Portrait of the Valkyrie as a Young WomanChapter 4 Breaking the Law
- 3 years ago
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When Chad and I got back to campus, we spent the first few days coming down off our high. Our vacation had been unlike any experience I’d ever had. It had given me a taste of what life with him might really be like—not just dating him, or going to school with him, or being in a fraternity with him, but actually sharing a future with him.
Our sexual explorations had also gotten us really horny. We basically started fucking every morning, noon, and night. It got to the point that I stopped even trying to keep my sheets clean; I got used to sleeping on dried cum, which was actually kind of hot.
Unfortunately, not everyone was as excited as we were. That Friday, I opened my door to find a note taped to it.
You guys are WAY too goddamn loud!!! the note said. Do you EVER keep your pants on?!?! It sure as hell doesn’t seem like it, from what you did at the gym.
I did a double-take when I read that. I assumed the note was from one of my neighbors—it had to be—though I couldn’t tell which one. I stood in my doorway and looked around at the apartments around me. I tried to think through who the culprit could be. Then I looked back down and re-read the note.
The last sentence was the part that really threw me. I thought back to the time Chad and I had fucked at the gym and had heard someone coming. I thought we’d run away before anyone had seen us, but maybe we hadn’t? If someone had really caught us, and if that someone was pissed at us, could we still get in trouble? Or, worse yet, did someone hear about all that secondhand?
I started wracking my brain to figure out what had happened. I was almost tempted to knock on my neighbors’ doors and confront them about it. Then again, it wasn’t exactly an easy question to ask—“are you the one who complained about my noisy gay sex?”—and I definitely couldn’t ask what they knew about our gym fuck.
I didn’t have much time to think about it though, because I was headed to meet with my advisor. I’d wanted to talk to him about the stuff I was doing with Thaxter, who was now e-mailing me on a regular basis. My advisor immediately jumped on the topic, and he asked if I liked that kind of work. I had to be honest: I didn’t know much about it, and I was a little embarrassed that Thaxter treated me like an expert.
After some discussion, we decided that I’d drop my criminal justice course and take a marketing class instead. The marketing professor, Dr. Littman, had a reputation around campus: he was supposed to be a real character, but I’d heard he was cool. At any rate, if I liked his class, I could switch majors before the end of the semester.
When I left that meeting, I found I had a bunch of texts waiting for me. At first I was worried that more shit was going down. But when I checked my phone, I saw all the texts were from Johan. I just rolled my eyes and put my phone away, and I did my best to ignore the guy.
After that, I went to the financial aid office to take care of some paperwork. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop obsessing over the note on my door. I had to admit, it was kind of exciting to think that someone had been watching and listening to me and Chad fuck. But it was nerve-wracking too, and I was dying to know who this person was. I kept scouring my brain for any clues, but I kept coming up empty. On my way home, I even swung by the gym to see if any of my neighbors were there. It was all to no avail.
I was at the frat house that night when I got another round of texts. Then, a few minutes later, my phone started ringing. I saw it was Johan—yet again—so I let the first few calls go to voicemail. But Johan just wouldn’t let up. Eventually I was so annoyed that I just grabbed my phone and hit the button to answer.
“Hello?” Johan said. “Are you there?”
“I’m here,” I said. “What do you want?”
“Oh thank God.”
I stepped into the bathroom, where I could be alone, and I shut the door behind me. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Johan made a bunch of muffled noises. He almost seemed to be crying. “I... I am so madly in love with you.”
“Say what?”
“I mean it,” he said. “I just—I mean, I can’t stop thinking about you—”
“What the fuck, dude?” I asked. I forced myself to keep my voice down. “Are you drunk or high or something?”
“I-I want you to give me another chance. Please Scott....”
“Another chance for what? We were never a thing.”
“I want you to be with me,” he said. “Leave your boyfriend. I’d be so much better to you—”
“What the fuck makes you think you can say that?” I hissed. I was scared to death that Chad might overhear. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, and I can’t believe you’d even go there—”
“Then I’ll wait for you,” Johan said. “When you’re ready, I’ll be there for you. I can’t wait to hold you again, and take care of you, and make love to you, and really make you happy—”
“Do you realize how insane that all sounds?”
“Well... I care about you.”
“No you don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be doing this.”
“I love you.”
“You love the idea of me. Not the real me.”
“Just... I dunno, Scott, just tell me what you want me to say—”
“I don’t want you to say anything. I want you to stop calling me. And texting me—”
“I know I’m fucked up, but I’ll clean up for you, I promise.”
“You could seriously fuck things up for me right now. I don’t think you get that.”
Johan let out a loud sigh. “Fuck dude,” he said, “do you know how bad I wanted you in high school? And then when you showed up on Grindr, and I realized you were gay—”
“That’s all over and done with,” I said. “I just spent winter break with my boyfriend’s family. What the hell does that tell you?”
“Shit. I’m too late....”
“No, not really,” I said. “You got the wrong idea to begin with.”
The line was silent at first. I almost thought we’d gotten cut off, but then I heard Johan take a deep breath. “Oh fuck....” And I heard a faint slapping sound. It took me a second to realize what it was.
“Wait,” I said. “Are you jacking off?”
“Oh shit,” Johan said, “I can’t help it—”
“That’s gross!”
“Did you think it was gross when we were fucking?”
“For shit’s sake!”
“Just let me finish!”
“What the hell? No!” I yelled, and I hung up the phone. Then, before he could call back, I scrambled to block Johan’s number. From what I could tell, the block went through just in time.
I just stared at my phone and tried to calm my nerves. I felt dirty for even having taken the call. I was almost tempted to throw the phone against the wall, but I forced myself not to.
The bathroom door creaked open. “Is everything okay in there?” came Luke’s voice.
I turned to see Chad and Luke staring back at me. “Yeah,” I said. I wasn’t sure what to say at first. “It’s just... just drama from back home.”
“Shit,” Luke said. “Are your parents having trouble?”
I looked at Chad, and I tried to read his expression. Then I looked back at Luke. “No,” I said. “They’re fine. It’s just... I dunno, petty bullshit with people I went to school with. It makes me glad I moved away....”
“That sucks,” Luke said, “but it happens to the best of us. Don’t let it get to you.”
I nodded. “I won’t,” was my simple answer, though I knew it probably wasn’t true.
I spent that night in Chad’s bed. In the state I was in, there was no other place I wanted to be. After all, in that house, the only voyeurs to worry about were the other Kap Eps—with whom we didn’t have many boundaries to begin with.
I was way more affectionate than usual. I was pretty worn out, and my day had only made me want to be with Chad that much more. At first I just asked him to hold me. Somehow, when our bodies were up against each other, I felt as if nothing else mattered. It was as if the rest of the world could go fuck itself, yet we’d still be fine as long as we were together.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he eventually asked.
“Yeah,” I said, “at least I am now.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.” I snuggled up against his chest. “I just want to enjoy this.”
“Well... you know, if you need to vent or whatever—”
“Sh,” I said as I put my fingers on his lips. “You know I’m not that kind of guy.”
Chad kissed my fingers. “I know,” he said. “I’m just saying....”
“Don’t say a thing,” I replied, and I pressed my face against his beard. I felt Chad’s warm breath against my cheek, and I inhaled his manly scents. Then I pulled my fingers down so that they weren’t in our way. At first his lips just gave me a gentle caress, but one thing led to another, till his mouth was full-on massaging mine. Our tongues started jousting, and I tasted his warm sexy spit mix with my own.
I ran my hand along his chest, then made my way to his crotch. Chad wasn’t that hard at first, but soon I felt his cock start to grow. I kept pressing my hand against his pants, and I could clearly tell he was hard as a rock.
I broke off the kiss, undid his fly, and pulled his dick out. I gave his shaft a few soft kisses, making my way from his ballsack to his head, then back down, then back up again. I wasn’t trying to tease him so much as I was showing my affection.
Finally I guided his cock to my mouth, and I started sucking away. I wanted nothing more than to make my man feel good. I was desperate to show him how much I cared about him, and how much I’d do for him; I wanted him to never want to be with anyone but me.
Chad let out a soft groan as he started thrusting into my mouth. I savored his cock as it plunged past my tongue. I took him in as far as he would go, till his cockhead was hitting the back of my throat. I was so into it that I just let him pound away.
I serviced him as best as I humanly could, paying close attention to every quake and quiver of his body. This went on for quite a while, till he started getting close. Then I took my mouth off his cock and I looked into his eyes. “I want you to know how much I love you,” I said.
“I already know,” he replied.
“I’m not fucking around,” I said. “I’m not trying to be a smartass... and I’m not just saying it to get laid.”
“Neither am I,” he said as he pulled me in for another kiss.
I made out with him for a moment, then pulled back. The two of us stripped off our clothes. As soon as we were both naked, Chad went back to kissing me, and he began running his hands down the sides of my body. When he got down to my ass, he cupped each hand around my globes, and he reached inside my crack. I felt his fingers start to play with my boyhole.
I didn’t need to be told what to do next. I lay down on his bed, and I opened my legs. As far as I was concerned, my body was his for the taking; and I wanted him to just have his way with me.
Chad lubed up his dick, and he lay down on top of me. At first he just nibbled my earlobes, and he sucked on my neck—not hard enough to leave a hickey, but hard enough to feel good. Then he reached down and aimed his dick at its target. I felt his soft cockhead press against my cunt, followed by the powerful solid shaft right behind it. He eased into me slowly and gently, letting me enjoy it. The next thing I knew, he was so deep inside me that our bodies had basically become one.
I wrapped my arms and legs around Chad. I let out a little gasp as he started gyrating his hips. I could feel his thick rod sliding back and forth inside me, probing the deepest depths of my body.
Chad leaned down and kissed me again. As he did, his six-pack rubbed against my ballsack and cock. I felt a wave of pleasure ripple through my body. I instinctively thrust my tongue in his mouth, and I started licking his palate.
I was determined to pleasure him however I could, so I clamped my sphincter down on his dick. I could feel every inch of him ramming into me, then pull out, then push back deep inside me. The cycle repeated over and over as he opened up my ass.
“Oh fuck,” Chad gasped. “Oh holy shit, babe....”
“Just fuck the cum out of me,” I said. “Keep going... oh baby that feels so good....”
He adjusted his body just slightly, and I felt his dick hit my prostate. My mouth dropped open, and I let out a moan. Chad kept making out with me without missing a beat.
His pulsating abs were basically stroking my cock. More and more pre-cum came dripping out of me. I felt another hit to my prostate, then another, then another. My balls started to churn as my orgasm got closer and closer.
Chad’s breathing got deeper, and his kisses got more intense. Then I felt his balls contract, and he unloaded their contents deep inside me. His timing was perfect, because just then I started shooting my load between our bodies.
“O-o-o-oh yeah,” I said as I clutched his body as tightly as I could.
Chad slowed down his thrusts, then stopped as he gave me one last kiss. I savored the taste of his tongue and the smell of his breath. We were both wet with cum. Mine was smeared across both of our chests. I could feel Chad’s dripping from my hole.
We rolled over to our sides, but I kept my arms and legs around him to make sure he stayed buried inside me. We didn’t bother cleaning up; we just lay there, holding each other, and we didn’t say a word. We hardly even moved till we both fell asleep.
I hadn’t forgotten Chad’s idea about a sex party with the Kap Eps. But I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t think that was the time. Still, I did like how open he was to trying new things; and the more time we spent with our fraternity brothers, the more enticing the idea got to be. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking of Shane’s big cock and Justin’s cute butt. I also remembered the time Ryan and Marcos had fucked right in front of us, not to mention our late-night encounter with a naked Hunter and Drew. And there was no forgetting the pledges who’d jacked off for all of us to see.
All those thoughts came to the forefront that Tuesday, when the Kap Eps called a big meeting. Apparently Brody still hadn’t paid his dues, so under our bylaws, we had to either suspend him or completely kick him out. Of course, Brody had been the guy I’d had issues with from the start. Personally, I hoped he did get kicked out so we could shed his bad vibes.
As we debated what to do, I found myself wondering if Brody was our voyeur. It would’ve been funny—or at least ironic—though I decided it was pretty unlikely. After all, Brody’s apartment was nowhere near mine. I suspected our voyeur was a woman, based on the time we’d heard someone in the women’s locker room.
In the end, the Kap Eps decided to expel Brody’s ass. I didn’t have much sympathy for him, and the other guys didn’t either. We all seemed to be looking forward to having him gone.
Unfortunately the feeling didn’t last very long. Later that night, Chad was on his computer when he made a weird face.
“Um,” he said, “why are there naked pictures of you online?”
I froze. “Naked pictures?” I asked. “What are you talking about?”
Chad handed me his laptop. He was on a gay message board, and sure enough, it was full of images of me. The first pic showed me in my parents’ bathroom without a stitch of clothing on. My face was plainly visible, and so was my cock hanging between my legs. The other pictures covered my anatomy from every possible angle, from close-ups of my hole to my ballsack to everything else.
I couldn’t help noticing the comment at the bottom. I’ve been getting off to this for months, it said. Enjoy.
“Holy fuck,” I said. “Johan, you goddamn son of a bitch....”
“Who the hell is Johan?”
“He’s the guy who called me the other night.”
“What the fuck?”
“It’s not what it looks like—”
“It had better not be!”
I looked into Chad’s eyes. He seemed genuinely hurt, like he’d been punched in the face. “Johan has a crush on me,” I said. “I told him I wasn’t interested—”
“So you’re saying he magically conjured these pictures out of nowhere?”
I took a deep breath. “I-I told you... I mean, when you and I first started dating... I admitted I’d been with other guys.”
“You never said you were exchanging X-rated pictures—”
“Well, you’ve sent me X-rated pictures yourself—”
“You never sent any back.”
I clenched my jaw for a second, and I forced myself not to scream. “Look,” I finally said. “All this is from before you and I were together. Besides, why were you looking for naked pictures in the first place?”
“There’s nothing wrong with me looking at naked pictures,” he said. “I thought we agreed to that shit.”
“We agreed to do it together.”
“Together?” Chad asked. “Is that really the word you want to use right now?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Are you telling me other guys have had naked pictures of you this whole time?”
“It’s not like that—”
“Really? Because I’ve never seen these pictures in my life,” he said. “Yet apparently other guys have?”
“This is revenge porn,” I said. “I fucking guarantee it. I told Johan to go pound sand, so this is how he gets back at me.”
Chad crossed his arms. “So when he called the other night,” he said, “I thought you said this was just drama from back home or something.”
“It was. I told you, I knew him in high school—”
“You never told me he was still contacting you!”
“Not to mention you used that line before,” he said. “That time right before your birthday, when I came back to your place and you were acting all weird. You said basically the same thing. Was that this same guy too?”
I wanted to say no, but I didn’t want to lie. “W-well yeah I guess you could say that—”
“Jesus Christ, Scott! How much else are you not telling me?”
“I’m telling you everything, I promise—”
“Is he the only one who has pictures like this?”
I mulled over my words for a moment. “I don’t know,” I finally said. “I mean, if Johan saved them... I guess other guys could’ve saved them too.”
Chad ran his hands through this hair. “Oh my God, I don’t believe this....”
“How much were you sleeping around?”
“Sleeping around?” I said. “I resent that—”
“What the hell else would you call it?”
“You and I weren’t together back then. You wouldn’t even talk to me. You wouldn’t return my calls or texts or e-mails or anything. And it wasn’t for my lack of trying. So what the fuck was I supposed to do?”
I froze in my tracks. “What did you just say?”
Chad and I just stared at each other. He clenched his jaw, but he didn’t say a word. I couldn’t help noticing how his eyes were glistening. He seemed to be forcing himself not to lose it.
I was pretty torn-up myself. I was about to say something when Chad’s phone rang. Chad didn’t react at first; his eyes seemed to be locked into mine. But the ringing didn’t stop.
Finally Chad grabbed his phone. “What?” he asked.
Please don’t let this be Johan, I thought. I didn’t think Johan had Chad’s number, but after what had just happened, I wasn’t about to put anything past him.
Chad pressed the phone to his ear. He didn’t say a word, but the color seemed to drain out of his face. Then he suddenly rushed out of the room, slammed the door behind him, and disappeared.
I just sat there by myself, and I tried to get my bearings. My stomach felt like it had been twisted into knots. I wanted nothing more than to hold Chad close to me. I wanted to tell him I’d never talk to Johan again. I wished to God I could turn back the clock, ideally to that summer, but even if I could just go back twenty-four hours, I thought I might’ve prevented all this from happening.
I felt a tear run down my cheek, but I wiped it away as quickly as I could. I didn’t want Chad or anyone else to see me cry. I could feel my sinuses filling up too, though I could always pass those off as allergies or something.
I heard Chad’s voice for a moment, but then everything went silent. I waited for a moment, but then I started to get worried. I eventually got up, opened the door, and stepped into the hallway.
Chad was sitting on the stairs, staring straight ahead in an almost catatonic state. His phone was lying on the ground, as if he’d just dropped it.
I found myself tiptoeing toward him. “Chad?”
He barely looked up. “It’s about my dad,” he finally said.
“What about him?” I asked. “Did your mom finally file for divorce?”
“It’s worse than that,” he said. “Way, way, way worse.” And from the look on his face, I could tell he wasn’t kidding.
To be continued...
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xmoviesforyouI hate shopping which might sound funny coming from a female but it's mostly because I think the stores are so crowded these days and I get depressed because prices are just getting so crazy. Well a few months back I was off one Saturday, Nick my husband was working and I didn't want to go alone since I was going to be looking at cabinets for my laundry room so I called my son Mark. We haven't really seen much of each other since probably the beginning of fall because I thought we were getting...
IncestJessica y las ninfasLa detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. Vestida con su ropa preferida, la detective treintañera se siente más cómoda, con unos vaqueros de color claro, unas zapatillas deportivas blancas, una camiseta también blanca anudada por debajo dejando ver su ombligo y una gorra de béisbol dejando caer por detrás su preciosa melena de color castaño claro recogida en una coleta. Tras varias informaciones las pesquisas la llevan a un edificio abandonado en el centro de la...
Saturday I woke up and started hitting the books again. D&D books that is. I would go through the Monster Manual for a bit, then write out the next section, then look up some treasure items or making some up myself by the time 3 rolled along I had things pretty well laid out I thought. This was a follow-up to my first adventure, which now was the lead in and introduction to this one. Now they would have to trace the orcs back to their lair and try to wipe them out. Finally I got up and...
Progenitors Synopsis: The first astronaut on Callisto has a close encounter of the fourth kind - without knowing it. Now the crew is starting to experience some very unusual events in the ship. They have to unravel the mystery to see if the encounter is a threat to the rest of them. [email protected] ********************************************************************** cast of characters Ben Young - chief engineer of _Goddard_ and lander pilot. He looks...
“My God, this is gorgeous, Patrick!” Marissa said, as they pulled up to the secluded lake house. Late afternoon sunlight trickled through the thick canopy above, lending the entire lot a sense of serenity and complete isolation. The house stood tall and grand, native stone covering its exterior from the ground to the slate topped roofs. Large timbers were used as lintel accents over windows and doors, as well as at the corbelled eaves. Shiny copper glinted at gutters and window wells. A curved...
CheatingMy new stepdaughter Kylie Quinn is a total brat. When she casually decides to leave the house with an oversized handbag – on St.Patty’s Day – she must’ve thought I (Jovan Jordan) just fell off the turnip truck. I ask her to show me her bag and lo & behold – a skimpy holiday outfit! I tell her there is no way she is going out like that & it’s settled. That is, until she comes back dressed in the tiny outfit. You can almost see her pussy, it’s so...
xmoviesforyouJacob, a twenty year old guy, was the most successful and youngest wrestler of the wrestling company owned by his mother. He had an undefeated streak within the wrestling company as one by one, all the other wrestlers have fallen before his might. His mother, Sophie, the owner of the company, has an attraction for guys who can rise to the top. Her son was currently at the summit of the strongest, since he had the unbeaten streak no other wrestler had.Needless to say, she found her son...
IncestI like to wear western cloths..like short skirts..shorts..etc...He allowe me to wear freely. I had very good fig..and quite fair....so it suits me too. I know that i am quite sexy and hot for most of the male. My hubby gives me full freedom for everything.. likes whenever he drinks at home..I join him. Even on few occassions i also join him when he drinks with his one or two close friends at home. At that time, i was the only lady in the party at my place. but he never put any kind of...
MANBOOBS By Compera He hadn't seen the woman since he was three, apparently. When he met his aunt at the train station, she didn't look much like the rest of his family. "Ryan?" Gina had said, approaching him tentatively. "You've gotten so big!" Ryan gasped as she embraced him. As she pulled back, he noticed she was a very thin woman, with no hips or breasts to speak of. Her stomach, however, was swollen. No one had mentioned his aunt was pregnant. She had to be seven months...
Fall 2029 Nature was teasing them with a delightful Indian summer. The days and weeks remained warm and dry, and the leaves refused to change color. The conditions worked to Clark’s and Sally’s advantage as they harvested the crops, picked several bushels of apples, and got all the remaining vegetables from the garden. The only thing left was to haul what they needed for the winter months up to the cabin. They had already brought up about a third of their needs. Clark was confident that over...
With the invention of the internet, you don’t see to many adult bookstores anymore and the ones you do see and nearly empty. Why leave the comfort of your home when you can download endless quantities of porn for free. I still go once in a while to pick up a new magazine or buy some lube. I just turned 19 years old and like most young guys I had a hard-on that wouldn't stop no matter how much I jacked off. So today I decided to visit a new bookstore because the one I used frequent closed about...
They woke up to sunshine and blue skies with wisps of white cloud dotted around. After working out in the fitness room for half an hour on various instruments of torture, they enjoyed a good breakfast, mainly consisting of fruit. ‘Much better for us than eggs and bacon.’ Kate sat back with a satisfied sigh. ‘Um.’ Rachel was still finishing off an orange. ‘I suppose we’ll have to put in an appearance at the conference this morning.’ ‘What about the afternoon?’ asked Rachel. ‘We‘ll play...
When I woke up just a couple of hours later, I still had one of my sexy little sisters sleeping atop me with my cock firmly lodged inside her womb. This was definitely one of the best ways to wake up every morning. With my morning wood surrounded by a wonderfully tight, warm, young pussy. It wasn’t just my cock that was enjoying my little sister’s presence. I loved feeling the slight weight of her soft, warm body laying atop mine. The silky smoothness of her toned legs entangled with mine,...
Prologue: Davin and Nora Davin was alone again that evening in May. The dishes were done as he wiped his hands on his apron before hanging it on a hook by the sink. He sighed and looked around, missing his wife. Everything looked clean and ready for her return later tonight or tomorrow. It was going to be a long lonely night as he headed up to her bedroom to lay out her evening wear and choose her clothes for tomorrow. He chose some charcoal color pantyhose, white blouse and black...
The sun is warm on our backs as we walk down to the dock. A few dollars, a smiled thank you, and we are walking up the boarding ramp. There’s almost nobody here. The gulls call out in the humid air, and the weight of my camera sits damply on my side. The boat is a warship. ‘Old Ironsides,’ whose wooden walls bounced cannonballs. It still has some of the original wood in places. It’s beautiful, and smells of the sea. The wooden rails are soft and slightly wet under my hands. Your feet scuff a...
Felicia pushed one button after the other on her car radio in search of the right song to listen to. It was late. Exhausted after a long day of work, she was relieved to finally be on her way home. Before she had been able to settle on a song, a muffled musical chirp emanated from her purse on the seat beside her, signaling that a text message had just been received by her cell phone. Without taking her eyes off the road she reached into her purse and retrieved her cell. She quickly glanced...
I glanced at my schedule one last time, just to double check that I had my poetry class next. Sighing slightly, I hitched my bookbag up on my shoulder and headed over to the building. ‘Ali!’ I heard a voice call behind me. I flinched and turned, there was my roommate’s friend, Erin, running toward me in a pair of platforms, red curls bouncing, along with her breasts. I am 100% straight, but looking at Erin…sometimes I wonder. She’s very pretty, with big lips and large, green eyes. Her boobs are...
Bennie was without doubt, the best looking dude in our small town. He was the bar owners son, and was nineteen years old. He had curly chestnut brown hair, and stood around 6’2” tall. He was a burly boy, and had the most beautiful skin I had ever seen on a man. The skin on his face looked like it belonged to a baby, and I am sure no pimple ever dared invade his features. When he helped out at the pub, I was always memorized by his easy going manner, and sexy smile. Bennie often bragged; that he...
Gay MaleIntroduction: Ally decides to have sex with Caleb, just to start a family. Constructive criticism for part 2! There is nothing in this empty house. This quiet house. Let me introduce myself. My name is Caleb, Im nineteen. My girlfriends name is Ally, and she is 18. Her birthday was two weeks ago, as mine was seven months ago. Ally and I decided to move into a house together. Allys dad finally let her after I had to show him how good I was for her. Her father made me do a lot of things, like, I...
This story was written as a serial on my Yahoo group over a period of several months. Trouble Comes to School By Morpheus Part 1 It was nearly an hour before school yet three figures huddled together behind the football bleachers of Kay Osterman High School. The three boys were alternately known as Geek Squad or the Nerd Patrol among the other students, but today they hoped that was about to change. Martin was the tallest of the three, though he was also the skinniest and...
‘Your guest left a small present for you, my dear.’ This was Mistress Pickles speaking when later we met, I having been summonsed to her sitting room. Jenkins stood as silent as the grave in her habitual corner of the room. I was dressed and hair pinned and presentable. She handed me an envelope which I opened to find a sum of money the like of which I had never seen before. ‘You have clearly made an impression, Madeleine. You will give the money to me and I will ensure that it is placed safely...
Charlotte is a strong minded career woman with extensive experience in the property market. For the last five years she worked for the same high profile property company working her way up the ranks in quick succession where she was now one of the senior managers there.On the home front, she's married to Andrew where they have a three year old son. Such was her strong minded independence out in the employment field she endeavoured to get herself back into work shortly after her son's birth. Due...
Tony obediently fucked Evelyn's sloppy cunt. I rubbed her clit, taking many photos of Jody's hard cock being mastubated while I did so. Wendy was stroking Jody's giant erection, while Evelyn was playing with his balls. Jody, being an amatuer, managed to produce two cums while Tony kept up his relentless pounding of Evelyn's hairy snatch. He never even lost his erection between orgasms, merely softening a little before Wendy's expert touch had him ready again. By his fifth cum of the day, his...
This is mostly a true account of experiences that I've gone This is mostly a true account of experiences that I've gone through. The thoughts and emotions are very real. I hope you enjoy, she did. The cold has burrowed down into the core of my being while she is nestled among her nice warm blankets. My legs burn with cramps as they long to stretch out while she moves her legs in whatever way her subconscious mind desires to afford her a restful sleep. I try in desperation to shake...
Georgie Lyall is a successful businesswoman and a MILF who runs the website Just Between Us, a place where liberal couples can get together and all rules are off the table. Georgie loves her work and that’s why she can’t help but masturbate to the videos she finds and that’s exactly when her husband Marc Rose finds her and joins in! Georgie enjoys her big tits and pussy played with before giving a tremendous sloppy blowjob, getting wet and ready for a great fuck that follows that will have her...
xmoviesforyouMy Ex, My PetI'm reading a book on bondage, when my mom suddenly enters the room with a cup of coffee and some biscuits. I'm almost caught unawares. how could I have been so stupid? I hastily slam the book down in the space between my tummy and the blanket, and cover it with my hands. my mom doesn't notice it as she asks me how my law exam preparations are going. I give an incoherent reply and she thinks me busy, preoccupied maybe. she walks off, her saree disapparing behind the closing door. I...
It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day. Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn't have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone. They had families who would love to have them hang around...
Note : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Kristen, half awake rolled to one side and fell off her bed. She yawned and looked up at her clock, 7:00 AM. "Crap...I missed my damn bus." Kristen murmured and crawled to her closet, she held on to her desk and pulled herself up. She yanked a top and jeans randomly in the dark, and put them on, just hoping they matched. She didn't want to turn on the lights and wake her sister up, since they shared a room. Kristen...
IncestThis is a follow-up on my previous story about my first time with a man at the age of 50.After meeting up with Ted for my first time, we had made arrangements to meet up again in 3 days. Unfortunately Ted had to postpone until the following week as he had to deal with some work related stuff. I was disappointed to say the least as I was so eager to connect with him again. Even though I was so attempted to jack-off during that time I refrained as my abstinence just made me hornier for his...
The Limo Ride I was young, dumb and inexperienced in the way of the world. I was alsovery impressionable, wanting to please all my friends. This story begins atmy high school Senior Prom. I was just a junior when Brad asked me out to theprom. He and I both kind of ran in the same crowd, but Brad and I, per say,weren't really friends. We just kept some friends in common. Brad was everythingI wanted when I didn't know what I wanted in a guy. He was cute, tall, darkand hansom, funny, intelligent,...
A warm welcome to all my honey bunches. It is my honor to share this story with all of you. This is a continuation of my story. In the second part, I let you know how I got close to my teacher. The next day I was at my college. My college was over. I was waiting for her message. There are 2 longest minutes of life. The moment I saw her message, I checked it. The text was, ‘Hey, Utkal your extra class starts from today at sharp 6.00 p.m.’ I was very happy and excited. My college usually gets...
Pengal kidaikave illai endru eakathil iruntha enaku en kathali kidaithathu pondru ungalukum kidaikum, vaazhaikai marum enbathai intha kathaiyai padithu therinthu kolungal. En vaazhkaiyil light adithathu en kathali than aanal aval light matum thaan adithal atharku aval thangai thaan charge seithu vital. Indru tamil sex kathaiyil en kathali thangaiyai eppadi oothen enbathai vaasikiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En peryar magesh vayathu 26 aagugirathu, thirumana vayathil irukum naan yaaraiyum...
When Ben was sound asleep, she sneaked into the living room, where the computer was standing. She used her USB drive to boot it and go around any password. As she suspected the drive was not encrypted. She quickly found his porn folder. --- "I knew it!" --- she said to herself --- "He's gay." She suspected that for a long time. That would be a problem in her assignment, but when she dug a bit more, she realized: --- "Naughty uncle. I see you like young boys." --- she exclaimed ---...
The road coming off the reservation is long and dusty. The only pavement you see is the invisible line between the rez and the county. Once on the pavement the cloud of dust that built up on the old pick up truck is bit by bit sailing into the wind. It’s about ninety-five outside the truck and you can finally roll down the windows to get some air, but dust has a way of finding itself onto your black dress and you are covered in a light dun color that must be brushed off before you see the human...
Hello again to all the readers with a sexual craving. I hope you all are safe in these hard times. The incident I am going to share is the one that happened a few months back when I went to meet Payal (name changed). Let me introduce myself. I work in an MNC in Kolkata aged 26 with around 6 ft tall and normal shape and size. My dick size is around 5 inches. I am also a part-time masseuse. I am a temporary companion to the lonely bhabhies around Kolkata and a part-time masseuse only to...
It didn't take Tricia and I long to get our lives back on track. She didn't seem to be bothered by Clegg's attitude. "It's the game" she said. "At the end of the day it's dog eat dog. You have to accept that. Loyalty is only as good as the use you are. They came to get me because it suited them." I was surprised by her casual acceptance of the risks not only of something going wrong but of being left to swing if it didn't suit the organisation. In the end she decided to leave...
So... I was in Mexico... with my (then wife) and her sister who had a bangin' body and at the time was about 20 years old... (By the way my wife was one of those 30-something chicks who looked great btw...) (one of the hairiest bushes I've ver had the pleasure... but whateva) after a full day of watching my sister-in-law in her bikini, who had a tough 20 year-old body btw, I was so horned up that I wanted to "jack-off" in as dirty a situation as I could find. We went to dinner and we ended up...
Hi readers, This is Vikram from Indore. Ye story mere are mere saali Shilpa k beech ki hai. Story shuru karne k pehale mein aap ko Shilpa k baare be kuch batha du, woh ek chubby figure ki ladki hai age 27 yrs, uska figure kuch 34 32 36 hoga. Jab b uska hips dekhta hu tho gajab ki garmi aa jathi hai badan mein. It is one of the best i ever seen. Jab meri biwi ko pehla beta hua tab se kuch different feelings jaagi Shilpa k liye, hota aisa ki jab b Shilpa mere bete ko mujh se lethi tho mera haath...