Conversations 8 free porn video

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No sex. Sorry.

I’ve been told I have a nasty tongue when I’m upset. Don’t believe it! I’m a pussycat.

I waited impatiently as she showered.

When I walked into our house, I’d caught her lying on the settee alongside Assface, naked and covered in sweat and other bodily fluids, and an expression that said all too clearly “I’ve just had an orgasm!”

I’m not an ogre or a muscle-bound moron, but when I’d looped his tee-shirt over his head and twisted it at his throat, tightening it until he could only just breathe; I think he might have disagreed. He most certainly agreed that leaving my flat, with only the tee-shirt that was wound around his neck, was a good idea. When after five minutes he knocked and asked for his clothes, phone and car keys, the look on my face had made him agree to leave once again. Whimpering he asked if he could call a taxi. I gave him his phone and let him make the call, then took it back. For a moment I thought he was going to argue and I twisted the tee-shirt once more, as the idiot hadn’t even removed it from around his throat, which essentially meant he’d stood around in the passageway buck naked. It was then that he decided that running away was perhaps a better idea after all. He was learning. Maybe I looked more like an ogre than I remembered from shaving that morning. Either way, it was going to be fun thinking of him trying to get into a taxi dressed only in a tee-shirt that wouldn’t even cover the family jewels, and then explain how he had ‘forgotten’ his wallet. Not my problem. He’d probably sneak back the next day to get them. I didn’t care. I had his information.

The dining table showed the remnants of a meal and wine glasses with just dregs in them. It was obvious where the foreplay had started. More puzzling was the pizza box. I checked it and found a Meatilicious intact within it. My favourite. So Assface got wined and dined and I got a warmed up pizza. Nice classy touch, Susan! Second best in that as well.

I wandered through the lounge and kitchen, wondering how the hell she had thought I wouldn’t notice the remains of their feast.

I’m an actor, and I had a contract to play Iago in Othello for three weeks that summer. It was a local production and I was really enjoying playing up the villainous, lying schemer and plotter seven nights a week and a Saturday matinee. In the play, Iago is passed over for promotion by his captain, Othello – and schemes with his more successful rival Cassio – who in turn wants Othello’s wife, Desdemona. Iago engineers the murder of Cassio, by convincingly whispering to his boss that Cassio is cuckolding him with Desdemona, which then leads to further jealous rage and the murder of Othello’s blameless wife.

One of Shakespeare’s classics, it’s been done a million times, but I had enjoyed playing the villain rather than the lord who thought himself betrayed and cuckolded by his wife to the point of murdering her – mostly so that I wouldn’t have to spend an hour after the final curtain trying to get what looked like black boot polish off my face. I would leave that to the leading man.

Now I could have played the role of Othello without any need for acting. I too felt like murdering my wife. She knew all too well how I felt about being faithful, after she had held my hand after my long-term girlfriend, Eileen, had betrayed me in our last year at college. Susan had been my shoulder to lean on while I pissed and moaned about women in general and Eileen in particular. That had slowly morphed into being my constant companion, girlfriend and finally wife when we both got our first pay cheques.

I didn’t start out as an actor – actually getting a job as a bank clerk with dreams of becoming a financier – and in fact I had never even thought about it, until a friend convinced me to try amateur dramatics. I fell in love with it immediately. That led on to a bit part in a television series which led to further small parts and a mildly fond farewell to banking. Now, I was back on stage for a three week run before taking up a moderate role as a newly arrived detective in a long-running police drama.

I knew the whole of Othello backwards, so during the daytime, I’d been trying to get myself into the role of a detective for the police series instead. Therefore while Susan showered, I investigated the crime scene.

The dinner, obviously cooked and served by my wife for her lover, couldn’t have finished that long before – ascertained by dipping a little finger into the gravy boat and feeling the warmth. The pizza was still vaguely warm, so that probably arrived at about the same time. I wasn’t worried about the pizza itself, I’d lived on those during college, and still enjoyed one now and again at the theatre, on the television set, or at home.

So why would my wife of just eighteen months leave the detritus of their meal on the table and be lying naked with her lover when she knew I would be home at a certain time. Admittedly, I sometimes hung around for ten minutes to enjoy the buzz of a good performance with the other actors, but I was always home by ten o’clock. And even if I had stayed later at the theatre, those ten minutes weren’t really enough to get Assface out of the flat and clear up sufficiently that I wouldn’t at least suspect something.

Was she deliberately trying to flaunt her disloyalty in front of me? Was this an exit affair before she moved on, trying out someone new she could move in with? What else could it be? What the hell was she telling me by rubbing it in my face?

Inside, I felt destroyed. She, of all people, knew how Eileen’s betrayal had completely wrecked me. I had loved her so desperately, so completely, that seeing my first love’s face become a mask of horror as she peered up at me over Cassidy’s shoulder in the back of his car, his bare arse jogging up and down over her like it was on springs, had destroyed me completely. Susan had been so reluctant to alert me to that betrayal, but she did know how in the end it had almost caused me to give up college altogether. And now she did this to me in turn? Bitch! Spiteful, nasty, lying, cheating bitch!

My stomach was boiling, and I cast around for something to fix on besides my horror and despair at her actions. I saw the microwave flicking at me and realised she had flipped the power switch on the wall. Desperate for something ... anything to think of, I reprogrammed the correct time into it. It wouldn’t make any difference; we never pre-programmed it to start at a certain time, but it was something to do.

How could the two most important women in my life both betray me the way they had? Was it me? Was I so worthless that I wasn’t deserving of loyalty, fidelity, the least respect from any woman? Any woman at all? Was I such a loser, a bad lover, a poor provider? I had to know!

I got a tot of brandy, and forced myself to settle into the sole armchair. She could sit on the couch – the sludgy mess on it was her responsibility and she would have to face me while sitting on it, or knowing that both of us recognized it was right there next to her.

It took quite a while before the shower finally shut off, and I spent the time trying to settle into a role. I didn’t want her to see how successful her attempt to destroy me had been.

She entered with her white towelling robe wrapped around her, and a towel-turban on her head. She hesitated when she looked at the sofa before sitting down, but then ignored the streaks of pale fluid and sat down on top of it. Perhaps she hoped I hadn’t noticed it. Good luck with that!

“How long?” I had decided on the role of a sophisticated, urbane country gentleman confronting his wife after some sort of ball. Surprising myself, I sniggered inwardly at the appropriateness of the last part of that.

“Honey, it was just the once, I promise you. It was just a silly mistake that I made. I’d had a little too much wine, or perhaps he slipped something into it. I wasn’t myself...”

“So who were you? Because it certainly looked like you were a cheating slut. Was that the part you were playing?”

She flushed. It wasn’t pretty. It made her face look blotchy, which surprised me. I had always thought her effortlessly pretty under every circumstance. But then I’d never called her a cheat or a slut before.

“Please don’t call me a slut. I’m not one of those.”

“Perhaps you could convince me.” I remembered the pizza and something popped into my mind. “After all, this is the third time you’ve ordered pizza for me in the last two weeks. And always served them reheated. I could tell.”

“I, er ... pizza?” she stammered.

“Oh do keep up, dear.” Urbane gentleman. Remember the role! “Yes, pizza. It’s glaringly obvious that you order pizza for me when you want to cook for your gentleman callers. Care to tell me why they get cooked for while I get takeaways?”

“Not callers!” she protested. “Just one. Just this once.”

“And we’re back to the pizzas.”

“No, it wasn’t-”

“Yes it was. Don’t be a silly goose, my dear.” Urbane, I thought. Be urbane! “And don’t think I’m some idiot. You may have got away with your carnal affairs during our marriage until now. But the clues are all there.”

“Honey, it was just a mistake...”

“No, you meant ‘it was just mistakes.’ You forgot the ‘s’ on that word.”

She sighed dramatically, and for a moment I was whisked back to my time on stage. Was I in one of those overacted dramas of amateur theatre?

“He had pictures. He was going to show them to you, unless I...”

She broke off as I laughed. I don’t think she expected that.

“He took incriminating pictures? Which time?”

“The first time,” she said and covered her eyes, weeping.

“He brought a camera, took pictures and you didn’t worry that someone might see them?”

“His phone,” she gasped. “He used his phone. I didn’t know he had done it.”

“And how many times after that?” I demanded. Urbane largely disappeared as the role slipped into something else. “Confess, you whore! The truth this time! I know more than you think. You underestimated me, harlot!”

Okay, that was a bit over the top. I needed to get back to television acting, not high school drama. If I carried on like this, I’d soon be twisting a non-existent moustache and laughing a deep, hollow laugh. From that point it would be an inevitable descent to tying her on the train tracks while mugging at the audience.

“Three, four ... no, five times.”

“Jesus wept. So fucking him six times before I find out, is better than fucking him once and admitting it so we could work it out together? Wow, he must be good, so much better than me!”

“No, honey. It was never like the love you and I share. It was just sex for the fun of it. It didn’t mean anything to me.”

I clapped enthusiastically. Every word of this conversation was breaking my heart, but I was not going to give her the satisfaction of knowing it. “Well done, you get a four out of five for clichés that cheats bleat out when they’re caught. You must have studied the cheating sluts’ handbook.”

“Stop calling me a slut!” she shouted.

“Okay, you give me a better word to describe you.”

I waited in silence.

“I’m your wife, not a slut,” she said finally.

“No, that wouldn’t get past trade’s description. A wife doesn’t fuck other men, ever! That’s what we agreed to in front of our families and friends. You broke that agreement, so you are no longer a wife. That just leaves slut. Unless he paid you, and then whore would be the correct term.

“Let’s take a look at his phone,” I said, after the silence extended into inanity. I’d pocketed it after encouraging Assface out of the flat, but hadn’t thought of it since. Why not? I put it down to being upset and not thinking.

Susan’s expression became even more miserable.

I opened his photo album and swiped through them. Assface and his buddies; Assface at work; Assface with a woman and three snotty kids?

“He’s married?

“No,” she said.

“So who is that?” I showed her the phone. She leaned forward and peered. Assface did look very comfortable with the other four in the photo.

“Maybe it’s his sister,” she offered. She looked a little pissed off, which was faintly enjoyable.

I swiped to the next picture and sniggered. “Oh dear, he really shouldn’t be doing that with his sister. I’m sure that’s against the law. His tongue has to be way past her tonsils. And his hand should most definitely not be doing that!”

I didn’t show her the picture and kept swiping. He hadn’t actually been playing tonsil hockey, he’d just been holding a beer while taking a selfie. But now she had something more to worry about. Either he was married or, if she really thought he wasn’t, then she would at least have the germ of a suspicion that he was cheating on her. Or was he actually fucking his sister? Good! If she was planning to leave me then they could share those suspicions. If they were cheating on me, why wouldn’t they do that to each other? It would create confusion and nasty thoughts.

I swiped all the way through while she worried at a thumbnail with her teeth.

“Nothing. He’s not much of a blackmailer.”

“He promised he would delete them.”



“When did he promise? He couldn’t have blackmailed you the first time; he didn’t have the photos – so when did he promise to do that.”

“The second time, I think,” she muttered, looking thoughtful.

“So why was there a third time?”

“It must have been the fourth then.”

“So why was there a fifth? At some stage you must have checked that he hadn’t deleted them before allowing yourself to be blackmailed further. I mean, surely you wouldn’t simply accept the word of someone prepared to blackmail and rape you. Compelled sex is rape, no matter what type of compulsion is used.”

She stared at me, her eyes huge. I sighed.

“Okay, I believe you. I’m calling the police to report a rape. They’ll find the ones he deleted. Anything stored in memory is always recoverable, you know that.”

Actually, I was bluffing and didn’t have any idea whether they could or not. Besides, I didn’t believe a word she was saying. It was all tired out and overused clichés; diversionary excuses that were really pathetic little lies. I just didn’t understand why she was telling them.

I picked up the phone. “What’s his name?”

“I’m not sure,” she started.

I raised one eyebrow. She surely didn’t think I’d believe that. Besides, I didn’t really need to know. I had his wallet.

She continued blithely, “And I don’t really want the police involved. I’d have to testify and I don’t think I’d be able to take that.”

“You’d prefer to leave a rapist out on the street, free to rape some other woman? You’re such a strong woman, already a survivor of an assault. I have no doubt that you’d get all the support you needed, and possibly even be allowed to testify on camera so you wouldn’t have to see him. That’s what they do for children who have suffered assaults. You’re stronger than a child, surely.”

That was a low blow. I knew that women were sometimes reluctant to testify against someone who had assaulted them, and they had all my sympathies. But I knew that my wife was lying and if I got the police involved things would get way out of her control. She was never going to allow that. She was trying to control me and my reactions were worrying her – which was what I wanted. I wanted truth and understanding. I needed to know.

I picked up the landline phone and pressed the buttons. Her finger came down on the disconnect bar.

“Why would you do that?” I asked.

“He didn’t blackmail me,” she admitted.

“I didn’t think so. When I saw you lying there, covered with his cum, you looked all too pleased with yourself.”

She sat down again and covered her face with her hands.

“Truth time?” I asked. “Or shall we play ring-a-roses with lies some more. Lies are not actually helping you in this situation. You have to know that.”

“Yes, I had a fling with someone at work. But I’m not a slut. I was lonely. You are out every evening and...”

“Whoa! Hold on there!” I shouted. “I have a three week contract which means I’m out of the house for four hours every evening, and that’s only been going for just over a fortnight. Are you telling me you got so lonely that in just two weeks that you had to bang someone on six different occasions? When you could have asked me for sex anytime apart from those four hours a day? I’m sure that’s almost the definition of a slut.”

“Will you stop calling me a slut!” she yelled.

“Hey, if it walks like a slut and acts like a slut...”

“Stop it!” she screamed.

I found myself suddenly bereft of all energy, as if someone had pulled the plug out.

“Look Sue, why are you bothering to lie to me? You set this up so that I’d catch you. So you want out of this marriage. Why not-”

“What are you talking about? It’s not my fault you came home early!”

I stared at her, and then looked at my watch. It was almost eleven, so I hadn’t come home early.

“Nope, normal time. Just like always. Which means you planned for me to see you.”

She shook her head, glancing at her bare wrist. She must have left it off after her shower. Then she glanced to one side. I followed the look and realised for the first time that our bedroom clock was on the sideboard. It showed the correct time and her eyes widened.

I strode over and pressed the alarm button. Large, bright white figures showed 09:00. I laughed.

“You set the alarm for nine in the morning, not nine at night. You silly cow.”

That’s why I’d caught them. She’d brought the clock downstairs to give her fair warning of when to call her cheating a day for the night – if you see what I mean. Then she’d set it wrong on the 24 hour clock, thinking it would go off and give her an hour to get everything squared away. So she hadn’t been planning to leave me. Now it all made sense, in its own perverted way. I had wondered more and more why she would keep lying to me if she wanted to get out of the marriage. Instead, she had simply wanted to cheat on me, while keeping the marriage going. Hence all the lying now.

For some reason that made me even madder. I was there to support her while she sucked and fucked some strange cock belonging to Assface. Or were there others out there. Was there an Asswipe, an Asscrack and an Asshole also banging her daily at my expense? Who knew?

She did, but she wasn’t going to tell me. It didn’t matter either way. One was enough for me.

“Enough lies. I’m tired of this whole thing. I think you should pack your stuff and find somewhere else to stay.”

Her pretty eyes shot wide open. “No, baby. Don’t say that. Please don’t say that. I made a bad mistake but we can get past it. I know we can. I know you don’t trust me right now, but I promise to make it up to you...”

Sitting in that armchair, warmed by the brandy, I zoned out as she trotted out even more tired and worn-out clichés at me. Then something she said caught my attention.

“What did you just say?”

She looked startled, but a little pleased, no doubt thinking that I was starting to come around to her pleading. Or at least hearing her.

“I said I love you and want only you. I’ve always wanted you.”

“Since when?” I asked.

“Since forever,” she replied. “Ever since the moment I first saw you on campus. I saw you in the canteen, and I knew right at that moment that we were fated to be a couple forever.”

I shuddered theatrically at the thought. “But we weren’t a couple, I was with Eileen. You knew that. You were in the same crowd as us. You saw us together.”

“Ah but I knew she was a slut, so it wouldn’t last. And I don’t mean the same way you’re thinking wrongly of me.”

“How was she a slut?” I was genuinely puzzled. When would Eileen have had enough time away from me to be a slut?

“She fucked Cassidy. I was with you when you saw her. You know that.”

“Who else?”

“Oh, to my knowledge, possibly a hundred guys. She was always sneaking off behind your back.”

I started to get a really bad feeling in my gut.

“So why didn’t you tell me of them, if Cassidy was what ... the hundred and first?”

“Baby, I just didn’t want to hurt you. You know I never wanted to hurt you.”

“You did a shit job tonight then. You tore my fucking heart out.”

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The next few weeks were a flurry of activity as the ladies settled in to my home, stored those of their belongings that they wouldn’t need, spruced up their homes and put them on the market, and worked with me to establish solid, income-producing investment portfolios. We established a routine whereby Susan would share my bed on Mondays, Annie on Tuesdays, Diana on Wednesday, and Amy on Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights were relegated to general orgies where I would fuck two or three of...

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Medoka was my first oriental woman

I work for an international shipping company out of Seattle WA. and do a large amount of business with Asian and mid-east companies. The day started like any other day shower shave drive into work. When I arrived I found out that my boss Jef was retiring and that he had recommended me for his job! It would be a large increase in pay and some added travel over seas. About ½ my time would be in Asia and the other half in Seattle. I would have a staff of 6 and was expected to work as long as it...

2 years ago
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University Life First Ch 14

‘What the fuck just happened, Minty?’ Rufus all but growled. He was so confused. He had come in here to pick up Kainene but had met both girls looking like they were about to start tearing out each other’s hair. Then Araminta had said that thing about being Kainene’s boyfriend. He had been in shock. But good shock. He was ecstatic that Kainene had called him that. Her boyfriend. He had considered asking her out properly and had asked some of his friends if that was cool. They had laughed...

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A Time for SharingChapter 15

As I had expected, even though it was only a used car, Tina's excitement over having her own vehicle was much greater than it ever would have been for someone more used to having such material things as an everyday part of their lives. Even Anita had nothing bad to say about the Honda. As soon as the two women managed to fit the base unit for the infant seat into the back seat, Tina, Anita, Connie, and Mike left the farm to take the little car for a spin. I had already written the check,...

4 years ago
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Orgasm Control

It's five in the morning when he nudges me. I moan a bit, then shift my weight.He nudges again, this time more insistently. "Get yourself wet for me," hesays. "Wake me up when you're ready for my cock." He rolls over andseems to ignore me. His breathing becomes deeper as he relaxes back into asnooze. I am irritated. The morning air is cold, and I want to go back to sleep.I want to tell him to go to hell. But I don't. I remember that this is whatI signed on for, and I stifle any initial impulse...

1 year ago
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Almost True

I kiss you as soon as you walk in the door. Not just a peck or something chaste but pushing you bodily against the wall and forcing my tongue down your throat. I have to stand on my tip toes to do it, but don't care. You don't even pretend to be surprised, wrapping your arms around me and wrestling your tongue with mine. I like the feel of your breasts against my chest but don't grope them, not yet. I've always loved the curve of your waist and slide both hands down it to your hips and...

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Fishing For The Pocket Trout

(My apologies, Dear Readers. What once went by this title is now incorporated into SEVEN SEAS FOR FOUR, a family story (but not what rate it “family” in theaters). What follows is entirely a different story, one about a teacher. Unfortunately, however, I can’t update the genre codings on some websites that include me.) Let me establish one thing up front, no innuendo intended. Girls don’t care to talk about penises. Sure, we’ll beat around the bush -- whoops, no word play intended there either...

3 years ago
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Sudha8217s Sex Experience In A Bus

Hi guys I am Sudha again. Hope u people have enjoyed my earlier stories and I would like to continue narrating my stories. Once I had to go to Bangalore from Chennai. I have booked ticket well in advance and when the day come I have gone to bus station. I entered the bus and sat in my seat. To my surprise no lady is there in the bus except me. When the bus about to move some guy has entered the bus and sat beside me. Initially I felt little bit tension because I am only lady in the bus that...

4 years ago
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Story readher bhabhi ko bachha diya

Hi gurls, bhabhies, aunties, widows, divorced and unsatisfied ladies. Mujhe toh ab koi story padne wali haseena hogi jo mujhe nahi jaanti ho. Still jo nye readers hai mi unke liye apna intro de deta hu. Well i m sunny 24 male, kyu ki meri demand jammu mai itni hai ke mai majboor ho gya hu jammu aane ke liye, so ladies from jammu get ready for the fun and excitement. Maine apna cell no stoies mai post kiya tha , jiska response mujhe bohot achha mila, bohot si girls, aur aunties ne mujhe contact...

3 years ago
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The Journalist Part 1

At the beginning of my career I worked on beauty pages and I learned about make-up. When I was shifted to fashion I learned to dress. Then it was the sports pages and I learned to surf, bungee jumped and joined a woman's soccer team. Rick, the editor, joked the Police Department would be unable to cope with the increased workload if he put me on the crime pages. When he moved me to homemaking I suspected the joke might also be an excuse and began looking for a new employer.Every journalist...

3 years ago
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Thank You Officer May I Have Another

Thank You Officer, May I Have Another By Teri There was no way I was going over the speed limit but I wasn't going to argue. I was on my way to meet some friends at a club and I was dressed to the nines. I was wearing my white leather skirt and white angora sweater over some white seamed stockings, garter belt, French cut panties and my new extra padded wonderbra. I was going for the sexy virgin look I guess, but I didn't intend to get seen before reaching my destination. I just...

1 year ago
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Trying To Be A Good Girl PT 2

The following day I found myself with mixed emotions. I knew it was wrong for me to have sex with this young guy but at the same time I was so excited from thinking of it that I simply had to masturbate. I remembered how it felt to see his young cock so hard and wanting me and even more how badly I wanted him in me somewhere.It was raining this morning but he showed up right on time. I told him that he not need to work in the rain but then he said that his friend and he were willing to get...

2 years ago
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A hot new story by my great friend BEACHCRAWLER

SATURDAY NIGHT SWINGERSWe meet in Manchester and go for a nice meal at a top restaurant and then intend to go on to an adult sex clubThere are a few but we will go to Cupids after we have wined and dinedYou are wearing seamed nylons and suspenders with slutty fuck me now high heels and tight short skirt barely covering your stocking topsThe fun begins in the restaurant when you inadvertently but knowingly give senior gentlemen a glimpse of what they might be missingYou pull your skirt up higher...

3 years ago
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Winifred Arrives Rose Cums

This tale starts immediately after "Office Mating Ch. 3" where I got reinstated to my Director position by my boss's boss and met Clara's latest visiting niece Rose, a runner with strong legs who had a lesbian incident with her coach and was vehemently against letting me probe her pussy with my prick. I mean, what's with young women these days, anyway? The next morning I awoke with thoughts of Rose, my neighbor Clara's niece, who got some great oral attention but rejected the thought...

4 years ago
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Wife Cuckolded By Friend 8211 Part II

My wife was lying topless on our marital bed. My horny friend inside our bedroom and me was standing outside with a hard on outside our shut bedroom door. Friends thank you for your lovely responses to my Part I. Please send your replies to There was nothing I could do other than stand outside. Am I turned on with the sight of another man (no less than my best friend) in bed with my wife? And my wife: She was so turned on that she was about to let him do that? Was she not satisfied with me?...

3 years ago
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Brendas Ordeal

When she was selected to be the office manager at Lynwood and Beams, Brenda Powers, was only 31 years old, still she was the oldest girl in the office, most of the others being in their early to middle twenties. She also wasn't the most popular employee either. She had worked hard for the promotion but because of her close friendship with Jack Parker, the Managing Director of the firm, most of the girls felt that Brenda had 'slept her way to the top' and they were jealous of her. It wasn't...

1 year ago
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Wicked Sister The Strip Club

Note : This story is completely fictional! Like most guys, my devoted pet brother is a real voyeur and loves to look at girl on girl porn. He's been such a good boy lately so I decided to reward him by taking him to a strip club. We watch two hot Latina Look Alikes going at it onstage. I beckon them to come to me & my brother & slip some bills in their panties. I then attach my brother's collar & leash and hand him over to the girls. I instruct them to follow me to the private VIP room with my...

1 year ago
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My Secret Santa Sucked

I work for a small family owned manufacturing company.  Nothing exciting ever happens here.Our holiday celebrations have downsized along with the company.  They used to rent a banquet hall for our Christmas party.  Now we are down to barely fifty people, and we get a catered deli lunch.They did add a Secret Santa gift exchange this year.  The company president’s executive assistant retired, and her replacement organized it.  She convinced most of the office people to join as well as all the...

Office Sex
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The Wind of Change

Heya! This is just a silly little thing that I tossed up at work. It's a bit puerile, but not too offensive, apart from a rather nasty 'victim'... Enjoy! Sushi Xxx Wind of Change By Sushi Radical Jake was doing what he did best - kicked back on the couch at his parent's place, just chilling out with a beer and a cigarette. His folks had gone out for the night and he'd got his younger sister to go out and do the shopping. Well, 'got' wasn't exactly the right word... He'd told...

2 years ago
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How Not to Babysit part 9

PART NINE: TAGGED And here I am... sitting in Vice-Principal Hennell's office, in mid- sentence, as my mother spots me through the glass separating the reception from the the school's-equivalent-to-warden's office. It's bad enough that I have had my body smacked around by a guy I considered a friend less than two hours ago, and that I have been forced into a girl's uniform by my pranking friends, but I've also been assumed to have a gender-identity concern despite my admittedly...

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I was listening to this on the stereo the other day and thought to myself how hard it would be to be left time and time again. I would like to thank DanielleKitten for the use of her editing skills on such short notice. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please don’t forget to vote and comment. This is only my third submission and I would like to know how I’m doing. * * * * * ‘It’s time, girl!’ God I hate those words. Every time I get him back, I can tell he’s...

3 years ago
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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 24 Samantha has guests

One day Kyle and Jax had gone out for the day and Samantha told her to do something that at this point seemed odd. She told her to get dressed. Robin had gotten dressed in just shorts and a pink t-shirt, cotton, soft and nice against her skin. Her tattoos were long since healed, and as she pulled the t-shirt on, she looked at her profile and nodded ... definitely bigger, yep. She sorta wondered why Samantha was having friends over that were not aware of her penchant for being naked, but...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Ko Pyaar Se Choda 8211 Part II

Hi me salman pir se ek new story leker bhabhi ko pyaar se choda2 ab me aap ko bataunga ke mene bhabhi ke gaand kise mare waise to app bhabhi ke bare jaante hogei waise mera new id facebook ke change hogai hei ab new id hei { Mene uss raat ko bhabhi Rehma ko teen bar choda liken gaand nahi mari or me pathan bina gand mare me kise ko chodta nahi jab bhabhi bister utte to wo chal nahi pa rahe thi or wo naggi thi mene bhabhi ka haat pkrada or apne tarf gasita bhabhi mere god me a ker bet gai or kha...

4 years ago
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My wyfe

Introduction: From the first day, I am obsessed with my wife Part 1——— My wife, Julie, and I, William, met in Europe during a business trip. When I saw her, I was in love at first sight. I was not the only one. We were in a bar and Julie was surrounded by four or five guys that were flirting with her. She was enjoying it a lot. She was standing there, laughing and playing with each of them like toys. I was sitting at the bar, staring at her. She looked gorgeous. Julie is 28 and I am 29....

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NubileFilms Girls Vs Guys Orgasm Compilation

Are you ready to settle in for a compilation of some of the hottest orgasms we’ve featured on Nubile Films? This girls vs guys competition isn’t just about the sights and sounds of real climaxes. It’s also about who can make the ladies cum harder and longer! We start out with the girls. This collection of lesbian orgasms is sure to please even the most discerning viewer. There’s no doubt that every one of these lucky ladies is having the time of her life as she moans and...

3 years ago
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A game of Hide and Seek

—----------------- So I'd come in from a run one afternoon and checked in that I was up for a game, then I hopped in the shower to rinse off. I towelled off and checked my phone to find that the game had already started and I was supposed to be hiding. I whipped the bathroom door open to see my neighbor Abby leaning against the wall, grinning. "Found you!" I stepped back and she followed me into the bathroom. "Well, I might have cheated. I saw you come in when the game started. I came...

2 years ago
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The Paralegals

The ParalegalsBy Maximillian ExcaliberIntroductionEveryone has a secret.   Some are big and some are small.  Sometimesthat secret is a private thing about themselves they don’t want anyoneto know and, sometimes it involves others.  Those are shared secrets. This is a story about people, their shared secrets and the lengthsthey will go to protect them.  Try to keep that in mind while you’rereading it.  See if you can figure out who is has what secret to hide?Enjoy.Maximillian ExcaliberChapter...

Love Stories
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Taryns a whore

Me(Daniel)- 17 years old. Taryn(the mom I was gonna fuck in my other story.)- 43 years old. Let me give you a little backround on Taryn. Taryn is a whore, not figuratively, but literally. All you have to do is give her some money and she'd do anything she wanted you to. So let me tell you that I have saved about 200 dollars. That should get her to let me do "anything" I want. So one day I decided to finally fuck this old bitch. I went over to her house, Bridget(my girlfriend) was...

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DTF Tricked Gay

This whole thing started when I broke up with my girlfriend. At the time, she had said I wasn't there sexually and emotionally for her needs, and that she needed space... whatever that means. We had been together for three years, living together for the last year. I guess it was the co-habitation that led her to grow irritated and bothered by me. I never saw it coming either; she just blindsided me one day and packed her stuff up the following day. That was three months ago. Since then, my luck...

3 years ago
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Twin Success

Chapter 1 I was 17 and a senior in high school at the time. I was well known and liked by many and had been elected as the student body president. One afternoon, while walking home I spotted Pam and her identical twin Peggy riding their bikes. I didn't really know them, since they had just moved to town over the summer. But I had seen them around the school on several occasions and knew that they were sophomores and about 16. They had on some kind of spandex type riding or exercise shorts...

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My Incestuous Journey Part 4

Hey guys. First up I want to say sorry for not posting this continuous part of the story. Second, thank you so much for all the emails saying that you guys like the story. Now let me continue. As annu was sleeping. I was watching some movie while finishing up homework so that I can have all the time tonight with Annu. It was already evening when annu got up to make some tea. She came and gave me some tea in the living room. After setting the cup on the coffee table, I pulled her towards me...

3 years ago
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My dad sister

My aunty and I live alone because her husband died in a car accident when I was 12. After that as my mom and dad suggested me to stay here with her for my studies and to do take care of her as she needs help of somebody. So I came to my aunt house. When I Joined in school I was 19 and my aunty was 42 when it all happened. We were very close and she always was treating me like a friend as her priority in her behavior with me and that made her to talk to me very openly, even about her sex life....

1 year ago
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A night out

I was on secondment to a local authority for 12 months and the team I was working with had a conference someone had to attend providing a promotion stand. For various reasons none of the permanent staff were able to attend as it meant an overnight stay, so Sarah my boss and I were the delegates.We arrived at the hotel late afternoon, went to our rooms to clean up and agreed to meet in the bar for a pre-dinner drink.Showered & changed, at about 5, I wandered down, Sarah arrived only a couple...

4 years ago
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Waking up to Her Part II

I woke up to her in my arms cuddling on the couch. We were watching One Missed Call together - she scared easily so I liked watching scary movies with her, it just gave me an excuse to hold her. She was like a dream. Her hair was in a mess due to not brushing it today (it was 5:00 p.m.), she was wearing her college tee shirt which was way too big for her, and her eyes looked simply magical. I rubbed her back and sighed as I woke up. With that, considering she was on top of me, she woke up. I...

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Text Suprise

James was finishing yet another bar shift at the hotel. It had been a long week and tomorrow the guests were going home. The last guests wobbled up the stairs having had one too many benny and hot waters and muttered their good nights. James sighed with relief and started to lock reception up, the soft lights in the bar making his eyes lower with tiredness. He was thinking how much housekeeping needed to be done when his phone buzzed. He had a new text message. With a look of puzzlement he...

1 year ago
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A Couples First Time

I wake up and see that Kyle is still lying next to me. I smile as I nuzzle into his shoulder. I could stay here all day I think to myself as tears well up in my eyes. I look at him very closely as the sun shine in through. His face is so peaceful, and doesn’t reflect the pain of the last few months, he has done so much for and has never asked for anything in return. Kyle stirs, his eyes flutters open sleepily. ‘Hey beautiful.’ He murmurs, still half asleep. He turns toward me, his face resting...

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IFuckedHerFinally Lita Phoenix Sweetie Spends the Whole Day Posing on Camera

Beautiful Lita Phoenix believes that the best way of spending the day and having fun is posing on camera and showing the beauty of her gorgeous body. Luckily she meets a man who is ready to shoot her as much as she wants. So they are at his studio where Lita Phoenix can take any seductive position that she wants and play with her sweet pussy till she is totally satisfied. Even though she loves playing solo games, it turns out that Lita Phoenix wants to play with dude’s hard dick even more...


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