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The tearing apart of my family came about because of a power outage.

Maybe once every couple of months or so there will be a power outage in the area where we live. They last anywhere from a minute or two to several hours. As everyone knows power outages affect electrical and electronic devises. When our alarm clock loses power it resets itself to 12:00 a.m. and the LEDs start flashing to alert you to the fact that power has been interrupted.

If this happens in the middle of the night you of course don't know about it until you wake up and find that the alarm didn't wake you when it was supposed to. That was the case on the Tuesday morning that my world turned to shit. I woke to see the flashing lights and I got up and got my watch off the dresser to find that I'd overslept by almost an hour. I had an important meeting that morning and I could not miss it.

In my rush to get ready to go to work I overlooked taking some normal precautions like locking the bathroom door when peeing to keep an inquisitive four year old from walking in on me. I was standing in front of the toilet taking a whiz when I heard:

"I don't got one of those" and I turned and saw Laura, my four year old daughter standing there watching me. Then she said the words that turned my worlds upside down.

"Uncle Billy has one of those too. His is bigger."

That statement stunned me. I forgot that I was standing in front of my daughter holding my cock and I asked:

"How do you know Uncle Billy has one too? How do you know his is bigger?"

"I see it when he comes to see mommy and I know it is bigger because mommy says so."

"When did mommy say that?"

"Yesterday. Yesterday she told Uncle Billy that his was bigger than yours."

I suddenly realized where we were and I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. What Laura had just said rocked me to the core. If she was right and I had no reason to doubt her since in her innocence she had no idea of what she had seen and what it meant. She was just stating what she had seen and heard, but to me the words and their meaning were clear as day.

My wife was cheating on me and she was doing it with my brother!

And it was apparently so common an occurrence that it didn't register on Laura as a special occasion to her and I didn't get a "Daddy, daddy; guess what? Uncle Billy came over today."

I suppose that deep down I knew it was denial, but I was telling myself "Keep cool Rob; don't fly off the handle. After all she is only a four year old and she probably misunderstood what she had seen and heard." Besides, I'd seen Billy naked enough times to know that he wasn't bigger than me. I knew for a fact that I had him beat in both length and girth.

I hurriedly dressed and when I got down to the kitchen Beth had the coffee made and she asked me what I would like for breakfast. I told her I'd have to take a pass on breakfast since I'd overslept and couldn't afford to miss or be late for the meeting I had scheduled. I filled my travel mug with coffee, got a kiss and then I was out of the house, in the car and on the way to work.

As I drove toward the salt mine I rolled what Laura had told me over and over in my mind. Beth was a stay at home mom, but she did have a job. She worked out of the house doing medical billing for a group of doctors and clinics. My brother Bill worked the afternoon shift at the box factory so the two of them had basically all day to play from Monday through Friday.

If what Laura said was true, and yes, denial was fading fast, they had from the time I left for work until the time I got home to play. Roughly eleven hours give or take thirty minutes. Probably less since Billy would likely give me an hour to be gone before he came over and to be safe he was probably leaving an hour before I got home. No, that wasn't right. He had to be to work by four so he would need to leave by three thirty at the latest. That would still give the two of them more than enough time to do their thing.

I really, really wanted to hang a u-turn and go back and park down the block to watch the house and see what happened, but I just could not afford to miss my meeting. My spying would have to take place the next day.

The drive in to work gave me too much time to think and the more I thought the worse things got. The thoughts of Billy and Beth doing me dirt were bad enough, but the thought that they were doing it in front of Laura or at least not making an effort to hide it from her really had me steamed.

That thought brought on a couple more. Like maybe they didn't care what she saw and heard and might mention to me. Maybe they wanted her to eventually clue me in. But to what end? They both knew me well enough to know how I would take it when I found out. Could they possibly want the confrontation they knew would occur? If it was that why not just tell me what they were doing?

It was too much to think about. I had to ask myself why Billy was fucking Beth when he had Annabelle at home. Annie was one hot looking sexy lady and even though I would never have stepped out on Beth I had entertained some very lustful thoughts about my sister-in-law. I had to force it out of my mind. I needed all my wits about me in the morning meeting.

I managed to get through the meeting and the rest of my work day without a problem although the thoughts of my home situation were never completely out of my mind. They were back in full force as I drove home from work.

I wondered why it was going on. I'd seen no lack of love or affection on Beth's part. We still made love three or four times a week. She snuggled and cuddled the same as she always had. Looking back and thinking hard on it I couldn't see where I'd done anything to upset her enough to make her do what she was doing.

That thought brought me up short. Why the hell was I trying to see if it was my fault? It didn't matter what I might have done it was still no excuse for Beth to piss on her wedding vows. No sir! The fault was all Beth's.

The drive home gave me some time to consider what to do. Actually not much thought went into that. It was cut and dried. Catch them in the act and then dump Beth. And that would be the hardest part. Beth and I had been together since the ninth grade and I loved her dearly. I didn't kid myself. I was smart enough to know that my love for Beth was not just going to go away just because she was gone. It would take some time to get over her if I even could.

When I walked into the house Laura came running up to me yelling "Daddy's home, daddy's home." I scooped her up and gave her a hug as I carried her into the kitchen where Beth was fixing dinner. As we came in to the room Laura was calling out "Mommy, mommy, daddy' home." Beth gave us a big smile and said:

"So I see." And then she said to me, "Dinner will be ready in about five minutes."

She walked over to us and gave us a hug, kissed me on the cheek and went back to preparing dinner. I put Laura down and went to the bedroom where I took off my three piece suit and put on a pair of work-out shorts and a t-shirt. Beth was putting dinner on the table when I got back and we sat down to eat. Beth asked me what I was going to do after dinner and I told her I was going to get some yard work done.

"Don't use up all your energy out there. You will need to have some when you come to bed" and she gave me a wink.

I said that I'd save her enough and while I was saying it I was thinking:

"What's the matter? You didn't get enough from my brother today?"

I wasn't going to refuse her offer because that might make her wonder since I had never ever said no when she wanted to make love. I needed to keep things natural and normal until I had a good grip on what was going on. Besides, it wouldn't be making love, at least not on my part. Given what I now knew and what I was now thinking all it would be to me was a fuck. Just some sex to pass the time.

I cut the grass, pulled some weeds out of the flower beds and did some general cleanup before calling it a night. Beth was already in bed reading when I finished showering and got in bed. She put the book down and pushed the sheet off of her as she said:

"Hurry up lover; I need it. I've been horny all day."

"Yeah! Right!" I was thinking as I moved between her legs, but then again maybe she had been horny all day because her daytime lover hadn't stopped by. Daytime lover? Yes indeed! I had already beaten down and exiled denial. Laura might have misunderstood what she had heard Beth say, but she was looking at my dick in my hand so she knew what she was talking about when she said she had seen my brother's cock when "He came to visit mommy."

Beth was her usual hot and lusty self as we screwed and I again asked myself how she could be that way with me while fucking my brother. I got Beth off and then had mine, but when I got off and settled down to go to sleep Beth said:

"You aren't done yet lover. I told you I've been horny all day."

She knew what she had to do to get me to answer the call again and she moved down, took me in her mouth and went to work. Usually that led me into pulling her into a sixty-nine and returning the favor, but not this time. Not with me knowing that my brother might have played there earlier in the day. Beth did not comment on it which was a good thing because I'm not sure that I wouldn't have told her why and I wasn't ready for that confrontation yet.

Beth did get me up again and I did my duty and when it was over Beth snuggled up to me and said, "I love you baby" and we both drifted off to sleep. I don't know how well Beth slept, but I didn't sleep for shit. The thoughts in my head just wouldn't let me be.

Thursday I was up and out of the house before Beth got out of bed. The last thing I needed that morning was a cheerful Beth sending me off to work. I would only have thought she was cheerful because she was expecting her daytime lover to stop by for a visit.

The first thing I did when I got to work was check the Yellow Pages to find an attorney close to work. I picked one who offered a free initial consultation and called to make an appointment. I was told he had an opening at three that afternoon and I took it.

It only took me ten minutes to get the bad news. Didn't matter why I divorced my wife she got half of everything and could get alimony from me. She would also more than likely get custody of Laura and of course that meant she was going to get child support as well. The only ray of hope he could offer me was that there was a possibility that I could show Beth was an unfit mother because she was cheating in front of the child.

"But I won't kid you. You could have a hell of a time trying to prove that to a judge. I know your daughter told you what she saw, but she is still only a four year old and a judge might discount what she said because the judge might consider to be too young to really understand what was going on.

"Then again you might draw a judge who will give credence to what she says. A lot will depend on the investigation that Social Services will conduct. If they believe the child it will go a long way toward helping your cause."

"I thought on it for about two minutes and then I told him to go ahead and draw up the paperwork and I'd call him and tell him when I wanted Beth served.

Dinner was waiting when I got home from work and I tried very hard to keep things 'business as usual' and I think I pulled it off. Beth gave Laura an ice cream bar for dessert and as she handed the treat to my daughter she winked at me and said:

"You'll get your desert upstairs."

I of course wondered if Billy hadn't made it by today so she had to settle for me. Then I had to say "Whoa up there" to myself. Beth wasn't being any different than she had always been. She liked making love and we had been doing it a lot since the day we married. It was not uncommon for us to do it two, three or even four days in a row. There had been times when it had been everyday for a week or two.

That thought led to another. Was she fucking Billy because she needed more than I could give? I seemed to be able to do the job in the evenings and on the weekends, but was my wife a nympho and she had to have it during the day also? It really didn't matter as far as I was concerned. Cheating was still cheating.

Thursday night was another 'twofer' night and again I made no move to pull Beth into a sixty-nine. If she noticed she didn't mention it.

Friday at work I was too busy to spend much time thinking about Beth and my problem. Just after lunch I met with my boss and told him I needed to take Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the coming week off to take care of some personal business and he had no problem with it.

My biggest worry on my way home from work was on being able to get through the weekend without giving Beth any idea that I was on to her.

Friday night Beth made no move toward love making and I of course wondered if it was because Billy had been there that day and had given her enough.

Beth woke me in the morning with a blow job and then when she had me where she wanted me she mounted me and rode me cowgirl. When it was over I started to take a shower and Beth surprised me by joining me which led to me taking her from behind as she leaned forward against the wall.

Then, as was our usual habit, we took Laura and went to the IHOP for breakfast. The rest of the day I stayed busy in the yard, garden and garage until Beth called me in for dinner. After dinner I played games with Laura until her bedtime and then I read to her until she nodded off.

When I got to our bedroom I found a naked Beth reading and when she saw me she put the book down, got on her hands and knees and then looked back over her shoulder to me and said:

"Woof woof."

It was as blatant an invitation as I had ever seen so I moved in behind her and gave her what she wanted. I fucked her hard until we both got off and then I plopped down beside her on the bed. She snuggled into me, mumbled "I love you" and drifted off to sleep. I laid there staring up at the ceiling and wondered how she could say that to me while fucking my brother.

She meant it. I could tell that she meant it, but it just didn't make sense to me.

Sunday I found enough to do around the house to keep me away from Beth. I got through dinner okay and then watched some cartoons on TV with Laura until her bedtime. It was Beth's turn to read Laura her bedtime story and I made sure that I was in bed pretending to be asleep when Beth got there.

Probably a dumb move on my part since I had no idea when I would ever get pussy again after I busted Beth. It was a weird thought on my part, but I just didn't think it would be right to play the part of loving husband less than twelve or so hours before I caught my wife with another man's cock in her and I fully expected that to happen sometime in the morning.

The morning was normal in that I got a goodbye kiss and a "Miss me?" when I left the house. Then it became anything but normal. I hit Wal-Mart and got a large thermos and then Stopped at the B&B Café to have it filled with coffee. I bought the local paper and a copy of USA Today and then drove back to the neighborhood.

There were four vehicles similar to mine in the neighborhood so mine parked at the end of the street wouldn't cause anyone visiting my house to give it a second thought if they saw it. I settled in with my coffee and the newspapers and waited to see what would happen. If Billy didn't show up that day I'd still be there watching on Tuesday and Wednesday and if nothing happened on those days I would make new plans.

It was getting close to one in the afternoon and I was starting to think about giving up on the day's stakeout when Billy's GMC pickup pulled into the driveway. He got out of the truck and went into the house without ringing the bell or knocking which told me that that he knew he was expected.

I gave it twenty minutes and then I drove up and parked in front of the house. I quietly let myself in the front door and just as quietly closed it behind me. I took a quick peek around the entryway wall to see if Beth and Billy were in the living room and they weren't. I moved quietly through the downstairs without finding them and a glance out onto the patio showed they were not there either. That left the upstairs and all that was up there were bedrooms and a bathroom.

I moved quietly up the stairs and not doubting for a second what I was going to find I turned my cell phone camera on. The first bedroom at the top of the stairs was Laura's and her door was closed. The bedroom at the end of the hall was the spare bedroom and the door was open and even from the stairs I could tell that it was empty.

That left the master bedroom and its door was closed.

I cautiously turned the doorknob and eased it open and found what I had expected to find. Beth was on the bed in the doggie position and Billy was fucking her from behind. They were facing away from the door and didn't see me as I took four pictures of them. When I hollered "Hey!!" they both turned to look and I got two more shots before dropping the phone in my pocket and going after Billy.

My brother was four inches taller than I was and maybe fifty pounds heavier and he had petty much bullied me when we were younger until I got tired of it and laid him out with a baseball bat to the head when I was thirteen. He left me alone after that, but it was pretty much understood that he could kick my ass if it got to the fair fight stage.

But that didn't matter because I was full of hate and rage and I went after him with blood in my eye. He was pulling out of Beth's ass when I threw myself at him. I caught him just right and my charge carried him of the bed and he hit his head on the wall. That stunned him enough that I was able to get in several damned good shots at his crotch with my foot and after that all he was was a punching bag for me and I proceeded to stomp his ass unmercifully.

Until I felt a sudden pain and blacked out.

When I woke up I was on a hospital bed and when I lifted my aching head I saw Beth sitting in a chair watching me.

"What happened? How did I get her? Why the fuck are you here" I asked.

"I hit you in the head with the table lamp. I was afraid you were going to kill Bill and I had to stop you."

"Oh, right. Couldn't have me depriving you of your lover."

"Fuck you Bobby! I did it to keep you out of jail. If you would have killed him you would have gone to jail for it. Laura needs her daddy here and not behind bars."

"I'm sure Billy will give you dozens of thank you fucks for saving him."

"Not hardly. I used the same lamp on him when he was going to stomp your ass while you were out cold on the floor. I hit him harder than I hit you and he is in a room down the hall with a fractured skull."

"You haven't answered my question. Why the fuck are you here?"

"Because you are my husband, you are hurt and I need to be here for you."

"Bullshit Beth! If my being your husband counted for anything you wouldn't have been on my bed in my house fucking my brother."

"I guess we will need to talk about that, but it will have to wait until you come home."

"Now is as good a time as any."

"No it isn't. You are hurting and it is too soon. You need time to get over your rage before we sit down to talk. They are going to keep you here for a bit for observation. We can talk when you get home."

She got up and said, "I'll let the nurse know that you are awake" and she left the room.

A minute or so later the nurse came into the room and just behind her a doctor came in. I was told I had a mild concussion and they were going to keep me overnight. If everything looked okay in the morning I could go home. Then the doctor said:

"If you feel up to it there is a policeman here who needs to talk to you."

It had to happen sooner or later so I told the doctor to send him in. Mike Bolla was a detective and from him I learned that Beth had called 911 to get an ambulance for me and Billy and the paramedics had called the cops. He asked me for my version of what happened and I gave it to him. He shook his head and said:

"We have a unique situation here. Your brother was in the house with your wife's permission so he had every right to be there and feel safe there. He can press charges against you and you will no doubt be found guilty. He can also press charges against your wife for what she did to him. That one is a little more cloudy since she says she did it to protect you. A judge and jury would probably accept it.

"You could also press charges against your wife, but the same would apply since she says she did it too keep you from killing your brother. That means that of the three of you your brother, outside of having a fractured skull, walks away from it. Your wife could possibly, though not likely, go to jail for her actions. You, on the other hand, don't stand a chance of walking if your brother presses charges.

"Normally in a case like this you would be arrested and held until your brother recovered enough to make his wishes known or until you could go in front of a judge and be granted bail. However my boss doesn't want to handle this in the normal manner. I've been instructed to leave it for now and limit my actions to telling you not to leave this jurisdiction without clearing it with us. Do you understand?"

I shook my head yes while thinking that it wasn't my place to tell Bolla that his boss was Beth's uncle and he said:

"No head shake. I need to hear you tell me that you understand what I just told you."

"I understand."

He stood up, walked to the door and turned to face me and then said:

"I hope that it turns out well for you" and then he was gone.

The nurse came in and gave me a couple of pills and I went to sleep.

I woke up when they brought me what they laughingly called food. I picked at it for a while and after the tray had been taken away I was asked if I was to having visitors. I asked who and was told it was my wife and daughter. The way I was feeling I would have said no if it was just Beth, but I couldn't say no to Laura.

I sat up even though sitting up caused my head to start pounding and when Laura came into the room she ran to me crying out "Daddy daddy."

I hugged her and then had to answer a ton of questions. When she asked why I was in the hospital I looked at Beth and she winced when I said:

"Daddy fell down and hurt his head sweetie. It is getting better and I'll be home to tomorrow."

When the visit was over I got hugs and kisses from Laura and when Beth came over to kiss me I turned my face away from her. She whispered:

"I know you don't believe it Bobby, but I do love you."

They left and I fell back on the bed, looked up at the ceiling and cursed my brother for what he had done to my family.

In the morning Beth and Laura were there to drive me home and of course with Laura in the car Beth and I didn't talk. Not that I was in any mood to talk anyway. What was there to say? I'd caught her red handed so she couldn't deny it. I did believe her when she said she laid me out to keep me from killing Billy, but only because of what I had learned from the nurses.

Beth had done a lot more to Billy than whack him in the head with the lamp to keep him from attacking me. She had apparently used the lamp on other parts of his body as well. He ended up with two broken ribs and damaged testicles as well as a fractured skull.

I knew I would have to talk to her eventually, but I just wasn't ready to do it.

When we got home there was a furniture company truck parked in front of the house and there were two men carrying something inside. I glanced over at Beth with a questioning look on my face, but she didn't say anything. When we got into the house I saw that the two men were setting up a new bed in the master bedroom. I'm not dense so I knew what Beth was doing, but getting rid of the bed I'd caught her fucking Billy on wasn't going to help the situation at all.

My head was still hurting so I took a couple of the pain pills they had given me at the hospital and went to the guest bedroom and sacked out. Beth woke me for dinner and I was grateful for the fact that Laura wanted to be the center of attention. Beth and I still needed to talk, but I was still too wound up to do it. I needed to calm down a bit first. Calm down a lot actually.

Naturally since that is what I needed that is what I did not get. We had almost finished dinner when the doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. When I opened the door Billy's wife Annabelle pushed by me and into the house. I closed the door and turned to find her standing there looking at me.

"Damn it Bobby; why haven't you been answering your phone?"

I remembered dropping it in my coat pocket before charging Billy, but I didn't know where it was now. Most likely it was wherever my coat was. That prompted the thought "Did Beth get rid of the phone or delete the photos?' I'd have to find out, but for the moment I said:

"I've misplaced the phone Annie."

"I want to know what the hell is going on Bobby. Bill is in the hospital and he is all messed up. The story I got is that you put him there."

"I guess in a way I did."

"What the hell did you do to him Bobby? A fractured skull and he may lose both of his testicles to say nothing of two broken ribs and some other damage."

"I came home and found him in the bedroom fucking Beth and I pretty much lost it and went after him."

"Bullshit Bobby! He would never cheat on me."

"Come on into the kitchen with me" I said and headed for the kitchen. After a moments hesitation she followed me and I told her to have a seat while I parked Laura in front of the electric babysitter. When I got back to the kitchen I said:

"Annie wants to know why Billy is in the hospital. Why don't you tell her Beth? Maybe she will believe it coming from you."

Beth looked away and I said, "Come on Beth; Annie wants to know and she doesn't believe me."

Beth started crying and got up and ran from the room.

"Son of a bitch! It's true? She was screwing my husband?"

"Afraid so. I've got pictures if I can find my cell phone."

"How long has it been going on?"

"No idea. I just found out about it last week and I took a couple of days off work to try and catch them at it."

I told her what I'd walked in on and what the aftermath had been.

"And you are still here with her?"

"I just got out of the hospital this morning. I haven't had a chance to do anything yet."

"What are you going to do?"

"I've already seen a lawyer and started the divorce paperwork. Other than that I haven't decided. I going to try and keep Laura and the house, but if I can't I'll have to find someplace."

"No you won't. I've got plenty of room now that I'm going to kick my cheating ass husband out. When you find your cell I want a copy of the pictures. Who is your attorney? Maybe if I use him we can get a group discount."

That made me smile and Annie said, "I'm serious Bobby. You can move in with me."

"No I can't Annie. I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you and you know it."

"So? It would serve the both of them right if we did get it on."

"Probably, but it would complicate the divorce. Maybe even give the two of them grounds to counter sue. This state is no fault and I don't have to give a reason, but I'm going for adultery so I can try and get custody of Laura. You and I staying together probably wouldn't look all that good to the court or the Child Protection Office of Social Services."

"Well the invitation is open Bobby. Both of them."

I told her I'd get the pictures to her when (and if) I found them and I gave her the name of my attorney. She left and I went out and watched cartoons with Laura until it was time to put her to bed. I read to her until she fell asleep and then I went looking for my phone.

I saw two possibilities. The paramedics might have taken the coat off me when they checked me for vital signs and left it on the bedroom floor when they took me away or it could have been taken off of me at the hospital. If it was the latter it should be in the bag of things I brought home with me when I was released.

I checked the bag first and the coat and phone weren't there. If my coat was removed before I was loaded on the gurney and hauled away Beth probably would have picked it up and hung it in the closet. She sure wouldn't have left it on the floor with the furniture guys coming. If that is what happened would Beth have had the presence of mind to get the phone and delete the pictures or toss the phone? The only way to find out was to go into the bedroom where she was hiding from Annie and look in the closet.

I went into the bedroom and found Beth sitting on the edge of the bed apparently all cried out. She watched me as I went into the closet and opened the door. My coat was there and I checked the pockets and found the phone. A quick check showed that the pictures were still there. I put the phone in my pocket and turned to leave. Beth cleared her throat and asked:

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A Compounded Love Affair

I joined the company in the month of May year 2005. After a tumultuous time at a BPO – where we learnt that there are no nights to go home, only late evenings and then early morning. Food so pathetic that the taste buds went for a toss. Only thing that kept the eye open were the ladies on and off the floor (standard term for a place where calls are taken) or probably the supervisor shouting after just getting pummeled by an early riser in the States. Ma continuously pestering me to join...

2 years ago
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Charmaines Meaningful Affair

CHAPTER 1 Sitting on a stool at the bar in a rowdy group who’d been to dinner at the Comedy House restaurant-theatre, Charmaine Ross noticed the curly-haired guy about her age studying her, thankfully appearing very casual about it. The heart of the bored woman fluttered. She hadn’t committed adultery for a couple of years. Unless she did it soon she’d forget how good it was. Douglas was losing fitness and these days puffed and even dribbled over her and he performed his beloved bang. Like...

4 years ago
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Lust On The Beach The Start of the Affair

Introduction: Gaynor is a 49 year old mature married woman with two full grown daughters who has gone to the coast for a relaxing few days, a chance meeting with a familiar younger man leads to so much more……… Lust On The Beach (The Start of the Affair) Gaynor Day Out Gaynor Day was in her 40s and had blonde bronze like hair with a slim athletic body which for her age of 49 was impressive. At this present time the office secretary was laying down on the beach reading a book entitled...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates A Complicated Affair

Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...

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The Affair

The Affair By Margaret Jeanette Tammy Scott was having lunch at a local spot when a handsome young man came over to her. He introduced himself as Dr. William Henderson and said he just had to tell her that she looked beautiful in the outfit she was wearing. When he asked her to join him for lunch she accepted. She didn't know why she had accepted but for some reason she was attracted to this man. They enjoyed a good lunch and she found herself laughing at many of the jokes he...

2 years ago
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An AFFair

Let me give you a background first of all. I’ve been married 12 years and for the past seven, sexual activity between me and my wife (Ritu oviously name changed) has stopped completely. I love her dearly, but she has lost all interest in sex and as time went by, I got tired of being alone. When we had sex, I would make sure she would always climax, most times multiples. She admitted that she enjoyed it, but I found out, if she never had sex again it would be all right with her. Since our...

3 years ago
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My extra marital affair

I am Amit, residing in Dubai for last 13 years along with my wife (Sujata) and parents. I am a businessman, having diversified company herein Dubai, dealing in some 150 items. We usually source material from Mumbai, which in turn sold to GCC countries and also exported to African countries. I have to travel a lot to Mumbai for this reason. Prior to my marriage, I used to stay with my mother’s relatives in Vasai when I was in Mumbai for purchasing. But. Now I always live with my sister-in-law...

2 years ago
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Sauna Affair

Copyright© 2004 There was a young gaucho named Bruno Who said, "Screwing is one thing I do know. A woman is fine, And a sheep is divine, But a llama is Numero Uno." If not for the way my son fucked me in the sauna once a week, the rock hard cock shoving enthusiastically back and forth into my persistently hungry hot wet cunt, I would say he hated me! These last few months my son David would not even look at me, give me hugs or even talk to me. His often absent father even...

2 years ago
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A Torrid Love Affair

Brain and Vickey has known each other since high school. Thirty-three years later, they were still friends but had chosen different life paths. Brian was married and Vickey was divorced but moved back into the area they grew up which was in Northern California. They both had their fiftieth birthdays in February of this year. Back in high school, Brain was a football player and captain of the wrestling team. His dreams were to go to law school and become an attorney one day like his father. ...

1 year ago
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The End of My Wifes Affair

I had agonized about it for weeks, should I open the envelope or not? Six months ago I discovered that my wife of 9 years Sara had been having a long term affair with a man named Steve. I had been able to determine that their relationship had been going on for at least five years and perhaps even longer. When I realized that my son and two daughters might not really be mine it broke my heart. I took the three children ages 5, 3, and 1 to a doctor out of town and after giving him $1,000 for...

2 years ago
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mother and daughter Affair

This story and contains lesbian taboo and everybody is over 18.How did this happen? I do not recall on when it happened, but all I know is that my baby girl, my own daughter Hanna, a nineteen year old beauty has her head between my legs, giving me the best orgasms I’ve ever had. “Mum, did you enjoy you Xmas gift from me?”“Oh baby, I love every time you go down on me. Let me return the gift with a gift of my love for you.” I then put my head between her legs showing my love for her.While eating...

1 year ago
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Hot affair

My name is Rakesh, age 26 and I want to share my experience with you all. My family consists of six members. Father, Mother, Brother, Bhabhis, my brother’s son and myself. We all live in a duplex house. On the ground floor our parents use to stay and on the first floor we have 2 bedrooms, of which one is occupied by me and the other by my brother. Brother, babhi and I are employees. I and Bhabhis are working in the same company and I got the job in that company with babhi’s reference. As a life...

3 years ago
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SeniorChapter 27 Planning an affair

Adeline's rules: 1. No questions about family 2. No public display of affection 3. No questions about past 4. No disrespect 5. Do not lie 6. No head games; I'll let you inside me, but not in my head 7. No mention of the difference in our ages 8. No expensive gifts 9. No cheating 10. No admission of love The telephone conversation with Adeline had gone on much longer than I realized. I opened the door to find the two folding tables vacant. Everyone had left, or so I...

2 years ago
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Yet another office affair

It's all about her cumming for me you know... Don't get me wrong, I love cumming, i love filling a girl's pussy with my cock and feel her walls stretching as I enter her and fill her with my seed... But for me, it's nothing unless I can feel her shake, writhe and moan uncontrollably until she explodes... Only then I know for a fact that I have made a woman mine. Now you all know about office affairs... When a marriage is weak, a pretty lady finally gives in to a guy she found attracted...

3 years ago
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The Country Affair

‘Mary, your hair is fine! The carriage is at the gate, now please stop stalling,’ Elizabeth Beauclerk called upstairs for her sister. The house had been buzzing all morning, preparing for the family’s long journey west from their home in London to the countryside of Worcestershire. With a quick twist of dark wavy hair she pinned the last curl in place and looked at herself in the mirror. She tied her straw bonnet over her hair and smoothed down the folds of her powder blue dress. The color...

3 years ago
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THE AFFAIR (The story takes place in the 1920s in London, England)Henry thought it was Nigel’s idea but he had finally found out, after some prodding, that it was Edith, Nigel’s wife, who had suggested the two wives witness their husbands’ meeting. Although Henry was against it at first, and his wife Barbara seemed quite indifferent, Nigel and Edith convinced them that it would be fun for all and that it could put some spark in a relationship which might need it soon.The two couples were rather...

3 years ago
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A Maternal Affair

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…My lifelong attraction for her was ignited in one instant. I came home early from school and was going upstairs to change. I passed by my mother’s room and she was standing in front of the mirror in...

4 years ago
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Family Affair

Introduction: Byron enjoyed his brother in laws ass while his wife and mother-in-law were up to some sweet moves as well… Byron and Omar started up the trail. It was blistering even at that hour in the evening but this was a daily ritual for the two to hike up the side of the mountain trying to best their previous time but always wondering off exploring beyond the bounds of what theyd planned. Omar was in the lead as usual. Younger than his brother-in-law at nineteen Omar was five feet six...

3 years ago
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An Early 21st Century Love Affair

An Early 21st Century Love Affair This story was written and dedicated to my firt www.xhamster.com friend, hope you enjoy it. The sound of rain hitting the window was the first thought in my mind as I woke in the dim predawn light. I had slept so soundly that it seemed that I had not moved a muscle, yet I felt as if I had run a race and needed to stretch to get my joints limbered up. As my mind began to clear from the deep sl**p the reality of the changes in my life began to come back to me. ...

3 years ago
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Surprise Affair

My Affair Begins Mostly backstory…but necessary to understand how unexpectedly my affair began. Based on actual events. I really wasn’t looking for an affair, it sort of just happened. All of this started when I met a long lost friend–and I mean really long lost. We knew each other in Junior High, he was in 7th and I was in 8th even though we were exactly the same age by a matter of weeks. We were just friends back then, sit at the same lunch table sort of friends. Now skip 20 or so years...

3 years ago
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BBC Affair

After saying goodbye to my friend Jessica I hung up the phone and finished getting ready for my trip. Little did I know it would be a visit that would change my life in more ways than one. Before I continue I should back up a little and explain a bit about myself. My name is rita. I’m a 25 year old, 5Ś’, pale skinned freckled redhead with blue eyes. I am what would be considered average, fitting between a size eight and ten. I love my legs, strong and well shaped from years of walking and...

1 year ago
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A family affair

This Story was not written by me.I do not know if there is any Copyright. If this is so than please inform me and I will delete it immediatelyA family affair John came in from soccer practice, threw his backpack in the den and went to the kitchen. He saw his mother standing at the sink and, with a large smile, said, “Hey, Mom, what’s shaking?” Anne didn’t look up, but she smiled nonetheless. It was their own private greeting – one which John had used for years every time he got home from ...

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The Oral Only Affair

“WTF??? Your boyfriend won’t give you oral sex? Why?”  The little black box popped up with a reply a few seconds later saying, “I tried to get him to without being pushy but it is not his thing,” she replied. “Get rid of him! Life is too short to waste on a guy that will not eat pussy,” I typed via IM. “I really like him. He is cute and so nice,” she answered. The IM’s continued over the next few weeks, both of us having fun talking dirty and both of us knowing it will not progress any further....

Oral Sex
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Affair by Vickie Tern Jessica introduced me to the new section manager. 'Meredith, this is Bruce' she said. Then glanced quickly at the bar to assure that the liquor was holding up, and moved on to chat with others. Another of her after-work cocktail parties -- she believed a sociable office was an efficient one, and I'd stopped by briefly as I always did out of courtesy. So I nodded at this 'Bruce,' smiled quickly, and was about to turn away when I...

2 years ago
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Sex Diaries The Affair

Adam Davis admired his 22 year old secretary from the doorway of his office. He watched her as she was bent over the cabinet filing away some papers. Her tight black skirt showed no signs of a panty line. Adam ran his eyes down her smooth long legs as her feet disappeared in red three inch heels. She scooped some of her auburn hair around her ear to keep it from getting in her face. While admiring this view Adam started to reminisce to the day Riya walked into his office for an interview. She...

3 years ago
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An Early 21st Century Love Affair

An Early 21st Century Love AffairThis story was written and dedicated to my firt www.xhamster.com friend, hope you enjoy it.The sound of rain hitting the window was the first thought in my mind as I woke in the dim predawn light. I had slept so soundly that it seemed that I had not moved a muscle, yet I felt as if I had run a race and needed to stretch to get my joints limbered up. As my mind began to clear from the deep sleep the reality of the changes in my life began to come back to me.I...

4 years ago
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Surprise Affair

My Affair BeginsMostly backstory...but necessary to understand how unexpectedly my affair began. Based on actual events. I really wasn’t looking for an affair, it sort of just happened. All of this started when I met a long lost friend--and I mean really long lost. We knew each other in Junior High, he was in 7th and I was in 8th even though we were exactly the same age by a matter of weeks. We were just friends back then; sit at the same lunch table sort of friends. Now skip 20 or so years...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Chilling Affair

Hi I am Jimmy Cooper divorced Parsi Male 37 living in Mumbai. I was working at a small restaurant, when I was studying for my Film Editing Diploma in New York , just to make some extra cash I would work at the restaurant being a Diploma Holder of Hotel Management . A hectic place to work, busy as hell during the rush times and boringly routine in between them. It was out of this boredom that I had an affair with a co-worker, or at least the start of one anyway. Diana and I had worked together...

1 year ago
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A Cheating Affair

Pria Anderson was excited because in several hours she would meet her lover, with whom she was having an affair.  They were both married but on the fifteenth of the month, he would be in town for a financial meeting.Pria and Jonathan had been having an affair for the last five years.  They met at a café and have been meeting monthly ever since.  It was not that they loved each other; it was the chemistry that they had together.Their intercourse was passionate and raw.  Together the intensity...

4 years ago
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Casually Dominating Horny Cock In A Hot Affair

Hello, my lusty readers of raunchy tales! I know a scandalous affair gets your horny big cock hot and hard. But what I am about to share with you folks is a naughty hook up within a scandal. One evening, I decided to visit my college friend Nupur before returning home from work. Her house was nearby from my office and a probably planned visit turned into a surprise visit because I couldn’t reach her through her phone. After pressing the doorbell, I had to wait for about over a minute before...

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An Office Affair

I am a 29 year old male and work for a medium size corporation in Long Beach. I am single but have a 27 year old girlfriend that would knock the socks off any man. Mandy is five seven, blonde hair and blue eyes with the most fantastic body ever. She worships me and we get along great. Best of all, when I want it, she never says no. That is why I can't figure out why what happened, happened. In our office, there are a few young women and a lot of women in the 35 to 45 age range. All or most of...

2 years ago
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Revenge Affair

She was so angry with Zach right now; so very, very angry. He had just called to tell her that he was working overtime tonight and then he and the guys were going to the sport’s bar downtown to catch the game. “Don’t wait up,” he had said. She could almost hear the laugh in her husband’s voice, mocking her, asking her if she actually truly believed him, which of course she didn’t. He was having another affair, she thought, her heart sinking. She remembered the first time she found out about...

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It was difficult having affairs with males while serving in the USAF. Back in the 1960s! Oh the affairs Did happen, but the affairees had to be very careful as homosexuals were frowned upon back then. Once or twice I,d managed to get involved in a mutual masturbation orgy involving six men, but that was as close to an affair it got to. The summer of 1966 for some reason saw forty of the air policeman shipped to,another US base in West Germany not too distant. The Technical five striped sergeant...

1 year ago
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An unwanted affair

Life is strange. So many things happen in our lives over which we have no control. Sometimes, these events are so unplanned, so unintentional, that they leave you baffled. I went through some strange events that threw my life into an endless wave of lust and debauchery. I had a nice loving husband who loved me a lot, and five beautiful kids whom I adored. I had everything that a woman needs to call herself happily married. Even in my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have imagined having an affair...

3 years ago
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family Affair

Gary had married Cindy a year ago and had a great sexual relationship with her.Cindy's eighteen year old daughter Rebekah had been attending a college five hundred miles distant from her mother,and three months into her courses made the decision to return home and attend a smaller community college so that her mom would not have the burden of traveling the long distance to be with her during the holidays.Rebekah enjoyed being close to her mom and the fact that that she was saving a lot of money...

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Family Affair

The day Peter asked me to marry him was the happiest day of my life. We had dated sporadically for almost four years, seeing each other as often as we could and we seemed to just fall further and further in love, complications on my part notwithstanding. I’d felt like for several months he was fixing to ask and sure enough he did, one night at McDowel’s. We had been living together almost six months by then since he had moved to the city to be with me, basically. Things were going well for...

1 year ago
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Family Affair

Fiction! Any names resembling you is pure coincidence. BEWARE THIS IS A LONG DETAILED STORY. Please Enjoy Girl Meets Son I am a 18 year old girl, 5’7 golden blonde hair baby blue eyes with long slender legs and a nice firm rack proportional to my body, 34C. I tip the scales at 120 lbs. My father is a successful stock broker and my mother is the D.A. of our city. So I am pretty much a silver spoon baby and only child. The only way I know how to dress was ‘dress to impress and to tease’ or very...

3 years ago
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A Gardening Affair

I had a little demon in me that constantly tempts me, whispering in my ear, ‘Go on, enjoy yourself Sal, no one will know.’ The demon always calls me Sal, and I hate it because my name is Sally. I also had an angel, an annoying little cherub that constantly counters the demon’s temptations, telling me, ‘Even if others don’t know, you’ll know, and your conscience will punish you with the torments of Hades, Sally.’ The one thing I liked about the angel was that it used my proper name. I’d...

2 years ago
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Moms having an affair

Mom is having an affair, its probably not the worst thing to ever happen, dad has had loads of affairs, mom has even caught him on a couple of occasions, but for some reason they stay married. Dad is in a high powered job, and to be honest he’s very wealthy, so mom has always stuck by him no matter what.Several week ago, I was at home one night with mom. We were watching an old film, the graduate, where an older woman seduces a young guy, the movie was a bit racy and I expected mom to make some...

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4 Mrs Wild Denise The First Affair

Dan had the body of an athlete, so tight and ripped; Denise couldn’t get enough of her latest PA.Denise lay on her back, admiring his six-pack and grabbing onto his tort bum, as Dan used all his stamina to ride Denise.He was much smoother than her other PAs, well, in terms of his hair. He was hairless, apart from some hairs on his legs.Forty-five minutes, this extra session had already gone for and Denise still wanted more.With a sly nod and smile, Denise indicated, that she wanted to go on top...

4 years ago
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Family Affairs

I’m 43 now but this all started thirty one years ago. You can do the math. I use to have to stay with my grandma in the summer when my parents were at work. My cousin was four years older than me so I thought he was really cool and wanted to hang out with him. But of course he really didn’t want anything to do with me so I just hung with my girl cousin May. She was 2 years older than me. We use to sneak behind the garage and smoke cigs she stole from grandma. It was blocked on 3 sides and only...

1 year ago
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DadHusband Trevor discovers wifes Jessicas and sons Dylans affair

Dylan and I wake up about an hour later and agree that our bodies need a rest for the night. We lie in bed caressing each other for about 20 minutes, then head downstairs after we both brush our teeth in the master bathroom. I'm wearing my red silk bathrobe and Dylan's only got boxers on. When we reach the bottom of the stairs, I take a second to admire his young body. He's becoming such a good looking man, I look forward to seeing how he looks about 10 years from now. I order pizza for a...

3 years ago
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A Casual Affair

She'd met him once following a bunch of emails on a thoroughly disreputable married person's dating site, and was a little excited by the possibility but still nervous about actually having an affair. Nothing happened and as time passed she forgot about how turned on she'd been by some of the email conversations and fantasies they'd shared. Still, the thought niggled at the back of her mind and didn't quite let go. However, it was not in the front of her mind when she was out drinking with...

4 years ago
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An Assloving Affair

It was over eight months ago since my husband Mark last fucked me. It used to be that he couldn’t get enough of me. He was never adventurous but wanted plenty of sex. These days he always makes an excuse, usually that he's tired from work or has to get up early.My body is still in good shape and I try dressing sexy for him but nothing works. I don’t think he’s having an affair because he’s always at home or at the office.The lack of sex really depressed me. Last week I decided if he wouldn’t...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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A High School Affair

**Lindsay**This is a story about a gay girl that discovers she isn't gay… then discovers she is gay… then realizes that she is just bi, but is not really sure. Confused yet? I know I was. That girl was me.I was sixteen years old, and summer break was just about over. A new school year was beginning, yet unlike most people, I was excited. Not for the reasons one could imagine, however.I was a lesbian. At least I thought I was since I had never been attracted to the opposite sex. My room was...

1 year ago
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An Office Affair

I woke up when Alex started stirring in the bed next to me. Sunlight was streaming through the picture window on the east wall warming the bed and causing the golden strands of her hair to glisten. She was slowly sitting up when I opened my eyes. ‘Sorry,’ she said softly. ‘I didn’t mean to wake you.’ The bed sheet fell away from her body as she leaned to kiss me. Her full, naked breasts loomed inches from my feet. Alex rarely bothered to wear anything to bed when she was sleeping over. ...

1 year ago
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My One And Only Affair

I’m divorced now. My ex-wife had an affair which ended our marriage. She doesn’t know that I had my own affair, seven years earlier. We were great fuck mates. I fucked her constantly and I fucked her one day before we split up. But after she had our baby, she changed in many ways, including sexually. She didn’t want to fuck nearly as often as she used to and her pussy was dry almost every time we fucked, before she changed, her pussy got wet just from thinking about sex! I’m patient by...

2 years ago
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Our Hong Kong Affair

“Hey. How’re you doing?” The question was a familiar prelude to our many telephone conversations. “Great now,” I smiled into the phone. It was a luxury being able to talk on the phone in the evenings, but he was on a business trip and my husband was at one of his eternal meetings, so we had a bit more freedom than usual. “It’s so nice to hear your voice.” We never wondered why we bothered through all the restrictions of having an affair. The answer was there in our connection, in the pleasure...

3 years ago
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An Affair

Bernard Tapping smiled as he heard the tip-tap of stiletto heels in the corridor leading to his office. It was Sunday morning and Bernard knew who was making the footsteps. He heard his office door open followed by the click of the lock being applied."Good morning, Mr Tapping.""Mrs Hamilton," he acknowledged politely. "How are you this morning?"“Horny," she said, sweeping the papers off his desk. She perched on the edge in front of him, smiling, legs open, and her skirt raised to her...

1 year ago
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Ians Indiscretions My Secretary Catherine A foreign affair

To many I have a perfect life. A family, a loving wife, 2.4 children and even the bounding Labrador. So why would I want to go and risk it all?Her name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in rural France and, though she'd lived and worked in the UK for the last fifteen years, since moving over here with her French husband, her English was still spoken with a sexy and unmistakeable French accent. She was a petite blonde woman, some eight years my junior in her early thirties, with a short,...


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