Peilisalin kronikat 47 51
- 3 years ago
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Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 3, Tarina tisseist?, maidontuotannosta ja muodonmuutoksista. *Opas s?ps?hti henkisesti ja selvitti kurkkuaan.* Ah, tervetuloa takaisin! Sep?s oli erinomaisen eroottinen esitys ja tuoreen raikasta tarinaa, eik?s? Jatketaan juonta nyt kun on alkuun p??sty... Mielenkiinnolla katselin kuinka kaunis kaksikko peseytyi rankan ratsastuksen j?lkeen mutta harmikseni pesutilassa ei tapahtunut muuta mielt? kutkuttavaa toimintaa. Pettymykseni korvattiin kaksin verroin n?hdes...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 0, Muutos. Kaupunki n?ytti melkein siedett?v?lt? syksyisen aamu-usvan k?tkiess? sen hopeiseen syleilyyns?. Matka oli ollut pitk? sek? fyysisesti ett? henkisesti mitattuna. T?n??n oli viimeinkin aika tarkastella aikaisempia tapahtumia ja valita uusi suunta. Seisoin hetken suuren py?re?n rakennuksen ovella, ajatuksiani kooten ja valmistautuen henkisesti tulevaan koitokseen. Heti sis??n astuttuani saapumistani odottanut opas viittoili minua seuraamaan ja k?velimme pitk?n k?yt?v?n p??h?n. Avasin ...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 7, Puhdistus. Havahduin painon tunteeseen p??ll?ni ja tunsin jonkun koskettelevan ja kutittelevan kupeitani. "Huomenta," kuulin blondin sanovan. Ennen kuin kerkesin avaamaan silmi?ni, pehme?t huulet hipaisivat omiani kevyesti, painautuen kovemmin kiinni, hell?st? suudelmasta nopeasti intohimoisemmaksi muuttuen. Kaksi ajatusta k?vi aivoissani yht? aikaa, "joko taas" ja "oi kyll? kiitos". Vartaloni oli v?litt?m?sti valmis, n?nnien kovettuessa bimbon suuria rintoja vasten ja jalkov?li...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 17, Panostus. Tunnustelin ja tutkailin bimbon suuria rintoja samalla kun siirsin painoani takaisin jalkojeni varaan. Siirsin vaaleat pyyhekuivat hiukset hell?sti syrj??n ja painoin suudelman niskan hiusrajalle. "Olet paras panoni ikin?," tunnustin Muusalle, j?tt?en kertomatta mit? muuta h?nen seuransa minulle merkitsi. Erkanin naisen vartalon p??lt? ja leikkis?sti l?pp?isin letke?ll? letkullani kauniita kannikoita, siemenieni tihkuessa kermapiirakan uumenista. Kylpytakkini lievett? k?ytt...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 27, Alustus. Kaunis blondini makasi raukeana kainalossani. Pohdin pystyisink? pit?m??n lastinhimoisen, kestokiimaisen bimbon tyydytettyn? kovin paljon pidemp??n. Nuorekas vartaloni oli saanut uuden energiasys?yksen muutoksessa, mutta fysiikallani oli silti rajoituksia. Edes feromonit eiv?t pystyisi m??r??ns? enemp?? nopeuttamaan tahi lyhent?m??n palautusaikaani. Tunsin my?s tarvitsevani taukoa herkkien paikkojen hinkkauksesta ja lastis?ili?t vaativat uudelleen t?ytt??. Kellokin tikitt...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 32, Yll?tys. K?dest? pit?en talutin blondin huoneeseen. Sokkona kulkiessaan nainen luotti johdatukseeni mutta ei arvannut mit? tuleman piti. K?velimme paljain jaloin sile?ll? lattialla kunnes bimbo l?ysi suuren py?re?n patjan varpaillaan. Olin aikeissa istuttaa naisen kun h?n karkasi otteestani ja kier?hti nelinkontin patjalle. Silm?t edelleen vy?tettyin? bimbo huitaisi kylpytakin liepeet pyllyns? p??lt? ja tarjosi itse??n astuttavaksi. Naurahdin ??neen, blondi oli ottanut kaksimielisen heit...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 37, Silitys. Bimbo keikisteli edess?ni ilkosen alasti, mahtavat rinnat tyrkyll?, punaturkin h?nt? jalkojensa v?liss? heiluen. ?kisti nappasin ulokkeen valkoisesta tupsusta kiinni ja nyk?isin sen kevyesti irti. Huomasin ett? ketunh?nt? ei ollutkaan pyllytappimallia vaan pelk?st??n blondin piukkojen pakaroiden puristuksessa. "Vai t?llaisia ketunh?nti? sinulla on kainalossasi tai oikeastaan kannikoissasi?" naurahdin Muusalle. Nainen jatkoi viehke?n eroottisia tanssiliikkeit??n, h?nt?ns? menetyksest? ...
Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 6, Pieni? pohdintoja, per?n puhdistuksia ja anaalin avaamisia. *Oppaan katse oli lukkiutunut patjan tapahtumiin kun h?n huomasi hienoisen h?iv?hdyksen silm?kulmassaan. P??t? k??nt?m?tt? h?n viittil?i k?dell??n, kehottaen katsojaa tulemaan l?hemm?ksi." Nyth?n t?m? vasta j?nn?ksi k?y, kun ei punap??n pyllyreik?? n?y. Jos muistini ei nyt pet?, niin t?m? kaksikkommehan ei ole viel? molempien anaaleja kairannut. Blondi kyll? oli kerj?nnytkin parrua pakaroidensa v?liin ja hyv?n ensimm?isen peppupanon h?n saikin, jos ...
I had recently moved to San Antonio been there for about a year while i was on the streets,i started to get lonely after a few more months i started dating again and met my ex fiancee Deshaun now Deshaun was by far the most drop dead sexy girl i have ever been with she was black with short hair about 5.3,38 DDD,and had an ass so fat you cant miss it. After a few years we moved into an apartment with her mom and little sister Tani after getting settled me and Deshaun decided to have sex in the...
Her name was Jennifer and she had superbly muscled thighs and ass from years of horseback riding. She was a small A cup, barely having much more than great nipples. They were so small that she never wore a bra and only occasionally wore chemises just so her areolas wouldn’t show. I loved the fact that most times I could see her nipples whenever she bent over.This story is about a shopping trip on a rainy day at the beach.My family had a place at the beach that they rarely visited so Jennifer...
True"Bitch!" Hermione heard her friend, and lover, Ginny growling as she stomped angrily towards her."Excuse me?" she said, hoping that she wasn't the target for Ginny's rather formidable temper."Oh! Not you Hermy. That Ravenclaw cow, Cho Chang.""Been sniffing around our Harry has she?""Oh, that I could deal with. He's been sniffing around her!""Tell me about it. Ever since that bint Fleur Delacour showed up from Beauxbaton Ron hasn't so much as put a finger on me. Or in me.""I know. He doesn't...
Wednesday afternoon, Natalie Jenkins boldly approached Stuart Brooks with her burning question. It was outside the classroom that she had spotted him, not the ideal place for discussing an inquiry of such a personal nature, so she agreed to his suggestion that they discuss it in the staff cabin. The voluptuous teacher felt a stab of apprehension about speaking to the camp Director alone in the deserted adult accommodations, especially after what had happened yesterday. But she had to know....
I was writing this story st my computer, and as usual, I was devoid of certain articles of intimate clothing.You of course, have read my self confession as to my state of mind, when I converse with you about the female point of view with regards to sex, I was horny and I was wet, sitting with my bare bum on a towel, to soak up my free flowing juices of desire.My flimsy dressing gown was on the verge of being removed, as the urge to fornicate with my pinkie was building, but the door opened and...
Chapter One: A New Master She was a lovely thing, blonde hair so pale it was like silver, eyes so black they seemed endless voids of rage and resentment. Her skin was white as alabaster. She was a statue of a goddess brought to life. Jahir was pleased. ‘Where did you find her?’ he asked of the slave merchant. ‘She was sold to me by another trader,’ the merchant said, smiling slightly. ‘He informed me that her family was forced to sell her to make ends meet. I should warn you before you buy...
Making a Home Denver, Colorado Territory, September 1862 Two weeks later, Ned, Al Tennison, and Hiram Kennedy left Denver for Tarryall, with a train of five wagons, carrying the supplies Kennedy needed. Ned and Mandy had an emotional farewell, leaving her depressed for days. They were still lodging with Mrs. Sloan, but Jim and Rose had been viewing a few houses already. This afternoon, they were to see another one. It had been built for a wealthy investor from Boston who had come to Denver...
I was again first to lunch, and I was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for my friends as usual. I saw Kenny hurry into the room. He made a beeline for the table. "Pinch me, John," he said as he plopped into the chair next to me. "I must be dreaming." "Oh?" "Don't play the innocent with me, John Robinson," he laughed. "I guess that means that Miss Carson found some courage and you weren't an asshole, I laughed back." "Got it in one," he replied with a huge smile on his face....
Hello, all I am Vaibhav from Pune an average guy having 7-inch size. This is a real story that happened one month ago.I am a daily reader of the iss and this is my first story.So let me tell you about myself.I am Vaibhav working in one of software companies in Pune.It was Thursday and I came to know that my family member is going outside for holy culture on Saturday and Sunday.As I am busy working 5 days I rejected to go with them.I am horny all time so I thought this is a good chance for me.So...
One of the things I like most about traveling for research information is meeting such a variety of people, especially women. I was spending some time at the mall just browsing the stores after dinner when I spotted the Hooters restaurant adjacent to a large carousel where shoppers gathered. After I watched people riding the carousel, some with their children, I decided to get something to eat before I left the mall. As soon as I entered the door there was a sea of orange pants and white tee...
AnalHe arrived around 8:30 that night and the whole neighborhood practically rattled as he pulled into my driveway. His old Chevy is straight piped and super duper loud. I opened the door for him and he nearly tripped when he saw what i was wearing. Which in case you were curious, was a sheer white tank with my most form fitting briefs. He had of course seen me in my underwear before. But that was when we were younger, not now since I’ve filled out quite a bit obviously. He walked in and i...
Fiction, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Female solo, Female/Female, First Time, “I’m a Chick with a Dick”* What’s it like to grow up with both sex genitals on your body? Let’s let a ‘real’ hermaphrodite tell us in her own words. *__ I’m Megan, and yes, I’m a true hermaphrodite. I am female dominate. I look like a girl, normal tits, I have a regular pussy but a working dick right above it too.I have a story to tell about how my interesting life is going.__Mom and dad did a...
Diana cracked the door a little and peeked in. Jeff looked up and motioned for her to enter. A moment later after plopping down in her husband's lap, "Still out I see," she said nodding to Jill. "Yeah. I've talked to Little One a couple of times. She says everything is going fine, or at least that's my interpretation of what she sent me. I don't understand telepaths. One time you ask what seems to be a simple question and you get back reams of ... something that you have to try to...
Week 10: The End Game Making Amends Gwen waited an hour before heading upstairs to talk to Tyler. She knew he was upset about Jeremy’s departure, especially since he had not been informed. When she reached her room, Tyler was not there. Instead, she found him in his old room on the bed he had not occupied in weeks. He looked downtrodden and distant. ‘Tyler, we need to talk,’ she said as she entered the room. Tyler made no acknowledgment of Gwen’s existence. She sat down next to him on...
Hi, guys, this is my second sex story in ISS. My first story is titled “Sex with my pinni in that farm”. I already explained how I fucked my pinni. After that incident, we had sex many times on the farm in the back yard and no one in the house doubted us. One shocking news I have come to know that is my pinni had affair with my dad and she also had a lesbian relationship with my mother. And the main thing is that my dad didn’t know about my mother-pinni relation and my mother didn’t know about...
This is my first story. There will be more to come. Includes anal, oral, vaginal, first time, facial, and some spanking. ********************** I was so excited. I had backstage passes to the Hartford concert of the Dropkick Murphys, my favorite band, who also my cousin plays in. As I was walking onto the stage, to get a prime viewing area, the manager asked me if I could help out the crew. I moved a few amps around, and then got a space on the stage. The band came on, and began to play. People...
EroticDuring the summer of twenty-twelve, Anna missed her goody two shoes Christian school. It was an insane thought that drove her to decide to re-visit the old school. She’d been there once, about a year later after she left seventh grade. Being nearly twenty-one now, she wanted to see her former teachers, like Mrs. Gradle, Mrs. DeJohnson, and Mr. Howard. When the summer of twenty-thirteen finally rolled around, she squared her shoulders and made up her mind. After her mother’s reception party in...
We left the restaurant….not sure what you have on your mind but knowing its something sexual by the look in your eyes…..I am wearing a short black dress cut a little low but not slut low…..and cut high enough to where you can see my legs in the black hose that you picked out for me before we left the house. You have your hand on my thigh and move my dress up a little higher so you can see that I did not wear panties because I know this turns you on. You glance up and smile at me…..telling me...
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Four: Fertile Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Ten: Function and Form Kora Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch Theophil ran his finger across the facet of the ruby, his blue eyes growing studious. “Biomancer Vebrin...” The way he said the name made my skin crawl. I swallowed, hating that I was so close to him right now. As he moved the gem in his hand,...
When Julie and I were in Saba for the second time in our life, she wanted want to take me to the morgue and then she proceeded to give me oral. All the time I was missing Paul……. When Julie and I were in Saba for the second time in our life, she wanted want to take me to the morgue and then she proceeded to give me oral. All the time I was missing Paul. As she was making love to me, I was to busy think about Paul. i tried to imagine that I was Paul that was eatting me out and that I was back at...
IncestThe Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 63 (Friday - week 9) Her dream was disturbing. And the longer it went on, the more frustrated she seemed to get. It was one dream, one subject, one event... but that one event managed to somehow play itself out over and over again - for various vague reasons. The event of course, was Sissy's testing. In her dream she watched as Sissy quickly regained all his control - almost immediately. She watched in despair as he stood over her......
For years I had been making Stefan's mind crazy with one single request, "Please, let me watch." For years, his answer was always "No". But finally he broke and gave me the possibility to make a fantasy come true. It had been a fantasy of mine for quite some time to see how two men make love to each other. It would have been a lot harder for me to realize this fantasy if I did not have a very close friend who was gay. I had the luck that I had such a friend for almost all my life. I was...
Its Friday night your at home its quite late about 2:30am and you are on the Internet like you do most Friday night. Your looking up porn on the Internet and you type in the address and click to go in to the members area, it asks your for your username and password. Username: John2002 Password:*** Your access is correct and you enter the members area and click to go in the gallery and start to look at the thumbnails and a advert opens it self up, you allow it to load and read what it said in...
I come home early and find you sitting in bed with my shirt and tie on. The shirt barely covers your pubic hair and you look so sexy sitting there. Your legs are a warm invite to kiss… I drop my briefcase and walk to the side of the bed you are on. There is plenty of light in the room, the curtains are open and you can see into the back… I turn on some music and your eyes are burning deeply into me. I am so conscious of you watching me, I had to turn my back… I take off my jacket, tie, and...
Lana's husband is addicted to watching his wife tease horny strangers at the public nude beach! They play this game, she parks in a spot where voyeurs will approach and they do. They usually ask politely if she wants company. She lets them sit close, but some guys dont ask and try and peek at her big 38DD tits, shaved pussy and huge clit like this guy did through the umbrella only to fall victim to Lana giving him an Evil Tease! She lays back with her legs wide open exposing the most delicious...
This is the fourth chapter. In it, they finally have sex, but its done in a way that shows the love they both share. Its a bit more erotic than the previous two, but its also a short chapter. Read, enjoy, and PLEASE COMMENT. Thanks. I own nothing. All belongs to Michael K. Smith. Also, Im assuming here hymen was broken during masturbation, so dont complain that it isnt mentioned. K? ___________________________________________________________________________________ The First Time by Michael...
Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...
HumorAs Vivianne and I had not seen each for awhile. I decided call her up to maybe just see her or even jump in bed together. Just see what comes up next. I got her a saturday Before noon. But she was busy that day. But if I wanted to meet her She told me That I could pick her up outside the Place she visited and drive her home taht evening. We decided taht I was about to pick her up around seven a Clock.I came with the car and did not see her outside were we decided meet up so I took a turn and...
The bad memories had left Marge shaken. She stared at the floor lost in thought. What, if anything was coming next? Whatever it was, she was sure she didn't want to see it. "OK Marge, time for the here and now that I mentioned." Marge nodded her head and looked up. Another wave of his hand and the fog began to dissipate. It was a room she didn't recognize, a figure was sitting in a chair. As the image cleared she saw it was a man in a wheelchair. She looked at Bill...
Hi friends, myself dinesh (name changed), a engineer by profession, from bhubaneswar, odisha. I am a fan and a regular reader of iss. I like incest and desi section stories a lot. Now I am gonna to narrate my story, which happened with me a year ago. It happens between me and one friend from facebook. Please give your feed-backs on my mail id after reading this incident. I am working in a engineering firm here in bhubaneswar, I am 28 now. At that time I was 27. My height is 5′ 7″, and m just...
Now the fun begins. As we started to deplane the old man told me to wait on the plane out of sight until he was where people could see that he was alive. I would then deplane. To those here, it would appear I had invited the old man to accompany me, not the other way around. Yet another thing which didn’t happen in this elite circle. I don’t get how him being first out of a plane makes him less important than those who followed. It is that their being first makes them a target while the...
28 Librae System Research Station, Zene 15/15/41 NR 1410 Hours The carved rock panel’s image hung in the holo display, magnified to three times its original size. Luisa stopped and peered at a series of lines and circles in the upper right corner of the panel. The image was overlaid with blue guide lines, enhancing the carvings. “This is the star map?” Adam nodded. “Yes. We are here,” his eyes unfocused as he concentrated on manipulating the holographic controls and a blinking red cursor...
Hi guys. I am a great fan of Indian sex stories & have read almost all the stories. So today I decided to my own experience for other desi story fans to read. It all started when my uncle got married. We stay in a joint family. My aunty is very sexy and fleshy (jhakas maal hai.) She is very bold & most of the times talks to me in double meaning. She always tries to touch me when I am in towel, by some or other reason. I have always fantasized of being a slave of a big and sexy women and doing...
IncestDieter was sitting looking out over the water. He slowly sipped his beer. From somewhere behind him he became aware of an English voice speaking on a mobile phone. “Must go, sorry…..and you…..take care, you.” In an instant that voice took him back to L’Auditori in Barcelona, several years before. Vividly he saw legs, and thighs. In his mind he played that scene again, savouring the feeling he had felt in his loins as his eyes ran up those legs and over those thighs. It was as if...
Mr walker smacked me on my right buttock with his hand and told me that now he was going to punish me. He grasped my thighs, firmly with both hands and pushed against me, he was naked, but right on target, his cock was inside me with the first thrust I had been divorced for about two years and the proverbial shit had hit the fan, with a daughter at University and a mortgage to pay, as well as the utility bills and car costs, I was flat, broke. My ex had cleared off back to Canada and I got...
MILF"I'm going to miss you, you know." Elspeth's muttered, her eyes tearing up as Briana pushed the last of her gear into her bag. "It's two weeks, El... it's not like you weren't getting ready for it, we'll be apart at Christmas, too." "I know, but... I was expecting that." "Hey, come here." Briana wrapped her up in a hug, kissing her gently. "I'm going to miss you too. I told you I don't have to go." "Oh yes you bloody do!" Elspeth snapped, pushing her away with hand and...
My honeymoon with Judy was going great. We moved out of the room in Kerala and got into the car. We were waiting at the traffic (guys who might have gone to Kochi might know the traffic condition). That’s when I got this brilliant idea! I shared the idea with Judy. Me: Ma’am. Have you heard about roleplay? Judy: Yes Varun! Why what happened? Me: Nothing. I just want to have roleplay with you. I mean it’s my fantasy. Judy laughed and said, “Yes but what kind of role play can we have?” Me: What...
Suddenly a light flicked on, and a voice shouted out from the darkness. "Ma'am! Are you all right?" The girl didn't answer, but half walked, half tripped closer to the light. She felt someone actually pick her up, and carry her the rest of the way. The man smelled comferting, like cinnamon and coffee and yeast. The girl rested her head against the strong chest, and nearly dozed off. All of a sudden they were in a warm, well-lit house. The man who had carried her was passing her over to...
Monday was long, all morning was with the joint chiefs and updates - one right after the other. The Secretary of the Navy and the representative from Newport News Shipbuilding came with a positive attitude for the first time in months. Usually they acted like I was the dentist. The Fordson was back at the dock and engineers had solutions to many of the problems. It was going to take weeks to complete all the fixes and another shakedown cruise. They also had an update on the Stennis post...
His day started when everyone else's was nearly over. He couldn't help it though; over ten years of working at the same convenient store made him the graveyard worker. The boss trusted him above all other employees; the kind of trust a boss could exploit. His other co-workers had college or other training to fall back on, but not Gilbert. Gilbert knew it was time to wake up when the sun was nearly down. He had the next two nights off, but his sleeping pattern stuck to him...
After eating and cleaning up, the girls decided to hook up and play with the new game machine. Their laughing and giggling filled the boat all evening. At one point Tammy joined in, and added her voice to the cacophony. I never liked video games, in either body, so I enjoyed their play time from my recliner. When they finally played the last of the new games, Tammy got them a snack, and sent them on their way for showers and bed. When the salon was empty except for the two of us, Tammy...
Now with two big bins on wheels trying to negotiate them rolling down the rocky driveway I arrived at the road to arrange them correctly so the garbage truck driver, I mean Sanitation Worker, could drive up and load them with the mechanical arm. Meanwhile I was feeling sorry for myself. First, for starters, I was just a furnace man getting seduced by a furnace customer while cheating on my wife (super risky fun) and the customer making love to me was cheating on her well known attorney...
©1997, All Rights Reserved Jack and I had waited patiently in the van for almost an hour, smoking cigarettes and sipping at a couple of beers but careful not to drink enough to lose an edge. These things require a bit of wit. There had been a couple of possibles, but both times we had decided that circumstances were not quite right. Finally, our patience was rewarded. Dusk had turned almost to night, and most of the cars were gone from the parking lot. We saw a woman jogger turn into the...
Cheri was so in love with Ken. He totally controlled her every move. He saw her in the library when she was in college and knew he had to have her. She was beautiful and very sexy and she was also innocent. He began talking to her and she was so naive and he liked that as he loved to control especially in sex. She fell instantly in love with him and he drove her home and parked on a back street and began kissing her and soon had her top and bra off and he was fondling her lovely full tits. She...
The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
MatureWe quickly went back to the apartment to shower and change before our Final Dress Rehearsal of WEST SIDE STORY. We really didn’t have the time, but there was a lot of kissing and squeezing while we were getting dressed, after a rather quick shower. I had heard that sex before a performance was supposed to ‘enhance’ the emotions of the play, but we really didn’t have time to do it. After the performance will just have to do. We got back to the theatre with just time to change into our first...
Six weeks after their wedding, Ken and Laura arrived in Killington, Vermont. Ken in his early thirties loved skiing and Laura twenty-five was smitten by everything Ken did. They arrived late in the evening at Burlington International Airport and battled the snow to reach the ski resort. Immediately after checking in, the couple stepped into the outdoor hot spa.She braved the cold with her two-piece bikini and entered the hot tub jacuzzi. The force of the water literally bounced her light body...
MatureI am Greg and I am twenty eight years old and I live with my Fiancé Claire. Claire is twenty five years old, 5’2” tall, slim build, with 34DD breasts and the sexiest ass and legs that you have ever seen, good things come in small packages. Claire’s family live in the country and regularly come and visit us in the city. Claire’s father, Andy, is forty and works away. He can be away for long periods of time. Claire’s mother, Tina, is fifty and is a taller version of Claire. She is 5’10” tall,...
TabooMs Cameron, my personal assistant buys presents for my wife, I simply have no time available, when work takes up most of my day. She is my gatekeeper. My wife has come to work for a lunch date to celebrate her birthday. Ms Cameron has left a large wrapped present to give to my wife, Ali. I walk in to the board room my wife is immaculately presented her jet black hair is freshly coiffed at the salon, her clothes are haute-couture, her make up is minimal. She is drinking a glass of champagne with...