Fulfilling Destiny
- 2 years ago
- 34
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“I assume we have reached a bargain, then?” Darkniciad asked.
The man before him pursed his lips for a moment and his brow furrowed. He took a breath, nodded his head, and said, “It’s a square deal.”
“Excellent,” Darkni said while extending a hand. As he shook hands to seal the deal, he said, “We shall stay in touch so you know when to be ready to take delivery. There is, of course, the matter of the advance payment.”
His customer nodded. “I’ll go fetch my gold.”
“My father will handle that. It has been a pleasure doing business with you.” Darkni turned and nodded to his father before exiting the building.
Outside, he let the business facade fall away from his face and sighed. This was the third such arrangement his father had forced him to take the lead on since arriving in town, and he had other things on his mind. Those goals and how to accomplish them swirled in his head, and before he knew it, his father was exiting.
“Well done, son.”
Darkni nodded, ran his fingers through his dark locks, and offered a slight smile. “Have I sufficiently proven my business acumen to have earned some time to myself, perhaps?”
“Very well. Remember that you still represent us even when at leisure. I have several more prospects to explore in this area. I expect to remain for another four days. I may yet need your help, and we shall speak every evening before retiring.”
“Of course. If I may take my leave, then?”
His father sighed and nodded. Darkniciad turned on his heel immediately. Soon enough, he left the brick paved roads for the dusty lanes of the poorer quarter of the city, seeking a very specific establishment. The inn where the workmen of his father’s business were staying was a far cry from the well-appointed one where his own rooms were. The smell of cheap pipe weed and stale sweat lingered beneath the aroma of whatever was cooking for the evening.
Through the dim lighting and haze of smoke, he spotted Ernest sitting at a corner table and crossed the creaking floor boards to join him. The man was one of his father’s wagon drivers, and was only rarely pressed into other service while on a business trip, freeing up his time.
Darkni sat down, doing his best to drop the cultured tongue to which he had grown accustomed for the benefit of his more plainspoken conspirator. “Any luck?” he asked.
“Yep,” Ernest answered. He then nodded toward the bar. “You’ll need to order something. I can already see the bartender giving you the evil eye.”
“We can’t have that, can we?” Darkni turned and signaled a barmaid. He thought that she must have been quite pretty before hard work and long hours had hardened her. She was still curvy and attractive, but the bloom was certainly off the rose. From the crude words and gestures of the other patrons as she passed, it appeared the clientele still found her fetching.
“What can I get you?” she asked with a thoroughly false tone and even falser smile of congeniality.
Darkni pulled a silver coin from his purse and saw her eyes widen. “Bring me a cup of your finest wine, and you may keep what remains for yourself.”
“Our finest isn’t all that good,” she warned. A flirtatious note crept into her voice when she added, “I can make sure the bartender doesn’t water it down and puts it in a clean cup for you, though.”
“That will do,” he said as he held up the coin for her to take. She did so, making sure to let her fingers brush his. A genuine - if somewhat calculating - smile decorated her face as she turned and strutted back toward the bar with her hips swaying.
“If you want to bed her, you just bought her,” Ernest said. “She won’t see that much from the whole of this lot all night. Might steal your purse while you’re all knackered, though.” He took a long look at her behind and said, “Think it would be worth it.”
Darkniciad chuckled. “My father would faint if I even thought about it.”
“True that.”
“The shop?” Darkni enquired.
Ernest tore his eyes away from the barmaid. “Place didn’t even have a sign. I asked about those herbs, and when he had those, I asked about the others. He got a bit antsy then, but I slipped him that coin you gave me and he brightened right up. Said he had a book, too.”
The workman gave the slightest of nods, indicating that someone was approaching. Darkni glanced that way and saw the barmaid carrying his cup.
“Here you are,” she said as she sat the cup down and stood in such a way as to display her womanly charms quite prominently. “Fresh bottle, only opened a few minutes ago. Just long enough for it to breathe.”
“You know your craft. I thank you, my dear,” Darkni said as he lifted his cup. He took a sip, and while it was a relatively poor wine compared to his usual fare, it was passable. “This will do nicely.”
She batted her eyelashes at him and said, “If you need anything, just ask for Milli.”
“I will keep that in mind, Milli.”
Once again, she strutted as she left the table. Ernest let out a quiet whistle once she was out of hearing range. “Yep,” he said, “She’s yours for the askin’. Anyway, he had a book, and he let me see it. It was like you said to look for. The words almost looked like they were crawling on the page. Made my head hurt.”
Darkniciad sat up a little straighter and leaned in at the description.
“It had about fifty pages, and they all had that writing on them. There was some regular writing here and there, but I couldn’t make much more sense out of it than the spidery stuff. A little bigger than the size of your hand.”
It had all the hallmarks of a traveling spellbook, and the number of pages presented a good probability of spells that were new to his studies. Darkni asked, “Was he willing to allow me to visit at such a late hour?”
“He didn’t seem happy about it, but he said yes, so long as he knows you’re coming beforehand.”
“Then let him know I will be there this evening. I should go and be seen somewhere my father expects me,” Darkniciad said as he pushed his chair back.
“You’re going to break her heart,” his conspirator said, and then chuckled.
“Well then,” Darkni said, and fished into his purse. He retrieved a coin of the same size as the one he’d given to the barmaid and pushed it to Ernest. “When you return, you could test your theory about the value of that coin in her eyes. You’ve certainly earned it.”
He picked up the coin. “Doubt it’s worth half as much in my grubby fingers, but it might be worth just enough.”
“Good luck.”
With that, Darkni took his leave. As he moved toward the door, he noticed that Ernest’s prediction was bearing fruit. The barmaid’s shoulders slumped at the sight of him leaving. He felt a stirring in his loins as he considered that his conspirator’s other suggestion might also be true and he could bed the woman if he would only stay and let her take him home.
But, if his father learned of such a liaison, it would jeopardize something far more important. He would almost certainly be left tending the business at home during these trips, rather than having the opportunity to seek out new magic. With just such a possibility on the horizon, he suppressed the swell of ardor with planning.
There was much of that to be done.
The room was quiet, as it had been for an hour. Darkni looked up from his spellbook and trained his eyes on a faintly glowing circle of light set against the wall between his room and his father’s. The older man had barely stirred since his son had last looked in on him. His breaths came slowly and regularly.
It was time.
Darkniciad snapped his spellbook closed and waved a hand. The gesture caused the circle of light to shift from the wall to the door. When he looked outside, he saw the hallway was empty. Gooseflesh prickled his skin as he spoke the words of a spell, his hands flowing through the gestures. When he spoke the last word and dropped his hands in a palm-up sweeping gesture, he was invisible.
A thought extinguished the magical light he had used for reading. After a final look through the portal of clairvoyance, a second thought banished that magic as well. He opened the door only wide enough to exit, closed it quickly, and locked it. The hall remained empty.
The sound coming from the taproom below was a stark reminder that he was far from safely away. The magic was quite effective, but had its limitations. If he were to speak, work any other magic, or touch anyone, the spell would fail, leaving him and his clandestine excursion revealed.
Heart pounding, he crept to the stairs. Finding no one ascending, he made his way down. Between his soft soled shoes and the fine construction, his steps made little sound. The late hour and the nature of the clientele served him well. Those who frequented the establishment were generally wealthy. They had business to attend to in the morning, and had taken to their beds. Those who remained were sitting at their tables rather than roaming about the taproom.
Darkni marked everyone and plotted a path that avoided each person by a wide berth. He slipped through the common room, weaving amidst the tables and chairs, and soon stood beside the door. It was there that he faced the most harrowing part of his journey. Somehow, he must slip out the door without raising undue suspicion.
He watched the people in the room carefully, waiting for the moment when few - or hopefully none - of them were looking toward the door. He was so engrossed in calculating his escape that he almost missed the sound of the latch opening.
Darkniciad flattened himself against the wall and held his breath as someone entered. The man stepped inside, and at the exact moment there was enough room to permit it, Darkni slipped past him and outside. The incoming patron must have felt the breeze of his hasty passage, because he paused and looked outside. Again, Darkni held his breath until the man shook his head and closed the door.
Here too, the lateness of the hour served him well. Few were out and about. The firepots had grown dim, leaving the streets cast in gloom. He made a beeline for the poorer quarter, following the directions Ernest had given him. When the bricks gave way to dirt, he became even more cautious. Here, the deep of the night presented as much danger as opportunity. The raucous sounds coming from a tavern that straddled the border demonstrated that clearly. Here, many were quite accustomed to living their lives in the darkness.
Luck was with him, and the people he encountered took no note of his passage. Soon enough, he stood before the door of the shop Ernest had described. After a long, careful look at his surroundings, he let the invisibility spell drop and knocked on the door.
For a tense minute, he was exposed beneath the shop’s awning, and then he heard footsteps from inside. When the door opened, the owner’s visage betrayed both weariness and irritation.
“I thank you for agreeing to receive me at such a late hour,” Darkni said while giving a bow of his head. “I am Darkniciad, as my man surely told you.”
“He did. Only the color of your coin that’s keeping me here. Inside, before we both get robbed and murdered.”
Darkniciad followed the shopkeeper inside to find the place was a general store that stocked all manner of common items. He saw everything from farm implements to spices in the flickering light of the lanterns that hung from the rafters above.
“Name’s Ferron. I guess you’re interested in the book, huh?” the shopkeeper said as he stepped behind the counter.
“Indeed I am.”
“Well, here you are.”
The book was as Ernest had described it. Darkni picked it up and began to thumb through the pages. After only a few turns, he recognized new spells to add to his knowledge. In all, there were twenty new spells within the volume, the greatest trove he had yet discovered. His father’s training served him well, and he kept his excitement hidden.
“What are you asking for this volume?” Darkni asked.
It was subtle - nothing more than a tilt of the head and a slight widening of the eyes, but the proprietor gave away his surprise. If he wished, Darkni knew he could easily take advantage of the man and acquire the spellbook for far less than its value. There were better ways to exploit the knowledge to his long term gain, however.
“Three gold half crowns,” Ferron answered.
“No, no. I couldn’t possibly pay more than one.”
And so the haggling began. From the very first counteroffer, Darkni could tell that his opponent thoroughly enjoyed this part of his occupation. They argued, espousing and denouncing the value of the book respectively as they edged their offers closer together.
Finally, the shopkeeper thumped his hand on the counter and said, “Two gold half crowns, and not a single copper less.”
It was slightly more than the book was worth to the average wizard, and significantly less than its value to Darkni. He was pleased with the price, and when he said, “Done,” he could see in the man’s eyes that Ferron was pleased as well.
“Very well. Less the silver your man left with me-”
Darkni held up a hand. “No, please. That is for your trouble in receiving me at this late hour. I will pay the full price for the book, and there are a few other purchases I would like to make from your stores as well.”
The man made no attempt to hide his pleasure upon hearing those words.
After selecting a few assorted roots, herbs, and other sundries that were of use to his practice of the Art and accepting the fair price quoted to him, Darkni said, “If I may suggest, many of these items would remain fresh longer were you to keep them in glass rather than earthenware.”
The shopkeeper shrugged. “Suppose so, but glass is expensive.”
“Ah, but it is something you only need to purchase once, which will then increase your profits into perpetuity.”
“Not so much on this rotten end of town.”
“I can see your conundrum there,” Darkni agreed as he counted out his coin.
After pocketing the coins, Ferron said, “I’m not smart enough to outwit you, but I’m smart enough to know when I’ve been whipped. I’m thinking you spend more time on this side of the counter than you do on the other.”
“Much to my chagrin, but yes.”
“My house is right at the edge of the brickway. I live alone and don’t need much space, so I was thinking about converting the front into the shop and selling this place to anyone foolish enough to buy it. What do you think of that?”
After pondering for a moment, Darkni said, “I suspect it would expose you to a higher class of clientele, and your wares do seem to outclass your environs. It would also have the added advantage of a short walk to work.”
“One not filled with cutpurses.”
Darkniciad chuckled. “Quite true. Were it I and I had the funds, it is something I would seriously consider.”
“Funds, not so much.” The man patted his pocket. “Though that’s a bit better after tonight. What I have is folks who owe me favors.”
“As good as coin under the right circumstances. So long as we are speaking of favors, I have a proposition for you. Do you know Arris Wilton in Rantine or Joseph Harold in Deerfield?”
“Arris in passing, but Joseph I’ve had dealings with in the past.”
“I have an arrangement with them and several other businessmen, forming a network that seeks out and quietly acquires the wares of my craft, as well as goods which may demand a higher price in other regions. I would ask that you speak with Joseph and mention me. It could prove advantageous to all of us.”
The man pursed his lips for a moment. “Never knew they dealt in that sort of thing, but then again, they don’t know I do either. Not exactly something you chit-chat about. Joseph is a square dealer, and I’ve heard the same about Arris. Need to head to Deerfield to call in some of those favors, so I’ll look him up.”
“Excellent,” Darkni said, and then reached into his purse. He pulled out a gold half crown and sat it on the counter. “Allow me to aid in your traveling expenses - in exchange for your silence, of course.”
“Hells, I would have kept my mouth shut anyway, but I’ll take your coin.”
“Do so with my blessing. I hope this is the beginning of a long and profitable association.”
Ferron picked up the half crown and said, “Off to a good start from my end.”
“Indeed it is,” Darkni said as he finished gathering up his purchases and stowed them away in the satchel slung over his shoulder.
The urge to delve into the new spells immediately upon returning to his room had been strong, but he had resisted. It was well that he did, because his father called upon him to take the lead on a transaction barely after the crack of dawn. Later, the business profitably concluded, father and son returned to the inn.
Amidst other conversation about the outcome of the trip so far, Darkni’s father mentioned selling the sample glassware they had brought with them to make room for raw materials purchased. Darkniciad did not let the opportunity slip past him.
“During my time yesterday, I visited the shop of a merchant who seeks to better his position. His wares could benefit from glass storage. Since you wish to be rid of the glassware, perhaps we could provide what he needs at a discount.”
“There’s no profit in that.”
“Unless I’m mistaken, there has been little local interest in the glass. It is quite likely we will take a loss regardless.”
“That is true.” His father scratched his chin and said, “You say this man seeks to better himself. How?”
Darkni explained the shopkeeper’s plan to move to the better part of the city, stressing that he already had access to wares worthy of the move.
“Very well,” his father agreed. “A man who is increasing his standing and has a measure of good will toward us could be advantageous.”
“It will take me some time to move the whole of the samples,” Darkni cautioned. “I will need to sell the balance at other locations.”
“Do what is necessary. Any profit will be yours as an added incentive to seek the best prices.”
“If I may borrow Ernest, I will begin at once.”
“You may have him. We will speak again over supper. I expect to be rid of the burden of the glassware before then.”
“Then I shall see you this evening.”
No doubt his father knew he had ulterior motives, but he spoke nothing of it as Darkni stopped and turned toward the inn where Ernest was staying. In short order, he gathered up his conspirator and headed toward the warehouse where they had rented space for their wagons and wares.
“You seem in a cheerful mood for so early in the day,” Darkni suggested as they made their way through the increasingly crowded streets. “The barmaid?”
Ernest flashed a wide smile. “She was a smidge blue that you weren’t coming back at first, but that coin brightened her up. And once she got a look at this...” He reached down and cupped his groin. “Well, that really perked her up. A wild one she is. Those tits look just as good as you imagine they would. I’m thinking your old man’s going to be paying for a room I’m not sleeping in for the rest of the trip.”
“I wouldn’t mention that anywhere he has ears.”
A chuckle shook Ernest. “My momma didn’t raise no fools.”
Soon enough, the two crates of bottles were loaded on a hand cart. Darkniciad did his best to clear a path through the crowded brickway by preceding the cart, though progress was still slow. Once on the dirt roads of the poorer quarter, the going was easier. Without the cover of darkness, the section of town seemed less foreboding than it had the previous evening.
The shop appeared to be doing a reasonably brisk business when the pair arrived. Darkni had to bend down and lift on the front end of the cart to aid Ernest in pushing it over the threshold between the entrance and egress of patrons. When he straightened, the tired-eyed shopkeeper gave him a brief nod. A few minutes later, the counter was free, and the pair approached.
“Again, my apologies for keeping you from your bed,” Darkniciad said.
“This isn’t all you,” Ferron replied. “I called in a couple of those favors last night.”
“I’m pleased to hear you are proceeding. To those ends, I have a selection of glassware which I am able to offer at a discount.”
“Discount, huh? Well, let’s see what you have.”
“If I may make a few suggestions,” Darkni said, and then selected a specific jar from the top crate. He picked out several bottles and jars, pointing out specific wares already in stock to which he believed each item of glassware was suited. He paused several times, allowing the proprietor to conduct business with his customers.
When he finished, Ferron said, “Ain’t no doubt you’ve done this before. That’s a hell of a pitch.”
“Simply my informed opinion, I assure you. Of course, some of these suggestions are contingent upon you completing your move.”
“The more I think on it, the more that’s a certainty. So, how much for that lot?”
Darkni already had a price in mind which would recoup the cost of producing the glass and nothing more. Having observed Ferron’s enjoyment of the art of haggling, he quoted a price somewhat higher. Thus began several minutes of back and forth, occasionally interrupted by patrons of the shop. As had happened the night before, they settled on a price that pleased them both, and was a few coppers more than Darkniciad had originally set out to obtain.
“Done, then?” Ferron asked, extending his hand.
“Done,” Darkni agreed as he took the proprietor’s hand to seal the deal.
“I’ll get your coin.” He paused for a moment as he turned and chuckled. “It actually is your coin, come to think of it.”
“Far from all of it, but I do believe you are correct.”
Ernest looked down into the crates and said, “Well, that lightened the load quite a bit.”
“Unfortunately, I need to be rid of the rest before evening and I have no further leads.”
The shopkeeper put the coins down on the counter and said, “Well, since I’m keeping a secret for you, I don’t suppose it’s much of an ask for you to keep one for me. If you want to get rid of those little etched bottles at a decent price, I know where you could sell them.”
“That would be of great assistance, but what is this matter of a secret?”
Ferron took a look around the shop, though it had been empty since the most recent customer had left. “The two cathouses on the brickway. I do a little trading with them on the sly. Looks bad for me to take my wares there or have them come in, so can’t do that. Nobody looks twice at an unmarried man stopping in for a woman, though. I just wear something with deep pockets.”
“I’m afraid I’m in rather the same position as you are, save your deception will not work for me.”
Ernest said, “I could go. Your father doesn’t worry over how I spend my time when he doesn’t have something for me to do. Just tell me what you want me to tell them, and how much you actually want for them when they try to barter.”
“First thing they’ll try to do is barter their services,” Ferron warned.
“Heh,” Ernest chuckled. “They can stick their tits in my face the whole time and I’ll still be asking for coin. Milli would be right put out if I wasn’t ready for her tonight.”
Darkniciad scratched his chin. “Hmm ... Still, we have been seen together. It wouldn’t do for you to be seen pushing a cart into a brothel.”
“Guessing deep pockets will work for me too. Those little bottles don’t take up much room.”
Ferron said, “I’m thinking you’ll get close to what you’d normally sell them for. The local glassmaker won’t sell them a damn thing, and they like having fancy things for their rose water and talc. They have to send their guards down the road to other towns to spend most of their coin, and they’ve got a fair amount of it. Part of why I can keep a lot of the wares I do is selling to them.”
“That could indeed be worth the risk,” Darkni said. “Moving those at a higher price would make the profit on the remainder irrelevant.”
“If that’s the case, then you could scratch up some good will for yourself and your father.” Ferron tapped his finger on the counter. “Sell what’s left to Talia the healer cheap on account of her good works. The high and mighty come to her, and if she’s singing your praises, it could go a long way.”
Seeing something in Ferron’s expression, Darkni asked, “Might I be so bold as to suggest you’ve taken advantage of that advice yourself?”
“That I have, and it’s served me well.”
“Then I shall be guided by you.”
“And I’ll start stuffing my pockets,” Ernest said.
Darkniciad was in good spirits a couple of hours later as he stepped onto a trail revealed to him by Talia the healer. His father had been impressed by the speed at which he had dispensed with the glassware. Ernest had come close to obtaining the full market value of all the bottles and jars at the brothels. Conversation with the healer had even revealed that there were several plants growing within the local wood that were useful to his study of magic.
Only a few steps along the trail through the woodland, he found an abundance of dwarf beard moss clinging to the trees. In a scant few minutes, he had more than he was likely to use in a year. A shrub provided berries that were useful in healing and he was certain had magical uses as well.
Here a sprig of leaves. There a root. In less than an hour, he had gathered enough useful flora to push the limits of what his knapsack would hold. Though most assuredly a city-dweller, Darkni found the walk through the wood pleasant and continued on as much for the peaceful surroundings as for locating further tools of his chosen trade.
The birds were chirping and a gentle breeze stirred the leaves of the trees as he followed the well-worn path. He had no idea who regularly trod it, but for the moment, he had it to himself and little worry of becoming lost.
Golden sunlight indicated a break in the trees, though the trail turned to run parallel to it. Not being familiar with the area, Darkniciad chose to remain on the trail for a while longer before reversing course to return to the city. As he passed by the gap in the foliage, the hair on the back of his neck stood up.
The sensation brought him to a halt because it was both familiar and alien at the same time. It felt like the touch of magic, but was somehow different. Made curious, he stepped off the trail. The feeling grew stronger with every step through the underbrush toward the sunlight.
When he reached the edge of the trees, he saw nothing more than a field of grass and golden seed stalks. There was nothing he could see to account for the aura of magic he could still feel swirling around him.
But there was more than one way to see.
Darkni concentrated and let his vision slip into the second sight - a wizard’s way of seeing the magic in the world. The motes of magic surrounding him resembled a bank of fog, occluding his normal vision. As he stared into the mystical miasma, it dawned on him that this was the purpose of the magic. It was an illusion.
Knowing that, the spell had no power over him, and he could see the instrument of that magic. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as he beheld a stunning - and very nude - young woman cavorting amidst the waving blades of grass.
Blonde hair fluttered in the wind and whipped with her movements. It was long enough to reach below her waist and tickle the swell of her bottom, which he got a very good look at when she spun to face away from him.
She turned again, and his eyes focused of their own accord on her breasts. The perfect teardrops jiggled only slightly despite her dance, looking large on her petite frame. The rosy pink tips were surrounded by only slightly larger ovals. Though they were in fact the only breasts he had ever seen, the thought passed through Darkniciad’s head that they surely had to be the most beautiful in all the world.
The firm globes were only further accentuated when she lifted both her hands and her face toward the sky above. She wore a dazzling smile, and her eyes glimmered with joy above a perfectly proportioned, dainty nose.
The woman turned and leapt, letting him see one long, shapely leg. It also drew his attention to the light blonde curls between those legs. He had no idea how long he was watching her before the awe faded and his face began to burn.
Embarrassed, he turned away and returned with purpose to the trail. Despite his determination, he could still see her in his mind’s eye as plainly as if she were still standing before him. He stopped, blew out a sharp breath, and lifted a hand to massage his temples, trying to compose himself.
“You have magic.”
Darkni started and spun on his heel upon hearing the voice. There was no mistaking the woman from the field, even though she had donned a light shift. It barely reached mid thigh - covering her, but in such a way as to make her all the more enticing.
“I beg your pardon?” he said, trying to keep his voice measured as he stalled for time and a better response.
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Well, here's the deal, I entered this story in a contest, unfortunately for me it wasn't selected as a finalist. Luckily for you guys you get to read it before the contest begins since the rights have been released back to me now. I ask that you accept it as a slightly rewritten version of the original (which I found much too short for my style of writing) and send your comments and votes to let me know how I'd have done if it had been chosen. For this I give you my heart felt thanks. So, here...
SupernaturalDestiny by The Dream Weaver There are many who believe that a persons destiny cannot be altered. In some cases, though, the magic that comes from a meeting of two souls can intervene and cause destiny to rewrite itself. The desires of mortals are sometimes taken in to consideration by the Gods and they bestow a gift for the sake of love. Chapter 1 Angel laughed so suddenly, she choked on the soda she had been drinking. "Jeez, Ian" she sputtered, "warn me next time you are...
I'm almost a bit embarassed to be offering this up as my first story. I've been writing stories on and off for almost as long as I've been reading them, and I have a huge backlog of half-finished stories that are a lot longer and a lot more meaningful. But since TGfiction is little more than a passing hobby of mine, my progress on them has been slow. I'm sure I'll get them all finished and submitted eventually. Until then, enjoy this bit of fluff, a story so short that I could actually...
Dear Friends, This is my first attempt of penning down an encounter in my life which still fills my heart with strong feelings. I am basically from Goa, having my business operating from there. Because of my business compulsions I need to travel to neighboring state cities especially Belgaum, Dharwad, Hubli etc. This happened in those days when I was travelling back from Belgaum to Goa during the month of July. There a shorter route which is actually a forest internal road. This road is open to...
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the rights to any anime or anime characters mentioned, especially Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, the character of Nene Romanova (Both property of Studio AIC), or Evangelion's Misato Katsuragi (Property of GAINAX) or their voice actors. The Ken character however, is based loosely on me. May contain traces of OOC, and slight 2040 and EVA spoilers. KENS DESTINY By Apsm My name is Ken. Well, it used to be, but it's the events of why it used to be that way,...
As strange as it may sound to some, my best friend is a lesbian. I'm a divorced, thirty-two year old male that flies a helicopter for the Washington State Police. Denise is the twenty-eight year old paramedic/observer that works with me every day. Both of us are sworn troopers and both of us have done street time of course - it's a departmental requirement - but, due to the specialty skills we possess, we found ourselves fast-tracked through the mandatory patrol time and put as quickly as was...
(note from Author? (note from Author?.. This is my first attempt at writing a story?feedback is welcome. Thank you. ) It began simply enough, a dream, a wish, nothing more than a reoccurring fantasy. That simple beginning has plummeted into a mass of complex feelings and emotions, leaving me in this current situation. I steal a quick glance into my rear- view mirror and I take stalk of the reflection I see staring back at me. Strong, yet feminine features, warm brown eyes...
Well, here’s the deal, I entered this story in a contest, unfortunately for me it wasn’t selected as a finalist. Luckily for you guys you get to read it before the contest begins since the rights have been released back to me now. I ask that you accept it as a slightly rewritten version of the original (which I found much too short for my style of writing) and send your comments and votes to let me know how I’d have done if it had been chosen. For this I give you my heart felt thanks. So, here...
Your alarm interupts yet another deep and peaceful dream. You frantically search for your phone on your wooden bedside table to switch off the repetitive alarm sound blasting into your ear. You turn it off and sit up in your bed, the sunshine seeping through the curtains, nearly blinding you. You stand up and stretch your muscles, still half asleep. You get ready for your boring office job as you usually would, take a shower, get dressed, breakfast, brush your teeth and out the door for 8am. As...
FantasyOn a day like any other you are walking out of your home to buy something in a hurry. On the sidewalk is a strange glistening surface floating in the air. Humanity didn't end up where it is now by ignoring things that stimulate its natural curiosity. You do the only sensible thing and touch it to see what it is. To your surprise what you had taken for a surface is a hole! As soon as you put a finger in it you are sucked into it to reappear in the dark immensity of space. A large figure,...
"You're joking... Please tell me you're joking!""Jacob, I'm sorry," said a mildly sympathetic voice from the opposite end of the phone, the owner of the voice's attention firmly on the last minute touches of her up-do hairstyle. "No, Courtney, you're not. You call me an hour before prom to tell me you're going with your ex instead? You know what? Fuck off!" As Jacob put up a strong front he was broken on the inside.He threw his phone across his bedroom and ran downstairs. In his moment of rage,...
To many I am quite mild mannered and sort of quiet, but my friends on the Internet see a different side of me and this is what inspired this story so I'd like to thank my dear friends for this story. Conrad Lee Dedicated To: Michael one of my friends in the darkness. Dancing With Destiny By Conrad Lee Tara sat quietly at home awaiting the arrival of her husband Martin from work. He was late as usual so she decided to take in a little television while she waited, all she...
Hello friends, am back with another story which of my friend Nisha. Well I am a beginner right now so would appreciate your feedback and inputs to improve. You can email me at Well Nisha is a high society woman, married to a rich business tycoon and lives in Delhi. She got gorgeous figure and do what every rich woman do to be fit and slim. She’s 29 years old, 5’10 height, 36C boobs size, and always wear a tight fit dress to show her well maintained figure over the dress. Rajeev (her husband)...
48 saal ki hotel manager aunty ne choodvaya Hi friend, how are you??? May be all are fine, mera naam rohit he aur me ek privet company me job karta hu, me aapko meri ek ajibo garib hakikat batana chahta hu, muje ek 48 saal ki hotel malkin ne blackmail kiya aur jordar hardcore aur pussy sex karvaya, meri age 26 he aur yeh kissa 2 sal pehle ka hai jab my pehli baar chandigarh aya tha kafi raat ho chuki thi sayad 10 baje the, is liye mene thyan nahi diya ke who kounsi hotel thi, Maine counter par...
How Jim Discovered Destiny By Jill Tice (send comments to [email protected] thanx!) Jim was a good fellow, very amiable and kind to all he sees, but yet his life, however, was a living hell of crestfallen, dolorous misery on account of the cruel way all the puerile, immature kids at Jim's school treated him. They always insisted on laughing at him and teasing him at school, never seeing his true self deep within which was brutally evil and unkind of them to ignore. "This blows!"...
Ms. Destiny By Heather Alexander © 2004 Isobel Hunt was sitting at her desk outside her boss's office she was typing away at the keyboard of her computer finishing off the dictation that he had given her earlier that day. When she felt and a pair of hands grab her around the shoulders; which was made her jump out of her skin she looked up and saw the smiling face of her boss looking down at her; his beady his had a glint in them which made her feel queasy. "How's my little...
By the (Personnel) Book - Chapter 5 By some aggressive flirting and a little luck, I had succeeded in pushing by my encounter with Ken Anderson to the next day, but I knew that the respite was only temporary. The best thing I had going for me was that the changes forced upon me - the porn star breasts, lips and other plastic surgery, combined with dramatic makeup and clothing -- had an unintended effect. To put it crudely, my appearance made men go hard and women get wet. And...
MICHAEL'S DESTINY By Betty Noone We have all read stories about a girl trapped in his boy's body. He knows he should be and is a girl. But what of the very rare instances where one is born a boy, wants to be a boy, is a boy, but has the physical appearance of a girl? This is the story of Michael. Christopher (Chris) and Velma Ingersen were delighted when Michael was born. They already had a daughter who is now four and one half years old and they wanted a boy. And what a...
????? BOND OF DESTINY??????????? by YamiNoHikari written: April 17th 2006 Genre: RPGFrom : Crossover Anime-Game DICLAIMER: I don't have anything to do when using the characters from animes and games. I do have all the original characters, but the anime-game characters belong to their respective owners. updates for chapter 05:- new original characters Miscellanious Things 1. Original Characters ????? a. Hikaru -Original-????? S/he is a human with two forms, one as a male and another as a...
I’m talking to myself again. So what? Who else would listen? God, it hurts. It hurts so bad. I knew it was coming. But there’s no way I could have prepared for this. The pain’s deep down inside my fucking chest. The feeling of emptiness is unreal. The loneliness. I’m gonna lose it. I just know I’m gonna lose my mind. They’re going to put me away somewhere. A place where the world can forget about me. But I won’t forget. I can’t. Maybe I should just end it. It? Yes, it. End it all. It can’t...
A prince is following a stream he should have found hours ago. Somewhere, hours ago when the sun had started to set he had taken the right turn, at the wrong fork on a stream. Hours later this is where he was, in a secluded part of his dominion, lost. It wasn't the first time, and hopefully it would be the last time. The sun had finally set an hour ago, with him realizing he was utterly lost. He hoped that at least he could find a good place to camp, and get better luck in...
We couldn’t get off each other. The whole day was full of people playing games; that excitement of Christmas Eve was running right through the boys at the house. But our priority was making up for lost time. As soon as I got to see his gorgeous features again after his endless vacation, I couldn’t help but devour his luscious lips. He felt pretty much the same. At lunch we caught up so much, he told tales of his wonderful trip to the Caribbean and meeting the hottest tanned hunks ever described...
"Man it was warm!" She knocked again. There were sounds inside and Jezebel looked up and down the dirty run down street, the row of homes sprouting washing balconies and loud rap music. She'd been working her way along the houses for maybe an hour. The street was experiencing power problems and it had not taken long to decide someone was messing with the power companies fuse boxes. Someone was probably tying to over ride the meters. That always seemed to be the case. A stunted...
‘Clothes shopping, with two kids, no less’ Michelle muttered as she moved from store to store in her local mall. Kids in tow, she continued thru each store hunting for back-to-school buys. As she flipped back and forth between the racks of clothes, her eyes locked on the back of man’s head. Wavy black hair, broad in shoulders – a weightlifter’s build walking at the very back of the store. Her heart fluttered – ‘that’s exactly how I picture him,’ she thought. Her eyes closed as she melted away...
Many thought they have experimented with the idea of love and sex but never felt the passion another can give. Is there really anyone out there that can give both to another and the same back? Sometimes thinking there is no hope and just wanting to give up, all emotions are pushed aside and just go on with life as best as they could. Until one night, everything changed and she would never be the same again when she met him. He had piercing hazel eyes and a voice that just melted her away with...
Aris walked along the secluded section of Grecian shore, enjoying the view of the ocean after a breathtaking sunrise. All too soon, he would have to return home, and he wanted to fix the splendor of his ancestral homeland firmly in his mind.It had been a great stroke of luck that his far distant relatives still living here had made contact, providing him with an affordable place for an extended stay prior to entering college. The icing on the cake had been the leader of the dig site he’d...
Monster SexYou sit at the back of the bus, looking at the book in your lap with bleary eyes. It's after midnight and you've been on the road for an hour, but instead of being tired everyone else on the bus is acting like they're at a party. You're the only guy. Being the only guy is the one perk of being the manager for the school's senior cheer team. The girls are shouting and passing around several bottles of Scotch, celebrating the basketball team's big win earlier. "Girls!" yells Ms. Samson from the...
Mind ControlKairi had been friends with Sora and Riku for years now, but it was always frustrating trying to shop for birthday presents for him. You'd think the youngest person of their little group would have tons of things he'd want for gifts, but apparently he'd been a buddhist monk or something in a past life, because there was never anything he seemed to want much. Well, other than adventure, but you can't really box that up and give it to someone, now can you? Even with Selphie's help brainstorming,...
Michael Scott was sat at his desk looking out of the third floor window of his office. He could see Portsmouth Guildhall which was a large building built around 1900 or so and unlike the 1960's style of the Civic Offices it was quite gothic looking.It was a medium sized venue for music and theatre but most importantly he could see the large clock on the tower and it was getting close to 4pm and it was Friday. Michael was happy because he could leave behind the very grey and dull world of...
My name is Marcus Smith. I am the 12th son of a very large family. We smiths have always been good breeders. But in the Europe now a days with food becoming scarce and land expensive. Our very way of life is being threatened. Sure you have your Aristotle's with their philosophy and your Galileo's with dem science doo hickeys. But the only thing we Smith's know how to do is have sex and babies LOTS of babies with LOTS of different women. Bedside's with my father going around humping every misses...
FantasyThis is a spin off of the Morris Family, I wanted to put some background on Yuuko. Thanks to frogprince for his help editing it. I was raised to be the proper wife of a person I had never met. Behave well, don’t talk unless spoken to and don’t think more than what I am told. That was until I got the opportunity of my life and a view of the world that had been hidden from me forever. During my last year of high school, I won a scholarship to a university in the US. Without thinking twice I left...
IncestHi friends I am harry again with my new experience …friend if u have liked my previous stories plz message me on planet Romeo I’d harry_brar120 and plz leave a feedback for this story as well in the comment section as well as on PR ….one thing I want to tell u I don’t write any fake story and am always looking for new experiences so that can write a story on it …..it’s a hard task and only ur comments will encourage me to grow … Now coming on to the story …as u all know I am a slutty bottom gay...
Gay MaleHello everyone. I am Sunny (name changed) and i currently live in Delhi. This whole episode happened when i was a young teenager aged 18. Since my dad has a transferrable job, we keep shifting every 3 years. It so happened we had to move to Vishakhapatnam and my dad was posted in a township 20 outside the city so we moved into a good house and were looking for a maid and found one called Paaru. She was 18 when she joined. About her, she had a really good figure, i believe she was 34-28-36. And...
This real life story is dedicated to all Saluting cocks & Hungry pussies. Here comes the Passionate Lover with a new story altogether. Just to give you a short intro, I am Neeraj presently in Hyderabad, working in an MNC. I love Passionate Love Making & hopefully searching for someone matching my needs. do contact me at : To start with the story, this happened when I was about to buy a new Sim Card.So I E-mailed the customer care expressing my interest in buying a new vodafone postpaid sim...
Hi guys , i am jake bringing to you my 1st story..i am 20yrs old and live in Bangalore still doing my 2nd year b.com ! We often wonder why we dont have a girl when we are single and it was one such day . I was walking on the first floor of a mall and it was then i looked into a window advertisement looking at a hot girl in the cover . Wow she was amazing ! I am very good looking 5.9 feet tall and with an athletic body and i have been in many relationships, as i was saying i was looking at that...
It all started 10 years ago. I was 14 and a young girl in a medium sized city in Belgium. Not the most popular girl, looking quite innocent (what I was at that age), athletic and doing the girlish things girls of that age do. I had quite some girlfriends at school and as school was mixed, I also got my first kisses at that age. I said athletic, because back then, I was the top sports girl of my class. After school I trained athletics in a local club. I was especially well trained in...
Before i actually start writing the story, i want to make an announcement! Ok, hi there, im new here! Im not exactly an experienced writer. Quite the opposite actually. This is my first story that ill be writing. So if you see any form of mistake, that be grammatically or in general please let me know. (I've probably butchered this first intro already) I don't really have much of an aim for this storyline, its more like an experimental story if you catch my drift. If this goes well, or you guys...
LesbianChapter 1: The accident It was drizzling. The weather was as gloomy as my heart. Well, almost as gloomy, as nothing could be as dismal as my feeling. I turned on the headlight, switched on the wiper, and continued driving home in silence. Linda was also silent, staring at the traffic ahead of us. We were returning home from the cemetery, where Linda's mom Brenda was lying in peace. What happened exactly one year ago, the biggest tragedy in my life, seems like it just happened the day...
Aris walked along the secluded section of Grecian shore, enjoying the view of the ocean after a breathtaking sunrise. All too soon, he would have to return home, and he wanted to fix the splendor of his ancestral homeland firmly in his mind. It had been a great stroke of luck that his far distant relatives still living here had made contact, providing him with an affordable place for an extended stay prior to entering college. The icing on the cake had been the leader of the dig site he’d...
Nadia walked into the cold, dimly lit dungeon like room. The dampness hung in the air like a heavy stench suffocating anyone in its path. Water leaked from the ceiling, dripping onto the stony floor making it colder than it should have been. She never would have known about this place if she hadn't overheard the girls in the locker room mumbling about a guy they had tied up for eight days. The knowledge made her gasp, but she was careful to make sure no-one heard her. How could they do such a...
Aside from the fact that one of the participants was the single highest-ranking officer currently on Thule, this was not all that much different than any other date meeting that two underage kids had dragged their parents into in the history of Thule. Samantha wore her "home" hockey jersey, a pair of sandals and a winning smile. The jersey covered more than a concubine shift, but also allowed her to quickly adjust her dress appropriately if it turned out that the pod was full of naturists....
SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 2001 Four weeks of camp. Almost a month away from the real world. No email. No IMing. Probably not any phone calls. No more seeing Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne on a daily basis to remind me how much I'd sabotaged my own happiness. No seeing Abbie and Allie to remind me that this wasn't just a game and how close I'd come to ruining my life. Sure, I'd miss my friends. But I needed a break. Last year, I couldn't read in the family van while we cruised up Highway 5...
Penn awoke in the darkness of the cave. He knew that he had been unconscious for a long time. But how long? There was no natural light in this place. He might have been unconscious for an hour, or a day. Who could know? Maybe a thousand years had passed! The cave was quiet, and Penn thought it deserted. "Penn, my love. I am glad you are awake." It was not Pamela who spoke. "I have been waiting for a long time to feel you, to really feel you, Penn. It is a memory I shall treasure...
100% fiction! After shifting to village i was quite upset. My new college in the village too was boring . There was only one bus as a mean of transport. The only thing exciting me was i was alone with my mom. She is a lady of 40 with 40 d breast size. She is an awesome figure which will make every man who see her to take her to bed. My dad was such a fool that he divorced this awesome figure. Finally the college day came to an end and my vacation started. It was awesome summer. Mom had bought a...
IncestShe'd come to Michael's apartment for a simple discussion, that was all. But somehow she had ended up like this, about to become the bull's-eye for a perverted game of target practice. She'd already taken off her delicate silk blouse to keep it from being ruined, and her large tits hung heavily as they strained against the lacy white cups of her bra. Donna knew she shouldn't allow this wicked scene to progress any further, and yet she couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so...
Not even in her wildest dreams did Donna ever expect to be in the position she now found herself in. Down on the floor, kneeling in front of her only c***d, the stacked blonde mother had her head tilted back against the edge of her son's bed.She'd come to Michael's apartment for a simple discussion, that was all. But somehow she had ended up like this, about to become the bull's-eye for a perverted game of target practice. She'd already taken off her delicate silk blouse to keep it from being...
I had my first real experience with sex when I was 16. I didn’t find out till sometime later that it was called being dominated. That summer I was staying with my Uncle. He and my Aunt had divorced and technically he was no longer related to me, but to me he was & still is my favorite Uncle. Uncle Bill was that cool Uncle that all my friends wished they had. He liked to party, and he had no problem letting my cousin Mike and I do it too as long as we did it with him. The first night...
It was late on a dark story night, and Destiny’s fantasy was about to become reality. Wayne leaned in towards Destiny and his sweet lips met hers in a passionate kiss, Destiny melted in his arms. Wayne’s hands with those long fingers of his traveled down her sides, and rested on her hips for a short moment before he began to remove her sexy black lace top that didn’t leave much to the imagination. He began kissing down starting from her lips, to her chin, her neck, moving down slowly kissing...
I had my first real experience with sex when I was 18. I didn’t find out till sometime later that it was called being dominated. That summer I was staying with my Uncle. He and my Aunt had divorced and technically he was no longer related to me, but to me he was & still is my favorite Uncle. Uncle Bill was that cool Uncle that all my friends wished they had. He liked to party, and he had no problem letting my cousin Mike and I do it too as long as we did it with him. The first night it...
Facing Erika But my bliss was short lived. I was abruptly wakened from my dreamlike state by a jarring shove into my shoulders that snapped my neck back and sent me reeling forward to the floor. I tried to reach out my arms and break my fall, but one hand was pinned between my pantied crotch and thighs. I reached out with the other and managed to get it in front of me, but it only tended to cause me to roll to the side, throwing my shoulder into the floor and toppling me...
This is the second of my Lost Gods stories, the first being "Imprisoned". However, this is not a sequel and they are not directly connected so you do not have to have read Imprisoned first in order to read this one. Facing Justice By Morpheus It was near the end of a very long day. It had been yet another day of hearing constant excuses and sob stories. Of being surrounded by criminals and liars, some of the worst of which were the lawyers. I had long since realized that...