Bad Seed CH.3 free porn video

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So far, she had managed to increase her power, though her energy use was far too high. She was missing something, though for the life of her she couldn't think of what.

Unfortunately, the mention of her brother's name, still had her anger seething inside. Thomas Tygoron, she would most definitely make whomever was using his name pay. Unlike the Eloagones she had slowly eradicated, the bastard that dared to use Thomas name, would suffer far greater.

"Trigon, set to next set of training drones, I need the next level. I have to find what I am missing." Wren said as she quickly ran through the information and visual records.

"Next level set Master Wren, again I must protest that." Trigon started

"Shut the hell up!" Wren shouted feeling the seething anger within her though reduced by more than half. A shake of her head she started again on her training, have to rid myself of the anger. If I go in like this, I'll have no hope of emerging alive.

It was almost an hour later, Wren covered in a fine sweat heard the proximity alarms go off.

"Shut down all training activities. Have a complete wok up of the buyer by the time I reach the control room." Wren said.

"I am working it up now Master Wren. I have to advise you that there seems to be information missing." Trigon advised her.

A small growl escaped Wren's throat, "send a communique, I either have the rest of the data, or I am leaving. I think that they know that they have nothing that can touch me. If they think they can take it, also advise them that I am not held responsible if they attack. I will defend this ship without prejudice."

Wren hopped into the sonic shower, hurrying after to dress. She'd just reached the control room when several alarms went off.

"Damn fuckers," Wren mumbled low. "I wasn't going to use stealth, I suggest we go to it now, adjust course immediately." Wren looked over the power attack ships that were approaching from the planet the had achieved orbit of. "Take us behind them as soon as you can, they are seriously starting to piss me off."

"Send them another message, back off or they are going to start losing ships." Wren said through clenched teeth.

"Message sent, still no reply." Trigon said right before there were several blasts that where they had been.

Wren could only shake her head. "Fire a photonic missile at the last ship, fifty percent yield."

"Missile away, already adjusting course." Trigon replied.

A moment later, there was a bright explosion, the back half of one of the hips was blown away. Almost immediately there was a huge barrage of weapons firing on the spot they had been in.

A growl escaped Wren's throat, "ok they want to play, target the lead four ships. I am tired of playing with these idiots, I suggest high enough yield to get their attention."

"Compliance Master Wren," Trigon replied.

The darkness of space was lit up as the four beams struck the four ships in the lead. There was immediate shouting over the com as all the ships stopped.

"You advise them I am through with the games; the next shots won't leave disabled ships. There won't be any survivors." Wren again growled.

"Message sent, oh dear, they say that if you do, they will declare war on you." A distressed Trigon said.

"Hmph," Wren said, "move us over the capital building, I want everything around the building destroyed. Use the neotronic beam, not as messy. Then break orbit I don't think they will follow if they detect us. Though if they do use deadly force."

A few moments later, a strange beam shot from the sky all the way around the capital building. Everything within ten meters of the building metal or otherwise started to turn to melted slag. More than a few ran screaming from the area.

Trigon broke orbit, moving several hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the planet. As Wren expected A red face alien appeared on her monitor.

"We will hunt you down, you attacked us without provocation, we," The alien started.

"You won't do a thing. You obviously don't know whom you are dealing with. That wasn't even half power to the beam, I am the Master thief/killer. I do not take betrayal well, had I so desired I would have leveled your capital edifice. You are lucky I am feeling generous." Wren's disguised voice said.

"I have heard of this one though I also know they do not exist. I think it it only you on a ship that only appears to be powerful. Soon you'll be dead, so we're not worried." The alien leader said.

Wren started to laugh, "very well, let it not be said that I did not give you a chance. I have instructed my agent to destroy your entire fleet, plus the three ship yards, ought to slow your treachery down a few decades."

A click had the communication cut. "Target all three ship yards, three missiles each. One hundred percent yield, I want nothing left. Then we'll deal with the fleet." Wren said as she watched the missiles streak planetward. Wren smiled when a few minutes later there several explosions in three separate areas of the planet.

"Target all but the five we have disabled, it's time all the arrogant races out here know that they aren't the strongest." A grim-faced Wren said.

Less than a minute later there were several hundred explosions. Wren watched as the fleet started to disappear. Finally, the area grew dark, Wren looked at the readings nodding, five disabled ships.

"Wasn't that a bit harsh Master Wren?" Trigon said as they started out of orbit.

"Harsh? No, the destruction of the earth that was harsh, the loss of over four billion souls within moments THAT was harsh. Never again will the galaxy think that the human race is weak. If I have to destroy pieces of it from time to time to remind it, then I will." Wren spit out.

The A.I. Trigon was quiet for a few moments, "I am sorry for misunderstanding, Master Wren. Shall I set a new course?"

"In a moment, have you any other leads on the highest offer's source? Wren asked.

"Not as of yet Master Wren, most is still pointing to a planet far deeper into this area. I am still getting mention of a Thomas Tygoron. I have been stopped by some of the most advanced blocks. They seem to be specially made to block me." Trigon stated.

Wren's hands tightened on the railing she had a hold of. Walking to the console, she didn't even look back to see the crushed railing she'd just released.

Once there she started to type a a freighting speed. The only sound in the control room being her typing and the um of the ship. A few minutes later she stepped back. "Trigon, assimilate the later information displayed." Wren said.

"Now working, this should help greatly to break through the blocks. Thank you, Master Wren, I will implement them immediately." Trigon said.

Wren smiled; these latest code breakers had cost her a bit. She was glad she had the memory retention engrams added.

"Now, while you integrate that, show me the third offer." Wren said.

"Yes, master Wren, this offer is for ten billion. It is from a, hmmmm. Master Wren since you added the updates, I have started to notice a slight pattern. Each of the offers two through six, all seem to have been made by non-existent corporations." A slightly perturbed Trigon said.

Wren was rapidly typing pulling up the information that she could. "Yes, I see what you mean, pursue all of them. Try to find who is the true controlling factor in this." Wren said.

"Working on that now, Master Wren." Trigon replied.

"I'll be training if you find anything of merit." Wren said as she headed toward the exit.

"I will advise you immediately, Master Wren. Do you still wish to leave all safeties off?" Trigon asked.

"I believe that to be advisable, I have to figure out how to lower my energy usage." Wren said over her shoulder as she turned, then left the room.

"If I may ask Master Wren?" Trigon said.

"You may," Wren responded.

"When you require that of me or the ship do you not just shut some systems off?" Trigon said.

Wren stopped in the middle of the passageway. There was no way that it was that simple, was it? Entering the training area, she sat to meditate. Reaching in she began to shut what parts of her body that she could, the rest she tried to limit the amount of energy they used.

"Alright Trigon begin exercise." Immediately the robot opponent appeared. Again Wren, reached out with her eyes closed, with the barest amount of energy, she could swear that she could see the robot moving around her in slow motion. The moment the robot moved in to attack Wren almost crushed it into a pile of scrap.

Slightly surprised, she sat to meditate again. It was then that she remembered her master saying, what one sees is not always what is there. What you see with your inner eye, is more often what is truly there.

"Next level Trigon," Wren said as she went through several robot drones before Trigon called her.

"Master Wren, I believe I have something." Trigon said.

"Exercises off, I'll be right there." Wren said as she rose, it was then she noticed the pile of broken drones in the corner of the room. A look at her chronometer told her that she had been at it for well over six hours. A smile crept to her lips; she didn't feel she'd expended any energy at all.

As Wren entered the control room, Trigon immediately pulled up the information it had garnered. "As you can see Master Wren, they all seemed to be controlled by the same company."

"The amalgamation syndicate, at least now we know whom we are dealing with in name. Send them a message, let them know, we know it is them that wished to acquire the item. I either get information on them or there will never be a deal."

An hour later there was a steady tone of a live transmission. Wren had just stepped out of her sonic shower when Trigon called her.

"Master Wren, I have a live transmission from the syndicate we contacted." Trigon said.

"Put it through," Wren said.

A voice she thought to never hear again, suddenly came through the speakers. "So damn much like father, aren't you? Unlike him though, you are going to die, I know all of your systems, though I have to say your A.I. will make a handsome addition to my own personnel arsenal of tools."

"Thomas, here I thought you were dead, not a traitor to the human race. Oh, before you try? This ship is nothing like it was when it was first created for father. Though, I welcome you to try to take it, traitor." Wren spit as she broke contact.

As she expected the area was soon swarming with hundreds of fast attack ships. Though she was already in stealth mode, Wren, had the frequency of it changed a few times before the ships could no longer zero in on her.

"So," came Thomas's voice, "you have upgraded good, good. It will be even better when you are broken at my feet." Thomas taunted.

Wren laughed as she could feel him baiting her to speak. "Alright Trigon, release ten thermic missiles. I think it's about time we thinned this fleet."

"Compliance Master Wren," Trigon said as there were ten ignitions. Wren kept them moving as she saw over half of the hundreds of ships explode then fade to nothing.

"You little bitch, you'll pay for that!" Thomas shouted then the rest of the ships opened fire all around the area Wren had been in.

"I guess that wasn't enough of a warning," Wren hissed as she thumbed another ten missiles to finish the job. "As soon as they igniter get us as far away as possible."

"Compliance Master Wren, now accelerating." Trigon said.

Wren watched as the missiles streaked to their pre-set destinations. There were suddenly several bright flashes as each missile started to detonate.

Wren smiled as she watched the shock wave, followed by the thermic wave, wash over the rest of the fleet. A satisfied smile came to her lips as the fleet started to blink out of existence.

A screaming came out of the speakers, "You are now a target of the amalgamation syndicate. We will not rest 'til you are dead!"

A quick check showed that there were no more ships. "Bah," Wren said, "been a target since I single handedly destroyed the Eloagones." In more a growl than speaking Wren continued on. "I rather enjoyed ending that arrogant race. I imagine that you are finding it hard to gather allies, good!"

"You destroyed the Eloagones? Please you haven’t the fire power. it would take," Thomas started.

"You obviously didn't check your records. I had killed most of the planet before I released two, shatter bombs. It was a wonder to watch that garbage planet crack, shatter then explode. Father wasn’t happy, though humanity answered to the threat that WAS there. One I will happily extend to you Thomas, you traitorous filth!" Wren spit.

"Yeah," Thomas started to laugh. "Good luck with that, I am a hell of am lot harder to find than you are."

"Oh really?" Wren said with a wry smile as she nodded. A moment later there were several energy bursts that lashed out from the ship.

There was a great amount of shouting from Thomas's end. A few moments later space was lit up as the energy blasts exploded against what appeared to be a large ship.

"Return fire!" Thomas shouted. "What do you mean we have no weapons? You little bitch! You caught me unaware, this won't happen again."

"As long as you use such ancient equipment, you'll be easy to find." Wren said then cursed as Thomas's ship winked out into hyper space.

"Damn it! Can you track them?" Wren shouted.

"I am sorry Master Wren; they appear to have an anti-tracking device." Trigon said.

Wren's face was red a moment then she calmed. "Set up to listen for any mention of Thomas or his ship. I have to try and contact mother."

"I am afraid that won't be possible for a while. The sub-space and hyper communication antenna's were damaged. I have already engaged repair bots, though the sub-space will take at least two hours. The hyper antenna will require far more time, barring anything major." Trigon advised Wren.

"I guess we have no choice, head back to galactic space. Hopefully we can get word to mother." Wren said disappointed. "You started making more missiles?" Wren asked.

"Yes, I have Master Wren, at present we only have about fifteen left. The twenty we used in the last battle has slightly depleted them." Trigon said.

"Time to the edge of the galactic empire edge?" Wren asked.

"I am reading that we should reach it within two hours." trigon said.

"Hopefully we can reach someone with the sub-space, they can contact mother." Wren said as she typed in a new set of coordinates.

"I have the course set Master Wren. I estimate it will take at least a week." Trigon said.

Wren shook her head she really needed to get there a hell of a lot faster.

"Trigon? Have you finished the tests on the new engines and shields?" Wren asked.

"I am eighty percent of the way through them. Though at this point they appear to be safe, I do not advise using them 'til they have been thoroughly tested." Trigon advised.

"Trigon, we need to get back as fast as we can. Might I suggest we engage them for thirty seconds? I am sure that the tunnel drive won't develop much in the way of problems in that time." Wren said.

"It would help to go through the test far faster. Master Wren, please strap in, I am unsure of just how the ship will react when we enter the tunnel." Trigon warned.

Wren did as she was asked, Trigon started a count down. Wren heard a surge of power, then an area in front of the ship started to glow. Space then seemed to warp, then opened into a lit tunnel.

"Now engaging tunnel drive," Trigon warned. The ship suddenly lurched forward as it entered the tunnel.

"Call out the time," Wren called.

"Now at five seconds, approaching ten. No problems as of yet, now at fifteen, approaching twenty. Tunnel, drive not showing any problems, now approaching twenty-five. Position indicates we are within the galactic empire. Approaching thirty all readings nominal." Trigon said.

"Trigon go as far as you can try to get us as close to the coordinates as you can." Wren said.

"This action is not conducive to your first idea." Trigon said.

"Keep going you might be able to completely finish all tests." Wren suggested.

"Still in drive mode. If we are able to go all the way we will need to stop at two minutes thirty seconds. Now passing forty seconds, now at fifty, still reading no problems. Now at one minute, I am getting a slight vibration in the starboard stabilizer. Continuing now at one minute fifteen seconds, reading halfway to destination." Trigon said.

"I am starting to see a slight vibration in port stabilizer," Wren said.

"Correcting, now one minute and a half. Coordinates set to exit tunnel. Now at one minute forty-five seconds." Trigon said.

It was at the moment that a series of alarms started to go off. "I am reading a massive heat spike in the tunnel drive engines." Wren said.

"Yes," Trigon said, "fuel mixture too rich, compensating. Temperature 538 C, now starting to drop. Now 482 c, 427 c, 371 c, now holding steady."

"Time?" Wren shouted.

"We are now at two minutes, preparing to destabilize tunnel." Trigon said. " Now at two minutes fifteen seconds. Beginning deceleration in five, four three, two, one. Cutting tunnel drive."

In space, there was a momentary ripple, then it seemed to open as a ship came out. Space immediately closed as if nothing had ever been there.

Wren could see that she was almost to the Ceti-5 space. Opening a special frequency Wren said "control, this is Chrysalis one returning home. Please inform Master Flugret, that something happened. Something that I cannot explain."

"Follow the guide in, we will discuss this after you land." Master Flugret said.

As Wren brought the ship in he saw, once again a lone figure awaiting her.

"Ah, little Wren, what has happened that you cannot explain?" Master Flugret asked.

"I believe I will have to show you Master," Wren said. She concentrated but a moment then. Blinked out. Her Master also blinked out.

Flugret began to smile widely when he saw that Wren was moving far faster than she had ever before. A moment later there was a thud as her Master was driven back.

Here Flugret held up a hand stopping Wren immediately. "She seems to have passed through almost all of the fourth level. I'd dare say she is touching the fifth level." A voice said behind Flugret.

"Indeed, little one even your father didn't make it this far. You should begin her on level five immediately." Another voice said.

Flugret nodded then saw the troubled look on Wren's face. "What has you so troubled, my little Wren?"

"Master I lost control of my anger. I found out that my brother is still alive. That he was responsible for the over four billion lives that were destroyed on our home planet. I was able to regain, though I had to train far harder than I ever have." Wren whispered trying her best to keep her rage within.

Flugret nodded he knew she was at dangerous point now that she was touching level five. "We need to have you stay here at least a week. In that time, I will teach you all I can."

"Thank you Master Flugret, the rage is all consuming when it hits me." Wren said.


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Melinda and I had done our research so we knew a few good places to go to meet a black man to fuck her. The first place was a loss. There was only one black man and he was already with a beautiful brunette white girl. The second bar was different. There were a number of black and Spanish men. We got a seat and ordered strong drinks. As we sat there, Melinda made note of a group of black men sitting in one corner. The central figure was a dark black man with a muscular build and about 25...

1 year ago
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Watching Anna Ch3

Although Cyprus was pretty mind blowing Anna and I both agreed we had gotten a little carried away. We had done more than we had planned and wanted our next experience to be a little more controlled. Anna had found a hotel that catered for swingers new and experienced. I was shocked at first as she had been reading up on these hotels for a few weeks before telling me. When we looked into it together we were both very excited about visiting one of these hotels. I was even more shocked to find...

Wife Lovers
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Anna Saves the Company Ch3

Anna had dressed provocatively for work that day. Her short skirt and low-cut blouse was greeted with a lecherous smile from Tom. "You are looking unbelievably gorgeous today." He said, looking her up and down.Anna politely smiled before thanking him for the compliment. "Please, come into my office." He said.Anna flicked her hair behind her shoulder as she walked into his office."I hear that your trip to London went well. You earned a lot of money Anna." He grinned."Look, Tom, I can't do this...

3 years ago
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Cocksucking Adventires Of Cortni Ch3

Cortni was swamped with studying for her mid-terms the week after she set up the cameras in Marks room, and hadn't any time to indulge herself in her dark, nasty world of cocksucking. She was getting frustrated, but couldn't risk getting bad grades so she concentrated on her books as best she could. Mark was also cramming for his mid-terms and he hadn't done anything kinky in days, so she couldn't even watch him and get off! She finally broke down two nights before mid-terms started and went...

1 year ago
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Sissy Butt Licker Ch3

After dropping Steph off at work, I went to a small lingerie shop at the other end of town. As I was picking out items, the lone clerk came up to me and asked if I was shopping for my wife, and if she could help. As per Steph's instructions, I informed her that I was actually purchasing the items for myself, at the request of my mistress. I expected her to be shocked, but instead she smiled and said that was cool, and that I could try the items on providing I did so over my existing underwear....

2 years ago
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I want you Ch3

The weekend came and went without the girls running into each other, but Lilly knew when Kelly would be working and was standing next to the exit of the mall at the end of her shift. She saw Kelly hesitate for just a second before smiling and walking towards her. Lilly bounced up to Kelly and gave her a tight hug, stepping back before her lips got any ideas. “So how was your first day of work?” she asked, handing Kelly her jacket. “Much more crazy than I thought. I think a million people wanted...

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My Fetish For Panties Ch3

I'd like to thank everyone who read my first two chapters and for all the feedback I got from them! In this chapter I'd like to set the grounds for my college life and all that happened during my 2 years at college and 4 years at university! I'll start by saying that my high school sweetie (let's call her Rachel) were still going strong when we started college. I was still sniffing her dirty panties and she my dirty undies and jocks! My parents are pretty well off and helped me get an apartment...

3 years ago
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I want you for Christmas CH3

The weekend came and went without the girls running into each other but Lilly knew when Kelly would be working and was standing next to the exit of the mall at the end of her shift. She saw Kelly hesitate for just a second before smiling and walking towards her. Lilly bounced up to Kelly and gave her a tight hug before stepping back before her lips got any ideas. “So how was your first day of work?” She asked handing Kelly her jacket. “Much more crazy than I thought. I think a million people...

3 years ago
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The family Sucks A Lot ch3

Chapter 7Tess giggled, her body writhing and squirming, as she swiveled her hips up, ready to accept the first stab of Andy's red-hot cock into her waiting cunt. She swung her hips up and down, feeling his throbbing prick slide along the drenched trench of her pussy. She grabbed his ass and yanked her crotch up toward his.His cock-knob found the entrance to her fuckhole and slipped in. Instantly Tess' neck arched, her jaw fell open and a long expectant moan rolled off her tongue. She pulled...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Ch3

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 3 Author: - Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 18-23.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in the 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 3: With some trepidation, Latimer followed Glynis from his flat and entered the waiting taxi. Glynis noted his anxiety and tried to allay his fears saying, "Harrods have been apprised of the circumstances and...

3 years ago
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NewJob Ch3

Chapter 3 When he awoke the next morning, Don realized the full potential of last evening's discipline. He thought that the pain of the beating on the soles of his feet would be the worst of it. Now his feet ached. Before he even got out of bed they were painful. When he got up, walking, even to get Mandy's coffee wearing his flat slippers, could only be done slowly and painfully. Later, when he had to get dressed in his uniform and put on those dreaded, hated heels, his pain was...

3 years ago
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Cum On Sis Ch3

”Sis, that was your fault,” I gasped as my cock stood at an angle above my belly.She stepped over my legs and opened her bedroom door again. After stepping through the door she turned and glared at me. ”You fucking pervert, I'm your sister, ” she hissed, ”You can't be cumming on me like that.”She closed her door with a little less violence. Frustrated, I picked up her dirty panties and my towel and stormed to my bedroom. She was starting to piss me off with all this. Yes, I enjoyed looking at...

3 years ago
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Book Store Stories Ch3

I woke up Sunday morning and next to me was my daughter, Candy. I slid out of bed not wanting to wake her up. I did have to stare at the outline of her beautifully shaped body under the white sheet. Damn, she looked sexy.Then I thought, shit my wife and Candy's mother will be home in a few hours.What the hell was I going to do? I resigned myself into thinking; 1) My wife will kill me. 2) There will be a messy divorce with front page coverage in the National Enquirer. 3) Suicide.I went to the...

2 years ago
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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch3

The lingerie I’d been wearing lay strewn on the floor, it was heavily soiled and would absolutely need to be cleaned, along with all the other things I had cum all over. I picked them up and stuffed them in the wash. Before going to the bathroom and catching my reflection in the mirror. If I couldn’t get the negligée clean from last night I would definitely need to try adding some makeup as although this bra and panties were comfortable, they were no way as sexy and with the outside world...

1 year ago
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A trip to remember ch3

As we continued playing around with each other ,taking breaks from time to time .We discussed our future and made a vow to somehow reunite throughout the year, but we realized that it may not happen.We talked about the things we have done and the mistakes that each of us have done. The biggest mistake we agreed on was not fucking me when my wife told her too. Barbra was curious about me and Dee swapping partners ,a past that I had tried not to talk about.A lot of things my wife and I had...

1 year ago
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Getting to know my new family Ch3

(Anyone reading this story should read getting to know my new family Ch1 and Ch2 first, but it’s not necessary) For the rest of the evening I just lay about the house doing SFA. Then It hit 5:15pm and it was time to go collect Emma so I got in the car and drove to the school. When I got there Emma was chatting to two other girls, she seen me and all 3 girls approached the car. Emma: Hi John these are my two friends Janet and Ann, there coming over to ours cause we have a project to work on...

4 years ago
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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 13 Casting Seeds on Untilled Soil

"OK, folks, listen up. We've had a couple unfortunate incidents where my girls have disappeared without a trace. We've completely lost touch with both Monique in Charlotte and Debbie in Raleigh, both in North Carolina. Let me remind you, if our people are injured, it means entire regions of the country won't get treated. Thousands who we could save will die needlessly. We realize how dangerous things are now. We've also lost touch with our contacts in Hilton Head, South Carolina, Palm...

3 years ago
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Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad

This is a pastiche on the current TV show Adventures of Sinbad set in Raven's Djinn Universe. Those familiar with the show can skip the next part & get right to the story if they wish. CHARACTERS SINBAD A cross between Errol Flynn & Tom Cruise. Perhaps the best swordsman of his time. He does not have a self esteem problem. Also telling the truth is not as important to him as poetry. MAEVE Tall, beautiful, extremely well endowed, young sorceress. Red headed Celt with...

2 years ago
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Tales of the Seeding

Eleanor It seems silly saying so now, but I was nervous about the seeding. I guess we all were, except for Rosemary. They tell you all sorts of things, girls getting hurt, girls dying. I guess they do that to make sure you've exercised and ready. It's a lot of work, you know, getting ready. We all made preparations and did the exercises. I had my sister help. She'd had her seeding three years ago, and she showed me just how to position my mound to maximize the length of the shaft thrust...

3 years ago
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Bad SeedChapter 6

The next morning the five visitors sat once again with the Chieftess. The results were, if anything, more astounding in daylight than they had been last night. The woman who sat across from them was young, vibrant and beautiful. Again Renee entertained thoughts of seducing the young Chieftess, perhaps persuading her to give up the seeds by the use of guile and sex, but she was also aware that her body was no longer as attractive as it once was. Besides, it was Christine who the tribal leader...

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The Witch Seed

This is the eleventh story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the second one, A Change of Heart. The Miracle Legacy A Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight Grendel and Beowulf The Dark Legacy The Witch Seed By Morpheus I walked along the side of...

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Eat The Seed

My wife, Jill and I have known Carl and Emma for years. We've gone camping together and, once, the four of us went to a beach resort in Puerto Rico for a vacation. Jill and I have been married for a little over eleven years and our friends have been married for seven. All of us keep in good shape. My wife is five foot three inches, has nice C-cup breasts and a shapely butt. Emma, by contrast, is five foot ten inches, is thin with A-cup tits and a tight ass. Carl, surprisingly, is shorter than...

Oral Sex
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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 1 Two Sisters in Need of Their Brothers Seed

Chapter One: Two Sisters in Need of Their Brother's Seed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Las, God of Lust – The Aquamarine Palace The storm howled around the...

4 years ago
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The Venus Seed

The Venus Seed By: Erapuer - [email protected] In the summer of 2000, a fellow colleague named John Nash and I received a grant from the University of Geneva to study a plant located somewhere in the Amazon rain forest. Fresh out of college, we were determined to prove ourselves within our small scientific community of various botanists and biologists. The plant officially had no name because it had never been documented in any scientific journals but the local word for it...

3 years ago
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Sacred Seedings

Brenda is a natural “high priestess”. She is a “Substantial Figure” in body and personality. Quite beautiful with dark brown eyes, full lips, more than 6 ft tall, long blond hair, a very full but shapely figure with a firm bosom equal to two average women. She exudes a strong but warm personality. It was discovered at puberty that she had congenitally absent fallopian tubes. She still had menstrual periods and a high libido. Realizing that she could not possibly get pregnant turned her loose,...

1 year ago
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Seeds of Evolution

For those who are familiar with my previous stories, the universe in this one may seem to be something of a cross between my Twisted and Burke's universes. This is no coincidence since all three universes originated years ago from a single story idea, which split and went into several different directions. I've been sitting on this particular variation for a few years now and decided to finally play around with this one as well. Seeds of Evolution By Morpheus Spring had...

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Eat the Seed part 4

Carl and I walked out of the strip club part of the Spice Warehouse, and into the porn store part.  The place was busy.  Surprisingly, it was full of mostly middle-aged couples.  There were a few scattered individual women and men.  I walked straight to the counter. “Welcome back,” Marybeth said.  “You fellows look like you lost your wives.”Carl replied, “They just got done dancing next door, and decided to go off with a group of guys.”“Lucky them,” she said.  With a sly smile, she asked us,...

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Getting Knocked Up By Some Black Thugs Seed

I'm not gay. Really. I'm not. I wouldn't even go so far as to say I'm bisexual. I a married, 42 year-old father of four with a wife, a girlfriend and a career as a fitness consultant for a national media chain. I own a home in a California suburb and another three properties from an Arizona mini-ranch to a duplex in Oakland, CA. Now I'm not queer but every man has a vice right? Mine gets a little nasty. Every few weeks I'd retreat to one of my homes and spend some quality "alone"...

4 years ago
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Islamabad Se Peshawar Tak

Hello every buddy!I m rehan from age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...

3 years ago
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My first seed with 2 guys

After sinking a few pints, meeting two, horny dads could've been the best pleasure that ever happened to me. They saw potential in my smooth, virgin ass. Said "it deserves to be filled and enjoyed by the dominant males out there. I felt so unsure as I'd never thought of fucking a guy before. But just thinking about it made my heart beat harder. Should I allow these guys to take advantage? Thinking about it more, it started to make my cock grow. I couldn't deny myself the excitement. Having got...

4 years ago
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Seed Sower

Seed Sower Synopsis: When a man is asked to help overcome another couple's infertility, he balks. The other woman, however, is quite determined to get his help - by any means necessary. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Seed Sower Sometimes, when we have deep secrets, we have to tell others, or we go mad. At least that's what I learned long ago in college psychology. Hiding secrets goes against our...

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Islamabad Mein Pyar

My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, . I m doing ACCA from skans.i m a well educated guy. I live in islamabad..agar koi larki/aunty /married /un married pakistan mein especially rawalpindi and islamabad mein mere sath kisi b tarah ka relation ,phone sex,real sex mukamal raazdari k sath rakhna chati hain to muje mail kareen at so howa youn kay main shroo hi say apni cousin per khuwaar hon she is such a smart girl 38 will be figure so u can just imagine but i have tested aik din main apni nani kay...

2 years ago
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Bad SeedChapter 7

Martin had been racked with guilt, but Renee never once looked back, content with the small object, firmly secured in her pack, which she was sure would provide her salvation. They had met the helicopter without incident and once back in Brazzaville told the authorities the group had become lost and the anthropologist and his wife had somehow wandered off in search of water and they had become separated. Since quite a bit of money had changed hands, Raluu gave a similar account and the...

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It was when mother became ill and had to go into hospital that Emma determined to take matters further. Paul had been so unreasonable when she had invited Jack to stay with them for a while to be nearer the hospital, telling her how it would upset his routine when he was at such an important point in this particular sale. Emma felt so angry with him, for being so selfish, and she knew she would make him pay for his boorish behaviour. As it happened, Jack arrived on the day before Paul was due...

1 year ago
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seeded by 2 blokes

After sinking a few pints, meeting two, horny dads could've been the best pleasure that ever happened to me. They saw potential in my smooth, virgin ass. Said "it deserves to be filled and enjoyed by the dominant males out there. I felt so unsure as I'd never thought of fucking a guy before. But just thinking about it made my heart beat harder. Should I allow these guys to take advantage? Thinking about it more, it started to make my cock grow. I couldn't deny myself the excitement. Having got...

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