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I'm Jerry Cahill. Born and raised in West Virginia, have an older sister and pretty much lead a normal life. We lived down in a valley in a somewhat rural area. This story begins shortly after my graduation from high school. I had signed up for a two year stint in the Air Force, and afterwards I would be on four years reserve. The job market was pretty tough and I wasn't much for going to college.

I was an athlete but from a small rural school which means you usually don't get noticed by any of the talent scouts. My dad ran a feed store and I figured I might be working there the rest of my life. I decided I wanted to take a couple of years off, get away and see the world like they say in the ads.

I hung around with some fairly decent friends, mostly ex jocks. We didn't cause a lot of trouble but we did drink our share of beer for being underage. I was due to leave for basic training in two weeks so I wanted to make the best of my days till then. Back in the valley was a private pond. The actual property it was located on was owned by my uncle Bob. The pond itself was quite far away from the house. We would go swimming there on the hot days. We usually didn't need suits.

His son Rob, my cousin was a high school dropout. He was two years older than me and was always getting in trouble. I stayed away from him as much as possible. I knew he dealt in drugs (weed) and I developed a dislike for him.

I think his goal in life was to fuck as many women as possible. He worked at a garage/filling station in the little town down the road. Even though I hate to say it since he was my cousin, he was bad news. He always had a couple of guys hanging around him. They were dropouts also and did most everything he told them too. He must give them free drugs or at least at a discount. Right now he grew his own marijuana.

Why women would hang with him was hard to understand. He must have presented the bad boy image and it attracted them to him. I knew some of the girls he had dated and they were from decent families. Others he would be with were what I call bar broads and party girls.

I usually distanced myself from him as much as possible. I've dated a few girls and had sex with a couple. Funny that after I dated them Rob asked them out. I guess he wanted to make sure he had sex with any girls I had been with. I later found out it was a jealousy thing with him. His dad had told him he wished he was more like me. I figured that just threw more coals into the flames of his dislike for me.

I need to tell you a little about Jessie. She was a neighbor girl down the road. We were the same age and good friends. We played together when we were younger but as we got older her parents told her to stay away from boys. She even got in trouble if I walked her home from school after getting off the bus.

Her parents were so strict; I really felt sorry for her. I had asked her out a dozen times and she always told me she couldn't. Her parents said she couldn't date till she was eighteen. They were way over protective. She had one sister who was four years older and left home the minute she graduated.

Anita, her sister married the first guy she went out with but luckily he was a good man. They now have two kids. Jessie's parents even got mad when she visited her sister. About all she did was housework, work the farm and read books. They didn't even own a TV till a couple of years ago.

When Jessie turned sixteen she begged her parents to let her work at the local grocery store. They agreed but she had to give half her earnings to them. She told me at school that she didn't care about the money, she was just happy to get out of the house. I felt sorry for her, all she wanted was a life.

Jessie was somewhat of a plain Jane. I figured it was because she wasn't allowed to wear makeup and her parents made her wear a dress to school. I could tell by looking at her that she probably had a great figure, just wasn't able to show it wearing the old fashioned dresses. It was hard to believe there were still people like her parents around.

I liked her a lot but never kissed her or even held her hand. I always hoped that someday we might date. I guess I was always intrigued by her. She had a few female friends at school. They were mostly the geek girls. Other girls talked about her behind her back. It pissed me off because she didn't deserve it.

I stopped at the station to get gas one day and I saw Jessie enter a store across from the station where Rob worked. Rob looked up and told me that one day he was going to fuck the hell out of Jessie. I told him to just leave the poor girl alone. She had enough to deal with without him making it even worse for her. He just laughed and told me it was going to happen.

As I mentioned earlier I was to leave for basic training two weeks after graduation. The weekend before I was to leave my friends asked if I was going to Rob's nude day party. I knew about it but wasn't planning on going, mainly because Rob was giving it.

His dad would be gone that weekend so he was throwing a party at the pond. My uncle and Rob lived at an old farm place alone. My uncle and aunt divorced years ago. He leased out most of the acreage to a local man for growing corn.

Rob said he wanted to celebrate nude day. He was charging fifty dollars a head, to the guys only. All women could come to the party free. He was having a hog roasted and would supply a couple of kegs of beer.

I couldn't see giving him fifty dollars to get laid. I could probably do that on my own. Five of my buddies got together and said that each put up ten bucks as a going away present for me to go to the party. I finally agreed to go. I figured I might as well get laid my last day home.

At the party most everyone started out wearing bathing suits. As they began drinking and became less inhibited the clothes would begin coming off. I couldn't believe how many people showed up. There must have been two hundred and at least eighty of them were women.

I know readers or going to think this is a double standard but I know most young guys get horny and will have sex with just about anything that moves. I just have a hard time believing that women feel the same. I always thought that most women wanted more love and affection than just sex. Since I'm not a woman I guess I'll never understand.

Rob must have been making a pile of money by having this party. Besides making fifty bucks a head he also was selling his weed. I don't know, it just didn't seem right but if that's what the people wanted, so be it.

The party was well underway and people were starting to get naked. Some were in the pond swimming. Others were listening to a group of musicians playing. I looked up and I couldn't believe what I saw. Rob was over by the drink table and Jessie was with him.

I went over to see her. She had a dress on. Rob looked at me and gave me the creepiest look. "Look who I invited to the party."

"Jess, why are you here? You shouldn't be here."

Rob butted in. "Hey, she's my date, leave her the fuck alone." He handed her a pina colada.

"I've never drunk alcohol Rob," she said.

"It's ok Baby, you'll love it. Give it a try," replied Rob.

She tasted it. "I like it," she said and almost drank it straight down. Rob made her another.

"Jess, please let me take you home. You don't belong here." Rob started to say something but Jess talked first.

"What do you mean I don't belong here? You're here! I want to have fun too. I'm over eighteen and can do what I want. You're almost as mean as my parents."

"For the last time Jess, let me take you home before you regret being here. You don't belong here. You're too nice to be here." I was sincere in what I was saying.

Rob spoke, "Jerry, you may be my cousin but Jess is my girl tonight. I suggest you stay the hell away from her or get the hell out of my party."

I looked at Jess, and she seemed just a bit sad. Then she looked at me as if in defiance and drank down her second drink quickly. I shook my head and walked away.

I didn't own her and I had warned her. What more could I have done? I did my best to stay away from her and went over by the pond. Word got around that I was leaving for the service the next day and I couldn't believe the attention I was getting. I had already drunk too many beers and was lying on my back when three women came up to me and removed my bathing suit.

I lay there as they began rubbing my body. My cock was hard in no time. Sheila, a black cheerleader from school said she always wanted to try me. I looked at her dark black bush as she lowered herself down on my very hard cock. Damn, she felt good.

Shelly, a gal I've dated a few times lowered her shaved pussy over my face as I ate her up. It was my first ever three- way. Sheila came and I saw her juices running down my cock. She thanked me and wished me luck. Renee, another cheerleader took her place and was riding my very stiff cock. She wasn't on me long when I felt Shelly coming with my tongue up her pussy.

It started a chain reaction that made me shoot a load into Renee and then Renee pushed down hard on my pelvic area and came herself. It felt so damn good. My face had Shelly's juices all over it and Renee's all over my cock. They both kissed me, wiped off the remaining juices from my face and wished me luck.

As I was lying there recovering, an older woman I didn't know took my wet cock in her mouth and gave me oral sex. As I watched her I noticed one of my buddies was fucking her from behind at the same time. I had never had sex like this in my short life. I was pretty much a one on one type guy. This was almost a going away party for me.

I came from this older woman's manipulations. I could see my sperm coming out of her mouth. She must have swallowed quite a bit. Jim, my friend must have gotten his rocks off too. I jumped in the pond to get cleaned up a little.

I put my bathing suit back on and went and got some beer. It was then I saw Jessie smoking a weed. She was three sheets to the wind. The back of her dress was unbuttoned and Rob was removing it from her. She did have a swimsuit under it. I had to walk away, it really saddened me.

I drank my beer and decided to just go home. The last thing I saw was Rob fucking Jess. He yelled out, "Got a virgin here." He was giving me an evil grin.

His buddies went over to watch. I looked at Jess and she had her head turned and was looking at me. She had tears running down her face. I saw Rob get up and let one of his friends takr his place. Jess just laid there drunk and drugged. I had tears in my eyes and felt saddened when I last looked at her.

I got home and packed my gear. I was heading to the airport first thing in the morning. I thought about Jess. Was what she did any worse than what I did? I didn't have the answer and probably never would.

Nothing I could do about it now anyway. She made her decision. Whenever I thought of her I felt hurt inside. Why? We were just friends. I was off to the service. I didn't even want to go home after basic training. Not sure if it had anything to do with Jess. I decided to spend a couple of weeks touring out west since I was in Texas. I would then be heading to the Middle East after my short leave.

My sight- seeing tour overseas wasn't the greatest. I spent a lot of my time on the ship. When I did leave the ship we went to small towns and helped them rebuild. War is hell and I saw a lot of it first- hand.

My R&R was spent in small villages having sex with just about every type of woman imaginable - young, old and everything in between. For these women it was all about the money. Men were selling their wives, sons their mothers, brothers their sisters.

Poverty really sucked in those areas. I would usually give them twenty dollars but could have gotten away with paying ten and sometimes five. They seemed so grateful for whatever they would receive. Some really put an effort into it. It was easy to tell most were faking it. I should let the readers know that we always used condoms.

I tried to compare the sex with women overseas with the sex I received at home. It was almost impossible. These women did it because they had to if they were to survive and feed their families. At home it was all about having fun and letting yourself go. The one thing I missed in both places was having sex for love.

I wanted to ask these men how they could just give up their wife and other family members just like that but it wasn't my place to ask. Cultures in other lands seemed completely different.

As I grew up I always thought I'd meet that special woman and when we had made love I would always know that she was the one I wanted to spend my life with. Maybe I was just a dreamer but it's what I had always believed. Now it was just about getting my rocks off.

While in the service I was being schooled as an MP, military police. After I had put in my two years active duty I figured I could be a local cop, police officer or sheriff deputy. There would be lots of options for me to choose from. I would be in the reserves for four years and could be an MP on base also.

The military gave me some great training and education as well as getting me physically fit. It wasn't easy and at times I felt I had made a bad decision enlisting, but I had made it through basic training, followed by just less than two years service in the Middle East.

I was about to be released and go home. I sure learned a lot in two short years. After seeing what other people went through I was happy to be a US citizen.

I have to drop back a ways and explain something that happened about four months after I went overseas. I was getting letters from my family and they would tell me about good things happening in our area. When I asked them if anything bad ever happened they told me I was seeing enough bad things and they didn't want to upset me.

I don't know why I did it but I asked my sister if she ever saw Jessie. I was surprised when she wrote me back and what she had to say.

"Jessie is living with Rob at Uncle Bob's house. She is pregnant and I guess Rob is the father. We were all surprised when we heard about it. I talked to her at the store one day and she said her dad kicked her out when she told them she was pregnant.

"She said she had nowhere to go and was scared. Rob's dad, uncle Bob offered her a roof over her head and she took it. She seems so sad, I really feel sorry for her," said my sister.

I was taken totally aback after hearing this. I had to wonder if all this had begun at the nude day party. Somewhere deep in my soul I felt sad. Rob was an asshole and Jess living with him wouldn't be good. What the hell was the problem with her parents? When she needed them, they turned their back on her.

Rob wasn't the parenting type. I knew him all too well. He had to be doing this for a reason. He let other men have her at his nude party, so there was no way he would say the baby is his and spend a lifetime supporting the child. No one had mentioned the child or Jessie since I received that letter from my sister. I was honestly too ashamed to ask anyone. I would be finding out soon enough when I returned home.

My sister Julie was four years older than me. She had gotten married over a year and a half ago. She had a daughter a couple of months before I went into the service. When she wrote me she told me she was pregnant with her second child. It would be a boy. I was really happy for her and Phil. Phil worked for my dad at the feed mill. His parents owned a large farm so he knew a lot about the business.

When I returned home mom and dad were so happy. I have to admit I was quite homesick myself. When Julie found out I was home she came over to see me. Mom said they were throwing me a welcome home party on Saturday. I told them it wasn't necessary but they didn't listen to me.

After talking to Julie a little I asked her if she knew anything about Jessie, Rob and the baby. Instead of answering me, she stared at me for a few seconds. "What is it Julie?"

"Let's go outside and talk. I have something to tell you."

We went and sat on the porch. "Jerry, Jessie lost the baby." I wasn't quite sure how to react. I know losing your baby could be traumatic but I didn't know enough about Rob and Jessie.

"How did she lose it? I feel sorry for her but Rob and her just never seemed to fit together. You know I cared for her didn't you? I asked her out a number of times but she said her parents didn't approve."

"I need to tell you about Jess," said Julie. "After you left for the service I would stop in the store where she worked and I could tell something was wrong. She was even more quiet than usual. She started crying. That's when she told me she was pregnant.'

"We became closer that day as I hugged her and said everything would work out. When I asked her who the father was she told me she thought it was Rob. I couldn't believe it, her and Rob together. That's when she told me about the party she went to. She mentioned you were there and told her to go home, she didn't belong there. She wished she would have listened to you. She told me that she had always liked you but her parents wouldn't let her date. When Rob told her there was a party and you would be there, she decided to go in spite of her parents. She was over eighteen after all."

"Julie, it was one of Rob's nude parties. My buddies bought me a ticket as a goodbye gesture. I was leaving the next day. I was pissed when I saw Jess with Rob. I tried to warn her but she wouldn't listen. I did like her but we were never more than friends."

"I need to tell you more Jer. I began talking to Jessie regularly. We became friends and I was the one of the few she could confide in. She didn't date anyone after the day of the party. Rob would stop by the store and she would refuse to go out with him. Then she found out she was pregnant. She told her parents and her mom cried and her dad threw her out calling her a whore and a slut.

"She had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. She went to talk to Rob at the farm to tell him she was pregnant. It just so happened that Uncle Bob was just back from a trip. Rob wasn't home yet and I guess Jess started crying. Uncle Bob invited her in and she told him she was pregnant and needed to talk to Rob.

"Uncle Bob isn't a bad guy. It's just that he is never around and Rob does what he wants. He is however afraid of his dad. When Jessie told uncle Bob she had been asked to leave her parents home and had no place to go uncle Bob told her he had plenty of extra rooms and she could stay with them till she could figure out what she was going to do.

"She promised uncle Bob that she would keep the place clean and cook dinner for him. She called her sister and she helped her move her things into one of the spare rooms. Her sister felt sorry for her but there wasn't a lot she could do. She had two kids of her own.

"When Rob found out Jess had talked with his father he was pissed. He said the damn kid could belong to anyone. According to Jess, Bob backhanded Rob and told him he gave her permission to stay and that they could decide the fatherhood of the baby after it was born."

"So what happened to the baby?" I asked.

"Rob treated Jess ok when Bob was around but treated her like shit when he was on the road. She was like his slave and she had to have sex with him. Sometimes he would bring other women home and have sex with them in front of her. When Jess was about eight months along she fell down the stairs and had a miscarriage.

"The truth is Rob and Jess had an argument and he pushed her and she fell. She was in the hospital for three days. Rob told her if she told anyone the truth that he would kill her. She was scared."

"So where is she now? How is she doing? Does she still work at the store?" I asked.

"After she lost the baby her sister said she could live with her till she could find a place. She still lives there, works at the store and started taking classes at college. She comes and visits me regularly.

"Rob bothers her now and then but she does her best to stay away from him. He knows better than to come by our house because Phil would kick his ass. I'm sure he knows that I know the truth. Jerry, is it alright if she comes to your welcome home party?"

"Of course Jess is welcome to the party."

Damn, that was a lot to take in all at once. One thing I knew for sure is that Julie would never lie to me. We always confided in each other. That's why I asked her why she never wrote me and told me all of this?

"Jerry! You were out fighting a war. What good would it have done to tell you? You were thousands of miles away, what could or would you have done?"

"You're right sis. Anything else I need to know?"

"Rob hates your guts. Uncle Bob keeps telling Rob he should join the service instead of getting women pregnant. Between uncle Bob telling him he wishes he was more like you to Jessie telling him that you're the only guy she ever had a crush on, he doesn't much care for you."

"Wait! What do you mean has a crush on? Jessie told you that she had a crush on me?"

"Shit! I wasn't supposed to tell you that. She does like you, always did but she knew she ruined it the day she went to the party with Rob."

About that time mom and dad came out and sat with us on the porch. They wanted to know about what was going on in the Middle East and exactly what I had done there. I told them most everything I knew except having sex with dozens of women.

A car pulled up and it was Phil with my niece and nephew. First time I had seen my nephew and my niece sure grew in two years. After greeting everyone we went in for dinner. It was good to be home.

The day of the welcome home party I helped set up tables and chairs. Sis and Phil were putting up a welcome home sign. Why would that bring tears to my eyes? Dad had to work a half day at the mill. He let Phil off so he could help us set up.

The neighbors all began to show up, each one with trays of food. One thing about country people is they knew how to cook. A lot of my buddies showed up. Some were in college and others worked in the area. A few helped their dads on the farm.

Another car pulled up and two women got out along with two kids. It was Jessie and her sister Anita with her two kids. Jessie was crying as she came to meet me. When did she become so emotional? I hugged her and her sister. Anita introduced me to her kids. I looked over my shoulder and saw Julie watching me.

My problem was I wasn't sure how I felt about Jessie. I do have to say she looked great in jeans and a western shirt. I walked them up to the party area and Julie greeted them. The kids all went to play together. I told Jessie I would talk to her later.

Uncle Bob showed up and congratulated me. He gave me a big bear hug. Rob never showed up and Bob didn't mention him. Uncle Bob was my mom's brother. He walked up and gave her a hug. He walked over and gave Jess and Anita a hug also and talked to them for a few minutes. He was just a big friendly guy. His wife left him because he wouldn't give up his truck driving. He told us that it was all he ever knew how to do.

If he ever found out that Rob caused Jessie's miscarriage he'd probably kick the shit out of him. He would often tell my mom that he knew Rob was a bad seed but there wasn't much he could do about it. He lived with his mother till he was a teenager and she let him do whatever he wanted.

One day she got remarried and her husband didn't want Rob in the house. He was always getting into trouble. That's when he moved in with uncle Bob. A neighbor lady would watch the place when Bob was gone but she really didn't discipline Rob. She did see that he had meals and she did some housework. Rob pretty much did what he wanted.

I didn't get a chance to really talk to Jess at the party, there were just too many people around. I got her number and told her I would be by to see her. She had quite the busy schedule with college and working at the store.

All my plans to be in law enforcement didn't pan out. I would need more training and schooling. I wasn't up for it. I just wanted to enjoy my life right now. I asked dad for a job at the mill and he smiled when I asked. He always wanted me to work alongside of him and maybe someday take over the business.

Phil was my boss and I didn't mind it a bit. He was a good man besides being my brother in law. I was in great shape and had no problems lifting the heavy feed bags. I was making a decent wage and still living at home so I didn't have many expenses. I bought myself a truck and decided to make payments to help build my credit. I had a nice savings that I built up while in the service.

One day I stopped by the store and there was Jess with a big smile on her face. It wasn't too busy and we were able to talk a little. I asked her out on the following Saturday and she accepted.

When I picked her up she said she had a lot of things to say that I should know. I told her that she didn't have to tell me anything but she insisted on telling me.

"I was wrong to not have listened to you at that party. I need for you to know that I regret it but I can't take it back. Julie told me that she told you I got pregnant because of my stupidity. Dad kicked me out and I had no place to go."

"Jess, you don't need to explain anything to me. If I have a question I'll ask you."

"No, I need to tell you everything, please let me. Jerry, I always liked you and when Rob said you would be at that party I decided to go. I didn't know it was a nude party. I thought it was a swimming party and that's why I wore my bathing suit under my dress.

"I knew my parents wouldn't approve even though I was eighteen but I thought I might be with you. When I saw you and you told me to leave that I didn't belong there I felt really hurt. That's why I went and took the drinks because I was mad at you."

"I'm sorry Jess, it must have come out wrong. I knew what kind of party it was and wanted to protect you," I replied.

"I wasn't use to drinking and got drunk really quick. Rob gave me that marijuana cigarette and it put me in some sort of la la land. Before I knew it he had my dress off and my bathing suit bottom and was having sex with me. When I looked up and saw you I cried. Jess, I was a virgin and that bastard took that from me.

"After that I couldn't believe he let his two buddies have sex with me. I want you to know I didn't want it and I didn't like it. One of your friends Jim, took me home when Rob and his friends were through with me. I took a shower and went to bed. I thought about you and how much you must hate me."

"I don't hate you Jess, I've never hated you. I didn't like seeing you with Rob but there wasn't much I could do about it."

"You know after my dad kicked me out that I lived with Rob and his dad for a number of months. Bob was always good to me but Rob forced me to have sex with him when Bob wasn't there. I didn't have a lot of choice. I really couldn't tell Bob since I was probably carrying Rob's child. When I got bigger Rob said he didn't want a fat pregnant broad and actually brought other women home to have sex with."

"Rob and I got in a big argument and I fell down the stairs and lost the baby. I was taken to the hospital and my sister and mom both came to see me. It was so good to see my mom again, but not under those circumstances. I didn't want to go back to that house. Anita said I could stay with her. I have a room in their basement.

"I started taking night classes to become a medical assistant. I take as many classes as I can. Mom is actually helping me but I don't think dad knows. He hasn't talked to me since I left home. Now, if you don't want to go out with me, I'll understand and you can take me back home."

She gave me pretty much the same story that Julie did except the part where Rob pushed her down the stairs. I could see why she left that part out. "Jess, me and my sister are close, we always have been. She told me most of what you did. The past is the past, we can't change it so let's see what the future brings." She smiled at me as we approached the restaurant.

Dinner was good. Jess and I talked and she told me about her job and school. I asked her if she dated and she told me she had been asked out but always refused. "I guess that whole mess with Rob made me distrust all men," she said.

"Why are you out with me then?" I asked.

She smiled at me. "Jerry, I don't know, I guess I have always kind of liked you and now Julie is my best friend."

One thing that she mentioned that really bothered her was that her dad wouldn't talk to her. In fact he wouldn't even talk to her sister Anita. I thought the man had some real problems but Jessie told me he was a good man but just set in his ways and really stubborn.

After dinner we decided to stop by the local tavern and have a drink and listen to a little music. It was fairly crowded but we found a table. As luck would have it I spotted Rob with two of his cronies sitting at a table with a couple of bar broads.

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Spontaneous Sex With My Best Friend Charika

Hi guys, I am Shiva and this is my second story in ISS. If you haven’t read my first story, please do read it. Thank you for the support that you all gave for my first story. Please keep supporting. Without further ado, let’s get into the story. For those who haven’t read my previous story, I am Shiva, doing my mechanical engineering. The story I’m about to narrate is an incident that happened when I was in 2nd year of college. I had many friends then, among them was a girl named Charika,...

2 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 4 Felicitys First Purification

The Reverend Ebenezer Wilson's erection was straining at his trousers as he led the lovely, naked fourteen-year-old girl into the adjoining room. The sight of her large, heavy breasts and her lush, round bottom as they jiggled and rolled nakedly and displayed the promise of sensual delights made him doubt that he could maintain his plan for her. Felicity looked through drug-dulled eyes at the room as she stumbled into it. There was the big, high bed that she'd noted earlier on one side of...

3 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 5

ELENA The name ‘Prestira Rasloraca’ was familiar to me, and since my worldly news came in the form of barracks gossip, that meant she was probably a big deal. Upon further investigation, I learned that Miss Rasloraca had been First Mage of the Ardeni University for fifty years, which was no small feat. After that, she’d served as Arcane Master under the late Rondar Dreus, the previous regent of the Lowlands, of which Ardeni Dreus was the capital. There were several categories of witches and...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Abby Lee Brazil Briana Banks A Family Of Perverts

When Brazilian newcummer Abby Lee Brazil arrives in America, her host parents Briana Banks and Tommy Pistol turn out to be very warm and friendly people. They are thrilled to have her in their home and family, and they’re eager to teach her some American traditions to help them get acquainted the American way. Like the one where the female houseguest bares her breasts, and removes her pants. Not one to be rude, Abby Lee is quick to adapt to these strange new customs. But when they...

2 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Four

FRIDAY MARCH-25 (Good Friday) It was decided that only Maria and I should be at Heathrow to meet ours and Vikki's parent's plane. Detective Miller kept us company and we were in the same office that Maria and I had been shown into when we were first told of Vikki's kidnapping. The same airport representative, his name was Michael Macauley, was with us as we waited for both sets of parents to be shown into the office. The long flight had given them time to compose themselves just like...

2 years ago
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Vacation by the Sea Part 1

I open my eyes to the sound of waves crashing onto a beach. I almost forgot where I was for a moment as I sat up. The sun was down, I looked over to the clock sitting next to the bed "2:23am" It read. I lay down quickly making the entire bed shake, I roll over to see the most beautiful girl laying next to me. The covers half on her body, barely covering her. I have a great view of her amazing C up boobs and her toned stomach all the way down to her groin area. The moonlight coming in through...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Mom And Me pt7

I lead Janet around her back yard, showing her that no one could see her while she was in her back yard in the nude except for mom or me, if we happen to look out of our bedroom windows, if that is where we happen to be at while she was out sun bathing or working her flower beds in the nude, and even then she had to be up close to her back door for nether mom or me to see her out here.Standing in the middle of Janet's back yard, I pulled her into me and kissed her on the mouth like lovers would...

1 year ago
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Transition FTM and my girlfriend

It was becoming more of a trouble to be free with Nisha as I began my transition. My breast started to deflate and my penis started to grow. She liked none of it, I missed taking her into my arms kissing her, making Love to her. Our only reason to stay together was becoming Sasha our daughter, whom we got into our lives through artificial insemination. I met this girl; she has brown eyes, she's strong lean beautiful hair which was wavy. She looked at me the first time as who I was growing to...

She Males
2 years ago
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Wife had girls weekend so I had GURL weekend pt4

see parts 1 through 3 before reading this.SO it is now Saturday evening and I am trying to find someone to get into me tonight. I had several replies to decide on who to invite over. I wanted a black man that wanted to fuck my ass as well as get sucked. I picked a 35 year old man who said he lived in town and loved breaking in white gurls he said the fact I was married was even better. I have been fucked by black men before but what the hell let him think he is breaking me in.I decided on my...

2 years ago
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Donna from Day Care Ch 02

The next morning, Kevin was awakened earlier than he really wanted to be by Kerry climbing on top of him. He had been having a beautiful dream, in which he was snuggling with Donna in that same bed, and he hated to have it end so abruptly. His son didn’t seem to mind, though, and was eager to get his own day with Donna started. Kevin was too, but he would have preferred to have been allowed to sleep a little longer. However, the thought of spending a whole afternoon, and maybe an evening too,...

3 years ago
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Mom Dom Part 2

ABSOLUTELY NO FRIEND REQUEST ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS ON STORYRead Part 1 first. ==============================================================================A strange series of events had turned my mother into a dominatrix (read part 1) and now she was beating the crap out of me abusing me verbally and physically."You motherfucker! Your asshole is bigger than mine and I was a whore for 10 years!" she said running her index finger roughly along my anus, pulling it open.I heard her spit and...

3 years ago
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Chapter Two Revised Edition A Day at work at the DriveIn from Memory From Years ago

A Day at work at the Drive-In from Memory From Years ago (c) Copyrighted No copying without my permission Thank You I started walking away from their car going back to work at the concession stand . thinking of what I just witnessed I started I was mumbling to myself I wished I had her alone for myself . I sure would have loved fucked her good and hard . I arrived back at the concession stand and began getting ready for business that evening . A little while Later the rest of...

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The Marriage Ch 01

Author’s Note: The premise for this story was simple with only one scene interesting me. I was expecting a short story and ended up with a novel. It has been finished and I will post the chapters as soon as Tim413413 says they are clean. One of these days I will hand Tim a story and it will not return littered with corrections. As always, thank you, Sir Tim. ***** I loved the way her breasts lay on her chest. I drew my finger along the bottom of one, the soft flesh yielding, but firmly...

3 years ago
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She was not amused

It was the pink chiffon and black lace ruffled blouse that did mein. But it was just so very pretty; I just had to try it on! I hadto feel it next to my skin. Thats when she walked in, seeing me in my weekest moment, and her sexiest pink lace bra that I had tossed so carelessly on the bedroom floor. It was about 2 sizes to small and it didnt stretch like other bras did so I dropped it when I couldn't get it around me far enough to hook. I expected...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Confessions Lets Just Fuck Already

Prelude I had already taken two long soaks in the hot tub, but I would have been lying if I said I'd found any relaxation there. In actuality, it had been anything but relaxing. It wouldn't have been fair to blame the tub. The culprit had definitely been the company that I keep. Sure, we'd all had some fun in the hot tub. Watching Paula cum for Scott's talented fingers had made my balls churn. I'd had a hard-on for far too long, and I was determined to rectify that situation by any means...

8 months ago
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SheLovesBlack Armani Black Confirming a Rumor

Hearing an interesting rumor can trigger an individual’s natural curiosity. Armani Black has heard a lot of awesome stories about you from her partner. She feels great now that she can finally look at the man who spent some crazy time with her guy. Armani can’t help but feel curious. She wants to know if the stories she heard are true, especially the rumor that you are well-endowed. The busty brunette wants you to show your cock to her. Armani is quite adamant in wanting to see your...

2 years ago
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Ava and James The Reunion Part 2

Ava pushed through the large double doors emerging into the warm light of a late summers day. Small droplets of water clung to the surface of the plants and trees from a light summer rain earlier in the day. Standing a few feet from the entrance James stands silhouetted in the light as he leans against a fence post to the side of the car park. Looking up from his phone a smile begins to spread across his face, his eyes lighting up as he sees Ava emerging from the building. Spotting him...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The following is a happy little story; I guess it has to be considered 'R' since it has a TG aspect. A happily married couple have sex *blush*, but it isn't explicitly described, and body parts are mentioned *double blush*. My heartfelt thanks goes to the real Teddi Sue for translating my English into Standard English, and her friendship. Thanks to Brandy Dewinter for her story 'Reasonable' - this story is a twist on the best. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to...

4 years ago
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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 9

"We should go looking for him," Bartholomew declared in an anxious but resolute voice. "We just can't sit here and do nothing." "It is exactly what we will do," Ibrahim stated firmly in reply. "We don't know where the boy has gone and to just head out with no forethought is foolish. We must wait until Ishmael has more knowledge." "Then we will wait for a long time," Bartholomew scoffed derisively, chuckling soft when he was done. "Bartholomew," Ibrahim exclaimed with a...

3 years ago
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Horny Pies

"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a white lace garter belt holding up a...

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My Wifersquos New Friend Mike

We are together with my wife. She tells you I’m not ready to please her sexually. My wife then asked you to show me how a genuine man should fuck her. Your say you will be delighted to show me the best way to fuck my wife. You eliminate your clothes and inform us to undress.Your come to me and bounced my tough cock up and down along with your fingers. You inform my wife the issue is my compact dick isn’t huge sufficient for her. You then say, tonight she will really feel the meat of a real man...

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The Squirt

© 2000 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. Hmm... just how the mind thinks is a wonder. Just how the wonder controls the mind is amazing. In answering a feedback email about my stories, I noticed her text and immediately assumed, well, you are just not doing it right. LOL "Great story, I'm not quite a squirter more of a dribbler. But I love reading about other women who can squirt. Keep up the great work." Hmm... How do you do it right? Well,...

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With Office Colleague

HI, my name is Sameer working in an IT firm in pune. My colleague Sarika , she got promoted and was working on the same project with me. Sarika, she was a good looking female , not very hot ,just simple beautiful girl. We have been working on the project for about a year , we use to only have office discussions and nothing more. For giving project details we were called to our Mumbai head office. It was a weeks discussion with our seniors. We started to Mumbai in my car. while on our way i got...

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Fling with coworker part 2

Check out fling with co-worker part 1 before going on. https://xhamster.com/stories/fling-with-co-worker-part-1-9931601. Once we was done and finished up and got resituated. We cleared our heads and went back to work. After a good half hour we was back being flirty and talking sexual to each other. It was a hour left in the day and I checked out and saw an opening and took it. I walked up behind her and wrapped a arm around her waist and place my lips against her ears and spoke. "I cant to make...

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You Gave Me a MountainChapter 2

There I was sitting in the little cafe listening to 'You Gave Me A Mountain' for the fourth time. The waitress walked up and said, "Josh, don't you think you listened to it enough times?" I looked up and there stood Sherry. My best friend from the past. She had tears in her eyes when she looked at me. Me, I was damn near in shock. When I had first come into the cafe, the waitress poured me a cup of coffee, said they were changing shifts and it would be a minute. I had told her that it...

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This is a follow up on my previous story, Dust in the Wind. Knowing that (long) story may put things into context. ‘Dust in the Wind’ – the title of the first story – was obviously borrowed from a song by the rock band ‘Kansas’, For the current story, I had the emotional song ‘Why’ from the Scottish singer ‘Annie Lennox’ on my mind. This story is not based this song – its storyline existed before I decided on the title – but I hope the song, in the back of my mind, somehow added to the...

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Presurgery preparation

I was having trouble with my right foot. I could not figure out what the problem was and absorbed the pain as I needed to fly to Toronto to celebrate the 25 anniversary of my friends as they were renewing their vows.I was taking some pain pills but they worked only enough to alleviated it to the point of tolerable.My friend offered me something called a 222 which can only be purchased in Canada and WOW did it work.Anyway, we came back and I scheduled an appointment with a podiatrist and he...

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My first blowjob

It was my junior year in high school when I had my first sexual experience. I was in marching band and it took up a lot of my time. This is where I met my girlfriend Andrea. I played trumpet, and she played clarinet. Every night after marching band practice was over, Andrea and I would sneak off to a secluded part of the school and make out for about a half hour or so. Jen, who was my ride home, would do the same with her boyfriend John. In fact it seemed like more and more people were catching...

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The Maintenance Man Another Repair Book 2Chapter 4

Mark's anger hadn't dampened the least bit, he could feel the heat of it coursing through his body. Walking out of the make shift control/war room, Mark went through his bag finding his comp. Activating it he waited for a few minutes till the face of the Imperial Space force leader appeared on it. "How close are you," Mark asked tight lipped, "We managed to take out 241 ships including 2 of their command ships, thing is, from what I've seen, they have well over 20,000 ships out...

3 years ago
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Brandons Fuckslut Family Ch 07

Brandon walked into the bedroom where his nieces were all having some tea and cake – totally nude. The girls had become so comfortable being naked in front of their uncle and each other, the clothes had started flying the moment they’d walked through the door hours earlier. They had set about cleaning his house from top to bottom, wearing only their birthday suits, knowing the effect their nudity and teasing was having on their Uncle. They were supposed to have lunch once they’d finished...

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The War of the CrystalsChapter 15 Flying

It was mid-morning when Jack rolled out of bed. The three concubines had worked Jack over for hours the night before, and it had been a real group party. While one of them had been enjoying his cock, the other two were working her over also, usually with the sex toys they had bought. Jack had asked Lisa what Booker & Blakely would do for an ad campaign for the Energizer Bunny if they really wanted people to know what their batteries were being used for. The only answer he got was an...

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Mialing By Arecee Mark Conrad walked into Bellagio casino to spend a little time gambling to relax on the first vacation he'd had in three years. He'd decided on the move to Las Vegas to play, knowing that what happens here stays here. Mark loved playing blackjack and considered himself a good player. Mark was single and knew that if he were to marry, divorce would be just around the corner because Mark is an...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 51 Healing

Sunday, June 20, 1971 I was alone. That in itself was unusual considering how my life had changed in the five weeks since I awoke from killing myself. I was still lying in Ileana's berth, in the Guest Wing of the train. The first thing I noticed was the quiet. Too quiet. I scanned and found that the only other person on the train was Karla. I lifted my left wrist to look at the time. "Damn! I hate not having my watch!" I thought to myself. "Good morning, sleepy head!" Vickie giggled....

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Becoming CHer

I remember when I first felt it - silk. It was the most luxurious fabric my hands had ever touched. My fingers handled it with care in the department store. I was a teenager shopping when I noticed the silk nightgowns donned by the mannequins, draped so elegantly over their bodies. My body responded immediately and I had to buy some. That day, I bought a long nightgown and three pairs of panties - my first purchases in ladies' apparel.In the privacy of my bedroom, I slipped the panties on and...

4 years ago
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Auntie Matters

There was a railroad spike being driven into my forehead, and my stomach clenched with the sudden urge to vomit. I opened my eyes and regretted it instantly, squinting against the dim light in the room as my empty insides lurched violently. Gasping for air and straining against weakness, I rolled on one arm to the side of the bed and found the wastebasket lined with a plastic bag, not giving a thought to how I knew it would be there. My stomach heaved and I retched violently, expelling nothing...

3 years ago
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How I Seduced My Niece Into Sex 8211 Part 4

Hello ISS readers, thank you for your amazing response to all my previous stories. This story is a continuation of one of my old series. You can read the previous parts on the series link. These stories were about my niece Priya with whom I had some great sex when she was 19 years old. I was 38 years then. Priya got married at the age of 23 and was settled in London with her husband. He was doing real estate business of his own which was spread all over the UK. Priya had given birth to a...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 361

The Prison Planet Whenever he had the chance, Morales had sawed out boards, and dug more shelves into the cave wall to store his jerky and other items. Next on the agenda was building something more or less permanent to store the salt in so he could free up the rolling case. He thought about using the big resupply case he had found in the stream, but decided it was far too big for what he needed. Resolving to build something suitable, he delved into the giant database on his computer....

4 years ago
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Preparation for the state titles

The story so far,Sue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. This was unlike me in those days and I could never work out if I did it for revenge or for some other unidentified reason. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of...

Wife Lovers
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Brotherly Voyeurism

Danny and older brother Max had never got on as kids, but by the time they reached their late teens they'd become firm friends. They partied together, and usually got on with each other's girlfriends - when they had them. This summer, though, nineteen-year-old Danny was feeling a bit lost. Max had been dating eighteen-year-old Emma for several weeks, and he'd found himself at a loose end for a lot of the time while Max and Emma had been out enjoying themselves. Max was dating a much younger...

2 years ago
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CD Mistress Cheyenne cant fight the craving for Candy

Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Kelsey Kage Spinner Makes A Masturbation Video

Kelsey Kage was trying to find her old camera so she could make her boyfriend a special video. She was able to spot it, but it was up on the highest shelf in the whole entire house. She had to struggle to get her tiny body to reach, but she finally got it. She then set the camera up on a tripod and began to masturbate her tight slit so her boyfriend could watch this on those long days he spends at work. It will serve as a reminder to him that no matter how hard his day is, he will always have...

3 years ago
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Blowing Brad

Glenda and Rita were bumping into each other as they fought for space in their tiny bedroom. Both were trying on, what seemed like, an endless supply of dresses and jostling for position in front of the only mirror. The two had been roommates for just over a year and, for the most part, got along well in the tight confines of their one bedroom apartment. However, when they were preparing to go out for the evening, like tonight, the jostling and bumping could get on both of their nerves. “Rita,...

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With the Family Part 2

My name was Annie.I was on all fours on the couch, being fucked by two family members.The one fucking my pussy was my father’s brother Joe and the one who had his cock down my throat was my tall blonde Uncle Aidan. Aiden wasn't actually my father's brother but a much more distant relative; I had always called him my uncle.I hummed with the cock deep down my throat, making Uncle Aidan almost buckle to his knees, while thrusting my hips back in Uncle Joe’s direction. Uncle Joe complied by...

4 years ago
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It Started With A Text

“I am eyeball fucking you from across the bar” That’s what the text said. I was sitting in a bar on a Friday night with a girlfriend and her friends. A married couple. I looked at the text again and then I scanned the room. No one seemed to be staring or leering at me. I should have been scared, but instead I was intrigued. I didn’t recognize the number. And trying to show my brave side, I sent a text in return. “Who the fuck is this?” I waited for a reply. A few minutes went by, and nothing. I...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Courier Ch 14

Chapter 14 — A summons from the Grand Duchess On Friday morning at the end of the second week in September, Maria Elena began her normal routine at home before reporting to the university for language tutoring and yet more hedge-trimming. However, no sooner had she reported to work and picked up the hedge trimmer, than her boss told her that she had a call from her Spokeswoman. The news was that she and her translator needed to report immediately to the Central Police Station. Although the...

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Third cock maybe not

Read 'second cock' first! So, I'm hiking most of the day with a boner in my shorts, anticipating seeing my friend from a year ago at that same spot. I arrived, set up camp, ate a little dinner, peered into my little campfire, thinking he won't come. So I'll await the evening and again enjoy a walk around in the meadow naked, feeling the night breeze on my hard on and balls making me horny, so I have to finally sit down and jerk off under the stars. I had pulled out the tequila I had brought and...

3 years ago
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Hot Nymph Next DoorChapter 3

About a week later, Dee and Kelly were home alone one afternoon while Kim and their mother were downtown shopping. "Dee," the girl asked. "Were boys really fucking you when you were my age?" "Sure," the horny redhead said. "I think I was even younger than you, the first time I got fucked." "I think I'd like to try it." "Why don't you?" "Gee," said Kelly. "I don't know how to get a guy to fuck me." "That's no problem," laughed Dee. "Every kid will fuck if he gets...

2 years ago
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A New Friend

I met this girl at work and we would go to lunch and talk at work, she was cute, hair down to her shoulders and had a nice shapely figure a bit on the thick side. We became pretty close at work and built a good friendship. We would talk about her k**s, grandk**s and he non-existent sex life. Well being married and my wife and I had an open relationship. I volunteered to come over and have some fun with her. At first she declined, said she liked me a lot and enjoyed our friendship. She would...

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Mares Tales 28

Mare's Tales - Chapter 28 - by: Beverly Taff Despite it being summer, we arrived in San Francisco in a cold dense fog. To get around the passport problems Bernadette had simply cropped her hair short and worn a thick sloppy sweater to cover her breasts. Until we picked up the new passports she was still registered on my passport as a male child. Her disguise was adequate and she looked like an adolescent boy as she attended to the sails. Our boat drifted silently through the mist...

2 years ago
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I Fell ThroughChapter 16

August 30, 1847 We are getting tired of the dust and grime of travel on the road through this dry desolate area. There seems to be no trees except near the river and that is mostly out of reach due to the steep banks. The men herding the cattle and gathering the fuel for the fire need to go further and further away from the road each day to find anything. This country has been picked over until almost nothing is left. We are seeing more dead cattle and broken down wagons as we get nearer to...

3 years ago
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Daddy Snaps

Daddy Snaps 11/9/2006 Upon entering the house after a particularly rough dayat work you start in on me. I rue the day you started your changeto womanhood. It doesn't help that your sweet mother,my wife, died when you were 11, leaving us on our own. Havingstruggled through your early puberty with the help of youraunt from time to time, we have arrived at your senior year.You are going to graduate this year and I'm doing mybest to make sure that you don't get yourself in "trouble"with boys....


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