- 4 years ago
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It was a journey Jody Summers made every day. The bus took twenty minutes to reach the centre of town from Kings-Marston where she lived; it was a trip she made five times a week to the office where she worked as a manager. She never saw the point of taking the car, as the building didn't have a car park, the nearest one was quite a distance away and by the time she'd walked all the way to the office it took considerably longer than it would have done by using the bus. She looked out of the window as the vehicle inched its way through the morning traffic and her thoughts went back to the divorce from Bob nearly a year ago. There had been no bitterness and no regrets, there's had been a gradual drifting apart. She supposed part of it had been their sex life, or lack of it. Jody had always had a dark streak in her, a yearning to walk on the wild side of life and to taste the forbidden. She liked to experiment in the bedroom and had done with various partners of both sexes before meeting Bob and had even hinted to her husband at trying bathroom sex. She's seen an Internet site once that allowed you to download videos. Some of then were really depraved and that intrigued her. One in particular had caught her imagination, it was called 'Lesbian Toilet Girls' and out of curiosity she'd downloaded it. Dry mouthed with excitement after watching it she yearned to explore each depraved experience especially with someone who would play the submissive role, for Jody loved to dominate if she had the opportunity. She cringed with embarrassment as she remembered the time she'd summoned enough courage to ask Bob to try out some of the activities on the video and he'd called her a pervert. Jody had a secret much darker than that though, one that went far beyond just kinky. Her yearning for young girls to the point of obsession at times was something she would tell no one about. Masturbating to fantasies involving young girls became a regular occurrence as all fun with her husband dried up. It was always the same, every day she'd tell herself to stop thinking of them, it was wrong, and she would have to train her mind to behave, but she still ended up bringing herself off with her vibrator thinking of them.
It came as a relief for both of them when they finally made the decision to part and now Jody only felt a sense of relief at her freedom from a person she'd never loved as much as she should have. She considered the future; after all she was an attractive woman of forty-three; she'd looked in the mirror that morning with a sense of pride. The years had being kind to her she thought as she mentally crossed her fingers. All the curves were still there, all the angles were as they should be and although gravity was staking a claim in places it never had before, on the whole she was quietly pleased. The bus pulled into a stop and the doors gave a whoosh and swung apart with an annoying clatter ready to admit the first of the new passengers. Most of them were people like herself, commuters to various offices and buildings in the busy metropolis and to be honest she never really paid much attention to them until her eyes set upon a golden haired young beauty climbing up the steps with her hand held out to pay the driver. She was wearing her white and navy school uniform except for her tie, which instead appeared to be stuffed inside her skirt pocket with its end pocking out. Jody expected there would be an adult with her but she seemed to be alone. She couldn't have been very old, no more than twelve, certainly far too young to be travelling by herself in this day and age, a thought which made her frown at the irresponsibility of her absent guardians. Her chagrin however, didn't last very long as she appraised the girls sweet if somewhat timid face when she reached up to the driver to hand over her fare. She had a fresh complexion to match her elfin features and Jody noticed a few golden freckles scattered over her cheeks and around her eyes. She realized she was beautiful as she ran her fingers through her own blonde hair. Her eyes followed her small light steps as she made her way down the aisle between the crowded seats. She was delighted when their eyes me for a moment and she found her self smiling into the young girl's to have it returned with a shy smile from her sea green eyes. The woman exhaled gently and realized she'd been holding her breath ever since her first glimpse of her climbing up the steps. Her face felt warm and a pool of moistness spread through her loins as it always did on occasions like this. It usually happened whenever she saw a girl she was particularly taken with, even though she tried hard not to think of them in a sexual sense her body always gave vent to her true feelings. She bit her lip as she tried to fight her emotions.
'Dam, dam, dam." She muttered under her breath. 'Oh god you sick cow, she's hardly out of her crib!'
The rest of the journey passed in a daze as Jody railed against her self and her feelings and yet even in the midst of her self admonishment she was helpless to stop her head turning round to snatch a quick peek at the source of her irritation... the heavenly angel, the forbidden fruit.
At last the bus pulled into the final stop and everyone filed out onto the pavement. Jody waited until the girl had begun her walk down the aisle and then slipped in behind her. She followed her down the busy pavement, not letting her out of her site but keeping a discreet distance. Once the girl stopped and seemed to look in her direction but Jody didn't think she'd been seen. The leaden sky which had been threatening to rain began to fulfil it's promise and a few spots hit the dusty pavement, first small ones but then bigger until it started 'tipping it down' in earnest. She followed the child into a covered shopping centre, wet footprints marring the clean marble floor but at least they were out of the weather here. She still didn't know why her footsteps weren't taking her to the office where she worked, when she tried to think about it she supposed it was nothing more than natural curiosity, she wondered what a girl of her age was doing wondering into town by herself. If she could just find out where she was going, maybe she was meeting a relative outside a shop front, if she saw that happen she'd know the girl was safe and then she would stop worrying. That was the prozac half of the brain's explanation for following her, the realistic side knew the truth.
The girl's steps led her through the entrance of a quiet department store and up an escalator to the toy floor. There amidst the displays of flying saucers she spied her girl playing with a smiling green space alien. Waving it in the air to make it fly and then squashing it to her face and pressing her nose against the plastic, she gave it a sniff before putting it back on the shelf. The woman smiled to see her antics, such an endearing little thing, and how fascinating to watch her. Too much so in fact, because she looked at her watch and noted she was already five minutes late for work. She looked out of the store window; it was still raining, the dark murky sky casting down its steady misery onto the grey city below.
'Oh this is madness' she thought. I can't follow her forever and if I'm honest with myself I don't even know why I'm doing it, apart from curiosity I... '
"Hello lady"
"Wh... What. Oh hello to you." She started before looking down into the same green eyes she'd stared into earlier.
"Why are you following me?"
"I'm not really, I just thought..."
"You were on the bus." She said frowning. "Are you one of those people I shouldn't talk to? My Mom used to tell me not to."
"I'm not really. I just saw you getting off the bus by yourself --and thought it strange. It isn't a good idea to come into town by yourself at your age, I just wanted to makes sure you were alright."
"Umm... I'm ok." She said after a pause.
"So why are you by yourself. Are you meeting someone?"
The girl's gaze dropped to the floor and she shuffled her feet nervously.
"Look" Jody said as an idea hit her. She didn't want to get off to a bad start with her; maybe this would get her on her side. But then in the same instant she was beset by the notion that she was probably crazy and just what the hell did she think she was getting into. Yet in spite of that there didn't seem to be much she could do to stop herself, it was as though she was on automatic pilot, probably of the Kamikaze persuasion for in as bright a voice as she could she continued. "I saw how you liked the smiling alien over there. Would you like it? If you do you can have it, I'll buy if for you."
"Oh." The childish eyes went big and her voice rose in wonderment. "Do you mean it?
"Yes I do. I saw how much you liked it just then."
The girl turned her face to hers and gave her a slow measuring look. The only thing that existed to Jody was the young girls eyes; it was as though she was looking into a portal of her soul, love, hurt and hope. This child had been hurt, but the strongest emotion seemed to be the one of hope because she suddenly beamed up at her with a trusting smile that made her feel weak at the knees.
"Thank you lady."
"That's okay. Call me Jody, I'll just go and buy you it and then I'll have to go to work."
She saw disappointment in the small pretty face. 'Oh dam." She thought "Why did I have to say that, I don't want to leave her like this.' At the same time she gave a mental shrug and decided to stop berating herself for her earlier feelings about the girl. She couldn't deny her real self and her true feelings. The kid was gorgeous and by all accounts seemed to like her, she was there for the taking if she played her cards right, and she knew she'd never get an opportunity like this as long as she lived. She took a deep breath and decided to take advantage of the situation... and the girl if she was lucky.
"Maybe we can go and have a coke first."
Her smile returned and so did the sun. Outside, the rain suddenly stopped and the store lit up with light.
"Thank you Jody."
Jody gulped. 'No... thank you.' She thought.
Missing Work
"What's your name? I'll bet you have a nice one." She said brightly.
"I'm called Mary, my Mum liked the name. Dad says it was her idea."
"Well I have to agree with your Mum then, I think it's a lovely name, she has good taste."
"My mom died last year."
"Oh Mary... I'm so sorry." She reached over the table and held her hand in hers, surprised at how cold it felt. She had an overwhelming urge to envelope the frail little girl with her body, her whole soul if need be and drive away the coldness she felt.
"Two years ago now," she whispered "Daddy looks after me, but I miss her sometimes."
"I'll bet you do Mary." She said feeling quietly delighted when the girl smiled back shyly and clutched her hand with her fingers.
"What's happening with school Mary? Shouldn't you be there now? I'm only asking because I'm concerned... I know I sound like a boring grown up buts that's because I care. I don't want to see you get into any trouble, or any harm to come to you."
She meant that, she really did, all of a sudden the girl was becoming very important to her in so many ways.
"I told Dad I was going to school." She said sheepishly. "But I got the other bus instead, I don't want to go to school today."
Jody nodded sympathetically, feeling very much in the same position as Mary as far as truant went. Raising her eyebrows she leaned over and whispered that she might take the day off work and join her. The effect was immediate; the girl jumped off the seat and gave an excited bounce.
"Oh Jody, can we! Can we stay together today and do things?"
"Yes honey we will. I'll just go and give them a ring at work, just hold on a jiffy and don't make a sound." Mary eyes went round as she put her own finger to her lips in a silent 'Shhhh' and she held her breath to the point of breaking point as the woman made her apologies on the phone.
"That's it, its all taken care of," she said switching the mobile off. "I have the full day off from work to do anything I please."
"Ahhhhh!!!" Exhaled Mary as she let go of her breath in a huge whoosh to the amusement of Jody who giggled and reached over to tweak her nose.
"You big ninny." She laughed, immediately to be joined by Mary whose eyes creased up with glee as she fell back into her chair crying with mirth. They remained smiling into each others eyes long after the laughter had died down, a real bond beginning to form around them. Mary drank two more cokes as she eagerly talked about everything she enjoyed, namely her friends, music and pizzas. The older woman encouraged her to talk, she didn't mention her mother again as she didn't wish to upset her any more. Her heart began to melt as she sat next to her listening to the small voice trilling away with enthusiasm. When Jody happened to declare with all due modesty that she was the best pizza cook in the whole world, Mary reacted in a way that made her world suddenly spin with possibilities.
"Oh is that true Jody? Oh Jody can I go home with you so you can cook me the best pizza ever. I bet you're really amazing at it. Can we please? Can we Jody?"
Jody was aware of the quietness of the café; there were only a couple of other people apart from themselves having a tea or a coffee in the wooden panelled room. A boy in a blue motiffed tea shirt and dark trousers came out from behind the counter and started wiping tables, his trainers squeaking over the tiled mosaic floor as he passed from one to the next.
"Yes of course you can dear, I'd love you to see my home."
It was like a cage door had suddenly been opened, and from that moment on sex had become more important than common sense. Whatever the moral rights or wrongs of the situation happened to be, it didn't even matter if she was taking advantage of the girl's vulnerability in needing a mother figure. From now on she'd do whatever it took to get Mary into her bed and if she was very lucky... maybe into her bathroom too. Her scalp felt prickly and her roots became damp with the sweat of excitement as a picture sprang into her mind. Now as she looked into Mary's innocent face, so trusting and so beautiful completely free of taint or corruption, she knew she wanted to do everything with her.
'Open your mouth darling; open your sweet little mouth for me. Oh God yes... yes!'
"Are you okay? You looked like you were dreaming?"
"Oh... Sorry. Yes I was a little."
"Oh... Well I hope they were nice one's."
The woman looked into the sincere green eyes and a slow smile spread across her glazed features.
"Oh yes Mary... Very nice one's. Let's go back to my house by taxi... it'll be quicker that way."
It was a quick journey, the morning traffic had melted away and they made it back to the small village where she lived in less than ten minutes. Personal space doesn't exist for children, so the fact that Jody was sitting so close to her on the back seat and that her thigh was rubbing against hers nearly all the way back never bothered her in the slightest, which couldn't be said for the flush faced woman.
"Here we are Mary. Go into the living room and watch the telly, while I make you that pizza."
"Can I watch you do it? I want to see you make it."
The nearness of Mary on the back seat of the car had excited Jody to distraction and although she wore a corporate grey business suit for her day at the office, the pressure of the girl's bare thigh through the material of her skirt had sent shock waves of pleasure along her spine. Jody hadn't known love for longer than she cared to remember. Her body felt like a starved flower that had suddenly found sunlight and was opening it petals to drink it in. She'd felt herself moistening right from the first sight of Mary, the contact in the taxi had started a flood between her legs that was beginning to feel uncomfortable and she'd been hoping to slip upstairs and change while Mary watched TV.
"Oh... Of course you can if you like. I'm just going to get everything out of the cupboards and they we'll start."
Then began a cookery lesson that had Mary looking up with wide-eyed wonder. She drank in every word the grown up said as she stood on tiptoe with her eyes just above the worktop following every action Jody made. Finally the sound of metal sliding against metal sounded as she slid the pizza tray onto the shelf and clanged the door shut.
"Phew! Well... there we are." She chuckled throwing down the oven gloves. "Was that your first cookery lesson?"
"Yess..." she lisped, her head nodding.
"And did you like it?"
In answer to the question she stepped forward and flung her arms around her waist and hugged her face against into her waist. Jody gave a slight gasp of surprise and froze like a board but then gradually relaxed. They stayed like that for long minutes; completely silent except for the sound of the pizza topping giving an occasional pop as the heat from the oven did it's hot work. Nearly five minutes had past when...
"You okay down there?"
"Uh huh."
"You sure?"
"Ummmm... Feels nice"
"For me too Mary.
"Will you be my friend?"
"Oh yes Mary, I'll be your friend."
Jody gasped as the girl bent down suddenly and rubbed her face against the top of her bare thighs and then planted a small but wet little kiss onto her pale sensitive flesh.
"Oh Maryyyy! That's nice and grown up of you!"
"I was showing you that I want to be your friend too."
"Oh you darling! You must show me some more later... perhaps after you've eaten your pizza. You carry on enjoying it and I'll just pop upstairs for a minute."
She headed straight for the bathroom and stripped out of her office clothes glad of the opportunity to get rid of her soiled knickers which she tossed into the linen bin. Once she'd had a wash and freshened herself up she stood in front of the mirror and looked at her naked body for the second time that day. A nice height she thought, 5' 7", just about right for any woman. Her hair was blonde and straight and cut into a sweet looking bob while her face was heart shaped and pretty with high cheekbones and a wide sensual mouth. Her body was still slim and shapely with sloping breasts and pastel pink nipples, not quiet as firm as they used to be, in fact if she was honest she might have admitted they were starting to droop ever so slightly, but nevertheless they were still very fetching. She kept herself fit, swimming three times a week at her local baths and working out on the exercise bike in the spare room every day, it took care of the spare calories and kept her stomach flat with hardly any sagging considering her age. Her skin was almost snow like in appearance, not the kind that's shy of the sun and goes a bright red at the first kiss of its rays, she was lucky in that hers turned a deep golden tan without the unsightly in-between stage. She swung round to catch the reflection of her plump-cheeked buttocks. For some reason she had always thought they looked rather petulant, maybe it was their pouting paleness and the way they seemed so confident and proud of their chubby appearance, they seemed as though they would always get their own way. Nicely toned thighs and a pair of lithe shapely legs completed the picture, one that put a confident smile on her lips as she changed into a short purple skirt, with a low flowered top to show off her legs and cleavage then she headed back downstairs.
The pizza was eaten with relish and downed with a glass of cola and afterwards Mary was happy to accept Jody's invitation to join her on the sofa and see what was on the telly. The living room was warm and cosy with a thick comfortable carpeted and padded furniture. Jody suggested drawing the curtains so the sunlight wouldn't shine onto the screen.
"It's not so sunny though." Was her surprised comment.
Jody carried on drawing the curtains over the open bay window and walked over to the wall and flicked on the switch. Two wall lights immediately lit up casting their dim orange glow around the room.
"There... isn't that better, we're really cosy now."
Mary nodded "Umm yes" at that and the woman flicked on the remote. The television sprang into life to reveal a man and a woman looking into each other's eyes and declaring their undying love for each other. She sat nest to Mary making sure her thighs were pressed against hers like they were in the taxi and gave her a kind smile.
"This is a nice film Mary. Lets watch this together."
Jody watched the girl out of the corner of her eyes. She was such a cute little thing she thought, such a trusting face with beautiful green eyes and a few golden freckles scattered over her round cheeks. Long curly golden hair cascaded onto her shoulders like a fairy tale princess and Jody longed to see her in little pink ribbons to complete the effect... She was small for her age; she'd barely reached past the top of her thighs when they'd hugged in the kitchen. Perhaps she would never be tall, although Jody supposed you never knew with kids the way they suddenly put on a growing spurt and overtook everything in sight. Such a gorgeous complexion too, light honey in tone and so soft to the touch. What an angel she was!
"You don't mind me being so close do you? I think it feels nice. Do you think it feels nice Mary?
The girl flicked her eyes up shyly at the adult and gave a shy smile followed by a giggle. If ten minutes later she noticed the woman's legs brushing against hers she never commented but continued watching the love story as it unfolded on the screen. When it came to a love scene where the lovers were kissing Mary put a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. Jody laughed and gave her a playful nudge in the ribs.
"Why are you laughing Mary?"
"They're kissing," she replied from behind her hand.
"I know they are", chuckled Jody, "what's wrong with that niggle nog, it's nice."
Is it? Are they kissing because they're girlfriends then?"
"Noo... They're not girlfriends, they're boyfriend and girlfriend. If they were girlfriends they'd both be girls wouldn't they?"
Mary thought about that for a moment before giving a laugh.
"Yes and that' silly because girls don't kiss each other."
"Mmm..." Jody raised an elegant brow. "Not necessarily, girls do kiss each other."
"But they aren't supposed to." Frowned the young girl. Boys and girls can."
"And girls and girls can."
"Can they?"
"Uh huh... Yep! And what's more it's nice."
"Have you kis - kiss - kissed another girl then?"
"Another lady. "Yes I have and it's wonderful. Kissing and being close to someone you like a lot is always a very special experience Mary."
She stared into Jody's eyes for a time, as if considering her thoughts.
"Were you real girlfriends then Jody?"
"Yes Mary, we were. We kissed each other many times and in numerous..." she blinked slowly at the girl "many, numerous ways."
Another love scene ensued on the screen, this one passionate and open mouthed as a prelude to lovemaking. Mary turned her attention to it for a time and then looked back at Jody.
"Is that how girls kiss too, like the man and the lady?"
Jody gave her a warm mature smile.
"Would you like to find out?"
Mary's eyes went huge as she considered the woman's words and with a sudden gesture of shyness she covered her face with her hands only to feel them being gently pulled away again.
"Don't be afraid my darling."
Jody leaned forward and placed a hand behind Mary's head to draw her forward onto her lips. The touch of the woman's kiss felt soft and gentle, like a caress against her sensitive lips. She felt them being sucked into her mouth as the woman enclosed them over hers, coating them in warm saliva. Jody flicked the television off with her other hand and cupped the girls chin as she parted her lips with her tongue for a French kiss to rival the passion they'd seen on the screen. Her lips engulfed Mary's smaller one's as her tongue explored her mouth, fencing and flicking against the girls and reaming its warm interior. Mary closed her eyes after the initial wide-eyed surprise caused by Jody's face melding with her own and responded by allowing her access to her mouth and even began to respond a little by moving her lips and tongue, doing what came naturally and hearing - and feeling - a small grunt of appreciation. The sound of crumpling leather disturbed the quiet as Jody slowly pressed Mary's small body into the sofa until she lay flat beneath her. Like a courting couple on the park grass they writhed and turned with tortured gasps, time melting away as wet and slippery mouths writhed together in opened mouthed caress. Fifteen minutes, twenty, half and hour, who knows how long it lasted before the woman relented and pulled her lips back with a moist sucking sound. Mary gasped slightly as she felt Jody continue with her seduction by moving hand onto her thigh.
--"And touching... and touching." She intoned in a low voice, as she continued stroking.
--"Like this...
--Like this...
--And like this"
Jody's words had a rich musical lilt that resonated with quiet insistence as she used it to seduce the young girl.
"It's lovely when I do that with my hand isn't it? It feels so nice when another person touches you in a special way." She murmured as she massaged her palm into her flesh, warming the pale young skin as she fondled her way along. "You have such pretty legs Mary," she continued with a hint of regret in her voice, "it's such a shame mine aren't as beautiful as yours."
By now Mary regarded the older woman as her friend, her newest and by far her best friend. The last thing she wanted was to upset her, to fall out already would be too terrible to contemplate for the eleven year old girl and besides, she really did like the sensation of the adult's hands on her leg. Flattery seemed like the right idea and ever the diplomat that's just what she set out to do.
"Oh they are Jody, they're really, really pretty."
"Would you like to touch them?"
Mary swallowed and reached out her hand. The woman took it and placed it over the nylon and then slowly rubbed it over the rasping material.
"Ohhhh Mary... that's nice." She breathed as she continued stroking Mary.
Her words ceased as she kissed her and removed her hand from the girl's leg to place her fingers around the buttons of her blouse and pop them open. She worked her way down, at the same time moving Mary's hand higher up her leg and onto her thigh. Mary closed her eyes as she felt her shirt being pulled off and the woman's lips kiss and caress her throat and then shivered when she felt a warm wetness around her nipples as they were gently sucked into her mouth. Then downwards to her stomach, warm kisses raining down over her belly button as she sighed and clutched the cushion. It was almost surreal, the way her panties slid off her legs onto the floor, she felt the woman's hands and a gentle tugging and then the cool air on her small pussy. But not cool for long as hot breath and then a hot wet tongue licked up and down and then inside her. Then snapping out of her dream like state, she sat up to see what was happening down below. Two cobra like eyes, hooded and bold as the woman feasted on her, met her gaze. Jody let out a low moan and then her eyes travelled upwards in her head as her lids came down like a cowl. She sighed her lust between the girl's thighs, then she drew her head back all the time sucking fiercely with hollowed cheeks until the small labia popped out of her mouth with a loud smack. Her eyes flashed briefly before she dived back in and resumed her attack. Licking sucking and nibbling she ate her lovers pussy with all the sound effects of a whimpering whore as Mary screwed he eyes shut and sank back down onto the cushion. Time lost meaning as waves of ecstasy racked her body until her head swam with light and her body bucked against Jody's mouth like a fish landed on the deck of a boat.
Jody sat back on her heels with ragged breath as she waited for Mary to lie still, and then took her semi-naked body in her arms and nursed her.
"Was that good for my baby?"
"Ummm... Yesss... It was lovely Mummy... OH SORRY! I MEAN JODY!"
There was silence for a moment as the woman digested what Mary had said. The next stage required careful handling, too much pressure could steer things away from their right course. Yes, playing it cool was the best way here, and if things didn't seem to be going the way she was hoping, she could always give a gentle hint or two to steer things in the right direction. In fact, that didn't seem such a bad idea anyway, just not to heavy huh. Perhaps a guiding hand just to get the kid into her way of thinking?
"Don't be sorry darling, I'm touched, it felt nice hearing you call me that."
Jody smiled into her eyes and after a brief moment of shyness Mary smiled back and allowed Jody to climb onto the sofa and sit her in her lap and then kiss her.
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When Donna arrived at home, she was dead tired. At work she was told by her boss that she would be working half days from now on, as they were trimming down the expenses, and she was not working up to par. Donna knew this was not true, but she didn’t object, just went along with the story and asked politely for more guidance, so she would not make the same mistakes again. Inside of course she was almost crying from frustration. How unfair this treatment was! After work there was the gym, and...
Disclaimer: This story is only available on Lushstories. (C) iszofia 2010 – 2012 Part 2 of “Liss” After our shower together, Liss and I spent most of the night discussing how to teach Luke his little lesson. I was wearing a white tank and a lavender lace bum hugging panties. Liss had borrowed a light blue tank top from me and had a pair of her own lacy yellow hipster panties on. I had flung it at her telling her that she had left it behind at our last sleep over. “Oh, I had been looking for...
I'm Daphne, or Daffy. I'm a slut and I'm a writer. I also half believe that I behave like a sex-demon (succubus). Read my previous stories (rate/comment please!) to know the journey I'm on. ----------------------------------------------I'm currently the live-in sex toy of a black master, Sir Kullen. Prior to this I lived at home with my parents. In the weeks since I left home to become a slave to black cock I've contacted my parents to let them know I am completely fine and happy. They're...
Eros sighed. Today was turning out like every other day he'd suffered for aeons. Stuck on Mount Olympus, occasionally shooting an arrow at a nymph for target practice, the minor God was getting sick of the routine. "Mother, can you please tell me why I'm not allowed out in the human world?" Eros asked Aphrodite, a question she'd grown accustomed to hearing. "Because," the goddess of love began, "you can't be trusted out there. Every time we let you out, you mess with natural law and people end...
GayThe highlight of the next two weeks was Bindy and Aaron turning up. They turned up two days after I talked to Anne and the family in Alpha-IV were delighted to have them join the nightly meals. Justin did give Aaron a bit of ribbing about being caught, but he just grinned at us. We don’t think he fought really hard to get away. Bindy was a pretty awesome lady. Sarah and Mark were delighted to have a third young couple of similar age become part of our group. Mark was the odd man out, with...
Note : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! My mother is only five feet tall, but she has the most luscious breasts, and sweetest ass. I just love to look at her as she walks around the house in her shorts and cut off tank top with no bra. My mother is a health nut, and follows what she reads in her health magazines to maintain her good looks. I came up with a evil plan to have my mother suck my cock on a daily basis. My plan was simply to write a story on the...
IncestBen was sitting in his pilot's chair when he heard Elise's 'voice' inside his head. "Commander, we're ready to make the final jump to Woden. I've scouted ahead and I'm afraid I've got good news and bad news," she said. "Give me the good news first," replied Ben. "Captain Marlon and the Scout are still active around Woden, so your fears that they would all already be dead have not been realised," said Elise. "Excellent! Okay, now the bad news I suppose." "The Scout has...
A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him...
Introduction: I hope you all like it.. positive feedback only. Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I cant really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is Andre. He is really attractive, and makes me feel weak. I remember looking into his hazel green eyes and feeling kind of lost for a moment because I...
Introduction: Amanda meets her mentor At this point in the day I can honestly say that I didnt know how I was supposed to feel about everything that had happened. Let me explain. I had been yelled at by my boss. I had walked in the scorching heat only to get to the owner of the ice cream parlors house and see him standing naked on the deck. I was then invited into his house and shown a video of me giving his son a blowjob, my boss at the ice cream parlor and accepting money for it. I was then...
Hello everyone, my name is krishan singh from jodhpur and i am doing a professional course. Me ye site sayad 5 years se check out kr rha hu or i liked this site very much. Jesa ki sb kahte h meri story sachi h, meri sachi h heheheheh u knw some r fake bt my this incident is very true. Now some introdction of myself , i m krishan from jodhpur rajashtan n very much intrsted in grls bt my main point of erection is not grl . I like the aunties most because u all know how exprices they are having ....
The next morning, the voices of Liu and Melinda interrupted my light sleep. I heard them talking in the kitchen. I got out of bed and hauled my bare ass near the kitchen. They couldn’t see me, but I could see them and boy was I glad I could! Melinda giggled at something Liu had said to her. She stood before him in all her naked glory, while Liu was fully dressed. I didn’t think he had work today, but I could never keep track of his schedule. Liu tapped his hand twice on the kitchen counter....
Oral SexAnn had kept her promise to do whatever I wanted and two months later we were quietly married and I brought her home for an evening of sucking and fucking. For the next several months we played out different scenarios of sex and she became more willing to do even more than she had ever tried before. It was one day at work that she had to show up and bring me some stuff from home when my friend Ed saw her and commented on great she looked. I knew Ann had thoroughly enjoyed the black man she had...
It was late June, in the middle of the day, and I'm on my knees in the back seat of my boyfriend's brand new convertible. The top is down and Jay, a sexy black man I met on the internet is behind me, ramming his large cock inside my ass. It was such a tight fit that it was causing me some slight discomfort but the pleasure was trumping the pain. Thank goodness we had plenty of butter for lubrication. Jay was still wearing his dress shirt and tie and every so often, I could feel it drag on the...
At my place of work we are all monitored closely, It can be quite hazardous to perform any internet fucntions not closely related to business, so I realized I was taking a rsik, even at this late hour of the work day/ evening. He was there, and he quickly had me describing my dress, my situation and before I knew what had hit me, I was removing my blouse and bra, sitting at my desk. Reality struck me as I began to feel the wafting cool conditoned air on my shoulders and bare breasts. ...
Pushing your fingers deep inside me, I gasped with pleasure. You moved back up to face me. Fingering me hard and fast, you removed the blindfold to see my eyes roll into the back of my eyes. “Like that baby?” you ask, already knowing the answer. I was gasping for air as my breathing was getting shorter. “Yes I love that.” You have quickened your movements to try to get me there. “Oh I’m so close.” You stopped. I whined. “Aw, I stopped.” You teased me. You removed the tie that held me down....
Straight SexThe reason why I love the porn industry, is because they are open to babes of all shapes and sizes. You have the skinny sluts, the curvaceous cuties, the chubby babes, and the big beautiful women. I am sure everyone has their own preferences when it comes to watching these beautiful babes in action, but if you are here to watch the big beauties get down and dirty, you have come to the right review.I am here to talk about, a premium porn site offering tons of hot BBW content....
Premium BBW Porn SitesWith the school year approaching, I was getting ready to go back to college. The college life is amazing: pretty girls, pretty girls and pretty girls. Let’s just say I like to date around. I can’t be tied down to just one woman, you know? My name is Bred Jakes. I am a 6’ 1”, muscular, light-skinned black guy. I live in a small apartment complex in Dallas called Sunset Apartments. I’d decided to work at a camp for children with diabetes. The experience was breathtaking, the campers were filled...
Course 8 / Day 1: Course Progress Meeting Josephine: All the team are briefed for today's activities for the new Course 8 intake. There are five this time and they will arrive at the Centre around 19:00. Jenny's Recollections Joe's been gone for a couple of week. I've been working hard to prepare myself but now I'm sitting on the edge of the couch in the lounge at home staring at the papers I have just printed. I'm biting my lip and twisting a strand of hair between my fingers....
When the babysitter cancels on MILF Penny Pax, her husband suggests asking their redhead neighbour Jayden Cole to stand in. Luckily Jayden’s free, and she comes over awfully dressed up to babysit. Penny sends her husband to wait in the car and then coldly accuses Jayden of deliberately flirting with him. Jayden sets the record straight. Her intention was not to toy with him. The one she wants is Penny. Jayden comes on strong, even copping a feel of her pussy, and Penny, the perfect wife...
xmoviesforyouI was starting my second year in college. The first year has been hard for me in terms of commuting every day. Long boring hours on the trains drove me mad. I'm a girl who can't stay in one place for too long, so the long journeys were a killer. Luckily this year, my sister's colleague offered me a room in her house for one semester. Her name was Ciara, she was 31, short red hair, quite good looking but not to most men. She was married to Charlie. The first time I saw Charlie was the first day...
Miller and sons. The 3rd largest law firm on the west coast. I've worked for the firm the past eighteen years. Started out in the mailroom at seventeen years old. Why might someone get into law you ask? Because my father did it. And so did my grandfather. I was holding court in my living room at age ten. Didn't really have much chance of being anything else. I wanted to be a rock star. But there is the problem of needing musician talent. Which I didn't have. There's always a catch. By...
Dear Brianna, Hi, it's your friend Lily. At least I hope I can call you my friend. Although with all that I dumped on you about my life in my last letter I'm concerned that you might not want to receive another letter from me. With that in mind I want to say that I will do my best not to revisit the dark side of my life with you. Instead I'll try to focus more on the wonderful things that have happened to me since I joined the family of Master Will, and Mistress Marissa. One of those is...
Joseline Kelly is the definition of a good girl gone bad. This filthy, sloppy slut turns into a pure cock demon when she is horny. She messaged me saying she wanted a good hard face fucking with no limits in the amount of spit and deep throating. She arrived in a collar and leash and was ready to collect all her saliva in a bowl and have her pretty face covered in her fluids. She extracts a hot load into a glass bowl and eats it all. This is BY FAR the filthiest blowjob you’ll see in a long...
xmoviesforyouJessie smiled as she listened to the chaos around her. Don's friend Stix was telling stories about life on the road. Kasey and Jenny were watching him intently. She watched as Stix's wife, Robin, tried to keep control of her three boys. It was just what she needed. She felt comfortable now. Kasey had a place to live, a place filled with love and affection. Her pain would be bearable knowing this. Leslie was watching her intently from across the table. Jessie smiled. "I'm okay, Les," she...
Federation Fleet Ken stood on the flag bridge of the USS Washington and watched the gate open for his ship. Looking at his wife Jessica he said, "Okay, let's find out what is going on." "Yes, Sir. We are dropping out in three ... two ... one ... Now!" The Washington dropped out of fold. The two assault cruisers, Grizzly and Orca, and the seven destroyers were flanking her. The destroyers spread out in a half circle to protect the three ships. Sensors came online and flashed their...
Day Sixty-seven - Thursday Kisses, lots and lots of kisses. The kisses continued down my chest, over both of my nipples, then down my stomach to right smack on the head of my now very rigid dick. Then the kisses stopped. But the sucking and licking began. Oh boy, did that feel good. Sue was sucking, licking, and tonguing me, and stroking me with one hand, while the other was softly squeezing and caressing my balls. No one, absolutely no one, can hold out when that is being done to...
A rule of life is, 'Nothing is ever as easy as you first think it will be'. That truism certainly applied to pursuing Megan, as Sean was soon to discover. The Council was eager to put their considerable resources at Sean's disposal to rescue Megan. Of course, a couple of things had to be explained to them before their eagerness manifested itself. Cory had to explain how the other Councils would respond to the results of the Americas Council's ineptness, if Megan wasn't rescued. BB...
I have never been to a fashion show, but have seen clips of them on TV. My girls had adapted our lounge to resemble a catwalk. All the furniture had been pushed back to the wall. The large teak garden table had been carried in and would serve as the catwalk. I was instructed to sit in an armchair at the end of the table. The lights had been dimmed and a set of large spot lamps that I normally use when I am doing some building work at night had been set up pointing at the table. My...
At least Sandy managed to get me a contact, Clegg thought as he made his way into town. Potentially this was the most difficult part of his mission. He had a name — Irena Lanz — of someone that might or might not be in the country. That was about all he had to go on in a city he didn't know; in a country whose language he didn't understand. The one consolation was that the place was a hot bed of refugees and the intelligence services of the Allies and the Wehrmacht. Deception, evasion, and...
You really know how to get to me like no man ever has.You’re proving it again right now, cuddling my very aroused nude body draped lazily across yours on our bed, stroking my long brown curls and back with a strong loving hand. Still gently lifting my chin with your other hand and looking adoringly into my blue-green eyes, you crane your neck to softly kiss my lips, tasting the last remaining salty remnants of your intense orgasm on them. It reminds you of how you intend to please me as I just...
Oral Sex‘Tell me a secret,’ Sara said. She was tits up, naked on the bed. They had just fucked and Travis was walking back into the bedroom with a bottle of water. ‘What?’ ‘Tell me a secret,’ she insisted. They had barely known each other for a month and now she wanted a secret from him. ‘I shoplifted science fiction novels from the bookstore when I was a teenager,’ he told her. She scoffed. ‘No, tell me a sex secret.’ Travis stiffened, his back, not his cock. Anytime someone, especially a...
When I got done with talking to my Dad, about borrowing the plane, I went right up to my room and called Emily. This was the second, and the most difficult part of the plan I'd been hatching in my mind. I doubted I'd be able to pull this off, but I wanted to try it, because it might help with something else that I wanted to have happen. What I was really hoping for was that Emily would realize that my calling her with this had constituted that much improved offer that she'd warned me I...
Mike pulls the leash up stupid boy iam, loud speaking about how he likes his pet back home before midnight every friday night .Undress in the loby , naked and on all 4 like a dogLooking at mike bbc i sucked yesterday after the bar bulging under his boxer , not aware i was filmed , drunk draining his bbc for a lift home , he had me obeying like a pet if i dont want people to knowin silence crawling to the basement, listening to my Master who pull me down the stairs i gulp as we got down 3 little...
Saturday On Saturday morning the neighborhood awoke shocked by the news of his detention.Mr. Albert Ryan had been arrested under a drug trafficking accusation. Hiswife, Angela, and his two daughters Alice (18) and Anna (15) were also undersuspect and, even they were not arrested, they have been put under their neighbor'ssurveillance, fulfilling the new law "people watching people". This law qualifiesa normal citizen to act as a procuration Officer and it confers the power ofJudge, prison warder...
I. Introduction I stood in the kitchen watching the water slowly drip from the faucet. The girls were in the living room, cuddled on the couch, whispering, waiting. Pet was doing what she could to soothe Kasey. Pet knew what was coming; Kasey on the other hand, did not have the slightest idea. On top of the dresser in my room I kept a wooden box about 10 inches wide by 12 inches long; it was a simple box with a simple hasp. No locks, no complicated mechanism to open it and free it of its...
BDSMZodiac Coin: Virgo By JRD 2300 YEARS AGO... He was a seer, divining the future by reading the patterns in the stars. Tonight, however, the stars seem to defy all attempts to read them. The strange, glowing, golden rock that had been brought to him by the miners seemed destined to defy any predictable use. He had read the stars four times that night, and each time something, a flash of light, a comet, something, had predicted something radically different for what to do...
Upon awaking, we discovered that the dorms were truly frozen. The girls had no place to go. So ... I took the old Suburban to the local lumberyard, and explained what I wanted. They sent me to the local office furniture store. Luck was in. They had a panel system that locked together, and formed little boxes. "Cubicles," he said. "They're soundproof." "It's a temporary set up," I explained. "When the dorms are running again I won't need them." "We don't rent." "Bummer, got...
Lavender got married when she was nineteen-years-old. Within eighteen months after her marriage, Lavender discovered that she would never be able to produce a child. She had an inoperable blockage in her fallopian tubes. Strangely, twenty-years later this problem could easily have been rectified, but at that time alas, it was not.Lavender and her husband, Chris, therefore, decided that adoption was the only route that they could pursue. Over the following year, they were lucky enough to adopt...
Gay MaleVery horny petite blonde teen step sister Kiara is very happy to have you in the room in the hopes to tease your cock hard, watching her suck her step brothers throbbing cock. Kiara slowly teases Logan too while slowly rubbing her hot tiny teen body all over his cock before lovingly putting all his inches down her throat. But as soon as she slips in an inch into her hot tight young pussy everyone in the room knows this fuck session is going to be great and Kiara will have her body covered in...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. Please forgive for any mistakes. Also, do send Feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. MY STINT AS A TUITION TEACHER This sex story happened during my second year at college. Some of my friends used to go and take tuition for some extra pocket money. One day, a friend asked me to go as a substitute for him and take tuition for a student. For taking tuitions, they used to go to the student’s house and the date would be informed by the...
Still Cora The three of them stood at nearly attention as I inspected hands, faces and clothes. I asked the question that has embarrassed kids since forever. “Clean underwear?” Beck was dressed for school but hacking and coughing like mad. “Beck, unless you have a temperature of 103 ... you are going to school this morning.” “God, mom.” She stopped hacking. “I can see treating you three like small adults,” I grinned at tiny Beck, “was a mistake of the first water. Ah well, time for a...
"Hello," a woman's voice, "Hypnotherapy Associates. This is Doctor Brown. Can I Help You?""Yes. Hi. My Name is Amanda. I, uh, was told that you could maybe help me...""Oh, yes! Terri's friend, right?""Uh, yeah.""She filled me in just a little. She said you were having some intimacy issues with your boyfriend.""Well, sort of...""Why don't you tell me yourself what's going on.""Well, we've been together..." she thinks of a lie "about a year now and...I'm not, like, ready to have sex or anything...
The sky was tinged in oranges, pinks and purples as the last rays of the sun gave way to the inky black of night. Jake checked his reflection one last time in the small mirror over his wash stand, running a hand over his freshly shaved chin and smoothing unruffled hair. He'd washed and changed after the work day, the button up dress shirt a novelty in the wilds of the west. The trousers were still just trousers, if perhaps a bit less rugged than his usual fare. Jake stepped out of the small...
Straight SexRiley is over at her friends house studying for a test when she she’s her friends older brother Mick. Riley can’t concentrate so she goes into the toilet to masturbate and think about him. Just as Riley is about to have an orgasm, Mick comes in by mistake. He wants to leave but horny Riley wants to taste her first cock. After sucking his huge dick and having her pussy eaten, Riley gets fucked hard until she orgasms. Mick cums all over this naughty schoolgirl’s mouth and face and she...
xmoviesforyouPatricia and Sampson returned from her visit to her Uncle Vito at the prison fully tired from the journey and the activities she had engaged in caused her to sleep most of the way back in the special bus. Mrs. Anderson was nice enough to hold her hand and squeeze her boob every now and then to show her appreciation for Patricia’s willing gift of pussy to ease Mr. Anderson’s terrible stress of incarceration without female companionship for a long period of time. Sampson watched carefully...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 16 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Prime Directives Shelly signed the documents, allowing her to leave the hospital. She could have walked out, but they had a silly policy about wheeling patients out the front door, regardless of their condition. Did they think she was going to trip and sue them? “You’re agitated,” Sonia stated as she pushed the wheelchair. “I thought you’d be happy to get out of here.” “I didn’t think...
How did I get to my home, I am still unable to comprehend. My hands were time and again movingeither to my nipples or to my pussy (under the burqa) till I got home. At home, I lay down on my bed.Neither my brother nor my mother was at home. I locked myself in a room, threw off my clothes andlay naked playing with my nipples and pussy. I wished I had more than two hands to work simultaneously on pussy and both the nipples. But I just had two hands and merely ten fingers tohelp. I moaned loud...