Passionate Dalliance
- 2 years ago
- 22
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Using the forged pass key provided by a supporting agent, I slip into the apartment. I head for the computer by the desk, rifling through the disks on the desk in the hope that I can uncover something quickly. I try the computer; several levels of password protection tell me that it isn't worth the time given the mission constraints. I grab several likely disks from the desk and throw them into a small case over my shoulder.
A notebook, one page partially removed hastily. A remaining fragment contains part of an address downtown. I rip the page from the book and slip it into my pocket. I continue searching the desk and file drawers quickly, stopping only when something captures my interest. There's not much time before I have to finish the search and get into position. The meeting convened at 10pm, but she could leave at any time.
I finish the file cabinet. Echoing in the distance, from the end of the hall, the clicking of heels, sharp and brisk with clean, short steps. The heels grow louder. I throw the bag over my shoulder, pull the Glock from my shoulder holster and duck into the kitchen, slipping behind a pair of small louvered doors from where I can see the front door.
The heels come to a slow crescendo before falling silent at the door. Quiet shuffling, the rustling of a purse, the jingling of keys. The slipping of a key into the lock, and the door opens slowly, a thin column of light slicing the darkness of the living room. I watch, intent, tense and silent as a slender, well-proportioned silhouette glides into the light of the doorway and is gone into the dark as the door slips shut. Several quiet footsteps of the heels, and a light comes on by the bookcase...
Through the gap between the doors of the darkened kitchen, I glimpse her at last. She's neatly turned out in a dark grey suit with a form-fitting cut, a short, waist-length jacket buttoned tightly across the front. Beneath, a silvery silk blouse is buttoned snugly, open an extra notch or two to accent the smooth, deep cleavage of what had to be at least a 35-inch breast. Her skirt, perhaps two inches shorter than what's considered "acceptable", hugs her waist and great, swelling upper thighs, fastened tightly at the waist to accentuate the gentle, sensuous swelling of her lower abdomen and the prominence of her pert, firm buttocks. Her plain, black four-inch pumps arch her slender ankles and display curving, graceful calves. Her raven hair, cut short off the shoulder, is parted to a mod-ish, sharpened forward curl that accents her dramatic cheekbones and wide-set, intense hazel eyes.
She eyes the room for a moment, then goes to the desk, her graceful, plump breasts quivering tightly with each brisk step. She casts a few glances at the desk, the cabinet, the computer, and knows I've been there. But, she doesn't see me. She may not even be looking. She knows I don't have what I'm after -- and what I know she's got -- yet, and she can't waste time closing up shop and getting out to spend time worrying about someone who's been in her apartment. As far as she's concerned, she's done; there's nothing left but the copying of the master disks, throwing together the overnight case, grabbing the passes and bolting for the airport and safety. She turns on one heel and heads for the hallway and her bedroom. I watch with a perverse arousal as she rounds the corner, her tight, hard, worked-out ass shaking tautly with every stride.
I wait until she's in the bedroom packing before I take a tremendous gamble, slipping down the hallway and into the open door of the bathroom halfway down. I step into the shadow of the door and watch her as she prepares for what she believes will be a quick, clean wrap-up and getaway...
She pauses for a moment at the dresser and looks up as if she's forgotten something. Her dark hair glistens and her graceful cheekbones cast subtle shadows across her face in the pale light of the bedroom. She strides slowly into the dimly-lit hall. She approaches the bathroom door; I hit the light and step out into her path, the Glock leveled at her smooth belly.
"That'll be fine, right there, Miss Talbot! Miss... Victoria Talbot, isn't it?"
She glares back with quiet rage and slight surprise. She almost can't believe she was followed here. "You ought to know. I can guess who sent you here..."
I prod her with the muzzle of the gun and back her to the wall. "Hands where I can see them please, Miss Talbot..." I bury the muzzle in her belly and look her in the eye. "I suppose that if you know who sent me, then you know what business I have."
"Do I?" she shoots back, holding her chin in the air defiantly.
"I think you do," I reply, pressing the muzzle deeper into the softness of her belly, just below the ribs. "I think you know why I'm here and what I'm after, and if you're as sensible as I think you are, you'll make things easier on both of us and hand it over to me now."
"What makes you think I'd have it? You've already looked for it; I can see that." she retorts sharply.
"Well, Miss Talbot," I continue calmly, raising the Glock and nestling the muzzle against her breastbone, "for one thing, I haven't searched the bedroom -- and I haven't searched _you_. Let's start with the bedroom, shall we?" I lower the gun to her abdomen, grab her by one arm and push her down the hall, towards the bedroom. "Let's go... _now_."
As we approach the bedroom, Victoria stops and turns to confront me in the doorway. I raise the gun towards her. "Inside. INSIDE!"
Victoria lunges, a knee aimed at my groin, one arm sweeping up towards my gun hand. I twist to avoid the knee as her arm knocks my hand in the air in an effort to knock the gun free. In my effort to hang onto the Glock, I squeeze off a couple of rounds into the ceiling. The effort of avoiding Victoria's knee throws me to the floor, momentarily disoriented as I hear her frantic, short, high-heeled steps rushing down the hall. Quickly, I recover my wits, jump from the floor into a low crouch, raise the Glock and lay down a short burst in Victoria's direction as she approaches to within ten or twelve feet from the door. Victoria yelps sharply in pain and surprise, the yelps turning to grunts and a stifled moan as the slugs catch meat, her lean, sleek torso twisting and jerking as the bullets pepper her back with tiny crimson geysers, stitching a clean, regular arc from above the left buttock up to just below the right shoulder blade.
Delirious in pain and horror, Victoria reaches vainly for the door as she stumbles forward, her weakening legs losing control over the wobbling pumps. Her great, muscular thighs manage one last trembling stride before she topples forward, striking the floor with a sickening muffled thud, bouncing once, quivering and rocking gently before finally coming to rest just steps from the door.
I approach Victoria's body quickly, stealthily, the Glock still trained on her shapely midsection.
Victoria's fresh corpse sprawls crazily, awkwardly, yet somehow gracefully; one shapely leg is stretched out almost straight, and the other is cocked forward slightly, throwing one sleek high-heeled shoe askew. Her right arm trails lazily alongside her torso, while the left lies thrown forward, forever reaching for the door, but never finding it. She stretches at my feet, appearing almost as if bounding or leaping, her lithe, athletic body caught in mid-stride and frozen by the Glock's delicate spray. Victoria's lustrous raven hair, once smartly styled, is thrown in crazy patterns of black lace across her lolling head. Her elegant features, now relaxed, fall into a dark and ghastly repose, a look of aloofness, indifference, a horrifying calm; her deep, hazel eyes stare through the closed door into an unseen distance, the lids hanging heavily, seemingly entranced, dreaming.
I step towards the body, shove one foot under her groin, and nudge, half-kicking, once, twice. No response. Victoria's smooth flanks, taut, prominent buttocks and sleek, round hips rock and quiver gently from the nudging, the flaccid flesh slowly undulating and coming to rest. I kneel over Victoria's body and, grabbing the waistband of her skirt, jerk the carcass up onto its side, her left arm flopping heavily across her belly, her head rolling over her right arm and coming to the floor with a soft, muffled clunk. A thin strand of saliva and blood begins to flow from Victoria's mouth and into a spreading pool beneath her head. Blood dribbles quickly to the floor, spattering lightly, as it finds its way out through the five or six new openings in her lower torso.
I snatch up the left arm and feel for a pulse. Nothing. I drop her arm; it bounces off her hip and slips to the floor, falling at a crazy angle from the elbow. I reach forward, pressing my hand to her throat, feeling for a pulse, again; also nothing. Shifting my grip on her skirt, I slide the corpse away from me a few inches and then, with a flip of my arm, throw it back over onto its face, the soft, limp body rocking and undulating deliciously before once again coming to rest.
I stand up and step over Victoria's body as I cross the room, slip the Glock back into my shoulder holster, take off my jacket and throw it over a chair. I'm sure now that Victoria is dead; there'll be no more struggle and I can proceed at a more leisurely pace. I walk slowly back towards Victoria's body and kneel over it. Her left leg, still cocked slightly forward, stretches the fabric of the skirt tightly and provocatively across her well-muscled thighs and proud, firm ass. (Magnificent! There'll be enough time for that later.)
Quickly, thoroughly, roughly, I frisk her corpse up and down, finding nothing. Again grabbing the waistband of her skirt, I jerk her body on its side and, with a quick pull, jerk her jacket free from the buttons and drop Victoria back onto her face. Yanking the jacket sharply up from her waist to feel for hidden pockets, I notice that its thick fabric has hidden the true extent of Victoria's bleeding. The bullet holes in the sheer silk blouse are ripped, jagged punctures, the shredded cloth and strands of fabric at the edges punched downward into the five entry wounds in Victoria's back. Her blouse glistens with fresh blood from separate wounds soaking together to form a single massive deep crimson pool, leaking through to deeply stain the liner of Victoria's jacket. I feel and search Victoria's bullet-ravished torso and feel nothing but firm, toned flesh and muscle beneath the bloodied silk.
Moving down to her feet, I pick up the one black pump that has already fallen free and feel inside for hidden spaces. Inadvertantly, I catch a whiff of the shoe. Perfume!? I drink in the aroma, momentarily, in spite of myself. I gather myself, lower the shoe from my face and throw it aside. I lift the now-bare foot and notice a thin, lightly sparkling ankle bracelet fastened a few inches up from her ankle. I slip a finger under the anklet and jerk it free; I drop the heavy, limp leg to the floor, it bounces lightly once as it flops to the floor, the momentum setting Victoria's soft, limp, lifeless flanks and hips to quaking slightly for a moment. Grabbing the other leg and pulling it towards me, I remove the other pump and examine it the same way. This shoe is perfumed as well. It's becoming difficult concentrating on business first before moving on to the "perk" of this assignment...
I rise to my feet, kicking Victoria's shoes aside and pausing for a moment to gaze down at the sleek, athletic, tight-assed young corpse crumpled on the carpet at my feet. Good shooting, I notice; five crisp punctures through the fine wool jacket, into Victoria's muscular back and out through the mid-abdomen in a tight, even line between her navel and the second or third rib.
I shove one foot under Victoria's soft, flaccid midsection and, kicking up sharply, throw her limp, heavy carcass over onto its back, her left arm flopping across her chest and bouncing to rest at her side, partly bent, slightly extended from the shoulder. Her great thighs tumble and rock, her hips shimmy provocatively; her head rolls and lolls sloppily back and forth as her corpse comes to rest. Her body rolls over softly and heavily, the momentum setting it to shimmying and quaking gently, like a freshly-killed deer.
I grab Victoria's jacket from the front and begin rummaging through the inside pockets and feeling the lining. Still nothing! The bitch. What if she has it hidden in a locker at the airport? Damn; I should've tried to knock that information out of her before I pumped her. As I finish searching the jacket and throw it open, my eyes wander to Victoria's lifeless face, still exotic and fetching. The soft light from down the hall highlights her high, round, elegant cheekbones in a soft, warm glow, her eyes, still moist, sparkle slightly still in a seemingly indifferent, careless gaze. A small but steady trickle of blood purges from her mouth, across her cheek. It's shockingly fashionable. It matches her lip gloss.
I begin frisking Victoria's soft dead torso from the front, starting at the waist and working slowly up to the armpits, grabbing her arms by the wrists and throwing them up past her head; the limbs bounce and twist as they fall, coming to rest at awkward, haphazard angles. I take care to avoid bloodying my hands uneccessarily as I feel the blood-soaked blouse. Victoria's limp torso quivers ever so slightly, her head rocks from side to side gently as I grab the blouse and yank the buttons free, one at a time, exposing her smooth, taut belly. I pause for a moment to examine my work on Victoria's bullet-pocked torso. The exit wounds pucker out in little craters, little volcanoes welling up slightly with fresh blood, forming a grisly connect-the-dots puzzle between her navel and breast.
I reach up towards Victoria's chest and grab her thin, sheer bra by the cups and slip it up over her still-firm and plump breasts. I pause, nearly startled somehow at the sight of Victoria's breasts quivering gently as I pulled the bra away. My breath is short, my pulse quick, if for only a moment before I compose myself and being feeling for hidden spaces in the bra cups and straps. I reach around to search the straps from the back, lifting the lifeless torso slightly towards me. I gasp quietly in arousal and anticipation as my hand accidentally brushes Victoria's left breast while searching the straps. There's a smear of blood on my hand afterward; where did that come from?...
... I glance down. One of the rounds has grazed the underside of Victoria's left breast, leaving a delicate bloody line as it exited between the third and fourth ribs. The left cup of the bra is slit open roughly, a thin diluted stain of blood and milk spreading in the fabric. A tiny rivulet of blood has found its way down into the smooth enfolding where the underside of Victoria's breast joins the main part of her chest, tracing the underside of the bountiful swelling in a sparkling crimson line.
Nothing in the bra. I'm going to have to search _everything_ now. I can't do it all here. Quickly, haphazardly, I slip Victoria's bra back into position, button her blouse two or three buttons up and fasten her jacket. Kicking the discarded heels aside, I pause for a moment to drink in Victoria's ghastly elegance. Even now, lifeless, bloodied, bullet-ravaged, she's still hauntingly beautiful. Her snug, stylish clothes are disarrayed shockingly, loosely thrown about her corpse in that horrid dishevelment of death. Her expression seems uncaring of the way her rumpled, bullet-ripped blouse and jacket ride up her torso, bunched up around her shoulders, the snugness of the jacket pressing and squeezing her ample breasts together and upward, the half-open blouse exposing a horrifyingly stunning cleavage.
I step back from the corpse for a moment to remove my shoulder holster and lay it over a chair, and to take off my shirt. I then return to my work; I bend over Victoria's body, slipping one arm around her back, grabbing her left arm at the elbow, and pulling her torso onto my shoulder. I put my arm down quickly under her thighs and, grasping the muscular limbs tightly, stand to my feet.
Victoria's corpse slides heavily over my shoulder; as I grab her waist to stop the fall, her lifeless arms flail and thrash the air wildly, and her head bobs crazily, half-twisting at awkward angles as it dangles at the end of her spine. Her hair swishes along with its movements in a dark, lustrous wave, like a horse's tail. I pause for a moment to get my footing, shifting my grip around Victoria's full, sleek thighs; I'm momentarily lost in a macabre reverie as I savor the feel of her luscious, well-muscled flesh in my arms and over my shoulder. Her torso sways lazily from the hip; her arms swing along in kind, and her head now gently bobs to and fro, a beautiful broken puppet of flesh and blood.
I begin walking down the hall towards the bedroom. I'm momentarily startled as I feel Victoria's limp hands brushing my buttocks as her arms swing loosely in time with my steps. I smile to myself, darkly amused. This bitch is _spanking_ me, I muse to myself. I mockingly whisper her imaginary words to me: bad boy! you killed me, you cold bastard. bad boy...
I arrive at the bedroom door and survey the space. I realize I can't afford to dirty the sheets with Victoria's vaginal juices, urine and the blood from her still-warm wounds as I'll need them to wrap the body for transport back to HQ. I look around the bedroom for a place to lay the corpse while I clear the bedsheets. There's nothing; no sofa, no easy chair. I yank hard on Victoria's flaccid legs; her torso slides up over my shoulder. With a soft flip, Victoria's corpse swings out over my shoulder; I let go of her legs and her body drops to the floor with a deep, loud, sickening thump, bouncing hard, her limbs flapping on the carpet, her torso and hips quaking as she comes to rest.
I walk to the bed, gather the bedclothes, fold them hurriedly and toss them into a corner. Returning to Victoria's body, I grab her now-bare feet by the ankles and drag her towards the bed, her arms flopping back behind her head, her head lolling and rocking slightly with each pull on her ankles. Her clothes become even more sickeningly disarrayed; her skirt bunches up around her ample hips, her blouse and jacket pull up around the top of her torso and press her breasts up into an even more obscene prominence. I smile slightly, wickedly, at this ghastly salaciousness. I bend over and snatch Victoria's corpse into my arms, one hand under her knees, one hand around the midsection, and throw it over onto the bed. It bounces wildly two or three times, rolling over onto its face, quivering in time with the shaking mattress.
I cross to the other side of the bed and pull Victoria's jacket and blouse up to her shoulders, exposing the bra fastenings across her back. With a rough yank, the strap snaps and springs free. Down to the waistband of her skirt, now, I unzip the back and begin to feel carefully in the flaps of the zipper, and in the waistband. Still nothing. I slip my hands under Victoria's flank and shoulder and flip her corpse over onto its back. I reach over and continue to pull on her skirt until it's around her ankles, where I can feel it more comfortably. No luck here, either. I put the skirt aside and reach up to Victoria's full, sleek, lifeless thighs and begin sliding the sheer black stockings down from her shapely legs. As I pull the stocking free from her right leg, I pause for a moment to admire her well-muscled calf, her slender, graceful ankle and elegant, smooth foot. I gently let the foot slip free from my grasp and drop to the bed.
Introduction: Note: This story has A LOT of build-up. So if you dont like it, skip to the end. But if youre like me and enjoy the ride, read on Enjoy! From the desk of: Victoria Smithe Dear Mike, Heres another one of my fantasies. I hope you like this one better than the other. Ive grown to love writing these stories, not just for the erotica, but it takes the edge off sometimes. ——————– Harmony, I need you to get something from upstairs for me. Ms. Evans called out from the kitchen when she...
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They hadn’t met. She was a single mom. He was a college professor. Only in the halls at their children’s elementary school had their paths crossed. He always sat alone, along the rear wall, during plays and concerts, she was always busy with her daughter’s hair, or substitute teaching. There lives were a world apart. Yet that Spring Tuesday she had worked at school a bit late, and he came a bit early to the concert (she found out much later that he had to see Steven’s coach about what...
© 2004 by Lowered Eyes All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permissionof the author. This work is written as adult entertainment and is not intended tobe accessed by anyone under the age of 18. All persons and events portrayedare fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely co-incidental.
Author's preamble. This story is a product of my imagination. The characters herein are likewise imaginary and any similarity to real people is purely accidental. All sexually active characters are over the age of 18. The story contains aspects of brother-sister incest, lesbian sex and cream pie. If any of these aspects are not to your taste (excuse the pun, ) may I respectfully suggest you look to other stories on the site. It is not my wish to offend my readers. If these aspects are...
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In the dark bowels of Hell, two demonesses were working hard over a forge. The two demon women were of the prettier variety, though they didn’t hold a torch to succubi. The first of the demon ladies picked up the object they had just finished crafting. It was very ornate, and certainly didn’t belong in a hellhole like, well, Hell. It was a golden amulet with seven glowing gems placed in it. Six in a circle, and a seventh in the middle. “King Lucifer will be pleased with the Sinner’s Amulet.”...
FantasyJust to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...
Declan looked at the ornate jar. It was large, diamond cut, and clear. Antique and expensive, it contained one lonely violet light that swirled around. He watched the light, knowing that by the end of tonight, it would have some company. As he watched the light dance, he sat back in his chair and locked his hands behind his neck. Capturing envy should be extraordinarily easy, much like pride. Sara was a creature of habit. She ate the same, thought the same, and wanted the same. Sara wanted...
SupernaturalDeadly Male-Milkers TJ Ryder Todd had high hopes for the party tonight at Clarissa's. He had justgotten off a 6 month navy cruise and this was the beginning of a longawaited furlough in New York. He'd already made up his mind that if hedidn't see any chance of scoring in the first hour he'd head for TimesSquare and find a working girl to take the pressure off his...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal The spirits surged through Kora. I could feel them working to heal her wound. Her convulsions slowed. The froth stopped bubbling from her lips. Her eyes closed. She let out a soft exhale. Her blood no long pumped out of her, staining my hand. “That’s it,” I said as the spirits danced in and out of her body. “They’re fixing you. Okay?” Kora let out a soft groan. I nodded my head, my back muscles twitching. “You’re doing great....
Hobo and the Proper Villain were a common sight in the Crossroads. And they usually drew smiles with the PV riding along on Hobo’s back. Pilar or Walker, often both of them, took Hobo out almost every day. But even when she wasn’t along, her presence is felt. I was walking through the Wrigley lobby one afternoon and I heard Pilar speaking firmly to Scout and shy little Wally Maypole, “Remember, it’s Hobo’s walk, not yours. It’s a dog walk, not a people walk.” Both men nodded...
Introduction to Part IV: Deadly Chemistry The Time: A few years ago The Place: Northern Indiana. The Codes: mt/ft, ft/ft, petting, masturbation, first, sex, growing up, polyamory Events: This part contains reference to acts of violence, rape, abuse, murder, attempted suicide and racial conflict but, as much as is possible, the above occur off-screen. These topics are talked about and described by the characters as it affects all of them. It also, eventually, includes explicit...
St. Margaret’s Vicarage, Stratton-Over-Wye, Spring 1784What bliss, thought Lucy Whitmore as she listened to the birdsong in the slightly unkempt vicarage garden. Even if she racked her brains, she couldn’t remember the last time she had a quiet minute to herself. What with a growing family and a clerical husband whose door was always open for the needy or just plain talkative, together with an eternally hopeless housekeeper, her life was at a constant sprint.This morning though, as it had...
HistoricalAugust 1, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, there’s a man in reception who says he urgently needs to see you. He won’t give his name, but says it’s an important financial matter and I’m quoting, ‘it would be in his best interest to talk to me.’ Do you want me to call the police?” “No, I’ll come down,” I said. I didn’t put on my blazer or a sweater as I usually did to hide my pistol, but I changed shoes and then went downstairs to where Eve Falvey was sitting. “I need you to come with me,” I...
Her next episode with Deathmaster was as spooky as the others. It occurred at an abandoned industrial complex far from anywhere. The buildings opened into tall structural steel frames that rose hundreds of feet into the air. She was forced to climb, naked, up rusted steel ladders and follow narrow walkways until she reached the appointed place of her "event." There Sally was introduced to a strange man who looked tormented. Deathmaster explained that this man, like Sally, wanted the thrill...
The following weekend, Sally made up her mind. It was another hot, steamy summer night. She put on black nylons, a very short mini-skirt, a low cut top, and high heels, then drove to the sleezy part of town. There, she rented a room another run-down old hotel. The old hotel clerk didn't blink an eye, although she noticed him looking her over. Sally nervously walked out on the street and took a place along the side of a building, near a street light. She noticed that the street was almost...
"It was Aimal, Scotty," Caleb said angrily into his phone. "He nearly took out my whole team! I don't know what came through the veil, but it sure wasn't a Companion, and it was dangerous! Al and I could barely slow it. It was all we could do to stop it, even when we linked! Scotty, I could hear Aimal thank me when I shot him. I think it had just become active. This thing assimilated with its host, quicker than I thought it would. We need that warrant so we can go in now, and pray Branch...
The warlord had set guards on the entrance to the inn he stayed at, on his way to the tomb site. He was very upset about the delays in obtaining access to the grave, and the workers, many of them forced, would certainly pay the price. Taki could see 2 guards below her. As they wore sturdy helmets and body armor, the back of their heads was not a viable target. Confident in her abilities, the dark-haired female decided to end them both in a flashy way, one that would minimize noise and...
Chapter 1: Denial I discovered my wife was cheating last July. I have been in the ninth circle of hell since then. I never suspected it. At first I could not believe that my wife would do something like that. We had been married for a little over eight years and up until then I was the happiest man in the world. Well-known psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross asserted that when a person is faced with the reality of impending death or other extreme awful fate, he/she will experience a series...
My mother called me. At work. First Autumn, now ... Flora Jennings. “Winter, can you come by?” Mom knew I worked, had my own office. But since I was no longer with the KCPD, nor employed by a real company, she simply hadn’t accepted that I do anything worthwhile. In fact, after Reggie left me, and before Vanessa married me, my mother regarded me as ... sad. A loser. Couldn’t keep a man, couldn’t find a real job. So it didn’t surprise me that she would expect me to drop whatever...
Ingrid was sitting at the back of the club, in a dark corner. She was wearing black jeans, a red top and red heels which suited her pale-white skin and black glossy hair perfectly. The sluts and drunken men did not suit Ingrid's fancie until a 21 year old man, Jake came in, sat at the bar and ordered a Bloody Mary. Ingrid knew he was the right one, and struted across the room, making guys wolf whistle and try touching her tight ass. She sat next to Jake, ordering a Bloody mary too. "Whats up?"...
Erotic FictionEach of the five big lucious female judges is sitting on the face of and smothering a male even while presiding over these cases. "Lets see our first case then" announced one, who's ass was pressing down heavily on a man underneath her - he was being crushed, suffocated and humilated to death all at the same time. A young woman aged 21 entered the courtroom, and a man in his 40s with a pair of worn girl's panties, probably hers and fresh, stuffed in his mouth. "The young woman is named Jenifer....
Adult HumorRaining heavy, being thrown at the earth. It was cold but Matt needed to get home as fast as he could, driving over the limit before the storm fully hit him. He slammed his foot down but the road was becoming less visible as he got closer to home. The car sliding about on the dirt road, he tried to hit the brakes but once he did the car slid even more. The back of his SUV slid to the right towards a ditch in the road, he lost control of the car. As the car slid into the ditch he knew...
She reached out as she had done the first day with one hand, one finger tracing my jaw line, she leant in and kissed the place her fingers vacated but this time she did not remove her mouth, instead running her tongue swiftly across my jaw, involuntarily I felt myself suck in my breath, one arm frozen to my side with fear the other clutching my towel around me I found myself shiver with what I must admit was excitement. She drew back to look at me her fingers tilting my chin, she could not...
I played with Mary’s tits for about 10 minutes, alternating between the two so that I would not make either one sore. She had begun to pant and moan even more heavily as I sucked on her nipples. I was at the stage where I was having trouble maintaining contact as she bounced around on the bed. I could tell that she was getting close to an orgasm from the play with her nipples, so I decided it was time to up the ante a bit. I began to whip her nipples with my tongue, and that was almost too...
There was no way for us to move the monster’s body out of the road. I know, because I tried. Other than his money, he had nothing that we wanted, so we turned around and headed back to Bob’s Knob. This time we headed for the livery stable. We talked to the owner, Edward Molsen. He had a wagon and a horse for sale, but both had seen better days. He insisted that the wagon was in good condition, but he did admit that the horse, Ned, might not last much more than a year. Mary was sure that the...
The first thing we did when we got home was to look at the contents of the moneybelt. It was mostly copper pennies, but there were six pieces-of-eight. It was not a fortune, but well worth picking up. The problem I had in estimating the value of our coins was that they were a mixture of English and Spanish coins, and the damned Spanish coins were not of a consistent weight, so I had no way to guess the value of each coin. The value of a copper penny was about equal to $5 in the money I was...
As soon as it got dark enough, about midnight, David and I slipped out of the tavern to do what we could to shake up the morale of the Redsticks. We went out a back door because we did not want to be noticed by the majority of the Indians. Our plan was to kill as many of the Redsticks as possible without letting the others know that anything was going on. We had our usual weapons: the crossbow, the war club, and the Bowie knife. We crouched very close to the ground to make it very difficult...
Time for the first big test of the Whittaker Fund. Karl Hoffstatter had been given three sample batches of supposedly-stolen ammunition. Which, circuitously, wound its way to three different Nazi compounds. Roger ‘Hoppy’ Cransdale had been the trusted courier each time. Free samples ... that stage of the operation was over. The 5.56 NATO rounds had pleased the Aryan, had pleased the white nationalists. Now it was time for Hoffstatter to start paying. For a significant-sized shipment — a...
Morning in the ravine comes late due to its geography. When the men get organized for the day Kyle and Dana appreciate KK cooking their breakfast while the rest of the men cook their own. One of today’s tasks is made a lot easier by the horses making their own way back into the ravine to the fodder set out in the corral area. It was their after dawn return that woke up most of the Shiloh men, not the small amount of sunlight filtering down to them. Most of the men are busy preparing the...
Ingrid was bored, that club was long sucked-out. Ingrid watched out the window as the police carried out the lifeless bodies of horny humans. Ingrid turned round and looked in the mirror. "God, So many guys can fall for this!" Ingrid thought, feeling her waist. Three load bangs on the door made Ingrid look at the door. Ingrid walked over in her 5-inch heels and sprung the door open. "Hello, I'm Harry and I want to ask you some questions." A police man, around 45 stood there. "Oh, I need a...
Erotic FictionDeclan was excited about this sin. Next to lust, wrath or anger was his favorite. There was nothing more fun than watching a quick tempered person being broken. Teaching them the meaning of patience, and what better way to instruct than using orgasms, or the denial of orgasms. Bella, the target for tonight, was a hot tempered red head. She didn’t have time or patience for slowness. She wanted it done, and she wanted it done now. In every area of her life, she rushed through the minor details....
It was only two weeks before she called Deathmaster again. He had told her that eventually he would kill her. She had no safe word, no assurance that she would be ok. He called them games but the consequences absolutely real. She had seen personally seen two people die already and he had said that there were others before. This should have been a deterrent but she was addicted. She could not go back to a normal life. The most hardcore BDSM seemed like child's play by comparison. He had...
Sally was shaking when she kept this appointment. She knew that her chance of being murdered this time was higher than ever before. While she entered the stark looking abandoned prison building with dread, she was also sensually aroused by the danger. He was waiting just inside the door. There he forced her to strip her clothes, then put her hands behind her back and handcuffed her. Next he snapped iron manacles on both ankles. They were attached by a short chain so it was difficult for Sally...
The sexual excitement of the first session was so intense she could not stop thinking about it. She wanted badly to do it again, but she knew that each time she had an encounter with Deathmaster, he might kill her. But that was part of the thrill. After about a week of rationalizing, telling herself how foolish it was to risk everything for that moment of intense orgasmic pleasure, Sally found herself making the call. She wanted to do it one more time. And that will be the end of it, she...