Incredible ChangesChapter 290: Side Show Hell free porn video

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An opportunity I can’t pass up. It can only help boost Darren’s reputation.

Using my phone, I reached out to the place where I found was how I could “broadcast” my need for the silent jets. I didn’t want one of them to extract Amelia and her team, as that would raise too many questions, even with their advanced training. They gave me back some details regarding where to go, and when to be there, and to expect something unusual.

That can be anything given the silent planes.

I thanked the grandmother, in their family’s language, and then the three women of their company. Maybe it was the wine, but they looked very angry with me. At least they did until their grandmother cleared her throat, and they realized that her grandson wasn’t the only one who screwed the pooch today. I suspect the women may be in even more trouble than the dipshit.

The arrival of a packed tour bus didn’t seem unusual to the four women or the few of thugs standing around holding guns as they wondered what the fuck to do. Whoever was running the tour said something to the people on the bus that sounded something like these men being a part of a local militia doing something and not to worry about them. Whatever she said, they got off the bus to head around on the guided tour.

Grandma raising an eyebrow seems interesting. I wonder if people ever come to tour this town.

Amelia’s group quickly loaded their gear under the tour bus and boarded. Once waved over, I joined them. The group doing the tour didn’t seem to notice the bus driving off.

We rode for maybe half an hour before coming to a city large enough that it had some subway tunnels. Amelia must have gotten exfiltration details that included boarding the next subway train that arrived. The train was empty, as was the station, which further let me believe whoever made this plan was very good at getting things how they wanted. Our ride was longer than I expected too. We did pass stations where people were waiting. The subway train finally stopped at the end of one of the lines. It was easy to tell no one had used this station in at least thirty years, given the dates on the movie posters and some newspapers in the newspaper machines. They even had a whole bank of payphones along one wall. Going to the only door we could see, we opened it to find that the outside had chains and signs on it saying not to enter. Once closed, some nearly silent machines came out to connect pieces of chains onto those on the door. They looked real, and the magnetic releases inside them took someone like me or these machines to release them from the links on the doors. It was slick.

Seven long flights of stairs later and we were exiting through a side door into a dusty hallway with a pair of double doors under an exit sign lit by a single, dim bulb close to burning out. We exited to find their ride to the private airfield. Once they loaded their gear, the entire team came to thank me one by one. The girls were at the end of the line. Each gave me a big hug, kissed my cheek, and said they each wanted a night with me sometime soon. Even some of the men, but that was to hang out to get shitfaced.

If the driver hadn’t told them they were wheels up in ten minutes, the girls might have thanked me by dropping their pants, bending over, and letting me roger them until I came in each of them.

I explained that now that they were back on track that I had my transportation awaiting me where I came to rescue them from Tweddle Dumb.

After they left, I knew the general direction to go but didn’t have any real clue how I was getting back to the town. From the look of things around me, I could see why the city closed this station. I used the place in my head to remove everything above ground in a five-mile circle around me that wasn’t a human or animal. I saw maybe thirty people, a few dogs, some cats, and barely any rodents. My phone beeped and said to head in the direction it pointed.

Having my head make everything not alive show up again, but only so much as to see it as a light transparent shade of the original color. Plants were about twenty-five percent. I don’t know what happened here, but I guessed that around the same time as the station closed, it was something terrible.

It must be when there are no vehicles anywhere, the power is still on, and no one even came in to steal the wiring.

My phone had nothing on it, not even using the man-in-the-machine databases. How something could happen here that caused nearly everyone to abandon it, and nothing be anywhere on it was suspicious.

Continuing to follow my phone’s directions, I ended up in front of a large bank. I adjusted what I could see to show money, anything in their vault, and inside safety deposit boxes. I didn’t expect to find anything, and yet I did. I found some safety deposit boxes open with the keys still in them. A few others had the key in them, but without the bank key, they couldn’t unlock them. Then there were those someone went to a lot of trouble to drill out the locks or use something like a twenty-foot long crowbar to open, give the huge dents in the boxes next to the open ones.

My phone began showing me boxes to open. Using the place in my head, I didn’t do anything fancy like trying to turn the locks by pushing energy into them. I found it much faster when I put energy onto both sides of all the bars of the lockboxes for me to open. Using the power available in the building, I pulled in so much energy that when applied to the side of the lock bars, the metal heated so quickly that the alloys used to make the lock bars, which didn’t vaporize, ran like they were natively liquid, like Mercury.

What is in the boxes that need me to open them after however long it has been since people were living here?

Looking through the boxes, I found plenty of money, a lot of scarce coins, expensive gemstones, and things I knew instinctively were unquestionably worth millions of dollars. I stacked them all in a big pile on one end of a table in the room. I wasn’t here for valuables. I came for the paperwork in these boxes. As I sorted, I found deeds for properties and buildings that my phone had me put into specific stacks, regardless of the names on the paperwork. From there, I added birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, and similar documents that matched up with the those I remember being in the various stacks of deeds. My phone got a message to go out to the central part of the bank to find sticky notes, pens, envelopes, and rubber bands. With every stack in a package, my phone told me to go into the big vault to collect the piles of different denominations of the local currency. Someone left so quickly that they didn’t lock the bank vault or bank doors.

In there, I saw that someone had gotten into one of the stacks of the highest denomination bills, but it looked as if they might not have taken any, given the stacks on the floor, which seemed to be about the number of stacks missing from the pile of large, sequential bills. The diagram on my phone took me toward the back where I found a counting machine, bands for stacks of the different denominations, and a large metal lockbox, still unlocked, with used bills. My task was to shuffle in used bills of the same denomination and then put then through the counter machine after punching in the correct bill value. It surprised me when it counted out even amounts of the bills and then wrapped then with the proper band for the total cash value of the stack. Oddly it printed on a date from between six and twelve years ago, along with the amount. I had no clue how many of each I needed, but I didn’t have enough, it seems.

My phone showed me where to get into the teller cages for me to go into the safes out there to get more bills. These were all banded with maybe a quarter of them being well-used bills. The others were still crisp, but also used and not sequential. When I finished finding the number of stacks it told me, I realized I had two stacks of each band color for each envelope of deeds and other paperwork. Those I bagged up in some type of cut-proof, semi-transparent, zipper bags.

Next came me going into the basement, opening a false wall by vaporizing the rods locking the vault closed, and then opening it. Inside I found bins upon bins of precious metals pressed out into troy ounces. The directions on my phone were to only get gold ones for between one and two Troy ounce bars. Silver two and four once bars came next. The rest of the precious metals and weights I ignored. The final task required me to find diamonds of lower color and clarity than the most expensive diamonds here. The bags I selected were of various sizes. I expected to also get Rubies, Emeralds, and similar highly desired gems, only for my phone to tell me only get all the opals I could find.

How close is the value of everything in this vault to whatever wealth I supposedly have?

“It is less,” I heard directly into my head and through my shield. “All funds in the main vault, everything in this vault, and two others here are all yours, in Darren’s name, not that of the dead parents used to build Darren’s cover. Those contacting you via your phone know not of this or the other vaults on this floor. You are to unlock them as you did this one, but do not open them. Their contents require urgent relocation. Androids, though not those which the digital being controls, will be arriving after you depart. The contents of these vaults belong to you. They are my gift to you for your arrival. You need not worry yourself about how I now contact you through your protective barriers around your body and brain. This place was once my home, but it is now my eternal tomb, the result of those calling themselves alchemists, sorcerers, magicians, and any other words, those with abilities like ours, and those who chose to hunt us. I can see and hear everything, read the entirety of the minds of man. Since my entombment, only a few can I contact. You are the only one on this Earth who didn’t go insane when I entered your mind and spoke to you.”

So, who are you? Why can’t you free yourself?

“I know not what I am, only that I was once human, and now I am not. For what could be millennia, I’ve tried to free myself, but never had the raw power in a large enough burst to do so. Around thirty of your years ago, there was such a burst that coursed through where I exist. I tried to free myself, and the underground transit became abandoned. Over time more bursts of the raw energy flowed through me. Some I contained to use for my next attempt to free myself. I was much stronger the next time, but instead of releasing me from my prison, it showed me that those who entombed me also cursed me. My attempt to free myself forced those for two of your miles around me to flee my mental broadcast for their help. I believed I knew the nature of the curse of witches and tried once again. It was a failure of epic proportions. My mental broadcast spread over every inch of every building in a radius out around seven of your miles. Anyone who enters that radius feels my broadcast but cannot hear it. Each flees without knowing why. Those few you found when looking were already insane. My broadcast calls to them, yet they can only come so close before they too must flee to a safe distance. Complete the tasks sent to your phone. I hear their goal, and I feel it is worthy of you. When you depart this place, only see that which comes from me and follow it to the center.”

I felt whatever that was leave my head and knew that the place in my brain now learned how to block it out forever, should I choose to do so. Somehow, I had the feeling that I wouldn’t ever need to.

After vaporizing the large locking bolts on the other two hidden vaults, I went back up to the safety deposit room. The final set of instructions on my phone told me exactly how to split up the gold, silver, diamonds, and opals. It wasn’t an even split, though I somehow knew the values of each stack is equal. I found some sort of small attachés off in the corner. They happened to each hold everything in the piles. The bag made it much easier to use the sticky notes to write the correct name to put that into a clear pocket on the front of the attaché. I placed them all inside two big cloth bags similar to what the armored car drivers use back home.

Leaving the bank, I did as whatever came into my mind asked. I had no trouble quickly finding the center of the power emanating from down within the Earth. Continuing not to see anything but the power and the being transmitting it, I finally came to what was a human at some point since man began walking the Earth. Much like some Greek mythology and stories from other cultures, I found an oddity that would make Ripley very wealthy should he have found a live human looking like this one.

I don’t know much about human biology, but what I do know is that there is a belief in some circles that every fertilized egg will split to start making twins. Way before they can confirm their theory, the weaker of the two twins has their cells absorbed by one twin. The scientists do use the various cases where they find a human having part of their dead twin inside them. Others have people with arms, legs, teeth, and even heads of the consumed twin sticking outside their bodies. What I saw wasn’t exactly one of those.

From what I could tell, the sperm from two different fathers fertilized two eggs that the mother had ovulated during the same fertility cycle, one male and one female infant. Assuming that everyone may have a twin at some point in their development. The male and female eggs each split to create an identical twin. That is where things went off course. One of the female embryos became dominant and first consumed its own female twin, the weaker male twin, and then the other male twin, but part of the last male twin partially remained. At birth, the infant appeared female but had the face of her fraternal twin brother on the back of her head. It had eyelids, a small nose, and a mouth, but none opened. There was nothing but the girl’s skull underneath. It had the appearance of what appeared to be a tail and odd bumps underneath. While rare, it was common enough that many discounted it as a bit abnormal. Sometimes those with money had the vestigial tail removed.

Once hair covered the girl’s head, and her society deemed it time for her to cover her naked body, people soon forgot she had abnormalities at all. That went well until puberty when things went off the rails.

The changes were small a first. From the front, this girl developed to become a woman. Her growing taller and her hips widening hid that what they believed was a tail had also been growing. She told no one that the bumps below it hurt when sitting in some ways or when riding a horse. One day she found that what all believed to be a tail hardened and aim upward while sleeping on her stomach. In the night, she felt it twitch before feeling warm wetness running down over her butthole and down along her split before getting into her pubic hairs and drying into a crusty mass. After her next period, she felt a need inside her to rub her clit and use two fingers to hold her lips open. When her climax hit, the tail felt like it did right before the hot liquid ran down over her before. This time it pooled against her fingers before pouring into her pussy. She liked that because it didn’t make the big mess in her pubes.

As the “tail” continued to grow longer, though not noticeably fatter, she noticed that it was harder to hide from others when they must be naked around each other. Soon she began pulling the tail forward to go between her butt cheeks and rest against her mound. Over a few months, it grew long enough that when she pulled it up between her legs, it tickled her clit, then it began to change. Where once it has just been a hunk of floppy skin at the end, with the tiny hole that leaked out when she rubbed herself off, now it looked like the head of a small penis when she pulled the skin down whenever it started to get a bit firm. Before it finally stopped growing longer, it came to the top of her thick pubes when pulled up between her legs, almost reaching her bellybutton. At night she found she could grind her clit against it, and that made it get hard like a finger, at least until it got to where it started to hurt if she didn’t let it free to stick up behind her like a long tail of a scared cat. It also began getting hard for no reason at all. Those times weren’t when she wasn’t in her bed with it hidden by her gown and bedsheets to keep it pushed down against her back. Over some months, it stopped hurting when it got hard, and if she let it loose to get fully hard, it came up in front of her. Then came the day which brought her into the world how animals and humans procreate.

Her parents saw her tail grow longer, so they kept her away from others.

Sometimes she went to the store with them, but once the tail had grown up between her legs, and the testicles that went up inside her body when wearing underwear or sitting on them, it was uncomfortable to ride to town, and the walk was long.

On that fateful day, her mother had taken ill, and her father was injured early in the morning. She had to take her siblings to the market to get their standard items plus something to cure her mother’s illness and heal her father’s wounds. She had no idea what her siblings snickered about, only that she didn’t know some secret about her parents and why they were going to the market without them. It was a spring day with many animals in heat. Dogs, rabbits, cows, sheep, ducks, and horses found had the females mounted by the males frequently. They would stop to watch, sometimes with her sibling’s hands pushed into pants or under their dresses.

As the long walk continued, they encountered more animals mating. Those sisters who were wearing panties slipped them off right there in front of their brothers. She knew her mother and father would be furious if they saw the girls do that. They came across a large group of rabbits. The males were going bunny to bunny planting their seed. It was arousing enough that her brothers let their pants and underwear drop to their ankles to jack off. She hadn’t seen a penis since she was little but recognized what they were doing. She soon found that made the end of her tail feel great faster if she rubbed the tip to have it push against her clit at the same time. After seeing one brother start firing his load, she realized that the stuff coming from his penis was the same as from her tail. It hit her that it looked a lot like his penis when it got stiff. Turning toward a sister, she saw the girl with a leg on a stump rubbing her clit with one finger and two finger-banging her pussy. The entity did that too.

When all her siblings had gotten their climaxes, they continued until coming to a house along the road. Two boys and two girls also going to the market joined their group. Things turned interesting when they came to fields where a bull was mounting cows and a stallion mounting mares. Her siblings and the newcomers paired up with their hands touching the other’s genitals. Before long, the boys had their pants around their ankles and girls either jacking them off until the boy came or sucking him until he came in their mouth. It was a while before coming to another field with animals mating. No playing around first, the boys dropped their pants, and girls got busy getting the boys off. It took a lot longer than before. Unlike earlier, the girls kept kissing and sucking on the boy’s dicks until, one by one, the boys got hard again. The girls moved to flip up their dress, bend over the nearest tree or fence, spread their legs, and let the boys move up to mount them. It confused the girl, but soon she figured that they were doing what the animals were, except they did it because it made the boys and girls feel good. She hadn’t noticed before, but her tail was hard against her clit, and her pussy juices were flowing.

An outhouse off the road in the trees turned out to be where the girls went to let the cum drain out. They put their panties back on before reaching the market. When her turn arrived, she did have to use the toilet, which proved hard because her tail was hard between her legs, and she couldn’t move it out of the way to do her business, as she usually did. Faster than any other time she can remember, she climaxed hard, with her tail firing rope after rope of the stuff that came from her brother’s penises. Once finished with her business, she had a thought. Her tail got hard like a dick, and that penis went into the girl’s pussies, which made the boys and girls both feel good. Carefully she curved her limp, flexible tail around as she leaned back to spread her legs wide. From her recent knowledge of playing with it, she had a part the length of her middle finger hard while the rest was only a bit firm. Sliding the dick-like end into her vagina made her climax hard around the part of the tail she had inside. She felt the tail’s warm juices go up inside her, but not coming back out because the end of her tail was still firm. Carefully she slid that part in and out like the boys did with the girls. It made it get stiffer, and more went inside her. Soon she found all that she felt that her tail had nothing left to go inside. It felt wonderful and full. With her panties back on, she hurried from the outhouse toward the group.

As she neared, she heard her siblings telling the others how she was slow in the head and had something odd with her that made her parents keep her home most of the time. They said what her mom had told her brothers. If they even tried to touch her, her mom would cut off their balls. It made the two boys shiver when they looked at her.

Now she had heard her siblings call her slow before. Each time it hurt because she wasn’t stupid or dense. She could read, write, do some advanced math, knew a lot of science, and even more stories about history. Her mom told her to keep that to herself. It was for the best. The times before would cause her to cry. It would have today if not for her finding that having to jump around, to keep from falling down the steep path, made her tail move insider her. The more it moved, the hotter and wetter she became, which in turn made it grow up inside her. Soon it was stiffer than ever before, and she felt it hit the back of her pussy, painfully. When she squeezed her vaginal muscles in pain, she found that pushed some of her tail out. As she walked, she worked on clenching her pussy muscles from the tip down to expel as much of it as she could. Wearing a dress hid it pushing her panties down as she forced it out of her. She found out yet another new thing, her tail could make her cum, but it didn’t shoot anything inside her. That only happened if she rubbed her clit, so she liked that idea to keep from making a huge mess.

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Car engine hums, the sound reverberates through her body as they race along...Lana casts a wicked sexy smile at Evan as she holds the wheel, the car races onwards. Evan's left hand reaches over, strokes the smooth thigh exposed below her short skirt. Tender soft rubs as his hand teases and lingers over her soft, silky thighs. Each rub, every soft tender stroke edging upward along her soft smooth skin. Her clit teased by his touch as she licks her lips, her need for his touch growing. His...

Love Stories
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For the Presidents Eyes Only Project Sweetpea

For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...

3 years ago
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A Night At The Darkside Rave Den

The cute-faced, 19-y/o Maureen wasn't just a punk slut. Punk, she most certainly was, with tattoos and a mohawk of dark hair, while she much more rated as the notoriously skankier than skankiest sex-bum her many bangers had ever known – which is redundant to say about the immensely twisted 'ho who absolutely detested nice fucks from nice guys. To put it mildly, Maureen took pride in being a low-down junk-scrap when dicks were stuffed in her slenderly sexy flesh including a chest adorned...

4 years ago
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Turning Helen To The DarkSide

It had taken me a full ten minutes to realise that my girlfriend and I had wandered into a den of lesbian iniquity. It was disguised as a pub come nightclub and was populated by around ninety-nine per cent gay people, not that I minded because I didn’t. I considered myself the one per cent that was not outright gay, but I was considering my options at that time and had dabbled a little with my hands and lips.The pub seemed to be divided into discrete areas. The walkway between the bar and...

2 years ago
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Darkside Miners

The last time the water bandits had hit Frank Kabrosky and Jose Ferrera's claim, they were unprepared. Five anonymous figures with shiny faceplates, three wicked looking clubs with sharp spikes on the ends, and they had to flee in awkward hopping bounds, to preserve suit integrity, leaving the bandits to transfer six-thousand gallons of water they had toiled the past four months to refine from the unforgiving hard rock extraction mine. There are no guns on the moon. Just five months earlier,...

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your wonderful little student richelle

in class, i was always known as the nice, sweet, evergrove girl. my name is richelle rose evergrove. and this is a story about how my teacher, grey, was proved wrong about who i am. in class that day, i was particularly horny and looking for a good time. mr. tompsin, his first name was grey, just happened to be there. my body was ravishing — my smooth tan skin, perky breasts with pink light brown nipples, my nice little ass. and don’t get me started on my pussy. it was nice and i’d imagine it...

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The Outsiders

This story was inspired from the Highlander movies and TV series but takes place in a separate world with its own rules. The Outsiders By Morpheus It was a dark and windy night as I staggered home from the bar, more than a little drunk. I staggered just a little with each step, enough to reveal to anyone who saw that I wasn't completely sober. However, I made a straight line home, eager to climb into bed. I only dreaded going to work in the morning with the hangover I was bound to...

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Showoff All Day

(One of a series of stories sequel to the original Showoff) It was easy to find additional yard tasks for Eric to keep him close to my windows two or three days each week. Today he was over cleaning the pool for example, right outside my bedroom window where last week he watched me getting dressed. I watched the handsome young man, wearing a low-slung pair of swim trunks as he used a long-handled skimmer whisking away leaves and other debris. He is lean and sleek in appearance, much like the...

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Boy Meets Man Changing Short StoriesMitchell

Mitch sighed roughly as he shoved the rest of the clean clothes he was taking with him to his fathers for the Summer. "You will have fun Mitchell, you always do so stop throwing a fit." His mother commented as she walked past his door, a grunt pushing from his chest at her words. Yeah maybe he would have fun, however he was not looking forward to his fathers increasingly odd behavior towards him. Mitchell was twelve years old and his parents had been divorced since he was six. His father...

2 years ago
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Aunt Shelly

A favourite story from Literotica...Aunt Shellyby TryAnything Brian had always thought his Aunt Shelly was one of the most beautifulwomen in the world. Many times he had masturbated while thinking of her,her long blonde hair down to her waist, her sparkling blue eyes and widegenerous smile. He also liked her long slim legs, which she always seemedto showcase with either a short skirt or short shorts. But in any event,her legs were an enticing sight at all times. And she had full breasts.Many...

3 years ago
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Mene Or Meri Gasti Behan Shelly

Hello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...

3 years ago
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Me and Shelly had been best friends since we first went to school, and as our parents always said we were inseparable. Throughout our lives, when one of us ended up in some sort of trouble, you could be guaranteed the other was close by. We both lost our virginity on the same night to 2 college guys at a frat party we gate crashed, Shelly was on the bed while the other guy fucked me on the floor. Shelly is a gorgeous looking redhead, she always keeps her hair quite short, she has large breasts,...

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How I met BBW Shelley

It was in Philadelphia on business eating at an Applebees myself. Shelley was sitting a few tables away with a gilfriend. She sent a drink over to my table. When the waitress pointed out who had bought me the drink I looked at Shelley, she gave me a beautiful smile and winked at me. I walked over and asked if I could join them. She said of course. So I had dinner with her and her friend Tammy. When dinner was over I picked up the check. Tammy was kind of a third wheel and we really could not...

1 year ago
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Sex Wars 8211 Seduction Of Shelly

Akash! Akash! shouted the school cleaner after knowing that he is sleeping in the school store room. Akash wakes up and sees that he and asleep in the store room and will now have to hear the scolding of the old and ugly school cleaner but he listens it quietly and walks away because he has just had the BEST EXPIERIENCE of his Life by sucking his computer teacher Mrs Shelly’s milky and oversized boobs.Ok,FLASHBACK: The Story starts with Akash masturbating in the room by fantasizing about...

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Watching Shelly

© 2003 Kenny N Gamera I looked at my watch, but Shelly still wasn't due for another ten minutes. I released the latest in a chain of sighs at the thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar alone. It sent shudders through me. The thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar with Fred in was even worse, but I intended to wait for her even if it meant watching him chase nineteen-year-old girls. I could have done without having to watch him make out with the...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e9 Shelly

Series 4, Episode 9: SHELLEY We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Now we’re on the windswept sea-front of an old fashioned English resort town. Out of season and on a windy, cold and rainy day, the place is virtually...

2 years ago
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Processing Shelly

Shelly is clothed not below her hips, except for a pair of nice, tight, slutty red leather high-heeled boots which come halfway up her calves. The rest of her legs are smooth, and pink, and shiny. Her nice round butt-cheeks are all uncovered and vulnerable upon the moist leather seat. Before her is a very big plate of paella, it is the Master’s special paella made of slime and robomeat and special lobotising rice. It rises from the plate in a tall, glistening, juicy, smelly tower. It rises to...

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ShellyShelly and I had known each other in High School and would see each other here and again afterwards. We partied with the same people and once or twice fooled around, but never really had sex. Lots of making out and petting was the extent of our fun. Years went by and we shared info on social media, but I lived up near Houston and she was down in Corpus Christi so actually meeting up was not possible. I decided to make a trip home and posted to social media and was surprised how many old...

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Incredible Time with girlfriend and roommate

After a rather eventful night of ‘firsts’, I awoke early, around 8 a.m. the next morning. Melissa was still sound asleep next to me. She was lying on her side, facing me. Her full breasts, with those succulent nipples, only inches from my face. I thought about giving them a nice long lick, since I was still a bit horny despite the fucking we did only six hours ago. She looked like a naked sleeping goddess with such wonderful sexual curves. But, I was hungry as can be, so I decided to let her...

First Time
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Showroom Girl

This is not a ‘story’ in the sense of fiction or fantasy just something that happened last month. It’s not that dramatic but I found it exciting and decided to share.My wife is an exhibitionist and goes out wearing seamed stockings and stiletto heels. However, when the weather gets very warm she tends to stop wearing stockings out and prefers to wear tops which show off her big bust to good effect – she’s a 40E cup.Recently she bought some tight leather-look trousers and was delighted with the...

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Showtime for Teri

Showtime for Teri By Teri Franken Chapter 1 My name is Teri and I am 28 years old. I have been a closet sissy for as long as I can remember. My parents knew that I was not your typical child and they let me live how I wanted to and did not judge me, they just loved me unconditionally. I grew up loving everything that a little boy typically doesn't like, such as dresses and dolls. My parents were concerned that I would be a target for bullies, so I was home schooled, took my GED...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 238 The Show Must Go On

That looks like fun, but I better not. People would notice if I started doing triple twisting flips. Instead of going to try the diving board, I found a chair to watch Helen and the other women that were using that diving board. After she tried a one and a half flip three times, where she opened too soon, I started counting how many seconds it took for her to get to where she opened-up to dive in. She seemed to need about a count of three, but that was me counting. When I spelled out her...

2 years ago
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The Presidents ClubChapter 16

Sandi's new promotion vaulted her into the city's social stratosphere. She hobnobbed with rich and famous people on a regular basis now. Her date/escort on these occasions was the young handsome Officer Ben Johnson, much to his embarrassment. The evening gowns and dresses his boss wore on these occasions showed way too much of her voluptuous body for him not to notice her beautiful figure. He confessed his troublesome thoughts to his silent love, Lady X. He told her that he was beginning to...

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The Presidential Secret

The Presidential Secret By Gigi Julianne Langworth is the first woman president of the United States. It all happened very suddenly. It was about two in the morning, local time and 30,000 feet over the Atlantic flying from Paris on Air Force Two when Langworth was awoken from her nap. "Madam Vice-President, uh, we have bad news," whispered the secret service agent, "We just confirmed that President Hunt is dead of heart attack." Julianne's eyes opened in shock. Jason Hunt was a...

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Incredible Olivia

Her name is Olivia. She is the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing girl who I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in life. I’m proud to call her my own.She walked slowly towards me, half undressed, as was I, Her breasts being emphasized by her tight, pink, laced Victoria’s Secret bra. I lay on the bed as I watched her as she twirled around for me. She was 5 ft, 10 inches tall, with long wavy blond hair that went past her shoulders. She had huge, beautiful green eyes, that sparkled in the light...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 19 Not In Kansas Anymore

Whoever this girl is was right about them just asking me to take a sleeping pill instead of being sneaky and putting it in my food. When we stopped outside a pair of sliding glass doors, someone helped me into a wheelchair. I noticed I was wearing the super soft pajamas dad had gotten me. No one said a word to me as we got on an elevator to ride up the nineteenth floor. When the doors opened, I saw a sign saying “Hospitalized Patient Consultation - Optical Patient Entrance Only.” In the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 449 Hasenpfeffer

Dinner time! Ellen, Leigh, and Kirsten had enlisted the six boys from earlier to be responsible for having the women cooking here teach them to cook pork chops. The girls were finishing up the rabbit stew. Ivy was nowhere around, but Juniper and Willow were both here and showed they knew they were in deep shit. Their mom would go over to them periodically to tell them to wipe off the cum leaking out her their pussies, again. Aspen went over and hugged her mom, which just about made her mom...

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Halloween With Shelly

I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...

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Moving Mrs Mitchell

"Dude, Mrs. Mitchell is a hottie." Robin Mitchell froze at the top of the stairs that led down to the basement of her new townhome. Had she heard that right? "Shh, not so loud, Brandon." That was Paul, the kid who'd lived next door at her old house and had generously offered to help her move. No, not a kid anymore, Robin reminded herself as she thought of his biceps straining his tight graphic tee. "Anyway," Brandon continued, "you sure she's in her 40s? There's no way. Her legs...

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Dating Shelly

Shelly looked at herself in the mirror as she applied her lipstick. She smiled at what she saw, "No wonder the guys have been hitting on you girl" she thought to herself. She stood five feet one and had one hundred and five pounds distributed on a 34-22-32 frame. Green eyes and long brown hair completed the package. She took one last look at herself in the mirror and thought, for at least the tenth time, "You shouldn't be doing this girl" but then she shook the thought from her head and...

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A Lakeside Picnic

.The Lakeside Picnicby AbeAs soon as she arrived at her host family's log homein the mountains, Marie began to realize thatAmerica was not at all as she had expected it wouldbe.  She had been told that, as an exchange student,her behavior must be beyond reproach. She musttake her lead from her host family. She must dressas Americans dress, behave as they behave, and, of course, follow the rules at the university in the fall.She was told that all American girls wear brasiers,and they certainly...

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Lakeside Youth Sanatorium

A lot of people wonder why a guy like me became a nurse. The main reason is pussy which is pretty much the reason for everything I do. Four years ago I was looking for something different and decided to enroll at Lakeside Community College. I went for the Nursing Program because I heard most nurses are free with their snatch and decided it was the best place to get some serious action. During the process of me fucking every student nurse in the class, I ended up graduating. It was a bitch...

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Lakeside Love Best Friends Wife

Innocent lust and friendship transform into vacation affair College was only 5 years ago, but what better way to reunite than a beautiful trip out at the lake? It was always great to see old friends, but what I looked forward to seeing most was my best friend’s wife… Emma. She was the most beautiful woman I knew. Her husband, Peter and I had always been close in college as roommates and best men at each other’s wedding. A sort of wall-flower, Emma had little interest in...

4 years ago
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Character Creation Showcase

Note: Last Update: 2016-09-24. gene.sis also created another story to present this same example in a different way:Conditional Branches Showcase (examples) Showcase Note: The "source of the chapters" as copyable text can be viewed on the forum For this to work, it is mandatory to start the Game Mode on the right tab under "Score". In the Intro Chapter, the player is awarded 5 character creation points, which he can spent freely at the character creation screen. This is achieved by ticking...

2 years ago
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Sophias Showcase 1Chapter 2

When Sophia got to her dad's house, she saw that John wasn't home yet. So she texted him, "can i go on ur computer?" she asked. Careful not to make the same mistake, and stay on his good side. His answer was funny. He sent two messages. "Of course, hun. Nothing to hide!" he sent first. Then, a minute later, she got, "anymore..." She giggled, and within 10 minutes she was settled in her dad's office and browsing through all those pictures again, wondering which ones he would pick....

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Delta OriginalChapter 7 New Residences

At the beginning of the week, they got their next influx of new residents. Two families of Pixs and a clan of Prols, all sixteen of them, turned up from the entrance to the plains. Ten of Iain’s cousin’s kids, some by marriage and some by blood all of working age also arrived with Iain on his sailing boat. It wasn’t long before the new residents were all gainfully employed. Aegeus, the leader of the Prol clan and his four oldest sons and his brother Alum and his two sons, were all soon...

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XMen Hellfire

Hellfire. A name well known around America. Essentially a strip joint, but there are added perks if you're a senior member. Just like I have finally become. 3 years, I've waited, but I'm happy to say today's the day. I've finally joined the Hellfire club's inner circle. As a reward for joining, they offer me one of their "junior members," so to speak. Sebastian Shaw, the Club's leader, opens two doors on either side of the room with the push of a button, and I turn to look at the first girl: a...

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