Billie Jean
- 4 years ago
- 26
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My name is Alexander Blake. As I wind my Cobalt blue Shelby GT 500 KR Mustang through the crowded streets of L.A. I can't help but feel a sense of Déjà Vu. You know that eerie feeling that you've been here before.
I guess it only makes sense seeing as how almost exactly one year ago I was doing the exact same thing. I was on my way to a charity dinner honoring me as the top man in the advertising industry. It was one of those stupid honors that were designed to let the other ad men know who had brought in the most money over the past 12 months.
Advertising is a truly weird business. We don't make anything or own anything, but without us the general public has no idea of who does do those things. Take my hopped up Mustang here. Do you think it would matter how great this car is if no one knew they made them or had heard of it? I think not.
No matter how many pencil protector wearing engineering geeks it took to design and build this beast, it would all be for nothing if some smart marketing wiz hadn't come up with a way to sell it. It also takes a genius to decide which market to sell the product to and how to approach it.
Any way, this year just like last year, I brought in more advertising dollars for my company than any other ad man in the world or at least in the industrialized nations. I guess that's where my sense of Déjà Vu came from.
The funny thing about it though is that even though I feel like I've done this before and I have, nothing is the same this year as it was a year ago. The Shelby I was driving last year is at home in the garage. Last year I worked for a different company or at least a company with a different name and I was married to ... Shit, I may as well tell you the whole story and let you see why I feel so weird. Sherman, crank up the way back machine. Set it for one year ago today...
Okay, last year my name was still Alexander Blake and as mentioned I was on my way to a charity event to honor me as the top man in advertising and make an absolute shit load of money for some charity that I had no interest in.
I'm sure the charity did great work for the homeless whales environmental disease cure or whatever it was. In my mind the big thing was that I was on top of my game. I had the world on a string and didn't give a shit who knew it. In fact I wanted everyone to know it.
I was again guiding a ridiculously powerful Shelby Mustang through the crowded streets near the convention center, with my lovely wife at my side.
Mary Beth, my wife of 6 years was 28, like me. Where I was California born and bred, she was New England royalty. It wouldn't have surprised me if she turned out to be related by marriage to the Kennedys. She had that Bostonian accent with its odd sounding vowels and clipped delivery. If someone had modernized Kathryn Hepburn, they'd have Mary Beth, at least on the surface.
I can't say that Mary Beth was ravishingly beautiful, but she was pretty and healthy and she had that All-American girl glow. Kind of like the Governator's wife Maria Shriver. She was the perfect wife for a top ad exec, attractive, but not overly so. Classy, sophisticated, well read, she was all of those things. But none of those are the reason I married her. I married her because I loved her like there was no tomorrow and I thought she felt the same about me.
Of course the fact that she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose and loved doing it didn't hurt. In public or around people, Mary Beth gave the impression that she was some kind of perfectly poised Ice Queen. Alone or out of the public's eye she was probably the biggest sex fiend I knew.
It was normal for me to come home to find her naked and bent over the back of my sofa as the first sight that greeted me when I walked in the door. There was nothing off the table for Mary Beth when it came to sex. I remember times when she'd come into my office in the middle of a meeting and tell the clients and my colleagues that she needed to borrow me for a few minutes. I'd be worried thinking that some dire emergency had arisen, only to have her pull me into my secretary's office for a quickie. "I just wanted you to understand what's really important," she'd said to me as she scooped up a finger's worth of my sperm that had leaked from her vagina and licked it off of her fingers. Then she kissed me goodbye and told me to come home straight after work.
Needless to say, I loved her back and our life together was never boring.
Besides being way under forty, my personal style also separated me from a lot of the top guys in the industry. I didn't wear suits unless I was going to an occasion that required it. I had never owned a black foreign sedan and never intended to do so. And I simply hated fucking golf with a passion. I preferred casual more modern clothing, Muscle cars and extreme sports.
I was the bad boy of the ad world. Of course having the might of one of the world's biggest ad agencies behind me hadn't hurt me, but I had worked my way up through the trenches on my own.
When I started at McMillan Worth, it was as an unpaid (yep I worked for fucking free) intern during my college days. I started out running down to the corner store as a gopher to some of the ad execs. And now I dictated policy to the ad execs from a corner office.
Mary Beth was particularly stunning that night in a long tight black Vera Wang dress with a diamond choker as her only adornment. It was a simple, but classic look that she managed to make effortless. Of course I knew that she'd been in make up for three hours to look like she was barely wearing any make-up. And having her hair styled to appear she'd just thrown it up and pinned it, cost us more than some people made in a month. But it was all worth it, this was my night.
Hundreds of flashbulbs went off as we surrendered my Stang to the valet. Mary Beth and I exchanged a chaste kiss for the reporters. I smiled as I remembered why the front of my raw silk pants was ever so slightly stained. She'd just had me pull over less than two blocks from here to give me a sloppy blow job, only moments before we got here.
As we stepped into the cavernous room, another round of flashbulbs exploded in our eyes. This time we were greeted by cheers and applause as we were introduced to the waiting crowd. The ceremony hadn't started yet but the party was in full swing. There were throngs of rich and or famous people there. Politicians, athletes, actors, musicians, the entire human zoo was represented and they were all here to honor me.
A bit later the ceremony began and they started out by acknowledging the works of some lesser honorees. There were awards for commercials, ad campaigns, product placement and other things. When my award was announced and the truly staggering amount of dinero I had procured for McMillan Worth, there was near stunned silence in the room. Even one of my ex college buddies and greatest competitors, Caesar Anthony's jaw dropped as he heard the amount of money I'd raised for the firm.
After that, the night moved onwards. They announced how much money the dinner had raised for the charity and then people returned to eating, drinking, dancing, socializing and networking. I'm sure that my earning power was a topic of discussion. I was also sure that taking me down was being discussed with equal fervor.
I was, to quote a line from a movie about a sinking ship, "The king of the world." But little did I realize, my ship was about to sink as well.
As I looked over the crowd of well heeled men and women, they all seemed to blend into startling similarity. The men all wore tuxes, and except for cufflinks or some other minor personalizing trim all looked the same. The majority of the women all wore some version of the famous little black dress. Only the name of the designer differentiated them. Maybe their hairstyles were different too, but I couldn't tell. I was dutifully dancing with several of the assembled ladies in an effort to be polite, when I saw her.
She had long unbound blonde hair that cascaded down around her shoulders as opposed to an up-do. Her hair covered one side of her face completely, so that only one eye was visible. The style was reminiscent of Veronica Lake and was extremely arousing. Among all of those rich and beautiful women there, she stood out. She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene. As she slowly made her way across the floor towards me, I noticed the way her red dress cut through the crowd that was dressed mostly in black.
Watching her as she approached me was like seeing a fireball cut through the darkness of space.
She actually bowed in front of me as the music started. I looked at Mary Beth and she just shrugged her shoulders and nodded. Of course at least fifty photographers took pictures of us as we started to dance. She danced extremely well and I suppose we looked good together. We didn't actually talk, until just before the dance ended.
Then with at least ten microphones near us she said the one fucking line that started all of that hell for me. She said that I was the one. Her voice was so soft at first that I didn't hear her. But apparently all of the microphones picked it up well.
She said I was the one, who would dance on the floor in the round. When she said that, my heart clutched. I hadn't heard that term in over six years. It was before I'd met Mary Beth, back in my days as a carefree single guy. It referred to a practice of mate swapping that we did back then. A bunch of couples would all form a circle, hence the term, "the round." Anyway, we'd dance for one hour, in a very dimly lit room, changing partners constantly. Whoever you were dancing with when the lights came on, you went home and had sex with. Most of the couples involved didn't survive.
It was a great thing for a young single guy like me. I'd meet some girl that I didn't really care that much about, take her to the party and let the chips fall where they may. Most of the time, I went home with someone completely different than I'd gone with.
Naturally I'd given things like that up long before I met Mary Beth. Dancing in the round was not conducive to stable relationships. Anyway back to the party.
The reporters, sensing a story were swarming around us like stink on shit. They were there as the whole thing collapsed. She told me her name was Billie Jean and she caused a scene.
Then every head turned to see what was going on. Mary Beth came over to stand beside me like a good wife. She knew the drill. Some gold digger looking for money or publicity showed up at a big event to cause a scandal. Half of the guys there took one look at her and dreamed of being the one themselves. Billie Jean was really fucking hot.
The problem was that try as I might, I simply couldn't remember her. Not only did I not remember fucking her, which I have to admit, was a crime. I couldn't remember ever meeting her or ever hearing of a Billie Jean.
Before I knew what was going on, before I could even hear the rest of her bullshit. My people whisked me and Mary Beth out of there. I really have to give Mary Beth credit. She was cool and professional. She smiled and posed for the cameras, even as they tried to turn my life to shit. If pride goeth before a fall, I was headed for a hell of a tumble.
As we left the hall I could see two things and neither of them boded well for me. The first was that Billie Jean was literally surrounded by reporters and microphones. For an evening that had started out all about me, it had ended up being all about some woman I was sure I'd never met before now.
The second thing was that Mary Beth was studying me intensely as if she'd never seen me before either. I could tell that my fit and status as her spouse was being carefully weighed and measured on a number of levels. Before that, I'd have told anyone who asked that Mary Beth and I were eternal. Or that we'd spend the rest of our lives together regardless of any circumstance.
We managed to slip out the back door and into my Mustang without being seen. As we roared off into the night only the deep throaty growl of my Magnaflow exhaust system gave evidence of our passing.
Inside the car Mary Beth was excited as usual. She quickly reached for my pants and for the first time ever, I pushed her hands away.
"Ooh teasing me huh?" she said. "I swear, even after all of this time. You can still surprise me. So what was all of that shit back at the party about?"
I really wasn't in the mood to talk right now, but I loved MB with all my heart, so I answered her questions.
"You were there MB, you saw her," I said. "She's some chick from my past that crawled out of the woodwork and claimed we had sex. Honestly, I don't get her point. If every person I had sex with came out and admitted it. There would probably be a long ass list. And we wouldn't get to you until the end. You'd be the last one in line, but definitely the best."
"You flatterer " she smiled. "You don't have to try to charm me to get some pussy. It's all yours, whenever you want it. I think you should just chalk this one up though as a publicity stunt that didn't quite go the way you wanted it to."
"MB, this wasn't one of mine," I said. "This was real."
"Well then it makes perfect sense all of a sudden," she said. "She's some unemployed actress who remembered that you once fucked her. When she found out that you were being honored at a big charity event, she decided to crash it and steal your limelight to generate some publicity of her own. It'll probably do wonders for her career."
She was silent for a few moments and then continued. "Realistically I thought that you'd planned it. It is after all brilliant. I don't know why we never thought of it ourselves," she said.
I looked at her skeptically. "Why would I want this?" I asked.
"Think about it Blake," she said. "Our next logical step is to separate you from the firm. Instead of people hearing about you as McMillan Worth's Blake Alexander, we want them to simply think Blake Alexander. It's the first step in you becoming famous on your own instead of as just an employee of some giant ad company."
"That way if it takes them too long to offer you a partnership and try to avoid giving you a titled partnership, we'll just walk and start up on our own." She seemed awfully confident.
When we got home it was business as usual. The necklace that I'd paid a ridiculous amount of money for was dropped casually on a table. The dress was on the floor at the bottom of the staircase, and Mary Beth was walking slowly up the stairs with only her thigh high stockings and panties on. She hadn't even worn a bra that night, not that she really needed one. The closing of our door was the signal for the previously perfectly coiffed paragon of class and dignity to resume her chosen role as my personal slut.
She settled down on our massive bed and spread her legs. "You didn't eat much at the party," she smirked. "I don't think you should go to bed hungry. So come on over here and eat some of this." Her hips lifted off of the bed in anticipation. I knelt before my carnal goddess and did what she hated most. A lot of women want their men to be gentle and careful, when they eat them. Not Mary Beth, "RRRR ... quit fucking teasing me and get to it," she snapped. I blew a gentle gust of air at her shaved bare vagina and was met with an icy glare. Just as she got ready to chastise me again, I caught her off guard and roughly swiped at her sensitive area from anus to clit as hard as I could in one swift stroke.
"EEEEEEE," she screamed. Her head jerked backwards and her legs flew even further apart. "Ohhh! fuck that was good." I swabbed her deck with my tongue as if I was trying to rub the skin off of it. She jerked and grimaced as if she was being tortured and screamed like a dying cat. Within seconds her eyes were rolling back in her head and she was gushing her juices all over me.
"Get your fucking clothes off, already," she snapped. "No that's okay; I can't wait that long, just do me."
I shook my head, in disbelief. Even after being together for six years, I was still shocked by exactly how slutty Mary Beth could be. Less than twenty minutes ago she'd appeared to be a woman who wouldn't say shit if she had a mouth full of it. Now in the privacy of our home, she could teach drunken sailors how to swear. I pulled my pants down around my ankles and grabbed her off the bed. I turned her around and slammed myself home in her tight hairless pussy. None of that romantic rubbing and easing my way in for her, she was already sopping wet and she liked it rough so that's what I gave her.
The first brutal stroke found me bottomed out inside her and her trying to get her legs even further apart, so I could get deeper. "Harder, baby. Slam me," she said. I was already fucking her so hard that if she got pregnant our kid would be born with a black eye, but she wanted it harder so I obliged her.
I grabbed her by her slim waist and pulled her onto me harder with each stroke. She pushed her ass against me increasingly harder also. It was more like we were fighting than fucking. I was getting closer with each stroke and Mary Beth knew it. "Don't you dare fucking cum," she said. She pulled herself off of me and turned to look at me. "Do my ass," she said. She was out of her mind. She was slurring her words together, and she had the biggest smile.
"Who was I to turn down the love of my life? I pulled her cheeks apart and started to lick her anus for lubrication. "Just put it in me," she screamed. "Force your dick into my shitter, now!" So again I complied. She pushed against me as I pushed into her. It was so tight I thought my dick was going to break. Finally I got the head in and she started oohing and screaming, "yes."
After a while we got the whole thing in and she started sawing against me again. It was so tight and I was already close." It didn't matter. I reached under her and rubbed her clit. Mary Beth started slamming her ass into me again.
Mary Beth doesn't have a large fleshy ass so her pelvic bones slamming against me were not the most comfortable thing, but it was brief thankfully. She started jerking involuntarily, and I grabbed her around her waist and drive myself home one more time. I came like a fire hose. Semen erupted from the end of my dick and blasted her insides. She reacted from the warmth of the fluid more than the volume. She ripped herself free of me and turned around quickly taking my shrinking member into her mouth and slurping greedily. Her tongue circled the head of my shaft and even probed the hole in the end of it for the last few drops. A few errant drops had escaped and landed on the bed. She scooped them up and swallowed them as well.
"Oh baby, that was so good," she crooned. "Just the way, I like it."
We fell back on the bed wrapped around each other and slept the sleep of the damned, while the world around us started to fall apart.
The next morning I woke up and unwrapped Mary Beth's arms from me. I showered and stumbled into my Mustang. Fortunately it was a Saturday, so it really didn't matter that it was nearly 10 a.m. when I got on the road. I noticed a few people staring at me as I went into my favorite Dunkin Donuts for coffee. I was sure it was the car. How did Michael Keaton say it in that Batman movie? "Chicks dig the car."
As I pulled into the parking lot behind our building, there was a group of reporters gathered. I figured that one of our advertising clients was making their shoes with slave labor in some third world country again. Or someone we represented has destroyed some tree in the rain forest. While I'm sure they were tragic, they were neither my job nor my concern.
I was working on landing a huge new client. They owned several hundred hotels all over Europe. Their advertising budget alone was worth over 10 million dollars a year. If I could land them, I'd already be one of the top five in terms of sales for next year already.
I'd been doing conference calls and video conferencing with them for the past few days. They were open to my advances but their responses were lukewarm at best. I was avoiding the inevitable trip to Europe to meet with them until I could arrange to take Mary Beth with me.
As I stepped into my office, things got weird. Normally the office would be deserted on a Saturday. But the few people that were there would greet me. I guess I expected some type of congratulations for the award I won last night. There was nothing. I did notice a few people staring at me and talking, but not much else.
My longtime secretary Myra grabbed me by my arm and yanked me into the office. "What the he'll were you thinking?" she asked.
"Well, I was thinking that I'd have coffee and call our new French client to see how the deal is going," I replied.
Myra looked at me as if I'd arrived at work on a short yellow bus instead of a $70,000 Mustang.
"Not that, you idiot," she said. "I may not like your wife much. She seems too uptight for you. It's like she has a stick permanently up her ass. But you married her. How could you cheat on her?"
"Myra what the hell have you been smoking?" I asked her.
"Didn't you read the paper this morning?" she asked. "What about this Billie Jean thing?" She looked at me closely. It was as if she expected me to confess to some terrible crime. But I was as cool as a cucumber. I just shrugged my shoulders.
"Blake, aren't you going to say something? It's not every day that your lover comes out of the woodwork and..." I had to stop her before she got too wound up with this, so I interrupted her.
"Billie Jean is not my lover," I told her. "To tell you the truth, last night was the first time I ever saw her."
Myra was still looking at me, intensely. Finally she nodded her head.
"I believe you," she said. "I've known you long enough to be able to look into your purple peepers and tell when you're being truthful." I laughed a bit. Because of a weird genetic melding in my family's gene pool, some of the kids were born with red eyes. My uncle Stanley had them. He wore brown colored contacts to disguise them. The trait was supposedly dominant. But my mother's side of the family all had very deep brown eyes. When you matched her with my father it got messy. I guess I should have been born with red eyes but when you mixed my mom's brown with the red I'd been born with very striking purple eyes. From a distance they looked brownish. But anyone who got close to me could see their purple shade.
My purple eyes were one of the reasons that I'd been so successful with women throughout my life. I really like to think that the fact that I'm a nice guy didn't hurt either.
Myra held up a copy of the morning paper. The headline read, "Blake's in trouble!" The article went on to give the usual background crap I'd become used to. I was described alternately as both an advertising genius and a ruthless business man. It talked about the award last night, some of the highlights of my career and all of my failures and setbacks. Then it talked about last night's fiasco.
A second article had the banner headline, "Who is Billie Jean?" I didn't read more than the first two lines of that one before I discovered that Billie Jean was talking to everyone she could. She was scheduled to appear on television, radio and many more magazine and newspaper articles. Apparently my nightmare was just beginning.
I called my lawyer, Montgomery Burns. He was a ruthless old bastard. I wanted him to jump on this whole Billie Jean thing and find out what she wanted and what it would take to get rid of her. Barring that I wanted him to start the proceedings to sue her for Libel.
I called home to see if my blushing bride was awake yet. She eerily answered the phone and yelled for our maid to bring her some "fucking," coffee.
"Mary Beth, you probably won't want to read the papers this morning," I warned her. "They're all full of the Billie Jean shit."
"Oh my God, you're kidding," she laughed. "It must be a really slow news day. Why else would they be interested in some woman you slept with back in college?"
"Mary Beth, would you please listen to me," I said seriously. "I don't remember that woman. I don't remember having sex with her period. I don't even remember talking to her or seeing her."
"You were probably bombed out of your mind," she said.
"I don't think I've ever been so drunk that I couldn't remember having sex with someone," I said seriously. Mary Beth in the way that people who have been together for a long time can, sensed that my mood had shifted.
"Blake, don't worry about this. It's nothing. I believe you. I'm on your side no matter what. For better and for worse, remember? I love you, stupid," she started making little kissing noises over the phone. I started laughing and felt better instantly. Naturally she wasn't done sticking it to me though. "Blake did you notice the way every guy in the place couldn't take their eyes off of that Heifer's Tata's though? I think I'm going to have to insist on breast implants for my birthday. I think I'll move up to like a quadruple Z cup," she laughed.
"Oh yeah, I can see it now," I laughed. "We'll have to get you a wheelbarrow to carry them around in."
"And I'll terrify our kids when they breast feed," she said.
"What kids?" I asked. "How are we going to have any kids?"
"We can have kids any time we want," she said. "I come from damn good breeding stock. All I have to do is stop taking my pill and I'll start spitting out little Alexander's like there's no limit."
"I don't see it," I said.
"Why not?" she smirked. I could already imagine her at home on our huge bed completely naked with her head tilted to the side. It was the way she always reacted when someone told her she couldn't do something.
"Well," I said, with mock seriousness. "In order for us to procreate ... You do understand the term procreation don't you? I'm not being too technical here am I."
"I know what procreation is, you idiot," she said.
"Well, in order for us to procreate, I'd have to shoot my stuff into your Hoo hah," I said. Mary Beth erupted with laughter.
"I thought this was a serious technical talk," she said. "You and I have more sex than anyone I know. And you can shoot your stuff anywhere you want, but your stuff is my stuff. No one else gets a fucking drop of it. Especially not Billie Jean." she was still laughing as she hung up the phone.
For the rest of the weekend, Mary Beth and I just relaxed and enjoyed each other. We took the boat out on Sunday morning and just lazily sailed around the bay. We stopped off at several secluded coves and did what came natural. We even moored just off of an island where we could make out picnickers with our naked eyes. We took off all of our clothes and had sex right in front of them to act out one of Mary Beth's fantasies about having sex in front of other people. The people on the beach did start pointing at our boat, though.
It was lucky that we did it then because if we'd waited a couple of days, there'd have been reporters all over us.
While Mary Beth and I were relaxing Billie Jean had been telling her story. Monday morning it was all over the papers again. As much as I hoped it would die down and go away, the story seemed to have legs.
When I went into the office Monday morning I was told to appear at a special meeting of the board of directors. This was what I'd been waiting for. I assumed that they were going to offer me a partnership as a reward for all of my bard work.
When I walked into the meeting, it was the same as it always was. A group of old men, who had all, at one time or another been in my shoes.
Each and every one of them had been the company hotshot at some point. Each generation's hotshot had to rewrite the record books until they were so important to the company that they had to be offered a part of it.
First I was asked about the new account I was working on. I told them that we hadn't actually landed it yet, but things looked promising.
Then the moment I dreamed of came. I knew that once the discussion of money was over we'd move to discuss me personally.
"On a more personal note," said Arthur Harris. I was trying very hard not to smile. I needed to remain professional and in control. I couldn't let them see how much this would mean to me to become a partner before turning forty. I'd also become the first to make partner before turning thirty.
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Our local college Basketball team made the state finals Tournament. Its up to a 5 night trip depending on how the team does. I’m their bus driver. I am Bi but like girls most of the time. There is one type boy I like. Billie is that type. I have been watching him since the beginning of the season. Billie plays basketball but is to short to play at a league level. About 5 foot 2 very slim but fit, blond hair and fair skin. Not trying to creep him out but you would by amazed how many times...
Our local college Basketball team made the state finals Tournament. Its up to a 5 night trip depending on how the team does. I'm their bus driver. I am Bi but like girls most of the time. There is one type boy I like. Billie is that type. I have been watching him since the beginning of the season. Billie plays basketball but is to short to play at a league level. About 5 foot 2 very slim but fit, blond hair and fair skin. Not trying to creep him out but you would by amazed how many times...
This is a grown up story for grown up people. If you are under 18 then please keep playing Quake - this one's not for you. If you don't like stories about transsexuals then please don't read on - it will only make you angry. Billie would not have been born without the inspiration, encouragement and patience of my best friend, mentor and shoulder to cry on, Elaine. So this story is dedicated to her. If you haven't already done so, please download and read her stories - they are...
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John is off to a gardening day out with other inmates from our home and I have a day to myself to relax and pamper myself. After doing my normal cleaning I am just about to sit down for a coffee when there is a knock at the door. I am pleased to see it is our newest resident Rita, a lady of my own age and single. Inviting her in I offer her a coffee and within minutes we are sat chatting. It transpires she is a spinster and former headmistress who had spent most of her life looking after...
Chrissie, Rene and Jean I hope you’ve enjoyed the stories I’ve already related to you concerning my adventures with Rene. I’ve told you of his insatiable love of S/M and bondage. I’ve also told you a tale of my relationship with Charles, his driver. Now I’d like to relate the details of an encounter with Rene which occurred near the end of our nearly 2 year involvement. Charles and the Rolls Royce Silver Cloud called for me at my condo the same as he had so many times previously. I must point...
It was the summer of 1958, and I had just pissed-off my C.O. at Camp Pendleton by going over his head to get transferred the hell out of that miserable desert landscape. It had cost me an additional year on my enlistment, but I had considered that a cheap price to pay. My next duty station was to be at Subic Bay in the Philippines, and I was leaving base with three and a half weeks delay in reporting to Treasure Island in San Francisco - this was to be spent with my parents and brother in...
Elsa Jean Reddit, aka r/ElsaJean! Are you a fan of the beautiful Elsa Jean? Even if you are not, as long as you enjoy watching pretty blonde girls get down and dirty, you will love what r/ElsaJean/ subreddit is all about. She is a pretty petite girl who is always eager to pleasure horny men, and honestly, she is a rather known pornstar, so I am not sure how the fuck you could not actually know about her.Anyway, you are free to browse through as much as you want. r/ElsaJean/ subreddit is filled...
Reddit NSFW ListIt seems like forever since I've seen my neighbour Jean, but this morning my luck was in. Me and Lisa were out last night and when we got home we enjoyed ourselves, as usual, by watching some great porn films. After a few hours of pleasure Lisa went to bed leaving me to carry on watching and stroking as I normally do. As morning arrived I kept a look out for Jean in case she came into her garden as she often does. I opened the blinds enough so that if she looked over she would definitely see...
I barely noticed as Jean walked into the store, approached the counter and asked, in perfect English but with a delightful French accent, if I had a copy of 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo. I heard the words clearly, but my eyes and brain were focused on the sashaying rear end of a lovely piece of ass with gorgeous tits and nice round hips who had somehow even again resisted my best efforts at seduction and was on her way out of the store. Without even buying a fucking book! Bitch! Cunt!...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I went to my Aunt Jean’s house last summer to give her a hand cleaning up around her place. She isn’t a spring chicken anymore in her mid 60’s, and me only 27. She has always been one of my favorite Aunts, kind of eccentric but a really sweet lady all the same. We had been mowing her large yard and picking up tree limbs that had blown down in a recent storm. It had been a long day already, and was only nearing noon. She had gone inside to fix some...
IncestThe wind pushed the pellets of rain and snow under my hat forcing the rain drops to run down my glasses, which made the view before me a very surreal picture as we gathered around the bronze urn sitting on the grave site on that miserable November day in 1995. The weather was raw enough so that my sister-in-law and her daughter were pressed hard up against me, although I knew from the way their arms were wrapped around me they were also wanting to give and receive some mutual comfort in their...
“She’ll see you now,” the secretary smiled as I approached the office of the vice principal.I shuddered for a moment, and with a great sigh, I entered her office. The secretary made sure that our secret meeting was kept confidential, as she rose from her desk and checked the hallway. The last thing I saw before I closed the door was her head peering down either side to see if the coast was clear. She turned back at me and nodded as I closed the door behind me.Mrs. Baker, our thirty-something...
Spanking“She’ll see you now,” the secretary smiled as I approached the office of the vice principal.I shuddered for a moment, and with a great sigh, I entered her office. The secretary made sure that our secret meeting was kept confidential, as she rose from her desk and checked the hallway. The last thing I saw before I closed the door was her head peering down either side to see if the coast was clear. She turned back at me and nodded as I closed the door behind me.Mrs. Baker, our thirty-something...
SpankingTransvamporia Two: Jeannette by Bloodspell Moone Introduction: Welcome to the second installment in the Transvamporia story, if you have not read the first part, I would recommend that you read it first, as this is a giant story that builds upon the previous parts. Now, I guess the best way to describe this story is to say that it is different than almost all of the stories you are use to reading here. I am a plot driven writer, and as such, the story line and the plot are going...
Note: This is 100% fiction. I was inspired to write this story after seeing an interview on YouTube about India Summer where she answered questions about her life and career and I couldn’t help notice that there is much more to this amazing person than we see on the scenes in her porn videos. Also, if you are looking for a story that gets into the hot sex right away, this is not your story. The sex stuff starts in Chapter 5. I am more into getting to know someone and having fun before the sex...
"Why did you lock the door?" asked the male voice. "I'm sorry it's just a habit of mine." Danielle replied. "Just don't do it again allright." "Fair enough." I heard a stall open and close next to me. I stood there on the toilet and bent over so my head wouldn't be exposed. Then I heard the girl leave. I stepped off the toilet and unlocked the stall door. I ran out of that bathroom as fast as I could. I jumped into my car and drove off the campus. While driving,...
It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne's estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn't help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta's GTO, but the guards had waved them through as soon as they spotted her in the driver's seat. The warm sun and the smell of freshly cut grass greeted them as they made their way up to what...
It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne's estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn't help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta's GTO, but the guards had waved them through as soon as they spotted her in the driver's seat. The warm sun and the smell of freshly cut grass greeted them as they made their way up to what...
The Perfect Hubby 2: Billy to Billie Jean By Sharon Masterman Julie turned out to be right. A week later Billy came home to find me wearing heavy makeup, the previously forbidden 5-inch heels, and a tight sweater and skirt. His excitement was apparent. So was his fear. I towered over him in my heels and scolded him as if he were a child. As I scolded him there was a total change in his facial expression. He was actually cringing, like a frightened little boy. So I ordered him...
Going off the Deep End Goodbye Martha Jean By: Malissa Madison It was spring of 1979, and Don had no idea that he was living three separate lives. All he knew was nothing seemed to be going right. Bills weren't getting paid. But he was making more than enough money. He never remembered buying the weed or the booze. He just knew that it kept happening. Then one night in the middle of his falling apart he got the phone call that seemed to kick it into fast gear. Martha was on the...
Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn’t really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she’d put off, and she knew that she simply couldn’t relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours slipped...
Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn’t really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she’d put off, and she knew that she simply couldn’t relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours slipped...
Group SexI Dream of JeanieI have been happily married for 13 years now. My wife and I, like most other couples have had our ups and downs over the years. It just so happens we are on one of our downs now. I am not really sure how it all got started but the end result was me getting thrown out. I don't resent her for it, sometimes some time apart is good to regroup then rekindle your love. But during my time away I began a new chapter in my life. I only hope she can accept it and go along with it.So our...
I was annoyed…At first …Then I was amused.- - -I have lived in Midtown Manhattan for most of my adult life and Eugenia’s Creations just off Herald Square is my favorite boutique. I am a curvy girl and Eugenia designs specifically for ladies with a figure. I tend towards the slightly edgy side of strong tailored pieces, which means I don't do frilly stuff well. Nevertheless, I have a great appreciation for good design that is executed with style; wearable, functional clothing that doesn't...
Love StoriesJeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn't really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she'd put off, and she knew that she simply couldn't relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours...
Facebook meme:You know what’s really uncomfortable? A bra. But we still wear one in public. Not for me, for others.That was posted by my hiking partner, a woman in her early sixties who is in excellent shape because of her hiking and her work as an occupational therapist. Whenever we go out into the woods, I’ve always been happy to let her take the lead so I could enjoy the view. Such a nice ass wiggle. I commented back, You don’t need to wear one on my account.We’ve spent a lot of time...
Oral SexChapter 2: Barocca Duz JeanneBarocca smiled warmly at Jeanne, and she quickly undid the two knots that held her bikini panties on, and tossed them to the side. Barocca focused her thoughts, and released the mental control over her cock. Almost instantly, Barocca's cock lengthened and expanded so that it was now eight inches long, and as thick as several of Jeanne's fingers were. Jeanne shook her head in disbelief. "Damn. You weren't k**ding about some of the things you can do with your...
Jean and Denica decided to take the day off. Work had been grueling for the last few weeks and they decided to take some much-deserved time off. Besides, their friend Veronica was on vacation and told them they were free to use her pool while she was gone. So, they went over to her house and let themselves in with a key she had left them. Once there, they slipped into their bathing suits and jumped into the pool to cool off. It was almost 90 degrees today and the water felt great. They played...
Norma Jeane was nine. She was also frightened. Not because her mother stacked her in foster homes when she was five. Or because those foster homes had been very cruel to her. It was not the daily hard work that earned her some nice bread. Or the frequent scolding. It was Mr. Kimmel. Mr. Kimmel was the Carpinson's star lodger. He was a sourly white man, a huge face with ugly pink smudges that looked up from between thick white collars. Norma had to strain to get a look at his eyes because of...
Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left. Roger decides to go inside anyway and maybe score a cup of coffee from Jeannie. “Good morning Jeannie”, he calls out as he walks through the front door, “How about a cup of coffee?” Roger sees no one but hears a soft sobbing coming from the living room. “Oh, good morning Maj. Healy”, says Jeannie rising from lying on the couch; as she is wiping tears from her eyes. “My Master has already left for work but you...
Aunt Jeannie We three had been best friends as long as any of us can remember. Jeannie,Carol and Ruthie; I'm the one in the middle; Ruthie is two months younger andgrew up in the house next to ours on the right. Jeannie is about a year anda half older and grew up two doors to the left of my house. Jeannie, Caroland Ruthie – we were always together. There was never anything that we did as kids that I don't remember us doingtogether. We were more like sisters than our real sisters and brothers....
As stated at the end of this story: “Stud” of the shelter, I promised a woman named Lynette that I would meet her granddaughter, Jeanette, and possibly have sex with her. I met Lynette at a battered women’s shelter that my, mom, sister and I had to stay at because of a domestic situation at home. I also had the pleasure of fucking Lynette several times while staying at the shelter. I was still a minor teenager as were the girl I deflowered...
Jeanie Adams, 28 year old only daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Adams of Acacia Drive, Amblehurst, had a reasonable middle ranking career for which she was far too intelligent, and a healthy interest in sex. With the help of several boyfriends she had gained what she considered to be a pretty comprehensive knowledge of physical love in all its various incongruities and deliciousness. The men were often initially shocked to find that anybody as obviously popular and attractive as Jeanie could...
[Note: Words of encouragement can be sent to samburdell2008 at excite dot com] The Convention ---------------------- Jeanette (the woman I met in Vegas a month before) and I timed our flights to arrive in Kansas at about the same time. We were to meet at the small baggage claim area. We both loved science fiction and fantasy, so we thought it would be fun to see eachother again at a convention. [Jeanette isn't her real name, but she reminds me of pool player Jeanette Lee, so...
‘Hey Dave!’ Joe said as he opened the door to see his old friend. ‘Come on in.’ ‘Thanks man,’ Dave said. Joe led Dave into the living room and gestured for him to sit. ‘It’s been a long time, Dave.’ Joe said. ‘Yeah, college,’ Dave said. ‘Glad we got connected again through Facebook.’ ‘And we turn out to live so close to each other. Wild stuff,’ Joe said. Joe and David’s conversation was interrupted by a woman’s voice coming from the direction of the kitchen. ‘Master, I have cold beers...
Rapehouse 2: Finishing Jeanne "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!" a loud cry of terror is heard from Jeanne's cell as I smoke a cigarette outside and look at the moon. For the last 72 hours I have been getting paid to let people rape Jeanne, a girl I kidnapped from work. My conscience is kicking in so I think I'm about to let her go. She has been raped by 12 customers and an additional 4 people, Delta (me), and Charlie Bravo and Alpha (my staff). We are wanted by the police and must...
This year I've had time to start a few new stories but no time to finish any. Yet, I don't want 2011 to end with none posted. So here's a short one. Jeanne by Vickie Tern Hi, Charlene? What do you mean, so early -- it's past noon! No, I'm just calling to tell you that you were right! Absolutely right! Yes, it was marvelous, and there's lots more coming, I can't wait to tell you just how much more! He's...
Jeannie moaned into her ball gag as her Master beat her imprisoned sex. She lay naked on the cold concrete basement floor, covered in angry red welts, her hands by her head, cuffed by the wrists to the thick leather collar around her neck. The cruel clamps around her nipples had become unbearable an hour ago, only a few minutes after Master had placed them there. Her modest breasts were especially bruised - Master liked the knowledge that Jeannie's breasts would be sore every time she wore a...
I was watching a video on here that reminded me of my Aunt. Some is true, some is fantasy, Thoughts of her are always a pleasure to remember.I loved my Aunt and Uncle, they were good people. My Uncle served in World War II and stormed Omaha Beach on the second wave, after the war he worked for the government. In his spare time he built custom cabinets- he taught me a lot. He and my Aunt never had c***dren, she was unable to have any, so they adopted. My cousin was a shit, she never truly...
Last weekend the f****y got together three day trip. We usually go to a beach or a park, but this time we decided to go hiking. After we arrived at the cabin my 71 year old aunt Jeanette decided it would be best for her to stay behind and not try to hike the trail. She’s is 5ft 2ins tall. 135 pounds with very large saggy breast and a super large ass. I volunteerd to stay with her so she would be all alone. The hike is an overnight trip so everyone else grabbed their sl**ping bags and backpacks...
Last weekend the family got together three day trip. We usually go to a beach or a park, but this time we decided to go hiking. After we arrived at the cabin my 71 year old aunt Jeanette decided it would be best for her to stay behind and not try to hike the trail. She's is 5ft 2ins tall. 135 pounds with very large saggy breast and a super large ass.I volunteerd to stay with her so she would be all alone. The hike is an overnight trip so everyone else grabbed their sleeping bags and...
I never shared that my story, "She Finally Did It", posted August 4 is actually true. Of course, I changed the names to protect the guilty.The story that I share here is the prelude to how Jeanne and I met. And yes, it is the gospel (probably the wrong word to use here) truth.As I alluded in "She Finally Did It", my wife was widowed when she and I met via an online dating service. I was divorced since the early 90's. As a single guy who really was pretty tame before divorcing, I let it all fly...
By January 3, David, Melanie and Josh were back in L.A. They had all gone to the New Year's Eve gig of the Clearwater Posse and had great fun. Of course, with David in his wheelchair, there had been no dancing. Melanie spent most of the night with her small tushy parked in David's lap. A few snide remarks and veiled accusations were made, but there was also a great number of people who were genuinely happy when David did a brief demo of his improving leg control. That night, Melanie also...
He watched her as she shuffled slowly to the front door of her apartment block. She was maybe five feet five, brunette, slightly built. The nose was a little long, maybe, and a bit bulbous at the tip -- but not much, and it didn't detract from the frail beauty of her face. Her bust -- well, that was what had drawn his attention initially. It wasn't huge or anything, but it seemed substantial on her slight frame. That had been several weeks before, when she'd been out in a midriff top with a...
Jeannie, my JeanniePart IWakeup Call!!I was lying in bed half awake, half asleep. My mind was wondering when I became aware of a strange sensation. I awoke to see my thirteen year old daughter Jeannie in bed beside me. Her right hand was wrapped around my erect cock which she held tightly. ? BABY! What are you doing? You have to stop!!? ?Dad, it is OK, I have been dreaming of this. I know how you have been looking at me since Mom left.? ?You have to stop!!? I did nothing to stop her,...
Tony rolled over in bed, an erection keeping him awake. ?Oooooh, Master,? Jeannie squealed as she hopped up on the bed. Her top was pulled down so that her big boobs were exposed. ?Pleeeease let me handle that for you,? she begged. ?Sure, Jeannie,? Tony pulled his pajama bottoms down, exposing his erection. Jeannie grabbed it eagerly and flicked it against her tongue, teasing the tip before taking it into her mouth and pushing it down into her throat. She bobbed her head up and down, pleasuring...
The gallery opening for Robert DeSoto was a much-anticipated event in town. He was somewhat of a local celebrity artist and his openings were always sold-out affairs. We own one of his works, so we always get first dibs on tickets before the regular public and we were not going to miss this one for two reasons. First, we wanted to talk with him about doing a commissioned piece, potentially with me as the model. Second, the theme of this collection was decidedly more erotic than many of his...
BDSMShe was a very small girl, barely five feet high, and she likely did not weigh a hundred pounds although her young body was all curve and valley, hill and mound, slope and ditch, delightful to look at, and, I was sure, even more pleasant to roger. She stood at the side of my table, her hands behind her, rotating her enticing torso slightly from side to side so her jutting boobies brushed by my face one after the other, jiggling as they did, and said, very softly and with mischief in her eyes,...
When the tv series started way back in the 1960s when it was still in black and white I missed all the early episodes as I was stuck overseas in Asia and a few hot spots they were and I don,t just mean the ridiculous heat and high humidity. When I got home on leave there she was the pixie like Barbara Eden. A petite beauty who just oozed sex yet seemed exotic in her skimpy Arab pyjamas. A programme that had an elfin genie in pyjamas yet suitable for the family to view, Should imagine thousands...
"Hey, Jeannie," he said as he opened the door, "come on in. Susie'll be back soon I'm sure." He grinned happily and licked his chops, it was like his prayers had been answered. He was just about to go upstairs, find his old magazines, put a sock on his cock and jerk off for an hour or so. He wasn't really hard, but he was riled, eager, overdue for a pipe draining, couldn't think of anything else, just pussy, especially young pussy, and here it was, just what he wanted, what he needed....
le 2 avril 2018. Hier dans la matinée, Karine m'appelle sur mon portable (une copine rencontrée à l'Amphibi) pour me demander si je si disponible pour un plan cul c'est son mari (Henri) qui l'organise avec une "Maitresse" qu'il a découvert en allant sur son blog. Il veut éduquer Karine, qu'elle apprenne à se soumettre pour mieux la dominée, enfin bref je les ai rejoins. Henri, à beaucoup parlé de lui, de ces performances, bien installé dans un beau fauteuil un verre de Wiskys à la main.La...