Cruising Ch. 04 free porn video

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I enjoyed waking up slow and easy at my own pace. After a leisurely shower and breakfast I came back to the room to prepare for the days outing.

Leaving the ship was a simple transaction, just swiping the room key took care of all the passport entry into the Cayman Islands making me a legal visitor. Walking with the crowds to the terminal I found the bus to the scuba trip easily. It was one of the little school buses painted blue. I waited for the bus to fill up instead of sitting in cramped quarters any more than I needed to. Allegedly the trips were limited to 10 people but there was closer to twenty getting on the bus, plus I saw two other little busses waiting. Once the bus was nearly filled I showed the driver my reservation and climbed aboard.

The bus had seen better days. Every seat I saw the vinyl was split or cracked, some of the worst spots were patched with duct tape. The only empty seat I saw was next to a skinny girl about 13 or 14 years old. I moved to the seat and asked, ‘Hi, would you mind if I sat here?’

She looked at me and shrugged looking back out the window. I sat down with my backpack in my lap making sure I didn’t make any incidental contact with her.

‘Are you going diving by yourself?’ I asked her.

She turned and looked at me and shook her head no. From behind me a voice stated, ‘Our daughter is diving with us.’

I turned and faced a late thirties couple looking at me concerned. I half turned in my seat and stuck out my hand introducing myself. I found out that the girls name was Ashley. She looked very nervous.

‘Ashley, Is this your first time scuba diving?’ I asked.

Without looking away from the window she shook her head yes.

‘Are you nervous about it?’ I asked.

She looked at me and said in a weak voice, ‘Yes.’

‘Can you swim?’ I asked.

Ashley nodded yes and her mother added, ‘Better than a fish.’

‘Can you breathe?’

Ashley snorted a laugh and said indignantly, ‘Yes!’

‘Well, that’s all scuba diving is. There is nothing to it.’ I said.

‘That’s what I said to her but she doesn’t believe me.’ Her father said.

‘You’ve seen movies or TV with people scuba diving, right? Are they doing anything but swimming and breathing?’ I asked.

Ashley pondered this for a moment, ‘No, I guess not.’

‘What are you concerned about?’ I asked.

‘Sharks. Barracuda. Morey eels. Fire coral. Sea anemones. Rip tides. Running out of air. The boat leaving without me. Getting lost. Storms and a whole lot more.’ She said.

‘Well, you have studied up on this. Haven’t you? I am a very experienced diver. I became certified when I was eighteen. I have never had any issues like you mentioned. The dive company will not let anything happen to you or they know your parents will sue them into oblivion.’ I said.

‘Damn right.’ Her dad chimed in.

‘What about carrying the tank around? It’s so heavy.’ Ashley said.

‘It’s true, it is heavy. It’s a big piece of steel. Do you carry your school books in a backpack?’ I asked.

‘Yes.’ She said.

‘It probably weighs a little more than your backpack but I can tell you it’s not as comfortable. But, once you’re in the water you’ll forget that you have a tank on in a couple of minutes.’ I explained.

‘But what about flipping off the boat into the water on your back with the tank on?’ Ashley asked.

‘What about it?’ I asked.

‘Doesn’t that hurt?’

‘No, not really. The tank hits the water first and you kind of fall in after it. The only thing you have to remember is to hold your mask on as you go in the water. Why do you want to do that?’ I asked.

‘I thought that’s how you have to go in.’ She said.

‘No, that’s one way of entering the water. You don’t have to do it that way. You can walk off the back of the boat or climb down a ladder. I have inflated the BC and thrown my tank in the water and got into the harness while it was floating.’

‘What’s a BC?’ Ashley asked.

‘Sorry, a BC is a buoyancy compensator. It helps to keep you from sinking or rising in the water by adding or removing air.’ I explained.

The whole time the parents were watching me like hawks. I would be the same way around my daughter at that age. Gradually they seemed to feel comfortable that I wasn’t a child molester. Ashley seemed to warm up to me over time.

Turning in my seat I faced the parents, ‘I tried to explain all this to Ash but she was still scared. I showed her some movies involving diving but she wasn’t getting it.’ Ashley’s dad said.

‘I would imagine it would depend on what movies you were showing her. Jaws or navy seals movies would not be my first choice.’ I said.

‘Yeah dad!’ Ashley spoke up.

‘Have you two scuba dove before?’ I asked the parents.

‘I have. Melissa has snorkeled but not used scuba yet.’

‘They usually team us up in pairs. I am solo today. Would you mind if I joined up with your family?’ I asked.

‘Sure. Nice to have someone experienced with us. I haven’t been below 30 feet or so. I was told the first dive is a hundred feet.’ Jake said.

‘It’s all the same thing just coming up from 100 foot down you need to decompress and come up slow. I guarantee the instructors will explain everything and take us up in gradual increments. It’s really nothing to worry about.’ I said.

We chatted some more and Ashley seem to relax but Melissa seemed to get more tense about the dives. I felt a tap on my arm from behind me. Sitting next to Jake were two larger ladies that looked familiar. The white woman sitting on the aisle was reaching forward to get my attention.

‘Where’s your girlfriend?’ She asked.

‘What girlfriend?’

‘When you registered for the event aboard ship you were with a woman and a couple. Is she your girlfriend, wife, fiancée or what?’ she asked.

‘Neither, just a friend.’ I replied.

‘Oh? A bang buddy?’ she pressed on.

‘That is none of your business.’ I said turning to face forward.

After what seemed like an exceedingly long bus trip we arrived at the dive shop and dock. Everyone seemed anxious to get off the stuffy bus. As the day grew warmer the bus seemed to get exponentially hotter. We unloaded and were shuffled to the dive shop to gear up. Before reaching the shop door the two larger ladies stopped me.

‘I am sorry, that was rude of me. I was asking questions I didn’t have the right to ask. We were just curious if you were available.’ The white girl said.

‘Why would you like to know?’ I pried.

‘Well, we like you. If you’re taken we will not bother you but if you not we’d like to talk.’ She said.

‘All right, just be a little more careful about how you talk to people in public. Why don’t we talk on the dive boat?’ I said.

They agreed and we went into the shop. The shop staff was busy throwing things at the people. Masks, snorkels, fins and backpacks were handed out. Weight belts took a little time since there were calculations involved. Everyone received a webbed bag and threw their gear in the bag. I was handed a plain hard plastic back tank backpack that connected with the same material straps found on airline seats. I was not happy. I grabbed one of the staff and asked about a BC. He motioned me to the side of the shop and explained that my package includes the basic equipment but for an extra fee the better equipment was available. First I asked about the BC. He pulled one off a hook and handed it over. It was well used but serviceable. I put that aside for the moment and asked about an octopus rig (a larger tank connection with extra hoses for the tank pressure gauge, depth gauge, BC fill hose and an extra regulator (breathing device) for emergencies. He went in back to search for one. I noticed a much newer BC behind the front row of used BC’s and quickly swapped for the new model while no one was
looking. The shop worker returned with the rig and placed it on the BC with no thought. I inspected the rig for cracked hoses and everything thing was in good shape. I asked him what the charge was. He looked around the shop and whispered ‘twenty dollars American’. I pressed a twenty into his hand which quickly disappeared into his pocket. He told me to wait a minute. Shortly he returned with a different rig that looked right out of the box and a Spare Air tank (a separate emergency air supply). He pressed the spare air tank into the BC pocket and helped me pack my gear with a big smile. He was eating and drinking well tonight on me.

Once geared up we were herded outside and everyone was handed one towel. I stood next to Ashley and her family. Some semi intelligent looking shop worker came down the line forming groups. There were twenty people from out ship and another little blue bus just pulled up and began unloading behind us. We were split into two groups of ten. The two big girls were on the other boat but the quickly changed places with a couple who didn’t care which boat they were on. We were led down to the dock and placed aboard a 35 foot converted fishing boat. The ‘captain’ had the lines released and gunned the engine shot across the bay to open water. It was hot and sunny so I tried to stay under the cover as much as possible.

A crewman started the scuba diving 101 class for all the new comers. It was all the usual safety rules. Jake and I knew it although a refresher was always a good idea. There was a small cabin under the foredeck with cubby holes for everyone to store their gear. While everyone was tied up in class I took the opportunity to change into my bathing suit, get my waterproof camera ready and apply sun screen. Once I emerged and Jake saw me he followed suit and changed his clothes.

The captain was hauling ass through the low swells I guess wanting to get his day over with as quickly as possible. After the class broke up one by one people went below to change. The only refreshment on the boat was a cooler of iced water. I took advantage of the clear rear deck and began connecting my gear up. I pulled on the BC and sized it properly confirming the spare air was charged and properly stored. I removed the BC and connected my first tank to the harness. Next, I connected the rig to the tank and cracked the seal to make sure I had a full load of air. Quick tests of the hoses and regulators told me I was good to go.

Apparently the speed and ease that I hooked up my gear impressed both the staff and passengers. The crew used me to help assemble the other passengers gear and the passengers asked me to help them with sizing adjustments. Two of the last people to emerge from the cabin were the two BBW’s I was speaking with earlier. They were both in one piece conservative bathing suits. They held back and waited until everyone else had their gear ready before approaching me.

‘Would you please help us with our equipment?’

One at a time I helped them mount the backpack on their backs and making large adjustments to the shoulder and waist straps to get a good fit. Each one made small rubs against my crotch in the fitting process followed by devilish grins. Once their packs were adjusted I helped them mount the tanks and adjust the regulator. Just was we were finished the boat motor slowed to idle. A crewman tossed out a bow anchor waiting to make sure it set then scurrying to the rear to throw out a stern anchor. Once anchored in place the captain came down to talk to us. The usual spiel about staying together, watch you buddy, if one is in trouble, both of you are in trouble and to surface together. The two crewmen had geared up and jumped into the water waiting for everyone to join them. I lifted Ashley’s tank up and placed it on her shoulders. She tied herself in and I told her to sit on the side of the boat and wait for me. A BC is much easier to handle both in and out of the water and I was ready to go in no time. I told Ashley to do as I do to enter the water. Donning on the mask I stepped off the back of the boat holding the mask in place. When I resurfaced I watched Ashley step off the boat and she came right up. Jake and Mellissa did the same and we were all floating waiting for the others in the group. While we waited I showed Ashley how to spit into her mask to keep it from fogging up. I had her test the regulator so she could get comfortable breathing.

Once everyone was wet the two crew members waived us to follow them. I stayed back to watch Ashley. I saw two things wrong right away. I dove after her and got her attention. First I motioned her to slow down her breathing which she did. Next I showed her how to swim easier wearing fins. Keeping my arms at my side and using a bended knee kick I glided easily. Ashley had been trying to use her arms and legs like swimming on the surface which doesn’t work very well under water. She adapted quickly and was soon literally swimming circles around her parents.

The guides took us down a wall to 90 feet of depth. Everyone was moving around looking at everything and taking some photographs with disposable underwater camera’s they bought at the dive shop. Jake seemed to be having difficulties moving around with Melissa who was not getting it and was breathing quickly. I stayed with Ashley (my assigned dive buddy) like I was supposed enjoying the warm clear water. There are spots in the Cayman’s that drop down over 5,000 feet. Looking down they are just black holes. Very few things that go down there ever come up.

I spotted the two big girls swimming around and having some difficulties staying down. Big bodies tend to be buoyant and need extra weight to hold them down. That’s why I prefer to use a BC. I over weight myself and add air to the BC to counter it. They had to keep swimming downwards to maintain their level. But to their credit, they were very comfortable in the water. I don’t know how experienced they were with scuba but they were handling the equipment well.

Soon I was bored of swimming around a wall. I’d photographed everything of interest. Looking at plants and fish wasn’t much of a thrill for me. I motioned for Ashley to join her parents and I took a few photos of them together. It took a couple of tries to synchronize the breathing so no one’s face was covered in bubbles but they soon understood. I pointed, everyone exhaled, waited for the bubbles to rise and took a picture. Then they began to do the standard under goofy photos like Jake hold his wife and daughter over his head one handed. The four of us had some laughs doing some funny stuff when the big black girl tapped my arm. She offered to take photographs of the four of us. We took a few shots and she handed the camera back.

The diving crew began corralling us back to the boat taking us up slowly to decompress. One crew led the way while the other pushed from the bottom. The two big girls held me back with them. Even with the mouth pieces in I could see them smiling. When we were semi alone they pointed at the camera and at them asking me to take pictures. They got together and I took a couple of photos. The crew member came over and pointed to join the others. The two ladies had taken their breasts out of the top of their suits and were pointing at me to take another photo. The crew member didn’t seem to mind waiting for this delay. The girls covered up and swam up to the first decompress point.

Once everyone was back on the boat there was the usual excited chatter of everyone speaking on how wonderful their underwater experiences were. The captain was racing to the second dive spot as soon as the passengers and anchors were aboard. The crewmember that had seen the breasts was hovering around the ladies either hoping for another viewing or something more. Jake thanked me for helping with Ashley who was beaming at acing her first scuba experience. Melissa wasn’t as thrilled with the experience as Ashley was and decided that she wasn’t going to use her second tank. Either snorkel on the surfac
e or just get some sun on the boat. Ashley opted to swim with her dad for the next drive. I offered to email Jake the photographs when I got home and he was very grateful.

We arrived at the second spot and everyone went to work. Anchors were set, tanks switched out, gear reset and once everything was set I realized that I didn’t have a dive buddy. The crewman was still working the ladies but I stepped over. We talked about their buoyancy issues and suggested they added more weight which they did. I asked if I could join them but the crewman not wanting to miss an opportunity denied the option insisting that everything worked in pairs. He would partner with the black girl (he was black) and I would have the white girl as my buddy. Since this dive was in about 35 feet of water there was no issue with decompression. Everyone entered the water (Ashley was first) and we went under.

This area was full of corral outcroppings, some of which reached up to only a few feet below the water level. There were big balls of coral and then long pieces forming walls with separations between different pieces. The sand at the bottom was very white and it was all very beautiful. Being close to the surface the sunlight lit everything and the colors were amazing. The two girls, the crewman and I patrolled around. The crewman was following the black girl like a puppy looking for a meal. He came up behind her and placed his hand on her calf and moved upwards. She freaked not knowing what was touching her. She spun around and shook her head no. I had the camera out taking photos and switched over to video mode. I filmed them and he moved in for another grope, this time grabbing her full ass. Quickly she pulled away and waggled her finger at him making it clear that she didn’t want to be touched. He was a persistent prick. While she was facing him he lunged forward and grabbed her breasts with both hands. She tried to push him away violently but he was holding on. I stopped recording and moved in grabbing his tank and pulling him back. He turned on me and looked pissed. I pointed to the surface making it clear we had to talk.

When he broke the surface he spit out his regulator and said, ‘What?’

‘You want to leave her alone? She’s made it clear that she doesn’t want to be grabbed by you.’ I said calmly.

‘That’s bullshit. All these tourists want some local meat.’ He scoffed.

‘Maybe, but she’s not interested in you. So keep your hands to yourself.’

‘She showed me her tits, she wants it.’ He insisted.

‘She was showing off for the camera, not to you. I’m asking you to stop harassing her.’ I said.

‘Yeah? Or what? You going to show some pictures to my boss? He ain’t gonna care.’ The crewman said confidently.

‘Nope. First off, it’s not photographs, its video. Second, I’m not going to show them to your boss or even to the people on the cruise ship. What I am going to do is to go online to the cruise website and on the page that offers this diving package and post this video with an explanation. Then I am going to find out what other cruise lines dock in the Caymans and offer this dive package and post the video on their websites as well.’ I said plainly.

The crewman started doing the math. First, cancelled reservations. Then visits from the cruise lines excursion bookers talking to the dive shop owner asking why passengers are getting groped. Then the cruise lines moving to other dive shops. Undoubtedly the first guy to lose his job will be this guy.

‘If I leave her alone you ain’t going to share the video?’ he asked.

‘If you leave her alone and you are a perfect gentleman for the rest of the day, we will see.’ I replied.

He knew as long as I had my camera I had him. He reinserted his regulator and dove back down. I did the same and located the girls. When they saw me return they looked around for the crewman and saw he was gone and relaxed.

To me looking at corral, plants and fish gets boring really quickly. I took several pictures or interesting and pretty items but I wanted more. I really enjoy wreck dives but there wasn’t anything around. The girls and I paddled around and by dumb luck I spotted a wreck. It wasn’t anything interesting or historical, just a fiberglass fishing boat that ripped out its hull on a shallow corral outcropping. I’d guess it had been underwater maybe three to five years since so little marine life had attached to the hull. It was something different at least and I went over and examined it. There was nothing notable but it broke up the monotony of fish and rocks. The girls weren’t interested in the boat and continued to swim around the ship looking at plants.

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"She's come to stay with us, at least for a while," Ken explained as he worked, fluffing a pelt that he was getting ready for a mount. "She" was a shy, almost fearful girl about a year younger than Graydon who was now living with Ken Granger and his wife at their home with the rolling lawns and huge tree-lined pond. "She's so frightened. I tried to introduce myself and she ran into the house, crying." "She's not much better with Helen and me. It's hard for her right now. She's...

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The Adventures of Lance Steele Ch 01

I sat in my office smoking a Lucky Strike and reading the paper. The Japs were still in Washington trying to negotiate an end to their assets being frozen. DiMaggio had a 40 game hitting streak for the fucking hated Yankees. It was sweltering in my office on Main Street. The fan in the window was succeeding only in blowing hot air around the room. Outside, the palm trees at Five Points corner were still. I poured myself two fingers of whiskey. It was quality stuff, a dime a pint. But, it kept...

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Rani Aunty 8211 Became My Rani

Hi ISS readers/fans… as I am one of the fans since 2011… my journey with ISS has been very long where I learned many things like how to behave with the ladies, how to be close with them, how to make them happy and now ISS has changed my life once and forever. It may be like boosting up but ISS deserves it. For myself am Sanjay from Andhra Pradesh with 6″ feet, athletic body of 68 kgs weight and 21 years of age. I don’t like get you guys bored any more…so here’s my story. Rani my Queen with eyes...

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GayChapter 23

I made my way to the changing room to get changed for the cross-country training session. When I got there, I found a notice pinned to the door saying ‘Cross-country training cancelled’. After the ordeal of the race on Sunday I wasn’t too upset at missing out on a training session, but it was annoying that I wouldn’t be able to ask Coach Budd about photographs of the presentation ceremonies. I’d have to keep an eye out for him around school. I took my running kit back to my locker. The...

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The Gentlemans Bar Sleepless

The Gentleman's Bar: Sleepless By: Set3 William and his two friends, Bruce and Albert, were cruising the bar scene for two things: a hot drink and a hotter chick. This, however, was not some innocent romp to hopefully pick up a girl for any meaningful relationship. These "guys", were predators, deliberately getting unsuspecting women drunk for a quick lay. Unfortunately for these women, these "players" had decided it was cheaper to drug them before laying their claim. Fortunately,...

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NubileFilms Vera Wonder Can8217t Wait

Vera Wonder meets her boyfriend Antonio Suleiman on a bridge outdoors, and practically before she knows it she has been pulled into his arms for a kiss. She finds him already hard, and like the wild lover she is she decides that outdoors is the perfect place to satisfy her man. Pulling out his stiffie, she drops to her knees and sucks fast and hard with her puffy lips as Antonio rocks his hips to fuck her mouth. Although their illicit coupling is hot as hell, Antonio decides to buckle his belt...

1 year ago
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Naughty Neighbor

My neighbor we will call Mary met and became friends after a while. She is about 20 years older then me(I'm 25) about 6 feet tall long dark wavy hair beautiful light skin and a nice curvy figure with a large firm ass. She also has muscular calves with long curvy wide feet and long toes which i love. She quickly realized i longed for her feet and teased me slyly more and more. One day her husband Bob was supposed to go to a friends house to watch a baseball game. Mary and I planed to to meet up...

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Sneha And Her Son Sachin 8211 Part 3

Thank you all for the huge response. Many people loved the story and asked if it’s real. I again say that it’s based on real life experiences; ) Love to know that many mothers think just like Sneha. Please do send your feedback to For new readers, read my first 2 stories in the series. And sorry for the delay…Here you go…Enjoy the Story “How’s amit doing? I heard he’s been really sick.”Sneha asked. Sachin’s heart was racing so fast he could hardly answer.”Uh…getting better I guess amma.” He...

2 years ago
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Having Lots Of Sex With Cd Uncle

This is my second story in ISS first one written in another username. I’m average fair 5’8 feet with 6 inch cock I like to suck cock a lot l never misses any chances to suck I like to crossdress most of the time I feel horny and slutty I consider myself as slut this is not my first sex experience yeah i had lots of sex experience .coming to the story this happened in 2007 at the time I was in 12th class this is a true incident and I added anything extra so go to the story In 2007 I don’t have...

Gay Male
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DarkFyre Chapter Five

Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods, some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...

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Cassies LoveChapter 9

“This is one helluva road trip, not that I’ve ever been on one, mind you,” Margie told Hector and Cassie as they rode along with her down the highway back to the Von Greiner estate. “Yes, well, if the circumstances had been better, we’d have enjoyed it more. We were supposed to be going to college, one of us getting a head start there. We changed our minds, and no small part of me thinks that our instincts warned us that this was coming. What do you think, Cass?” Hector asked his...

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Fucking at Work

About 7 years ago, I was working for a manufacturer in Downtown where I was one the managers. I had this beautiful young women working there (let’s call her Julie). Julie was 18 going on 19, around 5’2” and 100 lbs. She had shoulder length brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes.  I was 22 at the time.  I always sensed a little nervousness from her, but just thought maybe it was because I was her boss.  She was always very friendly when I saw her and always gave me this big smile. One day I was...

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tgurlshemale at straight singles dancequo if u don't know, a t-gurl is what is commonly called a shemale.....but tgurl is preferred by us gurls. anyway, my true story revolves around a singles club in a city in ohio that gets together at the end of every month and they have about 300 people that show up, hang out, dance and socialize. well, three of us t-gurls decided we'd go and see what it was like. since we look pretty good nobody guessed who we were and so we just set about enjoying ourselves by having some drinks and...

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CastawayChapter 49

There was no more brutality after that, not to me; and Camilla was also treated, if not well, at least courteously. They separated us immediately, even taking us in to jail in different cars, and I didn't see her again for ten days. Yes, ten days, that's how long they held us. The threats of the local opera company's management and a bunch of its politically connected backers, their pleas, the loud legal noises made by the lawyers Marilyn and Sam hired for us, nothing would budge them....

1 year ago
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The Thrill of almost getting Caught 3

It’s a bit disorienting being waked up with your anus stretched paper thin, but I immediately knew who was invading my back door, just from his unique male scent. Ben’s rock hard cock tugged on my sensitive pink tissues; pulling them out of my secret hole before shoving them back inside. I must have been still loose from our earlier session, because he was able to glide in and out with ease. I don’t know how long he had been fucking me; all I knew was my pussy was slick with dew and convulsing....

Group Sex
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I smell sex pt two

I could hear the slurping get louder and louder. She was sucking him nice and slow.He was coaching her on with his dirty talk and she was digging it. I still wanted to see what was happening. I begged Mike to take off my blindfold. He was so caught up in getting his dick sucked,that he forgot about me. The fucking sucking noises were too much for me to handle. I was screaming for Mike to take this fucking blindfold off.My cries were muffled by his moans. I heard him get off the couch and move...

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My brother InLaw Part Three Take it Like a Man

Cartwright pushed the door closed behind him, and Kain stood awkwardly as I stroked my stiff cock.He eyed it, and I could tell he was concerned."It takes good." Cartwright said. "I'm sure it feels good too.""If I had known," Kain said, "I never would have made the bet." Cartwright walked him to the bed, and seated him."No shit." I said smiling. "You're always trying to best me, I think secretly you knew I had a huge cock, and that's why you were always an asshole." I laughed, "no pun intended,...

4 years ago
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Dil De Diya

Use dekhkar mera dil bich bich jata tha uske kulhe ke kataav mera dil cheer cheer dete they badan main ek meehi si lahar daud jaati wo tha hi itna attaractive ke kya liklhoon , umr kewal 18 ya jayada se jyadaa 18 par jawani nai nai barsaati nadi ki tarah ubhar ubhar kar aa rahi thi badan itna kashishdaar ke 24-25 saal ke ladke ko bhi maat de de, padta tha 8th main dimaag bhi 8th ka tha par aur baton main 12th ke barabaar tha jo mujhe baad main pata chala, hoth itne raseele ke bus raseela paan...

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The Magnificent MysteriansChapter 5

EMILY Deep in our safe places, we went to the cafeteria and got in line. It was still a little early, so the line was kind of short. A couple of times, people approached us to make requests. Once they got good looks at our faces, they changed their minds. Once we had our trays loaded, we turned and headed to the office. We walked somewhat slower than our OBL, but our burdens provided us with a degree of protection. I had to be careful how I held the tray, so I didn't cover anything...

1 year ago
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Gulf Coast Welcome Ch 02

To recap: A lonely man with a erectile problem meets a younger vacationing divorcee on Longboat Key. Their first day together ended in extraordinarily satisfying sex. The story continues… Driving over the Skyline Bridge to St. Pete seemed dangerous to me as my mind kept veering off the road and into memories of the night before. A chance meeting on the beach led to a night of amazing sex with a cock that worked the way it was supposed to and although that seemed miracle enough, I kept flashing...

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Kelly Girl Chapter 17 Innocent Mistake

Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 17: "Innocent Mistake" By Wanda Cunningham Gregory Lamb used his cell phone with the free weekend minutes to make the call from...

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bus trip0

I'm 21 years old and I'm on a bus for Ohio for the first time in my life. It's real excitin', this trip. I'm goin' to be my big sister's bride's maid. I'm really lookin' to wear that pretty dress she told me I was gonna wear. I got on this bus and a lotta men told me I could sit beside them. They're real nice too. All my life I've had men sitting next ta me. They like to talk to me while they rub my arm or leg. All the boys in school use to chase me and kiss me. My uncles...

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A Limo and a Rose

Buzz… It is early Saturday morning and I am still fuzzy with sleep as I walk to the door to see who is calling so early. I peak out through the window and see a local delivery service there. He is holding an envelope, a shirt box and a red rose. I look quickly down at what I am wearing and decide that I can open the door in this long white nightie that I have on. I use the door to block myself somewhat and smile at the deliveryman as he hands me the rose, the box and the envelope. There is no...

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Car Shop

‘When I snap my fingers,’ he began ‘you will exit this trance.’ He snapped his fingers and she shook her head as if coming back to realization. ‘Did it work?’ Yvonne asked him, hoping and praying it would as she bit on her lower lip. He looked at her, she was a very attractive girl- tall like around 5ft 6′ in height, dark Latino with a bum like Jennifer Lopez, thick full lips like a black girl, full C cup breasts that were perfect for milk production and a waist like a coca cola bottle. He...

2 years ago
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I am my Brothers Slave Part 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 3 We walked to one of George’s mates houses first, the walk was okay except that I had to keep putting the shoulder straps back in place, I was happy that I didn’t need to take a bag with me so I had both hands free. George’s mate, Will, looked vaguely familiar and I wondered if he was one of the guys who had gang-banged me at the party. He said hello and complemented me on my dress which I didn’t understand because it’s horrible. We’d gone in the back door, to the...

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In the mall sissy femdom story Part 5

Part 5 The walk to Victoria's Secret was short but extremely humiliating. Frankly, I was worried about being caught by mall security. After all, everylevel of decency was being surpassed here. With every click of my heels I wasannouncing to the world, most of which were watching; here goes a boy toy slutready for action, right here, right now, give it to me. I want it, I need it,and make it hurt. I was going to get thrown out of the mall, I just new it. Safe, if there is such a...

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Kink April Olsen Tainted Love Episode 3 Gamer Incubus

In the third installment of Tainted Love, April is relaxing as Quinton plays the piano for her. They begin to chat about the next fellow that April had a date with, and we uncover a little more this time than just April’s sex life. April has set up a chill time to spend with Tommy at his place. They are getting to know each other, which eventually leads to them really getting to know each other. They start off a little awkward, as most of us do, but once they find their rhythm they can’t get...

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I got a call from my friend Larry on a Tuesday. His father died suddenly and he needed my help. He was left with the the job of running his fathers company and had not a clue what he was going to do. Since I was also in the construction business I was the only one he could think of to call. A week later I was on a plane from Arkansas to Seattle Washington. I told Larry I would give him a few months and we would see how it went. I was ready for an adventure and this seemed the perfect time to...

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Life on the road

Let's meet our friends All three members support equality for women and are very leftist in terms of political stance Sophie: founding member of the band alongside childhood friend Lise. Born in the countryside. Very talented vocalist and occasionally percussionist. Sophie is a short haired brunette. Very sophisticated, yet very independent. When not playing in the band, she's holed up in studies at the music academy. On the side, she works as a barrista. Have a pear shaped body (smaller bust,...

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Mr Spanky Goes to Heaven

I couldn’t believe I was sitting in church, wearing a suit and tie. Debbie sat beside me in a frilly pink and white dress, a silly pink hat on her head. It was 1971, and that’s how people dressed on Sundays, way back then. I hadn’t been to church in over ten years. It wasn’t Deb I was trying to impress. It was her older sister, Karen, who was my goddess. I knew Karen would never have anything to do with a guy like me unless she got to know me first. I wasn’t all that good looking, and I...

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Anatomy Lessons Part Two

Anatomy Lessons - Part TwoBy billy69boyMy heart skipped a beat for several reasons, but I didn't spend any time contemplating them. I was more interested in my early morning guest floating around in my pool. I wondered how long she'd been there."Hello, Kendra, and a good morning to you," I responded, trying not to sound too excited."I hope you don't mind me being here so early. Actually, I came over as soon as mom left for work." She explained, answering my question before I asked."No, no...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Child Star

Thanks to Elrod for building Bikini Beach and letting us play there, and to him and Radioactive Loner for the encouraging words and the great patience shown in editing my draft. Many thanks also to Tiana Red Wolf for the Spanish translation that appears in this story (and to the others who offered to help). Tiana, your translation came through without a hitch. Thanks again. Speaking of which, any Spanish-speaking readers might want to skip over the short Spanish...

4 years ago
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A Ski Trip to Hell

Did you ever have the feeling you’re making a huge mistake and yet you couldn’t stop it? Those were my exact thoughts as I packed for our Christmas vacation to a remote ski lodge. My wife and I planned this trip with the hopes of reviving our shaky marriage. As the date neared, our relationship kept getting worse with the only good news being we’d stopped arguing because we’d stopped talking to one another. I kept telling myself that the trip was already paid for and I had to go through with...

2 years ago
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Corporate Bodies Pt 01 Dishonesty

I stared at the over-sized computer monitor as if transfixed.On the screen in front of me, a strikingly pretty blonde dressed only in sheer black hold-up stockings and high heels was bent over a large, expensive hardwood desk in a large, expensive wood panelled office. Her feet were parted wide, her hips were flexed and her naked bottom with its dark, damp cleft was presented brazenly.Behind her, between her long, spread legs stood an older, unattractive, overweight but expensively tanned man,...

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Suman 8211 Office Staff Ki Beti

Hi dosto. Mera naam mohit kr thakur h. Mene b.A. Kia h. Me ek gora 5.10 ft lamba or 22 yrs or average body ka hu. In short,  I  am smart handsome enough to seduce any bhabhi girl aunty. Or ye me nhi log bolte h. Aasha krta hu aplogo ne pdha hoga. Iss story ki heroin suman h jo mere office k staff ki beti h. Age 24. Size 34 30 32. Dikhne me poori sex bomb. Saadi se pehle figure khas nhi tha pr saadi k kuch din bad jb wo apne papa k ghr ayi toh me dekhta reh gya. Unka quarter office campus me hi...

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