kulli oli niin kovana kuin olla vain voi, naisen k??nt?ess? minut ymp?ri, himokas ilme kasvoillaan. Suutelimme pitk??n ja hekumallisesti, samalla toisiamme kiihke?sti syleillen. Jalkani ty?skenteliv?t suutelun lomassa ja onnistuin k??nt?m??n punap??n niin ett? h?nen selk?ns? ja takapuolensa oli makuuasentoon k??nnetty? istuinta p?in. Irrottauduin suudelmasta ja ty?nsin tai siis enemm?nkin ohjasin naista tuolille kun heikompana osapuolena en olisi lihasvoimalla h?nt? pystynyt pakottamaan mihink??n asentoon. Suostuvaisesti punakko taipui patjan peitt?m?lle tuolille mutta yll?tt?en h?n tarttuikin kroppaani ja veti mut mukanaan makuulle. Ei mulla oikeastaan ollut mit??n sit? vastaan mutta mulla oli toinen asento mieless?ni, kuin mit? nainen ilmiselv?sti mieli. "Enk? m? saakaan p??tt?? asentoa?" kysyin naiselta tiukasti kuin kuulustellen, hymyn kurkkiessa silm?kulmissani. Hienoinen p??n ny?kk?ys ja punap??n odottava kehonkieli toimivat sanattomana vastauksena, naisen maatessa allani, yritt?m?tt? ohjata mua mihink??n asentoon. Varovaisesti vaihdoin asentoa naisen p??ll?, tuolin natistessa allamme, vastalauseena erilaiselle liikehdinn?lle kuin mit? se oli saanut jo tuta. Sivusilm?ll? n?in koko sein?n peitt?v?n peilin heijastavan tapahtumaa; muodokas vartaloni timmin punap??n p??ll?, k??nteiseen lehmitytt??n ryhtym?ss?. Otin tukea naisen lihaksikkaista reisist? asetellessani kosteutta tihkuvaa koloa ja kovaa kullia kohdilleen. V?risev? voihkaisu karkasi kurkustani saadessani parrun koko pituuden sis??ni ja aloitin kiihkoisan, villin ratsastuksen. Pienelt? ikuisuudelta tuntuneen ajan j?lkeen kun jalkani olivat jo miltei maitohapoilla, tunsin orgasmin aallonharjan pyyhkiv?n ylitseni ja huusin nautinnosta. Punap?? oli pannut mua allani vastaan mink? pystyi ja nyt h?n yltyi viel? raivoisampaan esitykseen, jonka my?t? tunsin h?nen sykkiv?n siemensy?ksyns? nostavan mut uudestaan taivaankanteen ja hekumanhuipulle. Makasimme hetken aikaa sylikk?in, toistemme l?heisyydest? nauttien kunnes punakolle tuli pakottava tarve p??st? pesulle. En m? olisi halunnut h?nen l?htev?n viel? mihink??n jotenka tartuin koko kehollani naiseen, mutta sitten h?n n?ytti taas voimakkuutensa, kantoi mut pesutilaan ja sitten me pesimme toinen toisemme. Yritin kovasti jatkaa intiimej? hierontoja ja lihaisia leikkej?, siin? onnistumatta. T?ss? vaiheessa rintojani pakotti jo toden teolla. Siirryimme takaisin patjalle ja taas taivuttelin naisen makuulle odottamaan. JATKUU

Same as Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat 0-2 Videos

1 year ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 2226

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 22, Pukuilu. Makasin oikealla kyljell?ni blondin vieress? ja tuijotin h?ik?isev?n sinisien silmien syvyyksiin. Hymyilin raukeasti venytelless?ni raajojani nautinnollisesti. Naisen leukaa sormieni otteessani pit?en suutelin h?nt? hell?sti ja erkanin pikaisesti, bimbon himojen her?illess?, h?nen suudellessaan minua kiihke?sti takaisin. Tarrasin kiinni naisen k?teen, jota h?n oli ujuttamassa jalkov?liini. "Kiihottava kyll? olet ja mielell?ni koen sun loven." Palautumisaikaa ma kaipaan, ennen k...

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Peilisalin kronikat 4246

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 42, Panetus. Miellytt?v? l?mp? kietoutui ymp?rilleni pehme?n viitan lailla. Sankka h?yry peitti n?kyvyyden h?m?r?sti valaistussa tilassa, tumman lasioven sulkeutuessa per?ss?mme. M?rkien jalkojen l?psynt? kaikui kaakeleilla p??llystetyss? huoneessa blondin vet?ess? minua per?ss??n. Seisoimme keskell? l?mmint? lattiaa ja aloin erottamaan yksityiskohtia h?m?r?ss? h?yrysaunassa. Oviaukkoa lukuun ottamatta py?re?n kammion seini? kiersi kiinte?sti muurattu, kaakeloitu istuinkoroke. Siell? t??ll? oli pyyhkeit? pepun alla ...

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Peilisalin kronikat 06

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 0, Muutos. Kaupunki n?ytti melkein siedett?v?lt? syksyisen aamu-usvan k?tkiess? sen hopeiseen syleilyyns?. Matka oli ollut pitk? sek? fyysisesti ett? henkisesti mitattuna. T?n??n oli viimeinkin aika tarkastella aikaisempia tapahtumia ja valita uusi suunta. Seisoin hetken suuren py?re?n rakennuksen ovella, ajatuksiani kooten ja valmistautuen henkisesti tulevaan koitokseen. Heti sis??n astuttuani saapumistani odottanut opas viittoili minua seuraamaan ja k?velimme pitk?n k?yt?v?n p??h?n. Avasin ...

1 year ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 711

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 7, Puhdistus. Havahduin painon tunteeseen p??ll?ni ja tunsin jonkun koskettelevan ja kutittelevan kupeitani. "Huomenta," kuulin blondin sanovan. Ennen kuin kerkesin avaamaan silmi?ni, pehme?t huulet hipaisivat omiani kevyesti, painautuen kovemmin kiinni, hell?st? suudelmasta nopeasti intohimoisemmaksi muuttuen. Kaksi ajatusta k?vi aivoissani yht? aikaa, "joko taas" ja "oi kyll? kiitos". Vartaloni oli v?litt?m?sti valmis, n?nnien kovettuessa bimbon suuria rintoja vasten ja jalkov?li...

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Peilisalin kronikat 1216

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...

2 years ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 1721

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 17, Panostus. Tunnustelin ja tutkailin bimbon suuria rintoja samalla kun siirsin painoani takaisin jalkojeni varaan. Siirsin vaaleat pyyhekuivat hiukset hell?sti syrj??n ja painoin suudelman niskan hiusrajalle. "Olet paras panoni ikin?," tunnustin Muusalle, j?tt?en kertomatta mit? muuta h?nen seuransa minulle merkitsi. Erkanin naisen vartalon p??lt? ja leikkis?sti l?pp?isin letke?ll? letkullani kauniita kannikoita, siemenieni tihkuessa kermapiirakan uumenista. Kylpytakkini lievett? k?ytt...

4 years ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 2731

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 27, Alustus. Kaunis blondini makasi raukeana kainalossani. Pohdin pystyisink? pit?m??n lastinhimoisen, kestokiimaisen bimbon tyydytettyn? kovin paljon pidemp??n. Nuorekas vartaloni oli saanut uuden energiasys?yksen muutoksessa, mutta fysiikallani oli silti rajoituksia. Edes feromonit eiv?t pystyisi m??r??ns? enemp?? nopeuttamaan tahi lyhent?m??n palautusaikaani. Tunsin my?s tarvitsevani taukoa herkkien paikkojen hinkkauksesta ja lastis?ili?t vaativat uudelleen t?ytt??. Kellokin tikitt...

2 years ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 3236

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 32, Yll?tys. K?dest? pit?en talutin blondin huoneeseen. Sokkona kulkiessaan nainen luotti johdatukseeni mutta ei arvannut mit? tuleman piti. K?velimme paljain jaloin sile?ll? lattialla kunnes bimbo l?ysi suuren py?re?n patjan varpaillaan. Olin aikeissa istuttaa naisen kun h?n karkasi otteestani ja kier?hti nelinkontin patjalle. Silm?t edelleen vy?tettyin? bimbo huitaisi kylpytakin liepeet pyllyns? p??lt? ja tarjosi itse??n astuttavaksi. Naurahdin ??neen, blondi oli ottanut kaksimielisen heit...

2 years ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 3741

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 37, Silitys. Bimbo keikisteli edess?ni ilkosen alasti, mahtavat rinnat tyrkyll?, punaturkin h?nt? jalkojensa v?liss? heiluen. ?kisti nappasin ulokkeen valkoisesta tupsusta kiinni ja nyk?isin sen kevyesti irti. Huomasin ett? ketunh?nt? ei ollutkaan pyllytappimallia vaan pelk?st??n blondin piukkojen pakaroiden puristuksessa. "Vai t?llaisia ketunh?nti? sinulla on kainalossasi tai oikeastaan kannikoissasi?" naurahdin Muusalle. Nainen jatkoi viehke?n eroottisia tanssiliikkeit??n, h?nt?ns? menetyksest? ...

1 year ago
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Training Samantha Part 2

The bathroom was quite exquisite and absolutely huge. Every surface gleamed white except some fittings cast in crystal clear high strength acrylic material. One wall was just a huge mirror. The floor shone with polished tiles, shower heads protruded from the ceiling seemingly randomly, bidets and lavatories and even a crystal clear bathtub littered the room in seeming disarray. Sammy was visibly shocked at the sight. She expected privacy, there was none. “Where do I get cleaned up?”...

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A King and His QueenChapter 21 Hawaii

Wearing a lei around her neck, Raven walked into the suite where they were staying. Actually, it was the three bedroom ocean view penthouse. It came with every luxury imaginable. There was an open plan great room, a dining area, a private lanai with a barbecue, and a view of the ocean that was spectacular and overwhelming. Looking around the place, Andrew said, "Dave really did a good job with the arrangements." "Can the project afford this?" Cat asked sounding worried. "He says it...

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Stacys Second Show

A few months had passed since that Saturday night when my wife, Stacy, tested out the new stripper pole in our basement in front of our friend Bobby. He helped me install it after Stacy told me she had been taking strip aerobics and pole dancing class with her friend Caryn. I knew Stacy was going to the gym, and was rather pleased with the results, but I had not known about her racy classes. No real stripping went on at the gym, of course, but just the idea of her learning how to strut herself...

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Mr Bradfords Sextoy Part 1

I used to work for Mr. Bradford but he had to lay me off because the company needed to cut back. He offered to help me get a new job and when we met at his office, I wound up giving him a job. I was on my knees with his cock lodged down my throat and only taking it out of my mouth to fuck his dick with my 36DD tits. That very night he also invited a friend of his to use me as well and they both unloaded their balls in me for hours. I loved every minute of it.For months now I was Mr. Bradford's...

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Durga Puja Fullon Bonanza

Hello my ISS friends! Hope you all celebrated this durga puja with great enthusiasm. It’s been a long time since my last story which was “chubby little housewife gets a creampie”. Thanks for all those great responses which I received, especially which I got from Ranchi. I am like waoh…We do have naughty females from Ranchi too. ;) thank you for trusting me and for all those naughties which we did and still do. ;) hope to satisfy you all more. A short intro for those who would know me for the...

1 year ago
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The Biggest Cock I ever had

Don't ask me about part two, because , I didn't write this.The best feeling I ever had - while my husband watched!My husband has a small penis and I know from previous experience that size matters to some extent. He noticed that he could not make me cum through penetration so after work one day he came home excited with a spring in his step and said he has a surprise that I will like but might find awkward at first. I was intrigued so I said, "Darling please tell me!" He told me that he’d...

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My Secret Place or so I thought Chapter 4

Not what I expected That night I look through my emails and immediately open the one from Chris. There is no message only photos. These photos are all closeups. One showing my recently fucked face with the blindfold, closeup photos of my nipples poking through the fishnet and some very erotic closeups of my pussy from all angles. They all look beautiful and I am already very wet as I relive our encounter in my mind. I email Chris. “The photos as always are beautiful. You really know how to...

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Best Friends Wedding

“Damn, nigga! You suck dick the best,” the lacrosse player remarked as his head tilted back.His best bud pulled the 7¾-inch shaft out his mouth. “Better than Whitney?”“Way better, boo! Get that mouth back on this dick, dawg!”Reece Jamison loved sucking the dick in his mouth. It was very close a daily occurrence. And on a fair share of those days, it was happened more than once. He cupped Elwood “Trip” Felton, III’s low hanging hairy balls in his right hand tickling them to provide added...

2 years ago
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Sex starved man

Hi friends,I m Kunal, 31 yrs old married guy from Bhubaneswar.I m a banker.My parents live in another town,where my father is a class-II govt.officer.I have been married for 2 years & my married life was fantastic.My wife Renu is really a beautiful woman & always ready for my desire. This unexpected incident happened only 6 months back.Renu was pregnant & she was at her father’s place.One day my parents visited me.I requested my mom to stay back with me for a couple of days as a gesture of...

3 years ago
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Suzanne finally makes me a cum slut

Suzanne had been telling me for weeks how much everyone had loved the weekend we agreed to be used. In part, I think while she was right, she really, really liked getting used hard, and liked watching me get used hard, too. I couldn't blame her... I was starting to enjoy it, myself. "Let's do it again! I've got a few new ideas you'll like..." she said in her sultry, suggestive tone. "I'm game. " I agreed. "But I want to be thoroughly used this time. ""You weren't last time?! My, what big balls...

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Life Of A Pervert 8211 Part 4 Watching Chachi And Didi In The Bathroom

Hello ISS readers, I am back with the story about my pervert life I am Naveed, living in Bangalore, working as a manager in an IT firm. I am 5.9 inches tall, well built, and happily married. I am married to a very beautiful girl, Ayesha. This story is mine, a pervert guy who is tall, handsome, well built with thick and long dick (lund). Hereafter I will use the word lund instead of dick and chut instead of pussy which I feel is more erotic and expressible. Back to the story: So I was being...

3 years ago
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Two FamiliesChapter 9

Again the kids just made it downstairs in time for the morning phone call. It had been an exciting night but you'd never know it from the reports they gave their parents. They were rather bland. They made their breakfasts as they had the day before and went out for some recreation. As it had been the custom with their window looking, no one mentioned the events of the night before to anyone of the opposite sex. Late in the morning they got to some wrestling and the intimacy of the night...

1 year ago
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My daughters turn me on Part II

Sam pulled her daughter Amber down the hallway, leaving Amy in her bed, still shoving the black rubber cock in her pussy. Once they entered Sam’s bedroom, Sam spun around, grabbed her eldest daughter Amber by the waist and threw her on the bed. “Give me that pussy baby!” said Sam. Sam grabbed Amber by the ankles, lifted both her feet into the air, and reached down, pulling her daughters panties off and throwing them on the floor. Sam had already shed off her own clothes. Sam then spread her...

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The Home Family Pt 05

On Sunday, Luke woke early and rode back down to the bed and breakfast. Then he took his truck back to the Children’s Home and picked up Lazeras. The boy was beside himself with excitement over getting to spend the day with Luke. Luke was pretty excited himself. He was looking forward to the two most important people in his life meeting each other. The two of them picked up a picnic lunch from the store before heading back to the bed and breakfast. Then they mounted up on Luke’s horse and rode...

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Heroine in Peril

This story was written by a friend of mine. He has recently started writing stories with a theme on bondage, and the central character is based on me. He has given me permission to post his stories on the internet. In his stories, I am sometimes a trans girl and sometimes a GG girl. This is his third story, but the first where I am depicted as a trans girl. There are very little trans elements in the story, but I hope that it can be published here. It was meant to be just a short...

3 years ago
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Joan and Mary Ann

Joan and her cousin, Mary Ann, had met in New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras. They were both white and in their 50's, looking for some relaxation away from the stresses of work and families. Joan was the more attractive of the two, but no man would reject either of them. Both were conservative in their sexual practices, though Joan had had sex with a couple of men in the past couple of years unknown to her husband. They had enjoyed several of the parades. In the evenings, they went to Bourbon...

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My First Male rg with the girls

Girls mature sexually much quicker than boys, by a few years at least. I guess our hormones are out of the starting blocks, before the boys testicles have dropped.I am not advocating this is the norm for all girls, but one thing I had a naughty habit of doing, was pressing my crotch into an edge or riding something between my thighs.My clitoris, (See my photos) is not large nor are my labia, petite they say, like petals, delicate and sensual, point is, that for all the the abuse they received,...

4 years ago
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Fraternity Cum Bucket Part 2

Please read part one first: The next day was Friday and Mom invited my cousin Jane over to spend the night. We had a nice meal and relaxed a little around the dining room table afterwards. Dad went out with his buddies basically just to get out of the house. Mom decided to have a little wine tasting party. She opened a bottle of wine and poured four small glasses while Cinnamon got a tray of crackers and cheese that had already been made up and was in the refrigerator. Mom made a big...

8 months ago
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Private Sara Diamante Sexy Biker Addicted to Leather and Anal

The spectacular Sara Diamante returns to today in Private Specials, Hot Lovers alongside her biker boyfriend Juan Lucho, and there’s only one thing that’s likely to happen when this horny couple gets some time alone! A walk out in nature is the perfect excuse to get wild, and Sara certainly sees it that way too as she gives her man a sloppy deepthroat blowjob under the sun before taking him home for a hot anal fuck that includes 50 minutes of ass pounding action on a pool table...

2 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 5 Consummation

Although very confusing, it’s not like Rose couldn’t answer, she was mostly trying to figure out how to respond. If she said she wasn’t attracted to Lucas, Rose would be lying. Although the twenty-year gap between the two, Rose grew up watching Lucas, and often thought things like ‘he’s going to grow into a wonderful man’. Rose has never admitted to herself, but thoughts about Lucas have become recurrent in the last two years, especially after becoming very aware that he’s growing...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 170

Monday was long, all morning was with the joint chiefs and updates - one right after the other. The Secretary of the Navy and the representative from Newport News Shipbuilding came with a positive attitude for the first time in months. Usually they acted like I was the dentist. The Fordson was back at the dock and engineers had solutions to many of the problems. It was going to take weeks to complete all the fixes and another shakedown cruise. They also had an update on the Stennis post...

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The L WordChapter 2 Courtship

Mandy wore a dress when Bret picked her up Friday night. In her back pack were jeans, sneakers, a top, two pairs of panties, two pairs of socks, a nightgown and a robe, and one book. Without opening the back pack, you couldn’t have known that it wasn’t all books. Court Theater was on campus, but it drew its audience from the Hyde Park community and the city as a whole. She didn’t look out of place; nobody could have. Bret carried her back pack up. After he closed the apartment door after...

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Emma Ch 10

X Emma’s new role in Harlot TV took her out of the studio background and into active involvement in the television station’s output, and, in recognition of her advocacy of the station, she was promoted to the title of Executive Producer. She was now involved in the executive decision-making activities of many of the station’s new programmes, in particular those which she had recommended on the basis of her research. She had also been given a company car, – a luxury which she didn’t really...

1 year ago
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Aunty Next Door Who Is A Hindi Teacher

Hi my name is varun ( name changed ) living in chennai and I am 23 years old ,after reading my story if you feel its good, please leave your comments and reach me through Let me come to the story part , I am Varun living in chennai , living here for past 23 years and did engineering in a reputed collage in chennai and was searching for job . And I was getting offers from Mumbai and Delhi with a good package but was afraid to leave town as I am weak in hindi . I only know basic and I cant speak...

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There was tea and coffee available, but she asked for water. While the organiser went to get water from the cooler, I poured myself a tea, and offered her a biscuit. She declined, and I took a seat opposite her at the conference table. She immediately stated that she was very pleased to meet me, a twinkle in her blue eyes, as she opened her portfolio of papers. She referred to a report on the transport operating corporation and said she had downloaded my representations on it from the...

2 years ago
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While The Wife Is Away The Husband Has Gay Sex

The funny thing about my lining up some sex while she was gone was it wasn’t with other women! I began calling guys I’d fucked or who had fucked me in the past and wanted to plan on having guys over each day that my wife was away. It didn’t even enter my mind to find a chick to fuck, I’m so into having cock that these days beyond fucking my wife occasionally, I’m only interested in having cock inside me! As her day of departure neared she told me of some emails she’d exchanged on...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 10 The Wrath of the Queen

The girls all started to scream as they all came furiously together. They had often been able to hold off cumming until all were at the edge and then let themselves go. They were so worked up by the scene they were watching in Pietro's room that they're orgasms literally knocked them off their feet. Well, it knocked Lana over; anyway, she had been bent over the desk chair, using its back to support her as Hannah pumped her from behind with her strap-on. When Lana saw the powerful orgasm Amy...

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È una bella giornata di fine maggio. Essendo un libero professionista, posso decidere quando e se voglio andare a lavorare. Oggi ho voglia di prendermi una pausa. Monto in auto e vado in campagna a rilassarmi in mezzo alla natura. Conosco un posto in riva al fiume dove si può prendere in tutta tranquillità il sole al riparo da occhi indiscreti. Posteggio la macchina e dopo qualche decina di metri sono arrivato alla meta. La spiaggia, se vogliamo chiamarla così, è composta da ciotoli bianchi...

2 years ago
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Our sex life is great, we have sex every 2 or 3 nights, sometimes for two times in a row. He is so very sweet and gives me lots of foreplay. We almost always do missionary position but sometimes to be different we will do doggy position. And I really liked it a few times in the shower standing up. My name is Alicia, I am 5-10, weight 150, and have 36C breasts. My waist is about 27 inches. Even after having my son, I still have a good figure. My hair is long and red. Goes down to my waist....

3 years ago
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Geeks In SpaceChapter 11 The Need for Separation

The next trip to Alpha Centauri took place without Rob or Wendy Young. It took place with a bevy of doctors and scientists whose job it was to decide if Islandia was going to be safe for people. In the end, it was announced that as places go, Islandia was pretty innocuous. Other than some pollens causing mild reactions, mostly just due to 'gumming up the pipes', the microbial and bacteriological studies suggested that the Islandian analogs were not easily able to latch onto anything in the...

4 years ago
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Young Studs for Carol

The long night of sex with the four younger studs, in front of her son, had been a terrific and exhausting experience: she had been drained of all her energies like never before in her life. The woman raised herself from the bed and took few steps in the room to the mirror; bags around her eyes and some love bites on her breast sides proved the heavy treatment from her captors, but her appearance, on the whole, still looked great; and this was certainly due to her resilient and well exercised...

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Jacinta part 4

"Dad..." I said in my practised feminine voice. "I- there's something I want to tell you..." "Yes, I can see that," dad replied, still in a state of shock at my appearance. "I- I'm transgendered," I said confidently as Ophelia walked through from the kitchen, a mixture of shock and pride on her face. "I want to be a woman. I feel like a woman inside. I want to live the rest of my life as a woman." What felt like an eternity passed as dad tried to process what he had just been...

3 years ago
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Fist visit to my sexy new female doctor

Yesterday I went to the doctor because i felt like i was peeing too much, i'm sitting in the waiting room and the doctor calls me, and she is the hottest woman i have ever seen. Late 20s/early 30s, gorgeous middle-eastern face, nice curvy lips, big dark eyes. She's very friendly with a thick Persian accent which i find very sexy. i explained to her my situation, and then she asked if i was sexually active, and i said no a bit too quickly, and she looked surprised for a second. She got me to pee...

1 year ago
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Cheating wife

I, Kunal, was 32 years old when my wife left me, for another man. I hadn’t even known that she was unhappy. But one day when I arrived home, I found the moving van packing up and about to leave. My car packed with everything that couldn’t be packed in the moving van, my daughter in the front with my wife adjusting our son’s toddler’s booster seat belt. I was astonished. I didn’t know what to say.I asked my wife what was happening and she just said, “I found someone better.” I was dumbfounded,...

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jims wanking gets him in trouble with his mom and

'jim come here i want to have a chat with you now !' amanda shouts'but mom i'm busy can't it wait 'jim shouts down from upstairs'get your arse down here now do as you are told ' 'ok ok im coming keep your knickers on' jim walks down the stairs'do you think thats any way to speak to your mom ?' amanda shouts 'you are 18 you have no job you live here rent free get everything you need and you speak to me like that , well thats going to change''sorry mom what do you want ?' jim asks 'ok well for a...

3 years ago
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Another businesss trip a mile high

This is a continuation of my previous story. had moved in for a month, and she and my wife Laura had taken every chance they could get to eat each other out, or finger fuck each other, and I wasn't getting any of it. Even my boy even made a comment about how chummy the two ladies were getting. I'd fucked Ginny on that last business trip, but didn't get a chance to do anything since she moved in, because we didn't want it to get weird...

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SRU Lovers Knot

SRU: The Lovers (K)not By Morpheus and Raven Classes at Zenith Heights High School were finished for the day. Jake Preston, the senior class president, most popular student, and general BMOC (Big Man on Campus) was strolling casually toward his car, when he spotted a familiar face moving hurriedly to intercept him. He was a tall, athletic-looking black guy, wearing a school letterman jacket. "Hey Ty?" Jake cried out to his best friend, and, coincidently, the star player on the...

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First time cock in the ass and facial

So here it is at last. Having always been straight and I really do love the feel of a woman and a nice juicy hot pussy, but I have always enjoyed having my ass played with and as you can see from my uploads I love having my ass fucked a lot. Up until recently though this involved only me fucking myself or girlfriends rimming, fingering or using toys to fuck me. But I had been thinking lately that it was about time I found out what it was like to feel a real cock fucking me, cumming in my ass...

1 year ago
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Dating A Chatting Friend After Three Years

Hi all. It’s been nice to meet you all thru ISS once again. I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have so far posted 3 stories in ISS. Now it’s time I pen down my 4th story which happened to me in the last week of December 2014. To give a small intro about myself, I’m 6ft tall, black guy. I’m from southern part of Tamilnadu. Recently moved to Chennai. I have been working in the field of sales for more than 6 years. I love matured ladies a lot and I love to do groping in buses or any crowded...

1 year ago
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Omg my gf cuckolded me with 2 pornstars yesterday

So the last couple years of my relationship the sex life has been non-existent. My girlfriend is frustrated by the size (or lackthereof) of my pee pee. She has kept me in chastity, but our regular bulled moved away which has really left a void our lives. For a while now we've been trying to reach two of her favorite retired pornstars Frank Towers and Jay Huntington. About a month ago she apparently exchanged emails with both of them through a contact we were able to make within the business. I...

3 years ago
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“Stay there, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I explain the situation to my girlfriend as I get out of bed and start to get dressed. She isn’t happy about it, but she knows that there is no lingering interest in my mind for Amanda. I get in the car and get on the highway. She’s much drunker than I thought, and much thinner than I remember, though her breasts haven’t suffered, she certainly isn’t bothering to hide them anymore. The dress she is wearing is low-cut and supportive; they’re...

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Lusting for brother

Gross. That's what they would call her. Well, if they knew what she thought about, how she wanted him so bad, that she ached for him. Even now she was watching the clock, waiting, knowing that when she got home from school he would be there. Her name was Allie, and she was lusting after her own brother.Allie had just turned 18, a senior in high school. She was pretty, with long, flowing dark hair, big gray eyes, a cute little upturned nose, and a mouth that most guys considered a blow job...

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Drive In Movie With Kelly

It was a Saturday in the middle of August of 1978. The movie Animal House had been released a couple of weeks ago. It was clearly the best movie ever made in the history of all mankind! Kelly and I had been to see it at the theater right when it came out. She loved it as much as me.Yvonne thought it sounded like it was a stupid movie. Which is exactly what it was! She wasn’t getting the point. Nonetheless, we had made a plan for the four of us: Yvonne and Patrick and Kelly and me to go see it...

Group Sex
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EvilAngel Leah Winters Orgasmic Anal

Slender seductress Leah Winters flaunts her plump booty and reveals the bejeweled butt plug lodged in her sphincter. Blue-eyed Leah slobbers and drools on pro stud Mark Wood’s big cock in a blowjob. She kneels, and Mark fucks her wet cunt. He plunges his dick up the masturbating girl’s eager asshole. Leah’s sweet bunghole gapes as Mark thrusts relentlessly! She achieves an ecstatic anal orgasm. Dirty Leah sucks cock ass-to-mouth. To top off the intense buttfucking fun, Leah...

1 year ago
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Me And My Sex Friend

Hello to all reader ye kahani meri aur mere sex dost jo ki Brazilian hai ki hai, ham kareeb 1 saal se ek dusre ke sath sex ka anand utha rahe hain. Main 33 saal ki hu aur maine khud ko bahut acche se maintain kiya hua hai aur mera dost 40 saal ka hai. Main aapse latest story share karna chahti hu mujhe parson phone aaya ki vo mujhse milna chahta hai main us waqt naha ke nikali thi maine use kaha theek hai khair vo aaya, hum log baith ke baatein share kar rahe the aur mere pair sehla raha tha(he...

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Moms Life

So continuing…In the evening mom prepared the food by 7 pm…She was looking very excited…! She then entered into the bathroom to get changed and dress up…I observed that mom was taking much more time in dressing up than she usually took…When she came out I saw that she was looking absolutely gorgeous…She was wearing a yellow sari with a matching yellow blouse…She had kept her long hair loose which fell up to her ass…as usual she was wearing the sari much below her navel…She was looking really...

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Attorney Client Privilege

“Mr. O’Brien,” the small white-haired legal secretary spoke into the phone as she sized up the thuggish caramel-skinned man standing in front of her. “Your two o’clock is here.” She paused and wrinkled her pointy noise. “He says he’ll be right with you. Have a seat. May I offer you a bottle of water?”“Naw, I’m good,” replied the client. “I’ll just wait.”A few minutes later, F. Jamison O’Brien appeared wearing a neat slim-fit J. Farrar black suit, a pastel green Van Heusen sateen-finish...

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The Chef

Foreword:I wish to tell you about an observation I have made throughout my life. I have never met a chef with beautiful hands. All the chefs I have ever encountered have the most unattractive hands, in fact, most have really ugly hands.My story:When I was a student I procured a part-time job at a hotel that was renowned for functions. Being in a beautiful location with ample parking, the venue was particularly popular for weddings. Naturally, they were always in need of casual staff as waiters...

Gay Male
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 24 Store Opening

Time. An illusion designed to help us not only get through the day, but by which to be stressed. I wasn't stressed, but this illusion of time was working against me. I opened the door with Sally standing behind me. A woman stood on the other side. She wore a smart business suit and her dark blonde hair was pulled back in a fashionable braid. She had piercing blue eyes that reminded me of someone else but the expression on her face made me think of my high school principal. "May I ask who...

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