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-H.P. Lovecraft, "The Festival"


I never knew what led my parents to cut themselves off from the rest of our family, but for my entire life prior to the events I’m about to disclose I knew nothing of them. On the few occasions I broached the topic both my mother and father said nothing, which suggested to me some particularly painful secret for which the only salve was silence. They would have had me believe that the three of us were alone in the world. If only that had been true.

I was nineteen years old the day everything changed. Both my parents were gone by then, lost in an accident, and their secrets with them. Imagine my surprise when an invitation to a family reunion arrived in the mail. The letter was handwritten and addressed me by name, coming from someone who claimed to be my maternal grandfather. It said that the family had heard about the accident and wanted me to attend "the Festival" this year, whatever that means. Astonished, I wrote back immediately and said I would be there. I was almost giddy, not only from knowing that I’d soon meet the family I thought lost, but also from the possibility that any number of mysteries might soon be resolved.

I had never been to New England before, and it was not what I expected. I guess I imagined a kind of rolling Normal Rockwell scene, but the landscape I discovered from the window of the train was spare and quiet. It left me unnerved, troubled with thoughts about what might be just past those hills, or that field. My alleged grandparents had a great old house on the outskirts of Kingsport, and I arrived on their doorstep in the early afternoon of a brisk winter day, suitcase in one hand and invitation in the other. It was the Yuletide, near the solstice, the time of the year when old customs invade our modern world, bringing the lingering ghosts of ancient pagan ways.

The house was a secluded place, the only landmark at the end of an isolated dirt road near a sprawling (but rundown) orchard and some dramatic cliffs overlooking the Atlantic. There was not a soul in sight, but when I knocked a woman a few years older than me, a green-eyed and auburn-haired beauty in a unseasonal white sundress, answered the door. My heart gave a little flutter at the sight of her; she might as well have been an angel. She peered through the screen and asked, very politely, what I wanted. I held up the letter. "I got this in the mail. My name is Charles, and—"

"Charles?" She pushed the screen open. "Is that you?"

I was unsure what to say. "Well, I am me. Always have been."

She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me as tightly as she could. I swooned a bit. I was shocked to find that she was crying and I did my best to comfort her. "I can't believe it's you!" she said.

I am often in disbelief myself," I said.

She pulled back, wiping her tears. "Oh, of course you don't recognize me. I'm Celia. We're cousins."

My heart rolled over and died. I put on a brave face. "Celia? The name is almost familiar, but I don't think that I remember."

"You would have been very young the last time we met: Four or five years old, at the last Festival that your parents attended. I'm sorry for getting so emotiona. It's just wonderful that you're here."

"I'm sure it is,” I said, sounding perhaps not as enthusiastic as I should. I was still longing to somehow turn back the clock on her use of the word “cousin.” She was beautiful and charming and witty, and I cursed the universe that we should be related. If I'd met her on the street a week ago neither of us would ever have known the difference, I thought. But we hadn’t.

She took me inside. The house was dark, and looked in need of a good dusting. Knowing what I know now, it wouldn't surprise me if they'd only recently re-inhabited it for my sake, to keep up appearances when I met them. "I was so sorry to hear about your parents," she said. "Of course, I barely remember them either, but even so."

"Thank you," I said. "It's been difficult."

“I lost my parents too, when I was just a teenager," she said. “Grandma and Grandpa have been all I’ve had for years. We can't make up for what you've lost, but family is still the best thing for you now.”

We met Grandpa on the back deck, where he was, for some reason, looking through stacks of decades-old periodicals. He looked up once, nodded, then did an actual double take upon seeing me. He took me by the hand, for the moment unable to say anything. Tears welled in his eyes. For my part I was startled. He was a tall, wizened, gray man with spectacles, the lines of his face so deep and hard they look as if they’d been painted on. It was startling. "My boy!" said Grandpa, when he could talk. "Let me look at you.” He kept saying this over and over, and would not stop shaking my hand.

"Grandpa, give Charles a seat,” Celia said, breaking us up. I sat across the table from him, and Celia sat next to me, her legs crossed. I enjoyed our proximity in a way I shouldn’t have. The deck appeared rundown, paint peeling and wood splintering around us, but it was enclosed and insulated from the cold, and the furniture was comfortable and free of wear. Through the glass enclosure there was a beautiful view of the old, dark oak trees that peopled the property.

"I'm sorry," Grandpa said, sitting again. "I got carried away. You don't know what it means for all of us that you're here. Your poor mother and father! We hadn't seen them in so long, and when we heard the news—"

“I'm sure they would be happy to know how much they meant to you still after all these years."

Grandpa wiped his eyes and cleaned his spectacles. "It was a damned fool thing, the argument that sent your parents out of here. So much time lost. Every year at Festival, I think of them."

There was that word again. "What's this I keep hearing about a festival?" I said. Celia laughed, a little too loud.

"Oh Charles, you didn't know? I'm afraid the entire family is a bunch of wicked pagans."

I must have looked confused, because Grandpa chuckled. "It's a family tradition of sorts," he said. "It goes back, oh, to long before I was born. Something we've done every year, for always."

"What exactly is it?" I said.

"It's just as bad as you think," said Celia, talking in a loud whisper. "It's all masks and bonfires and chanting and wicked idolatry. We might as well sacrifice an ox on an altar while we’re at it.”

Grandpa waved a hand. "It's all a lark, of course," he said. Back in the Old Country, it was taken very seriously, but now it's just a tradition. You'll see what we mean."

I was about to ask about the mention of the old country, because my parents had never talked about our heritage or history and I was very interested to know where the family line originated, but I was interrupted by the arrival of Grandma, who burst in from the kitchen and smothered me with hugs and kisses on the cheek. She was a rotund woman who barely came up to my chest. She fawned over me and repeated what I expected was to become a common refrain about how good it was that I was here so that the whole family can finally be together again for the Festival. That word came up so often that the back of my neck started to prickle at the mention of it.

Grandma and Grandpa (even now it feels strange to use those names) interviewed me about my life for an hour. I didn't think anything I had to say was that intriguing, but they swooned over every detail. Celia, meanwhile, watched us with a detached expression, occasionally touching my hand, which made me jump. Grandma echoed the sentiment of how good it was to see me and how much she regretted the falling out with my parents. When I asked whatever had happened, she frowned and did not reply for some time.

"I guess it's just that your parents didn't want you growing up with our...customs," said Grandma.

"Like the Festival," said Grandpa.

"Right," said Grandma. "They felt like we were, oh, backward and arcane. They didn't want you being in that environment. They thought it would turn you strange."

I mulled this over. "That doesn't sound like something serious enough that you’d never speak to each other again?”

"Your father was a stubborn man," said Grandpa, and that was true enough. "And so was I, then. If I'd known what it would cost us I wouldn't have gotten so angry. But at the time I told him that if he wasn't willing to act like a part of this family then he shouldn't be a part of this family. I never saw my son again. And now I never will."

He began to lose his composure once more, and Grandma took him inside to lie down before the others arrived, leaving Celia and I to get acquainted. I wondered at the story. What was it about these traditions that would cause such a schism? I felt an unnamable dread, but Celia's face and voice and affection put me at ease. She took me for a walk around the grounds, showing me the orchard where everyone would gather that night and then admiring the view together from the sea cliffs together. We stood, hand in hand, watching the ocean and smelling the salt breeze. I snuck glances at her out of the corner of my eye; God she was beautiful.

"Celia?" I said.


"Grandpa called my father his son, but the invitation said he was Mom's father?"

Celia paused. "They were very close, your dad and Grandpa. They knew each other for a long time, even before he married your mom. And, you know, he's getting older now, and he doesn't remember things as clearly as he used to. I think he'll be having his last Festival soon. Not this year, but soon." And then she leaned on me, her head on my shoulde. "Isn't it beautiful here?"

"It is," I said, as the surf crashed below. She hugged me and I leaned into her harder than I should have. She didn't notice.

"I've missed you so much," she said. "It's strange, because we were both so young the last time you were here, but I've never forgotten you. When we were children we stood right on this same spot, looking at the ocean just like this, and then you kissed my cheek. It was the sweetest thing. I think about it every year."

I felt my blood rise. For the first time in my life I felt a real and profound sense of belonging, of being with people who loved me. For although my mother and father had never denied me anything and I’m sure that, deep down, they must have loved me, our relationship had always been one of tension. Only now, with Celia, did I feel the first hints of real affection. The sun was going down by the time we went back to the house. Our feet crunched in the shallow layer of frozen snow. There were lights on in the old place, and cars arriving on the road. In twos and threes and fours, the family was coming. It was time to meet everyone.

They were all here, the aunts and uncles and cousins and second cousins I never knew I had, and the great relatives and the great, great relatives too. Children five and six and seven years old scampered and played in the snow while the older ones, teens and preteens, congregated in bunches, talking amongst themselves and holding their own private family congress while the older crowd spread throughout the house. Grandma and Grandpa beamed at everyone and Celia shadowed me, never far away, as I was put through the paces by a hundred grinning cognates who wanted to hug me and look at me and tell me how sad they were about my parents, and how happy they were that I was here. I felt like an awkward celebrity who never wanted fame.

I noticed something strange as the evening wore on. I wanted to ask Celia about it but found no opportunity: I met many uncles and aunts and more distant relations, and almost everyone was accompanied by at least one child, but none of them seemed to be married. There were no husbands, no wives, and no in-laws of any kind. The teenagers and young people brought no boyfriends or girlfriends along, and talked of none. There were blood relations, but only blood relations. Perhaps, if I had been more discerning, I would have noticed that although each child acknowledged one parent at the gathering, they also each seemed to have a particular affection for one other person of the opposite sex as that parent, an aunt or uncle or cousin with whom they seemed to have a particular rapport. But I had no time to consider the matter then.

We all talked and laughed through dinner, and then it was time to prepare for the Festival. Celia had explained a bit of it to me already, but I was still unclear on most of the concept. Everyone assembled outside and a dozen or so went on ahead to the orchard to prepare a bonfire from the dry kindling collected earlier in the week. Grandma went among the rest of us, passing out certain ceremonial garments (robes of coarse brown cloth, of the same sort worn at such gatherings for millennia, as I understood it). When the whole lot of us were dressed we walked, side by side in pairs, to the appointed site, some pairs carrying lit torches, and along the way we sang, though I cannot now remember the words or the tune of those hymns.

I was bewildered by all this, but had been warned by Celia and our grandparents to expect strange things and assured that it was all in good fun, and in keeping with our heritage (ambiguous though that seemed to be). We formed a circle around the sticks and brambles piled high in the old orchard, and one by one the torchbearers threw their burning brands onto the stack, setting it ablaze. Flames danced and sent gouts of foul black smoke into the night sky, to greet the waning moon. The light of the fire lent the faces around me a ghoulish quality, almost as if we were a host of devils.

Thus far I was confused and unsettle but not yet frightened or wholly alarmed. Backward though they may be, these people were the family I’d searched for all my life, and they had taken me in and accepted me as one of them. I did not understand these rites and mysteries, but I understood that they mattered to everyone here. In spite of the lurid trappings, I felt a sense of belonging, and that sense wrestled with my primal revulsion. But it was when the songs ended and the next vocalizations were uttered that I became truly horrified. I am reluctant to call these invocations “prayers,” as they were surely as blasphemous as any words spoken by any creature on this earth, but they were, at least, a manner of address to some higher power, some nameless, faceless godhead, some setebos or demogorgon buried in the detritus of time. One passage in particular will remain forever engraved on my memory:

“Ia, Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!”

I had no idea what such a ghastly orison could mean, but it chilled me to the marrow. Indeed, the phrase seemed so obscene that, as I mumbled it in reply with the others, its toxicity polluted my flesh. The robe felt restrictive and claustrophobic. And what were they doing now, what was this thing they were bringing forth, this strange idol twice as tall as a man, ancient and fetid in appearance, hammered together from the bones and antlers of animals? What grotesque figure was it meant to encharacter, and why did they show such obeisance to it?

Unlacing my fingers from Celia’s I pushed through the crowd, ignoring their alarmed stares, and when I was outside the circle I ran from the clearing and the orchard and those strange words that filled my head with thoughts of unknowable, squamous things and vestigial powers lying long dead in Cyclopean mausoleums. I ran, in a sense, from myself, for as much as I loathed these thoughts and the words that engendered them I could not, even now, wholly disassociate from my sense of kinship with them. I didn't stop running until I came back to the house. Looking as it did now, empty and dark, the peeling whitewash of the wall faintly reflecting the distant flames of the revelry fires, it seemed all the more a crypt, though the crypt of what manner of thing I dared not imagine.

I discarded my robe at the door and went in alone, wandering the isolated halls and lonely, unkempt rooms, searching for some lingering sense of intimacy and belonging I'd experienced here only a few short hours ago. I felt like a ghost wandering the walk of its dreary inhabitance, haunting myself. It was Celia who found me, of course. She caught up with me as I explored the third floor bedroom, the loneliest and most misbegotten place in the house. I sat on the edge of an old bed with faded, yellowed sheets, looking at the wallpaper print and asking myself what I was doing here. This room had windows on two sides, one facing east, toward the ocean, and the other facing west, toward the orchard. It seemed to me that the bonfire must have grown to a conflagration based on the intensity of the through the lace curtains on that side. Celia still wore her Festival costume, and in the dark of that little room she seemed the grim specter of death, pale face and hooded robe and all, come to collect me.

She sat down and leaned against me. I felt immediately foolish for the intensity of my and for leaving and making a spectacle of myself. Celia, seeming to read my thoughts, rubbed my shoulders and said, "No one is mad."

"I don't know what came over me. No, that's not true. I know exactly what it was."

"The Festival must seem strange if you're not used to it,” she said. “Especially if you didn't grow up with it like we all did."

"I wouldn't mind if it was just strange," I said. "But I didn't expect to feel so...alien. I came here wanting to belong."

"Poor Charles," she said. "You've never really known where you belong because your parents never told you. But you really are one of us. Grandpa always says that the real meaning of the Festival is family. Those who take part in the rites all belong together. It reminds us of how important we are to each other.”

I wanted to believe her. I wanted to feel what she felt. She made it easy to believe. But something held me back still…

"Don't worry about it," said Celia, massaging my shoulders again. "You'll feel it when you're ready. Your body will tell you. Belonging is in your flesh and your blood. And look at you, never comfortable in your own skin. It's no wonder you can't hear what your body is telling you. Let me show you the way."

And then she kissed me. Not a chaste, affectionate kiss between family members, but an encompassing, penetrating kiss that consummated our afternoon's courtship. I would like to say that I objected right away, but in truth I allowed it go on. I would have liked for it to go on forever. I did, however, eventually break away and object. Celia asked, with the stark naiveté of a child, "Why?"

"Because we're cousins! First cousins!"

"What does that matter?"

"It matters because—" and I stopped. What higher power could I invoke? God? The law? These things seemed trivial. I could cite only my own nameless fear, insubstantial and unarticulated.

"We never knew we were cousins until today," said Celia. "If we had met on the street a week ago, we would never have known the difference." These were, of course, my own thoughts from mere hours ago, and when confronted with them my resolve crumbled. I let her kiss me again. the feeling of her trembling lips on mine, the ambrosial scent of her hair and her breath, and the promise of her body, the promise of the of unity and communion that I craved, lulled my better judgment into a dreamless sleep from which it would not awake until it was too late.

I let her lay me down and give me kisses one by one, tiny, teasing kisses that filled me with the most remarkable sense of calm and unreason. I imagine that it must have been like the state of being one of those happy, simple animals who have no concept of the world around them except for the immediate gratification of their most simple needs. She kissed me with her soft, coral-colored lips and I felt her tender tongue dart against mine. I lay back on the old bed and she was next to me, rolled half on top, stroking my cheeks (I winced when I thought about her soft hands touching the roughness of my five o'clock shadow, but she didn't seem to mind), letting her gentle fingers glide over my features and down my neck. "I've been waiting for you all my life. I was so lonely without you, Charles. We were meant for each other."

My mouth pressed against her throat and she gasped. Her skin was smooth and clean. She held me as close as she could and pressed herself into me, and through the thin fabric of her sundress (how could she not be cold, wearing only that all day, I wondered. Even when we went outside she had worn only a thin jacket over it?) I felt the angle of her hips, the smoothness of her thighs, the prominent rise and fall of each perfect breast. I kissed the roundness of her naked shoulder.

You're wondering if I feel ashamed, now, thinking back to that time, about the ease with which I'd given in to unabashed lust for my blood relation. Perhaps. But knowing everything I do now, understanding everything about our coupling in the light of the revelations to come, I feel perhaps that this seemingly unnatural act is the most natural thing I've ever done. Maybe the only natural thing, because it was the only time I was not divorced from my true nature. I don’t expect you to understand, though you might understand better soon.

I was gentle with her at first. I was afraid of being too rough. She seemed...not fragile, but somehow sacrosanct. I thought she might really be an angel of some kind, and that to use her too roughly would be blasphemous. But her thin limbs proved surprisingly strong, and she twined her arms around me and pulled me to her. I felt her aching with need. She directed my hands to the buttons of her dress, letting me undo them one by one. The only light we had appeared dim through the lace curtains of the windows but her white dress and pale, smooth skin shone in the dark, like a ghost. I wanted to touch her all over, to take her right then and there, but she would not allow me near her again until I was completely unclothed, smiling at me with her little smile and teasing me not to go too fast as I removed one garment after another. She took childlike glee in flinging them across the room. Finally finished, she gave me a nod and a smile and then she invited me in for more kisses and caresses.

She leaned her head back and pushed her body against me while my lips roamed lower, following the curve of her. Ah reader, if you only knew what it was like, this woman who was so much more than a woman, how each and every thing about her was enough, in itself, to satisfy me for a lifetime just on its own, and how the gestalt of so many lifetimes of perfect bliss coalesced into this, my Celia. I remember pausing over her soft, perfect breasts and their rosy petite nipples, and how she ran her fingers through my hair and whispered, “Go on.” And then she gasped and moaned as I drew one into my mouth, licking it. The almost helpless noise she made set a tightness in me, like I was a spring that had been wound too many times and needed release. I expected to wake up any moment, but I did not, though sometimes I wonder if perhaps everything since has been the dream, one long, hazy, somnambulistic escapade from the waking world.

I found that her legs were spread and wrapped around me, and that she was saying, “Love me. Please, love me.” I wasn't sure if I could—not because of the lack of incentive or desire, but because I had no way of knowing if I could survive such a union, my senses and affections already overloaded by what was had gone on to this point. “Please,” she whispered again, and despite my doubts I could not say no. I pushed into her, and she clung tighter and tighter to me, and that's when I found that what she'd said was true, that it really was our bodies that told us when we belonged, and that this was the moment when they did, and that my entire life until then had just been a prelude.

How long were we there? Less than a night, that's all I can say. Less than a night exalting in the warm, soft, smooth, loving experience of Celia's body. Less than a night of her tiny, barely perceptible exclamations: “Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” I loved her then, truly and completely, like a tiny hot flame in the center of my chest, and some few embers of that fire remain even now, and will remain as long as the memory of my one most perfect love stays with me, which in all hopes will be forever. I consummated our forbidden union by releasing a torrent inside of her, and she gratefully received it, telling me all the while it was what she was born for. And I, naive even then, did not suspect the ramifications of the declaration.

She dozed, only half-asleep, in my arms. I wondered if the others had noticed we were gone? What if they came looking for us? What if they discovered us here? I began to feel ill, and though I wanted to stay there all night I instead began creeping about as quietly as I could, reuniting with my discarded garments and wondering how we would cover this all up. And it was then that I saw something moving outside, a flutter, against the window. It looked too big to be a bird. I went to investigate. Celia, waking, trailed behind me, a sheet wrapped around herself for warmth. Though I was now dressed against the night air in the drafty old house, my flesh crawled and my hair stood on end. A shadow passed over the window again, and I pulled the curtain aside and saw—

There are no words for what I saw, and if there were you would curse me for teaching them to you. It was winged, of that I'm certain, and the fluttering of those awful membranes held it aloft under the window awning. But what to say of that figure to which the wings were attached? How can I tell you of its unspeakable awfulness, of its loathsome, verminous, scabrous anatomy? How to communicate that bilious corruption of flesh and form, those turgid masses of biology at cross-purposes with nature, the cast-off filth of evolution twisted to such unwholesome ends? It was a thing; that is all I can say of it.

I screamed and fell down, and had I been alone in the room I think I would have divested myself of my sanity at once. Only the comforting presence of Celia provided a rock for my mind to grapple onto rather than being dragged away in the torrent of mortification. But that shelter would not stay with me for long, as I saw her face animate into an unspeakable burlesque of affection as she beheld that horror at the window and cried out in ghastly ecstasy:

“They’re here! Friends from the Old Country!”

She flew to the window on the west side, throwing open the curtains and bidding me come see. The light I saw was not from the fire, not from any earthly conflagration, but from an eerie, feverish manifestation of creeping lights, some aurora borne of places and things unknown, that lit the sky over the orchard. Silhouetted against the phantom flames I saw the fluttering, wheeling, blasphemous shapes of unwholesome things, dozens of them, and below heard the sounds of inhuman merrymaking from my own kin.

"What are they?" I said.

"The descendants of our brothers from the other world. The rites of the Festival are meant to bridge the gap between us and them for a time, but it usually doesn't work." Her eyes shone. "I'm sure it's because you're here that they've come."

I could think of nothing to say, except for questions that I dare not want truthful answers to. Celia, though, provided them anyway, whispering in breathless tones: "Now you see why you felt like you never belonged, Charles. You belong here, with us and with them. We're all creatures of two worlds, and that means we don't really belong to either. We only belong with each other, like you belong with me."

She went to kiss me again, but for the second time that night I was running. I think I went mad then, for though I meant to run to the orchard and find my grandparents (in the meritless hope that they would disconfirm what I was just told) I instead ran the opposite way, a frantic, single-minded dash toward the cliffs and some phantom notion of freedom and escape. I stood at the precipice and looked down into the black waters and wondered, hysterically: If I were to jump, would I find that I could fly, like they did?

I'm not sure how the others found me, although I suspect they were there all along and had only sent Celia after me as their envoy while they waited. The robed figures of my aunts and uncles and cousins appeared, telling me not to jump, begging me not to break up the family again. My grandmother wiped tears from her eyes and said, "We wanted to tell you, Charles. We're sorry. Don't be afraid."

I felt the wind at my back and the loose dirt giving way under my heels. Celia, half-dressed, came through the crowd, running to me until I put up a hand to stop her. She froze in place and shook her head, hair blowing in the wind. "Please, Charles," she said. "We love you. I love you. Don't go." I almost relented. Even in the face of this ungodliness I might still have joined them, might still have seen a glimpse of the Old Country and learned the true history of my lineage.

But at the very moment one of the noxious, fetid creatures descended from the blackened sky and landed just behind Celia. It called to me in a gelatinous voice and held its arms out in such a graphic mockery of affection that every fiber of my being rejected it. Almost effortlessly I leaned away, and I fell, and I let the ocean take me in, becoming one with it and seeking a home on its lonely floor.


I came to three days later in a hospital in Arkham. They said that a fishing boat had found me washed up on a sandbar a half mile out. A miracle, they called it. Once they got me talking they asked if I had any family, anyone that I wanted to contact? I told them no.

I knew that a fall like the one I took was impossible to survive. And the hours drifting at sea, unconscious, and the effects of exposure, lying on that barren beach until some wayward vessel retrieved me? Impossible too. Nothing could have lived through that. Nothing human.

Although the hospital's tests detected no abnormalities, over time I've become aware of certain discrepancies in my physiology. It makes me wonder about the Old Country, that strange world beyond this world where my family line originated. If the other inhabitants of that place are such freakish abnormalities, what chance that a separate race, human in every likeness, would emerge from the same manic environment? Wasn't it more likely that my ancestors would be of the nature of that place, rather than this one?

And what of Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young? When that daemonic entity passed into this world to birth its progeny countless eons ago, might not those creatures have grown acclimated to this sphere? Mightn't they, over millennia, have taken on the character of creatures native to the earth, to the point of now resembling them in almost every way? Might they not form a reclusive clan of New England eccentrics, forced by their small gene pool into generations of incestuous couplings to propagate themselves, bound together by their ancient rites and mysteries, relics from the time and place beyond the stars from whence they came?

What, then, am I? A man? A monster? Or something in between? I wonder these things at nights, when I think of what my parents tried to protect me from, and contemplate the singularities of my flesh, and know the greatest fear that can be known: the fear of oneself.

And they haven't forgotten about me, my family. Every year without fail, no matter where I've moved or what precautions I take, the invitation arrives, asking me to come to the Festival again. There are even times, in the dark twilight hours of the Yuletide, when I want to go. I still want to feel loved, and to belong. And I want to see Celia, my betrothed since birth, to look on her face and—

But no. That's something I can never do. Perhaps if things had been different, if my parents had not turned their backs on the others and tried to protect me from the truth when I was so young. But now I'm too much a part of the human world, though of course I'm apart from it too. Celia was right about that much: We belong nowhere if not with each other.

Celia writes every year too, and the message is always the same. Those nights when I know the Festival happens, I sometimes fancy that I can hear her words carried to me by the eastern wind: "We love you. We miss you. Come home.

"Come home."


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"Only two more weeks before graduation. Then, I won't have to put up with this high school shit anymore," Mike said to himself as he slammed his locker door closed, and walked down the halls of his high school. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of that yellow and red sweater he loved so much. He hated everything about this school except her: Lauren Forbes, captain of the cheerleading squad. They had lived next door to each other since she moved here from Chicago in the 2nd...

4 years ago
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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 16

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Sixteen Visiting Queen Mother Trudicia By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened when Jana's computer started the radio software and she groaned and got up to turn the volume down. I sat up on the edge of the bed and she disappeared for several minutes after donning her pink, silky Kimono. She returned and started to collect her uniform and undies to get ready for work. Jana kissed me: "Start our bath and I will go get...

1 year ago
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Sis and Mom See a Whole New Side of Me

Growing up with a drop dead gorgeous sister resulted in an infatuation that had me masturbating at least two or more times a day ever since I first learned how. I started this before I even understood what I was doing when long before puberty I found out that rubbing my penis felt good and it got stiff whenever I thought about her. My sister, we'll call her Kari, is three years older than me so when I all of a sudden had a growth spurt leaving me with a 7 inch penis when I was 18, she was 19...

4 years ago
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a sister turns to her brother to show her how good sex can be

Introduction: this s fiction, and fantasy, i tend to right in the part of the frst person, as it seems easier this way for me. Its Tuesday night, my 23 year old sister is out on her hen night, shes marrying Tony on Saturday, they have a home to move into when they return from their honeymoon, dad, being into property development got the house cheep at the auctions and for the last year weve been fixing it up, he was giving it her as a wedding present, but she suggested he keep it in his name. ...

3 years ago
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Susans first Exhibitionism

Moving back a bit from my first extra marital sex, my outdoor exposure antics with my husband go back to 2008 really, but I never was never knowingly caught out or ‘seen’ by anybody, or so I believed. At the time, we had developed a reciprocal ‘look after’ relationship with a married couple with a son and daughter of similar ages as our sons - 3 doors away and by mutual agreement we had set into motion an agreement where amongst other times, but essentially on weekend afternoons we’d look...

1 year ago
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Friends and Neighbours

The two families have lived side by side for the past ten years. The k**s have grown up together, attended the same school and even gone on holiday together. At 17 years of age Karen, Bob and Izzy’s daughter, has grown up into beautiful young lady, the image of her mother. She knows how good she looks and uses this to mercilessly tease the two brothers from next door. Les is 19 and David 16. They lust after Karen and put up with the teasing in order to stay close to her. They know that...

4 years ago
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My hubby, Frank, and I had moved back to the small town I grew up in. It maybe had 400 to 500 people. Back then I loved to party and have a good time and Frank, my husband, loved to party as much as me. I had met some guys in town I hadn’t seen since high school and they asked if I wanted to go for a ride in the truck with them. Back in high school I had quite a reputation and had my share of fun. I was bored with not having much to do and Frank was working so I decided to go with them. I...

3 years ago
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First sex experience

Mini hamare ghar jhadu ponchha lagane aati thi. Uski shaadi ho chuki thi aur uska pati shahar mein kam karta tha. Mahine mein ek baar 2-3 din ke liye ghar aata tha. Mini bahut matak matak kar chalti thi aur mujhe uski chaal bahut achchhi lagti thi. Ek Baar Ghar par koi nahin tha is liye ghar par raat mini ko rukne ko bol kar gaye the.Raat ke 9 baje callbell baji aur main darwaza kholne gaya to dekha ki mini thi aur mujhe azeeb see nigahon se dekh rahi thi. Mein mini se pahle hi sari baat kar...

2 years ago
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Snapchat Leads To Amazing Sex

Hi readers, I am rudraksh Khanna. Thanks for appreciating my last story, “Stranger girl fucked at a wedding in Rajkot” I am back ;) with my latest real incident which happened with me on 15th march 2017. I downloaded snap chat app in my iphone as all my friends are crazy for snap chat, I thought let’s give it a try. Aftr few weeks, I met my friend who added few females in my snapchat account and asked to chat with them and ask out the females for company to his birthday party. My friend stays...

1 year ago
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Cucked Jennifer White My Wife The Whore

Alex Legend comes over to Jennifer White’s and her husbands home to congratulate him on how hard he’s been working at his company. They get talking about traveling and it comes out that Jennifer used to be a prostitute in Berlin and that was actually where she met her husband. He hoped to make a honest woman out of her, but she fondly reminisces about the days she would get so much cock and loved every minute of it. Alex asks if Marcelo would be interested in a ménage à trois but...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Hadley Haze 03162019

We are so unbelievably lucky to have Hadley Haze and her natural, busty, beautiful breasts on camera. After finishing a hot scene i grab the camera to keep the fun rolling. With a smile on her pretty face this fantastic blonde babe is happy to chat about life and her career as she cleans up. A sucker for huge natural tits she can sense the arousal. A slut like her doesn’t like to leave any man unsatisfied, even if its the BTS guy. She decides to use her tits and her mouth to pleasure me....

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Sacrifice

Katie is my best friend. At least she used to be before I turned her gorgeous body into my sex toy. It all started when we were still in highschool, where we met and turned into the best of friends. We went to the same college afterwards, and being there for each other all the time makes our friendship as solid as anything. Katie trusted me with everything, and would even allow me tug her into bed and watch her fall asleep. Perhaps she has trusted me too much, or perhaps she underestimated how...

Erotic Fiction
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MommysGirl Texas Patti Katya Rodriguez Pussy For Pussy

Katya Rodriguez is sneaking to the door with a saucer of milk. Her step-mom Texas Patti enters a few moments later with her hands on her hips. She hungrily stares at Katya’s ass as Katya bends over to put the saucer down, then says, ‘Hold it right there, young lady! I thought I told you to stop leaving food for that stray kitten!’ Katya begs Texas to let her keep looking after the kitten. She’s 18 now, old enough for the responsibility. Katya pleads that she’ll do...

4 years ago
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Meri Sexy Maa Ki Jamkar Chudai

Chalo bina bore kiye tumhe meri jindagi ki asali kahani batata hoon. Bat tab ki hain jab main 12th main padhta tha. College ghar se dur tha isliye main room rent kar rahta tha. Mera roommate Rohit nam ka ladka tha. Use sex magazine padhane ki aadat thi aur wo blue film bhi dhekha karatha tha. Uss vajah se muze bhi isski aadat lag gayi thi. Ek din maine maa bete ki sex ki story padhi aur main mere mom ko fantasize karake itna uttejit huaki muze 2 baar muth marna padha. Ab muze incest videos,...

3 years ago
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Lovely And Seducing Hot Gf8217s Mom

I live in Bhopal. This is the story of having sex with my gfs(her name is Nupur) mom and her name is Swati. Swati has very sexy figure even she is now around 43-44. I have seen her many times in saree and jeans. She looks red hot and her well maintained figure add her beauty. Her way of dancing in saree, pallu tucked inside petticoat and her moves, makes me just erect. Her touch when she hold my hands or put her hand on my hand is enough to excite me to erection. Nupur was my gf since almost 2...

1 year ago
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Harley Girls

My name is Rachel Wahlberg and at first,I've had such a perfect life with a loving husband and a pretty good job with a New York City law firm. However,the only problem with my life is that it was so perfect that it was boring me to death and I was in need of a way to escape it,but I was unable to find a way to do so. But that was before my old high-school friend,Linda Cooksey had roared her way into town on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle,which had suddenly made me realize that the means to...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 13 Portland

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Thirteen: Portland Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come...

2 years ago
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Tits Have Benefits

transgender – crossdressing – shemale – transformation – feminizationSo there I was walking up to the most gorgeous creature in the room, a beautiful woman with incredible tits and ass and beautiful long black hair. This was the woman of my dreams who despite being the person who I could most open up to, nevertheless had been unobtainable in my mind. I had been a shy retiring nerd who could never hope to win the affections of a beautiful woman, but now things had changed and now I felt...

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Paulas FantasiesChapter 8

I hurried through my morning routine, anxious to see Kani again. At the restaurant I let her point out one of her tables to me. I sat down and ordered a light breakfast but she was busy and we didn't get many opportunities to talk. I used the time looking for a furnished apartment in the want ads. I circled several ads for places that didn't sound too bad. I called Sam and told him to call me on my cell if he needed anything. I had to find an apartment and start calling attorneys today. I...

1 year ago
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The ensue Day

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers here is another super story read and write. Funny how life throws you an occasional curve ball. I was just about to enter college when my parents split. For a couple years I witnessed their anguish...the yelling and fighting. I really didn't know until later exactly why they divorced. After we moved into a new house, told me dad cheated on her often and she finally had enough. It was hard on me as I loved my dad, but I loved mom too. Mom...

2 years ago
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Not EnoughThe Pact

What the bloody fucking hell did I get myself into here? How did I keep coming across females who slept with their family? Was I wearing a fucking sign on my back? Was it tattooed across my forehead? I walked to the end of the porch, my morning run suddenly abandoned; I leaned over and grabbed the rail and tried to crush it in my grasp. I wasn't really trying to do damage ... just trying to get it to recognize me. I needed to make an impression on that wood; crack the paint, score it,...

3 years ago
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The Mark

The Mark By Morpheus Alten stared at the palm of his right hand, still stunned and confused by what he saw there. By the pale mark that had mysteriously appeared there in the middle of the night, or at least was there when he woke up and he knew for a fact that it hadn't been there when he went to bed. However it was not the sudden appearance of the symbol on his palm that surprised him most, but what the symbol was. "A mark..." Alten whispered to himself. The marks were not...

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A Pony for Her Sweet Sixteen

A Pony for Her Sweet Sixteen It's the third Friday in June and fifteen-year-old Laura Gibson is happy!Today is the last day of classes at Our Lady of Perpetual Misery private highschool for girls and tomorrow is her sixteenth birthday. A carefree summeris about to begin. She's looking forward to two months of hanging out withher friends until late August. Then she's off to Switzerland. Her parents havearranged that she continue her education at the Schadenfreude Academy, a veryexclusive...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 3 Rakmon Penitentiary

Year 5820 of New Earth’s colander. Zax is forty five years old, looks over sixty, assume by the Kon Juya Constabulary to be a few millenniums old, feels like a corpse. Not that any of it mattered. ... U Plain, Rakmon Penitentiary Star. The Lunar Splitter halted before the planet that was thousands of times larger than Ercas Mir. Its composition, as well as that of the entire humongous Plain, was governed by a far more complex set of natural laws, then those of the Milky Way Plain. The...

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What Goes On

I was just twenty minutes earlier than I usually arrived home from work. Things were slow, it was a Friday, and so I left a little early. When I entered our bedroom, I saw my wife, Julie, in the master bathroom. She had apparently just finished taking a shower. She startled a little when she saw me watching her and quickly wrapped a towel around her torso. "Jim, you're home early!" observed Julie as she moved to the side of the bed, where I noticed that she had her underwear already laid...

4 years ago
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Sex With Hot Saali When Wife Was Away

Hi friends, I am a regular reader of ISS and wanted to share my own experience with my saali. The incident happened around a year after my marriage. I work in Bangalore and my in-laws are in Chennai. My saali Neeru was studying in her final year engineering at a place 50 km from the city and used to stay in the hostel there visiting on weekends. My wife and I went to Chennai as my father-in-law was retiring and there were lot of works there which my wife wanted to help them. I took the remote...

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Toman of the CherokeeChapter 11

Slowly ever so slowly I felt consciousness begin to flow into my mind. I suddenly sat up with a start; we were back in the time of the people I had left! Again I struggled as I tried to get off the bed falling to the floor with a thud. I heard a female voice scream as I tried again and again to rise off the floor. Damn it! I had to leave I couldn’t endanger these people! I had just started to make enchanted motions in the air as several glyphs appeared. Nodding I tried to push more power...

3 years ago
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Walk Like a ManChapter 4 A Date with a Beauty

“Hey, Mom. I’ve got a date with a girl from school to go to the Fall Festival Dance in town. Should I get her a flower for her dress?” I asked. “Oh! You have a date? That’s nice. Who is she?” I could tell I was going to have to work my way around to the real question. “Her name is Teresa Johnson and she’s a junior. Her brother is one of the handicapped kids on the bus and she told me she appreciated how I’d helped him and made friends with him.” “Well ... it just goes to show you that...

2 years ago
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Changes. By Lady Claire Stafford Mumbai: Awakening. The room had heavy drapes over the windows but the glow from the floor level night-lights enabled me to see the dressing table, some chairs and the very impressive chandelier hanging from the centre of the ceiling. Above the bed head there were lamps on articulated arms. This was a seriously up-market hospital room. My right arm was draped across my tummy, it had the plastic hospital ID around the wrist. The other, with...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 5 Becky Wants to Play

Rosita and LaToya were examining new case files when I got into the office. “I thought we got everyone checked in,” I said, realizing in horror that I had put on Dr. Li’s panties by mistake. “Two last minute additions,” Rosita groaned, holding up a folder. “Guess who?” I looked at the folder and sighed. “The Ambrose twins?” I asked. “Again?” “Says they were working in a strip club and got the cops called on them,” Latoya said. “I should think so,” I said, unloading my things. “They’re...

2 years ago
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Cents and NickelChapter 2

I poured each of us glasses of Pinot Grigio. It was quiet for a moment. I said, "You did marvelously well today. You are a great shooter. That's three very good scores on a tough course." "I have run that course maybe twenty times and watched others on it even more. You've run it twice and shot possibles both times." She sort of shook her shoulders with delightful results. I suspected that she wasn't wearing a bra though there wasn't any sag. "I learned to shoot in a harsh...

1 year ago
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Qorno KowalskyPage

Qorno aka Kowalsky Page! If you prefer to browse for naughty content on a simple porn website, I suggest you visit kowalskypage.com, as well as some other sites that I already reviewed. There are plenty of naughty videos here that you might not have seen yet, so have fun exploring. As simple as this site might be, there is still a lot I have to say about it and soon you will see why.Of course, I have to mention their shit design color, because what the actual fuck? Why in the hell would you...

Porn Aggregators
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Christine turned off the water, stepped out of the shower and dried herself, then she looked at her body in the long bathroom mirror. “Not bad, not bad at all”, she said to herself as she raised her arms above her head, turning around to look at her naked body. She was right, she still looked in excellent condition, still as attractive as she was some thirty years ago, before marriage and three children. Moving closer to the mirror and cupping her hands under her breasts, she thought that...

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 10 The Palace

The trip to Bavindor was relatively uneventful. They made a long carriage train, which got longer when they picked up the Dwyer’s, their five wagons and a carriage, on the way. While it was common for thieves to attack the shipments, the local robbers gave them a wide berth due to their escort. The two older members of their Growers Society also joined them, citing safety in numbers. Ty and Willow had no problems including them, as they were, after all, members of their little society and...

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Fantasy Cums True part 3

This story is written by tittie-baby for xhamster.com Fantasy cums true #3Terri is my shemale wife. And yes we are legally married. We have been married about a month now and have started to get our sex routine down a little. I have found out that as much as we love fucking each other that our tight little asses can't take getting fucked 5 or 6 times a day. So we have compromised a little, we fuck each others ass every morning and every night. The rest of the time we 69 until we cum in each...

3 years ago
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Miranda It Had Been a Very Long Two Years

She left me two years ago for another man. To this day, I still think about how she just walked out without giving me any explanation at all. Since then, I have not seen any other women. None. That is because of two reasons. One, I am scared that another would do what she did to me, and two, well, I am still in love with her. You would think after two damn years I would be over it. Well, I’m not. Every day that goes by, I still think of Miranda. I still see her long wavy dark brown hair flowing...

Straight Sex
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My Roommates Strange New Appendage

When Gem fainted at my house I barely caught her in time. She was a much bigger girl than me at 5'4", but I still managed to prop her down somewhat steadily. She'd been complaining of lack of sleep due to studying, so I went from panic mode to contemplative mode quite fast. In fact over the past few days I would be studying with her and look over within seconds she would be out like a light. I ran and got her a pillow. By the time I got back she was quite hot and starting to sweat, so I got a...

1 year ago
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The DrifterChapter 16

And I was born the next of kin The next of kin to the wayward wind... “Joss, sometimes a man has to do what he feels is right, at the time – and a lot of times, he has no time to think it over. I’d have done the same thing had it been me back there in place of you. You’re learning fast and you make good decisions even faster. Those men would have killed all of you, took your horses, money and cattle – had you given them the chance ... or even hesitated,” Mr. Charlie told me when I sat down...

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Oh yes Eat me Eat my pussy GOD Irsquom

After a break from their first round of sex, she made them drinks and they refreshed their minds and bodies. She stood there smiling at him, as her pussy still throbbed from his mouth and tongue. He told her: “I have to have you. I have to have you now.” Her lover held her against the wall in the living room as he dry humped her body. His cock was like a rock and his need was so great. She bit and sucked on his tongue deep in her mouth feeling his cock rubbing against her!“Oh fuck I feel like...

4 years ago
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Frauentausch beim Strip Poker

Vor zwei Wochen haben unsere Nachbarn mich und meine Frau Megan zum Grillen eingeladen. Paul und Jillian sind seit ein paar Jahren gute Freunde und wir haben viele Dinge zusammen gemacht, wie Konzerte besuchen, Ballspiele und Campingausflüge. Aber seit Jill vor einem halben Jahr ihr erstes Baby bekommen hat, hat es unsere Aktivitäten auf den Punkt gebracht. Ich hatte immer die geheimen Gefühle für Jillian, besonders wenn sie schwanger war. Sie ist sehr attraktiv, kontaktfreudig, lustig, amüsant...

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The House with the Gerbera Daisies pt 10

“Come on then, beautiful”, Freddie led her by the hand and through the gate of their weekend home. The front yard was curved, with a small patch of deep green grass outside the downstairs bedroom window and some gerbera daisies planted neatly where the driveway met the dirt. Trees lined the white fences that surrounded the roadside boarder, and a private golf course led up to the back decking, covered on both sides by forest. They walked around to the side door of the house, where wooden...

3 years ago
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Roadside EncounterChapter 6

Still Clara; Jessica is lovely. She wouldn’t say much about Jenni except that it was through her that she met her husband, Dave. Despite her age, she still worked part-time – she’s a solicitor – even though she didn’t need to, financially. “It’s a distraction,” she said, “and fills some of the hours I would otherwise spend missing Dave.” She was, apparently, fairly wealthy in her own right, daughter of a barrister who was also minor nobility. During the day, when Jessica wasn’t working, we...

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Lady Dorothys War Episode II

Lady Dorothy’s War (Episode II) A serial set in England during WWII *In which we learn how Lady Dottie lost her virginity…* By the time they had both climbed into the spacious rear of the Bentley, Lord Henry Brooks had already removed his dress jacket and was pulling at his trouser belt. Their lips had been locked together from the moment he had stopped the vehicle and his hands were by now roughly kneading her breasts and her bottom. Her mind and body were bombarded by new sensations, the...

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My New Boy Toy Christopher pt2

I was working my cock in and out of his anus slowly and stroking his throbbing cock even slower. Through slightly parted eyes Christopher asked 'daddy can I come now,' 'no you can't come now, I'm not ready for you to come,' I scolded. 'OOOOH, daddy, please, baby, I wont to come soooo bad,' Christopher begged. 'I wont you to take hold of your ankles and pull your legs as wide as you can and let me get at this boi pussy right,' I said. Christopher slowly moved his hands down his body up his...

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Bikini Beach Whats Good for the Gander

Bikini Beach: What's Good for the Gander... By Jezzi (c) 2000 As he neared the ticket booth, Carl Desmond's mind was filled with evil glee as he thought of what he had done to that little bimbo office girl temp. She had been eighteen, fresh out of high school with a virginal beauty oh so rare these days. Carl had played nice boss, drawing her out over several lunches, finding that she was a genuinely nice girl, a virgin saving herself for marriage to her college sweetheart. Carl...

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Not What I Expected

Note from Author: (The is a revised version of my story, I hopefully fixed some errors I made.) This is my second story and much different then my first story. I hope you enjoy this story in addition, please feel free to leave comments. "Not What I Expected!" By Miranda C. Rose Hmmm, where do I start with my story? For the 18 years that we have been married, I was always able to satisfy my wife with no complaints, until last year. It all started on our 18th anniversary we were out...

3 years ago
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Romantic Sex With My Cousin Part 8211 2

Hi, Indian sex stories readers. Greeting for you all from me. I’m regular sex stories reader from past 8 years. This story is continuation part of my previous story of https://www.indiansexstories2.net/virgin/romantic-sex-cousin-part-1/ . Now here I’m submitting my story please don’t think otherwise and please give your time to read my wonderful story. First, let me thank all the readers of my first story https://www.indiansexstories2.net/virgin/romantic-sex-cousin-part-1/ I would really accept...

2 years ago
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Double Pleasure

Being just short of sixteen, born out of wedlock, male and a randy sod was nothing unusual, fancying everything of the opposite sex was supposedly normal, what wasn't so normal was the lust I had for my mother and my aunt. For the past year I'd been having wet dreams about my mother or my aunt, not that they weren't something to have wet dreams about, but it was not the sort of thing a boy was supposed to do. What made matters even worse was the fact that my mother and her sister were...

3 years ago
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TV Listings for the TG Network

If you would like to archive this story elsewhere, please contact me and ask permission first. However, any story ideas that appear in here, or in the review section, are "Free Game" for development (Unless the author specifies otherwise in their "review"). "Thanks for your support" (Hey, there's an idea for a TG commercial...) gregri [email protected] "TV" Listings for the TG Network By Gregri Copyright 2000 The TG Network: "Television for New Women". (Lifetime is a...

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Jenny in the beginning

Jenny is the reason why i'm such a fucking pervert. From when i was a k** she was my next door neighbor. When I was about 16 though I started getting feelings about her. She was about 50 single with two boya. Very dark hair lots of it.Pretty for her age. I loved her juicy shapely arse more than any thing though.I started watching her through my bedroom window and wanking off over her. I loved seeing her in her work clothes. Very tight black trousers caressing her round shapely but full arse....

4 years ago
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I met Donna several years ago at a psychic fair.  She is short, comes about chin high to my almost six-foot height, slender, and possessing a wonderful pair of breasts.  She must have been in her late forties back then and very appealing to me.  I feigned interest in her life coaching, and we chatted off and on for a few hours in between people who were actually interested in her line of work.  All I was interested in was the cleavage she was showing. Over the years, we crossed paths often and...

Quickie Sex
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Three Square MealsChapter 128 Rising to the occasion

Sakura watched the long lines of infested Trankarans, the stoic republic citizens waiting patiently in the docking collar that connected the Kirrix dreadnought to the Invictus. There were so many freed prisoners in need of treatment that the queue seemed to stretch for miles, snaking through the innards of the alien ship until they reached the point where she now stood. “Are any of you wounded?” she called out as she crossed into the dreadnought, looking for anyone in need of emergency...

1 year ago
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The Vicars Wife Part One

All of my stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased. When is a r-ape not a r-ape? I pose this question, and maybe once you’ve read the story I’m about to tell, you will understand why. The first part of my story happened to me some...

First Time

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