Slow Dancing With A Fast Woman free porn video

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The title was in a passage of a story I read recently, unfortunately that's the only thing that stuck, or I'd give credit.

Looking around the room, I couldn't help but smile. Jerry deserved this happiness, he'd had a rough couple of years. I was surprised I was here at all. I called him when I got the invitation.

"You sure about this?"

He actually laughed.

"Yes, I'm sure. After all, if it wasn't for you I would never have found Anna. I owe you, if you had been a different person I could be dead or in jail by now. You helped me when the most natural thing in the world would have been to turn your back."

So I went to his wedding. Even sat at the main table, though I had no part in the ceremony. His new wife hugged me when we met, whispering in my ear.

"He told me all about your history, but I'd like to hear it from you. I've never heard anything quite like it."

I smiled, watching them. He was forty two and she was forty-six, but they acted like teenagers around each other. I wished the best for them.

I was dancing with the bride when I saw her. I just stopped moving. Anna looked up in confusion, and followed my gaze. I was trying to get loose but she had a death grip on my arm.

"Calm down. Please don't ruin my wedding."

I exhaled loudly, trying to center.

"What the fu... , what is she doing here? Does Jerry know? If he doesn't it probably will ruin it."

"He knows. He actually invited her. He says he did it for you. Now calm down and let's finish this dance."

We did. I was thinking about just walking out, but Jerry was waiting at the table. I got right in his face. "I can't believe you'd invite your exwife to your wedding. What the hell was going through your head?"

He was shaking his head, smiling slightly.

"I didn't invite her to the wedding, just to the reception. And I invited her for you. One way or another, sometime tonight, you're going to sit down and talk to her, for just a few minutes.

I don't want you to do this for me. I want you to do it for you. And her. Neither of you will ever get over it if you don't. But I gotta tell you man, she really does love you."

I sat, I brooded, I fumed. Jerry and Anna alternated staying with me to make sure I didn't leave. I know I must have pissed them off whining, until Anna snapped.

"Will you please just shut the hell up! For man who went to war, you're sure a pussy when it comes to her. Man up, talk to her, get it over with. Then leave if you want. You're bringing us all down, and I want my memories of tonight to not be of babysitting a whiny little bitch disguised as a big strong man."

I was shocked, more from her using the words 'pussy' and 'bitch' than anything else. Then I realized she was right. Plus she had fed me four really strong drinks pretty close together.

SHE choose that exact moment to appear beside me, tears in her eyes and hand outstretched.

"Dance with me? Please?"

I could have been an asshole and screamed at her. I could have sat there and ignored her. I could have gotten up and left. I took her hand.

We swept out on the dance floor, her achingly familiar body molded to mine as we slowly twirled to the song the band was playing. I felt her shake a little and looked down to see the tears falling onto my jacket. I started to disengage, trying to speak. She raised a hand to my lips.

"Please, don't talk. Just hold me, and let me pretend, just for a moment, that you still love me."

And that was the heart of my problem. I did still love her. So we moved slowly across the dance floor, each lost in our own memories and thoughts.

I reviewed all the women I thought I loved, including her, wondering why she had to be the one. The ONE. The one I wanted. The one I intended to spend the rest of my life with, only to find out she was never really mine. That's why it hurt so badly. I held her and let the memories continue to flow.

I saw it coming, I just didn't believe it.

He was about five seven or eight, and weighed under one fifty. And he had to be in close to forty. I was thirty one, six two, two hundred ten, mostly muscles.

He rushed up to me, two of his friends trying to slow him down. I was feeling pretty good, it was a Thursday, I had just gotten paid, and my girl was supposed to meet me for drinks and dinner out, followed by dessert in. I had started early, a couple of beers while I waited and shot the breeze with my friends.

I didn't know him, never saw him before in my life. He planted himself directly in front of me. I was wondering what he wanted, when I saw his arm move.

It started somewhere around his knees, gathering momentum as it traveled. I saw his hand ball into a fist, he was moving so slowly I could tell he'd probably never made a fist before.

I remember thinking whatever he hit better be soft or he was going to hurt his hand, when he connected with my eye. I was just so fascinated watching it never occurred to me to defend myself. Down I went, and he started trying to kick me.

I'd been out of the sandbox long enough to let him slip under my defenses, but not so far that instinct and training didn't kick in full force. I rolled and did a leg sweep, dropping him to the ground beside me, quickly grappling him into a submissive position. I may have gotten a kidney punch or two in, judging by the grayness in his face.

His two buddies tried to jump in but they were outnumbered and outgunned, so they resorted to calling for the bartender to get help pulling me off him. My cousin was the bartender and owner, had seen the cheap shot, and just kept polishing the glass he was holding. I got my breathing back to normal and snapped at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you, dude? You got some kind of death wish, jumping on strangers half your age and twice your fuckin' size? I ought to knot you up some, send you home to the wifey bruised and contused!"

He continued to struggle.

"Let me up, you lowlife motherfucker! You need a lesson about fucking married women."

I looked at him, wondering if he was high or just delusional. Shoving him away, I jumped to my feet.

"Mister, I don't trespass on private property. That being said, if you come back at me, I guarantee you a first class ass whipping. Do you understand me?"

Apparently he didn't, because he came up screaming and swinging. I jabbed with my left, and landed a roundhouse to his jaw with my right. He dropped like a rock and laid there. I looked at his buddies.

"Haul his ass out of here, and I think I can speak for management when I say he needs to drink elsewhere. And tell him that jumping younger, stronger, meaner strangers is a sure way of not living to a ripe old age."

They wanted to argue, but the bartender cut them off. Finally they carried him out, and we laughed a few minutes before my date showed up. She saw the beginnings of my shiner and went into mother mode.

"What happened, honey?"

I made a joke of it.

"Some guy came in and accused me of sleeping with his wife. He punched me before I could react. Sad, really. He had to be in his forties, was small, and had no idea how to fight. He had nerve, though. If some guy is screwing around with his wife, he'd best watch his back."

Her face had gotten paler as I recounted the episode. I noticed and tried to reassure her.

"Relax, honey. I'm fine. However if you feel the need to kiss it and make it all better, I won't object."

She immediately covered my face with light kisses, before pulling back with a smile.

"There now. Did Momma make it all better? No mean old man gets to hit my honey. He had to be a pretty big man to attack you. Did he not notice all those lovely muscles?," she cooed, as she rubbed my bicep. I found out later she was just wanting me to describe him again.

"Actually, he was an older guy, short, with a bit of a belly. He had no skills but plenty of nerve. If his wife is cheating on him, it might be pretty bad if he finds the guy."

Melody got quiet again, before excusing herself to use the restroom, saying she didn't feel well. My cousin Bob, the bartender, had heard most of the conversation.

"It's always the quiet ones, you know? He was probably living his version of the American dream, happy as a clam, and he finds out his wife is a slut. Those are the ones you have to watch, the ones that could kill you in a fit of rage. I've seen it to some degree a hundred times or better, I hope you straightened him out enough to leave you alone."

I nodded, agreeing totally. "I hope he finds the motherfucker and kicks his ass. I saw a few men go down when they got Dear John letters while I was in service. Still, he better get his facts straight and be careful, he ain't much of a fighter."

Melody reappeared, looking sad.

"Sorry honey, the hospital called. There was a big wreck on the interstate and they're shorthanded. They begged, so I have to go in. I'll call tomorrow, if I'm not too tired. Love you."

She kissed my cheek and dashed out. This had happened before, as she was a trauma nurse at the local hospital. Luckily for me, she worked twelve hour shifts during the first of the week, so she was available from Thursday until Saturday.

Me, I worked out of town, a lot.

No, I don't have a high paying executive job that has me jetting around the country, solving problems for megacorporations or saving the world for the government. I lay stone.

That's right, stone. Big rocks, you follow?

My father was the guy I just talked about, jetting around the country and occasionally the world, making his company big bucks. He was almost never around. so Mom raised my sister and I pretty much alone. And did a damn fine job in my opinion.

When I was twelve, my dad decided he didn't need a middle aged, middle class housewife on his arm, and traded her in on a newer model. She was heartbroken, but my grandfather, who had never really liked him, was furious. Dad tried to rush the divorce, cutting off funds for leverage. Pops stepped in, spent some of his own money, got her the second best divorce lawyer in the state only because the first was too busy, and burned him to the ground. Dad was fighting tooth and nail until Pops threatened to bring suit against his company for violation of the morals clause. His new woman had at one time been his assistant.

Seeing his high flying career in jeopardy, he folded like a cheap tent, and Mom came out smelling like a rose, even if she was heartbroken.

Dad moved to the other coast, and we basically never saw him again until he attended my high school graduation, offering me a full ride at a top ranked west coast college, if I would agree to move. I politely turned him down until he pushed, then I got loud and physically threw him out of our house. I haven't seen him since.

Mom had remarried, a decent man who loved her dearly. Surprisingly, she turned up pregnant, and I became a brother at fifteen. I admired the man, and my sister worshiped him. He offered to help pay for college, but didn't push when I opted not to continue my education just then. Instead, I became part of the big green machine, and spent four years in service, with a year each in both sandboxes. When I got out I was more in tune with the way the world worked, so I used military money to go to school part time while I worked for my grandfather.

You guessed it, he was a Master stone mason, all he'd ever done his whole life. Even at sixty two he had a body most thirty year old gym rats would kill for. My dad couldn't get away fast enough, but I was hooked by the time I was old enough to pick up a stone. Pops would put a pile in the backyard of his home, and reward me based on how fast I could assemble them. Sometimes I put it together in a way he never envisioned, but they always held together by the time I was thirteen.

I became his apprentice at fourteen, working summers and after school, if he worked close to home. In Afghanistan, especially the part I was in, there was no shortage of rocks, and I would relax myself by building walls, especially around our positions. When a wall I built saved a few lives, including our captain, the guys were soon avid helpers. We always had the best fortified positions in the area.

The Afghans were excellent stonemasons, and I studied their techniques, occasionally working beside them to build schools and hospitals. I learned from them as much as I could.

Pops took me into the business as soon as I got out. Soon I was running jobs for him, usually just me and a helper or two. He usually handled the big jobs.

One of the worst days of my life came when he passed, victim of a kid texting. He crossed the road and hit Pops head on. They estimated he was doing sixty five when they collided. Pop was in his sixty six Ford pickup, no airbags, no headrests. He suffered a broken neck, the doctors say he probably died instantly. Didn't matter how he went, he was gone at sixty six.

He was retiring as soon as he got his current job completed. He and Grams had bought an RV, intending to travel the country. Because of the impending retirement, he had gradually moved the company into my name, so I didn't have a lot of paperwork to deal with. I was twenty seven.

Stone masonry is a fascinating field. A master mason could make a lot of money, depending on the work. My company specialized in the building and restoration of dry walls, walls built without mortar, depending on the size and way the rocks were placed to retain shape. It was a skill not easily learned, and we were the best in the region. My grandfather, before he passed, had struck a deal with the state university system to repair the walls on their five oldest campuses. Some of them were over three hundred years old, in disarray or completely fallen. I had a crew of two master masons and three to four apprentices at each site. The apprentices were in it for training, and we paid fifteen to twenty dollars an hour, depending on their skill level. As they progressed, their pay increased. Of course, it took years to be considered a master, but as I said, the pay was excellent.

There was a question of me keeping the contract, but I convinced them to have faith in me.

"Look, Pops was pretty much just an administrator before he passed. The same masons with the same skill levels are still on the job. I guarantee the work will not suffer."

In the end they kept us, mostly because the company was in my name by then and they'd never complained before, and they knew it would be hard to replace us. Stone masons are kind of rare, really good ones even rarer.

I hated being a manager, not getting to lay stone on a regular basis. I solved my problem by hiring my sister Becky. She could actually lay stone pretty good, and she could spot shoddy work a mile away. She had just graduated with a business degree, and there weren't that many good jobs out there, so she took it for the experience if nothing else. Still had to have meetings and review the books, which we scheduled to coincide with our weekly family dinners.

My stepfather Jerry was an accountant, and Pops liked him so much he gave him our business when he married Mom. Gram would always be there, and she and Mom would participate in the discussions, having years of experience to fall back on. My younger brother Jerry Jr. was fifteen, and I had already promised him a job next summer. He would start at the bottom, hustling rock like all apprentices. He had a fantastic head for numbers, and I was pretty sure he wouldn't end up a Mason. Didn't matter, accountants were valuable people too.

I was thirty years old when I met Melody. She came into the bar one Thursday night with some friends. It was an immediate attraction, almost lust at first sight for both of us.

Billy, my cousin and owner, had live bands on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The place was blue collar all the way, so it was mostly country, and some of them were even good. I watched Mel dance a few fast numbers, admiring her grace.

She came up to the bar just as the band started a slow song, ordering a round for her table. When the music started, she grabbed my hand.

"I hate to waste a good slow song, and yes, I'd be pleased to dance with you. Thanks for asking."

I was so surprised I couldn't even talk, and stumbled along behind her while my friends laughed. Slow dancing with Mel should have been a requirement for graduating seniors, just to show how it should be done. Of course, if it happened, there would be a lot of wet spots on a lot of jeans. The woman would just mold herself to you, letting no space get between, moving with you so gracefully it was like you were alone, except for the extremely pleasant warmth and feel of her body. I think I loved her before the first song was over.

She was tall, around five nine, and when she wore her five inch heels she could look me in the eye. Not model thin, but not thick either, the perfect size. Her chest was full but didn't sag, and she possessed the largest green eyes I'd ever gazed into. Honey blonde hair cascaded in loose curls down her back, stopping just above an ass that no skin tight jeans could ever do justice to.

When the dance was over she refused to let go of my hand, pulling me over to her table. I met her friends but to this day couldn't tell you their names. The band stopped forty five minutes before closing time, and we could actually talk without yelling. Her friends got tired of waiting and were tugging on her to go home.

"Damn it, Mel, kiss the guy, you know you want to, get his number, and let's go," said one of her friends, so she did.

You never forget the first kiss of someone you're attracted to. Hers was soft but firm, no tongue, but held hints of really great things to come.

"Be here tomorrow?," she asked as she pulled back.

I just nodded.

"Meet me out front at seven thirty. Take me somewhere nice for dinner. Bye."

And she was gone, leaving traces of her perfume on my body and the taste of her lips on mine. I got up and wandered back to the bar, where I caught hell from the guys.

"Way to play hard to get, Bandit," laughed Billy.

"If she had pulled out a hoop, I believe you'da jumped through it."

I got the nickname because my real name was Jesse James. My dad picked it, saying he admired his Robin Hood ways. I looked him up once. He is recognized by many historians as the first recorded criminal sociopath in American history.

I didn't care why. I didn't care how. I just cared she'd chosen me. But I was incredibly wary.

You see, I didn't have the greatest track record with women. I'd had two serious relationships since high school. The first ended when she told me in no uncertain terms she wasn't going to wait on me while I was in service.

"I'm nineteen. You may not come back. I don't want that future of uncertainty. I care a lot for you, and if I'm still single when you get back maybe we can start up again."

Well, I hated it but understood it. We did hook back up when I got home, but we had both changed and the magic wasn't there anymore. We recognized it pretty early and parted friends.

The second I met in college. She was the star of the volleyball team. Tall, muscular, attractive, and the most arrogant woman I'd ever met. Someone told her she was special once and she believed it for the rest of her life.

The volleyball team was back to back national champions, in a school where the basketball and football programs sucked. It made her queen bee, and staff and students alike kowtowed to her every whim. Everybody in town knew who Cindy Tolliver was.

I wasn't a troll either. Six one, thanks to my military training and job I was solid as the rocks I lay, even had an impressive six pack, not that I ever took my shirt off except when I was working. Sandy brown hair with hints of red from being outdoors so much, and blue eyes that were so pale they were almost gray. Also thanks to being outdoors so much I had a perpetual tan. The beauty of dry wall construction is you can do it even if it's cold, because you don't have to worry about mortar setting right, so we worked year round unless the ground was so deeply frozen we couldn't set the stone properly. I took most of my classes in the winter.

Cindy was so used to getting her way it shocked her when someone actually refused her. It so happened that day I was the one refusing.

We were at an popular off campus bar and grill. The food was good, reasonably priced, and at happy hour it was really packed. I was sitting at a large table alone, everything else was taken by the crowd. They had really good food, and I was about halfway through a great cheeseburger when she and her entourage entered. Two more women and four guys. Looking around she soon recognized that I had the only empty table. She came over.

"My friends and I need a table, and you've got the only one available. Would you mind giving it up so we can sit?"

She was giving this big fake smile, assuming I would be happy to disappear for her pleasure.

"Yes," I said, with a smile, before continuing my meal. She assumed yes meant I'd leave, but yes meant I did mind, so I continued eating. After a minute or two she snorted.

"Are you gonna leave or what? We're waiting."

"When I'm finished or a smaller table comes open, I'll give up the table gladly. Or, seeing as how I have so much room, you could all join me."

"You could go stand at the bar" one of the guys said loudly, puffing up a little. I grinned.

"Boy, don't you know standing while eating makes your feet bigger? I'm already having a hard time finding a decent fourteen, I don't need to push it."

"Maybe I should make you go," he snarled. He looked to be about five ten and in pretty good shape, but his posture and attitude told me he had no skills.

I looked at him for a moment before taking a big drink of my tea, eating a few fries, and sighing.

"All right, I see three possible outcomes here. One, you kick my ass, and people think you're a jerk for starting a fight with somebody minding his own business."

Two, I stomp the dog shit out of you in front of your friends, which everyone will think you deserve for being a first class asshole."

"Or three, you could leave me alone while I finish the last two bites, and I'll be on my way. Why don't you let your friends sit while you go order a round of drinks? I'll be gone by then."

He puffed up. Cindy had been watching the exchange in amazement. She held up her hand.

"Stop it, Brian! I think it might end badly for you if you don't. Do like he said, order our drinks. We'll be right here, IF this gentleman is willing to share."

By then I was done. I stood up, pulling out the chair for the girl nearest me.

"Please, take the table. I'm done anyway. Enjoy your evening."

I reached behind the column near the table and got my cane. My foot was in a cast, the result of a too eager apprentice trying to show off for me. He ended up dropping a sixty five pound stone on my foot, breaking two bones. That's why I needed the table, I couldn't stand at the bar. Her eyes widened.

"Please, stay and let us buy you a beer."

"Thanks for the offer, but I have to decline. I can't drink right now because it would interfere with my medications."

Brian came back, saw the cast, and smirked. I knew then he thought I'd be easy. Sure enough, he followed me to my truck.

"You think a cast is going to save you? It just makes it easier. I'm gonna..."

I heard enough, so I turned, wincing at the sudden movement, and drove the point of my cane right into the soft tissue above his groin. He dropped like a rock, making a sound that resembled a balloon deflating, pissing all over himself. I turned back to my truck.

"Don't get up until I'm out of the parking lot. If you do I'll take it to mean you intend to do me harm, and you won't like my response. Grow up, pussy boy, before someone not as patient as me gets hold of you." He was still lying there when I hit the street

I didn't know it, but Cindy and her friends had noticed him missing and had come out to save me. They managed to witness our little discussion. They pulled Brian up, dusted him off, and Cindy pumped every one in the restaurant for information about me.

Cindy made it a personal quest to find me. She didn't have much luck because I took night classes mostly, and didn't socialize with the college crowd. I was older, much more mature and goal oriented thanks to my time in service, not looking for the 'college experience'.

She finally tracked me down by staking out the bar and grill. When I came in she stood, indicating an empty chair.

"Good, you're here. I've been saving you a seat."

She pointed at the only empty chair at the table. I looked around the room, there were other seats available and I was about to head for one when she placed a hand on my arm.

"Please," she said, a word she didn't use much, "just for a minute. We owe you an apology. Brian was an idiot, one of the many reasons he doesn't hang with us anymore."

I thought I detected sincerity in her voice, so I sat.

To my surprise, I discovered she and her friends weren't air headed jocks. One was a political science major with a good job offer from a lobbyist group when she graduated, another was prelaw and had already been accepted by Yale, and the other was going to work for her father after she got her MBA from Wharton.

Cindy was majoring in sports psychology, a degree she would use after her career as a pro volleyball player was over.

It was refreshing watching them fend off admirers while debating the profitability of new sports in context to their futures, asking my opinion from time to time. If I could, I answered their questions, if I couldn't I said so.

I told them I was too busy running my business to watch many sports, especially the newer extreme types. This led to questions about my occupation, especially from the business major.

"Wow, talk about a niche market. Is it good money? What's your business plan? How much market do you control?"

I held up my hand to stop her.

"It's excellent money. I'll probably never be filthy rich, but I'll be very comfortable. My advertising is by word of mouth, and my type of work is not affordable to everyone, I work on multimillion dollar properties most of the time. Right now I have two big projects going for developers, plus the restoration contract for the state college system. With the crews I have now, I'm booked almost two years out. And I fly out tomorrow to talk to the college system two states over, to do the same thing for them I'm doing here. With the crews I have now, that would add another two to three years work. I'll probably interview and hire a few local masons there, to start the project in a timely manner. Even when the economy went bad, since I tend to work for the wealthy, I still had steady work."

All of them sat back, surprised. Becca, the business major, was the first to speak.

"Wow. I'm in the middle of a paper on the viability of niche businesses. I think I'm gonna scrap everything I already have and do one solely on your business, if you'll let me. Please?"

I thought about it for a second and grinned.

"Sure, it'll be more free advertising for the business. Just a warning though, a lot of the work is away, so you may have to travel if you want an in depth analysis."

She grinned. "Not a problem. One of the perks of having rich parents is available funds, especially if I tell them it's school related."

Cindy frowned at the idea of her following me around but wisely said nothing at the time. I found out later she tried to talk her out of it. Becca refused.

"It's a good opportunity, Cin. The report will really look good on my application to Wharton. And I don't plan on hooking up with him." She smirked a little before continuing. "What he plans may be a different matter."

Let's face it. She was a beautiful, determined woman used to getting her way. I was more laid back and nonconfrontational, tending to flow along unless it went against my values. The inevitable happened and we slept together, starting a pretty intense two year relationship.

I led her on a good chase, recognizing early the only way to keep things equitable was to keep her off balance. If she got too comfortable her 'my way or else' side came out.

I spelled it out to her.

"You may be the queen at school, but you're just another girl to me. Oh, you're beautiful, and I am attracted to you, but I'll never be your flunky. I look on serious relationships as a partnership, with give and take, each with their strengths and weaknesses. In a perfect relationship, the weaknesses and strengths should balance each other, each partner taking the lead from time to time as needed. Understand?"

She gave me a smile that was half smirk. "Oh, I understand. And I intend to be your queen before we're done, just as you'll be my king."

It was the words I needed to hear, so for eighteen months I climbed the mountain, only to discover there was nothing at the top but a sheer cliff.

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Belfast RulesChapter 8 Brighton to London 1984 and Back to Belfast in 1995

Danny was not at all happy to be in London and he knew he was only there to pay back some old debts to his early handlers in Belfast. At least the ones that were still alive. He had been immersed in struggles of a different sort in parts of the world that made Belfast look like the lap of luxury. Even in the early days, the signs of the Troubles were slow to explode like one of those hand-made pipe bombs that often didn't work when they were supposed to. He had spent some time giving...

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big black cock and maried withe woman

The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...

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Slow Dancing With Irene

Adapted from the short story: DANCING WITH IRENE By Marcia R. Hooper It was Saturday, December 11, 2004. I had not seen Aaron in five years. Six years, once I stopped to think about it. I was at the Home Depot at Crystal Rock Center, looking for a replacement thermostat; I ran into Aaron at the end of an isle. It took a moment to convince myself that Yes, it really was Aaron, and then I almost walked away. “Hello, Aaron,” I said, nudging him gently. “How you doing?” He looked just as...

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It was late. I'd been arrested again. And, I'd been remanded in custody for the rest of the weekend... "Angela... ?" a female voice called. As I looked up, my cell-door opened to reveal 'Probationary' Constable Tania Margarson 23069 - the young policewoman entering the 'Female Cells' with a warm cup of coffee for me. "MMMM, " I sighed, smiling wickedely at the uniformed policewoman, "Thankyou, Constable Margarson!" "I thought, you might like a coffee..." she replied. The...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 10 A Night out Dancing

Introduction: Michael takes the girls dancing and Silk learns a lesson They got to the club around ten-thirty and true to his word, Michael got them all in and without being carded. A bouncer showed them to a private table that overlooked the dance floor from a balcony. A waitress came to take their drink order and the two girls piped up that they would have tequila sunrises. Michael ordered a beer and looked at Silk. Michael leaned over and spoke in her ear, What do you want to drink? His...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 10 A Night out Dancing

Michael leaned over and spoke in her ear, "What do you want to drink?” His breath in her ear distracted her and she sat dazed for a second, finally what he said sunk in and she said, “I don’t know. I don’t drink enough to know what I like.” With a grin, Michael asked, “Do you want what they’re having?” She had heard the word tequila and knew that it was out of the question. Michael could not control her if she had tequila. She spoke up, “No. You only wish.” Turning toward the...

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Dancing and the next day

Michael leaned over and spoke in her ear, “What do you want to drink?” His breath in her are distracted her and she sat dazed for a second, finally what he said sunk in and she said, “I don’t know. I don’t drink enough to know what I like.” With a grin, Michael asked, “Do you want what they’re having?” She had heard the word tequila and knew that it was out of the question. Michael could not control her if she had tequila. She spoke up, “No. You only wish.” Turning toward the...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 17 Rocky Road to Belfast

July, 1989 My real birthday is only two days away, I thought as I watched the gulls flying over the Irish Sea from the back of the ferry. I was heading back to Belfast, alone. Eoin and Ambrose tried locking me in my room, but that only worked for a couple of days. Last night, after everyone was asleep, I opened my bedroom window and used the rope I wove out of curtains and sheets to lower my bag down to the ground before sliding down myself. I slipped by the roving guards, stationary...

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Dancing Girl Variations on a Theme

DANCING GIRL (Variations on a Transvestite Fantasy) by "C.C." The First Variation... One can only hibernate with a Computer so long. Even a new program gets tiring. You decided you felt like Mediterranean Food that evening. Or maybe it wasn't so much the Food as the exotic Belly Dancer advertised at the Restaurant! You'd been interested in that sort of dancing ever since your trip to Athens,...

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Belly Dancing Wife

I’ve always loved belly dancers, I think they are sexy as hell and over the yrs I have convinced my wife to give it a shot. She always thought it would be a nice idea but never keen on exposing that much of herself. A few months ago, about half a year, I went down to a local Arab store, in some downstairs slightly smelling of marijuana type premises. The intent was to buy my wife a nice belly dancing costume. She had already started to learn and was going to be involved in a performance so I...

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The Belly Dancing Class 1

The Belly Dancing Classes By Sheila Anne Morgan "Look, Honey, they're offering that belly dancing class, I always wanted to take, at the community college again this year. I think I'll stop tomorrow and sign up. You should take it too. You could stand to lose that beer belly you're starting to get," said my beautiful girlfriend, Jill. "Very funny," I replied, "belly dancing is for girls and in case you haven't noticed I'm a guy." "I think you would make a very sexy belly...

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Confessions of a Catwoman

CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...

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Dancing with Shannon

My friend Shannon is really pretty. She is a true red head. She has a sprinkle of freckles across her cute face. Her lips are full and she has an enchanting smile.I am half Native American (my father) and half Greek (my mother) I have dark Native American skin and even darker nipples. I have long jet black hair. Most people think that I look Mexican. Although my mom swears my features are more her. And she is sexy!We are both seniors in high school. At eighteen, we're both...

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Slut Wife Dancing

Slut Wife DancingWritten by Anna Larsson / Aug 1, 2005 It was a Friday night, Portacali had been open a few months and after a good deal of procrastination we had decided the tales of a party atmosphere had to be experienced first hand. The evening started to heat up at about 5pm when my wife, Aimee, began parading around naked, picking her clothes for the evening. In the end, she went for her favorite short flimsy pleated black skirt and tight fitting blue top and a great pair of stiletto...

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Debbie and Marsha Dancing in Their Bikinis

Introduction: The girls let Steve tape them skiing and dancing in their bikinis and show the tape to our friends. This story is partly fiction. Debbie did have a skimpy white bikini that showed her nipples, aureoles, cunt hair and cunt when it was wet. She liked everyone looking at her when it was wet, especially when she got into the boat and brought her rope in. Debbie loved being videoed and being seen naked. About two weeks after Steve moved to town, before he had fucked her my wife,...

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Dinner and Dancing

"Hey," Kelley said in between bites of her crepes suzette dessert, "I love you so much." She smiled at her partner."I know," Olivia replied with a loving look back, having already stopped eating due to getting full more quickly than her fiancée, "this has been a wonderful night."Having met at their first jobs at an advertising agency just after college, Kelley and Olivia became quick friends, and after breaking up with her boyfriend of three years, Kelley had made the choice to explore her...

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Dancing Video Game Boy

He was a beautiful boy. He’d been in the games shop fronting on Hendricks Avenue in the San Marco district of Jacksonville, Florida, in a bend of the St. Johns River, about half dozen times in the last two months. He always came at the same time, about 7:30 p.m. It was late, even in the summer, for a beautiful fourteen-year-old boy like this to be out alone, especially in the red light district of San Marco, and Lew, the proprietor of the games shop, had asked the boy about this. That’s how he...

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Dancing to Louie Louie A Halloween Story

This story is more Sci-Fi than erotic. There is nudity, but no real sex. It will appeal primarily to the exhibitionists and voyeurs among us. And, of course, it will appeal to the nerds and techies. I guess I belong in that last group. After all, I am “The Technician.” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional...

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Slut Wife Dancing

It was a Friday night, Portacali had been open a few months and after a good deal of procrastination we had decided the tales of a party atmosphere had to be experienced first hand. The evening started to heat up at about 5pm when my wife, Aimee, began parading around naked, picking her clothes for the evening. In the end, she went for her favorite short flimsy pleated black skirt and tight fitting blue top and a great pair of stiletto boots I'm sure I hadn't seen before.I didn't mind so much;...

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Debbie and Marsha Dancing in Their Bikinis

About two weeks after Steve moved to town, before he had fucked her my wife, Debbie, bought herself a new bathing suit for sunbathing. Both the bottom and top were unlined. It was really skimpy, exposing an inch of the bottom of her tits, and two inches of the outsides and three inches insides of her tits. The top part went clear down to the edges of her aureoles. It was really soft and stretchy and molded perfectly to her tits and nipples, without distorting her nipples. The...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 3 Dancing the Blues Away

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 3, Dancing the Blues Away "Beth." "BETH!" "ELIZABETH VICTORIA BENNET!!!" shouted my Mam from downstairs. I sat up in bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Whatever's wrong it must be urgent for her to use my full name including a middle name I didn't realise I had. "WHAT?" I shouted back. "DON'T "WHAT" ME YOUNG LADY," she shouted back up again. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE FITTED FOR THREE DRESSES THIS MORNING BEFORE YOU TURN UP FOR PRACTICE AND YOU'RE...

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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of...a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire; brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 6 Dancing Partners

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- something he greatly desires and greatly fears -- and they are having dinner with a group of her friends. Daniella has been tranced to drink so much water, she could not resist going to the restroom -- the LADIES' room, of course -- and had to beg Mistress for the key to unlock the rubber panties that constantly...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 40 More Dancing and Other Things

Meg and Josh, and Karen and her boyfriend Bill, were already at the prom when the foursome showed up. "Two weeks, two proms," Crash quipped as he sat down. "Our Junior prom at St. Mike's was last week," Warren filled in. Introductions were made for those that didn't know each other, and they all started chatting happily. The dinner started being served, just as the DJ said he was going to play some "dinner music." The sounds of Benny Goodman filled the ballroom. "Dinner music?"...

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Dancing with Danger

by Milliemoon "So you can see my problem. I know you are usually busy on Friday nights but I just wondered..." My mom, Sandra, seemed to run out of steam and sat back heavily on the sofa as I stood and looked at her. "You want me to go with you to your company's annual dinner and dance?" I guess the astonishment sounded in my voice because she shook her head. "No, no, it's ok, I'll see if Jean can come with me." Jean was my mother's best friend, a lovely lady, but somehow not the best...

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Dancing With Myself

Mary scarcely recognized the woman in the mirror. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt that way over the past year, but this time, it was more than just the weight loss that made her stare at her own reflection with a bit of confusion. The woman in the mirror looked confident, sensual and attractive. Powerful, even. To a perennial wallflower like Mary, it was as if she’d accidentally walked in front of a doorway instead of a full-length mirror. The costume did most of the work, really. The way...

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Amazon Part 9 Dancing Queen

Amazon - Part 9: Dancing Queen By Itinerant Edited By Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, February 5, 2001(84/51) Washington, D.C. 9:00AM EST The conference room quieted as Carson called the meeting to order. It was a sizable place, with two rows of tables facing the end...

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Dancing With My Sister

Seeing her PJs fall down in front of me was really hot. I touched myself while imagining all her clothes coming off. The next weekend I found myself alone with my sister in the living room. I guess none of her friends had been available. I had really wanted to see her dancing again. “No music tonight?” I asked. “I bet you’re sick of it,” she said. “Nah, it’s cool. Put some on.” She gave me a funny look. “Why?” “Because I’m bored.” She smirked. “Are you gonna dance with me?” I...

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Dancing in the DarkChapter 4 A Series of Fortunate Events

A SINGLE FLOOR LAMP cast its soft white light in one corner, the living room shadowed and dark. To my left the gas fire flickered with an orange-red flame providing no heat, only ambiance. On the stereo, Enigma played, volume on low. I sipped an imported Steam Whistle lager and studied the iPad in my lap. Light rain spotted the large windows. Occasional gusts of wind rattled them. New York was experiencing one of its many days of bad weather. Oddly enough, at night I liked it. Sitting in a...

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Shanghai Chronicle part2 Belly dancing

Shanghai Chronicles - Part 2- Belly dancing On my way to the client meeting, I picked up Chantelle. She looked fresh and was in an upbeat mood. After giving a quick hug she remarked that I looked sharp and needed to turn it on a notch higher. Without wasting time, she took out the Chanel bottle from her bag and sprayed on both of us. Now Chanel No.19 is unlike any other perfume which usually encourage women to smell like chocolate covered confections, No. 19, with its strength and...

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Dancing with Laura

I had to smile as I walked out of the guest bedroom. "Grown up? Um, yeah," I thought to myself. It had started out as a typical Saturday night. I was very much a fly-under-the-radar guy. No need to throw my wild times in my parents' faces, but Saturdays were for going out. Tonight I would spend it out drinking and maybe dancing with some nice looking girls. I wasn't much of a dancer. In fact I felt like a complete douche trying to do it, but if you want to meet the nice looking girls your...

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The Dancing Diva

The Dancing Diva By Cal Y. Pygia The silver sphere spun beneath the high, vaulted ceiling, casting a splintered rainbow of flashing lights over the men seated at the small tables, the cocktail waitresses in their abbreviated costumes, the small, elevated stage upon which the topless dancers pranced, and over the curves of Daphne?s swelling breasts, rounded hips, sleek, firm buttocks, and long, tapering legs. Daphne loved to dance. More to the point, she loved to be the...

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Dancing Queen

Dancing Queen By Cassandra Morgan Bruce Springsteen wanted to do it in the dark. Donna Summer wanted to do with someone she loved. Martha Reeves wanted to do it in the street. Dance. It is primal, you know. No matter what your nature, there is an urge to spin and twirl to the the music. David Bowie wanted us to get out our red shoes and dance the blues. Little Eva wanted us to do the locomotion. Lee Ann Woman hoped we dance. And I did. I spun. I...

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Dancing Queen

Every other Friday night the club I bartended would host a “Teen Night”. It was open to all ages from 15 and up. We didn’t serve alcohol, but I had to be there to mix virgin drinks for the kids. I hated it. I had decided a long time ago that I was lucky that I had never had children because basically all teenagers were retarded. I loved kids, but they all grew into teenagers. I was 36 and single. Like I said I had no children. I had been married once, but that was back when I was a retarded...

Straight Sex
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Nude DancingChapter 2 Mom

Wedding Day, Tampa, Florida, Saturday, September 2nd 2006 Natalie and I spent the rest of Friday night in her bed, making love again and again before we fell into an exhausted sleep that was only interrupted when the dawn sun splashed brightly into the room and roused us. "You better go Bobby, mom might wake up," my sweet, red haired sister whispered in my ear. "Too bad, I'm not finished with my big sister yet," I said with a smiling growl, then rolled on top of her and found her lips...

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Belfast RulesChapter 18

(MOLLY'S STORY – LONDON 2001) Now that she was a married woman with a husband that tended to her needs like a proper man is required to do with constant regularity, Molly was fearful of accepting the position in London not certain about her husband Danny's reaction to being uprooted from Belfast. She wondered how he would adjust to living in the midst of the English in the center of the UK and so close to the Whitehall. It was a subject that he never commented on verbally and she was loath...

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Belfast RulesChapter 25

BELFAST – 1995 The story of Belfast in 1995 was how this story started and it was highlighted in the following eight chapters. (CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 16, 17) It is conceivable that this timeline will be presented in a different format because it is a bit confusing to the continuity of the storyline. Suffice it to say that the chapters dealing with the time period prior to 1995 were historical in nature to the flow of events and the final chapter 26 will be the concluding Epilogue to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E07 Donna Paterson 50 from Belfast

S10:E07: Donna Paterson (50), from Belfast We fade in on sleazy dark set. A single spotlight illuminates a steel-frame bed – no bedclothes or pillows, just that stained old mattress. It looks cold and dirty – it needs a hot woman to warm it up... There’s a clicking of heels as this week’s guest walks onto the set. She arrives in the pool of light and we see that she is a middle-aged lady, quite trim for her age, clearly doing plenty to stay fit. She’s also somewhat eclectic in her style...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E01 Christina Bruce 42 from Belfast

With series 12 completed, we roll straight through into series 13 - the same hosts, doing the same things all over again ... Aren’t we getting bored of this yet? Well, it appears not ... So... We start this week’s show with establishing shots of quiet suburban streets – semi-detached homes, very middle class and safe... And then, stepping into frame from the side, moving from behind the camera to infront - this week’s host ... Still the nation’s least likely sex symbol – short, fat,...

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Anita dancing with a black stranger

Our friends Sheila and James had invited us to a house party, but that night I was arriving late to the airport from a flight abroad. But my sweet Ana would go alone and I would join her later at the party.I finally arrived home past midnight. I took a warm shower, changed my clothes and drove to our friends’ house. But I found some pretty bad traffic and I then texted Anita, saying I was really late. She texted back saying not to worry and she loved me.I could get to the party around two...

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Dancing With Granny

Last week I met one of the most sensous grannies in my life. Jane is a thin blond, with very small breasts, but she makes up for with the shapeliest legs and nicest ass of any of my grannies. Jane loves to dance and it is amazing to see her sensual movements on the dance floor. She is such a good dancer she will go out with a group of older grannies. Because of a shortage of men, sometimes a group of them will get on the dance floor and just dance with each other. This is where I first met...

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Dancing the night away

My friends head out early, too tired to stay, but I'm not ready to leave the club yet. I haven't had my dancing fix and I'm hoping to feel the body of some stranger against mine. The club is in the hipster place of Los Angeles, so I have my pick of young, well-dressed, artsy men. With my hair in a pixie cut and my loose sweater hiding the curves of my body, I'm not exactly advertising my femininity, but the positive energy of the dancing crowd makes me optimistic.On the dance floor, comfortably...

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Showing My Boobs Pt2 Dancing

The previous evening, I had stripped at a club full of men for the first time and I was still shaking a little from adrenaline. It was 6 A.M. and I was wired. I got up and showered; when I got out, Joe was up. He got a quick shower and we decided to go for breakfast. I put on a hot pink spaghetti-strap top and a pair of white shorts.For those who haven't read my other story, I'm 5 foot 6 inches tall with dark hair, blue eyes. I weigh about 135 pounds; I have very well developed thighs, legs,...

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showing my boobs pt2 dancing

Hi, my name is Lori and this is another of my stories. This took place a little over 10 years ago while my boyfriend Joe and I were on a vacation. The previous evening, I had stripped at a club full of men for the first time and I was still shaking a little from adrenaline. It was 6 A.M. and I was wired. I got up and showered, when I got out Joe was up. He got a quick shower and we decided to go for breakfast. I put on a hot pink spaghetti strap top and a pair of white shorts. For those that...

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Dancing Lessons

From our perspective, all our teachers were old, but knowing this was Miss Hanson’s first year at least distinguished her from Miss McGraw who’d taught our parents. I liked Miss Hanson from the first because she knew about everything. How glaciers scooped out lakes, how Amelia Earhart crossed the Atlantic, whatever struck our fancy. We boys were more interested in glaciers; the girls, of course, Miss Earhart. “It’s a big old world, but not too big for not getting back,” as Miss Hanson put...

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My Wife Goes Dancing With a Friend Part 1

When I invited John to go dancing, it was as a friend. I thought it would be fun to go out dancing at the club with a male friend, since my husband hates to dance.I could tell John was into me the moment we met. He is a handsome man, about six-feet-four-inches tall, with a muscular build and smooth dark skin; but being married, the thought of us hooking up didn’t even cross my mind.   I shook my hips as John started grinding on me. I was so excited to be out on the dance floor, I didn’t mind...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 6 Dancing Partners

As she returned from the restroom, Daniella saw MzDominica talking with Janie the waitress, who nodded, turned and left. Daniella arrived at the table and sat down -- making sure to keep her legs spread, just as Mistress required. Dominica turned toward her slave and quietly asked, "Do you have something for me, slave?" Daniella was still holding the key in her palm. "Of course, Mistress," she replied. Despite everything, she found herself blushing as she lifted her hand, and stretched...

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A Handfasting

A hand-fasting was always a very special event. The pagan marriage ceremony, joining a couple in love before their friends, family, community and gods was usually held outside in woodland. This would be followed today, as was the custom, with an evening around the camp-fire singing, joking, drinking and eating into the early morning. Scarlet thought this one had a fine pagan feel to it, particularly given that she was, once again, on all fours, face in the dirt with her hands gripping the earth...

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Dancing in the Moonlight

Two left feet. No, that would be kind. I was clearly just a man who, in spite of a few years of playing guitar, had no sense of timing or rhythm. What was so damned difficult about learning to two step? It certainly looked simple enough. My impromptu ‘tutor’, a 50ish man who had no doubt taken pity on the petite woman struggling with my hulking 6 foot 2 form, shrugged his shoulders and went back to dancing gracefully with his partner. I thanked him for his help, and marveled at the way they...

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Darkness and LightChapter 25 Dancing in the Dark

The sound of booming horns hadn’t faded yet as the war machines setup along the frontline shot their first volley of missiles. The Manthakin army used every kind of war machine known on Calmyra. Ballistae, catapults and trebuchets in every form and size, hurled their arrows and javelins, jars and pots filled with burning or explosive mixtures, or simply large rocks at the defenders of Vernya. Roban watched several burning jars made of clay thrown in his direction, but they overflew his...

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