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This story picks up straight after Amy #4 Take My Hand, but I've switched the first person focus from Gary to Amy. It's time for Amy to meet Gary's mum Annette properly, it didn't go well yesterday, will she have calmed down? Will she go ballistic when she finds out they're moving in together?

The alarm woke me at 7am, Chris Evans announcing the news. My arm was draped over Gary, we managed to sleep OK in my single bed then. I kissed his neck and got up for a shower, when I climbed out of bed I realised we should really have had one before going to bed, the pillow and sheets were spotted with bits of grass and soil from our romp in the garden, wow it was fun though. Gary was still fast asleep, so I tiptoes to the shower and made sure the door was closed before I set it going, he worked hard last night.

Cleaned and refreshed I crept downstairs and put on a pot of coffee and made some toast, carrying it upstairs on a tray, breakfast in bed for my hero.

"Wake up sleepyhead."

"Wha ... where am I"

"In my bed, now unless you want me to tip this over you I suggest you sit up so I can put this tray down."

"Oh wow, breakfast in bed, I've never had this before."

"Don't get used to it, it's supposed to be the other way round, but after I ripped up your back last night I thought it was the least I could do for my little stud."

I opened my wardrobe and rummaged around for clothes to wear whilst Gary tucked into the toast and coffee. I picked out a sensible blouse and skirt, with some black low heeled shoes, very professional I think, should give a good impression of me to Gary's mum.

Somewhere I had some clothes that Geoff had given me to take to Oxfam but I'd never got round to it, ahh here it is, some shirts and pants, Geoff was a little bit taller than Gary, but otherwise he was a very similar build, so I may just have to turn the pants up.

Gary had finished his breakfast and was in the shower, so brushed the bulk of the crap off the bed sheets, it'll pass. I made the bed and laid Geoff's old clothes out on the duvet, they were nearly new, in fact at least one of the shirts still had a tag on it. Julie used to buy all his clothes and she had a good eye, but maybe bought him too much.

Gary came out of the shower still drying himself off, I tried to ignore his swinging cock, we had to get to work soon.

"What's all this?"

"Some clothes Geoff gave me to take to Oxfam, but I completely forgot, they've been stuffed in my wardrobe for over a year. Some are brand new, and I think they should fit you, although I may have to turn up the pant legs. Try some on and we'll see."

He picked a purple Yves St Laurent shirt, it fit well, although the sleeves were a teeny bit long, but a shirt is fine if it's a bit big. The Ralph Lauren chinos were perfect on the waist, but needed an inch off the leg, I got mum's sewing kit and set to work.

"Ok, sorted, take a look in the mirror, you look like a new man Gary, I hope the other ladies in the office don't try to steal you from me."

"Why would I want to go with anyone else when I've got the prettiest girl in the whole place?"

"You're so nice to say that, but I know it's not true, what about Alice and Jade, they're so beautiful with superb bodies."

"Alice has fake boobs, and I don't like the way she plasters herself in makeup, and Jade may well look like a Page 3 girl, but she's so annoying with her whiney voice. You though are just perfect for me. Now shall we walk to work together or do we keep ourselves secret for a bit longer."

"No, we walk through the door hand in hand I think, let's get them talking."

The receptionist saw us first, she pushed the button to open the door and we walked through still holding hands.

"Wow Amy, what have you done to Gary, he looks like a new man? How long have you been going out, I had no idea?"

"Hi Claris, we've been going out for a while now, it wasn't a secret, we just kept quiet about it until we were certain it was working."

"Excellent, I'm so happy for you both."

We walked on through the inner door, "now let's see how long before the whole school knows, this should be fun."

Just before we separated at my office door I could hear the girls in the next office talking, we put our ears to the door, "yes, she saw them coming through the front door together, holding hands, they've been going out for weeks apparently. I've no idea what she sees in him, she's so pretty and he's just a geek."

"Kiss me good-bye as I open this door, let's see their faces."

I took hold of the door knob as Gary kissed me, the noise inside stopped as the door opened.

I put on a surprised look as I turned to enter the office, "oh, I thought I'd be first in today." I pulled Gary into the office, the girls jaws dropped, "have you met my boyfriend Gary?"

"Oh, hi Gary, we don't see you over this side of the building often, you do look smart today, doing anything special", said Anna.

"No, nothing special, I just fancied a change from my usual jeans a t-shirts, give people a bit of a shock."

"Oh you've definitely given us a shock today, we had no idea you were dating Gary, why didn't you tell us?"

"Well, we wanted to wait until we knew it was working, and now we're sure we've decided to go public, haven't we Gary."

"Yes, we're happy that people know about us now."

Gary turned to leave for his office across the building, I followed him out, "Wait a sec Gary, I'll come with you, I think I left my phone in your office yesterday."

We crossed the playground and walked through the doors into the other building.

"See, less than 30 seconds for Claris to phone my office and tell the girls there, tell the right person and the whole world knows in minutes. Let's see if your boss has found out."

We opened Gary's office, it was unlocked which is odd. Chris the IT manager was sat in Gary's chair, I stayed out of sight for a minute.

"Hi Chris, what you doing in my chair? I'll have to clean it now."

"Well good morning to you to Gary, I just wanted to see your girlfriend, you kept this quiet."

"Well we kept it quiet until Claris saw us, now the whole school knows, we'll be in Hello next week no doubt."

"So, how'd you bag the school fitty, she's been all prim & proper for the last year, very different to when she was a student here, you won't have seen her then, a bit wild is all I'll say."

"I know about how she was before, we've spoken about her past, and why she changed, and we love each other and that's all that matters. Anyway she's right behind me, come in Amy, have you met Chris?"

"Oh yes I know Chris, a smell of pizza follows wherever he goes."

"So it's true, my god how am I still single if you can pull Amy."

"Showers and deodorant, use them or find a girl with no sense of smell", I told him, "now let Gary sit down he had a hard night last night, well we both did, but at least I was lying down."

Chris left the room shaking his head.

"Wow Amy, how do you think of those comments just like that?"

"Years of practice fending off dickheads, and I watch all seven series of Buffy on a regular basis. Have fun today, I'll come round about 12:30 and we'll pop out for some food OK."

"See you then," Gary replied, I kissed him and left the office, Chris was peeping through a crack in his door so I blew him a kiss as I walked past.

Pretty much everyone in the building came round to see me at some point that morning, curious about whether what they were hearing was true, I assured them it was.

At lunchtime I popped back up to see Gary, it seems he had about as much work to do as I had, because he was on Facebook, scrolling through his updates, I watched for a while over his shoulder.

"When are you going to send me a friend request?"

"Shit you made me jump, how long have you been there?"

"Long enough to see all the big boobed girls scrolling past."

"Sorry, I'll delete those pages."

"No you won't, they'll be the only big boobs you'll be seeing, so keep them, besides I like to look at a nice pair of tits every now and again. Hey scroll back a bit, the blonde girl, wow just look at that tattoo on her back, I love it. Has it got her name there, good, google it I want a good sized picture of those angle wings."

Gary found a really large picture, it was of a magazine spread so pictures of both her front & back, she was really pretty, with big, but obviously fake boobs, the tattoo was amazing though, a full set of angel wings with feathers across her shoulder blades, he printed it for me on his colour printer, I popped it in my pocket. My phone pinged, a friend request from Gary, "and don't go deleting any girls you're friends with just because I can see your feed, I'm not ruling your life, as long as we share the bed you can chat with whoever you like other times."

Gary continued scrolling through his updates "Who's that girl, with the glasses and braces?" I asked

"Zoey, she works at the little zoo down the road."

"Such a shame about the braces, she's really pretty. How do you know her?"

"I've got a membership there, it's a really lovely place to visit and all the staff there are dead nice."

"We'll go there one day."

"Let's go now, they've got a café so we could have lunch there. There's meerkats and monkeys and stuff"

"Well that's it decided then, off we go."

We ended up spending the whole afternoon there, it really was as lovely as Gary had said, small but friendly. I'd driven past it many times, but always thought it looked really run down from the road so had never bothered visiting, now I'm sorry I've missed three years of visits. I'm wondering if the blonde girl in the cafe is one of Gary's reasons for visiting, he was very chatty with her, which he isn't normally with girls, and she bent over a lot whilst we were eating so we both got an eyeful of the contents of her top, she had a very nice pair. I didn't mention these thoughts to Gary, I've already told him it's OK to look, because I enjoy it too.

After having a good wander round, and chatting to the staff, Zoey was as pretty as I thought she'd be, and very knowledgeable about reptiles and insects. The meerkats were ace, I'd not seen them in real life before, so cute and a lot smaller than I'd expected. The marmosets were also really cute, one of them climbed onto my head and played with my hair.

When we'd finished it was time to drive up to Gary's house for tea. I parked up outside and Gary's mum opened the door for us.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to come from that direction, where've you been?"

"There was nothing happening at work, so Gary took me to the zoo for lunch, then we decided to spend the afternoon there, I really enjoyed it. Such an amazing little place, and I drive past it so often and never thought about visiting."

"Well come in dear, dinner's nearly ready, it's nutloaf, I hope you enjoy it because I've never cooked it before."

"Oh you shouldn't have made an effort, I normally just eat pasta and sauce, but thank you for being so considerate."

We moved into the lounge, which had been converted into a dining room, Annette had pushed the boat out; flowers, candles, linen napkins, silver cutlery the works.

"Wow, you really didn't have to go to so much effort."

"Oh it was nothing, I really enjoy entertaining, but I normally only get to do it at Christmas", Annette called from the kitchen.

"Gary, get your dad from upstairs and tell him to open the wine."

Gary ran upstairs, I moved into the kitchen to see if there was anything I could do.

"Can I help?"

"No dear, but let me look at you properly, I only saw you in the mirror yesterday. My you are pretty, Gary's got himself quite a catch. I'm really happy for you both, now go and sit down, the food is ready."

I went back into the lounge and waited for everyone else to come in, it wasn't long before Gary came in with hot plates, then Phil with some dishes of veg, Gary came back with the wine, then Annette brought in the nutloaf.

"I hope it's OK, it's a Simon Rimmer recipe, off the telly. We don't eat much vegetarian stuff, well any really, so this will be an adventure for all of us."

"Do you mind if I say grace?" I asked.

"Not at all, go ahead please."

Everyone bowed their heads.

"Dear lord, bless this food and the hands that prepared. Bless this house and the people who live in it, and bless our love and all our lives, now and forever, amen"

"Lovely, now Phil, I think you can carve up the nut loaf, I've got plenty more cranberry sauce if you need it, and the roast potatoes were cooked in a special oil, it's supposed to taste like goose fat."

For the next twenty minutes we ate largely in silence, with the odd question knocked back and forth, we ate well and the food was excellent. I complimented Annette for a lovely meal.

After the food was finished Annette produced a trifle, again home-made, it was laced heavily with sherry and was fantastic, I had two portions then regretted it when I realised I would have to drive home soon and I was probably well over the limit after the trifle and the wine.

We moved to the sofa whilst Gary and Phil cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher. Annette quizzed me about my life, work and stuff. She produced a bottle of brandy and wouldn't take no for an answer, "oh don't worry, you can stay here, we're not prudes you know. More than anything we're glad Gary isn't gay, it was a real worry of Phil's you know."

"There's nothing wrong with being gay you know, I've got two good friends who are lesbians," I thought it wise not to mention that they were twins, "they're both lovely."

"I'm sure they are, it's just a worry, I'm pretty sure we'd be happy if he was gay, but it's not something you can be certain of unless it happens to you."

I agreed that she was probably right, then she hit me with the big one.

"I hear you've bought a house?"

"Yes, I was left some money when my dad and gran died, and it was invested for me, I had enough to pay 50% of the house, the rest is mortgaged." All a lie, dad left us with almost nothing, and my gran was as poor as a church mouse, but little white lies are OK if they save bother on both sides.

"Where is it, local I hope?"

"Oh yeah, it's a 17th century cottage in Endmoor, only little, two bedrooms but quite a big garden, all on its own down a track, I always wanted to live in the country, but somewhere quite close to the shops and stuff, and it's only a couple of miles from work down a windy line."

"So when are you two moving in?"

That one knocked me sideways, I kind of expected a row, but this was going well.

"I don't know, I get the keys on Saturday, but it's been empty for almost a year, and I imagine there'll be some decorating to do, it belonged to some friends of mine actually, they emigrated and the house has been on the market ever since, that's one reason I managed to get it, I got a very good deal." Better that she could possibly imagine.

"I think it's most probably habitable straight away though, and we could decorate as we go along. Chucking out or car-booting stuff that's no good, buying bits and pieces that we need."

"Phil's a good decorator, he could help if you need it, and he's good in the garden, we'd like to help if we can."

"That's really nice, we'll see what's needed on Saturday."

Gary and his Dad came back in the room and we sat down and chatted for a while, Phil brought out a Scrabble set, we played for a while, it was really good fun, even though I came last. At 11 o'clock Annette and Phil got up and went to bed, Annette kissed me on the cheek as she passed me, whispering "These houses have got thick walls, don't worry about keeping us awake." Phil winked as he left the room.

"Wow Gary, your parents are really nice."

"They can be OK, I think Mum just had a bee in her bonnet yesterday about the type of girl that would be willing to go out with me. She seems fine about me moving in with you as well, which is weird."

We watched a bit of TV for a while, snuggled up on the sofa then went up for bed. Gary's room was much as I'd expected, untidy, lots of books piled around the walls and a bin full of tissues, I smiled at the thought that he wouldn't be needing to do that anymore, at least not on his own.

He only had a single bed, I bounced on it, nice and firm, and more importantly, quiet. I paid a visit to the bathroom and when I returned I noticed that he'd hidden the bin of tissues with a t-shirt, thoughtful of him.

We swapped places, and when he returned I was lying naked on his bed, knees up so he had a view of my pussy and boobs as he walked in through the door, unfortunately the next person through the door was his mum, I closed my legs and pulled the duvet over.

"No need to cover yourself up on my part, that's a very pretty tattoo by the way, you have a beautiful body, I wish I looked like that at your age. I was wondering what you'd like for breakfast."

"Just coffee and toast would be fine, thank you."

"7 o'clock OK?"

I relaxed and threw the duvet off, I was too hot with it on, "Yes that's fine."

"See you in the morning honey, oh by the way, Phil sleeps like a log, so he won't be barging in like this." She walked into the room and kissed me on my forehead, "You have pierced nipples," she sat down on the bed next to me, "I've always wondered about those, does it hurt when they pierce your nipples?"

"Only a little, I had to keep them very clean for a few days with alcohol wipes, but after that it's just like pierced ears, or I imagine it is, because I don't have pierced ears."

"You have such lovely breasts," she reached out to caress my right breast, I was shocked at first, but then relaxed. At this point the door opened again and Gary walked in with nothing on, he caught sight of his mum and backed up to get a towel, his mum saw him reverse out of the room.

"I see he doesn't take after his dad in the trouser department then, you're both very lucky. Enjoy yourselves." She kissed my forehead again and left the room, calling "it's safe to come out now Gary, I'm going to bed."

Gary walked back in, with a towel around his waist just in case.

"What on earth was going on there?"

"Long story, but your mum is envious of my body, is curious about my nipple-rings, she loves my boobs and you have a much bigger cock than your dad."

"She saw it, oh my god."

"Don't worry, she wasn't in the least bit bothered, now come here big boy and let's make whoopee on your bed."

"Do you have any condoms, because I don't?"

"Oh shit, you know what I'm going to the doctors next week and going on the pill, I didn't use them before because I was always careful about catching something, but I'm not being stupid any more. Can we just cuddle tonight, I'm actually quite tired. We can make up for it on Saturday, in our new house."

"Of course, we don't have to make out like bunnies all the time you know."

"But I don't want you to burst, I saw your bin before, that's some collection," I laughed.

"I thought I'd hidden that before you saw it. I won't burst waiting 48 hours until Saturday night."

"Night night Gary, I love you, and I've never said that to anyone before and meant it."

"Good night sweetheart, I love you too."

"Mmm, hearing that gives me a lovely warm feeling inside, almost like a teeny weeny orgasm", I was drifting off to sleep in his arms, I whispered "by the way, I think your mum fancies me" just before I nodded off.

I must have been tired, I woke up on my own to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. There was a knock on the door and it swung open, Annette bringing my breakfast, coffee, milk, toast and a little bowl with some marmalade.

"It's OK Phil's gone to work, you can show yourself."

I sat up and let the duvet fall down, I took the tray off Annette, she smiled at me and sat on Gary's desk chair while I ate. I'm not sure if she was watching me or waiting for her son to wander back in naked, just in case it was the latter I started to talk to Annette quite loudly as soon as the shower stopped, so Gary would hear us. That must have worked because he was covered by a towel as he came back in the room. Annette got up and left.

"Eat your toast whilst it's hot sweetheart, see you both downstairs."

I finished the toast and coffee, wondering about Annette, was she a closet lesbian, or did she just like looking at young girls' boobs. Whatever, I shook my head and got up, I had a quick wash and cleaned my teeth with Gary's toothbrush, we'd shared enough stuff for me not to worry about using his toothbrush. I dressed in yesterday's clothes and went downstairs, Gary was sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of muesli and glass of orange, I put the tray down and the dishes in the sink.

"Hey Gary, you nearly ready? I need to swing by home so I can get changed."

"No problem, just finished."

"I think tonight you should stay here, and I'll stay at home, it may be our last night with our parents for a while."

"OK, sounds like a plan"

We said goodbye to Annette, Gary said he'd be home after work, I said I'd see her later.

At home I showered and changed clothes, we walked to work a little late, but it didn't really matter during the holidays. We separated and went to our own offices saying we'd meet up for lunch at the Cross Keys with the rest of the office girls, it'll be fun watching them watch us.

Once in the office I checked my mail and did the urgent stuff, then that was it, I just had to sit there waiting for any work to arrive. I pulled the tattoo photo out of my bag, it looked spectacular, but would it be too much. Only one way to find out, I gave Pixie a call.

"Hey Amy, how you doing, it's been ages I thought you'd fallen out with me."

"Sorry, been through a bit of a low patch, but I'm fine now, and I've got a proper, honest to goodness boyfriend."

"Really, wow, anyone I know."

"I doubt it, he's a bit of a geek, very straight laced, a virgin at 21 if you can believe that. Hang on a sec there's someone coming, I need to wander off." I passed Jade as she was coming down the corridor, I walked outside where I could see I was alone, still I spoke quietly, "Yes he's a virgin, totally clueless about sex, he didn't even realize he's hung like a donkey. Yeah seriously, I thought he'd be too big for me, but with a bit of effort he fit."

"Wow, I'd like to meet him."

"Oh you will, and that's what I'm calling about. I want a new tattoo, and I don't care what you say, I'm paying you this time."

"Alright, but you know my deal with Julie, she got me out of that trouble so I don't charge her friends."

"Well I can afford your charges, and you need the cash, so please let me pay."

"OK, what do you want?"

"Are you online at the moment, good, search for Hollie Blaze, she'll be on nakedink.com, got her? I want those angel's wings."

"No way, they'll take ages, it'll hurt like a bitch for days, and I've never done anything like that, if you seriously want them I'll have to get someone else to do it for you. I know, if you want something new, and down your back I've got some designs that might work. Do you want to come round tonight?"

"Sorry, can't go out tonight, but I've got a better idea. I'm moving into Julie's house tomorrow, Geoff gave it to me, yeah I know amazing and I don't know why he does it but it's happened at the best time, me & Gary are moving in together. So why don't you come round Sunday afternoon, you can meet Gary and show me your designs."

"That's a great idea, see you both then."

"Wear something sexy please, I want Gary to notice you in a big way, a little treat for him as he likes boobs, and I'm a little lacking in that area."

"Brilliant, I do like to tease. See you around 2ish."

"OK, see you then."

I went back to the office, Jade was still there.

"Hi Jade, you OK?"

"Yeah fine," Gary was spot on, she's beautiful but her whiney voice grates on you, "Who were you on the phone to?"

"A friend, just bringing her up to date, she's been on holiday so didn't know my news."

"I hope you're not teasing Gary, I've known his family for years, and I don't think her parents would be happy if you're just stringing him along. You're just a slut, I know all about you, your kind don't change."

"For your information Jade, I'm not stringing Gary along, we love each other deeply, it's one of those love at first sight scenarios, I can't explain it any other way. Before I moved up here I was a girl guide, I went to church and helped out at the old people's home, but then my dad died suddenly, we moved up here and I had no friends, so I was pretty low and ended up being exploited by a girl I hope I never meet again, for fear of killing her.

"I'm not a slut, I was just a bit wild for a time. So rest easy, I'm not going to hurt Gary or his family, so please keep your pretty little nose out of my life."

She left in a huff, silly tart. I checked the clock, it was nearly noon, so I decided it was time for lunch and wandered up to Gary's office. He was alone as usual, reading the Guardian online.

"Hey honey, is it that time already."

"Nearly, I've just had a bit of a row with Jade, you didn't tell me she knew your folks."

"Only slightly, she lives down the end of the lane in that big house with her mum & dad, I hate them all because they're incredible snobs."

"She seemed concerned that I was set to break your heart, I put her straight but I hope she doesn't tell your mum about my past misdemeanours, we may have to have a word with her sometime to head Jade off."

"Don't worry about it, I really think mum is sweet on you like you said, I saw the way she was looking at you this morning."

"Mmm, I'm not sure whether I like that or not, but its better she likes me than not. Anyway, I spoke to Pixie my tattoo artist bird, I asked her about the angel wings but she doesn't think they'd be a good idea, she's coming round to our house on Sunday afternoon, I think you'll like her."

"That sounds weird, our house, but I think I like it."

"So, it's about dinner time, you coming to the pub."

We had a good laugh in the pub, most of the office girls had got over their shock, a couple of the older women were very motherly with Gary, they knew what I'd been like when I was a student, but also what I'm like now, so they're happy for us.

We all stayed in the pub for the whole afternoon, our last day of leisure, because next week the exam results start coming in, so we'd all be busy sorting out the stats for the leadership team, and working on the options for the students who've performed better or worse than expected.

Gary walked me home, and we kissed on the doorstep, tonight we'd be apart, but from tomorrow we'd be together forever. He turned round and walked home, waving as he turned the corner onto the main road.

After tea we talked on Skype for a couple of hours, a bit of sexy chat, some laughing and joking. At 9 o'clock I told him it was bath time, so we disconnected and I went up for a long soak, I had my phone, so we chatted on Facebook for a bit, I got a couple of friend requests from his friends who'd spotted his change of status to In A Relationship with Amy, Zoey was one of the friend requests, I accepted it and had a bit of a chat with her. I ignored all the requests from his male friends, I'll wait until I meet them. Zoey does seem a lovely girl, I think we can be proper friends.

Tomorrow would be a busy day, so at 11 I turned in, I texted Gary 'night night' and slept like a log until my mum woke me a 9 o'clock. Gary was at the door waiting to drive up to Kendal, my he's keen I thought until I remembered I was supposed to pick him up at 8:30, whoops.

I dressed quickly, running a brush through my hair as I went down stairs for a coffee, kissing Gary on the way, I took his hand and we sat down in the kitchen whilst we waited for the coffee machine to work its magic.

"Are you ready for this Gary, it's a big step."

"Yes, I'm ready, and there's no way back, my dad is turning my room into a workshop."

"I'm so so happy Gary, I've been waiting for something like this to happen for years, you've rescued me. I once contemplated suicide because I felt so low, but now I'm happier than I've ever been, even that Christmas when I got the VW Beetle for my Barbie."

We drank our coffee and said goodbye to Mum. Gary had brought a rucksack with some clothes and wash stuff. Wendy at school has arranged for us to borrow one of the school minibuses next weekend, she'll get the caretaker to take the seats out so we can move lots of stuff. I'd packed a bag last night and Gary carried it out to my car.

Mum kissed us both at the door, she was crying and so was I.

"We're only moving 5 miles away mum. And you're coming round this afternoon."

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The Homestead

I wish to sincerely thank Jim P. for his assistance in editing my story. His insights and suggestions helped me to make 'The Homestead' one of the most favorite stories I've ever written. I also appreciate the time he took to not only go over this story once, but three times! Thank you! The Homestead by: Anon Allsop I rested comfortably, my boots propped lazily upon the split railing that ran along the sidewalk, and my hat pushed down low over my eyes to block out the afternoon...

2 years ago
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James the Homemaker

"You've got some explaining to do, little Missy! What, did you think I'd call you 'young man' with all those panties and a bra under your mattress? Is that your only undies supply? Why didn't you just put them in your panty drawer? Oh, don't worry. I already moved them so they'd be a little more convenient for you. Oh, and I bought you some more. A girl needs more than five pairs of panties and one bra. I'm sure I got you the right size and I bought the most feminine ones for...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 130 Homecoming

Every day after school the next week, we had basketball tryouts. There must have been fifty of us because Coach Hancock and Coach Mitchell were picking both the varsity and JV teams. Every guy in the school seemed to be there to try out. They ran drills. They ran dribbling practice. They ran shooting skills. They ran layups. They ran rebounds. Mostly, they ran us. I don't think I'd ever run so much. Fortunately, I'd biked a lot. My legs and lungs were strong. Whitney told me I had to do...

4 years ago
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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired...

2 years ago
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=== Homesick === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. ----- We'd all gone to see the new _Tombs of Atuan_ movie, Mom and Dad and Kiara and me. On the way home, we chatted about the movie and got into an argument about whether they'd gotten Ged and Tenar's relationship right. Those were the last normal moments of our lives. Then Dad turned into our subdivision -- still normal --...

3 years ago
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Ashes to Ashes

‘Don’t have any more whisky Arthur, please, you don’t want to get drunk again.’ Helen Kray spoke quietly to her husband, not wanting to attract attention. ‘Oh shut up woman!’ came the alcohol slurred reply,’I can handle my drink you know, listen, the Wilkinson’s invited us to this party and who am I to refuse their hospitality.’ Helen had been married to Arthur for close to 30 years now, she knew how difficult Arthur became under the influence of alcohol and did not discuss the matter...

1 year ago
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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired up...

Group Sex
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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 47 They arrive on the Maliri homeworld

John sat on one of the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, with his feet up on the coffee table, and Alyssa and Calara cuddled up beside him. The other girls were spread out on the adjacent sofas, and they watched the colourful expanse of Maliri Space drift by, through the long windows that flanked the room. “John...” Dana said tentatively, looking over at him from the other sofa, her beautiful face burning with curiosity. “It’s nearly time for bed, have you got something planned for...

3 years ago
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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
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AshesChapter 1 Ashes Cover Everything

'Stupid Nocturnes.' Aromir thought. They felt comfortable in burning down a whole village until they realized that thatched roofing produces ashes. Winds from the sea take those ashes and lay them on the Forrest to the west, were a band of newly homeless villagers waits. Ashes cover everything; make everything the same color, until it rains ... and the rainy season had just passed. It was the perfect camouflage for an ambush, which was exactly what this lopsided fight needed. It was a sour...

4 years ago
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A Dreaded Homecoming

CHAPTER 1 Barbara Thompson came close to panic as she read the email from her daughter on the eve of Nikki’s homecoming after spending the last two years in England finishing her Fine Arts Degree at great expense. Barbara and husband Bass (Basil) had used the money set aside to buy another commercial property in their town of Lynch to ensure their eldest received the education she desired. The email read: ‘Hi mom, my degree with honors is in the bag and I’ll be home in two weeks. I have...

3 years ago
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Leaving Home

(For Elizabeth) ‘Dad, I’m leaving.’ ‘Uh huh.’ ‘I mean I’m leaving home.’ ‘I know, son. Eventually.’ ‘No, what I mean is I’m leaving home like this weekend.’ ‘Oh. Well, you need to be clearer. As I always say, it’s incumbent upon the communicator to ensure the message sent is received and understood as intended.’ ‘Right. Got it.’ ‘Well, that’s clear enough. But you dismiss the point too readily. You’ll spend a lifetime trying to make yourself understood. Remember, wars have been fought...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 45 Katie Counts the Homeless

Katie Jackson counted out loud as she crunched her stomach, “49,” as she exhaled and laid back onto the floor only to return as she strained her tight stomach, “50.” She breathed heavily as sweat ran down her face. She breathed deeply again and exhaled past her lips. She glanced at the clock on the wall and knew she needed to get ready to go downtown. As with her workouts recently she ultimately ended up unbelievably horny. She had used her sex toys nonstop in hopes of supressing her desires....

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Before Homer

Before Homer by Tigger (c) 1997 It was dark in the old man's library sanctum, but then, it always was when the young man did his secret research. He had waited until the old man had taken to his bed chamber, and then waited some more for the drugged wine to take effect. The last thing he wanted was for the old man to catch him poring over the ancient tomes in the old man's library - tomes that had been old when Atlantis had sunk beneath the bright blue waters of the...

2 years ago
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Coming Back for Homecoming

“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...

3 years ago
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Shes More Than Meets The Eye Ch 3

From Part II As they reached the door, Damien paused, laughing. “This is totally crazy, you do realize that don’t you?” “Well,” she answered, giggling delightedly. “You didn’t think I was totally sane, did you?” Laughing, she opened the door, peered out both ways, and pulled him unresisting into the hallway… Damien’s heart leaped into his chest as he heard the heavy hotel door snick shut behind them. Wandering through a strange hotel in the wee hours of the morning, butt naked, was NOT where...

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Shes more than meets the eye Ch 1

It was Saturday night, and Damien had just resigned himself to closing out another week-long bout of boredom, alone. His life lacked any kind of excitement. One day blended into the next seamlessly. Nothing fun or even remotely interesting ever seemed to happen around him. The problem, he reckoned, lay within him. He saw nothing special or exciting about himself. He was just about as middle-of-the-road as you could get. Medium height, medium weight, mousy brown hair, average looks, average...

3 years ago
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Shes a big little helper 2

Introduction: While the wifes away…. [b] The next day, I was back in the yard that afternoon. I was certainly hoping that Angela would come by again. I wondered if she was going to avoid me since our brief moment the day before. Yesterday after working in the garden and it was time for her to leave I told her to come into the kitchen so that we could wash up. She had trouble getting the mud from her fingers and I decided to help her. Standing close I became aroused by her soft skin and her...

2 years ago
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Shes A Very Kinky Girl

As Mike began to lick the length of her cum-filled slit, Abbey laid her head and shoulders back contentedly against the wall. She soon found the profound need to come again and wanted to assist her new lover’s efforts. Thankfully the wall she was leaning on had semi-gloss paint and her nude, glistening body found it easy to slide on its surface. As she bent her knees and then extended them, her body traveled up and down on Mike’s finger in her ass and tongue on her love groove. It wasn’t but...

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Shes in love with me part 2

I smiled up at her, ‘so uhm…you still wanna blow me?’ I asked smirking lightly. She looked down at me so innocently, ‘I–I don’t know. I’ve never done it before…and I don’t want to be bad’ I smiled again, she was so cute. ‘practice makes perfect.’ She rolled her eyes at my comments ‘I can’t–I’m too chicken’ she said lightly laughing. I stared at her for a moment ‘I can’t–I can’t just make the first move’ she whined. I bet she could, if she wanted to. But I could see how afraid she was. She saw...

1 year ago
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shes all mine

Introduction: my first story so Im pretty sure it sucks but here it is John woke up that morning with a major headache. He walked downstairs slowly trying not to trip. Hi hunni his mom greeted him. Hey mom he grumbled whats wrong sweetie my head is killing me here baby she walked to the bathroom came back and handed him some Advil. As he walked to school his headache subsided but he still felt kind of weird. He went through the day not really paying attention. He was an A student but didnt...

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shes all mine3

Introduction: I dont think this is very good but here ya go It was just john the girls and some of his guy friends left. Miss Owen was on top of Olivia riding her pussy hard. My cock was in her mouth and she was moaning into it. Oh miss owen I groaned Call me Joanna she said then took her attention back to my cock it felt amazing. He looked up and saw the girls and guys squirming in their seats Well? What are you waiting for start fucking he commanded. Kate got up lifted her skirt and sat...

4 years ago
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shes all mine3

Introduction: I dont think this is very good but here ya go It was just john the girls and some of his guy friends left. Miss Owen was on top of Olivia riding her pussy hard. My cock was in her mouth and she was moaning into it. Oh miss owen I groaned Call me Joanna she said then took her attention back to my cock it felt amazing. He looked up and saw the girls and guys squirming in their seats Well? What are you waiting for start fucking he commanded. Kate got up lifted her skirt and sat...

4 years ago
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Shes left me

Well.... I have truly fucked things up now. She has left me for a 60 year old grandad. About 3 years ago we had some money issues to help out I convinced my wife to become a cam girl. She reluctantly agreed short term to help out. My wife at the time was 31 slim with small boobs. Slowly she started to get s few shows and made some money. This boasted her confidence no end and with I'm a few months she was asking me to to take more and more saucy pictures for her and more sexy underwear. With in...

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Shes ready 1 first cummings

Introduction: Authors note this story contains sexual actions involving minors, if this bothers or offends you then you should read a different story. Also this is my first attempt at a story so good reviews will result in further stories. A bit long and takes a while to get to the real action but worth the reading if you wait a bit. Authors note this story contains sexual actions involving minors, if this bothers or offends you then you should read a different story. Also this is my first...

2 years ago
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shes all mine2

Introduction: okay this is my second story. sorry about the grammer Im writing on my shitty tablet I hope you all like it but if not Im sorry Ugh john groaned fuck his mom had her lips wrapped around his cock and he was about to cum. She had her fingers going in and out of her pussy moaned into his cock and he lost it. Ahh fuck yes he said as he came and his beautiful mother swallowed it all. Such a good little bitch arent you yes sir she answered. Then there was a knock at the door. Come...

3 years ago
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Shes Mine

Jared walked into the bar, and there she was. Her back was to the door, preventing her from seeing him enter. Men surrounded her with several drinks in front of her. Apparently she had attracted quite a bit of attention. Jared fumed at the site. As he scanned the length of her body, he saw the reason for the attention. She had on a pair of low rise jeans, that had ridden even further down her hips. They showed the tattoo on the small of her back, along with the top of the black lace thong she...

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shes the boss

This story is 100% true well as true as I can remember. This year I celebrated 40 years of marriage. I am 60 and she is young 68. We met on a mini cruise from UK to Europe. I say cruise but it was just overnight boat trip to Denmark a day there and overnight trip back. I worked in a factory and it was a works trip there. There was about 40 of us going. I was 17 and just started work there. She was 24 didn't work in factory but her mum did. I hadn't had much luck with girls and was very...

1 year ago
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Shes a Runner Rebel a Stunner Chapter One

Introduction: This is the beginning of the end for gorgeous Rachel Reed and her sexy best friend Carolina Stemp. ———————————————————————— This is my first story. I appreciate any feedback I can get. Its more story than sex right now, but that will most likely change later on. All characters will be 18 or above, as I dont suppose child pornography. I hope to hear good responses, but dont mind critism if it is valid. May include incest, violence, dark erotic fantasies. If youre not into those,...

4 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 37 Katie Helps the Homeless

Horny. Unbelievably horny is how she felt as Katherine Jackson sat at the table with the other members of Mothers against Drunk Drivers. The meeting had gone on longer than expected as she looked at the darkness outside. She had texted Mrs. Lee to stay with her children until she finished. They had been such good neighbors since Fred was away by helping out with their children or tending to the lawn. However her libido was killing her. She had avoided seeing Tommy for the past few weeks. She...

3 years ago
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Shes More Than Meets The Eye Ch 2

Previously: Soon, she pushed him away again, saying, “Can you get me my clothes?” “Going somewhere?” he asked. “Oh, yes, I am.” She replied. “I’m going to my room. And you’re coming with me…” Damien watched as Rebecca slowly slid her skirt up her smooth, silky legs. Her panties were so full of sand from lying on the beach there was no way she was going to even try to put them on. He held her lacy brassiere for her, but as he tried to help her put it on, he became engrossed in caressing her...

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shes the best

Our first meeting We had just met at work both new to the job, we both didn’t know any of our colleagues but we struck up a bond immediately. We had a work get together for a couple of days away and there was something between us. I watched her all night, after working all day we had dinner all together and then headed to the bar. She was certainly the sexiest woman I had seen, the way she walked and held herself oozed sex appeal, and the tight trousers and shirt only added to the aura she...

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Shes late

The crisp, winter air bit into her exposed thighs as she stood at his doorstep. She stopped, nerves rising from her stomach, and took a moment to straighten herself, pulling her crisp white stockings up, straightening her black pleated skirt and neatening her striped, short-sleeved top. She was totally underdressed for the cold winter weather and – what was far worse – she was late. Taking another deep, foreboding breath she knocked on his frosted glass window. Nothing. A minute passed, then...

3 years ago
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Shes The Man

It was at Charlottan Court University that I first saw him. Short, black locks, brown eyes, muscular, fair-skinned. I thought that I’d finally found the guy that I wanted to pursue during my first semester of college. It was then that I remembered that I was enrolled at a strictly female university. I approached cautiously, holding my lunch in one hand and a paper cup of apple juice in the other. “Hi, do you mind if I sit with you?” She looked up and flashed a smile at me. “Sure.” It was as...

2 years ago
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Shes in love with me part 1

((this is I’m in love with my best friend Part 1 in Tyler’s point of view-Enjoy)) Thursday night was boring as usual, I was playing Madden 08 ‘Come on fucking run!’ I yelled at my T. v. when my phone beeped. I flipped open my phone to see ‘new email’ It was from Natascha. ‘what are you doing—at like 6? cause…i want to come over…or have you come here, if you can–so we can talk. because i need to—before tomorrow. please?’ I texted back ‘K but u gotz ta b gone by lik 10. . . Kk’ and went back to...

2 years ago
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Shes a Wonderful Wife

I want to tell you about how I got such a wonderful wife. If I told you we just started dating 6 months ago you might think we had a very short courtship. All this is true but sort of misleading. You see she’s a loving hot beautiful wife, just not my wife, and yes we have been dating for 6 months. In the beginning at they say, I was cruising the net one day and saw a photo of an incredible brunette (the photo below, yes I saved it). She stood out so much from the other women on the site that...

3 years ago
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Shes Sorry

‘Please. Please! I really am sorry and I’ll do anything, anything at all . . . please.’ The last word was said in a very small, almost defeated voice. We had been friends of sorts for a while. She was in her twenties and I was somewhat older. I had met her online and we had fooled around a little. I had dominated her long distance via email, text and phone, and on skype once or twice. As she lived nearby, we did eventually meet in person, but by that time the ‘fire’ had gone out and we only...

2 years ago
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Shes the BOSS

  Working for a multinational company, my new role as the training manager allows me to travel abroad quite frequently. This is a great job and particularly at my age, 26, is considered a very remarkable achievement. I have been in this company for about a year now. From the time i joined about a year ago, up till today, i conduct several training sessions within the company and and abroad and almost every day i have a female student (colleague of course) approach me in private after class for...

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Shes chained for pleasure

I walk into the dimly lit room and see you standing there with your hands handcuffed over your head.   A chain is attached to the cuffs and running up to the ceiling over to a wall nearby. Looking down there are shackles around your ankles anchored to the floor that pull your legs about shoulder with apart.   You look so beautiful standing there totally naked and not able to do anything, a play toy for me to use as I wish.   The lights from the room illuminate your sexy body and I’m instantly...

3 years ago
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Shes a very good wife

  I stepped out of a steaming hot shower and looked up into the mirror, he was standing there watching me dry myself off, just as he had been watching me through the glass shower bathe myself in soap and hot water. I smile at him as I lift my leg onto the side of the bathtub to dry my leg. I slowly bring the towel up my leg, across my thigh and between my legs. I let out a soft moan and tilt my head back as I continue to dry my stomach and down my other leg. As I bring the towel up my other...

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Sissy Homewrecker

My neighbour was looking for a cleaner over the summer while she worked away and, being young, around eighteen, I jumped at the opportunity to help. I needed a job to help fund me through college and this seemed like a convenient option, being that I lived right next door.On my first day, I arrived early in some baggy jeans and an old sweater, my neighbour Carla, showed where everything was, handed me a list of chores and waved goodbye as she left for work. I got started cleaning the bathrooms...

Quickie Sex
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Tanyas Homecumming

by BrettJ © 2010 Timothy Tate was waiting impatiently at the airport for his daughter’s plane to arrive. He was feeling mixed emotions about seeing her again. Eagerness to see Tanya, happiness about her moving back home and anger over the circumstances that had led to her return. Tanya had moved to California with her fianc? years ago, over her parent’s strenuous objections. Neither Timothy nor his wife Aneta had liked Carlos very much. Their daughter Paris put it succinctly. “He’s...

3 years ago
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Holiday Homebound

Most college students go home every chance they get. They long for the comfort of home, the home cooked meals, and the memories of good times. Me on the other hand, I would prefer my college life in sunny Florida over a week spent in South Carolina during Christmas. I have no reason to go home. There is nothing there for me anymore. There is a reason I left my home in the first place. As much as I hated to go home for the holidays, my parents made a good point. If I didn’t spend my Christmas...

3 years ago
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199394 Homeback

1993-94: Homeback Confidential Not much sex in the first part of this story. Much more feelings than fuckings, as this is an account of my return home after Operation ‘Restore Hope’ in Somalia. It was the moment in which I experienced the strongest feelings ever, the real turning point in my life. The story starts in October 1993 in the burning desert of central Somalia, and ends after New Years Eve in the cold and wet Dutch winter. We were close to the end of our turn of Mission. 76th Mech...

1 year ago
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Its going going GONE Homerun

It was a hot day, and the opening day for my brother’s baseball league. Just what I enjoy more, on hot sunny days is watching baseball. All the players are in there tight pants, with tall athletic tan bodies. Not a single one of the players are ugly on my brothers team but one player stood out to me. Like any other normal hot day I wore tiny tight shorts and a tank top, hoping to get a little color early this year. I was sitting in my chair relaxing watching the game when I noticed one of the...

1 year ago
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There is something about that striped blouse and dark skirt together that makes me want to do things to you. Bad things. Real bad things. You come home from work in that combo and I can’t believe how fast I’ve gotten hard. Now it’s your turn to submit. No mercy! You walk toward me with a slightly tired looking smile of greeting and I say ‘Stop. Get down on all fours. NOW!’ You look a little taken aback but you obey immediately. A deal is a deal and you always keep your word. ‘Crawl to me –...

3 years ago
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Ashley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward…but by who…and why…what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation Ashley...

2 years ago
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Humans and Homesteads

You live in the modern day world! There are no flying cars or dragons, no, simply look out your window if you want to imagine what the lay of the land is for this story. One key note and important distinction: your universe has been altered for some reason! Women are more prevalent than men, splitting it 70% to 30% and in your high school specifically the ratio is more like 80% to 20%! What a strange plot devi- I mean, “phenomenon”… You are 18 years old and attend the local public high school....

Mind Control
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Sisters Homevisit

"Hey, are we there yet?" I feel like I've asked that question a hundred times since the trip began, my parents are dropping me of at my brothers house for a week. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago, he moved away from us to study and got a job soon after. I must have been 11 when he left, he was 17, we were never really that close but something is making me really excited for this visit, my 18th birthday was just a month ago so he is 24 years old now, I wonder if he has a...

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The house was a beautiful old-fashioned timber two-storey place with a huge block of land surrounded by trees on three sides. When Frank and Michelle first saw the house, they both agreed it was a bargain for the price it was on the market for. It was in very good condition, quite clean, and surprisingly well insulated. The real-estate agent told them that all the windows were double-glazed, and the previous owner had been supposedly obsessed about quiet. Despite the old-fashioned external...

Mind Control
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(Author's note: thank you all for favoriting this story! If you like this one, my other story that I've written, with some help, is called "The Casting Couch" and is in the Erotic Couplings section. If any of you want to add chapters or a different branch, go for it. I only keep this story as "moderated" so that I can proofread what you've written. As for the content of this story: all characters are over the age of 18. Any content that is similar to real life events is merely coincidence.) My...

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As you come into our house, you enter by the entrance way that is about three yards long. Looking to the right is a hallway with a bedroom on each side and a 3/4 bath at the end. As you walk into the living room, you look across the room and there is a futon with two large, curtained windows behind it, on the left, there is a short couch facing the futon with a coffee table between them.We placed the small couch there to give separation between the living room and the kitchen-dining room to the...


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