S.P.A.N.C free porn video

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Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgurls Katreena swayed down the line of captives a wicked grin on her lips. The six captives each had a glowing red collar around their necks so that although they had the look of murder in their eyes they could do nothing about it. Katreena was a seven foot wet dream as she knew from some of the looks she got from the captives. Katreena and her crew were in fact Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgurls, SPANC for short. Amazon girls well endowed with tits, ass and cocks! the bane of this systems space lanes. The heels of Katreena's thigh high leather boots clicked as she swayed along the line her wide hips swinging side to side her tail switching from side to side to denote her pleasure. A pleasure also mirrored in the bulge in her figure hugging leather hot pants. Her midriff was bare, her ample tits encased in a skin tight bustier. Around her waist slung low on the right where her laser pistol was holstered was a utility belt. "This lot will make us a good price at the slave markets of Zataar....." she crooned. Her crew growled their pleasure with her. Katreena was the captain of the star freighter Scarab, a ship that was distinctly not a freighter as this crew had found out to their detriment. Katreena was pleased because she had take this rust bucket with the minimum of bloodshed. It had turned out they were hauling spices and minerals which was even better. Her main prize however was the crew since the Scarab was a slaver. Katreena was doubly pleased because the crew was human a distinctly rare species worth their weight in Solana crystals! a rare prize indeed. "And the minerals and spices she's hauling should fetch us more!" The crew cheered and rattled their weapons. Katreena stopped when she came alongside the captive that was surely their captain. "What the fuck are you going to do with my ship bitch!" he growled. "Oh hush now.....you know damn well I'm going to loot it then scupper it, scupper meaning blow it to atoms!" The captain struggled against his restraints but was unable to break free. "This one comes with me......take the rest to the brig and lock them up....." she commanded. "Get the spoils onboard then set course for Zataar." "Yes Captain," returned her buxom second in command. Katreena touched her wrist and the captive captain got to his feet. She turned on her heels and headed off ship to her own cabin, he followed like an automation. You see the collar around his neck gave her full control of his motor system. She could control him much like a marionette with her wrist controls. She could if she wanted command him to place his own hands around his neck and strangle himself to death. As Katreena entered her cabin Polly her pet Carathian Dust Fish stirred on her perch, seeing this Katreena moved across the room to pick her up. Stroking her pet she commanded her captive to kneel before her leather armchair. Losing her utility belt she longed in the chair before the captive settling Polly on her bare midriff. Dust Fish can best be described as like earth octopuses. They have eight tentacle, a bulbous head and two expressive eyes, that however is where the likeness ends. Sand Fish do not need water to live although they are happy both in and out of water. The main thing about Sand Fish is that they exude a special neurotoxin that can give either pleasure or pain, from a slight sting to excruciating death. Indeed they were use on some planets to execute prisoners. Depending on how cruel the executioner was whether it would be an excruciating death or death by extreme pleasure. Star Fish were also telepaths and could in fact share the experience they were giving their host, which was why very few people had them as pets. Katreena had however saved Polly from death in a slave pit as a minnow so they were symbiotically bonded. Polly purred as he settled on Katreena making Katreena purr in unison. She watched the captive as she lowered the zip of her bustier exposing even more of her ample breasts. On cue two tentacles spread towards each breasts, tentacles that could extend to at least eight feet. "Fucking bitch, fornicating with alien species....you would be executed on my planet for such depravity," growled the captive. She ignored him as one of Polly's tentacles circled her breast. The second tentacle reaching up to caress her nipples, it also released a small amount of neurotoxin making Katreena crooned. Telepathically she stopped Polly from giving her too much after all she had her captive to play with! Two more tentacles found their way into her hot pants and began to caress her swollen balls making her cock come to life. Katreena groaned with pleasure reaching down to release her rapidly growing cock. She smirked as her captives eyes grew round at the sight of her rampant cock springing from her pants, all turgid twelve inches! Once free two of Polly's tentacles slipped around her shaft caressing it lewdly. Her captive growled and tried to turn his head away but was unable to so he closed his eyes. With a tap of her wrist his eyes sprang open hate filling them! "Bitch!" Reluctantly she lifted Polly from her body and placed him on the seat before stripping completely naked. Once naked she selected a razor sharp knife from her belt and began to cut the clothes from her captive so that he was soon as naked as she was. As she worked around him her rampant cock swayed from side to side occasionally touching him. When it did he shuddered in revulsion which made her chuckle and nudge him all the more with her cock. She even smeared the head of her cock across his lips painting them with her precum he in turn grimaced and looked up at her with hate fill eyes......she winked at him. "What the fuck are you doing you craven bitch!" he growled. "Oh you will see," she chuckled. She marveled at his cock which was eight inches and still soft.....perhaps ten inches when he was hard she mused. Not bad for a human, since she had heard they all had tiny dicks which was probably why their specie was dying out! With a few taps of her wrist she had her captive on hands and knees head up like a dog, facing the armchair. She then picked up Polly and placed her on the centre of his back making him shiver. "No! get this fucking this off me!" he shouted. She shivered her excitement as she heard the fear in his voice. He knew what a Sand Fish could do.....but which was she going to give him.... pleasure or pain. "If you're after information you know torture never works!" he quipped. She chuckled and spoke telepathically to Polly.....pleasure! A tentacle slipped down his back and into the dark crease finding his puckered hole. "......the fuck NO! not that!" he bellowed. The tentacle slipped inside and as it did it exuded a small amount of neurotoxin causing him to groan. Two tentacles slipped around his waist one reaching his balls and caressing them, the other his slowly growing cock, to his shame it began to come to life. Katrina had positioned him strategically before her full length mirror so she watched with pleasure as the tentacle slipped inside him, thrilled at the fact this would be so humiliation for an arrogant manly....man? She watched the show, slowly caressing her own cock and shivering as his face glowed red with shame. She fixed eye contact and reveled in the look of hate. She knew he would have loved to have closed his eyes, turned his head but he was unable to do so. A second tentacle entered his ass and he groaned in shame. Two more tentacles travelled up his body to caress his nipples and soon he was panting his pleasure.....his impending climax! "Don't let him cum," she commanded telepathically. He shivered once more as Polly now entered his head telepathically stymieing his impending climax, his eyes opened wider at this causing her to laugh. His blush deepened as he realised that he was being raped not only physically but mentally. A shiver wracked his body as a third and fourth tentacles entered his ass and began to pump. One of the invading tentacles found his prostrate and he helped in shameful pleasure! As more neurotoxin flooded his body he began to lose his inhibitions crooning his pleasure and swaying to the fucking. "Looks like my pet is enjoying herself...." she chuckled. He looked quizzically at her. "Yes I mean you!" She winked causing him to shiver in shame. "Do you want me to released you?" she quizzed. "Fuck yes....so I can break your fucking neck," he threatened. "Or is it so you can rock back on those tentacles!" She winked. He shuddered as they continued to thrust into him and the one around his cock coaxed him to the climax he just could not make! The two tentacles slipped from his nipples and slid into his ass crease. "Seven hell's....please no!" he gasped. They slipped in to join the others and began to pump causing him to bellow his pleasurable pain. They then went to town fucking him brutally as the tentacle around his cock stroked him to delirium. In the end he had to beg..... "Please......please!!!!!!" he crooned. "Please what my pet?" she chuckled. "Please....I want.....I NEED to come," he mewled. "Oh my pet I always like to keep my play things happy," she giggled. She sent the message and soon he was bellowing his climax and spewing his spunk copiously onto the deck as the tentacles pistoned into his ass. Finally he sagged against his mental bondage spent and exhausted. Polly retracted her tentacles from his well fucked hole and he let out a sigh of relief. Standing Katreena picked up Polly and placed her back on her perch. Moving back to her captive she released the lock on his collar and removed it. Instantly his head came up hate in his eyes, however this quickly turned to shock as his body did not move even though he was free to do so! "Oh my pet, what few people know is that once someone has experienced the neurotoxin of a Sand Fish they are susceptible to their control for up to forty-eight hours after! And since I am symbiotically linked to Polly that means me as well...." she smirked. "You will now do anything I ask no maker how degrading or humiliating....." She let this fact set in, watching him pale at this revelation knowing it was true by him immobilized body. "For example pick up the mess you made!" She pointed at the desk. Shivering he moved to do her bidding his tongue shaking out and licking his cooling spunk from the deck, he growled his displeasure but still he complied as if the collar was still in place. "Mmmm I think the control is not going to last forty-eight hours with you....maybe twenty-five but that's enough for what I want to do to you she winked making him shudder. Once he had finished she swayed to the bed and going on hands and knees raised her ass. "Worship," she commanded telepathically. He gasped as he began to crawl towards her apparently intent on pleasuring her in the most debasing way. This made Katreena realize that he did not know he was being controlled telepathically! As far as he knew he was doing this because he WANTED to! She chuckled with desires he cock weeping with pleasure. He crawled onto the bed behind and was soon planting soft kisses on her ample behind, causing her to shiver with pleasure. As the kisses became too numerous she guided him to her dark crease. A crease that was pungent with sweat, leather and her darker scent. She sent message for him to linger and enjoy the scent which he did much to his humiliation. He groaned his displeasure but still his sucked in the scent, to turn the screw she tweaked his brain and his mouth watered at her heavenly scent....his groan deepened much to her pleasure. His tongue snaked out, she felt hot and questing along her crease. It gravitated to her puckered hole slipping inside....she groaned her own pleasure. She knew the act of what he was doing was extremely humiliating to him so she made him do it for a long time before her need overtook her. She turned over presenting her throbbing cock to him and he mewled as he set to work apparently at his own volition to lick her balls, balls that were slick with her salty precum! He kissed and licked up her balls and then taking in her bulbous cock head took the whole of her cock down his throat in one go. He looked up at her tears of humiliation.....and from the deep throating in his eyes. He so much wanted to show her his devotion, that he could take the whole of her cock and pleasure it, as he did it he was overcome with shame. He blushed but still he held her inside him until he was almost out of breathe. "Quite the cock sucked!" she crooned. His shame deepened as did the colour of his red on his cheeks! She so much wanted to make this last but she was highly charged with his reluctant devotion that her climax came quickly. Catgurl's are know the galaxy wide for the prodigious amount of spunk they produce so soon he was gargling down mouth full after mouth full of the salty sticky stuff, his eyes wide with shock and disgust making the climax all the more sweet for her. As her cock popped stickily from his mouth he crawled around her further onto the bed and presented his ass. She chuckled at his compliance to her mental commands thrilling once again at what he must be thinking. He was probably shocked and disgusted about how component he was. A cruel thought crossed her mind. "What an obedient little slut you are....you must really love cock.....want would they call you on earth?" she quizzed mischievously. "A faggot," he meekly answered. "And are you?" She chuckled tweaking his answer. "Yes Mistress....I am your obedient faggot!" He was shocked at his fervent answer maker her chuckle. "And what do you want me to do?" Tweak...... "Fuck me with your big fat cock!" he mewled. She was ready to fuck him long and slowly so she moved behind him placing her still turgid cock in the crease of his ass, he shudder in.....anticipation? Tweak..... "Please fuck me Mistress....Please bury your cock deep inside me!" he demanded. She placed the bulbous head against the picked hole that had recently been fucked by Polly's tentacles and then watched it slip inside, chasing him to groan at the slight pain. Just inside her cock her bumped over his prostate. She stopped her pumping backwards and forwards until he juices were dripping copiously from his dick. With another tweak his prostate became hypersensitive so as the rest of her cock slid over it he screamed his pleasure shooting his spunk onto the bed! She then took her pleasure from him long and slow and as she did she tweaked his pleasure so that he was bucking against her thrust begging her to fuck him harder. In the end she once again flooded him with spunk so much so that he felt his insides bulge with the amount they had taken! When she pulled out it slashed down his legs and he shivered in humiliation. He also seemed broken considering he had reacted like a white to his fucking. With a contented with she ordered him onto his knees beside the bed where she reattached the control collar. "Thank you bitch you were a pretty good screw...." She winked. She watched him blush with shame and reveled in it. "No I'm going to have a long sleep in which time the Sand Fish neurotoxin will probably have worn off, hence the control collar going back on..." She watched his look of resignation and realised there was still plenty of resistance there. "You know it's been a while since I had a cabin girl, perhaps I'll keep you." She watched bemused as he went pale and shivered hat his fate. "Mmmm yes it will up my reputation having a human pet as my cabin gurl.....although we are going to make some change....bigger tits to start with I think," she mused. His eyes popped open at this revelation making her giggle contentedly. So she slipped into a contented sleep her captive watching her a mix of adoration toxin fueled and anger in his eyes at his prospective feminized captivity.... *********************************************************************** NOTE TO READERS This story is a labour of love but it is a labour so if you enjoyed it please leave a comment Critiques, no thank you this is not Pulitzer material ***********************************************************************

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Bachpan Kaa Pyaar Mami Ke Saath

Hello doston, ye meri pehli kahani hai. Haalanki main ISS ka kaafi purana reader hoon,kaafi doston ki kahaniyan padheen, kaafi maza aaya, to maine socha ki kyun nahin apni kahani bhi ISS ke madhyam se aapko bataun. Main 29 saal ka ek jawan ladka hoon aur main kaafi smart hoon aur job karta hoon. Baat un dinon ki hai jab main 18 saal ka tha aur apne nana ke yahan jaya karta tha, wahan mere riste ki ek mami rahti hain. unke do bache the, ek ladka meri barabar aur ladki mujhse choti. mujhe bachpan...

4 years ago
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black bang part 3 bisexual

Plus, I was still hoping for a return visit from my tall dark stranger andwith that my cock stirred at the thought of having more than a tongueinvading my virgin hole. Michelle laughed at my cock going back to fullmast and commented no wonder Joanna always had a smile on her face. Iblushed just glad that she did not know that I was thinking of that blackcock that came in my mouth earlier that day and was hoping he would comeover for more. I asked her if she wanted me to walk her home? To...

2 years ago
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Sandra and Michael Dorne

My mom, Cameron Dorne, became my mom at age 13: that's not a misprint. It, me, was the result of a rape. Yes, the perp, some loner named Ewing Thorpe, went to prison for it; which fact did little to help my mother in her decision to keep me. At the time she was minus her own mother and father: the former having died of hepatitis; the latter had likewise died but of prostate cancer. A new single mom, she was raised by her grandma Stella Martin a single mom herself. All things considered, my...

3 years ago
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt10

Chapter 12 Mark had just about time to put his dildo down before the door to his room opened. His hand was still wrapped around the base, and well there was no real way he could ever hide anything of what had been going on. He was caught red-handed and could only really look at his girlfriend, or rather his ex-girlfriend in horror. After all, why else than to officially dump him would she be here. Lisa herself was a bit shocked when she entered the room in her white t- shirt, daisy...

1 year ago
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The vibrator of his ex

I warn every small 5inch white boy out there, if you do it one time you are done and eventually will become addicted to big nice cock sliding in youeven if you think it coudnt be done to you, it might just happen, because big cocks needs small tight holes and small cock boys have 2 pretty holes for big cocks love even if you think that friend with a gf coudnt want to fuck you, the truth is, big cocks love to fuck and get into a warm mouthi was in a party drunk having fun and got wasted , he was...

1 year ago
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The PropositionPart 5 Her Slaves Ride

I walked outside at 5:30 to be sure not to miss the black SUV that Alex described in his letter. The cool evening air whisked against my hair. I breathed in long breaths savoring each one. This is my last few moments as a free man. The truth was, Idid have second thoughts. There were plenty of times I picked up the phone and dialed the first 6 digits of Alex's private number ... but each time something stopped me. Sure, there are plenty of guys who would be envious of me right now ... but I...

1 year ago
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Silly things I have done in my teens

My dad is a very keen gardener, as is our neighbour and his and so on, in fact every summer we all compete against each other for the best in show garden.It's a competition my dad would love to win, but he never does, that honer goes every year to the same man, our neighbour, he just appears to be ahead of everyone, and every year he walks away with it, my dad just goes ballistic. Last year was something of an obsession in our house, as dad plotted and schemed to do his utmost to usurp the old...

3 years ago
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More fun with Heather

After we first got together Heather and I quickly became a couple. I was delighted to discover that she was pretty insatiable. She loved to fuck. She explained that she had married her husband right out of High School and had never been with anyone else. Her husband was a 30 second wonder most of the time and her whole 4 year marriage had hadn't brought her off once. Which I though was pretty damn pathetic. I have always made my goal to bring a woman to orgasm or else I do not cum. It is a...

1 year ago
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Par For The Course

I just joined a private golf club and got lucky, there was an eight some that played together all the time and they had just lost one of their group and the club pro asked me if I would like to take the spot and I said yes. I’m twenty-eight, the next youngest guy was forty-two but they were fun to play with. Were teeing up one morning and one of the guys asks me if I would play in a tournament with his wife. He was fifty-five so I figured his wife was up there to and I wasn’t real keen on the...

1 year ago
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My Two Aunts Part 3

Part 3 My wife dropped me off at the Airport. Just as I got there Aunt Dee called my cell and said to wait for her and that she was only a few minutes away. I gave my wife a kiss goodbye and thanked her for everything. A few minutes later, Aunt Dee pulled up with her husband. We all hugged and after her goodbye with her husband Aunt Dee and I walked through security and to our gate. We were two hours early and decided to have a few morning drinks. After three bloody Mary's, we...

2 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 9

Breakfast Monday morning was big, loud, and rowdy. Twice the cafeteria folks told us to settle down. Our entire group was happy to be back together. Adrian walked with me to our first classes then separated to go to our own buildings. I had forgotten that I had my first class with Delta. She came up to me and put a sizzling lip lock on me. “How’s my Spring break stud doing?” she asked. Delta is such a stand out good-looking babe; all the guys going into the room were eyeing me...

3 years ago
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Fun With Chithi In Car

Hi guys this is Raj from chennai.I hope everyone is doing good.Let me introduce myself to you,i am a great fan of Indian sex stories and I have read all most every stories in incest cause I love incest stories very much.I am a fit guy with good muscles and a height of 6.0 cause I regular to gym to keep myself fit.And this is my 1st story in iss like to share my experience with u so kindly ignore all mistakes. So coming to story.It was 14th of Jan,next day was pongal so my dad use to give...

3 years ago
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Hypno Slut 4

Hypno Slut 4 After a day of frustration waiting to finally get my lips around Michaels wonderful cock, I minded not the least as he guided my hand onto James crotch. I was reveling in the feeling as my lips slipped over his large mushroom head and down his shaft. My wanton desire being finally fulfilled after a day of waiting it hardly mattered that he was expecting me to service James after I finished with him. My only thought was on pleasing him and being the best little cock...

3 years ago
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Coffee On The First Date

Hello, beautiful people! This is my second story even though it’s about a first date. I got an amazing response to my first story Do read it if you haven’t already and do try ice cubes on your partner if you haven’t already. Coming to the story now. I am at an executive level in a company in Delhi NCR. Being at this level, I get to travel a lot and get a very good exposure. I am average looking, have a little paunch as well. But I still get a decent amount of attention from the females because...

1 year ago
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Becoming daddys toy

My name is Mirabella and I would say I used to be a pretty normal girl and growing up, I always thought my family was like any other family. I grew up with an older brother and a younger sister in a small house just outside the city centre. Since my parents are spanish, I grew up in a pretty religious catholic environment. We prayed before every meal and went to mass on sundays, we had to follow strict rules and the three of us all went to a catholic school near our home. Despite the fact that...

2 years ago
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Swing Shift part 7

He was sipping something. I realized it was a beer. He walked to the side of the bed. I could barely see him, but I could tell he was sporting a woody. I don't know why but my dick started to inflate when I saw his boner. He sat the beer on the nightstand and just stood there. I had no idea how nervous he was, but I had a belly full of butterflies. Breaking this taboo was thought to be the ultimate betrayal of manhood. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad in the dark. My room was nearly pitch...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Thing

Being nervous suited Sara. It brought a flush to her cheeks that set off her fair complexion and deepened her already dark blue eyes. She had waited long enough to meet the object of her affection and the thrill of finally meeting him in the flesh made her feel both excited and anxious. She wondered how it would go, would they be as comfortable in person as they had been online. She certainly hoped so. Justin had been the only man on the dating site who had spoken to her as a person. He...

2 years ago
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Naan Ena Annai Theresava Daily Ninachu Pray Pandrathuku

Software santhayil panipuriyum palaril naanum oruvan. Padikum pothe sorgathuku povathu pol software job endru buildup ai koduthen. Padithu padathapaadu patu intha pannatu companykaluku vanthu paratha pinbu thaan terigirathu, koovathai kooda intha software kuppaigal odu compare seiya mudiyaathu. Apadi seithaal koovathuku thaan avamaanam. Inge vanthu paratha piragu thaan terigirathu software job saakadai alukira velaiyai vida kevalam. Bpo job athai vida paavam, parithaabam aanavargal. Software...

3 years ago
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Aunt Alice

My Aunt Alice is a great woman. We have always got along great, we have a chemistry between us. Alice is my dad's older sister. I have always enjoyed going over to her house or when they would come visit. Alice and I would talk and talk. As I became older we talked even more and more like friends. Then a little flirting. Alice was a tall woman, like almost six foot tall. And she had the biggest boobs I have ever seen. I did not find her attractive per say, but those tits made up for her...

2 years ago
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We were dancing close at a party. The music and our bodies moving in gyration. I pulled her close, reached around and squeezed her ass and grinded our crotches to together. With my other hand I grabbed her beautiful, long and dark Italian hair and ran my fingers through it and kissed her deeply. I could feel her center heating up as my cock strained for release. She reached down and rubbed me and teased me biting my lower lip. She reached into my pants and got some pre-cum on her fingers and...

1 year ago
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Catching my friend

My friend Haley and I have been friends since we were little kids and our parents trust us together as just friends and nothing more. We share all of our experiences together and with us both being 16, and neighbors, most of the stories we shared were sexual. We led our parents on to believe we were naïve about sex and any relating matter which was to our benefit. Just last year we both discovered that the other one masturbated because we both started doing it around the same time. This was...

3 years ago
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I Saw Mommy Fucking Santa Claus

Late on Christmas Eve, I helped my mother put the last of the Christmas presents under the tree. Our tree looked like Charlie Brown's tree with its needless branches, lopsided stance, and sizable "bald" spots. And the handful of presents underneath made it look even more pitiful. We barely had enough money to pay the bills, much less money to spend on a lot of Christmas presents. But Terry still believed in Santa, so we worked hard not to disappoint him. Mom and I know the real story...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kiara Lord Lottie Magne Blonde MILF Kiara Lord Eats Out Her Schoolgirl Maid Until 2 Guys Join in for Dessert

Petite Hungarian MILF Kiara Lord has just hired sexy schoolgirl Lottie Magne as a part-time maid, but the girl can’t do anything right! But fortunately she finds something Lottie is good at when she has the skinny, innocent girl massage her pussy instead. Soon the sweet girl is having her first lesbian experience as she goes down on her boss’ pink twat, and finds she’s getting turned on herself! After a while Kiara returns the favor by finger-fucking the little girl’s...

4 years ago
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My first sexperience read to love it

While on a vacation in the far north east part of India, On the day before I was due to leave the resort I was staying in, I had this singular experience, which I am about to relate. The place I was staying in was in the forrests, by a lonely road, with plenty of vegetation. The cottage like living quarters were far apart, with a big garden with walkways and lawns separating them. I was enjoying the quietness of the place. For most of my vacation I was the lone guest, until a group of three...

2 years ago
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I checked my cell. There were several messages, but one jumped out at me. It was from my Mom -- “big work project will b way L8 find a ride luv u” Oh, oh. This is NOT good! I had stayed later than normal after practice helping Coach L put stuff away. Most of my friends had already left. We had such an awesome practice. Our newest routine was coming together and was so cute and sexy! Now what? From in front of the gym the whole campus looked deserted. Sometimes I really...

3 years ago
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What Viagra Did For My Boyfriend

My boyfriend and I got into a discussion about what viagra would do for a younger normal very virile guy in his 20s. He said that he had heard of college students taking ecstasy and viagra combined for wild parties and fucking all night. Curiosity got the better of us and I talked him into trying to get some. So he looked into it, though it was expensive but he purchased five black market viagra pills.One evening the next weekend we were making out on my sofa after watching rented movies and he...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Ana at the stripper pub

Ana at the stripper pub.That business trip to Chicago had ended one day before schedule and I was flying back home. My cell phone was out of order, so I decided it could be nice to surprise Anita arriving home early.The strange thing was I could not find her at home…. on Friday late evening. It was really strange.I spent a long while calling some of her friends, asking if she was there, but it was useless. Nobody knew about her since that morning.I found a kind of business card on the floor,...

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