Conversations 5 free porn video

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A slightly longer short story in this series than normal, and one which reflects my mood today, I guess.

Enjoy – or not.

“Hey Dad, you have a minute?”

I looked at my son, and felt that flash of pride that always went through me when I saw him. James Alex Foreau was now almost nineteen, and growing into a fine figure of a man. Smart, kind, passionate about the ills of the world and prepared to stand up and try to do something about them. On the other hand, he was a first-year student at University and trying to come to grips with the concept of balance – such as balancing the need to get pissed with his friends as often as possible, with the need to pass the year with good grades.

He was tall and rangy, somewhat like me, but a whole lot better looking than I ever was. His mother’s genes had seen to that. Genetics – you have to love it when it works for you.

“Sure,” I said. “What’s up?”

We were in my workshop. Well, I call it my workshop, but it’s really just a space at the back of the garage where I keep a workbench and my tools. In front of me on the bench was a disassembled clock, the parts carefully laid out on a white cloth to give me some small hope that I wouldn’t lose them.

He looked a little embarrassed and somewhat shifty. He’d come to talk to me about something and wasn’t sure where to start.

“Dad,” he tried. Then he stalled.

I knew what he wanted to talk about, and it would be a tough conversation, but he needed to be adult enough to start, continue and finish. He’d had the courage to come and ask, and I was confident he would make me proud, despite...

“It’s about Mum,” he said, trying again.


He looked at the floor, kicking at the leg of the bench distractedly.

“Dad, she cheated on you.”


“And you kicked her out.”

“Yes. You think I did the wrong thing?”

“No, I totally understand why you did that. I would have done the same.”

There was a long silence.

“So how come she’s back living with us again?” he asked.

“You’re not happy with that?”

“I am ... sort of. Half yes and half no, I guess. I mean she’s my mum and no matter what she does I’m going to love her. So I am glad that she’s here. But at the same time, I’m so damned angry at her all the time. And with you I guess.”

“You don’t think four months away from her family and having to live with friends is enough?” I asked. Again, I wanted him to learn, to understand through his own thought processes, not through a lecture from me.

“It seems kind of wimpy to let her come back,” he said, a light of defiance in his eyes.

“Ah ... wimpy.” I said. “You think I’m a wimp to just roll over and take it.”

“No, not you! I didn’t mean you were a wimp,” he said hurriedly. “But you forgave her so quickly. How could you do that? You’re her husband, and she had an affair with another man.”

“Yes, she did,” I conceded, and sighed. “Okay, let’s work through this. What would you have done?”

“I would have thrown her out, and left her out.”

“So no forgiveness then.”

“Not for that! Not for cheating!”

I looked towards the house. My wife was at the kitchen window, washing the dishes. Normally she would hum while she did that, never really trusting the dishwasher to do a good enough job. She wouldn’t be humming now, not with the sadness and guilt in her. Before this shit had blown up she was so perfectly beautiful – but now she was thin to the point of being gaunt and the fine lines around her eyes and mouth had deepened very slightly. For the first time since we had met when we were both nineteen at university, she didn’t look younger than her age. She was punishing herself, eating away at herself from the inside as the whole thing went around and around in her head. I hoped my plan would divert those thoughts into something positive, so that she could get back to the happier woman she used to be. I wasn’t sure, but I was hoping.

“Look through that window,” I said, pointing. “You see that woman in there?”

“Mom, yes.”

“Now tell me how much misery you want her to be in. You want her to commit suicide maybe?”

“No! God no!” He looked at me in alarm.

“You don’t think what she did deserves that?”


“But she cheated on me, and that means us, you and me. She took her love, time and money from us and gave it to someone else. She broke a promise to me and wrecked our trust.”

“How did she take money from us?” he asked, trying to take in what I was saying.

“She bought clothes for her assignations, used some of that expensive perfume I bought her, used up fuel in the car, bought expensive coffee and snacks at the coffee house nearby. That’s money from all of us. Two thirds of that was ours – yours and mine. That’s stealing.”

“I guess that’s true,” he admitted reluctantly. I could see it on his face. He didn’t like to think of his mother as a thief. Especially not as someone who would steal from her own family. Somehow that felt almost worse than her being a cheat.

“You do the crime, you do the time, yes? What I should have done was take all our money and hide it away and then divorce her. That way I’d know I’d stolen that money right back. Fair’s fair, right?

“I mean there are shelters she could have slept in, food she could have got from handouts if her friends had refused to take her in. Hell, if she sold all the shit she had in her wardrobes, that would keep her fed for a couple of months, even if second hand clothes aren’t worth more than a few coins. Doesn’t matter. We’d have got back what was ours.”

He looked even more uneasy. His mother – as a bag lady?

“So let’s look at the time she stole,” I continued. “Mum used to work at the local surgery before she fell pregnant with you. Man, those were the best and the worst of times. You made her ... us ... so happy, and yet you made her sick as a dog for months. It didn’t make any difference. We just couldn’t wait to meet you.

“You were born and she stayed home to raise you, get you to school, take you to your after-school stuff, cheer you on at sport, clap for you in school plays, make those outfits for Roman day, or Space day or whatever other shit your teachers dreamed up. That’s her time that she spent on you. And she loved every moment of it. So I guess we owe her some time – a lot more than the time she stole from us. So it evens up a little.

“And then you were in high school and she didn’t have that anymore. So she went back to work. Unfortunately, the place she chose happened to have a horndog cunt working in the same department as her.”

James’ eyes opened wide. I rarely swore, and almost never in front of him.

“It took him three years to get through her defences, but he got there in the end. And on three successive Wednesdays she spent an hour with him at that fleabag hotel.”

He knew the one I meant. It was the one the kids used after Prom night each year. I knew he’d planned to take Serena there after his Prom. It didn’t work out that way.

“How is Serena, by the way?” I asked. He put the two thoughts together and knew what I was inferring.

He had the grace to look embarrassed. “She’s okay, I guess.”

“I know you two aren’t together any more. She step out on you?”

To his credit, he took the time to think about it.

“I don’t think she did. We just drifted apart.”

“How long until she had another man?” I asked.

“A couple of months I think. I didn’t ask.”

“Didn’t want to know?”

He shook his head.

“Residual feelings,” I sighed. “You have something good in your life and then someone else has it. It never feels good.”

“No, it doesn’t,” he said. “I mean, I was going out with Roxy by then, so it shouldn’t have bothered me, but there was a twinge in there every now and again.”

“It’s okay to feel that way,” I said, patting his shoulder. “We don’t like sharing our toys. It’s genetically programmed into us. As men, we can only bring in so many resources for our family, and the imperative is to get our genes into the next generation. If the woman sleeps around with other men, there’s a chance that those resources are going to be used to bring up someone else’s kid, and someone else’s genes.

“For the woman, if the man sleeps around then she might lose his protection and the resources for her offspring, her genes. It’s all about survival of the fittest in the wild. Darwin was spot on, no matter how religion may try to fudge it.”

I blew a layer of dust off the clockwork mechanism and gave it a quick polish.

“When humanity managed to get together and create society, we had changed and become rational enough to find ways to create weapons. That levelled the score some and it was no longer all about who was biggest and strongest any more. It was more about who was sneaky and nasty enough to use the first rock, stab with the first flint, throw the first spear, loose the first arrow, pull the first trigger. Which meant that a lot of men died or were crippled – which in those days meant dead anyway. Think Game of Thrones with a lot more attitude.

“Humanity was wiping itself out.”

“Hasn’t changed much,” James said gloomily.

“Well, it did change – to a point. We gradually developed the idea of monogamous marriage – a social contract where the two parties agreed not to spend each and every day trying to fuck other people and each other over. Religion wasn’t involved in marriage until some 800 years or so ago. Oh, religion was around, but before that marriage was simply a contract between a man and a woman and their families. No man wanted the wealth he had accumulated to go to some other man’s bastard offspring when he died. Same with women – they wanted all the wealth to only go to their offspring. Genetics again. And even in modern times, it still comes back to that genetic contract we all sign at birth.”

I picked up a cog and checked how it fit with the clockwork.

“I get that,” he said. “And I suppose it makes sense in a very inhumane way. But what about gays and lesbians and all the other degrees of sexuality?”

“For some it’s a choice. For others, well I guess genetics does what it always does, mutate and create off-pattern people. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking who they are or their life choices, but on a purely evolutionary basis, being gay is a genetic dead end, a cul-de-sac – and therefore an evolutionary mistake. Sure, science and society can help lesbians, and gays can have a contract with a surrogate, but that’s limited by funds and opportunity.

“The thing is the sun up there sends out massive radiation, and there’s always some shit in the atmosphere from the idiots testing out their latest toys. Genes are very susceptible to being knocked around and having chunks blown out of them by radiation. That’s why it takes male and female genes to get together to produce offspring, so that each can try and repair holes in the other...

I sorted through the bits on the bench, searching for the cog that matched with the first one.

“Look, I think we’ve drifted off the subject here. You can look that stuff up on the net. I wanted to ask you something. You used the word ‘wimp’.”

“I didn’t mean you, Dad,” he protested. “You know I didn’t. I know you better than that.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t think it came from you. Probably one of your friends, yeah?”

His shoulders slumped. “Yeah. We were all messing about in the pub, and Nigel just suddenly said he never suspected you were a cuck.”

“A cuck. A cuckold, from the cuckoo which lays its eggs in another bird’s nest and then leaves it to be raised by the nest builders - a wife raising another man’s child. I get it. But it’s taken on other contexts as well.”

His face was red, and his fists clenched. “Dad, I know what those are and that bastard deserved everything he got, even if I had to take a few punches in the process. He said Mum was a slut and you probably got off on watching Mum ... with someone else.”

“What do you think?”

“Hell no! I saw what you were like when you found out.”

“Yes, at first I really did want to kill both of them. I was so far from wanting to see it that I felt I was going to vomit every time I even thought about it. Not really sexy when it makes you want to puke.”

“So why...”

“Apparently there are men who need to be humiliated so badly that it’s the only way they can operate,” I said. “I don’t understand it at all, and in fact even the very idea itself is repellent. But then, I don’t get people who need pain to feel pleasure either. How badly do you have to be wired for that to happen? I mean your mum and I have played spanky spanky now and again...”

“Jeez Dad! Too much information!”

“Hey, it is what it is. This is an adult conversation and I’m not going to censor either of us. That would probably leave at least one of us in the dark and wondering what was behind the redactions.”

“And by one of us, you mean me!” he grumbled.

“I didn’t raise no fools,” I said, grinning at him. “The point is, we played the game, and in my understanding, it’s as much about the anticipation of each spank as anything else. Then there’s the caressing and the playing...

“Ahem, sorry about that,” I said after a reflective pause on moments of days past. “I got lost in memory for a moment there. Anyway, I don’t understand it, and definitely don’t want to do humiliation or pain or peeing on someone or anything else I consider weird. But who am I to judge their lives, their backgrounds and their histories? It works for them, so I leave them to it. Their sex lives don’t affect me in any way, so I don’t have a dog in that fight.

“Some people are cheated on, and their pain is so bad that they automatically call anyone else in that position a cuck, to spread the load and try and make it more bearable, I guess. Others wouldn’t make the minimum requirement to apply for the post of village idiot, and just throw the term out everywhere.

I was pointing a screwdriver at him, and decided to put it down before someone got prodded.

“But have you ever stopped to consider why everyone was calling everyone and everything gay a few years ago? It was a trend, and a hurtful trend for those who actually were gay. It was basically using their whole life as an insult. Personally, I think it was just a lazy way of trying to insult someone without actually engaging the brain first. And I think this cuck thing is pretty much the same. It’s the automatic go-to for those people who have no clue about what lies behind something. Someone who has no clue is ignorant by its very definition and I don’t want to deal with ignorant people. Those who can’t be bothered to think or find out are wilfully ignorant. And that’s a sin! It’s not in any bible, but it damn well should be. It should be in every bible and every other book, starting with school books.”

“Dad, calm down,” said James. “Get off your hobby-horse. I know how you feel about wilful ignorance. If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times. Although I don’t know the actual number, and I can’t be bothered to find out.”

He was teasing me.

“Little shit!” I responded. “Too snarky for your own good sometimes. Should be outlawed.”

I was playing the grumpy dad, and he laughed delightedly that his shaft had gone through.

“So no,” I continued when his laughter died down. “I’m not a cuck or a wimp. Yes I was cuckolded by my wife, but that wasn’t down to me. I didn’t know about it and there was nothing I could have done about it. I know, because I asked her.”

“You believe her?”

“Yes, she didn’t ... doesn’t lie to me.” I stated. “I’m not a total fool, James. You’re going to find that the older you get, the more I seem to know. It happened to me with your granddad and it probably happened to him with his dad. It’s the way of the world. When you’re a teenager your parents are so stupid, you don’t know how they remember to keep breathing. Then, every year that goes past, you’re amazed to discover how much they’ve learned in that year. But don’t forget, everything that you’ve done, I’ve done first.”

“That’s a bit heavy to lay on me,” he grumbled. “You don’t know...”

“The time you paid that homeless guy to get a bottle of tequila for you, and then drank it with your buddies and ended up puking all over Mark’s room? With me it was bourbon and the back of Al’s truck. Luckily we passed out and didn’t try to drive home. Even so, the trip home at noon the next day was very hairy and very, very painful.”

His mouth had dropped open. He had no idea I knew about that little episode.

“You knew? Then why didn’t you... ?”

“What did you learn? You learned not to drink neat alcohol when you have no idea what it can do to you. You learned not to have a big fish supper before you go out drinking. You learned you need to get to the porcelain telephone a lot faster than you expected. And you learned that pain is the price of overdoing alcohol. What else could I have taught you? I could have told you of my experience, but that’s just words. I can’t give you my experience. You need to have your own experiences to really understand.

“And the same goes for girls. I know about you and Sam with Robin and Casey and Josie, playing twos-up and swap-swap at the hotel. With me it was just Betty and Sally and I out at Far Point at the lake. It was a lot of fun, but there was very little emotion involved. We hadn’t promised each other anything, and none of us was in a relationship.”

James looked uncomfortable, almost hopping from foot to foot.

“But Josie was in a relationship though, wasn’t she?” I remarked. “How did that turn out?”

He was deeply embarrassed that I knew about Prom night. “Nothing, I guess. Nigel never found out.”

“You think so?”

He nodded.

“Actually you’re wrong. He saw you guys leaving in your car and followed you, trying to catch up. He actually climbed the side of the hotel like fucking Spiderman and saw what you were up to. Then he went home and cried all weekend.”

James’ face was white. “Jesus Dad! That ... It’s...”

“Yeah, it’s pretty fucked up. Especially as he never said a word to Josie or you about it. His mother heard him – and what he was saying to himself as he beat himself up over it – and she was so bewildered and worried about him, that she came to us, told us everything and then grilled us about you. What’s interesting is that he never told Josie or anyone else. Are they still together?”

“Yes, but he treats her like shit.”

“That’s why. In his mind he thinks he’s forgiven her. But he hasn’t. I’m betting he hasn’t forgiven you or Sam either, so I’d be careful about dark alleys for quite a while.”

“You think that’s why he calls you a cuck, because he’s one?”

I nodded. “Possibly, at least partly why, and partly because he wants a legit reason to hurt you without all that mess spilling out. I think he’s desperate to keep it quiet, because if anyone says anything, he’ll be forced to do something he doesn’t want to do. He loves her and wants her with him, but doesn’t love her enough to forgive her. He’s in a confused world of hurt.”

“Shit, if I’d known, I would never have...” he trailed off into miserable silence.

“James, I want you to be honest with me. Did you know she was Nigel’s girl?”

He nodded again, even more miserably.

“Was she difficult to talk round, into going with the four of you?”

“Not really. It wasn’t as tough as I’d expected.”

“You’d been around Nigel a lot. Heard what he’d said about her, her likes and dislikes.”

The nod came again as he realised where I was going with this.

“Hell, it must have been like shooting fish in a barrel! The dancing, and I know what dancing at the Prom is like – it’s pretty much fucking while standing up. Somebody spiked the punch – somebody always spikes the punch. Was it you this time?”

He shook his head vehemently.

“Good. Even so, there was alcohol loosening things up, and you whispering in her ear all the things you knew she wanted to hear. Easy target.”

He stared at me, tears in his eyes.

“James, I’m not blaming you for anything. I get it. You’re a horny teenager and you did what you had to in order to get into her panties. And she probably enjoyed the evening. After all, she’s just about an adult – and is, at least legally, old enough to be responsible for her own conduct. She isn’t a child that has to be marshalled everywhere, kept out of danger and away from doing stupid stuff that might hurt her. If she loves Nigel, she’s probably in a world of guilt right now. And she thinks he doesn’t know about her and is treating her like shit because that’s just what guys do.”

“I’m sorry,” whispered James. “I never wanted that for her.”

I gave him a hug and he clung to me for a moment like he had when he was a child. “I’m so sorry.”

“I know you are,” I said, keeping my voice soft as well. “And I know you are going to do the right thing now that you realise you’ve done wrong. Don’t ask me what it is. But you’re very intelligent and you’ll figure it out. I’ll help you.

“So back to the subject of cucks and wimps. Who else was in the hue and cry?”

“Johnny. I didn’t expect that from him, but he was saying it loud and proud and clear.”

“Johnny ... you talking about Goofy? The geeky guy with glasses like beer glass bottoms?”

“We don’t call him that anymore, and he wears contacts now.”

“Okay. Let’s call him Johnny. Johnny bust up with Luanne, didn’t he?”

“Yeah, he caught her fucking around with another guy and wouldn’t stand for it. Made that loud and clear.”

“Wow. So he’s definitely not a cuck or a wimp. He’s certainly a man – a big, strong alpha man! She was fucking another guy?”

He paused for a moment in thought. “I don’t know, he just said she was fucking around. I presumed he meant sex.”

“Presumed is based on evidence. Assumed is guesswork. Which is it?”

“Assumed then.”

“Okay. What do you know about Luanne?”

He shook his head. “Not much, she only transferred here last year.”

“What does she look like, I can’t picture her.”

He thought about it. I liked that he did that. I wished he would do it more. A lot more.

“Sort of small and geeky, with black hair and glasses.”

“That’s it? What colour are her eyes? Does she have broad shoulders? How big are her tits?”

He recoiled from me. “Jesus, Dad. Why do you want to know about her tits? She’s just out of school and you’re really old.”

“I’m forty two. That’s only old when you’re under twenty. Besides I don’t care about her tits. I just wanted to know what you thought.”

“Honestly, now that you mention it, I’ve never thought about them. I couldn’t identify them even in a line-up, and I could do that with most of the girls at school and get a ninety percent score. Her eyes? Maybe grey or blue. I have no idea what size shoulders she has. She just one of those girls...”

“Who disappears into the background, I’m guessing,” I finished for him.

He shrugged.

“Okay, let me tell you about Luanne. At two years old, she was dumped on her grandmother when her mother ran out on her. Her mum was the usual story, a bit stupid and a bit slutty, pregnant by eighteen and nothing to look forward to in life. So she simply dumped the baby on her mother and moved on. Luanne was then raised by the bitch from hell. She could never do anything right for her grandmother, whom she thought of as her own mother. She was never good enough.

“It turns out that your grandmother knows her grandmother. Your gran can’t stand her and thinks she’s a walking advert for why abortion should sometimes be mandatory – even on adults. And Luanne’s gran doesn’t like to be touched, by anyone. So Luanne grew up a loser – never good enough to even be touched. Shit, that’s one of the most basic human needs.

“This invisible girl transferred to your school when her good old gran decided to downsize and have Luanne sleep in the lounge. Why have a house with a whole bedroom for a worthless girl when you can sell the house at a nice profit, get a smaller house and just make her bed down in the lounge. Nobody acknowledges her at home, and at school nobody can even remember what she looks like. Fuck it, James! She’s the walking, breathing equivalent of Harry Potter, for Christ’s sake. Dumped on time and time again by everyone in the whole fucking world!”

James drew back, his eyes huge, aghast and all too aware of how upset I was getting at telling this story. Fuck! I hate when kids get abused, and this was abuse all the way. That fucking old woman should have been locked in a kennel with starving dogs!

After a moment, I managed to get a little control back.

“But then she met good old Johnny and they fell in love. I can understand that, she was the mirror image of him – both of them geeky and forgettable. He became her whole world, you know that?

“And then she did the hideous crime of letting a guy hold her hand for a couple of minutes. She didn’t even know that wasn’t supposed to happen. All she knew was that a human touch was pleasant. And then good old Johnny – that nasty fucking dickless little cunt – dumped her in the worst possible way, ambushing her and proclaiming in front of everyone, including the few friends that she had started to make, that she was a two-timing, no-good whore and a filthy slut and he wasn’t willing to be seen even in the same room as her.

“I was on call that night when her grandmother finally dialled emergency and got us out there. She was eighteen ... eighteen! And she’d taken an overdose because she could no longer live with discovering she was a whore who wasn’t worthy of having a life.”

I was so angry, I could feel tears on my cheeks.

“Luckily, she puked most of the pills up, and after her stomach was pumped, the doctors managed to pull her through it. Then she was up to the psych ward to be evaluated and treated.”

“Shit Dad, Johnny dumped her just two weeks ago,” he whispered. “All that happened since then? We all thought she was just laying low.”

I got myself under control with difficulty, covering it by shifting the clock components around on the cloth.

“So, three different situations, three different cheats. Who gets burned and who gets forgiven? First of all, do any of them get forgiven? How about Luanne?”

He struggled to get his thoughts together. I’m a paramedic and have seen some of the most awful things in life and death and learned to be cool about it. When I can’t, I talk to the right people to get myself back to a place where I can be human once again. So I think seeing me lose it over Luanne had shaken him.

His forehead was furrowed for a while and then cleared.

“Luanne is ... I feel so sad for her. If all she was doing was holding hands then Johnny way overreacted in doing what he did. If it bothered him that much he could have just broken it off and walked away.”

“Why do you think he did it the way he did,” I queried. I’d given up fiddling with the clock and we were standing face to face, almost at attention. “According to my information, he invited her to join you guys and then denounced her in front of everyone, without ever saying quite what she’d done wrong.”

“Actually, when you put it that way I think it was a complete dick move. He didn’t give her any chance at all, and just burned her for holding a guys hand. Hell, when we went to dances, guys would try and get their hands all over Serena during the slow dances. I had to peel them off with threats of violence sometimes when she couldn’t stop them. I would have been delighted if they’d just held hands with her. Fuck, Johnny’s a complete dickwad.”

His language had broadened as much as mine. As I’d said, this was an adult conversation.

“So why did he do that? Wasn’t she his first girlfriend?”

“Yeah – he was such a nerd that no girl ever wanted to be near him – even the geek girls.”

“But then Luanne should have been perfect for him. Together they could have discovered love and everything that goes with it. And by it I’m talking about sex.”

“Yes I know,” James said, still distracted by his thoughts. “You know, when he got his contacts, he got his parents to stump up for a new wardrobe and actually started to look good. Well, not good – halfways decent perhaps.”

“Ah, I think you might be on the right track. So what was his nasty little ambush in front of all of you about?”

He thought for a moment, then his eyes widened. “No, it can’t be that. I mean, why ... You think he did it to fit in with the rest of us? So we wouldn’t think of him as Goofy any more. Jesus, that’s no reason to...”

“I think it was to him,” I said. “I think he was so afraid of being thought of as a wimp that he went looking for trouble, and when he found even the faintest scent, he launched his pre-emptive attack. He threw her to the wolves to try and be seen as a wolf.”

“Dad, that’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard of.”

“You think I’m wrong?”

“ ... No.”

“Okay, now Josie. I mean she was a slut, right? After all, she fucked the both of you and even had a little dabble with the other girls if my information is right.”

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Zara had had the Wisdom build us a rose garden. I'm not sure why, except that it had something to with some sort of gift to Yvonne. Whatever the motive, it had appeared after a day or two, perched above a dramatic and strangely earth like vista – the hills and lakes of an alien planet visible through a panoramic window of something that probably wasn't anything remotely like glass. I'd taken to spending a lot of time up there, not least because Zara had also specified a random breeze to add...

3 years ago
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A Wedding to RememberChapter 10 Steph What About a Prenup

Steph was pacing in her room at the mansion. She wanted to know who the men were that Linc had met with earlier, and the butler informed her it was the family’s lawyers. Steph couldn’t stand the butler. She couldn’t even remember the stuffed shirt’s name. No matter. ‘He’s getting canned as soon as possible.’ But she was pretty sure why the lawyers were there. Linc hadn’t mentioned it, but she was certain it was the last major hurdle to overcome. The prenup! This would take a lot of finesse....

1 year ago
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Talking with Debbie Ch 05

Well, I thought that was the end of it, but recently there have been some new developments. About three months after that final session I thought it had settled in to a fairly normal pattern. It became an occasional part of our lovemaking, but by no means the dominant aspect. I was somewhat thankful it had subsided, as I was becoming concerned that it would be a fantasy I would need to see fulfilled, and the sensible, rational part of me knew that I probably didn’t want Debbie to fuck someone...

3 years ago
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Arrogant Sister Fucked In The Ass

Go to indiansexstories dot net to read more real life sexual encounters after reading this sex story. We are a family of 4. Dad passed away, so, 3. Me, mom and older sister (Divorced). We all live together. My sister is a spoilt bitch. She comes across as very arrogant. Every guy who has ever met her must be longing to fuck her ass just to get her under control. That’s what her ex-husband wanted to do as well. So, she left him. One day, she came to me sobbing saying how she feels bad that she’s...

2 years ago
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Meat Girl Tracey

Tracey couldn't help the usual tremor of excitement passing through her as she approached the large meat section of the supermarket. Ever since the new law allowing the use of females as meat for human consumption had been passed two years earlier Tracey had been fascinated by the whole concept of being treated and packaged as pure meat, fit only for some ones dinner.The new law had been passed in the summer two years ago partly to try and bring some rules and regulations into what had become a...

2 years ago
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Book of Common Prayer Prayers For Weekdays Thursday ACT OF OBEDIENCE

ACT OF OBEDIENCE Hail My King- My Masculine, Virile, Absolute Ruler, You are my Owner. You own my life and my person, And I am Yours in eternity. Every day of my life, From dusk till dawn And in the middle of the darkest night I vow to obey all Your orders. I vow to make every wish of Yours My command, To kneel and pray At Your feet That You bestow Your trust in me To serve You devoutly and loyally.

3 years ago
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Akkavin Kathalanai Sex Seithen

Hi friends, en peyar Hema enathu oru akka irukiraal aval matum oru paiyanai kathal seithu ulasamaaga irukiraal. Athai paarthu en manathil yathavathu oru aanudan naanum jollyaaga iruka vendum endru aasaiyaaga irunthathu. Athanaal en akka kathal seiyum paiyanai naanum sight adithu usar seithu sex seithen. Epadi seithen enbathai intha tamil sex kathaiyil ungaliam pagirugien. En akka kalluri padithu kondu irunthaal, naan ippozhuthu thaan kalluriku sendru muthal aandu padithu varugiren. En...

3 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a generous...

2 years ago
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He's shuffled along, the large bear guards forcing him along the long, cold corridor. Barefoot, with nothing but a loin cloth, he shivers as he moves along. Finally, they come to large double doors made of a black wood. The grain is fine and delicate, the carvings adding to the beauty, with scenes of herds of intricate deer in a lovely dark forest. The bear guards slowly swing the doors open to a large room, a giant four post bed to one side, surrounded by black sheer curtains. There is also...

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FatherInLaw Made Me His Slut

My name is Ayesha.I got married last year.Just like many of the conservative kerala muslim families .My father made me study an insignificant BSc Maths in a local college before marrying me off. My husband works in Gulf. A very good man and lover.We stayed together for 2 months after marriage and then he left to Gulf ,while I applied for my passport and dependant visa.Since,my father-in-law was a widower living alone.He sent me back to stay in my parent’s house to avoid boredom.But then,my...

4 years ago
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The Survivor

Myra swore under her breath as she cut through a thick tangle of Kudzu. The damn vines were everywhere, and made traveling through the forested hills of the Ozarks a complete nightmare. Her arms ached terribly from the continual effort of swinging her machete, making it feel like it weighed twenty pounds more than it had when she had started her flight through the countryside. ‘At least the weather has cooled down some,’ she ruefully thought, grasping onto anything that might give her some...

2 years ago
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The Day He Did It

"Come on, Judy, you know you want to. All those times that you said no, you really wanted to go ahead. Let's go the last step." "Richard, it's because I want to that I don't want to! Oh, I don't know, I'm not sure it makes sense to me either! It's just that I hate to trust someone like that until I'm really sure," she told him. "You mean that after all this time you don't trust me?" "Oh, oh, I guess I do, but... Oh, hold me!" He held her body against his while...

2 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 7 HMS Minotaur

The ship that was transporting Helena and myself back to England was hardly the largest in Her Majesty's Navy. HMS Minotaur was a "pistol ship" one of a new class of vessels, designed for the rapidly changing nature of sea warfare. Faster than the dreadnoughts but much smaller, she carried a single 12 inch breech-loading gun in a fixed mounting on her bow. Fighting tactics for the pistol ships were simple: they drove straight at the opposing fleet at high speed, aiming to get as close as...

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A new Sidekick for Bats

|4 years ago: Gotham City: August 2012| 'How did this happen' is all you can think of, as your strapped to a Operating Table, and You are beginning to get injected with many countless different liquids and Chemicals. Your body starts to Thrash violently, and your muscles begin to tense up. Thats when the lights flicker and something or someone falls through the skylight. You barely manage to turnyour head, but when you see what fell through the Skylight your eyes go wide as you recognise...

1 year ago
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JUST A GOOD OLE COUNTRY BOY GAY ADVENTURE STORYAs I admired Mikes magnifficant perfectly sculptured8 1/2 inch glistening Cock up close for the very first time,his command to get busy slowly Bitch Blowing him sent musicthrough my totally gay ears. Yes on my knees right in frontof him, the age old act of submissive Cocksucking was yetto add another hot spirited queer Suck Off to its ever growinglist. Like all attractive fully passable youthful looking SheMale Sissy Dicklovers, my long red...

3 years ago
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Winning a bet against Mom

I am including the picture of his mother, which whe posted and allowed as well (my best guess is that the risk of discovery turns him on)>summer of 2009>dad was deployed overseas >I had just graduated from high school >already had college ready to go >lived in Georgia >college was in California >mom and I go on cross-country trip alone together to get to my new home >we get to our first motel of the trip >get settled into the room >I take out a bunch of cans of...

3 years ago
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Compound X131Chapter 29 New orders

The police station had not undergone as many changes despite its importance to the Vagran cause. The only obvious change to the building was the shiny new sign under the station motif it read: Dedicated to the servants of the people by its Corporate Sponsors Drexel Pharma. Inside the briefing room the session was just getting underway. Blakey called the role to each name there was an associated 'Yo' or whoop in reply; Anita, Greta, Julie, Merrill, Ada and Joelle "Permission requested for...

4 years ago
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New neighbors II

I went home and changed for bed. Being so tired it didn't take long to knod off. The next morning I asked my mom if I could go back over to Dan's house. She said don't be to rough with him since he just had his cast off, I said ok,and if it was ok to swim. She said if Bill watches you. I said ok and went next door. I knocked on the door and Bill said to come in. He said he and Dan were having breakfast and said I was welcome to join them. After eating Dan and I went to his room to play. After a...

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I should start by telling you about myself. My name is Billy Adams, 28 years old, and I am a serial rapist. I have been ?doing it? for a number of years, and, so far, have not been caught.How I became a rapist, I don’t know. I tell myself it is in my genes, but I guess that isn’t really true. I do it because I enjoy it. The look on the faces of the women as I fuck them.The first was Donna. She was eighteen years old, and gorgeous, she lived in the next street to me, and often took walks in the...

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My Best Friends Brother Pt2

“Huh?” Brandon turned around on to his back next to me. All he was wearing were his red boxers. “Get out of here girls.” She ordered Danni and Margot. Danni stared at me with pain and hatred in her eyes, and closed the door behind them. “So you little tramp,” she spoke angrily, “I invite you into my home, and you sleep with my innocent son?” She grabbed my arm, her curly brown ponytail swung behind her. “Get out of Brandon’s bed.” She wasn’t fat at all, but she was a pretty tall woman, around...

1 year ago
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Bouncy Rain

Something woke me up suddenly and I laid on my back for a few moments until my eyes came into focus. Glancing across to the glaring red digits on my alarm clock I could see it was just 9am, much too early to be waking up on a Saturday morning. I turned over with a groan and snuggled back into the bedclothes. Suddenly it hit me, Shauna had got back yesterday! I sat up abruptly and swung my legs out of the bed pushing aside the dirty work-clothes I had dragged off the night before. Working as a...

Straight Sex
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the first time

When I was younger there was a local toilet that was notorious for cruising. I went in there innocently for a piss when I was in the park playing with friends. I was taking a piss and was reading the graffiti on the toilet walls by the urinals. The usual stuff: "I have a 9" cock, meet you here at 2pm everyday" etc. Although, i have to say i was very curious. The two friends I was with were completely disinterested, but I wanted to meet this guy. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to do, but was...

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The Devils PactChapter 12 Aftermath

"You fucking whore!" Allison yelled at Sister Louise and swung the wooden spoon in her hand hard, smacking it across Sister Louise's pale ass. "Please stop!" Sister Louise begged in pain. "Please, it hurts! Ahhh!" Another wooden spoon smacked her ass, swung by Desiree. "Please, God, save your servant!" Smack! Allison hit her ass and Sister Louise moaned in pain. Smack! Desiree hit her ass. Smack! The living room was a mess. Furniture lay strewn about, the carpet was sticky with...

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The StormChapter 43

The Andrews met the Jensons in the dining room for breakfast. Only John, Malcolm, and Caroline were dressed, though Caroline’s dress consisted of a short denim skirt and a cable knit sweater, with nothing else under them. Anita and the girls were wrapped in silk bathrobes, though Anita’s was long, ankle length. The twins were wearing very short nightie-style robes. The Andrews had split apart after John had nailed Cory up the butt, to bathe and dress. Unbeknownst to them, Malcolm and...

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Big booty Latin Cougar

So here's the story about this crazy horny big booty Latin cougar. We've been fucking for a while now and just thought I shared a couple videos of her and the story. For this story we are going to call her "Cougar"So the way I met this "Cougar" is through an online dating app. I knew once I laid my eyes on her I knew I was going to fuck her. I didn't really bother reading her profile (nobody really reads online dating profiles lol) and just straight looked at her pictures and OMG... she was...

2 years ago
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A new king on the throne

I got up and went downstairs I knew I couldn't be good news my father the king was deadly sick I came to the maid and she brought me to my father laying on his death bed . I kneeled down next to the bed holding my father's right hand while my younger sister Jenny who was 17 held his left hand " both of you listen to me " he said as we looked up to him " I know I didn't grant you as much freedom you deserved but it was for your own safety and I'm sorry about that " he said with tears...

1 year ago
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Oh No

Oh No! Nicole, Bobbie, and Belle while shopping for things for Belle's Wedding and shower, run into a former employee of the Wellman Clinic with revenge on his mind. Hi everyone! This is Nicole again. I was with both Bobbie and Belle trying to get things for Belle's Wedding when trouble befell us. We hit the dress shop first. Belle seamed to be reluctant to wear a Wedding Gown, but Bobbie and I told her it was traditional. Then we went to the Pall Mall for the somethings that were...

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Antons Little Secret

Some mornings, if I feel fit, I cycle in and take a shower in the office; this was one of those mornings. I pushed the handle down, it made a unusual click then opened and I stepped into the shower room. To my amazement, there stood our seventeen-year-old apprentice Anton, his trousers and boxers around his ankles, his stiff cock in one hand and mobile phone in the other. He froze mid stroke. “You dirty little sod,” I grinned. “Who is she?” I said, grabbing the grief-stricken kid’s mobile from...

Gay Male
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Caught By Wife Masturbating

CAUGHT JACKING TO PORN(TRUE STORY) When I was still married to my now, x-wife, she caught me masturbating in my workshop. I was horny and decided to jack off in my workshop. To get to the room I was jacking in, you had to come in the front door, go through my wood working room, then through my tool room into another room. I knew if someone came in the front door that I could hear them and had enough time to pull up my shorts and stash my porno. My wife was in our house a good...

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The DreAMerS part 2

The girl stood on the shore with her long rustic hair blowing in the onshore breeze as she spread her arm's wide and closed her eyes with the sea lapping around her bare feet.She smiled and breathed deeply of the brisk fresh air as she listened to the sounds of the waves crashing on the rocks in the distance. Behind her, on the beach, the people were enjoying the late afternoon sun as it glowed in the deep blue sky. Opening her eyes, the girl looked over her shoulder at the people. Some...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Long VacationChapter 2

Deepti got good grades in 12th and then she got an admission in a college of engineering in a new city of Missisauga. We talked a lot now and always tried to keep out intimacy as it was the moment she left. Things changed in my life too, I had chance to start a new job in a town closure to deepti’s college and so we were happy that we would have more chances to meet. Finally the day came, we were meeting after 7 months of our last meet. It was Friday afternoon and was a sunny day out. As she...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 36

Friday, June 11, 2010 Ellen woke Jake shortly after seven. “Kitten is gone and Havel will be here soon.” “I can sleep in for a while this morning.” “First, tell me why you didn’t sleep with me last night.” “I was restless. I didn’t want to keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.” “Don’t lie to me, Jake. I am your mother and I can tell.” “Damnit, woman. Can’t a man practice a little well-intentioned deceit once in a while?” “Stop joking. I want to know.” “I was thinking about my...

2 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 63

Aboard the Pretty Penny, the crew watched in horror as the explosion jellied the four men in the water. Wikipedia says: The effects of an underwater explosion depend on several things, including distance from the explosion, the energy of the explosion, the depth of the explosion, and the depth of the water. Underwater explosions are categorized by the depth of the explosion. Shallow underwater explosions are those where a crater formed at the water's surface is large in comparison with...

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Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR By Persephone It was New Year's Eve and eighteen-year-old Samantha is tired of life and wants out. Practically born an orphan. Growing up in one abusive foster home after another. One bad boyfriend after another. Beaten and abused by all of the men she knew and trusted. A dead end job with a lecherous boss, bills on her credit card that she can't pay run up by the last man in her life, no time to go to school so she can get ahead and now no money to pay for it...

1 year ago
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from curious to first time part 8

The last night with Gary was very hot. I replay that night in my head over and over. The candles, the music, the romancing, the man handling, the control. I can go on and on. We chatted and kept in contact but again our schedules became very busy and trying to get together became very difficult. We kept in touch, then again Gary began a relationship with another male so out of respect I kept in touch but at a distance. He would flirt here and there, but I respected his situation even though I...

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It was in the weeks before Christmas, on a fairly cold evening, when I realized that Nelle and I might have a future. We were driving back to the city for some holiday shopping after work, and as we drove over the bridge, with the city lights gleaming in the background, I reached across the seat and slipped my hand into her lap between the folds of her coat. Her thighs were warm and soft, below the swishy fabric of her dress, and familiar too, since we had taken the train out...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 9

It was late on a Saturday morning in August when the main trunk sewer let go. The Higgins company was digging a utilities trench to be used to connect the new building with the utilities in the street. Although the trench paralleled the sewer line, it was several feet away from it. But it proved to be too close. Unbeknownst to anyone, the sewer was already near collapse before their work ever began. Although there was no frost in Los Angeles there was the constant pounding of motor vehicle...

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Aimees Joint

This is my first story and it isnt finsehd yet, i've posted as much as i've done and i'd like some feedback on it, should i continue with this story or sart something new. thanks. The last gasp of pleasure is screamed from aimee's body as the body on her grunts there release into her, kissing her softly and leaves her asleep on her bed. Aimee, someone who everybody wants to know, yet only a few people do is something of a sex machine, she knows how and where to get it. At the...

2 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 11 Lost Memories

Almost a month later to the day I returned to the SlendaBond Training Facility. Virginia was not with me on this trip. I visited Morgan Richmond again briefly and again set out with the training director, Charlie, for another tour. I hoped to see many things this time that he had not shown me on my initial visit. "I am just dying to see how far you good people have gotten bringing Stephanie under control!" I said. "We have been able to embed many post-hypnotic suggestion words in her...

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JuniorChapter 7 The Summer of 1991 Wanda

Admittedly, we were late getting to the airport, but finding Wanda barricaded inside a telephone booth, crying because I didn't answer the phone at Holly's house was ridiculous. We had to pry the door open because she had dragged both pieces of luggage inside with her. (Yes, two pieces of luggage for a one week stay.) "Wanda, this is Patti, Patti, Wanda," I introduced them. Wanda wiped her eyes and half-heartedly shook Patti's hand. Patti wrapped her arm around Wanda's shoulder and...

1 year ago
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 5 November 1517

November 15 I’ve been going crazy from horniness all week in anticipation of this weekend. Katie hasn’t been helping the mood, either. This afternoon, for example, my once-demure girlfriend cornered me in one of the practice rooms in the band hall and kissed me hard enough to make my toes curl, then grabbed my cock through my jeans and gave it several strokes while whispering in my ear that she just couldn’t wait to feel it without all the clothes in the way. “And I can’t wait to feel your...

2 years ago
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My Former Succubus 2 A Holiday to RememberChapter 6 Making My Brother Happy

"Hey. I've got some bad news," I said to my brother. "You talked to AM, right?" asked Dave "Yeah." "She told you she wants to break up with me?" "Yeah. She said that since you both are going to different colleges..." "Her college being ten miles away from yours," he sneered. I didn't bother to respond. "That's why you should end things now," I finished. "Why?" I responded, "Because she knows that you like somebody else ... somebody who'll be going to State with...

4 years ago
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Two Hot DaughtersChapter 8

Just moments after Diane disappeared around the front of the house, Anita and Rick nearly jumped out of their naked skin when they heard someone open the back door. They didn't even have time to react before they heard Chuck cry out. "Hey, Rick? Could borrow your car to- holy shit!" Hearing who it was, Anita relaxed. But Rick still reached up toward the couch, and pulled the afghan down to cover his naked sister. It didn't help, though, as Chuck strode into the room and then stopped...

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The Sad Story of Candy Ackerley

Candy was an honor student at Broadfield, an exclusive boarding school tucked in the piney hills of New England. She was extraordinarily gifted and qualified in many fields of academics and the Arts. Her recent invitation to join the schools violin quartet was the icing on the cake for this success-minded young woman whose fair skin, tall, thin body, long brown locks and lovely brown eyes set her beauty far above any other girls in the school. And for her upcoming sixteenth birthday, her father...

3 years ago
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Tantalizing Threesome

I clipped excitedly down the dark street towards town centre. I wore black kitty heels, black shorts that were tight on my toned thighs and a loose glittery sleeveless shirt that folded over a little at the chest, showing off my cleavage. It was my boyfriends birthday today and I figured I’d give him a little treat using one of his fantasies. Though it was mine as well I just never got up the courage to go out and do it, but this gave me a wonderful excuse to try it out. Wayne wandered casually...

4 years ago
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ClubChapter 3 Luck of the Draw

Ted and I each took a swallow of our drinks, which had sat there unnoticed during the entire performance. "Wow," I said, "that was something. And you say this goes on every night?" "Just on Fridays and Saturdays," Ted replied, which I already knew but had momentarily forgotten. "Sometimes they have special events, but most weekdays it's just the flicks and the raffle. And whatever else you feel like buying." "So all these girls are for hire?" I asked. "Not the waitresses, but,...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Rosalyn Sphinx Stepsis Is Addicted To My Dick

Nerdy schoolgirl Rosalyn Sphinx always wants to get to class on time, but today, her annoying stepbrother trips her on the way to school! He gets a glimpse of her panties, and soon her juices are flowing. She rubs her muff and lets him slip a finger inside. A couple days later, Rosalyns stepbro tries to kick her off his laptop, but she will not budge. To cure her laptop addiction, he fucks her tight pussy! Later, Rosalyn comes home from a crazy party ready to pleasure her stepbrothers boner....

2 years ago
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A Night at the Bar

This happened a couple years ago when I was always out at the bars and enjoying the single life. I used to work at a food chain restaurant, and the owner hired a family friend to work there, he jus moved from Georgia. He was a well laid back kinda individual, and he loved the club/bar scene. I only partied with friends since they weren't exactly old enough to drink. One day he asked me of any good bars or clubs in the area. The town we live in was rather small, no clubs, but there were 3 bars...

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Wonder Womans School

In a combined Multiversal world a different Wonder Woman has opened an all girls school. However something isn't exactly right at the school nobody is sure what happens at them are they being taught to be 50's housewives, or maybe self-centered ego-maniacal 18th century noblewomen, perhaps just a school for bimbos or maybe a legion of latex clad dominatrices, the livestock on an anthropomorphic farm, or even just having her students becoming fat slobs.

4 years ago
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Only At Bed Time

Introduction: From an innocent start a dad and his daughter make babies when the time is right. Only At Bed Time It started when Lacey was four years old. She began to have nightmares and I was the one designated to go calm her down. Gladys slept the sleep of the dead and it was easier for me to get up than it was to try to pry her away from her pillow. So I got up and went to Laceys room to calm her. I started to reach up under her short nightie and rub her bare back. At the same time I would...

2 years ago
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Female Led Marriage

Female Led Marriage by Sissie Maid Cuckold "That preacher sure messed up at our wedding." "What do you mean she messed up?" "She got it all mixed up she had me saying to: Love, Honor and Obey and then at the end she announced us as Ms. and Mrs. Coleen Jenson instead of Mr. and Ms. Ralph Ferguson, must have been her first time or something. " "You do remember agreeing to being in a female led marriage...don't you Ralph?" "Well Ya sure I agreed you could be the boss of the...

3 years ago
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Olivias Office Orgasms

When I walked into the office after lunch, through my office assistant’s partially open door I heard the familiar “squeak, squeak, squeak” of her office chair. Quietly opening the door a little and peeking in I saw her cute ass riding a guy who’s hanging balls didn’t look familiar. I proceeded onto my desk and looked through the mail. Soon I heard that also familiar “Oooooooooooo” rising in pitch and trailing off in intensity. That was her signature cry when reaching a climax. There was...

2 years ago
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She loves her Daddy0

This is a true story and if you have any problems with incestuous relationships, you’re on the wrong website. I was divorced in 2000 and after a few years of screwing my brains out with any and all cummers, I got fed up and decided to go solo for a while, like that was evergoing to work. Anyway, I was on a holiday, scuba diving, when I met Anna, a very beautiful lady who swept me off my feet and into a relationship which saw us married a few years later, the only problem was that she...

1 year ago
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Racy Lacy

Janet was the kind of woman who, once you had seen her, you wouldn’t forget her anytime soon. She was tall, at least 5’9", with ash blonde hair, which she wore in a ponytail. She was fit and I would say somewhere in her mid to late forties.I first encountered Janet during my permitted walk in the first lockdown. She would be walking in the opposite direction and throwing a ball for a very energetic Labrador.On the first few occasions, we just exchanged polite greetings, but after a few...


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