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Brittany Rogers peered through the store's broad front windows, carefully inspecting each inch of the nearly deserted parking lot. Satisfied, she unlocked the door, set the alarm and slipped outside in the required thirty seconds. She locked both top and bottom locks and scurried towards her car. As she went, she nervously scanned the area, her head swiveling. Twice she turned and walked backwards a few steps to check behind her.

Why had she stayed so late, she berated herself silently. Trying to finish her sales reports, which darn well would have waited until the morning was her admittedly foolish answer. She had become absorbed and had not noticed how quickly time had passed. She had planned to not only be out of the office before dark, but to be home. Not walking through the deserted parking lot of a deserted strip mall. She wished she had opened her office across town where the big 24/7 store assured that there was always someone else around, even if the rent would have been triple what she paid here.

How could she have lost track of time on, of all nights, THIS night? She shivered, clutched her keys and looked around even more, peering into darkened corners where the alleys between the sections of stores loomed as black holes. This was Halloween. For ten years Halloween night had meant death for a woman in this city.

The police were out in force, she knew. But they had been for the last two years, ever since some enterprising reporter had put everything together and revealed that for the previous eight years a lone woman had been found stabbed to death on the eve of All Saints Day. Each murder had been determined to have taken place before midnight. No details had been made public, but rumors painted a lurid picture of disembowelment and mutilation that reportedly had shocked even the hardened detectives who investigated the crimes. The police had mustered every available officer since then, but had not succeeded in stopping the killings.

Brittany shivered again. There was her car. Only ten steps away. The hair on the back of her neck seemed to stand up and she broke into a run. Reaching her car, she fumbled with the keys. In her nervousness she dropped them on her first attempt to unlock her car. The second was no more successful, as she tried to insert the key in the lock upside-down. Finally she heard the reassuring "click" of the lock and sighed.

It was at that very moment when she felt safe, that she heard the sound behind her. It was a sound that froze the blood in her veins. It was a deep chuckle and she sensed the menace even as she jerked her head over her shoulder and looked.

All she could see was an outline. The form was so dark it blended into the shadows as though the lights of the parking light turned away from it. Straining, she caught a glimpse of eyes under a hat brim. And Hell was in those eyes as surely as it was in the reflection of the light off the long, gleaming knife that appeared.

Brittany tried to move. She willed her fingers to open the car door, her legs to run, her arms to lift in hopeless protection of her body. She stood like a statue, as though the glance of the figure had turned her to stone. All she could do was whimper deep in her throat as he approached. He was within three steps of her when somehow she regained the use of one part of her body and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Officer Christina Windser smothered a yawn and snuck a look at the time. Nearly 11:30. She had been on duty over ten hours now, with only a hasty stop for a sandwich and a soft drink for a break. Her shift had ended two hours ago but, like almost all her fellow shift mates, she had remained on duty. The Halloween killer had not struck so far. Perhaps the saturation effort of the department would pay off tonight. More officers were on foot patrol in the heavily populated areas of the city rather than in their cars. Those were assisted by the Police reserve officers and the auxiliary cops. All volunteers, the former were certified and trained while the auxiliaries had only a short departmental training course. Christina had heard that if this show of force was not enough to prevent a murder tonight that there was already discussion about having the Governor call out the National Guard next year.

Jack would love that. Home less than a year from a tour in Iraq, he had had enough of alley ways and foot patrols and being in danger. Of course, being a First Lieutenant in his Guard unit, he probably wouldn't be walking the roads or manning a barricade if it came to that next year.

The attractive blonde officer scolded herself. She had been mechanically scanning the back of the business center she was checking, pointing the remote controlled spotlight on each service door, each barred window, each gap between the buildings. While she had been on the job long enough that she would have immediately noticed something wrong with anything she passed, she needed her full attention on what she was doing. What if she drove into a restaurant's grease collector as Danny Ubick had a few months ago while he was half turned watching a pretty girl? He was NEVER going to live that down.

She eased the steering wheel over to swing around the corner. She checked the darkened drive through window of the pharmacy that marked the last business on this end of the strip. Now she would check the front doors. She considered getting out of the car and walking the front, rattling the doors as she did. She had just decided not to, that there was no point in her being foolish about exposing herself, when movement in the parking lot caught her attention. Frowning, she started to turn the spotlight on the lone car when she heard the scream.

Her reaction was automatic. She slammed her right foot down on the accelerator. She flicked on the high beams and then cut on the blue lights. Her other foot pressed the floor mounted radio button. As she reported the situation she saw a figure turn and begin to run towards a gap in the buildings. The lights of her cruiser illuminated the knife clutched in one hand. She turned in the direction of the fleeing outline, chasing it until it disappeared in the dimly lit alley.

Stomping on the brakes, she slid sideways to block the entrance and leapt from the car. She shouted the information into her shoulder mike that she was in foot pursuit of an armed suspect possibly the Halloween Killer. Drawing her service weapon, she started after the subject, calling on him, as she thought the figure seemed male, to halt.

Between one step and another the world seemed to slow to a crawl. Dimly, she could hear dispatch acknowledging her. She could hear the woman still screaming out by the car. She could hear the sound of distant sirens and blowing engines as her fellow officers rushed to her assistance. Her mind flashed back to last night, to snuggling on the couch with Jack, with their three year old daughter Cassie tucked between them. Jack had finished grading the tests his 10th grade history students had taken that day and it had been just cool enough to make lighting a fire possible. The warmth surrounding her, from the flames, from her husband pressed against her, from her daughter sleeping with her head pillowed against her all took Chris away to a safe place. The place was so safe that as she forced her mind back to reality for the first time she felt fear and a desire to leap back into her patrol car and wait for backup.

She couldn't. The fleeing suspect was still in sight. She had read last year's reports. They thought they had him trapped but had never been able to find him. Worse, however he had slipped through the cordon, he had done so with enough time to hunt down and murder his annual victim before midnight.

All of those thoughts flashed through her mind in less time than it took for the suspect to take a complete step. Chris took off down the alleyway, her eyes fixed on the fleeing form. He disappeared around the corner, ignoring her demands for him to halt. Sprinting ahead, she reached out and hooked a concrete pole protecting the corner from wayward drivers. Still running, she used her momentum to spin herself around the corner.

The blow was so hard that at first she didn't feel any pain. It felt like a punch to her stomach. Only when she looked down and saw the hilt of the knife protruding from her body, right under the bottom of her Kevlar vest, did the agony hit home. She wanted to scream but she couldn't find the breath. It HURT. Oh God it hurt.

A mocking laugh reached her ears. An unshaven face, full of deadly glee, thrust itself forward, so close she could smell his bad breath.

"Oh this time I topped it all," he sneered. "I killed me a bitch cop."

Suddenly his face twisted in surprise and agony. Chris could barely feel her finger pulling the trigger, but the muffled roar between them assured her that her S&W .40 cal had fired. She fired again and then once more. He tumbled backwards, falling to the ground, pulling the knife free from her as he did.

For a moment she swayed on her feet. Her pistol fell from her nerveless fingers. She covered the cold pain in her lower belly with both hands, her knees giving way. Then she collapsed sideways. A detached part of her mind noted the slight pain from the scrape of the concrete on her cheek. Her hands were wet and sticky, and she knew why. Her mind grasped what was happening and she started to pray.

"Hail Mary, full of grace..."

Headlights and splashing blue lights filled her world. Car doors slammed and feet pounded on the cement, nearing her.

"The Lord is with thee..."

Gentle hands rolled her over. From the sounds of the cries she looked as bad as she felt.

"Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit..."

She managed to pick out her Sergeant's face among those clustering over her. His hands were on her wound, his body shaking with the effort to stop the bleeding.

"Of thy womb, Jesus..."

People were screaming for an ambulance, for bandages, for a dust-off helicopter. Those cries should be loud, but they were getting so very faint now.

"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners..."

The faces of her fellow cops were gone. It was quiet now. All she could see were her husband and her daughter. They were smiling and she tried to reach out to them.

"Now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

It was very dark now. Then she could see a light. Not the "light at the end of a tunnel" she had heard about, but rather a light that seemed to grow all around her. There was a figure standing beside her. An old man, he leaned on a cane looking at her with pride and just a hint of disapproval.

"I thought I might see my grandmother, or my uncle. Perhaps my friend Beth."

Chris was almost astounded at how calm she felt. She knew she was dead but somehow the feelings were not of loss or fear but of peace.

"Yes, well, normally they would be. But I wanted to talk to you first. By the way, I'm very proud of what you did. Had you not stopped him this night would have been more terrible than ever. He would have crossed paths with a family before midnight." The old man stared off for a moment. "But you stopped him. Granted, you cut that corner too close and look what happened. But you are brave and determined and that's why I wanted to talk to you before you move on."

He took Chris' arm and turned her a bit. "I want you to see this."

The old man waved his free hand and it seemed like an opening appeared into another place. Chris gasped when she saw the killer standing, his hands on his hips. He was facing another figure, a figure so dark that it seemed to repel light.

"I fulfilled my yearly bargain," the man insisted. He seemed defiant, but he also was trying not to cringe too openly before the dark shape.

"So you did," replied the black shape. The words were clear and distinct without any accent or forced menace. Chris shivered involuntarily as though she had caught sight of a poisonous snake curled up at her feet.

"Three more times," said the dark form. "That's the seventh time you have been killed. Three more and you're mine, according to the bargain."

The picture faded. Chris found herself standing close to the old man. Somehow she knew that his presence protected her even from the dark evil she had just witnessed.

"He made a bargain, with, with..." Chris avoided the word, as though naming that entity could summon him.

"With Satan," finished the old man. "He," and Chris knew which "He" the old man meant, "Offered that man a deal. He could continue to live as long as he kills one woman each year, on the eve of All Souls' Day. However, should he himself be killed ten times, then the bargain is over and he's forfeit. Tonight was the seventh time he has been killed."

"Why don't you stop him?" burst out Chris. "I can't believe you let things happen like that."

"First off Christina, I'm not God, but one of his servants. Secondly, God allows things like that because he will not interfere with his greatest gift, free will. Mankind perpetuates the evil, mankind must stop it."

Chris looked at the old man. Servant or not, she could feel the power radiating from him. "What do you want me to do?" she asked.

A smile crinkled his face. "Good girl!" Somehow the comment, which once might have angered her as condescending, was anything but that. Instead, it was a high compliment. "I want you to stop him. Three more times."

Chris took a deep breath that she didn't need. "Okay." she said simply.

The man waved his hand again and another man appeared. Young and at the same time old, his pale face was unlined and serene. He was dressed all in black. He nodded respectfully to the old man and then smiled at her.

"This is Seth," introduced the old man. "He is one of my associates and will look after you. Whenever you have a question that you really need help to answer, call for him." The old man raised both hands. Light shone around them, seeming to come from him as though it could no longer be restrained by his facade. Then Chris was laying in bed, curled up on her side and blinking the sleep from her eyes.

She threw back the covers and swung her legs to the floor. Groaning slightly, she stumbled to the bathroom, scratching an itch on her side as she did. Good Lord her mouth tasted awful. She spread her feet before the toilet and braced one arm against the wall. Even as she began to wonder just what the hell she was doing and why her other hand had dropped down in front of her, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror mounted over the sink.

"Holy SHIT!"

"What is it?" came a muffled female voice from the bedroom.

"Errr, stubbed my toe, Angela." Somehow the name came from her lips automatically.

"Well, with what you had to drink last night, I can't say I'm surprised. Again," came a tart reply.

Chris examined the image in the mirror. Flush faced and fleshy, with sagging cheeks and a thick neck. She needed a shave, she noted. And a haircut. Jack would never allow himself to get this disheveled. Then she looked down, particularly at what she held in her right hand, which was directing a stream into the porcelain bowl. Mostly into the bowl, as she noted the seat was down and her aim wasn't perfect.

"Seth," she whispered. "What the," she paused, Unable to think of an expletive she could use to what she was sure was an angel she simply asked, "What is going ON?"

The black clad figure was beside her in an instant. "Oh, you're awake."

"Damn, I was hoping I was still asleep and dreaming." Chris realized she was still holding her penis and hastily released it. Okay, would you please explain why I'm standing here with a five o'clock shadow, a beer belly and a hangover? I mean, is this some take-off on 'Heaven Can Wait'? Or perhaps this is an unaired episode of 'Quantum Leap'."

Seth didn't bat an eyelash. "A bit of both, perhaps. I won't be tapping on any hand-held computer but you are going to be the only one who can see and hear me."

"Okay, so who am I and why is this happening?"

"You are you, Christina. However you are sharing a body with Charley Lightner. Charley is not aware of you, but you are in control, at least for now. He's a nice guy who has let everything get into a rut; his job, his marriage, his entire life. He's a construction worker, he drinks too much, spends too much time with his friends and not enough home with his wife. He actually wants to do better but he just can't summon the determination. So you are going to help him. And in return, come October 31st, IF you have arranged things properly, you will meet and defeat your opponent.

Chris opened her mouth but Seth beat her to it. "NO, you could not and cannot come back as yourself. Its months after your death. Your husband and daughter are just beginning to come to terms with losing you. Showing up in any shape or form would only cause trouble."

He looked at her sternly. "ANY shape of form. If you attempt to find them and see them, action will have to be taken to prevent it. I'm sorry, but its best for all concerned."

"Okay," reluctantly admitted Chris. "But what am I to DO?" she almost wailed. "I don't know anything about Charley, or Angela in there, anything about his job, his habits," she stumbled, blushing, "Their sex life. ANYTHING!"

"Charley is not gone. Just give him free rein and the daily life will take care of itself. However, you need to give him some direction and get him in shape to handle the confrontation that will take place in six months. Don't just 'Take over' although when need be you can be in control. Work with him." Then Seth was gone.

Following directions, Chris somehow relaxed and let Charley follow his morning routine. She showered, shaved (with only a couple of nicks) and grabbed a cup of hot coffee from the kitchen before sitting down at the chipped plastic table. A few minutes later Angela appeared to serve the breakfast that Chris had seen on the stove.

Chris studied the other woman. She appeared to be a match age-wise with Charley, around 30. About 5'4 she wore a few extra pounds around her waist and bottom. She had light brown hair done up in curlers at the moment and was wearing a bathrobe. The legs peeking out were shapely but in need of tightening up a bit. But then ... Chris studied the body she was in and couldn't suppress a groan.

"Serves you right," came the tart reply. "I wish just once you would come home at a decent hour not reeking of smoke and beer..." The litany went on. Chris listened to it with half an ear, which was more attention than Charley gave to it, she noted. Still, it sounded pretty justified to her.

"I'm sorry," she finally said when Angela wound down. She hastily finished eating, went and brushed her teeth and left. Angela was at the door and handed Charley his lunch pail. A brief smack on the cheek was what she was given in return. That wasn't good, Chris thought. Sure, she and Jack didn't give each other Clark Gable/Vivian Leigh kisses every time one of them went to work, but they were a lot more affectionate than this.

Chris sat back, allowing Charley to drive his pickup to the worksite. She definitely let him take the lead in the carpentry work that was his profession. She just watched and listened as he spared with and worked with his fellow construction workers.

The only time she wanted to butt in was during lunch. True to form, the guys sat down together and proceeded to eat, and whistle at every passing woman. Chris had got some of that when she first started on the force; the comments, the innuendoes, the outright offers. However by firmly standing her ground she had stopped them and earned the respect of her fellow cops. But she wasn't here to make fellow workers politically correct.

The 5 o'clock whistle blew and everyone scampered for their vehicles. One of Charley's buddies, Joe, yelled to Charley that they were going to Flanigann's. Apparently acceptance of the invitation was assumed. Shocked looks appeared when Chris firmly announced "Sorry guys, I got something I have to do this afternoon."

That thing was to stop by a gym and purchase a membership. Chris considered where to start. Due to his job, Charley had good upper body strength, but no wind and no stamina. His agility was nil, due in a large part to the fat around his middle, and she shuddered to think what his cholesterol count was. That was all she needed, to have him have a heart attack from exertion when she confronted the killer, They certainly were not going to indulge in Tae-Kwon-Do, her favorite workout. By the time she had changed clothes, carefully ignoring the fact she was surrounded by half-naked men, she had decided that she would start with the treadmill.

God, it was even worse than she thought. Five minutes and Charley was gasping for breath. They weren't even running. She pushed him, keeping his pulse elevated to the right level and gave him a good, if limited, workout. She returned to the locker room and decided to take a shower here before going home.

That wasn't the greatest idea she had ever had, Chris decided five minutes later. After all, she had never been in a man's shower room before. Being surrounded by nude male bodies, some of which were QUITE attractive, was more than she had counted on. She closed her eyes, concentrated, washed up as quickly as possible, and fled as soon as she could.

Angela was quite surprised to have Charley home at a reasonable hour, even though he fell asleep watching TV. Dinner was good, Angela making an only slightly barbed comment about "Wasn't it nice to eat it hot for a change". Chris just smiled in return and agreed.

The next morning was almost as bad as the first. This time, instead of a hangover though, the pain was caused from the previous day's workout. A couple of hastily swallowed aspirins helped though along with the coffee, as well as a chance to actually relax a bit and talk with Angela over breakfast.

As Charley drove to work, Chris thought over what she had observed so far. Getting Charley in shape was going to be work, but was something that could be accomplished. Knitting the gap between Charley and Angela was going to be harder. the morning conversation had been pleasant, but impersonal. There didn't seem to be any real connection between the two people. It was as though they were simply sharing the same house, the same bed. Well, nothing good ever came easy.

Charley staggered away from the health club that afternoon, mentally protesting at the sudden drive to get him in shape and wondering where the impetus was coming from. Still, it did feel better to wake up without the usual headache. Even the aches and pains from the exercise that somehow he seemed almost compelled to do seemed to be lessening. And he admitted that Angela wasn't on his case all the time.

Saturday morning came and Charley cut the grass around their small two bedroom tract house and made some minor repairs that Angela asked him to do. Asked him, Charley noted, not nagged him. Not even when he took a break in the hottest part of the day and watched the baseball game and had a couple of beers, the first he had all week he realized. Well, he smiled, that might make tonight even better than usual.

Chris had been content to simply sit back and watch. She HAD made Charley drink water when he got hot while mowing the grass but that had been about it. She had wondered what the building excitement was all about, but had not delved into Charley's thoughts. It wasn't until bedtime when Chris realized what had Charley excited was that Saturday night was his and Angela's "Do It" night.

"Oh CRAP! Okay, calm down Christina," she thought. "Maybe this isn't so bad. Think of it as a learning experience. Something to reflect on, experience the other side. Find out what you could have done for Jack to increase his pleasure."

Resolutions were all very good, but Chris nearly screamed for Seth to get her out of this body when she felt Charley's cock start to stiffen. She looked down in amazement as it grew. She felt dizzy. Well, no wonder, as the amount of blood it must take to engorge this thing couldn't leave much at the top.

Then Charley was rolling on top of Angela, who spread her legs and guided him into her as the couple kissed. Chris made a mental note that Charley's kissing left a good bit to be desired, but at least it was enthusiastic. She could feel Angela's body moving under Charley. It felt good to feel her rounded and soft curves. Quite different from Jack's firm and lean body. Her mouth tasted different also. And the feel of Angela's pussy engulfing Charley's cock. No wonder guys like this so much. It really felt good.

Charley heaved up and down, moaning and gasping as he thrust into Angela. Chris noted that Charley felt increased excitement that he was able to move faster and with more vigor than last week. Angela seemed to be responding also, verbally and physically. Then Charley was yelling and Chris shuddered herself in the throes of her first male orgasm. Shared though it was, it felt damn good too.

Angela had cried out and bucked wildly under Charley and told him how good he was. Chris snorted. "Fake an orgasm there much honey?" She herself hadn't done that in years and even then she was better at it than Angela was. But Charley didn't seem to notice and fell asleep shortly afterwards. Chris slept when Charley slept somehow, but tonight she stayed awake after he was snoring. That allowed her to notice when Angela slipped from the bed and snuck into the bathroom. Straining, Chris could hear squishing sounds and figured Angela was finishing herself off.

No wonder, she admitted to herself. That wasn't much. basically no foreplay, no cuddling and not much time in the saddle either. okay, she was really going to have to work on this. But, she searched Charley's memory, it wasn't all his fault. Maybe Angela wasn't getting much, but she wasn't helping either. She needed to be a bit more vocal in letting him know what pleased her. She sensed Charley WANTED to sexually satisfy his wife but didn't know how.

Sunday morning came. After breakfast Angela got ready for church. Charley didn't usually go with her, but Chris figured that not only was this a good opportunity for the couple to spend some time together but she herself darn well needed it.

Good Catholic girl (well, mostly she reminded herself) that she was, Chris was unaccustomed to the Protestant church that the couple attended but sat back and enjoyed the service. She reminded herself that the roads to God were many, that no one denomination had a lock on heaven by itself. And Angela was happy that Charley was with her.

The next week passed, and then the next. After a while they seemed to blur together, as Chris felt herself doing with Charley. She now thought of the body as "Theirs" rather than "His". Charley was working out at the gym of his own accord now. He had never been an athlete, but he had been active when younger and he enjoyed getting back into shape. Angela also enjoyed Charley's increased vigor. Chris had been subtlety coaching Charley on how to please a woman. Not a lot at any one time. She had to laugh, thinking what Angela's reaction might be if Charley suddenly began to act on everything that Chris wanted him to learn.

First she instructed him in foreplay, how to use his lips and his fingers to excite his wife. She taught him where to touch her. She admitted that the first time Charley went down on Angela she almost started running again. After all, what Charley felt she felt, and the sensation of their shared tongue dipping inside of a woman was just about too much for her straight, church-going self to handle. But she did.

The biggest thing she managed to do was to get Charley to talk to Angela about their sex life, to ask her how she felt and what she wanted to do. To Charley's surprise, she confessed that she had always wanted to try oral sex on him, but had always worried that he would think her some kind of slut for suggesting it.

Charley was so excited by the idea that Chris couldn't understand how he could possibly be conscious. His cock had grown to a size matched only by one she had caught a glimpse of in the shower at the gym. He stretched out and Angela bent over him.

Good GOD. Charley let out a moan that rattled the windows when Angela's mouth slid over his raging hardon. Chris chimed in silently. No wonder guys loved this. No wonder Jack always had a grin on his face when she suggested this, or simply surprised him by blowing him. The sensations were incredible. It felt completely different than she remembered when Jack went down on her.

Angela was a bit clumsy, but determination kept her going even when it looked like she was about to pass out from lack of air. She never stopped, not even when Charley warned her about the buildup that was about to explode. Indeed, she rammed her head down even farther on the straining shaft and rode Charley's squirms and upheavals as his balls emptied themselves in Angela's mouth. After a pause to recover the duo (or was it a trio Chris wondered?) made love, slowly, sweetly, attending to each other's needs.

Of course things weren't always smooth sailing. Sometimes Chris wanted to pound BOTH Charley and Angela's heads together. She also forgot sometimes she was in a male body that didn't move the same way her original one did. Not only did she get an occasional bump and bruise, she once got Charley to attempt a position that she as Christina had strained to get into and Angela seriously thought she was going to have to call the paramedics when his back went out. But she persevered.

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PATRICK DERMAN (Wednesday 12/7) Joy and sexual fulfillment roared over me in a towering wave of sensation. I screamed as my dick went steel-hard in a heartbeat and pumped out cum like a fire hose. I turned towards Valerie, and she was falling out of her desk! Her back was arched so far it was only a couple inches from the floor; she was screaming too, with her eyes closed and her head thrown back. She had one hand buried between her legs and the other squeezing one of her breasts so hard it...

2 years ago
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Lost Toys 7 Day of the Night of the DawnChapter 2 Evening of the Dawn

Dawn Rhodes – Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 No Sara. No Melody. I wanted to and feared to volunteer to be the third tongue stud. I wanted to be someone other than a utility to Matt. An utility. An umbrella. A yellow flower. Fuck English. He was tired and happy as he washed my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. That was the worst part of my slavery, enjoying it. No one did, not all the time, but it was trivial to find some moments were I loved it. It had just been a warm afternoon....

1 year ago
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The plan was that you would go ahead and get the motel room and we would meet you there about 10am. As we arrive I see your car is already there, and so I tell Heidi, "well it looks like Bev has made it and so all looks good at this point." As Heidi and I enter the motel room we find you sitting in a chair dressed in a very sexy black dress, a wrap around sort of a thing that falls to each side of your legs as you sit there exposing your excellent legs up to mid thigh....

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 36

I did some advance work for my plan. I called his house when I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be in. I spoke to Sunny and asked her to tell Jeff I would be by for him around 7:30, maybe a few minutes later. ‘Is everything okay?’ she asked. ‘You sound a little funny.’ ‘No, everything’s great.’ In that moment I learned a key lesson about lying. I had practiced lying all my life and I considered myself quite good at it. Pick the emotion, the stress level, the sincerity you want to portray, feel...

3 years ago
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First time I tried it I almost bled to death, a Bic razor is useless, cuts down the base of my shaft and 7 or 8 on my sack, can you imagine trying to put band-aid on a scrotumSo Veet, jees that stuff burns, I looked like it had been napalmed lol, bright red sores and the pain well that's something else,I really should have read the reviews first hahathis one had me in tears Veet -- the Men Hair Removal Gel Creme (from hell) . . .By John W. Osborne Jr. - 30 July 2012After having been told my...

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Retribution Continues

Marty and Susie knew it had been a mistake. Zoe, their 21-year-old daughter had enjoyed full disciplinary control over her parents, and they both knew she was very annoyed with them. They had all agreed Zoe would have control over them for 6 months and that period was nearly up. Susie was soon to return to being the maternal disciplinarian, albeit Marty was unlikely to see any significant difference as Susie had always spanked him in any case. He was going to be spanked by someone and to him it...

2 years ago
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Fucking a Reluctant Sitter

My babysitter, Melissa was downstairs watching my son while I was working in my office upstairs. My wife was at work so we needed Melissa to watch Mark so I could get my work done. Melissa was very plain looking and was about 5'4" tall and around 120 lbs and had dark brown hair. She just put Mark in for a nap and was watching TV when I called her up to my office. It was her 18th birthday."Happy Birthday Melissa!" I handed her 3 presents. "Open this one first." She said "THANKS MR C!"She opened...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Andi Rose Chloe Temple You Owe Me An Orgasm

Chloe Temple has been dumped just a little while ago. She’s already having a hard time with the breakup, but ten minutes later her ex posts some photos of him with another girl! Andi Rose, Chloe’s roommate, is here for Chloe. They’re sitting together in the kitchen when Andi goes to get a soda. She asks if Chloe wants one, but then discovers that she has taken the last one. Andi jokes that since she took the last pop, she owed Chloe an orgasm. Chloe tries to laugh it off, but...

2 years ago
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Community Moving OnChapter 14

Doug Smith’s turn: Lord, this is tough, and I never thought I’d be quitting to a little redhead, about a third my age. But family is family, and it has to be done. Rigorously, I should call Anders Solheim, but it’s really all about Cindy. When push comes to shove, he does whatever she tells him. Hell, we ALL do whatever she says. I punch her speed-dial. She answered: “Good morning, Mister Doug. It’s a pleasure to hear from you! What’s going on?” I said, “And good morning to you, Doctor...

4 years ago
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I Am Such a Fool

Most people wouldn't tell of the stupid things they have done. I wanted to tell my story so that other men out there wouldn't make the same stupid mistakes that I have. I'm a forty-five year old man who has been married since I was nineteen. I have two grown children who are now married and on their own. I grew up in a small town, could be Anywhere, USA. I met my wife, Glenna, when we were kids. We started dating as teenagers. She got pregnant shortly before graduation. We got married...

3 years ago
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The Test

“Come on, it will be fun” my wife said. She was suggesting we go down to the local club where one of our friends was hanging out on a Saturday night. It was already 10 pm – a time where, sad to say , at age 59 I was already thinking about going to sleep. But one thing I like about Sue is that she is spontaneous, so before you know it I agreed. Of course it took some time for her to pick out her outfit – a short black dress that showed off her wonderful legs. Even though she is 54 years old...

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On the second evening of the Yangtze River cruise, I slipped on deck and saw two women from our tour group kissing. They had found a niche formed by some superstructure and a lifeboat, where they thought they would be hidden, where they thought they could see anyone who approached. I slid to a shadowed area and watched them kiss. They were roommates, but more, always together. Any time one was there, the other was close. Of course there had been friendly speculation that they were gay, but...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Busty Agent Closes The Deal

Voluptuous real estate agent Sofia Lee closes the deal of a lifetime when she uses her big tits as a bargaining tool to get the asking price she wants from Max Fonda. The busty brunette knows that seduction is the key to success, so when she meets Max at the estate in a very racy black minidress and lacy stockings, she’s going into this meeting with the upper hand. Her big natural tits, gorgeous face, and curvy ass all make her an appealing agent, but what really seals the deal is when...

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DemiGodChapter 14 Distractions

Talamia's gentle, even breathing lightly tickled Jake's chest. They had fallen asleep together hours before, but Jake only needed an hour or two of rest each night, and he had exhausted poor Talamia. With their limbs so entangled, he had not seen a way to extricate himself without waking her, so he gazed into her exquisite features and lost himself to introspection. In the brief time since he had possessed this power, he had made mistakes; that, of course, must be expected. But there was...

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Lessons in Love Chapter 1

Welcome to my first ever story. It is just that pure fiction.I already have inappropriate feelings for my young college student Jess, but it was impossible not to accept the offer to help her with her calculus revision. I stupidly hoped or thought that maybe she had some feelings for me; wishful thinking I know but she drove me crazy. Those deep blue eyes must have melted many a man’s heart, but surely I was not wrong, that extra long gaze and quarter smile were a sure sign she was...

4 years ago
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Jens lesson part II

Grayson watched as his pet walked painfully to the table. He called it the kitchen table, but it was in fact her punishment table. He cleaned up the area where he had spanked her and took out a few instruments for her pussy spanking. He opened the cabinet and got out a small black leather paddle, about the size of his hand, and a smaller thinner cane that was making his dick squirm as he thought about using it on her pussy. Jen walked down the long hall way looking at the pictures of her and...

1 year ago
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Patriarchal Deception

This book is a continuation of a branch in the main story, ‘Patriarch’. This book contains spoilers from ‘Patriarch’ and expects you to have read the main branch of the story, or the plot won’t make sense, really. Thomas steps inside of John’s room, enjoying how all the women’s faces light up. With access to John’s memories, he can see the memories John has of each woman, picking their name up easily. Felicia and Dawn, John’s cousin and his sister, are calmly chatting with Aurelia, Thomas’ own...

2 years ago
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Angels TaleChapter 20

When she got up in the morning, Angel realized that she hadn't told her parents about the meeting. In fact, she hadn't figured out what to tell them about the meeting. In fact, there were a lot of things she needed to tell them. And despite Lena's reasoning, it could still come back to haunt her. Still ... it was time. Putting the conversation off, she showered and dressed before going downstairs. When she thought about doing her makeup and hair, she faced the fact that she was just...

3 years ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 19 Mummy Boy Camp welcome

Obviously our arrival had been witnessed because we'd hardly reached the gates before they opened and two armed guards escorted us to an office in the main building where a burly Tumalian greeted us with a surprisingly friendly smile. "So you are the ones who wanted to sample the delights of our camp. I'm Captain Quaro." He extended his hand in Sumala's direction but I stepped forward and shook it. "Elaine Eves, and no, we didn't wish to come here but the Major had other...

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School Friends turn into Adult Friends

The metalcore music was pounding as we drank our beer, bourbon, or whatever alcohol by a fire. We smoked some weed and we talked about the old days and what clowns we were at school. I was getting pretty drunk, I think we all were. There was Jacko, who at school was my best friend (but I hadn’t seen him for a few years). Then there was Roger and Theo, the Terrible-Twins (I never could tell me apart and still can’t). I tolerated the Twins because they were Jacko’s cousins. After some time...

2 years ago
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We are two women in Holy Communion with the feminine. We sit quietly on the couch. I am wrapped in a silk bath robe. The sensation of the fabric on my bare body arouses me. As I shift my posture the cloth rubs my nipples driving me to distraction. And you are so close I feel the heat of your body. Your demure eyes reflect the firelight in sparkles of green luster. Your scarlet hair falls like ocean waves. Your dimpled face looks like a school girl. The fresh smell of freesia wafting from your...

1 year ago
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Mazaa Aa Gaya Swapping Mein

Hi friends this is my first story, i am regular reader of Indian sex stories & lot of stories sounds real & some are fakes but all stories are interested because i think anything about sex or fantasies always give pleasure, so without wasting your time i just narrate my story to all of my readers & before narrating my story i apologize for using some bad language which is part of this story. First of all i introduce myself i am Lalit age 36 with average build from Delhi running my small...

1 year ago
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DirtyWivesClub Rachel Starr 22941

Rachel Starr isn’t getting what she needs from her husband — a good fuck! He’s always out, but he still wants her to be satisfied. The horny brunette’s been thinking about her neighbor lately and how bad she wants to ride his cock, so she rings up her hubby and asks him if it’s ok that she nails him. Her man is so turned on by the idea of her hotwifing spouse that he says yes! Next thing you know, Rachel’s in the shower soaping up that fat big ass and those big beautiful tits of hers in...

3 years ago
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My wife took his virginity

My wife took his virginity. I have written here and elsewhere, about the fact that my wife likes exposing herself to me, and occasionally to others. This took place one night, which started off as a normal Saturday night in a pub, in the town where we lived at the time, which was within easy walking distance of our home. The pub we were in was one of a well known chain of Irish pubs. We always liked the atmosphere there, and used it quite frequently. This evening was the same as usual, until a...

Wife Lovers
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BFFs Kelsey Kage Maddie Winters Alissa Avni My First Girlfriend

Kelsey Kage was headed off to college. Her best friend Maddie Winters was going to come over to see her off. Kelsey low key had a crush on Maddie all her life. She wants to try and make something happen before she goes away. As they were chatting in Kelseys hot room, the girls took off their shirts, then things started to get real. Kelsey admitted her love for Maddie, and it turns out she also felt the same way. The girls began to kiss and fool around for a little then relocated to the other...

1 year ago
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Maid to tune

Aish had joined mita madam's house as a house maid. She used to live in the servant quarters and visited her village only once a year. She got a decent income and was taken care wellby her mistress. Mita madam had thought well in advance before hiring her. She was quite aroused by the swelte maid, her 36c boobs, healthy waist, and broad buttocks ( gaand). She was a lesbian, and aish was unaware of it. Mita alwasy took good care of her and made it a point to touch aish whenever posibble...

Erotic Fiction
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My friends dad

It was Christmas break and I was already afraid that prospects for sexwould be getting slim now that Brad would be going home to his family forthe holidays. We were roommates and lovers, and our sex was everybit as hotas the first time we got it on. Brad was a junior, a year ahead of me. Hewas one sexy guy, about 6'2" and 190 lbs. of pure All-American jockmuscle. He had boy-next-door looks to match, with slightly blonde hair andpiercing green eyes that he often kept hidden with the rim of his...

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Daubed Doors and Coated Candies

The Schmidt family shivered at the terrifying orders, shouting and screaming echoing down Oranienburger Strasse. Once or twice a pistol went off. The Jewish quarter was alive with fear, the Star of David daubed on doors, the painted swastikas, street by street, every night for days. Now it was their turn, the rap on the door speaking volumes of doom. “We have been expecting you,” Schmidt said resignedly to the solitary tall, thin blond man in the black leather coat of an officer of the Waffen...

2 years ago
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Pleasure and business

"Ahhh... fuck!" Moans a pretty little blonde who is on your dick but her moans are muffled very quickly when her mouth is assaulted by the lips of her brunette friend who is sitting on your face. After a while of you constantly pumping in and out of the blonde, you feel her tight vagina tense up. "Ahhhhh!" She moans as she is cumming. She releases the lips of her friend and throws her head back. She then completely stops moving and soon enough rolls to the side and off of your dick. The...

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The March of the RoseChapter 17

The party delayed their departure for three days while Anastasia and Beriwen tended Tristan. Graydon had explained to the rest of the party about the attack and that he felt it was not an isolated incident. He went on to express his concern that perhaps the others could be targets as well. With that information in mind it was decided that the members would not leave the confines of the inn until they were ready to depart. Graydon, accompanied by Dunin, went out to the front gates and...

1 year ago
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Beyond the Limit

By Homealone_447 Gabrielle was an entry-level programmer at Virtual Dreams Inc., one of the fastest growing companies in the country. She wondered why the Director wanted to see her. There were rumors about a serious problem with the central processor but she had no idea what it was or what she could do about it. “Hi Gabrielle, please come in. Take a seat.” “Hello Sir.” The Director’s office was enormous. Gabrielle felt a little intimidated while she walked the long distance from...

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I Need It Bad

I NEED IT BAD I just got laid the other night by a more than willing friend but that was days ago. The pussy was good and I released a healthy cum load on her belly. Maybe because of the combination of a long, demanding workweek and trying to abstain from masturbation, I needed pussy now. I can barely sleep for want of pussy. Perhaps I can call another friend, Mona, to help me out. I hadn’t seen her in a while and sex is always incredible. She has full fluffy tits that I can suckle on while I...

4 years ago
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Alex and Sophie Pt2

I’ve had my first orgasm, but now I’m craving more, one thing is for certain, he won’t be able to drive through this; “Pull over Alex.”** I was craving her pussy, and as soon as those words dropped from her lips I knew I was going to get it. We weren’t far from a local wooded area and I sped my way along the well known roads, the aching in my loins only spurring me on to drive ever faster. We arrived, and I turned the engine off. We jumped out of our seats and clambered into the back of the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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I fucked neighbor aunty

I am 5 .5 Ft in height, well built slim and got a Capacity to carry 1 ton on my shoulder my waist size is 32 and i Live in Mumbai from my birth and now i am 28 . I would like to Introduce my aunty ( my neighbor ) who stays in the same road her Husband is a business man who goes in the morning 7’o clock and come Back only in the evening around 10 clock in the night as they a shop In the downtown ( centre of the city ) about 5- 10 Kms from our Place he is a very close friend to my father he is 32...

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Once Upon a Time Goldilocks Gets Lost Again

Readers: This is just a short fantasy fable in which I present a revised version of a classic fairytale. I wrote this tale in response to a question I asked myself. Whatever happened after the little girl with golden locks got away from the three bears? This is my answer. Once upon a time, and long ago A woodcutter and hunter, I was. I lived alone in the deep, dark woods. I preferred my life of solitude and uninterrupted contentment. I had no interest in being in the company of...

3 years ago
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E is for Exhibitionist

I know that you’re watching me. You’re mixed in with the crowd. It’s so easy to get lost here, especially if you’re trying, and I know you want to remain hidden so that you can observe. I thought about having a few drinks, or perhaps smoking a joint, and really letting my inhibitions go, but the truth is, the knowledge that you’re out there is all I really need to let loose. It’s our little secret, after all, that I get off on it. An exhibitionist, you said with a devious smile. Oh, that look,...

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Helping Out A Coworker

I met Sara while I was working security for a local banking enterprise. She worked in the customer service department, and I did security for the bank. Sara was a curvy girl with a fantastic smile and eyes. She dressed stylish and fashionable. In the summer she would wear beautiful colorful dresses that flowed down just past her knees, revealing powerful calves. I found Sara beautiful in her unique way, and she had my interest from the beginning.Our friendship started very casually. I would be...

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I arrived at my friend’s apartment unannounced, late and half dronk. I’d been drinking and after starting to drive home decided I’d better not. Bob’s apartment was in a direct line from where I was to my own place so I stopped to crash on his sofa. I knew where he kept a spare key so I let myself in quietly then settled down to get some sleeep in his front room.I didn’t even know if he was home but it didn’t matter, wouldn’t be the first time he came in and found me in his living-room. After I...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Eve Ellwood Health Teachers Heaping Load

Eve Ellwood always thought about her old health teacher that taught her everything about sex. He was so hot, but she was so young at the time. Fortunately, she ran into him at the mall the other day and was finally 18! The teacher remembered Eve, which made her super excited. He also invited Eve to his house so they could catch up. Eve knew this was her chance. As soon as she got to his house Eve wanted him to put all of his knowledge of the female body to good use. He used his cock to hit all...

4 years ago
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Father in Law

by Kiran AliThe first time I met my future father in law, Ali Arif, something clicked between us. His eyes flicked over me from head to toe as most men's did, for although I wasn't a classic model beauty or particularly well endowed I seemed to radiate something that attracted their attention. Most times I felt totally unclean after one of those inspections, undressed and somehow violated, but with him it was different. I actually found myself enjoying his frank inspection, even puffing out a...

4 years ago
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A spontaneous Threesome

You both attacked at once, sandwiching me between your two bodies. Her lips met mine and our tongues danced. I felt your breath on my neck as you nibbled at my skin. A hand found it's way into my panties, I couldn't tell you whose it was. I felt fingers slip between my outer lips to play with my clit, at the same time she bent down and took my bare nipple in her mouth. It was already pointing out but it became harder with her attention. I turned to kiss you over my shoulder, I could feel...

2 years ago
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Awesome Threesome

Hi, I am Sami 25 years old at that time. I was attending my maternal cousin’s wedding with one of my friend. Champa was a divorced maid about my age not very beautiful but with a voluptuous chubby body. I caught her pressing own boobs while watching a sexy movie. I told Rabi about it.I asked her few question and wanted to know where she slept at night. She told me about the store room where I invaded her later. Now you know the rest of the story. When I realised Robi was sleeping I slowly got...

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(Written after reading The Story of O, by Pauline Reage, of which Graham Greene said, “A rare thing, a pornographic book well-written and without a trace of obscenity.”) Blindfolded, John and Mary sat in the limo along with Kelly and James. Another Saturday night. Their Toy had convinced them to come along to this rendezvous, sight unseen, for an adventure they had not yet experienced. Another sexual thing. They were assured no pain or humiliation or “discovery” was involved for them....

3 years ago
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Getting along with a coworker

Lacey, a former co-worker, was the object of my effect. She was a cute looking, if not stunning, blond. She was about five feet, four inches tall, and weighted close to 110 pounds. She was also the subject of many a fantasy of mine.Reality met fantasy, and it involved a ride home from work. Her k**s were with her ex husband for the summer and she was lonely. I don't have k**s, so we talked about hers. She talked about how she accidently broke her sons favorite toy. Me, being pretty handy,...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Georgia Jones Kristen Scott Dream Pairings Mrs Mrs Smith

Secret agent April O’Neil is married to secret agent Georgia Jones, but neither knows the other is a covert spy operative, until their next assignment. Their two separate agencies issue the same directive at the same time, to retrieve a briefcase from a third-party agent Kristen Scott. April beats Georgia to Kristen’s motel room, where Kristen is seated on the bed shackled to the briefcase. April convinces Kristen she’s a call girl sent by her boss to reward her for all her...

1 year ago
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Borders Crossed Part One

******************************************************************************************************************** Borders Crossed Part One ******************************************************************************************************************** On the southern Japanese island of Kyushu is a small village in the Miyazaki prefecture. Life there is simple and quiet. The area is a beautiful, lush green mix of semi-tropical forest, small farms and a stone’s throw from...

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Chained up

True Story!!"Thank you! Come again!" I said as two of my prized costumers walked out the door of my sex shop, a woman came in. She had large breasts, and straight blonde hair."Hi welcome to Simply Sinful! How can i serve you today?" I said"Hmm... I'm just looking." She said, with voice like silk."Okay! Let me give you a little tour! What's your name?" I stared at her breasts, and started to get wet. "My name is Payton."I walked around showing her everything from lingerie to dildos. Her eyes...

3 years ago
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A Steampunk Trek into a New London Town

A church bell tolls twelve strokes as he automatically spreads his legs wide apart to keep his balance. There is a moment of vertigo and confusion before he reorients himself taking care to not attempt to control this body. Then his new mind becomes melded, filled with his old memories along with some new. It must be high noon as he opens his eyes on this sunlit day.Detective Chief Inspector Lorenzo Herne cannot keep from smiling as he gazes out over the ramparts of the stone structure to the...

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