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Some people think that I’m a grumpy old git, and others that I’m just plain opinionated. Well maybe both have a point. I always try to be polite and kind to people, but I really don’t want to spend a lot of time talking, particularly about inconsequentialities. I also have no interest in football, the beautiful game, surely they are joking, twenty-two millionaires chasing a ball about and trying to injure each other if they can get away with it? Hah! So there you see, an opinion, and not one that meets approval with what I’m told is the majority of people, not that I believe it is the majority, because none of the people I do speak to have any interest in it. Mind you, living where I do I have to keep up with the game played with an oval ball. I think that may be an oxymoron, surely balls are spherical. Hmm...

But really I do think we should all have opinions, look at the facts, get what information we can and then assemble our thoughts on the matter. The problem today is that far too many people don’t take any notice of the facts, but just go with what they feel about something. I had one guy telling me that all immigrants were like the girls he saw on the estate he lived on, black, well not white anyway, eleventeen kids and living on social security. Ha! As if there are no British girls like that! Truth is they probably are British and have British passports, or at least would qualify for one. I know that most immigrants work, often doing jobs the locals don’t want to do, and the facts show that the country profits from immigrants, but never mind the facts, those don’t support what they want to believe.

So you see, opinions!

So a lot of people don’t want to talk to me any more than I do them. I tell the truth and it pisses them off.

So I’m a miserable old git!

So sue me.

It was quite a while after I was left on my own, and after I decided that feeling sorry for myself wasn’t going to get me very far, that I determined that I’d like to get back to sailing. The first thing, obviously, was to get a boat. I looked around the local boat yards, and watched ebay and travelled to look at a few boats but nothing really seemed to hit the spot. I looked at an awful lot of tired plastic, mainly ugly as well, but tired plastic always looks like that anyway, and it’s an unpleasant and difficult task to do anything to make it look good and the damned things would still be ugly when you finished. The other problem to my eye is that although glass reinforced plastic is ideally suited to compound curved surfaces, most of the boats were laid up on moulds made of flat plywood panels. The problem is that if there is the one thing that glass reinforced plastics do badly it is flat panels. It can be done so that it looks good but it rarely is. You may think that is another opinion, but it is based on observed facts, just go to a boat yard and look.

So what to do? I’d built quite a few boats some years before, and I had the space, so why not build one that I’d really like. I looked at lots of plans and went back over all the old books I had and the one thing that kept coming up was a skipjack. Now what, most people will ask, is that. Well it’s a ‘traditional’, the inverted comas are because the type first appeared late in the nineteenth century so I’m not sure whether that counts as traditional, but whatever, American design from around the east coast, and comes complete with a clipper stem a long bowsprit and trailboards to support it. Construction is pretty simple from plywood on frames. From head on, through to mid section it actually resembles a WW2 MTB, PT boat in the US, with a very shallow vee hull, and aft of midships it tapers to a steeply raked transom. An interesting point is that PT boats were actually a design by British Power Boats powered by Packard engines, the British used a similar design by Vosper powered by Rolls Royce Merlins. Packard also built Rolls Royce Merlins, but these were not fitted to PT boats, despite some sources saying this was the case. There was, of course, a great deal more technology and production that came in the other direction, and we were very grateful for it.

Any way, I hunted around and found a standard design at twenty feet on deck, near thirty feet over all, with an eight foot eight inch beam, the originals were a good deal bigger of course. The beam was eight inches wider than the doors of my building shed, That, however wouldn’t present too much problem because since it was a steel panel building I could take out part of the front, and it would only have to come out once during the build to be turned over.

So I sent for a set of plans and got started getting everything ready.

Fast forward six months of long hours, and Melusine was sitting on a trailer ready to go for launching. You really don’t want a blow by blow account of me manipulating bits of plywood, I could have detailed all the ups and downs but to be honest I’d probably bore myself let alone you. She ended up looking every bit as pretty as I had hoped with varnished wooden spars, deckhouse and trim, and laid decks, the latter fake but it looked pretty good. She had white topsides and the trailboards had gold scroll work on them.

Launch day dawned bright and clear, and bright and early too, low water was about 6.00 am and I wanted the trailer at the lowest point of the slipway so that the boat would float off as the tide rose. Driving the few miles down to the harbour was no problem and backing down the slip was easy because there was sufficient space to get the rig lined up. The slip is at a very shallow angle, not the shallowest I’ve encountered, that prize goes to one at Lake Windermere where it seemed to be quite level. I later discovered that it had been used during WW2 to launch Sunderland flying boats, which accounted for the shallow angle. Worse though, probably was one in Poole harbour which in addition to being shallow invariably suffers from a cross wind. It’s actually easier on that one to turn the trailer into the wind and then load the boat. Small boats only of course. But no such problems here, because it is very sheltered.

The next thing to do was step the mast. This I had deck stepped in a tabernacle and it was a simple job to locate the foot, attach the shrouds and use a line attached to the forestay to pull it up. With the forestay shackled the shrouds could be tightened and job done. I had already taken the trailer off the tow vehicle which I had driven further up the slip and attached a rope from the hitch to the trailer. I didn’t mind the trailer getting wet, but not the car. So all that was left to do was wait for the tide to float her off. And enjoy a cup of coffee, the galley was operational.

About 08.00 I started the motor, an outboard fitted in a well and within a few minutes I motored her off and tied up alongside. Then I went and pulled the trailer out, hitched it and parked. My berth would be in the inner harbour in which water was retained by a sill, so I would have to wait until the tide was high enough to get in. So this time it was breakfast in a local cafe. When I returned the harbour master was there and told me he would take me across to my berth when there was enough water.

“Should be okay now, she only draws eighteen inches.”

It’s funny, but although we have been metric, supposedly – you still cannot buy an all metric tape measure – for almost half a century, it still seems daft to say ‘four hundred and fifty millimetres’, forty five centimetres I could cope with, but don’t get me started on the impractical idiots who decided we’d use the ‘Systeme International’ rather than the metric system that everyone else in the world uses. That’s another opinion, this time on ‘British exceptionalism’. Oh yes, and impractical idiots.

Whatever, the Harbour Master came aboard and we set off. She seemed very responsive to the tiller, having a short stub keel containing a drop keel, the outboard performed well, and in a few minutes we were moored stern to under the gaze of the holidaymakers who were now flooding into town from the local caravan sites, intent on making the local chip shop owners even wealthier, and their waistlines ever more extensive.

Before he left the Harbour Master asked:

“When are you going out for your first sail?”

“I thought I’d catch the tide tomorrow, the weather looks good, take a run down the coast and back.”

“Sounds good. I bet you’ll have a bit of an audience from the yacht club.”

“Waiting to see me make a cockup of it no doubt,” I grinned.

“You’ll just have to try not to then.”

He didn’t seem too heavy on the sense of humour.

I spent the rest of the day getting sails sorted and generally doing all those last minute things that need doing. So with sails bent on ready and everything ship shape, I walked over to where I had parked and went home.

The next morning I was on board in plenty of time and spent a while fiddling about. I was in the cabin when a female voice called out.


I came out into the cockpit and saw a girl standing on the quayside. A nicely built girl with short fair hair and a pretty face.

“How can I help?”

“Can I come aboard?”


“Dad said you might need a hand today. So I popped over to see.”


“Harbour Master.”

“Right. That your gear on the quay?”

She nodded.

“Better bring it aboard.”

“Better have a name first, I’m Martin.”


We shook hands.

“Tell me about yourself...”

She obviously knew what I meant because she simply said, “Yacht Master.”

“Excellent! Welcome aboard. I’ve got a coastal skipper’s ticket from oh, must be thirty years ago so hopefully between us we can avoid any of the cockups I referred to with your dad yesterday.”

She laughed.

“He told me. He reckons there’ll be some interest from the yacht club, probably a big audience on the balcony. Lot of people are interested in the boat though. By the way, why aren’t you a member?”

“Oh well, I’ve always been with Groucho, I don’t want to belong to any club that’d have me! Seriously, I’ve just never really thought about it.”

I looked across at the entrance where there was a board showing the depth of water over the sill.

“Time to go.”

I started the engine and let it run for a minute or two whilst we cast off. Tick over in forward gave us enough way to negotiate our way over the sill and then, as we turned to starboard towards the harbour exit, I increased speed. There was indeed an audience on the yacht club balcony and we waved to a round of applause. We motored for about ten minutes to give us a bit of sea room and then I turned into the wind and we set about hoisting the mainsail. The wind was about force 3 to 4 and we had little problem. First we dropped the keel. With a gaff mainsail we had to haul on the throat halyard, and then the peak halyard to bring the gaff up. We then retired to the cockpit, let the head fall off the wind and hauled in the lee sheet of the inner jib to unfurl it. The boat picked up speed, Cerys took the tiller, and I turned off the motor and tilted it clear of the water. The original boats would have had just one jib or foresail, often referred to as ‘two sail bateau’, but I had decided that it would be easier to handle if it was split into two. There was also had a topsail but we weren’t playing with that today. We set the outer jib, and we picked up more speed. Time for coffee.

Ten minutes later I came out into the cockpit with two mugs of coffee, to see a girl who was obviously enjoying herself.

“How is she?”

“Fantastic! I really didn’t think she’d be much good, but she’s brilliant. The Dragon Lady flies! I’ve sailed all sorts from dinghies to ocean racers but this is something else”

“Why didn’t you think she’d be very good?”

She blushed. “I shouldn’t have said that. Well, old fashioned design I suppose.”

“And home made?” Might as well dig the hole for her.

“I suppose so.”

“Better have an open day for all the doubters then,” I joked.

“That’d be a good idea, there’s a few of them.”

Great, me and my mouth.

We sailed about twenty miles down the coast, turned into a wide estuary and up to the town quay where we moored. We found the nearest fish and chip shop, yes I know what I said earlier, but we were expending quite a lot of energy. Lunch over we tacked out through the estuary to get a feel of how she handled. The answer was extremely well, we encountered no problems, not as close winded as a modern rig of course, mind you it did help having a very experienced crew.

On the return we had the wind on our quarter. It had increased to a full force 5 and she really flew, surfing most of the way. We arrived back a little earlier than I had anticipated, so we turned and tied up alongside the yacht club. We tidied up and stowed and got the cover on the mainsail.

“Come on in and have a drink,” Cerys told me.

We had a drink but in the main we answered questions about the boat, so not much time to put glass to mouth. After an hour or so it was time to take the boat back to her berth. We got her tied up nice and tight, locked up, and walked back to the yacht club car park, in fact just a general car park but on the wrong side of the harbour to be over used, where we were both parked.

“I really enjoyed today, can we do it again?”

“No problem,” I said, “I enjoyed it too, sailing with good company is always better.”

We exchanged phone numbers, and she gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

The weather wasn’t very good for the next week and other than popping down to check that all was well I decided that I didn’t want to take out an untested boat in poor conditions, particularly by myself, although the boat had been laid out to be sailed single handed.

I was having breakfast one morning when the phone rang.

“Hi, it’s Cerys. Are you going sailing?”

“Why not.”

And she proceeded to tell me what the tide times were and the weather forecast. Basically what you’d expect from any competent skipper.

“D’you mind having an extra crew member, she’s very good.”

“Sounds fine, I’ll be down in about half an hour, I’ll see you then.”

When I got to the boat Cerys was there with a very attractive lady a bit younger than me standing behind her.

Cerys gave me a kiss on my cheek. “Hi,” she said, “this is my mum.”

“Hello Cerys, and good morning Doctor,” I said, addressing the older lady.

“You know each other?”

“Cerys, where does your mum work?”

“Oh! The surgery.”

“Right, you may not go there very often, but as you get older you get to know everyone there. Including your mum. After all, she is the head honcho.”

“I didn’t think...”

“Shall we get aboard?”

The doctor was standing there with a broad grin on her face.

“I had no idea who she was talking about all week. In fact she’s been talking about the boat, but you did get a mention Mr...”

“Shall we dispense with the formality? I’m Martin.”

“And as you know I’m Lisa.”

“Good,” I said helping her aboard.

Cerys started taking the sail cover off whilst I opened the cabin and put the bags inside.

I started the motor to warm it up.

“So your Cerys’s mum...”

“And you are wondering about her dad? We’ve been divorced for years, we’re friends, but that’s all now.”

“You’re right, I did wonder, bit difficult taking some other fellow’s wife out sailing ... even if their daughter is on board as a witness.” I laughed.

Cerys was in the cockpit at this point so nothing more was said in that direction.

“There’s enough water, let’s get under way.”

Cerys went forward to let go the bow line and as soon as she signalled to me I slipped the stern line and put the motor into gear. We left the inner harbour to find quite a lot of traffic milling about trying to get out, so we proceeded with care.

“Shall we go up the coast this time?” I asked.

With the wind not more than force 3 we weren’t in for an exciting ride so I suggested to Cerys that we should try the top sail. Lisa took the tiller while we went to sort it out. When we were ready I called out to Lisa to turn us into the wind, and then we hauled the top mast up and sheeted the topsail to the end of the gaff. Lisa let the boat fall off the wind onto our original course. The acceleration was quite amazing, Melusine picked up her heels and started to surf as waves passed under her. Most people don’t think that gaff rigged boats are very fast, but this one had been designed for speed and was now showing it.

A couple of hours later we rafted up on a visitors pontoon at the marina in the next harbour, and went into the yacht club for a drink and a snack.

I have to say that I was delighted with the turn of events because I had fancied Lisa, from a distance of course, ever since I had met her. She was, as I’ve said, very attractive with a nice easy personality, but in her position getting involved with a scruffy boat owner might not be the thing.

Cerys was at the bar getting drinks and ordering some sandwiches.

“Are you and Cerys...” she left it hanging waiting for an answer.

I laughed. “If I was thirty years younger maybe, she’s a lovely girl, but I think she looks at me as a recently discovered avuncular, but even then I’m not sure, it’s Melusine that’s the main attraction. She’s certainly taken there.”

“That’s true,” Lisa said. “She’s talked about little else for the last week, practically dragged me along, not that I mind. Do you think I’m here for protection?”

“That, or perhaps she’s got another idea,” I grinned.

“What on earth ... oh!” she blushed. “Surely not.”

I just grinned.

“What are you two talking about/” Cerys returned with a tray of drinks.

“Your mama thinks you have an ulterior motive in bringing her today.”

Cerys coloured up immediately. They were both trying to stutter something, but neither of them could raise a coherent word.”

“Have a drink and see if that’ll help!” I was laughing. “Well I think that confirms that. Naughty girl Cerys, you don’t have to sell your mother, you can borrow the boat whenever you want.”

The women hit me from either side at the same time. Neither of them were weaklings. Lisa was looking at Cerys with the sort of look that says ‘we are going to have words later young lady’.

Cerys, after a moment to recover: “Can I really?”

“Well, if I don’t want to use her and you make sure she doesn’t run out of petrol, your dad wouldn’t be happy if I had to get in under sail for as daft a reason as that.”

“No, probably not.”

The sandwiches arrived putting an end to conversation for the moment.

On the way back to the boat Lisa asked me if I meant what I said.

“I don’t see why not, she’s better than I am and she’s very quickly learnt to handle the gaff rig. I think Melusine will be in good hands. Besides, it can’t be too long before she wants to go off and do something else.”

“True enough, another adventure will beckon, she’s never settled yet.”

It took us a while longer to get back. The wind was much the same but we had to take a long leg out to the west before we had a broad reach home. We could have done a number of shorter tacks closer in but by this time the tide was against us.

When we were moored and stowed I got a kiss on the cheek from two ladies before they left.

A couple of days later I got a call from Cerys.

“Can I borrow Melusine?”

“May I...”

“Oh all right,” slight exasperation, “May I borrow Melusine?”

“You may. Do you want to call round for the keys?”

I told her where I lived.

“About half an hour.”

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Honeymoon With My School Teacher

Hey, readers, this is your Varun back with another story. If readers come across any mistakes please do mail me, your valuable feedback needs in my mail inbox. Any women/girls in & around Bangalore who needs to satisfy their sexual needs can contact me on: In this story our heroine is my teacher from my old school.Her name is Judy(of course name changed),she had taught me in school in Chennai but got shifted to Bangalore 4 years back. One day I was going through my Facebook (school group) &...

4 years ago
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Neehan8217s Second Encounter With A Massage Aunty

I am Neehan from Bangalore. I am regular reader of of this Indian sex stories site, This is my 2nd time writing my true encounters. I am an software engineer by profession. I am married and blessed by 3 children. Im about 5 foot 2 inches tall and of about medium build and medium colour but have very attractive speech to attract any one by words. It happened 3 year back, when I visited treatment center for the 1st time with my 2 of cousin brothers & 2 elder bhabhi’s. My previous encounter was...

4 years ago
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Mother in Law8217s inspection

I heard a knocking at my door, I went over, opened it, and was surprised to see my soon to be Mother-in-law, Lisa Perkins, standing there. She smiled at me and said, ”Good morning Leo, could I come in and talk to you for a bit?” I was happy to let her in, she was twice my age at 50, but she was still a knockout. It was obvious where my fiancé Janie had inherited her hot body and sexy face from. Her face was framed with a mane of blonde hair, her clear blue eyes twinkled, she was...

1 year ago
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SoundsErotica Ch 01

“Okay, baby just put the headphones on and enjoy.” Pressing my body against Jason’s was just enough to make us both fall and sink into the soft leather of the couch beside my computer table. I placed the headphones over his ears as my thigh brushed the bulge between his legs. “What are you doing to me, Karra?” I pulled the headphone back just enough for him to hear my breathiest voice as I said, “This will make you so hot.” His tension melted as the sound of my voice coursed its steamy path...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Charity Striptease Part 3

(Read parts 1 and 2 first. Honest, it's worth it!)Those of you have been following this story will know that my wife, Sue, works for a charity and had agreed, much to my amazement, to perform a striptease for a group of our (male) friends. This was in return for very generous donations to Sue’s charity and in guarantee of anonymity and that everyone kept it secret, e.g. from their wives who are also our friends! Sue had subsequently agreed to a further session where the guys took nude photos of...

2 years ago
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Rose Garden

Warning! Story contains lots of references to anal prolapsing! So if this is not your cup of tea, then do click away now - I don't want to offend anyone. Otherwise read on and - hopefully! - enjoy..For Jeni - in case she decides to take up gardening..The call had come out of the blue. "Hi Jeni" the caller had said. The voice was strangely familiar. "It's Tori. We met the other week at the, er, pool party?" You gasped. Although the event had been a fortnight ago, the events had left a searing...

1 year ago
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My redhead sisters redhot love2

She has red hair and green eyes with a pale skin. She had 32D boobs which any guy would drool over and had long legs which led all the way up to her tight but not to tight firm ass that would let any man stare twice when she walked the streets. I'm in pretty good shape myself. I have a nice toned body and blue eyes with blond hair and standing at 6'0. My sister is 5'8. Oh yeah and I'm 17 years old. So my parents decided to go on vacation but me and my sus wasn't very keen on...

4 years ago
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Crossing Texas

CAUTION!!! This story has explicit sexual content. If you are under the age of 21, DO NOT CONTINUE! Or if stories involving sex or forced crossdressing offend you, do not continue. This story is provided without charge to anyone who will enjoy it. Other writings by Cindi include "Dalia's Story", "Michelle's Story", "Rebecca's Peace", and "A Texas Change". Crossing Texas By Cindi Johnson Dallas, June 2004 Prologue I was driving across Texas on a late autumn afternoon. The...

2 years ago
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10 hr motel room fun 1

The $10/hr motel room #1 I was at our regular bar with my ‘naughtier-then-me’ girlfriend Barbie. And we were enjoying too much to drink leading us into the depravities of the sexual cellar! She usually starts this crap about daring each other to do things we both know we should not but secretly want to! Well it was not long before our table was being shared by several guys. We were dancing and they were buying so it was all good. It seemed to narrow down to these three guys who were together....

2 years ago
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Mason Letter 6

Mason: Letter 06Figaro, Thank you for replying to my last letter, I understand where you are coming from I just don't like being kept in the dark. I truly appreciate all you do for me but I think it would be better if we could work together from now on. Once again the crazy saga off my life rolls full steam ahead, I'm not sure when I will be able to write again so I will try and fit as much into this letter as I can. I was happy to hear that you were doing ok, when I read your letter it was...

2 years ago
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Helga und Maria GERMAN

Helga und Maria Ehepaar und Tochter werden von dem sadistischen Arbeitgeber des Ehemannes und Vaters gefoltert.   Teil 1: Marias erste Sitzung. Nachdem der Brand im Studentenheim gel?scht war, wurden die ausw?rtigen Studenten in Hotels evakuiert. Die Studenten, deren Eltern in der N?he wohnten, wurden gebeten, dort solange zu wohnen, bis das Studentenheim wieder bezugsfertig war. Maria fuhr also zu dem Haus ihrer Eltern, dass nur knapp eine Stunde von der Uni entfernt im Gr?nen am Rande de...

2 years ago
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The Embrace Of Uvuluai

The legend of Uvulu'ai stated the god inhabited a cave high in the mountains. It took Ramsey Lumley five days to hack through the dense jungle before he encountered the narrow opening adorned with the simple carvings of the Lu'ai tribe. His guide had abandoned him the night before, which in Lumley's experience was usually a strong indicator he wasn't far from his goal. A common misconception still held that Papua New Guinea was an island inhabited solely by savage tribes still clinging...

2 years ago
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Annie Loves Her Daddy Part1

My name is Annie. I'm just your ordinary 18 year old girl who loves her stepfather more than she ever should. As the years passed, I actually fell in-love with him. But it was at the age of 12, when I gathered the courage to make a move towards our me and Daddy's sexual beginning. Prior to my 12th birthday, I noticed that my dad didn't seem as happy as he once was. I thought maybe I had done something to sadden him. Maybe even possibly causing him to think about leaving me and mom....

1 year ago
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Watch me Bleed

Watch Me Bleed. Author's note; This one is very dark, and contains the depiction of a suicide attempt. Reader discretion is advised .... Well, I guess I really gotta write this, dont I? The doc's insist that writing might be the best way for me to deal with it, and wont let me go until I do, so here goes ..... But I am gonna tell it my way. Lets hit the wayback machine back to early October, because that's as close to the beginning as we probably need to go. Thats when a...

1 year ago
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Then Came Johnson Chapter 2 Two Out of Three Aint Bad

Continued from Chapter 1: The Amish WayOn the first full day of my new lifestyle, that of a fulltime RVer, I met Anna a young Amish widow who also was transitioning from an old way of life to something new.  She was on her way to Florida where her Aunt lived and where Anna believed she could find a support infrastructure to help her as she left her old Amish way for a modern way of life.  We met at a truck stop where her bus had stopped for a rest break but accidentally left Anna behind.  I...

3 years ago
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Fun With My StepMum

My step-mother would have been in her mid-forties by the time I was nineteen. I thought her quite attractive and I had noticed that men used to give her the odd lustful glance. She had kept in good shape with a fairly narrow waist and a nice bum. I had never taken much interest in women’s breasts at that time but I had noticed hers, which weren’t overly large. I don’t think I had ever looked at my step-sister’s breasts or any of the other girls that I knew. I had been interested in bums and...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Kenzie Reeves Intense Ahegao Fucking

Petite beauty Kenzie Reeves barges into your room all wet and horny. She wants you to spread her tight cunt with your big cock. You aggressively finger her twat until she cums hard. Kenzie returns the pleasure by giving you an intense blowjob and ball-sucking. The petite slut shows her irresistible ahegao face as she gives you a sloppy rimjob. All the teasing and sucking makes you want to fuck her pussy. You shove your dick in and out of her pussy with no mercy. The intense pussy-pounding only...

4 years ago
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Jennifer peered over her glasses at him, an incredulous look on her face. 'When did you sign this agreement?' she asked, tapping her pen idly on the arm of her chair. 'Two weeks ago,' he replied, using his thumb to reposition his erection. 'I can't believe you successfully negotiated something that lucrative,' she shook her head. 'Sometimes I get lucky,' he smiled. She leaned back in her chair and stretched, her business suit outlining the curves of her breasts. He jerked his gaze...

Straight Sex
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Real Or Fantasy

Hello Guys. This is Rakesh. Hope you guys are well. A indian sex reader contacted and asked me if the stories are real. So let me tell you. Yes, all these all real. Some are mine and some are of people who contacted me after reading my stories. It made me feel to write something different than the normal genre and write a fictitious/part real story. It’s just a pilot episode. You can contact me on and give your valuable feedback. Hello, guys, it’s Nandini. I am in my late fifties. I won’t say...

3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 005 The Dissonance

“That was extraordinary,” I say, wide-eyed and fascinated, “I’m not even sore.”“Give it a few minutes,” Emily says, and Xandra smiles.“Alright,” I say, offering a reserved smile.“Don’t worry,” Emily says, “It’s a good kind of sore.”Seeing me wobble, Xandra takes me by the shoulders and helps me to the floor. I kneel with my back under the hot water and do some easy stretching. After a moment, a stupid grin curls my face into a ridiculous shape. Seriously. This is a truly idiotic smile, and it’s...

Oral Sex
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The Game

It's just a fucking game, at least that's what they think. Why do they do it? Well because its fun and they have always gotten away with it, so why not. Ted and Mark waited in the lobby of the 16 screen cinema waiting for just the right woman, one who would be perfect for The Game. Susan was bored. Her husband was out of town on a business trip and she didn't have anything to do. The house was clean, the ironing done and she had even cleaned out the garage for him. Now what? She was looking...

2 years ago
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Halloween House Party

I swear, Halloween is the best time of year for horny guys like me. Girls seem to love dressing up as sexy pirates, sexy devils, or sexy anything, really. The following story took place that night… but it’s not scary at all. My friends Michelle and Cassie and I decided to do a group costume this year for some frat Halloween party. The girls dressed as two schoolgirls and I made myself up like a strict teacher—shirt and tie and ruler. Michelle, Leigh and I have been friends since Freshman...

Straight Sex
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CubScout MotherChapter 3

Gary stopped when he got to the edge of the neat lawn. The garage door was open and instead of Mom's station wagon, his father's battered truck stood parked inside. Hell, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to con the school nurse into letting him go home in the middle of the day after all. Mom would be all worried and concerned. After fussing over him with aspirin and vitamins, making him hot tea, she'd leave him alone to let him "rest". But Dad was something else. He cringed just...

2 years ago
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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 27

"I swear I used a condom," Bob said, as I opened the kitchen fridge, grabbed us a both a can of Pepsi, and then followed him out the back door. Using a flashlight, we made our way out to his truck where I tackled the passenger's side and he the driver's side; sifting through the junk that always managed to accumulate in the floorboards no matter how much he tried. I'd brought along a garbage bag and tossed things out as they needed to be, and he handed me stuff to be thrown away from...

1 year ago
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DeepLush Kira Noir Perfect Anal

Kira Noir and I meet again in an intense anal sex scene. We have always had fun chemistry together and indulge in each other as we have sex all over the bed. She has multiple orgasms as I fuck her pussy and ass while using a hitachi on her at the same time. Kira rides my cock in multiple positions and there’s some hot POV shots during the blowjob, riding, and doggy. She scene ends with Kira riding me in cowgirl as we kiss and she bounces on me just right until I fill her pussy with cum...

3 years ago
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My Own Slow Ride

For awhile now, I've been thinking about sharing one of my favorite sexual memories. It might not be the most erotic thing I've ever done, but it was one in which everything just seemed to unfold perfectly, creating an experience that still leaves me feeling a little wet every time I think about it.  It started out being a typical Thursday, and my mind roamed over the mundane concerns of everyday life. Truthfully, had I an inkling of what was to come, I could scarcely have been able to think of...

Straight Sex
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DonkeyLoving SchoolgirlChapter 9

It was nearly midnight, and yet Denise felt as wide awake as if it were noon. She saw little chance of getting much sleep tonight, except for a few catnaps. In fact, she foresaw getting little sleep on any night until she left the fair. She realized that she'd be taking lots of naps afternoons and evenings if she was going to make it through the week without falling asleep on her feet. Strangely, the effects of a night with little sleep and a day of hard work and excitement hadn't hit her...

3 years ago
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A Lost Legen Chapter Two

“Enough!” the Commander shouted. He walked over to the tenderized piece of meat. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Did you not think I would find out, Captain?” his heavy Dridden voice inquired. “I… didn’t… do… anything… Sir…!” Marin labored saying, each word stinging his lungs. The big man punched Marin in the cheek, “Bullshit! Do not lie to me!” “Since when… have I lied to you? I always followed your orders, I always did what you wanted, even if I disagreed with it!” tears rolled down his face. “You...

4 years ago
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The Granduncle InheritanceChapter 2 Ian

I had been hearing her cough all night and the door between the rooms of the suite wasn't opening. I went out to the corridor and knocked on her door. At dawn, Moira wasn't sure if she had imagined it or if someone had actually knocked on her bedroom door during the night. She couldn't think clearly and she thought she heard someone say, 'Come in' but wasn't sure it had been her. The doorknob rattled several times, but the door stayed closed and she vaguely remembered that she had...

3 years ago
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NightfallChapter 5

Jen was walking with Jason Williams towards the fountain. After that first day it was still her favorite place in the gardens. She had to admit that the Irish businessman was a very interesting person. Unlike all these other men that were too self-centered to hear what anybody else had to say, Jason was an excellent listener. And that was the only reason she agreed to be alone with him. While talking she realized that for the past eight years she had no friends and no personal life. No one...

2 years ago
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The day I became collared

Greg was 25 a security guard at a near by hotel he was my best friends boyfriend a very well built guy blue eyes wavy blonde hair and the most gorgeous smile. Jackie my best friend and roomate was engaged to Greg and as I was 5yrs younger than Jackie so she had a soft spot for me and just abouttook me everywhere with her and Greg. Greg and I would have play fights while Jackie watched egging me on to grab his balls or him to squeeze my nipples all in good fun I might add, this one day I had on...

2 years ago
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I Fucked Your Mother

This is a real story that happened before 10 years. I was living with my parents in a remote village in Dharmapuri district in Tamil Nadu. I was the only child of my parents. I was 19 years old studying in a government college. My father had some inherited land and was doing agriculture in it. He was 47 years old. My mother was a housewife 44 years old. Even though she is in her 40s she does strenuous work. So she maintained a great figure with fair skin. Ours was a middle-class family. Our...

4 years ago
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Sexual Encounters of a Young man 23 Mating with Beautiful Rupali at Theatre

The story is by one of his friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the company which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month as he got stomach upset due to...

1 year ago
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School Function Ma Chudai

Hello readers its your lovely sexy friend priya sharma .Ma 19 saal ki hu aur boht jabardaast hu. Jabh muja pta chala ki apko meri story boht pasand ai toh mei aga ka sex adventures share karna ko ready ho gai. Kirpya naya log purani story padh la. Aur mera channel subscribe kara on youtube (innocent teen) Toh kafi mahina tak kisses aur blowjobs chalti rahi aur hum is sa boht kush tha. Lekin dhera dhera hum dono apni virginity khona ka liya tyar tha . Par huma boht darr tha ki kahi kujh ulta na...

3 years ago
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Raj in theatre

Since all my friends were having office...the day started off boring...nothing nice on tv after lunch i thought of going for a innovative multiplex....something that changed my day.....I was always curious about bi and gay sex...but never tried or for that matter never thought I would be trying it one day... Since it was a many were in theater.....i went and sat in middle went off...nd movie started...then one person came and sat beside...

3 years ago
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Jim and His Best Friend

Jim was the hardest one to do the research. He like seeing an animal and person have sex. He had a couple of retrieves, each about 80 pounds. When on line at the BBS, you can share pictures. While chatting with Jim, he would send a picture of one of his dogs Champ and would say that Champ was nice looking, was gentle or other comment as if he was trying to set up a date for him. I would respond by saying something polite just to keep the conservation going. Jim would shift the topic to...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 19

Bob, furious, paced in front of the house waiting for Ed to arrive. The man had hurt his wife’s feelings for no reason. When Ed came home, Bob was going to give Ed a piece of his mind before his wife had a chance to see him. His stomach churned at the thought of having to leave the house because Ed had been a bastard. Bob had listened to her vent her anger for almost twenty-four hours. Marguerite was furious with Ed and was threatening to kill him when he arrived home. The day before, a...

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