Waltzing With Jean free porn video

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The wind pushed the pellets of rain and snow under my hat forcing the rain drops to run down my glasses, which made the view before me a very surreal picture as we gathered around the bronze urn sitting on the grave site on that miserable November day in 1995.

The weather was raw enough so that my sister-in-law and her daughter were pressed hard up against me, although I knew from the way their arms were wrapped around me they were also wanting to give and receive some mutual comfort in their grief.

I could feel their bodies shaking as they clung to me but I had no idea how much of their shaking was from the cold or how much from their grief as the tears rolled down their respective cheeks.

I turned my head to watch Rev. Peters approach the urn to deliver his final pronouncement, while also observing that my son John was pressed tightly against my niece as he made it evident that he too was in need of comforting.

Rev. Peters having recited his final prayer over the urn containing my wife’s ashes, stepped around it to hold each of the ladies hands for a second. then to hug my son and finally to embrace me.

His final words to me were a softly murmured, ‘We are all going to miss her Ron, she was a woman that you couldn’t help but love, but you know that, you two were married for almost 35 years. Now come back to the hall for a bite and some fellowship.’

The sparse crowd was scurrying to get out of the morose atmosphere gathered round us by weather and event and back to the hall where it was warm and dry.

Though the crowd at the grave site had been small, it’s size was not indicative of the love and respect that all who knew my wife freely bestowed upon her during her lifetime. In fact, at her memorial service at the lodge hall there were over 175 people from all parts of the state and even from British Columbia there for her service. Which might not make her memorial service an extraordinary event, except that the service was held two days before Thanksgiving.

What also made it extraordinary was the fact that in the several days before her memorial service and the weeks following, for every person present, I had at least one card, letter, or phone call expressing regrets because of travel plans, family events, etc. If all had been able to attend who expressed a wish and a regret, I have no idea where we would have found a place to hold her services.

To explain my wife I have to tell you something about her. It is said that the hardest job in the world is to be a wife and mother. That is only partially true. Just as in the US Navy there are groups whose lot may be relatively easy, There are others who by their job or skill have gone beyond the normal. There are sailors who never go to sea and then there are the SEALs. Get my drift? In wifehood and motherhood there are wives and mothers, then there are Navy wives and mothers.

I know there will be some howling by the other armed service wives and mothers, but until 9/11 most (but not all) service wives lived on some base with their husbands and families. True the husband had to go on exercises or fly out someplace for a week or two, but the Navy wife sees her husband sail away 6 months out of each year to some place or other. Even when he is home, he isn’t, because half of the time he is out to sea getting ready to deploy.

Why and how they stay married, raise a family, and live on a pauper’s pay, or want to, I haven’t a clue. But to all of you Navy wives, God bless you because you are the SEALs of the wife and mother world, and that dear hearts was a large part of who and what my wife was. She was a sailors wife. The cream of the crop.

On a weekend in September of the year of her passing my wife Jean became very ill. Not knowing what was causing it I rushed her into the emergency room at St. Joseph Hospital, after notifying our family doctor. The evening dragged on for an eternity before the family doctor was able to inform me that after examination and a lot of testing it had been determined that my wife had internal problems and was even now being prepped for exploratory surgery.

Because a lot of the surgery was exploratory to determine exactly what the problem was, he had nothing to offer until the completion of the surgical procedure. So I waited for hours, worrying and just being scared for the woman I’d lived with and learned to love for such a large part of my life.

Finally the doctor and the surgeon who’d performed the operation met me in the waiting room to drop the bombshell: my wife had ovarian cancer. They’d been able to surgically remove most of it but it had spread to her lower bowel and they’d had to perform a bowel resection. He glumly informed me that they’d not been successful in completely removing all of the cancer and that another operation would be needed. He’d set it up at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle to operate as soon as she could travel.

As soon as my wife could come home I checked her out of St. Joes and brought her home under the strictest injunction that she was not to do anything but rest.

This meant that I was now the chief cook-and-bottle-washer. But I was well prepared for that as I am a pretty good cook. My dad had worked on the ore boats on the Great Lakes as a cook, and my mother was a good cook, but because of her feminist leanings she refused to indulge herself. Her belief was that if you can’t stuff it into a pressure cooker, don’t bother. In self defense, if I didn’t want to eat food that was unidentifiable and all the same color, I’d had to learn to cook.

When we were first wed my wife couldn’t boil water. As the oldest in her family, her job was to bring money into a dirt poor family and not to be the cook. That task was left to her youngest sister Eliza, the lady who’d held me so tightly at the grave side.

After I taught Jean a few of the basics of cooking she found that she had a real talent for it and for the remainder of our marriage I was barred from the kitchen under threat of great bodily harm if I invaded ‘her space.’

Our doctor finally determined that she was fit to travel and so I drove her down to the UW Medical Center. Upon checking in I was informed that the remainder of the day would be one of testing and that the surgery was scheduled for the following morning.

I drove back down to the UW Medical Center very early the next morning so that I could be with my wife before the surgical prepping began. I was finally kicked out of her room to take up residency in the waiting room.

I had been given to understand that the surgeon performing the procedure was the best surgeon on the West coast specializing in female cancer surgery, which was of little comfort because in my mind was the worrisome thought that even the best can make mistakes.

After what seemed to be days and days the surgeon approached me in the waiting room. As soon as she asked me to take a seat I knew there was a problem. She seated herself next to me, took my hand, and informed me in a quiet voice that the operation was of limited success and that my wife had at best a 20% chance of living to the five year mark.

I was totally devastated. I asked her if my wife knew of the prognosis, and she assured me that my wife was still out of it in Post Op and no one on the staff would tell her later.

She also told me that I could not see my wife and that it would be several hours before she could be transferred from Post Op to the Critical Care Unit, and finally to the Intensive Care Unit so I might as well go home and try to rest up. As I rose to leave the doctor also rose and in a sad voice apologized because they had done their best and it hadn’t been good enough.

My mind was a jumble of thoughts on that two and a half hour trip home. Remembrances of events in our married life, worries about my mate, worries about the insurance, worries about how to take proper care of her when they released her. Probl
ems, thoughts, worries, and memories. They all whirled through my mind at a 1000 miles a second like an out of control merry-go-round.

The thoughts I kept suppressing were the thought of my life without my partner, and if the doctor was right, the thought of the horrible painful way she was going to take her leave of me.

That night I had a lot of trouble trying to fall asleep. Even the tricks which every serviceman learns to use to get some shuteye when it’s possible and necessary escaped me. It used to tick my wife off that I could almost instantly fall asleep under any and all circumstances inside of 2 minutes. She’d been really ticked off when she found out the doctor had to wake me in the waiting room while she’d been in labor for 18 hours to deliver our son.

Late the next morning I showered, ate, drove to town to pick up our son, and headed back down to Seattle.

After parking the car, we walked into the medical center, found out where they had moved her after coming out of ICU, hit the elevator, and shortly arrived at her room.

Having watched hundreds of movies on TV with patients in hospital rooms hooked up to various pieces of machinery and an IV bottle does not prepare you for the sight when the patient is your ever loving wife. She was semi-reclining as the bed was elevated to allow her to sit up a little bit.

Our son John gave her a slight hug and a peck on the cheek and stepped back so that I could greet my mate. After squeezing her hand and giving her a light kiss I also stepped back so that she wouldn’t have to stretch or otherwise strain herself as we talked.

After a few minutes of mild chit chat she suddenly broke down, clasped her hands together, lifted them to her breast and started to cry. The only words that escaped her lips were, ‘I’m so scared,’ which she repeated over and over again, as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

I wanted to immediately hold and comfort her as the thought instantly raced through my mind that someone had told her of the poor prognosis following her surgery.

I cast that suspicion aside and concluded that her fears about dying were probably foremost, but I also suspected that she was also afraid of all of the post op treatment, Radiation, Chemotherapy, etc, she was going to have to undergo to try to make her well and it was also weighing heavily on her mind.

I turned to my son and told him to go get a coke, telling him under my breath to make himself scarce for at least 15 minutes.

As soon as he’d departed, I closed the door, pulled my watch out of my pocket, turned to my wife and informed her that she had 2 minutes to cry, to scream, to throw a tantrum if she wanted to. I further informed her that once those 2 minutes were up, there’d be no more crying, no more tears, no more tantrums, so she needed to make this outburst a really good one. For those 2 minutes she sobbed silently, hiccuping every few seconds as she tried to regain her composure.

As the minutes rolled on I grabbed a chair, drew it up alongside the bed, sat, and clasped her hands with both of my own.

After gathering my thoughts for a few seconds I reminded her of all of the years that she had been a strong Navy wife, the best of the best. I reminded her of all of times she had been alone to be mother and father while I was deployed, about the times she knew I was sailing in harms way and yet she still had to carry on not knowing whether this was the cruise when the black official Navy vehicle would pull up to the curb with information she didn’t want to hear.

I reached my arm around her so that she could lay her head on my arm as I finally reminded her of the fact that she was not just a Navy wife, She was the wife of a Master Chief Petty Officer. There wasn’t anything she couldn’t do, and she was now about to undergo the worst that could happen and she had to be strong enough to face it and conquer it.

If that sounds chauvinistic, consider this, All of the times she’d been left alone, all of the times she’d had to cope with problems without me had made her strong because she’d had to be strong.

A large part of her being a strong woman was her pride in our accomplishments as I advanced in the Navy. Yes I said our because it was my desire to please her and make her proud of me that forced me to study and better myself.

My final comment to her was simply a reminder: Master Chief’s do not cry or whimper. They persevere and overcome. In like manner, the wife of a Master Chief does not cry or whimper. She also perseveres and overcomes.

That having been said I placed my left arm across her chest so that I could give her a proper hug and quietly whispered in her ear as I began to kiss her and try to make the hurt and fear go away, ‘Honey, when it gets tough, when it seems like you can’t go on, and it will, simply say to yourself I am the cream of the crop. I am a wife and mother, I am a Navy wife and mother, I am a Master Chief’s wife. I am the best that there is and there is nothing I can’t do, and also remember that I love you so very much and will be here for you.’

When my son returned to the room he found my wife lying in the bed with my head on her breast, her hand softly stroking my head, and a sad smile on her lips.

For the next several weeks we settled into a routine. I’d drive down 3 or 4 times a week, bringing our son on the weekends. The days I didn’t drive down I’d call her after supper and we’d chat for awhile.

After awhile all of the instruments were unhooked except for the IV bag and they started having her do some exercises to get her strength back as she had to demonstrate that she was physically strong enough to be released.

The weekend before she was due for release (we hoped), my son and I arrived for a visit. As the elevator door opened we were both struck dumb by the sight of Jean walking down the hall way pushing the IV dolly in front of her and muttering all the while as she disappeared from view, ‘I’m going to get my strength up and I’m going to get out of this damn hospital. I want to go HOME.’

John and I looked at each other for a second and then we both roared with laughter as we started down the hall way to round her up.

The following week I made a joyous trip to the hospital. I was bringing my mate home.

The trip home wore my lady out. I had her stay in the van until I put our two Black Labs, Gunner and Bosun, in the barn so that they wouldn’t jump on her and perhaps injure her. After putting her to bed, I put a leash on the dogs one at a time and brought them up to the bedroom so they could greet her. Each dog in turn seemed to sense how weak she was and instead of trying to jump on the bed, sat next to the bed to lick her hand in greeting. After a few moments the dogs crawled upon the bed very carefully, and curling up, lay down on each side of her as if to protect her.

I sat on a stool holding her hand as she closed her eyes. As she fell into a slumber her lips curled into a smile for the first time in weeks. Once I’d satisfied myself that she was resting I disengaged my hand and went out to the van to bring her things into the house.

After several hours of rest she woke and asked for a bite to eat. Having made a crock pot of chicken soup before I’d left to bring her home, she, I, and the dogs dined on soup and crackers that night.

After I washed the dishes we talked about the days ahead and what her wants and wishes were as far as meals were concerned. We talked about how she was going to look after her personal needs. I reminded her that the doctors forbade her to do anything but to rest in bed or sit in her chair. The exception for the next several months would be trips to town to see the various doctors, her radiation and chemotherapy treatments, and to gather up the medication and the painkillers she needed.

All of the forgoing became the schedule that we adhered to until that terrible day when the walls of my world began to crumble: Wed
nesday 15 November 1995.

That evil day started off normally in that we woke, cleaned up, and ate breakfast. Following breakfast she sat down in her rocker in the living room to read and watch TV while I did a little house cleaning and gathered up some laundry to put in the washing machine.

Later that afternoon I had several things I needed to do so I made sure that she was comfortable, not in need of anything, and left to take care of my tasks.

Returning home several hours later I found Jean still in her rocker with a blanket wrapped around her. She opened her eyes as I entered the house and slowly rising told me that she didn’t feel well and that she was going to lay down. Upon inquiry she told me she wasn’t hungry and just needed to lay down for awhile.

She slowly walked up the stairs to the bedroom with the blanket still wrapped around her.

I am a night owl so I settled down after supper to watch the TV, or listen to music and read, if there was nothing that I fancied on the boob tube.

About 11:00 that evening I had my nose buried in a book when I heard my wife get out of bed. Assuming that she was merely going to the bathroom I gave it no notice and kept on reading.

Suddenly I heard her call to me from the top of the stairs. Looking up I beheld a sight that after more then nine years is still seared into my brain and will be until the day I die.

My wife was standing at the head of the stairs in her nighty. The lower half of the nighty was totally soaked with blood and blood was running down both legs.

In almost a whisper she said in an apologetic tone, ‘I think I need to go to the hospital.’

I told her to stay where she was, grabbed the phone, looked up the family doctors home phone number on the calling card on the fridge, and called him.

Dr. Barnes told me that as soon as I hung up he’d have 911 get Medic One headed out to pick her up and then make arrangements at St. Joes for the ambulance’s arrival. He’d also be there waiting for us.

Thinking this over for a mili-second I informed him that as we live in a very rural area and the road was hard to find that it would take too long. I’d drive her in myself as the ambulance had to come out from town, find the house, and drive back to town.

I put a robe on my wife, a pair of flip flops on her feet, and all but carried her out to the van, which was no mean feat as my wife was 5’7′ tall and at that time probably weighed about 190 lbs, but by now I was now operating on pure raw adrenaline.

Normally it would have taken 30 minutes to make that trek, but I had the van’s accelerator to the floorboard. I didn’t care if a sheriffs car stopped me or not and if they did I’d have an escort once they saw all of the blood on Jean.

The Gods are cruel because I thought how lucky I was that each of the traffic lights was green as I raced through them at the maximum speed I could get out of the van. I made the trip in something just over 15 minutes.

Sliding up to to the emergency room entrance I noticed Dr. Barnes standing outside the door alongside a gurney. Suddenly the doors opened and a team of doctors and nurses boiled out of the door, lifted my wife onto the gurney, strapped her down, and headed into the emergency room at top speed.

After parking the van I went into the emergency room and walked over to the desk to fill out a myriad of forms. In what was a very short period of time, probably no more then 10 minutes, Dr. Barnes came into the room and asked me to follow him.

We entered a room where I found my wife sitting on the table. The good doctor explained that they were having some problems as my wife was somewhat vague in her responses, her pulse rate was at a dangerously low level and they were unable to extract a blood sample. She was also resisting any efforts to make the necessary tests and they thought my presence might be useful.

My presence was not useful as my wife didn’t even recognize me!

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Milking Time B4 Chapter 2 Barocca Duz Jeanne

Chapter 2: Barocca Duz JeanneBarocca smiled warmly at Jeanne, and she quickly undid the two knots that held her bikini panties on, and tossed them to the side. Barocca focused her thoughts, and released the mental control over her cock. Almost instantly, Barocca's cock lengthened and expanded so that it was now eight inches long, and as thick as several of Jeanne's fingers were. Jeanne shook her head in disbelief. "Damn. You weren't k**ding about some of the things you can do with your...

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Billie to Billie Jean

My GF moved out so I needed someone to move in with me to pay the rent. I had been a secret CD for 3 mos.My friend T hooked me up with a guy named B whom moved in and began sharing the rent with me. The first few wks,I kept my girly secrets.I had my own lingerie,skirts and 2 dresses.I could do my own make up too.I was hoping to find a new GF whom would appreciate a guy like me.I put ribbons,bows and barrettes in my long blonde hair.I joined a dating site but mostly got hits from horny old men...

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Jean and Denica decided to take the day off. Work had been grueling for the last few weeks and they decided to take some much-deserved time off. Besides, their friend Veronica was on vacation and told them they were free to use her pool while she was gone. So, they went over to her house and let themselves in with a key she had left them. Once there, they slipped into their bathing suits and jumped into the pool to cool off. It was almost 90 degrees today and the water felt great. They played...

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Norma Jeane

Norma Jeane was nine. She was also frightened. Not because her mother stacked her in foster homes when she was five. Or because those foster homes had been very cruel to her. It was not the daily hard work that earned her some nice bread. Or the frequent scolding. It was Mr. Kimmel. Mr. Kimmel was the Carpinson's star lodger. He was a sourly white man, a huge face with ugly pink smudges that looked up from between thick white collars. Norma had to strain to get a look at his eyes because of...

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I Dream of Jeannie

Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left. Roger decides to go inside anyway and maybe score a cup of coffee from Jeannie. “Good morning Jeannie”, he calls out as he walks through the front door, “How about a cup of coffee?” Roger sees no one but hears a soft sobbing coming from the living room. “Oh, good morning Maj. Healy”, says Jeannie rising from lying on the couch; as she is wiping tears from her eyes. “My Master has already left for work but you...

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Aunt Jeannie

Aunt Jeannie We three had been best friends as long as any of us can remember. Jeannie,Carol and Ruthie; I'm the one in the middle; Ruthie is two months younger andgrew up in the house next to ours on the right. Jeannie is about a year anda half older and grew up two doors to the left of my house. Jeannie, Caroland Ruthie – we were always together. There was never anything that we did as kids that I don't remember us doingtogether. We were more like sisters than our real sisters and brothers....

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Deflowering Jeanette

As stated at the end of this story: “Stud” of the shelter, https://xhamster.com/stories/stud-of-the-shelter-871189 I promised a woman named Lynette that I would meet her granddaughter, Jeanette, and possibly have sex with her. I met Lynette at a battered women’s shelter that my, mom, sister and I had to stay at because of a domestic situation at home. I also had the pleasure of fucking Lynette several times while staying at the shelter. I was still a minor teenager as were the girl I deflowered...

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Jeanie Adams, 28 year old only daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Adams of Acacia Drive, Amblehurst, had a reasonable middle ranking career for which she was far too intelligent, and a healthy interest in sex. With the help of several boyfriends she had gained what she considered to be a pretty comprehensive knowledge of physical love in all its various incongruities and deliciousness. The men were often initially shocked to find that anybody as obviously popular and attractive as Jeanie could...

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Sam and Jeanette

[Note: Words of encouragement can be sent to samburdell2008 at excite dot com] The Convention ---------------------- Jeanette (the woman I met in Vegas a month before) and I timed our flights to arrive in Kansas at about the same time. We were to meet at the small baggage claim area. We both loved science fiction and fantasy, so we thought it would be fun to see eachother again at a convention. [Jeanette isn't her real name, but she reminds me of pool player Jeanette Lee, so...

2 years ago
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Dreams of Jeannie

‘Hey Dave!’ Joe said as he opened the door to see his old friend. ‘Come on in.’ ‘Thanks man,’ Dave said. Joe led Dave into the living room and gestured for him to sit. ‘It’s been a long time, Dave.’ Joe said. ‘Yeah, college,’ Dave said. ‘Glad we got connected again through Facebook.’ ‘And we turn out to live so close to each other. Wild stuff,’ Joe said. Joe and David’s conversation was interrupted by a woman’s voice coming from the direction of the kitchen. ‘Master, I have cold beers...

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Rapehouse 2 Finishing Jeanne

Rapehouse 2: Finishing Jeanne "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!" a loud cry of terror is heard from Jeanne's cell as I smoke a cigarette outside and look at the moon.  For the last 72 hours I have been getting paid to let people rape Jeanne, a girl I kidnapped from work. My conscience is kicking in so I think I'm about to let her go. She has been raped by 12 customers and an additional 4 people, Delta (me), and Charlie Bravo and Alpha (my staff). We are wanted by the police and must...

4 years ago
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This year I've had time to start a few new stories but no time to finish any. Yet, I don't want 2011 to end with none posted. So here's a short one. Jeanne by Vickie Tern Hi, Charlene? What do you mean, so early -- it's past noon! No, I'm just calling to tell you that you were right! Absolutely right! Yes, it was marvelous, and there's lots more coming, I can't wait to tell you just how much more! He's...

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Jeannie moaned into her ball gag as her Master beat her imprisoned sex. She lay naked on the cold concrete basement floor, covered in angry red welts, her hands by her head, cuffed by the wrists to the thick leather collar around her neck. The cruel clamps around her nipples had become unbearable an hour ago, only a few minutes after Master had placed them there. Her modest breasts were especially bruised - Master liked the knowledge that Jeannie's breasts would be sore every time she wore a...

3 years ago
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Aunt Jean

I was watching a video on here that reminded me of my Aunt. Some is true, some is fantasy, Thoughts of her are always a pleasure to remember.I loved my Aunt and Uncle, they were good people. My Uncle served in World War II and stormed Omaha Beach on the second wave, after the war he worked for the government. In his spare time he built custom cabinets- he taught me a lot. He and my Aunt never had c***dren, she was unable to have any, so they adopted. My cousin was a shit, she never truly...

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My Aunt Jeannette

Last weekend the f****y got together three day trip. We usually go to a beach or a park, but this time we decided to go hiking. After we arrived at the cabin my 71 year old aunt Jeanette decided it would be best for her to stay behind and not try to hike the trail. She’s is 5ft 2ins tall. 135 pounds with very large saggy breast and a super large ass. I volunteerd to stay with her so she would be all alone. The hike is an overnight trip so everyone else grabbed their sl**ping bags and backpacks...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Jeannette

Last weekend the family got together three day trip. We usually go to a beach or a park, but this time we decided to go hiking. After we arrived at the cabin my 71 year old aunt Jeanette decided it would be best for her to stay behind and not try to hike the trail. She's is 5ft 2ins tall. 135 pounds with very large saggy breast and a super large ass.I volunteerd to stay with her so she would be all alone. The hike is an overnight trip so everyone else grabbed their sleeping bags and...

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My Prelude To Jeanne

I never shared that my story, "She Finally Did It", posted August 4 is actually true. Of course, I changed the names to protect the guilty.The story that I share here is the prelude to how Jeanne and I met. And yes, it is the gospel (probably the wrong word to use here) truth.As I alluded in "She Finally Did It", my wife was widowed when she and I met via an online dating service. I was divorced since the early 90's. As a single guy who really was pretty tame before divorcing, I let it all fly...

4 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 11 Jeanne

By January 3, David, Melanie and Josh were back in L.A. They had all gone to the New Year's Eve gig of the Clearwater Posse and had great fun. Of course, with David in his wheelchair, there had been no dancing. Melanie spent most of the night with her small tushy parked in David's lap. A few snide remarks and veiled accusations were made, but there was also a great number of people who were genuinely happy when David did a brief demo of his improving leg control. That night, Melanie also...

1 year ago
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He watched her as she shuffled slowly to the front door of her apartment block. She was maybe five feet five, brunette, slightly built. The nose was a little long, maybe, and a bit bulbous at the tip -- but not much, and it didn't detract from the frail beauty of her face. Her bust -- well, that was what had drawn his attention initially. It wasn't huge or anything, but it seemed substantial on her slight frame. That had been several weeks before, when she'd been out in a midriff top with a...

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Jeannie, my JeanniePart IWakeup Call!!I was lying in bed half awake, half asleep.   My mind was wondering when I became aware of a strange sensation.  I awoke to see my thirteen year old daughter Jeannie in bed beside me.  Her right hand was wrapped around my erect cock which she held tightly. ? BABY!  What are you doing?  You have to stop!!? ?Dad, it is OK, I have been dreaming of this.   I know how you have been looking at me since Mom left.? ?You have to stop!!?  I did nothing to stop her,...

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Wet Dream of Jeannie

Tony rolled over in bed, an erection keeping him awake. ?Oooooh, Master,? Jeannie squealed as she hopped up on the bed. Her top was pulled down so that her big boobs were exposed. ?Pleeeease let me handle that for you,? she begged. ?Sure, Jeannie,? Tony pulled his pajama bottoms down, exposing his erection. Jeannie grabbed it eagerly and flicked it against her tongue, teasing the tip before taking it into her mouth and pushing it down into her throat. She bobbed her head up and down, pleasuring...

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The Submission Of Jean

The gallery opening for Robert DeSoto was a much-anticipated event in town.  He was somewhat of a local celebrity artist and his openings were always sold-out affairs.  We own one of his works, so we always get first dibs on tickets before the regular public and we were not going to miss this one for two reasons.  First, we wanted to talk with him about doing a commissioned piece, potentially with me as the model.  Second, the theme of this collection was decidedly more erotic than many of his...

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Lovely Little Jean

She was a very small girl, barely five feet high, and she likely did not weigh a hundred pounds although her young body was all curve and valley, hill and mound, slope and ditch, delightful to look at, and, I was sure, even more pleasant to roger. She stood at the side of my table, her hands behind her, rotating her enticing torso slightly from side to side so her jutting boobies brushed by my face one after the other, jiggling as they did, and said, very softly and with mischief in her eyes,...

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When the tv series started way back in the 1960s when it was still in black and white I missed all the early episodes as I was stuck overseas in Asia and a few hot spots they were and I don,t just mean the ridiculous heat and high humidity. When I got home on leave there she was the pixie like Barbara Eden. A petite beauty who just oozed sex yet seemed exotic in her skimpy Arab pyjamas. A programme that had an elfin genie in pyjamas yet suitable for the family to view, Should imagine thousands...

1 year ago
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Boning Jeannie

"Hey, Jeannie," he said as he opened the door, "come on in. Susie'll be back soon I'm sure." He grinned happily and licked his chops, it was like his prayers had been answered. He was just about to go upstairs, find his old magazines, put a sock on his cock and jerk off for an hour or so. He wasn't really hard, but he was riled, eager, overdue for a pipe draining, couldn't think of anything else, just pussy, especially young pussy, and here it was, just what he wanted, what he needed....

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Une apregravesmidi chez Maitresse Jeanne

le 2 avril 2018. Hier dans la matinée, Karine m'appelle sur mon portable (une copine rencontrée à l'Amphibi) pour me demander si je si disponible pour un plan cul c'est son mari (Henri) qui l'organise avec une "Maitresse" qu'il a découvert en allant sur son blog. Il veut éduquer Karine, qu'elle apprenne à se soumettre pour mieux la dominée, enfin bref je les ai rejoins. Henri, à beaucoup parlé de lui, de ces performances, bien installé dans un beau fauteuil un verre de Wiskys à la main.La...

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Es war Montagmorgen. Marc hatte frei und war ein wenig durch die Stadt spaziert. Dann hatte er Lust bekommen, ein wenig zu shoppen. In der Innenstadt gefiel ihm nichts in den L

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Jeanette, 29 Jahre alt mit schlanker Figur und einer BH-Cup Größe von 75 D war eine bekannte Schauspielerin. Lange dunkelblonde Haare waren ihr Markenzeichen. Was sie nicht wusste war, dass Chris, Anfang 30, ein böses Spiel vorhatte. Er war ein Krimineller, der schon ein paar Jahre wegen Computerhacking im Knast gesessen hatte. In seiner Zelle hingen viele Poster von Jeanette, die er in Magazinen fand. Während seiner Gefängniszeit hatte er sie um ein Autogramm gebeten. Doch sie schickte ihm...

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Portrait of Jeanne

Tonight, I am taking you into the Courtauld Institute Gallery in London. A glorious early eighteenth century manor in the heart of London, just a block away from the parliament buildings. The night guard tips his hat to us as we enter the building. You in a sleeveless black velvet gown, black shoes, toting a small evening purse. God you are ravishing. My very own Holly Golightly. I in a classic black tuxedo with the bowtie undone from your handiwork in the beautiful old fashioned London taxi we...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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Dejavu Jeannette

Dejavu, JeanetteShe stretches out on her large four-poster bed and sighs. She listens to the rain drops as they fall against the bedroom window. Jeanette loves this type of weather, it makes her feel cozy. She would like to take a nap right now, but she has to get ready for a party tonight. It was already getting dark outside. Completely naked she steps in front of her large oval bedroom mirror. The beveled glass reflects her slim but well rounded figure. Carefully she brushes her hair. Her...

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Waltz TimebyMoondrift©What a bastard I must have been; what an abominable shit. If there are years I'd like to revisit it would be those from when I was around twelve to sixteen, just to see if I could do a better job second time around.On second thoughts I don't think I'd like to revisit them. I've heard people say, "Those are the best years of your life." They may be for some, but not for me. They were the loneliest years of my life, and no wonder given the sort of arsehole I was. Always...

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I hadn't been in the mood to make love for several days. Usually I was always the one in the mood, and my husband wouldn't be in the mood; this time, our positions were reversed. I knew he was interested because he kept grabbing me every time I walked by. He was never one for subtlety. He was never one for being smooth. If all he could do was smack me on my ass, he'd do it. If he could grope a boob, or grab my leg, he'd do that too. I usually didn't mind in the least, only because he was so...

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Slim Jean

Holy Mackerel! Her chest caught my attention the first time I saw her, jutting out like that, making her black t-shirt slant backward into the waistband at such an angle. But it was just a passing fancy then. I have to admit that I am constantly scanning shoppers for female bodies and this one registered on my Richter scale, probably a 4.5... until I went around the counter and saw the rest of her. This girl... woman, probably 45 years old at least... was all out of proportion. She was built...

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