Sarah's Operation free porn video

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PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH (and LISA) AND GREG SERIES Sarah and Greg met, talked, fell in love, lived together, and got married. However, it was not a traditional couple since Sarah was born into the wrong body, a male's body. Although she looked like a beautiful woman to most people, she still had a cock. On their honeymoon, Sarah and Greg met Lisa who eventually became the third member of their marriage. All three lived happily together and more secure as their triad became accepted by all of the immediate relatives as they found out. Then one day, Lisa got pregnant by Sarah, and the three has a beautiful baby girl, Amy. A few years later, Greg got Lisa pregnant. It is a typical pregnancy, but something goes wrong during the delivery.

PAUL'S BIRTH AND THE AFTERMATH When it was time for the birth, all three grandparents were there for the delivery and to look after Amy. Everything went along as before. After the baby was born, Greg and Sarah came out to announce to the four of them, "It's a boy!"

There were lots of hugs – the biggest hugs coming from Amy, who sort of knew what was going on – and congratulations all around, when suddenly there was a huge commotion in the delivery room. Greg and Sarah turned in time to see a doctor rush into the room and a nurse rush out of the room with the baby. When Sarah and Greg tried to go in to see what was the matter, a nurse stood in their way, telling them that the doctors needed space.

Amy was too young to know what was going on but knew that the five grown-ups in the room who were her security looked very worried and Momma Lisa was still in the other room.

As the time crawled by, Greg and Sarah both felt waves of tears and nausea. Amy tried to comfort them the way she had been comforted when she was scared – a pat on the back, a hug, a kiss on the forehead – but her parents seemed no better, which scared her. She occasionally looked at her grandparents, but they were also looking scared. So Amy went from one to the other, hugging and trying to make it all better. She could not understand why the hugs did not work.

At some point, each grandparent in turn left to check on the new baby. When John or Joy or Betty would return, he or she would announce that the boy was doing fine, trying to bring some silver lining to what was going on.

After an hour, the Dr. Fields came out to inform Greg of what was going on. He looked directly at Greg and said, "She's stable enough that we can take her into surgery. In a moment, we'll wheel her out of the room and down the hall." He paused to let that sink in.

Sarah started to asked, "Is she... ?", but had to stop talking as the her voiced choked up, unable to ask the question to which she did not necessarily want an answer.

The doctor knew the question and answered, "It is too soon to tell. I'll keep monitoring what's going on with her and give you updates on the hour."

Greg looked confused, and the doctor read the look, "I'm not the surgeon. Dr. Sams will perform the surgery; he's the one in there with her now. He is excellent and will do anything that is humanly possible." The doctor went on to give more detail about what was happening, but Greg and Sarah were lost in thought, unable to comprehend much at the moment. Their parents tried to follow, but they were more concerned with their children and grandchildren. However, all of them appreciated the doctor trying to fill them in.

A few minutes later, the doors opened, and Lisa, still on the bed – her eyes closed – was wheeled out and down the hall. Sarah lost it first, sitting and melting into a ball of tears. Greg followed shortly. As Amy walked over, Sarah grabbed her and hugged her tightly; Greg moved closer and hugged them both. The sobs and wails could be heard down the hall. Betty and Joy walked over and rubbed their kids' backs, the way they had done when their children were small. John maintained his composure in public, trying to think of something to say or to do. He leaned over to Amy and asked, "Do you want to see your new baby brother?"

Amy nodded and was released from her parents' grips. John took her hand and the two walked silently down to the nursery. When they got there, John picked Amy up and pointed to her new baby brother. She was amazed at how small and helpless he looked. As John stared at his new grandson, a tear formed in his eye. He tried to hide his emotion as best as he could, but Amy spotted the tear as it flowed down his cheek. She hugged him.

John turned and walked over to some chairs near by. He hugged Amy as hard as he could without hurting her and said, "I know you don't know what is going on and you don't understand everything that I am saying right now, but sometimes grown-ups have..." He struggled with the words to use which might be understood by a toddler; it had been a long time since he had to talk to one. " ... problems. A hug from you helps a great deal, but some problems require more than hugs." He leaned back and looked her in the eyes, trying to decide if she understood any of what he was saying. When she hugged him hard, he knew that she understood something. Then, more to himself than his granddaughter, he said, "Everything will work out. God will not give us more than we can bear – no matter how much it might seem otherwise at the moment."

John looked at the beautiful, little girl with him. He saw Sarah and Lisa in her, and deep inside, he knew she was going to be an incredible woman when she grew up. He had a moment of peace within himself as he held the future. He stood, picking Amy up, and looked at his grandson. John had a feeling of peace sweep over him again. And coincidentally, at that moment, the newborn stopped crying, and John swore to the end of his life, the baby looked him straight in the eye and smiled.

John turned to Amy and asked, "Are you ready to see your dad and Momma Sarah?" Amy nodded, and the two of them walked hand in hand back to the grief-filled waiting room. John, feeling emboldened and partially concerned that his timing was going to be off, let go of Amy's hand walked over to his son and first daughter-in-law and said, "You two, come with me."

Greg and Sarah rose to follow, not really thinking much at the moment. John led them to the nursery and pointed at their new baby boy. "I understand your grief. I am barely holding it together myself, but that boy in there needs you. I'm praying that Lisa's okay and asking the good Lord to see her through this, but no matter what God's plans are, that boy in there needs you." As Greg and Sarah were beginning to think about what John said, John turned and hugged Sarah, kissing her forehead. Then he hugged Greg.

John stepped back, and hoping to lighten the mood, said, "If that boy in there gets any crap for being born on the day Lisa had trouble, I am going to come down and kick your asses." As he smiled, Greg started to laugh. Needing the release, Sarah joined him, until they both start crying, again.

Greg hugged his dad and said, "Thank you." Sarah stepped over, stood up on her toes, and kissed John on the cheek. "Thanks, dad."

About then, Amy and her two grandmothers walked in. The slightly lighter mood caught them by surprise, and they assumed there was good news about Lisa. John told them there was no news, but they should leave the young ones to spend a moment with their new son and brother. As the three grandparents turned, John said to the kids, "We'll check on Lisa. Take the time you need with your son." Then he added in one more comment, "And at some point, let us know what to call him."

Sarah turned and replied, "Paul John Booth". When he heard the middle name, John held back no more and let the tears stream down his face.

Joy hugged him closely, as Greg commented, "I never thought I would ever see my dad cry."

John faked defensiveness and said, "It's all the ... cigarette smoke."

"In a hospital? Right, dad." Then father and son smiled at each other. The grandparents walked out, leaving Greg, Sarah, and Amy to admire the newest addition to the family and to give them a moment of happiness before they had to face harsher truths.

As the three of them looked at Paul, a nurse came out and asked if they would like to hold him. "Yes!" Sarah exclaimed. The three were taken into an intermediate room. The nurse invited them to sit in the rocking chairs while she went to get Paul. A minute later, she returned, handing him to Greg first. Greg looked down and saw his son. A tear dripped down his own cheek and landed on Paul's cheek. He wiped it up and beamed with joy. He handed Paul to Sarah, who smiled widely.

Amy walked over and touched Paul's small face. Greg reminded her, "Be gentle; he's still very new." Amy nodded, and Greg wondered why he worded it like that.

After a few minutes, the nurse came to take Paul back to the nursery so that they could check on Lisa.

When Lisa's spouses and their daughter met up with the grandparents, there was no news. Greg walked over to his father and hugged him, whispering, "Thanks." His dad nodded.

All six of them sat there worrying. After another fifteen minutes crept by, Dr. Fields came out. The adults subconsciously leaned forward. The doctor walked over to Greg and said, "The surgery will probably take another two hours. They have identified the problem and are working to fix it." He said more, but Greg and the others did not hear much past 'identified the problem'.

When Dr. Fields asked, "Are there any questions?", they snapped back.

Greg asked, "What are her chances?"

The doctor had already said it, but he knew that he often had to repeat things during these moments of high stress. He replied, "50/50." Greg and Sarah suddenly flipped back and forth between some relief and panic, depending on whether they saw the glass half full or half empty.

And so it went for a few more hours. When the two additional hours were up, Dr. Fields said that it might be a few more hours. Six hours after Paul was born, Dr. Sams showed up and announced, "She is in critical care recovery, but stable. I think we fixed the problem, but we need to keep her under observation for at least a few days."

"Can we see her?" Sarah asked.

He replied, "Put on a mask and you can, but she won't know you're there. She's very sedated."

"Can we stay with her?" Greg asked.

"Only for a few minutes. By tomorrow afternoon, we should have a good feel for how cautious we need to be." The doctor started to leave and said, "Two of you can follow me, but only two."

Greg and Sarah looked at Amy, when Joy stepped forward and said, "Don't worry about Amy. We'll look after her. You two, go and see Lisa."

Greg and Sarah left with the doctor, and Amy stayed with her grandparents who seemed better than they were a few moments ago.

When Greg and Sarah walked to Lisa's bed, they leaned on each other to keep from collapsing. Lisa looked near death, but neither would say that out loud. They heard the beeping and looked closely and saw her chest rise slightly. They held each other tightly, not wanting to leave, but feeling so helpless. After a few minutes, the nurse indicated that they should go. Just before walking out, they each reached out and touched Lisa's arm and said, "I love you."

When they returned to the waiting area, their parents were putting on their jackets. John saw them and said, "We assume you will be staying here. We're taking Amy with us and making sure she is taken care of." He paused and added, "Do either of you want us to bring you anything?"

Greg and Sarah stood there, trying to think. Sarah answered, "Toothbrushes, toothpaste, change of clothes for us." Greg nodded.

Greg reached into his pocket to get the apartment key, but it was not there. Before he panicked, Joy chimed in, "I have your key, already."

Betty then added, "No matter what time it is, if either of you need anything, call us."

"Thanks, Betty," Greg responded.

And so the long night began. After about an hour John returned with toiletries and some food. But after delivering the items, he left, leaving Lisa's spouses to worry on their own.

Throughout the night, Sarah kept waking up and worrying about Paul, so she would walk down to the nursery and see him sleeping peacefully with two nurses nearby to care for the newborns. At one point during the night, she arrived when he wanted to be fed, so she had the opportunity to feed him. She spent the next half hour staring at her son, occasionally letting a tear fall, and singing softly while he drank from the bottle.

But all of this worrying left her exhausted; Greg was just as wiped.

About 9 AM, the next morning, Sarah was sleeping with her head in Greg's lap, when the doctor walked through. Greg called after him quietly, "Any updates?"

Doctor paused for a moment and replied, "Still stable. She's not out of the woods, but I'm encouraged."

Greg nodded his thanks and leaned back in his chair. He looked down at Sarah and just wanted to hug her and never let her go, but he decided to just let her sleep.

About an hour later, the grandparents and Amy returned. As Greg was filling them in, Sarah woke up. It took a moment for her to realize where she was and why she was there. Then she looked at Greg, who quickly told her the little he knew.

The six of them waited for another few hours; Greg finally got some sleep. Around 1 PM, Dr. Sams came out, and said, "We're moving her to a recovery room." Then he translated, "She seems to be doing fine so far. We are no longer worried that things will turn bad quickly." There are an audible sigh of relief in the room. "We are reducing the sedation. She should be aware of other people in about two hours. I know it's difficult, but get something to eat and relax. You get to visit her around 3."

Sarah hugged Greg and wept, letting out whatever emotions she still had bottled up. Greg held her tightly and wept as well. Amy walked over and hugged their legs, giving impetus for two of her parents to kneel for a family hug.

The doctor then stepped to Greg and lowered his voice a little, "Realize that she will not be able to get pregnant again. She is done with that." Greg nodded; it was the least of his concerns.

John walked over and asked, "For what are you three hungry?"

Around three, the family went to Lisa's room and entered to see a very groggy, but awake, Lisa. She attempted a smile and whispered, "Did I miss anything?"

Sarah replied, "You are the new mother of a beautiful baby boy."

Lisa weakly replied, "Can I see him?"

"Not yet, I'm afraid," responded Greg. Lisa attempted a frown, but only those who knew her well saw it.

Sarah walked over and kissed Lisa on the forehead. Greg held her hand and kissed her on the same spot. Then Lisa noticed Amy and the rest of the gang. Lisa's smile was noticeable.

When Greg and Sarah knew Lisa was going to be alright, they relaxed a great deal. Their parents stuck around to make sure almost all of the needs everyone were met. Sarah and Greg slept in the hospital room with Lisa at night, while their parents took care of (read that as 'spoiled') Amy for a few hours.

A few days later, when Lisa was off the massive pain killers, Paul was brought in to be breast fed. Because of his having been bottle fed a great deal for the first few days, he did not take to breast feeding as quickly as Amy, but with the help of the hospital's lactation specialist, Paul was able to transition and was breast fed half the time he ate.

One night, Amy was being looked after by her grandparents, and Paul was sleeping soundly in his crib beside Lisa's bed. Lisa was getting some natural rest, while Greg and Sarah were snuggling on the couch in Lisa's room. Neither were sleeping, but were enjoying the closeness. Greg had his arm around Sarah and was dragging his fingertips up and down her bare arm. Sarah nestled her head near his shoulder, smiling. She turned her head to Greg and leaned upwards letting him know she wanted a kiss. Greg leaned his head down and kissed her. Their lips met, remembering the sensual pleasure of a partner's kiss. Out of instinct, their lips parted, and their tongues touched. Soon, they were locked in a passionate embrace, concentrating on the kiss.

After a few minutes, Sarah shifted and stood up. Greg's hopes were realized when she started to unbutton her blouse. Sarah's fingers nervously undid each button, feeling like this was the first time she had made love to Greg. When her blouse was undone, Greg reached up and unhooked her bra, letting her beautiful breasts feel the cool air. He reached up and let his fingers remember the magnificence. Sarah closed her eyes and remembered the touch; her cock started to press against her skirt.

He noticed and moved a hand to massage the growing bulge. Sarah took a deep breath to express her satisfaction, and Greg rubbed a slightly faster. She leaned forward and whispered, "You keep that up, and I'll cum inside my skirt."

Greg pulled her onto his lap, moved his hand to the back of her head, and pressed her closer for a more impassioned kiss. She ground her cock into his as they kissed. They both moaned softly not wanting to wake anyone.

He whispered to her, "My cock wants to be inside you."

Sarah smiled and replied, "Any particular hole?"

"Are you clean?" Greg asked as quietly as possible.

She nodded and whispered, "I was hoping we might do this, so I made sure." She asked again, "Any particular hole?"

He shook his head, and she moved back enough to unbuckle, unbutton, and unzip his pants. Soon his growing cock was feeling the air. She took a hold of his cock and stroked it gently and firmly, getting it stiff. He whispered, "I won't last long, so the first hole will do it."

She leaned over, and he tilted his head back, expecting a blow job, but she gently kissed the engorged head. She straddled his legs, positioned his cock up, and lowered her ass onto it. Her moans became a little louder as his cock slid into her ass. She moved slowly, wanting to keep him from cumming too soon. When her ass cheeks touched his thighs, she bobbed up and down in short quick movements. Greg pulled her mouth to his to stifle the moans. A few seconds later, he thrust his hips up, forcing his cock deep into her welcoming ass, lifting them both up, and he came, shooting a larger than usual load into his wife.

As his cock pulsed inside her ass, she felt the pre-cum start to drip out of the tip of her own penis. She milked his cock with her anal muscles and reached down, getting some of her early cum on her finger. She lifted this cum to Greg's lips, who sucked it clean. She repeated until the throbbing stopped. Then she stood, letting his jizz leak out of her ass onto his cock, balls, and the couch.

She backed up and licked the loose cum from his cock and balls. She scooped up the fluids from the couch and brought her fingers up to her mouth. She sucked slowly on her fingers, making her husband want her own cum more and more. As Greg's eyes got bigger and his mouth dropped open slightly, she stepped forward and thrust her stiff cock with another drop of pre-cum into her husband's mouth.

She did not have to fuck his mouth long before she shot her load into his mouth. He drained her cock and swallowed what he could. She sat back down on his lap and kissed him, tasting her own jizz.

Then they heard a noise from the bed. Sarah turned to see Lisa watching them. Lisa smiled and said, "Don't I get a taste?"

Sarah got off Greg's lap, went over, and kissed Lisa on the mouth. Greg kissed her next, letting Lisa get a taste of her wife. When done, Lisa looked at her spouses, smiled, and said, "I miss those tastes."

Sarah asked, "Would you like some more right now?"

Lisa answered quietly, "Thanks honey, but I think the small taste is about all I can handle at the moment." Her spouses kissed her again and said good night. Paul was still sleeping quietly.

A week later, Lisa was able to come home with Paul, and Sarah and Greg pampered her as much as they could. They were exhausted, but they knew that they did not have time to rest, since they had two children and a sick wife to help. However, their parents stayed in town for a while to help out when they could. It had not been so long that any of them had forgotten how to care for a new born or small child, no matter how much they tried to suppress those memories.

With the help of the five functioning adults, each one had time to get at least five hours of sleep each night. One of the grandparents would stay the night to help. Greg and Sarah really appreciated the help, but it dampened their fucking each other, causing an even greater increase in any carnal desires which they felt for each other. Their mothers acted as if they were oblivious to this, but Greg's dad was keenly aware how a man's mind works. Although he would not say anything explicit, he tried to get Joy and Betty out of the house with the two grandchildren. The first few times he managed this, Sarah and Greg just slept. However, eventually, they felt desire for each other greater than for sleeping.

Lisa was asleep in the bedroom when the house calmed down, and the couple was were on the couch together, Sarah leaning against Greg who had his arm around her. Their eyes were at half mast, as Greg lazily moved his hand up and down Sarah's arm. Her body lay against his, the small of her back pressing against his covered cock. As they started to drift, his cock started to swell. He didn't shift, letting it press into his wife. Sarah smiled as she felt it. She then reached down and rubbed her own cock through her skirt and moaned softly.

His hands moved from stroking her arms to unbuttoning her blouse. She inhaled slowly and deeply as she became aroused with her own actions and her anticipations. When her husband had released her breasts, she arched her back, begging him to touch them. He obliged by dragging his fingertips over and around her nipples, avoiding contact with her sensitive protrusions, as much as he wanted to spend the next ten minutes fingering them.

Sarah maintained her stroking her cock steadily and firmly, keeping control as long as she was able. Greg's cock was straining in his clothes, wanting to be freely erect, but instead was trapped by his position. She was quite aware of his predicament, as she could feel it straining against her with less than a centimeter separating direct contact.

He started to ask her to shift so he could free himself, but she anticipated his request, reached up over her head and caressed his cheek, and said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye and a wry grin, "Not yet, Dear. I need you to help me first." She moved her hand down his arm to his hand and guided it to her nipples. Placing and manipulating his hand to rub her sensitive spot. She jutted her chest out more and breathed deeply, moaning a little louder than before, as he got more into the moment and obeyed her desire.

Greg reached up with his other hand to play with her other breast, but Sarah stopped him and guided it to her cock. He started to pump her hard erection, slowly at first, but as her breathing became shallow and her moans grew louder, he increased the pace. He timed his pinching, pulling, and massaging her nipples in sync with his masturbating her.

Occasionally, he would forget about his own stiffness, but inevitably, it would press harder against her, spurring him to pump her faster. Sarah's moans grew louder and louder. She felt herself getting closer and closer to shooting her load into the air, and not caring about the furniture or the noise – really not caring about anything except how good he made her feel.

Her moans turned more primal as she got closer. Greg shift for a better hold, and once reaching it, he stroked her faster and faster, and then with a loud grunt and shudder, she shot her cum load a foot into the air, to have it shower back down on her stomach, his hand, and her cock.

Greg pumped more slowly, watching each subsequent spurt shoot less until it just flowed out of the tip and over his hand. Sarah yawned as her body relaxed, but he was not going to let her go to sleep just yet. He moved his cum covered hand up her body, through more sticky fluids, tracing cum rings around her nipples, up her neck to her mouth. She licked his fingers seductively causing his cock to be as erect as a bent over cock can be. He pulled his hand from her mouth and licked the remaining cum away.

She laughed lovingly at the torture through which she was putting him. She then said, "Greg, I believe you have some needs."

He wasted little time; he rolled out from under her, stood, and freed his cock. She smiled and asked, "Which hole would you like?" This caused Greg a moment of uncertainty, since he wanted anything and everything. Sarah saw this, sat up, leaned over and licked the head of his cock.

He thought he might lose it immediately, but maintained enough control to at least last a little longer. Sarah took the entire head into her mouth, letting her soft lips and very wet tongue work their magic. He closed his eyes and unconsciously rocked his hips back and forth, fucking her mouth. Sarah smiled, and worked her lips and tongue up and down his hard shaft. At that moment, it was the best blow job he had ever been given. Likewise to her, it was the best his cock had ever tasted.

Soon they were both lost in the ecstasy. Greg's moans got louder, spurring faster mouth fucking. Sarah felt him ready to cum, reached between his legs, and inserted a finger into his ass to massage his prostate. This was too much for him, and with a grunt, he shot his cum load all over his wife's greedy tongue. She swallowed some, but let the some dribble out back onto his cock – and some onto the rug.

When the pulsing stopped, she pulled her head back and placed her hand under his cock to catch the bit which dribbled out at the end. She then stood and presented her hand for him to lick, which he did. While he licked one hand, she reach down with the other, wiped up some cum from his cock and brought this up for her own tasting.

They then kissed, exchanging tastes with each other. Sarah scooped up some more and before Greg could lick it off, she said, "Let's see if Lisa is up for it." He nodded.

So the two of them went into the bedroom to find Lisa awake and reading. Weakly, she said, "It's about time you two came in here. You were making so much noise, I almost went in there, but my body said 'no'."

"We're sorry, Lisa," Greg apologized.

"But we brought something for you," Sarah added, "if you are up for it."

Lisa smiled and replied, "I think I am."

Sarah presented the cum on her hand for Lisa to lick. Lisa first inhaled deeply – taking in the scent, smiled, and said, "Greg's?" Her spouses laughed and nodded.

Lisa extended her tongue and let it run through the cum. She pulled her tongue back in, closed her eyes, and smiled as she savored the taste. Sarah offer her more, which Lisa accepted. Then Greg got onto the bed and moved so that his cock was near her mouth. She opened welcomingly and licked up and down his now limp cock. After a few licks, she took the whole cock in her mouth and sucked slowly and carefully. She then pulled back until her head hit the pillow.

"Thanks," she whispered, and she closed her eyes to dream of her spouses and their delicious cum.

Sarah and Greg left the bedroom and cleaned up before people returned. It was a slow clean-up, as they took time to fondle each other and make suggestions for other positions or games.

By the time their parents and children returned, the living room was looking good, with just a few wet spots which would dry over the next hour completely unnoticed.

After a month of recovery, Lisa was up and moving around freely, although not necessarily comfortably. She had not returned to work yet, although Greg and Sarah had, leaving Lisa to tend to the two small children. Lisa loved the time with her kids, although she missed conversations which were more sophisticated than the alphabet and numbers. But she knew that the time with the kids was short and she did not want to waste moments on less important things.

However, by the time Sarah or Greg would come home, she was ready to hand the children over and go hide in the bathroom, knowing that the kids were being handled by someone else who loved them. Greg and Sarah also did not mind, because they missed their kids, too.

One Saturday afternoon, Sarah and Greg wanted to boost Lisa's spirits. The kids were sleeping – at the same time! – so the three adults were on the couch trying to decide what to watch. Lisa was lying down with her feet on Greg's lap and her back leaning up against Sarah's chest. Greg was massaging Lisa's feet, while Sarah was caressing Lisa's arms. Lisa soon forgot about the decision to watch anything and started purring from the touch of her lovers. Sarah leaned over and kissed Lisa's forehead, and Lisa inhaled slightly deeper with anticipation. Greg's foot massage progressed up from her feet to her calves and back down. Sarah's massage of Lisa's arm ran longer strokes up and down, getting closer to Lisa's breasts, but not too close to spoil the build-up.

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I hesitated for a few moments, thinking, should I or shouldn't I? I was now standing before him, he took my dressing gown off me because I was a bit reluctant. He Didn't like that. "Right you naughty cock teasing little girl! You're going to do what you're told now!" He swung me round and put me over the sofa. "Sir, what are you doing? Please don't hurt me. I'll be a good girl!" SLAP, SLAP SLAP. Mr Clark was spanking my arse. "Now take them bikini knickers down Sarah, I'm going to...

3 years ago
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My dear wife used to tell me all about her teenage years and how she had sexy fun Without getting a proper fucking till we were married though she had a few close calls. She told me about her ex boyfriend Aidan and how he treated her and if I,d ever met him I,d have been tempted to just punch him and say “That,s for how you treated my wife You Bastard!” But Of Course I never met him. I,ll carry on with what she told me “I was impressed with Aidan. We went to the same school in London, he was...

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Sarahs Quest Chapter Two

Sarah is a wife and a mother of two. She has begun a search to clarify her sexual identity. In Chapter One, Sarah tested the waters looking at internet adult forums and participated in cyber sex. With a smorgasbord of sexual opportunities to consider , she is ready to embark on more intimate experiences. The next day I decided to raise the bar. I didn’t want to participate in more cyber sex which wasn’t much better than masturbating to a porn flick. There is a small incremental step between...

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Sarahs First Adventure

Sarah woke up wet and horny that morning. She had had the dream again. She had been up on the stage naked, surrounded by strangers. They had stared at her nakedness, cheered her, complimented her. They had liked what they saw. It had excited them. It had excited Sarah. As the excitement had grown, her hand slipped down to the wetness between her legs. She had begun rubbing herself to the wild encouragement of her audience. Her hand had slipped deep within her pussy. At least, maybe it was her...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Friend

My daughter Sarah had invited her best friend to stay with me at my place in Paris for the weekend. Ever since I had divorced over ten years ago, Sarah had been travelling back and forth at regular intervals to and from Bonn in order to satisfy the terms the separation agreement. During all those years of visitation rights, she had never suggested bringing along a friend, but now I supposed she was somewhat bored with sitting around with dad for the weekend. I wasn’t used to having unknown...

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Sarahs Secret Diary

Since a few months back you've been attending the same classes as Sarah, a cute little brunette with nice curves and big brown eyes, noticing her for her natural beauty and lovely smile as well as her independent character. She's always very friendly and social, but still doesn't seem willing to let anyone too close. She's been dating a few guys in school, but rarely for more than a few days. Even the biggest "hunk" in the school couldn't keep her interest up. To you, she's mostly just another...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Naumlchte Teil 8

Wenn ich genau hin schaue: Von Gegenseitigkeit meinerseits war keine Rede mehr. Bruno hatte mich so mit seinen Zärtlichkeiten verwöhnt, dass ich nicht mehr zum Nachdenken kam.Und nun, so bemerkte ich, hatte Bruno wieder etwas Neues vor. Seine flache Hand hatte ich ja nun schon seit ein paar Tagen gespürt, wie sie massierend meine Scham verwöhnte."Schließe Deine Augen!" warm und doch bestimmt erteilte mir Bruno seine Anweisung.Ich war folgsam. "Ziehe Deine Beine an!" die nächste Anweisung."Bitte...

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Sarahs First Time

Sarah and I had been seeing each other for a while and going out on dates together, she was very open and said that although having boyfriends - she was still a virgin. And the thought of just putting my cock into her tight little virgin pussy made me tingle.After about our fourth date together, I thought this could be the time - I invited her back to my place. We laid on the bed like usual, kissing and cuddling - but with her wearing such a short, cock-teasing skirt I felt the need to slide my...

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The Operation

The Operation By Michelle A Edited by Misty Dawn Part One: Gradually Cris became aware of a blissful, floating sensation. Someone was holding his hand. Eventually hearing his mother's voice say, "Don't worry Cris, everything will be just fine. I've taken care of everything. Just like you've always dreamed of, even if it's sooner than you had planned. Go to sleep, the doctor will take care of everything. After you get out of the recovery room, we'll talk all about it," Cris...

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Shaved and Snipped Her Big Operation

Shaved and Snipped - Her Big Operation By ladybalddreamzI had met my girlfriend a year before my journey began, she was tall and slim and had black hair to her shoulders and like me shaved her cunt bald. She was dominant and I loved it, she was a doctor who owned a private clinic and loved to 'treat' me, we had discussed ultimate fantasies for a while and then she decided it was time we would live it out. I was so excited it made my 'problem' worse, my clitoris was swollen all the time and...

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Sarahs sweet crush

All I could think about is Mia. As I got dropped off at the front of her house, I could feel my heart thumping beneath the short sheer black dress that I was wearing. I knew I looked sexy in it and I had my reasons for it. I glanced at her neighbourhood. I had been to her house numerous of times before but I’ve never felt as nervous as I was then. I am Sarah, aged 17 and I would call myself reasonably attractive. It was just recently that I’ve admitted for my secret desires for girls and Mia...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Dick

Hiya, my name is Sarah. Im 13 years old. Im pretty (everybody says so), blonde hair, green eyes and pink lips. I live in California and spend a lotta time outside so its kinda hard not to get a tan you know? Im happy with how I look. Im slim (too skinny my mom says, always tries to make me eat more,) but I like it, all my favourite celebs are skinny! Im not tall but thats okay, can always find a nice tall guy to reach for me ha ha. My boobs havent started to get big yet but mom says they will...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Quest Chapter One

My name is Sarah. I am a thirty-eight year old married mother of two kids. You will notice I did not say happily married because that would be inaccurate, although I’m not unhappily married. Like so many women my age, we are just treading water and just a little bit bored with life. At this point there must be a little more to life than raising kids and having my husband ignore me. Oh, don’t get me wrong. He does his fatherly duties by taking our kids to their games or attending school...

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Sarahs Quest Chapter Four

Sarah, married and a mother of two, has taken a whirlwind journey of sexual encounters. Her friend Helen encourages her to experience one last erotic adventure. Each time Helen and I met, she gave me the gossip centered around the people I had met at her party. I learned that Artemis was fucking Athena even with a thirty year difference in their ages. Apollo and Ares are gay and expect to be married as soon as the state makes it legal. She told me that several men from the party kept asking...

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It was just after six in the morning and Sarah stood naked, peering through the glass panels of her front door. It was the middle of the week and people were getting up and starting their day. Although it was September, the temperature was at seventy-two and expected to climb into the low eighties. The sky was cloudfree and the sun shown bright on the street outside Sarah’s house. After yesterday’s adventure, she felt more alive and excited than she had ever felt before. She had exposed herself...

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Sisters Eye Operation

Sister’s Eye Operation Beverly was only fifteen when she got corrective eye surgery. She had been wearing thick Coke bottle glasses for a few years and she hated it. The operation took place in a big city a few hours away and the doctor told her that it would be six to eight weeks before he could remove the bandages and then a few more weeks before she could function normally. Dad was not in the picture and hadn’t been for a few years. Mom was a struggling executive at a big company...

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Sarahs Quest Chapter Three

Sara experiences a totally new intimate relationship. Nothing was next, well, nothing at first. After the swingers party, my hormones continued to flow and I felt like a horny adolescent. Ted was the same old boring Puritan in bed. I found myself running to the bathroom after he finished his dozen strokes and pleasuring myself into a self induced orgasm. Spring turned to summer and I was a model mom again. The kids were home from school and we were at the pool and the park. Both kids were...

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Sarahs first facial

I have had a fascination for porn for as long as I can remember, since early in my teens.  I suppose that is unusual for a girl, but nonetheless, I’ve enjoyed a LOT of porn in my life.  And, of course, you can’t watch porn these days without seeing guys spray cum all over girls’ faces.  For the longest time, I always thought this was hot, but having been subjected to society’s indoctrination that porn is about dominating and subjugating women, I just believed that it was not something most...

1 year ago
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Sarahs Secret

As I pulled up in the driveway, it was already dark and I was exhausted from what had been a long day at work. I quickly got out of the car and as I walked towards the door, picking out the right key, I noticed a light on in my neighbour’s house. A little bit strange, I thought to myself, I was sure that they were on vacation, but knew they had a daughter at college who often came home so put it down to that. I got inside and heated up some lasagne left over from the night before and took it...

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SARAH’S STORY We had not had a vacation for a couple of year so hubby and I decided to take an exotic trip to Thailand for a couple of weeks. Winter was approaching North Carolina and a bit more warmth would be just the thing. We went for the Asia hotel in Bangkok for the first week and their Sister Asia Hotel in Pattaya for the second week, as the traveling times were extensive, we had about 5 nights in each hotel. The first two days we did the sites we wanted to see first and was having a...

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Operation By Kellie Nadine "Congratulations, Ms Axum. The operation was successful." "At last! I'm finally Wanda Axum; my dreams of becoming a woman have been realized! Do you know how long I've yearned to be female? For as long as I can remember! Thank you so very much, Doctor." "Yes, I suppose." replied Dr. Fairweather. "You were so long in the dark that you may have felt... inadequate. However, your surgery didn't involve gender reassignment. Although primarily found in...

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Earths CoreChapter 8 Commencing The Operation

In the third level’s hour of the Incarnation Scouring formation soul’s trial, an additional child like creature appeared atop the white cloud. The might of the third level was equivalent to a Peak Core Master with endless soul energy. To keep his facade, Zax had to relinquish the black sphere he used in the previous two levels and come up with an actual defensive soul formation. Of the remaining one hundred and fifty seven contenders, around fifty were eliminated. In the fourth level’s...

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Mixed Zone Operation

All the chattering employees heard a door swing open and the tapping of heels. The room immediately fell silent. They knew the boss' secretary only came out if she had news for some unfortunate soul. It was a slower day than usual at the Mixed Zone Bureau of Economic Analysis. Endless forms came in and out, hastily checked and processed by lackluster employees who'd rather talk to their mate the next cubicle over than actually do their job. There was an exception to this trend of...

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The Operation

Operation Marcia walked slowly down the hallway holding a small slip of paper with the name and address of her new doctor. She checked the suite numbers as she continued to the end of the hall. Room 415, there it was. The door was bare except for the name of the doctor, Dr. Randall Walters, MD. Marcia double-checked the paper with the name on the door and stepped in. The waiting room was small, with only a couple chairs and a coffee table. Back issues of National Geographic and Women’s Day were...

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The Operation

Operation Marcia walked slowly down the hallway holding a small slip of paper with the name and address of her new doctor. She checked the suite numbers as she continued to the end of the hall. Room 415, there it was. The door was bare except for the name of the doctor; Dr. Randall Walters, MD. Marcia double-checked the paper with the name on the door and stepped in. The waiting room was small, with only a couple chairs and a coffee table. Back issues of National Geographic and Women’s Day were...

Straight Sex
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Earths CoreChapter 11 Countering The Operation

'How could I be so reckless?!' Mejar reprimanded himself as his face turned rigid. 'That woman is getting closer!' An ominous feeling at the back of his head caused him to shiver. From a hidden pocket in the torso part of his black clothes he took out a small capsule and threw it to his mouth. BOOM! An unbridled golden aura fluctuated out of Mejar's body. The color his mist energy emitted promptly turned dark gold. With the boost from the capsule, Mejar actually reached the Advanced...

2 years ago
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Axis of Evil 5 Countersuit Operations

Counter-suit Operations The former fat man who was sometimes known as Hugo, who had formerly run the Pink Pussycat club, had gone to ground for a while. He had gone straight to a bolthole where he had changed out of his Marianne Bletchley suit. The authorities would be looking for her and would want to question her as soon as they had realised their mistake. The bolt hole, a lock-up garage under some railway arches, had just two rooms. The larger workshop area had a make-up table, a...

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National Trussed or the ExfactorChapter 8 On the Milan Operation

Detective Inspector Gina Alfredi looks in disbelief at the CCTV images. She should be used to the absurd indulgences that surround the Milan Shoe Fair each year, but this takes the biscotti. The stiletto heeled shoe that she can see on the screen must be 4 metres high. It's perfect in every detail, from the tip of the heel, the replicated stitching, the shaping of the toe and the sole. Heaven only knows what the leather that's covering it must have cost. But that's what you find with the...

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Or Die AloneChapter 12 Counter Operations

The Thermopylae left superlight, emerging in a cloud of technicolor gas in high orbit around Hades, the bridge crew coming to as the autopilot activated the ship’s point defense systems in order to protect the human occupants during the brief minutes that they were incapacitated. Captain Stavros stood with his hands clasped firmly behind his back, the only indication of discomfort or disorientation a twitching in his right eye, he had completed so many jumps that the wracking energies barely...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 14 The Clean Up Operation

The ‘clean up operation’ down between Jared’s legs began with Max’s tongue extending itself right out of her mouth then doing one long lick up the under side of Jared’s erection. That lick began at Jared’s furry balls and ran gently up the length of the urethral tube then right around the rim of the glans penis. Finally that very sensuous lick ended with a quick flick of the tongue just under that piece of pepperoni that sent it straight up into Max’s mouth. That mouth was then plunged right...

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National Trussed or the ExfactorChapter 7 On the Club Valcros Operation

A non-descript, mud-streaked Land Rover Defender pulls a horse box trailer away from the stables at Club Sporting Valcros. Inside the trailer, a piebald pony munches absent mindedly at the hay in his net, seemingly unconcerned by the grunts and thumps coming from inside the trailer's tack box. Karen Freeling is driving the Land Rover. Her elder sister, Trudy, is sitting beside her. Karen, fresh from practising her dressage, peers through her sunglasses at the lane ahead and slows down for...

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National Trussed or the ExfactorChapter 9 On the Mykonos Operation

Freddie steps off the Flying Dolphin onto the harbour side. He can remember when the low, sleek, hydrofoil ferries were new. Now, the throb of their diesel engines sounded more desperate than powerful. They were tired and battered by years in use. He felt the same way sometimes. Mykonos quay has the usual array of restaurants and bars. On the hill behind the quay, windmills stand like sentries guarding the port and trying to ensure the place goes on looking like the postcards of it. It's...

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RebelChapter 71 A Milling Operation

I am not sure who brought us information about the Tory miller, but whoever it was, I owe him a debt of sincere gratitude. The lieutenant detailed George and me to go out with an empty wagon and to bring it back filled with flour, no excuses acceptable. So that was what we did, at least what we set out to do, and when we followed the directions and crude map we had been given, we found the mill. It was well-built of local stone and had a overshoot wheel. We could actually hear it groaning...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 14 Cooperation

For two days, Sister Lucia was left alone to contemplate her fate. She wondered what she would be required to do for this strange establishment where she was punished and yet encouraged to sexual sin. When she tried to leave her cell and go into the corridor she confirmed that although there was a doorknob on the inside of the door, it did not turn and she could not open the door. The servants brought her food, but never spoke, and they were always careful to shut the door after they...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 9 Salvage Operation

July 25, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Hi, Angie, it’s Mike,” I said when she answered the phone on Sunday afternoon. “Mike? We just talked during the week! What’s up? Is there a problem with me coming to visit in two weeks?” “No, not at all. I wanted to talk to you about the problems I’m having with Jocelyn.” “Uh-oh. Did something bad happen?” “You could say that,” I sighed. “Do you have time to talk? This won’t be a short conversation.” “For you? Of course!” I explained, as best I could,...

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To Serve and Protect Undercover Operations

"Not there! Lower. And for heaven's sake faster." "Faster? How fast does it need to be?" "Faster than what you're doing, Pat. I can barely even feel anything. And you're all out of position." "Linda, show me again where you want me to be." "Left hand there. Right hand there. A little bit higher... higher... right there. Okay, now twist and HEAVE." This time it worked. Lieutenant Linda Shannon of the Sheriff's Department landed flat on her back. Pinning her to the mat at the...

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Wolf WorldChapter 18 Combined Operations

"It's been a week now and we still don't have any idea where Jordan is," Phil growled. "And who knows what could be happening to Luana." Charley looked up from the mass of formulas and diagrams he was studying in the office that had been set aside for his use in the Redmond, Washington facility. He had taken over the analysis of the portal mechanism concealed in the Place of The Gods, trying to figure out how it could access two more sets of special constants than Neal Marten's...

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Sarah Naked In School Extended Version

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello, Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

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Sarah Naked In School Book Two

Dania stood in the doorway, watching as a convict tried to kill her coach with a bat.Sarah deflected the blow with her own wooden bat, backpedaling and slipping sideways, keeping Stephanie, assigned on prison detail as her personal assistant, from positioning herself in a striking formation."What are they using?" she whispered to Isparana, who also stood watching the two women attack each other."My sister says it is called a 'shillelagh'.  It is an ancient weapon used by her ancestors.""It...

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Sarah Naked In School Book Three

Vella stood in the doorway, studying the figure of her coach sprawled face down across the cluttered desk.  Sarah's hair was in a tangled mass fantailed over an open file. She was breathing deeply, obviously asleep. Her mouth was open and her arms were stretched towards the corners.  Her hand still held a pen.  Vella almost hated to wake her.Almost.Vella slammed the large trophy on an empty spot of wood, making certain to create as much of a bang as she could.Sarah's head shot up almost...

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Sarahs Friend

Sarah’s FriendAmy had the perfect figure for a model, her slim shoulders curved into a tiny waist and then out over the cutest of hips and down into long slim legs. Yet she looked on jealously at the only other person in the gym.Sarah was sitting on the leg press where her strong athletic legs were moving almost half the stack of weights. Like Amy, the woman was in her early thirties and like Amy the woman had long brown hair in a ponytail. Amy observed the woman discretely, her white...

1 year ago
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Sarah Naked In School

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

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Sarah under Control

SARAH UNDER CONTROLSarah walked to work that beautiful summer morning just as she did every morning. She walked with the sort of grace and confidence that could only come from knowing men enjoyed watching her. Even into her 40s, she still turned heads. When she had married Pete, some 20 years earlier, she had been a stunner, with breasts that stopped traffic, but now, all those years down the line, her regime of fitness, horse riding , healthy eating, and most importantly dressing the part,...

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Sarah and Daniela

This piece is a chapter extracted from my novel "Toggenburg" a lesbian love story set in the mountains of Switzerland which I've posted in case any Xhamster reader might enjoy it. Toggenburg Thirty. “We are going to get wet!” declared Sarah firmly. It was a fair analysis as she and Daniela stood huddled in the doorway of the Hotel Toggenburg contemplating the wretched weather before them. It was still raining heavily and the wind was blowing the sheets of rain around...

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Sarah Part Thirteen B

It is an interesting moment when one is about to experience their first FMF threesome. One would think that my mind would be full of lust, need, ideas and expectation. A “let’s do this” attitude. On the contrary. The realization that you are about to get into bed with two attractive women, each of whom wants to be fucked and sexually satisfied is suddenly quite daunting. How do we start? Who should be first? What if I cum too soon? What if I can’t cum more than once? Will I embarrass myself?...

Group Sex
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Sarah Is Humiliated By Megan

Sarah was surprised to get the instant message from Megan, Dillon’s twenty-one-year-old girlfriend. She asked if Sarah could come over the following day to discuss a surprise she had in mind for Dillon.Sarah knew Megan to be quite a forthright young lady with a dominant personality and had often fantasied about being humiliated by her. Sarah supposed it would never happen as Megan was Dillon’s girlfriend and it would seem like two-timing, unless it was a threesome, Sarah musedDillon was the...

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Sarah Humiliated by her StepGranny

Sarah had a real soft spot for her Granny Mary.Sarah lay on her bed, her legs were spread apart and her fingers were caressing her pussy lips and she was squeezing her so sensitive nipples with her other hand as she played over in her mind two particularly memorable times her Granny Mary spanked her in front of a whole group of onlookers. Both times the humiliation of being spanked so publicly were a real turn-on for Sarah. Both times as well she deserved a second spanking that day and each...

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Sarah is Humiliated at the Office Party

Sarah smiled as she slowly woke up and as she opened her eyes saw her boss, Kristal, the sixty-three-year-old Head of Accounting, smiling back at her.Sarah was thirty-four-years-old and was married. However, she had the reputation of being the office slut and regularly slept with co-workers. She loved the reputation as being humiliated in public was one of her biggest turn-ons.Kristal had been Sarah’s boss for the last two years and they regularly slept together. Sarah’s husband was fully aware...

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Sarah acts out

A/N: Another story featuring submissive Sarah and her Mistress, Rebecca, from my earlier stories "The 14th Anniversary", "My beautiful Sub" and "Choosing Corner Time". It takes place a few weeks after Sarah received her permanent collar from her Mistress, about seven months after their first meeting.Note on the timeline. "The 14th anniversary" and "My beautiful sub" take place on Valentine's Day 2011, the first story recalls things that happened on Valentine's Day 1997 and a few days, later....

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Sarah By Sissie Maid Cuckold FOR SARAH "What wrong honey?" "I don't know I guess I am tired." "But it's not like you to no be able to get it up." "I know Pam. I just don't know, maybe its stress, works not going so good." "Hey, I know, Audrey at work said her husband had some issues and she did this..." Pam took hold of her silky nighty and wrapped it around Brenden's cock. She could instantly feel it grow. She smiled at him and said, "It worked, it worked just like...

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