Carol And Marvin free porn video

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Carol Caldwell slid into the booth next to the man. It was difficult to make out who he was, but it was definitely someone she knew. The spit swapping that was taking place was proof of that. What it definitely was not, was me doing the kissing. Who am I? I'm her husband, and I am watching them from across the darkened barroom seated in a booth cattycorner to theirs. I wanted to vomit.

I was supposed to be out of town till Sunday next, seven days hence, but I had gotten a headsup from a female friend, who works with my wife, that she, my wife, was not who or what I thought she was. So, I'd cancelled my trip to San Francisco and set myself up to follow her and find out for myself. Geezsus! I thought to myself, as I watched them, 18 years of marital bliss and fucked over by some asshole and my very own wife, make that my very own slut wife! I was angry, sick, heartbroken, and viscerally determined to not sit still for this kind of treachery. I would come out the winner here—fucking-A I would!

Still in the back of my mind I knew I was going to have a hard time screwing her over. I'd slept with her, worked with her, put Christmas trees up with her, smelled her for two decades; the psychological and emotional investment in her was enormous. I had to find out the why this was happening. I had to see if there was some way, any way, that I could salvage our marriage.

Here I was on the verge of divorce—probably. No amount of wishful thinking on my part was going to change that. The reality was, that even if I were to want to save the marriage, I had no idea what she would do or want. I felt sick.

I got up and headed for the men's room; I did vomit thank gawd, at least now I wouldn't do it in the fucking car. As sick as my stomach was, though, my heart was sicker. There's nothing as hurtful in the relationships of men as the betrayal of trust by a spouse—nothing!

I had been married to Carol for near twenty years—eighteen is close enough: I was fifty-two and she was forty-nine. We had both been married before, but neither of those marriages had produced any children. Our girls, Jenny and Marie, had come to us near the end of our first year of marriage. They'd been a bit of a surprise, but a lovely one. The girls, I knew, had been our anchor, and we, Carol and I, adored them. Because of them and for any of a dozen other reasons, it had been my apparently erroneous conviction that "our" marriage was one of the good statistics. Well, it looked like that, in the final analysis, was not to be the case, at least not for much longer.

Returning from the head, I passed by right next to their table, I mean within three feet of them for chrissakes. I looked straight at them as I passed, virtually daring them to see me, but they didn't recognize me, engrossed as they were with each other. I, at that point, didn't give a damn one way or the other. I did get a good look at the man though; it was Julius Weathers, her boss at the insurance firm she worked for: good 'ole JW, as she usually referred to him.

Outside, in the parking lot, I took a deep breath. My Okinawan martial arts training worked for me now: the deep, controlled breathing. Breathing is integral to the martial arts; it is from the center of our being that the ki our inner power and serenity of mind proceeds. Proper breathing allows the individual to tap into this power this serenity. I know that sounds very unscientific, but it works: I felt a ton better.

I guess it's time I said something about myself. I'm five-six. I used to be five-seven, but somewhere along the way I lost an inch and I don't know why. I weigh in at about 160, and most of that is steel hard muscle. My feet have slowed some over the years, okay a lot; but not my hands. Just two things are faster than my hands, one of them is light the other scientists haven't come up with a name for yet. As for my face, well it's kind of messed up, but Carol always said I looked rugged; Till now I had cheerfully accepted her version of the facts.

I had taken up martial arts to stay in shape after my boxing career ended twenty years back. Carol knew I'd been a boxer before we met, but had never shown any interest in hearing about it apart from the simple fact that it was true. Since I had quit the ring more than two years before we met, it never came up in conversation.

As a prize fighter my record had not been sterling: 9-4-2. Two of those loses, though, had been against ranked opponents; I was the guy they came to for their tune ups. I had been a natural welterweight, but the tune ups had been against lightweights; both of the ranked guys had damn near killed me, but I had not gone down in either fight, and that had been my goal, just to go the distance and stay upright; I'd done that. Now, at my age, I am the inevitable middleweight; well, whaddya gonna do, I'm older now. I am; nevertheless and as I said, in pretty damn good shape. At the moment, I was thinking of how many ways I could take my aggressions out on Mr. Weathers. The man was at least six-two and maybe 240, so that would make the fight fair, right?

As for what I do now to earn a living, I'm a logistics engineer for a freight line—trucks not boats or trains. It's my job to see to it that materials and cargo get to where they are going as fast as possible and at as little cost and loss of product as possible. The job pays well, six figures, and the bonuses can be substantial. It wasn't money that was luring my wife into Mr. Weather's arms; I knew I made more than him; it had to be something else, maybe the size of his cock. My five-incher had always been an embarrassment to me, but what is, is, as you might say. Carol always said it was enough for her regardless; I wanted to believe her.

I had a thought; I pulled out my cell. It was a camera as well as a phone, and it had a two-power zoom. I was going to get some pictures if I could. I was no private-eye, but it seemed pretty straight forward to me. Get 'em coming out, get 'em wherever it was they finally ended up going, and then wait and confront her first and him later: the whore and the asshole in that order.

I'm not sure when it came to me, but at some point in all of this, I made the conscious decision to be cold and efficient rather than emotional and belligerent. I needed to gather evidence; I realized that I was going to need proof of her infidelity when I divorced her, if I did. In fact I had also decided that I was going to do my level best to ruin her asshole lover in the process, and that whether or not I did. I began planning at that very moment. The only sticky part in my conversation with myself was how I was going to deal with the issue of telling our twin teenage daughters, Jenny and Marie, why I was leaving their mother. I did not relish that little ditty.

I slipped back into the bar, doing my best to not be noticed. I got close enough to get a couple of pics, albeit in bad light, of the two of them playing around. I got out of there as soon as I had accomplished that goal. I knew I'd have to have the photos enhanced, since I didn't use the flash, but I knew that Ronnie could do that job for me as soon as I could get hold of him. Ronnie was an old friend, the geek of computer geeks. The techno stuff had not been invented that he couldn't manipulate like a thirteenth Olympian deity.

The parking lot was a bit lighter than the bar, and she had parked near the entrance right under a light standard; it was bright as day. I could get pics of them when they came out for sure.

It was maybe 45 minutes later that I saw Carol and Julius Caesar coming out of the bar. They stopped in the shadows and shared a lingering kiss. From behind a dumpster, twenty feet away, I was able to get a shot of it, and reviewing it immediately I was gratified to see that I had gotten a good clear picture: both of their faces were recognizable.

They held hands as they went to their respective cars; his was parked next to hers as it turned out—how fucking convenient, I thought.

I wasn't actually due home for six more days, so I got myself a motel room less than two miles from our house. I settled in and tried to figure out what my next move would be. I needed the answers to a bunch of questions. Why had she decided to fuck around on me? Was she planning to divorce me? She and the asshole obviously were not new at this, but how long had it actually been going on? Was she doing other men? I doubted this last. Their kiss told me that there was something more there than just sex; it looked like they were in love.

Okay, I said to myself, what to do? I could hire an investigator; I could afford it. Or, I could continue to do the sleuthing myself. I wasn't stupid, but I was inexperienced. A PI would have equipment and other stuff to stick it to the two cheaters. Also, there was the fact that Mr. Weathers was married with five children; and, if I had understood the things that my wife had told me about him, his wife was the one with all of the money in the family, and that fact was most interesting.

I knew that Carol would be at work the next day until 4:30PM. I had time to get my act together, but not too much time.

By morning I had decided on a PI. The yellow pages were my next stop. I chose one that claimed to have been in service in the area for the past seventeen years, nothing like experience. I made the appointment for that same morning.

I sat across from Mr. Carr a man in his middle fifties. There was actually a cigar in the ashtray in front of him, and his shabby office looked like something right out a Dashell Hammet novel. I thought, this guy only needed a trench coat to give Bogie a run for his money.

"And that's it then?" said Mr. Carr.

"Yeah, pretty much. I just got in yesterday and caught them last night. There is definitely something going on, and I need the proof.

"So whaddya think? Can you do it?" I said.

"Sure, no problem," he said. "With what you've given me, the pics and the rest, it'll be easy. It'd be easy for you too if you wanted to do it yourself."

"I'm just afraid I'd screw up, you know, maybe give the guy a size eight suppository and get my ass thrown in jail. I don't want to give either of 'em the satisfaction of seeing me behind bars."

"So that is indeed it then. We'll be on the job immediately. I will be planting the devices in the house today while she's at work," said Mr. Carr.

"Good," I said. We shook hands, and I went back to my motel room to wait and consider what exactly I was going to do with my wife. I had made up my mind not to do too much until I got the report from the PI. If he confirmed what I already knew to be fact, then I had just about decided come down on her with both feet. I wanted custody, the house, as much of our money as I could squeeze out of an overly forgiving court system, and I wanted revenge. She could have the asshole, and I just couldn't wait until life with him lost its new car smell and she realized what it was she'd lost. Well anyway, that's what I hoped would happen.

Mr. Carr had made it clear that I was to stay clear of the both of them for the duration, the duration being the entire week if necessary. But, that did not mean I could not call the traitor. I always called her every day I was out of town. It would have raised her suspicions if I did not call her.

The phone rang in her office. She answered it. "Hi ... yeah it's me ... it's fine here ... uh-huh ... me too but we'll be together this weekend unless something untoward happens ... okay so whaddya going do to not be bored ... sounds good Emily is a fun gal ... oh okay ... okay didn't mean to interrupt your meeting with JW ... yeah me too ... give JW my apologies for interrupting the meeting." I hung up.

I had actually caught them in a meeting of some kind. Well, it was a business establishment after all; it might even have been legit. Still, images of her bent over her desk getting banged from the rear crowded out all others in my mind. Her voice had betrayed nothing. Well, why should it have, I was in San Francisco a thousand miles away from Lincoln as far as she was concerned. I could just imagine the two of them smirking at my timing. The thought pissed me off.

Carol had noticed a guy watching them from across the barroom, but it was too dark to see who. Who cared anyway, she thought, she was having fun with her man. She was feeling a little bit guilty though. Marvin was away and she intended to be with her Julius even if it was technically cheating. But it was only a technical thing, she told herself. Marvin would suffer not at all for her doing it, at least not while they were still married; she'd treat him good right up to the end. She was planning on divorcing him as soon as the girls turned eighteen in a few months, and then he'd be free to find someone he could be happy with; she really did wish that for him. For herself, she was in love again just not with her husband. Not since high school had she felt about a boy or man like she did about Julius.

True Julius could not provide the kind of living that Marvin had provided for her, but she'd get enough from the divorce settlement to make up a lot of the difference. Still, she had to be careful; this was not a "no fault" state. If caught in adultery she could be lost financially; hence, she never did anything with Julius unless her husband was out of town. What he didn't know would hurt no one, she reasoned.

She did feel some regret, for what she planned to do to her husband; he had been a good man in all respects except for two things; one, he was lousy in bed. And, his skinny little weenie no longer satisfied her, not since she'd experienced Julius' very thick seven-and-a-half inches. And two, Marvin was boring!

"Let's get out of here, Carol. I need to get you naked," said Julius.

She smiled at him. "Happy to oblige," she said rising. He threw a bill on the table and they left. Once outside the door, he drew her to him and they kissed in the shadowy light of the bistro.

They strolled arm-in-arm the few yards to their cars. "My house," she said. "We've got that meeting in the morning, and I am going to have to limit you tonight. Unlike you I have to be in early for the set up."

"I know," he laughed, "I'm the boss, remember!" They laughed.

They drove off not noticing the man half hidden in the darkness near the dumpster.

Carol parked her car in the driveway and went in to the house. She turned on the porch light for her lover and left the door ajar.

Carol had given the girls permission to sleep over at Miranda's, and that had fit in well with her plans for the evening. She and Julius could do the bedroom mambo and she could then run him off early enough to get the rest she knew she was going to need.

"Jen, who is that parking in front of the neighbor's house?" said Marie.

"How do I know—wait—that's mom's boss, that Julius guy," said Jenny, as the big man got out of his car and casually, as though expected, entered the house.

"I don't like the look of that," said Marie. "What is that man doing in our house this late at night; it's after ten o'clock."

"We gonna go in?" said Jenny.

"I gotta get my clothes for tomorrow, don't I? I mean if we're all going to the water park in the morning," said Marie. "It's your fault anyway; you should've told me about the plans to go there before we left today for Miranda's."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah blame it all on me," said her twin.

"It's our house. Why shouldn't we go in to get my stuff," said Marie.

"Marie, I have a bad feeling about this," said Jenny, starting to tear up.

"Me too, Jen, but—mom wouldn't cheat on dad. Would she?"

"Gawd! I hope not," said Jenny.

As jenny and Marie sat in the car across the street, the porch light on their house went out. They waited some minutes before they began to worry: the man apparently wasn't coming out.

"We gotta get in there and get my clothes," said Marie. "And..."

"I'm afraid," said Jenny. "Wait, I know, I'll call mom on the cell and tell her we're coming to get your stuff."

Marie smiled, "Yes, that'll work, and we can pull up alongside her car just as she answers the phone; that way she won't be tempted to tell us that we should come over in the morning to get them instead."

"Hi Mom ... me an Marie ... yes we're having fun at Miranda's ... no no ... we'll be gone all day tomorrow ... yes ... uh-huh ... the waterpark ... we need some stuff ... uh-huh ... we'll be there in one minute ... we'll just run in and run out ... no-no-no ... we're pulling in to the driveway right now." Jenny hung up.

Their mother met them at the door. "Hurry up girls and get what you need. I need to get to bed; I have a big meeting tomorrow.

"I hope you two are behaving yourselves over at Miranda's."

"We are, Mom. I'll get my suit and a couple of other things, and we'll be out of your hair," said Marie

Jenny waited by the door while Marie ran upstairs to her room. Marie noticed that the door to her mom and dad's room was closed. That, coupled with the fact that their mother was already in her robe was telling. Marie got her stuff and ran down the stairs.

"Bye Mom," said the twins in concert as they rushed out the door.

"Have fun tomorrow girls," said their mother.

The girls waved as they got in their car and backed out of the driveway and drove down the street toward their friend's house where they were sleeping over.

"Shit!" said Marie. "That asshole is in her and dad's room!"

Carol Caldwell turned and uttered an audible sigh of relief as her two daughters drove off. She leaned back against the door jamb and took a couple of deep breaths. She climbed the stairs to the bedroom where her lover was already naked and waiting.

"That didn't take long," he said, reaching to take her in his arms.

She held him off, gently, and looked into his eyes. "Jules, I have to ask you something, and I need an absolutely honest answer."

"Okay," he said, a concerned look creeping into features.

"You're about to do me, and that in my marital bed. My husband is ignorant of us so far, so we could back off and go back to our lives: you to Helen and the children and me to Marvin and the twins. Are you sure you want me as much as I want you? Are you sure you are willing to do to Helen what I will be doing to Marvin when I serve him with divorce papers in a few month's time? Be sure, Jules, I love you, but I don't want this to turn out to be just you getting a piece of my ass and then saying sayonara. I don't know what I'd do if you did that to me," she said.

"Carol, I love you more than my life. I am as desirous of you as you are of me. I have wanted you since the first time we met at the office. Later, our intimate lunches and dinners, when Marvin was out of town, were wonderful for me. Too little and not nearly often enough, but wonderful nonetheless. I swear to you, I love you, and you are far more to me than just a piece of ass as you call it. On that you may rely," he said.

He took her in his arms and she melded her body to his. The robe had slipped from her shoulders. He slid her negligee and then her skimpy panties down and off as well. She was now as naked as he.

He kissed her forehead, her ears, her neck and finally her lips. He was gentle and slow and considerate of her needs.

He led her to the bed and laid her down on it. He looked down at her, his cock jutting out in front of him. She licked her lips and motioned him to her. He knelt beside her face and she reached for his cock and pulled it to her mouth. She kissed it while holding his sac in one hand and the base of his shaft in the other. She pulled it into her mouth and then out for a moment and looked at it. She thought about how his massive maleness would soon be pile driving itself into her making her scream and spasm with pleasure. He owned her and she worshipped him for enslaving her.

She began to suck and lick him with abandon. After several minutes, she looked up at him and said, now. She released him and got herself up on all fours presenting her ass for his assault. He got behind her and licked her secret places, both of them.

She felt him press his cockhead against her labia and push into her. He moved slowly, inch by precious inch. She felt him press his finger against her anus and push it inside of her as he fucked her. He varied his tempo. He wanted the feeling to last. She played with her clit as he continued to screw her. It was some while before he felt her stiffen. He began to speed up[, ] ramming her ferociously a dozen times before he exploded inside of her. She felt the heat of his semen wash her insides as she was riddled with orgasmic thunder. Gawd! how she loved the way he fucked her. He shivered too as he began to fade.

They collapsed together in a pile of flesh and sweat and carnal juices. The smell of sex and mating was all around them.

"He can't do that for you," said the man.

"No, he can't, he's too dinky," she said. "If he had what you have, you might not be here."

He smiled. His conquest was complete. He knew without a doubt that she was his. They cuddled and slept the sleep of the sexually satisfied.

It was two days later that Mr. Carr called the cell number he'd been given. He had summoned the cuckolded spouse to his office. Marvin sat across from him now having heard the basics. The PI had gotten what he needed sooner than anticipated.

"Yes, there is an affair and they apparently are in love. I'm sorry Mr. Caldwell, but it's all there in the package."

"Thank you. It's disturbing to finally know, but I knew in my heart after that night at the bistro that this would be the result. I know what to do now. Thank you again," I said.

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'I wouldn't know,' said Carol, blushing furiously 'I'm still a virgin!' I looked at her in astonishment. 'Still a virgin? But you went out with Roger for five years. Didn't you ever do it?' 'Roger didn't believe in sex before marriage and, well, you know me. I'm too bloody self-conscious and nervous to say anything.' she replied, her cheeks turning scarlet. Carol is my best friend. We met at University and we've been close ever since, to the point of taking jobs in the same company. She was the...

First Time
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Chapter 1: Carol's First Spanking Carol could not believe her ears. Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill. And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month. Last month it was more than $200. Now it was more than double. When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences. And, she had an idea what that meant. She...

2 years ago
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Carol and the old professor

Carol sat in a coffee house in Young Street, Toronto, drinking a large cup of coffee, and watching the world go by through the large shop window, when a man sat at the next table, opened his Toronto Sun and started reading the days news while sipping his cup of Tea. At first she didn’t pay much attention, but then, something seemed very familiar about this man. He was, she guessed about six feet tall, looked very handsome and very fit, and with his greying hair, she guessed he would be...

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Carol and Mark Enjoy a Holiday Part 2

 I woke after 8:30, which was unprecedented for me. Carol was naked by my side and softly stirring. The sun was up and strong light was filtering through the blinds in our hotel room.This was the first morning of our holiday on the Canary Island of Fuerteventura. Yesterday had been a long day with an early start to catch our flight. It hadn’t dulled our lust for each other and we had managed three sessions of passionate lovemaking. It was going to be quite a week.I had met Carol in my local pub...

3 years ago
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Carol Part Seven

Prologue It had been an interesting 24 hours, beginning with a straightforward, but totally unexpected question from Carol: did I want to fuck her? Despite my surprise at the question, I did not hesitate with my response. There followed an interesting, but quick, four hand game of strip poker and a late dare proffered by Carol. I had already won three poker hands, each win resulting in Carol having to remove one of her four pieces of clothing. The odds of me winning a fourth straight game were...

Straight Sex
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Carol Patty

Carol could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. Carol knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighborhood, and Carol had seen her walking by her house occasionally. Her name was Patty, Carol learned when one of the girl's friends had said her name when she laughed at something the girl said. Carol...

2 years ago
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Carol Part Eleven

I heard the knock on the glass sliding door. Carol had called and asked if she could come over. I had not seen her for several days. It was early evening. I had spent the day writing. I was tired, hungry and horny. I welcomed Carol’s call. The thought of exploring her body once again had been rumbling around in the back of my mind all day. “I’d love to see you. Come on over.” “Are you hungry?” she asked. “Yes,” I said, “and I’d like some food, too.” Carol laughed. She knew what I meant....

Group Sex
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Carol and me no 2

RudeolphA Night to rememberChapter 1 Having spent a busy morning at work with the c***dren, making preparations for the Easter festivities, Carol was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon all alone before the c***dren returned home around tea time. Her car spurred into like at the switch of a key, made Carol recall of her times with Rudeolph, when her key was switched on nearly every minute they had spent together. As the car purred away, there was very little traffic around as it was too...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Do you believe in love at first sight? He heard her voice before he saw anything. Bubba, you son of a b&hellip,. Come back here! Ron knew that could only mean one thing. He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the womans voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen. If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind...

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Carols Room

This is part of my Kings Cross series hosted by tripod under kingscrossuk.Describe roomThe room is lit with a harsh red light. On metal coat hangers on the walls there are various costumes, one is a nurse's uniform another appears to be made of black rubber.Describe objectsThe bed is a large double bed. On the bed there are:old towelsOn a bedside table there are:Plastic bottlesHandcuffsA roll of packing tapeIn the room there is:CarolExamine CarolCarol has been logged on to #RL for 09 hrs 34...

2 years ago
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Carol Mark take a holiday

I had been seeing Carol for about six weeks, we had met in my local pub in Wimbledon and hit it off from the start. We slept together on the first night and subsequently spent the whole weekend together. A bond of trust and lust had been formed and we were now a couple. Very early on we had decided to book a holiday together. The time had come to take it.We had arranged for a cab to pick us up from our flats and then take us to Victoria Station to get the fast train to Gatwick Airport. Our...

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‘Bubba, you son of a b…  Come back here!” Ron knew that could only mean one thing.  He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the woman’s voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen.  If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind him. Ron braced himself, opened his arms and called, “Bubba!  Here boy!  Come on, buddy!”...

3 years ago
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Carol Part Thirteen

Here’s the thing. FMF threesomes are not easy. While the purpose of the gathering is the raison d’être of the activity, it is the planning, selection and organization that is often the most overlooked component. In our little gathering, by the time Carol and Jill arrived at my door, these necessities had already been accomplished. Arrangements and agreements had been made by the ladies involved. While my male ego would like to believe that I was an important part of the gathering, I was just a...

Group Sex
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Carol Part Ten

Carol wanted to have sex outdoors. It wasn’t just that having sex outdoors was risky or different. It was the exhibition or being seen aspect that excited her. One early summer evening she asked me to drive a few miles outside the center of town, and up a long, tree lined dirt road to a hidden pond favored by undergraduate students for swimming and other adventures. I thought we were going to have sex in the car. I was wrong. We parked in a small grassy area, not far from the pond. We spent...

4 years ago
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Carols Strip Poker Experience

Strip Poker Carol?s Strip Poker Experience For some time, my wife, Carol, and I had been experimenting with different kinds of sexual games.? I couldn?t believe my luck as I finally discovered her hot buttons. I had been traveling and for once, Carol could come and join me for a few days.? When she arrived, I took her to the hotel and we began to play.? I suggested strip poker and she agreed.? We both agreed that the game would not be over until both of us were nude, and when one party...

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Carol Baker stepped over the threshold of her suburban semi-detached house and into the shade of the hallway. She was a tall, slim brunette with green eyes and a soft, easy smile. Her long hair hung almost to her waist and she wore it loose. Although she’d been at work, her crisp white blouse was pristine and her skirt, possibly a bit too short for a thirty-something, look like it had just come from the cleaners. She was elegant and loved the looks she got from men as they studied her long,...

2 years ago
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CarolChapter 7 Alex

Carol rushed into her home and jumped into the shower. Minutes later she walked downstairs with only a towel wrapped around her body. As she let Alex in the front door, she looked radiant and said, "Sorry Alex... I am running late... just got out of the shower, please come in." Alex stepped inside and her eyes opened wide as she looked at Carol appreciatively. Carol appreciated the way Alex was looking at her as she continued, "Alex, I need to talk to you, I think you have a lot of the...

2 years ago
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Carol Part Five

Carol had spent most of the previous night detailing her sexual history. I had told her that her disclosures were not something I needed to know, but she had insisted that I know about her past activities and slide into sexual addiction. Her words, not mine. She wanted to be frank and open at the outset of this new relationship. As well, the telling of her personal secrets to someone she was learning to trust was a continuing and necessary part of her on-going therapy. The underlying message...

5 years ago
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Carol cuckholds me

Introduction: Carol was way ahead of me sexually, Carol XXX Outline Carol is 39 and holding. Her ex bought her a pair of C cups that are perfect for her slim frame. Nature gave her marvelous legs, she keeps them firm and slim. Blue eyes and a pleasant face dont tell the real story, though. Have you ever met a beautiful girl that just didnt excite you? Or find a very average one that had animal magnetism? Thats Carol. Animal magnetism. It drips out of her pores. She just exudes sex. I thought I...

3 years ago
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Carol Vorderman Home Alone a story I found

Carol Vorderman: Home AloneIt had been one of those boring dinners, with TV executives talking only about television ratings. Dinners that Carol Vorderman detested but was obliged to attend. So it was with some relief that she climbed into her taxi and headed for home. Anyway, she had an early start the following day in Leeds recording some more editions of Countdown.Not feeling particularly tired, she decided to take a glass of red wine upstairs and watch TV in bed for a while. Flicking on the...

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Carol Part Two

Carol and I sat in her kitchen apartment. Our first sexual experience had not ended well. I did not control myself and came all over her back, hair, and ass way too soon. What followed was a well deserved verbal spanking, as she was upset both at my lack of control and having cum all over her back. It was now early morning, about 1:00 a.m., and sufficient time had passed since my embarrassing misadventure, that I was fully ready to continue with what she and I had started a few hours before. I...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Carol cuckholds me

Outline Carol is 39 and holding. Her ex bought her a pair of ‘C’ cups that are perfect for her slim frame. Nature gave her marvelous legs; she keeps them firm and slim. Blue eyes and a pleasant face don’t tell the real story, though. Have you ever met a beautiful girl that just didn’t excite you? Or find a very average one that had animal magnetism? That’s Carol. Animal magnetism. It drips out of her pores. She just exudes sex. I thought I was a pretty cool customer until our first...

4 years ago
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Carol Part One

Carol was different. She was attractive, articulate, sensual, well educated, informed creative, playful, fun to be with, good in bed, and someone you could share a beer or coffee with and discuss all the world’s problems. I liked her from the first time I saw her. I liked her even more as we got to know each other. She was also very experienced sexually, even more so than Sarah, an aggressive force in the bedroom, insatiable, excessive, and sexually demanding. She was the extreme opposite of...

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Carol Part 2

‘I want to see you with Danny now.’ Carol said quietly. Danny and I had been laying oneither side of Carol gently stroking her legs (Danny) and her hair (me) for about 10 minutes before she really said anything other than thank you. Danny was getting hard again and I was physically aching to feel him inside me but didn’t want to disturb Carol since it was her night. ‘OK, whatever you want!’ Danny smiled and kissed her on the lips. Carol and I switched places and Danny lay on his back fondling...

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Over the years, I had developed many friends through my hobbies of CB radio and auto racing. Many an evening was spent enjoying one of our coffee and bullshit gatherings that seemed to spontaneously develop. Someone over the radio would suggest meeting at a Sambo's for coffee, and before you knew it, twenty or thirty people, sometimes more, would show up at the local Sambo’s. Most of us also ordered something to eat while we were there. So, the manager at the local Sambo's allowed us to freely...

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Carol Part 2

‘I want to see you with Danny now.’ Carol said quietly. Danny and I had been laying oneither side of Carol gently stroking her legs (Danny) and her hair (me) for about 10 minutes before she really said anything other than thank you. Danny was getting hard again and I was physically aching to feel him inside me but didn’t want to disturb Carol since it was her night. ‘OK, whatever you want!’ Danny smiled and kissed her on the lips. Carol and I switched places and Danny lay on his back fondling...

Group Sex
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Carol Part Three

We were deep into the early morning hours, and Carol had more she wanted to tell me about her past. What she had told me so far was not necessarily something I wanted to hear. It was interesting, titillating, and the supportive pictures she had shown me had raised my temperature. The rest of the story was interrupted by crying, some embarrassment on her part, and concern that I would end up not liking her. That latter part would increasingly become the focus of her telling me her tale. Though...

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Carol and Dave

I met Carol at a senior citizen event. We became friends easily. Over the next two months we were talking on the phone and together at senior meetings. She is 75 years old but the only thing that looks 75 is her hair and the way she dresses. Her hair is pure white. Her body from what I could see looked to be in pretty good shape.Her tits were pretty big and she has a nice tight ass. She is about 5'-8".There was a senior bus trip that me and a woman friend of mine were going on. My friend is not...

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Carols Lactating Breasts

Heather's older brother Tony was in the army. He had just been sent overseas for some training. His very pregnant wife Carol reluctantly moved in with Heather and her parents. Carol missed Tony very much. One night, Heather heard her crying. Heather entered Tony's old bedroom, where Carol was sleeping. "What's wrong?" Heather asked her. "Oh, I just miss Tony, I am so lonely" Carol told her. Heather sat on the large bed beside Carol and held her. "It's ok, he...

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CarolChapter 8 The Movie

Carol was waiting for Bob when he came rushing in the door. After Carol's call all he could think of was the image of Carol bent over her desk and the Dean fucking her hard. It had excited him so much he had to leave work early. Now he moved toward the bedroom eagerly. She was laying on the bed, in a lot of ways just the way the Dean had left her. No panties, her skirt up around her waist and her cunt full of the Dean's cum. Bob stopped and looked down at his wife. As he stared at her...

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Carol Part Nine

It was early summer and Carol and I had finally slipped into somewhat of a normal daily routine. That doesn’t mean that there was less sex. In fact, I was actually getting a bit concerned about how often we were fooling around. No complaints. But I had work that needed to get done, and a semi-deadline of early September when I was to have some detailed outlines of my dissertation topic in the hands of my doctoral committee. I hadn’t been making much progress on those outlines since that first...

Straight Sex
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Carol Meets the Spanking Couple

Chapter 1: The Morning After "Ringggggg. Ringgggggg. Ringggggg." Carol was groggily awakened by the sound of a ringing telephone. It was not her cell phone, for she had turned it off to ensure that her bill would stay within her Uncle Ray's budget. This phone was coming from Uncle Ray's room. She usually ignored that phone, for it was never for her. "Carol, please pick up if you are awake," The Voice Mail system was taking over, and Carol could hear her Uncle's girlfriend, Joy, was...

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CarolChapter 9 The Dinner Party

Carol spent the next day getting everything ready for the Daniels that night. Carol didn't think much would go on before they were all 'fucking their heads off'. All four of them knew Joe had been with Carol several times. Carol thought, 'what if I had sex with Joe while Bob watched, then had sex with Janette but didn't let Bob do anything except lick Joe's cum out of me. Maybe I could make Bob do something even hotter... before I let him have Janette.' Mid afternoon Carol called...

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Carol Ch 01

Chapter 01: The Beginning They met in early September, on their first day in college. The year was 1968. Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls, he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl’s breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl...

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Carol Part Four

The California girl ended up in New England at the suggestion of one of her graduate school professors. Carol had been trained as a nurse and had worked in a large teaching hospital. After two years away from nursing, she wanted to return to a nursing career without putting herself back into the climate that had caused her to fall into the depths of sexual gluttony. She returned to her alma mater and sought out a teacher with whom she had become friends. The professor suggested that she explore...

2 years ago
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Carol Part Four

The California girl ended up in New England at the suggestion of one of her graduate school professors. Carol had been trained as a nurse and had worked in a large teaching hospital. After two years away from nursing, she wanted to return to a nursing career without putting herself back into the climate that had caused her to fall into the depths of sexual gluttony. She returned to her alma mater and sought out a teacher with whom she had become friends. The professor suggested that she explore...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Carol needed to save money

Note : This story is completely fictional! Carol had been junior county tennis champion and also ran for her local running club. Quite the sports star tall and very fit until she had a car accident on a trip to a track meeting with her coach. Damage to her legs finished her sports career and she headed for college and Uni to train as a . With her olympic dreams in taters and facing numerous operations on her legs she put her efforts into her course. With her running training and tennis she...

3 years ago
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Carol Ch 02

Chapter 2: Darkness and Dawn Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her. He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him, with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn’t like it when he cried, but sometimes… She offered him no...

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CarolChapter 5 Is He Ever Going To Answer That Question

Bob slid his arm around Carol and pulled her to him for a long deep kiss. It was hot and passionate and obviously both of them were nervous and terribly excited. Bob unbuttoned her blouse slowly, button by button. When the last button was done he slipped his hands inside and cupped her bare beauties. She loved the feel of his hands squeezing and rolling. As he toyed with her hard nipples he watched her them darken and swell as Carol moaned with pleasure. He kissed and sucked on each of them...

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