Sister in Law takes a shower
- 1 year ago
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In July following my junior year in high school, my sister and
I reached a new plateau in our physical relationship. I bought or
borrowed porno magazines on occasion, from curiosity or for jacking
off to, and I knew Alex studied them too. Not that she made a
secret of it — we had no secrets — but sometimes I saw her stare
at a photo more intensely than usual and then turn the page
hurriedly. When she wasn’t around, I’d leaf through the magazine
and try to identify the picture that had startled even her. I knew
about “regular” sex, now, so I only bought magazines that featured
the most perverse or perverted acts I could imagine. And I soon
discovered that the most graphically explicit photos were the ones
that mesmerized Alex.
That summer, I was on a secondhand anal sex binge. Those photos
seemed to arouse me even more than the pictures of oral sex in
which I had submerged myself the year before. What I found
definitely unappealing, however — in addition to the often bored
expressions of the professional models — was the fact that their
presumed long experience with anal sex left them with gaping
assholes that rivaled their cunts. Not very sexy, I thought.
One afternoon, when Dad had driven Mother over to her sister’s
house for the afternoon — so we two had the place to ourselves —
Alex came in from playing tennis. I was sitting on the edge of my
bed, studying again one of the ass-fucking magazines. The humidity
was high and she was running with sweat. Her polo shirt was stuck
to her back and even her white socks looked soggy. She clumped into
my room, sat down heavily in my desk chair, and blew out her
cheeks. Her coppery hair was tied back in a damp ponytail and her
freckled face was red from exertion. A definite locker room aroma
surrounded her but I found it somehow erotic.
I studied her over the top of my magazine. “Just a guess, sis,
but I think you need a shower. A long one.”
“Boy, do I ever!” She pushed off her shoes without untying the
laces and wrinkled her nose. “I smell like the animal tent at the
circus.” She stood and pulled the shirt over her head; there were
also sweat marks on her bra and rivulets running down between her
breasts. As she pushed her shorts down and stepped out of them, she
saw what I had been reading and grinned.
“Interesting pictures, aren’t they? Have you ever done that?
Screwed a girl in the ass?” She knew perfectly well I hadn’t. For
that matter, except for each other, we were both still virgins.
“I wonder what it really feels like. . . .” She unhooked her bra
and dropped it with her shorts and socks on the floor. We were so
casual now about undressing in front of each other, I was aware of
her increasing nudity only peripherally.
“Wanna join me?” I looked up as she pushed down her panties,
managing to wiggle twice as much as necessary to get out of them.
At 16 she was already becoming wise in the ways of seducing a man.
But she’d had more practice with a more appreciative audience than
most of her girlfriends. Why not? I thought. We were sharing
showers pretty regularly, now; it was nice to have someone scrub
your back for you and to do it for them. And wet, slippery bodies
were fun for other reasons.
“Yeah, okay.” I stood and shucked off the jams I usually wore
around the house in hot weather. Alex was already headed out the
door and I noticed that the sweat coursing down her back was now
continuing over the swell of her ass.
When I arrived in the bathroom a few seconds later she was
already filling it up with steam. Alex loved very hot showers —
she claimed it opened up her pores so she could scrub the dirt off
easier. She swung open the door and looked over her shoulder
expectantly. I was right behind her and I stood back out of the
spray as she rotated under the shower head, arms upstretched, the
water ricocheting off her head.
It was a big shower stall, completely tiled in white; it had
been installed by the previous owner for reasons we didn’t know. It
was almost the size of an elevator car and could probably hold six
or eight adults if they knew each other real well. Who knows, maybe
it had. But it was certainly large enough for two people and for
most activities they might invent, as we had long since discovered.
The shower head was set high up on one wall and was the kind that
provided a variety of pulsations and fineness of spray. That could
be fun, too.
Alex backed up to me and flipped her wet hair back over her
head. She always did that, but I always closed my eyes in time so
I no longer got whipped across the eyeballs.
“Do me?” This was the routine we had settled into. I soaped her
back (and often her front) and then she soaped mine (and ditto).
Often that was all that occurred — just a companionable shower
together. Since we were nearly always available to each other, the
sexual pressure had become controllable. But it was always there,
waiting, when we wanted it to emerge.
I squirted the bottle of her favorite decadent bath soap across
the top of her shoulder blades and began rubbing my hands briskly
over her smooth, muscular back. Up over her shoulders, a pause to
massage her neck muscles (she purred when I did that), up and down
her sides as she raised her arms. I liked the feel of her rib cage
under my soapy fingers. Up under the angle of her shaved armpits,
back down her arms, which she now held out behind her. She
stretched and arched her back a little and sighed with pleasure.
This was often almost as good as sex to her. Another squirt of soap
across her lower back, then my hands were spread out over her ass,
squeezing a little (she expected it), then moving around the sides
of her hips to run my fingers over her pelvic bones. Then she
turned around and I saw the glow in her eyes that meant she didn’t
want this to be a quick shower, just to get clean.
More soap across her collarbone while she stood with her head
tilted back, neck arched, breasts out-thrust. Her nipples were
erect. My hands moved across her shoulders again. Her eyes were
shut against the soap but she smiled as I took her by the throat
and slid my hand up and down beneath her chin. An old joke: I had
once pretended to s******e her in the shower while making sound
effects from _Psycho._ I ran my hands across her flat, tight
diaphragm and stomach and then down her sides again to her hips. My
cock was half-erect as I pulled her closer to me.
She clasped her hands behind my neck and we kissed quietly for
a few seconds before she disengaged.
“Not yet,” she whispered.
Now it was my turn. She turned me around and rubbed soap across
my shoulders and my back, down my sides, and across my ass — which
she also squeezed (because I also expected it). Then she did
something different. Running her finger slowly down the crack
between my cheeks, which by itself made me shiver, she pressed her
middle finger against my anus. It startled me for a moment but my
cock instantly sprang to full attention. Her nails were forever
breaking off and at the moment that particular fingernail was
trimmed back short. She pressed her body against my back and pushed
her finger about one joint deep into my ass, and wiggled it back
and forth. The sensation was incredibly sexy. I knew I had no
homosexual urges, but I wondered if this was what it felt like to
be fucked.
“Like it?” she whispered over my shoulder.
“Umm-hmmm! When you do it,” I qualified.
“You know those magazines? The ass-fucking? I want to try that!”
She wiggled her finger again and then pulled it out.
“Are you sure?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to do this, not to my
sister. I certainly didn’t want to hurt her and anal sex looked
like it could be pretty painful, especially the first time. I told
her that in a hesitant tone.
“If it hurts too much, we’ll stop. Besides, I know you wouldn’t
hurt me on purpose.” One of her hands had wrapped itself around my
cock and was squeezing a little and stroking a little. Her other
hand clutched her own crotch and I could see one finger busily
stroking her clit. She was determined to push us both into this.
“C’mon, please? Haven’t you wondered what it would feel like to
fuck a girl up the ass? Especially me? Don’t you want to fuck your
sister in the ass?” Well, she was right about that. And when such
blunt language came out of that sweet little face it usually had
the effect she desired. I turned her around to face the wall that
had a porcelain rod in it and lifted her hands toward it.
Alex bent forward, gasping a little and gripped the rod with
both hands. I knew my sister. She had really gotten herself worked
up thinking about this. She bent her back even more as she spread
her feet a little apart on the slick tile and cocked her ass
“Put it . . . in! I want to feel it going up my ass — I really
do! I can imagine it but I want to feel it! Please — put it in!”
Her head was swinging from side to side and her wet, cascading hair
I reached up to the shelf above the shower head and grabbed a
jar of skin-softener. I had used it occasionally to masturbate
with, for extra lubrication. Scooping out a handful of the cream,
I slathered it up and down my cock, which twitched in anticipation.
Then I pushed my slippery middle finger up into her rectum as far
as I could reach — three inches or more. It was snug, tight, but
I could fit. Alex gasped once and sucked in through her teeth. Her
ass trembled and her sphincter tightened around my finger, trying
to pull it out of joint. My god, what was this going to be like?!
I slid my finger out and maneuvered the head of my cock into
position, pressing against her puckered anus. Slowly, carefully, I
began pushing into her. She gasped louder and her knuckles on the
wall rod tightened. I paused; I didn’t want to hurt her, no matter
how much we both wanted to do this.
“No– It’s all right! Go on, go on!” She shivered in the steamy
shower and I could feel the motion in my cock. I held her hips and
pushed forward harder. My cock slid upward, inward without
stopping. In another moment it was completely buried. My pubic hair
seemed to sprout from between her cheeks and my balls were pressed
against the space between her cunt and her asshole. I moved my cock
in and out a fraction of an inch, just to see if I could. So tight!
It felt like I was being swallowed by a suction pump. Alex was
breathing rapidly and moaning.
“Does it hurt?” I asked anxiously.
“A little — no — it feels so good — oh — shit — oh — it
feels huge! Bigger than it ever did the other way! Oh — God —
fuck me, fuck me!”
As I began pulling it out halfway and pushing it back up into
her, I felt myself come just a little. No, not yet! I want all of
this first! But the small amount of cum just increased the
lubrication in the depths of her ass and made it easier for me to
pump back and forth.
Alex was gasping and breathing loudly in rhythm with my pumping,
just as she did when my cock was ramming in and out of her cunt.
Her cunt was always nice and tight, but her ass was fantastic! The
inner surface of her was smooth and soft but those shit-pushing
muscles were strong. When I pushed into her, she, without thinking
about it, pushed back; when I pulled back for the next stroke, her
muscles tried to grasp my cock even more tightly. It was the most
erotic sensation I had ever felt.
I couldn’t see them, but I knew her breasts were swinging back
and forth. I wanted badly to reach around and squeeze them, but if
I gave up my pelvic clutch we’d land on the hard tile floor. I
interrupted my pace, pulling out almost all the way and then
cramming my cock back into her as hard as I could. My balls slapped
against her ass. She gave a louder cry and arched her head
“Oh — ah — I love your cock up in me — it’s so big I feel
like I’m popping! Oh — it’s good, it’s good — shit — keep —
fucking me — don’t — stop!”
Sweat was running off my forehead and my hair, the soap was
getting in my eyes, and I didn’t care. I could feel the pressure
building and there was no way I could stop, even if either of us
wanted me to. I squeezed my sister’s hips to signal her that my
climax was on its way.
“Yes — me too — I’m there! — oh — shit — that’s — so
I increased speed, gasping as loudly as she did. And then I
came, in great, shuddering, shocking contractions. I tried
unconsciously to push into her even farther as I ejected millions
of sperm into her lower intestine. I almost laughed at that
unbidden thought, but I was lightheaded and gasping for breath. Now
her sphincter was rapidly dilating and tightening, and that helped
the ejaculations to go on and on, longer than ever before. From the
hoarse, throaty sounds Alex was making I knew she was climaxing
with me. God, was there ever a feeling like this?
Alex’s grip on the wall rod was loosening. She was so out of it
from her own multiple climaxes, I was afraid she might smash her
face on the tile wall. I got my arms around her hips as she began
to slide downward, and I slid with her, both of us panting loudly.
Her ass was pressed against my groin and she was still impaled on
my cock. We somehow landed on the bottom of the shower stall
without hurting ourselves. She was face-down with her cheek
cushioned on her wrist, gulping the hot, steamy air. I was lying on
top of her, also struggling to get my heart rate down, supporting
most of my weight on my shaking arms. If my elbows unlocked, we’d
both crash. My cock was still buried to its root in her rectum. The
passage was still so snug it had no room to contract. And I was
content to leave it there awhile longer.
What finally brought us around, rousing us out of our
half-swoon, was the water. It was getting colder and the steam was
disappearing. I had no idea how long we had fucked or how long we
had lain on the floor, but it was long enough to use up all the hot
water. I had sunk down on my elbows — my arms could never have
lasted that long — and slowly withdrew from Alex’s fantastic
“Ohhhhh . . . .” She moaned softly, perhaps feeling the loss. I
leaned over and kissed her lingeringly at the base of her spine. So
beautiful, my sister, so filled with me for however long it had
been. It’s your decision, but I think we’ll do it again.
I sat back on my heels so the now icy water splashed off her
back. My reaction to the change had been gradual; her’s was
electric. She gasped at the shock, her green eyes snapped open, and
she struggled to get to her knees and then to her feet. I stood up,
still a bit shaky myself, and helped her. It took a minute, but
then she deliberately stepped back under the water and rinsed the
sweat out of her hair. She turned slowly in position, combing her
fingers through the dark red strands, while I stood and watched.
God, I loved her.
She saw my expression and her peculiar sense of humor got the
better of her. She smiled and stepped back to me, hooking one arm
around my neck. With her other hand, she took my hand and slipped
it, palm up, between her slightly parted thighs. She can’t possibly
want to screw again, I thought. She brought my mouth down to hers
and kissed me. I stroked my hand back between her legs, delighting
still in the smooth, wet flesh and the curly hair brushing my
wrist. And then she tapped the tip of her little red tongue against
my front teeth, pressed her thighs closer together, and pissed in
my hand!
That’s how well we understood each other — that she could do
something that crude at such an emotional moment and know that I
would be amused. The cold shower splashed off my shoulders while my
cupped hand filled with her warm urine, and I cackled at the joke.
Here, now, under these circumstances, it *was* funny! I extricated
my hand, trying to hold on to some of the pale yellow liquid, while
she grinned mischievously. I squeezed her cheeks — not roughly —
to force her mouth open while she squealed and tried to bat my hand
“I ought to dribble this down your throat, you know. But I’m a
nice guy so I won’t.” Instead, I trickled it across her breasts.
“You can have it back,” I added. “You might run out!”
* * * * *
I had to stay late at school one September day that year,
working on a project for journalism, so I was in a hurry to get
home. So I didn’t stop at the restroom before I left, and by the
time I reached the house, I had to take a piss so badly I was
walking knock-kneed. I got halfway down the downstairs hall and
that the bathroom door was closed — Mother must be in there —
made a U-turn and hurried upstairs. I dropped my books in the hall
and charged into the upstairs bathroom, already struggling with my
Alex looked up startled from the toilet seat, her jeans around
her ankles and her shirt rucked up around her waist. I moaned.
“What’s your problem?” she wanted to know.
“I can’t wait!” I was fishing out my cock. “I’ll have to use the
shower stall!”
“Hey, wait! There’s room here. . . .” She spread her legs wider
and slid back a little on the toilet seat. “Just aim between my
legs, for chrissake.”
I didn’t hesitate. I stepped in front of her, trying not to get
my feet tangled in her pants, pointed my cock at the front slope of
the bowl, and let go. In my effort to control the high-pressure
yellow stream, I aimed too far forward and managed to splash both
myself and my sister’s legs.
She threw up her hands in surprise. “Watch it, Michael! Here,
gimme that. . . .” She reached forward and took my cock in her hand
like she was milking a cow, and pulled me forward. I had to let go
of it and quickly support myself on her shoulders to keep from
falling on her. She used both hands to pull me to within a few
inches of her pussy and grinned up at me. My cock was engorged with
internal pressure and completely filled both her hands. “You can
lead a horse to water,” she laughed.
The golden stream just went on and on. She watched speculatively
and then aimed closer to her crotch. The spray was now wetting the
outer part of her bush.
“What are you doing, Alex? Do you want me to piss on you?”
“I dunno, I’ve never tried it. Might be fun as an experiment,
though.” Alex would try almost anything at least once, and, these
days, the more unusual the better. She hadn’t bitten off some guy’s
penis or fucked a Great Dane (as far as I knew), but otherwise I
suspected her taboo list was pretty short. I finally finished
draining the tank and took my cock back so I could make sure it got
the customary final shake, and tucked in back in my slacks. Alex
looked pleased at the strange look I gave her as I left the
What I didn’t know was that one of Alex’s girl friends had a
brother in college who belonged to a fraternity that claimed to own
the largest lending library of pornographic books and magazines in
the state. The brother was presently interested in fringe erotica,
having apparently become bored with standard fuck-and-suck scenes,
and Alex and her friend had been spending some time in his absence
evaluating photos of bestiality, bondage, spanking, enemas,
ass-fucking, and erotic urination — “golden showers.” Why my
sister was turned on by this particular sexual variation I had no
idea. Her interest soon waned — rather, it found new outlets, some
of them equally bizarre — but it sure led us to some interesting
I should probably add that I had no theoretical objection to any
of this. I was as fascinated by some types of sexual
experimentation as Alex was. I drew the line at anything involving
shit, however. Happily, she agreed with me. But some of our water
games during that few weeks had very erotic overtones.
Perhaps some of this started because Alex and I enjoyed sharing
a hot shower. Hot water, steam, soap, shampoo, and two slippery
bodies in a relatively confined space can be a very big turn-on, as
we had discovered at an early age. Occasionally, the sight of
running water would have its effect on me when I closed the shower
door, and instead of getting out again, wet, to use the toilet, I
would simply piss down the shower drain. Alex began to do the same
thing, squatting over the drain. Then she learned to do it standing
up — bending her knees, jutting out her crotch, and holding her
labia open while raising her aim by pushing upward at the base of
her clit.
On another evening, she came into the bathroom in her tee shirt
and panties while I was on the toilet preparing to take a shit. She
quickly dropped her pants, pushed my knees apart, and sat on my lap
facing me, a leg on each side. Then she leaned backward, pulled me
forward, wrapped her arms around my neck, and stuck her long tongue
in my mouth while her urine hissed between my thighs into the bowl
below. She had decided it wasn’t the act of urination she found
sexy, but performing in front of someone else. It was crude, and
that was erotic.
Boys and men are used to lining up at urinals in public rest
rooms and exposing their genitals, even though social custom
prohibits eye contact, much less staring. But women’s rest rooms
come equipped with private stalls. The same is generally true of
most school locker rooms and showers. I had even witnessed a
jerk-off “duel” between two well-endowed jocks. On Alex’s report,
the girls in the school locker room were usually pretty modest —
or nervous, or embarrassed — about their bodies. They didn’t often
stroll around naked . . . with a few outstanding exceptions who
flaunted their assets (puns intended).
From the beginning of puberty, Alex was unusually casual about
nudity, at least in my presence. She knew I found her extremely
desirable — I made no secret of it — and she never even
considered the possibility that she could be raped by her brother.
In that she was fortunate, because I never considered it either. I
could and would seduce her, but I could never force her beyond her
current limit. Physically, I probably could have — but
psychologically, it was never a possibility.
When it came to water sports, . . . well, I doubt I would ever
have suggested it myself, but as it turned out, I was willing to
play along. The fact that she seduced me in this case made the
experience more erotic for both of us. And she knew what she
About a week after the encounter at the toilet, she came in hot
and sweaty from jogging. I had spent the afternoon laboring over a
term paper. I was drinking glass after glass of iced tea, and my
bladder was filling up rapidly, but I kept putting off a needed
break to go to the bathroom. The thoughts and the words were
flowing, I was on a creative roll, and I didn’t want to break my
train of thought for even the two or three minutes a bathroom break
would require. Alex puffed into the room just as I finished a page
and paused to drain another glass of tea.
My sister has always had a special talent for sizing up a
person, a problem, or a situation almost instantly. She knew where
I was headed the moment I finally stood up from the typewriter. I
turned toward the door but Alex, shoes and socks already off, was
on me in an instant — literally. She clasped her fingers behind my
head and kissed me, hard. I tasted the salt sweat on her lips and
I felt her soaked running shirt pressing her sweat through my own
tee shirt. She stuck her tongue in my ear — always a guaranteed
turn-on for me — and whispered “No, don’t go to the bathroom! I
need a shower, and I need you full of piss!”
She quickly unsnapped my cutoffs and pushed them to the floor
before I registered what she was saying. She gripped my still limp
cock like a pump handle and squeezed it hard enough to make me
aware of it. I trusted my sister not to injure me, but I had no
real idea what was happening. With her other hand she almost
frantically pushed her running shorts and panties to the floor,
stepped out of them, and then moved even closer to me. My cock was
beginning to throb again as she stood on tiptoe and thrust it
between her thighs — not into her cunt, but across it, clasped
between her steaming thighs so that the tip of my penis poked out
behind, below her ass. Her thigh muscles flexed and the sensation
turned my cock into a pulsating, quivering column of lust. She put
her arms around my waist, pressing her groin more tightly against
mine, and leaned back a little so she could look directly into my
She was aroused, as well, and her voice came out husky and
demanding. “Come with me, you goddam, beautiful, sister-fucker! I
want you! Now!”
She stepped up on the tops of my feet and tried to grip the
front of my ankles with her toes, like thong sandals. I reached
down over her hips and her extra elevation allowed me to grip her
ass cheeks in both hands without bending over. I could barely reach
the tip of my penis with one hand, behind her, but I took hold of
the glans and pulled it up more snugly against her hot, damp cunt.
Then we carefully made out way out the bedroom door and down the
hall the few yards to the bathroom in that peculiar but exciting
position, both of us naked below waist, clamped together by her
thigh grip on my penis. When we arrived, we pulled off each other’s
shirts and Alex ripped off her sports bra. She opened her thighs
then, but immediately grasped my cock tightly in her strong,
slender hand and tugged me toward the shower, eyes dilated with
open lust. Being led around by your cock by a beautiful, sexually
aroused teenage girl is one of those experiences that burns into
your memory for life.
But there was another internal pressure competing with my
gonads. I had drunk a lot of iced tea and when Alex turned on the
shower it reminded me immediately that I really had to take a piss.
I was beginning to develop a cramp in my groin, but when I
protested to Alex she said “Not yet!” and squeezed a little harder,
drawing me closer and rubbing the tip of my cock against her flat
stomach. In a few seconds, when the water had gotten hot and the
steam was raising new sweat on both of us, she angled the shower
head away and knelt in front of me. She sat back on her heels,
spread her thighs, and arched her back — her most provocative pose
and she knew I loved it.
“Michael, I want you to pee on me. Piss all over me, head to
foot! I want to feel it running down my tits, I want you to splash
it on my back and my ass! Go slow, don’t just squirt it all at
once. I’m getting even hornier just talking about it!”
I had read enough by know to suspect that water sports were a
kind of erotic punishment game, like bondage. Well, this wasn’t
going to hurt anyone and if Alex was going through a weird stage —
weird even for us — I could accommodate her. “Better close your
eyes,” I suggested.
She squeezed her eyes shut, closed her lips tightly, and tilted
her head far back. I let go with a bright yellow stream that hit
the center of her breast bone; it splashed all over her torso,
running down her breasts and trickling off her rigid nipples. She
gasped at the first shock and then began rubbing the warm liquid
over her body, under her arms, down her thighs. I controlled the
stream as best I could, to make the experience last as long as
possible. She inhaled the acrid aroma and whimpered huskily in her
throat. She was obviously enjoying this. God help me, I was
enjoying it, too — and what did that say about my own
psychological state?
I circled slowly around her, holding my penis squeezed shut to
regulate the flow. I drew a piss line down her spine, neck to ass,
and she shivered as it flowed down between her cheeks. “In my hair,
. . . my face . . . ,” she murmured. My bladder was finally running
low, so — still playing the punishment game — I took two fistfuls
of her wet, tangled hair and tugged her head further back. Not
enough to hurt her, of course, but enough to create the illusion of
threat and control. Her throaty whimper had a strong sensual edge
and she didn’t resist. As the last of my urine flowed through her
dark red hair she shampooed it in, piling her hair up and wrapping
it around my cock. A Freudian image if I ever saw one. The golden
liquid ran in a sheet across her forehead and trickled off her
tightly shut eyelids and the end of her nose and the tip of her
When my supply ran out and I stepped back, she stood shakily,
still rubbing my body fluids into her smooth skin. She picked up a
washcloth and wiped only the area around her eyes and nose; from
her lips down, she still glistened aromatically. She pressed her
body close to mine and rubbed herself against me. She pulled my
mouth down and fastened hers to it in a long, slow lip-sucking
kiss. The smell of my own fresh urine filled my nostrils; it was
surprisingly erotic, at least under these circumstances. I found
myself being pushed firmly to my knees and I slid my hands down her
back, over the swell of her ass, and down the backs of her thighs.
When my head reached the level of her waist, she suddenly moved her
hands to her pussy and spread and lifted its lips — and before I
realized what she intended, a strong stream of her warm, fragrant
piss splashed against my chest, ran down my body, and dribbled off
my cock and my balls.
I sat back on my heels and looked up at my sister’s grinning
face . . . and began to laugh. We loved each other more than
anything else in the world, and here we were, urinating on each
other. Erotic it might be, but it was also pretty silly. Alex began
to laugh, too, and quickly ended on the floor of the shower,
engulfed in a fit of uncontrollable giggles. The more we thought
about what we were doing, the funnier it became, and the more we
howled. It took us a few minutes to run down, and then we were both
under the hot shower, soaping and shampooing each other — but a
glance at each other’s faces and we were again whooping helplessly
with laughter.
Soaping each other’s bodies in the shower always made us feel
close, physically and mentally, even when neither of us was really
in need of a fuck. Many times, we simply held each other, took
turns massaging shoulder and neck muscles, and cuddled. And that’s
how it turned out this afternoon. Neither of us was embarrassed by
our earlier activities. Amused, yes, but we had long ago accepted
each other in all things. So we kissed affectionately, and Alex
nuzzled my throat with her nose, and I nibbled her earlobe.
Finally, I was leaning against the title, my sister’s arms
linked loosely around my waist, her head leaning on my collarbone.
She sighed contentedly as I untangled her wet hair by combing my
fingers through it. My cock was almost completely limp — that’s
how relaxed and happy and unhurried I felt. She looked up at me
with a glowing smile. “You put with a lot from me, don’t you?”
I looked back into her green eyes and thought about how lucky I
was. I combed her hair back behind her ears. “Sometimes . . .” I
hugged her again. “And I intend to continue putting up with you for
many, many years. I wouldn’t be worth a bucket of piss without you,
Alex. . . .” I had to work hard to keep my voice level as I said
it. Alex instantly cracked up with laughter and slapped the flat of
her hand not too gently against my chest. Then she reached up and
kissed me again, still laughing behind her lips.
“Michael — I love you so much! What would I have done if I were
an only c***d? Life would be so lonely and boring, . . .
especially in the shower!” she added.
It was just a silly love story that I published on a smutty amateur erotica website, and it all went horribly wrong. It was based largely on the real-life redemption of my marriage, after infidelity almost ended it. But I used too much of my real life. Too many damning details made it traceable back to me, and now there is Hell to pay. My name is Marie, and if you haven't read the twelve parts of the Last Wives Club story, that's okay. I will briefly re-introduce the main characters and attempt...
LesbianClimbing off the bus the following morning, I made myself a promise that I wouldn’t let the excitement of my Aunt’s coming to visit that night take away from the John Travolta-like walk from the opening credits of Saturday Night Fever I had practiced since the girls fought over me. I had been right to think I would be the talk of the school today, especially since Becky and Regina were suspended for the remainder of the week. Both boys and girls peeled away as I strolled down the corridors...
My sex life has really sucked since the night I took a pathetic victim of spousal abuse from his home to a safe house. Since then, Mr. Fuscia has come a long way toward recovering while I have been haunted by the things I witnessed and the things that I did to him on that night. I've since become his sponsor and he has become my second male protégé, having taken the oath after I convinced him that we had more to offer him if he committed to an alliance. I visited him at the safe house and...
Group SexThe sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...
The rain: that's how it all began. Hannelore was standing in the breakroom, staring out the window with an increasingly grim expression. The disproportionate enormity of the window made her look smaller than she actually was, shrinking into nothingness in the shimmering void of the rain. She'd already changed, so she was wearing her street clothes -- nothing special, just a pullover hoodie and jeans. The front pocket of her sweatshirt tightened in her balled fists. "Shit," she muttered,...
RomanceThe sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...
TabooI'm in the shower washing myself from the long humid day. I remember the time you went down on me and how i felt as though i had to repay you. I remember your tongue diving into my hot wet cavern. How it danced around the outside. The gentle pressure of your skilled muscle. I lean back on the cold tiles. I roll my nipples between my fingertips. My other hand sliding down my slick body. I close my eyes and imagine you doing the same. Your hand sliding down your creamy flesh grabbing yourself....
StepsisterBy Sonya EsperantoStory:FIRST WEEK - Monday Later AfternoonJames was out by the backyard. He was smoking a cigarette, oblivious to the fact that he was being watched!! His backyard faced a cliff, that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico. He lived in a big mansion, on the top of a hill, somewhere off the coast of Miami, Florida. He quickly threw away the cigarette, since he believed his parents would be home any moment!! James ...
Carmelita eyed Mark’s stiff cock with lust. She knew the devilish glint in her dark eyes told him better than words that his new Stepmother was more eat-hungry now than fuck-hungry. She was standing before him, naked from the waist down, baiting him with her cunt, while her wet pink tongue licked still another invitation across her plush red lips. Suddenly her heart was pounding faster when a wicked little smile creased his lips. Without waiting another second, she dropped to her knees...
sisterly love.It was a weekend in the middle of summer. I didn't have much planned since I had to work early in the morning so I headed to bed early. What a bummer right? Well I was awoken in the middle of the night around 2am. I received a call from my brother in law to pick up my sister. She had been to the club and she was drunk. She only went there because the drive as well was drunk. They had nowhere else to go! So I got dressed and headed over to pick up my sister. My brother was working...
I take a deep breath, self-consciously adjust my mask, cinch up the belt on my trenchcoat and prepare to walk into the roomful of women. I'm wearing little else and the room is uncomfortably warm. But the trenchcoat is only a prop. I won't be wearing it long. I'm about to embark on a new phase of my association with the sisterhood. Barbie Malibu is introducing me. "When I try to come up with a sister who has come further, accomplished more, and shared more of herself with us than our guest...
Exhibitionism"For a few minutes, we've had seven members on our Red Council. What you do now determines whether we'll still have seven, or even whether you will still be able to honestly count yourself as a sister. Your coat and mask were bought at our expense. If necessary we'll be able to find a black card sister who would wear them, to carry on the legacy of Cate Blanc. If you fail to redeem yourself, you will leave here with neither of them." The prospect of losing my mask really hurts me. They must...
LesbianSeveral long minutes later, the three of us were sprawled out on the bed, but strangely no one was touching anyone else. Candy was still nude, but Stephie had donned a black lace bra and flesh colored undies along with high topped stockings. Stephie gently touched my shoulder. “Howie, we need to talk.” “Not now, Stephie. Not now.” “Howie!” “Not now, Sis!” “Look it’s not as bad as you think, Howie.” “What ... what makes you think I feel bad, Sis?” “I know you, Howie. I--I just want to...
Sisterly LovePart One - Lily A couple of months ago I would never have thought I’d be in this situation. Naked, blindfolded with my Hands bound above my head in the middle of a large group of Friends and Strangers. To top it off I was happy to be here. Excited by the prospect of what this evening held. I knew I would be in pain, humiliated and used before the evening came to an end but that just heightened my arousal further. I wasn’t always like this. Less than a month ago I had...
In the year after I turned 18, three incredible things happened to me. The first two sucked. I guess the third did too, but you’ll get that joke later. The first thing was that I hit puberty. Like a brick wall. One day I was a normal kid, a decent second-baseman in the school softball games, no problem bigger than sweating out whether I’d get a C- or a D+ in penmanship from Sister Mary Margaret. Sister Margaret had taught penmanship, and nothing but penmanship, for it seemed like a...
Sister Ellen - Order of Saint Silenus (*) Part 2 by [email protected] (*) Saint Silenus does not exist. Silenus was a mythical Satyr, appropriate for a name of a mythical holy order created by Transgenders under the auspices of the Church. If you aren't old enough, or live in a place where erotic fiction is banned, or are offended by stories involving transgenders having sex with men and boys, you should stop reading now. When I was 18, I officially joined the Order. I...
I live in a town (Richland) of just over 3,000. There are 3 other small towns around us. Being the biggest of the 4, we have the post office and school house, for the area. The school houses all the grades K-12. Being a small town everyone knows what everyone else is doing. My name is Jimmy Parsons, I'm 13 years old. I live just out of town with my dad and 2 sisters. We get up early to help out around the house, then catch the bus to go to school. I've just started to look at girls. But...
"It's official. Cate's dead." Kyra hangs up the sat-phone as I hang my head. We were celebrating the triumph of my first-ever moose kill when Kyra called Liz and got the news. She drops her robe and steps naked into the spa with Celine, Marta and me. We are in the sisterhood's bush country retreat for a too-long postponed moose hunt. Kyra doesn't hunt, but she's been enjoying the walleye, pike, and trout fishing while Celine and I each bagged a moose. We impressed our guides by gutting our own...
Lesbian"Hello, Sir. My name is Cate, and I'm here to play a game called 'Earn an Orgasm' with you. Your role is to make me earn an orgasm. To do that, I must keep this chastity belt on for three hours while you try to get me to take it off. If I take it off early you get to punish me. Until the time expires or until I remove it, I will be at your mercy. For the punishment, how about we agree that you can give me fifteen hard bare-bottom bare-handed spanks and then fuck me any way you like? If that...
Straight SexOn the way to Mr. F's home, I return the chastity belt key to the young woman who has just spent a week fucking my husband and me, but I tell her that if she doesn't want to stay with him, she only has to ask and I will bring her back and start looking for another opportunity for her. I assure Chelsea that I will check in on her frequently for a while to make sure that she adjusts okay. Mr. Fuscia is waiting for us when we arrive and shows us right into the house, into the same room where I had...
VoyeurHello ISS readers I’m very new to this site. I found this site just when I accidentally searched for a blog to post my stories. I found this site very excellent. So I decided to post my story here. First I will tell you about my self. My name is Amruth. I’m a boy of 18 years. This story happened on 12 11 2010 that means last year. I will tell you about my family. My family consists of 4 members my dad, my mom and my sister and me. We live in Bangalore and we are well settled family and had god...
My older sister thought that she had the house to herself for the weekend. This was an entirely reasonable assumption: our parents were away on a 10-day cruise in the Caribbean, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, which left only me – and I was supposed to be spending the weekend at a Girl Scouts camp in the mountains. It was a three-hour drive to get to this, and we were more than halfway there when news came through that because of a forest fire in the area the camp site was...
Sister Ellen - Order of Saint Silenus (*) by [email protected] If you aren't old enough, or live in a place where erotic fiction is banned, or are offended by stories involving transgenders having sex with men and boys, you should stop reading now. This story is a sequel to "Sister Ellen, Part I", written by David Smith. With his permission, I've stolen his two major characters and created a "fork" in their history. David promises a Part II, which I'm sure will be quite hot,...
Introduction: Okay I went and rewrote Chapter 9 since I got bad reviews on the previous one. No more parents will be involved, as well as no pregnancies so quit asking for it. Let me know what you think. Read on and enjoy. If youre new to this series, please read the previous chapters first. After Tim walked in on a threeway, lesbian sexfest, mom suddenly had second thoughts, but the younger girls werent done yet, and Tim wanted a little more action too. But his stepsister and her friend may be...
Vespers could not end soon enough, Sister Mary Margaret and my self informed Mother Superior that we were going to go visit Cheryl, the new PE teacher, after giving her the address we left. The rule is we had to return by 9:30 PM. It was only 6:45, so we had all kinds of time. On the way over Sister asked me what she should do when we got there. I told her we would just play it by ear. I had no idea, and I did not know what Cheryl had in mind. All I knew was, we were going over to have the...
My mindset started to change when I was 21..I was goiing to university and came home for the summer. My family is a tight net family and we all get along well in most cases. My older sister who is older than me by 2 years was home for the summer as well. She actually stayed home looking for work. My sister was very self consious of her looks. She has black hair with a nice tan body..she stands 5" 2" around 115 pounds. Her and her friend have been trying to get into modeling for a clothing line....
Incestsister, brother, Summer Lover by SizeXIntroduction: It is fair to say that in many ways Gary and Jan were sister, brother, Summer Lover -------------------Prologue - RISE-------------------If you had asked him how it had started, he wouldn't have been able totell you.That was partly because Gary didn't understand exactly what hadhappened... but mostly because he was distracted, gazing down at hissister's moist red lips sliding up and down his teenage prick.The feeling was like nothing he'd ever...
Hi friends, I am back with another story and this story is of my sister who would have sex with any random guy once she is attracted to them or fascinated to them by the size of the dick they possess. I am sure my sister is definitely used to huge dicks, that’s why she would peep people peeing beside the road or even anywhere where she could get the view of their dick. This story is about my younger sister and I along with my mom and dad and two sisters, Sharda and Sarita live in a village in...
Sister Act Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was an act, nothing more, but as I stood there next to her, I had the strangest feeling wash over me, as if my life was about to take a nasty turn, only I didn't know why I felt that way. Mom was sitting next to dad, watching us closely as my sister and I stood waiting for their judgment. Just being there, dressed up like that, was due to an accident. My cousin was supposed to be there, but she took a header off her bike,...
Hello ISS, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I Pravinvin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc.And I am basically a submissive character. Here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This sex story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I badly need it to be real. And sorry everyone I changed my email id. New one is Please I suggest you to read my previous story to...
On the train ride into the city there were two good-looking women in the same car as me. I gave them both a warm smile and must have also sent other, more silent vibes their way, for they both went out of their way to return the smile and brushed past me on several occasions before and after we arrived in the city. They seemed disappointed when I didn’t rise to their fairly obvious flirtations, but I did have more important matters on my mind. It was eleven AM when I arrived at Stephanie’s...
I began lifting her nightie trying to get it over her head we broke from our kiss she slipped the flimsy gown over her head, l rolled Tina onto her back and kissed my way down to her tits, she had marvellous nipples, while sucking one nipple l squeezed and moulded her other tit, she pulled my head against her and gasped, my fingers were between her pussy lips gently massaging her clitoris, Tina started to sigh and forced herself onto my fingers. She had a firm grip of my now erect cock and...
John sat on his porch, smoking a joint as he watched the young girls walk by. Friday meant the teenage disco down the road and a bit of idle purving. He reckoned they were all around sixteen or s*******n, and the parade of tight asses and young tits was better than watching the news. He wondered why girls didn’t dress like that when he was young, but then everyone thinks that.He was really waiting for his sister Anna, who was going to the disco and planned to change in his house. His parents...
Jenna watched her mom leave the room, not noticing how her mom was acting. She quickly sat up, looking at her stepbrother's fat member hanging there. "That means this is all ours now Anna," she exclaimed, wrapping her tiny hand around Tim's shaft. Tim watched his stepmom leave, wondering why she had just suddenly got up and left. It seemed to him that she must be having second thoughts about what she was doing now. Kelly walked back to her room, knowing she should have told Tim to...
Hi this is chandu from bang lore i am regular reader of the indian sex stories in the net and especially the incest story,this is the real story happening between my sister and me. My sister got married when i was studying the 10th class before her marriage i had not had any sexual feelings on her After one year of her marriage when she came to our house on the diwali occasion that time her personality was so sexy she started wearing BRA and her rumps become fat and with big and stiff breast by...
IncestIntroduction: CAW 13 Entry – How horrifying Art Can Be. Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13 Entry. This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth...
It was summer, school just got out. I was the youngest in the family. I was 18, my sister Monica 20, and then Evelyn 25. Monica and I stayed home with mom, while Evelyn moved away for her career. We were brought up in a strict household. Monica and I had just finished school and had the summer off. We had been planning on going on a little trip with some friends. We had told mom that we were going to visit some campuses for me to decide on where to...
IncestThis was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...
The evening before she was to begin her teaching career by taking over Sister Delores' eight grade class at Saint Agnes parochial school, Sister Ellen Marie examined the files of each of her students so she would be familiar with their backgrounds and be able to prepare her lesson plans to their abilities. After carefully reading each file she realized that there were a few very bright students, some that were middle of the road B and C students and then there was Shawn Miller who seemed...
Outside the door sister Aquinata carefully adjusted her nun's habit. It just would not do for a woman of her station in life to look careless – ever. The priest/monk in the deep sleep of sexual afterglow was her sixth far. "One never knows when one might meet her next victim, does one?" she thought to herself, subconsciously sneering.A little unsteady from such a hard fucking sister Aquinata walked down the open hotel corridor gazing at the moon slowly blinking past the stone...
I waited in the car for my sister, wondering how I was going to get the smell of piss out of my car.An hour passed.I still waited.Two hours and the bar had closed 15 minutes ago.I couldn't believe her. My little sister, her first week at UT, her first night out on sixth street and she goes and pees her pants in front of everyone. Then she accidentally pees on my girlfriend, well my ex-girlfriend now thanks to Becky, my brat of a sister.I also couldn't believe what I had done. I spent the next...
My place may have been a mess but l’d rather put up with that then listen to my sister and Rik arguing, finally the builders finished. One evening l was watching a box set with a few Vodka’s when there was a knock at the door and who was standing there, but my sister Theresa with 2 suitcases, she calmly informed me that her and Rik had split, so l invited her in and showed Theresa to my spare room. When she came into the lounge l poured us both a vodka, Theresa joined me on the sofa and...
Hello ISS, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I am Pravin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc. and I am basically a submissive character. here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I want to happen in my life. The sex story starts on 2007 my 12th annual leave. I am going to Bangalore for enjoying holidays and also...
For some reason my parents had my sister and me far apart. I was now thirty-three and Abby was twenty-two. I guess you could say there was a mistake along the way. I also didn't see my sister very often. That was about to change. Abby called me recently and asked if she could visit. I thought it might be a good idea to get a little closer to my younger sister, so I told her to come and stay.My sister arrived at my door and gave me a big hug."I really missed you Tom," she said to me.I missed...
Hello Mridula is here to entertain you all. Here is a hot story of a horny brother who spices his sex life with his wife when his sister comes to stay. You may send your comments at I’ am Alok Verma, aged 25, height 5 feet 10 inches, fair complexioned muscular body with an eight inch cock. I am extremely horny. I’ve been married to my wife Shilpa for 3 months. My wife is excellent in bed, I mean she’s would do everything in bed as an excellent sex partner and she loves talking dirty when I ma...
IncestHi, this is between me and my loving sister who is now my wife. We are from India. Many might think this story not only as i****t but also something very sick. But let me tell you that this is my real life story and I am not only living with it, rather enjoying every bit of it.Currently I am 28 and she is 26. We have been having sex since 4 years now. It was very difficult to achieve this. It took me years to make her fall in love with me. Today I am recounting all this, because we got married...
sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away from her...
sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away...
The SecretKurt hadn't heard from Nicole for several weeks after their torrid night together. That was a good news, bad news situation. Although he hadn't gotten a message from her, apparently Nicole wasn't pregnant. He had been anxious about that possibility during the whole time he hadn't heard from her.Like most people in that town, Kurt was at the high school stadium to watch the Fourth of July fireworks. Everyone was there including Nicole. She spotted him and waved. He walked toward her...
Seduction"Did we do anything wrong, Beth?" I'm standing naked in the basement of the new local Sapphire Club as Bethany and Marta, one of the members of her black team that helped with the rescue of Chelsea, are searching through my trunk, trenchcoat, mask, and even my hair to make sure no tracking devices were planted on me during the session. They find nothing and I dress in clothing that stayed in Bethany's care while I exposed myself to the students and burqa babes. "I don't think so. I think we...
LesbianIt was quiet in the chapel. Serene. For some, the stillness, the lack of breathing, the rustle of clothing, would add to the serenity. In reality, it was just another indication that they were dying, and not just them, the entire church. Sister Magdalene looked up, the figure of Jesus Christ predominant behind the small altar. She knew every nook and cranny of the chapel, having cleaned it more times than she could recall. Twenty four years of her Twenty seven years, she had spent here in...
Hello, my name is Ajith. I have one younger sister. By looking at her bra, hanging in the bathroom, I came to know that her bra size is 38. Yes, my sister’s boobs were huge and firm and not sluggy. We both lived a normal brother-sister life. Even though I had incestual feelings towards her, I never tried anything with her. I just use to masturbate thinking about my little sister’s cleavage which she accidentally showed while sweeping the floor. Things went like that. One day my parents went for...
IncestIn the late 60’s when I was 16 years old I lived in upstate New York. My dad got transferred by his company to Miami. It was a big promotion for him so he didn’t want to turn it down. We were three k**s in the family. There was little sister my big sister who was three years younger than me and me. I was in my first year of high school and did not want to leave my friends behind to start in a new school in Miami. It took a lot of convincing but with the help of my grandparents I was able to...
My name is sameer and I live somewhere around the Hyderabad. I’m tall and I play basketball at my school. Both my parents are also tall as well as my sister and so whenever we go out to places people look at us somewhat awkwardly. Anyway, I was just heading back to school. Since I’m on the basketball team we are usually pretty busy but since it was the first couple of weeks I didn’t really have much to do. One day my sister, hanisha, called and asked if she could come down to see me. Now I had...
IncestFiction with made up charactersHi, my name is Ryan and I'm a 22 year old student. I live with my parents as my university is pretty close to where we live, and I have a pretty big room of my own and get all my cooking and laundry done by mom, so I'm in no hurry to leave.I have a younger sister named Magdalena, or Mags for short. She's 19 years old and is about to start at the same university. I've always had a strained relationship with Mags, as we were the only two k**s in our family and we...
Hi friends. This story is a true one and being shared to you all that how things changed between me and my sister and we indulge in a nice and pleasant sex life. I hope that you have read story Innocent sister love turned into sex posted on ISS on 8th March 2012 under incest category. This story is little bit long but I am not only sure but confident that you will enjoy it (provided you visualize yourself in my situation) good luck. Again let me mention that and I’m Rahul age thirty and living...
IncestThis went on and on, each taking their turns and with me getting them ready. I have to tell you, I don't know which I enjoyed the most the anal intercourse or the vagina intercourse. I can tell you, I just loved sucking them and getting them ready each time. I lost track of time and I am thankful Harry didn't. He made an announcement While I had Jim's cock in my mouth working it nice and hard "OK Jim, your the last one, Sister has to get going before she is missed" I was lost in my lust,...
I'm a 30 year old male, married to my 25 year old wife, who has an older 35 year old sister. My wife and her sister are very similar with their looks and physique. My wife is around 5'6" of slim athletic build, her sister is slightly shorter, say 5'4" and quite petite. We have holidayed with my wife's sister on several occasions over the years so I've gotten to know her body quite well, seeing her regularly in a bikini and summerwear. Given that she looks so similar to my wife, I...