Vacation 1 free porn video

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Ingrid felt anything like going on a vacation, but she had bought her ticket over six months ago which was non refundable, and for a working girl like her, $2,650.00 was just too much to throw away, even if she did have a broken heart!!! That lying skunk, Chris, how could he have done this to her!!! She always had a feeling that he was a little bit on the shifty side, but when she found out that he was seeing two other girls on the side, well that was just too much!!! They had been planning this cruise for over a year when just by pure chance she saw Chris and a buxom blonde coming out of a Midtown hotel at two in the afternoon!!! Later that evening when she confronted him with her allegation, instead of denying it he laughed right in her face and practically bragged at how for all these months he had been playing her for a sucker!!! With her head spinning and the nausea rising in her throat, she managed to open the door and ordered him out of her apartment as well as the rest of her life!!!

Later that evening on the telephone........... "he's such a piece of shit, I don't know why I didn't see it before!!!" "Look, honey," her Beth replied, "he's a man, they all cheat, and believe me, I should know, I've been lied to by every man I've ever gone out with!!!" "Me, too," Ingrid replied, "but I was hoping Chris would be different!!!" "Hah," Beth snorted, "they're all cut from the same bolt of bad cloth, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it, by the way, are you still going on your trip, I mean you and ass hole were going together, right!?!" "I've got to go," Ingrid replied, "I can't get a refund and I've already booked the time off at work, so I guess I'm stuck!!!" "Well, try to have a good time and forget that lousy hump, okay, you were too good for him anyway," Beth said kindly!!! "I'll try," Ingrid replied, "but I'm afraid my heart just isn't in it, so I'll seeya in a couple of weeks, babe, bye now!!!"

The purser unlocked the door to Ingrid's cabin with an electronic key and after placing her bags next to the bed said, "I hope this meets with your approval, Miss Engstrom, I believe that you will be having a bunk mate arriving shortly, I hope you have a nice cruise!!!" Upon hearing that she would be sharing her room, a stab of panic raced through her and she quickly said, "That's impossible, I mean I was supposed to share this cabin with my boy friend but he's not going on the cruise, so how could anyone be sharing my cabin, we've already paid for both berths!?!" The purser took out his registration sheet and after scanning it for several seconds replied, "My records show that a Mr.Christopher Hopkins traded his ticket in for another cruise and his place is being taken by a Miss Andersen!!!" Ingrid slumped onto the bed and mumbled, "That's just great, now I've gotta share my room with a stranger," and seconds later she fell into a deep sleep!!!"

She didn't know how much time had passed, but she was roused awake by the sound of the shower running in the bathroom!!! Momentarily she worried that someone had broken into her room, but groggily she remembered the purser mentioning something about her having a bunk mate for the trip, so slowly she crept over to the bathroom door and while knocking softly said, "I'm sorry I was asleep, but my name is Ingrid Engstrom!!!" From the other side of the door she could hear the water stop running and someone reply, "Come on in, I'm just finishing up in here!!!" Gingerly Ingrid pushed open the door only to be faced with one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen in her life!!! Water was still dripping off of her as she extended her hand and offered, "I'm Krista, Krista Andersen, and you must be Ingrid, the purser kinda filled me in, I'm happy to meet you!!!" "Uh, me too," Ingrid stammered, still a little shocked at the overtness of her bunk mate, "I'm from New York!!!" "Minneapolis, here," Krista replied, "and I like this weather a whole lot better than what I left back in Minnesota!!!" As hard as she was trying, it was almost impossible for Ingrid to keep her eyes on Krista's face, not that there was anything wrong with it, it was just that Krista had the body of a Playboy centerfold, with blonde hair, perfect breasts, long slim legs, and a bottom that no woman in the world could ever have complained about!!! As she was toweling off, Krista casually said, "The shower's empty, go right ahead!!!"

Why she did it she'll never know, but straight arrow Ingrid Engstrom calmly stripped herself bare and climbed into the shower and began soaping herself off in front of someone she had met less than two minutes before!!! As the water poured down on her, Krista commented softly, "You have a lovely body, are you Norwegian!?!" "Uh, thanks," Ingrid mumbled, "no, I'm Swedish, what about you!?!" "I'm Danish on my dad's side and Norwegian on my mom's, so I guess I'm pretty much one hundred percent Scandinavian!!!" The warm water was very relaxing and while Ingrid let it pour over her head and down the rest of her body, she was totally unaware when Krista climbed back into the shower behind her!!! She was just about to reach for the shampoo when Krista whispered, "Here, let me have that, I'll do it for you!!!" A stunned Ingrid stammered, "W-what are you doing..............!!!" "I'm going to help you with your hair," she whispered back, "you don't mind do you, after all, it's just we girls here, right!?!" "Uh, yeah, right," Ingrid stammered, not quite sure how to react to what may have been just a gesture of kindness!!! "Mmmmmmm, you have really thick hair," Krista said softly while massaging the shampoo into Ingrid's scalp, "it must be the Norseman in you, thick hair to keep out the cold!!!" "I don't know," Ingrid replied softly, "I-I'm glad you like it!" "Mmmmmmm," she hummed as a stunned Ingrid froze in fear as Krista's hands roamed from her head around to her firm full breasts and down to her , "and I like this too nice and bushy!!!" "W-what are you doing," Ingrid demanded while trying to turn around!?! "Oh, just be still, silly," Krista said while holding her in place, "you have wonderful body, why not enjoy it!?!" "But I'm not a, you know," Ingrid stammered!!! "A lesbian," Krista asked?!? "Yes," she replied, "I've never been with a woman before..........." "Do you want to know a secret," Krista whispered?!? "What," Ingrid gasped as Krista's index finger slid easily into her slit and quickly found her budding clitoris!?! "I've been with both men and women and none of them has excited me the way you do!!!"

With her head was now spinning like a top out of control, Ingrid gave in to her passions and let Krista have her way with her now very aroused body!!! "Tell me," Krista whispered into her ear, "do you have a boy friend?!?" "Not anymore," Ingrid moaned, "w-we were supposed to be on this cruise together but I caught him with another woman!!!" While working her finger faster and more intensely, Krista offered softly, "Men are all scum, you can't trust any of them, but don't worry, baby, Krista is going to make the rest of your cruise unforgettable!!!" And no sooner than the words exited her mouth than Ingrid's pussy convulsed uncontrollably as a monster orgasm shredded it like so much confetti, leaving her leaning against the shower wall while holding onto the faucet to keep from falling down!!!

"After a minute or two, Krista whispered, "Are you all right, baby, that was a pretty hard one!!!" "I-I'm fine," Ingrid finally replied, "I almost passed out, but I'm okay now!!!" "Good," Krista replied, "let's dry each other off and move over to the bed, I think it would be more comfortable, don't you!?!" Soon they were both taking turns toweling off each other's body, with each of them taking special attention on each other's pussy and tits!!! Up until now Ingrid hadn't commented on Krista's body, but finally she offered, "You have the most beautiful body I've ever seen, and the tan lines around your vagina look just incredible!!!" "Mmmmmmm, thank you," the Nordic beauty replied, "you look nice too, I especially love your bush, it looks so erotic!!!" "You're the first one who's liked it," Ingrid replied, "my boyfriend wanted me to shave it off!!!" "This guy sounds like a first rate ass hole," Krista said evenly, "as far as I'm concerned they're all jerk offs!!!" "I'm beginning to get the same picture," Ingrid replied while Krista led her over to the bed, "women are much more trustworthy!!!" They fell into each others arms as they plopped down onto the bed, and Ingrid experienced her first all female kiss as Krista's tongue popped into her mouth and probed her gently!!!"

"Do you know what feels different," Ingrid asked!?! "Uh huh," Krista replied, "having your breasts up against another woman's, right?!?" "Yeah," she replied dreamily, "it feels so erotic, like nothing I've ever experienced before!!!" "Mmmmm, yeah," Krista sighed, "I just love the way my nipples get hard when they brush against someone else's, don't you!?!" Ingrid stared down at her chest, and incredibly, just then her nipples popped up as Krista's nubs scraped lightly over her own causing her to moan softly while she watched their two chest gently rubbing and sliding together!!! They lay together for at least a half hour, reveling in the wonderful sensations that their bodies were experiencing, that is until Krista broke the spell and asked, "Do you know what's even better that this!?!" Ingrid kissed her softly on the lips and replied, "Honey, nothing could be better that this!!!" Krista laughed a lilting laugh that sent a shiver down Ingrid's spine and she then replied softly, "Let me show you what I mean," as she pushed Ingrid onto her back and took up residence between her now spread thighs!!! "You smell fantastic," Krista whispered as she breathed in a lung full of Ingrid's pussy aroma, "now, get ready to fly!!!" Ingrid knew what was coming, but never in her wildest dreams had she thought that anything could feel so awesome, but from the second that Krista's tongue met Ingrid's clit, well, Krista had been right, she was fucking flying!!!" "Oh, god," Ingrid moaned while arching her back and cupping her own breasts, "t-that feels fantastic, oh, god, please don't stop, oh yes, lick it, just like that, mmmmm, do it for me, you're so fucking good at it, oh my, mmmmmmmm, yesssssssssssss!!!

And she was too, good at it I mean, in fact she was the best cunt lapper that Ingrid had ever experienced!!! She knew just exactly where and when to lick, if by instinct or experience, it didn't really matter, because all she knew, was that this Danish wunderkind was eating her up and she was fucking loving it!!! Between licks and sucks Krista whispered, "You have the hairiest and sweetest pussy that I have ever tasted, where have you been all of my life!!!" "I-if you keep this up," Ingrid moaned, "I'll follow you all the way back to Minnesota!!!" After several more vicious licks, Krista replied, "You better watch what you say, baby, I'll have to hold you to that!!!" Her head was now spinning out of control once again, and this time her orgasm was like a tsunami crashing onto the shore, leveling everything in sight, and taking no prisoners!!!

"Jesus christ in heaven," Ingrid gasped, "I came on this cruise to have fun and here you are trying to kill me with sex!!!" Krista chuckled as she slid back up to join her new found friend and retorted, "But what a wonderful way to go, am I right!?!" They kissed again passionately and Ingrid replied, "And we have six whole days and nights to try it!!!" After nuzzling and kissing for anther fifteen minutes or so, Ingrid asked softly, "It's my turn, let me do you!!!" Krista looked her in the eye and questioned, "Are you sure, because if you're not ready, I'll understand!?!" This time it was Ingrid's turn to make her move, and just as her friend had, she slid down and buried her mouth right into the bush which caused the Danish pastry to grab her by the head and pull her harder against her gaping crotch!!! As Ingrid bored in hard at Krista's erect clit, the blonde moaned, "A-are you sure you haven't done this before, because you're fucking incredible!?!" Ingrid chuckled into Kirsta's open cunt and replied, "I had a good teacher, she taught me well!!!" "Ohhhh, god," Krista groaned, "I'm giving you a fucking A, you passed the course with flying colors!!!" As many times as Ingrid had touched her own clit, she still was amazed at how responsive a turned on organ could be, and right now, Krista was about as turned on as was humanly possible!!! With each flick of her tongue, the blonde beauty's body tensed as climax after climax wrenched through her, leaving drained and spent on the tip of Ingrid's now experienced tongue!!!

The two women fell fast asleep in each other's arms as their breasts pressed softly together! Several hours later when they woke up, they kissed and took another shower together, again enjoying the texture and sensation of each others body!!! "Did you really mean that when you said you'd follow me back to Minnesota," Krista asked while nibbling Ingrid's ear!?! "Do you want me to," Ingrid asked while rubbing her erect nipples over Krista's!?! Krista didn't bother answering, instead she dropped to her knees and let her tongue snake out into the furry mass of hair covering Ingrid's pussy until it found her little excited little clit!!! As she leaned back against the shower wall and her orgasm began overtaking her, Ingrid had her answer, and it was the one she had hoped for!!!

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Note to reader: The stories previously posted in the series ‘Jack Awakens’ and ‘Jack’s Exploits’ were originally the opening chapters of a book which I had started writing over the last few months. I have now decided to post the entire book, which traces the sexual development of a high school boy during his senior year, hopefully at the rate of one chapter each week. The stories previously posted have been retitled as ‘Jack’s Education’ in strict chronological order, under the ‘Novels and...

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Parent Evening With My Sons Teacher

Being a single mother is not easy, especially when the child is in his teens. It is also not easy to find lovers when they know you have a teenage son, especially when you are looking for lovers of the same sex.I am a thirty-nine-year-old woman, and I am a lesbian. The one time I tried cock, he got me pregnant. I don’t mind too much as I got my wonderful son, James from it. The bustard that got me pregnant, disappeared when he heard I was pregnant, so I was left to raise my son alone.It wasn’t...

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A Housewife8217s Adventure

Myself, my wife and my son are on tour in MP (Panchmari, Jabalpur, Kanha & B’Garh) this summer. We used to go for such trips every year and every time I asked her for some exhibitionism but failed but this time I pursued her for some sort of exhibitionism which she agreed after so many requests. We booked resorts all the places. At Jabalpur, we stayed in a resort which was in a very lonely place and on the hills near Bheraghat. We came there from Kanha on our way to Panchmari. On the way, she...

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Nasty Fat Fuck

So I picked up this hot 22 year-old chick at a bar last night. All she could do was talk about how horny she was after she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and she just wanted the shit fucked out of her. I was thinking, “Wow! This is fucking easy!” As we drove to her apartment she told me how her mom was home and she was very strict about her bringing guys home, so we had to be careful. Right then her mom called her and the dumb girl told her that she was bringing me home! I was like...

2 years ago
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Enter the DarknessChapter 8 Of Goodbyes and Homecomings

August, 1986 Agent Killian warned us that the people in New York had been talking to the people in Washington, D. C. for the last two years, plotting to kill me. This meant that we were switched from a flight from Syracuse to Dulles to a flight from Buffalo to Baltimore-Washington International Airport. A Sergeant in a Lincoln Continental waited for us at the curb outside of baggage claim with a sign saying "Alexandra and Sgt.-Maj. McKiernan" in medium-sized letters. He nodded respectfully...

4 years ago
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Basic Needs

Chapter 1:  Prelude (from Beka’s perspective)Their wedding was a grand affair.  Rebecca—Beka to her friends—invited every member of her large family and all of her friends.  Everyone was envious of her good fortune.  Beka herself was still amazed with all of the fanfare following her three-month whirlwind romance with Fred!  Everything was perfect, from the music, to the vows, to the reception—and she could barely wait for the private celebration for just the her and Fred after all the...

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Blackmail Karke Teenage Ladki Ko Choda

Hello Dosto Kaise ho Mai apka Pyara Rajeev, Meri Pichli 2no story ‘Kaise wechat se patai ladki ko choda’ and ‘Wechat se room tak with stranger’ pe aap sab logo ke ne itna respose dia iske lie thanks. Aaj mai aapko ek new story sunane jaa ra hu. Jo ki ek dum new hai and ek Teenage Girl ki hai jo ki just abhi abhi jawan hui aur usko jawan hote hi new new lund ka shauk pad gya uski umar abhi keval 18 hai aur vo class 12 me padhti hai, Magar dikhne me vo kisi college student se kam nai hai. Meri...

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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 3

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #3"S-Stop, it's fine. Just shut up," Anna said, her voice urgent.‘Wait, what?’ I thought, picking up on what she'd said. ‘If it was a guy? Does she mean that she and Anna...’"Wait, what do you mean by that?" I asked."It's nothing! Let's not talk about it, please?" Anna begged."Was she waiting for you that night?" I insisted."Uh, yeah. Sorry if that's personal," Melissa said, looking at Anna. "Oh, fuck. I fucked up again, didn't I?"She looked even more ridden with...

2 years ago
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Call GirlsChapter 15

Jill Peters and Bob Gordon drove up a dirt driveway leading to a farm house. It was near a small town in the Texas panhandle close to Amarillo and it was her home. She clutched Bob's arm and whispered, "Darling, I'm scared! It's been years since I have been home. And I don't think my parents like me very much." Two people had emerged from the house and were standing on the porch waiting for them. When he saw them, Bob was surprised. He'd not known what to expect because Jill had never...

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ComrieChapter 10

Shannon in Dóchas Intelligence sent the Command Staff a message advising them that O'Toole and MacFarland had received threatening letters. They arrived by courier shortly after the office opened and were nearly identical. Each demanded that they immediately terminate their investigations into where Dale and Larry had sent the missing employees. If they did not, then they and their families would have a life-altering experience. This could be an accident, joining the missing women or,...

3 years ago
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Onboard the Raven

Onboard the Raven By ScramblerJ Copyright 2000 Onboard the Raven Chapter One - Reporting for duty On the morning after his graduation from the Academy, Ensign Thomas Walker woke up with one hell of a hangover. He felt like his head was going to explode, and should have known better than to let his roommate, Carl, talk him into a few more rounds of Orion Vodka. As his eyes slowly opened, Thomas was treated to his first surprise of the morning. Something with a deep black...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 51

And that's what they did. If it was fun ... they found it. If it was educational ... they did it. Cedar Point, Sandusky's amusement park had a carousel, the Laff-in-the-Dark, Rocket Ships, and Loop-A-Plane, rides that were new in 1946 but a little old hat on 1963. They rode the Wild Mouse, a roller coaster and the monorail, dunked in bathhouse, and rode the new Cedar Point & Lake Erie Railroad so they didn't have to walk from the middle of the park to the back. They walked the sandy...

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We meet at our favorite spot.   The days are still long, but are now starting to get shorter.   And the weather is still warm by day – even hot – but the evenings are getting cooler.  We are both tired from our busy work days.   But as we see each other approaching from afar, the tension and fatigue melt away, and our hearts beat just a little bit faster in anticipation.   We meet, we touch, we smile.   And then you take my hand and we turn together to head down the path leading to the shore....

Love Stories
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Armand and Ashley Part 2

Ashley looked at Armand unable to say anything. ‘I’m sorry,” she whispered. Armand got off the couch and got dressed. “I think I should go home,” she said as she did the same. “I shouldn’t have said anything,” he mumbled. Just as Ashley was walking to the door, there was a roar of thunder. Armand looked over at her and thought about her driving home in the storm. ‘Ash, you should stay until the storm’s passed.” “It’s okay, I’m just going home.” She put her glasses on as she reached for the...

4 years ago
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Widows Whiskey and Willow SwitchesChapter 10

April 21, 1890 Kansas City, Missouri Being married wasn’t so bad, after all. She still hated the idea of Caleb giving up on his claim to move to Kansas City, even though they’d paid the fee to buy the land outright before the five year term had been completed. She especially hated that he’d gone back to medicine when he’d purposely left it behind. When she’d objected, he’d only said, “This is Kansas City, a fair piece from Boston. I can treat whoever I damn well please.” Clucking her chin,...

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Ships in the NightChapter 4 Discoveries

The next morning, they opted out of a morning run, feeling like they'd more than made up for it with their overnight calisthenics. As they sat across the table from each other crunching their granola, Adam asked if she'd had a chance to inspect the contents of the trunk, knowing she hadn't. "Oh, gosh! You know, I completely forgot about that. I guess I must have been distracted. What do you think is in there?" A shoulder shrug. "I wouldn't have a clue. She was your...

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Training Susie

It was mid-winter in the 22nd year of my marriage to Susan. Late on a Friday night the two of us were sitting up and watching a late-night show. I was really watching Susie and deciding that she had to change. In my mind I started listing the things that I wanted to be different about her. I wanted her thinner and in better shape. I wanted her hair done differently in a sexier style. I wanted her to be more enthusiastic about sex and to dress the part, at home and in public. I wanted her to be...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 34 Bree Shows Off Her Sisterrsquos Talents

The other three readily agreed with Robin’s suggestion. For now, their carnal desires were well satiated, and so they just stayed out next to the pool and sunbathed. They all agreed that doing it in the nude was much nicer, though they had to remember to put sunscreen on both their tits as well as their pussies. They most certainly don’t want to get sun burnt down there. Their womanhood was far too useful to let something like that happen. So the four girl’s just laid out and chatted like any...

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Moni shared

I am Moni the wife. I love telling these stories from the wifes perspective. I wanted to be a shared wife from the beginning so it all started a few weeks after we were married. One day hubby's cousin Dan was visiting from out of town ans was staying with us for a week. We had never met but i found him cute. i had alreary told my hubby how i wanted my lifestyle and he agreed as long as he always got to watch. On his second day there he had told my hubby how lucky he was since he thought I was...

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The Making Of An Amateur Strapon DVD

This trip wasn't all that different so far from other typical business trips. I was stuck at a hotel near the airport for several weeks while I served my client. I was terribly bored, although this time I had rented a car so I wasn't entirely stuck using the hotel shuttle or the public bus line. To ease my boredom, I had rented a couple DVD's from a local store, watched them, and was now returning them.The differences that did occur on this trip were quite a bit different than my usual stay in...

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Everyone wants the Head Cheerleader

Everyone wants Selina; her step-brother, her step daddy, her bestie and her bestie’s younger sister...Selina Dawes had one of those bodies that look good from any angle and in any situation. So you will have to imagine for the moment just how superb the salacious bitch is going to look naked. Selina caused more accidents for randy males either focussed on her bodacious hooters, her peachy arse or her divine camel toe than that current pokey go game app. Actually most guys couldn’t care what...

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I Dream of DemieChapter 17 ConceptionInception

Detective Dianna Shepherd awoke from ... a nap? She was sitting on her couch, but hadn’t she just been sleeping in her bed? She was wearing her robe... She looked down. The front of her robe was spattered with blood! “What the hell?!” Then she tasted the metallic tang in her mouth. She rushed to the bathroom mirror. What stared back at her was a scene from a charnel house. Blood covered the lower half of her face, and her chin was practically caked in gore. She carefully washed her face,...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter VI

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter VI“Meeting in the Halfway”, with Salvatore and Pirra (based on an unknown comic) and Peter (based on an erotic postcard)Peter (the man fucking): Salvatore (the bald guy): Pirra (the redhead): Inside a bedroom, two men were sitting on the bed, talking about the life’ frivolities and stuff. The ‘youngest’, was a man at his early 40s, brown hair, named Peter. The ‘oldest’, nearly bald with white hair, was baptized Salvatore.They seemed friends since long, talking...

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