Ohne Willen
- 2 years ago
- 29
- 0
Renee hung up the phone and leaned over the desk, cradling her head in her hand. The day at the office had been bad enough, and this was just the icing on the cake.
Somehow, the computer at the thrift store had picked up a virus. Without it, she couldn't print tags, enter anything into inventory, scan it out when someone purchased something, or keep up with the government paperwork. The weekend would be here in two days, and she had to send the volunteers home without getting anything done today. All of the computer places she'd called either weren't answering, or didn't have an opening.
Sitting up, she ran her fingers through long locks of auburn hair. It was hard enough only being able to open the store for the needy on weekends. The weak economy meant fewer people volunteering their time, and asking them to keep track of everything on paper would only make it worse. The government made sure that it was as difficult as possible to help anyone with grassroots charity, while large organizations paid administrators six figures. One way or another, she had to get the computer fixed - and do it cheap around her own work schedule.
The phone rang again, and she picked it up with a surge of hope. She'd left several messages, and prayed that it was one of the repair shops calling her back. Unfortunately, she saw her neighbor's number on the display.
"Hello," she answered.
"Hi, Renee. I thought you would be there. I have a couple of boxes I put together at my sister's. Do you want me to bring them by there, or just drop them off at the house?"
"Either way is fine."
Her frustration must have crept into her voice, because Phyllis asked, "What's wrong?"
Renee let out a sigh. "I've got a virus on the computer at the store, and I can't get anyone in here to fix it. I'm at a standstill."
"Oh, hang on a second." Her next words were muted, indicating that Phyllis had her hand over the phone's receiver, but Renee could make out enough to know that her neighbor was calling for her son. A second later, she said, "William is good at that sort of thing. He's just lazing about the house, anyway. I'll send him along to see if he can fix it for you."
"I don't want to put anyone out," Renee said automatically, though she was truly elated.
"Nonsense. I'll send the boxes with him too."
"I really appreciate it."
"I know how much of your own money you spend, and I can't usually help all that much. This is one way I can do my part. Well, second hand anyway."
Renee laughed. "Second hand is my stock in trade."
"What should I tell him?"
"That it just won't do anything. I have pop-ups I can't close, and they won't let me get to my programs at all. Have him come to the back door."
"I'll send him along in a few minutes."
"Thanks again."
"Don't mention it. Goodbye."
Renee hung up the phone with a smile on her face. If she could get the computer fixed for free, it would be worth every ounce of frustration. Her grin widened when she considered that William wasn't exactly hard on the eyes either. She couldn't count the number of times she'd hidden behind the curtain, peeking at him running around in the back yard with his shirt off.
At thirty-six, divorced, with a career and the thrift store eating up her time, it was the closest she'd been to an actual naked man in nearly two years.
With the prospect of getting something done today ahead of her, she went to work sorting the donations. About fifteen minutes later, she heard someone tapping on the door and went to answer it. As expected, it was her neighbor, carrying a box of the donations Phyllis had promised.
"Thanks for coming, William."
"No problem, Ms. Parke. Where should I put this down?"
"Please, call me Renee. Just put it over there with any of the closed boxes. I haven't started on any of those yet."
"Got it."
He carried the box over to the table, and she couldn't resist a glance at his butt. He was wearing tight jeans, and the gorgeous glutes visible below the bottom of his jacket drew her eyes like a magnet. She knew darn good and well that she shouldn't be letting the naughty inclination get the better of her - especially with her neighbor's son - but she couldn't help it. He was just too delicious, and she was too deprived.
Once he put the box down, he said, "I'll go get the other one, and then I'll see what I can do with the computer."
"I really appreciate it."
"Fighting a virus is actually fun. Well, at least when it's not on your own computer. It's a challenge."
Renee smiled. "Happy to provide some entertainment, then."
He laughed, said, "Yeah," and then headed out for the second box.
She went back to sorting, a shiver running through her as she looked at his butt again. No matter the demands of her life, she knew she had to make some time for her needs - and soon. She was sure that every cashier at the grocery store was talking about her because of the number of AA batteries she'd purchased recently. The way her nipples were stiffening in response to William was one more indication that part of her was going into full-scale rebellion.
He put down the second box, and then picked up a CD jewel case off the top of it. Before pulling off his coat, he reached into a pocket and pulled out a thumb drive, which he sat next to the computer with the CD. The t-shirt he wore beneath the jacket showed off muscular arms, and stretched in the most interesting ways over his torso.
"So, how bad is it?" she asked as he sat down at the computer.
"Won't know for sure until I boot it up in safe mode and start running some of the cleaning tools."
"I hope you can fix it."
"Do my best."
Renee went back to her work, hoping to at least make a dent in it. She hated asking the volunteers who helped in the store to do extra work. She finished the first box, happy to discover that nearly everything within was in good condition, and nice. Some down-on-her-luck woman would be tickled to have the nice clothes - perfect for job interviews. Renee wished she'd asked the woman who brought them in where she shopped, because she liked a few of the outfits as well.
With one of the sorting tubs full, she carried it over to the corner where she put items ready for laundering or dry cleaning before hanging them on the racks. Even though everything looked clean, she didn't take chances. The local laundromat and dry cleaners offered their services at a deep discount anyway.
As she stood up and turned around, she noticed Will's eyes darting back to the computer. He had been looking in her direction as she bent over to put down the tub on top of another already waiting.
Was he actually looking at my butt? she wondered while returning to her sorting table. Don't be ridiculous. You're almost as old as his mother - ancient to a nineteen-year-old.
Despite the rationalization, she couldn't help looking over her shoulder every so often. She never saw him looking her way again as he clicked away on the computer, but it didn't stop a part of her brain from going off in naughty directions again.
"Think I've got 'er licked."
Renee's face burned, as his words were all too close to what her imagination had conjured up. Her pussy tingled despite the embarrassment, still reacting to the fantasy of Will slipping between her legs.
"So, it's fixed?" she asked without turning around, not wanting him to see her bright red face.
"I'm going to run a couple more tools to make sure, but yeah, I think so. You should really have an anti-virus on this."
"I didn't think I needed it, because all I use it for outside of tracking things in the store is sending email."
"If it's hooked up to the internet, you need it. I know a good free one, and another free program that blocks a lot of other stuff before it can infect you. I can set up your email program and browser to block a lot of stuff too, if you want?"
Having pulled herself together, she at last turned around to see him looking back at her. "Please. If you don't mind?"
"No problem. It doesn't take all that long."
He was still looking at her, wearing a half-smile, and Renee felt her face warming again. "What?"
He shrugged. "Guess I've just never seen you dressed up for work before. Not many women wear stockings any more. They are stockings, and not pantyhose, aren't they?"
Not trusting her voice, she nodded and responded, "Mmm hmm."
"They look good on you."
"Thank you."
With that, he nodded and turned back to the computer. Her heart beating fast, Renee returned to her work as well. The next time she looked over her shoulder, she caught a brief glimpse of him looking away from her to focus on the computer again.
Surely he's just being nice - or just fascinated that I'm wearing stockings, like he said.
Having finished another box and filled another tub, she decided to push things a bit. Her hips swayed a little more than usual as she walked over to the corner with the tub, heels clicking on the floor. She purposely put the tub down on the floor, rather than stacking it, and looked over her shoulder while still bent over.
She caught him staring straight at her butt with a sultry grin on his face. He snapped his gaze elsewhere and said, "You should be good to go here."
"You're a lifesaver," she said as she crossed the room, her hips once again swaying. Just having someone so young looking at her that way was a boost, and she planned to enjoy it.
"Anything else I can help you with, while I'm here?"
Absolutely, she thought, but said something else entirely. "I'm way behind and could use some help getting a few things ready to go out on the floor. I need to make sure everything's working on the computer anyway."
He pushed the chair out from the computer and stood up. "Just show me what you need me to do."
Renee had a mental flash of lifting up her skirt. That was showing him exactly what she needed him to do.
Thinking that she was enjoying the attention a bit too much, as she felt the tingle of wetness gathering between her legs, she tried to switch back into business mode. "Well, grab one of those boxes from that table in the corner for starters. Put it down here."
He went to get the box, so Renee sat down and clicked an icon. While the program opened, she made sure the printer was loaded with the special card stock she needed. Even though the box wasn't all that heavy, the muscles in William's arms bulged. He almost seemed to be flexing, and the sight set off an even stronger tingle between her legs. She fixed her eyes on the computer screen and printed out two sheets of tags.
"Take one of those, punch them out, and string them up with about six inches of string from that spool."
He nodded, taking one of the cards and following the instructions. For a first-timer, he got in the rhythm quickly. Naturally, despite trying to focus on the task at hand, she noticed that he had dexterous fingers that presented all sorts of possibilities.
Once all the tags were ready, she said, "Okay. Now start taking things out of the box and putting them on hangers. The ones in that box are for tops, and the other for bottoms. Tie a tag on the hanger. I'll enter it in the computer, and then scan the tag."
Will popped open the box and chuckled. "What type of hanger do these get?"
She looked over to see him holding up a pair of lacy, crotchless panties. She shook her head and said, "They don't. They must have been mixed up with everything, and the laundromat went ahead and washed them. Just toss them in that bin over there."
"Pity to throw them out. These are pretty hot."
Renee made a show of rolling her eyes, but all she could think about was him with her own far more conservative panties in his hand. I really, really need to find time to date again.
Entering everything into the database required a lot of attention, which helped her calm her raging hormones. Since things were going smoothly and he seemed willing to help, she kept going through a second box. Once it was done, William asked, "Want me to grab another one?"
"No, it's getting late. We have enough done that I won't be putting too much extra work on the volunteers." She looked at the full rack, ready to roll out onto the floor, and realized it wasn't going to be easy to push. "You could push that out onto the floor for me."
"No problem."
As he wheeled the rack out, Renee leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. Finally, a chance to relax. She shifted her neck from side to side, then forward and back, feeling stiff muscles everywhere.
She gasped when hands settled on her shoulders and squeezed.
"You don't have to..." Renee trailed off as his strong hands kneaded the muscles in her shoulders. It felt like pure heaven, and she changed her tune. "Oh, never mind. Don't stop."
Will chuckled and kept working her tight muscles. "Looked like you needed it."
She moaned and said, "I do."
His magic fingers soothed away the tension in her neck and shoulders, making her putty in his hands. Soft moans and coos escaped her as she grew more languid by the moment. Lulled into an almost dreamlike state, her thoughts began to drift, turning the massage into the beginning of something much more. As her arousal grew, the ache in her stiff nipples and between her legs pulled her out of the daydream.
Now longing for her vibrator, she opened her eyes and looked up at him. "Thank..." Words failed her as she realized where his eyes were fixed. A quick glance down revealed that her prominent nipples were tenting both bra and blouse.
"William," she gasped, bringing an arm across her chest to cover up. Fantasizing was one thing, but reality staring her in the face sent her into a panic.
"Kind of hard to ignore," he said as his hands left her shoulders, and he stepped around beside the chair.
Hard to ignore - especially the word hard - echoed through her thoughts as she turned toward him and found herself face to face with bulging denim. Whatever she meant to say evaporated into nothingness.
He reached down, adjusting his manhood and making her blush. She looked up at him to see a lusty smile on his face. "Don't," she whispered.
He moved his hand to stroke the fingertips over her concealing arm. "Why not?"
"We can't." Her blush deepened when she realized that she had inadvertently included herself, rather than only admonishing him. "Your mother..."
"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." His eyes roamed over her body. "You think I didn't notice you strutting and showing off that ass? Damn, you're hot."
Renee gasped again as her body reacted powerfully to those words.
William's fingers circled her wrist, lifting her arm. Her eyes had once more focused on the bulge in his jeans, and she didn't resist as he guided her hand back to her side. He let out a mixture of a moan and a growl as he gently squeezed her breast - the stiff nipple poking against his palm.
Alive with an irresistible surge of sexual energy, she said, "Oh, this is so wrong."
"That's what makes it fun."
Past the point of no return, Renee laid a hand over the eye-catching silhouette in his pants. He moved a little closer, and she squeezed, feeling just how big it really was. "Oh my god," she whispered under her breath.
William released her breast to pop open a button on her blouse, and she could wait no more. With an ease born of desperate need, she yanked his belt through the buckle and released the clasp with one hand.
Another button on her blouse slipped free of the hole as she tugged on the top of his jeans, pushing in the button with her thumb to release it. She pulled down the zipper slowly, the pressure from beneath making the teeth part with ease. Only two buttons on her blouse remained by the time the zipper reached the bottom, revealing tented boxers within the parted V.
Her blouse fully open, she shrugged it off as a small measure of relief from the heat rising within her. She turned in the chair, and a quick snap of William's fingers released her bra, leaving the ends of the band dangling at her side. She pulled down the front of his boxers, and let out a long, warbling moan at the sight of his hard, naked cock.
He appeared to be in much the same state as she was, pushing his jeans and boxers down a moment later. She shrugged off the hanging bra, dropping it to the floor next to her chair and saw his eyes light up.
William left his pants bunched up around his calves and reached out to brush her nipples - one after the other - with a fingertip. She rarely felt self-conscious about her b-cup breasts, because her large, long nipples had never failed to attract welcome attention. They stood out from the small circles of her areolae, seemingly begging for attention.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. Fuck, those are awesome nipples."
Renee sucked in a deep breath as he leaned over her and his tongue flicked one of the sensitive buds. She let the breath out as a yelp when the touch of the slippery organ sent electric pulses shooting through her to coalesce between her legs. When she opened her eyes again, the sight of the gorgeous young man teasing her with his tongue set off a whole body shiver.
She could see him kicking at his pants in her peripheral vision as she entwined her fingers in his dark brown hair. Once he'd finally escaped from his jeans and shoes, Will moved in closer so he could wrap his lips around her other nipple.
"Oh yes," Renee breathed as he sucked hard, his tongue darting over the tip of the stiff point in his mouth. Through the corner of her eye, she saw his cock bobbing - now close enough to reach easily - and seized the opportunity.
William growled past her nipple when she wrapped her hand around his cock. She stroked it, almost in disbelief at the size of it. Her fingers were barely able to encircle his girth, and virtually as much of the throbbing organ stuck out above and below her hand as she could grip. It was frightening, and at the same time, her pussy ached to feel it stretching her.
He continued to worship her breasts, licking and sucking with gusto. Renee stiffened for a moment when she felt his hand unexpectedly slip beneath her skirt. He pushed it up without looking and caressed her thighs, paying special attention to the top of her stockings and the straps connecting them to her garter belt.
Letting her head loll back, she said, "Oh, you're making me so wet."
He let her nipple slip from between his lips for a moment. "Oh yeah?"
"Mmm hmm."
His hand moved higher, and she parted her legs in response, letting him cup her sex, pressing a finger into the cleft. He smiled as she sucked in a noisy breath - her eyes widening - and then his eyebrows twitched upward.
He slid a finger beneath the leg of her panties and tugged them aside, revealing the trimmed nest of curls between her legs.
"Oh yeah. You don't shave."
Having experienced a moment of anxiety over exactly that, she smiled and shook her head.
He stood up straight, pulling his t-shirt off to reveal washboard abs decorated with a thin trail of hair leading down to his manhood. A triangle of hair adorned his pecs, and she was just as excited about that as he was about the hair between her legs. Most men shaved, and she had always preferred the natural, manly look of a hairy chest.
Will pushed her chair back, away from the desk and moved in front of it. Her heart started pounding in anticipation as he dropped to his knees in front of her. He lifted her right leg, slipped off her shoe, then moved to the other. Once her heels rested behind him, under the desk, he kept her foot in hand and lifted it to his lips. He kissed each nylon-shrouded digit before lowering her foot to the floor once again.
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The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer's outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...
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TabooSo where to begin my lovely story of sex, being used, and left lonely with no real place to start over. Let me describe myself, I am Jacob, I'm 13 years old and right really a prize. My body type was not spectacular but the guys I hooked up with sure did have hot tight bodies. I'm about 5'8 around 150lbs, at the time I was still a ginger but my red hair was fading into a brownish red color. At this part of my life I had been involved with one other guy named David, but that is a...
„Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum achtzehnten Geburtstag, meine Engelchen!“ sagt der Vater und umarmt liebevoll seine beiden Zwillingstöchter Jenny und Jessica. „Wie schnell die Zeit vergeht! Ihr seid schon beinahe erwachsen geworden! Wirklich schade nur, dass mein Beruf mir immer nur so wenig Zeit lässt, dass ich kaum mit euch beiden zusammen sein kann!“ „Ist schon gut, Daddy! Wir lieben dich trotzdem!“ antwortet Jenny und schmiegt sich dabei sanft an die Brust ihres Vaters. „Wir haben wirklich...
Es war Sonntag abend. Ich schaute auf meine Uhr; 22.30 Uhr. Mein Blick ging zu den Fenstern ihrer Wohnung. Es brannte immer noch Licht bei der kleinen Schlampe; sie war also immer noch auf. Ich hatte sie zum ersten mal vor ca. 6 Monaten in meinem Fitness-Center gesehen. Sie war jung und ohne Freund, wie ich aus einem ihrer Gespräche mit den anderen Frauen herausgehört hatte. Es schien im allgemeinen eine sehr beliebte Art der Fitness bei Frauen zu sein, die Geräte zu blockieren und zu...
Mein Name ist Erika, und ich bin eine 42 jährige Jura-Professorin, bzw. war ich das einmal. Aber beginnen wir von vorne... Ich begann meine Karriere als Anwältin in einer kleinen Kanzlei in Berlin. Allerdings war mir eine Familie zu haben immer wichtiger. Mit 28 heiratete ich meinen Mann Paul und kurz darauf bekamen wir ein Kind. Für 12 Jahre lebten wir glücklich zusammen in einem kleinen Haus am Rande Berlins, bis mich mein Mann betrog. Darauf schmiss ich ihn sofort raus. Aber er, selbst...
BDSMDer gestrige Hochzeitstag ist der schönste Tag im Leben der neunzehnjährigen Nadine Bauer gewesen. Zunächst hat sie in der Kirche ihrem geliebten Schatz ihr heiliges Jawort gegeben, und anschließend haben sie gemeinsam mit der gesamten Hochzeitsgesellschaft ausgelassen bis tief in die Nacht gefeiert. Die daraufhin folgende „Hochzeitsnacht“ haben sie verschlafen, was für die noch jungfräuliche Nadine aber nicht so schlimm gewesen ist, denn erstens ist ihr Sex in ihrem bisherigen Leben noch nie...
Heather’s last appointment was at a little store in LoDo. Cathy, the local sales rep who had been her guide and driver for the day, had been disappointed their day had run late. She was worried she might be late to pick up her kids from soccer practice. “Those guys are so fucking hot.” She smiled as she caught herself. “Well, you’ll see. They know their wines and their store is terrific. I’m sorry I can’t make it. Will you be alright?” Heather had said yes, rather dejectedly - she liked Cathy...
TabooIt wasn't like us to meet up with anyone.The fun was in the ether of the Internet, but here we were! Xhamster just came to reality!The night was cold but quiet as we pulled into the parking lot of the bar.We had never been here before, but this is where he asked to meet for drinks! It was surreal. We looked at each other in disbelief as I parked.A crooked smile hung on Mia's lips. She was already playful and glowing. She reached over and grabbed me pressing a wet and desired filled kiss hard on...
This is my first attempt at a story so if its crap I'm sorry haha have a thing for holly Willoughby so haha here goes...When I fucked holly Willoughbyfor my birthday my boyfriend had bought me tickets to go and watch my favourite television programme, celebrity juice I was so exited to see all my favourite celebrities Keith, Fearne but, especially Holly. Despite being with my boyfriend since high school I have always been a little bi-curious, I've always thought girls were cute. However holly...
This is my first attempt at fiction. I realize it may be rough. If you like it let me know Pussywillow- Part1 by Henry Green Bob Rider had "picked up" Sandi earlier in the night at the party. Actually, it was she who picked him up but of course he didn't know that. Bob's secretary Ann had had enough of his arrogant macho ways and through several discret contacts had met Sandi and Ruth. For a reasonable contingency fee they would help turn the tables on Bob. With their...
Ein ohrenbetörender Knall durchbrach die Stille des Chemielabors. Reflexartig zog ich meinen Kopf zurück. Meine nerdige Brille fiel in das große Becherglas, aus dem eine dichte Rauchsäule aufstieg. Beissender Qualm legte sich auf meine Atemwege, sodass ich heftig husten musste. Erschrocken zuckte Maria Stichner, meine Chemielehrerin zusammen, bevor sie zum Fenster eilte und es weit aufriss. Zum wiederholten Male schien mir ein Experiment missglückt zu sein. Zu dem pfeifenden Tinitus gesellte...
Mind Control© 2003 The beautiful young secretary cried and swore as she was forced backward over her own desk. Her long blonde hair brushed the top of the desk, and she fought and kicked as the front of her blouse was jerked open, buttons flying everywhere. Her full, round breasts were exposed to the men, cupped in a sexy beige bra with lacy trim that showed her small brown nipples through the nearly transparent material. The bra went next, brutally ripped off and thrown aside. The men laughed...
Wednesday, April 6, 2005 I was outside my sisters' bedroom door at 6am, when a bleary-eyed Donna came out. She'd be firing on all cylinders in a few more seconds. We headed outside. Once we were on the sidewalk, I said, "First point of business. No pretty girls have hugged me today, and I need one to before I can run properly." And I gave her a quick hug. I could see she really wasn't in the mood, but that was okay, they're there for when she is. She said, "You're just trying to...
I didn’t know whether my erect nipples were because of the soft breeze that was blowing through the cotton of my sun dress or if I was excited at what I knew was going to happen. My boyfriend had sent me a text asking me to meet him in the little park with the willow trees, just as the sun was lowering in the sky. I didn’t have to worry too much as the sky was still bright blue, pretty much like the blue sun dress he liked so much, only this time with not a stitch else on. I was worried the...
ExhibitionismBy Gail Holmes & Nemasis Enforcer “Time and tide awaits no man, that’s what my father constantly told me, For God’s sake what’s a matter with you, here you are twenty one, and still a bloody virgin. Christ, William I’d lost my virginity years before I was your age. I can tell you, once you’ve tried sex there’ll be no looking back” At 50, William knew that old Bruce had had a few; and still he could pull, mind you he was a handsome man for his age, but then he didn’t look it. “I...
William had a lot on his mind. First, there was football. Their season opener was in a week and training camp was going full speed. College football was taken seriously in this city and their team was favored to win their division. There was a lot of pressure riding on his performance. Second, classes were beginning. He was a senior poised to graduate hopefully with honors. He wanted to study law and it was important to do well in his classes and when he took his LSATs. ...
PART ONE Andrea Williams was ecstatic. The phone call told her that the part-time job was hers. Just what she wanted. Nine to three, five days a week. She could get her kids off to school by 7:30, jog for half an hour, shower, dress for the job, and be home by the time the kids came home from school at 3:30. Her son, Jeremy, was in the second grade, and now that her youngest child, daughter Megan, had started first grade, Andrea at last had the time she dreamed of to get out of the...
My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...
Oral SexIntroduction ------------ Following on from my first instalment, here is another true story. As before, I have tried to remember events as accurately as I can, but of course all speech is paraphrased. I hope there are people out there who enjoy reading this, and perhaps it will inspire people to go ahead and indulge their fantasies. Whatever your kink, there's probably someone out there who will be into it too, and it's not a crime to enjoy life! Curiosity... ------------ So...
Note. I have had this kicking round on my computer for a while and have never felt happy with it but I cannot really get motivated to do anything else with the idea. So if anyone fancies writing something else in the Port William world please help your self, just mention that I invented the world and I'll be happy. Port William. By Trish. When I mentioned that I was stuck for somewhere to spend the seven weeks leave I had between contracts a work mate recommended Port...
So starts another busy day at the Funhaus office in Los Angeles - although it turned out to be no average day at all.I’m on a summer internship as a video editor for the YouTube channel. As well as editing the videos the channel makes, I’m also in charge of helping post stuff onto the channel’s social media accounts.The stuff that gets the most views and likes on the socials are pictures of Elyse Willems. So I’m sitting on the couch sorting through spreadsheets and files, just away from the...
Part 1: Innocent Curiosity.Being two years older than my little sister my “seniority” compelled me to protect her at all times. So much so that I would often let her have my favourite chocolate or biscuit when there was only one left. I was her hero. Even my parents acknowledged that. She watched me like a hawk. She knew more about me than my parents or closest friends did, especially if it involved my ‘willy’.She loved my ‘willy’ and I loved my little sister!As kids we got on so well together....
IncestIf you're under 18, do not read this story. F/M, F/F/MHayley Williams tries to get more people to vote... The crowd. It gave Hayley a sense of happiness that she usually only got on stage. However, this was different. This was important to not only her but the world.Election day was ten days away and with all the stuff going on around the country that disgusted her, Hayley was very motivated not only to vote but to volunteer as well. It seemed that her friend, and fellow singing sensation,...
At 28 years old, Emily was in the prime of her life and she knew it. She had just stepped out of the shower and was now looking in the mirror as water dripped off her body. She liked the look of the person who looked back at her. Her wavy brown hair hung down to just below her shoulders where water drained from it and followed a path down over her full breasts to drip off onto the floor. Her brown eyes were the shade of chestnuts and they twinkled with mischief. Her eyes moved lower, down over...
Straight SexMary Daniels walked out of her bedroom and down stairs into the kitchen where her friend of more then thirty years was drinking coffee before she left for her job as a receptionist for Century22 Real Estate. "Good morning Mary. You look nice this morning." Paula Williams said. "Why thank you Paula. Is there more coffee?" Mary was a 50 year old widow who's son Jeff, a college freshman, would be home for summer vacation that afternoon. Paula the 49 year old divorcee had been Mary's...
Introduction: Continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan Series Wedding bells are Ringing – The wedding of Nicole and William This is a continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan series. In this story, William and Nicole get married and they start their lives together. This is also a work of fantasy, even though the two people depicted in the story are based on Fiancee and myself. If you are a new reader, I suggest you read the Adventures of a Railfan and Nicole, Myself and Rachel before you...
She slipped into a sweet place as she rested on a lounger poolside as the sun was slowly disappearing behind the trees. There was an orangish pinkish cast on everything. She always thought that had to be the colors of Heaven. So peaceful. So warm. She loved this time of the evening. Her skin was warm to touch. She had spent the day poolside. A ‘Shay Day.’ She was wearing a lavender bikini, what there was of it. Her tanned breast were covered just enough to be suspicious. The valley between her...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Oh, what a naughty thought! The final day at school, last day of A-levels, and the end of a crappy two hour exam of Religious Studies. What better way to go out than by masturbating on the desk of Mr. Williams, the R.E. teacher? Forced to take Religious Studies by her strict parents, as well as Maths, History and Geography (these subjects would apparently make her a better overseas missionary to...
Ted walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. ‘Oh, lord! What have we here?’ He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship. The women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot’s hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the...
“You have really big balls. Did you know that?”“I did.”I like tits, which Amy just discovered. My devotion to them probably deserves its own chapter here. I’m not usually a blow job guy. It’s not the first thing on my mind when I’m horny or when I see a woman who arouses me. But Amy is a blow job girl. She’s beginning to convert me.She just drank down her third or fourth load this week, and it’s Tuesday. I’m laid back in the corner of the sofa, one foot resting high on the back of it, and the...
IncestIn his dream someone was sucking him, slowly using her lips and tongue on his dick, drawing him in expertly and tenderly. His willpower was nonexistant, he couldn't tell who it was, couldn't tell her to stop, couldn't back away, and barely had the mental clarity to ask himself how it was possible for her to be so fantastic at it. There was a pause, a shift in the dream where she was gone and a voice murmured to him. Warmth enclosed his cock again, softer, firmer, sliding and he was inside...
En muchos aspectos, Victoria Willow es una chica común. Cabello castaño oscuro, ojos color avellana, un cuerpo algo atlético, unos pechos de tamaño normal, medianos, un trasero redondo y pequeño. En la universidad tiene calificaciones normales, ni muy altas ni muy bajas. Tampoco es la chica más popular ni una marginada. En resumidas palabras, conociéndola superficialmente, Victoria te parecería una chica promedio. Sin embargo, hay algo que la hace especial: su mala suerte. Y particularmente, su...