Pondicherry Pubil Pennai Usar Seithen 8211 Part 3
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Gloria Swanson stood, looking at the two students she had just awarded the lead roles in the senior play, which would be performed for the community just before graduation. She had barely gotten it approved by the board and she wanted everything to go smoothly. To that end she was trying to make sure all her ducks were in a row. What she was about to do was part of that process.
"Okay," she said. "As this is a very mature play, I'm going to require that your parents sign a letter verifying that they will allow you to take the parts."
Jan glanced over at Bobby, who would be her leading man in the play. He was a boy she had never noticed before. She knew he played some instrument in the band, but that was about it. Nice looking, with longish brown hair. She couldn't tell much about his body in the clothes he was wearing, but he seemed like a nice guy. She knew she'd have to kiss him during the play, and there was a scene that was supposed to look like they were making love. She was a little nervous about that, but she bridled at having to have her parents' permission.
"I'm eighteen, Ms. Swanson," she pointed out. "I shouldn't have to have my parents' permission to do this."
"I'm aware of your age," said Gloria. "I restricted tryouts for these two roles to those who were eighteen or older, if you'll remember. But this is a high school production," said Gloria. "There is a very racy scene in the play, and I won't do it unless I know I won't have parents coming out of the woodwork afterwards. If you don't want the part, then just say so now, but I'm not going to argue about it. You'll have to have your parents permission or I won't cast you in the role."
"I want the part," said the girl. "I'm going to major in theater when I go to college."
"Okay, then," said Gloria. She turned to the boy. "And you, Mister McIntyre?"
For his part Bobby was petrified. Jan was a cheerleader, and one of the most popular girls in school. He had tried out for the play on a whim, because the part of a Confederate Cavalry officer who sneaks into town to see his lady love was just the kind of thing he imagined himself to be ... in his fantasies, anyway. He was more surprised than anyone when Ms Swanson called his name for the part. He too was thinking about the love scene and getting to kiss Jan. He was having a hard time breathing, but the last thing he was worried about was getting his parents' approval. They'd be elated that he'd decided to be in a play. They were always trying to get him to do things like this. He nodded his head, not trusting his voice to speak, at the moment.
Ms Swanson sighed. Kids always thought they could do anything, but she wanted this production to be perfect. It was the first time the board had approved a play that had sexual overtones in it. Granted, the love scene took place under a blanket, but it had to go well and tastefully or they'd never let her do anything else like it - probably ever.
"Okay, look, in this play you two are supposed to be a young couple who have secretly been in love for years. Jan your father is a rich plantation owner and Bobby, you come from common stock - blacksmithing. As such you were never supposed to even meet, much less fall in love. But you stole time together secretly for years and you must be able to communicate that to the audience. You have to convince them that you know each other intimately." She looked at their faces to see if they were listening. "So what I want is for you two to spend a lot of time together in the next month - as much as a boyfriend and girlfriend ... Get to know each other - share secrets - try to be the soldier and his sweetheart."
Jan looked uncertainly at Bobby. Ms Swanson sighed again. "Look, it's all pretend, okay? Just spend time together as much as possible and tell your friends it's play practice. If it looks like you two aren't going to be able to gel then I'll have to find another pair." She turned to talk to some of the other kids in the play.
Bobby turned to Jan and said "Hi, I'm Bobby McIntyre."
Jan's opinion of him went up a notch. Most guys tried to hit on her immediately. He was polite at least. And everybody in school knew her, yet he offered to let her introduce herself instead of assuming things about her. "And I'm Jan Thomas. Pleased to meet you ... sweetheart." They both laughed.
"I've never done this before," he said.
"Oh, it's no big deal. I've been in lots of plays before. It's easier than you think. You'll do fine," she said.
"I'm worried about getting stage fright," he said worriedly.
"Well, by the time we actually perform I promise you you'll know the lines so well you'll be saying them in your sleep, and we'll practice the moves so much you'll be doing them unconsciously. The trick is to forget about the audience and live the actions."
They made plans to get together the next night to begin the process of getting to know each other and going over lines. He wondered if this counted as a real date. He also hoped her boyfriend wouldn't cause trouble. The only guys he ever saw her with were jocks, and they had testosterone problems in the first place. He thought of himself as a lover, not a fighter. Not that he'd ever had a chance to be a lover.
The next night it actually felt like a date. Bobby's stomach was roiling as he knocked on the front door of the very nice house. Jan answered the door herself, though, and she looked so relaxed ... so unworried ... that he felt his pulse slow a little.
Rather than ask each other personal questions, they elected to just read through the entire play first, to get the story line down and see how their parts fit in with the rest. When they got to the part where the love scene was, both got a little uncomfortable. There was a description of how the male was supposed to be between the female's thighs and her knees were supposed to be visible holding the blanket up while the male's buttocks went up and down etc etc etc. The thought of actually being between Jan's thighs made Bobby's knees weak. He had all the normal fantasies about girls, especially cheerleaders, and Jan was gorgeous. He jerked off regularly thinking about various different girls and the night after being chosen for the part had jerked off while thinking about Jan. When he realized that his groin would almost certainly have to rub against hers during the scene, he knew he'd get hard and that worried him because he also knew Jan wouldn't like that one bit.
Jan was popular and went out on lots of dates, but she didn't fool around much. She masturbated like crazy to deal with the feelings she had from boys trying to get in her pants, and had even broken her hymen with a candle several years ago. But no boy had ever seen her naked below the waist and only one had been allowed to touch her there. Her breasts were another matter. She loved to have her breasts caressed and loved it even more when she got her nipples sucked. She was proud of her breasts. They had originally grown in shaped like cones, but had rounded out nicely and were topped with pale pink nipples that were super sensitive. The thought of being able to have a man between her thighs, rubbing against her as she knew would happen, and it being okay, made her get a little wet between her legs. She looked at Bobby who, thus far, at least, seemed like a good candidate to do something like that with ... something fun, but not serious. She really appreciated that he was polite and anything but pushy.
They went on and finished the play.
"Wow," said Bobby when they had finished. "There's a lot of lines for both of us."
"I told you not to worry. We'll practice until you're sick of saying yours and hearing mine. It'll be like a dream that comes to you in your sleep over and over until you know everything that will happen."
"I don't know about that love scene," he said. "I think that may be the hardest part of all." It was obvious he was worried and uncomfortable.
Jan decided she liked him even more. Most guys would be wanting to practice that part first - and probably often. "Well, we won't worry about that until later. We'll just get to know each other and see how it goes. Okay?" She wanted to put him at ease.
Over the next two weeks they spent some of almost every evening together. They ate at each other's houses and practiced their lines in different places so they didn't get bored. Little by little they began to learn the kind of things about each other that only good friends learn.
One night they were in Jan's bedroom going over lines. Bobby sat on the floor while Jan sat on the edge of her bed. Bobby glanced under the bed and his throat tightened as he realized there was a pair of bikini panties lying crumpled just under the bed. His eyes must have telegraphed something because Jan leaned over to see what he was looking at. When she saw the powder blue wisp of cloth she was horrified. She snatched them and wadded them up in her hand.
"Oh ... I'm sorry, I must have dropped them there when I took them off," she said.
There was an awkward silence. Bobby decided to try to lighten the mood. "Why Darlin', you know ah love you, and that you could never do ani-thin' to disappoint me." He drawled in his carefully cultivated southern accent.
She giggled. "Oh Robuht, you are such ah gentlemahn. Ah do wish this horrible Wah was ovah so we could be tugethah again," she ad-libbed.
Now Bobby was getting into it. "But darlin' you know Ah have tuh return to thu conflict. Maht Ah have some token of yoah's to carry with me into battle?"
Jan went with it. "Oh Robuht, you wish to carry mah colors into battle? How could Ah refuse yoah simple wish." And with that she held out her hand and dangled the wisp of light blue cloth in front of his face.
Instinctively Bobby reached for the panties. As his hand closed around them and she released them he realized what he was holding and his jaw dropped. "Ahhhh ... uhhhh ... ummmm."
Jan giggled again. Bobby was holding something in his hand that at least a hundred boys would kill to possess, yet he was blushing and couldn't even speak. He really was sweet she thought to herself. He deserved a reward. "And when you return ... victorious ... from thuh field of battle, Ah will wear them for you once moah." She couldn't say it straight faced and collapsed into laughter.
Bobby wasn't sure at first if she was laughing at him or just at the situation. When he saw the look on her face though, he felt better. Just to spite her - and to see what she would do - he stuffed the panties in his pocket.
She acted like nothing had happened and began to read lines again. Bobby felt his dick twitch. Then they carried on with the lines.
When they were done for the night he went home and she didn't ask for the panties back. When he got home he looked at them for a long time, lying in his hand. He knew he was going to smell them, but he didn't want to for some reason. Or maybe it was that he thought he shouldn't want to. Just looking at them was somehow immensely satisfying. He tried to imagine her in them, but he didn't have enough information about her body to compose that picture in his mind.
He realized they were at his nose. His hand had brought them there while he was thinking about her. He sniffed them and realized she had told the truth when she said she'd worn them. His dick got rock hard and he knew he'd have to beat off. He didn't want to soil the panties because they smelled so good to him, so he lay them next to his head as he jacked off.
Staring at them he shot a line of sperm at least eighteen inches into the air.
Meanwhile Jan was lying in her own bed, one finger buried in her itching pussy, wondering what Bobby was doing. She couldn't believe she'd actually given him her panties! Used panties! She'd never done anything like that before in her whole life! It made her pussy feel so warm and wet to know that a boy had her panties.
Two nights later Jan showed up at Bobby's house to rehearse lines. Bobby's mother smiled and invited her in.
"It's always good to see you, Jan," she said.
Jan smiled and said, "Well, I imagine he's probably pretty tired of me by now."
The woman smiled again. "Oh I doubt that. You're very pretty and boys will be boys." Jan felt a tingle in her belly at that point and Bobby's mother spoke again. "I hope you don't mind, but my husband and I have a bridge club meeting tonight. Will you be okay without us here? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
Jan almost laughed. "We'll be fine. Bobby's always behaved himself like a real gentleman."
The woman beamed. "I'm so glad. He'll be right down."
Shortly Bobby's parents left, leaving Jan alone in the living room. She opened the script and began to study the lines she wanted to practice tonight. It was the first place where the young couple were supposed to kiss and she wondered how Bobby would react to that. She found herself looking forward to seeing if he was a good kisser. About then Bobby bounded down the stairs, his script in hand. He was wearing a T shirt and gym shorts and it crossed Jan's mind that, once you actually looked at him, he was pretty hunky looking. She gave him the page number and they started in on the lines. Soon they were at the kissing scene and both stopped.
"Um ... I suppose we should probably..." Jan said softly.
"You mean ... kiss?" Bobby gulped.
Jan started to feel silly. "Yeah. I mean we're going to have to do it sooner or later and we may as well get it over with."
Bobby's face fell and she went on. "The first time I mean. I know we're both nervous, but if we do it a few times then maybe it'll get easier."
"A few times." Bobby's eyes went a little out of focus.
"It's just a couple of kisses," she laughed. "Surely you've kissed a girl before."
"Of course," he said. He wasn't about to tell her how few times that had happened.
Both stood up and hesitantly approached each other. He was hesitant because other than experimenting with several of his cousins at a family reunion (which they had instigated) the only thing he'd ever kissed was his pillow. She had spent hours kissing, but not with this particular boy. Neither knew what to do with their hands, so they just left them at their sides. As they leaned toward each other their faces got closer and closer until their lips finally met.
What neither of them had thought about was that with their toes probably two feet apart, and their lips together, their center of balance was off and, without their hands they couldn't break the kiss. Jan realized their predicament first, about the same time she realized his lips were very soft and warm and ... nice feeling. Bobby, for his part, was just plain paralyzed. When her lips touched his, his dick started to swell and suddenly he couldn't breathe. Consequently, when her hands came up to his chest and pushed gently he rocked back on his heels and almost fell on the floor. As he flailed to get his balance his face flamed red and all he could see was her wide-eyed stare and her mouth open in a little "o".
He felt like such a loser.
Then her gaze lowered. To the tent at the front of his shorts. Her eyes got even wider and the "o" got bigger. Bobby whipped around, facing away from her and almost cried with embarrassment. "Oh shit" he groaned, not realizing he had actually said it out loud.
Jan saw his embarrassment and felt a flood of warmth in her chest.
"Bobby" she said hesitantly.
He couldn't face her.
"I'm sorry Jan. You must think I'm a real jerk."
She was surprised "Oh no!" she said quickly. He looked over his shoulder at her, a question in his eyes. "I mean, it's okay." she said. "I mean it's perfectly normal and I understand completely." Now she was beginning to be embarrassed and her face started to flush. "In fact, I take it as a compliment. There! Now we can't let this beat us." Her voice firmed as she tried to get control of her emotions. "Come on, kiss me again."
She walked over to him, grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face her. She made sure not to look down, and stared straight into his eyes.
"Come on" she said more softly "We have to get used to this so we can move on."
She left her hands on his shoulders and moved closer to him, reaching up with her lips. When his face descended to hers and their lips met again, Jan felt weak in her knees. The next thing she knew her hands were behind his head and she was crushing her lips to his. Then his hands went to her waist and then to her back and they were in a lover's embrace.
That kiss went on and on as each youngster let emotion take over. Jan felt her breasts pressing into his chest and her nipples started to stiffen. Then she felt the lump she had seen earlier pressing into her abdomen and her knees got even weaker. She swayed and Bobby caught her as her legs gave way. They were by the couch and he lowered her to a sitting position. Both were gasping for breath as he leaned over her.
"Are you okay Jan? Did I hurt you?" he asked anxiously.
Jan just stared up at him. "Wow," she sighed. Then she repeated herself "Wow."
Bobby stood up, his poorly hidden erection how right in front of Jan's face. She stared at the lump in his shorts. Bobby realized what was happening and hurriedly sat down on the couch, his hands going to his lap and hiding his boner. Jan turned her head and stared at Bobby's face.
"Wow!" she said again.
Bobby had enjoyed the kiss too, more than anything else he could think of. But the look on her face worried him.
"Are you okay Jan?" he asked again.
She snapped out of it. "Um, yes ... I'm okay. It was just ... I mean I've never felt anything like that..." she began to flush, "I mean I've kissed a lot of boys before, of course, but ... it was never like that." She looked at him with wonder in her eyes. "You're a pretty good kisser Bobby," she ended up.
He grinned, relieved that she wasn't mad. "Uh ... thanks."
She glanced down at his hands in his lap.
"And I mean it. Don't worry about ... that..." she grinned. "It really is normal and I really do take it as a compliment. With a kiss like that last one I'd be worried if it didn't happen." She blushed again, but felt much more relaxed.
Bobby was elated. He had been embarrassed that he couldn't control his body, but now it was okay. She understood and wasn't going to think he was some kind of pervert.
They actually got through two more acts with no problem. Then they came to the love scene. They stared at each other.
"I don't know about this" Bobby said.
Jan, by now, had decided she was actually looking forward to practicing the love scene. It meant she got to do some more practice kissing, and based on the last one she couldn't wait.
"We have to," she said, a little breathlessly. "We're obviously nervous, and we have to get over that."
Ms Swanson had already told them the actual scene would be performed with Jan in a tube top, or bikini top, something that would allow her bare shoulders to show, and that Bobby would be shirtless. She didn't care what they wore below the waist except that it couldn't interfere with costume changes before and after the scene. She suggested gym shorts or something similar, since those could be worn under the costumes both before and after the scene. Jan reminded Bobby of this as they prepared to figure out how to play the scene.
Bobby said, "Well I have on gym shorts now. Should I take my shirt off?"
At first Jan started to say no, but then she thought about what she had felt during the kiss.
"I suppose so," she said. "And so we can get used to seeing each other, I'll take off my shirt too."
She saw Bobby's eyes get very round.
"I have on a bra, and that's about like a bikini top. I can put the shoulder straps under my arms."
Before she could chicken out, Jan stood up and removed her shirt. Bobby stood there staring as her lacy white bra came into view. There, contained in that lace were the beautiful breasts he had fantasized about just last night. His dick had started to go down a little. That ended abruptly and suddenly he was rock hard again ... achingly hard.
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Introduction: The final chapter of Cherry… Thank you, Lucky Mann, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. ***Read the first seven or youll be lost! Thanks for reading. Chapter 8 I had a dream that I was watching TV when I suddenly felt a familiar presence. I looked over at the couch and Katie was watching TV with me. She still wore her blinding-white dress, but she looked nervous for some reason. I said, Hello, Katie. I havent seen you in a while. How are you? Katie said, Hi. Im...
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Chapter 8 I had a dream that I was watching TV when I suddenly felt a familiar presence. I looked over at the couch and Katie was watching TV with me. She still wore her blinding-white dress, but she looked nervous for some reason. I said, “Hello, Katie. I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?” Katie said, “Hi. I’m ok, I guess. But I’m scared about something.” I asked, “Why? What’s the matter?” She looked at me and said, “I’m going to be on TV tomorrow and I’m scared you...
Chapter 7 It was a nice day outside, so I decided to go for a run. Just as I was getting into my rhythm, it occurred to me that everything was unusually grey for such a sunny day. Looking into the sky, I found there was a very strange cloud over me that had me stopping in my tracks to get a better look. It was perfectly stationary but seemed to blow like a flag in the wind; only it blew in all directions at the same time—as if the source of the wind was from the center of the cloud. ...
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Cherry the Cheerleader is written for LuckyMann and is dedicated to him. Chapter 3 “Where is she?! Where is my daughter?!” Cherry’s mother began interrogating me. I remained calm and said, “She is where she is supposed to be: she is at school.” Wishing to avoid creating a scene for the neighbors to gossip about, I motioned to the other doors close by and invited the clearly angry and worried woman inside to talk. I had a few questions of my own for her (like how she knew where...
Hello, my name is Peter and I wrote this story on my cell phone so please excuse any mistakes I made. I was out of the country and did not have access to my pc. Please leave positive comments and messages. I posted this on another site as well. I hope you all enjoy. Cherry´s extraclasses ‘I will see you after school Cherry’ said Mr.Orion sternly as she braced for the dismal afternoon session. Cherry was failing at biology and math and needed extra classes, her parents signed her up to study...
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Cherry.TV has a cute little logo featuring a pair of its namesake fruit. And while the image is clean enough that it could appear on a candy wrapper or child’s toy, there’s some inherent sexuality to it that’s impossible to miss if you’re a horny adult or just a frequent masturbator. Part of it is that sweet little drupe’s sensuous red color, calling to mind the lipstick and painted fingernails of your favorite sluts, as well as the fact that the pair of them together look as much like a ripe,...
Live Sex Cam SitesHer whole body tense from a long day, Cherry nearly collapsed as the elevator rose, pushing her into the ground. She let out a long, gurgling sigh, deflating as she unbuttoned her snug, creased suit. Twelve long hours of managing accounts and personnel at a top-tier law firm was good money, but the burden of responsibility took a toll on her health.She had been looking forward to this all day. The elevator chimed, and she stepped onto the landing of her boyfriend's apartment. Unbuttoning her...
BDSMHello, my name is Peter and I wrote this story on my cell phone so please excuse any mistakes I made. I was out of the country and did not have access to my pc. Please leave positive comments and messages. I posted this on another site as well. I hope you all enjoy. Cherry´s extraclasses"I will see you after school Cherry" said Mr.Orion sternly as she braced for the dismal afternoon session. Cherry was failing at biology and math and needed extra classes, her parents signed her up to study...
InterracialBrief description: Picture if you will the year is 2025 and technology has reached a point that no one foresaw. A woman scientist who was wrongly treated by here male peers and her husband has not only taken technology to a new height but has transformed the world into a nightmare for men who still think they can rule the world. Story and all characters have been created by my uncontrollable imagination. LOL Gina Strixx,a lovely and brilliant scientist had worked for years on countless projects...
FetishBack Home I ran to Ben and jumped up on him and gave him a long, long kiss. When I’d jumped up onto him he’d put his hands under my bare butt to hold me up, and when the kiss finally ended he said, “Gawd Cherry, have you been this wet all the time you’ve been away?” “Just about Ben. Will you fuck me right here and now please?” We were still in the field opposite the cottage and I wondered if the helicopter pilot realised what we were doing as Ben dropped his trousers and fucked me in...
Okay, the first couple of months of the new year weren’t that exciting; well, they had their moments but they were all inside because of the bad weather. Yes, the poker nights were fun, so was the business meetings; and I certainly could never forget the days at Allison’s shop. I haven’t grown any more, either height or my little boobies, but my nipples are getting bigger. Ben is threatening to tie some string to them and pull me around by them. My nipple clamps have more to grab onto and...
The decision On the drive back to the cottage from our public holiday trip to the city, Ben asked me what I wanted to do about my money. I asked him to keep it for me, saying that if I took it home my family would only steal it from me and spend it on booze and drugs. The conversation then changed to when I was going to go back home. Ben asked, “Have you heard from your mother or father Cherry? Maybe a letter that arrived when I was at work?” “Not a thing, I would have told you; have...
She was sixteen years young, beautiful and innocent. Her name was Cherry, and she was just as tasty. Dark blonde hair hung damply over perfect C-cup breasts and she had full lips, hips and toned limbs. She bent down to the lowest shelf on the refridgerator and giggled at the brush of cold air that slid past her pussy. She became quickly excited and ran upstairs, completely forgetting about her drink. She threw her towel onto the floor and hurriedly shut her bedroom door. Laying back down...
The business meetings These stopped for a couple of weeks at Christmas but were soon back on. I’m earning a fortune from them, and having a lot of fun as well. The men keep asking me to get another girl to come along but Piper keeps saying that she can’t persuade her mum to let her come into town on another night. Allison’s shop I got Ben to order those extra words to dangle over my pussy but Allison won’t change her mind about me wearing the other words. I guess that I can see her...
Piper and I agreed, then got her parents and Ben to agree, to me going to Piper’s for a few days before Easter, then her coming to stay with Ben and me for a few days after Easter. We were both looking forward to it as I wanted to see what Isaac was going to make us do (Piper’s parents would be at work); and Piper eagerly wanted to see some of the things that I had told her that I got up to. I really hoped that the weather would be just a little warmer so that I could get her ‘out and about’...
We got back home the day before school started again. I’d had so much fun over the school holidays and I wasn’t looking forward to going back. Also, I was so knackered that after checking that I had something to wear for school, I went to bed. The next morning Ben woke me in the best possible way and that sort of set me up ready to face what I was expecting to be a crap day starting year 10. The weather wasn’t too bad as I walked down the lane to the main road to catch the bus to school. I...
Tad's hands were shaking as he handed a wad of dollar bills to Cherry. "That's nineteen, and, uh, I got the rest right here..." He mumbled as he began to fish around in his right pocket for the last dollar, which was made up of many coins that jingled heavily as he tried to scoop them out. Cherry quickly counted the wad of money, and when she saw the trouble the nervous little boy was going to for his last dollar, she reached out and touched his wriggling wrist. "That's OK," Cherry...
The next morning I woke up lying on my side with my back to Ben and his cock sliding in and out of my pussy. “I love it when you wake me like that Ben.” I said. “Ben wakes you like that as well does he? Tanya loves it too.” Ryan replied. “Oh sorry Ryan, I forgot that it was you that fucked me last night.” “That’s okay Cherry; Ben’s probably waking Tanya like that as well. If we stay quiet I may get the chance to wake Piper this way as well.” We slowly fucked until I’d cum then instead of...
Cheryl calls the shotsCheryl finished her showering and was dressing for the evening as I had a scotch/rocks while waiting downstairs. A cool spring breeze blew through the townhouse with the sun setting and an orange-red glow off the clouds.Cheryl came down the stairs in a new outfit, a sheer black and blue trimmed blouse, a black skirt, black hose and high heels.“Nice new outfit, honey, very sexy,” I said as I fondled her left tit as she stood close to me.“I would like a little change tonight...
Back to the XXX TheaterWe were parked in the dimly lit parking lot behind the XXX theater, I stepped from the driver’s side and quickly moved around to the passenger side to let Cheryl out. As I opened the door I also extracted my cock from my loose fitting pants.“What the fuck are you doing?” She chuckled as she watched me begin stroking my cock.“Jacking off, slut, so suck the head of my dick while I jerk it,” I directed my wife as she turned, placing her feet on the ground, legs spread her...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
I stood there with tears in my eyes as I watched the two men. One of them was David ... my David. He held the other guy, Steve Windham, down and pounded him, while a few of Steve's friends looked on in shock. The worst thing about all of it was that it was my fault. I don't think it was totally my fault, I think it was mostly the storm. Let me go back. I married Dave Thomas ten years ago when I was twenty three years old. I'd been a waitress after dropping out of college and Dave started...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Brother's Cherry Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex strode through the halls of The Institute of Apotheosis. For most technology companies, having a eighteen-year-old with no college degreewalking through it would be unusual. But the Institute wasn't most companies. They had a higher purpose than just making the newest device or killer app. They were in the business...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Baby Sister's Sweet Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister's pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The eighteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy,...
That Saturday evening Ben drove me to the big manor house and told me which door to go to. He then told me that he would be back at exactly the same place at 9 o’clock in the morning. The door was opened by a butler called Henry who told me to follow him. He led me to a room where 3 other girls were, all a few years older than me and all in just knickers. One of them came over to me and said, “So, you’re the star of the evening little girl. It’s a long time since they’ve had a cherry to...
“Here,“ mum said placing the two weathered wicker baskets – probably hand woven by my nan around the Second World War - into my hand. There had to be some sort of sentiment behind them, as she still insisted on using them even though they were coming apart around the rim. “You need to fill at least these two if you want both cherry jam and a cake tomorrow,” she said. “And take that –“ she lowered her voice to a whisper, “useless boyfriend of yours with you.”My boyfriend, Will was in my room,...
TeenIt was about six months ago that our life changed, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at t Chapter 1 ? Sir Michael Winston?s Offer It was about six months ago that our life changed drastically, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at the textile plant that was owned by Sir Michael Winston. Our mother had departed from us 17 years ago after the birth of my younger twin sister Jamie. So we are now legally orphans. My...
This last summer, my dad thought that it would be a good idea for me to go and spend the summer with his brother. Now I hadn’t seen the guy or his family since I was about 4 years old and couldn’t even remember what he looked like. Mum said that he was married and had a daughter just a little bit older than me and that it would be good for me to make friends with someone my age. So, very early one Saturday morning my dad took me to the bus station with me wearing only my school uniform and...
That Wednesday I decided to have a day improving my tan and waiting and hoping that the goodies that Ben had ordered would arrive. It was so quiet at the cottage on my own. I was inside getting a drink when the front door opened and the postman walked in. I’m not sure who got more of a shock. “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here. I normally just bring the post in and put it on the table. No letter box and everyone around here never lock their doors. I guess that you must be...
The Country Club My Sunday evenings there are proving quite lucrative and my bank balance is looking quite healthy. Ben says that it would take him 4 or 5 years to earn what I’ve got in the bank. He keeps telling me that I don’t know how lucky I am, getting paid huge amounts just to have some fun. Actually, I do know how lucky I am. I know that I won’t be able to have this much fun when I get old and fat. Anyway, there’s one man in particular who always calls me over and gets me to fuck...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
I suppose that you could say that we settled into a routine, parts very exciting and other parts not quite so. Friday evenings The Friday night poker is one of highlight of the week for me. I get very tingly and wet, as the hours count down, just imagining the things that they could do to me. The guys seem to be spending less time playing cards and more time experimenting with tying me up, suspending me in different positions and trying out all my new toys on me. As soon as Mick and Lewis...
Cherry pulled into the garage and turned the car off. Anything and everything had gone wrong that day. She should have called in sick when she woke up with that headache. Her head ended up being the least of her problems as the day progressed. She sat for a few minutes, letting the day wash over her. She closed her eyes for, what she told herself, was just a few minutes. She breathed deep and the tears slowly began to flow. She let the tears come. Slow drops, one by one, trailed down her...
Straight SexCherry was 5’7 always had her hair in a bun; with had smooth chocolaty complexion and a 36D breast size. Her arse was the size of a melon. However, I do not know what it was about her legs and feet, my eye would naturally fall there even with her other assets. She was beautiful in every way. Cherry and I grew up together we went to the same school and college; we were neighbours and good friends but never anything more. We were best friends and everybody knew I liked her. I am even sure she...
FetishHi, I'm O2BeLISA. CHERRY is a sequel to THE VOLUNTEER. If you haven't read The Volunteer then none of the characters in this story will be recognizable and the story, by itself, won't make any sense. So please read the prequel first which is just how things in the world should be. CHERRY I, like, really truly love this section of town. Everyone says I have the best corner but it wasn't always the best one; it is now, sweetie, because it's...
Finally, we continue the story so you can find out what happens to our poor victim and what still lies ahead. All people mentioned in this story are above the age of eighteen. This story may not be your cup of tea ...so dump it and get coffee. Thanks for the nice comments! As for the bad ones, everyone’s a critic. I just have a dirty mind that I want to share. Thank you Sarah for helping me with my mistakes,bad grammar and spelling. Reading the first story will bring you up to speed on how...
Cherry 3 My dream was so real. Big black cocks, thousands of them, dripping cum. I was surrounded by them, dressed as a woman with huge tits. Sucking them, fucking them, worshipping them! I was a slut for cock! Not just any cock, Big Black Cock! The revelation made my eyes snap open. The first thing I noticed was that I was no longer restrained. The second was my head was in some sort of hazy fog; it was difficult to form thoughts. The final thing I noticed was that I had company in the...