Perdidos en una isla fant stica
- 2 years ago
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Hi. I'm Angie, and I am the author of this story. You know me as Tasty Little Pop Tart. (With emphasis on the little.) I am 5'3" tall and weigh 110 lbs. I turned 35 years old April 6. I have a daughter, 11 years old. You don't get to know her name.
You know the kind of stories I write. And how I stray into issues of gender identity crisis and gay behavior in boys and girls. I grew up hating my sex and that boys could pee standing up, while I had to sit down or squat. I didn't truly reconcile to being female until Dad made me pregnant (not my dad, silly) and I began to swell up with new life. Then I never looked back.
The following story is strange. A great many won't make it past Page 1 (if you even bothered to start reading after the description), and that is why I have included this intro. I want you read this story. I am willing to spoil it for some, so that others won't abandon the story in disgust.
Emma isn't simply a hallucination brought on by pot smoking. She's the key to the story and to Michael's sprung lock.
I often get high when writing and I was pleasantly high when I started Apparition. I write weekends and evenings, whenever my daughter is safely in bed or away for the weekend at her dad's. Weekends alone I write mostly in self-defense, battling the loneliness of the empty apartment and fear that Sunday night will roll around and no car will appear, bringing my daughter home. That has happened before. Her dad's a real prick.
This story had its inception in the video described in the story. The video is real. What happened to Michael in the story, happened to my current boyfriend some weeks ago. Like Michael, he watched the video three times before discovering the truth. I knew immediately, when he had me watch it. For those curious enough to write, I will give you the address and you can watch it online to see for yourself.
I began writing Friday night around 10 p.m., in my den, with the blinds cracked, in my favorite chair, with my knees drawn up and my heels planted at the end of the seat cushion. My Toshiba netbook was propped comfortably against my thighs, and I started pecking away. I always write like this, in my corduroy chair with a pitcher of Margarita chilled in the fridge and a glass beside my chair. I get weed from a friend at work; four grams in a baggy sat alongside my chair that night, the same baggy you'll see in the story. I was not smoked up like Michael; just a few hits off a joint to begin with. I was in my bra and panties, wearing black thigh highs (which entered the story, of course), imagining being spied upon through the cracked blinds.
Girls in my stories have tiny breasts; boys are meagerly endowed. The exception being the wicked enemy girl, or the boy's best friend, typically hung like a horse. I endured a lot growing up, and I rightly afflict my characters with similar issues. Even breast-feeding, I never exceeded size 34B. Within a year, I was back to the same size 34A that I wore in high school.
Michael is not gay. Neither is Emma. Though Michael's adventures may lead you to believe otherwise, remember what I said about Emma's continuing appearance in the story. That in mind, maybe even severe homophobes won't be so put off by this story.
Angie E. 04-15-15
ApparitionI am not queer. I don't like guys. I don't want no guy's pecker up my ass, or worse yet, in my mouth. I dream about sucking sometimes, but it's no one I know, and I never enjoy doing it. Most of those dreams are fucked up messes anyway, making even less sense than a normal dream. I never let on to anyone I have those dreams.
I am 21 years old. In the story below, I was 14. I was alone in the condo, and that, in and of itself, was pretty unusual. That's like, child endangerment nowadays, I guess. As you will read, I got high on weed, swigged plenty of beer, and did things that will make your jaw drop.
My bedroom was up front, to the left of the living room balcony. Everyone else's bedroom was in the rear of the condo, with Cory and Emma in bedrooms number two and three. I was the only boy, and that meant banishment to bedroom number four. It wasn't so bad. It faced the parking lot, which I liked, and there was no fighting to use the girl's bathroom. I had my own, though with a walk-in tub and a miniature sink and mirror; it was really a guest bathroom.
Cory had applied to Dad's alma mater and had a good chance of getting in. Her grades were terrific and she excelled in athletics; she excelled at everything. Mom and Dad drove her to Pennsylvania that weekend for a tour, leaving Friday night at 7:30 p.m. They were to overnight at Grandma's house in Phillipsburg, and then spend Saturday cruising the campus, visiting the dorms and off-campus housing. I had Friday night to myself, and all day Saturday to recuperate. I planned to get totally wasted and drunk as a catfish Friday night--as my friend Peter likes to say. The flu bug had other ideas though. Cory took it with her to Pennsylvania.
I wasn't allowed out. I couldn't invite my friends over or let them know I was there; nothing to alert the neighbors that I was home alone. Fuck up, and I could forget ever being trusted again, they said. I didn't fuck up. Things fucked-up BIG TIME, all on their own.
I watched TV until 10 p.m. No being ambushed for this boy. The instant I cracked that first beer, or lit up my first joint, the phone would ring and Mom would say, Oh, Michael, I'm so sorry ... we forgot this or that, and I forgot to tell you we were headed back. Your father is running upstairs right now. Be a good boy and meet him at the front door?
Screw that. I stayed sober and watched the minutes tick by.
At 10:30, she called. "Michael, we're still not there. The traffic is just horrible. I think it was crazy driving up on a Friday night. Anyway, we're halfway there now, so no use in turning around. How are you feeling?"
The question threw me. "I'm fine, why?"
"You don't have any flu symptoms?"
Flu symptoms? "No," I said. "Do you?"
"No, we're fine, but Cory said half her class was out this week with it. Doesn't your friend Peter have the flu?"
I shook my head. "That's Kevin, and he's over it now. He came back to school yesterday."
"That's good," Mom said distractedly. "David! Please find out what Emma wants!" She returned her attention to me. "We stopped at a McDonald's for a rest stop. Cory thought she might be getting it on the way up, but it was probably just motion sickness. You know how she gets in the back seat on a long drive. Soon as I let her drive, the problem cleared up. Then your sister started complaining," she said, laughing. "It's always something. You call me right away if you begin experiencing any symptoms. Any at all, Michael. I don't want you home alone with the flu."
"I will," I promised, feeling completely fine.
"I'm serious, Michael. You call, no matter what time it is."
"OK," I said annoyed. "I got it."
"Let's hope not." With that she hung up, and I was free and clear.
I had four grams of prime weed in my bedroom closet and I lit up on the rear balcony, thanking God for the stiff breeze from the north. The smoke blew away fast as it came out of my lungs. I smelled nothing at all, and what a Godsend that was. Just like it always does, the weed gave me a raging hard-on. I knew just what to do about that.
I craved porn. In 2007, it was easy to come by, even easier than now, if I remember right. Mom had installed a content filter on our line, but that was easy to get around. (It was almost instinctive with us, the true Internet Generation.) I headed immediately for the xHamster website and started streaming videos and exercising my muscle.
You know, it's weird. Liberated and demanding as my generation is, masturbation is still taboo. Every one of us does it, we all deny it, and to even bring up the subject can get you ostracized. Which makes it especially tough for guys to watch videos together. Every time, I wish someone had the balls to just say, come on dudes, let's yank 'em out and have some fun. It just isn't done.
xHamster displays thumbs for a dozen related videos beneath whatever video you're watching. One particular video caught my eye, and I hovered my cursor atop it to see more frames. The chick looked younger than 18, and that sent my blood pressure sky-high. Of course, that was just bullshit. Videos on all the major porn sites are vetted for age, so this chick was 18 or older. She sat between a guy's legs, holding his big cock between her slender fingers. I clicked the image to watch her put that thing in her mouth and suck.
Her short hair was tousled, dark with blonde highlights. The guy was naked below the waist, but the girl wore a stylish, medium blue top with horizontal white stripes. A fine gold necklace rested against her chest, and she wore small diamond earrings. Her fingers held the dude's big cock at the base, her slender fingers overlapping. Her expression was expectant and slightly embarrassed. She was being filmed giving a blowjob, after all.
The video lasted a minute and thirty-four seconds. The guy received what could only be described as a demur blowjob, not brought to orgasm, his girl licking and kissing the head and the shaft, self-consciously eyeing the lens. I fell wholly and completely in love with her, one hundred percent, before a minute was up. Her abashed smile at the end just melted my heart like chocolate. That she was a boy never crossed my mind, until reading the half-dozen comments afterward. I almost died. I slammed the laptop closed and stalked outside to smoke a joint.
"This is just fucking bullshit," I growled. I could not get her out of my head. Him, I reminded myself angrily--I could not get him out of my head. I had watched an adorable young thing give a lilting, endearingly sweet blowjob, and had not seen that she was a guy. I had watched the video three times before reading the fucking comments! I was appalled, sickened, disgusted.
"Want a blowjob?" I asked a passing car. "I just watched the girl I planned to marry give one, and she was a guy like me!" I lofted a finger in protest to the entire universe. "This is so fucked up!" I protested.
I rolled another joint, lit and inhaled furiously. I stood with my head back and my back arched, holding it in, holding it in ... exploding outward with a gasp. This was really good weed, I thought. This was exceptional weed, I decided, eyeing the burning tip. I emitted a throaty, cannabis roughened laugh, first of the night, and thought how cute my blowjob queen was in her blue and white striped top. Was that a boy's shirt, I wondered, and I just hadn't noticed? I wasn't going back to check. Fuck that shit, Sherlock.
I sat down, eyed the adjacent condominium, and maybe drifted off to sleep for a moment. I started awake, my cock roaring hard and screaming to get free.
"Whoa, boy," I muttered. "Let me help you out there." I unzipped, introduced Elmer to the general population, and began to laugh. A moment later, I struggled free of my shorts, then my underwear, and sat at the table wishing my future wife were there on her knees, waiting to suck me like she had sucked her dude. I should remedy this, I thought, struggling out of the chair. From there, things turned truly weird.
I was in Mom's bedroom. I had come from the balcony and stood with my pecker pointing like a retriever. It pointed straight at Mom's closet door, which stood ajar, begging the question: "What's in there?" Neither the closet nor Elmer answered. I had a pretty good idea, anyway.
"You're kidding me, right? That's your solution?" I laughed indignantly, envisioning myself on hands and knees on Mom's floor, her dildo-one of her dildos-up my rear end. In this scenario, I wore her auburn wig, one of her lacy black bras, a pair of sexy black thigh highs, and her fuck-me black heels. Her lacy black panties lay discarded on the floor while I enjoyed my backside.
"That's not happening!" I exclaimed, laughing. What was I even doing in here?
Mom has, in addition to the illusory dildo up my ass, two others. They are identical twins. The third is a real monster, 9" long and thick as my wrist. I have seen them all, along with her collection of Victoria's Secret lingerie. The imagined bra and panties, and her thigh highs would come from that collection, of course. I imagined myself in her makeup.
I don't know exactly what happened next. One moment I was playing pointer, the next I was on my hands and knees on Mom's plum-colored carpet, her dildo buried deep in my ass, aware that some guy stood nearby, watching me intently. I gazed up at him bemused for a time, then pursed my ruby-red lips and blew him a kiss. It landed on the head of his enormous cock.
I started awake, stagger-stepping away from Mom's closet door, gasping. I looked down, stunned to see my future wife on the floor, Mom's dildo up her ass, gazing up at me through her tousled, stylishly cut, dark blonde hair.
"You're not real," I croaked. The girl smiled wistfully, her expression abashed.
"I'm yours for the taking, Michael."
"You're not real, though," I objected.
I got her Mona Lisa smile. "I'm as real as you want me to be, Michael."
I eyed her pensively. "You look familiar. Other than, you know... ?"
"Do I?"
"Yes, you do," I muttered, and she was gone.
For a long moment, I stared at the spot she'd been on hands and knees, slender fingers splayed outward on the carpet, a slim gold ring with a tiny gemstone on her ring finger, glinting in the uncertain light. I fought the urge to flee the room.
"I just hallucinated. I'm fucking hallucinating, for God's sakes," I muttered angrily.
This was some outrageous weed, I thought. It better not be doped with something, like PCP, I thought angrily, or Peter is gonna be one sorry dude. I needed hallucinations like I needed a dildo up my ass.
Maybe you do need a dildo up your ass, a voice said.
I looked around, startled, certain that someone had just spoken aloud. I looked at Mom's dresser, at her lingerie drawer, knowing the outfit we'd worn, my future bride and I, could be found in the top, right-hand drawer. Trembling uncontrollably, I crossed the intervening six feet, grabbed the burnished brass knob, and slid the drawer half open. Black lace gazed back at me.
"Oh, crap," I muttered. No way was I doing this.
I lifted out the satin bra and held it up to the light. Mom is relatively small-breasted. Sometimes, she wore silicone breast-forms to increase the size of her bosom. I looked at the bottom, right hand drawer, and thought, oh, shit.
"This is stupid," I said. Stupid, or not, the bra and its matching, lacy black panties sang to me. Whispered a husky, fuck-me invitation I couldn't ignore. Begging myself to stop, I lifted out the panties with my fingertips, transferred them to my left hand with her bra, and opened the drawer containing Mom's thigh highs. I chose the black pair on top. My penis ached and ticked up and down with my heartbeat. It leaked seminal fluid. "This is so stupid," I repeated.
I had never dressed up before. I stripped off my shirt and raised Mom's bra to eye level, holding it by the straps. I put it on the way I'd seen girls do in movies: around my waist, securing the clasps before sliding the bra up and into place. I adjusted it by feel, and then opened Mom's bottom right hand drawer and removed a pair of boxes, each containing two silicone breast pads. They slipped in easy enough, giving me breasts. I eyed myself in the mirror.
"Pervert," I said, and had to laugh about that.
The panties came next, followed by the right thigh high, and then the left. They were tricking putting on; I had expected that and was careful not to cause a run or tear a seam. The seams ran up the back of my thighs and I checked to see how straight they were, laughing again.
"You've got some practicing to do," I muttered. I sat down and put the stockings on three more times before I was satisfied.
"Good enough," she said. I jumped right out of my skin. She stood in the corner wearing my identical outfit, sans panties. Her erection was 6" long, ticked upward and to the right, and very white in the pale light from the window.
"You scared the shit out of me!" I complained.
"I scare you every day, Michael."
"What does that mean?" I said.
But she was gone, again.
"Fucking bitch," I muttered unhappily.
I entered the closet and found the auburn wig on the plastic head where expected. This, I had some experience with. I'd worn her wigs as a joke, but only in her presence, and only with her permission. She thought I was adorable. It had been two years, and I missed the clowning around.
I went to her vanity mirror and inspected the wig. I made a cute girl, I thought. How would I look with makeup on, I wondered, and decided to find out. I did it the way Mom would, wearing this outfit and her auburn wig, applying it before the vanity mirror. I looked exactly like the girl who wasn't a girl at all. Right down to my persistent and irritating hard-on.
Now for something really stupid, I thought. I padded on stocking feet down the short hall to the balcony (I chose not to use the door in her bedroom), and slid the door aside. Then I turned around and returned to her bedroom, went into her closet and looked through her dresses. I selected the one I thought would go best with her midnight black lace panties and bra, black thigh highs and fuck-me heels. It was tiny and fuck-me black. It fit me like a sleek condom, like it fit her. Mom had the figure of a cheerleader, which she was in high school. Mom had problems with Cory and Emma wearing her clothes.
Now she has that problem with me, I thought darkly.
I wasn't done. The heels I wanted waived gaily from the floor and I carried them to Mom's bed, sat on the edge, and carefully slipped them on. Tight, but not cramp-inducing, I thought. I tried standing up, and laughed.
"Walk on your toes," my future wife suggested. I glanced over, not starting so badly this time.
"Who are you really?" I said. She wasn't just the girl from the video.
"Who do you think I am?"
"An irritating little twat who answers every question with a question?" I growled.
She looked pointedly down at her slender, but very erect penis.
"You're still a twat," I said firmly.
"Is every girl a twat to you?"
"Pretty much," I admitted. "Some more than others."
"Your sisters?"
"Especially my sisters," I emphasized.
She left the corner, her penis wobbling as she walked; she had no problem in Mom's black heels. The sway of her hips, and the slight size of her chest were mesmerizing. She barely had breasts--the blue and white top hid that in the video--but they filled the black bra disturbingly like those of my sibling. Mom's fuck-me black dress dangled from her fingertips.
"Help me put this on?"
A shudder ran down my spine. "Don't ask me to do that."
She looked down at her penis again. "I can't help this. You can make it go away, Michael."
"I can't make it go away it real life," I said bluntly. "You're a boy."
She laughed softly. "That didn't stop you watching me, Michael. Three effing times." She placed a hand sexily on her hip, which she kicked out maddeningly. "Maybe I'm a hermaphrodite. That would leave me being a girl, just one with a penis as well as a vagina. We could still make love."
"And maybe you could suck my dick," I said gruffly.
"A chick with a dick is still a chick with a dick?" Her coy expression was marred by a hint of pain.
Removing Mom's heels, I took to my feet and brushed roughly past her.
"Don't you have somewhere to go?"
Stumbling, she yelped in surprise and was gone.
On the patio, I lit joint number three and sucked smoke deep into my lungs. I held it until a cough forced it out again. I continued to cough as a car drove past and entered the adjacent condo's lot. It parked nose in, a lumbering Cadillac.
This hallucination business disturbed me. It had never happened before and now three times within an hour? And the fucking detail! She was real, I would swear to it. I had shouldered her aside and the impact was no less real than had she been Emma or Cory. I held up the joint, and eyed the smoldering tip. Pete had some fucking explaining to do, I thought.
A second car approached, a big SUV which resolved into a black-I think it was black-Hummer. The engine was soundless, but the huge tires announced every rotation with a sound reminiscent of tearing cardboard. A thudding bass line told me the driver was black--or a white man, digging Rap.
As the Hummer passed below, I pursed my red lips and asked huskily, "Would you like to fuck me, big boy? I'd be good. Mom certainly is, and my sister Cory is, I bet. All you have to do is ask, Big Boy."
Big Boy made no comment and disappeared around the side of the condo and out of my life. I took another hit, held it better this time, and blew it out as a thin streamer of smoke. It was gone immediately on the breeze.
I liked it out here. The rear of the building was not illuminated like the front; I could rest here comfortably in Mom's clothes and not worry about being seen. I finished the joint, putting it out on my tongue, swallowed it, and rolled joint number four. I wasn't hallucinating enough? I had to have more?
"Fuck yeah," I rasped and lit up.
The stars were out in droves tonight. I slouched forward in the chair and imagined being up there among the myriad points. Not bright, not with the light pollution thrown out by the condos, but clear enough to see. An airliner traversed the sky left to right, and another car went by in the lot below, unseen. I closed my eyes, inhaled, and exhaled smoke. I must have drifted off again, because...
I was inside, in the hallway to the kitchen. The back of my dress had mysteriously unzipped and was moving freely on my shoulders and against my breasts, hips, and thighs. I loved how it made me feel. As I entered the kitchen, the dress soughed off my shoulders and down my length, puddling on the floor around my ankles. I stared at it dumbly. Who had unzipped my dress, I wondered?
Bemused, I stepped clear and reached for the refrigerator door. My throat was parched from the smoke and I needed a cold beer. Gooseflesh covered my upper body and my breathing was ragged; a shiver that I recognized as wholly sexual in nature twisted down my spine. I released the door, and stood still. I was not alone. Not my tousle-haired future bride, either. This person had unzipped my dress and now had his fingers undoing my bra strap. The shudder down my spine should have snapped it this time.
"Who--who is that?" I croaked.
The fingers released my bra and it hung loose on my shoulders. Instead of falling to the floor, the breast pads ... only, there were no pads! The bra gently cradled my small, but thoroughly real breasts.
Uh, oh, I thought. I'm in real trouble here.
Fingers eased the straps off my shoulders and the bra fell unchallenged to the floor. I was trembling continuously now, teeth a-chatter, my nipples swelling to achy little points. Please don't let those fingers-
They reached around and cupped my breasts and I mouse-squeaked and clutched myself tight. Fists bunched in my underarms, eyes clenched and teeth clamped, I shuddered as the fingers of his right slid gently down my bare stomach to the waistband of my panties and down inside. They encountered no penis, testicles, or pubic hair. I was clean-shaven, as I imagined my mother to be, possessed of her sexual organs. I mewed as she would, confronted by someone in the kitchen. The man pulled me against this hard chest. His voice was bass-drum deep.
"On your knees, or do you want to blow me first?" it asked.
I shook my head violently. Between my legs, his finger located my clitoris and I quivered head to foot. This man was big, and so tall; so powerfully built. His huge arms encircled my chest and pinned my arms to my side. I was powerless against him, a wraith. His finger slid between my lips and into my vagina, and I moaned pitiably.
"Don't rape me," I pleaded.
"I wouldn't do that, sweetie," his bass voice rumbled. His fingertip raised me onto my tiptoes and I pleaded, "Nooooo! I'm not really a girl!"
"I beg to differ," my rapist said. "In your bedroom, or here?"
"No!" I pleaded, and he was gone.
I bolted, squealing madly and running like a girl. At the door, I shot a wild glance back over my shoulder, and saw that I was alone. I slowed, coming to rest ten feet down the hallway. My breathing was ragged, and my heart hammered madly.
"He won't hurt you," her voice said gently. I screamed anyway, whipped around, and hit the wall jarringly. She looked fleetingly at my breasts and between my legs and then back to my face. "I'm sorry to scare you, Michael. I don't mean to. But he's no more real to you then I am."
"Bullshit!" I panted. "He violated me!"
She shook her head and smiled. "No more than I could," she said, tapping her temple. "Runaway brain cells, remember?"
"Fuck you!" I spat. Then, "Who are you, anyway?" still panting wildly. Her voice was so tantalizingly familiar, her identity ghosting beneath the surface like smoke inside a balloon, driving me crazy, like a lash, trapped under your eyelid.
"What are you missing?" she asked.
Before I could respond, she winked away again, though not before I realized what she meant by that: Along with the blue and white top from the video, she wore washed out blue jeans and a pair of battered white sneakers. She was definitely a boy then.
"Fuck," I grumbled, and returned to the kitchen.
The balcony door stood open. I stepped outside, dressed in Mom's panties and thigh highs, wearing her fuck-me wig and black heels. "I am so fucked up," I told the cold air. I certainly was.
With trembling fingers, I rolled joint number five and lit up. I coughed immediately, but forced the fit into submission and took deep hits and held them in. I was out of my mind, I thought. I just got dope-raped in the kitchen and I was out here smoking more? In women's lingerie, half naked, wearing heels and a fuck-me red wig? Someone had just tried to accomplish that forcibly, I reminded myself.
Adding mindlessness to stupidity, I slipped off Mom's panties and tossed them over the balcony railing. "Fuck you," I muttered angrily.
I had brought along a beer and nursed it now, gazing at the stars, mostly naked. There were so damned many of them, I thought. Maybe the cannabis had pricked up my eyesight, allowing me to pick them out of the firmament, where normally they'd be a wash of undecipherable light. Regardless, I was covered in gooseflesh and shivering violently again. The way I had in the kitchen with his hand down my panties. I looked down to make sure I still had a cock. It was there; limp as a dishtowel, yes, but back in attendance. No boobs, tiny or otherwise to fill a bra.
"I need another beer," I said.
I shut the door behind me and swiveled closed the vertical blinds. I removed Mom's heels, glided down the hall to the kitchen, carried two beers along with me down to my bedroom--and stopped dead in my tracks. On my nightstand was Mom's 9" monster cock, along with a tube of KY Personal Lube. I stared at them openmouthed and blinking.
"Go ahead," she invited, and I did.
It was 12:01 a.m.
It was 2:06 a.m. I blinked hazily, thinking, that's not right. Strong hands on my hips pulled me not so gently back on the huge cock filling my ass. I screeched in surprise.
"Just be a good girl, and no one gets hurt," Thundervoice rumbled.
I looked at him frantically over my shoulder. It was him, all right, and he was fucking my ass. I made a choked, pitiful whining sound.
"Bigger than you're used to, I know. What's your name again, kiddo?"
"Michael," my future bride replied helpfully. "Please don't hurt him, okay? He's my husband to be and I'd like him workable on our honeymoon."
Bass-voice gave a booming, good-hearted laugh. "Michael's no name for a girl," he disagreed.
"Michael's a boy," she corrected.
"Bullshit," Thundervoice said. He moved me forward and back on his telephone pole cock, adjusting my knees, my rear end, my back, my feet, and any other part of me that he wanted. I wore nothing but Mom's black thigh highs and her auburn wig.
"You were in the kitchen," I croaked.
"I unzipped your dress, took off your bra, and put my hand down your panties," he agreed. "You're no boy. No boy fucks like this."
My limp penis flopped forward and back while his huge testicles slapped mine with every thrust, so I was definitely a boy.
"Ivory Fucking Soap," he grunted.
"Ninety-nine, and forty-four one-hundredths percent pure," he said, meaning I was queer as Elton John.
He shifted, gripping my hips, rising to a half-squat, straddling me, forcing my chest flat to the mattress. My arms lay limp beside me on the bed, askew; I wouldn't even fight back.
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"Finally Friday," I mumbled to myself as I turned into my driveway. My job wasn't physically challenging, but it could certainly be stressful. As the owner of the largest law firm in Tennessee, I'd often work late into the evening and sometimes from home as well. Weeknights were generally consumed by paperwork. But completing my work during the week allows me to have free time during weekends. I am 40 years old and in rather good shape. Working behind a desk doesn't help much, but I...
Atragantadas con su orgullo( I ) Desde hacía variosdías, los miembros parecían algo mas alterados que de costumbre.Glizia, me lo había comentado ya mas de una vez. Pero cuando realmenteparecieron alborotarse mas, fue a raíz de mi respuesta a un comentariode Glizia. Días antes, mediantelos mensajes del Club, había comentado ligeramente la idea de quenosotras dos podríamos con 50 de los miembros del Club, a lo querespondí en abierto también, que sí, que era una deducciónmuy buena, aunque...
Hello guys, I am Akash. This story tells you one of the best things that happened in my life. I am a university final year student and I am quite the person who gets every girl’s attention because I play for the football team and because of my 6 feet muscular body. Even though many girls were eying on me, I never wanted to settle for any of them, I wanted someone special for me! One day, early in the morning and while we were on football practice, it started raining. So, the practice was...
Thought I had better write down an experience I had where I had my mouth full of cock. I have this friend who I had met here on Xhamster and who is gay. I am changing the names of both men. Rex my friend I had met had recently moved to another state and I had began to miss him as he brought me out of my shell and I discovered my like for cock. Rex is a ginger and has a nice cock which he wanted sucked every chance when we got together. The problem was after he had moved, I realised I never got...
by Vanessa Evans Part 03 My phone alarm woke me at 6:30 and I again cursed Karen but I got up and did my business in the bathroom. At 6:50 I nervously left my room, still totally naked and headed down to the leisure centre. I cursed when I found the doors locked. The doors were in a bit of a recess and I hid in that recess so that I wasn’t visible from the corridor. A few minutes later I heard footsteps coming towards me and then I saw a young man with a key in his hand. I just stood there...
Caught Bonking the Mrs by her Mom.I’m Dave (28) my wife Jo is the girl next-door type (26) brunette, 36B tits, long legs, pussy with a small landing strip and an attractive face. I married her some may 8 years ago. She loves sex and, comparing her with my earlier experiences, she is fantastic in bed or anywhere else. Her parents John (59) and Samantha (46); John is something in banking and only has time for spread sheets. Samantha is an older version of my wife but doesn’t have time for me or...
BlackmailI suffered through the rest of the week. We had piano practice every night but each time Mom wore a crisp white blouse, with a bra, and a tight black skirt. Her outfit prevented any underneath play and when I tried to hold her tits, she elbowed my hands out of the way. Mom insisted I play, but only the piano.After each session, Mom walked slowly into the living room to receive Dad's accolades. The light shimmered off the sheer hose, her high heels tensioning her calf muscles as she...
While I was in high school I was horny all the time. The hormones gave me a perpetual hard on. Fortunately I had everything well in hand. After graduation I only came home on holidays and summer vacation. Well one holiday I was home and I had gone to a party with some friends. After the party I was pretty horny and had no relief. It was a little after midnight and I went into the house expecting everyone to be asleep. As I walked down the hall I saw a light coming from my parents bedroom...
Sitting here, watching the wind whipping the falling snow with the temperature hovering in the low 20's, has my mind slipping back in time and feeling as though I were looking down a hallway of time past, traveling through the smoke from those fires of memory to a hot late spring Saturday afternoon. It is drifting back to the city of Norfolk, Virginia where cold irons bind and no deed ever goes unpunished.I was driving from the Little Creek Amphibious Base Petty Officer's club to go and meet...
Straight SexMom and Dad have gone off to hole up for the weekend to see if there was anything left of their once happy marriage. Carey and her brother are left alone with the house to themselves... Waking up with her brother snoring in the back of her neck, Carey had a pain in her lower tummy and scrambled out of bed dancing on her toes toward the bathroom. "Gotta go! gotta go! gotta go." She whispered all the way in. When she unrolled a tuft of toilet paper and put it between her legs, Carey thought...
"Are you sure about this war business, father?" I asked. "Yes. Churchill is convinced that Hitler will never be satisfied until he has all of Europe under his thumb. Chamberlain is a fool if he thinks his Munich Agreement is worth the paper it's written on. Mackenzie King is dithering about which oracle to consult, and our American friends have no interest in getting involved. I'm afraid the Commonwealth is ill prepared for conflict. My god, it's been barely twenty years since the...
I am an electronic professional living at Indore. I a good looking tall 6 feet guy of 24 year old and it all was happened in last year winter. I usually went to cyber cafe in evening time between 6 to 7 pm. It was my daily routine that time to check mails and chat with my friend in evening. I remember the day, it was Monday and time in the watch was around 6 pm and I went to cyber cafe which is situated on RNT marg and ask for a cabin. He saw his list and told me that all cabin are busy for...
I was back in school in the early part of January when my mother had another of her serious depression withdrawals. Everything had been going fine, one minute she was laughing and happy, and the next, she went up to her room and started the painful process of guilt and overwhelming sadness. It was like one of those long slides they had in the playground at the school I had gone to. Mama would go anywhere from two or three days, to two or three months, seemingly perfectly normal, then, for...
Mr walker smacked me on my right buttock with his hand and told me that now he was going to punish me. He grasped my thighs, firmly with both hands and pushed against me, he was naked, but right on target, his cock was inside me with the first thrust I had been divorced for about two years and the proverbial shit had hit the fan, with a daughter at University and a mortgage to pay, as well as the utility bills and car costs, I was flat, broke. My ex had cleared off back to Canada and I got...
MILFAs I pressed my ear back to the wall I heard Kathleen yell “ohhh mmyyyy God”. Then Alicia said “oh yeah you little bitch you like that don’t you”. As my dad yelled down for us to come up to dinner. I heard Kathleen scream as her orgasm reached. As I left to go upstairs the two of them came out of their room. Kathleen was wearing a nice white skirt that showed her panties nicely and a white blouse that showed her nice round tits in her sexy hot pink bra. Alicia was wearing a pair of tight pants...
I awoke once again with the salty yet sweet taste of cum in my mouth and immediately felt for my oil and seed coated ass. Now empty, it came back to life as I slid a finger into it. I was feeling so good I couldn't ask for more in my life. Getting fucked again and again by my two younger lovers, and being consumed by my new addiction to cum, I felt that I was now the happiest man on earth.Why I never was in love like this before I will never know, but now I was so content that I couldn't think...
The gorgeous Jewelz Blu is hanging out in her room. Horny as hell, she’s already dripping wet as she slides a massive dildo into her pussy. She goes wild, fucking herself as she moans with pleasure. But there’s no substitute for the real thing, so she gets down on her knees and slides your thick cock down her throat. Jewelz works your cock like the expert she is, giving you a sloppy blowjob and deep-throating you. Pretty soon, Jewelz can’t wait any longer for you to fill her...
xmoviesforyouIt was in my twenty fifth year that I left my home town. While I'd always planned to spread my wings, it was an ugly break up with a long time boyfriend that was the catalyst. I moved from being a nurse in a small town hospital to being a nurse in a big city hospital. Apart from the pain of leaving family and friends, the move was the most exciting time of my life. I first resided in the nurse's accommodation adjacent to the main hospital. While my small room was clean and comfortable, it came...
Within a few months and with the whisperings of Mandi, Veronica has gotten closer to Samuel Sanders, becoming his girlfriend and business partner, making the company Marx, Sanders & Martins. She had also gotten close to Thomas Marx too. They kept affair secret and ongoing until Thomas took it to the grave with his mysterious car accident. Veronica has love, wealth and power—everything she craved. But Mandi isn’t happy. She wasn’t happy when Veronica had her affair with the secretary...
Amanda returned to the ward where Zoe was being treated, worried now about Robbie too. A nurse informed her that Zoe was comfortable but still unconscious and she would need to remain at least overnight. They had taken some blood for tests but she reassured Amanda that Zoe should be just fine. She checked on Alison and was told that she too was being kept overnight, for observation mainly the nurse said. With little else to do she decided to go home and try to get some rest. Robbie awoke...
The next day I worked at home and finished my essay. Rachel went to the library – she wanted to do some research on ravens, she said. Rachel got home in the mid- afternoon. "I couldn't find Audie!" "I would have guessed that." "But they just met!" "She was smitten: a published poet, sorrowful, solitary." "Did you read him?" "No. I just don't know him well enough. And I barely touched him, so there was no real contact. We just shook hands." "I don't trust...
Christine took a quick glance at the clock hanging over Mr. Vasiliev's desk. Fuck, only 2:15. I can't take 45 more minutes of Mr. V's class. Is Maria still meeting me after school? I hope she wants to get something to eat... Christine's mind wondered. Christine discreetly took her phone out of her backpack and slowly moved it to her lap out of Mr. Vasiliev's view. She opened her text message window and began to type. Christine: r u meeting me after class still? Maria: yeah but I might get ther...
AnalThe haunting sobs from Mrs. Robinson filled Grace with a certain dread that she would be found out as a female and soon suffer the same fate as her admired older female acquaintance. The four terrified daughters had not been placed into undignified positions as yet and Grace was concerned their use by the sex-starved pirate crew would be far too traumatic for such well brought-up females of the upper-classes. She was still safe in her disguise as a cabin-boy of absolutely no interest to the...
"Ok mom, I'll put it away if that's what you really want." I challenged. "It is, now put it away. You shouldn't be doing that in front of me." "Prove it." "Prove what?" Mom asked getting flustered. "I said I wanted you to put it away." "So prove it." I repeated. "Let me touch your pussy. If it's not wet I'll leave right now and never bother you about this again." "No! You can't touch me there. It's wrong." I continued to stroke my cock, working it faster now as it approached full size again....
Note : This story is completely fictional! She turned the page and the sun went below the horizon. She could wait no more. Inspite of telling herself every five minutes that he would be here any minute now, she knew that Roger was coming no more. No more would she see his beautiful, yet manly face. No more would his hands caress her breasts tenderly. No more would he call her his poupet. She got up and went back inside. For Ryan, it was a regular fixture to watch his beautiful neighbor sit...
EroticLiv has a little extra slobber all over her shirt as she begins her second gangbang up on the pedestal, fresh off a very wet and messy session of GREET THE MEAT. The wetness and messiness continue as Randy goes gown on Liv to GREET THE PLEATS for a good long licking, lubing her up naturally for her SIX COCKSMEN to start having their way with her. Will won this week’s episode of GUESS THE V, so he gets the first sample of Liv’s tight pinkness. She’s already taking it from both...
xmoviesforyouWHILE I waited for Mary’s train to come into Paddington Station the events of the last seven months played through my head. The judicial system in England and Wales is a behemoth, tortuously slow and justice takes a long time. There are sound reasons for this, it allows better evidence to show up, more witnesses to come forward, better consideration of the facts and hopefully better judgements. And the accused too have longer to examine their consciences and reflect on the scales of...
Riley Star is visiting her uncle and cousin! Not only because she loves her family, but also because they happen to have the nicest swimming pool in the neighborhood and she was hoping to possibly seduce her uncle into giving her a summer job. The uncle was super excited to see her, but her cousin not so much. He doesn’t trust her and thinks shes sneaky. He knows what she’s up to. After seeing her ask his dad to oil her up, her cousin can’t let this go on any longer. He pulls...
xmoviesforyouThough late and feeling the hour, a new addition to the second bedroom in Snake's suite perked me up. Rosa and her perfect little voluptuous body and her gorgeous sweet face encouraged the response she needed to receive a good fucking from me. Though desperately horny, she didn't get the immediate release she seemed to crave. After the four of us, Lindy and I and our two angel lovers, passed out soon after stripping naked and kissing each other goodnight, I found my cock heated and wetted...
The New JobBy BossDaddySometimes I can be really stupid. When I was just 18 years old I dropped out of high school with only two months before my graduation. My parents were furious with me when they found out and told me I wasn’t going to be “laying around the house doing nothing”. They said I had to get a job right away. My employment prospects didn’t look good because I wasn’t qualified to do anything. I spent most of my high school years hanging around with my buddy’s smoking pot, getting...
Myself Naveen from Vizag, I am 27 years and 5 feet 8 inches, I do have a cute face(many people do say that) if not it will be difficult to own my Sister :) and coming to my cousin Deepu(name changed) age 22 who is damn sexy to look at and have an mind blowing shape of 34 30 36. Coming to my story, we use to meet very randomly at family functions and we never had this thought of any special intentions. I hardly remember, we have met when she is studying her 9th class for the first time when they...
IncestI keep promising to write about our experiences, especially those sharing experiences that I know you all love. We don’t often take photos or videos of these experiences as the other parties involved very rarely want them shown on our blog. So please forgive me that I must put in words what would be hot to see visually.I thought I would write about a recent MFM experience we had with a long time friend of mine. Mark had met him a number of years before but he and I had been friends since...
I've always been a little bi-curious, never minded watching a bit of man on man porn, she males and cross dressers that sort of stuff. When I was younger I had dabbled with some friends fooling around while drunk, furthest I had ever gone was giving someone a BJ. Them I stumbled across Craigslist, just scrolling through the hundreds of ads made me hard. I found myself getting attracted more and more to the "I just need to blow my load and leave" style ads. The thought of being used by a...
Vlucht KL-722 Inleiding : Dit verhaal is ge?nspireerd op 2 films. Ten eerste The Langoliers, een niet heel slechte film uit de mid-90's van Stephen King. Nee het verhaal speelt zich niet af op een vliegveld of in een vliegtuig. Het is alleen de gedachte dat er rare dingen kunnen gebeuren als je in diepe slaap bent tijdens hevige turbulentie! Dit is het verhaal van Mark Lauwers, of zullen we maar gelijk zeggen, Melanie Lauwers? Het eerste deel gaat volledig over Mark Lauwers, v...
Vivie came awake crying. She was in a casket of some sort and the lid was rising. In the opening appeared a vaguely familiar face that changed from smiling to an expression of concern. Sitting up, Vivie realized that she was naked, not that it bothered her. It was just a fact. She sniffled, then decided that she needed to ‘man up’. “Welcome back, Missy, I’m Gunnery Sergeant Sam Anderson, and I have something of yours,” said the towering figure. “You and your baby toad-sticker saved my...
In the dim light of the office, Erica's expression was a little scary. I didn't know her at all so I wasn't sure what to expect. She went over to a table that held dozens of different electronic gadgets, picked up a video camera, turned it on, placed it on the corner of the desk, and pointed it at me. Okay, maybe she was going to give me that demonstration. Only, I wasn't in the right location to see the computer monitor. I stood there, patiently waiting for her to say something, but...
One sunny afternoon.I have a choice, clean the caravan and go away or mend the fence between my new neighbour and me. The weather is set fair so the caravan it is.I vacuum and clean the inside, working up a sweat. Wash the outside; getting soaked. Finally I strip off all my clothes and clean the shower. Believe me, it’s easier cleaning the shower naked. You’re going to get soaked and then need a shower to warm up. Everything done I open the shower door and dry myself; looking forward to a cool...
It had been a few summers since I was forced to be a sex slave to my Aunt in her apartment.She had tired of dressing me up and showing me off to her friends and they were now aware of my situation and I think some felt sorry for me to be blackmailed like this.She had me do several things in front of her Friends and they included bondage , torture, and using dildos to use me as a boi whore!I had hoped to somehow get even with her but how?I dreamed that it would come someday soon and she would...
Introduction: A short fantasy of how I wish things had gone after a date I went on to the movies Wheres your car? he asked as I stopped walking right next to my Jeep. Wow, he seemed surprised, Thats cool. Do you go off-roading? Yeah, I said, my eyes beginning to migrate towards the floor as I slowly became more and more aware of the fact that we were entirely alone in the parking lot, We go out to the desert sometimes, but for the most part I use it as my normal car. I leaned back against the...
Well after having such a thrill of my mom watching me I started to think of ways for her to have a look. A few days passed by and one plan I had was to walk around in just my boxers. I cut the slot out just a little bit more so I would be exposed a little more. One instance I remember was one night me and my mom were watching a movie and about half way through I noticed her yawning. I told her I was going to take a shower but I would be back. I finished my shower and put on my boxers and went...
It would have been difficult to imagine a more remarkable contrast if one had seen this same woman little more than three months before. This abjectly obedient and submissive slave girl, known as Belle, had then been the spoilt and pampered, proud arrogant Lady Isabel Dysart.How this transformation was achieved we must now investigate. But first, a few vignettes to highlight her character and way of life.SCENE 1: The drawing room at Grange Manor, home of Sir Charles and Lady Isabel Dysart....
I was invited over by a guy i had been talking to, told him i was very kinky and wanted to explore more, so we plan a time to have some fun, it was a lot longer away than when we usually plan, he told me he was pretty busy. we had been talking about walking to set up a gang bang, but i told him it would be to weird for me to try so he agreed he would like to try and help me one day. we didnt say anything about a gangbang recently though. I got to his house and we went upstairs,we talked for a...
Kim was a pretty woman in her late-twenties. She was married to a long-distance trucker named Larry who was seldom home. Kim was sure Larry loved his truck more than her and she didn't care much for Larry either. Kim got pregnant she was still in high school. Now that her youngest c***d was in grade school, she wanted to get an education.Larry thought she should stick to raising the k**s, watching game shows and meeting his needs after a road trip. When Larry played linebacker in high school,...
The woman in the street, she was real looker. Long blonde hair, ample bosom and legs that went on forever. And she was heading right for me! "How about it?" she said in a sultry voice. "How about what?" I stammered, my cock was rising to attention. "This!" and she placed her lips firmly on mine, grabbing my throbbing cock at the same time. She lead me back to her car (I presume it was hers) and we ended up making out in the back. She was horny as hell and I felt like I was...
Sunday morning. Lynn is the first one up. Mike is sleeping soundly. She showers in the spare bathroom so she doesn’t disturb him. She puts on her short robe and goes to the kitchen and brews some coffee. She sits at the kitchen table, sipping coffee, and looking out at the backyard.She has a smile and thinks, ‘God that was something last night. Mike serviced me twice. I thought he liked being submissive but wasn’t sure. I can’t imagine any of my girlfriends flirting with another guy in front of...
Wife LoversOhhhh Naruto-kun&hellip, Hinata moaned behind the fogged shower door. Naruto smiled devilishly licking his lips. He opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly, Hinata began speaking softly again. Heh… Naruto-kun of course I love you&hellip, How long have I loved you? She cooed quietly. He stood there confused, a question in his eyes. Is she talking to herself? She doesnt know Im here? Well this could be fun&hellip, he thought to himself smiling. Hinata began speaking once more. Naruto… I loved you...
Farty Jimbo answered the phone. “Hello” said Farty Jimbo “Hello, this is Tuesday” said the voice on the phone “No,” said Farty Jimbo “This is Sunday. I know for a fact.” “No, I mean this is Tuesday Wells. I don’t know what day it is there. It may very well be Sunday.” “Well it is Sunday, and I don’t know any Tuesday Wells.” Said Farty Jimbo “Well I guess we haven’t met yet, but we will. It was hard getting a hold of you.” Said Tuesday Wells. “I know this all must sound...
“Hang on a minute. I’m just going back to find Polly. She should have been down here by now. It wasn’t going to take her this long to read through the rest of her morning’s notes.” Jessie Harper stood ankle deep in the water’s edge of Lake Jackson as she spoke. She was just starting to untie her blouse done up across her bikini top but had a quick rethink before doing it up again. She had already taken off her short skirt that had covered her bikini bottoms but quickly put the skirt back on...
Ashley Adams’s wedding has finally arrived. The beautiful brunette bride is getting ready with her doting maid of honor, sexy young busty blond Cristi Ann. Everything seems to be ggoing according to plan, hair and make-up is done, the bride is almost dressed and the limo driver is waiting nearby. Little do they realize, things are just about to take a sharp turn toward bondage and sexual disgrace. The bride has trouble squeezing her massive melons into her wedding dress, so the girls seek...
xmoviesforyouA small sigh escapes the king's lips. The voluptuous blonde worships his demonic cock lovingly. Running her tongue along his studded shaft before swallowing his swollen head. A clawed hand cups the back of her head as she works his massive cock into her throat. Just a few days ago, this buxom little thing was a mighty demon huntress who made her way to his throne room. Now the girl was little more than a devoted slave, worshipping him and his dark mother the Goddess Lilith. A grin broke across...
FantasyI am now in my mid 40’s and I am married. I love women but I have a craving for cock from time to time. I just think it is very natural and wonderful to enjoy sex with a man from time to time. Although, I have not and would not actually do anything while, I am married, I am not a cheater. I want to relate to you the hottest guy to guy sex I have ever had as just remembering it makes me so fricking horny I can almost get off without touching myself! So here it goes: I was 36 and had recently...
‘Mallow Cup’ Now, in this chapter, I want to focus on Eleanor and her fantasy man, Father Alexander O’Sheehan. Now this was a humorous story and at the same time very cute. Now to exception to it, there were some bits that were really sexy to me. The thing about the story was this is a two-sided story…sort of. Eleanor told me most of her ordeal. On the other hand, Father O’Sheehan thought nothing of the attraction until they met. So, with this in mind, this is their first meeting… The day...
Als Julia aufwachte, begrüßte sie ein gewohnter Anblick. Neben ihr lag, splitternackt, ihre beste Freundin und Mitbewohnerin Tina. Wenn mal keine der beiden jemanden abschleppte, was selten genug passierte, schliefen die Freundinnen meistens gemeinsam in Julias großem Bett. Der Anblick ihrer Freundin, machte die Wahl-Hamburgerin schon etwas scharf, also fing sie erst einmal an, sich zu fingern. Ihre rechte Hand ging dabei in ihren Schoß, mit der linken knetete sie ihre Brüste. Als sie dann so...