Young Ani 3 free porn video

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I sat in the kitchen, decided I would grab a coffee and go for out into the garden to try and clear my head. “Hey Lou” I heard from behind me as I wandered around the garden. Turning to look I saw this luscious beauty standing naked in the doorway. “Fancy continuing the conversation from this morning? She said with a wicked smile on her face.

I walked across to her and lead her inside by the hand. “I don’t think I want to know more about birds and bee’s Lou, this morning was amazing, I think I may be a lesbian”. I now had a feeling I may have gone too far in one direction as she now wanted to only have sex with women. I needed to enlighten her further, this would mean I had to include Rob.

“Listen, what we had this morning was very special, however you have much more to learn about love making. You received pure unadulterated passion from an experienced woman, you must learn how to give as well as take, you also need to feel a real cock inside you”. This brought a huge smile and a slight look of embarrassment and apprehension on to Ani’s face.

“So, how am I going to experience all of that” was her repost, however the look on her face said it all, she was excited and wanted to do more learning. “I am hoping that I will do all of the things you did to me this morning, will you teach me Ms Lou?” She leant over towards me, licked her lips, then kissed me passionately on my lips. She felt so gentle, within her tenderness, she also had purpose as her tongue flicked out of her mouth and into mine. “I am hoping that I do not have to talk about things and can demonstrate the rewards of your excellent tutorage.”

I was melting inside, this young ravenous girl was making me so horny, I now really needed to get her in to bed to fulfil my desires. “Ani, you can abuse my body in anyway you feel fit, you can mimic all I did to you earlier, or try anything else you feel. Later this evening we also need to plan, so as you can learn more and feel a real cock”

These words brought such excitement to her, she was bouncing around like a little puppy who had just been give the nicest treat. I needed to harness this boisterous enthusiasm and get her electricity directed between my legs. Seductively I removed my blouse and dropped it at her feet. She reached out for me, but I swerved and walked away. In another deft manoeuvre, I slid my leggings down my thighs and kicked them towards her, leaving me standing in black thong and lacy bra.

I then ran towards the stairs, being closely pursued by Ani, she grabbed at my thong and twice missed, I slowed a little, on purpose so as she could grab it as we climbed the staircase, she grabbed and pulled hard at them, ripping them from my ass in one swift action. She squealed with delight as she did this, shortly followed by an apology for ripping them. I laughed as I ran into the bedroom heading for the bed. Ani was closely following with the shredded fabric in her hand, and a look of shock on her face.

I took this vulnerable look as my que to ravish her and have her at my mercy to bring me to an orgasm on my terms. As she walked towards me, I stood at the foot of the bed with my legs parted with my hands firmly on my hips. I reached out for the rag of fabric, grabbed it from her and brought it up to my nose to smell it. “Mmmmm, wet warm pussy juice coated panties, that a little slut has ripped off of me” Ani looked down towards the floor, to which I placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head back up. “Open wide slut” I spat the words at her, and she was rapidly compliant. I then forced the remnants of my thong in her mouth.

Falling back on the bed, I sat and turned her around so I could get her into a prone position over my knee. Such a cute arse and submissive young girl was going to get a gentle spanking to see how far she could go and how much she would enjoy this. I slapped her quite gently on her left cheek, swiftly followed by her other, slightly harder. She offered no resistance, so I slapped her again slightly harder. A muffled groan came from her mouth, I was wondering if this was enjoyment or resistance. I grabbed her legs and opened them so as I could slap her pussy, this time I was in little doubt that it was enjoyment, as her labia was soaking and bulging with excitement.

I needed some attention now, so I rubbed across her labia a few times, then brought my soaking palm and fingers up to taste. Such sweet nectar, I grabbed at Ani’s face, removing my thong a threw it across the room, I then lifted her head towards me and ordered her to remove my bra. She was very submissive, and did exactly as I asked, at each juncture following a request she stood with her legs slightly apart and her hands behind her back.

“Lick my nipples, make me want you” She duly leant forward and started by teasing around the nipples with her tongue, before sucking the nipple in to her mouth. Mimicking me from earlier, she then nibbled on them making me squirm inside. Little did she know that when I was saying, make me want you, my whole being was on fire and I hadn’t had that feeling for years, it took me right back to my teens, when I first met Rob and had my first bisexual experience. Ohh I was in heaven.

“Suck my titties harder, make my nipples rock hard” she sucked harder and looked up into my eyes. She looked and felt like a sexual angel hanging from my breasts “do the other one,” I ordered, she was good alternating between them with her mouth and fingers. He manicured nails were such a turn on, I twisted them slightly to make her grip my nipple to inflict a gentle thrill to them. She picked up this technique quickly and then started to lick my nipple whilst holding it between her nails. She then gently blew across my wet, hard nipple, this caused me to shudder involuntarily, I could feel the heat building between my thighs as she was pleasuring my breasts.

I needed her to give me more, with this feeling I fell backwards away from my little teasing minx, now I was going to get her to finish my pleasure directly on my wet pussy. As she lunged forward to get my tits again, I placed my hand on her head forcing her down between my open legs. I wanted her and I wanted her now, I lifted my knees and slid my feet on to the bed, widening my legs and making my dripping pussy open for her to get her first look at a fully aroused woman’s gaping hole.

Ani looked at the glistening hole, then looked up at me and smiled, she seductively stuck her tongue out bending forward so I could keep watching. Her eyes were fixed to mine, and I was waiting for the electric contact on my pussy, this did not come though, Ani deftly traced the moisture away from my pussy and down my inner thigh, the feel was immense, I could feel her soft tongue licking at the dampness between my legs. She then started rising back to my pussy, my fingers clasped the bedsheet in anticipation of that silky smooth tongue contacting my lips, this was not happening, just millimetres from my gushing twat, she swapped to the other thigh and slid her tongue down the other inner thigh.

I loosened my grip on the bedsheet and waited for Ani’s head to begin rising again between my thighs, this time I was going to make sure that she ate my hole. I grabbed the hair on the back of her head and pulled her forcefully up towards my gushing hole, smothering the lower part of her face. Looking down she still had her eyes transfixed up towards me and looked as though she was the cat who had just got the cream. Her eyes were wide, she was alluring, now she started lapping between my open lips. The sounds coming from her were amazing, the slurping, swallowing, and lapping around my gash, was driving me wild. I went back to gripping the sheets, the thrills were forcing my head back, my breathing was labouring, and I had the deep intense feeling I was about to explode.

I am unsure if Ani could sense this, or she was learning how to tease, as she pulled away slightly from me. I dug my heels into the bed, forcing my hips back towards her face and grabbed the back of her head again. There was no way she was stopping this. It was like a train rocking through my body and making me convulse, my pussy was squirting, I could feel the ejaculation powering passed Ani’s face, I could hear her breathing start to struggle, and squelching sounds coming from between my legs. I could only see stars, could hear screaming and wailing sounds and then realised it was me making all these noises involuntarily. My legs were giving way, my arse falling back towards the bed, however this was not stopping Ani, as she followed my pelvic lowering and thrust her teeth first for my cliterous. She now licked and nibbled all around my rock-hard nub, making me squirm and ejaculate some more, my body was not my own now, I was out of control and loving it.

I then collapsed, breathing so heavily on to the soaking bed, I was completely drained and unable to manoeuvre myself around, I was so exhausted. Ani sensed this and started trying to kiss up my body as I was laying helpless. This caused me to jerk and convulse some more. As she proceeded up my body, I had to beg Ani to stop kissing me as I was way too sensitive. She finally arrived at my face, she looked down at me with drenched and dishevelled hair, however had such a glow and a wonderful smile on her face. I reached up with one hand and stroked the back of my hand on her face, she bent in to kiss me, then snuggled into me. We both drifted off to a heavenly slumber.

I was awoken a while later with Ani gently rubbing my back and sliding down to my ass. “You have such a cute butt” Ani said, she then pushed her pelvis in towards my ass and wrapped her hands around my waist, stretching to gain access to my pussy. “Can we play some more Lou?” she sniggered, “Are you up for some more teaching?”

I turned directly round to her “as much as I would love to little one, you properly fucked me earlier, and now we need to get you ready for your next lesson young lady!” She had a quizzical look on her face but decided she would not question my decision. “I think its time for a shower to ensure that we are all fresh and prepared for what I have planned for later”, my statement had Ani looking at me with her cute face leant to one side and resting on her shoulder. She looked so innocent, if only she knew what I had planned for later.

With that Ani bounced off and ran to the shower. I gracefully followed her, allowing her to start and get into the shower first, I then joined her and started rubbing cool shower gel all over her, paying special attention to her nipples, butt, and pussy. Every time she started reacting to my fondling, I would stop and move to another part of her body. I didn’t want her to get too aroused as I wanted her craving sexual attention for when Rob arrived home in a short time from now.

After we had finished, I sat on the washing hamper in the room and watched her drying herself. This erotic show was really firing me up inside. When she had finished, I asked her to assist me in drying my back. She didn’t only do my back, she gently rubbed the soft towel all over my body, trying her hardest to get me aroused again. I had to put a stop to this, so told her “Go and get dressed, make sure that you wear something seductive” with that, again she bounced off to her room.

“Lou” came the shout from her room, “can you come and help me decide”?

“OK” as I stepped out of our room down to the guest room. As I walked in, she had a pair of trousers and a cardigan with a vest top beneath. “Hmm, you look lovely, but now really seductive, what else do you have we could try?” on saying this I walked over to the sofa where her suitcase was opened like a book and was full of many sets of clothes.

I took them out and arranged them on hangars to place in the wardrobe, “for someone so organised, you really have a cluttered case” I joked with her. “Lets se if we can get it sorted out for you” As I was going through the clothes, I was leaving a few items out on the sofa. “Mmm, this looks nice, I think Rob would appreciate that, or this” I was telling Ani. Looking over to her, she was smiling knowing where I was going with this procedure, I wanted her to look young and show off her figure.

Ani, grabbed a skirt from her case, “how about this one Lou, do you think this will show my arse off?” she chuckled.

“Oh yes, sure will, you are getting this now” was my response “How about this blouse, its quite revealing, if you do not do all the buttons up and the fabric is quite sheer, so would show your lovely nipples from beneath, if you didn’t wear a bra”. This added some colour to Ani’s cheeks as she realised i had now got the correct attire for her.

Ani walked across to the window, so as the sun was behind her body and proceeded to remover her cardigan, vest top and trousers, leaving her standing in black lacy underwear. I collected the skirt and blouse up and walked over to her. “You need to remove that bra too” I instructed, she calmly did as ordered. Handing the blouse over to her and placing the skirt on the side, I then went back to her case where she had some shiny, sheer tights. Now we are cooking, these will lift things to another level. Ani now had the blouse on and sure enough, her nipples were easily visible through the gossamer fabric. “Part one complete, now for part two” I said with a growl in my voice. “No panties” was my next remark, to which Ani looked a little shocked, “come on, off with them” I instructed, she did as ordered.

“Will I not get really wet with no panties?” she was red faced now, so I knew this was having an effect. I said nothing and threw the pack of tights across to her. She was accepting of this action and turned to put these on followed by the skirt. Now I took the heels from the floor next to the sofa and handed them to her.

“Please stand and give me a twirl, I want to see how sexy you look” Ani did not hesitate, she spun around on the ball of her left foot, and then changed and spun back on the other. One the second spin, she bet forward slightly to exaggerate her beautiful tight ass. “You look amazing so sexy, Rob is going to be beside himself when I offer you to him later” The look on Ani’s face was wonderful, she looked so excited and jumped over and hugged me. “Do you feel sexy in that?”

“I feel amazing, however I am now realising that I could lose my virginity later, also I may be sucking on a cock and making him ejaculate” She was looking a little apprehensive now. “I am getting really nervous, butterflies in my stomach, also damp in between my legs, so am a little conflicted. Do you think I will be good at it with a man, and do you think a man will be good for me?”

“Shh little one, stop panicking and stop analysing it all so much. Whatever will be will be, if you don’t feel like you want to lose your virginity, or you don’t want to give him a blow job, then you don’t have to, if you want to sit back and watch then that’s good too. Rob and I will have some fun and you can watch, if that’s what you are feeling” With that statement ringing in her ears I saw her relax a little. “So I was thinking I am going to take Rob to the garden house, and blindfold him, then you can come and join us, what do you think to that?”

“Ok, that sound cool” Ani was looking a little easier now.

“How about a glass of wine before Rob gets here?” I asked

“Yes please, maybe two or three” Ani laughed. With that we headed off to the kitchen and cracked open a bottle. Within a short time, we had demolished that bottle, so started another. I told Ani to take her time, as I didn’t want her to be too far gone and not remember the experience, with that she ran off to the garden room and put her glass on the table.

As she came walking back up the garden, I heard Rob’s truck pulling into the drive. Ani looked at me and panicked, “don’t worry, just pop into the loo and hide, it wont take long, I am going to take him straight down and seduce him.” With that she was gone, and just in time as I heard Rob’s keys in the door. I grabbed the bottle, my glass, and a spare glass, and was standing waiting for Rob to appear, as he came through to the kitchen, he gave the standard “Hi Love” greeting, followed by “How are you, where’s Ani?” to which I kissed him and grabbed his hand and led him down to the garden room.

On entering I poured his glass and offered that to him, whilst he started drinking that, I grabbed the toy box from the back of the cupboard. Taking out the blindfold and handcuffs I placed the blindfold over his eyes, he had a lovely smile on his face, as he knew I was now being very naughty. I let him drink some more of his wine, before taking his hands and restraining them behind his back. He was leaning up against the large set of drawers, so I had excellent access to his zipper on his trousers. Swiftly I pulled on his fly and dropped his trousers and boxers leaving him exposed. I then gave him some more wine and teased his lips wit more too. His senses were now heightened, which was making his erection grow.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ani walking from the house, I motioned to her to be quiet and to join us. She gently crept into the summer house. Looking down at Rob’s cock, her eyes widened, and she licked her lips. “mmm I think I may have a little wine” I said, leaning down I dipped his cock in the wine glass. I did not judge it quite right and spilt some down his thighs. Gesturing to Ani, I instructed her to lick his thighs and mop up the spillages. Ani needed no second invitation and bent to lick between his legs, lapping up all the spillage.

She didn’t stop when the wine was done, she continued and went to his cock, taking it between her lips, she looked so good at what she was doing. I poured a little more wine on to his cock and let Ani drink more down. She was loving what she was doing. I pulled her backwards and went down to have my turn at sucking him. I swallowed down hard and took his full length into my mouth, letting his bulbous end go down my throat. Ani’s eyes went wide seeing this, I pulled back and let her have a go, she tried hard, but could not manage to get it all the way down. As she pulled back, she started choking, this let the cat out of the bag, as Rob realised this was not me. “Hey what the fuck is going on here” Rob said, I stood and kissed Rob and instructed Ani to go back to his cock. Ani giggled but did as requested.

He now knew it was not only me in the room, but he was not 100 % sure who was sucking him, “mmm feeling nice is it Rob” I asked.

“Fuck yeh, who is sucking me” was his response.

“All in good time love” I giggled, “Just enjoy the experience and relax”. He needed no second invitation as he leant back and pushed forward with his hips forcing his cock firmly into Ani’s mouth, again she gagged a little. I gestured to her to pull away and stand a little back from us, which she did. Ani looked a picture of innocence with what she was wearing. I stood and gave Rob some more wine and kept a firm hold of his cock with my other hand. I made a sign to Ani that I was going to remove his mask. With this, Ani opened her legs a little, undid another button on her blouse and bent forward.

The sight that Rob was greeted with once I removed the mask had him very excited, his cock was throbbing between my fingers as he adjusted to the light and looked down Ani’s cleavage, as she stood to walk towards Rob, you could clearly see her bullet hard, enlarged nipples through the fabric of her blouse. As she gently walked towards us, she was gently lifting the left of her skirt, to show us more thigh. When she got to Rob, she bent in to kiss him, but stopped short and bent to kiss me full on the mouth right in front of his eyes, again, this made his cock throb. I knew her actions were making him so aroused.

I decided it was not time to take it up a few levels, so moved Rob across to the sofa-bed, lent him down with his hands still restrained. Ani and I then put on a show for him as Ani removed my clothes. Kissing each other all over, we were driving him wild, he was laying on the bed with his rock-hard cock sticking up like a flagpole. We both bent down and sucked him a little before I grabbed Ani by the hair and forced her down further on to his manhood. Now pulling her off his cock I bent her over so her ass was facing towards Rob, lifting her skirt up, he could now see that she had no underwear, just a light sheer nylon covering her wet pussy. I stuck my fingers through the nylon and ripped an opening from her arse to her cleanly shaved pubic mound.

Ani looked around at me with a dirty smirk on her face as she realised, she now looked like a slut who was exposed to her prey. Rob’s penis was bouncing as he was watching the show which was developing in front of him. I went down between Ani’s ass cheeks and spat, followed by a lengthy tongue licking from her sphincter to her clit. I nibbled a little on her clit, which cased her to scream. I was trying to ensure that she was very aroused. I took Ani’s hand and wrapped it around Rob’s cock. “OK Ani, this is wanking, or masturbating his cock, he is really enjoying this” Rob looked quizzically at me “Oh Rob, I forgot to mention, since Ani arrived, I have been doing some training with her, she is doing well isn’t she?” With a real dirty grin.

Rob was struggling to breathe “Fuck yeh, is she just” gasping for breath “Mind you, she has a good teacher” he smiled.

With this, I leant down to Ani and whispered in her ear “Would you like to have more of this cock?” she turned to me with a shocked look on her face as she now realised what I was meaning.

“You mean, more as in, him fucking me?” was her response.

“No, I mean you losing your virginity and you fucking him” with this I teased her pussy and clit a little more with my fingers. She was so wet, I was thinking she could not refuse. Robs eyes were wild, he realised that we had been discussing this and he may be just about to take the cherry of this beautiful young girl. “Well, Rob is struggling to move, so if you want a cock to abuse, here is a rock hard one that you can fuck all you want!”

Ani smiled and turned around to face Rob, so politely asking “Is that OK?” Before Rob had a chance to answer, Ani was throwing her leg across his legs and moving upwards towards his rigid pole. Turning to me she said, “are you going to help me?” as she lifted to place herself above him. I reached down and positioned his cock directly on her soaking open lips.

Ani slowly slid down on to him, letting the head slide between her lips. As the bulbous head entered her pussy, she let out a lovely sigh. She pulled back up and adjusted herself a little, she then pushed down on Rob some more. I then watched as tears formed in her eyes and the point of no return had been crossed. Ani’s cherry had just been given to Rob. Her face was a mix of emotions, however this did not stop her riding up and down. On the second downward stroke, Ani let out a little squeal, I think this was the last remnants of her hymen gone.

Rob started to moan, and I could see his face turning red, Ani was obviously very tight, and he was loving this. “Fuck you are one horny minx” he managed to force out. Ani looked down at him smiling sweetly, then came back up and her juicy pussy slid right off his cock. As soon as she had released this huge cock, she slipped straight back down on it, this time a little lower. She was not all the way down on him yet and was teasing him by pulling away from him when rising.

Leaning across and kissing Rob hard, I then told him I was pushing a finger up her arse. Ani loved this, she let out a little whimper and then forced lower down on to Robs shaft. As she lifted now, she was not pulling off him, as she was keeping my finger inside. I decided I wanted to give her more attention, so slipped in behind her. I was opening her cute ass cheeks and looking at the hard cock between her labia, also at the amassed moisture she was producing.

I was now controlling the speed and depth by gripping her ass cheeks tight and forcing her up and down. Gradually she was taking all his pole inside her. Ani was loving this, her breathing was shallow and fast, and every time she went down on him, she was squealing with delight. This carried on for only a few minutes, it was not long before she started to tremble, shake, and lose control of her vocal deliberations, she was now crying and gasping between shrieks and screams. This was her first orgasm with a cock inside her, she had such an angelic look on her face of contentment. Looking between her legs, both Rob and her were drenched, I knew that this orgasm would render her pretty much devoid of muscular reactions and she would soon be limp.

Knowing she had become accustomed to having his cock inside her, I pulled her from him and lay her down so as she was on her back, this was a difficult action, as Ani was like a rag doll. Releasing Rob’s handcuffs, also his desires, now he had this wanton little girl to his mercy. He took little time if climbing abord her slight frame and inserting his cock all the way to the hilt. Ani started crying out again, as he was obviously hitting deeper parts that had been reached before, whilst she was riding him.

Looking at little Ani’s face, she was feeling every inch of his cock, but was obviously loving it. She had a smile on her face and was breathing very deeply again. I leant forward and kissed Rob “Are you going to fill her up with your cum darling?” I enquired.

“Fuck yes” Rob said, gasping back at me “She is so fucking tight, hot and wet, her pussy needs filling” and with that he started fucking her so hard. I leant down to Ani and started rubbing her clit forcefully, this caused her to scream again, she had little energy to respond to anything, but was looking like she was loving every minute of the onslaught.

I leant down to her ear, gave it a few licks, then said “Rob is going to breed you, he is going to fill your pussy with his man milk” I then kissed around her neck a little, she was still offering limited response, apart from the rhythmical panting and screaming. “Do you want your pussy full of his cum little one?”

“Hmmmpphhh” her mouth was opening but words were a struggle. She finally managed to compose herself and with a scream in her voice “FUCK ME, Fuck me hard, fill me up” which then subsided back into rhythmical screams as Rob was bottoming out against her cervix.

Rob joined in the moans “I’m cumming, …. …. I’m ….. FUCK” as the rhythm and the volume went up, Rob was now filling her insides. Ani was squealing with pleasure but was still lifeless. Rob followed suit shortly after collapsing on the bed beside Ani. To be continued.. .. ..


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Me to communicate a lot in a short period of time. Always a challenge. This is an idea that I've had for a while, and have never seen anyone else do it. I tbought, what better time to do it than for a contest. Even if it doesn't win, place , or show, I am proud of it ANIMA by Raven. Gloria Harding came highly recommended. The word was that she was very highly skilled at helping people who were gender dysphoric like myself. It didn't take very long for me to see that her...

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Sarah and Daniela

This piece is a chapter extracted from my novel "Toggenburg" a lesbian love story set in the mountains of Switzerland which I've posted in case any Xhamster reader might enjoy it. Toggenburg Thirty. “We are going to get wet!” declared Sarah firmly. It was a fair analysis as she and Daniela stood huddled in the doorway of the Hotel Toggenburg contemplating the wretched weather before them. It was still raining heavily and the wind was blowing the sheets of rain around...

3 years ago
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My love hani

Hiiii Frnds this is my first time i am writing my story…i am a regular reader of iss & a big fan of it so i am encourage to write this story…if any mistakes sorry for it & most important i want all ur comments & feedback of this story..plz forward ur feedback to my id k, this is my real story happened last month of december 2012..after completing my in andhra i came to my hometown jeypore i was so bored & missing my college that time my frnd was chating with a girl...

4 years ago
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Sex With Cousin Anisha

Hi this is Kumar, I am 22 year old studying in a reputed college in Chennai. This is story about me and my hot cousin sister. Her name is anisha she is my uncle’s daughter. This story incident happened 1 year ago and still remembers the every second of it. After reading please share your comments on my email address HYPERLINK “mailto:” Let me tell about my cousin she was 22 years when this incident happened. She comes to my home every year in holiday . She was very friendly with me I use to...

3 years ago
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Roleplay Log Madyrn Falara May and Daniela

[14:03] Falara (falarapt): "Oh dont worry i neither did, i am it is nice to meet you Daniela" bows "i have to say this is a nice place, i surely will have some Drinks at this place later at a day" she giggles[14:04] Madyrn Bayn nickers. "If Falara wants drink now, Madyrn can help with that." She grins wickedly and nods to Daniela. Red head knows what's up by now, for sure, as often as the minotaur-esque horse has been around Daniela.[14:04] Daniela (daniele801) smile and keep walk to the...

2 years ago
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Brother And Sister Kanika

Hello dosto mera name naman he main haryana ke ek choti si city se hu. Main B tech third year ka student hu ye khani meri aur meri mama ki ladki kanika ki he. Main apne bare me bta du meri height 5’9 he, body slim aur lund 6.5 inch ka he vaise to main aur kanika bachpan se ek dusre ko jante he aur kafi ache dost bhi the lekin kanika ke bare me kbhi galat nhi socha maine wo 12th class me padhti thi. Ye khani 1 month purani he jab main apne mama ke ghr gya. mere mama ke 2 bache he kanika aur...

1 year ago
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Hi it’s me Ashu back again with another story. This is about Pooja’s elder sister Kalyani who is 30 yrs old, 38-32-38, 5 ft 5, and a mother of 2 lovely kids. After fucking Pooja I became a very good friend of hers and was invited to her house many times by her family. She used to call me sometimes when she was alone in her house and I used to go to her house to fuck her. Once we were in her balcony, on the 12th floor, I was standing and she was kneeling down sucking my cock. Suddenly the...

3 years ago
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IPL Stadium To Bedroom Part 2 Enticing Anisha

The match between CSK and KKR was going on. With CSK scoring only 130 odd runs we were all highly disappointed but waited in anticipation hoping for the best. As the match progressed, we kept coming close to each other virtually. When it boiled down to the last over it was tense, and with a 6 required off the last ball, it was too much to handle for Anisha. She held my arms and kept her head there. When CSK won we all hugged each other. It was so close and most important was I could feel her so...

3 years ago
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A Story for Stefani

It was just another evening, or so I thought. I was tired of going out alone, and I was even more tired of the dating scene. Ever since Sandy left, my life has been dead, or at least it had felt dead.“Hey old dude!” said a familiar voice on the phone. “Whatcha doing tonight, old buddy?” Wow, it was Jackson. I hadn’t heard from him for at least 5 years. I just knew that he went on a cruise in the Caribbean, and met a woman in the Virgin Islands and ended up marrying her and then moving to...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Married Maid Shani

Hi readers, this is my 3rd story on ISS, I’ve come along way on this site reading everyone’s stories, learning from everyone. If u want to read this story then you should also read my other story (Blackmailed Maid For Sex) to understand this one. If you’ve read my previous stories then u know about my short gay relationship with my house guard and you know i got my maid faima to have sex with me. I have grown in a very modern lifestyle but no matter how modern, I always get very horny thinking...

2 years ago
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Origins Of Sarah Part 15 8211 Happy To See Anissa

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. ‘Adventures Of Sarah’. This is an Instalment of a series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. These parts will be longer than...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Sister8217s Friend Anitha

Dear ISS readers, I am very happy and excited to tell me my real life story… I wanna thank my sister for giving me a nice and gorgeous girl Anitha to be my friend… My first time sex with Anitha was really awesome. This is my second sex experience with Anitha, which i will never forget. One day Anitha called me and asked me to come to Marina beach. I was really excited and I went there. Anitha: Hi dear Me: Hi ma Anitha: how r u Me: not fine without seeing you Anitha: (Laughed at me and Hugged...

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Jefferson Highch3 amber jeanine

"Why did you lock the door?" asked the male voice. "I'm sorry it's just a habit of mine." Danielle replied. "Just don't do it again allright." "Fair enough." I heard a stall open and close next to me. I stood there on the toilet and bent over so my head wouldn't be exposed. Then I heard the girl leave. I stepped off the toilet and unlocked the stall door. I ran out of that bathroom as fast as I could. I jumped into my car and drove off the campus. While driving,...

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Maviah Modda Pakkinti Lanja Manisha

Hi Everybody. This is a Telugu Story written in Roman Script. It is not a short story But I hope you all will enjoy it.Ma illu first floor lo vuntundi. kinda ground floor lo house owners vuntarru. Kanni pillalu chudadaniki anni USA vellaru. ma pakkana illu votti ground floor.Ma rendu illa madhyana gap challa thakuva. samayamu summurga udayamu 11 ayyi vunda vachuu. nennu newspaper thirgestunna. appuddu vehicle vachi aggina sound vinnapadindhi. yevarra anni paiki legisi chusannu. voka truck aggi...

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Tried Seducing My Elder Sister 8211 Anitha

Hi, this is Santhosh, aged 24 yrs from Bengaluru native from Vellore. We live in a rented house with a hall, a kitchen, and a bedroom, I am staying with my elder sister Anitha aged 26, my mom and my younger sister Kavitha aged 22 as my father has expired. This is my real sex story. This is my first sex story, lengthy, hoping to be approved, Coming to the sex story which is from my teenage lust. I studied in a govt school where our friends of four use to bunk our afternoon class in a week to see...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sexy Cousin Vani

Hi, Friends. This is Shyam from Hyderabad. I am working for an MNC in Hyderabad. I am a normal person doing regular gym and aged about 30 yrs. Her name is Vani with nice color and beautifully built body with handful weights at required places and her sizes are 36D 32 24. This is my real sex story. Coming to the story Vani is my cousin and we were never close earlier. I was always busy with my work and never had any chance to think about her. It was in the year 2015 when I have attended a...

4 years ago
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Bhai ki game by Sania

My name is sania from banglor . I m 27 year old ham two brother and one sister haien mera aik bahi muj se two year bara hai and one bro muj se chota hai 5 years.yeh baat jo mein app ko sonaney ja rahiey hoon yeh ajj se 3 sall pele ki hai. Os waqat mery age 14 years thi mera colour saaf tha aur smart thi meri chest ka size us waqt b 32 tha jo ab 36 hai and my big brothers age 16 thi.mein 9th class mien thi. Aur bahi ne matric ke paper deiy hove thiey. Woh dekhney mein boot bara lagta tha. Kuch...

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Completely Make Satisfied Divorced Lady Anitha

Hi friends this is Sudheer, I am 22 years old. staying in hyderabad. I am fair in complexion and 5.7 in height. Any aunties or females wants sex please contact me at I am sure i will put them in heaven. Well coming to the story. This is the story that recently happened in my life with Anitha (name changed) who is staying near to my area. She is in Indian sexy complexion and 36 years old and her measurements are around 36-30-40. Yes she has big assets. Most attractive part of her body is her...

2 years ago
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Perfecting The Art Of Sex With Danica

POV: Kirk "You don't think I'm some taboo freak for wanting to do it with your daughter, do you?" I asked, bringing her to my bed."No, do you think I'm some cheating slut?" she pondered, lying down."No, you deserve to be fucked, I'm sorry my dad doesn't please you, but I can't do it again after this though," I let her know, getting on top of her. "I love you so much more now than I did just yesterday, but I can't help you commit adultery," I explained, before kissing her."You...

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Fucked My Bombshell Teacher Suhani

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is gautam basically from jaipur but currently in delhi, india. I am 24 yrs, 5ft 11 inches male with a good physique, with some really hot looks & a very strong sex drive & I have a 8 inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. I’m very good in massage and women find it erotic when someone who can satisfy them in bed as we as make their body dip with oil. You can mail me at So without making you bored. Lets just start...

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Fucked My Sexy College Friend Sania

This story is about how I fucked my friend Sania and cummed in her mouth. Please do email me your suggestions and reviews at my email. You can also read about my previous encounters from We were ex-college friends and are very close to each other. My friend Sania, 23 years old was travelling from Hyderabad to Delhi for some interview and I invited her to stay with my family in Delhi. My parents knew her very well and agreed to be good hosts. Our home has two floors and we gave Sania the top...

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The New StartChapter 22 Tani

Nearly five months had passed since Tani and Steve's return and much had been accomplished in that time. Tani's belly was really swelling now and she was finding it difficult to hide from her three lovers. She was wearing camis all the time now and she replaced them each time with ones that were increasingly baggy. Finally she approached Mika and Naomi asking them if she could stay with them using the excuse of long training hours and having to come to the village each day anyway. Mika and...

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Taking Virginity And Getting Engaged To Bhavna8217s Daughter Tania

Hi readers. My mom was very worried about me as I did not have sex with anyone of my age. I used to have sex with women of all her age. She thought there was some problem in me and it needed to be rectified soon. My mom called her friend Bhavna aunty. Bhavna aunty had an 18 year old daughter. My mom asked Bhavna aunty to bring Tania along with her. When I asked her about Tania, she said, “You are gonna get lucky once again”. I was confused by what my mother said. I sat on the sofa, when Pooja...

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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn’t really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she’d put off, and she knew that she simply couldn’t relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours slipped...

1 year ago
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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn’t really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she’d put off, and she knew that she simply couldn’t relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours slipped...

Group Sex
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Smug Sister Tania

I hated Tania, my goddamn smug fucking bitch sister. The older she got the worse it was for me. About the time she outgrew pigtails and started wearing bras she found out that mom was hyper sensitive about her growing sensuality and would howl like an injured dog that I was spying on her or trying to sneak peeks at her. The attention whore was lying like a politician but that didn't matter to my mother who thought I was the most evil big brother on the planet to her precious chaste...

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Tania was different! She looked and smelt so feminine. I'd been with other tgirls in the past but she was just different.We'd been emailing and swapping sexy pics for some months now but now the day had finally arrived when we were at last going to meet. We'd arranged to meet in a lay-by just of the A46 just past a little village called Upton Crosby. I'd spent the last couple of days in a state of constant turmoil! What to wear? What would we talk about? What would we do? Would she like me?...

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I dream of jeanie

I Dream of JeanieI have been happily married for 13 years now. My wife and I, like most other couples have had our ups and downs over the years. It just so happens we are on one of our downs now. I am not really sure how it all got started but the end result was me getting thrown out. I don't resent her for it, sometimes some time apart is good to regroup then rekindle your love. But during my time away I began a new chapter in my life. I only hope she can accept it and go along with it.So our...

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How I Fucked My Best Friend Shivani

Hello everyone. I’m a regular reader of ISS and always dreamed of having sex with a girl, and then Shivani happened to me. This is a true story and my first-time sex story so ignore any errors. I’m Abhi aged 25, Shivani was a year younger to me and her body measures about 30-28-26. Today I want to share my first-time sex experience with my classmate Shivani. Shivani and I are good friends. Moreover, we’re like brother and sister. Every day we chat and mostly it’s about our studies or any...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Manisha

Hello readers M vicky my age 26 Avrage body with 6 inches penis Mera rang thoda sanwla hai Ab mai aap ko sidha apni story par lata hu Hum yani mai or meri mummy ek sehar ke chote se gaw me rehte hai or humare ghar ke sath hi ek ghar hai jisme 2 bhai apni wife ke sath rehte hai jo unki biwiya hai wo hai to moti but unki choochiya bahut solid hai bole to 38d hoga unki choochiyoo ka sazi waise to wo dikhne me bahoot hi sexy hai sath hi unka gudila sarir lund khada karne wala hai kyu ki jab bhi...

2 years ago
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I was annoyed…At first …Then I was amused.- - -I have lived in Midtown Manhattan for most of my adult life and Eugenia’s Creations just off Herald Square is my favorite boutique. I am a curvy girl and Eugenia designs specifically for ladies with a figure. I tend towards the slightly edgy side of strong tailored pieces, which means I don't do frilly stuff well. Nevertheless, I have a great appreciation for good design that is executed with style; wearable, functional clothing that doesn't...

Love Stories
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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn't really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she'd put off, and she knew that she simply couldn't relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours...

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Romancing Tania

Tania woke up to a loud thump. She sat bolt upright in her bed. It was dark in her room and her eyes were unfocused yet, but she thought the clock said 7:15pm. When did she fall asleep? She really couldn’t remember. Looking off the end of her bed, there appeared to be a yellow glow outside her door, particularly toward the living room. She reached up and rubbed her eyes again. She focused on the glow. It was uncharacteristically quiet. Where were her children? What was this about? Could she be...

4 years ago
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Modala Sihi Kahi Anubhava With Vani

Hi to all readers I’m fond of ISS from 4 years I used to read stories periodically basically I used to red stories from erotic books, I’m not aware of this site…..when I know this I became fond of incest stories. Before coming to story I’ll introduce my self Ram age 25 from Karnataka , height 5.6”, gun kuda 6” ide solid, medium built just good looking . and heroine is my uncles daughter she is 2 year elder to me her name vani. Now she is mother of two baby boys. Her self attractive village girl...

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The New StartChapter 32 The Healing of Tani

Redi approached Tani and told her they needed to talk in private. Tani nodded and the two women slipped into a store room where they could talk. "What's up Redi? Why all the secrecy?" Tani asked. Redi began to speak, "Tani I have perfected my process of re-growth and I now can restore your reproductive system but..." The revelation was like a breath of fresh air to Tani who very much desired to have additional children someday but had resigned her self to the fact that was not going to...

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Getting caught with Joanie

After reading all of the life diary entries that i had made in my blog, One of my online friends on Hamster asked me to write a story for her involving her and her wife. I did so and sent it to her and she loved it then asked me to post it in my blog for all to see. So, here it is, my first fictional story. I hope readers approve. Joanie was kneeling in the bedroom, wearing full feminine lingerie, bra, panties, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. She had on a shoulder length blonde wig...

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Top Ten PantsSpunks Miss Danica

It’s not as if some of Miss Danica’s fans didn’t meet Her. Those who were able to travel to wherever Her amateur photos-sessions were held – Aunty Jayne’s ‘photo seminars’ – would have seen Her pose, taken photos for their own ‘personal use’ - and, oh yes, she knew what that was alright – talked to Her etc. I’d gaze longingly at the photos of those sessions but I could only press my nose up against the window, so to speak. Attending for me wasn’t an option, much though it would have been a...

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Mere Sapno Ki Rani Shivani

hello friends, how ru ., hope aap sabhi virgin lardkiyaan ,bhabhiyaan ,antiyaan sab thik hongi,,, aur apni chut ki aag bhuja pa rahi hongi ,sabke saman chut mein barabar ragad rahe honge…aur mere lund dhari bhai aapki chut ka bhosra baana rahe honge… phir bhi aap mein se kisi ki chut ko yaa aap ki kisi saheli ko accha lund nasseeb nahi hai to muzhe mail yaa contact kar sakti hai… mein wadda karta huin ki uski chut ki aag mein bhujaa dunga…u can contact me on my id (). dosto aap jaante ho mein...

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Dream Cums True With Hot Maid Raani

It was a hot summer morning and I had just finished my workout. My house was a mess. That’s normal for a bachelor’s life, right? So, as I was trying to figure out from where to start the cleaning work, I heard a *ding dong*. My doorbell rang. I went and opened the door and boom! There she was. A young 25-year-old hot looking girl right at my door. She was wearing a tight red tank top and tight black yoga pants. I was taken aback thinking who the hell was this hot dame at my doorstep. She...

3 years ago
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Nathaniel Janet Stickney [email protected] Nathaniel is 15, a frustrated teenager who is unable to find any solace to his dilemma. He was average in everything. 5' 6" tall, 130 pounds wet, brown hair, green eyes, an average student that did not like sports and did not join any clubs in school. Nondescript and unassuming, he had managed to hide himself from the world, yet stay in plain sight. As his mother, I am worried about him because I could not figure out why he was so shy....

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Pyaari Raani

Mere Pyare garma garam lund wale aur fudakti chooton wali mahilaao (ladkiyan bhi). Aaj mai jo dastaan sunane jaa raha hoon wo ek bahut hi garma garam wakye ki hai. Mujhe to aap jante hi hai. Mera Naam Sanjay hai aur mai Thane (Mumbai) me rehta hoon. Vaise ek baat ka mujhe malal hai ki aaj take mai ye sochta tha ki Mumbai ki auraten ya ladkiya sex ke mamle me kafi advance hai aur achche chudayi ke liye tayyar rehati hai. Lekin mujhe aaj take Mumbai ke bahar se jyada female ne offer diya aur...

3 years ago
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Anal And Threesome Sex With Pooja And Tania

It was a normal day. I woke up at 7 in the morning. I had a morning erection and wanted to fuck really hard. I asked Pooja aunty for sex but she was very sleepy and said she would fuck me later. I went to my mom and started kissing her. She enjoyed it and we went ahead. She removed her gown and showed her hot naked body to me. I removed my clothes. We were kissing very passionately when the bell rang. I covered myself with a bedsheets and went to open the door. Bhavna aunty and Tania were...

1 year ago
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Sexy Naukrani

Namaste, mera naam Ankita hai yah kahani meri naukrani ki hai. Woh dikhne mein khoobsurat thi uska ek pati tha lekin use raat ko sone ke liye kam se kam 4 mardo ki jaroorat padti thi. Uska ji uske pati se nahi bharta tha, use bahut shok tha gair mardo ke saath apna muh kala karvane ka. Woh apne sharir ko garam karne ke liye naye naye mardo ki talaash mein rehti thi. Uski is besharami ki vajah se koi bhi shaadishudha aurat use apne ghar mein kaam par nahi rakhti thi kyuki woh kisike bhi pati par...

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Sexy Kalyani

Hi guys and gals…… I just want to share my experience to you all. I finished my engineering 3 yrs back.. I’m a shy guy. During my college days, I came across many gals. Even though I had bad intention with some girls, I don’t reveal that… I’m so soft speaking. So I earned good name in my group after my college days, I joined a company in coimbatore. I stayed with my friends over there just nearer to the company. Some friends are working me in the same company. Since all of them are college...

4 years ago
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Papa Bary He Zalim Thai by Sania

Pyary pyary desi dosto im very thankfull k ap ny meri story *baji ny aisa kion kia ko itna response dia. Sania baig from banglor india looking very sexy with 36 boobs. Apny bary mien kafi baar ap ko bta chuki hoon k males mien jb b koi mjy daikhta hai to dewana ho k reh jata hai aur uski bhooki nazrein hamesha mjy apny sharir py feel hoti hain. Dosto aaj mein ap ko kuch ajeeb c baat ya story batany ja rahi hoon. G haaan apny papa k bary mein… ap b sochien gay k kia sari family hi aisi hai jo...

2 years ago
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Losing Virginity With Shivani

Hey all fans of iss, let me tell you all about myself, I’m Ashish, 21 years, from a small town Rohtak situated nearby NCR. I’m a skinny guy, 5’10” height and a tool of 7″ length and enough hard to please and tease a girl or woman of any age. Now, let me introduce you all to my sex partner, Shivani who is 19 years, 36 26 37, well built, 5’4″, big eyes, and big boobs, hot enough that she’s been the eye candy for every guy of college. Now, lemme start with the story, I met Shivani on the first day...

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The Adventures of Dennis Part 1Janis

My buddy Jason and I sat on a porch outside a house party in November, watching the partygoers exit a house party. We were drinking scotch and coke and I was numerous sheets to the wind. Jason burped.“I’m gonna flunk that test tomorrow,” he said.I watched the legs of the girls wandering outside. A few of them stumbled on the doorstep like drunken high-schoolers (which was basically what we still were, as freshmen ages 18 to 19), some of them were helped out by their equally smashed, wonky...

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Married women 2 Stefanie

I once had a short, passionate and somewhat painful relationship with Stefanie. Stefanie was a tiny, very beautiful Latina. Petite, rock-hard buttocks, small and exquisitely beautiful breasts, long black curly hair, black eyes ... an absolute dream of a woman! However, we didn’t match very well, although it took pretty long for me to realise it. In the end she wanted to stay friends – in other words, she called me up pretty often, just for a chat, so my passion for her didn’t have a chance to...

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