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When Mira opened her eyes, Jupiter spread below her feet. Bands of cream and red crept past, rippling like hazy scarves. Despite the silhouetted mesh of stylized leaves and vines that reinforced the thick stack of shield glass between her and the planet, Mira's head lazily pirouetted and she clutched the arms of the wing chair on reflex. Then the floor swept to black from left to right and the silhouetted leaves and vines reflected the interior lights again, turning brassy against the dark background. Seven and a half seconds, and the view of Jupiter returned as the habitat tube swung back around, spinning to give her the illusion of earth-like gravity when the icy rock outside was, in fact, Ganymede. Hypnotically, Jupiter swept the black aside, from left to right, the stripes fooling the mind into imagining they had progressed. On her lap, her cat Cyto opened her eyes a fraction, twitched her whiskers but paid the massive planet no mind.

"I've locked the hard liquor cabinet," the disembodied voice of her p-dac announced from the room's ambient speakers. The only light came from the text window suspended in the holographic entertainment array, and the glare washed the faux mahogany and dark tapestry upholstery in icy blues.

"Just one bottle of tequila, Max." She put her glass down with the last swallow of margarita still in it, meaning to nurse it as long as necessary. "There should've been more ice cream. You owe me for that."

"I'm sorry, Mira, but I can't let you. You've got protein assays to analyze in ten hours," he said, impervious to guilt. "You can't be passed out on the floor when the growth cycle's finished."

"Plenty of time to sleep it off," she muttered, wanting to be good and drunk when she broke out her collection of toys so she could hallucinate about handsome celebrities worshiping her lonely body until the orgasms exhausted her. "Asshole."

Mira leaned her head against the sleekly rough tapestry of the chair's wing, the warm light from Jupiter glinting on the tears in her eyes. After a discreet minute, Max said, "I hope you mean Jake. I'm only trying to distract you with what I know you love more. He didn't even remember your birthday, so you shouldn't miss him at all."

Her hand stroked over Cyto's spine and the cat purred, claws sinking through Mira's white cotton nightgown. Wincing, she looked back to the hologram, where the plain-text message still hung on the screen. "He couldn't even call and tell me eye to eye. Just a damn it's-not-you-it's-me letter. Why'd Jake have to be such a prick?"

Picking up on that spirit, Max said, "He never even came to visit, not once." Nobody came to the laboratory. She'd last seen Jake when she went home for Christmas.

"And he made fun of my butt." Mira's voice fell further and she picked up the margarita, finished it off without thinking. Living alone, it was easy to let the exercise schedule slide. She wasn't a skinny little undergrad anymore, but she liked to think she'd matured into a more curvaceous beauty. Jake preferred skinny undergrads, she suspected.

"And he left wet towels on the floor."

The corner of her mouth picked up a little, at that. "And Cyto hated him, didn't you, sweetie?" A scratch under the chin and the tabby was ready to agree with anything. Cyto's ears perked up and her head lifted from Mira's hand abruptly. A glance to and fro, and the cat leaped down from her lap and swiftly slunk out of the room. Mira watched her go, disappointed.

Considering her empty glass, she sucked on the ice cubes. Mira's last research partner, Dr. Freese, had quit months ago after a final heated argument over dirty dishes and crumbs left on the sofa. They'd never gotten along well, and it had been a relief. Her faraway supervisor had promised to hire replacements, but apparently there was a shortage of medical bioengineering postdocs willing to work in an isolated, unofficial lab on an ice field on Ganymede. The secrecy was for her own protection. Her bioengineering evolved virophages targeted against the very latest and nastiest of manmade bioweapons. From her lab, the potential cures moved quietly into more official laboratories where they began the long process of testing. The catch was that possessing more than a tiny sample of any weapons-grade plague was illegal, under interplanetary law, for nonmilitary citizens and corporations. Down in the freezers, Mira had gallons of the stuff, all cataloged and labeled. New samples, begged, borrowed and stolen, arrived constantly in secret compartments of supply crates brought by robot-driven trucks. Such a collection was not only illegal, it was priceless.

Had it not been so secret, postdocs would be clawing over each other for the job. Mira had seen her name in print, in the appropriate research journals, but buried in a list of et al's under the article's byline. She had seen, on the news, the announcement that the entire strain of a certain bioweapon had been declared a failure because of the cure that had come from Mira's lab. That had been her proudest moment. She'd kept a single vial of that virus as a trophy, in the depths of the freezers.

She considered her empty glass glumly. She wasn't drunk enough. The vibrators would have to do the job without the aid of fantasy hands and ghostly kisses.

"Mira," Max said, breaking the silence, "I think we have an intruder."

Fatigue evaporated. "Where?" she asked, straightening in the chair.

"I don't know yet. I'm starting the opaquing sequences."

Mira got up from the chair as Jupiter swept into view again, her pulse rising in her ears. She was alone, tipsy, and wearing only her plain white nightgown, not the best condition to meet the sort of intruders that broke into secret laboratories full of bioweapons. There were pistols and tasers hidden in cupboards throughout the habitat tube and she'd trained with them, but her hands shook at the thought of using them. There had been two other intruders in the two years since she'd taken up hermitage on Ganymede. Max had dealt with them, and she hadn't asked how. Those two intruders had been agents working for governments that wanted a head start on their stock of weapons. Those sort, nobody missed if they didn't come back. Those sort didn't have to answer to anybody for murder, either. She shivered, hands clenching each other.

"I've got him," Max announced, and Mira exhaled at last.

"Thank God. I'm really going to need that tequila now, Max. You scared the life out of me."

"Shall I dispose of the intruder?"

As it was a medical bioengineering lab specializing in virulent plagues, the recycling tanks could digest nearly anything down to its component atoms. Special agents would know, she supposed, the dangers of their jobs when they were assigned to steal diseases. Max was no slouch in security. No amateur could've gotten in unnoticed. He had to be after something. "What part of the freezers was he in?" she asked, idly curious. He'd have gone straight for the airborne viruses.

"Freezer Three," Max replied.

Looking toward the holographic screen, Mira frowned. "Freezer Three?"

"Yes," her p-dac confirmed.

"But those are cures. Was he lost?"

"There's a case he left on the floor in Freezer Three which looks to have two or three vials lying on the top." Mira was walking already, out of the living room and down the hallway. Max's voice followed, jumping from speaker to speaker. "I would surmise the case has a culture incubator in it. And you really should put a robe on, Mira."

He said that last as she pushed the laboratory door open. Max obligingly turned on the lights, forcing her to squint a moment. Below, the floor was the same black-and-brass. The rest of the laboratory foyer was sleek and squeaky-clean, as it should be, glossy faux mahogany shelves and desk-high work surfaces, the holographic display running the evolution simulator as she'd set it to. Stick-and-ball models of phages grew, folded and re-folded in midair. A wall of glass looked into the clean room, full of anonymous white equipment. The airlock into it was closed and undisturbed. The brushed-steel doors of the freezers lined up adjacent to the clean room, the third one swinging shut under Max's control.

In the middle of the foyer, the intruder hung by his wrists and ankles, belly toward the floor, caught in Max's strong, black braids of webbing. Melting frost dripped from the seamless catsuit that encased him like a wet skin of glistening, charcoal-gray paint. He was reduced to a generically human shape by a surface intended to foil both echolocators and infrared, and with the heavily tinted goggles and the mouthpiece incorporated into the hood he could see in any light, breathe without disturbing the air, and was even safe in a hard vacuum like that outside for a few hours. Max had found him by turning on the sprinklers and detecting the water that hit the suit.

Mira walked around him once. She'd never seen a suited agent in person before. He hung about level with her shoulders, chest pulsing but not making the slightest sound. Curious, she put first two fingers, then her whole hand to the surface and stroked along his back. The stuff was effortlessly slick and no warmer than the air around it. Her skin tingled, in ripples. "Who is he?" she asked.

"I have no way of knowing," Max answered. "I doubt he brought any ID."

Muscles shifted under her hand as she stroked back up to the curve of his shoulder. Beside his featureless head, she stopped and met the gaze of black-tinted, round lenses. The catsuit could hide no secrets. This agent was the lithe and wire-muscled variety. And definitely male. Her eyes couldn't help lingering on the sleeked-over package between his legs. "You can hear us, can't you?" she asked, and the agent nodded but couldn't answer, with the mouthpiece still on. And he couldn't take it off or spit it out, since it was integral to the hood and he was spreadeagled in the air. She'd been afraid of him, a few minutes ago, but now he was more than helpless. "How tough is this stuff?" Mira brushed a finger along the damp catsuit, smirking this time, wondering what he looked like underneath. And wondering what, of many options, to do with him once she found out.

"It's a patent-protected mix of polymers," Max answered helpfully as she went to the nearest desk and opened the top drawer. "IR and UV are nonreflectively scattered, as are most sound and energy waves... oh, I see." He paused as she found a foil-wrapped, disposable scalpel. "I understand they're not fragile, of course, but they're not armor either."

He was watching, arms tensing against the ropes of web, as Mira unwrapped the sterile blade and its plastic handle. "Well, let's see, then." She smiled as she took his ankle in one hand. "I didn't get but one present on my birthday." Mother had remembered, Jake had forgotten. And now a sort of present had just dropped out of the Jupiter-filled sky, wrapped in mysterious gray. The sharp little blade bit into the polymer and it parted as she drew it up the side of his calf. She nicked him once by accident before she got the pressure just right. It was easy. Skin the light tan of someone who didn't always live in well-enough shielded habitat tubes appeared in a pale line up his leg, over his hip where she found a fabric strap, along his ribs to skim inside his armpit and turn right along his nicely muscled arm. At the wrist, she stopped and realized she'd set her teeth on her lower lip, held her breath the entire long whisper of parting plastic. Now Mira could really see there was a human in there, see his skin under the cut she'd made. The peek of plain white fabric on his hip intrigued her. "So you are wearing something under that? Why, does it chafe after hours of wearing it?" she asked, flicking a finger along his smooth thigh as she surveyed her handiwork. He still couldn't answer. Or resist. It was a delicious feeling, after Jake's cursory goodbye.

"The suit maintains a surface temperature matching the surrounding environment," Max explained, "by dissipating body heat very efficiently and discreetly. One might expect he'd freeze, wearing nothing underneath."

"Oh, but wearing long underwear would just ruin the silhouette, wouldn't it?" Mira put the scalpel to his other ankle and cut a second long, silky-smooth line up to his wrist. Her fingertips tingled over the polymer, setting off an echo in her pussy. The agent couldn't do any more than tense, breathing erratically and silently. Sidelong, she glanced at his crotch again, and was a little disappointed to see no difference, arousal or intimidation. Making a cut across his chest from shoulder to shoulder, she freed a broad stretch of the suit and it fell open to his waist revealing an entire anatomy lesson's worth of cleanly defined muscles. She couldn't help licking her lips, briefly. "He's turning into a nice birthday present, Max. You're so sweet to remember."

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“You want to do What?” you ask me with real shock, but a hint of intrigue as I take your hand, and lead you out the door into the pouring rain. You giggle. The rain, although a warm one, still leaves a bit of a chill, especially with the light wind that’s blowing. I only smile, and continue to lead you to the center of the big lawn, its lavish carpet of recently-cut grass feeling wonderful underneath our bare feet. Glancing back, I notice how the rain has soaked your hair and it's hanging...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Edging With A Friend

Been spending a lot of time recently with a new friend. We've been getting together over a little wine, some soft lights, oil, towels, and watching each other indulge in no-holds-barred self-love - which includes anything we are into, like mirrors, oil, vibrators, nipple clamps (that's all me!).My new friend is a half-Chinese university student in his mid-twenties who I met online. We nervously hooked up a few months ago, fumbled around with each other, decided that we really felt comfortable...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader CampChapter 19 Back home

Kim and I got home by supper time and Judy prepared an exquisite meal. Knowing how I like Mexican food she had fixed beef tortillas, refried beans and rice. We all liked that combination so our plates were empty in short order. We all settled down in the living room where Kim and I told all about our week at camp. She left out the part about her nocturnal visit to me but included all the juicy tidbits about everything else that went on. Judy was perfectly all right with the idea that I had...

2 years ago
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rock and a hard place

dont know how i did it when i was young having sex all the time. in my last real life story iwasnt getting any sex from the wife, hence the fire down below made me visit my 300 pound neighbor who was more than willing to get laid. got caught wife is now a nympho but my ex neighbor wont give me up, now i think i got both of them agreeing that all three of us go to ahotel and have a threesome to my surprise they both agreed now i am waiting to see what happensm check back next week i will let...

2 years ago
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My Busty 19YearOld Girlfriends First Sexual Act

Hey beautiful people! My name is Akshay (name changed). I’m a 22-year-old, six-foot-tall guy with a lean athletic body. I’m basically based in Mumbai. The following story happened in March 2020. I was going through a bad phase of life. My girlfriend had just broken up with me after a two and a half year relationship in January 2020. To make myself feel better, I used to party with my friends after the breakup. I used to dance at clubs. Approaching girls and flirting with them became my hobby...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 47: KAYCEE AND HELENWe have strongly believed that proper training of dogs to mate comfortably and confidently with human females takes time and dedication. Yes, we know that many people approach it differently, but we feel strongly that the effort put into training, both for the dog and the woman, reflects in the ultimate relationship of the two. We have promoted the attitude of a mutual bonding and commitment to each other that takes into account the well-being and safety of each. It...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Dee Williams Mackenzie Moss The Birds And The BCups

Dee Williams is prepping for a gala, donning a stunning dress that really shows off ‘the girls.’ When her step-daughter, Mackenzie Moss, happens across her, she is envious, lamenting about how she can’t wait for her OWN breasts to grow as big and full as Dee’s… She has nothing but admiration for Dee’s heaving bosom. Although she’s flattered, Dee is a bit thrown off, insisting that her breasts are larger because of implants. Mackenzie is intrigued,...

3 years ago
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Chachi Ko Maa Banaya Unke Pati Ke Marji Se

Hi to all iss readers ye meri pahli story hai to plz koi galati ho to maf karna mera na rahul hai mai maharastra se hu mai ek student hu 5’9″ lamba rang sawla or average body vala hu mera lund 7″ ka hai jo kisi girl ya aunty ko satisfy karne me koi kami nahi chhodata.. Koi bhi girl,aunty,housewife from satara ya sangli ki mujhse sex karna chahti hai vo mujhe is id pr mail kar sakti hai Ab jyada bore na karte hue mai story par aata hu ye mere or mer chachi ke bare me hai vo meri asli chachi...

2 years ago
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The park part one

ParkI had heard that one of the local parks was a good cruising site but had never been there before.  I was in bad need of some cock so I thought I would check it out.   I am in my late fifties but am still in pretty good shape. I have a seven inch cock and I keep my balls and ass shaved clean. I'm told I have a nice cock and anytime I pull it out someone wants to suck it.   Today I needed my ass fucked though. The thought of a stranger fucking my ass bareback and shooting his load up my ass...

2 years ago
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Savannah And Kats First Date

"So, you're going on your first date now, Mom?" she asked, coming into my bedroom with me."Yes, Lena, I wanted you to meet her first, but she was persistent. She's just another teacher that started this year, and we just hit it off. I've never been with a black woman before either," I replied, doing my hair."She knows about me, though, right? Sometimes kids can be a dealbreaker.""Yes, Kat knows I have an eighteen-year-old daughter, and I'm a widow. So, now I just have to work in all the other...

3 years ago
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Fairy Tale Path

Melinda was a single mum whose life had been average — at least, as she defined average — until she met her new partner, Shane. Everyone around her had typical relationships where the man does his thing, the woman does hers, and the only interaction is part of daily routine. Shane brought a passion and excitement to her life; he wanted to share in every part of her life. She had never had a lover so intense.Shane was an intellectual who had a high-pressure job with a lot of responsibility, who...

2 years ago
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Raani Velaikaariyai Usher Seithu Oothen

Vathanur ennaum gramathil oru palliyil vaathiyaaraga velai paarthu varugiren, enathu peyar Shanmugam vayathu 40. Ennaku thirumanam aagi irandu kuzhanthaigal irukindrana aanal en manaivi kuthiyai oothu oothu ennaku salipu erpatu vitathu. Appadi salipaaga irukum pozhuthu thaan paliyil velai seiyum velaikaariyai paarthen. Aval unmaiyil sexyaaga irunthaal parka karupaaga irunthaalum avlin muligal perithaaga sexyaaga irukum. Aval peryar raani avalukum thirumanam aagi iunthathu, aval kanavan ena...

2 years ago
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Theresa and Beverly Share

I still can't believe the time I had last night. It's now Sunday morning and the sun has been up for a couple of hours. My wife Beverly and I just said goodbye to our new friends Theresa and Craig. The four of us had the time of our lives last night, an experience that none of us will soon forget. To help remember I decided to write down how our evening transpired. Here is the story of what happened. Bev and I had heard about this nice old bar in a neighboring town from friends. The place...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 37 Warren Lends A Hand

Warren and Sophia were at Sophia's house. They had been babysitting, so they weren't fooling around-just sitting on the sofa, watching TV, chatting. "Pookie, I think there's something we should start thinking about," Warren started. "What?" "College." "I've already started, a little. Just trying to find out schools with a good meteorology program that I think I could get into." "Yeah, I've done that for pre-med. But that's not the big question." "What is?" "Are we...

2 years ago
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kathy by whiskybuffKathy pushed the hair away from her eyes as she flirted openly with the new doctor at work. Dan had been there for three months, and Kathy knew he was interested. Dan heard about her reputation from some of the other doctors and he was eager to try his luck with my flirtatious wife. After a few teasing jokes and some appraising looks, Dan figured he had at least a yellow light, so he signaled for Kathy to follow him into the storage room. Kathy quickly glanced around to...

1 year ago
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Sex with a Rock Star Part 1

Elizabeth turned 18 that day. Little did she know it was to be the weirdest and most amazing experience of her life. Her life was a wet, passionless pit of nothingness. In the far north of Scotland it rained almost every day and without any boys around Lizzie hated where she lived. Every night she would go to bed at 11 and fuck herself into her fantasies. Lizzie was a wild girl at heart, with many fantasies; she would one night be being ass fucked by the President, or maybe tied up and gagged...

Erotic Fiction
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BlackValleyGirls Alexis Tae Dick Tipping The Driver

A sexy black girl like Alexis Tae is used to getting what she wants. She can hop in a total strangers car and get a ride home if she just asks in her silky, seductive voice. Once she flashed the bedroom eyes, anything is possible. Today, she gets in our studs car and asks for a free ride. She does not have any cash, but when she starts sucking his red hot rod, he ends up dishing out the dollars! By the time they get back to her place, she is super horny. She shows off her cute, perky tits and...

3 years ago
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The Beggar My Own Little Sugar

Hi guys, my name is Paul. I am 28 years old and this incident happened last summer. I belong to Andhra Pradesh and have been staying in Pune for many years. This incident happened while I was in Hyderabad on an office trip. The office meeting was over by Friday and I thought of enjoying my weekend in Hyderabad by experiencing the culture and cuisine over there. The whole day went well on Saturday. By evening I was exhausted of so much traveling around and by 9 pm I decided to return to my hotel...

3 years ago
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Maa Mere Samne Chud Gayi

Hi, mera nam Ravi he, me allahabad ka rahne wala hu, meri age 18 sal he or diploma me admission lekar hostel me chala gya hu. Mere ghar me meri mom or ek badi bahn he. Mom ka nam rita he, age 38 sal he, school me teacher he. Unka fig bahut sundar he 36dd, 32,38 ka har mard ko lubhane wala fig he. Badi bahna divya college me he or mom ka hath batati he ghar me. Unka nojavan badan 34d,28,26 wala he or mohale ke ladko ka dhyan khihta he. Papa foj me he or unka posting kashmir me he. Papa sal me 2...

3 years ago
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The Binding RingsChapter 26

“Do you want me to help you with that?” “What do you mean?” Jason asked. His voice cracked on the last word and he swallowed hastily. He hoped he knew what she meant but he was honestly surprised by how bold she was being. Emma let out a nervous giggle at hearing his voice waver and wiggled her rear playfully against the bulge in his pants. Her dress was still hiked up high around her waist, and only the thin fabric of her panties stood between Jason and the bare flesh of her buttocks. He...

2 years ago
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BecChapter 5 Sunday Evening

“Are you guys asleep in here?” Tara’s voice broke the silence. I blinked my eyes against the sudden light. Tara was silhouetted in the doorway. She was wearing stretch jeans and a tight-fitting yellow top, so her silhouette exaggerated her feminine curves, all those curves that she had and I didn’t. I swallowed a brief surge of jealousy and took notice of where I was. Dan was sitting on the floor of my room, his back against the wall, his legs stretched out straight in front of him, his eyes...

2 years ago
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Slut9Chapter 5 Emily

Saturday, December 16th, Night. After dinner, the three piled into Dave's car and went to the grocery store. Usually Dave would do this the day before his daughters arrived but with everything that was going on, it had slipped his mind. They also rented a couple of movies the girls wanted to see. Back home, the girls changed for bed and the three settled in to watch a movie. By ten o'clock, when the movie was finished, Hayley was asleep on the couch. Working together, Dave and Emily...

3 years ago
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The Balance of the RoseChapter 4

Crawling to the mouth of her cave, Karith/Tanith weaved one of her right front talons in an intricate pattern and spoke a word of un-warding. Rocks moved, and the opening of her cave appeared, and crawling through it she breathed deep the fresh mountain air. After taking several moments to stretch unused muscles, she leaped into the air with powerful legs and beat her massive wings gaining altitude. "Flight!" she cried in delight as she rose into the sky in an ever increasing circular...

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