Apparition free porn video

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Hi. I'm Angie, and I am the author of this story. You know me as Tasty Little Pop Tart. (With emphasis on the little.) I am 5'3" tall and weigh 110 lbs. I turned 35 years old April 6. I have a daughter, 11 years old. You don't get to know her name.

You know the kind of stories I write. And how I stray into issues of gender identity crisis and gay behavior in boys and girls. I grew up hating my sex and that boys could pee standing up, while I had to sit down or squat. I didn't truly reconcile to being female until Dad made me pregnant (not my dad, silly) and I began to swell up with new life. Then I never looked back.

The following story is strange. A great many won't make it past Page 1 (if you even bothered to start reading after the description), and that is why I have included this intro. I want you read this story. I am willing to spoil it for some, so that others won't abandon the story in disgust.

Emma isn't simply a hallucination brought on by pot smoking. She's the key to the story and to Michael's sprung lock.

I often get high when writing and I was pleasantly high when I started Apparition. I write weekends and evenings, whenever my daughter is safely in bed or away for the weekend at her dad's. Weekends alone I write mostly in self-defense, battling the loneliness of the empty apartment and fear that Sunday night will roll around and no car will appear, bringing my daughter home. That has happened before. Her dad's a real prick.

This story had its inception in the video described in the story. The video is real. What happened to Michael in the story, happened to my current boyfriend some weeks ago. Like Michael, he watched the video three times before discovering the truth. I knew immediately, when he had me watch it. For those curious enough to write, I will give you the address and you can watch it online to see for yourself.

I began writing Friday night around 10 p.m., in my den, with the blinds cracked, in my favorite chair, with my knees drawn up and my heels planted at the end of the seat cushion. My Toshiba netbook was propped comfortably against my thighs, and I started pecking away. I always write like this, in my corduroy chair with a pitcher of Margarita chilled in the fridge and a glass beside my chair. I get weed from a friend at work; four grams in a baggy sat alongside my chair that night, the same baggy you'll see in the story. I was not smoked up like Michael; just a few hits off a joint to begin with. I was in my bra and panties, wearing black thigh highs (which entered the story, of course), imagining being spied upon through the cracked blinds.

Girls in my stories have tiny breasts; boys are meagerly endowed. The exception being the wicked enemy girl, or the boy's best friend, typically hung like a horse. I endured a lot growing up, and I rightly afflict my characters with similar issues. Even breast-feeding, I never exceeded size 34B. Within a year, I was back to the same size 34A that I wore in high school.

Michael is not gay. Neither is Emma. Though Michael's adventures may lead you to believe otherwise, remember what I said about Emma's continuing appearance in the story. That in mind, maybe even severe homophobes won't be so put off by this story.

Angie E. 04-15-15


I am not queer. I don't like guys. I don't want no guy's pecker up my ass, or worse yet, in my mouth. I dream about sucking sometimes, but it's no one I know, and I never enjoy doing it. Most of those dreams are fucked up messes anyway, making even less sense than a normal dream. I never let on to anyone I have those dreams.

I am 21 years old. In the story below, I was 14. I was alone in the condo, and that, in and of itself, was pretty unusual. That's like, child endangerment nowadays, I guess. As you will read, I got high on weed, swigged plenty of beer, and did things that will make your jaw drop.

My bedroom was up front, to the left of the living room balcony. Everyone else's bedroom was in the rear of the condo, with Cory and Emma in bedrooms number two and three. I was the only boy, and that meant banishment to bedroom number four. It wasn't so bad. It faced the parking lot, which I liked, and there was no fighting to use the girl's bathroom. I had my own, though with a walk-in tub and a miniature sink and mirror; it was really a guest bathroom.

Cory had applied to Dad's alma mater and had a good chance of getting in. Her grades were terrific and she excelled in athletics; she excelled at everything. Mom and Dad drove her to Pennsylvania that weekend for a tour, leaving Friday night at 7:30 p.m. They were to overnight at Grandma's house in Phillipsburg, and then spend Saturday cruising the campus, visiting the dorms and off-campus housing. I had Friday night to myself, and all day Saturday to recuperate. I planned to get totally wasted and drunk as a catfish Friday night--as my friend Peter likes to say. The flu bug had other ideas though. Cory took it with her to Pennsylvania.

I wasn't allowed out. I couldn't invite my friends over or let them know I was there; nothing to alert the neighbors that I was home alone. Fuck up, and I could forget ever being trusted again, they said. I didn't fuck up. Things fucked-up BIG TIME, all on their own.

I watched TV until 10 p.m. No being ambushed for this boy. The instant I cracked that first beer, or lit up my first joint, the phone would ring and Mom would say, Oh, Michael, I'm so sorry ... we forgot this or that, and I forgot to tell you we were headed back. Your father is running upstairs right now. Be a good boy and meet him at the front door?

Screw that. I stayed sober and watched the minutes tick by.

At 10:30, she called. "Michael, we're still not there. The traffic is just horrible. I think it was crazy driving up on a Friday night. Anyway, we're halfway there now, so no use in turning around. How are you feeling?"

The question threw me. "I'm fine, why?"

"You don't have any flu symptoms?"

Flu symptoms? "No," I said. "Do you?"

"No, we're fine, but Cory said half her class was out this week with it. Doesn't your friend Peter have the flu?"

I shook my head. "That's Kevin, and he's over it now. He came back to school yesterday."

"That's good," Mom said distractedly. "David! Please find out what Emma wants!" She returned her attention to me. "We stopped at a McDonald's for a rest stop. Cory thought she might be getting it on the way up, but it was probably just motion sickness. You know how she gets in the back seat on a long drive. Soon as I let her drive, the problem cleared up. Then your sister started complaining," she said, laughing. "It's always something. You call me right away if you begin experiencing any symptoms. Any at all, Michael. I don't want you home alone with the flu."

"I will," I promised, feeling completely fine.

"I'm serious, Michael. You call, no matter what time it is."

"OK," I said annoyed. "I got it."

"Let's hope not." With that she hung up, and I was free and clear.

I had four grams of prime weed in my bedroom closet and I lit up on the rear balcony, thanking God for the stiff breeze from the north. The smoke blew away fast as it came out of my lungs. I smelled nothing at all, and what a Godsend that was. Just like it always does, the weed gave me a raging hard-on. I knew just what to do about that.

I craved porn. In 2007, it was easy to come by, even easier than now, if I remember right. Mom had installed a content filter on our line, but that was easy to get around. (It was almost instinctive with us, the true Internet Generation.) I headed immediately for the xHamster website and started streaming videos and exercising my muscle.

You know, it's weird. Liberated and demanding as my generation is, masturbation is still taboo. Every one of us does it, we all deny it, and to even bring up the subject can get you ostracized. Which makes it especially tough for guys to watch videos together. Every time, I wish someone had the balls to just say, come on dudes, let's yank 'em out and have some fun. It just isn't done.

xHamster displays thumbs for a dozen related videos beneath whatever video you're watching. One particular video caught my eye, and I hovered my cursor atop it to see more frames. The chick looked younger than 18, and that sent my blood pressure sky-high. Of course, that was just bullshit. Videos on all the major porn sites are vetted for age, so this chick was 18 or older. She sat between a guy's legs, holding his big cock between her slender fingers. I clicked the image to watch her put that thing in her mouth and suck.

Her short hair was tousled, dark with blonde highlights. The guy was naked below the waist, but the girl wore a stylish, medium blue top with horizontal white stripes. A fine gold necklace rested against her chest, and she wore small diamond earrings. Her fingers held the dude's big cock at the base, her slender fingers overlapping. Her expression was expectant and slightly embarrassed. She was being filmed giving a blowjob, after all.

The video lasted a minute and thirty-four seconds. The guy received what could only be described as a demur blowjob, not brought to orgasm, his girl licking and kissing the head and the shaft, self-consciously eyeing the lens. I fell wholly and completely in love with her, one hundred percent, before a minute was up. Her abashed smile at the end just melted my heart like chocolate. That she was a boy never crossed my mind, until reading the half-dozen comments afterward. I almost died. I slammed the laptop closed and stalked outside to smoke a joint.

"This is just fucking bullshit," I growled. I could not get her out of my head. Him, I reminded myself angrily--I could not get him out of my head. I had watched an adorable young thing give a lilting, endearingly sweet blowjob, and had not seen that she was a guy. I had watched the video three times before reading the fucking comments! I was appalled, sickened, disgusted.

"Want a blowjob?" I asked a passing car. "I just watched the girl I planned to marry give one, and she was a guy like me!" I lofted a finger in protest to the entire universe. "This is so fucked up!" I protested.

I rolled another joint, lit and inhaled furiously. I stood with my head back and my back arched, holding it in, holding it in ... exploding outward with a gasp. This was really good weed, I thought. This was exceptional weed, I decided, eyeing the burning tip. I emitted a throaty, cannabis roughened laugh, first of the night, and thought how cute my blowjob queen was in her blue and white striped top. Was that a boy's shirt, I wondered, and I just hadn't noticed? I wasn't going back to check. Fuck that shit, Sherlock.

I sat down, eyed the adjacent condominium, and maybe drifted off to sleep for a moment. I started awake, my cock roaring hard and screaming to get free.

"Whoa, boy," I muttered. "Let me help you out there." I unzipped, introduced Elmer to the general population, and began to laugh. A moment later, I struggled free of my shorts, then my underwear, and sat at the table wishing my future wife were there on her knees, waiting to suck me like she had sucked her dude. I should remedy this, I thought, struggling out of the chair. From there, things turned truly weird.

I was in Mom's bedroom. I had come from the balcony and stood with my pecker pointing like a retriever. It pointed straight at Mom's closet door, which stood ajar, begging the question: "What's in there?" Neither the closet nor Elmer answered. I had a pretty good idea, anyway.

"You're kidding me, right? That's your solution?" I laughed indignantly, envisioning myself on hands and knees on Mom's floor, her dildo-one of her dildos-up my rear end. In this scenario, I wore her auburn wig, one of her lacy black bras, a pair of sexy black thigh highs, and her fuck-me black heels. Her lacy black panties lay discarded on the floor while I enjoyed my backside.

"That's not happening!" I exclaimed, laughing. What was I even doing in here?

Mom has, in addition to the illusory dildo up my ass, two others. They are identical twins. The third is a real monster, 9" long and thick as my wrist. I have seen them all, along with her collection of Victoria's Secret lingerie. The imagined bra and panties, and her thigh highs would come from that collection, of course. I imagined myself in her makeup.

I don't know exactly what happened next. One moment I was playing pointer, the next I was on my hands and knees on Mom's plum-colored carpet, her dildo buried deep in my ass, aware that some guy stood nearby, watching me intently. I gazed up at him bemused for a time, then pursed my ruby-red lips and blew him a kiss. It landed on the head of his enormous cock.

I started awake, stagger-stepping away from Mom's closet door, gasping. I looked down, stunned to see my future wife on the floor, Mom's dildo up her ass, gazing up at me through her tousled, stylishly cut, dark blonde hair.

"You're not real," I croaked. The girl smiled wistfully, her expression abashed.

"I'm yours for the taking, Michael."

"You're not real, though," I objected.

I got her Mona Lisa smile. "I'm as real as you want me to be, Michael."

I eyed her pensively. "You look familiar. Other than, you know... ?"

"Do I?"

"Yes, you do," I muttered, and she was gone.

For a long moment, I stared at the spot she'd been on hands and knees, slender fingers splayed outward on the carpet, a slim gold ring with a tiny gemstone on her ring finger, glinting in the uncertain light. I fought the urge to flee the room.

"I just hallucinated. I'm fucking hallucinating, for God's sakes," I muttered angrily.

This was some outrageous weed, I thought. It better not be doped with something, like PCP, I thought angrily, or Peter is gonna be one sorry dude. I needed hallucinations like I needed a dildo up my ass.

Maybe you do need a dildo up your ass, a voice said.

I looked around, startled, certain that someone had just spoken aloud. I looked at Mom's dresser, at her lingerie drawer, knowing the outfit we'd worn, my future bride and I, could be found in the top, right-hand drawer. Trembling uncontrollably, I crossed the intervening six feet, grabbed the burnished brass knob, and slid the drawer half open. Black lace gazed back at me.

"Oh, crap," I muttered. No way was I doing this.

I lifted out the satin bra and held it up to the light. Mom is relatively small-breasted. Sometimes, she wore silicone breast-forms to increase the size of her bosom. I looked at the bottom, right hand drawer, and thought, oh, shit.

"This is stupid," I said. Stupid, or not, the bra and its matching, lacy black panties sang to me. Whispered a husky, fuck-me invitation I couldn't ignore. Begging myself to stop, I lifted out the panties with my fingertips, transferred them to my left hand with her bra, and opened the drawer containing Mom's thigh highs. I chose the black pair on top. My penis ached and ticked up and down with my heartbeat. It leaked seminal fluid. "This is so stupid," I repeated.

I had never dressed up before. I stripped off my shirt and raised Mom's bra to eye level, holding it by the straps. I put it on the way I'd seen girls do in movies: around my waist, securing the clasps before sliding the bra up and into place. I adjusted it by feel, and then opened Mom's bottom right hand drawer and removed a pair of boxes, each containing two silicone breast pads. They slipped in easy enough, giving me breasts. I eyed myself in the mirror.

"Pervert," I said, and had to laugh about that.

The panties came next, followed by the right thigh high, and then the left. They were tricking putting on; I had expected that and was careful not to cause a run or tear a seam. The seams ran up the back of my thighs and I checked to see how straight they were, laughing again.

"You've got some practicing to do," I muttered. I sat down and put the stockings on three more times before I was satisfied.

"Good enough," she said. I jumped right out of my skin. She stood in the corner wearing my identical outfit, sans panties. Her erection was 6" long, ticked upward and to the right, and very white in the pale light from the window.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I complained.

"I scare you every day, Michael."

"What does that mean?" I said.

But she was gone, again.

"Fucking bitch," I muttered unhappily.

I entered the closet and found the auburn wig on the plastic head where expected. This, I had some experience with. I'd worn her wigs as a joke, but only in her presence, and only with her permission. She thought I was adorable. It had been two years, and I missed the clowning around.

I went to her vanity mirror and inspected the wig. I made a cute girl, I thought. How would I look with makeup on, I wondered, and decided to find out. I did it the way Mom would, wearing this outfit and her auburn wig, applying it before the vanity mirror. I looked exactly like the girl who wasn't a girl at all. Right down to my persistent and irritating hard-on.

Now for something really stupid, I thought. I padded on stocking feet down the short hall to the balcony (I chose not to use the door in her bedroom), and slid the door aside. Then I turned around and returned to her bedroom, went into her closet and looked through her dresses. I selected the one I thought would go best with her midnight black lace panties and bra, black thigh highs and fuck-me heels. It was tiny and fuck-me black. It fit me like a sleek condom, like it fit her. Mom had the figure of a cheerleader, which she was in high school. Mom had problems with Cory and Emma wearing her clothes.

Now she has that problem with me, I thought darkly.

I wasn't done. The heels I wanted waived gaily from the floor and I carried them to Mom's bed, sat on the edge, and carefully slipped them on. Tight, but not cramp-inducing, I thought. I tried standing up, and laughed.

"Walk on your toes," my future wife suggested. I glanced over, not starting so badly this time.

"Who are you really?" I said. She wasn't just the girl from the video.

"Who do you think I am?"

"An irritating little twat who answers every question with a question?" I growled.

She looked pointedly down at her slender, but very erect penis.

"You're still a twat," I said firmly.

"Is every girl a twat to you?"

"Pretty much," I admitted. "Some more than others."

"Your sisters?"

"Especially my sisters," I emphasized.

She left the corner, her penis wobbling as she walked; she had no problem in Mom's black heels. The sway of her hips, and the slight size of her chest were mesmerizing. She barely had breasts--the blue and white top hid that in the video--but they filled the black bra disturbingly like those of my sibling. Mom's fuck-me black dress dangled from her fingertips.

"Help me put this on?"

A shudder ran down my spine. "Don't ask me to do that."

She looked down at her penis again. "I can't help this. You can make it go away, Michael."

"I can't make it go away it real life," I said bluntly. "You're a boy."

She laughed softly. "That didn't stop you watching me, Michael. Three effing times." She placed a hand sexily on her hip, which she kicked out maddeningly. "Maybe I'm a hermaphrodite. That would leave me being a girl, just one with a penis as well as a vagina. We could still make love."

"And maybe you could suck my dick," I said gruffly.

"A chick with a dick is still a chick with a dick?" Her coy expression was marred by a hint of pain.

Removing Mom's heels, I took to my feet and brushed roughly past her.

"Don't you have somewhere to go?"

Stumbling, she yelped in surprise and was gone.

On the patio, I lit joint number three and sucked smoke deep into my lungs. I held it until a cough forced it out again. I continued to cough as a car drove past and entered the adjacent condo's lot. It parked nose in, a lumbering Cadillac.

This hallucination business disturbed me. It had never happened before and now three times within an hour? And the fucking detail! She was real, I would swear to it. I had shouldered her aside and the impact was no less real than had she been Emma or Cory. I held up the joint, and eyed the smoldering tip. Pete had some fucking explaining to do, I thought.

A second car approached, a big SUV which resolved into a black-I think it was black-Hummer. The engine was soundless, but the huge tires announced every rotation with a sound reminiscent of tearing cardboard. A thudding bass line told me the driver was black--or a white man, digging Rap.

As the Hummer passed below, I pursed my red lips and asked huskily, "Would you like to fuck me, big boy? I'd be good. Mom certainly is, and my sister Cory is, I bet. All you have to do is ask, Big Boy."

Big Boy made no comment and disappeared around the side of the condo and out of my life. I took another hit, held it better this time, and blew it out as a thin streamer of smoke. It was gone immediately on the breeze.

I liked it out here. The rear of the building was not illuminated like the front; I could rest here comfortably in Mom's clothes and not worry about being seen. I finished the joint, putting it out on my tongue, swallowed it, and rolled joint number four. I wasn't hallucinating enough? I had to have more?

"Fuck yeah," I rasped and lit up.

The stars were out in droves tonight. I slouched forward in the chair and imagined being up there among the myriad points. Not bright, not with the light pollution thrown out by the condos, but clear enough to see. An airliner traversed the sky left to right, and another car went by in the lot below, unseen. I closed my eyes, inhaled, and exhaled smoke. I must have drifted off again, because...

I was inside, in the hallway to the kitchen. The back of my dress had mysteriously unzipped and was moving freely on my shoulders and against my breasts, hips, and thighs. I loved how it made me feel. As I entered the kitchen, the dress soughed off my shoulders and down my length, puddling on the floor around my ankles. I stared at it dumbly. Who had unzipped my dress, I wondered?

Bemused, I stepped clear and reached for the refrigerator door. My throat was parched from the smoke and I needed a cold beer. Gooseflesh covered my upper body and my breathing was ragged; a shiver that I recognized as wholly sexual in nature twisted down my spine. I released the door, and stood still. I was not alone. Not my tousle-haired future bride, either. This person had unzipped my dress and now had his fingers undoing my bra strap. The shudder down my spine should have snapped it this time.

"Who--who is that?" I croaked.

The fingers released my bra and it hung loose on my shoulders. Instead of falling to the floor, the breast pads ... only, there were no pads! The bra gently cradled my small, but thoroughly real breasts.

Uh, oh, I thought. I'm in real trouble here.

Fingers eased the straps off my shoulders and the bra fell unchallenged to the floor. I was trembling continuously now, teeth a-chatter, my nipples swelling to achy little points. Please don't let those fingers-

They reached around and cupped my breasts and I mouse-squeaked and clutched myself tight. Fists bunched in my underarms, eyes clenched and teeth clamped, I shuddered as the fingers of his right slid gently down my bare stomach to the waistband of my panties and down inside. They encountered no penis, testicles, or pubic hair. I was clean-shaven, as I imagined my mother to be, possessed of her sexual organs. I mewed as she would, confronted by someone in the kitchen. The man pulled me against this hard chest. His voice was bass-drum deep.

"On your knees, or do you want to blow me first?" it asked.

I shook my head violently. Between my legs, his finger located my clitoris and I quivered head to foot. This man was big, and so tall; so powerfully built. His huge arms encircled my chest and pinned my arms to my side. I was powerless against him, a wraith. His finger slid between my lips and into my vagina, and I moaned pitiably.

"Don't rape me," I pleaded.

"I wouldn't do that, sweetie," his bass voice rumbled. His fingertip raised me onto my tiptoes and I pleaded, "Nooooo! I'm not really a girl!"

"I beg to differ," my rapist said. "In your bedroom, or here?"

"No!" I pleaded, and he was gone.

I bolted, squealing madly and running like a girl. At the door, I shot a wild glance back over my shoulder, and saw that I was alone. I slowed, coming to rest ten feet down the hallway. My breathing was ragged, and my heart hammered madly.

"He won't hurt you," her voice said gently. I screamed anyway, whipped around, and hit the wall jarringly. She looked fleetingly at my breasts and between my legs and then back to my face. "I'm sorry to scare you, Michael. I don't mean to. But he's no more real to you then I am."

"Bullshit!" I panted. "He violated me!"

She shook her head and smiled. "No more than I could," she said, tapping her temple. "Runaway brain cells, remember?"

"Fuck you!" I spat. Then, "Who are you, anyway?" still panting wildly. Her voice was so tantalizingly familiar, her identity ghosting beneath the surface like smoke inside a balloon, driving me crazy, like a lash, trapped under your eyelid.

"What are you missing?" she asked.

Before I could respond, she winked away again, though not before I realized what she meant by that: Along with the blue and white top from the video, she wore washed out blue jeans and a pair of battered white sneakers. She was definitely a boy then.

"Fuck," I grumbled, and returned to the kitchen.

The balcony door stood open. I stepped outside, dressed in Mom's panties and thigh highs, wearing her fuck-me wig and black heels. "I am so fucked up," I told the cold air. I certainly was.

With trembling fingers, I rolled joint number five and lit up. I coughed immediately, but forced the fit into submission and took deep hits and held them in. I was out of my mind, I thought. I just got dope-raped in the kitchen and I was out here smoking more? In women's lingerie, half naked, wearing heels and a fuck-me red wig? Someone had just tried to accomplish that forcibly, I reminded myself.

Adding mindlessness to stupidity, I slipped off Mom's panties and tossed them over the balcony railing. "Fuck you," I muttered angrily.

I had brought along a beer and nursed it now, gazing at the stars, mostly naked. There were so damned many of them, I thought. Maybe the cannabis had pricked up my eyesight, allowing me to pick them out of the firmament, where normally they'd be a wash of undecipherable light. Regardless, I was covered in gooseflesh and shivering violently again. The way I had in the kitchen with his hand down my panties. I looked down to make sure I still had a cock. It was there; limp as a dishtowel, yes, but back in attendance. No boobs, tiny or otherwise to fill a bra.

"I need another beer," I said.

I shut the door behind me and swiveled closed the vertical blinds. I removed Mom's heels, glided down the hall to the kitchen, carried two beers along with me down to my bedroom--and stopped dead in my tracks. On my nightstand was Mom's 9" monster cock, along with a tube of KY Personal Lube. I stared at them openmouthed and blinking.

"Go ahead," she invited, and I did.

It was 12:01 a.m.

It was 2:06 a.m. I blinked hazily, thinking, that's not right. Strong hands on my hips pulled me not so gently back on the huge cock filling my ass. I screeched in surprise.

"Just be a good girl, and no one gets hurt," Thundervoice rumbled.

I looked at him frantically over my shoulder. It was him, all right, and he was fucking my ass. I made a choked, pitiful whining sound.

"Bigger than you're used to, I know. What's your name again, kiddo?"

"Michael," my future bride replied helpfully. "Please don't hurt him, okay? He's my husband to be and I'd like him workable on our honeymoon."

Bass-voice gave a booming, good-hearted laugh. "Michael's no name for a girl," he disagreed.

"Michael's a boy," she corrected.

"Bullshit," Thundervoice said. He moved me forward and back on his telephone pole cock, adjusting my knees, my rear end, my back, my feet, and any other part of me that he wanted. I wore nothing but Mom's black thigh highs and her auburn wig.

"You were in the kitchen," I croaked.

"I unzipped your dress, took off your bra, and put my hand down your panties," he agreed. "You're no boy. No boy fucks like this."

My limp penis flopped forward and back while his huge testicles slapped mine with every thrust, so I was definitely a boy.

"Ivory Fucking Soap," he grunted.


"Ninety-nine, and forty-four one-hundredths percent pure," he said, meaning I was queer as Elton John.

He shifted, gripping my hips, rising to a half-squat, straddling me, forcing my chest flat to the mattress. My arms lay limp beside me on the bed, askew; I wouldn't even fight back.

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Having selected her outfit, Lia started peeling off her clothes as she headed to the shower. She let out a sigh of as the warm water cascaded down her toned, sexy body. Grabbing the shampoo, she slowly massaged it into her hair before she washed the shampoo out and put in some conditioner, noting that she'd probably want to go to the salon pretty soon. She let the conditioner sit for a while and grabbed her body wash. It was a lightly scented floral fragrance. Lia closed her eyes as...

1 year ago
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In A Life

Chris had just finished moving into his new home in a town called Terren. He went to trade school for culinary arts, and found a job here called "The Shell". Which so happens to also be the name of his neighborhood, he wanted to think it was a marketing scheme but it could of also been owned by the owner of the neighborhood too. He didn't want to jump into any conclusions. He was offered a better job somewhere else, but both of his best friends took jobs here, which convenience him to come...

2 years ago
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15 x 3

I got you a new Dildo; it's 15 inches long, and 3inches thick! I know how you like that stuffed fullfeeling, but this time I think you've met your match.I know how you like a challenge, and I thought I wouldraise the bar just a bit. You tell me "So far Ihaven't had much luck, I can only get about half ofthe head in, not that I don’t cum like mad trying, butit is a bit frustrating; perhaps I need a bit moremotivation, can you help to finally push me over theedge?" you ask. "No worries, I think I...

2 years ago
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22 November 2006Chapter 3

Dan held the door open for Vicky as they entered the Coffee Cup and stomped the snow off their feet. Vicky put her hood down, revealing her brunette and blonde streaked, shoulder-length hair. Dan was able to see Vicky better in the store light and appreciated her beauty, with her hazel green eyes framed by her perfectly shaped eyebrows. They went to the counter, waiting to be served. “Hi Dan,” came the greeting from a young blonde-haired teenaged girl. “Hi Beautiful,” Dan replied, giving...

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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 16 Finale

Claire sank down into the majestic reef. Beautiful tropical fish swam among the colorful coral. She kicked her flippered feet and swam forward, taking in the view. The warm sun shone down through the clear water, feeling wonderful against her skin, clad only in scuba gear and the tiniest bikini she could find and still qualify for swimming areas that weren't nude beaches. A friendly dolphin swam up and chattered a greeting. She reached out and pet its snout. A giant sea turtle swam past and...

2 years ago
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Cucked on Vacation

It was our first proper vacation in years. I breathed a sigh of relief as I gazed out our suite window towards the calm ocean waters of the gulf. After seven years of marriage and a limited amount of time off it felt the****utic to finally have a week away all to ourselves. We had selected Naples because it was quiet, and peaceful, and a drastic change of scenery from the drab winter we had just suffered through in Ohio. I turned and looked towards the bed, where my wife rested in slumber....

1 year ago
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Where Am I pt 1

I was at the bar on a Saturday night drinking as usual. I was scoping out the girls and hoping I could find something to spend the night with. I found absolutely nothing. I continued to drink and drink and drink until I blacked out for the most part and cant really tell u anything after that. When I came too I was in what appeared to be a womans room, there was a fish aquarium in the room and it appeared to be early morning outside. I had morning wood and I was wearing some males bikini cut . I...

She Males
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A shiny unexpected encounter

So I'm staying in Singapore for business - at the Marina Bay Sands. It's a hot afternoon so a good time for a swim in the pool on the roof. Since I'm by myself, I'm trying very hard to not stare at all the sexy girls in their swimsuits - having a bit of a fetish for them I'm trying very hard...Then I see you walk in to the pool area. You catch my eye as you are wearing a sexy 1 piece shiny black swimsuit, high leg cut and some sexy heels. I freeze for a second, trying hard not stare. Then I...

2 years ago
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Servicing the Client

My name is Jake and I’m a 58 year old stockbroker. I’ve been married and divorced twice and am now a confirmed bachelor. I keep myself in decent shape by regularly working out in a local gym and by running four days a week. At 5’10” and 175 pounds, I’m “average” sized, but I can hold my own in any situation I’ve come across. My sex life is not bad…there are a lot of lonely women out there who are looking for a good, hard man and I have no problem finding a bed mate. Over the past few...

1 year ago
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Long Foreplay

I entered in the weekly Euchre tournament, and who would you suppose I drew as my partner? At first I didn't recognize her, it had been 4 or 5 years since the last time I had seen Sherry. After talking for a few minutes, I realized who she was and that I hadn't known she wore glasses. I had had the hots for this gal since I was a teenager and had first seen her when she was dating my cousin, I was always so jealous because I thought she was so fine. I am sure that there was probable some...

2 years ago
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Fallen Fruit Introduction Anton and Jennas Shop of Opportunity

About two years ago, I and a business partner of mine, a tall and leggy woman named Jenna, opened up a re-sale clothing store called Fallen Fruit. We don’t run it for the money, because we don’t actually clear any great profit off the place even though it’s become quite popular with the local youth. And we’re not terribly interested in the merchandise we sell. We just put on the floor whatever our supplier brings us each week, at as low a cost as we think will keep the hipster crowd...

2 years ago
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Robs Saga Eminence Grise

For most of my life I pretty much had a handle on things. Sure, sometimes things happen in life but I had always been able to roll with the punches up 'til now. I was overwhelmed; I felt like I was juggling bowling balls without a helmet, each one threatening to crash on my head and end the whole performance. The first bowling ball, my whore of a wife Audrey, decided to clean me out and leave me for the second ball, a biker named DJ. Well this "wimp" got the better of him and I gave DJ a...

3 years ago
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Fallen SkiesChapter 4

Tama and her fellow cadets had survived their first six months of what is called Basic training at the Trueshot Scout and Ranger Academy, most students just called it justifiable homicide of instructors if they were given the chance. The instructors had learned to ask what Tama could already do before trying to force her to do things their way and only their way. They now had a class that might prove to the instructors that Tama is only mortal and not all knowing, or at least that is what...

1 year ago
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seduce an old man

Well its my first story hope you will enjoy it…my name is Rachel am 27 years old brunette black her nice tight ass perfect body and 34 DD breast .I have no kids my husband had to travels for work business. one day he was in a business travel in kouba so he call me and told me that there are an important agent that will come from china to our city and I have to show him my husband work coz he will not be able to come home for 3 weeks he is going to be late. so I have to work with him and try to...

2 years ago
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Ex girlfriend was black cock crazy

My ex used to talk about bbc all the time. Like we'd see something on tv with a black dude in it and she'd mutter shit under her breath and once I caught her licking her lips. I didn't say anything but then she just kinda said it out loud at one point and was like I bet that niggas got a big ass dick, I'd suck it! She said it kind of jokingly but seriously so I threw on a porno that was a mix of interracial and white on white and we were watching it together and she was all making fun of the...

1 year ago
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Husbands job changes everything Part 2

It was now 6 weeks after Kim's first session with Maarshi. She knew at the time it would be a life changing event for her and so it turned out to be. After the first session of Magarshi style white wife taming, the scene was set for him to dominate her. And dominate he did. After the first time Magarshi told Kim he would be seeing her daily for a few weeks. Kim didn't feel she could argue this point after what had happened and even if she did it would have been pointless. This was a man that...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Carolina Sweets 11052018

Carolina Sweets is a very horny girl…and she’s ready to roll! Just look at her, browsing the Dogfart section at her local adult bookshop! Carolina loves watching giant black meat penetrate little white girls! And look how Carolina shakes her ass at the clerk while she’s browsing! What a little tramp! The clerk knows what she’s after, and he sends her back to the infamous booth five, where it all goes down! And look how Carolina marches into the private booth, pushes the...

1 year ago
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Midnight Classes

"So, what do you think?" Nemuri Kayama said, watching the small while creature reaching the end of her propose plans for extra after school lesson plans. "I've been holding onto these plans since the sports festival, but after hearing about the summer I decided to wait afterwards to show them, but then Bakugo was kidnapped, and we all had to focus on getting him back." "So you choose to show them before anything else happened?" Principal Nezu asked, turning the last page of the hero's pamphlet....

1 year ago
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Captains ChoiceChapter 4 Getting a New Perspective

The conversation with Ardele last night had rattled me. I lay in my bed thinking about what she had said. I was upset about the implication that she might be interested in some young guy, maybe even one of our crew. And then the bi-sexual thing. What's up with that? Was she just pulling my chain or did she really mean it. I still had my rule of no fraternization, but I had to admit Ardele was really testing my resolve. It took sometime before I finally fell asleep. I crawled out of bed and...

2 years ago
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Uzma3 Fanal

Main nay usay apnay pass khayncha or us k honton per kiss kernay laga kiss k doran us ka hath mayray dick ki teraf barhanay laga main jab us nay mayray dick ko pakra tu hayran ho ker boli kia bat hay is koi kaysay teyar kertay rahay ho zalim admi mujhy marnay ka irada hay 7 inch or mota. Main bola don’t u worry is say aj tak koi naheen mera ager merna hota tu last time jab dhokay say aik k bjaeay or bhi log tum per chaher gaeay thay tut um Mer jati is per wo hansnay lagi kameenay admit um nay...

2 years ago
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Whites taken by Africans

Whites Taken by AfricansAs I have specified before ... I was an oil engineer on the African continent for two decades. I had witnessed many things that the main stream media has not addressed. Black on white dominance was very prevalent in many countries. There were many whites victimized of killings, theft, slavery and ****. I have written a number of stories of black lust on this dark continent. The sad truth is almost nothing has really changed ... it's just slipped under the rug.In 1982 a...

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EuroGirlsOnGirls Alecia Fox Casey Two Slim Blondes And A Vibrator

There is nothing as delicious in this world as Two Slim Blondes and a Vibrator! Well maybe if you are the meat in this leggy babe sandwich of course. Russian stunner Alecia Fox and luscious Latvian Casey mix it up today in a Lesbian Fetish Fuck off that will have you bursting from your pants! Alecia comes to Casey for help picking an outfit to wear, and none seem to pique Casey’s interest until Alecia brings out the pantyhose. That’s when Casey, who has a major foot fetish, gets...

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My Faggot Husband

This is how Marlon fucked my hubby last time… on his back, with his legs up, whimpering and wiggling underneath like a little bitch. Johnny always takes him from behind… he doesn’t want to see his face… but Marlon favors this position, which is perhaps more intimate.The other difference… Marlon likes to grab my hubby’s penis, and jack him off, and is almost always considerate enough to let my husband fully ejaculate. There are times, though, when Marlon fucks him, and my hubby gets a little...

2 years ago
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Caught by the Neighbour

My story happened many years ago, when I was 16, I lived with my mother and grandma as my dad left I was 7. My mother toldme that grandma and herself would be going away for a long weekend on friday, great I thought, the whole house to myselffor4 days...Friday came and it was a hot day, I raced home from schoolin excitment of the 4 days i had ahead of me, as I got home motherwas just getting out of the shower, she is a good looking womanaged 42, slim and 5'7 tall, grandma was in the kitchen all...

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Our New Neighbors Ch01 Trevor Meets Alyssa

Introduction: There are at least 12 chapters to this story. Each ratchets the story up one more notch. If you like them, comment, and Ill keep them coming. I have written 12 chapters to this story so far. It is something of a family affair, and we get to learn about tons of new, extreme experiences from the perspectives of four different family members. The incest in this chapter is light, but most subsequent chapters will be way racier. Just setting the stage here, but I think youll like the...

1 year ago
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Summer StormsChapter 3

For the next week, I was an emotional wreck. What had I done? Why had I done it? The second question was easier to answer than the first: I was horny and feeling neglected, which made me powerless to resist Amy’s desire and obvious attraction. But it was the first question that seemed to haunt my every waking moment. What had I done? There were several levels to that answer, and I didn’t like any of them. In a purely physical sense, I was worried that Amy might be pregnant. I could tell...

3 years ago
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Two rival Vietnamese slut engage in a sexfight

Kim Thi Tran proudly inspected her breasts as she stood before the mirror. Despite her age of 35 and the pear size and shape of these 34C symbols of her woman hood, they were as firm as any teenager?s 32 inch tits. Gently stroking her nipples she watched in approval as they responded to her touch, stiffened and became firm. As she continued to look and touch she saw them expand to their full erect state of an inch in length and the thickness of a man?s little finger. An uncontrolled moan...

1 year ago
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Worlds of pleasure

You wake up like an other day but something feels different like your no longer in the same world anymore. You look around and everything looks the same and you don't feel any different. All you can think of the feeling is it must be your imagination. But that feeling that your world has changed has happened and you have arrived in a world of pleasure where sex is the norm. Pleasure takes priority in these worlds where everone is game your mother, father, sister, brother, your friends,...

2 years ago
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Just Life 2

This story is intended for open-minded, adult audiences only and deals with adult, highly sexual, and magically fictional concepts. If your age, opinions, location, and/or general attitude prevent you from legally enjoying such stories, do not read on!! This story has been posted with the author's consent to FictionMania (I know this, because I, the author, am the one typing this). Any redistribution, reprinting, reproducing, reposting, or otherwise thieving this intellectual property...

2 years ago
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Who has Who Here

While out riding Jake came across a dog and it followed him home, He was a very sweet dog some kind of mix, hound and who knows what, about 26 inches tall and about 85 pounds. he looked to be well taken care of and obviously lost so we decided to keep him and see if we could locate his owner, there were a couple of old kennel runs connected to the barn so we cleaned one up and put him in there. he seemed satisfied with his new digs and settled right in. I would feed the dog and care for him...

3 years ago
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Daughter Shares Mom8217s Studs

HI THIS HUMA WITH HOTTEST SEX INVOLVING MOM DAUGHTER AND MOM’S STUDS I am Shilpa, daughter of my mother Sharmila, my single mom, aged 40, widow, living in her huge house on the outskirts of Kaithal, Haryana, India,. My mom, I used to think is a highly religious lady. Just before the death of my father, mom had brought three pundit priests to pray in our family temple. they were Mahant Premdass, the head priest, aged 45, Badri and Satya, two young priests in their early twenties. Mom would...

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A Family First

Carla was pissed off, and it wasn't just her usual teenage hormonal pissed off mood, she was super pissed off. And, for one male, namely her brother, it wasn't looking too good for him. She slammed the front door of the house behind her and stormed up the stairs three at a time (she was very athletic and had strong lean legs). "Jonathan!" She screamed banging on his bedroom door with her fist. Her brother knew this was a bad sign, she usually called him "John" or "Johnny", it was...

1 year ago
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Fantasies Come To Reality

Tonya awoke that morning it was a beautiful day. The sun was shinning and the birds were singing. She opened up the shades to allow the warmth of the sunlight stream inside. She was alone that day her children were away at school and her husband was working. She stepped into the shower as she washed her hair she thought today was a personal day for her. She would spend the day pampering herself. It was rare when she ever had the opportunity to do small things for herself. She was always...

2 years ago
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Game of Love Ch 04

by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) Chapter 4 – Buttoning up the loose ends ‘Remember my colleague, Monique? She took me on a tour of some interesting places while we were in Macao.’ I told Sophia how I had learned that top ranked Macao gigolos had pleased upper crust Englishwomen over for casino fun from Hong Kong, even when they had discharged their masculine duties over and over. Sophia sat closer to the edge of her chair as I described the next moments. ...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Annabel Redd Rachael Cavalli Mom Knows What StepDaughter Needs Part 2

I have an amazing relationship with my Stepmom especially after she had sex with me before I left for college to help my confidence and actually be able to talk to girls. She must really care about all of us cause when I got back from college a year later, my Stepmom, Rachael asked me to help my stepsister Annabel. She was having some issues feeling confident and sexy around guys, to be honest, I think my sister is really hot. Annabel has a huge set of natural big tits, I used to love swimming...

2 years ago
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Manaivi Bassai Oothal

Vanakam enathu peyar Bena, naan oru nadunilai kudumbathil piranthavan ennaku panakara aadambaramaana vaazhkai kedaithathe illai. Enathu thanthai iranthu vittar athanal engalin vettil varumaaname illamal poonathu, annalum engalin kudumbathil entha vitha prachanaiyum illai. Naan porumaiyaga ammavidam soneen naan veru oruvaridam udal uravu vaithu thaan sambathiginren endru sonnen. Naan oru thaniyaar niruvanathil vellai seithu kondu irukireen, antha niruvanthin boss ennai oru thangaiyai pol...

4 years ago
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The Problems With LoveChapter 8

The weeks went by and it was July almost before they knew it. Lottë was now working very hard. She was finding her own events, going to some quite small ones but coming up with a number of new and possible future major artists and sculptors. She extolled them in her articles and was not averse to approaching masters on their behalf. The Arts Editor was thrilled with her performance. So was the editor. She invited Robin to accompany her to the Tate Modern for an evening showing. He was not...

3 years ago
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A Trip To The Mall Changed Everything

Chapter 1 I haven't had what I would call life-changing experiences very often, a few like beginning piano lessons which gave me a passion that continues to this day. My first sex which, well, of course, continues that passion to this day. It was with my husband, well, not my husband then, but he was my first. I was in college, yes, I was late getting into sex, and it was wonderful. Still is. Then there was the day at the mall a while back. There's a story. And it also involves sex. Now, I was...

Wife Lovers
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Riding the Bus

I was 45 years old at this point and using public transportation. I worked the swing shift and got off work at midnight. One day while on the bus in the afternoon, I noticed a very large older woman. She was 60 years old, 5'2" with short grey hair, blue eyes and somewhat homely looking. She had a small female child on her lap and hugging and kissing the child. This turned me on and I decided I'd like this large woman to kiss on me. I was 6'3" tall at 185 lbs., hazel eyes and long brown hair and...

3 years ago
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Takin it to the BanksChapter 3

Tuesday started out pretty normally. Aaron settled in and managed to concentrate, putting aside the incident of the day before, and he managed to discover the basis of the interface error that he'd been looking for. Marion's masturbation session of the night before had been oddly satisfying, so she was clear-headed and focused, dispatching her work in an efficient manner that had Dom nodding in approval and relief. Everything went pretty normally until Marion came back at five o'clock, and...

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Miss Britts Personal AssistantBitch 2

Friday at noon i waited as a black sedan pulled up to the curb driven by a middle age lady who rolled the window down and asked if i was waiting for a ride to an interview. I nodded yes and she told me to get in. Her big brown leather bag was on the passenger seat and she told me to hold it as we pulled away from the curb. After a few minutes i asked where we were going and she just ignored me so i asked again. "Its not important where we are going, just relax and enjoy the scenery....

4 years ago
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The Trio Next Door

The arrival of our new neighbours was a source of great excitement, especially for me. Our family had adored the old couple, who had been our neighbours for longer than I could remember. In a street that was devoid of teenagers, especially other males, it excited me that I would finally have guys around my age of eighteen that I could befriend.The agent who sold the house also told us that a father and his twin sons would be moving in. From the information given to us, it appeared that the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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New Era New Life

I’ve always been a shy girl. It is difficult for me to approach people, and start talking to them. I feel this kind of difficulty the most, when I’m at school. In fact, I have no friends at school. I always sit alone in the cafeteria during lunch breaks, while my classmates are talking to each other. There is a girl named Alice among my classmates who I like. I’m giving her the eye, but she never notices it. I’m trying to talk to her from time to time, but the talk ends soon, since I tend to...

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Claiming Kerri

During her senior year at West Dover High, Kerri Roberts skipped her ceramics final to sleep in, costing her the class valedictorian distinction bestowed upon her by her classmates. Her thighs ached from pushing herself passed her physical limits, but the main issue was the throbbing within her cranium. The night before she had done as many tequila shots as the rest of the girls track team after they won the state finals championship and twenty years later, Dr. Kerri Roberts didn’t regret it....

1 year ago
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Usne Mera Dar Bhaga Diya

Hello ISS readers, mera naam Maya hai aur main Jaipur ki rehne wali hun. Meri umra 32 saal hai aur main shadishuda aurat hun. Meri zindagi bahut hi achchhi terah se chal rahi hai aur mere pati mujhko bahut pyar karte hain aur mere 2 bachche hain jo mujhe bahut pyar karte hain. Meri life sachmuch bahut hi khushi khushi gujar rahi hai. Mera figure 34-30-34 hai aur main ek normal looks wali normal lady hun lekin mere pati kehte hain ki main bahut sundar hun. Har raat jab main unki baahon mein so...

3 years ago
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Honeys After the HoneymoonChapter 9 At the Dark Lotus dungeon party

As I played with Vanessa, Caroline, Sylvette, Mike, and Jill, the rest of our group went to an area that traditionally was for people who liked to give a show, and, with appropriate respect, have strangers approach and look into participating. Joyce, Molly Anne, Kris, and Rachel Before coming to the dungeon, Joyce had been muttering, “If I have a Domme body, I might as well try it out.” Anytime you put extra-high heels on a woman over six feet tall, it creates an impression. Her...

3 years ago
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57 From cheating housewife to who knows what Pt1o

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt1 My name is Christine Slack, I live in a big west country town and I am married to Jack , yes I can hear you sniggering, Jack Slack! We have been married for 3 years and his name is very appropriate as believe it or not he has not been able to raise much more than a laugh in the last two years poor lamb. He`s a year or two older than me at 37, we live together in a fairly posh area of suburbia, he is manager of a security company, me, I...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 5 Reconnecting Part IV

July 1980, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, I swam alone again and ate breakfast alone as well. I passed Stephanie in the hallway heading back to my room, but she averted her eyes and said nothing. I messed around on the computers and continued working my way through my years’ worth of Strategy & Tactics magazines. Just before 11:30am the doorbell rang, and I got up to go answer it. It was Anna, as I’d expected. We hugged, and I saw Stephanie, who was sitting in the living room, roll...

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Blind Date Ch 01

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and Paige was wearing a bath robe in the middle of a very expensive hotel room that had a view of the city. She wasn’t even a guest at the hotel. The room belonged to the naked man lying face down in the king-sized bed, half covered in the satin sheets. The guy who knew more sex positions than any man she had ever met not to mention stamina. The guy she had just screwed. It might have sounded coarse, but it couldn’t be classed as ‘making love.’...

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Chapter 1 La Petite Mort

IntroductionLove and affection come in many forms.  I’ve experienced them all, from the playful love through new experiences; the unwavering selfless love of a years-long friendship; and the deep, maturing love of a committed romance.Throughout all these experiences has existed the delicious fire of eroticism.  The burning passion of two ships passing in the night, aware of each other for only the briefest of encounters.  An understanding gentleness, touched by the sweetness of childhood...

1 year ago
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Gifts of the Future Ch 09

Jonnie North and Brad Seldon moaned in unison. Brad’s head fell back as his wife Barbie sucked his cock all the way into her mouth and down her throat as she moaned from what Megan was doing to her pussy with her lips and tongue. Megan was groaning while her husband kept slowly pumping as he knelt behind her. The men stared at each other for a moment… the looks in their eyes clearly reflecting how turned on they were by watching their wives pleasure each other. Barbie and Megan had surprised...

1 year ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 6 Let Him Go

A teacher with gambling debt found a file identifying half a dozen high profile students. Mokuba happened to be in the right place at the wrong time. KaibaCorp ran better background checks on the full staff and found four others with severe financial issues. In addition, there were several with addictions, two actual pedophiles and a sexual offender. I was appalled that this institution had been entrusted with my brother's safety in the first place. I'd been in France for four days when...

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