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I stood at the edge of the desert. Before me the white sands extended to the horizon, towering dunes and wavering haze breaking up the harsh alien landscape. I shielded my eyes, the dark goggles I was wearing doing little to ease the blinding glare. I had been stranded, one of my engines was hit by orbital debris on approach and the freighter I had been piloting to the refueling station had ditched on the surface of this planet. The landing hadn’t been too hard, most of the surface was just desert and sand. I hadn’t paid enough attention to my course chart to remember its name, but the AI co-pilot had reported that the atmosphere was breathable, and that if I had tried to launch an escape pod I would have been caught by the gravity well anyway.

I had recovered everything of use from the wrecked ship and headed out in the direction of a space elevator used to transport goods to and from the surface, mostly ores and minerals. Unfortunately that elevator was a hundred miles away across a strip of especially harsh desert. The gear I had salvaged didn’t really equip me for this trek, I had a pair of pilot’s goggles that would darken when exposed to sunlight, a crude survival poncho lined with insulation intended more for ice planets than deserts, the ship’s first-aid kit, some basic ration bars and a canteen that would siphon water vapor from the air and refill over time.

I unscrewed the cap on the silver canteen and took a quick drink. As I wiped my mouth I turned behind me and took another look at the scuttled freighter a few miles back, my footprints trailing away in the sand. It extended into the air like a black skyscraper made of broken pipes, its freight had spilled across the dunes like the innards of a gutted fish. Billions of credits of goods that now would never make it to their intended destinations, if I survived this there was no way I’d be keeping my job. I had tied my leather flight jacket over my head to protect from the sun, and as I tightened the sleeves under my chin, I braced myself for the journey.

“Come on O’Brian, you can do this!” I said aloud.

“Are you crossing?” I started, and looked to my left. There was a creature standing right next to me, the leather jacket had obscured my peripheral vision and it had just walked right up to me.

“FUCK!” I exclaimed and fell on my ass, shuffling backwards to get away. The thing was large, at least eight or nine feet tall, it was bipedal, basically humanoid, and was draped in some kind of brown shawl from head to toe that obscured its features.

“Oh, did I startle you?” It was speaking Galactic Standard, heavily accented with some odd clicking vocalizations, but well enough that I could understand. I stood up and brushed sand off my clothes, embarrassed. I wracked my brain trying to remember GS grammar I had learned in flight school.

“Yes, sorry about that.” I replied, I was rusty but it seemed to understand me. The thing eyed me up and down, its head obscured by the ragged shawl blowing in the wind that swept in from the dunes.

“Are you crossing?”

“Yes” I replied, still wary of the large thing.

“I saw your ship crash,” it clicked, “I came to find survivors.”

“It wasn’t too hard a landing,” I bragged, looking back over my shoulder at the new landscape I had created, “I’m the only crew member, most of the ship’s functions were automated.”

The alien seemed melancholy, it looked out over the desert, pensive.

“You have no cooling unit, you can’t cross without one, the desert heat will drive you to madness then kill you.”

“Hardly matters,” I replied, “If I don’t get to that space elevator I’ll die anyway, might as well chance it rather than starve here.” The alien paused for a moment, then spoke again.

“I have a cooling unit, I too wish to reach the spire, but it will take several days to cross that desert and my kind cannot survive the cold nights, you are a mammal, I can sense your warm blood, you have an insulating blanket, you could keep us both alive.”

I relaxed somewhat, was this alien stranded here like me? Would circumstance make allies of us?

“I propose a trade for the common good.” It said, gesturing at me with a long, three-fingered arm tipped with shiny black claws that protruded from under the shawl, its skin a deep purple in color. “I will keep you alive during the day with my cooling unit, you will keep me alive at night with your insulator, we will cross together.”

Clearly someone was watching out for old O’Brian, I didn’t know anything about this creature or its species, but it seemed to need me as much as I needed it.

“If you think you can make the trip, I’ll go wth you.”

The alien paused again, surprised.

“Then it is settled, the bargain is made.”

I gestured ahead, “Lead on!”

I labored to keep pace with the loping alien, its long legged strides let it scale dunes with relative ease, as my boots sank into the sand and I struggled up them practically on all-fours. Occasionally it would reach out a clawed hand to steady me or lift me over a crest. It was too exhausting to keep a conversation going and the alien showed far less curiosity where I was concerned than I had expected. It might have met humans before, as it knew Galactic Standard fairly well.

From a belt around its waist hung the cooling unit, an unwieldy, blocky device of alien design that projected a four meter bubble of cool air around us. While it didn’t block out the burning sun, it protected from wind and sand, and cooled the air to a tolerable temperature as we struggled on. It was right of course, the exertion and heat would have driven me to delirium long ago were it not for this magical device.

It knew a fair bit about me, but I knew nothing of it. It had called me a “mammal”, implying that it was something different, an insect or a reptile? I couldn’t see past the shawl it wore, save for glimpses of dark purple skin, like bruising, covering its forearms and ankles. The desert was featureless besides the dunes and the elevator in the distance extending into the azure, cloudless sky. There were no plants, no animals, no oasis, no rocks protruding from the ground, just sand as far as the eye could see.

“I need to rest.” I gasped, doubling over to take a breath, sweat pouring from my face and stinging my eyes. The alien came to a halt, and turned to look at me.

“The less time we spend resting, the better.” It chided, seemingly unsympathetic.

I raised a hand, gesturing it to stop.

“You’re bigger than me, I have to walk twice as far as you with those beanstalk legs, I won’t be long, I just need a drink and a breather.” I pulled the canteen from my pack and took a refreshing swig.

“Is that water?” The alien asked, eyeing the silver canteen. “May I have some?”

I tossed the canteen to it, it caught it and unscrewed the cap. From beneath the tattered fabric snaked a ropey tube, like a tongue or a proboscis. It slipped inside the rim of the canteen, and I assumed it drank. After a few moments it handed the canteen back to me, I wiped some viscous saliva from the top and screwed the lid back on.

“So what’s your name?” I inquired. “Mine’s O’Brian.” It looked me up and down, at least that’s what I assumed it was doing as its face was hidden.

“You couldn’t pronounce my name.”

I stood with my hands on my hips, and gave it a sarcastic look.

“Well then what do I call you, beanstalk?”

“Beanstalk will do.”

I laughed at it, what an antisocial companion I had landed. I didn’t think it even knew what beanstalk meant.

“Alright Beanstalk, where are you from? How did you come to be here?” It began to move away from me again, and I hurried to keep up, my feet sinking into the sand.

“Walk as you talk.” It replied, although I noticed its gait was a little slower now, allowing me to keep up at an undignified power-walk. “I was born here, I am native to this planet. I came from a region further East.”

“Why do you need me to keep you alive if you’re native to this climate?” I asked, perplexed. It extended a clawed hand to help me over the crest of a dune.

“My people retreat to burrows when the cold comes,” it said. “In this white desert the ground is hard, and the cold is harsh, noone lives here.”

“So you need my poncho.” I huffed, as I attempted to descend a steep incline, my feet sliding.

“And your body heat, you are a mammal, you have warm blood, my people are reptiles, our blood is cold and we get our heat from the sun.” I nodded, it made sense. As I started to climb another dune, I asked the alien why it wanted to reach the space elevator, and it told me the story of how human miners had collapsed tunnels during mining operations, killing several of its species. It was a simple mistake, albeit a deadly one, but the natives had no way to cross the “dead band” deserts that separated many disparate tribes from eachother, which the miners simply flew over. This alien had been tasked with finding a way across and delivering detailed maps of the tunnels so that the miners could avoid them when drilling.

As we chatted and walked I learned that Beanstalk was a female, hailing from a nearby tribe, and that her species spent the majority of their time underground in complex warrens and tunnels. In the mornings before the sun rose fully they would bask on rocks and warm themselves, when they ventured to the surface for longer periods of time they wore cooling units. Staying underground seemed like a sensible evolutionary strategy in a climate as harsh and variable as this one. Her people had advanced technology, but were largely sedentary and had no desire to move over large distances or communicate outside the tribe in most circumstances, their warrens requiring a lot of investment to build and maintain. There were no disputes over territory among different tribes because the dead bands clearly outlined borders which people could not cross without great difficulty.

“Do you dislike humans, because they collapsed one of your warrens?” I asked hesitantly. “They meant you no harm I’m sure, they were just careless.”

“That’s probably true.” She replied, never breaking stride, but she did not answer the question.

The sun began to get low on the horizon, and I asked if we should make camp for the night, she agreed as I wondered what that might entail. She dropped a backpack from under her shawl, I hadn’t even noticed it, assuming the bulge was part of her anatomy, and began to unpack what looked like a blanket. To my surprise she activated a switch, and it inflated into a squat tent, roughly as long as she was tall.

“Survival tent,” She explained. “It will insulate us from the cold, to an extent.” I eyed the tent, a little worried that it would be too narrow to fit both of us, but she assured me that it would be fine. “With your mammalian body heat and that insulated poncho we should survive the night.”

“Are these tents not enough to keep you alive under normal circumstances?” I asked.

“No, the nights in the dead bands are too cold.” Reluctantly I shed my gear outside the tent, leaving my canteen to refill itself, and crawled in first. Although the alien was taller than me I had to crouch to enter the tent. The surface was padded and had the almost metallic crackle of heavy insulation, it was not uncomfortable. The walls and ceiling were similarly lined with a silver insulation material, there were no openings besides the door. I shuffled to the top of the tent as Beanstalk crawled through the opening.

It was then I noticed she had four arms, they supported her as she crawled on her knees, extending from beneath her shawl. I stared, wide-eyed as she shuffled closer then sat cross-legged, and began to remove her clothing. This was the first I had seen of her without the cowl, and I was apprehensive, I assumed she might have more tact than to reveal herself this close to me in such an enclosed space, it would make anyone nervous, but then again perhaps a subterranean creature might find these claustrophobic spaces comforting. She used the upper set of arms to pull off her hood and the rags covering her face, to reveal her bruise-purple complexion and large, dark eyes. She looked human enough, the facial structure was all human besides the conspicuous lack of a nose, she had two eyes spaced apart like a human would have, albeit larger and shiny black with no pupils, and a mouth where a mouth should be. Off-yellow canine teeth protruded over her oddly full lips, the color of which was a deeper purple than the surrounding skin, which was shiny, probably due to sweat or a secretion of some kind. To my surprise a mane of red hair fell about her shoulders as the hood came off, she reached behind her head in a weirdly human gesture and tied it into a rough ponytail.

While this was happening her lower set of arms were removing her shawl, which appeared to untie at the front, and slough off her body onto the floor, she rolled it up and placed it to one side. Now all she was wearing was a loincloth of some kind wrapped around her lower body and what looked suspiciously like a tank top. Although it was surely rude to stare, my eyes played over her alien body, my gaze meeting the same curves and taught muscle one might expect from an athlete, maybe a runner or a swimmer. I was startled, and slightly aroused, the odd geometry of her four-armed torso gave way to what looked like pert breasts under her covering, and her exposed midriff was lined with bunches of abdominal muscle that faded into curved hips and strong thighs, the same slick mauve skin present everywhere. Despite her claim of reptile heritage I could see no visible scales, but who knew with aliens.

If she noticed I was looking, she wasn’t concerned, as she rolled up clothing and packed it away in her rucksack. When she was done she watched me, expectantly. I made a “What?” gesture, and she sighed.

“Clothes off.” She said.

“Excuse me?”

“Take off your clothes,” she repeated, “Your body heat, that was the bargain we made.”

“Why do I need to take them off for that?” I asked, incredulous.

“I need skin on skin contact in order to transfer the heat directly to my body or I will die, the insulation in this tent and your poncho will not trap enough heat, and if I die you will die shortly after.” I started to remove the jacket that was still tied around my head, and kicked off my shoes.

“Ok jeez hold your horses, I never said I wouldn’t do it.” I complained. She didn’t bother asking what horses were and instead just observed me as I tried to pull my t-shirt over my head. She watched me as I disrobed, as I had watched her, a mutual curiosity of alien anatomy I assumed, since she had kept her loincloth, I kept my shorts on, already starting to feel cold.

“Wow you weren’t joking,” I said, wrapping my arms around myself. “This cold comes on fast, humans can live in cold climates but this is already uncomfortable for me.” The sweat left over from the day’s hike was sticking to me now, cold and clammy, I wiped some of it off with a discarded shirt but if we were going to get warm we had better do it fast.

She lay down, stretching out along the length of the tent. I felt tiny next to her giant frame. She motioned to the insulated poncho I had brought with me, and drew a rolled up insulated blanket from her bag.

“Combine these, layer them, then get as close to me as you can, I’m already starting to feel sluggish.” I followed her instructions and lay the small poncho over her torso and the larger alien-sized blanket over her body, when that was done I hesitantly crawled under, only to feel her four arms reach out and grab me. For a moment I was alarmed, but then I regained my composure, and she drew me in close to her chest, pressing me against what were definitely breasts.

“Good, you’re warm.” She murmured. There was nothing sexual about this, we were doing it to survive, and yet as she drew me in against her breast, I felt a new heat begin to rise in my loins. She was as sweaty as I was, it covered her strange skin in a slippery layer, and stained her tank top, making it almost transparent in some places. Her chest was pressed against mine, and my face was pushed against the nape of her neck by a gentle hand to the back of my head. She kept her clawed hand there, and sighed a little as I breathed warm air onto her.

I had gone from barely knowing this alien to spooning with her within the space of a few minutes, and while I was alarmed, the cold was creeping up my back, and I nudged forward trying to get closer. The insulated blankets were trapping my heat well enough but the closer we got the more efficient that process would be, or at least that’s what I told myself, as I reached my left arm around her ribs and placed it against her back, drawing her in. Her skin was smooth and soft, coated in that layer of moisture that made my fingers slippery. We were fully sandwiched now, my reddening face pressing against her clavicle. I dared a glance and peeked down her top, on her exaggerated frame those boobs were understated, but squashed together against a human’s chest they looked massive. Beads of sweat still trickled into the cleavage.

I was worried she would sense my growing erection and so I pulled my lower body back a little, bringing my legs up to my belly, but with her two free hands that were not wrapped around me she deftly pushed them back straight, then with one hand on my butt, pressed my pelvis up against hers, squashing my penis against her firm abdominal muscles.

“Stay straight, that part is warm.” She mumbled, her breath tickling my ear. She couldn’t know what it was, all she was interested in was the heat it was producing.

She smelled musky, and slightly sweet like fruit, it wasn’t unpleasant but it overpowered my senses in such an enclosed space, I tried to pull my head away to catch a breath of fresher air but the hand on the back of my head did not allow it.

We stayed like that for a while, my excitement eventually receding into fatigue as the day’s march took it’s tole on my body. Her chest heaved rhythmically as she slept, and occasionally one of her hands would squeeze or caress me gently, she must have been dreaming of a pet perhaps, or a lover? Those thoughts rattled around my tired brain until I too was sleeping and dreaming.

The next day I awoke to heat, I scrambled to remove the stifling blankets and crawled out of the tent through the flap. Where was Beanstalk? I cursed as the sun blinded me and returned to the tent briefly to retrieve my flight goggles. That cursed fiery ball was just now peeking over the horizon, it was not hot enough to burn me yet but it was still a blinding glare. I stood and looked around. There was Beanstalk, spread across the sand on some kind of clear plastic tarp some distance away, as naked as the day she was born. She lay on her back, one hand shielding her dark eyes from the sun as she basked in the golden rays, her skin taking on a reflective sheen that served only to accentuate the bumps and curves of her uncomfortably feminine body.

What I had only glimpsed in the tent I now saw in full sunlight, her sinewy arms and chest upon which perched two (by human standards) large breasts that hung attractively, the deep purple skin that ran over her tight belly and her abs that would make any Olympic swimmer jealous. Her legs were svelte because of their length, but were no less toned. Their distinctly human shape gave way to a jointed heel and splayed claws that looked like they would stop her sinking in the sand. As I drank her in I imagined that life in the warrens must be very physically demanding, that or her species naturally had more muscle than humans, then she rolled over onto her front to bathe her back in warmth from the sun. I was graced with a view of her taut butt, large globes no doubt full of muscle, and a deep dimple than ran all the way down her spine. I noticed that the skin was not uniform, but had darker freckles scattered across her shoulders and haunches. The deep red hair that had so surprised me was only present on her head.

“You’re staring, O’Brian.” She chimed.

My face reddened as I realized how long I had been watching her.

“Well, you’re interesting!” I stammered, a poor comeback. “I’ve not seen anything like you before in my travels.”

She rolled over onto her side to face in my direction, two of her four hands on the curve of her hip, those large breasts pressing together heavily.

“I thought we looked pretty similar!” She called back. “Why do you find my anatomy so interesting?” I chose not to answer, and instead got to work packing away my gear. I took a long draw from the canteen, and packed it away on my belt. I tied the leather flight jacket over my head again and hoisted my rucksack. Beanstalk was back on her front, one leg bent in the air is if she were relaxing on a beach somewhere.

“Don’t hurry, I need to bathe for a while longer.”

I huffed and dropped my pack, then sat on it. I took out a ration bar and chewed slowly, watching her sunbathe a while longer, she didn’t seem to care that I was examining her, or if she did she didn’t show it. We were different species anyway, why should there be any tension between us? Would I care if a dog or a cat was watching me sunbathe? No.

After maybe half an hour the sun became unbearably hot, and I pleaded with Beanstalk to reactivate her cooling unit, which ironically seemed to be solar powered. After some stalling we pressed on, continuing our long and arduous march to the hazy space elevator in the distance.

We had been walking for another day with little conversation. I felt that all we needed to say had been said the day before, and Beanstalk had never been one for flippant chatting. Despite the cooling balm of her unit, this trek was getting to me, my feet were blistered and my boots were full of sweat, my pack had begun to dig into my shoulders and I found that the canteen never had as much water as I wanted it to. A little panic rose in my belly as I realized that we couldn’t turn back at this point, we either made it to the elevator or we died in the desert, she really wasn’t exaggerating the danger of this journey. It was only now hitting me that I might die here. I had to take my mind of it, stat.

“So if you sunbathe for energy in the morning, why do you wear that shawl?” She continued her relentless march as usual, not so much as turning her head.

“My skin will burn just as yours does if exposed to too much sunlight for to long, once my blood is warmed in the morning before the sun is high, it lasts me for a day. I would usually retreat back into the warrens when the sun is at it’s apex, but I can’t do that here.” She hesitated for a moment as she climbed the bank of a large dune. “You’re slowing O’Brian, it’s better we rest than you collapse from exhaustion.”

“But it will waste time, my supplies aren’t infinite.” I protested, doubling over to take a breath, my hands on my knees. “I only have enough ration bars for a few more days and then I’m done for, my species can’t go for longer than that in these conditions without food.”

She walked back to me and put a hand from her lower pair on my shoulder.

“I need you, don’t overexert yourself, we will rest, it’s getting late anyway.” She was right, the sun wasn’t going down just yet but it was well on the way and the stifling heat was easing. I nodded agreement, but I felt wretched, I didn’t want to drag Beanstalk down and cause us both to die because I hadn’t kept up with my company-mandated zero-G exercises. I should be sitting in a faux-leather acceleration couch playing Angry Avians not trekking across a wasteland with an alien. As I sat on my pack and wiped stinging sweat from my eyes, Beanstalk set up her tent, I assumed the insulation must keep heat out as well as in. When she was done, she beckoned, and we crawled inside. She hung the cooling unit from a beam along the top of the tent, and it’s refreshing aura expanded through the enclosed space. We lay down for a while, I poured a little of the now cool water from the self-refilling canteen onto my shirt and used it to wipe my face clean of all the sweat and grime, it felt wonderful.

Beanstalk watched me curiously as I ran the wet shirt over my neck and under my arms.

“Best I can do for a shower out here.” I quipped, as I threw the damp shirt aside and relaxed. As I lay back, my hands behind my head, I felt Beanstalk’s eyes scrutinizing me, because of her lack of pupils I could never tell exactly where she was looking, but animal instinct told me when I was being observed. She reached out tentatively and ran her clawed fingers through my downy chest hair. It tickled and I laughed, pushing her hand away.

“I take it your people don’t have any concept of personal space?” I inquired sarcastically.

“How do you mean? Did I offend?” She asked, puzzled. I felt regret and took her three-fingered hand in mine.

“No it’s fine, humans don’t casually touch eachother under normal circumstances, at least not in my culture, it’s considered rude or a sexual advance, but that hardly matters here.”

She withdrew her hand, her expression hard to read. “In the warrens we live in close quarters, physical contact is unavoidable, there are no cultural taboos against it, and it did not occur to me that there would be in yours.” She seemed sorry, and I was worried I had overreacted to her curiosity with my snide remark and made things awkward. Before I could muster an apology she blurted out;

“It was not a sexual advance!” I looked at her, my mouth agape, then began to laugh again.

“O’Brian I do not desire intercourse! Why are you laughing?” I was doubled over now, my eyes watering.

“I know I know, it’s fine.” I heaved, holding my belly. “There’s really nothing to worry about, it was just funny is all, now don’t make me explain human humor to you or we’ll never reach the elevator.”

We lay in our little tent for a while, there was nothing to do. I hadn’t thought of rescuing a book or a tablet from the crash when survival had been my only concern. Now I was a little bored, and Beanstalk was not very conversational. Most of my attempts to learn about her and her life were met with monosyllabic replies. She seemed bored too, agitated. Her legs were crossed as she lay down and one clawed foot bobbed in the air rhythmically. The tent was starting to get too cold now, and Beanstalk reached up to turn off her unit.

“The sun is going down,” she said. “It’s a little early, but we should get ready to sleep.”

My heart jumped in my chest as I remembered the close quarters encounter from the previous night, and how good she had looked sunbathing on that plastic tarp, her impressive figure on display. I nodded affirmatively and began removing my clothing, down to the underwear again. Beanstalk did the same, pulling off her tattered shawl to reveal her fiery red hair and firm abs again. My eyes lingered on them, I was dazed for a moment, admiring her midriff and the way her breasts hung in her top, beads of sweat like morning dew on leaves decorated her trim belly. She knew I was looking, but by unspoken agreement looking didn’t seem to matter, and it seemed that if I had reacted better to her unsolicited explorations, touching wouldn’t either. Did I want to touch her? Her physiology was so enticingly human, as if some unimaginative scifi author had just glued alien parts to the body of a beautiful, athletic woman. Were we even physiologically compatible? What if her kind mated like trout and the male just released his seed onto a clutch of eggs?

That train of thought was broken as Beanstalk beckoned to me, and I awkwardly scooted into her embrace. Like the night before we piled on insulating blankets and squeezed together, as if two caterpillars were sharing one cocoon. Somehow her multi-limbed embrace was relaxing, like being held by two people at the same time. Again my head was pushed up against the nape of her slender neck with light pressure from one of her hands. I squirmed as she stroked my hair gently, running her fingers through it, massaging my scalp with her dull claws. She must have felt my wriggling because she pulled me tighter, pressing me up against her firm body.

“O’Brain...” she breathed into my ear, her voice soft and low. The sensation of her warm breath tickled my ear and sent a shiver down my spine. “What if I wanted intercourse? How would you do it?”

I began to get hard despite myself, the bulge and heat impossible to hide in such a compromised position. Her words blanked my mind, and I stammered a reply.

“W-What do you mean?”

“You like me, don’t you?” She whispered into my ear, her mouth barely an inch away from it. “You were watching me, while I was sunbathing, your...” She reached down with one of her lower arms and gently squeezed the bulge in my shorts, making me buck, but she had already closed her grip around me and held me in a vice so I couldn’t pull away. “This is full of blood, I can feel your heat, and ours work the same way...”

I was caught, my face was now burning, my heart was beating like a drum pumping warm blood to my loins and she could feel everything. She squeezed my bulge again and I shuddered involuntarily, feeling my legs go weak. She pressed my face into her neck and sighed, seeming to enjoy the sensation of warmth from my cheeks. “You’re so much warmer this way. You’re not just keeping me alive, it’s soothing, relieving.” I felt a hand on my face, as she turned it up to look down at me, her dark eyes unreadable. “Why are you quiet? Do you want me?”

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Pyare readers, pahale mai aap logo ko mere aur mere parivar ka parichay karata hun. Mera name raghu hai aur mai 23 saal ka kasrati badan wala hun. Mere pariwar me hum 2 log hai, meri maa 42 saal ki hai. Mere pitaji ka dehant jab mai 15 saal ka tha tab bimari ki wajah se ho gaya tha. Hamri kheti badi thi jis se hum log maje se ghar gujara kar rahe the. Meri maa sudol aur sanwali rang ki hai uske boobs aur chutad kafi bade bade hai. Wo aksar salwar aur kamiz pahanti hai. Wo bra or panty use nahin...

2 years ago
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College Party Fuck real story

So basically me and this girl had been talking for some time and had fucked a few times before but never like this. We were at our friend house and had been teasing each other all night. Finally I end up randomly grabbing her and dragging her away from whoever she was talking to into a empty bedroom and locking the door. We begin making out before i turn her, bend her over the bed, and aggressively pull down her pants. I kneel down behind her, spread her ass cheeks, and bury my face in her ass...

3 years ago
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Best Friends With Benefits

We met at work. When I first saw her, I thought, typical hot girl stuck up bitch. She was clearly the best looking girl in the plant and she surely knew it. It was my first day, I was by no means up to her speed on the line. I was surprised how kind and patient she was with me. She was nice to everyone and as it turned out, has no idea how gorgeous she is. I found out that she lives just around the corner from me so I offered to drive her home. She was very grateful for the ride and felt a...

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I Know Its Wrong Part 4

I had been lying in bed with my wife. As usual, we'd been arguing again because I'd tried to lean over and kiss her neck and work my way towards her ear. That was a complete waste of time. I just wished my wife would have sex with me. I wouldn't say that she is a terrible wife or a terrible mother. She loves me and has worked hard with me to give our daughter anything and everything she ever wanted. Saying that, if she knew what I was doing with our beautiful daughter Megan, she would probably...

1 year ago
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Tale of the Gun Bunnies Ch 02

//(Announcer 1) Greetings from the Lightening Dome, in glorious Houston. This is the first time here at Fight Club – Houston where two contestants are battling for control of the same guild. (Announcer 2) No one is betting anything? Why are we even covering this? (Announcer 1) That’s a good question, let’s see, hmm, according to this note, it says ‘F minor Key’. (Announcer 2) Oh, so what you are saying is because the Gun Bunny Guild is the top ranked guild in Houston, and the number 2 over all,...

3 years ago
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Hot Shower timeTrue Story

One day,back in the late 1980's ,Lita not her real name,was running some errands,she finally done, and was heading her way to the bathroom to take her shower.Hanging her towel off the peg.She then remove her dress and undies wet and smelled from the sweat from the morning's work.Turning the shower on,she got busy with her hair, untying the rubber band been clinging on.She wet her hair first and applied ample amount of shampoo,massaging her hair with the shampoo,she then rinsed it with the...

1 year ago
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Missing the Mark

In the high-country mining camps of the 1860’s, death could come in a heartbeat. Delivered by a flash of temper from a stranger over a perceived wrong, or from a cold, calculating claim jumper. A mini ball fired into a miner’s back could kill a man, dropping him face down into the stream, or drowning him in the freezing water. In an angry outburst, your best friend could murder you over a long built up series of disagreements. I guess in the long run; it doesn’t matter much, at least, not after...

1 year ago
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Monica part2

I got in late, somewhere in the hazy place between late night and early morning, but the heat had not let up. The inside of the house was just as dark and humid as the outside, and I waded through it as I made my quiet way from the door to the kitchen, fumbling a little until I saw the light peeking from around the corner. As I said, it was hot, so it figures that my sister would be looking for something cool to drink. She was silhouetted in the light of the refrigerator, wreathed in the vapor...

3 years ago
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Susan and Stevenaked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday Steve When we got to school, Susan and I undressed each other, and went in the building. Everyone must have heard the news about the conviction and sentencing; there were cheers, clapping of hands, and words of congratulations. It seemed like a hollow victory to me, as there was little satisfaction other than knowing it was over. Lori passed me in the hall, gave my dick a tug, and said, "Morning, stud". Susan heard this, and was none too pleased. "She's not making a very good...

4 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 56 Chrissie Again

I was lounging about near a tobacconist when someone kicked me in the back of the knee with a very pointed toe. When I spun about I found a smiling young woman with nearly-white hair and a lush body packed into a tight-fitting dress of black. She was veiled, gloved and booted in black so I assumed she was a widow. "Ha," she said, arms akimbo, "y'don' remember me. I could 'ave bit off your stupid cod if I'd vished." I looked down at her, admiring her fine body and searched my memory...

1 year ago
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LANewGirl Bianca Bangs Modeling Audition

An amazing brunette saw our MODELS WANTED ad, and has decided to give it a shot. After the usual chit chat with our Producer, she proceeds to strike some poses. Wow, what a hottie! Poses after poses. She nails it. But our Producer gets aroused, soon she is placed with a hard cock right in front of her mouth. It’s not easy to resist a hard cock, isn’t it? Well, she wraps her lips around it, and pumps on it with her mouth – as if she is trying to make it shoot cum. But first, she wants to ride it...

1 year ago
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CadeChapter 16 The Test

Cade searched the records at the public library, mostly looking for newspaper articles published on or around the date June 30, 1978, which had been the date his father had been shot and killed. Cade hated asking for assistance, but he had no choice in the matter, because he was puzzled about how to find what he was looking for. The librarian assisted him. He learned that he could print out the articles he found, for a small fee. He felt the fee was well worth it and he promptly paid. He was...

2 years ago
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Hero (Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though Hello everyone. I am so happy that my story will be on this site. It's not a story about me finding out there was a girl living in my boy's body, and it's not a story about some girl or woman making me their slave. It's not a story about me finding a boyfriend and being his girlfriend. This is my story where I tell the...

3 years ago
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Family Love

Weeks passed, since my last encounter with my younger brother. My friend was having a huge party on Friday and invited me. I asked him if it would be okay to invite my younger brother, it had been awhile since the three of us had got together. I knew that there would be drinking and would have to keep an eye on my younger brother.My parents gave their approval to take him with me on Friday night. My mother and sister were going out with one of mom's friends and my father was going to be working...

4 years ago
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This Hunger for my Brother

We live with our mom in a house in Washington, DC. Mom’s hardly home because she has to work to support us, so it’s mostly only me and Marque here. We do everything together because it’s always been the two of us. But for the past two years I’ve found myself having dirty thoughts about the brother I use to bathe with all the time when we were younger. I mention that because I’ve always appreciated his naked body, until that appreciation transformed into lustful need. Right now though, I’m...

3 years ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 12

"We're going to do it tonight," Karen said to Helen on Thursday afternoon. "What time should I come back?" "He has a meal at work so anytime after eight-thirty will be okay." "That's even better, is there any reason you can think of why I shouldn't be here when he gets home?" "No, none that I can think of." "Great, I'll be back by eight." "Are you sure you'll be alright there alone?" Charlie asked. "Yes, I think so. I'm pretty sure I've read him right but if not,...

4 years ago
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Spanked by neighbour

Spanked by Neighbour   My name is ‘Arthur’. I was living alone. I was almost eighteen. I am an indiscipline and irresponsible boy. My neighbour was very strict. She was a beautiful woman of 25 and doesn’t like any kind of indiscipline. Her name is ‘Maria.’ She was irritated with my indiscipline. One day she called me. We have a little talk about my discipline. She asked me why I was so undisciplined.   Maria firmly believes in corporal punishment, especially in my case. She said me,...

3 years ago
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Rest stop

A few days ago I was at work. My building has no AC so I sat in my office on my computer sweating to death. The end of the day finally arrived and I took off for my 45 minute ride home. The hot summer day was holding into a hot summer evening. I drove along a rural route in Southern MA. Passing several state forests. My cock was stirring in my shorts, I hadn't cum in a few days and felt the urge starting to cloud my better judgement. I wanted to stop into one of the turnoffs on the winding road...

3 years ago
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A worms story

When my girl friend Debbie broke up with me I was devastated. She said she wanted a real man not an eighteen year old wimp like me. She admitted she had been fucking my best friend Jason soon after I met her and he was much better than me. Debbie also told me that I had to get out immediately so that Jason could move in with her. Finally she said that she still wanted to be friends, and to show me there was no hard feelings she arranged for me to stay with our friends Brad and Tammy. Instantly...

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The Hot Tub Guy

CHAPTER 1 On the eve of his thirty-second birthday Ginger Jones gave up his job as a steakhouse chef, sick of kitchen smells and working shifts and being bawled out by diners who believed coarse-ground peppercorns on their rare peppered steak were rodent droppings. Redheaded Michael, who’d been called Ginger from the time he entered Junior High, had purchased a one-man business from a crooked-nosed man who’d promoted himself as The Hot Tub Maintenance Man. The annual statement of accounts...

2 years ago
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A vacation with my daughter part 3

If you haven’t already done so, make sure you read the first two parts before reading this one. It will make more sense if you do. Lacey and I both decided to lie in bed before getting a start on the day. We were both still covered in sweat and each other’s cum but we couldn’t have been happier. After about an hour of lying in bed with each other we realized that we were wasting the day away.After we both showered and got cleaned up, we decided to head back to the pool to tease the older men...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Masturbation Fantasy part 1

I said ok now you not only have me interested but hard as a rock, come on I’ll show you and she took my hand leading me to what we called the TV room. She stood there with her hands on her hips and said in a firm voice STRIP! I looked at her thinking ok her dominant side was woken up this morning. STRIP! I said NOW! I immediately did as I was told and got out of my clothes as fast as I could without tripping and killing myself. SIT! She commanded, like I was one of her dogs. I sat in the...

1 year ago
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EggplantChapter 7

We arrived at the restaurant early but the dinner rush had not started yet so we were seated right away. The table was in a dimly lit corner where we would not be noticed by many people. There was a candle on the table which made it very romantic. Jen looked lovely. She was wearing her lavender "Sunday go to meeting" dress. It was dressy but not formal and was attractive but not too sexy. Just right for our date. I had on my sport coat and slacks with a white shirt and tie. When the...

3 years ago
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My First Time With My Lovely Mami

Hey guys it’s Aditya back with another story. So for starters who don’t know me I am 18 years old and just finished my 12th about 5’6-5’7 in height and average physique with an 8.5inch in length and 6inch in breadth cock with a brown complexion and about my Mami her name is Pooja(name changed) she’s 5’5 in height and a plump physique with around 38-30-36 figure and a really light complexion. So now everything started when my 12th board exams got over and i had a lot of free time at my hand i...

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Hi my name is JJ and I have Cerebral Palsy. I am in a wheelchair and I think about sex constantly. Jessie, my cousin, is a big beautiful woman with large 38D tits. Jessie is also a nurse. I got sick one day and I had to go see her. She began to ready a bath for me, as I struggled with my clothes. She finally came over and helped me to remove my clothes. My cock was hard and throbbing. She begins to remove her own clothes telling me that she doesn’t want to get them wet while she bathes...

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KimberlyChapter 12

In the subsequent two weeks, the Johnson Manufacturing experience just repeated itself. And it didn’t matter whether the call was in response to interest in a single machine or a cold call, the results were the same: They replaced all the company’s machine tools with brand-new ones from the Kimberly Kane line. Finally back at Kim’s apartment after a very exhausting week, they found a message on her answering machine to call George Harrison as soon as they returned home. He provided both his...

4 years ago
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Accidental WerewolfChapter 5

Hours later, Sara sat in her father’s darkened office, nursing a cold cup of coffee. It was well past midnight but her father had insisted that she stay up while he “made preparations.” He had been on the phone for over an hour making dozens of calls -- about what, she couldn’t be quite sure. She had only been in the room for a few minutes and he was just wrapping up a call. After the ruckus at the restaurant, emergency vehicles of all types had swarmed the premises. Based on Sara and Chiu’s...

4 years ago
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Oedipus Denied

Oedipus DeniedbyCuckSon237©My name is Ruben, and for the majority of my high school career, my life was a living hell. This was due in no small part to a nasty piece of work called Dean. Dean was in the year above me and for some reason, out of all the k**s in my school, he made his sole purpose at school to bully and humiliate me. Maybe it was because I'm Hispanic, maybe it was because I wasn't into sports, I have no idea, but bully me he did.The torture continued for years and years until...

3 years ago
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MaggieChapter 8

Meanwhile, Maggie was sitting on the toilet, wadding some toilet paper to wipe herself with when she began to cry, suddenly and without warning; a torrent of tears that she couldn't seem to bring to a halt. "The fuck?" Maggie said, slightly puzzled over her maudlin situation. "I know it's him, but why? Could it be he's not like the others?" Gradually, her tears stopping flowing and it came flooding back to her -- Palo's infidelities and his untimely death. A death that left her...

2 years ago
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Playing with Ice

I lie there waiting. I hear the click of the door as it opens, the swoosh as it slides against the carpet and then another click as it latches closed again. I know you are in the room again; I turn my head but can’t see you. Earlier you had bound my hands and ankles, leaving me spread eagle on the bed, completely open and exposed to you. If that was not enough, you blindfolded me just moments before I felt you climb off the bed, hearing you leave the room. Now you are back. I feel your presence...

2 years ago
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A visit with Debbie

I should have known something was up when Becki asked me to take her to see her friend Debbie. Debbie is a sweet gal. She’s a chunky and plucky brunette who works at this gas station overnights. Becki explained that Debbie had been working a lot as of late, and they hadn’t hung out, and she wanted to intro me to Debbie.I drove Becki to Debbie’s apartment. Debbie wasn’t fat, she just had a little chunk. She had shoulder length brunette hair. She was dressed in her work clothes because someone...

1 year ago
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How I Fell in Love

I think my dad’s primal scream to the universe might go something like this: You think ya got the world by the tail and ya got everything figured out, a little change in your pocket for Saturday night; and then you go and have a kid. Nothing is like it used to be. Barely enough for food, let alone a coin for the Pub. Then that alien creature is not just a baby, but a female, girl child that grows up into a woman kind of baby. Then to add insult to injury, the woman who promised you she’d birth...

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Pregnant moms needs

Note : This story is completely fictional! My father worked in dubai for the most part of my life, returning once or twice a year to visit us. My mom and me lived on our own in a small house beside Father's parents home. On his last visit home, which was several months ago, he had gotten mommy pregnant and now she was with a nice swollen belly and with radiant features. My mom and me had always been close as there was only the two of us at home and hence became very loving and affectionate. As...

2 years ago
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‘You’re a special woman, Rachel,’ James said gently. ‘I love you. I never thought I could feel this strongly about anyone…’ Rachel smiled and held out her hand. ‘I love you, too…’ Tonight was their two month anniversary. It was a deeply romantic occasion, set in candlelight at a small local Italian restaurant. Frank Sinatra sang about New York in the background. Rachel, innocent and pretty, was in heaven. She tried and failed to protect her face from the indignity of running makeup. She was...

4 years ago
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A very Naughty Girl Nearly Has An Accident

I slammed the brakes on hard. Really hard. The car skidded a bit, the anti-lock brakes kicked in and I watched in horror. My car stopped about three feet from the side door of the car in front of me. I gazed out of the front of the windscreen and stared at the blue car in front of me that had swerved to avoid the collision. I Looked to my right and then I remembered that there were white lines on the road that I had crossed. I should have stopped, it was all my fault. I had been driving along a...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Darkest Challenges

Please note that this is a Game Mode story. In order to start reading, please click on "Start Game" to the right. If you're on mobile, you'll need to tap the three red bars in the upper-right corner first. "So, you're that new, young adventurer, right?" He takes a long draught from his cigar. For an innkeeper, he's young, though his short hair is already greyed. The thirty years, you estimate, of his life must have been stressful to give him such a weathered appearance. Still, you think he's...

1 year ago
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Threesome Roommates Part 8211 1

Ya fhir yahi se padhe it’s really an interesting incident I am sure you won’t regret reading. Provided names are changed and are not related to anyone specifically. Recently maine issi site pe logo k erotic kahaniya padhi and I was like yaar even I shall share my incident with everyone. Ye incident hai meri engineering ki. Hello reader mera naam hai sapan, 6.1 feet tall and average buff guy. Engineering k pehle jaipur me rehta tha. Online admission me mumbai ka college mila. First year ke first...

2 years ago
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Paint me a picture

I'm sitting in my history class, staring out the window. I hate being here. I hate that no one else wants me here. I hate myself for feeling so depressed.Suddenly, I feel a snicker behind me. It comes from Jason, an RB of the football team. I can feel the eyes of more than one person burning into me and the laughter grows. I feel the humiliation rise within me. I haven't any idea what they have done this time, but I ignore it. After all these years of abuse, I developed an anxiety which freezes...

4 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 25

Ellerie shined her lantern over the fallen stone and dirt. “This one’s blocked too,” she said with a sigh. It was the third tunnel they’d found leading away from the southern area of the city to what they expected would be another section on the east side of the mountain, but just like the first two, it was blocked by a cave-in. Boktar rapped on the tunnel wall, then shouted and listened for the echoes. “This one’s man-made, so it sounds different, but I don’t think there’s any point in...

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Help MeI Love You Ch 01

((Author’s note: This is a story of a romance that takes a while to bloom. Although there is sexual relations in nearly every chapter, that isn’t the main goal of this story. I hope you enjoy the ride.)) Will Raskin and I had known each other for years. We met at work. If you can call the Agency work. I’ve heard it called everything from ‘hell’ to ‘the most exciting job I’ve ever had.’ The Young People’s Investigation Agency, called ‘the Agency’ by most who worked there, is a new branch of the...

3 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 29

There was banging on the patio door. I woke up, slipped on some shorts, and went to find out what was up. Glenda was there. "Steve, come over quick, Martin is feeling sick, and he's got pains in his chest. I've called 911, but please come stay with us until they get here." "Let me put on a shirt. I'll be right there." I went back to the bedroom to find both Sue and Mercy putting on clothes. Missy came into the bedroom and said she would stay with Stevie. The three of us went to...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Talia Mint Beautiful Babe Talia Mint Hooks Up with A Random Bar Stud

Sexy bombshell, Talia Mint, is out on a dinner date with her man when she suddenly sees Angelo Godshack in the bar’s bathroom. The naughty babe can’t help but feel hot and horny with the sight of the fine lad. She teases him with her irresistible body until he finally wants to have a taste of what Talia has to offer. Talia and Angelo can’t control themselves any longer, so they go to the nearest bedroom. She deepthroats Angelo’s big cock until it is completely covered...

1 year ago
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Maggies Perfect Plan Part 7

I hardly slept that night worrying about the likely events of the following day. With Marie and her brood arriving it was going to be a time of never ending bullying and humiliation. Things were bad enough with Emily but now having Kylie and Britany here as well was going to be unbearable. After the phone call I had been made to get their rooms ready. Marie would have one to herself whilst the girls shared another. I awoke from my fitful slumber to the sound of Emily entering my...

2 years ago
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Staying at my friends house

DAY 1 What am I going to do now? I had just been kicked out of my parents house and told to never come back. They had done this before, but this time it was serious. They had caught me in booty shorts and a sports bra. When they saw me they were furious and made me leave immediately; I only had enough time to grab my school bag and phone. Before i knew it, I was on the street with nowhere to go and only 16 years old. To make matters worse, I am only 16 and dressed like a slut,...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 37

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 Jake decided he couldn’t put it off any longer. He sat at the desk in his bedroom and put on latex gloves. He brought out the stack of IDs of the girls that Harris had killed from a shoebox he had stored in his closet. He wiped the first card carefully with alcohol wipes to clean off fingerprints. When he was sure it was clean, he looked at the picture on the front, trying to memorize what the girl had looked like. Then he slid it into a large envelope he had bought at...

1 year ago
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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 25 At the movies

The four of them had sat down at the restaurant table. They all had decided to have some lunch before their movies started. It was one of those four person tables in the middle of the restaurant. Emily was sitting next to Tommy and across from Shelly, whereas Tommy was sitting across from Stacy, and of course next to Shelly. Emily puts down her menu and looks across to Shelly. “So Shelly, how’s Tommy been? Has he been treating you well, and behaving himself at school?” Shelly looked over to...

2 years ago
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Body Snatch

In layman terms my work involved using a normal person's electronic brain impulses to stimulate and bring a patient out of a coma or catatonic state. My assistant was a graduate student named Burt Winters. Burt was a young good-looking guy, quite popular on campus. He took over teaching most of my classes and he probably has slept with all the good-looking female undergrads attending. Most men would probably feel envious, I really didn't care, I didn't even think about sex. In fact one...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Industries 01

The Total Woman Industries Gulfstream G4 was fueled and prepped, parked at the executive airport, strobe and rotating lights flashing in the dusk. In the approaching limousine, Sheldon reviewed again the confidential document on rare earths ore assays from the Andean high plateau corner of Argentina. His wife Krista was speaking by SATphone with the mining company representative at that site. ‘If the metal ores are as rich and pure as you say, we will be interested in collaboration. Our...

1 year ago
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Starting OverChapter 4

I didn't know what to expect from traffic, but the drive from Bywater to our headquarters near the UNO took less than half an hour. The drive gave me time to reflect on what had happened. Now I was away from the provocative influence of her nubile body and the aroma of sexual readiness that pervaded her apartment, I could think with my brain instead of letting my cock make the decisions. I had fucked - no that wasn't right - I had made love with my sister-in-law, scratch that...

3 years ago
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The Relaxation Day Colleague Relaxed After Massage

Hi friends. My name is Amit. This is about my work place colleague, sreeradhe (sree). We were just in talking terms and only official talks with occasional light jokes. One day our company got a big deal and were under pressure to complete it successfully in time. Since ours was a small company, we put in all the efforts we could for this project and nearly got it completed. This was the day before our final big day of presentation of the product. Sree invited me for a coffee at ccd near our...

4 years ago
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Double CrossChapter 8

I woke up at seven the next morning, which is unheard of for me, and I was too excited to get back to sleep. I lay in bed, smiling at the ceiling, luxuriating in my good fortune. Fifty thousand dollars, tax free. That was almost five years rent on my apartment. Seventeen years rent on my office. Twenty-five hundred lap dances. You get the idea. I got up and took a quick shower. When I was done, it was still too early to call Tina Callahan on a Sunday morning. I made myself some scrambled...

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