Peilisalin kronikat 47 51
- 2 years ago
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Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 0, Jatkon aloitus eli uuden alustus. Jokaisella tarinalla on alkunsa ja loppunsa, t?m? ei kuitenkaan ollut kumpikaan niist?. Kaunis naisellinen kaksikkoni vietti aikaansa patjalla, kuinkas muutenkaan kuin paneskellen totta kai. Bimbo, tai siis anteeksi, ?lykkyytt??n lis?nnyt blondi oli t?ll? kertaa pantavana vaan ei alla patjana. K??nteinen lehmitytt? tuntui olevan h?nen suosikkinsa t?h?n astisista asennoista ja akteista joita min? olin p??ssyt n?kem??n. Mutta nyth?n min? hypp??n t...
Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 3, Tarina tisseist?, maidontuotannosta ja muodonmuutoksista. *Opas s?ps?hti henkisesti ja selvitti kurkkuaan.* Ah, tervetuloa takaisin! Sep?s oli erinomaisen eroottinen esitys ja tuoreen raikasta tarinaa, eik?s? Jatketaan juonta nyt kun on alkuun p??sty... Mielenkiinnolla katselin kuinka kaunis kaksikko peseytyi rankan ratsastuksen j?lkeen mutta harmikseni pesutilassa ei tapahtunut muuta mielt? kutkuttavaa toimintaa. Pettymykseni korvattiin kaksin verroin n?hdes...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 0, Muutos. Kaupunki n?ytti melkein siedett?v?lt? syksyisen aamu-usvan k?tkiess? sen hopeiseen syleilyyns?. Matka oli ollut pitk? sek? fyysisesti ett? henkisesti mitattuna. T?n??n oli viimeinkin aika tarkastella aikaisempia tapahtumia ja valita uusi suunta. Seisoin hetken suuren py?re?n rakennuksen ovella, ajatuksiani kooten ja valmistautuen henkisesti tulevaan koitokseen. Heti sis??n astuttuani saapumistani odottanut opas viittoili minua seuraamaan ja k?velimme pitk?n k?yt?v?n p??h?n. Avasin ...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 7, Puhdistus. Havahduin painon tunteeseen p??ll?ni ja tunsin jonkun koskettelevan ja kutittelevan kupeitani. "Huomenta," kuulin blondin sanovan. Ennen kuin kerkesin avaamaan silmi?ni, pehme?t huulet hipaisivat omiani kevyesti, painautuen kovemmin kiinni, hell?st? suudelmasta nopeasti intohimoisemmaksi muuttuen. Kaksi ajatusta k?vi aivoissani yht? aikaa, "joko taas" ja "oi kyll? kiitos". Vartaloni oli v?litt?m?sti valmis, n?nnien kovettuessa bimbon suuria rintoja vasten ja jalkov?li...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 17, Panostus. Tunnustelin ja tutkailin bimbon suuria rintoja samalla kun siirsin painoani takaisin jalkojeni varaan. Siirsin vaaleat pyyhekuivat hiukset hell?sti syrj??n ja painoin suudelman niskan hiusrajalle. "Olet paras panoni ikin?," tunnustin Muusalle, j?tt?en kertomatta mit? muuta h?nen seuransa minulle merkitsi. Erkanin naisen vartalon p??lt? ja leikkis?sti l?pp?isin letke?ll? letkullani kauniita kannikoita, siemenieni tihkuessa kermapiirakan uumenista. Kylpytakkini lievett? k?ytt...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 32, Yll?tys. K?dest? pit?en talutin blondin huoneeseen. Sokkona kulkiessaan nainen luotti johdatukseeni mutta ei arvannut mit? tuleman piti. K?velimme paljain jaloin sile?ll? lattialla kunnes bimbo l?ysi suuren py?re?n patjan varpaillaan. Olin aikeissa istuttaa naisen kun h?n karkasi otteestani ja kier?hti nelinkontin patjalle. Silm?t edelleen vy?tettyin? bimbo huitaisi kylpytakin liepeet pyllyns? p??lt? ja tarjosi itse??n astuttavaksi. Naurahdin ??neen, blondi oli ottanut kaksimielisen heit...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 37, Silitys. Bimbo keikisteli edess?ni ilkosen alasti, mahtavat rinnat tyrkyll?, punaturkin h?nt? jalkojensa v?liss? heiluen. ?kisti nappasin ulokkeen valkoisesta tupsusta kiinni ja nyk?isin sen kevyesti irti. Huomasin ett? ketunh?nt? ei ollutkaan pyllytappimallia vaan pelk?st??n blondin piukkojen pakaroiden puristuksessa. "Vai t?llaisia ketunh?nti? sinulla on kainalossasi tai oikeastaan kannikoissasi?" naurahdin Muusalle. Nainen jatkoi viehke?n eroottisia tanssiliikkeit??n, h?nt?ns? menetyksest? ...
Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 6, Pieni? pohdintoja, per?n puhdistuksia ja anaalin avaamisia. *Oppaan katse oli lukkiutunut patjan tapahtumiin kun h?n huomasi hienoisen h?iv?hdyksen silm?kulmassaan. P??t? k??nt?m?tt? h?n viittil?i k?dell??n, kehottaen katsojaa tulemaan l?hemm?ksi." Nyth?n t?m? vasta j?nn?ksi k?y, kun ei punap??n pyllyreik?? n?y. Jos muistini ei nyt pet?, niin t?m? kaksikkommehan ei ole viel? molempien anaaleja kairannut. Blondi kyll? oli kerj?nnytkin parrua pakaroidensa v?liin ja hyv?n ensimm?isen peppupanon h?n saikin, jos ...
The day wasn't meant to turn out like it had and rather than being in town on a sunny afternoon with my wife Linda I was still waiting for Friday morning delivery which was promised over two hours previously. Now Linda wasn't mad at me really but she has to take it outon someone. She is just glad that she has my card and can put a drink and some clothes on it before I can meet her.When I do meet up with Linda we are in one of the seediest bars I can remember. The good new is that she is happy...
Dave finally became a Company director in his early thirties at the company he had worked for since leaving school. Dave had worked his way up from the bottom and was now at the top of the tree.Dave now had his own large office on the top floor whereas before he had shared an office with other staff members of similar rank. Dave was now in charge off the daily running of the business and ensuring profits continued to increase.Dave had a great team round him and had gained the respect of all...
Office Sex“So.” he said, making James jump in his seat. “What do you have to say for yourself?” James took a breath. “I’m sorry I was late, I just-” “Stop.” said Victor. “I don’t like excuses.” “I’m sorry, sir.” James finally looked up at Victor with pleading, puppy dog eyes. The Mission President’s eyes were steely as usual. He was probably immune to the naive charm of little boys by now, thought James. “Was your mission companion… fondling you in the park just now?” James looked...
SISSY KNOWS THIS WILL ONLY END IN HUMILIATION BY BBC_ But will it be from what i suggest or will it be from him being absolutely disgusted and angry at me for even thinking he might enjoy this.And let alone stupid enough to ask such a real man like him something only a sissy faggot would want .So my newest sissy items i ordered had arived so i decide to get real high and get real dirty and i wanted to make myself feel really pathetic and humiliated so i dicided to go to the local store and...
The next morning, Mark awoke before the others, as usual, went downstairs and met Edward, Elizabeth, Jonah and Rebecca for coffee and tea. On the way downstairs, Cricket was giving Mark some extrapolated numbers about the registration numbers. Hans from Crater Lake still hadn’t logged into the chat room, nor had the other two leaders, but at least Hans had 100% of his residents registered already, otherwise they couldn’t have moved into the outreach centre. Edward and Jonah were eager to...
I woke up at seven the next morning, which is unheard of for me, and I was too excited to get back to sleep. I lay in bed, smiling at the ceiling, luxuriating in my good fortune. Fifty thousand dollars, tax free. That was almost five years rent on my apartment. Seventeen years rent on my office. Twenty-five hundred lap dances. You get the idea. I got up and took a quick shower. When I was done, it was still too early to call Tina Callahan on a Sunday morning. I made myself some scrambled...
There is a park in my home town that has become a gathering place for guys looking to score in one way or another. They park and sit in their cars for awhile and then head off into the woods via a two track path looking to either give or get; at least a blow job. The first time I went to this park, I got out of my car and headed into the woods, there were 7 or 8 cars in the parking lot with 4 of them empty. I found the going hard at first as it's difficult to walk on a dirt path in...
This is just a run-of-the-mill cheating wife story for those who are addicted as I am. The prolific JPB has probably done this story line already but maybe I've taken a new slant on it. It was several weeks ago that it happened. It was a Thursday morning and I was up trying to get our two kids ready for school when the phone rang. Since it was only 7:30 I wondered who could be calling. Caller ID said it was an out of area code number which made me wonder even more. "Hello." I spoke into...
The royal party finally arrived in a months time, Winterfell ready to receive their guests from the south. The fat king, Robert Baratheon had not even wasted more than a few seconds greeting his friends family before rushing to Ned Stark's room to see his ailing friend, leaving Catelyn, her womb now slightly swelling with Jon's child, to show the guests to their rooms. ####################### Sansa came towards Jon as he stood quietly near one of the windows of his room, looking upon...
I don't know how we ended up alone in the same room. Her daughter, Mona, usually kept me away. She didn't want her mother seducing her best friend, but she had it the other way around. I had been playing panther since I had arrived, poised from my perch waiting for the day, the hour, the perfect moment to strike. I had been staying at Mona's house for awhile. I had come back to Bronx to visit my family and friends and I would be heading back to Atlanta in a couple of days. Mona had gone with...
Sunday the 15TH I woke with my bladder full, and screaming for attention. Throwing the blanket off, I stumbled to the bathroom as I unsnapped my pants. Standing there, I pissed like a racehorse as I picked up the bottle of Advil, and popped the top off. I fumbled a couple of tablets out and slipped them in my mouth, as I finished pissing. Flushing the toilet, I snapped the lid back onto the Advil. I bent down and took a drink from the faucet. Shutting the sink water off, I reached over and...
It is late. 3 a.m in fact. Olsodin looks around from the stool he is sat upon, next to the counter. Wayfarer's Rest is still pretty lively for the hour, but nothing compaired to how it would been just five hours prior. The barkeep, as usually, sneaked away from his duties long ago. Behind him, across the room, Olso can see a troll woman and a tauren man holding their eyes locked into one-another, both shining, by love. He grows a small smile, and let his gaze go towards the tables. There he...
Luckily I had already paid off my car, a new 2011 Camaro SS, and I was able to live off my marine buddies for a couple of years so I could get a job and build up some money to go about half in on a nice house. So at twenty-five years old I had a great car, a nice house that I didn't owe to much on and free health insurance so I figured I may just be able to retire a thirty. So you would think I would be a good natured guy who just got a limp and had to learn to write left-handed. FUCK NO!!!...
Her red hair bounced and seemed to flow in rapid waves as he rapidly thrust in and out behind her. She held her head low, and he held her hips from behind, making wet, sloppy noises as the musky scent of her pussy filled the air. I could feel the softness of her hair as it cascaded over my thighs, pleasant and sexy. He had been going at her for at least 5 minutes, and had already cum at least twice, the evidence pooling below her. His small body almost disappeared behind her round hips, but...
Author’s note: Chapter 2 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 02 The sun was waning when I got into the car and started the long drive back to the house. I fiddled with the radio and gave up trying to find a station with something other than an ad. I tuned to my favorite and turned it down waiting for the music to cycle back. I looked up as the light changed and turned onto the on-ramp. Halfway down the ramp, Amber was hitchhiking. ‘Fuck,’ I said to...
Morning found the girls touching hands in their sleep. Both had tear tracks down their faces. The nurses let them sleep as long as they needed. The IVs had been changed as required without waking them. Finally at 10 AM, the nurses woke them to prepare them for the doctors rounds. Even though the level of pain they felt had been reduced by the medication they had received, their bodies were still stiff and unwilling to move from the abuse that had been inflicted on them. The nurses were...
Even though I was tired the next day from our nocturnal adventures, we set out for the lake. I was driving my parents Dodge truck since we were going camping. We had the bed full of camping gear. We had only driven about a block from the house when Meg asked me to turn right on the next corner. I turned on the street she indicated and after driving for another two blocks, we came across Sydney standing in front of a house on the corner. "Stop," she ordered. When I pulled to the curb Meg,...
Much of what I will talk about is the story that appeared in Time Magazine which also made the federal government "close up" the beach. I will talk about one item the reporters either never learned about or wouldn't report in a "family" magazine. What the magazine did talk about was the new "trend" towards nudism in the US. This was in 1975. Things haven't changed much in the last thirty years. If you want to practice nudity you can do it easily in resorts and camp grounds all...
Sexy heels, leggings, and a PVC bra are enough to turn anyone on. Add a faux fur coat and Paige Owens’ hairy pussy to the mix, and Mick Blue isn’t the only person aching to lose their load. The hot brunette does have one purring demand, though: “You’re not allowed to stop until you cum inside me.” Mick’s down with that. Hell, who isn’t down with that? The dirty fox presses a vibrator to her clit while giving Mick’s big cock a footjob with her perfect feet. But when she revs things up with a...
xmoviesforyouSir:I’m enjoying watching you bend at the waist, getting the first real feeling of the crotch rope crushing your clit, that I almost forget one last thing. “Stop, stand back up.” I have your full attention as I pull out another 4 meters of black rope. “I almost forgot your bra” I say with a chuckle to myself as I go to work expertly binding your breasts. It’s lose enough to be safe and not push them out too much, but also provide perfect support while the wraps make them feel twice as full as...
Eddy came in and said, "Sam, it's great to see you up and about! They told me it would be a couple more days afore you could walk on your own, but I see that they were wrong. Are you ready to go home?" Sam nodded yes and Eddy helped him to stand. They went out to Eddy's carriage with Sam's arm over Eddy's shoulder and Eddy's arm around Sam's waist. Sam hated to look so weak in public, but he was grateful for the support. They climbed into the carriage and were driven to Sam's...
Lacrima picked her way through the rubble and debris of the broken town. Barely a few months before, this had been a bustling stronghold, a last outpost of the dwindling human race. Now it lay decimated, open to the bleak skies like an eviscerated corpse. The half-elf scouted the area alone, checking for signs of life or, more importantly, signs of demonic infestation. Her sharp eyes scanned the ruins of each building intently, the deep green of her irises glittering in the fading light...
It took Helen several days to get well from her drinking orgy. She had spent the rest of the day at the motel and got so drunk that Peter had had to come and drive her home. The boy hadn't minded, though, because his mother had sprawled out in the car, her robe wide open, and passed out. He had sat looking at her and jacked off before lugging her into the house. Fortunately, his father had gone on to his office. She hadn't slept with Dan, either. Partly because she felt so shitty, but...
Spunky teen Danni Rivers wants to invite you in for a party in her pussy! She teases with glimpses of her bare twat as she runs her hands up her bottom and starts stripping off her shirt and shorts. With such a tease standing before him, Bambino doesn’t stand a chance! His resistance to Danni’s invitation melts away as she wraps her lips around his hard dick and starts sucking him off in a 10/10 blowjob. Reaching back, Bambino strokes Danni’s twat and ass as she keeps gobbling...
xmoviesforyouYou find yourself out on the town again, in your local Bar The Bold Exchange Drinking a beer. Taking a quick guess at the surrounding bottles and a slight dizziness to your perspective you deduce that you are in fact on the verge of being drunk. You start making your way over to the men's restroom and stumble through the door and onto the sink directly in front of you. You stare deeply into the mirror, trying to determine what you look like this drunken night.
BDSMSarah stood and looked at her reflection in the shop window. ?Not bad, chick.? She murmured to herself. ?Dress like a sexy secretary, trying to seduce her boss.?Tasha’s request had been very specific. Sarah had tried her best, her reflection displayed an attractive woman in her mid twenties. Her shoulder length, ash blond hair was drawn back into a ponytail which accentuated her elfin features. She wore a snug white silk blouse that was so thin that it did little to hide the black half cup bra...
Fiona's morning started with a trip to the doctor's office after failing three EPT tests, She had Damian take her while Sean went to work. After all, there really was no doubt whose it was."Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks you're about to become proud parents," the doctor chimed with happy enthusiasm.She had insisted on not going to her usual doctor, but to one in an entirely different town. They checked in using Damian's last name which she had just realized she had never known up until...
Wife LoversHi dosto. Mera naam mohit kr thakur h. Mene b.A. Kia h. Me ek gora 5.10 ft lamba or 22 yrs or average body ka hu. In short, I am smart handsome enough to seduce any bhabhi girl aunty. Or ye me nhi log bolte h. Aasha krta hu aplogo ne pdha hoga. Iss story ki heroin suman h jo mere office k staff ki beti h. Age 24. Size 34 30 32. Dikhne me poori sex bomb. Saadi se pehle figure khas nhi tha pr saadi k kuch din bad jb wo apne papa k ghr ayi toh me dekhta reh gya. Unka quarter office campus me hi...
CHAPTER 1: First time, First mischief I used to take my family for granted in my earlier years. Always complaining with my sisters who obviously thought I was being immature, which of course made me even madder. By the time I was eight, I was so isolated from the rest of the world I had no other desire than to watch TV and play with toy soldiers on the floor. My parents would plead and beg of me to find some friends, but I was always so angry and impatient with the entire human race...
I started a new job 6 months ago and it meant I needed to travel quite often, luckily me and Chloe have friends near the place I travel to so they offered for me to stay over to save the journeys coming home.The couple were friends of ours that we met on holiday 5 years ago and we’ve been best of friends ever since. Jamie and daisy were so similar to me and Chloe, daisy and Chloe were practically the same looking girls. Both blonde, petite, little waists but curvy butts, the difference was...
She walked to the back of her yard, opened the gate and went into the woods. There's about a mile of woods behind our houses and I had never seen her go that way before. It didn't look right, so I decided to follow her. We must have walked for almost half a mile down a path that I sometimes went down with my dog in the Spring. What happened next, will be in my mind forever. I was so happy I had brought my phone with me and knew how to use the video option to catalog all that happened. We...
Day 67 Jon woke up first on Thursday, which meant he could be the one to say "Happy Valentine's Day" first. "Aww, I wanted to say it first," Caitlyn said, leaning in for a kiss. "I could fall asleep again," Jon said. "No, we don't have time," Caitlyn said. They had gotten into the habit (when they weren't abstaining due to arguments) of waking up quite a bit earlier than the alarm, in order to fool around if they wanted. Sometimes they didn't; sometimes, especially of late,...
John woke up early, it was Wednesday he had a busy day planned. Although he didn’t need to he began a rigorous exercise routine, after doing a series of pushups, sit-ups and pull ups he went for a quick run through this neighborhood. On a whim he opened his mind to listen to what his neighbors’ thoughts were, not many were awake yet but there were a few. He was surprised to learn that like many American’s throughout the country, many of his neighbors were barely hanging on to their homes...
It was love at first sight when saw him step up to the table to be issued his uniform. The guard shuffled through the pile to find something that would fit him. He was a slight young Asian boy whom I estimated to be around eighteen. He had had long black hair that fell to his shoulders and was constantly being brushed away from his face. He'll soon be losing that when he is shaved like the rest of us. He was beautiful and it provoked a stirring in my cock. I had to look away before a full...
I was sipping on my third iced coffee when a bronze Caddy 'Sclade pulled up next to the loading dock of Jeff's Save-A-Lot Supermarket and a young woman ran out the back door and jumped in. It swung into traffic and I followed from three cars back. I was pretty damn sure that the last thing ol' Jeffy had on his mind was that he was being tailed. Hammer's the name, Michelle Hammer; my friends call me 'Puss'. I'm a Private Investigator. I was hired by Jeffy's wife Alice to see if her...
SUFFER AbimimiThey arrived almost precisely on time. We had been listening to the?bug in the car?of course and knew he was on schedule,?though what we mostly heard was?the infernal pop music the girls insisted on listening to with their Father's occasional comment to help us plot their progress. " Wimbledon is terrible at this time of the day." " Well! Fast through Maidenhead!" Kaisu and I had exchanged a smile at that, for that is what we intended too. We had agreed that we would keep them...
hi all readers I am Shruti and i am going to tell you how i got deflowered and had my first sex eperience.Now i am 24 and this happened to me at 14 when i was about to enter class 8th…my school was a girl’s school and only till class someone from all the sections had to be made captain…since i was a bright one i aspired to be THE ONE. so this is how it all started…. i had been noticing my Principal being very impressed with me as he called me in his room quiet often n asked me to help...
Little tranny for old pervertThere is little time I narrated my past adventures on Xhamster, well this time it will be hot at all .. all crisp .. If so sworn. It happened not later that there was 15 days.I do not hide I'm bisexual and love as the amorous jousts with men than women. I also like the transsexuals and trav .. There was a long time that I had not played with one of these wonderful creatures. And this weekend I was lucky. I always trolling on the internet and sometimes it takes me...
Marie still had sex with her brother from time to time but as he lived several hours drive from us, these events were few and far between. I had made sure she was addicted to sex with him and the taboo of having her brother as a secret lover was not lost on either me or her. She would often disappear to the bathroom and have phone sex with him but occasionally they would meet up when they thought I was away on business. After some research online, I found I was able to hack her phone and some...
The following week was final exam time at Houston High. Annette was busily occupied in finding the answers to the many questions on her history final. She was having a tough time, indeed. Too much time had been devoted to thinking of cock, rather than thinking of scholastic matters. She scanned the test, and found many questions beyond her ability to answer. After answering less than half the test questions, she put down her pen and gave the test up as a lost cause. She would have to think...
For the exceptional lady that is my ‘Nicole’ and in the words of Glenn Fry – ‘Here’s how it all started.’ : Hope you like it… Nigel and Nicole had been living together for a few years before they got married, so they thought they knew each other inside out, and they had a satisfactory, normal sex life together and were devoted to each other, but unknown to both… In the deep night, they both dreamt about secret sexy fantasies. Nicole’s were about orgies, outdoor sex, swinging parties, sex...
Have a great Thanksgiving Day, Canada... These are compliments of SmokeyJoe Adults only NUDE SANTA Scroll down to see the nude Santa . . . . . . . . . . . . . For crying out loud. Act your age. There is noSanta! Sometimes I worry about you!!! Now go and get some work done!!! The urine sample One time I got sick and landed in hospital. There was this one nurse that just drove me crazy. Every time she came in, she would talk to...
I awoke this morning with a sore head and a mouth that tasted of sand. I had a vague recollection about last night, but I wasn't quite sure what had happened. I tried to stretch, but bumped a barrier in the bed. Unusual, the bed's not against the wall, so I rolled over and tried to focus. As you came into focus I kind of remembered what had happened. I looked down at this vision of loveliness, you were just lying there, completely asleep and defenceless. Unfortunately you are lying on my arm...
When Sarah returned to the bedroom, Dr. Henry was standing near the bed, talking to the two white men. “Ah Sarah, you’re just in time,” Dr. Henry said, turning to face her. “I was telling these guys what I want you to do. By the way, this is Carl and this is Mike.” Mumbled greetings were quickly exchanged. “Now what I told them is this – I want you to do a two-on-one scene, you know a DP like you did last week. Are you going to be ok with that?” Sarah nodded slowly, remembering...
Mayra nam Gurya hay, aaj may 1st time apni aik private story aap logo say share karnay ja rahi hoo. Mayri kosish to hay k apni bat aap logo tak pohcha sakoo laikin Q k yeh mayri pehli write-up hay is lea is may jo b mistake ho for that I apologize with all of you. Sub say pehlay may apnay baray may aap ko batati chaloo k may aik slim 27 yrs ki pure mashriqi larki hoo aor abi tak virgin hoo. Mayra size 32 hay lakin bilkul tennis ki ball ki tarah tight. Aaj say aik mahinay pehlay tak mujay sex k...
Two years ago, to celebrate my friend Carole’s’ 30th birthday, twelve of us, visited Blackpool, for a weekend. The journey took three hours, during which we drank five bottles of wine, too much beer and a half bottle of vodka! Too say we were merry would be an understatement. We dropped our bags at the hotel, had a quick wash and hit the town. While we were in the first pub, my sister Jenny decided that we needed some -hats, so we set off, to find something suitable. After wandering around for...
MasturbationSelamlar, öncelikle şunu belirteyim ki bu hikaye gerçektir ve daha bugün yaşadım.. Sizlerle paylaşıyorum çünkü bugün yaşadığım olaya kadar hiç seks yapmamıştım porno izleyerek kendimi boşaltıyordum. Sosyal fobim var aslında insanlarla tanışmaya çekiniyorum binevi bir utangaçlık. Neyse kendimi anlatmayı kesip olaya geleyim dostlar :)) Facebookta sahte profilimle gezerken karıya kıza mesaj atıyordum tabi, birden sikiş sayfalarının birinde bir kaç fotoğraf gördüm. Hatunlar amlarına götlerine...
Beautiful big tit wife Bunny is very excited to have her bbc lover Jax coming over for her play date from her husband. But just before he arrives Bunny sent her husband a few pics of her in her new sexy lingerie and now he wanted to see every inch of black cock buried down her throat and hot pink married pussy. Bunny asked Jax for permission to record with her phone and down Bunny dropped to her knees whipping out his huge cock hard and ready to get sucked and fuck her tight hot pussy for a...
xmoviesforyouBob’s turn: Trophy-grade kid there up the hall. Not a lay-about. When she IS laying around, there’s usually a book, either a paperback or on her iPad, involved. She helps around the house and in the yard. She keeps bringing home papers with great grades on them, often has herself somewhere with textbooks open, working over a homework assignment. It’s been three weeks now. She’s gone out a few times, a Friday, a Saturday, once on a Wednesday. We talked about curfew, she doesn’t push...