House Maid PT2
- 3 years ago
- 35
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Brittany Rogers peered through the store's broad front windows, carefully inspecting each inch of the nearly deserted parking lot. Satisfied, she unlocked the door, set the alarm and slipped outside in the required thirty seconds. She locked both top and bottom locks and scurried towards her car. As she went, she nervously scanned the area, her head swiveling. Twice she turned and walked backwards a few steps to check behind her.
Why had she stayed so late, she berated herself silently. Trying to finish her sales reports, which darn well would have waited until the morning was her admittedly foolish answer. She had become absorbed and had not noticed how quickly time had passed. She had planned to not only be out of the office before dark, but to be home. Not walking through the deserted parking lot of a deserted strip mall. She wished she had opened her office across town where the big 24/7 store assured that there was always someone else around, even if the rent would have been triple what she paid here.
How could she have lost track of time on, of all nights, THIS night? She shivered, clutched her keys and looked around even more, peering into darkened corners where the alleys between the sections of stores loomed as black holes. This was Halloween. For ten years Halloween night had meant death for a woman in this city.
The police were out in force, she knew. But they had been for the last two years, ever since some enterprising reporter had put everything together and revealed that for the previous eight years a lone woman had been found stabbed to death on the eve of All Saints Day. Each murder had been determined to have taken place before midnight. No details had been made public, but rumors painted a lurid picture of disembowelment and mutilation that reportedly had shocked even the hardened detectives who investigated the crimes. The police had mustered every available officer since then, but had not succeeded in stopping the killings.
Brittany shivered again. There was her car. Only ten steps away. The hair on the back of her neck seemed to stand up and she broke into a run. Reaching her car, she fumbled with the keys. In her nervousness she dropped them on her first attempt to unlock her car. The second was no more successful, as she tried to insert the key in the lock upside-down. Finally she heard the reassuring "click" of the lock and sighed.
It was at that very moment when she felt safe, that she heard the sound behind her. It was a sound that froze the blood in her veins. It was a deep chuckle and she sensed the menace even as she jerked her head over her shoulder and looked.
All she could see was an outline. The form was so dark it blended into the shadows as though the lights of the parking light turned away from it. Straining, she caught a glimpse of eyes under a hat brim. And Hell was in those eyes as surely as it was in the reflection of the light off the long, gleaming knife that appeared.
Brittany tried to move. She willed her fingers to open the car door, her legs to run, her arms to lift in hopeless protection of her body. She stood like a statue, as though the glance of the figure had turned her to stone. All she could do was whimper deep in her throat as he approached. He was within three steps of her when somehow she regained the use of one part of her body and screamed at the top of her lungs.
Officer Christina Windser smothered a yawn and snuck a look at the time. Nearly 11:30. She had been on duty over ten hours now, with only a hasty stop for a sandwich and a soft drink for a break. Her shift had ended two hours ago but, like almost all her fellow shift mates, she had remained on duty. The Halloween killer had not struck so far. Perhaps the saturation effort of the department would pay off tonight. More officers were on foot patrol in the heavily populated areas of the city rather than in their cars. Those were assisted by the Police reserve officers and the auxiliary cops. All volunteers, the former were certified and trained while the auxiliaries had only a short departmental training course. Christina had heard that if this show of force was not enough to prevent a murder tonight that there was already discussion about having the Governor call out the National Guard next year.
Jack would love that. Home less than a year from a tour in Iraq, he had had enough of alley ways and foot patrols and being in danger. Of course, being a First Lieutenant in his Guard unit, he probably wouldn't be walking the roads or manning a barricade if it came to that next year.
The attractive blonde officer scolded herself. She had been mechanically scanning the back of the business center she was checking, pointing the remote controlled spotlight on each service door, each barred window, each gap between the buildings. While she had been on the job long enough that she would have immediately noticed something wrong with anything she passed, she needed her full attention on what she was doing. What if she drove into a restaurant's grease collector as Danny Ubick had a few months ago while he was half turned watching a pretty girl? He was NEVER going to live that down.
She eased the steering wheel over to swing around the corner. She checked the darkened drive through window of the pharmacy that marked the last business on this end of the strip. Now she would check the front doors. She considered getting out of the car and walking the front, rattling the doors as she did. She had just decided not to, that there was no point in her being foolish about exposing herself, when movement in the parking lot caught her attention. Frowning, she started to turn the spotlight on the lone car when she heard the scream.
Her reaction was automatic. She slammed her right foot down on the accelerator. She flicked on the high beams and then cut on the blue lights. Her other foot pressed the floor mounted radio button. As she reported the situation she saw a figure turn and begin to run towards a gap in the buildings. The lights of her cruiser illuminated the knife clutched in one hand. She turned in the direction of the fleeing outline, chasing it until it disappeared in the dimly lit alley.
Stomping on the brakes, she slid sideways to block the entrance and leapt from the car. She shouted the information into her shoulder mike that she was in foot pursuit of an armed suspect possibly the Halloween Killer. Drawing her service weapon, she started after the subject, calling on him, as she thought the figure seemed male, to halt.
Between one step and another the world seemed to slow to a crawl. Dimly, she could hear dispatch acknowledging her. She could hear the woman still screaming out by the car. She could hear the sound of distant sirens and blowing engines as her fellow officers rushed to her assistance. Her mind flashed back to last night, to snuggling on the couch with Jack, with their three year old daughter Cassie tucked between them. Jack had finished grading the tests his 10th grade history students had taken that day and it had been just cool enough to make lighting a fire possible. The warmth surrounding her, from the flames, from her husband pressed against her, from her daughter sleeping with her head pillowed against her all took Chris away to a safe place. The place was so safe that as she forced her mind back to reality for the first time she felt fear and a desire to leap back into her patrol car and wait for backup.
She couldn't. The fleeing suspect was still in sight. She had read last year's reports. They thought they had him trapped but had never been able to find him. Worse, however he had slipped through the cordon, he had done so with enough time to hunt down and murder his annual victim before midnight.
All of those thoughts flashed through her mind in less time than it took for the suspect to take a complete step. Chris took off down the alleyway, her eyes fixed on the fleeing form. He disappeared around the corner, ignoring her demands for him to halt. Sprinting ahead, she reached out and hooked a concrete pole protecting the corner from wayward drivers. Still running, she used her momentum to spin herself around the corner.
The blow was so hard that at first she didn't feel any pain. It felt like a punch to her stomach. Only when she looked down and saw the hilt of the knife protruding from her body, right under the bottom of her Kevlar vest, did the agony hit home. She wanted to scream but she couldn't find the breath. It HURT. Oh God it hurt.
A mocking laugh reached her ears. An unshaven face, full of deadly glee, thrust itself forward, so close she could smell his bad breath.
"Oh this time I topped it all," he sneered. "I killed me a bitch cop."
Suddenly his face twisted in surprise and agony. Chris could barely feel her finger pulling the trigger, but the muffled roar between them assured her that her S&W .40 cal had fired. She fired again and then once more. He tumbled backwards, falling to the ground, pulling the knife free from her as he did.
For a moment she swayed on her feet. Her pistol fell from her nerveless fingers. She covered the cold pain in her lower belly with both hands, her knees giving way. Then she collapsed sideways. A detached part of her mind noted the slight pain from the scrape of the concrete on her cheek. Her hands were wet and sticky, and she knew why. Her mind grasped what was happening and she started to pray.
"Hail Mary, full of grace..."
Headlights and splashing blue lights filled her world. Car doors slammed and feet pounded on the cement, nearing her.
"The Lord is with thee..."
Gentle hands rolled her over. From the sounds of the cries she looked as bad as she felt.
"Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit..."
She managed to pick out her Sergeant's face among those clustering over her. His hands were on her wound, his body shaking with the effort to stop the bleeding.
"Of thy womb, Jesus..."
People were screaming for an ambulance, for bandages, for a dust-off helicopter. Those cries should be loud, but they were getting so very faint now.
"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners..."
The faces of her fellow cops were gone. It was quiet now. All she could see were her husband and her daughter. They were smiling and she tried to reach out to them.
"Now and at the hour of our death. Amen."
It was very dark now. Then she could see a light. Not the "light at the end of a tunnel" she had heard about, but rather a light that seemed to grow all around her. There was a figure standing beside her. An old man, he leaned on a cane looking at her with pride and just a hint of disapproval.
"I thought I might see my grandmother, or my uncle. Perhaps my friend Beth."
Chris was almost astounded at how calm she felt. She knew she was dead but somehow the feelings were not of loss or fear but of peace.
"Yes, well, normally they would be. But I wanted to talk to you first. By the way, I'm very proud of what you did. Had you not stopped him this night would have been more terrible than ever. He would have crossed paths with a family before midnight." The old man stared off for a moment. "But you stopped him. Granted, you cut that corner too close and look what happened. But you are brave and determined and that's why I wanted to talk to you before you move on."
He took Chris' arm and turned her a bit. "I want you to see this."
The old man waved his free hand and it seemed like an opening appeared into another place. Chris gasped when she saw the killer standing, his hands on his hips. He was facing another figure, a figure so dark that it seemed to repel light.
"I fulfilled my yearly bargain," the man insisted. He seemed defiant, but he also was trying not to cringe too openly before the dark shape.
"So you did," replied the black shape. The words were clear and distinct without any accent or forced menace. Chris shivered involuntarily as though she had caught sight of a poisonous snake curled up at her feet.
"Three more times," said the dark form. "That's the seventh time you have been killed. Three more and you're mine, according to the bargain."
The picture faded. Chris found herself standing close to the old man. Somehow she knew that his presence protected her even from the dark evil she had just witnessed.
"He made a bargain, with, with..." Chris avoided the word, as though naming that entity could summon him.
"With Satan," finished the old man. "He," and Chris knew which "He" the old man meant, "Offered that man a deal. He could continue to live as long as he kills one woman each year, on the eve of All Souls' Day. However, should he himself be killed ten times, then the bargain is over and he's forfeit. Tonight was the seventh time he has been killed."
"Why don't you stop him?" burst out Chris. "I can't believe you let things happen like that."
"First off Christina, I'm not God, but one of his servants. Secondly, God allows things like that because he will not interfere with his greatest gift, free will. Mankind perpetuates the evil, mankind must stop it."
Chris looked at the old man. Servant or not, she could feel the power radiating from him. "What do you want me to do?" she asked.
A smile crinkled his face. "Good girl!" Somehow the comment, which once might have angered her as condescending, was anything but that. Instead, it was a high compliment. "I want you to stop him. Three more times."
Chris took a deep breath that she didn't need. "Okay." she said simply.
The man waved his hand again and another man appeared. Young and at the same time old, his pale face was unlined and serene. He was dressed all in black. He nodded respectfully to the old man and then smiled at her.
"This is Seth," introduced the old man. "He is one of my associates and will look after you. Whenever you have a question that you really need help to answer, call for him." The old man raised both hands. Light shone around them, seeming to come from him as though it could no longer be restrained by his facade. Then Chris was laying in bed, curled up on her side and blinking the sleep from her eyes.
She threw back the covers and swung her legs to the floor. Groaning slightly, she stumbled to the bathroom, scratching an itch on her side as she did. Good Lord her mouth tasted awful. She spread her feet before the toilet and braced one arm against the wall. Even as she began to wonder just what the hell she was doing and why her other hand had dropped down in front of her, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror mounted over the sink.
"Holy SHIT!"
"What is it?" came a muffled female voice from the bedroom.
"Errr, stubbed my toe, Angela." Somehow the name came from her lips automatically.
"Well, with what you had to drink last night, I can't say I'm surprised. Again," came a tart reply.
Chris examined the image in the mirror. Flush faced and fleshy, with sagging cheeks and a thick neck. She needed a shave, she noted. And a haircut. Jack would never allow himself to get this disheveled. Then she looked down, particularly at what she held in her right hand, which was directing a stream into the porcelain bowl. Mostly into the bowl, as she noted the seat was down and her aim wasn't perfect.
"Seth," she whispered. "What the," she paused, Unable to think of an expletive she could use to what she was sure was an angel she simply asked, "What is going ON?"
The black clad figure was beside her in an instant. "Oh, you're awake."
"Damn, I was hoping I was still asleep and dreaming." Chris realized she was still holding her penis and hastily released it. Okay, would you please explain why I'm standing here with a five o'clock shadow, a beer belly and a hangover? I mean, is this some take-off on 'Heaven Can Wait'? Or perhaps this is an unaired episode of 'Quantum Leap'."
Seth didn't bat an eyelash. "A bit of both, perhaps. I won't be tapping on any hand-held computer but you are going to be the only one who can see and hear me."
"Okay, so who am I and why is this happening?"
"You are you, Christina. However you are sharing a body with Charley Lightner. Charley is not aware of you, but you are in control, at least for now. He's a nice guy who has let everything get into a rut; his job, his marriage, his entire life. He's a construction worker, he drinks too much, spends too much time with his friends and not enough home with his wife. He actually wants to do better but he just can't summon the determination. So you are going to help him. And in return, come October 31st, IF you have arranged things properly, you will meet and defeat your opponent.
Chris opened her mouth but Seth beat her to it. "NO, you could not and cannot come back as yourself. Its months after your death. Your husband and daughter are just beginning to come to terms with losing you. Showing up in any shape or form would only cause trouble."
He looked at her sternly. "ANY shape of form. If you attempt to find them and see them, action will have to be taken to prevent it. I'm sorry, but its best for all concerned."
"Okay," reluctantly admitted Chris. "But what am I to DO?" she almost wailed. "I don't know anything about Charley, or Angela in there, anything about his job, his habits," she stumbled, blushing, "Their sex life. ANYTHING!"
"Charley is not gone. Just give him free rein and the daily life will take care of itself. However, you need to give him some direction and get him in shape to handle the confrontation that will take place in six months. Don't just 'Take over' although when need be you can be in control. Work with him." Then Seth was gone.
Following directions, Chris somehow relaxed and let Charley follow his morning routine. She showered, shaved (with only a couple of nicks) and grabbed a cup of hot coffee from the kitchen before sitting down at the chipped plastic table. A few minutes later Angela appeared to serve the breakfast that Chris had seen on the stove.
Chris studied the other woman. She appeared to be a match age-wise with Charley, around 30. About 5'4 she wore a few extra pounds around her waist and bottom. She had light brown hair done up in curlers at the moment and was wearing a bathrobe. The legs peeking out were shapely but in need of tightening up a bit. But then ... Chris studied the body she was in and couldn't suppress a groan.
"Serves you right," came the tart reply. "I wish just once you would come home at a decent hour not reeking of smoke and beer..." The litany went on. Chris listened to it with half an ear, which was more attention than Charley gave to it, she noted. Still, it sounded pretty justified to her.
"I'm sorry," she finally said when Angela wound down. She hastily finished eating, went and brushed her teeth and left. Angela was at the door and handed Charley his lunch pail. A brief smack on the cheek was what she was given in return. That wasn't good, Chris thought. Sure, she and Jack didn't give each other Clark Gable/Vivian Leigh kisses every time one of them went to work, but they were a lot more affectionate than this.
Chris sat back, allowing Charley to drive his pickup to the worksite. She definitely let him take the lead in the carpentry work that was his profession. She just watched and listened as he spared with and worked with his fellow construction workers.
The only time she wanted to butt in was during lunch. True to form, the guys sat down together and proceeded to eat, and whistle at every passing woman. Chris had got some of that when she first started on the force; the comments, the innuendoes, the outright offers. However by firmly standing her ground she had stopped them and earned the respect of her fellow cops. But she wasn't here to make fellow workers politically correct.
The 5 o'clock whistle blew and everyone scampered for their vehicles. One of Charley's buddies, Joe, yelled to Charley that they were going to Flanigann's. Apparently acceptance of the invitation was assumed. Shocked looks appeared when Chris firmly announced "Sorry guys, I got something I have to do this afternoon."
That thing was to stop by a gym and purchase a membership. Chris considered where to start. Due to his job, Charley had good upper body strength, but no wind and no stamina. His agility was nil, due in a large part to the fat around his middle, and she shuddered to think what his cholesterol count was. That was all she needed, to have him have a heart attack from exertion when she confronted the killer, They certainly were not going to indulge in Tae-Kwon-Do, her favorite workout. By the time she had changed clothes, carefully ignoring the fact she was surrounded by half-naked men, she had decided that she would start with the treadmill.
God, it was even worse than she thought. Five minutes and Charley was gasping for breath. They weren't even running. She pushed him, keeping his pulse elevated to the right level and gave him a good, if limited, workout. She returned to the locker room and decided to take a shower here before going home.
That wasn't the greatest idea she had ever had, Chris decided five minutes later. After all, she had never been in a man's shower room before. Being surrounded by nude male bodies, some of which were QUITE attractive, was more than she had counted on. She closed her eyes, concentrated, washed up as quickly as possible, and fled as soon as she could.
Angela was quite surprised to have Charley home at a reasonable hour, even though he fell asleep watching TV. Dinner was good, Angela making an only slightly barbed comment about "Wasn't it nice to eat it hot for a change". Chris just smiled in return and agreed.
The next morning was almost as bad as the first. This time, instead of a hangover though, the pain was caused from the previous day's workout. A couple of hastily swallowed aspirins helped though along with the coffee, as well as a chance to actually relax a bit and talk with Angela over breakfast.
As Charley drove to work, Chris thought over what she had observed so far. Getting Charley in shape was going to be work, but was something that could be accomplished. Knitting the gap between Charley and Angela was going to be harder. the morning conversation had been pleasant, but impersonal. There didn't seem to be any real connection between the two people. It was as though they were simply sharing the same house, the same bed. Well, nothing good ever came easy.
Charley staggered away from the health club that afternoon, mentally protesting at the sudden drive to get him in shape and wondering where the impetus was coming from. Still, it did feel better to wake up without the usual headache. Even the aches and pains from the exercise that somehow he seemed almost compelled to do seemed to be lessening. And he admitted that Angela wasn't on his case all the time.
Saturday morning came and Charley cut the grass around their small two bedroom tract house and made some minor repairs that Angela asked him to do. Asked him, Charley noted, not nagged him. Not even when he took a break in the hottest part of the day and watched the baseball game and had a couple of beers, the first he had all week he realized. Well, he smiled, that might make tonight even better than usual.
Chris had been content to simply sit back and watch. She HAD made Charley drink water when he got hot while mowing the grass but that had been about it. She had wondered what the building excitement was all about, but had not delved into Charley's thoughts. It wasn't until bedtime when Chris realized what had Charley excited was that Saturday night was his and Angela's "Do It" night.
"Oh CRAP! Okay, calm down Christina," she thought. "Maybe this isn't so bad. Think of it as a learning experience. Something to reflect on, experience the other side. Find out what you could have done for Jack to increase his pleasure."
Resolutions were all very good, but Chris nearly screamed for Seth to get her out of this body when she felt Charley's cock start to stiffen. She looked down in amazement as it grew. She felt dizzy. Well, no wonder, as the amount of blood it must take to engorge this thing couldn't leave much at the top.
Then Charley was rolling on top of Angela, who spread her legs and guided him into her as the couple kissed. Chris made a mental note that Charley's kissing left a good bit to be desired, but at least it was enthusiastic. She could feel Angela's body moving under Charley. It felt good to feel her rounded and soft curves. Quite different from Jack's firm and lean body. Her mouth tasted different also. And the feel of Angela's pussy engulfing Charley's cock. No wonder guys like this so much. It really felt good.
Charley heaved up and down, moaning and gasping as he thrust into Angela. Chris noted that Charley felt increased excitement that he was able to move faster and with more vigor than last week. Angela seemed to be responding also, verbally and physically. Then Charley was yelling and Chris shuddered herself in the throes of her first male orgasm. Shared though it was, it felt damn good too.
Angela had cried out and bucked wildly under Charley and told him how good he was. Chris snorted. "Fake an orgasm there much honey?" She herself hadn't done that in years and even then she was better at it than Angela was. But Charley didn't seem to notice and fell asleep shortly afterwards. Chris slept when Charley slept somehow, but tonight she stayed awake after he was snoring. That allowed her to notice when Angela slipped from the bed and snuck into the bathroom. Straining, Chris could hear squishing sounds and figured Angela was finishing herself off.
No wonder, she admitted to herself. That wasn't much. basically no foreplay, no cuddling and not much time in the saddle either. okay, she was really going to have to work on this. But, she searched Charley's memory, it wasn't all his fault. Maybe Angela wasn't getting much, but she wasn't helping either. She needed to be a bit more vocal in letting him know what pleased her. She sensed Charley WANTED to sexually satisfy his wife but didn't know how.
Sunday morning came. After breakfast Angela got ready for church. Charley didn't usually go with her, but Chris figured that not only was this a good opportunity for the couple to spend some time together but she herself darn well needed it.
Good Catholic girl (well, mostly she reminded herself) that she was, Chris was unaccustomed to the Protestant church that the couple attended but sat back and enjoyed the service. She reminded herself that the roads to God were many, that no one denomination had a lock on heaven by itself. And Angela was happy that Charley was with her.
The next week passed, and then the next. After a while they seemed to blur together, as Chris felt herself doing with Charley. She now thought of the body as "Theirs" rather than "His". Charley was working out at the gym of his own accord now. He had never been an athlete, but he had been active when younger and he enjoyed getting back into shape. Angela also enjoyed Charley's increased vigor. Chris had been subtlety coaching Charley on how to please a woman. Not a lot at any one time. She had to laugh, thinking what Angela's reaction might be if Charley suddenly began to act on everything that Chris wanted him to learn.
First she instructed him in foreplay, how to use his lips and his fingers to excite his wife. She taught him where to touch her. She admitted that the first time Charley went down on Angela she almost started running again. After all, what Charley felt she felt, and the sensation of their shared tongue dipping inside of a woman was just about too much for her straight, church-going self to handle. But she did.
The biggest thing she managed to do was to get Charley to talk to Angela about their sex life, to ask her how she felt and what she wanted to do. To Charley's surprise, she confessed that she had always wanted to try oral sex on him, but had always worried that he would think her some kind of slut for suggesting it.
Charley was so excited by the idea that Chris couldn't understand how he could possibly be conscious. His cock had grown to a size matched only by one she had caught a glimpse of in the shower at the gym. He stretched out and Angela bent over him.
Good GOD. Charley let out a moan that rattled the windows when Angela's mouth slid over his raging hardon. Chris chimed in silently. No wonder guys loved this. No wonder Jack always had a grin on his face when she suggested this, or simply surprised him by blowing him. The sensations were incredible. It felt completely different than she remembered when Jack went down on her.
Angela was a bit clumsy, but determination kept her going even when it looked like she was about to pass out from lack of air. She never stopped, not even when Charley warned her about the buildup that was about to explode. Indeed, she rammed her head down even farther on the straining shaft and rode Charley's squirms and upheavals as his balls emptied themselves in Angela's mouth. After a pause to recover the duo (or was it a trio Chris wondered?) made love, slowly, sweetly, attending to each other's needs.
Of course things weren't always smooth sailing. Sometimes Chris wanted to pound BOTH Charley and Angela's heads together. She also forgot sometimes she was in a male body that didn't move the same way her original one did. Not only did she get an occasional bump and bruise, she once got Charley to attempt a position that she as Christina had strained to get into and Angela seriously thought she was going to have to call the paramedics when his back went out. But she persevered.
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Stacy crawled forward, her eyes locked on the dick she called her own. Swooping in low like a stalking cat, she locked her mouth on the pliant member. The taste was exquisite. She had about half his shaft in her mouth, cradling it with her tongue. She could faintly feel the beating of his heart. She stayed that way several minutes, allowing her body to wind down a bit while gently nursing on her favorite toy.Minutes passed in silence. Betty was still flat on her back, breathing deeply but...
SwingersI first thanks Indian sex stories for publishing my story and I am finding a new way to live the life to have a fan club. I personally thanks all of them. Now after getting the message from Queen Eva of Sexome planet we all the family members started for the planet and with one twinkling of eye we all reached the sexome planet and the planet is no bigger than our moon but the peculiarity is that the whole planet is covered by a transparent membrane so that none can enter except through the...
IncestHi everybody I am Karan maine yahan kaafi stories padi hain ho kaafi muth bhi maari hai isi liye maine aaj decide kiya ki main bhi apni real story yahan pe aap logon ke liye likhoon taki aap bhi apne lunds aur choots ko sehla sako aur muth maar sako. Ye story hai meri saali sanya ki behad kamsin 20 saal ki sexy ladki hai meri saali height 5’6” aur gaand moti aur gol mamme medium size ke hain mere khayal se uska size 35-30-38 hoga main sguru se hi ise chodna chahta tha par kabhi mauka hi nai...
July 10, 1992, Glencoe, Illinois I gasped and sat stunned, unable to move or even think clearly. It wasn’t my syncope; it was simply Samantha verbalizing a thought that had been bouncing around in my head. I took a deep breath, and my head began to clear. If what she had said was the truth, I would have to take decisive action. Action that would also have to be explained. She was right. It WAS that explosive. I took a few more breaths and felt my brain was working right again, at least to...
Sometimes conversations just appear out of nowhere. “We need to talk!” The universal phrase that means someone is in deep shit came out of my mouth like the knell of doom. Sue stopped and looked at me for a moment, and then continued on towards the stairs, dragging that stupid little suitcase behind her. One wheel jittered from side to side as it always did, annoying me even more. “We can talk after I’ve rested,” she said over her shoulder. “We talk now, or you can just turn around and...
"Professor Frost," Carl said hesitantly, after they were back on the road. Brian was still driving, but Shawn was riding with them in the Humvee again. "We've followed your lead because, well, you're our teacher," Carl continued, determined to have his say. "We volunteered for this dig, partly for the pay, but mostly for the experience of working with you. All of us feel like we can learn a lot from you. You have a reputation of finding things when others find nothing. Professor, today...
I suppose before I go any further I should apologise to Clement Clarke Moore :-)'Twas the night before Christmas when in a house quite,Little Mary and parents settled down for the nightInsuring doors were closed tightly to muffle any soundNaughty thoughts came upon those all aroundIn Mary's room she uncovered a giant hidden toySomething to fill up her pussy with joyIn a room cross the hall mamma pulled on leather and lace,Giving daddy thoughts of where he could bury his face.In less than five...
Bill Carmody’s turn: Yesterday’s wedding was a delight, especially watching my NEW daughter (!) and Cindy, my original daughter, looking and acting very much like twins. Can’t help but grin, just thinking about it. Both of ‘em have a little fire in their eyes, and when they’re together, you can nearly SEE the sparks flying between them. Couldn’t have asked for a more unlikely development, right up to matching green dresses they bought together for the wedding. And my phone buzzes --...
Pata's revenge : Chapter 1 Pata was waiting for her husband Edward when he got home from work. On a normal day, she would have dinner ready when he walked in the the door. It was just the expected thing, and they both knew it. Today was a little different though. Not only was dinner not on the table as usual, but it looked like it wasn't even started. Edward was used to being the strong dominant man, and always got his way. Pata had fallen into the role of the submissive wife and played the...
Group SexIt may be silly, but it has long been considered bad luck for the groom to see the bride on their wedding day before the ceremony. You would have thought it was bad luck to see each other for a week or two before by the way my family conducted themselves during that period. We had relatives to dinner every night. There was no prohibition against inviting Jeff, but they monopolized my time to such an extent I rarely saw him after dinner. I invited Jen and Rich a few times so he would have...
We walked around the mall some more, looking in store windows but not really seeing anything. "Jack, I was afraid I lost you when you told me about Sara. I know I acted a little strange but I was fighting for you." "I'm sorry, Jill. When Mary talked to me about it, she made me see that I went overboard telling you about her. I'll tell you what really bothered me. We got to my school and you gave me a quick peck on the cheek and took off. And I couldn't get in touch with you. I almost...
I was studying at college. It was my seventeenth birthday. I have a crush on Sandra and she had dismissed my many attempts to date her. She was older than me and preferred the older guys who had money to take her places and buy her cocktails in clubs. She looked great in street clothes and you would think she was at least twenty one. She had the best tits of any girl in the school. It was during a science class she was paired with me. We were in the back row in the science lab when she said to...
College SexBy all accounts it seemed like a normal day, if not a lazy one. I was up on the balcony with Enko and Helasia enjoying good times and conversation. The park was doing well, Helasia was off, and even Enko had found some time to take a break. Thinking back, it was a damn near perfect afternoon.At some point, Helasia wandered to the back side of the balcony facing away from the reserve leaving Enko and I staring out over the trees and the river in the distance.“I think we should take another trip...
Monster SexAndrea,my young wife,is a teacher,slightly stuck up,she does not talk to strangers unless she has to,tall and slender with medium size firm breast,vegan diet and dally yoga keep her very fit.After many refusals she finally agreed to wear black stockings for my birhday.At the restaurant I drop my fork twice to bend under the table to get a glimpse of her thighs but legs are together,I asked for a short skirt but she did put on a just above the knees one,we I get up she look at me with...
In a small town of only three thousand people it wasn't a challenge to find out the details of your neighbors life. The where, the when, the who. It was a blessing and a curse, as a kid I could never get away with anything, and I never had to keep a secret that was just too juicy to withhold. So, it was no surprise to me when I heard about the arriving of Charli Rioux. Hearing it from my mama, also the eyes and ears of our town being the clerk in our only local grocery store, "She has a sharp...
Love StoriesUpon their arrival, the gym was packed with sweaty bodybuilders of every shape and color, pumping iron without effort. Darla met Isabella in the women's locker room, who knowingly asked, "how was the machine?" Darla then said, "it broke me! I'm a slave to it! Now I know what sex addiction is, and I love it!!!" Isabella then told Darla how tonight would proceed: "First the gym closes at seven, instead of eight. You and I will work out with Monique in the low impact class and then tell...
The party delayed their departure for three days while Anastasia and Beriwen tended Tristan. Graydon had explained to the rest of the party about the attack and that he felt it was not an isolated incident. He went on to express his concern that perhaps the others could be targets as well. With that information in mind it was decided that the members would not leave the confines of the inn until they were ready to depart. Graydon, accompanied by Dunin, went out to the front gates and...
Minidevilette© 2012 His blood thundered through his veins as he let the sound of her voice wash over him, the sweetest three syllables he thought he ever heard in his life. Certainly the most anticipated. Surrender. And he wasn’t going to give her any time to wonder if she’d made the right decision. He rolled his thumb over her pliant lower lip again, pulling it down from her teeth before running the tip of his tongue along the velvety inside edge. He felt the passing of the air she sucked...
Cum comes from our genitals, so it's no surprise that guys are obsessed with everything to do with a bitches pussy. I'm a pussy fanatic. I support all of the work it does. That's why I enjoy getting my face down there to be as close to the pussy as possible.Wet the DriesI love pussy in all of its different work hats, including dry pussy. You won't hear many men say that, but for me, it's true. Dry pussy is an opportunity to succeed. It's the chance for you to start from nothing and build the...
Premium Scat & Piss PornMike sat down at his computer and logged in. Following his normal morning procedure, he opened his e-mail. Much to his surprise, he found that there was a message from root with the title, ‘An Important Intelligence Assessment.’ He clicked on the message and nearly fell out of his chair when he read the first two lines of it. The email laid out the full intelligence estimate concerning a pending attack against the United States. Details about what groups were active in the states, what...
Thursday, August 31, 2006 I slept in a little, and had barely got out of the shower when I heard Roy pull in the driveway. I grabbed my backpack and sat down in the back seat. I began thinking of the pleasures I was soon to enjoy with Art. By the time we got to his house, I was hard as a rock. Art leaned over to kiss me. Noticing my erection he asked; "Want me to take care of that?" My reply was one word: "Yes" He bent over and took my throbbing cock into his mouth. The pleasure was...
When my wife was 50 she had a weekend to herself, and decided to relax and suntan. So she visited a nude campsite we use, she loves being nude, feeling the breeze and sun on her skin. She may be 50, but easily passes for 40, she's drop dead gorgeous, 42DD-35-41, long blonde hair, blue eyed, curvy, all natural figure, full hairy bush, large pussy lips, veiny breasts, nipples facing down. When she walks in the nude, her big breasts swing from side to side, and her butt cheeks sway very sensually....
I recently fell off of a bar stool in my kitchen on a hardwood floor and idiot me broke my hip just before Halloween. However,the reason for this story is that while in the hospital for 2 weeks going though surgery and physical therapy it seemed that my shaved cock and balls grabbed the attention of quite a few people there. I mean it COULDN'T have been the first time that nurses and my anesthesiologist and surgeon have seen this before but it started when a female nurse was helping me into the...
The door to Lia’s house opened a little at my gentle knock. It was 4am and I was in no rush to wake our neighbours. Neither was Lia. “Jim! Come in a moment, I need your help,” she whispered. “What’s the problem?” I asked as I stepped inside, already guessing the answer to my question even as Lia was still shutting the door. Sure enough there she was, already in costume, her ears in place, her hair roughed up to hide the band her ears were on and also to hide her own ears, and she was...
She had asked to meet for dinner one last time, since her longtime boyfriend had suddenly popped the question and she'd surprised herself by saying yes to him. The way things worked out, we had to meet after her work hours and shortly before she headed home to him, so we agreed on fast food (Wendy's) since it was quick and near her job.She was dressed casually, since it was Friday and her job allowed jeans and t shirts. I admired the way her breasts pushed out firmly against the shirt as I...
It wasn't the boy so much as the place. Not the body, but where he worked. Not the cock specifically, but the dirt, and dust, and the lack of finery. It's not as though I didn't have other options. Mother had taken me aside early in the piece and explained extraordinarily bluntly what was, and wasn't acceptable. In short, it was this: Don't get caught. In two ways. Don't let anyone see you, unless they are directly involved, and don't get pregnant, unless you are going to get married...
"Sold, to the gentleman with the grey beard!" Harold said as he tapped the table with his small wooden gavel. Ariana stepped forward from the side of the makeshift stage and took the young blonde's hand for the last time. "Good bye, my darling." She whispered softly as she walked the girl through the departing customers, but if Patricia heard her, there was no sign of it in her glassy eyed stare. The tall, elderly man reached Harold's table at the same time as Ariana and his purchase....
We waited. We had absolutely no reason but every one of us was tensed for action. Only Derek had thought it through. We had no way of knowing who Miller expected. What better than to use a car associated with him, to mount an op against him. I understood what Derek had been trying to explain to me. Even if it turned out to be the car Jean used, it didn't mean it was Jean driving it. I had been looking through the IWS. When I thought of it, I couldn't be sure it was Jean. All I could really...
Menseio Station, orbiting Veria Jonuth Kidravia’s Ship - Abi 14:09 Ship Time September 11, 2019 When it came time to look over Oya’s initial sketch of Mason’s design, I was both surprised and intrigued. Surprised in that he didn’t meet or exceed the six million cubic meter limit I had imposed--he didn’t even come close, using a little over half--and by the overall design of the ship. The design was that of a yacht, and not a space yacht, but of an actual water yacht that you might find...
we'd been neighbours for years,she was a single mum , i was a single male, we always had a chat when we bumped into each other and over time we would take in each others parcels from online shopping etc , so on this given day i performed said duty and rang her door bell with a parcel, she in turn answered the door wearing nothing but a short kimono robe and had a towel on her head as she said she was in the shower when the door bell rang, i had shouted out my name so she knew who was at the...
Sharon always found what she wanted. And what she wanted now was the sexiest dude imaginable, a horny bi stud who was drop-dead gorgeous, incredibly well-hung, had lots stamina, and whose massive cock was matched with a pair of balls loaded with tons of semen. She wanted this stud not only for herself, but for her boyfriend Jimmy. One thing they both loved as much as anyone could love anything was cock! And when it came to cock, they were fussy. They liked their cocks extra-large, extra-hard,...
"You know," the woman began. She was wearing an exuberant, almost impossibly colorful pair of mail and sleek leg coverings, both metallic yet soft. It looked almost Celtic in style, alien in material. Her own figure looked vibrant, and kaleidoscopic in color, eyes spiraling within each pupil. "You native English speakers always claim to have a weird language. But every language has its hot buttons." "Well it is weird!" Another voice chimed. The woman looked, bemused, to the other side of the...
Mind ControlKeti My sister and I have been best friends throughout life. When I was about 3 and my sister was about 5, we used to play a game called keta- keti (boy - girl), which was basically gender swap. My sister pretended to be boy whereas I pretended to be girl. Initially, the game comprised of the designation of boy and girl and changing our names and pronouns only. But then with time, the game evolved to cross-dressing, wearing makeup and mimicking our parents to such an extent that my...
The teacher and the two teenage girls remain holed up in the cabin. Now embroiled in a strange ménage-a-trois, neither of the girls wants to leave and Mr. Davies (Charles Dera) doesn’t know what to do. He just keeps having sex with both to keep things calm. The following morning, his concerned wife (Cherie DeVille) decides to visit the cabin to look for her missing husband and is stunned to walk in on him with the girls. Putting two and two together, she goes into the other room to call...
xmoviesforyouDecember – Year 1 The commitment was made, the date was set, and I was scared shitless. I drove to Lynn’s house and for the first time saw it in the day time. It was a big house! The front of the house was sparse with very little landscaping. I parked the car, walked up to the door and knocked. Dara opened the door with a big smile and welcomed me in. “Hi Paul!” She hugged me. Dara was wearing a thin t-shirt top that revealed that she had huge hard nipples. They were so prominent that you...
Friends this is Shyam, 35 based in Pune. The experience I am going to share is about my friend VJ (26)and his lonely mother Vasundhara (47). This is a long narrative and hence will be as a part of a series. VJ and his family were my close neighbors at Ahmedabad before shifting to Chennai some 12 years ago. My friend VJ and his mother Vasundhara had settled in Chennai. His dad was employed in Abu Dhabi since last 4 years, used to visit once in 2 years. VJ has completed his graduation and was...
IncestWishes’ home was about a quarter of a mile from mine and backed onto the same moors that I used to walk over late at night in my old life. I was introduced to Alhana, Wishes’ mother was a warm friendly woman of about forty who happily invited me into their home for supper. We ate a richly flavoured chicken casserole which as Wishes had predicted would have fed several more as well as the three of us. It was a very pleasant feeling sitting around a table with a family, enjoying the small...
So I met this girl on Facebook. Her name was Irfana and she was an indonesian hijab girl. Around 21 years old, had big breasts for an asian girl and was muslim. At first she was shy but later on I found out how horny she actually was. We would webcam one another late at night and masturbate to one another. She would touch her myself and rub her clit butt naked except for her hijab. To me the hijab made things even sexier. We would cum every night to one another but one night we were chatting...
Bob slid his arm around Carol and pulled her to him for a long deep kiss. It was hot and passionate and obviously both of them were nervous and terribly excited. Bob unbuttoned her blouse slowly, button by button. When the last button was done he slipped his hands inside and cupped her bare beauties. She loved the feel of his hands squeezing and rolling. As he toyed with her hard nipples he watched her them darken and swell as Carol moaned with pleasure. He kissed and sucked on each of them...
It has been a long time. You anxiously squirm in your seat, trying hard to think about things that do not pertain to sex, but it's no use. As your teacher drones on, it only becomes harder and harder to keep your eyes off of the people that you call friends. If they knew just how much you were hurting to bend them over the nearest desk and fuck them raw, you doubt they would still find themselves comfortable in your company. You can't really blame them, honestly. Senior year in high school has...
"Now, Susan... if you'll sort of slide down to the edge of the stool, then lean back on your elbows... That's it! Just fine, now. Hold it!" The man speaking was squatting on the floor, focusing his camera on her naked loins, and Susan Merril following his directions to the letter, obediently did his bidding. "Now... just spread your legs, nice and wide. I want to get a couple of shots from this angle!" Slowly, she allowed her thighs to part, exposing the whole of her genital area to...
I had just taken my second serving; I was feeling really hungry after having a really tiring day along with the last night session. Naveen walked up to me and literally dragged me from the mess all the way to the room. I didn’t get a thing why he pulled me realizing that his roommate is in the room. We were standing outside the door and it seemed that Naveen was having some difficulty in putting the keys on the door lock. The moment we entered Naveen didn’t waste any time and pulled me in while...
November 12, 1986 Cadet Ocival looked at the envelope with interest. She read her name, and the address of the Academy on the front of it, with a perverse kind of pleasure. This was the first letter she had ever received. In a way, she viewed it as an acknowledgment from the world outside of the Academy, that she existed. Teacher Dale said, “Open it.” “I will. It’s my first letter.” “Then take your time,” Teacher Dale said with a smile. She reached behind her back and pulled out her...
The weather was cold, wintry. Johnny and Bethany never really classed each other as friends. Their mums were however, best of friends. Johnny was 16, finishing his final year of school whereas Bethany was the opposite. Aged 13 she had just begun her high school life. Their journey began once winter day, their mothers were busy chatting in the back room. Johnny and Bethany sat in the other, making small talk. The usual, commenting on the weather and musical tastes to films and friends....
I'm in the front of my front door which is a Double Door of my mansion that has a height of 15 feet long and 10 feet wide each. Iluminated by the glorious Sun my Mansion shines to the horizon. It takes a space of 500 meters area of the 5km land and as tall 90 meters with the exception of the tower that stands at 120 meters which my parents made for me when I was a kid. I open the Door and found a mess. My paintings are ripped glasses are broken and there is even a man on the floor. The next...
Sometime after ten o'clock, following a late administrator's meeting about next year's school year, I pulled into a truck stop that I drove past every day but had never stopped at and went directly to the restroom...barely able to keep from pissing myself...still half an hour from home. I walked into the restroom and went directly to a stall, pulled out my cock and began pissing. From a stall directly behind me, I heard someone say, "Hey cocksucker, we have an audience." I looked behind me, to...
Ed Biggers begins his service to the Two-Sided One and gains balance in his life. Decisions. Hundreds, if not thousands, of decisions are made each and every day, by every person. Shall I sleep five minutes more or not? What shall I eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What route shall I take to work? What lane should I be in now? Most of these are minor decisions, of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. That is, the majority of decisions can be made without concern for...
Diana and Zatanna's return was a fairly straightforward scenario. At first glance, it might seem that it would be more complex because for the first time the household knew they were coming and could prepare, but we had more than enough uncertainty about the specific arrival time built into the background story. As much as I like to discuss background stories, this time ... just read the previous chapter. For a quick one-line summary: They believed that traveling between their universe and...
I robotically went through the motions to shower and change as one thought after another assaulted my mind. What did she want? That was the million dollar question. She wouldn't be here if she didn't want something. Daddy? Was she now willing to settle down and enjoy the things in life his hard work could now provide her? After she'd left him to establish and build a practice plus raise a daughter on his own while she had her fun? Or worse, was she planning to worm her way back into his...