- 3 years ago
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It was seven o'clock in the evening. Outside it was dark and dank. Thick clouds hung heavy, almost static in the night air, shrouding the sky and adding to the blackness of a moonless night. He had waited almost a week for such a night as this. Not long given it was February and such a night was to be expected. A night when few walked the streets and those that did, hurried along with collars turned high and heads sunk into shoulders; night when few would notice a shadow among so many others.
She was home. He could see her standing at the window, washing dishes at the sink. Small slim frame and bob-cut hair that almost appeared to be a halo as the light behind her shone through. He glanced up and down the street. It was time.
Stacey hummed absent-mindedly to the tune on the radio. The letterbox rattled loudly, making her jump. She dried her hands and walked through to the hallway. A large brown envelop lay on the floor. Puzzled, she picked it up. No name was inscribed on the front. She opened the door and peered out into the darkness to find the street deserted.
She carried the bulging envelop through to the kitchen and tipped the contents out onto the table. What greeted her immediately filled her with horror. A small gallery of pictures, good quality pictures by all accounts, if only they had been of anything except her. With a trembling hand she picked up the only piece of paper among the scattered pictures. A note: Meet me at The Lion and Pheasant, on Riverdale Lane at 9 o'clock. Ask for Room 4. If you want your secret to remain a secret, don't be late, I won't wait. COME ALONE. No name, nothing.
Riverdale Lane, a sleazy side of town, and a place she knew only by reputation. Her stomach knotted into a ball of fear. Next came the outrage. At first she was angry that anybody could do such a thing. Her anger turned from the perpetrator of the note to herself. Why had she been so stupid? It was a dumb question really, she knew why — times had been hard back then, really hard. Not much different for any other student in University from a poor background, worse if you were a guy, at least the girls had some options — and some options they were too! Private Escorting, which was just a polite way of saying prostitution, lap dancing, stripping, or nude photography, as she had chosen.
It wasn't supposed to have been a nude photo shoot, had she been approached directly with such an offer she would have turned it down flat. It was supposed to have been a private photo shoot for a Photographic Society, just a club of amateur photographers really. Mostly they took pictures of scenery, people in parks, families, wildlife etc. But then they decided they would like to have a pretty young female pose for them and had been on the lookout for a likely candidate.
Stacey had been sitting on a bench reading a book and enjoying the sunshine in the flower gardens of a local park. It was warm and peaceful afternoon with little distraction beyond the drone of bees busy among the flowers. A shadow had fallen across her, causing her to look up. Stacey found herself looking up at two geeky-looking middle aged men who very politely asked if they might take her picture with the backdrop of flowers. She was flattered by their request and could see no harm in meeting their request, so she agreed.
Later, while they talked to her, praising her on how photogenic she was, she learned of their club. Trying not to blush at their lavish praise, she allowed them to talk her into attending their club for a photo-shoot. It would be nothing pornographic they had assured her, and they even offered to pay her. It wasn't major money, but it was better than nothing. So Stacey had accepted the invitation.
It all started out friendly and innocent enough. There were about ten photographers that night as she recalled, a couple of them were women, which immediately put her at ease. They asked her to pose in various positions, none of which could be described as sexual, and she did indeed remain fully clothed.
They were a really friendly bunch, very courteous and respectable. They made her feel special under the gaze of so many cameras and she thoroughly enjoyed herself. Two or three hours later they took her to a pub, treated her to a few drinks and asked her if she would return, with a bikini. She didn't even have to think about it.
The next photo session started out innocent enough, though some of the poses became a little more erotic. They teased her a little, and she joined in the fun, laughing with them and sharing a joke. Before long they were asking her to slip the straps off her shoulder: click-click-click. She turned her back on them and removed her top altogether: click-click-click. And then a daring side profile, a twist of her shoulder here, a turn of her head there. The inevitable happened and she finished up in the buff with cameras whirling away. They paid her, quite handsomely as it turned out, but she declined any further invitations and the incident was soon forgotten, until now.
For Stacey the problem laid not so much in the photographs, but more about what was behind the note. Was it a threat? Probably, even though the note didn't indicate that. Could he, assuming it was a 'he', harm her? He most surely could, and undoubtedly knew it if he had gone to the trouble of finding her home address after all this time, if he had done that, it stood to reason he knew she could be got at. The bigger questions were who, and what did he want? Well in forty minutes time she would find out — forty-minutes!
She fled upstairs, quickly showered and changed. She never paused to ask herself why she showered, and may not have liked the answer if she had. She knew what was almost certainly going to happen when she arrived at The Lion and Pheasant, the pictures said it all, but what choice did she have?
Twenty-minutes later she was on the road, cocooned against the dark night in a bubble of metal and glass as she drove anxiously. With a racing heart and a blank mind as she tried not to think of what lay ahead, but concentrated on finding The Lion and Pheasant.
The car slowed as she squinted through the screen, peering at street names, moving on, finding another. She stopped and reversed a few feet. Riverdale Lane. She swung the car into a narrow back ally of a road with few streetlights. The street looked deserted as she crawled along, heading toward the one sign of life.
Stacey parked across the road with mounting trepidation. A dark, grime covered building towered before her. A place that had definitely seen better days. Her foot falls reverberated ominously around the street as she crossed the road and entered. The small reception hall was deserted and poorly lit. The place stank of stale beer and tobacco smoke. A narrow little counter occupied a corner beside the stairs. She glanced at the stairs and for a brief moment considered going straight up. It would be better if someone, anyone, knew she was here.
She rang the bell on the counter. A heavyset man walked out of the bar, he looked her up and down, surprise evident on his face. He was unused to seeing clients so expensively dressed, much less a woman.
"Can I help you miss?"
"Room four please."
His expression changed. He understood. A prostitute no less, he should have known. Still, they rarely appeared in his establishment looking so upmarket.
"Straight up the stairs darling," His tone changed, more of an equal, "You'll find four on your left."
Stacey thanked him politely and climbed up the stairs, glancing back once quickly to find him at the foot of the stairs, peering up at her as she climbed. Her footfalls intruded on the stillness surrounding her, adding to her frayed nerves. Rounding the top of the stairs, she heard a telephone ring somewhere down the corridor. It was answered. Maybe it was the Landlord announcing her arrival to the guest in number four.
She paused, peering down the dimly lit corridor. If she thought the excuse of a reception was poorly lit, the corridor was another matter. A single bulb provided the only light down the narrow landing space. The walls were grubby with peeling wallpaper and heavy cobwebs. She walked the landing, checking the rooms. Number four stood with the door slightly ajar. She knocked, once, and the light door swung back easily. She pushed it open nervously before stepping inside.
A single lamp lit the room. The room was bigger than she expected. An old wardrobe stood against one wall, its door missing. An ancient bed that sagged heavily in the middle took centre stage and on it were several enlarged pictures of Stacey in pose. There was a dresser on which sat the lamp. The curtains were closed at the window and in the darkest corner someone was sitting in a big old chair. Eyes were all that she could see.
"What do you want?" Her voice quivered, unable to disguise her tension.
She shuffled nervously. Not knowing what else to do or say.
"Strip!" The word sliced through the air like a sharp razor.
"What? No — I won't. I'll give you money, but I won't do that. Who are you anyway?"
"I said strip, you slut."
"How dare you call me a slut..."
"Mick... ?" His voice rang out loudly.
Stacey whirled; scared as a door across the landing was flung open and an obese man wearing a stained t-shirt ambled across into the doorway. He was a little too quick, a little too eager to appear at the door. It was staged. He had been expecting the call.
"See them pictures on the bed — pick one of them, anyone you like."
Stacey stepped back as Mick shuffled across to the bed. Her eyes darted sideways, at the figure she couldn't see in the shadows.
"Fucking-hell! These are good." Mick drooled, picking one off from the bed.
"You like it?"
"Like it? She's fucking hot."
"Now look at her — not the picture, her."
Mick looked across at Stacey and she felt her skin crawl.
"That's her in the picture. You want it, it's yours, and you can keep it."
"Now piss off and close the door."
Mick's eyes bounced between the picture in his hand and Stacey standing in the middle of the room as he trundled out, closing the door behind him.
"Strip or everyone in this place will get one, and that's just the start of it. How far do you think you'll get, top of the stairs maybe? Even the front door, but you'll never make it to the street. Now strip you whore."
In the end there was an inevitability about it. She had known all along it would come to this. She didn't fight it and she didn't argue. Mick across the hall already had her picture, and there would be others waiting just as eagerly. She took her coat off and tossed it over the end of the bed. Keeping her back toward him, she began to undo the buttons down her blouse.
"Hold it. Face me, so I can see."
She turned to face him as she pulled the blouse from the waist of her skirt. She tried to ignore him, pretend like he wasn't there as she unbuttoned her cuffs. Without any semblance of ceremony, she pulled her blouse off and laid it out across her coat. She kicked her high heels off as she unclasped her skirt, riding the zip down and allowing the skirt to glide down to her ankles. She stooped to pick it up, folding it carefully and laying it on the pile.
Movement. She looked up sharply to catch him raising his hips from the chair, shoving his trousers and underwear down to expose his thin white thighs. His shirt-tails parted at the middle to reveal his semi-hard cock. He closed his hand about himself and began to play his hand along it in slow easy strokes.
The sight of him both disgusted her and faintly thrilled her at the same time. She had never seen a man masturbate before. It was like one of those urban myths — you knew it happened — you just never got to see it. His eyes locked on her, watching and waiting.
"Tits first."
Impassively she reached up behind and unclasped her bra, letting the straps ride down her shoulders and fall away from her breasts. Her dark nipples stood out like two targets for his eyes. With as much casualness as she could muster, she pitched her bra on top of her other clothes. Her gaze returned to his pumping hand, growing in pace, sliding effortlessly over his hard cock.
Her heart was beating faster now and his cock was getting bigger. His eyes remained fixed on the thin cotton shield at the top of her thighs as she hooked her fingers into the waist of her panties. They flipped down, turning inside out as they travelled her thighs. She stepped out of them, keeping her gaze on his cock as she dropped her panties on the small pile of her clothes.
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I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long as I am given credit for it and no monetary profit is made from it without sharing it with me. (I'm not greedy, but I did write it.) FF tg Magic cons breast hirs oral toys 'Damn!' I thought, 'I forgot to pick up some deodorant before I left town! And I have a sales meeting with important clients tomorrow.' I was driving to Reno from Portland and took a...
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Forced Perspective Two My name is Tom Wilson... and I was in shock. A few minutes ago, my consciousness was accidentally uploaded into the body of a sexy little cam girl, Zoe. This was thanks to a glitch that happened during my ID chip update. Meanwhile, Zoe... the aforementioned cam girl, was uploaded into my body, which wasn't good! It was pretty obvious that Zoe was not only drunk due to the alcohol in my former body, but she was also drunk with the power of being a wealthy...
A week passed, and after dinner, we were snuggled together in our loft when Mary said, “I want you to call Bob and Carol. I have been thinking about it, and I want to pose for a few photos. I figure if I have a couple of drinks, I will be willing”. My cock nearly tore through my pants as I thought of what she had just said. I asked if she was serious and she assured me she was. She said she had given it a lot of thought and really wanted to do it. I called Bob, and he asked if we could...
Hi mera nammanish he me roz iss ki stories padhtahu me aaj pehli bar stories likha raha hu mebaju wale flet me aunti rehti he jiska nam surabhi aunti he aur wo39 yer old me 24 yar old me akashar uske ghar me jatarehta hu ek din me jab uske ghar me gaya to dhekha ke wo nahakar bahar ae thi me ushki room me betha tha wo muje dekha kar boli manish tum kab aye mene kaha thodi der hui tab wo boli achha tum betho me abhi ati hu me ushko dhate hi mera land tait ho gaya tha ushake bool38 size ke thee...
Being a stay at home mum to four kids can get pretty lonely. Especially when your husband seems to never be at home, due to his work. Now I wont lie, I certainly don't have the best figure, but after four kids I think I'm looking pretty good. An average size U.K. 16/18 with 42dd breasts and perfectly curved pear shaped hips. I look in the mirror and still love what I see. Life at home has been pretty boring lately and I'm fed up of satisfying myself. I mean, there is only so much self pleasure...
CheatingSaturday This morning, I used the smaller, upstairs study bathroom to perform my morning ablutions so I didn’t wake the others. After I dressed, I acquired two canine followers on my way downstairs and three more once I got downstairs. I’d seen the handlers turn the dogs loose to run and do their business, and I did the same, although I stayed near the back door with the door open. The barking as they frolicked drew three more dogs outside. Juwanna and Mabel just laughed at me as I watched...
My wife and I planned went on our first trip to north India in December 2001. I had been to Bombay previously but it was the first time for Malavika to the north. We had 4 weeks to spend which we divided between Calcutta, Darjeeling, Delhi and Jaipur. In the days preceding the trip we were anxious but equally eager to make the best use of the time available. The night before the trip we had a steamy sex session and we naturally discussed about planning some encounters for my wife during our...
"Can I take you up on that invitation to hang out here?" Bert asked as Gretchen opened to his knock and could not lift her eyes from his crotch. "Invit ... Oh, yeah. Sure. Come on in. We're all watching TV." "All?" he asked. "Erma's here, too." Sunday had been an unbelievable day. Molly was gone. He needed a break from his often depressing, often infuriating time on the websites about the Program. The farther he stayed from his parents, the better, yet he needed to be with...
Introduction: Lilly has a steamy encounter with a complete stranger Lilly sat at the kitchen table with her morning newspaper and steamy coffee with French vanilla creamer just gazing out the window feeling lost in this huge world. She was extremely bored with life and nothing excited her anymore. Lilly had the paper open up to the classified ads looking for a new apartment. She wanted to be in the city close to work. The commute was killing her and she was ready to spread her wings again and...
Hello friends I am back again with a new story which happened with me by chance. I hope you all liked my previous story “Fucked my cousin in Lonavala”. To people who are reading my story first time, I am Ashish from Pune. My age is 26 and I am a guy with sporty physique. My dick is too big n thick about 8 – 8.5 inches. I really think I am a luck guy that I got a chance to fuck an Angel looking aunty who stays near my society. To describe about her, her age is approx 34, her boobs are not so...
Rachel’s stomach was in knots as she walked into her law firm on Monday morning. She hadn’t seen or heard from Gabriel during the weekend (not that she was expecting to), but the incident that had happened in his office felt so surreal. A part of her had wanted it to be just a dream, but at the same time, she felt odd satisfaction, as if her disloyalty evened the score between her and Casey. Gabriel had verified her suspicions. She’d gone home last Friday evening, having full knowledge that the...
CheatingOn her way to History, Angel noticed a hand lettered sign on the door to the girls restroom, declaring it out of order. She didn't think anything of it until she started walking by and found herself being pushed through that door, and grabbed. She fought down an urge to unleash a biological attack on the two girls holding her, and to overcome her momentary surge of panic. After a moment, she stopped her physical struggle to get out of their grasp, and formed a quick plan. "You don't want...
Tanya turned around. I could actually SEE her nipples get soft. She had a stricken look on her face. "Isn't that what we were talking about?" she asked in a surprisingly meek voice. She looked at Ralph for confirmation. He looked at me. Damned if he didn't shrug his shoulders again! "I think so." he said unhelpfully. I stared at him. "You want me to have sex with your wife?" I could NOT believe this was happening. "I guess that's right." he said, finally stepping up to the...
Denise really was the perfect slave. The level of submission and compliance was far beyond that of any I had experienced before and I have been training slaves for a long time. The golden rule is establishing a safe word at the very beginning. It can be anything that wouldn't be used in the context of sex so a word like "apricot" is good. Denise had never used her word even though I had taken her to extremes of torment. Never once had she complained when my whip slashed at her skin,...
Salads Part 1? The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. You should be adult and wanting to read mature subject matter. Unlike some of my previous work, this is a fantasy that I might actually enjoy living out. Veronica exists, but her name has been changed to protect the nearly innocent, that is to say, me! As always, feedback is requested and may play a large part in deciding if this is a standalone story or the 1st in a series. Enjoy! I read somewhere that most cross...
She wasn't going to do it. She got dressed, a black V-neck tee shirt and black pants. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, taking that all important first sip of the day. "I really can't do it, " she thought. "It would be too embarrassing." She put down her cup and headed back to the bedroom. She looked through her closets selecting five skirts which she lined up on the bed from shortest to longest. The first was a miniskirt, black and tiny, appropriate for a...
Kelly had been working so much lately that she hadn’t had time to go do any of the things that she truly enjoyed or made her feel like a woman. She thought about canceling her gym membership and her fiancé hadn’t tasted her in ages. She had even been so busy that she hadn’t realized how much pent up energy she had. Kelly was working late as usual, and after finishing a major project, feeling proud of herself, Kelly began to relax and revel in her small victory. That’s when her body started...