Westeros indian porn

2 years ago
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Jon Snow And The Ladies of Westeros pt 2 Catelyn Stark

Introduction: Jon Snow goes about Ravishing the ladies of Westeros one by one, Gaining political strength and power along the way. Jeyne Poole could not put her finger on it but&hellip,.Something was different about Sansa Stark. Since a few days ago, the eldest Stark daughter had changed drastically. Oh sure, she had long stopped trying to talk on and on about the endless new fashions and clothing from the south. She was no longer the innocent unknowing girl she had once been and had finally...

3 years ago
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Jon snow and the Ladies of Westeros Pt 4 Cercei Lannister

The royal party finally arrived in a months time, Winterfell ready to receive their guests from the south. The fat king, Robert Baratheon had not even wasted more than a few seconds greeting his friends family before rushing to Ned Stark's room to see his ailing friend, leaving Catelyn, her womb now slightly swelling with Jon's child, to show the guests to their rooms. ####################### Sansa came towards Jon as he stood quietly near one of the windows of his room, looking upon...

4 years ago
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Jon Snow And The Ladies of Westeros pt 2 Catelyn Stark

Oh sure, she had long stopped trying to talk on and on about the endless new fashions and clothing from the south. She was no longer the innocent unknowing girl she had once been and had finally learned to look deeper into things. It was something that had Jeyne sighing in relief. If she had continued her naive ways in such a kingdom as Westeros, she would have been too easy to manipulate. But something else was different about her…and her slow mind on the issue be cursed for she could not...

2 years ago
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Jon Snow And The Ladies of Westeros pt 1 Sansa Stark

Jon came back to his room in Winterfell castle soaked in sweat after another long day in the training yards. He removed his thick fur cloak and his leather clothing and light armour, calling outside the room to a waiting servant boy to get him some hot water for a bath as he lay down on his bed to rest and wait for the servants return. Life wasn't easy in Winterfell,even for him. Contrary to popular belief, being a stark bastard didn't mean he was given the same priveledges as the...

3 years ago
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Jon Snow the Ladies of Westeros

Prologue Catelyn Stark was stunned, as she watched her lord husband dismount. He had just returned from Robert's Rebellion, overthrowing the Mad King and the Targaryen Dynasty in a brutal and lengthy conflict. The Baratheons and Lannisters now held the Iron Throne, but were hated by the Dornish. Finally,a young Ned Stark had returned to Winterfell, to his lady wife and to his heir Robb. Watching him ride towards the castle had made her so happy. And yet in his arms, he held a small babe with a...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 17

“Most of our troops are still scattered all over the Seven Kingdoms, even more so now that the Dothraki and the Unsullied are on the march across the Stormlands, wresting much of them from our control,” Ser Jaime Lannister laid out the current disaster that was the war map of Westeros while standing next to the Iron Throne. “Many of their troops are unavailable to them as well, both in the North and in the Stormlands, to say nothing of the Riverlands. We can still defeat them, and their...

4 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 50

“You know, as much as I’ve fucked you, I never tire of you. I just wish that your brother was alive to partake in this orgy,” I told Margaery while pumping furiously in and out of her in a fresh orgy at our chosen site. The Harmon house in the AHS Murder House universe, where else? I was very glad that Carol and Susan had joined us, though I had to glamor Caroline Bellefleur into watching Ben for us. I didn’t want anyone else whom I could entangle to stay out of the festivities. I also made...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 21

“The intent of this is well enough, good priestess, but I am rather worried that entirely excluding the Faith of the Seven from power and a hand in the governance of the realm will invite envy, mistrust, and other troubled responses. Might I propose a slight adjustment?” Ser Jorah Mormont suggested. “Of course, what would that be?” Kinvara inquired in response. “I ... I had to atone for my past crimes, and rightly so, and the Faith of the Seven has been guilty of its crimes. I have no great...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 5

“How in the Seven Hells are we to get into the damned city, anyway? We must get past this rotten mess and this is the perfect moment for a sentry to catch us, you know. You two really know a passage into this miserable town?” Ser Jorah looked at Tyrion and Davos with a bit of skepticism and hesitation even now. “Three, counting myself, Ser Jorah. Remember, with Ser Jamie’s aid, I was able to smuggle Tyrion here out of King’s Landing and on a ship to Pentos. Trust me, though. We’ll be in...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 15

“Arise, my lord. You are back,” Varys heard a voice calling him out of the darkness of death, a very familiar one if haunting to him. “Back? I ... was dead! How do I come back from that?” Varys strained to see before he noticed who it was that he faced. Kinvara, the Red Priestess who had aided Tyrion and he in the saving of Meereen, at least back when it still could be saved. She had brought him back, he who loathed and despised everything that the Lord of Light and his priests represented?...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 2

“You know, Jamie did help you rescue me, Varys. I just thought that I should point that out,” Tyrion observed to Lord Varys, who smiled calmly in response. “Of course. I did not mean to imply otherwise, though I suppose that my words could have been more carefully phrased. I simply wanted to make it clear that you do not owe the kind of debt to your family that would cause you to spare Cersei from her doom. She blamed you, framed you with your father’s aid, spied on you through Pycelle,...

2 years ago
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The Bastard king Beyond the Wall Pt 1

Men from all corners of the seven kingdoms had rushed towards the wall with all the might they had, the ensuing battles costing them hard as man after man fell. Westeros and even most of the lands across the narrow sea were turned to frozen hells. Soon, as always when put to the test, humanity won. At great cost. The lands south of the wall were rendered uninhabitable for many years, made colder than even the true north beyond the wall. It was now a battle for survival. Armour was...

3 years ago
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Game of Mothers

For as long as you can remember, you've been an orphan on the streets of Westeros after your parents died of a plague, or so the wizened old septas who ran the orphanage told you. Small for your age, shy, quiet, and scrawny, you were picked on by other orphaned children growing up, and have sorely regretted the lack of a mother to protect and comfort you. After you grew into adolescence, you were finally able to leave the stifling orphanage and decided to go wherever the wind beckoned, doing...

4 years ago
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A Brothel Owner s Game Game of Thrones

The Red Mountains on either side of the Prince's Pass served as a welcome shield, hiding the armies of Daenerys Targaryen from the Dornish Sun. At my advice, she had started her campaign here, in the lands of Doran Martell. His sister, Elia, had once been married to her brother, Rhaegar. When the Targaryen's had been overthrown during the War of Usurper, Elia had been brutally raped and murdered by Gregor Clegane under the command of Tywin Lannister. If anyone would be sympathetic to a...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 4

“All in a good day’s work, I suppose,” Missandei greeted her Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, as she returned from burning the Iron Fleet near King’s Landing, tempted as she was to go further and burn the Red Keep. “Is that any way to greet your Queen now, my dear friend?” Dany teased Missandei, both of them knowing that she didn’t actually object when in private like this. “Did you bag the whole lot, my Queen? Burn them all?” Missandei inquired of Dany, who smiled in response. “All charred and...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How I Wish the Series Had EndedChapter 2

“If I am your Queen, then what if I command you to be my consort? Marry me Jon Snow, and we can break the wheel together!!” Daenerys looks at Jon with her beautiful blue eyes pleading for him to join her. Jon is still wrestling with the thousands of dead in King’s Landing. He has seen unspeakable cruelty and carnage today. He has witnesses the soldiers who fight for her executing people who have already surrendered. He has witnessed those same soldiers raping and pillaging. They follow their...

4 years ago
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The Bastard king Beyond the Wall Pt 2

The council of the people had met in another session that day. From what he had been told, a certain former lord, Tywin Lannister, had almost had the meeting come to blows when he suggested that Jon Snow be replaced with a more capable and older leader. Mainly himself. Jon was content to leave him be for now, but watch the situation closely. He wouldn't cause unrest by killing him outright until challenged. A Good wench between the sheets would do right now. Something to take his mind off...

3 years ago
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The Dragon King

In an alternate universe, Robert's Rebellion has failed and after winning the epic duel at the Trident, Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen spared Lord Robert Baratheon's life. Alongside his new brother-in-law, Lord Eddard Stark, Rhaegar led both the Rebels and the Loyalist armies to the capital to depose his father only to find the Mad King stabbed in the back by the young kingsguard, Ser Jaime Lannister. Thrust upon the Iron Throne at a young age, King Rhaegar adopted the ancient valyrian custom...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 22

For Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain That Rides, also known simply as the Mountain, things had definitely gone downhill for him. He was alone for a good while, except for Ashlyh, who didn’t particularly enjoy what he did to her whenever he took her to bed. She grunted and winced in pain even now, taking that monstrous cock up her bum. He oiled her bottom before going in, but that was his only courtesy to her while buggering the young maid. She bit her lower lip in her agony, trying to endure...

3 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 5

The battle was a true clusterfuck from the outset, as the desperately outnumbered Sparrows with their cudgels tried to fend off my urban, if not motley rabble with plenty of weapons between them. The Faith Militant was more than a little outclassed, yet they fought quite bravely, I would give them that much. The streets of King’s Landing already began to flow with blood, the gutters rather red with them in fact, as my makeshift army of angry townsfolk butchered many Sparrows in front of them...

4 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 21

“Oh, damn, Seven Hells!” Margaery Tyrell exclaimed as I went back and forth from her arse to Loras’s. Both Tyrells really seemed to get off on being taken like this, side by side on Margaery’s bed. I buggered each of them rather ruthlessly, thoroughly reveling in the act of sodomy with the siblings. I also fed them some of my blood to ensure that they would be addicted to me and even more under my thumb. I couldn’t let my influence over the Queen and the Hand slip, could I? Thankfully, there...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 46

I was balls deep inside Melanie for several strokes while watching Melissa tongue Rachel’s ass, even as Rachel in turn rimmed Jill, who in turn licked Amy’s butt while Amy did the same to Sandra. That was wild enough, but there was also Chandler’s former fling Aurora, the Italian cutie who was now atop Dr. Green while Jack Geller slid in and out of her cornhole. Judy was busy sucking the lady’s tits. Ross was in the middle of humping Julie again while Bonnie sat on her face and Chloe was...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones Fire From Ice

(Moat Callin, The Neck, The North, Westeros) During the Short Peace between King Robert Baratheon's Visit to Winterfel and Ned Starks Ill-Fated Execution, Robert Knighted a Young Man called Jacaerys Sunfayre, for His Years of Service and gave him the Mostly ruined Castle of Moat Callin. It would be some time before Jacaerys would settle there, preferring to go to the Citadel to learn more about Westeros and the World at the Citadel in Old Town as an Apprentice. During his Time there he learned...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 7

For Lord Varys, the path was far more treacherous and he was far less sure of the outcome. Still, he had to test the loyalty of the little birds, whether they had truly defected to Qyburn to a man, or rather some of them might retain some allegiance to the former Master of Whispers. To the eunuch, this could well make a difference between a more decisive and imminent victory and a longer, more dangerous conflict that impaired their chances against the Night King later. If this meant his...

4 years ago
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Arrow Forbidden Desires

Continuity wise, I suppose this is set after episode 1.14, "The Odyssey" as it references events occurring in that episode. However, I have no choice but to completely ignore the fact that the vigilante confronted Moira and pretend it never happened, that development would throw way too much of a monkey wrench into everything. My first ever fanfic, so all reviews and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Oliver Queen woke up in the morning in his own bed at 8 AM. He stared at the...

4 years ago
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The Lone Wolf

All of the usual disclaimers apply. This story is entirely fictional. This story contains depictions of young boys engaging in sexual acts, if you are offended or do not enjoy this subject do not read. This story contains characters and places from A Game of Thrones from the series A Song of Ice and Fire written by George RR Martin. All places and characters contained therein are his work and belong to him. Please do not publish this story anywhere without asking me first by emailing me at...

4 years ago
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Targaryen Alliances

It was on the first day of the new Summer that Prince Jon Targaryen, Second in line to the Iron Throne was called from his chambers to see his father, the King. Rhaegar was once a great warrior, but the years and frequently illness had reduced him considerably, yet as he sat behind the oak desk in his study, there was a quiet strength in his purple eyes as he regarded his youngest child. “My boy,” he said with a faint smile. “ I’m glad you came so quickly, time is of the essence.” “ what is it,...

3 years ago
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Alice fucking with priestess of the Seven ndash GoT

PROLOGUE -It was a gift the first book, I got it on my birthday, everybody knows, I love that kind of story. I'm more than a nerd, a cosplay, it's been a long time. I fell in love with stories like: fantastic realities, magic, parallel dimensions. Other worlds, lands... Other lives. I travel in that kind of story. I invent, I create narratives too, many based on these virtual worlds created by other authors. Using and abusing the characters they invent.Anyway, I like the mixture of fiction with...

4 years ago
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Arrow Forbidden Desires 2

Oliver opened the doors to his home around 9:15pm. It was a huge risk targeting Victor Zsasz during the middle of the day instead of at night. In his vigilante persona, Oliver obviously preferred the cover of darkness. He preferred to work in the shadows, to help hide himself and his agenda. But Zsasz was also an expert at using the darkness as a shield, so Oliver had to target him at his most vulnerable. Besides, had he waited, the killer would have likely found another innocent victim that...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 10

“Where’s that sellsword of yours?” Cersei Lannister, self-appointed Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, asked her twin brother and general, Ser Jaime Lannister. “Where’s that pirate king of yours?” Jaime retorted, “why isn’t he reporting on the status of the Iron Fleet and paying court to you, his intended bride?” “Enough of that, Jaime! Euron is not my twin, he did not come out of our mother’s womb into this world together, he did not father my children, he did not fight my wars and...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 14

“You’re quite sure of this? It isn’t a joke or trick?” Daenerys Targaryen asked Missandei, as she reread the raven’s message. “No, my Queen. Your husband is also your nephew, by blood, the sole surviving son of your eldest brother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and his second, secret wife, Lyanna Stark. That would also make him slightly older than Your Grace, would it not? Older than his aunt, who happens to be his wife? Is this a problem, due to it being incest, my Queen?” Missandei asked Dany,...

5 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 26

“A raven has arrived, Khaleesi,” Ser Jorah Mormont, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, informed Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Westeros rather abruptly. “What does it say? Have you read it, Ser Jorah?” Dany turned to her oldest adherent, the most loyal of her supporters. “Yes, my Queen, I have. It is from Cotter Pyke, Commander of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. It seems that there was a brief naval clash ... with the Dead. The Night King attempted to sail around the Wall. He was stopped for now, but at...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 40

The Riverlands, not far from the Neck, Four days later... “Your Graces, this is report that three different battalions of ‘Faith Militant’ seem to have simply been former Sparrows that lined up for their dragonglass and showed up armed with cudgels for now. When they were denied dragonglass as yet, because it’s not available here, and were instructed to put away their cudgels, they caused an uproar and the Gold Cloaks were forced to kill several before gaoling the rest. They will instead...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How I Wish the Series Had EndedChapter 7

Once the atonement was over, Queen Daenerys did not feel any more satisfied than she had after her victory in King’s Landing. There still felt like there was more to be accomplished. The women apologized for things they had done in their past. The Queen knelt at Samwell’s felt and asked his forgiveness. Samwell smiled like a giddy child that was being fawned over and immediately offered his forgiveness. Daenerys was shocked; it had been that easy as well. She said a few words of remorse,...

3 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 15

When I arose from my slumber, my vampire nest had literally doubled in size, from three vampires to six. Justen, Damon, Jenny, Carrie, Bancey, and me were all vampires now, and relatively speaking, we were all newborns. Officially, my progeny included only Justen and Jenny, but now my offspring were Makers themselves. We were already a potential menace to several folks, and not just humans. Testing the waters, we hit Merlotte’s just in time to see Andy Bellefleur pop inside there as Acting...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 24

Sure enough, I walked in on an orgy in a wide open space, with Maryann the Maenad sure enough leading so much of the town in the festivities. Indeed, their eyes were black orbs with no irises or anything of the sort, as they mindlessly humped each other in the grass and against the rocks, even on tree stumps. I would have enjoyed it more if it was just wanton debauchery, no human sacrifice or the like happening. “Well, well, well, what have we here ... an unwanted guest!” Maryann confronted...

2 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 28

“So, does anyone care to explain why this session is being held at night?” Ser Jamie Lannister spoke first, turning to Ser Loras in his capacity as Hand. “In deference to our Lord Commander of the City Watch, Ser Jamie. He ... has issues with sunlight. Or rather his companions here do,” Ser Loras explained patiently to the Kingslayer. “I ... see. So, where’s Cersei? I haven’t seen her at all since I returned from Dorne. I dreaded seeing her again because I came home empty-handed, but ......

3 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 30

“Lady Brienne of Tarth, I believe?” I asked the female warrior, who frankly wished to be a knight rather than a lady, “this is your squire, Podrick Payne, I believe.” “Indeed. I am Brienne of Tarth, but I am no lady. This is indeed Podrick Payne, my squire. To whom am I speaking, precisely?” the tall blonde giant asked me now. “To Ser Roger Waters, Lord of the Whispers, Lord Commander of the City Watch of King’s Landing, and Knight Inquisitor of the Realm. You might wonder what such a...

3 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 51

The Twins, The Riverlands Three hours past dusk I laughed as we entered the dining hall and saw Lord Walder Frey on the dais, looking down upon everyone else. It was a feast of some kind, though I wasn’t sure what for this time. The Late Lord Frey (how fitting a name for him!) seemed very fond of throwing banquets, at any rate. A good way to show off his wealth and splendor and flaunt his growing power in the face of old rivals and foes, I thought, even as I pulled out my shotgun and aimed...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 32

Eastwatch-by-the-Sea Two days later... He was back from Castle Black ... Tormund Giantsbane, with whatever fresh provisions he could requisition for the defense of the coastal fort. He also had clear instructions from Dolorous Edd, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Eastwatch must not be surrendered intact, must not be abandoned while a single brother could fight to hold it. It was far too vital to the defense of the realm, after all. If Eastwatch fell, then the Night King and the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 11

“Lord Baelish, might we have a word?” a voice at the door asked Littlefinger, who naturally responded to the sound and the knock. “Of course, my Lady of Winterfell. Perhaps you’ve heard the news, then? The ravens have already borne the message that our King, Jon Snow, has taken the Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, as his bride? Quite an auspicious union, of course. Still, I don’t recall what this has to do with gathering dragonglass, do you?” Petyr already began to spin his web, seeking to...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 35

White Harbor That very evening Yara Greyjoy, First of Her Name, Queen of the Iron Islands, was relieved that, after some delays, she had finally reached White Harbor, leading port of the North. She wasn’t alone, had taken as many ships as she could manage with him, containing prisoners, supplies, etc. Most importantly, she had taken the precious cargo assigned to her by Lord Varys: wildfire. It could very well make the difference between victory and defeat here in the North, against this...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How I Wish the Series Had EndedChapter 6

“See the women to Offa,” Daenerys smiled at the naked whores who left her room. They sashayed behind the armored King’s Guard, who was escorting them to the dungeons. The Queen instructed Ser Davos to have the girls disciplined but to make sure that Sabina’s virginity remained intact and the bronze shield was not removed. Ser Davos knew better than to question the Queen on this matter and asked if there would be anything else? He did wonder what the whores had done to deserve this...

4 years ago
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You BetchaChapter 4

“You know, strictly speaking, that’s rape,” I pointed to the scene from Game of Thrones that we restarted on HBO. “I wouldn’t press charges,” Becca confessed now to my shock. “Me, neither!” Melanie agreed, surprising me further. “Nor I,” Paige added her voice. “Nope, not a chance. See how she stops really fighting him after a while. She’s pissed at him, but she still wants the brotherly dick,” Janine made it four ladies all agreed that they wouldn’t object to Ser Jaime Lannister taking...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 4

“Having fun yet?” Clio asked me, much to my shock as I took a piss in a corner near an alley. “Actually, yes. I’ve managed to rally parts of the city that I haven’t even visited and people who I haven’t even met behind me. And I’ve fucked three whores since yesterday, no less. That’s a lot of action for a man with a recent dry spell. By the way, I didn’t think that you could visit me. What gives?” I asked the Muse, being very curious. “Well, I’m a Goddess and I can make or break rules at...

4 years ago
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Ours is the Passion

The world of Ice and Fire is a place full of wonders. From the accomplishments of men like the great walls of Quarth, to the results of godly whims like fire-breathing dragons. So many things in this world can inspire awe in people. The only thing that certainly doesn’t, is the meager endowment of it’s male inhabitants. From the Dothraki horselords, to the pirates in the Summer Sea and from the shadowbinders of Asshai, to the knights and kings in Westeros, no man can pride himself with a cock...

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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter IX The One In Which Arya Learns How To Dance

In the following days after her father gave her a hard, punishing spanking - and more - in her room, the red, red bruises on Arya Stark's ass had faded and a growing desire in her loins replaced it. At the week's end, her lust-filled mind kept imagining the sausages she and her sister were breaking their fast with were hard cocks and found her tongue snaking around them, sucking and bobbing until she noticed Sansa giving her a queer look. Her sister narrowed her eyes in suspicion and asked,...

2 years ago
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Jon Snow Takes Westeros Or just its Women Pt 3

On a bright Summer Morning in King's landing, Cersei Lannister gave birth to her firstborn son, prince Gerold Baratheon, the second of his name, son of King Robert. His hair was a dark raven black. And his eyes were green as his mother's own. She lay on her comfortable bed and nursed her child, lovingly holding him close as he fed from her breast. Her child had strong features and was cute as could be and she could not help but feel proud of birthing such a fine son for her lover. And...

5 years ago
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Jon Snow Takes Westeros Or just its Women Pt 2

A letter arrives for her and Maester Luwin brings it to her attention. She takes it and reads it in her room. It is an invitation to visit The vale for a festival and then onto a visit to the Riverlands. She would have loved to attend but now….? She lets her hand move down to stroke her bulging belly lovingly, her womb nurturing Jon's child. The "first of many" as Jon had told her fiercely. No doubt she would be spending most of her days in bed, whelping out Jon's offspring. Jon saw it...

3 years ago
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Jon Snow Takes Westeros Or just its women

Chapter 1:Catelyn Tully/Stark It wouldn't be a lie to say that the inhabitants of Winterfell would ever know who pushed Bran down the tower and killed him. And though Catelyn Tully would forever have her suspicions, she would not voice them. Not with her husband dead and the realms in the hands of the tyrant Joffrey Lannister. She only thanked the old gods and the new that Ned had refused King Robert's betrothal arrangements and refused to take Sansa and Arya with him to the capital when...

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Jon Snow and the Ladies of Westeros pt 3 Lysa Arryn Tully

She couldn't help but rub her now slightly swollen womb in affection for the young growing within her. Catelyn couldn't help but marvel at how virile Jon's seed was and how quickly it had taken root and quickened her womb. His young grew seemingly rapidly, as if eager to be free to see the world soon. Her new wolf pups would be full of energy, it seemed. She had long given in to Jon and now came to his bed willingly and happily as he had her service his cock with her mouth and pussy...

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Game of Thrones You Fuck or You Die Chapter one A Lady No Longer

The young noble woman had always been used to the life of privilege back in her ancestral home of Winterfell and when she moved to Kings Landing a few months ago with her father and sister Arya she thought her life was set. Her family’s wealth ensured that she was always at the height of fashion and she liked the looks she’d started getting from the boys of the city, everyone from the some of the kingdoms most powerful heirs to the squire boys she saw scurrying around the Red Keep stole a...

2 years ago
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Phantom in the Multiverse

How he looks like a Baby is the Cover Image Note: AN/ Step-Mother, Step-Siblings is Still Incest to who didn't know that Many natural Ghost portals that open and close without warning and lead to various locations in space and time, such as the Bermuda Triangle, the Dimma-Dodecahedron, and the Salem witch trials. Portal Powers: Extremely high Charisma it is like a kind of spell (curse) in itself. Danny radiating with self-confidence will surely boost the morale of his comrades/or Army to an...

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Game of Thrones CYOA

You are standing in the great city of King's Landing on the continent of Westeros. King Robert Baratheon has reigned as ruler of the 7 kingdoms for 5 years now. There is slight unrest at his poor performance as king, but for the most part it is peaceful in the realm. Lots has been happening though, as more and more citizens find themselves being "changed" by some dark magic. Some suspect witches who practice the dark arts are making a re-entrance into society, others think these rumors are all...

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Conquest of Westeros

{[email protected] test=1}This story works only in game mode. Please activate. I would also appreciate it if you kept track of your decisions and let me know if any path leads to wrong outcomes. Thank you!{endif} Several characters are aged differently than they should be at this time in the lore to make it possible for more girls to be of age and not too old at the same time. Suddenly, the feelings come back. During the long hours of the battle, you barely noticed your injuries, but now that...

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Game Of Thrones Last Of The Baratheons

(The North) Orys II Was Riding His Horse Alongside the Knights of The Kingsguard, He Was The Squire of His Uncle Jaime Lannister, and Had Been for Five Years. Before That He Had been Fostered Amongst the Tyrells, and Served as A Page in The Court of His Grandfather, Lord Tywin Lannister. Unlike His Siblings, He'd Inherited His Father's Traits, and Some of The Man's Personality as Well. In short, He was a Combination of Baratheon Ferocity and Fortitude, and Lannister Cunning and...

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King Jon Targaryen of Westeros

'They said ruling would be simple, that all I have to do is listen to Tyrion's counsel and act kingly in front of the people. I never thought I would miss the Watch, not after what they did to me, but being Lord Commander was easy in comparison to being in charge of all these little children pretending to be men...' "The lord Rocelyn came with his men and took all our harvest, your Grace!" said the peasant, "He killed my animals, my horses, my cows!!" he started sobbing... "What am I to do...

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Game of Thrones True History

In Westeros, when you play the game of thrones, you win or die. However, what happens when history changes? What could happen? Could Ned become king? Could Theon take over the Iron Throne? Perhaps Arya becomes a prostitute, or Sansa marries Sandor Clegane? Who knows?

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The i trious house of lannisters GOT

This is not my story. I found this on the internet.Thought u guys might like itFor generations the Stark’s family motto had stood as a constant reminder to the rest of the kingdom that somewhere beyond the edge of those warm long summers waited the bitter sting of winter. Fitting then that they kept themselves in Winterfell the coldest place this side of the wall.As the keep's farmers and smiths kept up their work, seemingly oblivious to the cold, a cloaked figure moved unnoticed by the...

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A lady no more

Sansa Stark had to try so hard not to cry.The young noble woman had always been used to the life of privilege back in her ancestral home of Winterfell and when she moved to Kings Landing a few months ago with her father and sister Arya she thought her life was set. Her family’s wealth ensured that she was always at the height of fashion and she liked the looks she’d started getting from the boys of the city, everyone from the some of the kingdoms most powerful heirs to the squire boys she saw...

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A Lion in Wolves Clothing

Winter is coming.For generations the Stark’s family motto had stood as a constant reminder to the rest of the kingdom that somewhere beyond the edge of those warm long summers waited the bitter sting of winter. Fitting then that they kept themselves in Winterfell the coldest place this side of the wall.As the keep's farmers and smiths kept up their work, seemingly oblivious to the cold, a cloaked figure moved unnoticed by the townspeople and moved discretely but shivering through the...

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The Mother of Dragons

The "Mother" of Dragons. Disclaimer: A song of Ice and Fire, its characters and locations belong to George R.R. Martin. The Game of Thrones TV show belongs to HBO. SPOILER ALERT! It was almost 20 years ago. It was in a cold night with storm. The night Daenerys Targaryen was born. Her mother, Rhaella Targaryen, died after giving birth to Dany. But there was a secret in Daenerys Targaryen's birth. Rhaella was in great pain, but she knew that she could stand it. She already had...

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Sansa Stark Lady of Winterfell

Sansa Stark: "Lady" of Winterfell. SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't seen season 7's Finale, this contains some spoilers. It was a cold and snowy day at Winterfell, and a lonely figure was looking at everything that was happening in that place. Her name was Sansa Stark, lady of Winterfell. She had just seen the execution of Littlefinger, what left her slightly shocked. She was remembering all the things that she had lived inside and outside of those walls. It was almost 10 years ago....

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Taste of Temptations

The Sinful Tastes This is the tale of Prince Arlan Baratheon. Arlan Baratheon is the Son of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon, with the classical Baratheon bright blue eyes and the Lannister Golden Hair. He was a normal person who had landed in Westeros and with defective magic he had just enough control about his magic to increase his reflexes, strength, stamina, speed many times. His charisma was at ridiculous levels now. But That he realised consciously a magical Aura, experiencing...

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To the Candlestick Fence Tranquility and Beyond

Hello boys and girls. This is your Uncle Dave here, presenting today’s history talk. There’s a lot of things that happened on this day in history. For instance, on this day, July 20, 1885, professional soccer was made legal in England. This led to a lot of people who would otherwise be productive to get hit on the head repeatedly by soccer balls, leading them to be unfit for anything other than delivering drivel on sports talk radio and television. Before 1885, it was legal to play football,...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 18

“Well, just what did you have in mind for this last Sand Snake, Cersei? Why am I pulling away from the fighting, when my men need me most, what we are even doing here? Why abandon our post? Did you know that three of the five men on the Small Council proposed that I remove you from the Iron Throne? Including the now dead High Septon! Well, no need for that now. You’ve removed yourself from it, dear sister! You’ve abandoned the Iron Throne and I doubt, that now I’ve thought on it, either of us...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 37

Riverrun, The Riverlands Noon the next day “So, you’re the Red Woman, Melisandre of Asshai, the Red Priestess who once served Stannis Baratheon,” Lord Edmure Tully remarked as he sat back in his seat in Riverrun, with his wife, Lady Roslin Tully, nee Frey, at his side, and his chief mistress, Lady Marleigh Rivers, Lady of the Twins, at his feet. “And you are Lord Edmure Tully, recently liberated from a dungeon where he spent several years thanks to his own father-in-law, the late Lord...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 38

Storm’s End, The Stormlands That very evening “Open up for your rightful lord!” the commander of the small, already besieged Lannister garrison at Storm’s End, Ser Martyn Hill, heard someone cry out to him from below the battlements. “Who are you?” Hill, widely rumored to be a bastard of either Tywald or Tion Lannister, demanded of the stranger, who seemed to have a lot of retainers just then. “I am Lord Gendry Baratheon, son of Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm’s End and Lord Paramount of...

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Too Much LoveChapter 29

As Teterboro International Airport fell away behind the plane, Paige turned to Max. “You know, I’m starting to think you might legitimately be flying me to Saint Martin for the weekend on a private plane.” Max had just brought out his iPad and booted it up. He looked out the window. “You thought I was punking you maybe?” “I had to consider the possibility,” said Paige. “It seemed unlikely, but so did my new boyfriend flying me to Saint Martin in a private jet. I wanted to be ready for...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 39

House of Magister Illyrio Mopatis, Free City of Pentos, Essos The next evening “Welcome to my house, my friend. This is a most ... unusual visit, to say the least, and you are a most remarkable guest,” Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos told his visitor now, as they walked into his palace and prepared for supper. “A man does well to know when to accept or decline invitations. This man knows very well that acceptance is the better option here ... under present circumstances. A man does not...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 42

The Neck, That same evening “Lynesse, why are you here?” Ser Jorah finally found the words to confront his former wife. “I am here to ... reconcile with my husband, if that’s at all possible. I have ... made ... mistakes. I have been wrong about you. I thought that you lacked ambition. I thought that you were content to just live in exile from Bear Island in an austere, miserly existence, and that wasn’t for me. In Braavos, of all places. Now, however, I find you ... here, Lord Commander of...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 43

The Neck, Just moments later... “A raven from the Stormlands. The last Lannister men having yielded in Storm’s End to Lord Gendry Baratheon, Grey Worm has commenced a forced-march of the Unsullied toward our camp, with the Dothraki riding ahead and guarding his flanks. He has rewarded the bastard and his bride from the Westerlands who aided in the capture of the Mountain, per the bounty granted by Your Graces, and has convinced them to serve the realm in this war as well,” Varys informed...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 48

The Last Hearth, The North, War Council of the Bay of Seals A few days later... “So, the first attempt has been repulsed, but you know that won’t be the last. They are but testing our strength, even now, and they now have Skagos and Skane from which to keep up their raids. Be assured that this enemy will not relent. They made more than fifteen or was that sixteen attempts to take Eastwatch-by-the-Sea from the waters, after all. This foe wants to cover the world in ice and snow. He will not...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 49

The Bay of Seals, Two days later... “Here they come, boys ... here they come!” Jallen Tarlor, the captain of the watch, shouted, as the Dead came ashore yet again in force. “Aye, that they do! Are we ready to set them ablaze, too!” Nardel, his sergeant of the watch, a Wildling like their commander, asked him. “You know Lord Tormund’s standing orders, my savage friend! Cook them! Fry them! Roast them! Burn them all!” Jallen insisted, much to the relief of Nardel, who was anxious to rid the...

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Game of Thrones How I Wish the Series Had EndedChapter 8

Daenerys returned to her chambers and ordered her ladies in waiting to bathe her. The women recognized the bruises as Offa’s handiwork as soon as they saw the Queen strip down. Jenny poured her a bath and Agnes began to rub the woman’s body down. “You know I still haven’t thanked you for giving me to Offa for a few days,” Agnes smiled at Daenerys. Daenerys was about to say that no gratitude was, and while it was harsh, it had been necessary. She needed to see how women so used to sex...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 50

War Council, Last Hearth, Bay of Seals That evening “So, we’ve beaten back the first assault of the newest wave. It won’t be the last, I can assure you of that. The Night King is playing the long game and he’s playing for keeps. He wants to overrun all of Westeros and the known world and cover them in ice and darkness and snow. “Still, the flames have helped, no doubt of that. We’ve held our own in spite of a lack of proper arms such as dragonglass and Valyrian steel. Only by facing the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 54

“Well, well, what have we here? My former husband, the Imp, perhaps?” Lady Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell and Wardenness of the North, greeted Lord Tyrion Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King and Queen. “And this, my dear former wife, the She-Wolf of the North, liberator of Winterfell. Tell me, sweet Sansa, are you interested in renewing our previous arrangement? Or has my watch ended?” the Imp teased his once and...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 55

The Royal Bedchamber (Ned Stark’s old bedchamber) Winterfell That same night “You summoned us, Your Graces?” Grey Worm spoke to his Queen and King (and he thought of them in that order). “Yes, we did. I am glad that you brought Missandei with you, of course. It is high time to make amends, if you will, for what we did to you recently. I know that you have ... limitations, but you still have a tongue, and your Queen asks you to make good use of it,” Dany disrobed in front of her Master of...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 3

I was balls deep inside Lara when the next set of Sparrows broke in, clearly wishing to avoid their friends. What they didn’t reckon on was that all of my girls were armed, and we outnumbered as well as surrounded them. I pulled out of Lara for a moment, seized my cutlass, and began slashing at one of the Sparrows, even as another of his companions had his brains beaten out of his skull by Nora. Alyse skewered another one with a spear, too, making it clear that no Sparrow was safe in this...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 6

“I see that you’re a formidable foe, Ser Roger,” I heard Cersei’s voice as she slipped into my bed to my shock. “And you’re a determined mother hen. Cluck, cluck, cluck,” I chuckled in a way that needled her more than a little. “Well, he’s my only living son, my King, no less, with Joffrey dead now. Long may he reign,” Cersei insisted. “Long may he reign,” I repeated, continuing to play my part. “No doubt you mean Stannis. I’m no fool. You aim to spill my son from the Iron Throne and...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 11

“So, who gets turned now and are we using the same hole?” Eddie Fournier asked me now. “Same hole and I would say that it’s Damon’s turn, and Justen’s to turn him. Justen, time to become a Maker,” I instructed Justen, who nodded as Damon knelt nervously and bared his neck. It didn’t take too long and the deed was done, at which point I clicked thrice and put myself in Dorne, particularly in Sunspear earlier at night. Why cut short my time when I could buy more for myself simply by moving...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 26

Awake for a new evening, I now made my way to the Street of Steel and went after my newest target. Gendry, bastard son of Robert Baratheon, that was the boy in question. Sure enough, he was just done at the tavern, earning a few extra coppers by beating up troublemakers for the tavern keeper in question. He also earned a free supper and some ale by his acts, though there was a considerably higher cost to the ale for now due to the destruction of so much by the Sparrows. “Gendry, look into my...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 33

“So, now, the Qartheen have new rulers. Three mad strumpets with spears, or so they say. They claim to have been installed by a mysterious priest named ‘Mastara,’ who is said to be from ‘west of Westeros,’ which is absurd on the face of it. We all know that nothing but more ocean lies beyond the Sunset Sea. These ladies are reportedly collecting taxes by a rather novel means ... fucking men and women whenever they fancy them and demanding pay for it like whores. If a man or woman doesn’t pay,...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 34

“Ah, Your Grace, how good of you to join us!” I feigned surprise when Bernadette, Mistress of Whispers and King Jamie’s paramour, led the monarch into the midst of our little orgy. “What ... is going on here?” the King of Westeros asked with a mix of astonishment and lust as he felt the kisses of my vampire vixens. “We are holding a quiet little ... banquet of sorts, one with which we are honored to play hosts to the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms! Bernadette has done her work very well, I must...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 37

I returned to the Red Keep in a hurry after that change, eager to see how quickly the news of the new Lord Reaper, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, reached King’s Landing. Of course, people would assume that it had nothing to do with me, because after all, how quickly could I have traveled to Pyke and back? Surely, not even I, the mysterious Knight Inquisitor, Master of Laws, and Lord Commander of the City Watch, could possibly have flown like a raven to a distant holdfast on a salty rock from...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 48

I was deep inside Rosie from behind while her boyfriend Kevin probed Jessica when I noticed that it got much closer to dawn. I also realized that even Sookie, Sam, and Bill were intimate in some capacity with someone, much to my pleasant surprise. They didn’t have the black bug eyes, of course, but they were very much caught up in a new kind of debauched frenzy. I mused about this for a little bit when I heard a cough. “Don’t worry ... that was us. We have far more power than any Maenad or...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 49

“So, Godric is in this church, preparing to be sacrificed, but you have found a way to rescue him, even if it involves, well, you know. A lot of blood and gore. So, what’s next, then? We have to find to barge into there from ... where, exactly?” Eric raised an eyebrow at my proposal. “You’ll see. Very soon. Now, meet some folks. This is Jamie Lannister, King of Westeros. Well, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. This is...

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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter VIII The One In Which There Is A Dothraki Wedding

Daenerys' wedding was the most magnificent events ever seen outside of the walls of the Free City of Pentos. Thousands of the mighty Khal's warriors gyrated and danced as the new Khaleesi, Daenerys Targaryen, and Khal Drogo sat watching upon a raised dais. The tiny platinum blonde woman's stomach fluttered with a nervousness that only grew as the festivities unfolded. It was not long until Daenerys saw the first woman fucked. Magister Illyro leaned over to her when he noticed her blushing...

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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter III The One In Which Daenerys Gets Ready For Her Wedding

Oh by the Seven, here it comes. Always the same. First the pain - The pale hand interrupts Daenerys Targaryen's thoughts as it strikes her soft young ass, causing her piercing green eyes to shoot open and a helpless moan to escape her pink, wet lips. The steam from the nearby hot bath was making her platinum blonde hair stick to her creamy skin, but she hardly noticed the glistening slickness of her body. She was focused on the spanking she was receiving, and what she knew came after. -...

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Game of Thrones Free Use Fantasy

Robert Baratheon was bored. The Small Council meeting he was presiding over had dragged on all afternoon. The King groaned as his Master of Coin droned on about the Crown's debt to the Lannisters for the umpteenth time, while the other councilors sit anxiously, acutely aware of the King's displeasure. Indeed, the meeting might have seemed unbearable were it not for the mass of golden curls currently bobbing up and down on his crotch beneath the table. Cersei took no pleasure in her queenly...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 8

“You, man, what brings a knight like you into a tavern like this?” Ser Jorah heard behind him as he drank some ale, missing the wines of Essos. “Well, now, that’s the question, isn’t it? What gave me away as a knight?” Mormont asked the fellow approaching now, a rather young and clean-shaven septon from the looks of him. “As a septon, I’ve witnessed many a knight take his vows. Despite your Northern accent, you’re definitely consecrated as a knight in the light of the Seven. There’s a...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 52

Eastwatch-By-The-Sea Just after the arrival of the Iron Fleet Yara Greyjoy, Queen of the Iron Islands, better known by her latest epithet of “Yara the Bottomless,” now prepared her nasty surprise for the Night King. Wildfire. “Prepare the jars! Prepare to launch!” Yara ordered the crew, even as Lord Darren Haerd, her lover and deputy, began to carry out her commands. Now was the test of her strategy. There was no doubt that the ships would burn. The only question was ... what would happen...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 19

“Well, how was it?” Jenny asked me as I returned from the Harmons’ house to the home that I had just purchased nearby that night. Yes, I had paid in gold. I wasn’t worried. Money would always be coming in by some means or another. I was a vampire now and I could find ways to line my pockets. My finances would always recover. Besides, a house was a great investment and this one was now paid in full, no mortgage or anything, since it had been sold off by the county. I made sure that the house...

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Pretty Baby Ch 06

The culmination of Alyssa’s journey. Part Six: The Price of Passion Gary was dead, and I had met the man who had killed him. Trying to return to a normal life after that, I felt, was nearly impossible. I withdrew from the semester, and even though it was too late to get any tuition back, I didn’t care. I could easily pay my father back, although he would wonder where the money came from. I went back home for a while, staying with my folks through the holidays. My brother Roger made a...

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The Tree Trimmers

A sunny afternoon and it's not real chilly out. There's 3 guys in my backyard, trimming the trees. 2 young guys and an older guy, late 40's. The older guy has this look to him, that I would love for him to walk in on me, while fingering my clit.I go to the backdoor to watch the guys trim the sweetgum tree, that is right outside of the office window and the backdoor. I watch for a few minutes and walk back in. I then go to the office and watch from the window. Watching the way these guys...

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Mr Jones

The teacher called her to his office after school. He shut the door and locked it. He sat at his desk and told her to stand before him. She was young but very sexy. Her firm tits wore no bra and the nipples poked at the flimsy material covering them. She loved to behave like a slut and tried hard to entice the teacher during class. She wore short skirts with no panties and sat so he could see her pussy as she spread her legs. He was a handsome teacher and fucking him was her fantasy.As she...

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PalimpsestChapter 41 Extracting Leaches

"Now," spoke Joe into his cell phone when Marianne had signaled him Hauser's main leech had the forged nursing.license by pressing the green button of her phone and letting it ring on a second phone of Joe's. She'd have waited three seconds and shut off the call if the paper hadn't been in the villain's possession. The simultaneous confrontation would have happened anyway, but delayed a couple minutes and with the awareness that the main asshole would have more chance of squirming...

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