Covid Curing Quarantine Pt 1
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Following a fairly blissful nap, I spent a few more hours lounging in my room - mostly in bed - contemplating the absurdity of what took place with my mother that morning over the phone. Did she really recommend I “shove my big cock down her throat” or something near to exactly that?
“Shove it up my cunt” but “I gotta taste it first” so “Show me what you want from me… push my head down on you… grab my hair and fuck my mouth… I want your salty cum, all over Mama’s big pretty TITS!!”
That’s bonkers, right?
Could that ever even be an accurate daydream at all?
I mean, “Roleplaying”? I’m gonna need some convincing that’s really all there was to that call. On the other hand, how do I not fuck all that up? I don’t wanna have to fix all the broken pipes as she faintly indicated might be of some concern when we began. I couldn’t even start to fathom what this might mean for our relationship and how to slip that whole thing neatly into a box beneath the bed somehow.
Once again, she knocked lightly on my door and pushed it apart a bit (as she had about an hour after I’d tossed a king’s ransom of jizz all over my sheets that morning).
She smiled at me simply. A little bit sheepishly but not entirely subdued.
“Made you a meal. If you wanna come down.”
Her words were also rather calm and simply said. There wasn’t any panic. No apology for anything she may regret. There was a softness to her tone that did recognize something absolutely inappropriate may have taken place between us mere hours ago. But she wasn’t quite pushing it away as I would have expected her to.
Whatever she’d been doing for those hours in between apparently reached some sort of Buddhist on the mountain quite effectively. Didn’t appear too troubled about it.
When I reached the kitchen table where all the chaos had begun a few hours before, there was a plate of food sat on my side, some tinfoil over top, keeping it warm for me.
“I’m gonna watch a movie. You can join me when you finish. If you like. I’ll hold it for you.”
Then she left me for the living room.
Again, there was a tender and soft resolve to her movements. Her tone. Relaxed might not have been what I thought I’d see while I was up in my room pondering what a disaster this could create for us. Pandemic be damned, I’d just had phone sex with my mom! And she is DIRtee!!
I ate my meal uninterrupted.
The TV was on in the other room.
Nothing but bad coming out from the News.
When I was done, I cleaned my plate and a few pots she had left over. Went in to join her where she’s at; tucked up in the corner of the couch somewhat, had a blanket piled around her.
“Horrible news. Nothing but. Help me watch something lots more pleasurable.”
Yikes. She might wanna choose her words more carefully. I’m compromised here.
“Oh, I didn’t mean…” she quickly recognized her faux pas. Put her hand over her mouth with a little bit of a grimace. Cute. But again, it wasn’t really an apology of any kind. Just an unintentional reference to something we perhaps won’t need to talk about at all.
She patted her hand to where I usually sit and I joined her.
“Wanna pick? Or me?” she offered the controller.
“I think you’ve earned the right to choose,” I smiled myself, a little devilishly.
She shook her head just a tad bit embarrassed but once again did not address the topic.
I forget what we watched. It doesn’t matter. It may have even been two movies back-to-back. I think the first one was a Comedy. Maybe they both were. And maybe we’d already seen the both of them before. Who cares.
Just me and my mom there. Doing what we more normally do.
Not a lot of words were shared, if any. Maybe a comment here and there on what was happening on screen. I was really quite relieved. I guess you maybe CAN have sex with your mom on the phone and then NOT burn in Hell? Okay then. Kewl!!
Occasionally she might peak over at me and share a non-authoritative and especially non-threatening smile. Just happy to have me there I guess. And me too.
“I love you very much, you know,” she did say at one point. More than an hour after I’d joined her. “Thanks for being here with me.”
We didn’t do that a lot. Say those types of things. Oddly, I hadn’t noticed that much until she’d said it right then.
“I love you too, Mom,” I managed to return the favor somewhat comfortably.
Good enough.
The following morning I came down for breakfast.
Cuz that’s all I do is eat Mom’s food. Well, sometimes I have conversations about shoving my cock down her throat but other than that, right?
Anyway, she was in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room, television on again. More starkly horrendous numbers scaling higher and higher. I might be glad I’m not back at college by that point, to tell the truth.
I sat down to a bowl of cereal, cold milk at the ready.
“Ugh,” she uttered and flipped the TV off in the other room. Plopped herself down across from me.
She wasn’t wearing an apron. Just an oversized mostly white long t-shirt that hung down just above her knees. And a pair of pert nipples that were woken up… by accident, somehow?
“It’s horrible, what’s going on,” she addressed me about the bad news getting badder every morning.
“Don’t turn it on anymore,” I cast it aside. I know, typical solution from the youth of today. I offer my apologies for that in hindsight.
Oddly, she’d brought her phone to the table and set it down. It’s not odd for her to have that nearby but she doesn’t usually bring it to the table. In fact, she has a rule about that. I’m not allowed to have one there myself.
“Right,” she agreed with my earlier assessment. “So. Entertain me then.”
Her hands both went below her chin to support herself up from the table and she looked at me to pull a rabbit out of a hat or something.
I was already falling into a trap. I’d pretty quickly determined she wasn’t wearing a bra. That wouldn’t be the first and only time. She’s skipped it before, occasionally. But, I mean the circumstances were rather remarkable for that to not be intentional this time, right? The only question I couldn’t satisfy myself on was whether she might just want to tease me at my expense - or, did she really want to turn me on?
Either way. It was working. They dangled some just slightly away from the table. Toddling about just a little. Edging the edge of things. Widdling away at the wood through the cotton of her shirt and the fabric of the tablecloth. Her taught nipples were anchored in tight at two decidedly certain points of order, fishing all the rest around like a concerto of Olympian synchronized swimmers - or dancing like the devil with a pitchfork firmly held in one hand: are you a motherfucker?
I couldn’t hide it in my cereal bowl. Time and time again, I checked her headlights (or horns).
“Well hello there, is something of interest to you?”
And without asking for any reassurance or defense against my peeking at her pointy nipples, she summarily lift the edge of the table apron up and checked underneath for the status of the sweats I was wearing across from her.
Aye, erection in progress - ya got me, Mom.
“Already?!” she mocked surprise. Well, she didn’t mock surprise, she actually tried to pretend that was shockingly sincere but I wasn’t having it. I’m not dumb either.
All I had to do was indicate my hand in the direction of her competing breasts and counter, “Really? Who’s entertaining whom?”
That ticked her off just a little bit. Mostly because she knows when she’s already lost an argument and Lawyers just don’t like that, eh. Ultimately, she rolled her eyes. Since I was so proud of myself, I didn’t mind allowing my focus to dial up her titties some more. I mean, if she’s gonna point things out that way. Sure, I’ll watch to see what you’re painting on that billboard.
Rather than argue with me, her hand dropped defeated to the table before she began that thing women do sometimes. You know, the domino roll, from one finger into the other. Makes that ticking clock sound they’ve cornered, where they’re spelling out how annoyed and past patience they are with their manicured nails. I didn’t care. My dick was pretty hard by then and it felt good instead of bad this time. I wasn’t exactly hearing stern admonishment and more importantly, she hadn’t moved to obscure her now titanically tipped titties in the least.
Yeah, I’m hard. What are you gonna do about it this time?
She shook her head. She could read my mind.
They warbled back and forth just a little bit in front of me.
Fuck yeah, Covid Rules!!
Finally, she just threw up her hands and announced it. “Well, I’ve got issues too, you know!!” Not that she appeared particularly mad as much as frustrated about her own to that point quiet concerns. “You think I don’t like… get myself off when you’re not around?!”
Wow. Very direct. How the tables have turned.
“Go on…” I offered. I could nearly hear my dick applauding beneath me.
“OMG,” she spelled out the letters like that, “are you really getting excited about my own frustrations?”
“No. I…” could maybe afford to do some bob and weaving. But she took another peek underneath, once again throwing the table blanket up but this time even more thoroughly - and left it there. Dropped the milk bottle on the edge to keep it folded open.
“Uh-huh, and THAT says nothing but Yes!” She folded her arms now and went on shouting. DOINK! Her tips nearly threatened to poke right through the cotton. “I’m obviously a little upset over here and then you go and sport another raging boner!!”
I didn’t try to hide it this time.
“As if THAT’s gonna help calm me down at all.”
You want I should shove it down your throat then, harlot?
Nah, better not go with that. However, I could nod in that direction.
“Well, maybe we could…”
“Stop right there,” she interrupted me. “Not another word.”
Okay, I think she might have misunderstood me there. I wasn’t gonna REALLY ask for it. I was just gonna say, you know, sometimes help is just a phone call away… “Mom. No telling how long we’re gonna be cooped up like this. Are you now saying the phone was just a one-time thing?”
The thing about having a hardon, when you’re NOT trying to hide it - ya kind of get a little cocky. There was plenty reason to assume that kind of thing would never happen again but I had not run into an argument after it occurred and what was I getting this morning but greater indication that it wasn’t only me who enjoyed it a lot. She liked it plenty also.
“Oh. The Phone?”
Her tone had completely avalanche into the ocean. All of a sudden she was a sailboat in the Bahamas. Wind in her sails.
“Yeah. What else would I…” chuckled a little.
She followed right up.
“You in your room? Me in mine?”
“Of course,” I agreed rather simply. Still shoveling cereal into my mouth.
“And I can be a dirty whore?”
Maybe she then leaped that far on purpose. Knew that might knock the boat right over and cause a spit take, as it did (with milk). Went all over her a little bit though. So, if that was meant to catch me unprepared it backfired. Your sails look a little bit waterlogged now, mam.
Oddly, she didn’t get much mad about that either. Simply dropped her hands to her hips and looked at me askance, “Oh, is that all I am to you? Just spit it up all over me?”
I laughed. She has her moments. Good comedy.
“Well, you said…” really pressing the envelope there. I was choking it up still, wiping at my mouth. I mean, how could this be hilarious to me but it was somehow. We’d transitioned into this within a day. Ridiculous.
She went right on facing me like that with her hands curbed at her waist. Never went to clean herself off at all. Waiting for me to... What? Press the button?
“Well?” she finally asked, impatiently. “The phone thing?”
My bowl of milk had stained her cotton now for long enough that I could see through it a little bit. Definitely not a bra there of any kind but I already knew that. I could almost make out some mildly dark areola as well now. Phone thing? Absolutely? Best we get on up outta this kitchen like asap!
“Of course,” I confirmed. Rudely confident.
“Promise me once more. No judging,” was all she asked for, her voice now eager for agreement.
“What stays in the bedroom, stays…” I began.
“In the bedroom. Absolutely,” she completed. Readily. A cereal kernel fell off her tit. I couldn’t believe we were doing this again either. “I’m your mother. I can’t be seen certain ways. You understand?”
Um, yeah - that’s definitely reasonable (despite her current appearance). Good thing I didn’t really consider the consequences and had a hard dick to lead the way ahead for us instead.
“I understand.”
I made sure to give her that with a solid foundation. Gave it some cement.
Concrete. Like my Cock.
“We’re doing this for you. Not me. Got that?”
“Uh-huh,” I agreed. No longer eating. Wiping my mouth clean.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
She said it like a schoolgirl. Grabbed her phone and ran her bubble butt upstairs enthusiastically, looked just like a schoolgirl too.
Or “tew.”
She was already out of breath the moment the phone connected.
“What are you doing?”
It sounded like she’d run a marathon or something, rather than simply several steps up the stairs.
“Huh? I’m just…. getting situated.”
I mean, I’d hardly even hit the bed yet when the phone rang.
“Tell me what you’re doing. Explicitly. So I can be better at this.”
Goddamn, she was all kinda urgent.
“Okay...” But I wasn’t given hardly half a second to think beyond one word.
“I’ve got my legs spread wide. Is that okay?”
Holy Smokes!!
“I mean… yeah!” I had to hurry a hell of a lot more getting my sweats off and she definitely had me motivated to do so. WOW!
“I’ve almost torn my panties off already but… I thought I better call you first.”
Jesus Christ, my balls were churning. I sort of thought I had a handle on things downstairs but she not only raised the bar she literally grabbed it and threw it right out of the arena. “Okay… um, wow!”
“You like that?”
Good god, she sounded slutty. Easily as interested as I’d ever heard Sophia. Except - Sophia IS a slut. And I hadn’t known that about my mom at all. As a matter of fact, she can’t be one cuz I lived with her for eighteen years and I’d KNOW that, you would think. I mean, my dad was in the picture in those early years. Had I ever heard them making sex noise? I had to think about that.
But not too much. More better I just answer to her first.
“Yeah, I…”
But she gave me no time to really confirm anything before adding lots more herself. Fast and furious.
“You like the way my pussy looks for you?”
Wow, man. I could not keep up with her verbally but my cock was already squeezing up the warning signs. And I hadn’t even quite begun beating off yet.
“I dunno. I mean. I guess I would but…”
“Yes, you do, you already know. I’m your girlfriend.”
Oh, that’s right, she’s still claiming to not be herself. I hadn’t put that back together just yet. Whatever.
“It’s not like your mom would pull her panties aside and show you her wet little slit just like that. Behave yourself.”
Again it hardly mattered whether I respond or not. She was on a train. Downtown Express. But I had to try and be a part of it, given the benefits for both of us. No time to consider who or what she might prefer to be.
“No, of course not,” I felt agreement might be best for whatever her preference was.
“It’s not like she’d start thumbing her homegrown clit around without you having even said the word COCK yet.”
I could actually HEAR the word “cock” cross through the hall and punch apart my bedroom door. No idea why I locked it. Maybe I shouldn’t have.
“Right. I mean, of course. You’re my girlfriend,” I went on agreeing. Grabbing my stiffy in the process. She’d just TOLD me to, right?
“Yeah. I’m your girlfriend.”
Right. Permission to fuck my hand then, ma'am.
“Have you pulled out your cock yet? Please?”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Don’t call me Ma'am. I’m your girlfriend.”
She was rather blunt about that. I still hadn’t admitted that “Sophia” wasn’t my girlfriend so I sort of panicked and threw something silly out.
“Well. I call her that sometimes.”
“You do?”
She didn’t appear to have any understanding of why I might do that. And neither would I, to be honest. But the lie is already out there, so…
“Oh,” she went quiet for a moment. I couldn’t tell either way if she was bothered by it or measuring out what to do with that information. Until she landed on, “Well I guess that’s okay then,” before regaining her downtown rush tone and adding, “You can call me Ma'am. Or Slut. Or Cunt.”
Good Lord.
“Whatever it might take to get you to fuck me real hard with that thing.”
Apparently, I can’t lose no matter what I say.
“Oh, my gawd, Mom.” And that had happened inadvertently. I didn’t mean to call her Mom just after she’d offered to be anything other than that.
But she let it ride.
“Cuz you know I like it hard. Right?”
Something else was going on over there. I thought I heard some smooshing or squishing sounds. But she just kept right on going at the mouth as well.
“I like a big hard dick. That FUCKS me real hard.”
Much like I’d heard the word COCK belt across the hallway, this time, FUCK kicked in my door a little harder than that.
“I like a big hard dick that fucks me real hard,” she repeated. Little less emphasis on the word Fuck that time but, “You knew that, right? Wanna fuck me real hard, sweetheart?”
My hand sure wanted to fuck my hard cock real good at that point. I cautioned a look down at myself to consider that other alternative. Could that wanna pound at my own mother’s pussy?
“Say it!!” she demanded.
Fuck yeah, yum. But before I could respond she retract that to a more cautious optimism.
“I wanna hear it.”
“I know you like a big hard…” I could only think to repeat what I’d heard and not venture too far off the bridge but she interrupted me once again.
“SLAP it!!”
“Huh?” For reals. Huh?
“Slap the phone with your big hard dick. I wanna hear it hit me in the face.”
Her voice was now ragged and ornery. She’d gone way over the edge herself and I probably should have thrown her a life vest but… why would I wanna potentially cover those floatilas she’s already got going up top?!
“Do that for me, please, sweetheart? I’m so fucking horny right now. Don’t be disagreeable, okay?” Was I being disagreeable? I hadn’t hardly processed the concept of her wanting to be “hit in the face”. Yesterday, it was shoving it all down her throat and now she wants to get slapped with it? I’m a little bit too far behind the cue ball. “I don’t question your masculinity. Just help me out here. I’m real close already.”
Doesn’t question my masculinity. Wait, okay, that might bring some thoughts together for me. I wasn’t just receiving here. This time around I kinda wanted to get my mother off just as much as she did me. And plus, she’d just recognized something that was possibly unresolved in our relationship.
So I reached out and snatched the apple right back out of the hand of Eve.
“She never cums until I tell her to,” I stated simply.
“Sophia. She never cums until I tell her to,” I repeat.
She was completely unprepared for that.
“Oh my gawd… fucking bitch.”
Not really. One of the more appreciable things about Sophia was she had no problem educating me in that regard. Where and when you might wanna back off and ensure who’s in charge. How much that actually works to “her” benefit. And you just need to be willing to take that risk if you really wanna own the pussy more effectively. ‘You’re the one with the dick,’ she would say, ‘Boss me around.’
“And this is for me, not you - remember?” I added. Now biting that apple myself.
Maybe it’s not true for all women but ever since Sophia taught me that and I’d put it into practice it had not failed me yet.
“I’m so sorry. Yes, I remember.”
And it worked again.
Just a moment ago, she had gone overboard and was ordering me around. Not that I didn’t enjoy that jovial and reckless abandon blasting off of her but… well like I mentioned it kinda hit a nerve and given some things she was saying I felt it best I maybe go for broke. Winner, Chicken Dinner. She now felt more belonging and I could almost feel her pliability in my hands.
And to her credit, she did not back off the ledge completely.
“Could you do that for me the way I asked, though? Or something similar? I just want to… I just need to know what it sounds like.” Her words were wetter now. Less fire and brimstone. More welcoming and wanton. “Remind me what it sounds like.”
Remind her. Right. She’s my girlfriend.
“What was it you wanted?” I’d honestly kinda forgotten given all the bombastic words that had rushed through the phone in something short of five minutes.
“Slap that dirty dick in my face. I mean, tap it on the phone. Or pat it in the palm of your hand.” Not just words. I could feel the heat press out of her mouth. And other things. I think she began licking the phone. I definitely heard her kiss it a time or two. And that squishy sound from somewhere else below her. I know what pussy sounds like getting used. “Remind me what you fuck me with.”
Fuwk. That was hot. I wanted to hear it again.
“Tell me again.”
So she would.
“Remind me what you fuck with.”
She was absolutely fapping herself now. From the sounds of it, two fingers' worth. “Oh yes… get me good down there,” I heard her whimper. I don’t think she’d meant that for the phone but both her busy fingers instead.
“Again,” I implored her. This time over speakerphone. I was doing as she asked me to. Slapping my now proud cock in my hand. I wanted to match the sound it might make if I was peppering her messy mama vagina with it. And my palm was plenty wet from my own secretions so those hits were rather accurate. Nevermind your face, you want this in your pussy, don’t you?
“Remind me what you FUCK me with…”
She went on. Shattering the halls again.
“Keep going,” I encouraged her. Adding recurring slapping sounds to the echoes of my palm to ensure, or assure, or establish whatever memory she might be wanting me for. You wanna know what that feels like?
And she did indeed go on and on repeating that line. Among other whispered whimpers. It was a cacophony between the words the halls were grabbing, shuddering through my doorway, my dick almost splashing on and off my hand now, the expanse of that soft spot just beneath the gland growing ever more like a parachute set to blow open, her kissing and licking and the sucking going on of her fingers down between her legs, visions of her head going up and down on me like the night before, having her mouth fucked.
From the sound of things, I could fuck every hole on her and she’d never call that finished enough.
Not unlike Sophia.
“...and then you poke a finger into my wet liwl asshole. and shove your healthy cawk back in my mowph… oh gawd… and you keep on reminding me of how you FUCK ME with it!! You keep on reminding me.” She was whispering me all sorts of unconscious things, no telling what was real for her or not.
I’d forgotten by then that I’d told her to wait for my okay to go ahead and cum and wondered why she hadn’t yet already spasmed herself into submission.
“Please, I can’t last much longer. Are you gonna cum for me soon, please? I need it real bad,” which came out of her mouth quite pronounced and reasonable.
“I can if you can,” I told her simply.
I was just as reasonable in my assurance as she had been.
“Can I?!”
Her breathe would bark.
“Can you?”
I somehow maintained the very slightest bit of control above her own.
“YES! Just give me permission.”
I could hear her falling off a building with her arms reaching back up above her in suspended animation, while her body would continue to descend beneath a suffocating time-warp, ‘catch me before I die here, please.’
So I threw the rope down.
“Cum, Momma.”
Match Me.
“Ohhh CUM!!!” All the prior reverberations that came out of her were ghosted by that final echo. I threw my own rich orgasm out to meet the sounds. The house could hear us. The house could hold us. We’d been embraced there ever since the divorce. So many years shared but who could know it would ever cum to this? Impossibly brilliant as much as it was hastily created.
And somehow through all of that, I could continually hear her thrashing around on the bed. In her own room apart from mine. How long had she lived in there silently without that sort of recognition?
How much had I learned about what I don’t know?
How much more would I?
This time around, she hadn’t come out of her bedroom for several hours, while I went about being constructive downstairs. I left her alone. Did some studying. Putting together some formulas. No telling if and when we might ever go back to school or not.
I was worried about her some.
Maybe I should have thrown that life vest at her after all? Instead of letting her climb an imaginary building fifty stories high only to throw her a rope? Kind of schmucky of me maybe.
I’m not supposed to know that though. I’m only nineteen after all.
I swing my dick around. Der.
At some point early evening, she managed to come down from out of hiding, went straight for the refrigerator and popped the cork on a bottle of red wine.
Okay. Fair enough.
Once again, she sat down across from me, this time, all mummied up in a thick pink robe with decades-old slippers on that I may have recognized. This outfit went WAY back to my early years. Ought to not only have been mothballed but tossed out completely.
Alright, we’re maybe not okay here. Tread lightly.
“Please don’t mention what happened up there. Ever again.”
She notified me right away.
“What happens in the bedroom…” I thought I had the right answer but she appeared to wanna push it all off the table. Sipping at her wine a bit too generously.
“No, I mean, like… ever again. Between us let alone anyone else.” Obviously, I wouldn’t ever consider sharing it with anyone else, duh. “This was a very bad idea.”
Uh ohz, that bad, eh? I’m not sure I’d be able to deal with that. I kinda, well I definitely needed it now. Surely I could recognize how much this last “phone conversation” had advanced from the one prior but it did remain all on the phone so, why combat against this one and not the other?
Regardless, I know when not to smother.
I left it alone.
For a few long moments.
The news was on in the other room. I’d turned it on temporarily and kinda forgot it offhand.
“What are they saying?” she asked me.
“It’s not going well,” I answered. But she got up from the table anyway - her wine glass with her - and approached the box of darkness herself. They were counting up some real fugly numbers. None of them were going the right way at all.
“Oh my gawd, we’re gonna be like this forever,” she surmised.
Uh-huh. But despite that, and her completely unsexy attire, I was massaging my groin now anyhow. Forever might not be so bad. Can we do some more stuff I might be able to catalogue in my mind forever if not act upon?
She turned back casually and spotted me, honestly alarmed this time.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m horny,” I simply told her.
Sorry but despite me being somewhat productive down there I had plenty of other thoughts repeating over and over in my mind. It had been HOURS since I’d put the phone aside. But not much of anything I found her willing to say in those moments earlier had been put away. At all.
“But…” she continued to be astounded. While I continued right on doing what I was doing. You heard how that worked before, eh? She likes it plenty. “Why in the world would that make you horny?”
Honest answer?
“The idea of being stuck in the house with you for several more weeks? Months perhaps?”
“No! I meant. What they’re saying on the TV but, yeah - I guess that too!”
“You’re sexy.” I avoided commenting on the TV part.
“What are you talking about? I’m dressed like a sixty-year-old right now.”
“It’s still sexy. Cuz I know you’re under there.”
Another honest answer. You can’t fool me from what I already know. You’re not the fuckin’ Michelin Man. I know what’s under there. And now I know what it sounds like sum also.
“Oh my god. Two years away at college and you’ve lost your mind already.”
Have I? Dare I repeat her own thoughts on the matter half the day earlier?
“I didn’t know you could talk that way. It turns me on,” I offered.
I could not be dissuaded from my mission. I’d been doing arithmetic and other bullshit for several hours and it was definitely time to find relief from that. Come to papa.
“I DON’T talk that way. You made me do it. To satisfy… your own arousal.”
Weird. Why would she choose that word? Is she not aware that’s a very feminine thing to say and I might be mistaking it for some thoughts she’s having that aren’t mine exclusively? Plus, well you know - the way it sounded when she said it. “And yours too,” I noted accurately. “You talk that way when I’m not around.”
I was nibbling on a Pop-Tart, by the way. Mom had wine and I had something juvenile.
“I don’t talk that way when your not around.”
She was kinda miffed at me but I know what I can get away with. Or, well, I now might know some other things I might be able to get away with. Like denying my mother the right to her purity while I’m working up yet another fresh boner.
“Yes, you do,” I insisted.
“I do not,” as would she.
“Yes, you do. That’s why it came so easy for you.”
Blam. There it is then.
Another long moment passed where she did not protest.
She probably should have just stepped a little closer and kicked me in the face. But she failed to. She sat back down instead. “Is that what your girlfriend taught you?” she kicked at someone else. Nice of her. “All mothers are sexually suppressed little cock-hungry whores? How would she know?” She checked me for a reaction on what she’d said, since it was a very very dirty thing to say. Right in front of me no less and not through an iPhone (which I noticed she had in her oversized pocket). An admission, perhaps.
I kept right on massaging myself. A fair amount now more visible there. And she checked that too. “She wouldn’t,” I replied to her very wise assessment. “But you would.”
Again she didn’t dispute me. Lawyers don’t like getting caught in lies.
Another moment went by.
“Stop that.” But she was referring to my cock massage technique. “That’s highly inappropriate. I can almost tell how much you’ve got under there.”
“Yeah?” As if that’s accidental? Keep an eye on it, by all means necessary.
“Yeah. It’s a teenaged monster, I’m sure.”
She wasn’t trying to be funny but I was. I knew were I was going and clearly getting closer. I now know how to drive this magic bus.
“It might be,” I teased.
She was also on her second glass of wine already. Got up for a refill.
“Well get all that under the table if you insist on continuing. For god's sakes.”
Okay, wait. That part I wasn’t quite ready for. Did she just give me permission to go on ahead and jack off in the kitchen? Holy fuck, man - I had no idea I could be so good at this. Stay the course, mate!
She went back to that doorway between the kitchen and the living room, the flat black screen in there kept sharing horrible events going on around the world. One country after another. It didn’t appear she was really focused on that, however. The tie on her robe just wouldn’t remain tight enough for her liking. She kept on stuffing her boobs back in there and shuffling things around. I couldn’t catch much. But it’s possible she had nothing on beneath that thing?
In addition, she could not keep herself from peeking back at me. Re-associating her location to different areas of the kitchen.
I’d done what she asked at least, had pushed myself and my chair up under the table.
I thought about taking it out of there some, had a loop in these pajama pants. I mean, I was really out of my league right now but there was SO much winning going on.
“You really shouldn’t be doing that in here,” she ultimately recognized once more. None of the areas she’d “randomly” wandered to were all that blatant from a periscope perspective. She wouldn’t make it obvious enough that she was attempting to witness me. “That’s not what we agreed to.”
I thought for a moment. I knew I was being an asshat. Might I be going too far? If not much too quickly? “Do you want me to stop?”
I was asking honestly but it hadn’t really fallen out that way. I kind of sounded like a prick.
“Well, have you taken it out already?”
I hadn’t. But I did right then. If she had to ask whether I had already then that would mean she’d consciously allowed for it. “Shove your cock down my throat. Push my head down. I’m gonna have to taste it first.” These are the things I’d heard her admit an interest for in just the last twenty-four hours or so. Fuck yeah, I’m gonna take it out now. Who wouldn’t? This ain’t Mary Poppins we’re dealing with here.
Her eyes were darting around for somewhere safe to land on. Aha - a bottle of wine to top off her glass. Allows her to turn away. But not for long.
“Well, I guess there’s just no stopping you now then, college kid. Go ahead,” she surrendered, exasperated. Hre free hand went into the air before landing back on the counter and steady herself for a pretty healthy swig. Caused her robe to come open just a little bit in profile. I really don’t think she was wearing a bra. Again.
This time, she didn’t bother stuffing everything back up in on itself and let her head slowly readjust in my direction over time; biting her lip unconsciously. She now had a bit of red wine on her chin.
I was pretty well along in “preparation” stages now and had a real healthy hard-on. Required a fair amount of hand motion for me to slowly stroke the length of it. Which I was doing. What the hell had happened to all those cowardly considerations and concerns I had before? “Push it in my mouth. Show me what you want from me.”
I guess because of the hand motion she thought she better recapture her former seat. Maybe I’d be working less obvious movements from a more equally obscured angle?
But apparently not.
“You little shit.”
She pushed her own chair a little closer to the table, in profile to my own.
And then her left hand disappeared.
“What are you doing?” I asked almost immediately. She can’t possibly be doing what my infantile teenaged brain might be hoping for. Joining me for a mutual fap session?
“Hush up. Don’t ask me that.” But she was. Oh my goodness. “We’re not on the phone.”
Holy FUCK, man!!
“Oh. So the phone hasn’t gone off limits? There’s really not no Never Again?” I was beating off pretty good now. But I managed to keep my cool. Suitably impressed with myself for salvaging this entire situation the way I had and somehow even leveled up in the process!!! But my voice was cracking a little. I’d become especially excited, you might understand.
“I guess not. I can’t go for weeks without it any more than you can.” Her arm motioned over at the TV out of sight in the other room. As if the entire thing was someone else fault.
Then her brow crawled together and frowned in consternation. That bit lip might be drawing real blood now. And her lovely eyes were uncontrollably bouncing at the tabletop - forward and back, some sporadic rhythm between that and whatever her hand was deciding on or going towards.
My own rhythm became more pronounced. I hadn’t whacked off like this since I used to in the shower several years before, maybe. Fuck yeah, man. I love handling my ornery cock and pleasuring myself. Who have I been kidding for a handful of years now?
“Oh my gawd…” she wasn’t trying not to notice my arm movements anymore. “How big is it?”
“You wanna see?”
I was most definitely prepared to leap up out of the chair and display myself proudly now.
“Good GOD, no! Absolutely not.”
Which sounded very sincere of her, unfortunately.
“Are you sure cuz…”
“Absolutely not,” she confirmed for me combatively once more. “Definitely no. Don’t you dare. Not like that anyway.”
Well, that’s somewhat confusing.
“Like what?”
“ERECT! With your hand held around it!!”
Oh yeah. My bad.
“Alright.” I guess I might be content to not have to show her then. Especially since it sounded so troublesome and we’d obviously need to return to that idea in the not too distant future.
Which she also confirmed.
“I was just curious. I mean, well as your mother I guess it’s fair to be a bit curious, that’s all. But don’t show me anything.”
My turn.
“How big are those?”
I noted with my eyes that her robe had met more difficulty in recent moments. I was catching quite a glimpse there. Yum.
“Oh goodness. I’m sorry. I’m not wearing a bra.” She said it so innocently like she’d somehow forgot that or even whether or not to wear one before coming down for “dinner” with me. Partially stuffed herself back within that charade but not completely.
She also checked my eyes to see if I noticed she hadn’t done that entirely. Cuz I was supposed to positively notice that, apparently.
“And without a bra, you can’t remember the fitting?”
That made her mad. Why did I need to be such a prick about all this? It wasn’t fair at all anymore.
“Thirty-four Triple… oh you probably already know, snooping around my drawers when you were younger.”
Yup, I walked right into that one. True story.
“You knew about that?”
“Well, I do now if I didn’t,” she smirked.
How had I gotten away for such an extended period here devolving into the idea that my mother isn’t smarter than me? That leveled us out a little bit. And I did appreciate it. Interesting how an ego works.
She winked at me.
“Well, I was just naturally curious is all. You know how that goes.” I thought to defend myself somewhat, despite being plenty busy with greater considerations at the moment.
“It’s fine. I didn’t mind.”
I had to contemplate that for a bit as well. She wouldn’t or hadn’t mind me doing that? Wait a minute. How far back behind all this am I really?
“Did you ever…”
She wasn’t done with this subject. The two of us had continued doing what could not be seen below the tabletop. That hadn’t ended. We just reached a more acceptable approach with it, I guess. It kinda reminded me of the equality in other adult conversations we would share our thoughts on. Except, of course, we’d never been masturbating ourselves beneath the table before while having one before. Uh, nope.
I wasn’t really being defensive. I just couldn’tTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
I continued a persistent knock on her door but she would not entertain it.+++‘My god, he’s got a great big powerful cock. God help me.’Lizzy. Elizabeth. Had a weakness for great big cock. More specifically, the assertive types.It had led to an ill-conceived marriage to Teddy’s father, in all honesty. Despite his many other obvious failings. He could always talk her out of any complaints or frustrations simply by offering up his big bone hard dick. Which her weak knees knew could and would bang...
IncestStory Two: Quarantined with His Hot Mom By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Who would have thought having no school, playing video games, and masturbating to porn would get boring? Three weeks into quarantine, and I missed doing things. My mom was paranoid. She always made me use hand sanitizer and wear a mask. The only time I could leave the house was to go shopping with her. When did going to the grocery store with my mom become something to...
Story One: Quarantined with His Nubile Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Three weeks with no women. Three weeks with my daughter stuck in my apartment thanks to the quarantine. I liked my daughter. Hell, I loved my daughter, but having Shannon stuck in the house with me for three weeks was enough to get on anyone's nerve. The only exciting place we could go was the grocery store. And you couldn't turn that into any huge amount of...
Who would have thought having no school, playing video games, and masturbating to porn would get boring? Three weeks into quarantine, and I missed doing things. My mom was paranoid. She always made me use hand sanitizer and wear a mask. The only time I could leave the house was to go shopping with her. When did going to the grocery store with my mom become something to look forward to just to get out? To move and do shit. I was horny all the time. There were no girls at all to hang around...
Quarantine Cove (c) 2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or mailing list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story and release your own adaptations or new stories under...
Story Three: Daddy Girl's Naughty Quarantine Research By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! It was a good thing our family had a big home, or we'd go insane in quarantine. There were Mom and Dad, Nancy and Clancy (they were twins), Renee, and then me. I was the youngest at eighteen. If we didn't have this big house, I'd think it would have started getting bad during quarantine. We all had to find things to do. Things that let us stay out of...
Story Five: Daughter's Hot Mom Seduction By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! It was week two of the quarantine, and I was making raspberry jam with Mom. We had gone out to the grocery store to get supplies and found the raspberries on sale. Mom leaped at the opportunity to buy them and we were both excited to make some jam. We had been making a lot of jams and canned food since quarantine started. I guessed we were doing some prepping for the...
This is not a piece of fiction and if I am vague in any parts of this it is because I want to protect the anonymity of everyone involved. ------------------------------------------------------- I was biting the pillow because it hurt, but it was a good hurt. If I hadn't sucked his cock at the beginning of his shift, the cop that was fucking me bareback wouldn't be taking so long. On my knees in the middle of the bed, I was wearing an AussieBum jockstrap and I was handcuffed. Not the...
Story Four: Little Sister's Naughty Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “That's it, Clancy,” groaned my twin sister, her naked ass wiggling at me as she lay bent over the hood of the 1969 Camaro I was repairing in the garage. “Just slide that cock into me. I need it. I'm fucking going crazy!” “Shit,” I muttered, my dick out in my hand. I was about to fuck my twin sister. Nancy's trimmed, brown bush dripped with juices as it peeked out...
Story Six: Mommy's Incestuous Romps By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! I just finished having sex with my husband. Middle of the day. Passionate. I couldn't remember the last time we had done that with all our children in the house. I had walked into his office where Michael now worked because of the quarantine. Our youngest daughter, Linda, had been in there writing at her own computer. I had thought it was adorable that she was spending time...
Hi. Katie here with a fun update. I hate Covid and just like every other person on this planet, I can’t wait for it to vanish forever.Despite our having a very active lifestyle, Covid comes along and shuts it all down. For the first time since I started college, I went months without pleasing a cock, except hubby, who has been used relentlessly. I must say, he’s been great every day.He noticed that I was like a cat on a hot tin roof, so horny and frustrated that I was going out of my mind....
Wife LoversStory Nine: Mommy Craves Her Hung Son By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! It was three weeks into quarantine when I walked into my son's room and everything change “Hey,” I said brightly as I opened the door. It was the middle of the day and I needed Kevin to help me out with a chore. “I need...” “Mom!” he gasped as he shuddered, lying naked in the middle of his bed, his hand pumping up and down his penis. His semen fired from his penis. I...
Everything had turned grey. And also dull. The result of a hotel quarantine after two days. Eight more to go! The dullness was deafening. Hotel Wi-Fi was choppy, and there was nothing on TV. I felt like a bloody prisoner in my economy class hotel room right by Heathrow airport in London. My boss had thought it essential that I safe their London branch, and so he sent me across the pond willing to pay the £2,000 to quarantine me. And to be honest, it flattered me. I felt needed and valuable to...
LesbianStory Eight: Dad's Incestuous Daughters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Daddy!” Linda moaned as she worked her pussy up and down my cock. “Yes, yes, Daddy!” The week since we'd started our incestuous relationship had been wild. I couldn't believe the things we'd done in my office while the rest of the family was busy in other parts of our large house. Quarantine was still on, and here I was savoring my eighteen-year-old daughter's cunt...
Story Seven: Sisters' Creampie Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Renee!” my big brother groaned as his cum pumped into my pussy. “Yes!” My naughty pussy writhed around my big brother's cock. I shuddered, whimpering and moaning as his wonderful seed pumped into my cunt. I trembled, bent over the hood of the 1969 Camaro he'd been working on in our family's garage. I'd been “helping” Clancy all week. Ever since my big brother had...
“That’s it, Clancy,” groaned my twin sister, her naked ass wiggling at me as she lay bent over the hood of the 1969 Camaro I was repairing in the garage. “Just slide that cock into me. I need it. I’m fucking going crazy!” “Shit,” I muttered, my dick out in my hand. I was about to fuck my twin sister. Nancy’s trimmed, brown bush dripped with juices as it peeked out between her thighs, the slit of her pussy framed by her lush legs. She looked over her shoulder at me, her brown hair spilling...
It was week two of the quarantine, and I was making raspberry jam with Mom. We had gone out to the grocery store to get supplies and found the raspberries on sale. Mom leaped at the opportunity to buy them and we were both excited to make some jam. We had been making a lot of jams and canned food since quarantine started. I guessed we were doing some prepping for the family. Dad was up in his office working from home these days. My little sister, Linda, was up there, too. She was such a...
Flynn was alone in the laundry room finishing loading his clothes in the washer. He popped in a few coins, jiggled the handle and the machine was off and running; not exactly humming, more like chugging and rattling. Regardless, he gave himself a high-five for levelling up to “Laundry Pro”.He couldn’t decide what to do next while waiting. Maybe a run? That meant going back up to his apartment to change out of his jeans and t-shirt into his gear. Regardless of what he was doing, he knew where,...
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It was three weeks into quarantine when I walked into my son’s room and everything change “Hey,” I said brightly as I opened the door. It was the middle of the day and I needed Kevin to help me out with a chore. “I need...” “Mom!” he gasped as he shuddered, lying naked in the middle of his bed, his hand pumping up and down his penis. His semen fired from his penis. I watched the stream of white firing up into the air as he bucked, his face twisted in pleasure and panic. He dropped his...
Introduction: Reposted by poipular demad and numerous e-mails Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1 Hello readers and fans. I know it has been quite a while since my last post and I am sorry, but in my own defense I have been around the world a few times and Ive been very busy. I will report that I did get to see my brother-in-law Hirito while on a return trip to Japan. He is still a little pissed at me, but our seeing each other was at least cordial. He is now a father of 11 year old twin girls. His girls...
The Covid virus has been very disruptive to most of us and the restrictions it has made us employ have been tough for a lot of business owners especially. Lots of small businesses have been forced to close and many people are now working from home due to the social distancing measures in place to slow the spread. My own work as a tradesman has slowed down and I am now spending most of my days confined to the house which is a drain on the finances. We have been relying heavily on the income that...
“Momma, they’re shutting down the campus on Friday,” lamented the college junior.“I figured they would. I’ve been on the phone with Aunt Nettie. You can stay with her for the time being since she’s close.”“Doesn’t she already have a ton of people living with her.”“Patrick..I mean, Prisha,” she swallowed hard. “There’s just not a lot of options right now. The only people living with her are LaToya and Brianna. They have a study slash guest room you can use till this thing blows over. It’s not...
After her divorce, Nicole decided to leave the “big city” and return to her hometown on Virginia’s coast. Nicole and her ex, Brad, had gotten married right out of college. Things were great, until they weren’t. When they learned that Nicole couldn’t have kids, the relationship and future they had planned were suddenly gone and they struggled to replace it. When Nicole turned thirty, she put her foot down, insisting that they needed to spice up their listless marriage. They took up golf. ...
ThreesomesIf he were honest with himself though, Daniel wasn't entirely surprised. The three of them had been stuck in the house together for nearly a week, thanks to the quarantine. And Lacey had been walking around in almost nothing, save for some skimpy lingerie. She'd claimed it was to save on dirty laundry, but now Daniel suspected it was for Anthony's benefit. Not that Daniel hadn't had some strange thoughts himself over the past several days. He hadn't been with anyone since he and his wife...
"I'm telling you the truth, auntie." Jordan rubbed his forehead as he sat at his aunt's kitchen table, pushing the mop of messy, matted, curly, mousy-brown hair out of his eyes. "If we have to stay in quarantine much longer, I swear I'll go out of my mind!" It had been fifty days since he'd had to abandoned his dormitory in New York City and take shelter with his aunt and his cousins in rural Massachusetts. Mary took a sip of her coffee and shrugged at her nephew. "I don't know what to...
Quarantine Streamer **Note: This story contains rapid weight-gain, extreme weight gain, nudity, references to sexual pleasure, button bursting, clothes tearing, and furniture destruction. It also has minor references of stuffing and feederism.** **Everyone in the story is 18+** The image comes along as the camera begins streaming. A friendly woman’s face moves into a view, a kind smile that reaches her eyes as she looks into the lens, giving a brief wave in greeting. As she backs away from the...
Fantasy“Renee!” my big brother groaned as his cum pumped into my pussy. “Yes!” My naughty pussy writhed around my big brother’s cock. I shuddered, whimpering and moaning as his wonderful seed pumped into my cunt. I trembled, bent over the hood of the 1969 Camaro he’d been working on in our family’s garage. I’d been “helping” Clancy all week. Ever since my big brother had finally noticed me sunbathing beside the pool. He had claimed my fifteen-year-old body, taking my virginity. He made me his. I...
“Daddy!” Linda moaned as she worked her pussy up and down my cock. “Yes, yes, Daddy!” The week since we’d started our incestuous relationship had been wild. I couldn’t believe the things we’d done in my office while the rest of the family was busy in other parts of our large house. Quarantine was still on, and here I was savoring my fourteen-year-old daughter’s cunt sliding up and down my cock. Her black hair swayed about her face. Her blue eyes shone. I gripped her ass, my computer chair...
Our weird Quarantine rules had been in place for two weeks. A few times a day, Paul and I would switch our flatscreen over to Pornhub and suck each other dry. Yeah, we told ourselves it was only because of the quarantine, just like I told myself I only sucked Paul so eagerly because I wanted him to do the same. But there was more to it than that…Since we were able to freely admit our desires, our tastes had gotten more extreme. Cross-dressing and trap porn became pretty common entertainment,...
CrossdressingCOVID Exposure. Part 1 As COVID-19 was heating up as a pandemic, I was working for an international firm and constantly on the road, traveling primarily to Europe. I was in Paris when the President Trump announced closing our US boarders and terminating flights from overseas. I called my wife, Peggy, when I heard the news. I let her know I was working with the airlines and embassy to secure a flight home. Peggy stated that this must be really missing up "My Plans." I told her that...
Covid Angel?Lockdown has been a trial for all of us but for me it has had sadder repercussions. My wife, Tanya, is very attractive with a slim figure, double D cup breasts and long blonde hair. She dresses very smartly but in a way that has a classy seductiveness to it. No one can believe that she is touching 50 and she gives some 20 year olds a run for their money. We have been happy together for over 20 years but like many couples, our bedtime activities are much reduced.During the first UK...
So , Biden announced his Covid 19 task force. A list of heavyweights from the past.The board will be co-chaired by three public health heavyweights: Dr. David Kessler, a former commissioner of the Food and d**g Administration under President Bill Clinton; Dr. Vivek Murthy, who served as surgeon general under President Barack Obama; and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, a professor of public health at Yale University.The board will also include a slate of global health experts, infectious disease...
To be honest, I was surprised they stayed open as long as they did. I saw on the news last weekend some of the tourist beaches, like Bondi were shut down, but that hasn’t happened here and I don’t think that would happen here at my sleepy little town…. but who knows what next week will bring. In Alex’s message on Monday, he suggested that whatever my pool routine was, I should just keep that schedule and go over to his and Adam’s place and work on my strokes…. replace my pool exercising with...
On Monday morning I received a message from my old fuck buddy Alex telling me that the local pool has been shut down as part of the Corona measures.To be honest, I was surprised they stayed open as long as they did.I saw on the news last weekend some of the tourist beaches, like Bondi were shut down, but that hasn’t happened here and I don’t think that would happen here at my sleepy little town... but who knows what next week will bring.In Alex’s message on Monday, he suggested that whatever my...
Gay MaleIt has been months since I've had to actually get up and ready and head into the office. I was dreading this day for the last two weeks, knowing it was approaching. My wife, on the other hand, seemed giddy. I guess I couldn't really blame her.We've been around each other almost all day, every day since the virus hit and things were shut down. She normally works from home so this transition for her was easy. It's been great for our sex life too, or so I thought.We were having sex more times...
FetishAs they toweled off, Anthony winced when the towel ran across his ass. His asshole still hurt from the fucking his father had given him, but it was a good kind of hurt. In the past two days, Anthony had come to realize that he was a submissive little slut. And he derived pleasure from pleasing others. Judging from the huge load of cum his father had dumped in his asshole, which Lacey had been made to eat out, he knew he'd pleased his father. As far as Lacey was concerned, she was excited for...
Chapter Nine. I got up and got dressed, which, to be honest, felt a little odd. I spent time making sure I looked good. My hair was brushed and makeup on. I had my most professional looking outfit on. I wanted to look my best and to look in total control. I set up my computer and got skype ready to go. I did one last check of the accounts to make sure they hadn't changed at all. I then almost backed out of doing this. I was experiencing so many emotions and they kept fighting for dominance....
IncestYour stuck inside due to the enforcement of quarantine. With nowhere to go your forced to live your life and entertain yourself where your at. Some were lucky enough to be at home others are forced to stay and shelter where they were. There's been stories of a guys ex being stuck in the apartment with him and his current girlfriend. Another of a decent party of people now forced to live together. Another of people stuck in stores or shops like the one of a guy forced to remain in a lingerie...
TranssexualSo as the quarantine ends and I meet the Married Chinese Lawyer on the Saturday, the Chinese student set up a meet on Sunday. I thought perfect! But after I was done with the Married Chinese Lawyer, she immediately wants again the next day. I was faced with a dilemma, double booking on the same day! cut short, I met with the Lawyer during noon on Sunday and went immediately to the Chinese student in the evening. Let’s just say I was exhausted after that...
For obvious reasons the start of 2020 is proving to be a real kick in the teeth.Yet through all this chaos a friendship I made online has evolved somewhat. Backing up a little... For a couple of years I'd been talking to a girl online, she'd sent photos but nothing totally concrete proving she was who she said she was. She had always ducked out of video calling or meeting in real life. So naturally my brains often assumed she was a Catfish, I mean all the logical evidence was there. But that...
I've volunteered and now im stuck in quarantine , with a group of elder to keep safe and wellespecially Mister Henry and his cousin Joseph, both retired rich elder black guys it went normal during the first few days and after 2 days of getting to know themthey wanted to say thanks to me for being such a ''good boy''I was quite not sure but he insisted , saying he could give me an allowance if i choose to take care of them during the crysisi refused saying it was fine i was here to helpHenry and...
Hello everyone! My name is Rajesh and I am from Hyderabad. I want to share my real sex experience I had with my mother with you guys. Let me give a brief introduction of my mother. Her name is Supriya. She is 46 years old. She is of fair complexion. She has a habit of doing yoga, so naturally she has a fit body. My mother has big boobs and a very juicy ass. Her body measurements are 36-32-36. Coming to me, I am 21 years old. I am in the 8th semester of B.Tech. So, I only have to do project. I...
IncestHi guys. I have been a vivid reader of ISS and also I have been a writer on this very site. You may know me by the nickname “Aryans” if you have read my previous stories. I have got a lot of nice reviews from most of you guys for my previous stories. You can check those stories here on this site. Today, I am back with Part 2 version of myself, a different name, different stories, different kinks and different characters (precisely female ones to jerk). I hope you love this story and send me...
Author's Note: Before getting to the story, I want to once again thank everyone for the warm welcome that all the stories, and especially the ones featuring Carl(y) and Felicia. I promise that they'll return, it just might take a little while since I want to keep the stories seasonally appropriate. Enjoy! The quarantine was rough on everyone. People forced to stay home and abandon their social lives, employers forced to adopt new telecommuting practices in a short time to...
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Then yesterday she rebuffed my advances and explained that she wasn't feeling that good, down below. At first she thought it was just sore from being overused, but then the next day she had a request. “Babe, you need to go out shopping today,” she informed me as she made me breakfast. “Really? I’m sure whatever it is we can wait until this quarantine is over,” I sighed. I wasn’t scared of going out, but I didn’t want to risk it if I didn’t have to. “Well, I think I have a year infection...
I looked at the calendar. Five months without a hookup. No, wait. I had forgotten to turn the page. Lifting a few sheets and pinning them to the top, I sighed. Eight months without a hookup. Quarantine sucked. So fucking long without seeing anyone I knew but my roommate, outside of video chats. And you don't exactly set up a hookup on video chat. Sure, if I'd had a boyfriend before this all started I would have kept seeing him. But one offs just seemed reckless. I had no shortage of...
I am Sarah, of French descent, in my early forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience, be it male or female, preferably both. And size is important to me, really important. I find it difficult to resist a well hung man. My man’s thick, nine-erection...
I am Sarah, of French descent, in my early forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience, be it male or female, preferably both. And size is important to me, really important. I find it difficult to resist a well hung man. My man’s thick, nine-erection...
430 After the passing pt1 After the passing of Melvin, the son takes on the aunt and …well you`ll see pt 12548 words total 9531 words“DEAD what do you mean dead he was ok when he left here this morning!” the young constable stepped back at the verbal onslaught, he was not experienced in death messages and her reaction had caught him un-prepared, “Erm…yes I`m sure he was, but the tanker of molasses tipping over onto his car meant he came to a sticky end…!” he realised what he had said and...
342 bdsm and the neighbour`s pt1 It was a dark and stormy night and the rain came pitter-pat down, and had for the last three days, next doors ornamental garden pond was so overfull that it being a semi-raised sided pond, it broke its banks. Not in itself a big thing but the koi carp that were washed towards the house must have cost a bloody fortune and the folks, their friends at no7 were out. Gethin had rushed to help Megan his wife scooping up each fish and throwing them back into the now...
273 Visiting a Yorkshire Lady. pt1 The car towing its elderly caravan turned into the long lane leading he knew to her home, he had never been before but had scanned google maps and knew the route as precisely as his own hand, he had, in his mind travelled it time and time again over the past few months. The combination rattling over the cattle grid, and finally crawled to a halt behind the remote but very cosy looking three bed house, once the farm house of this remote farm on the open...
270. Three sisters [pt1] Let`s set the scene; a farm out the back of nowhere near Northallerton, for you folks not of the mother country that’s a town in the English North Yorkshire moors, an area of outstandingly beautiful scenery, rolling massive moorland hills, small s**ttered solidly built family farms of local stone, hard-working places, giving a solid reliable feeling, and the native folks made of that the same, hard-working reliable form, mostly survivors of old Yorkshire families, but...
sisters turned lesbian PT1THIS STORY IS A FANTASY AND ONLY A FANTASY. I DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY SUCH ACTIVITIES.I walked into my younger si(s)ters room and saw her naked humping a pillow, her tiny ass towards the door.I stood there and watched her excitement as she fucked the pillow fiercely. She was muttering unintelligible cries of pleasure. I started rubbing my tits. I unbuttoned my shorts to make room for my hand so I could rub my pussy.Watching her wildly fucking the pillow was making me...
New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt1 A Hot as hell MILF moves in next door and likes using her hot tub. You like looking. She has an incredible body. She tells you that when it comes to sex, she is totally in charge or there is none…. Would you? I knew how it had started. I had told my gorgeous new neighbor after she caught me staring at her barely covered body that as a matter of fact, yes I would be willing to do about anything to see her naked and to have sex with her. I had followed...
College Visit with Not My Niece Pt1This is a series inspired by a conversation with a very nice and very sexy woman here. If she wants you to know who she is, she will tell you in the comments… ++++++++Sitting in the pickup queue at the airport I check my phone. The text says, “Sry I’m late. Just came out. Red top, big sunglasses.” I see her immediately. She is more petite than I had imagined. She has her carryon and another large bag over her shoulder. She looks like she just returned...
The Unforgettable weekend... Pt1 Guess looking back I should have know something was up. About 2 months before this wonderful weekend, happened, when my wife talked me into and attached a chastity device to my cock. She told me that she was planning something wild that she had read about. That it would be a surprise, and that the chastity device was to make sure I was ready for it. In the following weeks, there was about 5 or 6 women that came over for dinner. They all said that...