Tragedy Turns To Treasures free porn video

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Maybe it was a premonition of dire things to come that made his wife, DeAndra Campeau, hire both a nanny and a wet-nurse when she went back east to have her baby. She had been having intermittent pains since she had been three months pregnant and the doctors advised complete bed rest. She insisted that she would not have her baby in the primitive conditions of the semi-wild west of the mid-nineteenth century and she arranged for the long trip back to Philadelphia from northern Nevada.

Still trying to get his supply business established in Carson City, Dominic had reluctantly agreed to help his wife arrange a trip back to the city of her parents. She would be welcomed into their home, where she could rest and relax as the baby grew within her belly. As much as he knew he would miss her, he also agreed that it was probably the best thing she could do for the safety of the baby.

Dom worked long and hard to expand his little business, primarily serving the hundreds of prospectors that were still flooding the hills and mountains of Nevada. There were several ranches in the area that steered their business his way but he would have been hard-pressed to make do without the prospectors. Gradually the town itself began to grow and he added a storefront to his warehouse, forming the first general store in the small town. There was no doubt that his business had become profitable; could he keep it that way was the question.

Although he hated to leave the operation in someone else's hands, he had trained a young man in the weeks just before the baby was due and turned the keys over to him when he caught a Central Pacific train east two weeks before she was due to deliver. With changes to the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific and later to the Pennsylvania Railroad and layovers at several stops along the way, he arrived just two days before the expected date.

What he found when he arrived at his in-laws' home was the worst of his expectations. His wife, heavy with child, was bedridden and in constant pain. She was almost as pale as the white sheets that covered her bed. Instantly concerned, Dominic sat beside her bed and held her hand the rest of the afternoon.

The following morning, she said, "Dominic, I have something to say to you, my love. I want you to listen to me carefully. Please do not interrupt until I have finished. Then if you have something to say, I promise to listen."

"Dominic, I have a very strong feeling that this will not turn out the way we both would like for it to. I think there is a high probability that I will not live through it. I hope that is not the result but, if it is, I have made some plans. I have hired a nanny, Miss Kyleen Gallagher, to watch over our baby and teach him what a young child should know. I have also made arrangements for a wet nurse, Rachel Petroski, to attend to the feeding of our child for as long as it takes until he should be weaned. After that, I will expect you to help her find other employment that is befitting a nice young woman. I want you to treat the two ladies with respect that they deserve."

"Now, if my feeling comes true, I hope you will mourn my passing for a respectful amount of time and then I want you to move on with your life. I would expect you to find another woman to bestow the same kind of love that you have always shown to me. You are a very loving man, Dominic, and it would be remiss if you didn't find someone else to love after I'm gone. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, but... "

She squeezed his hand. "No buts, now, Dominic. It may not happen and, if it doesn't, we will go on with our lives normally and I know we will all be happy. But if it does happen, I want you to be prepared for it. And most of all, I want you to be happy. I love you, Dominic. Always remember that."

He bowed his head, trying to think of someway to comfort his wife. But she was the one that was serene, in spite of the obvious pain. And she was the one comforting him. He held her hand, too choked up to speak. All he could do was nod his understanding.

Late that evening, DeAndra went into labor. The doctor was fetched but he determined that she had hours to go yet before her time. They had arranged for a midwife to attend DeAndra and she arrived during the doctor's examination, made herself comfortable and brought a basin of cool water and cloths to bath DeAndra's forehead during her ordeal.

The doctor's prediction was true and hours passed before the contractions were close enough that the midwife sent a messenger to fetch the doctor again. She had kept Dominic busy retrieving chipped ice to keep DeAndra's lips moist or holding her hand when she had another contraction. When the doctor arrived, he agreed that it was about time; by then it was late morning.

The doctor explained to DeAndra what he needed her to do, but only on his command. With a sheet draped over DeAndra's propped up legs, only the doctor and the midwife could see what was happening. The doctor kept telling DeAndra to push periodically; finally telling her just one more push would do it. When the pain came, she pushed, squeezing Dominic's hand so hard he felt a bit of her pain. But the doctor held up a wrinkled, red-and-gray covered bundle, cleared the passageway, and smiled at the little plaintive cry coming from the little creature.

Suddenly Dominic realized that there was no longer any pressure on his hand. He looked at DeAndra and knew that something was wrong. He yelled for the doctor but had a feeling that it was already too late. And it was. His wife of seven years was gone. Dominic wondered if she had even lived long enough to hear her son cry for the first time.

The next eight days were a nightmare for Dominic. Later that same day, he met with both Miss Petroski and Miss Gallagher. Miss Petroski was a large twenty-four year old woman of Polish descent. She had been nursing babies since she was a teen, having to take over the duties for her own mother when she died giving birth to her ninth child. She seemed to love Dominic's new son, Joseph, especially when Joseph eagerly latched onto her big teat with just a little coaxing. Rachel showed no embarrassment for displaying her bare breast in the presence of Joseph's father or his in-laws.

Miss Gallagher was another matter. She was older than Rachael, probably about 30, Dominic guessed. She was a heavy woman, clothed in a heavy wool suit over a white frilly blouse and an untold number of petticoats. Her legs were completely covered by her skirt and petticoats but her feet, occasionally peeking out from under all the cloth, were encased in heavy lace-up boots. Her hair, which appeared to be long, was pulled back severely and rolled into a bun at the back of her head, partially covered by a white lace bonnet. Her face might have been pretty but she constantly wore a serious frown that precluded any semblance of a smile.

Miss Gallagher took charge of the baby, arranging diapers and blankets so they would be efficiently at hand when needed. She cared for the baby whenever the wet nurse was not on duty, an arrangement they worked out between themselves at the baby's internal clock. Dominic was grateful for their take-charge attitudes, although he would have preferred if the stone-faced Miss Gallagher was a little friendlier.

Dominic concentrated on funereal arrangements for his wife, DeAndra. His in-laws already owned a plot of ground in a family cemetery and on the third day, the entire family (except for his newborn son, attended the sad funereal.

The next two days, it was all Dominic could do to get out of bed and go through the chores of daily life. The sadness was overwhelming. He would have preferred to take his little entourage and get on the road back home, to see if returning to the known environment of their home would return things to something more closely resembling normalcy. Yet the railroad schedules did not allow for an earlier departure. To help pass the time, he requested that Miss Gallagher accompany him on a shopping trip to a large department store in Philadelphia so they could purchase things that his son might need in the next year.

Finally, with trunks of clothes and goods for both Miss Gallagher and Miss Petroski as well as several bags for his son and his own clothes, they made their way to the train station in time to catch the PRR westbound to Chicago. Dominic purchased tickets that allowed them the use of a roomette, a tight little compartment with two pull-down bunks and a chair. The lower bunk made a bench seat when not in use as a bed. Although the bunks had drop down curtains when they were opened out, Miss Gallagher looked suspiciously at Dominic when she and Rachel used the bunks at night and Dominic slept in the chair. Even though she understood that he could not afford the cost of a second compartment, she did not think it was circumspect for a man to sleep in the same compartment with the women.

During the long days of the train ride, Dominic strode up and down the aisles of the railcars, ashamed that his body betrayed him when Rachel bared her breasts to feed his son. Although he admitted that Rachel was an attractive woman, he knew that, in his state of mourning, he should not be thinking about having sex with another woman. Pacing the corridors was the only way he had of getting thoughts of her out of his mind. Still that didn't keep Miss Gallagher from staring at him sternly and he had the distinct impression that she knew exactly what he was thinking.

Before the train pulled into Carson City, Dominic found that not all his erotic thoughts were centered on Rachel. On four different occasions, he was just entering or leaving the compartment when the train jerked for one reason or another: slack taking up from a change from downhill to uphill, change of speeds for a sharp curve in the mountains, or approaching a station. On those four occasions, Miss Gallagher also happened to be standing and they collided, one way or another.

On two of those occasions, his hand had come in contact with her enormous breast and the contact with the soft, full globes had sent erotic thoughts through Dominic's mind, causing an almost instantaneous hard-on. He hung his head in shame, unable to look her in the eye as he mumbled an apology.

On another occasion, she had been bent over finishing changing Joseph's diaper when the jerking train caused him to smack into her bottom. For several seconds, he had been unable to extract himself from the compromising position because of the force of gravity. By then, his raging hard-on had prominently pressed into her bottom. Even though he apologized profusely, he had the feeling that she was completely unsympathetic.

On the fourth occasion, he was sitting in the chair reading a newspaper left by another rider when Miss Gallagher was pitched unceremoniously into his lap. With the train rocking from side to side, she would have been tossed to the hard floor if his arms had not grasped her ample form and kept her from falling farther. He had felt her mammoth tits against his chest and the feeling of his hands on her big round buttocks caused delicious images in his mind before he could suppress them. He helped her to her feet, where she straightened her clothes and apologized, blushing profusely.

When they finally arrived in Carson City, Dominic paid some young men to carry the trunks down to his house and the little troop walked to the house. Showing the two women around didn't take long — the house wasn't all that big. He would have to consider adding on to it if the women were to stay. He hurried down to the store to check on how things were going.

The days turned into weeks that turned into months and the little business grew as Carson City and its surrounding area grew. Gradually the pain of losing his wife faded as Dominic went on with his life. He doted on his son, loving to watch him even when he was sleeping. Rachel seemed to take every opportunity to feed Joseph in Dominic's presence, smiling and sitting close to Dominic so he could see his son nurse.

One evening, with Miss Gallagher retired to her room for the night, Rachel brought Joseph to Dominic's small office where he spent many nights updating his books. She sat in a chair at the end of Dominic's desk, holding the whimpering baby, and unbuttoned the top of her dress. She looked at Dominic as he watched her shrug the dress off her shoulders, and then opened the big bra that held her large tits. Her eyes never left Dominic's as she brought the baby to her left nipple, automatically guiding him to the distended teat. She watched Dominic lick his lips as his eyes feasted on her bare right breast.

"He won't drink it all. Would you like to try some?" Rachel asked softly.

Dominic groaned, thinking how wonderful it must be to drink the precious life-giving fluid.

She put her free hand under the heavy globe, lifting it toward him.

"Come. This is all for you."

Dominic dropped to his knees beside Rachel. The wheeled chair rolled a foot closer, putting the erect nipple right at his mouth. His lips opened almost involuntarily and closed over the little bud. With just a little suck, he felt warm milk spurt into his mouth from several angles. He savored the sweet flavor of her milk and sucked again.

Rachel moaned and the fingers of her free hand stroked through Dominic's dark hair. She pulled him tighter to her breast, almost forcing him to suck again. He swallowed, again amazed at how wonderful her milk tasted. Without thinking, he placed his right hand on her knee, and it jerked immediately, toward him, away from her other knee. Her hand tugged him tighter to her boob. Without thinking about it, his hand dropped to the hem of her skirt and rose under her petticoats. She moaned when his hand slid along her bare thigh and her legs tried to open wider, stopped only by the arms of the chair.

When his fingertips brushed the wet crotch of her panties, she moaned, "Yes... oh, yes!"

Carefully Dominic moved the crotch of her panties to one side, and then slipped his middle finger into her depths. Rachel sighed and scooted her bottom toward the front of the chair, spreading her legs wider for his benefit. Still nuzzling at her yielding tit, Dominic ran his finger in and out of Rachel's wet pussy, occasionally running the pad of his thumb around her clit with his finger deep inside her.

He inserted a second finger and curled them upward, searching for the little washboard spot that signified her G-spot, finding it easily. Rubbing it with his fingers and applying pressure with his thumb around her clit brought her to a moaning, hissing climax in just moments. Sucking hard on her breast while she shivered though the orgasm, he resumed fingering her when she slumped back into the chair.

Rachel renewed her hold on the back of Dominic's head, pressing him into her breast. The feeling of him sucking her tit was sending delightful electric shock through her body but primarily directly to her wet pussy. With the additional stimulation of his fingers on her G-spot, she was an emotional wreck, loving every second and every sensation that had her shivering uncontrollably... and wishing for more. Suddenly she climaxed again, like the crashing of a rogue wave out of the depths of the ocean. It just seemed to catch her unawares and shook her whole being. Her juices flooded Dominic's hand and she moved both hands to Joseph, fearful of dropping the sleeping infant.

Gently pushing Dominic away, she burped the infant and carried him to his crib. Dominic followed her and led her to his bed when she had Joseph settled down for the night. Rachel let Dominic remove her dress, then the mountains of petticoats, and lastly her panties. While he removed his own clothes, she settled on her back in the middle of the bed.

Rachel was delighted when he crouched between her legs and lowered his face to her treasure. He loved her taste, the wetness still present from his earlier fingering. Although she was not a virgin, it had been a long time since she had been with a man and none had treated her to the pleasure of eating her pussy. Dominic obviously had no intention of making this a quick event, as he settled down to licking every inch of her soft skin from inner knee to inner knee and then back to her core, where he started licking each bit of her lacy folds. Finally his tongue settled into her opening and explored from the inside out. When he sashayed up to tease her clit, she climaxed again.

Rachel was surprised when Dominic showed no interest in stopping his assault. He lapped up her juices and searched everywhere for more, causing her to feel fantastic. However he shocked her beyond belief when his roving tongue crossed over her perineum and stabbed at her anus. The shock was so intense that she came again, almost passing out from the power of the pleasure coursing over her.

This time, Dominic slipped up her form, his questing cock sliding into her tight pussy on the first attempt. She sighed and wrapped her arms and legs around him, welcoming him into her most intimate depths. As he thrust into her, Rachel matched his rhythm with thrusts of her own, timed to meet his movements. Dominic realized that the old bed that he had shared with his wife was now a problem — it was sturdy enough but it squeaked badly as he fucked Rachel. With no one else in the house, it was not a problem; with Miss Gallagher in the house, it might prove to be embarrassing.

Still that was not enough to overcome his lust for Rachel's erotic body. He pounded himself into her harder and harder, eliciting continuous moans of pleasure from Rachel and making his cock grow harder and harder as it plunged inside her. Feeling his balls begin to contract, Dominic concentrated on rubbing Rachel's clit with his root and their orgasms were almost simultaneous. Both of them were rocked to the core by the explosions that occurred deep in their souls.

As the last of his cum dribbled from his cock into Rachel's pussy, Dominic leaned over the attractive woman and planted a long, wet, sensuous kiss on her lips. When his arms would no longer support him, he rolled to her side, and then tugged at her until she spooned back into his form, his flaccid cock trapped between her round buttocks. They were soon asleep.

Sometime in the night, Dominic awoke to find Rachel staring at him, her hands cupping his cock and balls. He was already hard. When she realized he was awake, she smiled and turned face down, drawing her knees up and raising her ass into the air. Dominic ran his hand over her buttocks and climbed behind her, guiding his questing cock back into her soft pussy.

This time he was in no hurry to achieve anything and fucked her slowly, gently, running his fingers over her soft, smooth skin. Although he had no clock nearby, he was fairly sure that he spent over an hour wandering the warm, wet tunnel of her vagina before both of them came again. They rolled together and were asleep in just a couple of minutes.

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My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My NightmareI nervously approached the door. Pause before knocking. I know as soon as I knocked I was committed to a weekend of humiliation and pain. Still I go ahead and knock timidly on the door, a few seconds go by, and I considered turning and running. The door swung open, too late to run now. In front of me is a man, slightly shorter than me, slim build with a head of receding short black hair. He looked in his fifties but is probably about forty.“Yes” he...

1 year ago
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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 2 ReIssued

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Greg Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 2 Reissued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Report: I have listened to all the remarks. I now have an editorial adviser. He is gently editing my stories for gross spelling and sentence structure. I hope that this adds to your reading pleasure. All persons in this story are at least 18 years old. Previously in Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 1...

2 years ago
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Cyn Turns ProPart 2

Cyn left the Manager's office/storage room feeling both loved and abused. She went back into the women's restroom to collect the forty dollars she had managed to hide in the trash can. It wasn't there. Cyn wept as she dug through the wet and soiled paper towels looking for the one that had her money folded up in it. Giving up her search, Cyn collapsed onto the floor and held her head in her hands while she cried. She knew, without being told, that the counter girls had taken the money....

4 years ago
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RedtailChapter 8 Hunting Treasure

Just because I live out west doesn’t mean everything is cowboys and Indians. I was a pretty normal kid, even if I did have more access to horses and had an hour of chores before school each morning. You get a lot of opportunity to play pretend things when you live miles away from everything else. I pretended pirates, explorers, and army, just like most kids. I guess “pirates” was my favorite. And of course, where there are pirates, there’s buried treasure. I remember the day I dug a hole in...

3 years ago
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"I challenge you to a duel!" The words, shouted in the middle of a Ministry of Magic atrium, could hardly have garnered more attention had they been accompanied by Voldemort resurrecting himself. Far from the quietest place on Earth, the Ministry of Magic was nearly always bustling and hustling with throngs upon throngs of every sort of magical being, almost all of them talking at unreasonable volumes to be heard over everyone else talking over unreasonable volumes. Now, however, it had gone...

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Barbara Model Turns Slut

All the credit goes to NiteWriter for this one. And Man is it hot I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modeling job. I was surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractive girl to model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications I received. The magazine publisher was in a hurry and needed someone by next week. With the pictures submitted, choosing the best ones for interviews was going to be difficult. I reviewed the pictures and...

2 years ago
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Housewife Helen turns Whore

Helen and Dave were just like many other couples I was friendly with. Both early twenties and in a bit of a rut with family life, work, mortgage and young k**s etc.They were a very much ‘in love;’ couple and on the odd occasion I would see them around town we would chat and catch up, without being too close.I had known Dave since my playing football days for the local pub side, and he was a half decent ‘goalie’. That was when I was about 19, so I suggest at this point in life, I had known him...

1 year ago
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Another Worm Turns

ANOTHER WORM TURNS After five years at university and a further two in practice I'm a qualified dentist but I haven't needed to work so didn't after I married last year . I don't know why I bothered in the first place, after all my family money, especially since my parents both died, has meant that I have no need to work for the rest of my life. What has this got to do with the story I'm relating here? Not a great deal, but a slightly relevant background. My name is, or rather...

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Twists and Turns

Twists and Turns Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I work in a grocery store, bagging, pushing carts back into the store, that sort of thing. Once in a while I fill in at the specialty counter, selling film, cigarettes, gum and so on. It's not very exciting, but it pays well, and I see a lot of women every day. Tall and short, old and young, slobs and fashion plates, they all come to our store, and I see them all. I always pay attention to them, since that, combined with...

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It turns to latex on Christmas

Joanne plan something extra for the 24th December this year. Last year didn’t turn out as she expected, so she made up some other plans for this Christmas. She is sure it will be a great thing this time and likely to surprise everyone. She knows that she also will be held sexually aroused over the whole event, without anyone make note of it. Quite kinky, she thinks, which has turns her on a lot during the preparations. Besides that, she has two cute boys in mind, that finally might see her as...

3 years ago
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First Swing Turns Bi

First Swing Turns BiBy Eve Curtis This is a true story of our, actually my husband’s first bisexual swing experience. My husband and I had never done any swinging before but had talked about it many times. It was just kind of a fantasy thing that we shared. Then through a friend of ours, we were invited to what was billed as a swing party although it turned out to be more like an orgy.The party started out mildly enough. Val, our host lived in a fairly large home in the hills above the Sunset...

4 years ago
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GF turns me Gay

I found Wendy on OKCupid. She was just another face as I scrolled down, albeit a fairly attractive one. I clicked on her profile, glancing over it: she was older than me, which is not usually my type, and she was six years older than I at thirty two. She had a darker natural red hair in shoulder length cut, but a sort of light olive complexion, and pouty lips, same height as me. Musical tastes in common? Check. Reading? Movies? Check and check. Polyamorous. Well. I've been single for a while at...

2 years ago
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Pebbles turns a fantasy into reality

Pebbles fantasy finally comes to life.Your fantasy begins with you going out for a night on the town with your girlfriends. Your boyfriend is away with his friends on a camping trip for three days, so you ring around your friends and arrange to go out on Friday night to the club. When you get there you do some dancing and drinking and have lots of fun. You meet two guys Jason and Joel at the club. There is instant chemistry between the 3 of you.Though only in their early 20’s, you first notice...

1 year ago
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A night of drink and drugs turns into an orgy

My wife and I went out to meet friends for a good night dancing in the main club in New York. There was six couples including ourselves we met in the usual spot and started drinking we had the usual chat about the hard week’s work we had just done and how we were all looking forward to getting to the club and taking the drugs of love ‘E’. I always get butter flies in my stomach before taking ‘E’ it’s the excitement and today was no different. We got to the club and because we had VIP passes we...

Group Sex
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Aunt Maureen Turns Her Nephew on a Little Too Much

It was fourth of July, everybody had the day off, the kids didn't have school and we were all at my sister Linda's house, that huge McMansion she took from her bastard ex-husband in the divorce. More spare bedrooms than most houses had rooms and an in-ground pool in the back yard. Linda's current boyfriend, Paul, was blending up margaritas for us on demand and the usual suspects, me and my youngest sister, Pam, were sucking them down like water and, of course, letting Paul get away with a...

2 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated ReIssued

Introduction: Beginning of family adventures Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Re-Isssued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Fri 3rd of February 2012 Message: I have listened to all the remarks. I now have an editorial adviser. He is gently editing my stories for gross spelling and sentence structure. I hope that this adds to your reading pleasure. All persons in this story are at least 18 years old. Family Beach Party Turns X...

2 years ago
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My Little Sister Turns Slut 8211 Part 2

Sorry for being late in posing 2nd part. As you know that I am working in MNC. You can understand that I am getting very less time to write. Well this is continuation of ‘My little sister turns slut’. Next day morning we wake up took bath together had breakfast. I had to move for conference. I asked her what will you do whole day? She said she will be in the room and see TV. I suggested going out and enjoying shopping and sightseeing of beaches and other part of Mumbai. I was giving my credit...

4 years ago
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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

1 year ago
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A teen girl turns to her brother for entertainment

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); The late-June sun bore its weight down onto the parched Arizona landscape. I let out a quiet sigh as I looked around. Everything was hot and dry and boring and dull, dull, dull. God, I hated this place. If it was under 90 degrees right now I’d be shocked. Hell, by the time noon rolled around it would probably be over 115. We’d top out at about 120, I figured, then maybe back down to 100 by midnight. I sighed again as...

1 year ago
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I Dare you to play Lesbian turns better then I thought it would

M-me; Melinee (yes 2 e’s) (nickname; mel) S- Scarlett ( nickname; Star) J- Jessica (nickname; jess or jessi) M: *Sighs, laying down on the bed next to Scarlett.* Star, I'm bored . S: *Looks at me* But, we're having a sleepover.. M: yeah and we're doing nothing. S: then tell me what you want to do. M: *sits up and smirks.* you know, Jessica showed me this new game. It's called I dare you to be a lesbian! S: *sits up also, her boobs bouncing as she moves.* I’m not so sure.. M: *I gets turned on,...

2 years ago
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A Boring Seminar Turns Into A Hot Time For Two Strangers

 It’s Thursday morning and Scott is scheduled to attend a two-day tax seminar. He figures it will be boring and there will be information that doesn’t apply to his legal practice, but there were some significant changes in the law this year, so he knows he needs to attend. He sluggishly makes it out the door, drives to the convention center and finds a parking space.He makes his way to the seminar room, finds several empty seats, and sits in one. He doesn’t even look around the room to see if...

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Three turns into a four

I meet a new bee at work, she had grabed my balls by mistake or so she says! Looking back it was the perfect meet and greet! We talked at work for few day just bullshiting and flirting with eachother. Me playing with her breasts and ass while she rubbed my cock and balls! She was not a shy one and she was a bbw plus size all the way! She asked when we could hook up and if she could bring her friend Beth? Her name was Kelly! In the back of my head I was scared as hell never did I think about...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 18 The Treasure

When Dantes returned next morning to the chamber of his companion in captivity, he found Faria seated and looking composed. In the ray of light which entered by the narrow window of his cell, he held open in his left hand, of which alone, it will be recollected, he retained the use, a sheet of paper, which, from being constantly rolled into a small compass, had the form of a cylinder, and was not easily kept open. He did not speak, but showed the paper to Dantes. "What is that?" he...

3 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 ReIssued

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Greg Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Now Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 Re-Issued. Introduction: This is a dream I had after my sons took my wife. I wondered what Sandy and the boys were doing right now. Probably walking around town. Yeah I thought. Probably looking around for men for Sandy to fuck around with. I wondered if she did find men...

4 years ago
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New Year Wish Turns In To Fucking Day

Hi my dear indian sex stories, masturbating guys and girls this is arjun again like to share my very very resent sex experience with one of my college mate whom I almost forgot and this new year give me a opportunity to meet her and fuck her. Here I am arjun once again looks 6 feet exactly with some what athletic body ha ha with a broad shoulders of 42″ and having a pretty good tool of 6.6″. Narmatha my college mate who looks 5.7 may be little more than that and she looks pretty good than in...

3 years ago
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A Present Turns into Punishment

I woke up dazed and confused. When I fell asleep, I was bound to the bed post, gagged, cuffed, and wearing only my collar. Now I find myself on my bed, wrists red and raw from the cuffs, my throat sore and dry, and a blanket over my naked form. Was it a dream that my Master had moved me? My master had every right to punish me. I had disobeyed his rules. Sorry I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. The name my Master allows you to call me is Cat. I’m your typical Mediterranean beauty. A tanned body...

1 year ago
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Chapter 6 Mommy Returns

Chapter 6Mommy ReturnsSo much had happened in the last few days. My wife's best friend hadconfided in me that my wife of five years, Heidi, was three monthspregnant with her lover's baby and was planning on serving me withdivorce papers when she returns from holiday next week. That same woman,who just happened to be my doctor and was the person who had administeredmy three year course of oestrogen treatment, had now declared herinterest in me, not so much as a prospective spouse but as a...

2 years ago
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Mommy Returns Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Mommy Returns So much had happened in the last few days. My wife's best friend had confided in me that my wife of five years, Heidi, was three months pregnant with her lover's baby and was planning on serving me with divorce papers when she returns from holiday next week. That same woman, who just happened to be my doctor and was the person who had administered my three year course of oestrogen treatment, had now declared her interest in me, not so much as a prospective...

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Suki II Sunshine Returns

Author’s note Suki II begins approximately where Suki I ends in the early 2030s.  Character development is in Suki I, available on Amazon Kindle ASIN: B0029F1UGC?and in PDF at ? Suki I contains the majority of the background information to make Suki II make more sense.  Suki I is not as fast paced and not as much sex as Suki II, but if you are interested in the characters, it is a good place to start. Online Character Profiles, maps,...

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Peg Legs Lost Treasure

Several years ago, I wrote a story, “It’s Against the Law,” where I introduced three characters, Jack, who was an investigative reporter for a major Chicago newspaper, Dalton, who was a photographer with his own studio, and Dave, a sergeant on the Arlington Hills police force. In my sequel to the story, ‘But is it Immoral,’ I used Jack and Dalton again. Since then, I have received a bunch of emails and comments asking when they would get together again for another story, so I thought I’d have...

1 year ago
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Laura Returns to Brazil Rio de Janeiro Team Slothrops I Can See For Miles

Laura and Harold are back. A character started by Jacki Pett and carried on by Bluto now comes to Angel's aid. Fly down to Rio with them and watch the action. Never make a victim, it can come back to bite you! I Can See For Miles - Laura Returns to Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Team By Bluto ***** Series Originator Note: I first met Bluto through his comments on one of my stories, and we found we shared a similar set of themes around the unsung and unwritten tales of the TG...

2 years ago
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Alexis Turns The Tables

Isobel arrived just after lunch as promised. I was in my see through dress and as soon as Isobel saw it her eyes popped out and she said, “Wow, when did you get that Alexis?” Jaden answered, “I did actually Isobel, but don’t worry there is one for you upstairs.” Isobel’s mouth dropped open and I could see she pursed her lips to stop herself saying anything rude. Jaden continued, “Go upstairs and change then come back down and I will run through the rules. That’s a good girl Isobel.” Isobel...


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