The Receptionist Part Three - The Conclusion free porn video

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The medical office was cheery and well lit. There was a large fish tank off to one side, and lots of windows and seating in the half-filled waiting room. On the wall were several posters on health-related topics, with a few on gender and mental health very prominent in the middle of the main hallway. I noted the color scheme had quite a bit of blue and pink in it overall. Vicki sat by my side, holding my hand as I awaited my turn. It had been a wild couple of weeks since I first made the appointment for today. I could see she was idly toying with her still healing tongue as she sat reading one of the magazines scattered about. My own split tongue had finished healing a little while ago, so I had a pretty good idea about the tingling healing sensations she was feeling. I squeezed her hand. Soon enough, the nurse called out "Chloe", and Vicki wished me luck as I headed back to the examination room. It was still a bit of a thrill to hear strangers call me by my new chosen name, though occasionally I did still forget they were referring to me. Force of habit. I thought back to the other preparatory lab visits before this one, for various blood draws and tests, where I first started making the new me official. Today was going to be a big day though. The exam room was decent sized, as such things go. The nurse took my blood pressure and other normal office visit vitals. I was shocked to discover I had lost around 20 pounds since my last doctor visit for the flu nearly 7 months back while I was still in college. My how time flies. The nurse had me hop up on the exam bench, and take off my top to put on a backless exam robe. I felt more than naked without my usual breast forms attached as I stripped out of my modest and toned-down top. All of my usual piercings were also more muted than usual. I wanted to present a more professional look to this doctor who was going to have the future of my life in their hands, until I knew more about them. I did pause to admire my new tattoo sleavework in progress on both arms though. I'd opted for a sci fi collage theme in graywork, it seemed to be coming along nicely. My blue and purple almond shaped nail idly traced the newest addition, a Tardis being hunted by a tie fighter being piloted by a standing flash gordon riding it like a chariot, reins and all. It made me, and more importantly Vicki smile when we saw it. As I was putting on the robe, I noticed again how pointy my nipples had become under the breast form glue. I was worried that the glue was starting to cause an allergic reaction, they did itch something fierce sometimes, and there were odd pains, but also, they felt really, really good sometimes too. I made a mental note to ask the doctor about them at some point. A few minutes of waiting later, and the doctor arrived. Doctor Tricia Lee was a fairly young woman with Asian features, and a cheerful, smiling face. She introduced herself quickly, and shook my hand. I noticed with interest that she also sported a small septum ring of her own. She was fairly short, at maybe 4' 8" tall. We quickly worked through the general introductory phase, and the usual medical "are you allergic to anything, are you mailing anything containing liquid or explosives, etc." questions (Wait, that last one might be the post office, I forget), and then she got down to the purpose of my visit. "So, Chloe, I see that you are looking at transitioning from male to female. Is that right? or do we have a typo here and you are going the other way?" she asked, a bit confused as she looked at the notes. I blushed, and replied, "Ah, yes, that is correct doctor, I'm looking to become a woman as much as I can." Dr. Lee did a double take, and replied, "Wow, looks like you are already on your way. I wouldn't have guessed. Well, that's certainly something we can help you with today. I see you already had the requisite blood tests. Interesting, your Estrogen level is already a little high. We'll have to keep an eye on that." My Estrogen levels? Huh, I guess wearing all these skirts and dresses really had done something to me. Then the other shoe dropped in my mind. E-pills. The E must not have been for Erection after all. I was pretty sure that telling the good doctor that I had been inadvertently giving myself low doses of estrogen for a couple months now probably wasn't going to help things along, so I just nodded noncommittally. Doctor Lee then continued once more. "So, here at the clinic we operate on an informed consent model. You will still want to see a therapist for final surgery approval, but I can and will prescribe you hormones today if you answer my riddles correctly.... The riddle part was a joke, but I do have some general questions to make sure you are able to understand and accept the consequences of taking female replacement hormones. If that all goes well, we can schedule your Orchidectomy for some time about 2 months from now, once we know you are responding well to the treatment if you like." I shivered a bit as the meaning of the last procedure she mentioned registered in my brain. Doctor lee gave me a quick medical examination to check my breathing, blood pressure, etc., and asked me a bunch of questions. Did I have any history of self-harm, or suicidal thoughts or ideation? Nope! Was I aware that taking Estrogen and Progesterone as well as anti-androgen hormones might cause me to grow breasts and other female secondary sex characteristics? Oh yes, Bring it on baby! Was I aware of the potential side effects including loss of erections and fertility? Honestly, those did give me pause, but Vicki said she had a plan for dealing with the former, and she wasn't worried about that, so neither was I. What was the average Ais Speed velocity of an unladen swallow? African or European? I replied. Doctor Lee smiled at that last one. A short while later, she handed me a piece of paper with details about some new prescriptions I was to pick up from the pharmacy, a list of optional medical procedures, some of which were and were not covered by my insurance from the shop, and timelines for when I could have them done, and a list of gender therapists to speak with if I wanted to pursue surgery to convert my outie into an innie down below. There was also a name change paperwork packet, with instructions on how to fill it out and get it approved and my license changed over. I was trembling when I looked down at the prescription paperwork. I thought I might start crying happy tears. I did hug her quickly, with a loud and heartfelt "thank you!" She just smiled and nodded, and told me that she would see me in a couple of months for the follow up. I asked her if I could bring my girlfriend back with me at that point, and she just smiled and nodded. So that was it, 30 minutes later I was officially on my way to becoming an official girl! Vicki and I actually filled the name change paperwork out right there in the waiting room, and we dropped the filed form off with the county clerk. Arizona was a bit of a pain in that I would need a court hearing to actually change my name for my ID, but other than that minor hurdle I was well on my way. During the next week, Vicki and I explored some of the other feminizing options I could opt for. I had my little nest egg of funds still stashed away, so I figured, why wait? I soon had some elective lip plumping and cheek filler done, as well as an electrolysis appointment for removing what little body and pubic hair I had. Apparently, my body hair was too light colored for laser. Electrolysis hurt! I would much rather be tattooed or pierced there than undergo that too many more times. Sadly, I was going to need a few sessions though. Vicki and I figured that other cosmetic procedures would probably be better after we found out what the full hormone dose was going to do to me. Doctor lee had mentioned that my breast growth would likely resemble a slightly less developed version of what my mother or other female relatives looked like. I remember that my Grandmother on my mom's side, as well as my own mom had very large breasts when I thought on it. That wasn't the kind of thing your average growing boy notices about family normally! Vicki and I also stopped off at the sperm donation lab. Apparently, my insurance covered storing a frozen sample for transitioning people. I have to admit it was hilarious walking up to the lab technician and explaining to him that I wanted to store a sperm sample, yes it would be my own, yes I would make it myself, no I wasn't really here for an insemination, etc." Eventually the light donned on his face as he realized I was probably packing something that could cum sperm out of it despite how I was dressed, and he was practically beet red from embarrassment as he handed me a sample cup and pointed at the collection room. He got even redder as Vicki followed me into the room. Vicki had me lay back on the tiny bed bench inside, as she used first her split tongue, and then as I got closer, her hands to bring me to a toe-curling orgasm several times until I was drained and the cup was fairly full. We didn't want to risk saliva contaminating the sample. After she cleaned me off, we made our way out to the mostly empty waiting room to hand the sample to the still somewhat red desk technician. Vicki, feeling somewhat mischievous, pulled me in for a kiss right there in front of him as he took the sample from me. She later mentioned that she could tell he was having trouble hiding a massive erection, and she had decided to tease him for being naughty at work. Poor guy. I thought about mailing him a chastity belt catalogue, but I figure that probably wouldn't be as helpful as intended... The weeks practically flew by from that visit. Work continued steadily at the shop, even thought there was a bit of disruption from the construction of the new larger addition going in next door. Kelly was doing so well now, that she had decided to put in a slightly larger shop extension, with two additional retail spaces next door for a nail salon and a hair place, and not entirely because she thought it would be more convenient for her to have her favorite shops right next door. Vicki and I continued to see one another, and our feelings for each other were growing day by day. We were inseparable most hours after work, though we both still had plenty of time for our own hobbies, pursuits and friends. We just liked being with each other more than being apart. I did meet quite a few of her friends, and they were all lovely and caring people who thought we made a very cute couple. Most of my friends were back in areas where I grew up before we moved out here, or back at college, so I had fewer to introduce Vicki too, other than the piercing shop crew that she already knew. I had a few fewer friends than I started with as well, as a couple of them hadn't taken well to the news of my new direction and name, but for the most part the rest of them were very supportive and encouraging, and I resolved to introduce Vicki to them in person as opportunity arose. Around this time, my University started offering online night and evening classes for most of what I needed to finish my major. With Vicki's full support, I set about investing some time to do exactly that. Finishing my degree was important to me, even if it wasn't necessarily going to help much in the new business venture, I was thinking about pursuing. About one month in to taking my new hormones, I started to notice my nipples were becoming puffy and very cone shaped, with a slightly larger areola. I also noticed that my penis was taking longer, and not getting quite as hard when I did remove my chastity. But the sensations from my new nipples were also very, very nice. Especially when Vicki sucked on them with her newly healed split tongue. Eve had figured out a way we could both have a pair of tongue studs, one in each half safely as well. They were a little offset to miss the big vein on the center of the two halves, but they worked out very, very nice. The combination of the split and the fairly large piercings in both halves did alter both Vicki and my own's speech a little bit on some hard consonants, but I thought that was a small price to pay for the feelings I was able to give Vicki with them. I also opted to have my dimples pierced with a pair of cute little surface piercings with some dahlia flower caps, that made me look like I had little blue flowers in my cheeks right where my dimples were when I smiled. Vicki thought they were cute, but I thought Kelly might die of cuteness overload when she saw the results. It wasn't too long before Kelly had a matching set in a slightly different color. It later became one of the signature mods of the shop. Vicki and I continued our erotic investigations as well. One night, she arrived with a pair of shiny black boxes in hand, and told me that she had a surprise for me. Inside turned out to be a pair of strap on harnesses, one made to fit over my chastity, and one with a built in ride along dildo for Vicki. There was also a selection of dildos that would attach to the front, including some rather large ones, and at least one that came with a charger. My box also had a set of increasingly large butt plugs to go with my existing collection. The largest one was squishy and hollow, and was designed with its own removable plug in the middle for longer term wear. The theory with that one was that I could then be fucked through the middle hole without removing it, as well as doing my business. Apparently the plug could be worn for a week or so between cleanings. I shivered at the thought. Vicki excitedly explained how this would make up for the effects of the hormones, and she quickly had me don my own harness and try out one of the larger dildos on her very willing vagina. The sensation of entering someone while wearing a strap on harness is interesting. You feel the familiar friction of entry, this time slower due to the simple size of the thing, but it’s a distant muted feeling for the one wearing the harness, at least for someone with male plumbing. I could feel the dildo pushing in as an excited Vicki whispered, "Oh yes, more! shove your beautiful, thick cock deep inside of me!" The position of the harness put pressure right above where my penis and chastity sat below, so I definitely received some feedback and some pleasant sensations of fucking as I worked my harnessed prosthetic in and out with longer and more sure strokes, but it was as if i had a phantom penis with no real sensation in it. The knowledge that I was fucking, that I was driving my girlfriend wild while not getting much sensation in return struck a chord within me, along the lines of my pleasure from denied pleasure thinking that lead to me wearing the chastity so much, and the whole experience started to really turn me on. I felt myself harden within the chastity as the thought permeated my brain. I redoubled my efforts to please my lover, imagining the sensations my penis would be feeling if it were in there instead of the silicon appendage. The squeezing, the warm, moist heat of her, the smooth silkiness of her insides against my piercings, the feeling of the rings in her labia dragging against my shaft. I started picturing what it would be like to know all of those feelings, and know that I might not feel them again if I stayed locked up. I was practically oozing a steady stream of precum as I continued my battering ram assault on the gates of her womb. Finally, she gasped out loudly "Oh god, I'm CUMMING!" as I felt the resistance on the monster silicon cock increase. I kept up my motion, still highly turned on by it all, and wanting to see how many orgasms I could bring her to before she said no more. Turns out the lucky number today was 6! As she lay there in a quivering, spent pool backing in the afterglow, still twitching, I lazily used my split tongue to circle her nipple piercings. She had swapped them out for large D shaped rings, and I just loved the effect. She smiled involuntarily, her eyes closed, with each pass of each half of my tongue. I found I could place one half on top and one half on bottom, or one on either side of her nipples simultaneously. There was no urgency to my exploration, I just wanted to prolong her post orgasm bliss. Eventually, she recovered somewhat, and asked me if I was ready for my turn. I nodded eagerly. She started out caressing my small but starting to grow breasts, her own tongue eventually repeating the motions I had performed on her own as she donned her own strap on harness. I felt her gasp a bit as the internal dildo slid home. I felt her pour some lube over my waiting butt as she stuck first one, then several fingers inside. Nodding, she selected a larger, but not the largest dildo, a somewhat realistic looking large purple member with veins and knobs all along its 12" length. I was a bit intimidated by the size. She grabbed my hips with both hands as she first ran the dildo in and out of the crack between my butt cheeks, up and over my back and over my tramp stamp, up towards the start of my new back piece. After a few minutes of this, and my ass moving to will her to start moving inside, she brought the large head down level with my anal orifice, and whispered seductively, "Are you ready to get fucked by my large, throbbing purple cock? Wiggle your hips for me my lovely slut!" she said with a light slap on my ass. I of course dutifully complied and commenced wiggling, as she slowly guided the large intruder in past my muscle ring. She took her time, knowing that this was the largest thing I had yet attempted up my ass and not wanting to hurt me. She paused as things slid further in, saying more things of dirty encouragement as she went. "You must be hungry for this, you beautiful wanton cocksleave! How does it feel to be penetrated by something so much bigger than you ever had, while your own lovely cock is locked away in its prison, shrinking as estrogen courses through your veins, turning you into my wildest sexual fantasy!" she cried. I shivered and clenched as her words aroused me even further. I felt her slipping the rubber phallus further in, further than I thought it would ever go. Eventually, I felt realistic rubber balls slap the back of my chastity and my own balls, as Vicki now sped up her fucking of my tight ass. Her hands guided my ass backwards in rhythm as she fucked me with long, deep strokes. She kept increasing the speed and varying the angle, pausing for a second whenever I wiggled or clenched too much, looking to prolong the sensation. And what a sensation it was. The entire length of the monster was passing over my prostate and pressing down on it with a force I had never experienced. It didn't take too much of that for me to feel the crest of an intense and powerful wave building, and I yelled out, "I'm cumming! Oh wow am I ever cumming!" as Vicki slammed the cock home one last time, and stayed there. Her hands moved from my ass and started to caress my nipples as waves of pleasure started to jolt out from my prostate in an anal orgasm. This time was different though, certainly for the intensity and duration of it, but also for the jolt of sensation I was feeling from my nipples to my prostate. it was like they were wired together somehow, as a pleasant electric feeling tingle radiated out and up all across my chest. It was a wonderful sensation. We lay there on the bed like that, locked together, her firm perky breasts pressed deep into my back as she hugged me and whispered words of love and care to me in the afterglow. We spent the rest of that night exploring other different options, and were both thoroughly well fucked. I showed her my deepthroat practice, which both amazed and turned her on a bit. She let me out of my chastity for a while and showed me her own technique. It was wonderful, and I never wanted these feelings to end. After a while, we were both pretty wore out and satisfied, and we talked as we often do after making love. I could tell there was something else on her mind, as she was a little distracted. I didn't get the sense it was anything bad, but it seemed like she wanted to bring something up that she wasn't sure what I would think about it. I waited patiently, rubbing her back and shoulders, not wanting to rush her into anything. Eventually, Vicki spoke. "Chloe, I have something, kind of a thought I want to run by you, and I'm a little worried about how this might go. Before I start, I just want you to know that there is no pressure here one way or the other, you can say no and I'll be just as deliriously happy with you as I am right now, but I ... I think you might also maybe like what I am going to suggest too. But if not, totally let me know. You are always honest with me and I love that about you, but I don't want you to do anything you don't feel 100% on board with just to make me happy if it will make you less happy too," she finished, clearly a little nervous. I kissed her on the cheek, and nibbled her earlobe and said "Don't worry babe, I already told you I was onboard with us ordering those inflatable dinosaur costumes!" Vicki giggled at that, but turned to face me with the corner of her eye, looking more serious. "I know, I know, but yes, I will tell you if I am uncomfortable with this, whatever it is, and I won't think any less of you even if I don't like the idea. I love you!" I finished, kissing her on the cheek again. Vicki continued. "Soo, uh, you know that I am Bi, and that there have been partners before you?" I nodded. "Well, one of them is a foreign exchange student. Named Joachim. He comes to visit from Switzerland every couple of years for a week or so, and, well, he and I usually have a very good time together when he visits if you catch my drift. It’s not a relationship or anything, and he is way to flighty and birdbrained to make a good boyfriend for anyone, and when I have been in relationships in the past when he has visited, he has been very respectful and non-intrusive. But I was thinking, this time, when he visits in a couple of months, maybe you, and I, and he, uh, we might like to play together at the same time? But only if you were into it!" she finished quickly, turning beet red. I was a little stunned. Of all the things she could have said, I had honestly never considered that. I hugged her to me as I rolled the idea around in my head. Finally, after a time, I replied, "I... I hadn't really ever thought of something like that before, but now that you mention the idea, the thought intrigues me. It would have to be something you would be comfortable with as well, and we would need to go over what we would and wouldn't be comfortable with, but ... yeah, I might be up for that." Vicki smiled, clearly relieved, and we made out for a few minutes before she broke away and said "Oh, thank you, god Chloe, the thought of seeing his penis in your ass is such a turn on for me. This purple thing here? that’s, uh, training wheels for Joachim. I love you, Chloe!" she kissed me deeply as I shivered, picturing a living version of the purple behemoth entering me in my mind. After that we both fell into a deep sleep, pretty much worn out for the night. Another month passed, and I belatedly remembered I had a big day coming up. I called Vicki to see if she would be available to meet me at Doctor Lee's office on the day of the appointment, and she quickly replied yes. I asked Kelly for a bit of time off for recovery for a minor medical procedure, and she was more than willing to give me any time off. She was a bit curious about what I was having done, but I just smiled and winked at her. The day of the operation, I took my old chastity device off for the last time. It wasn't going to fit after today. I had a new one ready, but it was going to be a bit before I could wear it. I headed into Doctor Lee's clinic, and met Vicki at the door. She squeezed my hand, and asked me if I was ready for this. I nodded. Last night we had given my balls an epic marathon send off, and we might have possibly overdone it a little as I was feeling a little penis sore this morning. I wouldn't have traded that night for anything though. Doctor lee met us both in the exam room after I was checked in. She had me get ready for the procedure. This time I was naked, wearing only a hospital gown as I lay back on the hospital bench and placed my legs in the gynecological exam stirrups. Doctor Lee had Vicki sit on a little stool where she could watch. They both started comparing notes as Doctor Lee started numbing me up down there, Vicki wondering how the process was going to differ from various neuterings of animals she had assisted with at the Veterinary office. Doctor Lee was more than willing to explain the process as she went, first carving two small incisions in my now numbed scrotum, one on either side, and carefully extracting my balls. It was surreal to see the tiny light pink brain shaped objects outside of my body, and I watched in fascination as the procedure went on. Doctor lee even went so far as to offer, with my permission, Vicki a chance to cut the cord of the last testicle with the surgical scissors. Vicki eagerly accepted, and quipped "Its a girl!" as she cut off the last of my sperm containers. Doctor lee chuckled at that as she stitched me up. We were planning on keeping my scrotum intact for now just in case I opted for bottom surgery. I wasn't sure yet if that was something I wanted or not yet honestly. After a brief check to go over my hormone levels and get a new prescription for pain medicine, Doctor lee sent us on our way with a follow up appointment for a week later to get my stitches removed and ensure everything was healing right, and a referral for a couple months out to a breast augmentation plastic surgeon. She said I was starting to enter "Tanner Stage II" whatever that meant, so I should expect a breast growth spurt soon, and would be nearly ready to get implants by then if I wanted. I shivered at the thought of my own lovely large breasts. Idly I wondered how large I could go. Vicki took me home, and after a few days of convalescing, I was my old, or rather new, self once more. After my stitches came out, it was another week or so before Vicki and I got to try out my new configuration. Sex still felt really great, and plenty of cum still came out. It did seem to be a little clearer, and less milky than before, but we both thought the taste was a little better for some reason. As the weeks went on, my penis didn't get quite as hard as before, but it was still a very nice feeling when Vicki wrapped her lips around it, or took it inside her willing vagina or her own sweet ass. She didn't enjoy anal as much as I did for obvious reasons, but she was definitely willing to try it for variety as the mood took us. I started working my way up the butt plug collection size on myself, and she did take to occasionally wearing one of my smaller, now discarded plugs. Having it in her gave her a little thrill, and it seemed to her that the extra fullness there meant that a cock or a dildo pressed more on her inner vaginal lining, which felt quite nice. We both continued our tattoo evolution. I now had mostly complete arms and backwork, with a portion creeping up my lower neck to merge with my tiny back of neck tattoo. Vicki had opted for leopard spots on her arms and legs and torso. She surprised me by getting two large stars tattooed around and on her nipples. The effect looked so hot on her, that I knew I was going to have to get something similar done after my implants were in. My nipples themselves finally grew large enough that I could safely pierce them though, and oh boy, the feeling of metal tugging on those bad girls all day was way more arousing than my cock piercing even! I think if every lady knew how these felt, there wouldn't be a single set of unadorned nipples in the land! I deeply enjoyed them, and stretched them up larger as soon as I was able. Vicki liked them too. Finally, one day several months after my castration, Vicki mentioned that she had heard from Joachim, and that he would be arriving in the area next week. We were both excited by the prospect. We headed in to Liz's erotic shop to get some fancy matching lingerie for the occasion. Liz was thrilled about my progress, and was delighted to meet Vicki. We talked surgeons and recommendations for a bit until it dawned on Vicki that Liz and I shared something a bit in common. We ended up spending quite a bit of time and money in there that day. I couldn't wait to try out some of our purchases. Joachim ended up being a lovely tall, unmodified gentleman from Switzerland. He sported long black hair over a fair complexion, with laughing blue eyes that seemed to sparkle when he smiled. And he was always smiling. His English wasn't all that great, but he had a very intriguing accent. Vicki had filled him in on my existence and with my permission, my attributes, so we both greeted him at the airport with a deep kiss on the lips, a confident, familiar one from Vicki as she hugged him, and a hesitant, yet deepening one from me. It was funny, I enjoyed spending time with Joachim, he was charming and full of stories and life, but I never really felt an attraction to him, the way I did with Vicki. He just didn't do that much for me. The thought of his cock on the other hand did amazing things for me, and my locked away penis twitched inside of its new chastity, and tugged at its anchoring to a fairly recent guiche piercing down below my scrotum. We had a lovely time, Joachim took us both to a nice restaurant, we showed him the sites of the surrounding area. In the end we headed back to his hotel room, a lovely bottle of wine on its way up courtesy of room service. Vicki and I excused ourselves to slip into something more comfortable as Joachim opened the wine to let it breath. Vicki and I both wore matching silk lacy shelf bras with open cups, exposing our pierced nipples to all the world (or at least the people in the hotel room with us) in a lavender purple, with fancy lace silk panties and short stockings held up by a full garter belt, all perched over very high shiny black leather stiletto heels. I wore a studded bondage collar with a large ring on the front attached to a leash, my chastity still very much on. Joachim wasn't going to be having me inside him at all. I also had a ring gag currently in my mouth. Vicki held my leash, and had a short leather riding crop in her hands. Though lacking the color and gag, she was otherwise dressed similar to me. Her long green, now streaked with orange hair was up in pigtails, while my own long blue hair was up on a high ponytail on the top back of my head, through some sort of round hair bauble Vicki had found. I thought the effect looked amazing in the mirror as we both applied very slutty versions of our normal goth makeup. Finally, we were ready. Vicki led me out to the large king bed equipped suite, and parked me next to the bed on my knees. We had both discussed how we saw this going, and so far, things were going to plan. Vicki slowly undressed Joachim in front of me, removing his shoes and pants, then shirt, exposing what was probably a pretty epic set of abs. They made out a little as she stripped him, his hands fondling her epic rack as she began to pull his boxers down. I felt a twinge of jealousy as his hands roamed over my girlfriends’ assets, but it was just momentary as I remembered my own part in things to come next. Vicki brought Joachim over to me, and guided his missile shaped member towards my waiting mouth, now open with my tongue sticking out and licking my lips eagerly. The ring gag was now dropped down below my chin as I slowly took his monster cock inside my gaping maw. Vicki, if anything had underestimated the size of Joachim, and I noted with more than a little alarm that he was quite a bit more girthy than anything I had tried before. He was already rock hard at the site of us, and it was a strange pulsing and warm sensation that entered my throat. I could smell a musky deep scent on him as I strove to bury his shaft down my throat. I worked my split tongue studs and ringed lips all over his shaft, moving up and down, first slowly and hesitant, but with increasing motion as I gained confidence that I wasn't going to lose my dinner due to a gag reflex. Apparently, I was doing it right, as I heard him moan and his cock twitch a bit as my tongue found his ropelike urethra. Vicki was behind him, her hands working over his chest and kissing the back of his neck and cheeks as she watched me work. She whispered encouragements and dirty nothings as I moved. "Oh yes, take that warm throbbing cock down your throat. I can't wait to see your mouth full of cum baby. You look so hot and beautiful with his monster shaft inside of you! Its 3 times the size yours was before we cut off your balls!" I redoubled my efforts, using knowledge that only someone who started out as a guy knows intimately about the male member to bring Joachim ever closer to cumming. Finally, he started to pant really hard, and said something in swiss that I didn't understand. I understood the intent seconds later though when a gush of creamy white cum flooded down his shaft and into my throat as he pulled back. Ropes of cum continued to shoot out, coating my mouth and lips, and then my face. Vicki dropped to her knees, and cleaned his shaft off, then my face as we both licked and swallowed his seed. It was strange to see how different his cum tasted compared to my own. I was very turned on by the experience, and certainly would be up for tasting more if Vicki ever wanted. Now it was my turn to watch though as Vicki led Joachim over to the bed and lay down in front of his rapidly hardening member, which was clearly ready for round 2. Vicki asked me to play with my chastity as Joachim fucked her brains out. I sat on the ottoman next to the couch and watched with rapt attention as Joachim put Vicki through her paces. She could barely talk in coherent murmurings after the first few seconds of that monster cock entering vagina. Her labia lips bulged out to the side as the monster shaft glided in and out, still damp from my own mouth. Vicki was so wet and turned on from having watched me deep throat Joachim that she wouldn't have needed any lube other than that of the condom Joachim now wore. As they worked, Joachim and Vicki exchanged phrases in swiss. I was a bit sorry i couldn't tell what they were saying at the time, but Vicki later filled me in that they were basically talking swiss dirty talk. My penis was flat out trying to bend its steel prison as I watched my girlfriend get plowed with the dicking of her dreams Joachim finally came inside of her, the condom ballooning up as he pulled out. Vicki came a short time later, and I quickly cleaned her out with my tongue. After a brief rest and a chance to enjoy the truly excellent wine that Joachim had selected, we got down to it once more. This time it was my turn again. After a brief warm up by Vicki's split tongue, Joachim's pants monster was once more ready to go, and this time his destination was deep inside my waiting and willing ass. Vicki spread my cheeks apart, and said, "Look, Chloe is all wet and waiting for you! This will be the first real cock she has ever had in her virgin ass, and I can see that she wants it!" she said, as she squirted copious amounts of cool lube straight down my asshole. And good thing too. Joachim was maybe not quite so slow and careful as Vicki was when entering me with her rubber strap on friends, and the largest thing I have ever had inside me then or since went in with much more speed than I was used to. I grunted as it went in, but quickly recovered as the flood of senses overrode the brief pain of entry. The epic proportions of Joachim pressed everywhere on me, but especially on my prostate. I felt Vicki come around and fondle my now largeish B cup breasts. Lightning from her fingertips lit up my nipples as the sheer size of Joachim drove all senses from my mind other than pleasure. I heard Vicki whisper sweet nothings in my ear, and kiss me, and Joachim as he went, but I didn't comprehend the words as language. I was seeing literal stars as flashes of light in my mind’s eye with each massive thrust of his pulsing cock. I started moaning and panting. I could feel his throbbing heartbeat inside of me. I was getting close to cumming, and I could feel a familiar, yet very strong wave begin to build as I cried out. Joachim released at the same moment I cried out, and I felt like a warm, melted butter filled firehose went off inside as waves of manbatter coated my inside. I came myself as a steady stream of eunuch shemale cum ran down my chastity and onto my leg. Vicki quickly positioned herself to clean me, and then Joachim off. I lay in a heap on the bed, my ass twitching involuntarily, my speech reduced to, "Buh. Whu. Gluh," for a few minutes. Vicki came over and whispered in my ear "Amazing right?" and kissed me on the earlobe before she continued with her own round with Joachim. We continued fucking, sucking, mounting, and loving every minute of the next five days whenever we weren’t taking a break to get food, see more sights, or rehydrate. I don't think I have ever experienced that much sex all at once. Joachim even surprised Vicki and I by asking if he could suck on my castrated shecock. We quickly agreed and removed the chastity. It was an interesting experience, but Vicki and Kelly are both much better at it than Joachim was. I can tell that he was getting a bit turned on by it though. Vicki offered to get him his own pair of panties to wear around, and that seemed to turn him on even more. It would be interesting to see what the future might hold for that one. Apparently she did later follow through, and handed him a flat squishy goodbye package as we dropped him off back at the airport. We both kissed him goodbye, and we promised to stay in touch and visit again. But that visit is for another story. Life went kind of back to normal after that interlude. I did end up getting breast implants, as well as a voice box shave and a bit of other work done to make me look more feminine. Vicki had her breasts enlarged a bit as well at the same time when I offered to pay if she was interested, and we soon found ourself with matching 38DD's. As we healed up, we decided to get some more tattoo work done on the only areas that were largely untouched. Vicki and I were plenty used to people staring at us when we were out, so we figured a few more face and head adornments wouldn't make them look any less. We both got matching shaved fades on the left side of our head. Vicki had hers tattooed with more leopard spots, while I opted for a biomechanical themed piece. Vicki also had a couple of spots added to her forehead in a bit of a triangle shape, framing her face more like a heart. She also got some tiny diamonds tattooed down the edge of her ear in solid black. I opted for a chin decoration in flowery script, that looked kind of like a divided heart in blue, with black lines and dots down the center. I also opted for some lines on my forehead in the same area as Vicki's spots, but I also opted for a flower motif radiating out from the front of my ears, matching the ones in my cheek piercings. I also took the time to have matching flowers tattooed around my nipples. That in hindsight was probably my worst idea ever as the pain over the implants was really not something I had counted on, and there is a nonzero possibility that I passed out briefly, something that Razor and Eve both thought was hilarious for some reason. But they turned out great! I actually had one more added around my belly button later, with a tiny dangly one on a piercing chain hung there as well. Vicki and I were now largely complete in our minds as far as modification work went. I think we both had the odd piece done here and there later, and some work on our legs and whatnot, but the big projects were done. Looking at me now, one would see a very modified lady, with large breasts, face tattoos, permanent makeup, multiple piercings, long blue hair, lovely robin egg blue and purple nails, a gothy fashion sense, and a very unusual looking tongue. I was happy with how I looked, and more importantly so was the equally stunning Vicki. On the day of my virtual graduation from my University, Diploma now virtually in hand, I did hand her one more ring. She made me the happiest woman in the world when she said yes and agreed to become my Fianc?©. I did finally decide to invest some of my savings and convinced Kelly to let me rent the third new bay of the expanded shop building to set up my new media venture. As it turns out, I did decent business providing modified talent for fashion shows and movie openings or other venues that wanted an edgy presence, but my most lucrative breakthrough came when I was able to sell a bit of the custom software I had made for the piercing shop, with Kelly's wholehearted blessing, as a software package for other piercing shops to use. I ended up paying Kelly royalties for the software, something she said she didn't really need or want, but I told her to pay it forward to someone in need, or start a charity for lost unicorns or something with it. I did end up fairly reluctantly moving out of the apartment above the shop, and Vicki and I got a little larger joint place nearby. Vicki finished Veterinary school, and was able to set up her own shop specializing in cat care. We both had a very steady stream of money coming in, and were what you might even consider to be pretty well off at that point. And it’s about at that point when my parents briefly reentered my life. I looked down at the note, and I was confused. Apparently, someone had taken the time to track me down to my new address, yet not bothered to figure out that there were no Paul's here anymore. It turned out that my parents had actually finally done it, and had figured out how to interpret, but also talk to a certain subspecies of gray whale in their own language, and they were up for a Nobel prize in Physiology for the breakthrough. The research institute they worked for had decided that having their child along would be a good story or a photo op or something, and wanted to fly me out to the awards ceremony. I called the number on the letter, and told them that sure, I would be up for that as long as they were aware of certain realities, I got to meet with my parents ahead of time, and I got to bring my Fianc?© with me. And that they should call me Chloe now. The latter bit threw them for a bit of a loop, but they quickly agreed. After convincing Vicki that yes, it probably would still be murder if they didn't find the bodies and to please not murder my parents, without whom I probably would not have met her, she quickly agreed to fly with me to Sweden for the ceremony. She did note that she never agreed not to at least punch them both. I figured that was probably fair. We arrived in Sweden. The research association had put us up in a pretty nice hotel, and we had a day or two of sightseeing time before anything was going to happen, so Vicki and I made the most of it. The flight over was fairly uneventful. it was pretty packed, so there wasn't much opportunity to be naughty. We did catch up on our shuteye and a bit of reading though, so that was nice. Looking at the sights of Sweden was interesting. Did you know Sweden has venomous snakes? I had no idea. Luckily, we didn't find too many of those outside the local zoos though. We made sure and picked up a few souvenirs for the crew back at the piercing shop while we were there. I wasn't sure the chocolate foil wrapped Nobel prize medals were going to survive the week though, they were pretty tasty. A day later, it was the big day. Not the day of the medal ceremony, that was still 2 days away. No, today was the day I was going to be reunited with my parents. A roil of emotions tore my insides up, and not even the company of a beautiful woman at my side or the lovely scenery seemed to break through the malaise of uncertainty I was feeling. Ben and Lisa, aka Mom and Dad, were undoubtably not the best of parents, but they had never been deliberately cruel or malicious to me. Most of the time they just hadn't been there, or been anything really to me. I wasn't sure how they were going to react to the new me. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about their reaction, even if it was a bad one. There was an anger in me, deep and long simmering, but it conflicted with what memories of love and caring i did have of them both. Playing catch with dad, baking cookies with mom, there were a handful of happy good memories that I cherished to offset the more recent troubles. And even that whole mess was born more of absent mindedness, and they certainly hadn't had to gift me the 3rd of the house sale value and the car they had left me to use. I just didn't know how this was going to play out. I sat staring out the window, lost in thought. Vicki seemed to sense that I needed some time to think things through. She periodically hugged me and brought me snacks or drinks, but otherwise sat in a companionable silence with me. We had already discussed what she would do if our positions were reversed earlier in the morning. Her solution was probably a lot more punch heavy than mine was likely to be though. At long last, it was time. Vicki and I made our way down to the hotel Cafe, to the private room we had booked. We got there a little early to make sure we were first. it probably wasn't an issue, my parents had been late to their own wedding, but people could change. I was living proof of that. We grabbed some hot cocoa and settled in to wait. A few minutes after they were supposed to arrive, I saw my parents They both looked a little older than I remembered, maybe a bit more tanned and fit. I guess life aboard a whale research boat agreed with them. They looked around a bit, then talked with the wait staff, who pointed them towards the back room. They wandered in and sat down at the other table. Their eyes passed over me without recognition. Not that I could really blame them for that. I decided to conduct my own little research project, and see what they would do. After a few minutes of waiting, and another trip to talk to the wait staff who assured them that the people they were waiting for were indeed in the cafe, they came back and sat down. Dad looked over at me, and said in halting Swedish something along the lines of "Excuse me, Miss?" I stopped him and replied, "I'm sorry, I'm an American, I don't speak Swedish, is there something I can help you with?." He asked if we had seen a young man around, about my age, maybe a little taller than me? Vicki couldn't contain herself, and started asking questions of them. "Well, what does he look like? what color is his hair? his eyes? Is he right or left-handed?" My parents shifted uncomfortably as they found they could only answer a few of her questions with a useful answer. They both looked at one another. I couldn't really read the look, but they seemed to be unhappy that there was no Paul to be found. I decided to toss them a lifeline. "Have you tried calling him or sending a text message? People these days usually don't change their cell numbers, and I'm certain he would have an international plan." I casually mentioned. They immediately seized upon this idea, though it took them a minute or two to find my number. After a minute, the text message they opted to send came through on my phone, which immediately dinged. They looked at me, understanding finally dawning in their eyes as I waved, and said "Hi Mom, Dad, er, surprise?" The next few minutes were chaos. At first disbelief, the "if you are who you say you are, answer this question" routine was employed, which I was able to easily answer. That seemed to satisfy them that I was me. Then the questions started in earnest. They both worried that they had got my gender wrong all this time from my birth, and started blaming the doctor and themselves for not paying enough attention to my genitals. I broke out in a fit of giggles at the mental image that gave me, which first horrified them, and then calmed them down as they saw the absurdity of the situation. Vicki held my hand as we all laughed away the nervousness. Finally, I filled them in. "No, Mom, Dad, you had things right on that respect. I didn't find out this aspect of myself until later on. Let’s start over again, ok? I go by Chloe these days, and I am a transgender woman. This lovely vision next to me is my Fianc?© Vicki, and we have a lot to catch up on." I paused to wave at the Wait staff, who brought a pre-arranged cheese tray over to our table as I waved my mom and dad to join us. I then filled them in on my post college adventure. I maybe put a bit more heat into my condemnation of their basic date arithmetic and human contact skills and the role they had played in me being nearly homeless, but my tone softened as I went into what happened after. A range of emotions played across my parents faces, and I think at one point my mom started to cry a bit, but they held their questions until the end, as I finished up with a dramatic, "And that's how we all ended up here!" My mom was the first to recover her composure and speak. "Ah, yes. I suppose that sending a very important document 1500 miles from where a broke college student was, with no way to retrieve it and no contact information to get ahold of us was terrible, and I don't blame you at all if you hate us for putting you through that. Lord knows we were never cut out to be good parents. Someday I hope you can forgive us. You look good by the way! And I for one am just as proud to have a fine Daughter as I was to have an excellent Son." My Dad nodded in agreement, as mom continued. "besides, that kind of runs in the family a little. You should see your dad in a skirt!" I blanched, and my eyes nearly popped out of my head as I processed that last piece of the sentence. Vicki stifled a giggle as my dad turned an interesting shade of crimson. After looking at him for a minute, I noticed the telltale sign of pierced ear holes in my dad’s lobes. I would later find out that he enjoyed a bit of dressing on the side occasionally. But for now, my brain finally rebooted from that last revelation, and I looked at both my mom and my dad, and took both of their hands. "Oh, Mama, Dad, yes, it was difficult, and yes I wish you had been there more for me, but I wouldn't have met my new friends, or established my thriving business, or met my future wife here without being in that situation. I was mad at you for a long time, but in hindsight I think you did me the best accidental favor you ever could have, and you are accepting me now, so of course I forgive you!" We were all emotional after that, and I think a few tears were shed, but I don't think it was the hormones fault this time. We spent the rest of the afternoon catching up. They filled me in on their research breakthrough. Apparently southern gray whales have a distinctive accent, so they were able to isolate their speech patterns to get a basic vocabulary, and establish trade of information for krill. Apparently southern gray whales also have some sort of built-in ancestral memory, and they had a very large list of grievances against humans for that whole whaling thing amongst others. The last year had basically been nothing but them reading that list, with a proposed method of recompense to follow. My parents were fascinated to see what they might demand. Vicki and I, after a brief consultation to see that she didn't want to punch them still, invited them both to the wedding. They both happily accepted. I figured we would see if we actually saw them, but I was glad that they seemed to want to be back in my life. They both peppered Vicki with all sorts of questions, the usual parent of the bride to the prospective bride type stuff. They took an entirely different track of conversation once they discovered that Vicki was interested in veterinary medicine and biology. I figured they might try to poach her for one of their whale tracking trips someday. Luckily my Fianc?© is smart enough that that wasn't a worry for me! I found it odd that neither one of them ever so much as commented on our fairly extreme appearances, even somewhat toned down from usual as they were for this trip. All and all, I'm glad i got to have closure with them. Epilogue: The ceremony went off just fine, and they both nearly fainted when they realized the size of the cash award that went with the Nobel itself. I got to hold the medal, and that’s how I found myself in the pictures of more than a few newspapers around the world. That made for interesting conversations at the shop when we got back. Vicki and I got married a few months later in a small ceremony, my parents in attendance. They actually bought us a very thoughtful wedding present, and we are currently touring around the U.S. on our honeymoon in our new travel camper setup that they gave us. Electric of course. Apparently, a trip like that was how my parents even met way back in high school. It’s funny how things circled around. I figured we had at least a couple more months of traveling before the kid inside of Vicki started to get large enough to make travel a bit more stressful for her. Kelly and I did continue to collaborate and work together on projects, and I was by her side when she finally settled down and married Liz. Eve eventually moved to a different state, and started her own piercing shop, with a vegan theme. Razor eventually found a very nice lady and settled down himself. I hear they have a kid on the way as well. Vicki and I, well, we had settled down a little but we still continued our Sexy adventures, both with ourselves and with others who wanted to play. I remember a particularly rambunctious four-way with a certain Kelly and Liz, and well, that’s a story for another day. Life is good. I look back on all the possible life choices I could have made, how anything even slightly different than the comedy of errors that became my life, and I wouldn't be here as me today. All in all, I don't think I would change a thing. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go see a lady about a little man in a boat! The End! Authors note: Thank you all for sticking around for the ride! I know not all of these themes in my stories are for everyone, but I hope you at least enjoyed the read. I do this so I can make people happy, maybe make them smile a bit, maybe cause a little stirring of something down there, or within them. I hope it made your day a little better! Love, Kimmy!

Same as The Receptionist Part Three - The Conclusion Videos

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The Receptionist

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Hot Office Receptionist Fucked By Me On Her Honeymoon

Hi, this is Gourab Gupta, a resident of Kolkata, 22 years old, height 6’3″ well-built body and a CA final aspirant. I am interested in aunties and bhabhies. I have been reading some of the in ISS since last 8 years and I am a huge fan of ISS. Coming to the story; as being a CA aspirant, I was undergoing my industrial training in a Kolkata based MNC. The receptionist of the company was Rinki Das (the female lead of the story). Her stats was 36-24-36. Everyone in the office had an eye on her...

4 years ago
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Office Receptionist Made Me Appreciate Old Women

Greetings readers!! This is my first time writing a story about one of my relationships. It is to share my experience with you all how I came to love older women and also respect them. You can call me wade. I am 32 years old, live in gachibowli area in Hyderabad, 5’10” height, athletic as I play sports like tennis and squash, not for the last one year though. I had a relationship with a woman when I first went from India to UAE for a job and the sex story is about how it happened. This was in...

2 years ago
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Intimate Experience With A Receptionist

Hi horny guys of ISS. Firstly I would like to thank ISS for publishing my two experiences. My earlier experiences were true and this is my another true and sexy experience. One can reach me on : for their valuable comments. This is a bit lengthy description, please be patient to read it. This incident happened couple of years back. I used to travel widely in connection with my work. I was 36 at that time. I stand 5’10” tall and an average built body. During my visit, I used to stay in one...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Office Receptionist

Hi guys and girls this is women hunter from Bangalore .I have been reading the stories in this site from many years and finally i got an opportunity to write my real story which I had few months before with my office receptionist Shashikala .If any spelling mistake please don’t be angry .Any girls aunties bhabis want to have physical sex secretly can contact me on Let me describe her she is a typical south Indian girl but had a very good asset like 34-28-34 that I came to know when i had sex...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Receptionist Gita

Hello friends and this is Akshay here. This is my first story so kindly spare me for my mistakes, and lemme know what improvements could be made for the next time and this is real true story. The story started those days when I finally got admitted in my class 11th. It was a tough job for me as i had always been week in studies. I was basically very intelligent but i never wanted to study. I always wanted to do business. the only reason for this was my father. He’s a big business man and has...

2 years ago
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BSC04 Educating KatrinaChapter 2 The Receptionist

Katrina was musing over this train of thought when she was approached by a very young and, of course, nude receptionist. The girl introduced herself as Carol Williams and told Katrina that unfortunately Ms. Grimes had been delayed by a good half hour at another meeting on the other side of the campus. Carol gave Katrina the option of waiting or rescheduling. Katrina opted to wait. She didn’t have any classes until later in the afternoon so a half hour wait would not interfere with...

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Hotel Ki Online Receptionist Ko Asli Sex Ka Maja Dia Hun 8211 Part 3

Hi ISS readers, Basa from Bangalore 37 married handsome businessman hun, mai es story ka part 1&2 submit kar chuka hun aur bahut sare readers say response be mila hai, mai in sob readers ko thanks karta hun esliya k time spent for reading my story, story kisa bhe ho muje zaror comments karay, es part may kis tara se anushka ke chut ko lal aur tadpa k chuda hun. Chut ka darshan shuru keya, chut to eak dum clean shaved chut ti aur achi tara se wet ho chuka ta, jab mai chut ke love juice ka smell...

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The Receptionist 8211 Part l

This is completely a fictional story. Any resemblance to anyone mentioned in this story is completely false and any matches to anyone in this place are purely a coincidental occurring. Hey buddies. I’m writer 001. A young writer who writes stories and a first time in writing a story of this kind… This is completely fictional. Now the story.. As narrated by Karthick. I’m a young businessman. I travel loads around the world. Stay at many places. And perhaps have some intercourse with some porn...

2 years ago
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The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...

3 years ago
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A female receptionist gets to play nurse on a patient part 2

I can’t move. I stand in place, mesmerized. I look right at his equipment and am amazed. He’s got the biggest dick I have ever seen, even better than in any magazine or x- rated movie. He is long, uncircumcised; with a thick mushroom on the top. And the rest of his naked body is terrific too. He’s the sexiest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on. “You like it?” His question interrupts my thoughts. “I’m sorry,” I suddenly feel tremendously embarrassed....

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The receptionist part 3 I guess

So I had planned to take the day off of screwing around and give myself a chance to recharge and rest. And as anyone should know plans don’t always go the way we want them too. Around 9pm I had gotten an email from my boss informing me that I would have to stay in the area possibly another month and continue my work on this new contract. Apparently the client had specifically requested me after my 'excellent' work.I had phoned my wife and let her know the bad news. She was annoyed to say the...

3 years ago
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The Hotel Receptionist Part 2 Shopping for toys

As I sit at the conference, I realise I haven’t heard a word the last speaker has said. My thoughts keep constantly drifting back to last night and Joanne, the hotel receptionist kneeling between my legs as she used her tongue to bring me off. The smile and sparkle in her eyes when she told me she would be working for the next few nights signalled that she didn't want last night to be a one-off.As the afternoon session draws to a close, I decline the offer to join a few of the delegates for a...

1 year ago
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The Savoy Part 1 Sam the Receptionist

Everyone knew of the Savoy Hotel in London, after all it was one of the most prestigious hotels in the world. What people didn’t know is the sort of things that happened once you were inside. But as the night manager I knew all too well, and it seemed to me that you might like to hear the stories.Where to begin, well I think Sam would be a good start, he was my receptionist; he had worked alongside me since I started. We had learnt the way things worked together. Let me explain, in our...

2 years ago
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Resort Receptionist Saanvi Again Part1

Hi, guys, I am back with another hot sex story. I am Raj from Mumbai. Those who have previously read my stories will know how I met Saanvi the receptionist and how I took her virginity. In this part, I will tell how I visited the place again and how we had some great naughty fun. So beginning with the sex story, It had been 3 weeks since the last act and I was busy with the non-stop workload. Fortunately, I got a call from my boss to come in his office. I had started working at a new company...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With Receptionist 8211 Part II

Koolboy ka Bhopal Se salam.MAin hattakatta ghabru jawan hu kyunki mujhe games ka saukh hai. My height is 5’8. My email id : This is the2 part of my story “My First Sex With Receptionist”. Hope you all like it. I am waiting for your responses. Please send responses on and any girl or auntie want to  make friendship or relation with me please mail on my email id: Jaisa ki aapne meri pehali story mai pada hi hoga ki amrita ke saath sex karne ke baad hum dono nange hi ek saath so gaye. Mai uske...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Elsa the receptionist

Strange how it all started I was 28 years old was married and working with my in-laws company as a Director involved in sales, This was back in the 80’s when everything was booming and we all believed we could get what ever we wanted. The property was going up and up with that and business doing well we moved the company to a new factory unit in Rugby Along with the new premises we needed to increase the workforce and we needed office staff we decided to recruit a receptionist and an account...

3 years ago
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Help Me Out A Receptionist earns extr

It was a hot Friday night in the brothel, and it was payday, so it was busy. Martha, working behind the reception desk, had already taken a lot of money and six men were waiting for someone to be ready for them. On the reception room tv, Nicole Sheridan noisily slurped her way through a succession of cocks, and the waiting punters were struggling hard not to pull themselves off too soon. Chad, the manager, came out from behind the little curtain where he had his "office" (his work seemed to...

4 years ago
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Married Receptionist With Me

We have about 65 employees and beautiful reception and a sexy telephone operator cum receptionist to match. She is 28 years old married 3 years and dusky looking 5’5” slim and trim fairly good legs beautiful light brown eyes hair short and black big breast and a tight ass to match it.Being a receptionist she would come in a sexy see through saree and a low cut blouse which show a big cleavage and could almost have a breast coming out that’s when I would try to make some conversation with her...

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Shakuntala My Receptionist

This escapade happened very suddenly but the taste of the same stayed back in my mind soul and body for the longest of time. I could smell her everywhere I went and as much as I smelled her I wanted her more and more. Shakuntala was a mid age woman with body stats of 34c-28-38.She worked as a receptionist in my office and was a woman who was pure ravishing by the word of it. she would be mid thirties ,definitely 38 or 39.i fell in love her name too, shakuntala ..and like I said I wanted her...

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Hot Relationship With Sexy Receptionist In Hubli

Dear iss fans myself Rahul (name changed due to privacy) working in mnc company sales and marketing job. My height is 5.9, normal physic good looking guy 28 year. My monster is a normal Indian size 5 inch. Please comment after reading Come to heroine of the story was Sanju receptionist in Hubli lodge, usually I will visit every month 2 to 4 day to Hubli due sale job. Hubli is growing City with limited lodge usually getting rooms very tough. Once have suddenly visited Hubli with proper pre plan...

4 years ago
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Beauty Salon Receptionist Person

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person Just two years ago, I seemingly had it all. I was Daniel Watson, mid- level executive with a leading apparel manufacturer. At age 39, I had a great bachelor pad, a BMW in the garage, and played golf at an exclusive country club on the weekends. At work, I had a beautiful corner office, with the hottest secretary on the planet. I hired Rebecca because she looked like Eve Mendes?but she was actually very competent as a secretary. She dressed in skin...

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Beauty Salon Receptionist II

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person II In my first installment, I detailed how I came to work as a beauty salon receptionist assistant. Now, I want to detail how I became increasingly feminine. It wasn't something I necessarily wanted. But there was no escaping becoming 'one of the girls.' After working for a year at the salon, it was time for my annual review. Tammi, my boss, was to conduct the review with Rebecca, the salon manager. As you know, Rebecca had once worked as my...

1 year ago
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Our receptionist Bharti

Hi I am 24 years Punjabi male 4 u? This is a real story happened in 20003 when I was working in a private limited company at Baroda. Three brothers who were Directors ran the company. Ours was a small office staffed by one Receptionist, one Accountant, and five others including me, as a Stenographer. I was the only Malayalee staff, remaining were Gujaratis. Our company was located hardly ½ k.m. Distance away from the Gita Mandir Bus stop in the outskirts of Baroda city, where I used to get down...

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Gym receptionist

Hey ladies. I’m Bedroom Basher. The story I am about to narrate is my own and true. This is my first story here on ISS and I hope you guys enjoy it. I’m 27, 5’ 9” (180 lbs), and working at a prestigious firm. This incident took place in Bangladesh, my home country. I’m not conceited in anyway, but it has always been the case that wherever I went, there would be a crowd of people attracted to me – sometimes they would do it so much, that I’d be left uncomfortable. I am not gorgeous but I have...

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Secretly Licking the Receptionist Behind Her Counter and Fisting

The next day, when we were going out to the beach, Giulia was again tending the reception desk. She smiled shyly as she watched us approach her. Martina was wearing a Bikini that looked three sizes too small for her, barely covering her nipples and pelvis, and showing dark pubes all around the sides of her bikini bottom. Over that, just to cover it up slightly, she wore a loose blouse that she knotted under her wide breasts, and some really short jean shorts. I was in my orange and black...

4 years ago
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Tittiefuck looked up from her long, purple-painted nails to greet the latest client. As usual, it was an angry woman with a flier. "Hi, I'm Tittiefuck! Welcome to Bimbotech Inc.!" she said, smiling wide. The woman stopped and stared. They often did. Tittiefuck was so pretty since they fixed her! Her titties were so big and round now, her ass so full and firm! The company had taught her how to spray her hair and blow it big and wild. They had given her new clothes like this shiny purple...

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How A Lost Mobile Turned Me Into A Complete Whore Part 5 Conclusion

Hi Natasha again with part 5 of my story. If you are new to this, my story parts are set up a little differently. And I ask you to please read the old parts or you won’t understand anything. The reading order is a bit weird. First read Part 3 (which has part 1 in brief, since part 1 is not on the site), then read part 2, then read remaining Part 3, and then read part 4 and 5. So the order is Part 3(half) -> Part 2 -> Part 3 (remaining) ->Part 4 – > Conclusion. Links can be found at the top. So...

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The Feminization of Leslie Part Four Conclusion

I have rated this story 'X' just to be on the safe side, but frankly I think it occupies a point on the spectrum somewhere between R and X. If you are expecting a healthy dose of explicit sex based on the published rating, I apologize. There really isn't THAT much. A couple of reader comments have asked if it really HAS to end here, with Part Four. Well, of course any story can be continued almost indefinitely, but I think that with the inclusion of this section, it says pretty much...

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Denial The Conclusion

DENIAL -- CONCLUSIONI found the story Denial by Conquered extremely interesting even though there was no conclusion.  That’s one thing I find annoying about stories online.  I usually just move on to another story, but something about this one grabbed me.  I tried to contact the author without success so I decided to write my own conclusion.  It’s based initially on events built into the original story.  After that it is a figment of my own twisted...

3 years ago
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Me the beach and Erica Part 2 and Conclusion

This is the second and final part of Me, the beach, and Erica All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. A version of this story in Italian is available on FictionMania ------------ Continuing from part 1 ------------ The start of the following day looked a lot less interesting. I kept on my bra and Brazilian as I ate breakfast, I then changed into the...

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Three Years of Bliss conclusion

Three Years of Bliss (conclusion) by Sally Mander For the build up, please read part one and two. 2017 Planning for the holiday party was well underway. Robert and my wife Carol offered to host it this year. It was to be a traditional holiday gathering except for Carol being barely dressed and publicly fucked whenever Robert wanted her, and I being dressed as the sissy waitress, serving drinks and snacks. My uniform for the evening was similar to a traditional...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 5 Conclusion

Part 5 Facial and Sex Reassignment surgery That evening, Kavitha called us and asked Jeevan when she can schedule my operation and that if he wanted any facial job done to me. He said, "I leave the choice entirely to her" and looked at me. I said, "I can have the operation as soon as you people can organize. I would like to reshape my nose and lips to make it more feminine." She nodded and noted something in her diary. We went back to our apartment and continued our usual sexual...

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A Friend in Need Part 16 The Conclusion

A Friend in Need Part 16. Conclusion This final part of my fantasy completes the tale, I must thank my very good friend Christina, who does exist and is exactly as described in the story, petit, feminine, gorgeously sexy, impulsive and very loving. She is fully aware that I covert her body, as she does mine, if we could exchange bodies we would. We wrote this together her doing the male feelings me the female and correcting each other as we went...

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part 8 Conclusion

Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread Part VIII (Conclusion) Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter One...

3 years ago
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We Never Break A Promise Part 8The Conclusion

We Never Break A Promise-Part 8 (The Conclusion) By Warm Hearted ****Willow**** As Wee Lo examined Willow's new effort on the easel she said, "Goddaughter it is amazing. It is like a window to the past, I feel like all I would have to do is to fly in there and join my brother and sisters in the Equinox Dance. I think that dance is what I miss the most from the time of The Old Order. But one day I may get to dance it again." Willow answered, "I think I did a fair job, but I...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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